The safest contraceptive pills. Vaginal hormonal contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are considered the best option for reliable pregnancy protection. They are suitable for women who have regular sex life with one partner. The potential harm from OCs is much lower than the actual preventive effect of many diseases.

How do you select OK?

First, the obstetrician is the type of woman. A woman can independently determine her type by looking in the mirror. Women of the estrogen type are usually short with a very feminine figure, female-type hair - no hair above the upper lip, hair in the pubic area does not extend beyond the bikini area. Menstruation is usually abundant, PMS is well expressed, occurring with nervousness and engorgement of the mammary glands. Skin and hair are often dry. Pregnancy proceeds without complications. Progestin drugs are optimal for such women.

Thin, tall women with a boyish figure who have a low menstruation voice have elevated progesterone levels. Poorly developed mammary glands, oily skin prone to acne, problems during pregnancy also speak in favor of the progesterone type. Such women are shown drugs with antiandrogenic effects.

For women of a balanced type with normal height, feminine physique, and no signs of increased progesterone levels, micro and low-dose drugs are suitable.

It is important that these signs should be assessed together. Often women who appear to be of the estogen type have increased levels of progesterone: oily skin, problems during pregnancy, male-pattern hair growth.
In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a drug without laboratory diagnostics, when the hormonal type is not in doubt, the woman has been examined previously and no violations have been identified.

Trial and error method

Unfortunately, tests and other objective data do not always allow you to select a drug the first time. Women complain that for about six months now the doctor has not been able to prescribe “good” pills and turn to a friend for help. In the antenatal clinic, the selection of OCs is carried out under supervision, the doctor prescribes additional ultrasounds and hormone tests. This allows you to find out the body's reaction to the drug. The absence of weight gain and a visible antiandrogenic effect is an important factor, but not a determining one.

Errors and misconceptions

Women who self-prescribe OK often take an annual break so that the body can “rest.” This increases the risk of side effects. A properly selected drug can be taken for a long time without risk to health.

Bloody discharge in the first three months after starting to take OK is normal. You should choose other tablets if the discharge has been bothering you for more than 3 months.

The safest contraceptive

Not long ago, new, microdosed OCs appeared; they contain an extremely small amount of hormones and can be used by women of all ages. The risk of side effects and discomfort is minimized, and the contraceptive effect is quite high.

Special cases

For women with diseases of the reproductive system, OCs can be a salvation, blocking the functioning of the ovaries, they prevent the appearance of endometriosis, and reduce the risk of tumor diseases. During lactation, you can also use OCs, which belong to the category of mini-pills and contain gestagen.

If you decide to purchase contraceptives without a doctor's prescription, select them according to your hormonal type and read the contraindications.

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Tip 2: How to choose modern contraceptives

The issue of convenient and effective contraception is always relevant. And although medicine is developing and drugs are constantly being improved, the number of abortions is not decreasing. In addition to hormonal pills, intrauterine devices and condoms, there is a whole group of topical products that every woman who wants to protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy needs to know about.


The principle of operation of vaginal contraceptives is very simple - the chemical substance contained in them destroys sperm. There are several types of spermicides: non-oxylon-9, octoxylon and benzalkonium. Similar products can also be used for, which is important for young mothers.

Contraceptins do not need to be used constantly; it is enough to insert the suppository once into the vagina before sexual intercourse. The substance nonoxylol also has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. Thus, in addition to the contraceptive effect, protection against many sexually transmitted diseases is achieved. Patentex Oval candles have exactly this effect.

The most well-known topical drug is Pharmatex. According to the effectiveness of protection against unwanted

In this article we will look at 2 “sides of the coin” - the positive aspects of taking oral contraceptives and the potential health hazards:

  • at the beginning of the article we will look at the classification, contraindications, side effects and all the positive aspects of taking hormonal contraceptives
  • then about the potential risk of developing long-term consequences of taking such drugs even by a healthy woman.

With this we want to draw the attention of women to a longer-term prognosis of their health and to think about the fact that any intervention in the natural processes in the female body is fraught with consequences - for some insignificant, barely noticeable, for others much more serious, even tragic.

In no case do we encourage you to refuse medications prescribed by your doctor; the article is for informational purposes and the decision to take oral contraceptives is made by a woman after consultation and examination with a gynecologist. But, every woman should be aware of the possible risks she is exposed to when taking oral contraception for a long time.

Groups of birth control pills, names and their effects

Despite the fairly rich assortment of contraceptives available in pharmacies, hormonal birth control pills occupy a leading position today (and bring their manufacturers billions of dollars a year). Unfortunately, not everyone knows about contraindications to their use, side effects, rules for taking pills, that their use should not be long and the choice of oral contraceptives should be made only by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis and collection of the patient’s medical history.

All contraceptive hormonal pills are divided into two “companies”: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and mini-pills.

Monophasic tablets

In these tablets, the percentage of estrogen and progestogen components does not change in each tablet.

Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol:
  • Regulon (400-1100 rubles) prices 2018.
Ethinyl estradiol and dienogest:
  • Janine (price 1000 rubles)
  • Silhouette (price about 680 rubles)
Gestodene and ethinyl estradiol:
  • Lindinet (380-500 rub.),
  • Logest (800 rubles), Femoden (950 rubles)
  • Rigevidon (price 280 rubles)
  • Microgynon (380 rubles)
  • Miniziston (450 RUR)
Biphasic drugs

In them, the dose of estrogen is the same in all tablets, and the dose of gestagen changes in the 1st and 2nd periods of the menstrual cycle.

  • Femoston Dydrogesterone + Estradiol (900 rubles).
  • (Ethinyl estradiol + Levonorgestrel): Anteovin, Binordiol, Sequularum, Adepal, Sequilar, Biphasil
  • Binovum (Ethinyl estradiol + Norethisterone)
  • Neo-Eunomin (Ethinyl estradiol + Chlormadinone acetate)
Triphasic tablets

In the OK data, the doses of hormones change three times in one package, which is associated with changing periods of the menstrual process.

  • Tri-Regol (280 rubles)
  • Three merci (120 rubles)
  • Triziston

The main point in the mechanism of action of COCs is the blocking of ovulation, caused by inhibition of the formation of FSH and LH in the pituitary gland. At the same time, ovarian function and a local obstruction to ovulation are blocked. In addition, “glandular regression” occurs in the structure of the uterine mucosa, which makes implantation of a fertilized egg impossible. Changes also occur in the mucus of the cervical canal; it thickens, which disrupts the movement of sperm deeper into the uterus.

COCs are also divided into 3 groups based on the quantitative content of active components:

Microdosed OK

The dose of hormones in these pills is minimal, so they are ideal for young women under 25 years of age, and, in addition, for those who are faced with the need to take birth control pills for the first time. Examples of drugs: Zoeli (monophasic), Qlaira (3-phase) and other monophasic drugs - Jess, Dimia, Logest, Mercilon, Miniziston, Lindinet, Novinet.

Low-dose OK

Such tablets are recommended for young and mature representatives of the fairer sex, including those who have gone through childbirth, or are prescribed to those patients who experience intermenstrual spotting when using microdosed drugs. According to manufacturers' research, a group of low-dose tablets has an antiandrogenic effect (hair growth in uncharacteristic places decreases, acne and increased skin greasiness disappear, decreases). The list of birth control pills includes: Diane, Yarina (Midiana), Femoden, Siluet, Janine, Tri-mercy, Lindinet, Silest, Miniziston, Regulon, Marvelon, Microgynon, Rigevidon, Belara, Chloe, Demoulen.

High-dose OK

The dose of hormones in these contraceptive pills is quite high, so they are prescribed either for the purpose of treatment (for example, endometriosis) or at the stage of treatment of hormonal disorders (Non-ovlon, Triquilar, Ovidon, Trizeston, Tri-regol) only as prescribed by a doctor.

We can say about mini-pills that they contain only progestogen. The mechanism of their action lies in the local effect on the peripheral areas of the reproductive system. Firstly, mini-pills affect the composition of cervical mucus and its quantity. So, in the middle of the cycle, its volume decreases, but the viscosity of the mucus remains high in any phase of the menstrual cycle, which interferes with the free movement of sperm. Changes also occur in the morphological and biochemical structures of the endometrium, which create “bad” conditions for implantation. In about half of women, ovulation is blocked. Mini-pills include: linestrenol (Exluton, Microlut, Orgametril), desogestrel (Lactinet, Charozetta).

  • Charozetta (1300 rubles) desogestrel
  • Lactinet (600 -700 rubles) desogestrel
  • Orgametril (RUR 3,300) linestrenol
  • Exluton (RUB 3,300) linestrenol

How to choose good birth control pills

Which birth control pills are good, the best, you can’t figure this out on your own, much less buy them at the pharmacy on the recommendation of friends or a pharmacist. To find the best birth control pills, you need to visit your doctor. The gynecologist will collect an anamnesis, focusing specifically on family history, existing diseases or those suffered in the past, since all of the above may be a contraindication to the use of hormonal contraceptives.

After this, the doctor will conduct an examination, during which he will evaluate:

  • skin (telangioexaia, petechiae, signs of hyperandrogenism, presence/absence of hypertrichosis, etc.)
  • measures weight and blood pressure
  • palpates the mammary glands
  • will prescribe tests for liver enzymes, blood sugar, blood coagulation system, hormonal tests, ultrasound of the mammary glands, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, mammography
  • then conduct a gynecological examination with taking smears
  • A woman should also visit an ophthalmologist, since long-term use of OCs increases the risk of developing other eye diseases.

To prescribe tablets that are most favorable for a given patient, her constitutional and biological type is taken into account, which takes into account:

  • height, appearance
  • mammary gland
  • pubic hair
  • skin, hair
  • menstruation and premenstrual symptoms
  • cycle irregularities or absence of menstruation
  • as well as existing chronic diseases

There are 3 phenotypes:

Prevalence of estrogens

Women of short or medium height, very feminine in appearance, skin and hair tend to be dry, menstruation with significant blood loss and long, and the cycle is more than four weeks. Medium and high-dose COCs are suitable for patients with this phenotype: Rigevidon, Milvane, Triziston and others.

Milvane (ethinyl estradiol and gestodene):
  • Logest (720 rubles)
  • Femoden (600-650 rubles)
  • Lindinet (average price 320 rubles)
  • Rigevidon (price 180 rubles), Microgynon (320 rubles), Miniziston (370 rubles)
  • Tri-regol (200 rubles), Triquilar (530 rubles), Triziston

Balanced type

Women are of average height, feminine, medium-sized and developed mammary glands, normal oily skin and hair, no premenstrual signs, menstruation 5 days every 4 weeks. Second generation drugs are recommended for such women: Marvelon, Silest, Lindinet-30, Microgynon, Femoden and others.

Ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel:
  • Marvelon (630 rubles),
  • Novinet (330 rubles),
  • Regulon (280-320),
  • Tri-mercy (650rub)
  • Mercilon (630 RUR)
Ethinyl estradiol and Norgestimate:
  • Silest
Eethinyl estradiol and gestodene (Milvane):
  • Lindinet (280-350 rub.),
  • Logest (720 rubles),
  • Femoden (600-650 rub.)
Ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel:
  • Rigevidon (180rub),
  • Tri-regol (200rub)
  • Microgynon (320r),
  • Miniziston (370rub)
  • Trikvilar (530r), Triziston

Prevalence of gestagens/androgens

Women are tall, have a “boyish” appearance, underdeveloped mammary glands, oily skin and hair, depression on the eve of menstruation and abdominal pain in the lumbar region, scanty menstruation, less than 5 days, short cycle, less than 28 days. In this case, the doctor will recommend hormonal drugs with an antiandrogenic component: Diane-35, Janine, Yarina, Jess.

  • Yarina (price 800 rubles)
Ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone:
  • Jess (820 RUR)
Ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone:
  • Dimia (550 RUR)
Nomegestrol and Estradiol
  • Zoely (1000 rubles)
Ethinyl estradiol and dienogest:
  • Janine (800 rubles), Silhouette (400 rubles)
Ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone:
  • Diana 35 (820 rubles), Chloe 35 (450 rubles), Erica 35 (360 rubles)

How to take hormonal oral contraceptives correctly

Standard blisters with COCs contain 21 tablets. There are only a few exceptions, for example, Jess - a new generation of birth control pills, which contain 24 tablets and are often prescribed by gynecologists to young women. For women over 35 years of age, the doctor may recommend Qlaira tablets, a new generation of oral contraceptives containing 28 tablets.

How to take birth control pills:

  • You should take the pills every day, at approximately the same hour, starting on the first day of menstruation.
  • In order not to forget about taking the next pill, it is better to put them in a place where a woman looks every day (in her cosmetic bag, to her toothbrush, or attach it to the refrigerator with a magnet).
  • Take one tablet every day until the blister runs out.
  • Then you need to take a break for a week.
  • During this time period, menstrual-like bleeding will begin.
  • At the end of 7 days, start taking COCs again, regardless of whether menstruation has ended or not.
  • In case of vomiting, you must take an extra pill.
  • If you miss taking a pill, you need to take it as quickly as possible.
  • In these two cases, you need to take additional protection during the day.
  • At the very beginning of taking COCs, if they have not been used before, you should additionally use protection for the first 14 days.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding is not considered a reason to stop taking pills (see)
  • They are usually observed in the first 2 - 3 months, and indicate a reconfiguration of the body from hormones that are synthesized in the ovaries and pituitary gland to hormones coming from outside.

Taking hormonal combination drugs after a medical termination of pregnancy should begin either on the day or a month later when the first menstruation begins.

The contraceptive effect of hormonal drugs may decrease when used simultaneously with a number of drugs, for example, rifampicin (it stimulates the activity of liver enzymes). Therefore, when prescribing treatment for any disease, inform your doctor about taking oral contraceptives, and carefully study the instructions for use of the drugs prescribed to you. If you are prescribing medications that reduce the effect of COCs, additionally use other methods of protection (condoms).

A standard mini-pill blister contains 28 tablets. These tablets are taken without a break for 7 days, just like COCs, at the same hour. Mini-pills are suitable for women who are breastfeeding. If a woman does not lactate or prefers artificial feeding, then low-dose COCs (Belara, Miniziston, Regulon and others) are recommended for her. You can start taking COCs as early as 21–28 days after delivery.

It is worth knowing that the contraceptive effect begins to manifest itself after 2 weeks of taking the pills, and 100% effect and reliability of such a contraceptive method as OK occurs in the second month of taking the drugs. Ovarian blockade begins as soon as hormones begin to flow from outside, but the maximum guarantee comes after a month’s course of their use.

Side effects of birth control drugs

Side effects are signs or conditions that develop when using contraceptives, but do not threaten women’s health. They are divided into 2 groups:

Minor side effects:
  • headaches;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • soreness and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • dizziness, weight gain, increased gas formation, skin rashes, chloasma;
  • increased hair growth;
  • decreased sex drive
Serious side effects:
  • pain and swelling of the calf muscle on one side;
  • sharp pain behind the sternum;
  • migraine, hemicrania;
  • difficulty breathing, wet cough with mucus streaked with sputum;
  • tendency to faint;
  • loss of visual fields;
  • problems with speech (difficulty);
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • urticaria as an allergic reaction to a drug (see)

In case of serious, as well as persistent minor side effects, contraception is discontinued.

Regardless of the chosen OC, a woman needs periodic assessment of her health in connection with possible side effects from taking them, namely:

  • Blood pressure: measure once every 6 months
  • Physical examination (breast, liver palpation, gynecological examination), urine test: 1 r/year
  • Monthly breast self-examination.

It is no secret that in many developing countries, regular screening is unlikely, and there are programs (in some countries) to distribute OCs to women who do not have access to medical care. This indicates a high likelihood that OCs will be used by high-risk groups of women. Therefore, these women will have a harder time getting medical help if dangerous side effects occur.

Absolute contraindications to oral contraceptives

Diseases for which the use of oral contraceptives is not advisable: (congenital hyperbilirubinemia), bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, myasthenia gravis, sarcoidosis, retinitis pigmentosa, thalassemia, renal dialysis.

Absolute contraindications to combined OCs:
  • breastfeeding period;
  • less than 1.5 months after delivery;
  • existing and possible pregnancy;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathological changes in cerebral vessels;
  • pathology of the liver and tumors of this organ;
  • migraine of unknown origin;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin;
  • hypertension 2A – 3 degrees, kidney pathology;
  • gestational herpes;
  • cancer of the genital organs and endocrine glands;
  • prolonged immobility;
  • 4 weeks before surgery;
  • overweight (from 30%);
  • smoking at 35 years of age and later;
  • long-term or progressive diabetes mellitus
  • diseases that predispose to thrombosis.
Absolute contraindications to taking pure progestins:
  • actual or suspected pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • acute liver diseases;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • previous history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • genital cancer.

At the end of the article there is a video of a TV show detailing the dangers of using OCs by any woman, since even in the absence of the contraindications listed above (the woman and the doctor may not be aware of them), a seemingly healthy woman has an extremely high risk of developing pulmonary thromboembolism and developing oncology.

Hormonal contraceptives and possible pregnancy

Can you get pregnant while taking birth control?

This question worries many women. Of course, pregnancy while using hormonal oral contraceptives is not excluded, but its likelihood is too low.

  • First of all, unwanted pregnancy occurs when the rules for taking pills are violated (missing, irregular, taking at different times, the drug has expired).
  • You should also take into account possible vomiting in case of poisoning or combined use with drugs that reduce the contraceptive effect of hormonal pills.
Is it possible to take contraceptives when pregnancy has already occurred or is suspected?

The answer to this question is negative. If pregnancy occurs after taking contraceptive drugs, it is desired, then there are no indications for its termination (interruption). You just need to stop taking the pills right away.

Taking hormonal pills in late childbearing years

Currently, in economically developed countries, about half of married couples after 40 years of age prefer sterilization. Hormonal medications include COCs or mini-pills. Women who are over the age of 35 should stop using hormones if they have existing cardiovascular pathology, coupled with smoking, and a high risk of cancer. A good alternative for women after 40-45 years of age are mini-pills. These drugs are indicated for uterine fibroids, endometriotic inclusions and endometrial hyperplasia.

Emergency and non-hormonal contraception

  • Emergency contraception

If sexual intercourse occurs without the use of means that protect against pregnancy, emergency (fire) contraception is performed. One of the well-known and widely used drugs is Postinor, Escapelle. You can take Postinor no later than 72 hours after coitus without using contraceptives.

First you need to take one tablet, and after 12 hours the second one is taken. But you can also use COCs for fire contraception. The only condition is that one tablet must contain at least 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.25 mg of levonorgestrel. First, you should take 2 tablets as soon as possible after coitus, and repeat 2 more tablets after 12 hours.

These drugs can only be used in emergency cases (rape, damage to the condom), WHO does not recommend their use more than 4 times a year, but in Russia they are popular and used by women much more often (see). In essence, they have an abortifacient effect; of course, this is not a surgical procedure like a medical abortion, but it is no less harmful from the point of view of the further reproductive function of the female body.

  • Non-hormonal contraception

They are spermicides that are used topically to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The active component of such tablets inactivates sperm and “prevents” them from entering the uterine cavity. Moreover, non-hormonal tablets have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. These tablets are used intravaginally, that is, they are inserted deep into the vagina before intercourse. Examples of non-hormonal tablets: Pharmatex, Benatex, Patentex Oval and others.

Arguments FOR taking hormonal birth control pills

Contraceptive pills, especially new birth control pills (new generation) have advantages over barrier contraceptives. Positive aspects of using OK, which are promoted by gynecologists:

  • one of the most reliable and high-quality methods of contraception (effectiveness reaches 100%);
  • can be used at almost any age;
  • while taking contraceptive pills, the menstrual cycle becomes regular, and pain during menstruation may disappear (see);
  • good cosmetic effect (disappearance of acne, oily or dry hair and skin disappear, reduction of pathological hair growth);
  • peace of mind (no fear of getting pregnant);
  • the possibility of accelerating the onset of menstruation or delaying it;
  • therapeutic effect - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst (whether OCs have a therapeutic effect remains a highly controversial issue, since most studies are carried out by manufacturers of hormonal contraceptives);
  • after stopping taking the pills, fertility is usually restored within 2-6 menstrual cycles (with rare exceptions, up to a year).

But despite all the advantages, there are many more negative consequences from taking hormonal contraceptives and they outweigh the arguments FOR. Therefore, the decision whether to take birth control pills is made by the doctor and the woman herself, based on the presence of contraindications, possible side effects of these drugs, general health, and the presence of chronic diseases. According to the results of many studies, taking oral contraceptives (long-term) has long-term negative consequences for the health of women, especially those who smoke and have any chronic diseases.

Arguments AGAINST oral contraceptives

In the modern world, the pharmaceutical industry is a business like any other sector of the economy, and the material benefits from the sale of drugs that a woman needs every month are fabulous. Over the past decades, independent American experts have conducted several studies, the results of which suggest that taking hormonal contraceptives by a woman before the birth of 1 child increases the risk of cervical cancer. In addition, OCs cause depression, contribute to the development of osteoporosis, hair loss, and the appearance of pigmentation on the body.

Hormones produced by the body perform specific functions in the body, controlled in the higher hormonal centers - the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which are connected to the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and ovaries (peripheral organs). The ovaries have a clear hormonal interaction with the entire body, the uterus waits for a fertilized egg every cycle, and even small doses of hormones coming from outside disrupt this fragile interaction.

With long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, the functions of the genital organs completely change. Every day, taking the pill suppresses ovulation, the release of an egg does not occur, the functions of the ovaries are suppressed, and this in turn inhibits the regulatory centers. With prolonged use of pills (for years), a woman’s uterus undergoes a change in the inner layer, as it is rejected unevenly (hence bleeding and). The mucous layer and tissue of the uterus gradually changes, which in the future (usually during menopause) threatens with oncological degeneration.

With long-term use of oral contraceptives, the amount of sex hormones is reduced, the ovaries decrease in size, and their nutrition is disrupted - this is a powerful blow to the reproductive function of the body. Both at the beginning of taking OCs and after stopping them, a disruption occurs in the hormonal system, so in some women, restoration of reproductive function occurs within a year, and in some cases it may not be restored at all. So:

  • Women who have the contraindications listed above should under no circumstances take oral contraceptives, since serious complications may develop, including death (vascular thrombosis), oncology;
  • with long-term use of OCs, the elimination of vitamin B6 from the body is accelerated, which can lead to hypovitaminosis B6, as well as vitamin B2 (see), which negatively affects the nervous system (weakness, insomnia, irritability, skin diseases, etc. see);
  • OCs also interfere with the absorption of folic acid, which is very important for the body, which is very necessary 3 months before conception and during a future desired pregnancy and (see), the addition of which to some hormonal contraceptives is only a marketing ploy;
  • Long-term use (over 3 years) doubles the risk of developing glaucoma. A study by scientists at the University of California showed that (3,500 women over 40 years of age took contraceptives from 2005 to 2008) when taking oral contraception for 3 years without interruption, women were more likely to be diagnosed with glaucoma.
  • oral contraceptives significantly increase the risk of developing osteoporosis in women in the future (after 40 years, see);
  • Taking OCs for 5 or more years increases the risk 3 times (see). Researchers associate the growth of this disease with the “Era of Hormonal Contraception”;

Today, in an age of oncological tension and unimproved early diagnosis of the initial asymptomatic stages of oncology, a woman taking OCs may not be aware of the presence of early stages of oncology, in which contraceptives are contraindicated and contribute to aggressive tumor growth;

  • studies by Danish scientists show that long-term use in women is 1.5-3 times;
  • oral contraceptives promote thrombus formation in any vessels, incl. and vessels of the brain, heart, and pulmonary artery, which increases the risk of stroke and death from pulmonary thromboembolism. The risk increases depending on the dose of hormones, as well as additional risk factors - high blood pressure, smoking (especially over 35 years), genetic predisposition, see;
  • taking oral contraceptives increases the risk of the appearance and development of chronic venous insufficiency - pain in the legs, night cramps, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, transient swelling, trophic ulcers;
  • the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the cervix and breast cancer increases
  • in some cases, the return of fertility is delayed (1 - 2%), that is, the body gets used to the supply of hormones from the outside and in the future some women may have difficulties conceiving;
  • do not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections, so their use is not advisable in the presence of many partners, for women who are promiscuous (only condoms protect against sexually transmitted infections and viruses, including), syphilis, etc.);
  • taking oral contraceptives can provoke the appearance of a woman’s body;
  • according to American studies, in women taking oral contraceptives, the risk of early development of multiple sclerosis increases by 35% (see, which today can occur in both a 20-year-old and a 50-year-old woman);
  • one of them may be taking oral contraceptives;
  • the risks of transient development increase;
  • women taking OCs are more likely to develop depression;
  • some women experience a significant decrease in libido;
  • the need for self-monitoring and daily intake;
  • errors cannot be excluded when using contraceptive pills;
  • the need to consult a gynecologist before the appointment;
  • the price is quite high

According to WHO, about 100 million women use oral contraception, which brings enormous profits to pharmaceutical cartels. Manufacturers of hormonal contraceptives are extremely uninterested in disseminating truthful information about the dangers of products that bring them huge profits.

Today, all over the world there is powerful public opposition aimed at banning the sale of dangerous drugs, and information about their potential harm is publicly available. The result of this is that European and American gynecologists strongly recommend protecting yourself with condoms, which protect not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections. Next in popularity is the hormonal patch and then the IUD.

After reports of the dangers of OCs, several deaths and lawsuits, in some countries (USA, Germany, France) the drug Diane-35 was banned, and surveys of Europeans showed that 67% of people aged 15-63 years try to protect themselves with condoms, this and married couples and single women, 17% prefer the patch, 6% use the spiral, the remaining 5-10% continue to use OK.

Russian doctors actively continue to offer (advertise) oral contraception to women; moreover, they prescribe it to girls from 14-18 years of age, without informing them about the potential and very real threat to their health.

Any modern girl must take care of her health. Therefore, in the prevention of unplanned pregnancy, contraception plays a large role. Today medicine offers a huge range of different products, and a woman has the right to decide for herself which birth control pills to choose for her body.

Birth control pills after 40 years

Many women who have reached the age of forty are interested in the question of birth control pills - which ones are better to choose for protection and is it possible to choose such means on their own? Only a qualified specialist will help you decide on the choice of drugs, who, after assessing your health, will be able to offer contraceptives for women after 40 years of age.

To prevent pregnancy, it is better to give preference to drugs that do not contain estrogen. This type of birth control is called the mini-pill. Their advantage is the ability to prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia in its infancy. Other non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of ointments and suppositories are prescribed to women whose sex life is not permanent. The main difference between these drugs and the previous type is that they should not be taken daily, but only before sexual intercourse.

Oral contraceptives after 40 years

The modern pharmaceutical market is represented by a huge number of contraceptive drugs. As a rule, after 40 years, gynecologists try to prescribe oral contraceptives, because they 100% prevent pregnancy. In this case, the intake must be dosed; any deviations can cause unpleasant consequences. List of the best oral contraceptives after 40 years:

  • Depo-Provera is sold as an injection.
  • Jess - reduces swelling.
  • Marvelon – prevents pregnancy and improves the condition of the skin.
  • Regulon is an effective contraceptive that normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Silest - suppresses the activity of the egg.

Hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

After forty years, hormonal drugs are a real salvation for the fairer sex. As a rule, women who have reached adulthood complain of deteriorating health and disruptions of various functions in the body. This is due to the onset of menopause. The following hormonal contraceptives after 40 years can come to the rescue:

  • Trisequence. Contains estrogen and progesterone, eliminates painful symptoms of menopause.
  • Femoston. Includes Estradiol, it is recommended to use the drug to increase bone tone.
  • Janine. Changes the condition of the uterine mucosa, affects the appearance of ovulation.
  • Novinet. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces blood loss.
  • Silest. Suppresses ovulation.

Birth control pills after 40 years with fibroids

In adulthood, many women encounter diseases of the genital organs. The most common disease is uterine fibroids. The main danger of the disease is the formation of nodes that can burst and cause bleeding. Therefore, it is important to choose the right contraception. Experts advise giving preference to these contraceptive pills after 40 years of age with fibroids:

  • Diana is 35. Has estrogenic, antiandrogenic, contraceptive effects.
  • Regulon. Reduces blood loss during menstruation.
  • Yarina. Blocks ovulation and increases the viscosity of mucus in the uterus.
  • Regividon. It has a depressing effect on the production of gonadotropic hormones.

Contraception for women under 30 years of age

When choosing contraceptive drugs, many young women are interested in the question, which birth control pills do not make them gain weight? Doctors advise, in the absence of contraindications, to take medium and low-dose hormonal contraceptives, which are easy to use. Barrier and chemical methods of protection (condoms, suppositories) should not be used at this age due to the high probability of pregnancy, but birth control pills up to 30 years of age can help:

  • Charozette contains desogestrel. The drug is suitable for breastfeeding.
  • Femulen. Increases antisperm aggressiveness.
  • Yarina. Changes the properties of the secretion (mucus) that is located in the cervix.
  • Logest. Inhibits the maturation of follicles.

Microdosed birth control pills

For nulliparous young women who are sexually active, microdosed birth control pills are best. Drugs in this group do not have side effects and are easily tolerated by the body. Excellent for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives. List of the most popular microdosing pills:

  • Claira. As close as possible to the natural hormonal background of a woman.
  • Jess Plus. Has a cosmetic (antiandrogenic) effect.
  • Zoely. A monophasic drug that contains hormones similar to natural ones.
  • Lindinet-20. Reduces the occurrence of ectopic pregnancies.
  • Dimia. Changes the endometrium and increases the viscosity of the secretion located in the cervix.

The best birth control pills for those giving birth - rating

Women who have already experienced the happiness of motherhood are best suited for low-dose medications, which, although they contain estrogenic components, are safe for use. Micro and high-dose medications may cause unscheduled bleeding during menstruation in mature women. List of the best birth control pills for women giving birth:

  • Silhouette. Inhibits ovulation, eliminates acne.
  • Midiana. The action of the contraceptive is aimed at reducing the likelihood of ovulation.
  • Miliziston. Treats dysmenorrhea, eliminates functional disorder of the menstrual cycle.
  • Silest. Changes the implantation ability of the endometrium.
  • Marvelon. Prevents the maturation of the egg.

The best birth control pills without side effects

Many girls refuse to use birth control pills due to the hormone content. But modern pharmaceutical companies have created the latest drugs, in which the content of synthetic hormones is minimized. This helps to reliably protect women from pregnancy and does not harm the body. However, reducing the dose of hormones does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug. List of the best birth control pills without side effects:

  • Yarina. Prevents the appearance of edema and weight gain, treats acne.
  • Janine. Reduces the intensity of bleeding.
  • Regulon. Resolves ovarian cysts, treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding.
  • Logest. Prevents the development of many gynecological diseases.

Good non-hormonal birth control pills

Non-hormonal drugs are not taken orally, but are inserted into the vagina. The mechanism of action of such contraceptives lies in the high content of active substances: nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride. These compounds, damaging the sperm membrane, destroy them, which leads to the destruction of the tadpoles. List of good non-hormonal birth control pills:

  • Pharmatex. The activity of the drug lasts for three hours.
  • Erotex. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Gynekotex. The contraceptive effect lasts 4 hours.
  • Benatex. The activity of the tablet lasts for 3 hours.
  • Patentex Oval. Has high contraceptive activity.

Hormonal contraceptives

The essence of the hormonal contraceptive method is to suppress ovulation. For this purpose, synthetic analogues of female sex hormones are used. Hormonal contraception comes in two types: oral pills and long-acting ones. List of the most popular hormonal contraceptives:

  • Regulon. The main advantage of using pills is that the product does not add weight to a woman.
  • Lactinet. Does not affect the lipid spectrum of the blood.
  • Tri-regol. Reduces the likelihood of sperm entering the uterus.
  • Femoden. Reduces the susceptibility of the endometrium to the attachment of the blastocyst.

Combined birth control pills

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you can use new generation combined contraceptive pills, which contain synthetic substances in small therapeutic doses. Depending on the qualitative composition, the following classification of combined products is distinguished:

  1. Monophasic (Silest, Belara, Logest, Demoulin, Chloe, Mercilon, Regulon, Ovidon, Non-Ovlon). They contain gestagen and estrogen in a single dosage and are painted in the same color.
  2. Biphasic (Anteovin). Consist of two tablets, colored in different colors.
  3. Three-phase (Tri-regol, Tri-mercy, Triquilar, Trizeston). They contain three groups of tablets and are considered more adapted to a woman’s natural cycle.

Cheap birth control pills - names

Inexpensive oral contraceptives contain only female hormones - gestagens and estrogens; expensive drugs additionally include antiandrogens - they have fewer side effects and are less likely to gain weight. Moreover, the price of such products is more than 1000 rubles for 28 tablets. Good cheap birth control pills are:

Price of birth control pills

You can buy contraceptives at the pharmacy. In addition, a suitable medicine can be found, ordered in online catalogs and purchased in an online store. The cost of drugs, as a rule, depends on the number of tablets in the package, the manufacturer, and the region where they are sold. Approximate prices for birth control pills:


Price in rubles

Orgametril, Jess

Charosetta, Janine





How to choose birth control pills

To correctly choose birth control pills with maximum effect and minimal side effects, you should consult a doctor. Independent choice can cause negative consequences for the body. The appropriate drug can be determined only after tests. An approximate scheme for selecting tablets will be as follows:

  • consultation with a gynecologist (the specialist must know the patient’s height, weight, age; whether there were abortions/childbirth, duration and abundance of menstruation);
  • oncocytology analysis;
  • contacting a mammologist;
  • cluster blood test for biochemistry, including determination of hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound OMT on the seventh day of the cycle.


Birth control pills - reviews

Karina, 29 years old

I have long wanted to find a contraceptive that won’t make me gain weight. A friend advised me to pay attention to Pharmatex. After consulting with a specialist, I bought this drug. This contraceptive medicine does not need to be taken, but should be placed inside the vagina before sex. You can't get better from pills.

Olga, 35 years old

My husband and I have been living for 10 years. I started using protection only 5 years ago. During this time, I tried different methods of contraception. I placed the spiral and inserted a special ring. We used a condom, but it had only disadvantages. After consulting with a doctor, I bought inexpensive tablets called Regulon. Both are happy with the result.

Elena, 30 years old

Non-hormonal contraceptives have always caused me mistrust. But I had to pay attention to them during lactation. After studying reviews on the Internet and consulting with a doctor, I chose Patentex Oval. The medicine is convenient to use, it is designed for one dose, which protects the body from the burden of various medications.

First a mystery. Let's say you have a hundred women. Of these, you gave a third into sexual slavery to the editorial office of the magazine (by the way, thank you). And of this third, another third are black. Attention, question: what is the Pearl index? Right. This is an index of failures, showing how many women out of a hundred, using the chosen means of protection for a year, will eventually become pregnant. The lower it is, the better the product. For example, for condoms this index is up to 12, which is quite a lot. What does black concubines have to do with it, you ask. Yes, the image is beautiful.

We collected the data on the Pearl index in a table, and described the remaining pros and cons of all known contraceptives (both male and female) in detail.

1. Condoms

Better than anything they protect against infections. Efficiency - 85-90% (less only for mycoplasmosis and herpes).

Safe, even indifferent to health, if you are not allergic to latex.

They need to be bought, kept in your pocket and put on on time (according to the Sanders-Graham-Crosby study, 50% of women do not have this skill: they put their partner in protection after the start of the act).

There is nothing to add to what has been said. Just to get a little boring. According to science, to achieve an impressive 95% effectiveness of a condom, you need to:
● inspect the condom packaging for damage;
● do not put it on inside out...
● ...and on the erect penis, to the end (follow me, Beavis, we said “end”!);
● always leave a spout at the end to collect sperm (you will be surprised, but this actually somehow increases the effectiveness of your latex friend);
● use exclusively water-based lubricants (leave butter to the heroes of “Tango in Paris”).

2. Barrier contraception

In our editorial office, full of hypocrites, and even Old Believers, there was not a person who could, without embarrassment, write down all the words of the expert on female contraception Tatyana Kaznacheeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Education and Science of Moscow State Medical University. Therefore, warn your woman: it is better to get information about suppositories and sponges not from a men's magazine or even from a women's magazine, but from a conversation with a personal gynecologist. However, we learned something. The diaphragm and the female condom, according to Tatyana, have not taken root in our country, despite the fact that “this rare condom, due to its larger surface area, is capable of protecting against STIs to a greater extent than the male condom.” Well, as for spermicidal products (creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories), their only advantage is their availability. There are at least three disadvantages.

Spermicides can cause irritation and allergies not only for her, but also for you.

They are so ineffective that young anemones are not recommended to use them at all due to frequent misfires.

Most products need to be administered 20–30 minutes before the act and renewed with each subsequent one, and this is not always convenient.

3. Vasectomy

This method, with a stretch, can also be classified as a barrier method, only the barrier to the sperm is not foam tablets and latex, but your surgically tied vas deferens. Vasectomy does not affect sperm count, which is something that lovers of sperm count will appreciate.

Contraception is always with you, it does not require you to download new firmware and generally take care of its maintenance.

A vasectomy is only suitable if you have already had some children. Because it may not work out anymore...

- ...since reconstructive surgery is a procedure several orders of magnitude more complex than basic knot tying. Its result is unpredictable. It often happens that it is completely impossible.

4. Female sterilization

Almost one hundred percent effective.

One operation for life.

It is regulated by law and even in our liberal (ha ha) country it is prohibited for nulliparous women under 35 years of age.

A real operation - with preparation, hospitalization, anesthesia.

Conditionally irreversible. Reconstructive surgery is possible, but there are a lot of reservations.

There is, however, a method of reversible sterilization, when spiral-shaped devices are inserted into the mouths of the fallopian tubes, making it impossible for the egg and sperm to rendezvous. But this method is not widespread in our country, to put it mildly.

5. COC tablets

Few side effects. With continuous use for two years or more, they reduce the likelihood of developing various female diseases. No new ones are added.

Long history of observations and quality control: tablets have been used in the civilized world for 50 years.

They require daily intake and, as a result, the presence of a certain amount of gray matter in a woman’s head. If the dosage regimen is violated, COCs lose effectiveness.

They are not subject to strict male control: it is impossible to understand by the type of pills what your woman is drinking - contraceptives or glycine, which means that deception and intrigue are likely (well, suddenly).

Bad reputation: if your woman has decided that she will not “go on hormones,” then it will be logically impossible to convince her. Moreover, side effects like weight gain and headaches do occur even with the most modern wheels. True, noticeably less often than with “classical” drugs.

If your woman is prejudiced only by the form of release of combined contraceptives, you can offer her a skin patch or vaginal ring. You don’t even have to blatantly lie that these remedies are more gentle and less hormonal. This is often true. Oh yes, there are also mini-pills! These do not contain estrogens at all, and besides, they are more harmless purely visually - due to their size.

Combined contraceptive male educational program

Gynecologist, Ph.D., Medical Adviser, MSD Pharmaceuticals LLC

Pills containing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone should be taken daily for three weeks, then take a week's break during which menstruation occurs. The main mechanism of action is suppression of egg maturation. There are pills that do not contain estrogen, they contain analogues of progesterone (one of the female hormones) and are just as reliable as combination pills. Such drugs may be recommended for breastfeeding women or those for whom estrogens are contraindicated. The tablets are often packaged in a blister with a picture of flowers, but this is not necessary. They look like any other small tablets.

It also contains analogues of two female sex hormones. The patch, measuring 4.5 by 4.5 cm, is self-adhered by the woman to a clean, dry butt. That is, sorry, skin. The mechanism of action is the suppression of ovulation. The color is beige and does not peel off by itself.

Flexible vaginal ring
Designed on the principle of a multilayer membrane. Continuously releases minimal (due to localization they should not be large) doses of estrogen and progestogen, which are absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of you know what. It couldn’t be simpler: a flexible ring with a diameter of 5.4 cm is inserted by the woman herself, you know where (following the example of a tampon). The location of the ring does not affect its effectiveness. The ring remains inside for three weeks, and, like a cat’s litter box, it’s best not to forget to change it. There is a one-week break between the removal of the old and the introduction of the new. The ring effectively suppresses the release of the egg. By the way, as private surveys show, some people really like it when their partner knows where (in none of our articles has this bashful euphemism been repeated such a terrifying number of times. - Editor's note) there is such a nice ring. This supposedly improves the sensation.

6. Injections and implants

The merciless need to take pills every day often leads to truly Zen riddles like “I forgot to take them for three days. Can I take three pills at once now?” In order not to answer endless questions from endless forum visitors, doctors came up with long-lasting solutions.

Long-term effect: 3 months for injections and up to 5 years for implants.

They do not require feats of self-discipline. Injections need to be done quite rarely, which the organizer or secretary will always remind you of - after all, she is also interested in this.

All procedures are invasive and require a visit to the doctor. You can theoretically cope with an intramuscular injection, but not with subcutaneous implantation.

No matter how few side effects modern drugs cause, in this case they are irreversible: if the injection is given and something goes wrong, then the entire duration of the drug will expire.

7. Intrauterine devices

The effectiveness of some “spiral” solutions is up to 99%.

It’s very convenient to use: set it and forget it. Moreover, not for myself, but for her. And you have nothing to do with it at all. Although no, you will have to periodically monitor the position, forgive the details, of the “antennae” of the intrauterine device and monitor the service life. However, this mission is also unlikely to be entrusted to you.

Can be used as early as six weeks after birth. You're so paranoid.

There are no draconian restrictions on age and smoking, characteristic of COCs.

Any foreign object in the body reduces local resistance to infection and gladly aggravates and aggravates its course, if it has already appeared. This also applies to the spiral.

Your partner can no longer catch an STI. That is, both you and all her other men are now required to use condoms. So give them all this magazine - let them know that this is not a joke, and generally photocopy the article.

Conventional copper intrauterine devices can, especially at first, cause discomfort, pain and all sorts of bleeding. Expensive hormonal systems like Mirena are almost devoid of such effects; their main disadvantage is the price, that is, the only parameter of the IUD that, for once, concerns you.

There is one more important point to remember. This hellish remedy is famous for one unpleasant fact: pregnancy is still possible when using it. The sperm unites with the egg - life actually begins, but things do not go further than that. The resulting zygote cannot adhere to the wall of the uterus due to the local effects created by the spiral, so in some cases it does not care about the health of the mother and nests wherever it wants. It's called an ectopic pregnancy, and it's no laughing matter. Go to the hospital immediately!

8. Natural methods

They are always with you, you don’t need to buy them at the pharmacy. That is, you only pay with them for sex!

Most so-called natural contraceptive methods do not work at all and are based on myths. Even for interrupted coitus, the Pearl index is very high, and for other tricks and subterfuges it is even higher.

Again, there are studies showing the harm of interrupted intercourse for prostate health. They are not supported by the proper apparatus of evidence, but they are still somehow alarming.

“I have safe days”, “She is breastfeeding. I read somewhere that it is possible”, “I went to the sauna, and sperm remain alive only at temperatures below 36 degrees” - what phrases do not resonate with joy in the hearts of irresponsible partners! Some even still believe in a lemon stuck in you know where (that’s it, this phrase will not be used again), and that you can’t get pregnant in the cowgirl position. Ha! I wouldn't believe it! Cash costs - zero. Zero hassle. Guarantees - well, let's say, not zero, but they are rather absent, if the word “guarantee” is correctly understood.

In general, natural methods are among the most unreliable. Indeed, overheating of the scrotum sometimes prevents conception. And during the period of breastfeeding or severe stress, some women experience confusion and even complete loss of the ovulation mechanism. However, you should not rely on these vagaries of nature. Cunning spermatozoa are contained not only in sperm, but also in lubricant; they live in the communication routes, sometimes for ten days in a row (that is, they can hold out and greet the dawn of a “dangerous” day with a whoop). Do not consider all these dances with tambourines as serious methods of contraception and turn your attention, for example, to the most reliable method, according to experts. We saved it for last, of course.


Just so you know, our consultants tried not to use the word “contraception” at all. Allegedly, there is a connotation of undesirability in it, and it should say “family planning.” Because the thing here is this: today you don’t plan it, but tomorrow amniotic fluid may well hit your head.

Therefore, in most cases, especially with unfamiliar partners with whom you don’t even plan to have breakfast yet, doctors recommend using the “double Dutch method.” This is when a woman drinks COCs and a man uses a condom. Even in the case of the most chaotic lifestyle, such a tandem brings to zero not only the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the risk of contracting an STI.

Well, if you both realized that children are exactly the reason you need to take out another consumer loan from the bank, you can always abandon the Dutch method.

There are several types of contraceptives:

  • barrier,
  • chemical,
  • hormonal,
  • intrauterine devices.

And, nevertheless, none of them guarantees 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. To increase effectiveness and peace of mind, various contraceptives are often combined. However, when using any of them, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the body.

The cost of contraceptives depends on several components: composition, reliability, quality.

Let's analyze the main means of contraceptive protection offered on the Russian market, correlating the factors price and reliability.

Inexpensive birth control pills

Modern hormonal pills, if chosen correctly, have virtually no side effects. They suppress the activity of the ovaries, preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Such tablets are divided into 2 types:

  • combined oral contraceptives (COCs). They include 2 active hormone substances: ethinyl estradiol in different concentrations and progestogen. In turn, COCs are divided into 3 subtypes:
    • microdosed,
    • low-dose,
    • highly dosed.
  • mini-drink.

Microdosed COCs

Microdosed tablets are most suitable for women who have not yet given birth, due to the very small dose of hormones and their gentle effect on the body, as well as for women over 35 years of age.

Low-dose COCs

Low-dose OCs are prescribed to young and mature women for whom microdoses were not suitable (there was spotting).

Such drugs have not only a contraceptive effect, but also a so-called beauty effect (they have an antiandrogenic effect - they reduce the greasiness of the skin and hair, and the appearance of acne).

High-dose COCs

High-dose OCs have a very strong effect on a woman’s body and in most cases are prescribed by doctors only for medicinal purposes.

The price range for COCs is quite wide, the effectiveness of the drugs as contraceptives is almost the same, the only differences are the impact on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of a beauty effect.


Unlike COCs, mini-pills can be used during breastfeeding, since they contain only progestogen.

Mini-pills have an effect on cervical uterine mucus and its quantity. Its increased viscosity due to the use of the drug interferes with the free movement of sperm.

Chemical contraceptives

Chemical types of contraceptives, which are based on spermicides - active substances that kill sperm.

Such products are introduced into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse, and after it it is advisable not to wash yourself and take a shower for 8-12 hours, which, naturally, brings significant inconvenience to users.

  • They have a low degree of protection,
  • may cause an allergic reaction,
  • some other adverse reactions (violation of vaginal microflora, exacerbation of thrush),
  • relative cheapness,
  • reliability 75-80%.

Inexpensive birth control suppositories and pills

The main active ingredients of these drugs are:

  • nonoxynol (Patentex Oval, Nonoxynol, Sterilin),
  • benzalkonium chloride (Ginekotex, Pharmatex, Erotex, Benatex),
  • Less commonly you can find menfegol (Neo-Sampun) or boric acid (Contraceptin T).

This type of contraception, although not reliable enough, is very popular due to its low cost.

Having analyzed the reviews of all the drugs and remedies described, we can say that everyone chooses their own most suitable one. To begin with, it is best to consult with a doctor and choose the most appropriate option for you, since each person’s body reacts differently to certain substances.

It is also important to evaluate the ease of use of the chosen method of contraception. If the selected product is not suitable, you can either change the type of contraception or choose a different brand. Having gone through several possible options in this way, you will eventually come to your most comfortable to use, affordable and reliable product that will satisfy your partner.

And believe me, even the most accessible and cheap remedy is often more effective and convenient than the expensive one.



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