After insertion of the intrauterine device there is an unpleasant odor. Is it possible to remove the IUD myself?

Many women think about how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy when living together with a man. Medicine offers many methods of contraception that ensure safe sex life. Many patients resort to contraception with a spiral. This method allows you to maintain your health without hormonal changes and risks, as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy.

What is a spiral and what are they?

There are about 50 types of intrauterine contraceptive devices. They are inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. In modern medicine, the following types are offered:

  1. Devices containing copper, silver.
  2. Spirals containing hormones.

They differ from each other not only in material, but also in shape: S, T-shaped. The IUD containing hormones has become widely known because it is more effective and reliable. Mirena spirals are considered the most popular.

This type of contraceptives is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. The installation is carried out in a gynecological office. It is important to undergo an examination, as there are a number of contraindications. Mandatory examinations include:

  • smear from the vagina and cervix;
  • blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Positive qualities of the Mirena spiral in relation to other contraceptives:

  1. When a woman gets an IUD with hormonal content, she no longer has to be afraid of getting pregnant for several years. This is a fairly reliable tool that allows you to make your sex life free and safe.
  2. The spiral does not need to be changed often. Its effect lasts for 5 years. While the pills must be taken every day.
  3. Once the IUD is inserted, you will not feel it. Your partner is also protected from unpleasant sensations. This makes sexual relations more relaxed.
  4. Despite the hormonal contents of the device, it is absolutely safe for the female body. Does not contribute to weight gain, and also does not affect the functioning of the ovaries.
  5. After installing an intrauterine device, a woman can hope for a speedy recovery from such unpleasant diseases as fibroids and endometriosis.

What are the disadvantages that accompany the installation of an IUD:

  1. There is no way to use it yourself.
  2. Discharge appears after installing the coil. This may include brown spotting or bleeding.
  3. Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  4. The IUD falls out on its own, making pregnancy possible.
  5. Menstrual irregularities. After removing the IUD, periods become regular again and with the same abundance.
  6. Installation of the Mirena spiral is carried out only for women who have given birth. Doctors believe that such contraceptives are safe and effective only for those patients who have children. Therefore, a specialist may refuse installation if you are under 25 years old and do not yet have children.

Discharge while using an IUD

Many women note various discharge during the spiral. The installation of a contraceptive may be accompanied not only by bleeding, but also by pain in the lower abdomen. All this brings discomfort. If discharge is observed for no more than 2 weeks, this is considered normal. Doctors warn a woman that after installing a contraceptive device, she bleeds much more in the first days. Subsequently, spotting is observed. The first menstruation after installation of the IUD will be long and heavy. Brown discharge during the spiral also appears in the middle of the cycle.

The time of installation of the IUD is determined by the doctor. Most often, the procedure is planned during the last menstrual days of a woman. Therefore, spotting persists after the contraceptive is installed. This is a completely natural phenomenon. No anesthetic is used during the procedure. The gynecologist treats the cervix with an anesthetic. On average, the procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. If heavy discharge appears after installation, you must inform a specialist.

The following are not the norm:

  1. Prolonged bleeding. They may progress to heavy periods. This condition continues for a week or longer.
  2. Severe pain in the abdominal area.
  3. Specific odor from the vagina. This may indicate an introduced infection or a developing bacterial environment.
  4. Absence of menstruation for several months.

There are very scanty brown discharges when spiraling. It is normal for them to occur for a few days after installation. Don't worry if your period starts later than usual. The cycle shifts by several days. After the IUD is removed, the cycle will return to normal.

Important! The body, getting used to a foreign device, becomes vulnerable, and the risk of infection and inflammatory processes increases.

Possible complications

When wearing a spiral, a woman should regularly visit her gynecologist. The doctor will monitor the process of getting used to the device and will also help to avoid inflammatory processes. A visit is recommended if:

  • prolonged, scanty discharge that does not go away for more than a month. In this case, the woman should undergo tests to detect infection;
  • bleeding accompanied by unbearable pain. This occurs when the IUD does not take root in the body. You should immediately remove the IUD and choose another method of contraception;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • absence of menstruation for more than six months. This condition requires examination by a gynecologist;
  • brown discharge. This symptom indicates that the inflammatory process has begun;
  • swelling;
  • nausea;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • back pain.

The following side effects occur after installing a contraceptive device:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen. The spiral is a foreign object in the female body, so it takes time for it to get used to and adapt. Unpleasant sensations are observed in the first 1-2 days after installation of the IUD and pass quickly;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and high body temperature. These symptoms are also short-lived and go away without medical intervention;
  • heavy bleeding. The reason may be individual intolerance. In such cases, you should remove the foreign device and try another remedy;
  • perforation of the uterine wall. This occurs because the IUD was inserted into a woman who was not pregnant or immediately after giving birth.

Possible side effects also include anemia, migraines, skin irritation and rashes, pain during intercourse, and inflammation of the vagina. When using an IUD with hormones, you may experience mood swings, depression, and irritability.

Removal of the IUD

After the IUD, you can plan a pregnancy within the first month. Removal of the IUD is carried out for the following indications:

  • at the request of the woman;
  • expiration of the period of use. The contraceptive device is valid for 5 years. After this time, you should undergo examination by a specialist and remove the device;
  • when the spiral is displaced or partially falls out;
  • during menopause.

Removal is carried out in a gynecological hospital. The procedure is carried out during menstruation. The appearance of discharge after the IUD will last only for the period of the remaining menstruation. The regularity of the cycle is restored. The IUD can be removed on any other day of the cycle. The removal procedure is simple and painless.

Important! If the intrauterine contraceptive has grown into the wall of the uterus, then it is not possible to remove it in the usual way. In this case, removal is carried out in a gynecological hospital using diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.

There are no specific recommendations after removal of the IUD, but there are a number of simple rules that must be followed for 1 week: sexual rest, maintain intimate hygiene, do not use tampons, limit physical activity, do not douche, do not visit baths and saunas.

Archived version

Answers to important questions about the intrauterine device: how effectively does it protect against pregnancy, why is using the device dangerous, and in what cases should the device not be used?


"Pros" and "Cons" of the spiral. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device as a method of contraception?

Due to its advantages, the intrauterine device occupies a special place among all other methods of contraception:

  • The high effectiveness of the IUD in preventing unwanted pregnancy is comparable to the effectiveness of hormonal birth control pills and reaches 99% or more.
  • The IUD is much more reliable than birth control pills, since women taking birth control pills often forget to take the pill on time, which significantly reduces the reliability of this method. When using the IUD, absolutely no action is required on the part of the woman to maintain the contraceptive effect, and, therefore, any possibility of error or accident is eliminated.
  • Compared to all other contraceptive methods, the intrauterine device is the cheapest contraceptive method. Despite the fact that the cost of one IUD is many times higher than the cost of one package of birth control pills or one regular package of condoms, recalculating its cost for 3-5 years (the usual period of wearing one IUD) shows its undeniable superiority in economic terms.
  • Unlike birth control pills, metal or plastic IUDs, which do not contain hormones, have absolutely no overall “hormonal” effect on the body, which many women (in some cases justifiably) fear. For this reason, IUDs that do not contain hormones are recommended as the primary means of birth control for women over 35 years of age who are breastfeeding, actively smoking, or have other conditions that make the use of birth control pills impossible but require a very high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy. .
  • IUDs containing hormones (for example, Mirena) reduce the risk of developing ectopic pregnancy and inflammation of the female reproductive system (see. ), and also significantly reduce blood loss during menstruation.
  • The spiral is not felt at all during sexual intercourse and does not interfere with partners.

Despite the advantages described above, the use of intrauterine devices is currently quite limited, largely due to the disadvantages of this method:

  • Installation and removal of the intrauterine device is carried out only by a gynecologist;
  • As a rule, intrauterine devices are not installed in women who do not yet have children;
  • After installation of an intrauterine device, a number of side effects may occur that may cause the woman some discomfort (see below);
  • The intrauterine device does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections. cm.

How does the intrauterine device work?

Plastic or metal (copper, silver) coils have a detrimental effect on sperm and make them incapable of fertilization. The spiral also changes the properties of the uterine mucosa, making it unsuitable for the implantation of an embryo. (cm. )

The contraceptive effect of the intrauterine device remains constant (including on menstruation days) and can weaken only after the expiration date of the device. Modern spirals are designed to last for several years of use.

What types of intrauterine devices are there? Which spirals are better?

Modern intrauterine devices are small plastic or plastic-metal devices. Their dimensions reach approximately 3x4 cm. Typically, copper or silver is used to make spirals.

The appearance of most spirals resembles the shape of the letter “T”. The T-shaped shape of the spirals is the most physiological, as it corresponds to the shape of the uterine cavity.

Currently, spirals consisting of plastic, copper, silver with the addition of hormones are most often used:

  • T Cu 380 A– T-shaped copper spiral. The contraceptive effect of this type of IUD is explained by the slow release of a small amount of copper, which suppresses sperm activity and has other effects that prevent the development of pregnancy. Spirals with copper can be used for a long time (up to 5-10 years).
  • Multiload Cu 375 (Multiload) - IUDs of this type have a semi-oval shape with protrusions that help securely secure the IUD in the uterine cavity and reduce the risk of its loss, and therefore the reliability of the contraceptive effect.
  • Nova – T (Nova-T), T de Plata 380 NOVAPLUS- These are T-shaped spirals consisting of plastic and copper (and silver) that do not contain hormones.
  • T de Oro 375 Gold is a spiral containing a gold core made of 99/000 gold.
  • Mirena- This is an intrauterine device with hormones. The IUD contains a container that continuously but very slowly releases levonorgestrel (a substance similar to the hormone released during pregnancy). The duration of use of such a spiral is 5 years.

There is no “best” spiral that would ideally suit all women. For each woman, the spiral is selected individually. That is, each woman has her own “best spiral.”

If you are faced with the need to choose a spiral:

  • Discuss this issue with your gynecologist, whose opinion you trust. Ask what coils he works with and what coils he would recommend for you. The doctor’s experience is always more accurate than the descriptions that you can read on the packaging or in the instructions.
  • You should not choose a spiral based only on price, since the most expensive spirals are not always the most reliable. In general, all the spirals described above are very effective. Therefore, there is no need to overpay.
  • Pay attention to possible side effects from using different types of IUDs (see below) and be sure to tell your doctor, for example, if you are afraid of the “disappearance of your period” that may occur when using IUDs with hormones. On the contrary, if you have a tendency to have long and heavy periods, you should pay special attention to the possibility of using a hormonal IUD.

What side effects and consequences are possible after installing an intrauterine device?

Installation of an intrauterine device can lead to some complications, but not all women wearing the device develop complications. Modern research shows that more than 95% of women wearing IUDs consider them to be a very good and convenient method of contraception and are satisfied with their choice.

Possible complications:

During or immediately after installation (for all types of spirals):

  • Perforation of the uterus (extremely rare);
  • Development of endometritis (very rare);

During the entire period of use of the coil (for copper or plastic coils without hormones)

  • Increased pain during menstruation;
  • Increased volume of bleeding during menstruation;
  • The appearance of spotting bloody discharge from the vagina after menstruation or in the period between menstruation.

During the entire period of use of the spiral (for hormonal spirals, for example, Mirena):

  • Complete disappearance of menstruation several months after installation of the IUD;
  • Bloody discharge between periods.

Read below about the impact of an IUD on a woman’s ability to conceive a child in the future.

See also paragraph below Changes in well-being and menstruation after installation of the IUD.

The use of an intrauterine device as the main method of contraception is not possible for all women. Like many other contraceptive methods, IUDs have their contraindications.

Many women who have already experienced the joy of motherhood, among the wide selection of modern contraceptive methods that exist today, choose to install an intrauterine device. Naturally, this method, like the rest of the others, has both advantages and disadvantages and does not guarantee one hundred percent avoidance of unwanted pregnancy. The use of an IUD against conception becomes especially unreliable in the absence of information about when you can start having sex after inserting the IUD.

An IUD is a small structure that is inserted into the uterine cavity. Depending on the manufacturer and price, it can be made of plastic or copper. Modern IUDs can release additional hormonal substances into a woman’s body that reduce the lifespan of the egg. At the end of any type of construction there are two soft threads that hang from the cervix and are located at the top of the vagina.

Sexual life after an intrauterine device

The IUD and sex, what will it be like after installing a contraceptive? When can you start having sex with the man you love? Will your partner feel any changes? These questions interest almost every woman. We will try to answer everything.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD begins immediately after installation. However, the gynecologist will definitely warn you that you can have sex after installing the IUD no earlier than a week later and in no case immediately. This is primarily due to the fact that the body must get used to the foreign body, and the IUD itself must take a comfortable and correct position in the uterine cavity. The position of the structure can be checked by a gynecologist using a special intrauterine ultrasound device. A well-installed IUD should not cause discomfort either during sexual intercourse or on its own. When inserting an IUD, the doctor adjusts the length of its antennae, shortening them if they are too long. The gynecologist leaves the optimal length, which will not cause discomfort and will allow, if necessary, to remove the contraceptive without unnecessary difficulties. But you should also not leave the tendrils of the intrauterine device too short, since in such a case, they will wrinkle during sexual intercourse, giving the partner an unpleasant stabbing sensation. Sex with an IUD should not be unpleasant. Whatever discomfort you feel during sexual activity with an IUD, this is an indispensable reason to consult a doctor. First of all, you should remember that discomfort during sex with the IUD can signal a change in its correct position or even falling out. Here you should be aware of the fact that if it occupies an incorrect position in the uterine cavity, the IUD no longer performs its contraceptive function at all. If the position of the device in the uterus is correct, then its presence will not affect the sexual life of the partners in any way, and in no case will it cause any of them a feeling of discomfort.

Sex after removal of the intrauterine device

Removal of the contraceptive occurs, as a rule, 5 to 7 years from the date of installation. This depends on the type of model installed and the material from which it is made. Before removing an IUD, a woman undergoes the same examination as before its insertion. If necessary, additional measures may be prescribed to improve the health of the vagina. The removal process itself involves pulling the tendrils of the structure at a certain angle. However, in some cases, especially if the structure has been in the uterine cavity much longer than expected, removal can be done in a hospital setting under local anesthesia, using the method of curettage of the uterine cavity. Having sex after removal of the IUD is allowed no earlier than on the fourth or fifth day to give time for the uterus and vagina to heal. If you want your sexual life after removing the IUD to not bring unexpected surprises, use barrier contraception (condoms). It is best to consult your doctor before choosing a method of contraception.

The issue of contraception is relevant for every woman of childbearing age. Today there are many effective ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, among which intrauterine contraceptives are especially popular. When an IUD is placed, before or after menstruation, many girls turn to doctors with this question.

Intrauterine contraceptives have been used since the mid-20s of the last century. Then they were a ring made of an alloy of brass and bronze, to which a small amount of copper was added. In 1960, a safer product made from elastic material appeared.

Modern spirals have different shapes, some of them contain hormonal drugs. The contraceptive effect is achieved by releasing a small amount into the cavity of the reproductive organ. In addition, the spiral has a mechanical effect on the inner lining of the uterus, preventing the attachment of the egg after fertilization.

The spiral significantly complicates the advancement of male reproductive cells and weakens them, which does not allow pregnancy to occur.

During this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open so that the procedure for introducing a contraceptive is the least traumatic and easy to implement. The onset of menstruation is one of the signs that a woman is not pregnant, so it is at this time that it is preferable to install the IUD.

Before installing an intrauterine device, an examination should be scheduled to exclude the presence of infections and pathologies associated with the reproductive organs. The standard list of diagnostic procedures looks like this:

  • smears of the cervix and vagina;
  • tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • general urine test;
  • tests that detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus.

An ultrasound is prescribed not only to make sure that a woman has no changes that would prevent the use of an intrauterine contraceptive. Its purpose is also to make sure that the woman is not pregnant at the time of installation of the IUD. To do this, you will have to do a test to determine the level of hCG.

The installation procedure is carried out exclusively in a gynecological office under sterile conditions. The woman sits in a chair with her feet on the holders. Before inserting the IUD, the doctor treats the cervix and vagina with a disinfectant. Additionally, local anesthesia is performed. Usually a special gel is used for anesthesia, sometimes injections.

Only after this, the doctor, using special instruments, opens the cervix, measures the depth, and then inserts the contraceptive into the uterine cavity. The doctor brings the so-called “antennae” up to 2 cm long out into the vagina. This is done so that the spiral can be removed. During hygiene procedures, a woman should check from time to time whether these “antennae” are in place.

The installation procedure is virtually painless. Only sometimes women feel pain, which quickly passes. Some women experience attacks of dizziness and fainting. But this is an extremely rare phenomenon that goes away after a few minutes.

With the IUD you can have sex within a few days. In the first month, until the immune system adapts to the presence of a foreign body, it is better for a woman to refrain from visiting the bathhouse or swimming pool. Strong physical activity should also be avoided.

Contraindications for IUD insertion

The intrauterine device is a convenient and relatively inexpensive means of contraception. But, like many medications, it has contraindications, under which it cannot be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. The main ones are listed below:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms in the reproductive organs;
  • a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy;
  • severe trauma to the cervix during childbirth;
  • blood diseases.

For girls who have never given birth, doctors usually do not recommend the IUD. Other contraceptives are selected for them individually.

IUD after childbirth or abortion

After the birth of the baby, women try to take some “pause” before planning a new pregnancy. And this is understandable - the body needs to get stronger after pregnancy and childbirth, and the family needs to get used to new rules and routines.

It is believed that in the first months, while there are no periods and the young mother is breastfeeding, she cannot become pregnant. However, this is not the case, and very often a woman finds out that a little man has settled in her womb again when all the signs of pregnancy become apparent.

This is why it is very important for women who have recently given birth to use proper protection. And the optimal choice during this period is Mirena or another spiral.

It can be installed when the uterus reaches normal size. This occurs approximately 6-12 weeks after the birth of the child, although it is also practiced to install the IUD immediately after natural birth. If delivery occurred via cesarean section, the intrauterine device can be installed after 6 months.

According to many practicing doctors, with whom researchers from the United States also agree, positive results are obtained by inserting a device into the uterus immediately after an abortion, regardless of whether it was caused by natural causes (miscarriage) or performed surgically.

If a contraceptive is introduced into the uterus 15-20 minutes after surgery, this minimizes the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, there is no need to use anesthetics again and dilate the cervix.

Advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device

The IUD is considered a reliable method of protection: its effectiveness reaches 95%. Many women note as a positive factor that you can live with the same device for up to 5 years, and in some cases longer. This saves time and money that would otherwise have to be spent on purchasing other contraceptives. In addition, intrauterine devices have other advantages:

  • you do not need to strictly follow the dosage schedule, unlike birth control pills;
  • allowed for use by women who are breastfeeding;
  • Once removed from the uterus, you can quickly become pregnant.

Hormone-containing coils, for example, Mirena, not only prevent pregnancy, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the reproductive organs and prevent endometriosis. In addition, after installing the Mirena coil, periods become practically painless and shorter.

Despite all the positive aspects, using a spiral can sometimes have negative consequences. First of all, this is a restriction that applies to nulliparous girls. It is due to the fact that their uterine cavity is small and also too narrow. Because of this, the procedure for placing a contraceptive is more complex and painful. In rare cases, it ends with perforation of the wall of the reproductive organ.

The spiral is suitable for women who have a regular sexual partner, since the risk of infectious diseases increases, especially in the first month after installing a contraceptive. A foreign body inside the uterus contributes to the rapid spread of infection. If not treated in a timely manner, the inflammation can result in infertility.

The use of an IUD is associated with regular visits to the gynecologist. First to install it, and then preferably every six months. In addition, the woman has to independently control the antennae, the ends of which are located in the vagina. This is necessary to make sure that the spiral does not fall out. To remove the contraceptive, you will have to go to the doctor again.

Is it possible to remove the IUD myself?

Some women are interested in whether it is possible to remove the IUD without menstruation or on their own? Experts categorically do not recommend conducting experiments at home. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist. The extraction procedure should be carried out when menstruation occurs (in the first days) under sterile conditions.

If you remove the IUD yourself, there is a high risk of damaging the genital mucosa and causing infection.

Removing the IUD by a gynecologist is a virtually painless procedure if there are no inflammatory processes. Before her, the doctor conducts an examination. If the spiral is intact, then pull it out by pulling the antennae. If there are no threads in the vagina or the contraceptive is destroyed, microsurgical intervention is used - hysteroscopy.

After removing the IUD from the uterus, the doctor takes a smear from it, which is sent to the laboratory for cytological examination. This procedure is followed in most cases, but is not mandatory.

Types of IUDs

If there are no contraindications, then, after consulting with your doctor, almost every woman can choose an IUD. Among the devices available on the market today are those that are shaped like an umbrella or a spiral, an egg and a ring. The materials from which they are made are also different.

Taking into account the location and structure of the uterus, the doctor will recommend a certain type of IUD to the woman. The first generation S-shaped contraceptives made of polyethylene are practically no longer used. This is due to their low efficiency and frequent cases of spontaneous prolapse from the uterus.

Relatively inexpensive modern copper-based IUDs are very effective. They oxidize the environment in the uterus, so sperm entering it becomes less active. Since copper is released quickly, such a coil is replaced every 3-5 years.

There are not only copper spirals, but also those that contain silver, platinum and gold. Particularly effective are medicated intrauterine systems containing levonorgesterol or progesterone in the stem. Every day a small dose of the hormone is released into the uterus.

The most popular among such spirals are Mirena, Levonova and others. They improve the condition of the endometrium and fallopian tubes, and have a positive effect if periods are too heavy and painful. Disadvantages include the appearance of intermenstrual discharge. You can install the Mirena coil or another one containing the hormone for up to 5 years.

The choice of contraceptive should be made together with your doctor. Based on whether menstruation is regular and assessing the condition of the genital organs, he will determine which type of IUD will be optimal.

Despite the fact that today gynecologists can offer women many methods of contraception, the IUD (spiral) remains quite in demand, especially if a woman does not want to bother herself with taking pills every day or constantly spending on condoms. Let's try to figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of this product?

What is an IUD (spiral)?

An IUD is an intrauterine device, which, accordingly, is installed inside the uterus. This device is made from various materials, but most often women are offered to insert a spiral made of plastic and copper. The main purpose of the IUD is to serve as a contraceptive, which is installed for a long period of time and is almost 99% effective.

It’s better when children become a planned joy, so even for married women, the issue of contraception always remains relevant. In this case, the IUD seems to be a very convenient method for them, since they have an active sex life, but are also burdened with other worries: so methods of contraception such as taking pills, calculating “safe” days, which require strict discipline, are not suitable for them. At the same time, the IUD does not put a strain on the family budget like condoms or gels; it is installed for a period of 3 years and can be removed at any time if the owner so desires. If there were no complications while wearing the IUD, the reproductive function of the uterus is restored in about 3 months.

This “pleasure” will cost about $30. It all depends on the material and the clinic that the woman chooses. However, not every patient can have this device installed in the uterus, since such a contraceptive has many contraindications. It is necessary to consult with an experienced doctor who will not only be able to figure out whether his patient needs a spiral, but will also correctly install the device in the uterus.

The action of intrauterine devices

The IUD is a contraceptive that actually acts as an abortifacient.

The fact is that the IUD does not in any way prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. Although the creators of the spirals claim that it prevents the advancement of male reproductive cells, this is not always the case. The main purpose of the spiral is to prevent the fixation of an already fertilized egg in the organ cavity.

This effect of the IUD is due to the fact that when inserted into the uterus, it causes inflammation of the epithelium. If the surface layer of the uterus is inflamed, then the fertilized egg cannot be enriched with the necessary qualities and attach to the wall of the uterus. As a result of this, the fertilized egg is forced to leave the uterine cavity along with menstruation.

If you call a spade a spade, the IUD constantly provokes miscarriages. That is why it cannot be guaranteed that after removing the IUD, a woman will be 100% able to become pregnant. Doctors do not hide the fact that a negative pregnancy outcome becomes a habit, and for some women the recovery period takes from six to twelve cycles. But under unfavorable circumstances, trying to get pregnant can take many years. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using the IUD for patients who have already fulfilled their maternal duty and no longer plan to have children.

History of the creation of the Navy

The IUD spiral celebrated its 100th anniversary back in 2009, since in 1909 the scientist Richter was the first to mention it in his works. Even then, the issues of contraception were very acute: a change in morals, a sexual revolution, a demarche of feminism. Relations between the opposite sex became freer, women began to be interested in many more things besides their family, and as a result, having seven or more children, even if the lady was legally married, was inconvenient.

Gynecologists began to develop various methods of contraception and, as an option, the intrauterine device was born. True, in those days it was not a spiral that was inserted into the uterine cavity, but a ring tied in the center with many silk threads. In the 30s The Richetra ring was improved by the scientist Gräfenberg, who strengthened both the frame of the ring and the threads themselves with alloys of zinc and copper.

The spiral “boom” began a little later - in the 60s. Their installation was also practiced in the Soviet Union. There was even a type of spiral in the shape of the letter S, which was later abandoned due to many inconveniences associated with the introduction and wearing of such a product.

The contraceptive properties of copper became known only in the 70s. It was then that the first models of copper spirals appeared, which are still used today. A little later, silver was also added to copper, designed to increase the anti-sperm effect.

Types of IUD spirals

Who would have thought, but today there are about 100 types of IUDs known. Types of IUD spirals differ from each other not only in the material from which they are made, but also in size, rigidity, and shape.

We will not consider all varieties. Let's look at the most popular ones.

The IUD with hormonal content is shaped like the letter “T”. It has flexible hangers and is also equipped with a release ring. The rod of the spiral contains a special container that contains hormonal medicine. Every day this medicine is released into the uterine cavity in a volume of 24 mcg and creates an additional protective barrier against sperm. Installed for 5 years. Average price: seven thousand rubles.

The next common type of IUD is the silver coil. Reviews from women who have experienced the effects of silver spirals vary greatly. Doctors recommend silver spirals, claiming that they relieve inflammatory processes. An ordinary copper IUD does not have such properties and, moreover, quickly loses its contraceptive properties.

There is also a “Multiload” spiral, which has a semi-oval shape and, due to the protrusions, is well attached to the walls of the uterus. Such a spiral will never fall out spontaneously.

The Vector IUD is a fairly common product in pharmacies and clinics. "Vector-extra" is a company that produces spirals of any shape from any material. Most often, gynecologists recommend products from this manufacturer.

Indications for use

Before installing the IUD, the gynecologist must make sure that the woman does not have inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. A foreign body introduced into the uterus will only worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, the first indication for using the IUD should be good health, especially in gynecology.

The spiral becomes the only way out if the patient has a regular intimate relationship with a partner and at the same time suffers from an allergy to condoms. You can, of course, replace condoms with oral contraceptives, but this is not without contraindications. Sometimes an IUD is the last option that is more or less suitable for an individual woman.

A woman who is having an IUD installed must understand that this device does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so she should limit herself to one trusted partner.

The IUD does not take root well in nulliparous women. Most likely, the doctor will not risk installing an IUD in such a patient. But those ladies who have already given birth and no longer plan to have children may well give preference to the IUD and not worry about the consequences associated with the abortive effect of the contraceptive.


Any gynecological diseases are very significant contraindications to the installation of the IUD. Considering that the IUD additionally irritates the uterine mucosa, you should not hope that the introduction of a foreign body into it will pass without a trace.

An irregular shape of the uterus or other pathologies of the female organs cast doubt on the effectiveness of using the IUD, and if a woman suffers from uterine bleeding of an unknown nature, then it is better to forget about the IUD forever.

There are also situations when the patient had a sexually transmitted disease, but she successfully cured it. Before installing the IUD, you need to wait 12 months to make sure that no relapse is expected.

There are also relative contraindications, which in some cases can be overlooked. Such contraindications include ectopic pregnancy, which the patient had in the past, inflammatory diseases of gynecology associated with recent childbirth.

Who would have thought, but contraindications to installing an IUD are heart disease and diabetes. In general, any diseases that have a bad effect on the immune system become a reason to think, because after the introduction of the IUD, a woman becomes vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases.

An incorrectly inserted IUD can cause uterine bleeding. To prevent the matter from ending tragically, it is necessary to make sure that the patient who insists on inserting an IUD does not have problems with blood clotting.

Doctors openly say that the IUD does not have the best effect on the nature of menstruation. If a woman already suffers from painful periods, then the IUD is unlikely to make her feel better - on the contrary, it will only make it worse.

Preparing for the installation procedure

Even if a woman does not complain about her health, the attending physician must still play it safe and conduct a whole range of studies so as not to harm the patient’s health.

Of course, the first step is to collect an anamnesis from the woman herself: the doctor asks her about her well-being and state of health. Then you need to take standard blood and urine tests, but it is advisable to also check your blood for sugar and clotting.

You cannot do without an external examination of the genital organs and taking a smear. If the patient has infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, then you should forget about installing the spiral. At least until the woman is completely cured.

You will also need an ultrasound of the uterus to assess its size, shape and general condition. Only after all these procedures can you finally decide what kind of spiral a particular woman will need.

Installation procedure

The IUD is installed only in a medical office. It is advisable to take your time choosing a specialist who will install the spiral, and look for a professional person with extensive experience. Sometimes an incorrectly inserted IUD into the uterus ends in pregnancy, internal bleeding, or simply terrible discomfort. So this issue needs to be approached as seriously as possible.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Everything again depends on the doctor who will do this, and on the woman’s pain threshold. Particularly sensitive people may feel discomfort and sometimes even faint, but most women tolerate the insertion of the IUD painlessly.

The procedure itself takes no more than two minutes. The IUD is inserted on a gynecological chair using special disposable devices, which are sold complete with a spiral.

The most favorable time for the procedure is the end of menstruation, that is, 5-7 days after their start. During this period, the cervical canal is open enough to install the IUD as painlessly as possible.

Before insertion of the IUD, the cervix is ​​treated with an antiseptic. Then the doctor visually assesses the depth and direction of the uterine canal and begins inserting the IUD. After the procedure, the spiral threads are cut off a little, leaving only small antennae - they will be needed when the IUD needs to be removed.

Side effects

What side effects can the IUD cause? Unfortunately, this list is long and often frightens women who are planning to install an IUD.

Firstly, it is important to monitor your feelings for 3 months after the installation procedure: the spiral may fall out and this should definitely be noticed until it causes damage to the uterine canal. If you get the dropped spiral in time, it will not cause harm.

What else should you expect if an IUD has been installed? Side effects in the form of painful and heavy periods in the first eight months are common. But uterine bleeding can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them. You should not wait long for the outcome of events; with such symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.

Indications for removing the IUD are also vaginal itching, burning, painful sexual intercourse, and pain that suddenly occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. All these symptoms may be accompanied by chills, fever and a feeling of malaise.

The installation of the spiral should be abandoned at the insertion stage if difficulties arise and the process is too painful.

The most dangerous thing that can happen when inserting or removing an IUD is a puncture of the uterus. It is difficult not to notice the puncture, so the patient receives immediate emergency care.

In addition, the spiral often causes the formation of fibroids, and in rare cases, perforation of the uterus.

Do IUDs make you fat? A spiral made of gold or copper does not affect a woman’s weight in any way. However, if a hormonal IUD is installed, then anything can happen.

IUD spiral: reviews

Manufacturers of IUDs claim that it is almost impossible to get pregnant with it, but reviews on forums tell a different story. It was a big shock for one girl when, after installing the Vector IUD, she suddenly discovered she was pregnant, and even 5 weeks pregnant. The embryo grew to a certain size and, displaced by the spiral, left the uterus. But a miscarriage in the fifth week does not go away completely without a trace. The girl was “cleansed”, then switched to hormonal drugs and forbidden to become pregnant for 2 years. And this is not an isolated case.

A common complaint is problems with menstruation: in some patients they become too heavy, and in others they disappear altogether. Feelings of discomfort in the lower abdomen are also not uncommon.

There were cases when, due to the installation of coils, additional diseases of the female organs developed, fibroids formed, and the appendages became inflamed. There are also complaints that discomfort is felt during sexual intercourse if the partner goes too “deep”, but these are isolated cases. Uterine bleeding is also rare, but does occur.

So it turns out that women constantly discuss the IUD among themselves, look at photos on the Internet and for a long time do not dare to get this device, because in fact, the patients for whom wearing the IUD passed without a trace can be counted on one hand. There are undoubtedly good reviews, but there are too few of them against the background of the general chorus of complaints and disappointment.

IUD spiral: which is better?

In any case, a woman cannot decide on her own which spiral is needed. As mentioned above, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations to make sure that the installation of an IUD would be appropriate at all.

Let’s say that the tests turned out to be favorable, the woman has already given birth at least once, and the gynecologist agreed to put her on an IUD. As a rule, doctors offer several options for spirals so that the patient can choose one that is convenient for her. For example, should I install a copper or silver IUD? How to choose?

A copper spiral will cost less, but its effective life is limited, since copper quickly corrodes. A silver spiral will cost more, but will last longer and, according to manufacturers, will help reduce inflammatory processes in the uterus. The golden spiral is not much different from the silver one in terms of medicinal and contraceptive properties, but it is one of the most expensive IUDs due to the high cost of the noble metal.

If you ask what shape an IUD spiral is, the photos will show that in addition to the T-shaped shape, they also produce semi-oval, spiked, etc. The T-shaped shape is more organic for the organ, but if there is a bend of the uterus or what - other physiological characteristics, then this issue is resolved in tandem with a doctor.

Thus, the IUD is a means of contraception that raises many questions and concerns, but in some cases, when pregnancy is no longer planned, when an alternative is difficult to find, the spiral turns into a “lifesaver.” In such a combination of circumstances, you can take a risk and, if the IUD does not take root, remove it at any time.



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