Fortune telling on rose petals and other love rituals. Fortune telling by rose petals will help you find out your future

Since ancient times, rose petals have been considered a symbol of love, passion and sexual relationships. That is why flowers often participated in various fortune telling and magical rituals. A little later, in ancient Greece, petals of white, yellow and pink flowers were used to determine possible success in work or farming. Nowadays you can do fortune telling on rose petals online without using natural flowers.

Preparing for fortune telling:

  • Take 4 pieces of paper and write on each a question the answer to which you are interested in. The answer must be yes or no;
  • take 3 rose petals of the required color;
  • Draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm with salt.

How is the fortune telling procedure carried out?

Choose a bud whose color matches the area of ​​your question. If you want to learn about love, then take red petals. If you are eager to know about success in your career or financial affairs, use yellow petals. I use white roses in other matters that do not relate to love, family and finances. Use rose buds during fortune telling for family and marriage.

Now take out the package with the question and do not open it. Throw the petals high in the air and see where they land. If all the petals fell inward, then the answer is yes. If all the petals are outside the ring, then you will not get what you want. But if some of the petals are in the circle, and some are outside it, then your wish can come true if you put effort into it.

You can guess at any time, preferably 1 month should pass between stages. Otherwise, fortune telling may lead to errors.

Fortune telling on petals online

Click on the rose

Fortune telling with cards “Black Rose”

This is also an easy way to get a clear answer to the questions asked. For this fortune telling, a deck of cards is used. There should be 36 of them. Before pulling out a card, focus on your question or desire. Shuffle the deck and draw a card. Each figure and number has its own meaning. If you pulled out an ace of diamonds or a cross, then alas, your dreams are not destined to come true. If aces are spades and hearts, then rejoice, soon your dreams will come true. If you pulled out a card of tens, sixes of diamonds, crosses and spades, then the answer to your question is negative. If it is 6-10 hearts, then the wish will come true. If you pull out any piece other than aces, diamonds and hearts, then your wish will come true. If you receive crosses and spades, you will be disappointed, as your dreams will not come true.

Features of fortune telling:

  • buy a new deck before each fortune telling;
  • before performing fortune telling, ask the cards to reveal the truth to you;
  • ask the question directly and don’t be fussy.

This kind of fortune telling can be done independently without a fortune teller. Time is not of fundamental importance. This way to find out the future can be used during Epiphany frosts at Epiphany.

You can do all fortune telling, including using coffee grounds, online completely free of charge. You don't have to buy roses and a new deck of cards.

People have always sought to lift the veil of the future a little and find out the layout of the situation that interests them. Of course, the sphere of relationships was (and is) especially popular. What sophisticated methods do girls in love resort to in order to find out from fate the attitude of this or that person towards themselves? We invite you to perform fortune telling using rose petals, which will help you get answers to questions about relationships and life in general.

How to prepare for fortune telling

The perfection of beautiful roses has never been in doubt (nor is it today). In ancient times, it was believed that roses were capable of contacting Higher Essences and acted as a kind of intermediary in the process of fortune telling. They helped people find out God's will, received in the form of a prediction.

To carry out the ritual, it was necessary to stock up on rose petals of different colors. At the same time, it was possible to ask both about amorous affairs and about everything that interested a person - she always gave the correct answer to the question.

The rose plant itself is quite material (pragmatic) - it is not for nothing that it grows from the earth in which its support rests.

When you decide to perform fortune telling, purchase at least three flowers with petals of different colors.

For the ritual you will need to take two petals from each rose. Try to choose them as similar in size as possible. Pay attention that the petals are not too huge or, on the contrary, small, but should be of medium size.

In addition to the fortune telling petals, you also need to prepare a pack of salt (you can replace it with sugar).

The selected bulk substance is used to draw a circle on the table, the diameter of which will be from twenty to thirty centimeters. The ancient Greeks used salt when performing this ritual. But today there is a belief that spilled salt portends a quarrel. If you also have a similar opinion, it’s better to take a pack of sugar. Especially if the topic of your question is the sphere of the heart.

What does the color of rose petals mean?

There are no important details in this ritual. The color of a plant's petals, for example, also plays an important role. Let's look at what these or other color variations mean:

  • red petals - personify furious passion, burning jealousy, as well as all physical options for the manifestation of feelings;
  • pink color - imply gentle, romantic moods, can also tell about plans for the future, help to understand oneself;
  • yellow is the color of material well-being. When choosing yellow rose petals, you can safely ask questions that will relate to career problems, plans for the future, and so on;
  • white - questions from all other areas of life;
  • black - this color is directly related to negative emotions - anger, anger, revenge, deceit. It is better not to choose a rose with similar petals for fortune telling.

If you managed to select more exotic color options, then to find out their meaning, you just need to find the interpretation of a particular color and compare it with a specific area of ​​​​life.

You can learn about the magical properties of this flower by watching the following video

The process of fortune telling

When you have prepared all the necessary components, determine for yourself the question to which you want to find an answer. You can ask several questions at the same time, the main thing is that their number does not exceed the number of petals. At the same time, make distinctions based on the topic of what is being asked.

In order to formulate the question correctly in the process and not make a mistake, we advise you to write it down on a piece of paper in advance, and then just look at the “cheat sheet”.

This can be done as follows:

  • red petals - does such and such a person like me;
  • yellow – whether the salary will be increased next month;
  • white - can I find the lost item?

Select questions in such a way that they are suitable for the interpretation of the selected color of the petals.

Now sit down, relax, you can close your eyes and light a scented candle. Mentally concentrate on your questions.

Now you will need to throw rose petals from the central part of the circle upward, the more, the better.

With your gaze, watch how they smoothly and easily fall onto the table, finding for you the right solution to the question you are asking. Immediately fix the position of each petal. After all, it will be she who will decide what answer you will get as a result:

  • If at the same time two petals of the same color appear in a circle, then fate says that what you have planned will definitely come true in real life.
  • If one of the petals is in the inner part of the circle, and the second is behind it, then achieving what you want is possible, but you will need to make significant efforts. You will also need to wait for a certain amount of time.
  • If two petals are outside the circle area, you get a negative answer to your question and, unfortunately, your plan will not come true.

Do not rush to be upset if you do not receive the answer you dreamed of. It is quite possible that your wish can come true, but only after a certain amount of time has passed.

Fortune telling by rose petals should be taken as seriously as possible and not taken as a joke. Otherwise, the beautiful flower may be offended by you and will not answer your questions.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Girls who dream of marriage and are not afraid to resort to magic are offered a selection of the best rites and rituals for love and marriage. remember, that any rites and rituals can only be done in a good mood and with good intentions. Do rituals for love and for finding a husband, without using them to attract a specific person.

Love ritual with white flower

The ritual for quick marriage has been known since the Middle Ages. And it was intended for girls who dream of meeting their love. The ritual will help you attract wonderful relationships into your life, which will be built on mutual love.

It is necessary to perform a ritual on the waxing moon- on the days of the new moon. It's best on a Friday night because Venus, the goddess of Love, rules Friday.

You will need absolutely any white flower. Then place it on a balcony or windowsill so that the moon's light falls on it. Ask the Universe to send you bright and mutual love.

Take a flower at dawn and put it in the holy book. It doesn’t have to be the Bible, you can go to any spiritual book that gives you energy and strength or that you really like.

The flower will lie on the pages of the book until the next Moon. On the first night of the new moon, take a flower from a book and scatter its petals into your palm. Describe the qualities of the person you want to meet and blow petals out the open window.

They say that the man of your dreams will appear in your life within a month after the ritual.

Ritual from Aza Petrenko

Gypsy Aza Petrenko deftly predicts fate and answers the most difficult questions with the help of intuition and Tarot cards. She is a healer, a hereditary fortune teller and fortune teller. She received the knowledge and gift from her grandmother, she keeps some rituals secret, and shares others generously with those who wish. According to the fortune teller, her ritual is marriage works flawlessly.

The ritual is intended to attract love into your life. You will meet your loved one in a maximum of 6 months. To perform the ritual you do not need to have any abilities; a sincere desire is enough for it.

The ritual is called "Seven Scarlet Roses" and you will need the help of your best friend. If you trust her completely, and she wishes you well from the bottom of her heart, then everything will work out for you.

To carry out you will need:

  • white sheet;
  • white nightgown;
  • white light scarf;
  • church wedding candle;
  • Holy water;
  • crystal vase;
  • Red roses.

Everything must be white, without decorations or patterns. Take a shirt or peignoir that will not be embarrassing in front of your future husband. Be careful when choosing colors. Take only scarlet roses, without regretting money. It is advisable to buy all seven roses from one seller.

The ritual must be performed during the day, before sunset. Lay a white sheet near the window and put a peignoir on your body. Cover your head with a scarf without tying the ends. You and your friend should not have rings on their fingers; be sure to remove them before the ceremony begins.

Description of the ritual: kneel on a sheet, in front of you there will be a vase half filled with holy water. A friend should stand behind her. She will light a candle and make a clockwise circular motion over your head. She must pass the candle from hand to hand to herself. At this time he will say a prayer, a conspiracy:

Heavenly blood and pure

Save and save the servant of God (name)

From any evil eye, from a bad hour,

From the male eye, female, childish, hateful and joyful, from gossip and courts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then your friend should pick the petals from each rose and shower them on your head. At this time, without getting up from your knees, you will collect them in a vessel with water. The candle should be extinguished in the same vase. Then wash your face three times with this water and dry yourself with the ends of your scarf. After the ceremony, put the shirt and sheet in the closet without shaking it off. Hang the scarf on the icon with a woman's face. Divide the petals into three equal parts and place them in bags.

In the evening, take a shower, then run a bath and pour all the petals from the first bag into it. Soak for 10 minutes in this water, and then collect them again in the same bag. And you do this for three days, using the petals of all three packages. On day 4, collect all the petals in one bag and leave it at a crossroads. And do not throw away the holy water that you used during the ceremony; pour it over garden plants or flowers.

When you meet your loved one, put on a shirt and spend the night with him on that same white sheet to consolidate the result.

This ritual will help you meet your soul mate. The ritual will attract into your life the person who suits you best. You will meet true love, mutual and sincere.

For the ritual you will need:

  • beautiful red envelope;
  • 18 leaves of red paper;
  • black pen.

Before starting the ceremony, conduct a meditation of liberation and forgiveness. Forgive all your ex-boyfriends and let them go in your mind. Wish them all the best, make room in your heart for new feelings.

Take the envelope, take a deep breath and write “Love Magnet” on one side. Place your signature on the other side of the envelope.

Think about how you see your chosen one. Define all the good qualities and image of the person in detail. Specify height, eye color, character traits, bad and good habits, occupation, and so on.

Every day, take one of the sheets and write one quality of your future lover. And then place the leaf in the envelope. Imagine your loved one becoming one step closer to you.

Do this for 18 days using the same pen. On the last day, place the envelope in the southwest part of the bedroom. Imagine that your envelope has become a magnet attracting the ideal relationship.

If you miss a day, don’t use that envelope again, buy a new one and start over.

Imagine a person you would like to be with. Let it not be a specific person, but try to imagine the qualities that you would like to see in a partner.

Then write a letter to an imaginary person. Express your admiration for his qualities in a letter, tell him how much you love him and how happy you are that he is with you. Be sure to let us know what you can give yourself. your relationship. Then fold the letter three times and kiss it.

Light the fireplace, stove or grill. Use apple and cedar logs for kindling. Throw the letter as soon as the fire is lit. Your request-recognition will be heard by the Universe.

Mandala to attract love

The heart is a symbol of love and the source of life. After all, as you know, love resides in the heart.

In the center of the mandala there are two shining hearts: large and small (female and male). Eight small hearts, four big hearts: strengthening of love energy occurs due to an increase in the number of symbols, due to which the energy of love increases several times.

Pink color invigorates faith, tenderness, love and promotes the fulfillment of desires.

Using a hand-drawn mandala "Love", you will attract this bright feeling into your life using fantasy and idea with imagination. Under the completed drawing, write your deepest desire.

Then frame the mandala and hang it on the wall in your bedroom so that you will see it often. This way you will attract your desire to yourself. Time will pass and it will definitely come true, you will meet true love!

Attention, TODAY only!

People have always sought to lift the veil of the future a little and find out the layout of the situation that interests them. Of course, the sphere of relationships was (and is) especially popular. What sophisticated methods do girls in love resort to in order to find out from fate the attitude of this or that person towards themselves? We invite you to perform fortune telling using rose petals, which will help you get answers to questions about relationships and life in general.

How to prepare for fortune telling

The perfection of beautiful roses has never been in doubt (nor is it today). In ancient times, it was believed that roses were capable of contacting Higher Essences and acted as a kind of intermediary in the process of fortune telling. They helped people find out God's will, received in the form of a prediction.

To carry out the ritual, it was necessary to stock up on rose petals of different colors. At the same time, one could ask both about amorous affairs and about everything that interests a person - the rose always gave the correct answer to the question.

The rose plant itself is quite material (pragmatic) - it is not for nothing that it grows from the earth in which its support rests.

When you decide to perform fortune telling, purchase at least three flowers with petals of different colors.

For the ritual you will need to take two petals from each rose. Try to choose them as similar in size as possible. Pay attention that the petals are not too huge or, on the contrary, small, but should be of medium size.

In addition to the fortune telling petals, you also need to prepare a pack of salt (you can replace it with sugar).

The selected bulk substance is used to draw a circle on the table, the diameter of which will be from twenty to thirty centimeters. The ancient Greeks used salt when performing this ritual. But today there is a belief that spilled salt portends a quarrel. If you also have a similar opinion, it’s better to take a pack of sugar. Especially if the topic of your question is the sphere of the heart.

What does the color of rose petals mean?

There are no important details in this ritual. The color of a plant's petals, for example, also plays an important role. Let's look at what these or other color variations mean:

  • red petals - personify furious passion, burning jealousy, as well as all physical options for the manifestation of feelings;
  • pink color - imply gentle, romantic moods, can also tell about plans for the future, help to understand oneself;

  • yellow is the color of material well-being. When choosing yellow rose petals, you can safely ask questions that will relate to career problems, plans for the future, and so on;
  • white - questions from all other areas of life;
  • black - this color is directly related to negative emotions - anger, anger, revenge, deceit. It is better not to choose a rose with similar petals for fortune telling.

If you managed to select more exotic color options, then to find out their meaning, you just need to find the interpretation of a particular color and compare it with a specific area of ​​​​life.

You can learn about the magical properties of this flower by watching the following video

The process of fortune telling

When you have prepared all the necessary components, determine for yourself the question to which you want to find an answer. You can ask several questions at the same time, the main thing is that their number does not exceed the number of petals. At the same time, make distinctions based on the topic of what is being asked.

In order to formulate the question correctly in the process and not make a mistake, we advise you to write it down on a piece of paper in advance, and then just look at the cheat sheet.

This can be done as follows:

  • red petals - does such and such a person like me;
  • yellow – whether the salary will be increased next month;
  • white - can I find the lost item?

Select questions in such a way that they are suitable for the interpretation of the selected color of the petals.

Now sit down, relax, you can close your eyes and light a scented candle. Mentally concentrate on your questions.

Now you will need to throw rose petals from the central part of the circle upward, the more, the better.

With your gaze, watch how they smoothly and easily fall onto the table, finding for you the right solution to the question you are asking. Immediately fix the position of each petal. After all, it will be she who will decide what answer you will get as a result:

  • If at the same time two petals of the same color appear in a circle, then fate says that what you have planned will definitely come true in real life.
  • If one of the petals is in the inner part of the circle, and the second is behind it, then achieving what you want is possible, but you will need to make significant efforts. You will also need to wait for a certain amount of time.
  • If two petals are outside the circle area, you get a negative answer to your question and, unfortunately, your plan will not come true.

Do not rush to be upset if you do not receive the answer you dreamed of. It is quite possible that your wish can come true, but only after a certain amount of time has passed.

Fortune telling by rose petals should be taken as seriously as possible and not taken as a joke. Otherwise, the beautiful flower may be offended by you and will not answer your questions.

What could be more tempting than lifting the veil of the future and finding out what lies ahead? Over thousands of years of history, people have accumulated many ways of predicting future events, the most common of which is fortune telling. You can tell fortunes using maps, coffee grounds, and other objects and phenomena of the physical world. Many methods of fortune telling require special knowledge and magical abilities. But there are also easy methods available to mere mortals. One of them is floromancy - on flowers. The choice of flower depends on what questions a person wants to answer. So, a chamomile will tell you about love, a sunflower will answer whether your wish will come true, and fortune telling by rose petals will tell you about everything related to romantic relationships and other, more material areas of life.

The custom of fortune telling with flowers came to us from Ancient Greece. A beautiful, romantic and very simple way to find out the future is known among many nations. Flowers, trees, shrubs and herbs are living beings and have strong energy and magical properties. The most popular plant for fortune telling is the rose, a magical flower that had the gift of speaking with the gods and acted as an intermediary between the celestials and people.

A beautiful rose is considered a symbol of passion and love relationships. It is traditionally included in love potions and is used for love spells. But at the same time, a rose is a completely earthly, material flower. It grows on the ground and has thorns to protect its beautiful buds. Therefore, a rose can shed light on quite ordinary, “mundane” things - money, career.

But not every rose can be asked a question on any topic. Each theme corresponds to a specific color of the petals:

Any flowers are suitable for fortune telling - garden flowers, wild flowers, picked from a flower bed or bought at a flower shop, the main thing is that the flowers are fresh. You need to try to choose beautiful buds, not old or withered, with even petals, without holes or creases.

If a girl is popular with men and has many fans around her, it is not always easy to discern her destiny in one person. Rose petals will tell you who to give preference to.

For fortune telling you will need rose petals based on the number of fans. On each of them you need to write the initials of one of the young people and put the petals in any container. Then you need to go to a windy place, raise the container with the petals above your head and wait until the wind carries away all the petals except one. On this last one the name of the most worthy of the admirers will be written.

Fortune telling “loves - does not love”

You can find out about the feelings of a young man towards his person using ancient fortune telling. To do this, cut a red or pink rose from a bush and place it in the most illuminated place in an apartment or house in a glass of warm water. After this, you need to say out loud: “Beautiful rose, all the girls like it, give me the answer whether ..... (the name of the young man) loves me or not.” For the next three days you cannot look at the rose, and on the fourth day you need to count the number of fallen petals. An even number means “does not like”, an odd number means “loves”. If all the petals remain on the flower, unfortunately, the mysterious guy loves someone else.

Fortune telling on various topics

The purpose of this fortune telling is to get answers to various questions. You can ask about anything: work, love, plans, everyday things. For fortune telling, you will need roses of the color that matches the color of the theme of the question (red - passion, pink - relationships, etc.). For each color, one question is asked, which must be formulated so that it can be answered “yes” or “no”.

Then on the table you need to pour salt into a circle about 30 cm in diameter. Superstitious people can use sugar, flour, or simply draw a circle in any way. To get answers, the fortuneteller takes two petals of the same color, throws them up above the center of the circle, keeping in mind a question that corresponds to the color of the petals.

The answer depends on where the petals “landed”:

  • both petals within the circle – a definite “yes”;
  • one petal in the circle, the other outside the circle - “maybe”;
  • both petals outside the circle – “no”.

In fact, every girl knows how to tell fortunes by colors from childhood. Who among us hasn’t asked the chamomile “Does he love you or doesn’t he?”, and who hasn’t been upset to tears by the unwanted answer? You can say as much as you like that children's fortune-telling is naive, but even when we become adults, we never stop believing in miracles. Be that as it may, fortune telling forces us to understand our desires, clearly formulate them and understand what we really want. From this point of view, fortune telling by rose petals clearly shows how we see our future, and what comes of it depends only on us.



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