Features of the Finnish sauna and its effect on the body. The main disadvantages of the Finnish bath

Many nations have their own culture of visiting the bath complex. Those who are interested in their exotic varieties should pay attention to such an option as a Finnish sauna. If you want to build this complex, you should first familiarize yourself with its features and construction technology.

What is a Finnish sauna

The construction of a sauna in Finland has always been considered the sacred duty of every owner. She gave good mood and well-being.

A feature of Finnish saunas is the heating of the air up to 140 degrees and low level humidity (only 5-15%). This makes it easier to endure high temperatures.

The Finnish sauna does not allow splashing water on the stones. Otherwise, the resulting steam will be harmful to health at such high temperatures.

In the construction of Finnish saunas, electric stoves, heaters, and sometimes infrared heaters are used.

The walls of the steam room are necessarily upholstered with wood; in the process of receiving procedures, they use essential oils.

The complex of these actions has a relaxing effect on the human body and restores its vital energy.

Construction of a sauna

IN Lately it became very popular to build bath complexes in your home and even in apartments. For each type of dwelling use its own version of this room.

As for the Finns themselves, in their country there are 2 million saunas for 5 million people. They are built in apartments and basements of houses for several families.

In our country, this type of bath is also quite in demand.

The construction of Finnish saunas should be made from quality materials. This will not only extend the service life of the complex, but will also have a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. Poor-quality building materials, on the contrary, will harm people in the bath.

Due to the high cost of building a Finnish sauna project with the participation of construction companies, many decide to create it on their own.

Having studied the technology of the process, anyone can create such a miracle as a Finnish sauna or bath.

Sauna materials

So that the bathhouse serves for the benefit of its owners for a long time, you should choose high-quality building materials.

Finnish sauna projects allow the use of a wide variety of materials:

The main properties that a material for a bath should have are - high strength, good heat and vapor barrier properties.

Therefore ideal for Finnish sauna suitable tree. Rocks that do not emit resins when heated are used. Such requirements also apply to the wood used for the construction of shelves in the steam room.

Resins released during heating can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin. It is better to use hardwoods.

The construction of Finnish saunas also involves the choice of special glass for the door. This material does not require special care and meets all the requirements of a steam room.

Glass for sauna doors retains heat well and is resistant to high temperatures, splashes of water from the steam room. A variety of presented shades of this material allows you to create the most suitable image of the room.

The lighting in the bath should be subdued. Therefore, special shades for lamps should be used. They can also be made from wood.

When choosing the necessary building materials for the construction and design of the sauna, it is necessary to observe the integrity of the image of the complex. It should be relaxing, relaxing.

Initial construction stage

When building a bath yourself, you must follow a clear sequence. Compliance with technology is the basis for the proper functioning of such a complex as a Finnish sauna. A bathhouse built incorrectly will cause discomfort to its visitors from the very first minutes, and the healing effect will be reduced to zero.

Even the little things matter. The order of construction is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Initially, the floor of the steam room is equipped. It is allowed to use wood for this. However, this is not best material for the sauna floor. It cannot be varnished. And without treatment, the durability of wood in wet conditions, decreases.

The best flooring in the bath is a tile. It will be durable and practical, as well as meeting all sanitary and hygienic requirements.

After that, the frame is assembled.

According to the scheme calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the bath, the installation of the box is carried out. To do this, use wooden combs, nylon dowels, screws.

The ceiling frame is assembled by connecting the timber.

Provision is made for the installation of doors.

The main stage of construction

The high humidity and temperature of the Finnish sauna aggressively affect the wiring. Its installation is carried out in accordance with enhanced security measures. For this, heat-resistant wiring with double insulating material is used.

Next, thermal insulation is installed on the frame. If the material chosen for these purposes does not provide for the presence of foil, it must be attached independently. It will create a "thermos effect" in the steam room.

After that, the crate is made in increments of 40 cm.

For external mounting, ordinary steel nails are used. Inside the Finnish sauna involves the use special profiles, which will not allow the boards to disperse in the future. You can fasten them with ordinary metal nails to the tongue, but their caps must be closed with a comb.

Arrangement of a sauna

Much attention is paid to the sauna heater. This is her heart. The stones in the stove should be rounded and smooth, which will ensure proper air circulation in the room.

The steam room must be equipped with ventilation, which consists of an exhaust and supply opening with valves.

In a sauna, you can't do without a thermometer to control the temperature and a hydrometer to measure the level of humidity.

You should also provide hours to comply with the mode of stay in a steam room.

Infrared sauna

It is difficult to attribute this type of sauna to a bath. This is just a small cabin, which is used to relax and improve the body.

If the space in the house does not allow the construction of a whole steam room complex, an infrared sauna will be the way out. The Finnish bath differs from it in the principle of creating heat. In the first variant, the air temperature is relatively low, since the principle of "solar heat" operates. The infrared energy elements of the Finnish sauna heat objects, but not the air. Like the sun in spring.

Classical temperature regime Finnish sauna also heats the air.

Thanks to the use of infrared rays, even the deep levels of the dermis are warmed up, which affects the body. This is how it's made health effect this type of sauna.

Sauna harm

Exist certain contraindications by visiting the bath.

Being a wellness complex, Finnish saunas can be harmful to health if used improperly.

If a person has chronic or serious illnesses you should consult your doctor about the advisability of visiting the steam room.

The harm of the Finnish sauna will be noticeable for people with diseases such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, urolithiasis disease, nervous disorders.

The bath will also harm if the rules for visiting it are not followed. While in the steam room, it is necessary to protect your head with a scarf or a special hat. Benches should be covered with your own sheet.

Every human body has individual characteristics. The influence of the sauna on him is also unique. There are cases when regular visits to the steam room helped to cure even the most serious illnesses.

You should experiment with your own well-being under the strict supervision of a doctor, having contraindications to such procedures.

Sauna Benefits

well-known positive influence Finnish sauna is to cleanse the skin and subcutaneous layers of dirt and toxins by profuse sweating. Deep dirt is not easy to remove with ordinary washing.

The benefits of the Finnish sauna are relevant for people who often and for a long time suffer from colds. With regular visits to the steam room, immunity is strengthened, prevention and treatment take place initial stages infectious diseases respiratory tract.

Sauna speeds up metabolism, thanks to which you can remove overweight weight. The condition of the skin improves.

The dry heat of the Finnish sauna is useful for cardiovascular diseases in moderate stages, diseases of the genitourinary system, liver and skin diseases.

The benefits of a sauna with a competent and responsible visit to it is to improve well-being, as well as restore the energy and metabolic balance of the body.

The harmony of the physical and mental state that a Finnish sauna gives a person helps to cope with adverse influences environment, relieve stress and cleanse the body.

A properly built sauna will last long enough and fruitfully for the health benefits of its owners.

You won’t surprise anyone with a sauna for a long time, initially this term meant Finnish bath.

This type of recovery has become national symbol Finland and a familiar holiday destination for Finns.

The sauna has the same healing properties , as the Russian bathhouse, but still there are differences.

The Finnish sauna is a steam room with dry air, the humidity reaches a maximum of 25% and the temperature is 110 C°. The body under these conditions sweat profusely, but the body heats up only superficially.

Wherein broom is not used quite, a person just sits on a shelf and sweats. It is also excluded to pour water on stove stones. If you need to increase the humidity - splash water on the ceiling or walls. For aromatherapy, you can water the stones with herbal infusion.

The principle of the Finnish steam room unique in that it eliminates the need for modern hygiene products. For healing, hot stones and water are enough. This is a natural procedure with deep historical roots.


Finnish sauna has a long history in 2 thousand years. Then the Finns were nomads and constantly changed their place of parking. They communicated with other similar nomadic tribes - Slavs, Irish.

The Finns combined the types of baths known to these tribes and created new washing culture combining high temperature and low humidity.

Such an invention was vital due to the harsh climate. Without warm room it was impossible to survive. For this reason, the first saunas were built - residential small huts with a hearth in the middle. In the summer they were used for household needs.

In sauna there was no chimney so the soot accumulated inside. She was already known for her bactericidal properties, so operations were often performed inside and births took place. There was a saying that the one who could crawl to the sauna would be saved.

There is also a more poetic legend about the appearance of the sauna. Water seeped through the leaky roof into an ordinary hut and fell on the red-hot stones of the hearth. A pleasant heat appeared inside, which subdued the owner. He decided to repeat the effect on his own and built the first sauna using seen principle.

The Finns themselves belong to the sauna how to religion. Private and public baths in Finland have always been accessible to all segments of the population and were not considered a luxury item. The font won world love after the Second World War. Finnish baths began to open everywhere in Europe and America.

In Finland itself, for 5 million inhabitants, there are 2 million saunas. There is a bath complex in any high-rise building, and half of the apartments are equipped with their own bath.

The difference between the Finnish sauna and the Russian bath

differ conditions:
  • steam (in Russian - wet, in Finnish - dry);
  • temperature (in Russian - moderate heat, in Finnish - strong heat);
  • a broom (in Finnish - not used, in Russian - a mandatory attribute).

The benefits of a Finnish sauna

Finnish sauna trip heals the whole body generally:

  • improves vascular and cardiac activity;
  • metabolism increases;
  • excess liquid and slags are removed (up to 30% of unnecessary and harmful substances);
  • the skin is cleansed;
  • sleep is restored;
  • relieves stress and fatigue;
  • muscles come to tone;
  • heal wounds;
  • pressure normalizes;
  • immunity rises;
  • ENT diseases are prevented.

More one important factor - a relaxing atmosphere that contributes to the complete relaxation of the soul and body. A person comes out of the sauna refreshed.

Advice! Dry steam causes the heart to increase blood flow, 10 minutes in the sauna is equivalent to jogging or brisk walking.

Regular trips to the Finnish steam room are a must for those who strive to lose weight, - leaves up to 2 kg in one procedure thanks to the release from excess fluid and improve metabolism.

Indications and contraindications

The therapeutic effect of bath procedures directly causes some functional changes in organism. Therefore, doctors recommend a visit Finnish steam room in the following cases:

  1. Cardiovascular system - hypertension (grade 1, 2), non-inflammatory myocarditis, vegetative dystonia.
  2. Respiratory system - recovery period after pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic ENT diseases.
  3. Nervous system - sleep disturbance, neurosis, muscle hypertonicity, children's enuresis, cerebral palsy, myopathy and myotonia (dystrophic type), residual effects after paralysis.
  4. Genitourinary system - cystitis, inflammation of the prostate and testicles, urolithiasis (small), nephritis.
  5. Musculoskeletal system - postural disorders, arthrosis, osteopathy, arthritis, pathology of ligaments and muscles, rehabilitation period after injury.
  6. Gastrointestinal tract - ulcer in remission, cholecystitis (without stones), various functional disorders intestines.
  7. Gynecology - menopause, dysmenorrhea (ovarian), chronic diseases, infertility (primary, secondary forms).

IN general case indications for visiting Finnish bath is a healthy physical and mental condition. Each person must evaluate the benefits and harms of the steam procedure and focus on their well-being.

Recovery with dry steam is not suitable for every person, there are common contraindications:

  • old age (turn - 75 years);
  • tuberculosis of any form;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • small age (up to 3 years, steam room - up to 12 years);
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy;
  • skin infections;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • glaucoma;
  • fever;
  • diabetes.

Attention! During pregnancy, most gynecologists still prohibit trips to the Finnish bath. This is especially true for cases with complicated pregnancy and its early stages.

If you have any doubts about the benefits of the Finnish sauna for your body, get doctor's consultation to rule out complications.

How to take a steam bath in the sauna?

Before entering the steam room, you must remove all metal objects from yourself to avoid burns, and take a shower (do not wet your hair). After it, you need to dry yourself thoroughly without rubbing the skin.

Advice! There are several shelves in the steam room, the hottest of them is the top one. If you are new to bathing procedures or have appropriate restrictions from a doctor, it is better to stay on the lower tier.

You need to lie down on a spread towel with your feet towards the stove. Hands - at the seams, legs - above the head, straight or bent at the knees. This posture will provide a rush of blood to the brain. Breathe need measured with your mouth slightly open.

Proper bathing procedure passes in several stages:

  1. Warm-up. The stay in the steam room lasts 7 minutes for experienced amateurs and 4 minutes for beginners. Then you should slowly rise and leave the steam room to cool off. cool shower. Respite - 20 minutes.
  2. Basic. You can do several “jerks” for a maximum of 15 minutes with breaks. Losing weight people are advised to do more short visits.
  3. Final. The total duration of bath procedures is no more than 3 hours. They end with a bath in the soul.

Need to restore during breaks water balance plentiful drink (Herb tea, juice, still mineral water, kvass).

Required accessories

Before going to the steam room, prepare everything you need for the procedure:

  • a sheet (she can replace clothes if it is inconvenient to stay negligee);
  • a large terry towel (you can lie on it and wipe yourself with it after a shower);
  • slippers;
  • felt hat (to protect the head from overheating);
  • massage brush (for pleasant procedures in the steam room);
  • masks, scrubs and other skin care products are not from the store, but natural.

Advice! The main thing is to have free time for relaxation, because bath procedures do not like haste. The ritual should take place calmly, with pleasure.

Temperature regime

Waiting for you in the Finnish steam room sultry heat– 80 to 110 °C at 25% humidity. Therefore, the head must be covered.

Rules for healing in the sauna

In order not to harm your health, you should follow some stay rules in the Finnish sauna:

  • you can not bathe immediately after a meal;
  • procedures are in alcohol intoxication prohibited;
  • you can’t sit on the upper tier with your head hanging down - this is fraught with fainting;
  • in between visits you can not smoke - there will be overload on the lungs;
  • do not eat right after the bath;
  • you can not comb your hair in the steam room;
  • do not use purchased cosmetics with a rich chemical composition(at high temperatures, the components can damage the skin);
  • do not go out into the street without having cooled down well after the bath;
  • do not talk a lot in the process, so as not to burn the airways;
  • do not have sex in the steam room, it is dangerous to health;
  • do not combine a trip to the steam room with strenuous activities, such as swimming in the pool, so that you feel invigorated the next day.

Finnish sauna trip should not be daily- once every 2 weeks will be enough.


lovers Finnish sauna they can do it at home or in the country to enjoy the procedure at any convenient moment in their own walls.

Build a big bath according to the Finnish principle, it is possible on your site, installation is not too different from the construction of a Russian bath. Walls can be brick, wood or stone.

But the wood for the interior cladding should be chosen carefully, as health will depend on it. For example, pine without a vapor barrier can be harmful. The best option - birch, aspen, linden.

For Finnish sauna parameters are important like tightness, thermal insulation and air exchange. They should be thought out in advance so that later there are no problems with the operation of the steam room. Any materials are suitable for the foundation - from reinforced concrete to stone pillars.

If you do not want to be puzzled by construction, you can install a factory ready-made version, it does not take up much space and will cost several times cheaper.

For those who like to travel around for guests, there is a portable model Finnish sauna, which you can take with you anywhere. True, it loses a lot to the original, such a steam room is powered by an electrical network.

For residents of apartments, a compact mini-sauna in the form of a cabin is suitable. It is simple to use and easy to install. Minimum cost- 50 thousand rubles. This is a specially designed model for urban conditions.

When visiting a sauna, the Scandinavians believed that dry steam cleanses the soul from vices, and the body from filth and disease. All this applies to our day.

heals the body, but do not forget about precautions so as not to harm your health. Before visiting a Finnish bath or buying one, consult your doctor to rule out complications.

How useful the Finnish sauna is and how to steam it correctly, look at the video:

Today it is fashionable to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. And for this it is important to observe active image life. And for many, it is associated not only with regular walks on fresh air, but also with a visit useful procedures. Although there are a great many of them, today I would like to talk about some of them. For women's health The Finnish sauna is the best.

The main part of physicians believe that through the Finnish sauna you can perfectly and effectively cleanse your body of those numerous toxins, harmful elements that accumulate in the body for years. Moreover, such procedures are especially useful for urban residents, who are especially prone to negative impact external factors. The benefits of the Finnish sauna are no less tangible for those who professionally or regularly play sports, since after visiting it, all the muscles that were involved during the workout are restored.
Relieving stress, removing numerous toxins and other waste, the body is rejuvenated, and with it the skin is transformed, acquires healthy look and color, becomes more elastic and elastic.

What are the benefits of a Finnish sauna?

Those who have never visited the Finnish sauna will be surprised at what a positive effect it has. And first of all, I would like to point out cosmetic effect, which is easily achieved even without the use of various cosmetic preparations, and, as a consequence, the absence allergic reaction. positive impact Finnish sauna is also used for a number of skin diseases: non-healing scars, anke, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, urticaria and a number of others. A positive effect is achieved due to the special temperature-humidity ratio, which is present in Finnish saunas. The temperature here can reach 100-130°C, but the humidity level is unusually low, no more than 15%. When hot dry air is inhaled, active influence on the cells and membranes of the respiratory tract, in which the blood flow in the body increases. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and the skin is cleansed.
Some time ago, Finnish saunas were visited without the use of brooms, since too high a temperature can provoke burns on the skin. But subsequently, massage brooms began to be used in Finnish saunas, as well as herbal infusions, which are served on heated stones.
With regular visits to such a sauna, you can notice visible changes in the body. First of all, he gets rid of poisonous toxins and toxins. Job pulmonary system becomes more intense, and the blood is pumped much faster, while improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to use the sauna

To achieve maximum positive effect from visiting the sauna, you must adhere to certain recommendations. First of all, before visiting the sauna you need to take a shower. Do not use soaps, so as not to dry the skin too much. All cosmetical tools, oils, creams should be thoroughly washed off, then wipe the skin dry. Before visiting the steam room, you do not need to wet your hair. Everyone determines the time spent in the sauna on their own, based on their condition. But, as a rule, beginners are not recommended to stay in the steam room for the first time for more than 4 minutes. For those who visit regularly similar procedures, the time spent in the sauna can be doubled. Rest after the first visit should be at least 15-20 minutes in order for the body to fully recover. The second and all subsequent visits to the steam room may be longer, but not more than 15 minutes.
Since it is still difficult for beginners to control the state of their body, they are advised to take more frequent visits, but with a little stay in the steam room. A similar recommendation can be given to those who have excess weight and wants to get rid of it with the help of a Finnish sauna. Being outside the steam room you need to drink herbal teas, mineral water, take a shower, and gradually the temperature of the water must be reduced. In general, procedures in the sauna should last no more than 3 hours.

The benefits of the Finnish sauna will only be noticeable if you follow all the recommendations given by professionals:
- it is not recommended to visit the steam room immediately after a plentiful feast, as the cardiovascular system will experience additional stress. It is best to have a snack an hour before the procedures. light food(fruits vegetables).
- during an acute inflammatory process, visiting the Finnish sauna should be abandoned. Also, don't take steam procedures if the body is overworked.
- before entering the steam room, you need to thoroughly wash your body with a washcloth, then sit in the steam room for no more than 8-10 minutes until the first droplets of sweat appear, and then the body must rest for at least 20 minutes.
- the temperature and humidity level in the steam room should be such that the steam does not burn the ears and does not affect the mucous membranes of the eyes.
– it is more useful to take procedures in the morning, as at this time the body is easier to tolerate additional loads. IN evening time the duration of the procedures should be reduced.
- you need to make sure that the meal was at least 2-4 hours before visiting the sauna.
- since the temperature in the sauna sometimes reaches 110-130 ° C, then you need to monitor the state of the body, and in no case allow it to overheat. When sweat appears, it must be brushed off with a mitten or a broom.
- steam in the sauna becomes more useful if you add aromatic essential oils (fir, eucalyptus, cedar), bread kvass, honey to it.
- after the steam room, a hardening procedure is necessary, which is a shower and a pool. They give good gymnastics for vessels.
- you should not go into the Finnish steam room without first wiping the body dry (for even heating). You need to stay in the sauna in horizontal position wrapped in a dry cotton sheet and at the same time wearing a protective headgear.

Finnish sauna - the benefits and harms of this national Finnish bath are almost equivalent. What will be the sign - "plus" or "minus", depends on compliance with the rules for visiting the steam room. At right approach, visits to the sauna can bring invaluable benefit health. Conversely, neglecting the recommendations and the abuse of dry steam can cause serious harm to the body.

When visiting a Finnish sauna, find out the benefits and harms of this procedure. Find out to whom the bath is useful, and to whom it is contraindicated. The first condition for obtaining a healing effect is compliance with the rules for visiting the sauna:
Eating 2 hours before the procedures, no later.
The first entry into the steam room - 15 minutes, no more.
Before entering the steam room - warm shower. Be sure to dry off with a towel!
Lay a towel on the shelves and take a supine position. Sit - the last three minutes.
You can drink - warm green tea, herbal decoction, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drink, kvass.

In order for the Finnish sauna to be beneficial and harm to be excluded, do not abuse alcoholic beverages during your visit. If you follow all the rules for visiting a dry steam room, you can get a multifaceted healing effect:
Hardening, healing and cleansing of the body.
Mood improvement.
Raise vitality.
Favorable influence temperature fluctuations in water-salt exchange.
Removal of waste and toxins.
Cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin.
Acceleration metabolic processes.
strengthening nervous system.
Getting rid of psychological problems.
Withdrawal depressive states.
Dropping extra pounds.

The main difference between a Finnish bath and a Russian one is steam. For Finns, dry steam reigns in the steam room, for Russians it is wet. But it is customary to use herbal infusions and essential oils in both baths. Important point in the sauna - wood. Finnish baths are built from wood species that purify the air when heated. Harm from a dry steam room is possible if:
take alcohol before or during procedures;
exceed allowable time stay in the steam room.

Some people can't imagine their life without visiting the sauna, but there are those who prefer to do without visiting the steam rooms. The whole curiosity is that even scientists cannot come to a consensus about the Finnish bath. Everything is quite confusing, as it has its advantages and its disadvantages. No one can give a definite answer, but we will try to study this issue as deeply as possible.

Some rules for visiting the Finnish sauna

In order for a trip to the Finnish sauna to bring exceptional benefits, you need to follow a number of specific rules. First you need to take a shower and wipe the whole body dry. After you enter the steam room itself, you need to at least approximately measure the time, since it is not recommended to stay in the bath for a long time. The time of the first entry should not exceed five minutes. It is very important not to forget to take off various jewelry and other accessories. In the bath you need to take a towel and a hat. After visiting the steam room in without fail you need to swim in the pool or pond. Thanks to this contrast, you can freshen up and wash off the sweat.

Finnish sauna: benefits and harms

The main disadvantages of the Finnish bath

The most important disadvantage of the Finnish bath is that it creates non-standard conditions for our body: low humidity (about 20%) and high temperature (sometimes it reaches one hundred degrees). Such exposure often causes various reactions of the body, but on the condition that you already suffer from some kind of disease (perhaps in latent form). For example, people who suffer from reduced pressure visiting the Finnish sauna is contraindicated. At great desire You can visit the bath, but only after consulting a professional doctor. Often in the bath there are problems for expectant mothers. It is also not recommended to visit the Finnish bath on an empty or full stomach. After eating, some time should pass. For lovers of alcoholic beverages, the sauna is a particular danger. That is why doctors categorically forbid drinking both before visiting the sauna and at the time of visiting it. People with inflammatory processes in the body should also refrain from visiting the Finnish bath. Best of all, before going to the bath, you need to go to professional doctor and consult with him.

The main advantages of the Finnish bath

In the event that you do not use alcoholic beverages, not pregnant, not hungry and absolutely healthy, then a visit to the Finnish sauna will bring you only benefits and a lot of unforgettable pleasure. The main advantage of the bath can be considered the cleansing of the body from toxins. Heat in the steam room helps to accelerate blood flow and increased sweating. In addition, in the sauna, the muscles of the body recover much faster. That is why many professional athletes visit the sauna after gym For physical recovery. The hot air that you breathe in the sauna is also very beneficial for the mucous membranes.

While in any bath or sauna, it is recommended to massage the body with an oak or birch broom. They can be purchased at the sauna for separate fee or bring your own. But before use, the broom must be steamed in hot water. It is best to put the broom in the water immediately after entering the sauna so that it is ready later.

In addition, high temperatures can strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism. The Finnish sauna brings enormous benefits to the skin. The high temperature that affects it accelerates its renewal, cleansing and increases elasticity. Most of the people who suffer skin diseases, pass treatment courses right in the bath. Steam brings no less benefit from the heart vascular system. Also Finnish bath Great for those who are just starting to harden with cold water.

But, despite all of the above, you need to remember that you can achieve the full effect of visiting the Finnish sauna only if your doctor has allowed you to visit it.



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