Healing properties of golden root and its use. Possible side effects

Not every plant of all known to man species has a high therapeutic effect. In addition, an even smaller proportion of them are popular among lovers of natural medicines, but Rhodiola or, as it is also called, Golden root does not apply to such representatives of the flora. This plant has been popular with humans for centuries, as its high therapeutic effect its components are recognized even by traditional medicine.

However, even today Rhodiola rosea is a mystery to many, and its ability to eliminate many dangerous illnesses remains incompletely revealed. Therefore, below we will try to determine in full what exactly this plant is and what benefits the use of highly active medical supplies based on it.

Rhodiola rosea belongs to the perennial herbaceous species from the Crassulaceae family. It is a plant about 50 cm high with several erect stems (about 10-15 pieces), which originate from one tillering node. Rhodiola has a lot of leaves, they are fleshy and densely arranged.
At the top of each stem there is a characteristic yellow inflorescence with a diameter of about 6 cm. Root system Rhodiola is powerful, the roots are of the tuberous-tuberous type, up to 15 cm in size. After flowering in June-July, erect greenish multi-leafed fruits ripen on representatives of this species.

Rhodiola is a succulent plant, which means that the species is intended to live in poor soil and climatic conditions. And it is not surprising that the plant is widespread in the polar-arctic and alpine zones.

Did you know? Rhodiola received its name “golden root” due to the color of its rhizome, which has a bronze-golden hue with a slight pearlescent sheen.

These include the territories of the Urals, Siberia, Great Britain, Ireland, cold regions North America, as well as the zone of the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians.

The first who began to actively use Rhodiola for medical purposes were the ancient inhabitants of Tibet. More than 400 years ago, the inhabitants of mountainous regions actively used it for medicinal and preventive purposes.

However, for many centuries the secret of the golden root was kept in the strictest confidence, and especially the place of its growth. By the mid-18th century, the plant was still open to the public, after which active research began.

The most valuable are the roots of Rhodiola, since they contain more than 140 biologically active and useful substances, among which the largest share falls on: tyrosol, salidroside, rosavin, rosin, rosarin, cinnamic alcohol, tricarboxylic acids (malic, citric, oxalic), gallic acid, gallic acid methyl ester, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids, tannins.
Also found in this part of the plant are glucose, fructose, sucrose, about 1% essential oils (from total mass components) and microelements such as: silver, and copper. The aerial part of Rhodiola also contains phenols, phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, flavonoids, coumarin, gossypetin, rhodiol flavonoside, and gallic acid.

Golden root is known for its powerful therapeutic effects on the body for disorders associated with the functioning of nervous system. Extracts from Rhodiola root normalize the activity of the nervous system during vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis, neurasthenia, schizophrenia.

Many studies have proven that the components of the plant have anti-tuberculosis, anti-tumor properties, have antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus. Don’t forget about the antioxidant, antidepressant, adaptogenic, neuroprotective and general stimulating properties.
In addition, all kinds of extracts and infusions from this plant help normalize heart function and circulatory system, bile secretion, increase appetite, normalize work metabolic processes etc.

Did you know? Despite the fact that Rhodiola rosea has been known to man for about 500 years, the discoverer of the plant is officially considered to be the Swedish scientist and naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who first discovered it in 1755 detailed description, and also came up with the name.

This representative of the succulent flora also contains special substances that help stop bleeding, eliminate the effects of overheating and frostbite in the body (when used externally), and also combat disorders of the visual and auditory organs.

Despite the active use of Rhodiola components in traditional medicine, the plant acquired the greatest variety of recipes for use precisely in folk medicine. Therefore, with the help of extracts and infusions from golden root traditional healers successfully fight symptoms of diarrhea, scurvy, menorrhagia, gout, diabetes and even headaches.
As an external remedy, this plant is used for conjunctivitis, abscesses and allergic manifestations of various etiologies. Traditional medicines Rhodiola is used even in the fight against impotence, gynecological and even oncological ailments. Let's look at the most popular recipes below.

Important! For medical purposes, only old rhodiola roots (from 5 years old) are used; young plants aged 1-2 years are not suitable for consumption, since they do not yet contain required amount biologically active substances.

Water infusion

At chronic fatigue, hypotension, problems with the stomach and nervous system, pour 15 g of dry, finely ground root with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 4-5 hours; the resulting infusion is consumed 3 times a day, 0.5 cups, 30 minutes before meals. This infusion can be used for heaviness in the heart area, as well as during colds or for the prevention of flu.

Alcoholic extracts of golden root are used for increased irritability, depression, decreased performance, as well as for memory restoration and general tone body after surgical intervention. In order to prepare it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of finely ground raw materials into 0.75 liters of vodka, moonshine or alcohol.
After infusion for 14 days, the mixture is carefully filtered through gauze or a cotton filter. This drug is used 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, for 20 days, dissolving 15 drops of tincture in 0.5 glasses of water.

Important! Alcohol infusions of Rhodiola rosea are strictly prohibited for use by children, with the exception of highly specific prescriptions by qualified physicians.


A decoction of radiola is actively used to combat heart ailments and of cardio-vascular system, stomach, impotence, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus and problems with the thyroid gland. To prepare it, 1 tsp. (without a slide) of dry and finely chopped raw materials should be poured with 1 liter of water, after which the mixture should be heated to a boil and boiled for about 10 minutes. Use this product warm with sugar or honey 2-3 times a day, 250-350 ml.

Golden root tea is used to improve the overall tone of the body and prevent colds.
To prepare it, 1 tsp. finely chopped dry root is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, after which the mixture is infused for 15 minutes. Drink this tea 1-2 times a day instead of regular tea or coffee.

This may seem strange to many, but golden root is actively used in folk cosmetology. Thousands of women have proven that all kinds of lotions, compresses and other products help rejuvenate the skin, give it tone, natural color and silkiness, and also make it possible to normalize the condition and appearance hair.
Let's take a closer look at the most popular recipes that have been giving beauty to women for decades.

Did you know? Rhodiola is one of the few plants that can successfully exist on poor rocky islands in the Arctic Ocean.

For hair

Rhodiola rosea is most often used to combat hair loss; this product nourishes and strengthens the hair and scalp. This requires 20 drops alcohol infusion Mix the plants with 0.5 liters of grape juice. Rub the resulting solution onto the scalp, insulate the head with a towel for 40 minutes, and then rinse off. The procedure is carried out after each hygienic hair wash.

To tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles, it is useful homemade cream from this plant. To prepare it, you need 2 tsp. flax seeds and 1 tbsp. l. linden color pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. After this, add 1 tsp to the mixture. alcohol tincture golden root and bring everything to a creamy consistency.
For aging, pale and tired skin, washing with a decoction of Rhodiola helps. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. leave the raw material in 250 ml of boiling water for 1 hour, after which the mixture is filtered. Use this product to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the infusion 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Often Rhodiola rosea is no different a huge list contraindications for use, since its components have almost complete biological compatibility with humans. However, even such a safe plant has a number of restrictions on its use. Particular caution should be taken when using products based on this plant for any neurological disorders Therefore, such therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Such drugs are contraindicated in a state of overexcitation, as well as in the case of nervous breakdown, since such therapy will lead to additional excitability. Rhodiola is especially dangerous for brain damage and hypertensive crisis, autoimmune reactions and fever unknown origin, since its components can only aggravate general state. In addition, anyone who suffers from frequent headaches, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age should limit their intake of golden root.
In case of overdose of extracts of this plant, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • runny nose;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • heat in the face and chest;
  • rapid heartbeat, chest pain;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin.

Important! When allergic manifestations on the outer integument after using Rhodiola-based drugs, you should take a Suprastin, Tavegil or Claritin tablet (your choice) as soon as possible and consult a doctor.

Rhodiola rosea is a real gift of nature, which for centuries has been helping humanity cope with many ailments, and also gives a real charge of strength and positive emotions. The plant is actively used in pharmacology, alternative medicine, as well as cosmetology, like an indispensable tool for rejuvenation and tightening of the skin.

However, tinctures and extracts of golden root should be used carefully and carefully, since its highly active components are large doses can cause many disorders of organs and systems.

Nature gave us a huge number various useful plants, which at correct use can become both food and medicine. Our ancestors determined many hundreds of years ago that plant crops can be used for cooking medicinal products, preventing and eliminating various pathological conditions. Subsequently, most of the properties of these plants were confirmed by multiple scientific research. One of the most amazing medicinal qualities crops considered to be Rhodiola rosea. Popularly, such a plant is called golden root, on the basis of which a unique tincture is prepared, which we will now discuss, as well as its use and possible contraindications a little more detail.

Applications of golden root

Golden root tincture can help treat a variety of pathological conditions. This medicine helps normalize blood pressure for hypotension and relieves headaches well. The tincture can be used to correct physical or mental fatigue, as it has a wonderful invigorating and tonic effect. The medicinal composition will help cope with diabetes, as well as pulmonary tuberculosis. Golden root tincture can also be used externally to heal wounds and cuts; it can also be used to prepare lotions that eliminate skin rashes, abscesses and conjunctivitis. This drug eliminates well inflammatory processes with developing sore throat, and also corrects the most various ailments oral cavity– scurvy, periodontal disease, stomatitis, etc.

It is believed that using a tincture based Rhodiola rosea effectively eliminates ailments digestive tract. In addition, such a drug can be used in the correction of diseases genitourinary system, including uterine bleeding, as well as infertility and prostatitis. There is evidence that the use of this tincture is very effective in eliminating impotence.

The medicine obtained from the golden root will benefit patients with epilepsy, as it can significantly reduce the number of attacks of the disease. Its use is also advisable for anemia or malaria, since such a drug has an optimizing effect on circulatory processes.

It is believed that the use of golden root tincture helps to cope with various oncological lesions and helps patients with illnesses thyroid gland. Its consumption will also speed up the recovery process after chemotherapy.

This medicine can also be used in therapy increased swelling, seborrheic dermatitis and acne various localizations.

If you are going to use golden root tincture to treat the skin, then it can be applied in a slightly diluted form to problem areas. This product will have a local anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It is also possible to use the composition undiluted, but in this case it should be applied exclusively to spots. A not very strong solution of the medicine is excellent for applying lotions and for rinsing the mouth.

For those who have begun to ingest golden root, the use of the tincture should be limited to the standard duration of Rhodiola treatment of one month.

Alcohol + golden root = tincture

In order to prepare a golden root tincture on your own, you should purchase Rhodiola root.

* For the first version of the drug, combine one hundred grams of such raw materials with four hundred milliliters of ordinary vodka. Infuse this remedy in a fairly dark place for one week, then strain. Take the prepared composition approximately a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes before a meal. You should drink fifteen drops of this product at a time, dissolving them in a small amount of ordinary water. warm water.

* To make the second option, you will need a glass container of a suitable size. Fill it with dried rhodiola roots, and top it with seventy percent alcohol. It is also recommended to infuse this tincture in a fairly dark place for two to three weeks. The prepared medicine should be strained, and the plant material should be squeezed out. Take the composition one-third to half a teaspoon, dissolving it in a glass clean water. Reception can be carried out twice or thrice a day.

Does golden root have contraindications for use?

Many treatment lovers natural means They believe that there cannot be one, just like everything else on earth, this plant has restrictions on its intake. Despite the fact that Rhodiola rosea is a completely natural substance, a tincture based on it has some contraindications. So it should not be taken if your blood pressure is high. In addition, this medicine is not suitable for treating people with excessive excitability. The tincture of the drug cannot be used in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under twelve years of age.

It must be taken into account that overconsumption The drug is fraught with nervousness, and such treatment can also lead to sleep disturbances, irritability and pain in the heart area. In order to prevent the development of insomnia, it is strongly recommended to take golden root tincture at least four to five hours before planned sleep.

To take into account the contraindications of golden root in view of the consumption of other medicines, even before using Rhodiola tincture in therapeutic purposes It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. When treated with it - even more so!

Golden root has been known in folk medicine for about 2 thousand years, especially wide application he found in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Special expeditions were sent from China to Altai, where the most extensive areas of its growth were located. Local population Altai was attributed to him miraculous properties and tried to hide the places where it could be found. That's why official medicine began to study it only in the 50s of the 20th century, partly confirming the opinion about it. Currently, golden root is widely advertised and its preparations are credited with properties that cure all diseases. This is not always true, but useful properties this plant has many.

Golden root - Rhodiola rosea

Goldenseal, or Rhodiola rosea, grows in natural conditions only in a few places in the world: China, Mongolia, on mountain slopes Western Europe and the Balkans. The largest populations are found in Russia, in the far north of the European part and in the mountains of Southern Siberia. It is listed in the Red Book because the plant's range is limited, and under natural conditions, re-collection is allowed no earlier than after 10 years. Rhodiola can be grown even in garden plots, but the plant grown in its natural environment has the most medicinal properties.

The above-ground herbaceous part is used for food and added to salads, and the root is used in medicinal purposes. The color of the root, in fact, resembles bronze or old gilding and has a metallic sheen. Rhodiola rosea was named because the fresh root, infusions, and decoctions from it have the smell of rose hips, which is called rose in Latin.

Golden root: medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden root contains about 140 organic compounds, many of them are quite rare in nature. This is due to its medicinal properties. Rhodiola is superior to oak bark in terms of tannin concentration. It also contains organic acids, flavonoids, sugars, essential substances. Main active substance is the glycoside salidroside, which has a complex effect on the body:

  1. Stimulating the nervous system increases efficiency and mental activity, reduces fatigue.
  2. Protection against stress is caused by the adaptogenic properties of golden root.
  3. High immunomodulatory properties have antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Medicinal properties of golden root

Golden root, medicinal properties for men

The composition of the golden root depends on the place of growth; Rhodiola Siberian has the best medicinal properties for men, this has been proven by science. In its adaptogenic properties it is similar to ginseng and eleutherococcus, but in its effect on genital area For men, the golden root is irreplaceable. Even in the old days they treated it with its infusion impotence men, while achieving good results. U modern men health problems are often caused by:

  1. increased stress and mental stress, which lead to troubles at work, psychological incompatibility with a partner;
  2. bad environment, poor nutrition, abuse of smoking and alcohol, and even drugs;
  3. consumption large quantity medications, many of which cause a slowdown in blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  4. decrease in hormone levels with age or weight gain.

All these factors cause problems with potency, which can be solved by using preparations from golden root.

Golden root, medicinal properties for women

Because of its ability to stop bleeding, Rhodiola rosea is used for uterine bleeding, in addition, taking drugs based on it will restore menstrual cycle. As a means of regulating hormonal background, useful for menopause, it will help relieve sweating, hot flashes, and normalize sleep.

Contraindications to the use of golden root

Despite the benefits of preparations from the golden root, it is necessary to comply with the dosage, otherwise reactions such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, irritability, tremors of the limbs, and allergies are possible. Contraindications to the use of golden root are: pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypertension and vascular diseases brain, in case of alcoholism it is not recommended to use the tincture. Its use is also prohibited for children under 8 years of age. It is also necessary to take into account that due to the ability to cause a strong psychostimulating effect, it is better to use golden root preparations in the first half of the day, otherwise sleep may be disturbed.

Dry roots are stored in a dry, dark place, tinctures and extracts are stored in a dark, cool place, decoctions and infusions are best consumed immediately, at as a last resort, you can keep it in the refrigerator covered for a couple of days.

Golden root: recipes

Golden root is sold in pharmacies in a wide range medicines, and is part of different fees and dietary supplements. If desired, tinctures, infusions and decoctions can be prepared independently.

Golden root tincture

Golden root tincture has wide range applications. It can be used for diabetes, anemia, liver and stomach diseases, chronic fatigue and neuroses.

How to make golden root tincture

To prepare the tincture, the dried crushed roots are poured with vodka, placed in a dark place and left for 22 days. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered. You can also cook water infusion. To prepare, take 20 g of root per 1 liter. water, bring to a boil, place in a thermos and leave for a day, then strain. You can take less water, then the portion taken is reduced accordingly.

How to take golden root tincture

Alcohol tincture of golden root is drunk 10-15 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of administration is 20 days, then a break for 10 days, if necessary, the course is repeated.

Water tincture is taken 1 tbsp. spoon.

Golden root: decoction

A decoction of golden root is good to use for scurvy, toothache, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Preparation of golden root decoction

To prepare a decoction of golden root, 900 ml. boiling water take 1 tsp. roots, boil for 5-10 minutes. After cooling, you can drink it like tea, but no more than 2 glasses a day.

Golden root tea

A decoction of golden root is drunk like tea, adding honey or sugar, but you need to take into account that its tonic effect is superior to tea and coffee, so it is better not to drink it for more than 5 days in a row. It is better to take a break after this for a week, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Golden root in the pharmacy

Golden root is available in the pharmacy in all forms: dry root, tincture, tablets, syrup, extract, grass briquettes. It is available without a prescription, but it is still better to consult a doctor about its use.

Golden Root Extract

Golden root extract is sold in pharmacies under the name “Rhodiola extract liquid”, it is used for chronic fatigue, weakened immunity, neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases endocrine system, with low blood pressure and cancer. It is recommended to use 5-10 drops half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, diluted in a small amount of water. Continuous use for no longer than 3 weeks.

Golden root - balm

Golden root is one of the components of the non-alcoholic balm of the same name. Serves as an excellent preventive and stimulating agent that improves the quality of life by raising vitality and improving your mood. Take 1-2 tsp. 1 time per day pure form or adding to water, tea or juice. It is allowed to take from 1 to 1.5 months.

Golden root oil

Golden root oil contains aliphatic alcohols, monoterpene hydrocarbons and alcohols. Thanks to them, golden root oil has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, helps wound healing, providing an analgesic effect and relieving inflammation. In addition, it is recommended to carry out aromatherapy with this oil; it disinfects the room well and, at the same time, improves appetite and sleep in people. Just use no more than once a week.

Golden root – tablets

In addition to rhizome powder, the tablets contain ascorbic acid and rutile, excipient- cellulose. Indications are the same as for other forms. Suitable for those who prefer this dosage form. Take 2-3 tablets with meals, drinking big amount water.

Golden root: price at the pharmacy

The prices for preparations made from golden root are quite reasonable compared to the benefits this plant brings. For example, for dry root the price starts from 90 rubles. for 25 g. The extract costs no more than 300 rubles.

Golden root: use at home

Can be used at home as pharmaceutical drugs from golden root, prepared independently according to the recipes described above. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the raw materials.

Golden Root Mask

Rhodiola rosea is included in collagen and alginate face masks. Their regular use can improve complexion, rejuvenates and tones the skin due to the activation of metabolic processes in it, has a lifting effect and retains moisture. You can prepare your own cream that will have the same effect. To prepare, take 2 tsp. flax seeds and 1 tbsp. linden blossom, brew half a glass of boiling water, after cooling, add 1 tsp. tinctures. Stir well until creamy and apply to face before bed.

Golden root for hair

Rhodiola tincture can be added to shampoo, and the decoction can be used to rinse your hair after washing; this strengthens the hair well. The following mask can help get rid of hair loss: a mixture of 0.5 l. grape juice and 20 drops of tincture are rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is covered with something warm, the mask is washed off after 40 minutes.

Golden root for infertility

Golden root helps restore hormonal levels and this can help with infertility, but you should not rely on it alone, because the causes of infertility are very different.

Golden root for prostatitis

But in the treatment of sexual problems in men, the golden root demonstrates good results, all forms can be used here, but tincture is more effective.

Golden root for oncology

In oncology, a tincture of golden root in vodka is used. To prepare, take 500 g of roots and pour 500 ml. vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks with daily shaking. After infusion, strain and take 1 ml. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Golden root for joints

Using golden root to treat joints literally on the second or third day relieves pain and provides better mobility in the joints. For treatment, a tincture is used, externally - for rubbing and compresses, internally - to enhance the effect. It is recommended to do rubbing and compresses before going to bed so that the joints warm up well and the muscles around them relax.

Golden root for pressure

Golden root tincture successfully treats hypotension, i.e. low pressure. Unlike other medicines, it is prepared from natural raw materials and does not cause allergic reactions. The tincture is prepared according to the usual recipe and is used 2 times a day, half a teaspoon. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

Uses of golden root for other problems

The glycosides that make up the golden root have a positive effect on the rhythm of the heart muscle; this is used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is recommended to use herbal teas of the following composition:

  1. 1 tbsp. crushed rhodiola root, 2 tbsp. St. John's wort, yarrow, lemon balm mixed, 1 tbsp. Brew 400 ml of the resulting mixture. boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Drink the resulting tea half a glass in small sips.
  2. 1 tbsp. crushed rhodiola root, 3 tbsp. Brew hawthorn and lemon balm fruits separately with a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and combine the decoctions. Take the resulting tea between meals, a glass twice a day.

The use of golden root in the treatment of atherosclerosis gives good results. And in this case, teas prepared according to the following recipes are used:

  1. 2 tbsp. crushed golden root and yarrow herb mixed with horsetail and mistletoe herbs, hawthorn flowers, taken 1 tbsp. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and sip throughout the day. The recommended course is 1.5-2 months, then a break for the same time.
  2. For next collection 2 tbsp. spoons of golden root and St. John's wort herb are mixed with 1 tbsp. yarrow. Otherwise everything is the same as in the first recipe.

From all that has been said, it is clear that golden root is a miracle plant that brings great benefits to people.

On the banks of the Altai, Ural and Carpathian rivers grows a herbaceous perennial 40–50 cm high - Rhodiola rosea, or golden root. The plant is unpretentious and feels good in cool climates, on rocky soils, so it can be found even in the Arctic, and many supporters healthy image life grow golden root in their own gardens. The inflorescence baskets of Rhodiola are bright yellow, and it got its name due to the fact that the smell of the root is similar to the aroma of a tea rose.

The fleshy rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea have long been valued in Tibetan and Chinese medicine on par with ginseng. In the middle of the 20th century, Soviet scientists studied the plant and confirmed it healing effect. Golden root tincture – powerful immunostimulant, recognized by official medicine.

Properties of Rhodiola rosea

The golden root contains useful microelements: zinc, copper, manganese. Rhizomes are rich in flavonoids - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Fruit acids stimulate digestion, normalize cholesterol levels and speed up metabolism. Tannins provide antibacterial effect. Coumarins prevent the formation and growth of tumors. Salidroside promotes the regeneration of nerve tissue and protects the brain from premature aging.

Golden root tincture improves the condition of:

  • increased fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, inability to concentrate;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • epilepsy (relieves symptoms);
  • hearing impairment;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes (lowers blood sugar levels);
  • hypotension;
  • prostatitis;
  • decreased potency;
  • amenorrhea and early menopause;
  • joint inflammation;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chemotherapy (during treatment of cancer);
  • hair loss;
  • acne;
  • aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Golden root tincture recipe

The roots of plants at least 3 years old are used as medicinal raw materials. Golden root is dug in late August - early September. The rhizome is cleared of soil and the dark crust covering it, washed and cut into pieces 5–7 cm in length.

The root pieces are dried for 3–4 days. fresh air(in the shade), then dried in the oven at a maximum temperature of +50 °C. Dried golden root is stored in a dark place, in a cotton bag. The shelf life of medicinal raw materials is 3 years.

The purchased root must be checked for freshness. Only rhizomes with a light core are suitable for preparing the tincture. If it is dark, it means the root has lost healing properties, since it was either dried at too high temperature, or stored for too long.

For prevention, enhancing immunity and external use, 50 g of golden root is poured into 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka or diluted to 45 degrees medical alcohol. To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and reproductive systems, and epilepsy, herbalists advise infusing 100 g of root per 0.5 liter of alcohol.

Before infusion, the root is ground on a grater. The vessel with the medicine is wrapped in black opaque cloth and placed in a cool, dark place. Shake the container every day. After a month, when the tincture of golden root acquires a dark ruby ​​color, it is filtered and stored in a cool place.

Preparation and use of wine tincture

Wine tincture - effective remedy from acne, anemia. For young people under the age of 20, this form of the drug is preferable.

One and a half tablespoons of crushed golden root are poured into 200 ml of dry grape wine, infused in a cool, dark place for a month, then filtered. Take 2 times a day (morning and afternoon, half an hour before meals) half a teaspoon with a glass of water. warm water. Duration of treatment is 21 days, the next course is carried out after 10 days. After three courses you need to take a break for 1–2 months.

For acne, wash your face with baking soda in the evening, treat the affected areas with a tampon soaked in the tincture, and wash off after an hour.
Preventing diseases and increasing immunity

Even a single dose of golden root tincture restores strength, relieves drowsiness, sharpens the thought process, and helps to concentrate. A one-time use of 15–30 drops of the medicine prepared according to the first recipe (50 g of root per 0.5 liter of vodka) is recommended:

  • those who are going to work at night (for example, students during a session);
  • to get rid of the effects of severe stress;
  • with hypothermia.

For chronic fatigue, low immunity, depression and neuroses vodka tincture accepted according to the scheme:

  • the first week - 5 drops 2 times a day (morning and afternoon) half an hour before meals;
  • the second week – 10 drops 2 times a day;
  • third week - 15 drops 2 times a day. If you feel normal and your body weight exceeds 60 kg, the dose can be increased to 20 drops 2 times a day;
  • 10 days break;
  • for 21 days – 15–20 drops 2 times a day;
  • 10 days break;
  • 21 days of taking the tincture (15–20 drops 2 times a day).

After three courses you need to take a break for 1–2 months. Taking the medication according to the indicated regimen in autumn period serves as a prevention of colds. You should not drink the mixture at night: it will lead to insomnia.

Use of golden root tincture for medicinal purposes

To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, during chemotherapy and for Alzheimer's disease, use a more concentrated tincture (100 g of golden root per 0.5 liter of alcohol). Just as in the previous case, it is accepted according to the following scheme:

  • 21 days – addiction: in the first week – 3 drops 2 times a day, in the second – 6, in the third – 10;
  • break for 10 days;
  • 21 days take 10 drops 2 times a day;
  • after a 10-day break, repeat the course.

When treating epilepsy, the optimal dose per dose is 5-6 drops. Only a doctor can increase it to 20–30 drops. You cannot do this on your own, since the medicine has a stimulating effect on the patient.

For inflammation of the joints, it is useful to take the medicine with natural grape juice. The sore spots are rubbed with the tincture prepared according to the first recipe, and warm compresses are applied.

Tincture of golden root in cosmetology

To rejuvenate the skin, lotions and creams are made with Rhodiola rosea tincture. To obtain lotion, it is enough to dilute the medicine with distilled water in a ratio of 1:5. Wipe your face with the resulting liquid every evening and then lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Face cream is prepared on the basis of internal melted in a water bath. pork fat. For 1 tablespoon of tincture you will need 3 tablespoons of lard. If you add 5-10 drops of orange or grapefruit to this mixture essential oil, you will get a body cream for cellulite.

  • chicken egg yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of golden root tincture with vodka;
  • a teaspoon of castor or olive oil.

The resulting mass should be applied to the roots of the hair, wrap your head warmly, and rinse off after 2 hours.


Contraindications to taking golden root tincture:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • age up to 12 years.

In order not to harm your health, you should consult a doctor before taking Rhodiola rosea tincture.



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