Diuretic natural drug. Folk diuretics for weight loss at home

To get rid of edema, diuretic drugs are used. Diuretics folk remedies- recipes for herbal infusions that stimulate diuresis (the release of salts and water) have long been used by doctors to treat various diseases that were accompanied by fluid retention in the body tissues.

Diuretics of plant origin have found their place in modern medicine. Diuretic infusions and decoctions are often prescribed by doctors for complex therapy of the urinary tract, kidneys, liver, hypertension, radiculitis, poisoning, PMS, and heart disease.

Most doctors share the popular opinion among ordinary people that homemade diuretics have the most gentle effect on the body, having fewer contraindications than synthetic diuretics. But experts warn their patients that diuretic medicinal plants are not as harmless as they seem at first glance.

An incorrectly selected herbal diuretic for an expectant mother can cause a miscarriage.

For nephrosis and nephritis, the use of diuretic decoctions and infusions that irritate the kidneys will only increase inflammation, which will aggravate the patient’s condition.

Homemade diuretics that increase gastric secretion are contraindicated for inflammation in the organs gastrointestinal tract and with increased acidity. Therefore, you should not use diuretic herbs without consulting your doctor.

Diuretic herbal infusions, infusions of fruits and berries

The group of diuretics of plant origin includes various plants, which contain substances that have a diuretic effect that promotes the removal of fluid:

  • Medicinal herbs: bearberry (leaf), string, horsetail, orthosiphon (bud tea leaf), chamomile, dandelion (leaf, root), burdock (root), motherwort, wormwood (tops), meadow clover, oregano, blue cornflower, mint pepper, lungwort, chicory (root), wheatgrass (root), stinging nettle, knotweed, thyme (creeping thyme), plantain.
  • Berries are diuretic: common juniper, cranberry, lingonberry, viburnum, blackberry, chokeberry, strawberry, strawberry (leaf and berry), rose hip, watermelon.

The above plants are used in pure form, and in the form of various drinks, dishes, medicinal infusions and decoctions.

No. 1. Anti-inflammatory folk diuretic collection

  • horsetail, stinging nettle, fennel (fruit) - 2 parts of dry raw materials;
  • field steelweed (roots), birch (leaf) - 3 parts;
  • common yarrow, calendula flowers - 4 parts of dry raw materials;

Pour 1 large spoon with a glass of boiling water and let it brew overnight in a thermos. Then strain and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

No. 2. Collection that enhances diuresis

Take one part each of juniper berries, birch buds, dandelion root and pour a glass of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain, take one tablespoon three times a day.

No. 3. Diuretic collection

Take equal parts of nettle and lingonberry leaves, parsley seeds, horsetail grass and lemon balm. Pour three large spoons of dry raw materials into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave overnight in a thermos (at least eight hours). Take 0.5 cups after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Homemade monospices, diuretics

Drinks and foods that have a diuretic effect

Honey, watermelon and melon will become the undisputed leaders in this group of products. They are not only able to quench hunger and thirst, but also effectively eliminate edema. Pineapple, lemon, pomegranate, peach, grapes, dried apricots or apricots are also diuretic fruits recommended for dietary table patients with water retention in the body.

Which vegetables are diuretic? Quite a large number of root crops, vegetables and herbs have a diuretic effect. But the favorites among vegetables are tomatoes, eggplants, parsley leaves, dill, fennel, celery, lettuce, beets, potato tubers, asparagus, garlic, Brussels sprouts, carrots, radishes, pumpkin, cucumber. Not only vegetables are good, but also freshly squeezed juices from them. Here are a few simple recipes that will help get rid of swollen legs:

  • The juice of carrots, fresh cucumbers and beets, taken in equal proportions, will perfectly quench your thirst and remove excess fluid, enriching the body with potassium.
  • A third of a glass of celery and parsley juice will replace a diuretic tablet.
  • Delicious and healthy cocktail from juice for swelling: half a small watermelon, two peaches, half a pomegranate. Freshly prepared cocktail, take twice daily.

In addition to vegetable juices, the group of diuretic drinks includes ginger and green tea with lemon, black coffee, chicory root coffee, herbal teas with mint, oregano, thyme, and cranberry juice.

Fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, cooked with herbs - an effective diuretic. Doctors note that drinks and foods that have a diuretic effect can reduce the effect of medications, including contraceptives. These foods, fruits and vegetables in large quantities are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Homeopathic diuretics

This alternative medicine is used as aid, which does not linger in the body, causing allergic reactions and side effects. The drug is selected individually by a homeopathic physician for each patient. Homeopathy cannot become the basis of treatment, but it can stimulate human body to a speedy recovery.

For example, the drug “Diuretic” is an effective, homeopathic diuretic, effective for renal edema. Contains Arsenic 6, Apocinum 3, Apis 3. Seven granules taken before meals can significantly reduce swelling of the face, neck and bags under the eyes.

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Reviews and comments

Folk recipe for a diuretic cocktail: beer + gin + horseradish! And if you catch up with pickled watermelon, you won’t be able to get out of the toilet!

Nadezhda, I think this has nothing to do with diuretics, although they save calcium.

I drank a diuretic decoction of rose hips and I had an attack of cholelithiasis. Could this be?

When there was swelling in the lumbar region (hernia), the pain was relieved with thiazide diuretics (prescribed), the joints of the fingers began to hurt (swollen). Is this related? Thank you.

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Diuretics are prescribed to a person when there is a violation in his body of urine discharge, when there is too much large cluster fluid in the intercellular space and during the formation of edema. Diuretic compounds help lower blood pressure and remove waste and toxins. Drinking prescription diuretics traditional medicine prevents intoxication, reduces pain in the urinary system, which develops due to fluid pressure on them.

Folk diuretics from natural ingredients safer medications, they are not addictive and are considered good effective method removing excess fluid from the body.


Diuretic folk remedies are prescribed for diseases and disorders of various organs:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • problems with passing urine;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis in acute form;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • severe swelling due to heart failure;
  • intoxication due to alcohol dependence, use of poisons, potent medications;
  • arterial hypertension, accompanied by swelling of the legs;
  • BPH;
  • lumbosacral form of radiculitis;
  • joint pathologies;
  • swelling in pregnant women.

Sometimes diuretics of traditional medicine are used for complex therapy for obesity, because stagnant water has Negative influence with excess body weight, provoking increased fat deposition and cellulite formation. In general, diuretic herbs are a good prevention of the causes of edema, treatment of kidney pathologies, as they quickly cleanse the body of toxic substances, which are deposited with fluid in the cells.

Which diuretic folk remedies are suitable for swelling?

Edema does not form as an independent pathology, but for their safe treatment, you will need to find the underlying cause. Swelling can be external or internal. They can be very dangerous to health, so it is important timely diagnosis and condition correction. When not to take medications, folk diuretics are an alternative for edema. Effective folk recipes must be selected together with a specialist.

For pregnant

A pregnant woman is forbidden to drink drugs in large quantities, so as not to harm the unborn child. With edema and inflammation, folk remedies on herbs, compotes, natural juices and fruit drinks with diuretic properties in any trimester of pregnancy. It is recommended to include in the diet more foods with fiber content (vegetables, fruits), still water, reduce the amount of salt.
The most suitable folk recipes for edema in pregnant women include:

It is necessary to use folk diuretics during pregnancy carefully, incorrect dosages can harm the health of a woman and a child. Before use, you should consult a doctor and get his permission.

Parsley roots, strawberries and juniper berries are prohibited for pregnant women, as they cause strong contractions of the uterus.

From high blood pressure

Thanks to traditional medicine recipes, you can successfully treat swelling that occurs when high blood pressure. The most best recipes homemade diuretics for hypertension:

Remedy for bruises

When treating bruises and bruises at home, it is recommended to use folk diuretics that speed up recovery.
A folk remedy such as water with the addition of natural apple cider vinegar - 1 spoon per 1 glass of water - has a good effect on hematomas. The diet should include following products: tomatoes, oats, parsley, beets, juniper berries.

Drinking the following drinks will help speed up treatment:

  • green tea;
  • dandelion tea;
  • decoction of cherry stalks.

To speed up recovery, you can brew the following folk remedies for bruises and bruises:

  1. Nettle leaves, plantain, rose hips, St. John's wort in equal proportions. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and let them brew for an hour. Drink the entire amount per day.
  2. Licorice and lovage roots, juniper berries. Mix herbs in equal quantities, pour a tablespoon into a glass of cool spring water, let it brew for several hours. Now boil the solution for a quarter of an hour and strain. Drink it 5 times a day, a quarter of a glass.

Safe weight loss

You won’t be able to successfully lose weight without a elimination phase. excess water from the body. Thanks to cleaning with folk diuretics at home, swelling subsides, the entire body is cleansed of toxins, well-being is normalized, mood and performance are improved.

How to treat swelling

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in tissues. They are classified into 2 types: renal and cardiac. In case of problems with the heart, when the myocardium ceases to fulfill the load placed on it, blood flow slows down, and fluid enters through the vascular walls into the surrounding tissues, edema occurs. Usually due to gravity they move towards bottom part body, legs.

Renal edema forms throughout the body in the subcutaneous tissue. A fruit and vegetable diet helps to quickly remove swelling. Particularly useful for Bladder, kidneys, include the following diuretic foods in your diet: cabbage, cucumbers, lemon with honey, boiled potatoes, parsley.

For cardiac edema, the method of fasting apple-curd days is used to remove excess fluid. you need to eat 600 - 800 g of apples, 300 - 400 g of cottage cheese per day. In case of severe swelling, the diet is carried out for 5 days.

Another effective folk remedy is 30–50 drops of calendula tincture 3 times a day before meals. The course of therapy is 1 month. This treatment activates the heart, removes toxins and eliminates swelling. Herbal infusions also work well.

Diuretic juices

Diuretic juices are healthy and tasty: from carrots, pumpkin, pineapples, apples, rowan berries, cherries, apricots, grapes and beets. It is permissible to mix them with each other.
Radish juice is considered an excellent folk diuretic for edema. You need to drink pure juice, a small spoon before meals, 30 minutes.
Decoctions of rose hips - a glass twice a day - are good for relieving swelling.

Vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect

The most famous diuretic vegetable is the tomato. It activates kidney function and restores salt balance. But in case of serious diseases of the organ, tomatoes should be completely abandoned, since they contain oxalic acid, which accumulates in the kidneys and forms stones.

In this case, tomatoes can be replaced with cucumbers. They are also known for their diuretic effect.

Lemons, oranges, limes and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, making them a good diuretic at home. At proper organization diet and treatment according to traditional medicine recipes, you can restore health without taking medications.

Lemon diuretic

Lemon, as a diuretic, has been used since ancient times to treat poisoning and fever. The fruit helps accelerate the elimination of toxins during intoxication. Juice, peel and pulp of citrus fruits help:

  • remove puffiness;
  • remove cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels;
  • cleanse the kidneys of sand and small stones;
  • reduce blood pressure and lose weight.

Plants are diuretics

Diuretic herbs can be bought in ready-made form in pharmacies, so it is very easy to prepare folk remedies for varicose veins and other pathological conditions. Infusions and decoctions are mixed in different combinations and proportions. For each reason for stagnation, fluid can be removed from the body according to a folk recipe, which must be discussed with a doctor without self-medication. Plants can be used individually or in collections - this way they have a stronger diuretic effect.

Plants for diuretics at home are often used in combination with other treatment methods hypertension. They will allow you to remove excess fluid, which causes an increase in blood pressure. It is important to take into account the fact that some herbs are a contraindication to certain diagnoses. The most suitable plants for treatment and achieving diuretic results are:


Nettle decoction is often used as a diuretic. This folk recipe is suitable for various pathological conditions - infections, inflammation in the kidneys, swelling.

To prepare the decoction you need to take 4 tablespoons of nettle and 1 liter of water.
The plant is poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool, strain the broth, drink this folk remedy 4 times a day, half a glass.


Chamomile decoctions and infusions are used as diuretics due to the beneficial microelements contained in the plant.

It has an intense diuretic effect, but for this it is important to properly prepare a decoction with it: add 2 tablespoons of chamomile and pour 200 ml of water. It is necessary to darken the mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, insist one hour. Drink 50 ml 3 times per day.


Horsetail is a powerful natural diuretic. The plant contains silicic acid, organic acids, and tannins, due to which it has a particularly good effect on the body of hypertensive patients.

To mix the infusion according to a traditional medicine recipe, take 4 tablespoons of horsetail and 2 glasses of water. The herb is placed in a thermos, into which boiling water is poured, infused, and filtered. A day should drink 100 ml 2-3 times.

Compresses prepared from the leaves of medicinal plants

There are a large number of folk recipes for compresses that help relieve swelling, based on medicinal plants. They have different effects and indications, so it is better to consult a specialist before use.

Compress for swelling

Fluid retention is a common problem modern people. The most effective compresses according to traditional medicine recipes to cure such swelling include:


It is allowed to be used in as a last resort, especially for the face. It is highly effective, but has many contraindications. For cooking, take 2 liters of boiling water and 45 g of table salt.
Salt is dissolved in water, a towel is soaked in the solution and applied to the area of ​​swelling, a dry towel should be placed on top and kept there until it cools. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.


This is also an effective compress recipe that quickly reduces swelling. You need to take a small spoonful of baking soda and 150 ml of strong brewed tea.
The powder is dissolved in the tea leaves, then a cotton cloth is soaked in it and applied to the affected area for 5 minutes.

With mumiyo

This is another way to get rid of fluid and stop swelling. For a compress, you need 3 g of whole mummy and half a glass of boiled water. Mumiyo is dissolved in warm water, gauze is soaked in it, and applied to the swelling. It is recommended to leave the compress on overnight.

Traditional medicine with cabbage leaves

Cabbage leaves in folk medicine for compresses against swelling help relieve pain and discomfort, eliminate excess fluid.

For cooking you will need:

  • cabbage leaf;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • boiling water;
  • bandage.

To prepare a folk remedy, you need to take a leaf and dip it in boiling water for a little while to soften it, then put it in oil and leave for an hour; before applying it to the swelling, the leaf is poured with juice. It is better to do all the manipulations before going to bed in order to leave the compress overnight, additionally securing it with a bandage.

Compress for varicose veins

Compresses for varicose veins at home help relieve unpleasant itching, burning, strengthen vascular walls, make lymph thinner, preventing thrombophlebitis. Properly taken medications against varicose veins will help achieve the following results:

  • relieve leg pain;
  • restore damaged capillaries, arteries and veins, making them elastic;
  • make the meshes and stars from the vessels invisible;
  • decrease varicose veins and darkening of the skin;
  • relieve fatigue after long stress.

The most effective folk remedies for varicose veins include:

Compress for bruises

A bruise is a common household injury. This damages the muscles and connective tissue, blood vessels, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised. In case of injury, you need to relieve pain and take measures as quickly as possible to prevent the formation of a hematoma, and folk remedies for bruises in compresses are well suited for this.

Works well Apple vinegar. To relieve swelling from a bruise, heat it up, add the same amount of water, a small teaspoon of salt and soda. All components must be completely dissolved. Gauze is soaked in the resulting home remedy and applied to the bruise for half an hour. This home remedy for bruises will help them resolve faster.

The use of diuretic drugs according to traditional medicine prescriptions is possible only with the permission of a doctor. Funds provide positive influence only when prepared and used strictly according to recipes, while maintaining healthy image life. Selection rules good funds and the duration of the course of diuretics should be discussed in advance with a specialist.

Excessive swelling of the limbs is the first signal that it is necessary to act promptly, because the accumulation of excess fluid and salts in the body threatens to cause disruptions in the functioning of some organs. Get rid of of this disease This is possible through high-quality diuretics, purchased at a pharmacy or made with your own hands. They help restore water-salt balance and also prevent the appearance of swelling.

The greatest need for taking these medications is experienced by people whose swelling is a consequence of diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys or heart. However, many refuse various reasons, from taking pharmaceutical diuretics, for fear of adverse reactions, the likelihood of which is quite high. But there is an excellent alternative - folk diuretics made at home, which have only a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, it is advisable to review the list of the most effective recipes and determine which fruits, vegetables or herbs are used as diuretics.

Watermelons, melons, cucumbers - precisely with the help of such available products You can get rid of puffiness in the summer. In addition, they can become the basis for fasting days, perfectly satisfy hunger and speed up the process of burning extra pounds. Consequently, through pleasant-tasting fruits, berries and vegetables, you can not only get rid of excess fluid, but also lose weight and normalize blood pressure.

Cranberry is an excellent assistant in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system and swelling. It is this berry that has a diuretic effect and is endowed with antimicrobial properties, so consuming it will not only overcome the disease, but also saturate the body with valuable substances.

Preparing a folk diuretic based on cranberries is quite simple: you need to mash 2 cups of cranberries with 30 g of sugar, then combine it with 200 ml of water, boil, filter and the decoction is ready. You need to drink it like tea; this drink is especially beneficial for pregnant women, since they are the ones who suffer from edema and need vitamins.

Plants that have a diuretic effect

For clarity, the best natural diuretics should be presented in the form of a list:

Infusion of knotweed and birch leaves: having mixed the two main ingredients in equal proportions, separate 1 teaspoon of the mixture from the total mass, place it in a prepared container and add a glass of water. Boil for 25 minutes, infusion time - 30 minutes. The ready-made infusion should be consumed after waking up in the morning, as well as in the evening. Single dose- half a glass.

Infusion of horsetail: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the herb and let it brew. Take 150 ml.

A good diuretic for pressure and swelling is a tincture of onion peels: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed peels with a glass of vodka and let it brew for a week. Strain and drink 30 drops at a time twice a day.

Infusion of dill seeds: to get an effective diuretic, you just need to pour a tablespoon of seeds into 200 ml of boiling water. Single dose - 1 tablespoon.

Many herbal and other diuretics, in addition to their main action of removing toxins from the body, also remove many useful substances. Rosehip is not one of them, since it itself adds a lot of useful substances to the body. As a diuretic, they drink a decoction of it: 3 tablespoons of rose hips are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused. Drink a glass at a time throughout the day.

Juices are a strong and safe diuretic.

Beet juice: beet juice will help cope with swelling, improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver. And in combination with plum and celery juice, beet juice also activates the process of losing weight.

Birch sap: to get rid of excess fluid in the body, you need to drink at least 100 ml of birch sap per day.

Either separately or mixed, you can take juices from carrots, viburnum, pumpkin - it is through the use of these ingredients that you can prepare healing drink and drink it half a glass at a time.

Thus, there are a lot of natural folk remedies from which effective diuretics can be prepared.


The most effective folk diuretics

Folk diuretics are part of the “diuretics” group. They are widely used not only in folk medicine, but are also not alien to professionals. Antiseptics, analgesics, diuretics are generalized groups of drugs familiar to everyone. They conveniently divide medications into groups of problems that a person often faces.

As they have a milder effect compared to synthetic drugs, they are often prescribed by a doctor as an additional, auxiliary, gentle therapy.

Everything is poison and everything is medicine, everything depends only on the dose. Folk diuretics are medicinal plants, products and their combinations.

Who should take diuretics and when?

The main problem that diuretics solve is the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues or swelling. Diuretic folk remedies for edema are widely used in combination with other medications. They are used in postoperative period, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for hypertension and heart failure and other ailments.

Folk diuretics for hypertension are very effective and help combat this incredibly common disease.

When it comes to diseases of the cardiovascular system, diuretics play a dual role. Firstly, they relieve swelling. Secondly, they reduce the amount of blood in the body and thereby reduce blood pressure. Taken for no reason, they have the same properties, but as side effects. Fluid is removed from the body in other ways: with tears, saliva and sweat.

What foods have a strong diuretic effect?

Drugs from the “diuretics” group are not the same. They each have their own characteristics. Therefore, their use is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. But diuretics should not be taken too seriously. After all, coffee is the favorite drink of many. It is important to know this feature of it. When consumed frequently, such products create additional load on the body, change it, while remaining unnoticed.

Foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect:

  • coffee;
  • milk;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • ginger;
  • unrefined almond oil;
  • watermelon.

The kidneys ensure the removal of salt, excess fluid, waste, toxins, and decay products. It is customary to distinguish 2 main stages in this process. First, the fluid obtained from everything eaten and drunk enters the renal corpuscles and accumulates there. This is primary urine or glomerular ultrafiltrate - the first stage. In the future, some of the substances from the primary urine can get back into the blood. The process is called reabsorption. The formation of secondary urine, the second stage, completes the process of urination.

Diuretics stop reabsorption. Substances such as potassium, sodium, chlorine are more actively excreted from the body. They do not have time to return back to the blood for further synthesis. This creates a certain background. It can have a beneficial effect on a person by itself or provide the most healing effect in comparison with other drugs. the main objective the use of diuretics is a violation of the natural, initially healthy process in cells, tissues, organs, organ systems. It may be dangerous.

While taking diuretics, the load on the kidneys increases and the volume of fluid directed “in the wrong direction” decreases.

Folk diuretics used for facial swelling are designed to have a mild diuretic effect on the body.

Diuretic for weight loss

The diuretic is not included in the diet menu for weight loss. Not all weight loss medications contain components with diuretic properties. But some of them contain. And this is effective even according to doctors.

The absence of synthetic components in herbal products reduces the risk of addiction and dependence. This is their advantage. They are often preferred. And yet, folk remedies for weight loss are not the same as diuretics, nor are they identical to laxatives. Traditional medicine offers many other options.

Why are diuretics needed when losing weight?

Rapid removal of fluid present in the body complete man in large quantities, is a means for weight loss, a step towards recovery:

  1. Diuretics for weight loss are a good way to avoid cardio training and exercise.
  2. decline physical activity has a bad effect on water balance and the cardiovascular system.
  3. An obese person tends to cool off by sweating.
  4. The body often sees benefits to cooling itself and prefers sweating to urination.
  5. By limiting the amount of fluid consumed, the risk of deterioration in kidney function increases.
  6. Obese people are prone to swelling.

Sometimes diuretics are suitable for weight loss better than sports. The national heritage - the Russian bathhouse - is also fading into the background. It all depends on the amount of extra pounds and whether we are talking about overweight or morbid obesity, what is the state of health. Of course, in ideal It is better to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor. But the use regular products With such properties, no doctor will simply prohibit it. Diuretics for weight loss will immediately improve the situation, the person will immediately feel better.

At the same time, a diuretic for weight loss is 100% a myth. Loss of fluid does not destroy fat cells. As soon as the fluid is no longer rapidly removed from the body, the fat cells will be able to restore their structure.

Diuretics from traditional medicine and weight loss products are sold without a prescription. They are too mild to cause serious harm if a person is vigilant and takes these drugs seriously. It is believed that there is no harm from them if you follow the instructions.

When buying a diuretic for weight loss, choosing it from the list of folk remedies for weight loss, making a conscious choice, it is worth indicating the degree of completeness. If completeness does not go beyond classical formula"height in centimeters - 100 = ideal weight“, then there are no health problems, it’s better to get involved in sports.

Who should avoid diuretics and when?

An absurd complaint about a sometimes swollen face in the morning is unlikely to be a reason for any sane person to see a doctor. In this case, no one will ask to take time off from work or call an ambulance. But! If it seems that this is a symptom, with any symptom you can contact a private diagnostic center and take a general tests. It is better to take care of your own awareness. What if, combined with the results obtained, such an absurd complaint is a compelling reason for the therapist to take the problem carefully and seriously? An absurd symptom in combination with initial diagnosis- the first step towards treatment.

The main contraindication for taking diuretics from official and traditional medicine is kidney disease. Kidney diseases, as the direct source of the problem, often require medications, diets, long-term treatment, and long-term rehabilitation. Without help good doctor not enough.

Diuretics for kidney disease can contribute to wear and tear of the organ, its “fatigue”, since natural processes will be violated.

A contraindication would be regular attempts to relieve any symptom, absolutely any, while ignoring the source of the problem. Avoiding meeting with the cause, you will have to wait for its initiative.

It is prohibited to use diuretics during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. This is dangerous for both mother and child. They will create additional risk. Diuretics, especially traditional medicines, sometimes have abortifacient properties.

Diuretic folk remedies for edema

Not always relevant. Not always effective. However, in situations of unexpected stress, sudden overload, when swelling is severe, they become a lifesaver. Eliminating swelling is very important. So in the postoperative period, in order not to spoil the quality of the sutures, to avoid tissue necrosis and other complications, they can be prescribed as an auxiliary remedy.

Types of swelling:

  • postoperative swelling (all other swelling resulting from damage to the body cannot be treated with diuretics!);
  • swelling of the legs (folk remedies for swelling of the legs are, first of all, drugs for external use, exercises, massage, but depending on the etiology, diuretics may be relevant);
  • swelling of the face (diuretics will be effective if the cause is known).

The diuretic effect is exerted by:

  • lingonberry leaves;
  • centaury;
  • Birch buds;
  • bearberry;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • chicory.

Folk diuretics for facial swelling will quickly eliminate symptoms. Prolonged tissue deformation is harmful.

Homeopathy and diuretics

Diuretics can also be found in homeopathy. Should we take them seriously? Will they have a strong effect? Can they be used as a weight loss aid? Only the right drug chosen by the doctor will give the desired effect.

Homeopathy is an ancient science, not much loved by man, but still effective. The world of homeopathic influence is the space of the mind, the highest nervous activity and central nervous system, as well as the harmony of their influence on the body and the influence of the body on them. Having tried this option of diuretics, it is easy and simple to satisfy your curiosity without risking anything.


Use diuretic herbs and you won’t have any problems with your kidneys

Often, with certain diseases and conditions of the body, excess fluid accumulates in its tissues. In such cases, of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor. But often water is retained due to eating harmful products nutrition, plenty of salt and liquid.

The most interesting thing is that the lack of water consumption also leads to its accumulation, which inevitably results in swelling, bags under the eyes and weight gain. There are safe folk diuretics that will help get rid of accumulated fluid in the tissues.

A collection of traditional medicine recipes

The best and most proven diuretics are some vegetables and fruits, as well as medicinal herbs. In most cases, the following recipes can be easily prepared at home.

1. In summer, it is easiest to eat natural diuretics such as watermelon, melon, and cucumbers. To get a greater effect, you can do fasting days with them once a week. The result will be noticed immediately.

2. In spring, birch sap will help remove water from tissues.

3. Cranberry has an excellent diuretic effect. And the additional antimicrobial and other healing properties of the berry make it indispensable in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system and edema.

4. If there are no problems with the kidneys, eating a large amount of tomatoes will expel all excess fluid from the body.

5. Natural remedy Lemon is also considered. This citrus will relieve edema, remove all fine sand from the kidneys and gallbladder.

6. Edema and swelling of the face with hypertension will quickly remove a portion of fresh strawberries. She will reduce blood pressure, will remove excess fluid and cholesterol, which is harmful to the body.

You can quickly get rid of swelling not only by using pharmacological agents, but also with the help of folk recipes. Watermelon and cucumbers are considered natural diuretics, the main thing is that these fruits are environmentally friendly. Otherwise, the swelling will go away, but other problems will appear.

Infusions and decoctions of cranberries, lingonberries, cornflowers, rosehips also do an excellent job with such a nuisance. In the spring, use another remedy - birch sap, which will not only remove excess liquid, but also relieve you of toxins. However, the mentioned means cannot be used long time, because with urine you also lose useful microelements.

7. Parsley and celery have excellent effects. When consumed, swelling, bags go away and the kidneys are cleansed.

8. Among vegetables, beets have the most powerful diuretic properties. Its juice improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Combined with celery and plum juice - this is excellent home remedy for weight loss.

9. Brussels sprouts remove excess fluid from body tissues.

10. Carrots and juice from them are a good natural diuretic, remove bags under the eyes, and relieve inflammation in the kidneys.

11. Green tea is a natural diuretic. In addition, it fights infections in the body, stops the development of many diseases, reduces bad cholesterol.

12. If you have fluid retention, you should drink ginger tea with lemon. This drink also helps burn extra calories.

13. Perfectly removes excess water from body tissues - sauna. But it is contraindicated during pregnancy. But how to remove excess fluid from the body for pregnant women, read here.

14. It is useful to drink an infusion of birch leaves. You should take 2 full tablespoons of raw material and pour it into a full glass hot water. After 30 minutes, add a little soda to the infusion. Drink: a teaspoon.

15. Good effect has a compote made from apple peels. They drink it like tea.

16. Onion peel is used as a diuretic and also as a blood pressure reliever. To prepare the medicine, take 2 tablespoons of crushed husks and pour vodka over it. You will need 200 ml. After a week, filter the tincture into a separate bottle and consume 30 drops twice a day.

17. It is useful to drink a decoction of lingonberries for swelling. To prepare it, both berries and leaves of the plant are taken.

18. Use cornflower tincture to reduce swelling. Along the way, this tincture treats the kidneys and bladder. You can use these recipes to cleanse your bladder.

19. A powerful diuretic effect is observed when taking dill seeds. To prepare the product, take a tablespoon of seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Drink the infusion one tablespoon at a time.

20. Plantain has a good reputation as a diuretic. A decoction is prepared from it and 50 ml is taken.

21. Horsetail is also used to get rid of excess water in the body. A full tablespoon of the raw material is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Drink 150 ml of the product.

24. An effective remedykidney tea. Pour 6 tablespoons of the plant into a liter of boiling water. Drink warm. Norm: 100 ml before meals.

Despite the fact that folk diuretics are considered the safest, in comparison with medical chemicals, they should be used with extreme caution and best of all - under the supervision of the attending physician.


Diuretic herb

Every day, the best diuretic herbs are increasingly used in the treatment of ailments. Unlike drug treatment, herbal medicine does not bring severe harm the body, but, on the contrary, enriches it with useful compounds. Herbs perform several functions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, there are diaphoretic properties. Despite their mild effect, the effect of the treatment lasts long enough and the herbs almost do not cause adverse reactions.

General information about herbs

When a person has a strong accumulation of fluid in cells and tissues, edema appears due to various reasons. They appear in an absolutely healthy population that eats too salty food, drink a lot of water before going to bed. A person’s lack of sleep, his being in the heat and the period of pregnancy also affect. The appearance and manifestation of edema indicates the development of some kind of disease.

Edema can be of several types: renal, hepatic, cardiac and allergic. Diuretics are used to cleanse the body of excess fluid. But herbs can also cope with swelling. Even in ancient times, people collected various plants and compiled medicinal prescriptions, which are increasingly used these days. Safe herbs that have diuretic properties are mint, parsley, dandelions and nettle roots. Fennel is a diuretic plant that stimulates kidney function and has no contraindications even for pregnant women. Nettle roots promote better renal work and remove inflammatory processes.

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How herbs work

Thanks to the use of diuretic herbs, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is prevented and relieved. There are herbs that have a disinfectant effect, which consists in destroying pathogenic bacteria that enter the urinary system. In addition, inflammation is relieved and the urinary tract is cleared of the products of the inflammatory process.

Diuretics have different principles actions. An increased process of urine excretion occurs when the action of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase decreases, during the synthesis of acidic substances, due to altered osmotic pressure, weakening reabsorption in the channels of the kidneys. In some cases, the enzyme affects the regulation of hormones in water and salt metabolic processes.

Kidney herbs are used for cystitis, urethritis and other infectious diseases.

Application kidney herbs prescribed during the period of such types of ailments as:

  • puffiness that appeared with renal failure;
  • heart failure, in which shortness of breath and swollen areas appear;
  • cystitis, urethritis and other infectious diseases, which are characterized by acute and chronic form leakage;
  • appearance chronic glomerulonephritis in remission period;
  • hypertensive disease, in which there is an accumulation of fluid;
  • food poisoning or harmful substance, after which poison and toxic compounds are removed from the body.
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Basic rules for taking diuretic herbs

Patients are accustomed to using decoctions or infusions twice a day, but the use of diuretic herbs has some nuances. First of all, they are consumed before 16:00, because after taking them, increased fluid secretion will begin, and at night this only brings discomfort and the patient cannot rest properly. In this case, it is necessary to observe the dosage, because, otherwise, the goal will not be achieved. Diuretics are taken to prevent the development of dependence and to maintain an effective effect.

But at the same time, diuretic herbs remove potassium, as a result of which, to restore it in the body, the patient must include dried apricots and avocados, which contain a trace element, in the diet. Herbal use is just as serious medicinal method, like drug therapy, therefore they are used according to the instructions that the attending physician will prescribe, taking into account individual characteristics patient and the composition of diuretic herbs, their types. If necessary, the patient is tested or undergoes comprehensive examination to monitor the reactions of the body. You can not stop the therapeutic process on your own.

In case of nephrosis, the use of herbs that irritate the renal parenchyma is prohibited.

If the patient has previously been diagnosed with nephritis or nephrosis, taking herbs that irritate the renal parenchyma is prohibited. For better quality therapeutic effect recommend doing medicinal fees, which cope better with ailments than decoctions or infusions from one plant. But still, during the treatment process, on the doctor’s recommendation, breaks are taken so that the body does not get used to the components.

The accumulation of fluid in the body can be caused by many diseases and pathological conditions. Swelling appears unnoticed, gradually spreading and causing a lot of inconvenience. But this is only in the initial stages, because then a feeling of fullness begins throughout the body, pasty skin, a feeling of heaviness and bad feeling. This indicates the development of a reaction that requires immediate intervention.

Folk diuretics are able to quickly and safely remove excess fluid from the body, improving general health patient.

Indications for the use of folk remedies for edema

Diuretics are prescribed for:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urinary retention;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis in acute form;
  • kidney stones;
  • severe swelling that occurs with heart failure;
  • intoxication due to alcohol dependence, after consuming poisons, medications;
  • arterial hypertension, which is accompanied by swelling in the legs;
  • lumbosacral form of sciatica;
  • joint pathologies;
  • edema in pregnant women.

Often nutritionists include diuretics in complex therapy in case of obesity, when stagnation of water has a negative impact on well-being and provokes increased fat deposition. Diuretics of natural origin cope well with the causes of edema, quickly cleansing the body of toxins and other pathological elements.

Excellent, safe and delicious means, capable of removing accumulated fluid from the body, are familiar products food that can be used at home.

✔ Watermelon, melon, cucumbers, which can be included in dietary food or consumed on fasting days will help quickly get rid of large amounts of water in tissues and organs.

✔ Cranberry has excellent diuretic properties, providing additional antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

✔ Tomatoes can be an excellent remedy for relieving swelling in the legs.

✔ Lemon will get rid of excess fluid, remove sand from the kidneys and bladder.

Portion of fresh strawberries will help reduce facial swelling. Berries help lower blood pressure and remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

✔ Parsley and celery cleanse the kidneys and quickly remove fluid from the body.

✔ Beetroot and its juice improve kidney and liver function, being excellent means for weight loss.

✔ Brussels sprouts helps get rid of swelling of tissues and internal organs.

✔ Carrots and their juice are excellent diuretics.

Green tea , ginger tea with lemon, infusion of birch leaves, birch sap - these drinks will become real helpers in the fight against swelling.

For weight loss

Folk recipes use both individual herbs and herbal mixtures of several useful ingredients. The following plants have a high effect: birch buds, chamomile and linden flowers, immortelle, nettle, mint, rose hips, lovage root, burdock, parsley, chicory, plantain leaves, lingonberries, St. John's wort, marshmallow, corn silk, horsetail, oregano.

Here are a few recipes that will help remove excess moisture from the body:

Wash and dry 8-10 parsley sprigs, chop finely and pour a glass of milk. Pour into a mold and place in the oven to evaporate half of the liquid at a temperature of 200°C. Cool the composition and squeeze. Drink 50 ml infusion every hour.

2 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of lingonberry leaves and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Place on the fire and boil, keeping it on the fire for another 3 minutes after boiling. Use the finished broth throughout the day, dividing it into 5 equal parts.

3 tbsp. spoons of dried barberry pour 1 liter of boiled water. Place on low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for 2 hours. Take another container and pour 2 g of vanilla and 2 g of regular sugar into it, pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Pour the mixture into the decoction, consume 50 ml of the product before each meal.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed dandelion roots pour 1 glass of water. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes, then leave overnight. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons twice a day before meals.

Traditional diuretics for hypertension

There are several effective recipes that can quickly cope with hypertension:

  • Prepare 1 lemon, 2 glasses of cranberries, 2 glasses of beet juice, 250 g of honey and a glass of vodka. Combine all ingredients and leave for 2-3 hours. Take 1 spoon three times a day on an empty stomach.
  • ½ cup of honey and 1 raw grated beet are mixed and consumed before meals three times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • 10 walnuts, 1 kg of onions, 100 g of honey and 100 g of vodka are mixed and infused for 10 days. The product is consumed 1 tablespoon three times a day.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy – special condition, during which familiar foods, nuts and herbs can cause irreparable harm to the mother and her baby. Sometimes the faintest aroma from herbal mixture A severe allergic reaction may occur that will require immediate medical attention.

The safest are collections from bearberry leaves, licorice rhizomes, rose hips, and cornflower flowers. These plants are safe for expectant mother. They have a mild diuretic effect and nourish the body with useful substances: they contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, tannins, carotene and pectin.

For heart failure

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are often accompanied by swelling of the legs, abdomen, buttocks and lumbar region. Therapy with decongestants in this case should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. Be sure to follow all the specialist’s recommendations in order not only to eliminate swelling, but also to influence its cause.

Recipe No. 1. Take 1 tablespoon of birch buds, juniper fruits, horsetail. Pour the mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and consume 150 ml twice a day.

Recipe No. 2. Take 2 teaspoons of yarrow herb, place in a thermos and pour 200 ml of boiling water for two hours. Take 100 ml before meals.

Recipe No. 3. Drink 200 ml of freshly brewed rosehip tea daily.

During therapy you need to follow these recommendations:

use diuretics in the morning;

if the composition does not bring the desired effect, you should consult a doctor;

should be avoided fatty foods, pickles and alcohol, which reduce the effect of diuretics.

The age-old wisdom of nature has given man everything he needs to dare to recover from the most various ailments. So, diuretic herbs for edema will not only improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, but also cleanse urinary tract, improving their cross-country ability. Many plants have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antihistamine properties.

Here are some simple and effective recipes:

⚫ Grind chopped rose hips, St. John's wort, plantain, bearberry and nettle in equal proportions, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (600 ml) over it. Leave until completely cool, strain and take 200 ml three times a day.

⚫ Take juniper fruits, lovage and licorice root in equal proportions. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 200 ml of water and leave for 7 hours. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes, strain and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

⚫ Pour boiling water (2 cups) over greens and parsley root (1 cup) and leave for 12 hours. Add lemon juice of one fruit and take 70 ml twice a day. following diagram: 2 days on - 3 days off until swelling decreases.

⚫ Grind lingonberry leaves and brew in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of boiling water. Drink this tea 4 times a day.

⚫ Pour chopped burdock root (3 tablespoons) into 1 liter of boiling water and put on fire until ½ of the liquid evaporates. Cool until warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey and take 200 ml at night.

Diuretic herb for kidneys

If you have kidney disease, you should not abuse diuretics, and you should get your doctor's approval before starting treatment. The main list of plants that are usually recommended for use for pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney swelling and other complex ailments includes bearberry and horsetail. A decoction is prepared from them in the proportions of 1 tablespoon of raw material per 300 ml of water, to be consumed 2-3 times a day.

At urolithiasis You can prepare the following remedy: mix parsley, strawberries, lingonberry leaves and carrot seeds in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon and leave until cool. Take the entire portion at once in the morning or afternoon before meals during exacerbations.


Choosing diuretics on your own can be harmful. This is due to the active effect of herbal preparations on the body and the provision wide range actions that the patient may not be aware of. Before starting therapy, you should consult a specialist.

General contraindications to the use of diuretics in traditional medicine:

× individual intolerance to the components of the fees;

× BPH;

× nephrosis/nephritis.

Mandatory doctor's permission is required:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • sick diabetes mellitus 1 type;
  • patients with chronic diseases heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

Only careful attention to your health will help cure illnesses without harming the body.

Diuretics are included in the treatment of many diseases. Traditional recipes provide a large selection of techniques and methods that have a diuretic effect on the body.

Excess fluid accumulates in the body for various reasons, but it must be removed. Exist special drugs, affecting the human body in such a way that water is recycled.

Medicines have side effects, and many people prefer natural remedies chemical drugs, therefore they use traditional methods getting rid of excess fluid.

Diuretics are always prescribed according to indications. Many diseases can retain water in the body; a person’s condition can worsen if there is a lot of fluid in the body.

Diseases requiring diuretics

  1. Arterial hypertension;
  2. Cardiovascular diseases;
  3. Sodium retention;
  4. Kidney failure;
  5. Ascites;
  6. Osteoporosis;
  7. Glaucoma;
  8. Edema;
  9. cirrhosis;
  10. Pregnancy;
  11. Excess weight.

Depending on the patient's condition, he requires diuretics of varying strengths. For many ailments, you can get by with drugs that are weak in this regard, and some diseases require large volumes of fluid removal. Like medicines, folk remedies also vary in the intensity of their effect on the body.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes active therapy, which means constant use of strong diuretics. Sometimes patients are prescribed maintenance therapy, which means the patient must constantly take weak diuretics.


Diuretics not only have beneficial effects, they can also have harmful influences on the body. First of all, you need to take into account that, along with excess fluid, they are washed out of the body. necessary substances- potassium, calcium, magnesium and others.

How stronger effect diuretic drug, the more the body will lose beneficial trace elements. When taking such medications regularly, it is necessary to replenish lost substances with a complex of vitamins. Some diseases also serve as contraindications to taking diuretics.

Diseases - contraindications for diuretics:

  • decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypokalemia;
  • respiratory failure;
  • acute renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • ventricular arrhythmia;
  • heart failure (with caution).

Chronic use of diuretics can worsen the course of many diseases. Only a doctor can understand specific situation, and decide on the need to take diuretics.

  1. Before using one or another folk remedy that has a diuretic effect, you need to carefully study all its effects on the body;
  2. Before drinking any herbal preparation, you should consult your doctor;
  3. Every natural natural remedy has a short shelf life when prepared, so you need to carefully monitor so that such medicine does not spoil;
  4. Anyone can have an allergic reaction to any component folk product for treatment, this means that you cannot take such a drug immediately, in full dosage;
  5. When taking diuretics, it is necessary to replenish lost microelements.

Diuretic folk remedies for edema

Edema can appear for various reasons; it is necessary to quickly get rid of it. With the help of traditional medicine, you can not only remove excess fluid from the body, but also heal and strengthen your body, as well as saturate it with useful substances.


  • infusion of birch leaves;
  • cornflower tincture;
  • Dill seeds;
  • watermelon;
  • cucumbers;
  • cranberry;
  • green tea;
  • apple peel compote and others.

Swelling is not necessarily visible visually. There is always a danger of hidden edema, which is not visible, and the person is not even aware of their presence. This pathology cannot occur on its own, it is only a symptom of a disease. Pregnant women often suffer from edema, and they first need to familiarize themselves with the methods traditional treatment such a state. Synthetic diuretics are not suitable for expectant mothers due to a large number of side effects.

How to use folk diuretics for weight loss

Many believe that with the help of diuretics you can lose weight significantly and easily. Yes, indeed, kilograms are lost from taking such drugs, but at what cost.

Weight loss due to the diuretic effect is based on a large loss of fluid from the body, leading to dehydration.

There is an opinion that adipose tissue consists of 90% water, and this is the reason for many to take diuretics in order to lose weight.

When taking diuretics, only water leaves, fat remains. However, you can take diuretic drugs for weight loss, the main thing is not to increase the dose recommended by your doctor.

Diuretics for weight loss:

  1. A decoction of berries and lingonberry leaves;
  2. Horsetail infusion;
  3. Sauna or bath;
  4. Ginger tea with lemon;
  5. Beet juice mixed with celery and plum juice.

Thanks to its mild diuretic effect on the body, it is possible to improve water balance, get rid of cholesterol plaques, restore blood vessels, reduce the risk of many diseases. Restoring the activity of all parts of the body and its systems contributes to rapid decline weight. Drink strong diuretics very dangerous, it leads to serious consequences for good health.


  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • severe decrease in blood pressure;
  • hallucinations;
  • collapse;
  • blurred vision.

Side effects from diuretic abuse can harm a person and even cause death.

Use of traditional medicine for hypertension

Hypertension is a disease that manifests itself constant increase blood pressure. The course of treatment for this disease necessarily includes diuretics. Instead of pills, it is quite possible to take folk remedies that cause a diuretic effect.

Traditional diuretics for hypertension:

  1. Collection (valerian, motherwort, knotweed, calendula);
  2. Collection (chamomile, oregano, barberry);
  3. Juniper berries;
  4. Vegetables (spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, carrots);
  5. Fruits (melon, persimmon, watermelon);
  6. Berries (currants, lingonberries, cherries).

For hypertension, it is very important to adhere to a therapeutic diet and proper daily routine. Eliminate salt, fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, and limit physical activity. By constantly eating vegetables, fruits and berries, which have a diuretic effect, and taking medicinal herbal decoctions, you can completely give up synthetic drugs diuretics.

The most powerful herbal remedies

Among the representatives of the plant world there are herbs that have a very strong diuretic effect. Such products must be used carefully, as they can cause a number of side effects.

  • floor pala (erva woolly);
  • horsetail;
  • bearberry.

These herbs are recognized as the most powerful in terms of removing excess fluid from the body. Before taking, you need to make sure the dosages are accurate. You can include these plants in medicinal preparations.

  1. Corn silks, fallen floor, succession;
  2. Bearberry, chamomile, elderberry;
  3. Dill, lingonberries, bear ears, horsetail.

Each of the herbs has a huge range of beneficial substances. In addition to removing excess fluid, these natural healers will restore immunity, relieve inflammation and restore the functioning of all parts of the body.

Elena Malysheva will tell you the causes of leg swelling, as well as the most popular traditional methods of treatment.


Nutrition is an important component of every person's life. Use junk food leads to the occurrence of many diseases. The right diet, on the contrary, restores the body and promotes the good functioning of all organs and systems of the body. There are foods that have a diuretic effect, eating them constantly, you can refuse diuretic pills.

  • dried fruits. In addition to a huge range of vitamins and useful elements, this product helps to recycle water from the body;
  • cranberry. This berry is able to remove fluid from the body, and also treats infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • tomato. This product can be compared to watermelon in its diuretic effect. Tomato consumption should be limited due to their high oxalic acid content;
  • pomegranate. This fruit is incredibly useful due to its rich vitamin composition, and also quickly removes water from the body;
  • grape. It has diuretic properties, eliminates toxins, harmful cholesterol, uric acid from the body.

Drinks and fruit drinks using these fruits will be a tasty and useful diuretic medicine.

  • celery. In addition to removing excess moisture from the body, it is able to saturate with a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, slow down aging;
  • radish. Diuretic of natural origin. Cleanses the blood and normalizes kidney function;
  • carrot. Diuretic vegetable. Restores hair, skin, nails, bones, liver;
  • watermelon juice A strong diuretic berry. Juice promotes rapid removal of fluid;
  • green tea. It has a lot of useful substances and is a good diuretic;
  • cocktails made from several types of juices (cherry, pomegranate, peach).

There are many herbal remedies that are excellent for removing water from the body. By including such food in your diet, you can forget about swelling.

Homeopathy and diuretics

Homeopathic medicines have a gentle diuretic effect and are prescribed for the treatment of children and pregnant women, as well as those who have contraindications to taking herbal and medicinal products.

Homeopathic medicines:

  1. Diuretic;
  2. Hina;
  3. Populus compositum;
  4. Acetate compounds.

Such products do not cause adverse reactions and can safely remove water from the body.

Diuretic drugs can be different; folk recipes contain a huge selection of such drugs. It is important that before taking traditional medicine, be sure to obtain a doctor’s permission to use a particular product.

Why homeopathic medicines do they work? Details in this video.


Diuretics are necessary for people with various diseases, but we must not forget that such drugs have contraindications that can seriously harm the body.

Herbs can cure almost any ailment. Among the methods of treatment with herbal preparations, there are strong diuretics that can cope with the task of removing excess fluid, no worse than medications.

Nutrition should be beneficial to the human body. Some products are capable of providing healing effect on the body, including a diuretic.

Many people suffer from edema, especially women. With the help of herbs, it is quite possible to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom.

Helpful in the process of losing weight herbal remedies. If you supplement your diet herbal teas, the weight will decrease faster.

Homeopathy for some is the only way out. These drugs do not harm human health, while providing a diuretic effect.

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