What to do with increased uterine tone during pregnancy. Increased uterine tone: pathology or special condition of pregnancy

Reading time: 11 minutes

Almost every pregnant woman at least once faced with this problem. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is not a disease, but only a symptom that can occur in any trimester and indicates a threat of miscarriage, and therefore requires special treatment. To avoid severe complications, you need to know about the signs of this condition and methods of prevention and therapy.

What is uterine tone during pregnancy

This term refers to the tension of the muscles of the uterus. Normal tone is necessary to maintain a certain position / pressure in the cavity of the organ, and hypertonicity is considered pathological - excessive muscle tension and its contraction. A short-term increase in the indicator occurs when sneezing, laughing, during orgasm, does not cause discomfort to the woman and does not threaten the health of the child.

Sustained muscle tension can lead to early miscarriage or premature birth in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. At best, the pathological condition will negatively affect the development of the fetus, since too tense muscles of the uterus pinch the blood vessels, as a result of which the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the child worsens. This threatens with hypoxia and delayed development of the baby, so women with high uterine tone need close attention and supervision of doctors.


Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy manifests itself differently at different times. In the first trimester, the characteristic symptoms of pathology are:

  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • pain syndrome radiating to the lower back and crosses.

Signs of uterine tone during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters:

  • the stomach becomes dense, hard;
  • bloody discharge appears;
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions may occur.

The purpose of the latter is to prepare the uterus for the upcoming birth. Training contractions appear in the last stages of pregnancy, are characterized by painlessness (relative pain) and short duration. In the last weeks of the term, it becomes more difficult to determine hypertonicity: the baby kicks hard, the uterine walls contract in response to this. In this case, attention should be paid to the degree of soreness and the regularity of such contractions. As a rule, uterine contractions with hypertonicity are accompanied by pains comparable to:

  • with cramps on first day of menstruation;
  • back pain;
  • intestinal colic.


The factors that provoke increased tone during pregnancy are varied. Often they appear as a consequence of other problems that accompany pregnancy. The main causes of the pathological condition are:

  1. Lack of progesterone. The most common cause of hypertension in the initial stages. The main function of the hormone is to prepare the walls of the uterus for the introduction of the fetal egg. With insufficient production of progesterone, an increased tone of the muscle layer of the organ develops.
  2. Toxicosis. Hypertonicity can occur due to severe vomiting, since the contractions of the peritoneum during this act also affect the uterus.
  3. Malformations of the uterus. The irregular shape or abnormal arrangement of the muscle fibers of the organ can cause hypertonicity in the first trimester.
  4. Rhesus conflict. If the mother and child have a different Rh factor, then the pregnant woman's body perceives the baby as a foreign object, while the immune system will begin to produce antibodies aimed at its expulsion. It is noteworthy that the first pregnancy with Rh conflict, as a rule, proceeds easily, since antibodies are produced in small quantities to trigger rejection.
  5. Stretching of the uterus. Pathology can appear against the background of polyhydramnios or with multiple pregnancies. Under such conditions, the protective mechanism of the uterus is triggered, as a result of which its muscles are strongly reduced. The problem often occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of the term.
  6. The presence of inflammatory processes, infections. The body produces bioactive substances that stimulate contractions of muscle fibers, which leads to hypertonicity.
  7. Malposition. At the end of pregnancy, the transverse position of the baby can lead to an increase in uterine tone and, as a result, premature birth.
  8. Previous abortions, miscarriages. These factors affect the contractility of the organ.
  9. Social aspects. Heavy physical exertion, harmful working conditions, frequent stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep are unfavorable factors that can adversely affect the woman's central nervous system, which causes uterine contractions to be disturbed, and the tone increases.

In the early stages

During the first trimester, a woman's body undergoes major changes, so the internal reaction to such stress can be unpredictable. At the beginning of the term, hypertonicity may be temporary, while it is considered normal. Common causes of symptoms:

  1. The woman was nervous. In this case, the uterus begins to contract during experiences. The upcoming changes in life associated with the upcoming motherhood can serve as stress factors. To normalize the tone, the expectant mother should calm down and rest.
  2. Overwork. The body spends a significant amount of resources on restructuring, so the expectant mother needs a lot of rest and take some of the household chores off herself.
  3. Recent sexual intercourse. With orgasm, the uterine walls come into tone. If a woman has no health problems, then intimacy with her husband will only benefit her and the baby, otherwise she should refuse sex during pregnancy.

In about 60% of pregnant women, hypertonicity in the first 3 months of the term is a dangerous condition that signals the presence of abnormalities. The symptom may indicate:

  1. The threat of spontaneous abortion. In this case, along with uterine contractions, women develop bloody or brown discharge. To avoid this, you need to go to the hospital for treatment.
  2. Frozen pregnancy. Sometimes the development of the fetus stops, and the woman does not notice for some time that there is no more life in her. An indirect sign of this is hypertonicity against the background of the disappearance of other symptoms inherent in pregnancy.

At a later date

In the second trimester, an increase in the size of the child is added to the causes of hypertonicity listed above. From 3 to 7 months of gestation, increased uterine tone is often accompanied by isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the inability of the cervix to keep the organ cavity closed), which together leads to spontaneous abortion, therefore, when symptoms of hypertonicity appear, it is important to immediately undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In the third trimester, uterine activity periodically increases, as the body prepares for childbirth in this way.

Braxton Hicks training contractions differ from real contractions in the following ways:

  • they are irregular;
  • short;
  • do not bring unbearable pain;
  • they stop if you go to the shower, change your position or drink an antispasmodic.

What foods energize

Food slightly, but affects the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, while its increase occurs due to the abuse of certain foods. These products include:

  • legumes;
  • apples, pears;
  • mushrooms;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • Chinese salad;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • peaches;
  • carbonated drinks.

Separately, it is worth listing products that will reduce the tone of the uterus - these are:

  • hazelnut;
  • almond;
  • green vegetables.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy

The diagnosis of hypertonicity can lead to dangerous consequences if its initial symptoms are ignored. In this case, the pregnancy may end in spontaneous miscarriage or early fetal death. In the last weeks of bearing a child, premature birth may occur. In addition, increased uterine tone can lead to the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, as a result of which the baby's nutrition and oxygen supply will deteriorate. The result of this condition will be a delay in the development of the child or intrauterine hypoxia.


The examination of a woman is preceded by her questioning, after which the gynecologist conducts an examination. These two measures are enough for making a diagnosis, however, even with the full confidence of the doctor, the pregnant woman is given an ultrasound scan for confirmation. With the help of this study, it is possible to determine the state of the organ much more accurately, exclude other diseases with similar symptoms (for example, uterine fibroids) and find out on which particular wall the tone is expressed. The strength of uterine contractions is measured with a special device with sensors (the procedure is tonusometry).

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself

You can diagnose a pathological condition that can provoke a miscarriage on your own at home. It is important to distinguish between the symptoms that are observed with hypertension. To determine the tone of the uterus, you must:

  • lie on your back and relax;
  • gently probe the abdomen with your fingers, checking the condition of the muscles;
  • if the tissues are soft, then there is no reason to worry;
  • an elastic, hard stomach indicates an increased contraction of the muscles, so it is important to see a doctor immediately.

What to do

Doctors prescribe treatment for the problem based on the strength of the tone and the reason that caused it. In some cases, to maintain pregnancy, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. Women with this pathological condition are advised to stay in bed and drink antispasmodics such as No-shpy or Papaverine. How to get rid of uterine tone during pregnancy? Normalization of uterine contractions contributes to:

  • stress relief;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • cessation of sexual activity;
  • acupuncture;
  • aromatherapy.

In addition, it will be possible to normalize the condition of a pregnant woman if:

  • remove from the diet foods that contribute to uterine tone;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • lie down a lot, do less household chores;
  • reduce the likelihood of stress;
  • take warm baths, showers;
  • attend psychotherapy sessions.

With prolonged hypertension during pregnancy, doctors, as a rule, insist on hospitalization and treatment of the patient in a hospital. So, the patient will not be able to break bed rest, as women do while at home. In addition, in the hospital, doctors will closely monitor the condition of the baby and will be able to remove muscle contractions in a timely manner if there is a risk of preterm labor.

Medical treatment

Regardless of the causes of the pathology, the uterus in good shape during pregnancy is subject to treatment. Otherwise, contractions may begin, the result of which will be a miscarriage or premature labor. With timely, adequate therapy, you can easily achieve a removal of tone, for which doctors prescribe drugs of different groups.

If the cause of the pathological condition was a deficiency of progesterone, a woman is prescribed hormonal preparations with its content. With an excess of male sex hormones in the blood, their antipodes are prescribed. If a pregnant woman has pronounced toxicosis, which stimulated uterine contractions, doctors take measures to alleviate her condition. Often, with the tone of the uterus, sodalite drugs are also prescribed, for example, motherwort.


With hypertonicity, mandatory treatment with sedatives is carried out, in addition, antispasmodics are prescribed and, in some cases, progesterone preparations or other hormonal pills that help reduce the intensity of uterine contractions. Common medicines for high uterine tone include:

  1. Nozepam. Anxiolytic agent (tranquilizer) belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives. The drug has a sedative effect, has a central muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect. The disadvantage of tablets is that they are absorbed very slowly, so the therapeutic effect occurs only after 1-2 days of taking the medicine. Plus Nozepam is its effectiveness and low cost.
  2. Duphaston. The drug is almost a complete analogue of the natural hormone progesterone. Duphaston has a positive effect on the contractility of the uterus and many other physiological processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. The main disadvantage of tablets is their high cost if long-term treatment is necessary. The advantages of Duphaston are a wide spectrum of action, efficiency and an extremely rare occurrence of side effects.
  3. Partusisten. An effective remedy is used when there is a threat of premature birth or miscarriage, the tablets do not adversely affect the fetus. Partusisten relaxes the uterine muscles and belongs to the group of beta2-adrenergic stimulants. The disadvantage of the remedy is the possibility of some side effects, for example, increased sweating, weakness, hyperglycemia, spasms and muscle pain. The advantage of the drug is its effectiveness while maintaining pregnancy.


Drugs in the form of rectal suppositories help to quickly remove the uterine tone. Candles are introduced into the rectum and left until completely dissolved. After the active substance enters the blood, the excitation of the walls of the uterus is liquefied. Doctors often prescribe the following remedies:

  1. Papaverine. Candles are antispasmodic drugs and have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. Papaverine is used at any stage of pregnancy, which is its big plus. Another advantage of the remedy is the absence of side effects (with the exception of isolated cases). The downside of Papaverine is its contraindications, including low blood pressure, glaucoma, and kidney problems.
  2. Indomethacin. Anti-inflammatory suppositories help relieve hypertonicity, are usually prescribed together with other drugs. The drug has a relatively low cost, which is its big plus. The disadvantage is the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  3. Viburkol. Antispasmodic, analgesic homeopathic remedy often prescribed to lower uterine tone during pregnancy. Candles have an antipyretic, calming effect. A significant plus of the drug is that due to the composition, it does not put a strain on the kidneys and liver. Minus means - moderate effectiveness compared with other drugs.


A woman can provide herself with an ambulance if there are signs of hypertonicity with the help of special exercises. Effective Techniques:

  1. Knee-elbow posture. You need to kneel, lean on your elbows, placing soft material under them. After a few minutes of being in this position, the discomfort disappears.
  2. Cat pose. While on her knees, the pregnant woman needs to alternately arch and bend her back. Change of position should take place on a slow breath, in each position you need to stand for 5 seconds.


In most cases of hypertension, the prognosis is favorable. The chance of a successful outcome greatly increases with timely diagnosis and proper treatment in compliance with all doctor's recommendations. If assistance was provided on time, it is possible to suppress the increased excitability of the uterine walls and extend the period of gestation until the date of birth. With the progression of the pathology, the chance of having a viable child appears only for a period of 25-28 weeks.

How to avoid

Prevention of hypertension helps prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and the threat of premature birth. To do this, a woman must:

  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • to sleep a lot;
  • stop smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • regularly visit the gynecological office;
  • avoid physical activity.


), set quite often. Unfortunately, this condition often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and brings mother and baby not only a lot of inconvenience, but also creates a real threat to the bearing and health of the child.

What is hypertonicity?

The prefix "hyper" is of Greek origin and means something in excess of the norm, increased at times. In everyday life, we often use words with this prefix: hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperactive (too active), hyperventilation (excessive ventilation), etc.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is called a special condition, which is characterized by certain contractions of the muscles of this organ.

The pregnant uterus can be compared to a sponge in which the tubes are stuck. If you put water through the tubes, then the water will easily penetrate into the sponge. If you squeeze the sponge, then the water will pass with difficulty. The uterus is the same: while in a relaxed state, the blood moves easily through the blood vessels and supplies the fetus with oxygen and nutrients without interruption. The “compressed” uterus, which is in a state of hypertonicity, does not allow the embryo to be fully nourished. This can lead to sad consequences -,. A baby born on time may experience developmental and growth disorders, since a lack of oxygen causes.

Sensations during uterine hypertonicity are varied in intensity: for some, they are weak and aching, for others, on the contrary, they are strong and pronounced. They are very similar to those that occur before or during menstruation. Often the uterus is so tense that it feels like a stone to the touch. The most alarming sign in this condition is the appearance of bloody (or other colored) from the vagina. In this case, urgently call a doctor or go to him.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity

  • lack of the hormone progesterone;
  • stress (especially strong);
  • heavy physical activity;
  • - the presence of tumors, hormonal and inflammatory diseases;
  • occurrence or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, too large a child;
  • bad habits.

Diagnosis of increased uterine tone

To begin with, let's say that only the doctor makes the final diagnosis, so the trip to him should not be postponed, even if the pain is not strong and does not cause much discomfort. There are hypertonicity, diagnosed with the help, and hypertonicity, which the woman herself feels.

The gynecologist will make a diagnosis during an internal examination. If he doubts, he will send the pregnant woman for ultrasound diagnostics and tonusometry.

The diagnosis was confirmed. What to do?

To be treated! Firstly, at first it is very important to rest and relax, to bring the mental state back to normal. To do this, pregnant women who have been diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity are prescribed bed rest, sedatives of plant origin (this can be valerian, motherwort) and approved antispasmodics (for example, No-shpa or Papaverine). It is not uncommon for the treatment to take place in a hospital (usually in the pregnancy pathology department at the maternity hospital), but it is possible that the doctor will allow the woman to stay at home.

If the cause of uterine hypertonicity is a lack of progesterone, prescribe drugs containing it (Utrozhestan, Duphaston). Also often used hormonal drugs Metipred, Dexamethasone.

In the treatment of hypertension, the drug Magne-B6, which is a combined preparation of magnesium and vitamin B6, significantly alleviates the condition. Magnesium compounds prevent the penetration of calcium into the cells of the organ and thus relieve muscle spasm, preventing the formation of blood clots. In turn, vitamin B6 has an anti-stress effect. If necessary, to reduce the muscular activity of the uterus, a solution of magnesium sulfate is used, which is administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.

Well relaxes the muscles of the uterus Ginipral, but it has side effects and can cause premature.

If the pregnant woman feels that the uterus is tense, then you can get on all fours in the “cat pose”. In this case, the woman should slowly and smoothly raise her head and bend in the lower back. After 5-6 seconds, you need to lower your head and bend your back up. Repeat several times.

On our website, this topic has already been discussed in the material: “How to cope with increased uterine tone during pregnancy?”. Therefore, we suggest that you read this article additionally.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy scare women in anticipation of a “miracle”. However, such manifestations are not always a pathological condition that threatens the normal course of gestation. After all, the uterus and the fetus developing in it are sensitive not only to physical influences, but also to changes in the psycho-emotional status of the expectant mother. Therefore, a temporary tone can occur even in the norm, reflecting the well-being of a woman. What does the tone of the uterus mean during pregnancy and how to find the line between the norm and pathology?

The uterus is a "ball" of smooth muscle fibers, inside which the fetus develops. The walls of the uterus and the body of the fetus do not directly touch each other, they are separated by a thin membrane - the fetal sac, as well as the placenta. The state in which most of the muscle fibers of the uterus are in the contraction phase is called tone. It is observed in childbirth, which ensures the “pushing out” of the baby from the womb and is absolutely normal. But the tone during premature pregnancy can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to identify yourself

Signs of uterine tone during pregnancy are not always noticeable to a woman. It all depends on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the severity of the tone. How can you independently determine whether there is uterine tone during the current pregnancy or not? You can do this by listening to the body and examining your own feelings.

In the first half of the term

Immediately after conception and throughout the entire 1st trimester, the expectant mother can judge that the uterus is in good shape only by subjective sensations. At this time, the body of the uterus is deep in the cavity of the small pelvis, and it is not possible to probe it through the stomach on its own. Therefore, for diagnosis, it is important to know the main signs of hypertonicity.

  • Painful sensations. Most often, pains over the bosom are similar to menstrual ones. Women describe them as pulling, constant or intermittent. Indeed, during menstruation, the uterus also contracts to evacuate the contents. Therefore, the symptoms are very similar.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. The body of the uterus lies in close proximity to the bladder. With the contraction of her muscle fibers, she literally puts pressure on the bladder, causing false urge to urinate.
  • Pressure on the rectum. If the body of the uterus is tilted back, then the effect is not on the bladder, but on the rectum. In this case, there is a feeling of pressure and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum, soreness in the perineum in the sitting position.
  • Special sensations. Many women find it easier to describe what they feel during pregnancy in figurative terms. Often they note that in the lower abdomen "something dense as a stone" or "the uterus clenched like a fist", others describe the tone of the uterus as "coldness in the stomach."

For the doctor, these complaints become a reason for an extraordinary examination. A two-handed examination (through the vagina and abdomen) allows you to accurately find out if there is uterine hypertonicity, or if the sensations during pregnancy are caused by something else.

Symptoms of uterine tone may appear for no apparent reason. But more often, hypertonicity occurs after physical overwork, psycho-emotional experiences, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with a cold.

In the second half of the term

In the 2nd trimester (closer to 18-20 weeks), the enlarged uterus is already well palpable above the womb. From this moment on, a woman can not only subjectively, but also objectively judge the tone. Increased urge to go to the toilet, a feeling of pressure on the rectum, pain in the lower abdomen - all this worries as well as in a short time. In addition to this, you can simply try to feel the uterus through the abdomen. Normally, it should be soft, practically no different from the surrounding tissues. If a woman defines a "hard ball", this may indicate hypertonicity.

In the 3rd trimester, especially on the eve of childbirth, women clearly determine when the uterus contracts. At the same time, the stomach becomes more formed, and not “blurred”. When stroking, the uterus is dense, but there should be no pain and discomfort. When they occur, acute conditions (for example, placental abruption) should be excluded.

How can you confirm the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Every expectant mother can exaggerate her feelings, worrying about the child's condition. Therefore, additional diagnostic methods are used to confirm the tone of the uterus and the presence of threatening conditions.

  • Expert review. Already at the beginning of pregnancy, the gynecologist can detect the tone of the uterus. Normally, when palpated, the pregnant uterus is soft, pliable. But with an increased tone, it thickens, and a woman may feel discomfort and pain during examination.
  • Ultrasonography. With the help of ultrasound, local tone can be detected. This definition is especially reliable at the beginning of pregnancy. Local tone may be associated with areas of detachment or be caused simply by the study itself. In the latter case, it passes after 10-15 minutes of rest.
  • Cardiotocography (CTG). With the help of this study, it is possible to determine not only the fetal heartbeat, but also the presence of uterine muscle contractions. For this, a separate sensor is used, which is most often installed in the region of the uterine fundus on the right or left. Rhythmic muscle contractions will be visible on the graph as waves of different amplitudes, and a constant tone as a horizontal line of a certain height. This method is informative to use only from the third trimester. So you can confirm the onset of labor in normal and premature births.

Pathological tension

The causes of uterine tone during pregnancy are diverse. Periodic tone, which is clearly associated with stress or overwork, is experienced by many expectant mothers. However, causes that increase uterine contractions until full-term pregnancy should be avoided as much as possible.

Pathological tone is characteristic of the following conditions.

  • Placental abruption. This is one of the most formidable complications of pregnancy. Detachment is the pathological separation of the placenta from the uterine wall with the formation of a hematoma and subsequent uterine bleeding. In addition to a constant tone, a woman will notice soreness in the entire surface of the uterus and a change in fetal movements. Later, bloody discharge from the genital tract may join. The condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • Abortion. Most often, tone is associated with this condition. At the same time, bloody discharge may join for a short time. At the onset of labor before the due date, the tone of the uterus acquires a cramping character.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus. Periodic tone is observed in women with congenital anomalies of the uterus: bicornuate, with a septum, saddle. Such features of development increase the risk of miscarriage, which is the reason for the increase in tone.
  • Neoplasms and other diseases. Myoma often causes tone due to abnormal tissue extensibility in the area of ​​the nodes. When fibroids are located on the anterior wall of the organ, they are palpable as rounded focal dense formations. Severe endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) is also the cause of such changes in the myometrium.
  • pathology of pregnancy. If the uterus is overstretched, for example, with polyhydramnios, a large fetus or multiple pregnancies, it can artificially create the feeling that it is constantly in good shape. At the same time, only a doctor can distinguish the norm from the pathology.
  • Diseases of nearby organs. With the pathology of organs that are located close to the uterus, the latter can come into tone. For example, with renal colic, appendicitis. Ordinary constipation or bloating can also provoke tone.

Norm Options

In some situations, a normal tone occurs, which passes on its own without consequences.

  • Physical labor. Any physical labor, even if a woman feels good during its performance, can lead to hypertonicity. This is a kind of evidence of overwork.
  • Touch. As soon as the uterus is well defined above the bosom, a woman may notice that when touched, she quickly comes into tone. This is especially clearly seen when examined by a doctor and is a normal reaction to touch.
  • intimate relationships. During sex and for some time after it, the muscles of the uterus continue to contract due to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes an increase in tone.
  • Fetal movements. Starting from 26-28 weeks, the baby reaches a fairly large size. His movements each time bring the myomerium into a state of some contraction, which is the more frequent and more intense the closer to childbirth.
  • Mom's stress. Psycho-emotional overstrain leads to the release of hormones into the blood, which leads to contraction of the myometrium and the appearance of tone.
  • Training bouts. From the 37th week of pregnancy, a periodic tone appears, especially often occurring at night. Such activity of the myometrium is necessary for the preparation of the cervix.

Although increased uterine tone during pregnancy is not always accompanied by pathological conditions, you should definitely see a doctor if hypertonicity is noted for a day or two, is cramping in nature, or, in addition to tone, there are abdominal pains, changes in fetal movements (very violent or absent) or discharge with an admixture blood from the vagina.

What is the danger

Normal contractions, for example, before childbirth and after stroking the abdomen do not provoke any pathological changes. But the constant tone of the uterus, especially during late pregnancy, can be dangerous, so if it is present, it is better to get expert advice rather than waste precious time.

The fact is that when the child's place is located along the back wall of the uterus, tone is the only symptom of detachment. Other conditions, which in this case should be ruled out by a specialist, are:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding.

But only a doctor can distinguish a physiological tone from a pathological one after an examination and a minimal examination (ultrasound, CTG).

How to cope on your own

The gynecologist observing her should tell the woman about how to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy and prevent its occurrence. The following is usually recommended to prevent hypertension.

  • Relaxing gymnastics. For pregnant women, special sets of exercises have been developed to relax and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. There is also a whole area of ​​yoga that pursues the same goals. But it is better to engage in such exercises after consulting a gynecologist.
  • Swimming in the pool. Swimming is good for muscle and psychological relaxation. But the pool should be used only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Calming herbs. Pregnant women are more prone to mood swings, they are more sensitive and vulnerable. And psychosomatics can not only provoke the threat of interruption, but also contribute to the development of toxicosis and preeclampsia. Therefore, with increased anxiety, irritability and emotional stress, it is useful to take valerian or motherwort.
  • Fight against constipation. The well-coordinated work of the intestines is important for maintaining the normal tone of the uterus. Constipation and the constant straining that follows them can increase the tone. It is especially important to prevent constipation in the event of a threatened miscarriage. To improve intestinal motility, you should increase the amount of fiber-rich foods (fruits and vegetables) in your diet. If necessary, you can use safe medicines for constipation, for example, containing lactulose (Duphalac).
  • Rest properly. It is important for pregnant women to know how to lie down, especially for long periods, so as not to provoke hypertonicity. In a horizontal position, you should spend more time on your left side. So the inferior vena cava will not be compressed.

By following these simple recommendations, you can remove the tone of the uterus, which is provoked by overwork or minor functional disorders. If discomfort persists or when other complaints (for example, doubtful discharge) are attached, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.


Treatment of uterine tone during pregnancy can take place at home as prescribed by a doctor or in a hospital, and early and late therapy is different. Medicines are prescribed in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories, tablets, droppers or intramuscular injections - it all depends on the severity of the tone.

Medications at the beginning of pregnancy

It is important to observe the medical-protective regimen and rest. With psycho-emotional instability, a pregnant woman is prescribed sedative herbs in the form of decoctions or tablets. For the main treatment, the following groups of drugs are used.

  • Antispasmodics. Help relieve tension in the smooth muscle fibers of the uterus. Tablets or injections of drugs also dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow in the placenta. Examples of funds: "No-shpa", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin".
  • Hormonal preparations. Progesterone-based products are used (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Susten). Their appointment is effective for really low levels of progesterone in blood tests. With increased tone, natural progesterone (in Utrozhestan) is more often used, which can be used up to 32-34 weeks. Doses and regimens are set individually depending on the clinical picture.
  • Vitamins and microelements. Magne B6 or other magnesium preparations are used (for example, Magvit, Magnefar). This microelement affects muscle contractions, including relaxing the myometrium. It can be prescribed both in prophylactic doses (one tablet once or twice a day) and in therapeutic doses (two tablets two or three times a day).

If during the course of treatment the cause of hypertonicity is found out (detachment, inflammation in the vagina), the corresponding groups of drugs (hemostatic, anti-inflammatory suppositories, antibiotics) are additionally prescribed.

Preparations after 20-22 weeks

After 20-22 weeks, the range of drugs expands. The following medicines are used.

  • "Ginipral". The drug acts on certain receptors, which are concentrated in large numbers in the muscle fibers of the uterus. The drug in the form of an intravenous infusion is effective for relieving an acute condition (even contractions), and tablets are used as maintenance therapy. But "Ginipral" has a side effect in the form of an increase in the heart rate of a woman and a fetus. The prescription of drugs that slow down the heart rate helps to avoid such adverse reactions (for example, it can be both Nifedipine and Verapamil).
  • Magnesia. This remedy is universal during pregnancy. It has a complex effect and almost no contraindications. Most often, it is administered intravenously by drip, less often intramuscular injections are prescribed (they are very painful, according to reviews, and can also be complicated by the formation of seals). Usually, the infusion of the solution is carried out in the first half of the day - in the morning.
  • Physiotherapy. Magnesium electrophoresis, Shcherbak's collar, therapeutic sleep are prescribed.

If, during research, changes in the condition of the fetus are detected, for example, the blood flow between the child and the woman is disturbed, vasodilators and agents that improve metabolic processes (Pentoxifylline, Actovegin) are added to the treatment.

Regulation of labor activity

Pathological tone can occur even during childbirth. This leads to a violation of uterine contraction, lengthening of labor, sometimes you have to resort to a caesarean section. To quickly reduce the local tone of the cervix, which arose during active labor, use both antispasmodics and painkillers. At the same time, to ensure adequate pain relief:

  • perform spinal anesthesia;
  • narcotic analgesics are administered ("Promedol").

With their ineffectiveness, in most cases, delivery ends with an operation.

It is important for women to understand what uterine tone is during pregnancy, when it can be normal and pathological. Timely identified deviations can save not only the baby, but also the life of the woman herself. Therefore, with disturbing symptoms, it is better to once again consult with your doctor.



Almost all women in the position feel pulling symptoms in the lower abdomen. A uterus in good shape indicates pathological changes in a woman's body or its natural preparation for delivery. How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy? Below are the main methods.

Treatment of tone depending on the trimester

How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy? The main goal of therapy for a pathological condition is to relax the muscles of the organ of the reproductive system. Without timely intervention, tone can lead to miscarriage.

In the 2nd trimester, the tone of the uterus is associated with the active growth of the placenta, which puts pressure on neighboring organs. In such a situation, gynecologists advise patients to use a bandage in order to redistribute the load from the pelvic organs to the spine.

At 34-35 weeks, uterine tone is a symptom of an approaching birth. The woman's body prepares itself for the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. In this case, doctors do not take any action and advise the pregnant woman to rest longer and be in the fresh air.

If a woman has felt symptoms of uterine tone at work or she is unable to contact a treating specialist, then she needs to take No-shpu or use Papaverine suppositories.

For women at risk for gynecological diseases, if signs of tone appear, immediate hospitalization is required. A woman is placed in a hospital if the pathology is accompanied by bloody uterine discharge.

Treatment at home

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy? There are several ways to eliminate the signs of pathology without the use of drugs. These measures will be effective when the problem is mild and suitable for its prevention.


The technique allows you to completely relax the muscles of the body without harm to the body of a pregnant woman. A woman should close her eyes, lie down on a flat surface and mentally imagine herself in the desired place: it can be a seashore or a recreation center. Relaxation not only relieves muscle tension, but also prepares the uterus for childbirth.

Toning exercises

Gymnastics is designed to relieve tension from certain muscle groups. During gymnastics, a woman will be able to reduce the intensity of signs of uterine tone. Among the effective exercises it should be noted:


Aromatherapy is popular not only to relieve tone, but also in the treatment of other diseases. This is due to the fact that oils have a calming effect on the nervous system through the organs of smell.

For the procedure, you must select the appropriate aroma. A few drops of your favorite oil can be applied to a special medallion or added to the water while taking a bath.

Soothing teas

Drinks are used to prevent the problem. Tea is brewed from:

  • mint;
  • valerian leaves;
  • lemon balm;
  • motherwort.

Drink recipe: 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. It is better to add honey to tea instead of sugar. Rest is recommended after drinking.

If it is not possible to purchase plants, then you should buy medications at the pharmacy, which include the listed herbs.

Medical treatment

How to treat uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? Medicines are necessary if the pathological condition is accompanied by:

  • sharp pains;
  • uterine bleeding.

In order for drug therapy to be most effective, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused the tone of the uterus.

The main goal of treatment: providing a pregnant woman with psychological comfort, relaxing the muscles of the reproductive organ, normalizing blood circulation in the placenta.


  • relaxation of the walls and muscles of the reproductive organ;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • active removal of excess water from the body.

Oral administration of the drug will not help with such a dangerous condition as uterine tone, since it does not enter the bloodstream. For this reason, the drug is administered intravenously. The dosage of the drug and its concentration is determined by the doctor. At the same time, he takes into account the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Rapid administration of drugs containing magnesium is contraindicated.

In addition to magnesium sulfate during pregnancy, Magne-B6 is attributed. The active ingredient of the drug blocks the entry of calcium into the tissues of the uterus, and vitamin B6 has a relaxing effect.


The treatment regimen for uterine tone includes the drug No-shpa. The drug stimulates blood circulation, relieves muscle spasms and increases blood flow to the organs. The drug does not have an instant effect, the result of taking it can be seen only after the course has been completed. The dosage of the drug is determined by the gynecologist, since in case of an overdose, the drug gives side effects, for example, increased excitability of the heart muscles.

The therapeutic effect of taking the medication occurs after 30 minutes. In acute respiratory infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intramuscular or intravenous administration of No-shpa is recommended.


How to treat hypertension? Antispasmodics allow a pregnant woman to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of a pathological condition. Some of these drugs inhibit inflammation and dilate blood vessels.

During pregnancy, you can use:

  1. Papaverine, produced in the form of a solution, tablets and suppositories. The instructions for the medication indicate that its use is prohibited during pregnancy. But in practice, the effect of its use exceeds the risks to the fetus. The preferred form of the drug used during childbearing is rectal suppositories. They provide instant results due to rapid absorption into the intestinal wall. Papaverine is not recommended for expectant mothers who have heart problems.
  2. Drotaverine (No-shpa), produced in the form of solutions and pills. With caution, the drug is used in the 1st trimester. Contraindications to the use of Drotaverine - renal and hepatic failure in advanced form, glaucoma, allergy to the components of the drug.
  3. Papazol(used instead of Papaverine). The product contains 2 active ingredients: dibazol and papaverine chloride. The drug is prescribed to pregnant women less often than Papaverine, due to its insufficient knowledge in this category of citizens. The main effect of the drug is vasodilating and relieving spasm. Among the contraindications to the drug are: lung obstruction, heart disease, epileptic seizures.
  4. Ginipral. Available in capsules and in solution for intravenous administration. Ginipral is recommended to eliminate uterine tone in the last stages of pregnancy. The main component of the drug is hexoprenaline sulfate. The substance eliminates spasms of the myometrium. Indications for taking the drug:
  • the occurrence of irregular contractions;
  • premature birth in the past;
  • fetal hypoxia.

The medicine can not be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, with allergies to the constituent components of the drug and with exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies.

Sedative drugs

How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy with sedatives? Pregnant women are often recommended to take Persen, the main active ingredients of which are mint, lemon balm. The drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman and normalizes sleep. From taking Persen in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be abandoned. Contraindications to taking the medication - activities that require concentration of attention, low blood pressure.

Another remedy prescribed for hypertonicity is Novopassit. It consists only of natural ingredients and therefore does not adversely affect the fetus. The medicine relaxes the muscles and normalizes the work of the heart. The release form of the product is syrup or tablets.


On average, the treatment of tone in the hospital lasts 2 weeks, in some cases - up to 17 days. During inpatient treatment, the patient is provided with bed rest, antispasmodics are prescribed, injections of painkillers are performed. With the tone of the uterus, pregnant women are credited with No-shpu in tablet form, Papaverine in the form of suppositories and magnesia intravenously.

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy? It is recommended to follow some rules:

  • Change your diet to include foods with magnesium. The substance has a beneficial effect on the cells of the central nervous system, removing hyperexcitability. Foods rich in magnesium include:
  1. broccoli;
  2. buckwheat;
  3. oatmeal;
  4. bran;
  5. cucumbers;
  6. zucchini.
  • In case of pathology, it is recommended to completely abandon:
  1. legumes, as they increase gas formation in the intestines;
  2. moldy cheeses, because they contain a fungus dangerous for pregnant women;
  3. coffee, as the product increases pressure and increases the excitability of the nervous system;
  4. raw eggs, which are a potential source of salmonella infection;
  5. strong black tea.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water daily. A problem that occurs in many women in position is constipation. The liquid allows you to normalize the work of the intestines and prevent dehydration in case of toxicosis.
  • Limit your sex life. During pregnancy, it is undesirable to have sex in extreme situations and try new positions. For intimate life, poses are selected that exclude the physical activity of a woman.
  • Follow the daily routine.
  • Stay outdoors daily.
  • To shift part of the housework to relatives or husband.

It is important for the expectant mother to recognize the signs of uterine tone at the time and use the above tips. In a normal state, the pregnant belly should be soft. The specialist will confirm the presence of a problem with the help of an examination on the chair and instrumental diagnostic methods.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is treated at home or in a hospital. In the first case, therapy includes observing the regime of work and rest, performing simple gymnastic exercises. Inpatient treatment includes bed rest, limiting stressful situations, oral medication or intravenous administration. With untimely seeking help and the absence of therapeutic measures, the condition can cause premature birth.

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A woman expecting a baby can be very frightened when she first feels discomfort. Uterine tone during pregnancy is a symptom that is dangerous throughout all three trimesters, the cause of which must be identified as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications. Why such a problem arises, what is its danger, what to do to normalize the situation, how to determine the pathology - it is necessary to understand these issues.

What is uterine tone

Nature has prepared a special hollow organ for carrying a baby. The uterus, which consists of several layers, has muscle tissue that protects the growing fetus, is able to contract during childbirth, helping the baby to be born. Normally, she is relaxed. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a dangerous contraction of muscle fibers occurs.

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? This is a symptom that requires accurate diagnosis of the causes of the pathology and immediate treatment. The appearance of dangerous signs means:

  • there is a strong compression of the muscle layer;
  • increased pressure in the uterine cavity;
  • there is a threat to bearing a baby;
  • high risk of preterm birth.

What is the danger of uterine tone during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should carefully monitor their condition throughout the pregnancy. It is useful for women to know why the uterus is in good shape, what are the symptoms, so that when they appear, consult a doctor. This will help avoid serious problems. Uterine activity is dangerous in all trimesters of pregnancy. In the early stages, high tone can:

  • cause difficulties in the process of implantation of the fetal egg;
  • lead to placental abruption, disrupting the nutrition of the fetus, causing missed pregnancy;
  • provoke a miscarriage.

No less dangerous is the uterus in good shape during pregnancy in subsequent periods:

  • In the second trimester, contraction of muscle fibers reduces blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, limits the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which leads to delayed development.
  • In the third trimester, abortion is possible - premature birth due to early opening of the cervix. The baby develops hypoxia due to compression of the vessels of the umbilical cord.

Norms of uterine tone by gestational age

For a baby to develop properly in the womb, the uterus must be supple and relaxed. Like any muscular organ, it has physiological contractions. What contractions of the uterine walls are considered normal? Experts highlight the tone that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and is conditionally safe. In this case, uterine contraction:

  • occurs no more than 6 times a day;
  • contributes to the activation of blood circulation, the normal development of the child;
  • can be caused by minor physical exertion.

The following stages of pregnancy have their own characteristics:

  • In the second trimester, starting from the 20th week, painless contractions are observed, which are considered training, preparation for future childbirth, occur several times a day.
  • With the beginning of the third trimester, the contractions of the uterus are helped by the baby, who begins to actively move. By the end of the term, hypertonicity is difficult to distinguish from the onset of labor.

Signs of tone

Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the tone. When the first symptoms of a threat appear, in order to exclude dangerous consequences, you need to visit a doctor. What are the signs of uterine tone during pregnancy? Pathology is accompanied by:

  • aching, squeezing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • contractions of the muscles of the uterus;
  • feeling of heaviness, discomfort;
  • bloody discharge;
  • tension, petrification of the abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region, sacrum;
  • feeling of contractions.


There are a large number of reasons for the occurrence of tone. They are related to the state of the body and external factors. There are such causes of uterine tone:

  • a reduced amount of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes smooth muscles;
  • severe toxicosis with vomiting, causing muscle contractions;
  • increased levels of prolactin and male sex hormones;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • Rh-conflict of the blood of parents;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy is provoked by:

  • psychological problems;
  • constant stress;
  • physical exercise;
  • long journeys;
  • sports;
  • air travel;
  • lack of sleep;
  • strong gas formation;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • age after 35 years;
  • incorrect position of the fetus;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • stretching of the uterus during multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios or large baby size;
  • sex before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • previous miscarriages;
  • tumors;
  • abortions.


Improper nutrition can provoke an increased tone. There are foods that cause this condition. These include:

  • legumes, cabbage, provoking increased gas formation;
  • moldy cheese containing a fungus dangerous for pregnant women;
  • coffee, which quickly removes fluid from the body, increasing blood pressure;
  • raw eggs that can cause the development of salmonellosis - heat treatment is recommended;
  • black tea containing a lot of caffeine.

Spices cause an increase in uterine tone. Doctors recommend limiting the use of basil, bay leaf, fennel, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin during pregnancy. The danger is represented by dishes that have not undergone long-term heat treatment. They can become a source of infectious diseases. These include:

  • steaks from meat with blood;
  • dried delicacies;
  • pate;
  • quick cooked liver;
  • sushi;
  • salo.


The first unpleasant symptoms should be determined by the pregnant woman herself and consult a doctor. With great accuracy, increased tone is detected during examination by a gynecologist. Diagnostics includes:

  • external control, fixing complaints;
  • palpation of the abdomen in the supine position;
  • Ultrasound, which reveals a thickening of smooth muscle tissue, the tone of the anterior or posterior wall, depending on the place of attachment of the fetus;
  • tonusometry using special sensors.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself

A woman should be able to diagnose uterine tone herself. This will help to timely identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment in order to moderate it. It is important to distinguish between symptoms that signal a problem. You can find out if there is muscle tone at home. To do this, you need to lie on your back, relax, gently feel the stomach, check the condition of the muscles. In this situation:

  • a feeling of softness indicates a lack of tone and reason for concern;
  • a firm, elastic abdomen is characterized by increased muscle contraction, requires the intervention of a doctor.

What to do

How should a woman behave, what to do if there are dangerous symptoms? Gynecologists recommend following the regimen to relax the muscles, taking medications that will reduce tone. To avoid the threat of miscarriage, pregnant women need:

  • stress relief;
  • complete cessation of sexual activity;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • providing bed rest;
  • aromatherapy that promotes relaxation;
  • use of warm baths and showers;
  • acupuncture;
  • treatment of Rh-conflict;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • psychotherapy sessions.

Medical treatment

When uterine tone appears, it is necessary to solve two important tasks - to remove unpleasant symptoms and to influence the causes of their occurrence. Doctors prescribe magnesium preparations with vitamin B6, which relax the uterine walls. It is recommended to take:

  • tincture of motherwort, valerian, soothing, helping to relieve stress;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - progesterone preparations for hormone deficiency in early pregnancy.

To reduce uterine tone, relieve spasms, remove dangerous symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed - Nosh-pa tablets, as well as drugs:

  • Genipral - relaxes muscles, not recommended in the early stages;
  • Nozepam is a sedative drug that has a sedative effect;
  • Curantil - improves placental circulation;
  • Riboxin - activates metabolic processes;
  • Piracetam - increases the resistance of nerve cells in the fetus to oxygen deficiency;
  • Dicynon - stops spotting.


Rectal suppositories help to bring the increased uterine tone back to normal very quickly. Candles are injected into the rectum, left until resorption. The active substance enters the blood, reduces the excitation of the walls of the uterus. Doctors prescribe:

  • Viburkol - has an antispasmodic, analgesic effect;
  • Papaverine - relaxes smooth uterine muscles, expands blood flow, reduces tension;
  • Indomethacin - is used for the threat of abortion, but only from 16 to 32 weeks.


You can cope with increased uterine tone at home if you perform simple exercises. This will help relax tense muscles. It is recommended to make a complex:

  • Get on all fours, bend your back, raise your head, return to the starting position. Repeat several times, then lie down for at least an hour.
  • Sitting on a chair, lower your head, relax the muscles of your neck and face, breathe through your mouth.
  • Stand on all fours for a few minutes so that the stomach is in a suspended position. Breathe calmly.

How to avoid uterine tone during pregnancy

Prevention of hypertension helps to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Simple measures contribute to the normal course of pregnancy without pathologies. A woman needs:

  • avoid stress;
  • start eating right
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • ensure proper sleep;
  • avoid physical overload;
  • worry less;
  • no smoking;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly.




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