How to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx. Thick mucus in the nasopharynx causes and treatment

Mucus in the nasopharynx is an unpleasant phenomenon that prevents you from breathing fully. Moreover, this condition leads to unpleasant sensations: the sense of smell is lost, attention decreases, memory lapses occur and hearing deteriorates. For timely treatment, you should visit your local otolaryngologist as soon as possible. There are also some preventive measures that will help restore breathing or avoid serious complications. Care and hygiene are the key to health!

Brief description of the disease

The accumulation of mucus causes complete blockage of the nasopharynx, a person cannot inhale and exhale calmly, this especially causes severe discomfort at night. Most often, such accumulation occurs due to infection in the nasal sinuses. If the infection is not eliminated immediately, it begins to act and a number of harmful bacteria multiply in the body.

Structure of the nasopharynx

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor immediately pays attention to the shade of mucus. Typical colors are: transparent, white, green, yellow and rusty. If a greenish or yellowish tint is present, this indicates the existence of pus. With bronchial asthma or an increased level of eosinophils, the mucus turns bright yellow. The rusty color is the most dangerous; it signals the development of a serious illness (for example, pneumonia), which requires immediate intervention.

If there is a chronic accumulation of mucus, there may be an unpleasant odor; in this case, you should not delay visiting a doctor and get detailed advice from him and a recommendation for further treatment.

Any mucus indicates various disorders in the human body; this phenomenon is unnatural, so inaction can lead to bad consequences.

Causes of mucus in the nasal passage

Many people have a question: why does mucus form and accumulate in the nasal passage? There are actually quite a few reasons, here are some of them:

ARVI is a viral disease that reduces immunity and can lead to the development of serious pathologies. Mucus quickly accumulates only if microorganisms and harmful bacteria get inside the sinuses. With ARVI, this phenomenon is common; without proper treatment, complications are possible: pneumonia, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and bronchitis. Initially, mucus collects in the nasopharynx, and only after a while it descends lower into the bronchi and lungs. There may be cases when pus rises upward, thereby clogging the maxillary sinuses. The inflammatory process can be stopped while it is at an early stage. The following circumstances can provoke the disease: hypothermia, wet feet, reduced immunity, cold drinks.


Allergy. In case of allergies, it is most difficult to eliminate mucus, since it will take enough time to fully identify the allergen. The main allergens are: pet hair, household dust, plant pollen, food, food products, perfume or air freshener odors, medicines, chemicals and hygiene products. The air is too dry. When indoor air is dry, the nasal mucosa dries out, and the process of producing the necessary mucus is disrupted. In this case, you can solve the problem in a simple way - install an air humidifier in the room. Bad habits. Smoking causes severe irritation to the nose and mouth. There is so much mucus that it descends deep into the lungs, thereby causing severe coughing and shortness of breath.

Types of mucus - precautions

There are different types of mucus, this is directly related to the reason for its appearance. Types of mucus:

Thick mucus. It occurs for various reasons, primarily due to severe inflammation of the nasopharynx. In addition, thickness accumulates with chronic smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy food, soda and just cold drinks. Eliminating this type of disease is not very difficult, the main thing is not to self-medicate.

Character of mucus

Constant mucus. In this case, the moment of inflammation passes into the chronic stage of development. Persistent congestion and obstruction can cause serious consequences. Sometimes it is difficult to cure an advanced condition with conventional medications. In case of urgent need, surgical intervention is prescribed. The operation is simple, but unpleasant and requires some time for recovery and rehabilitation. Mucous unpleasant odor - this type develops against the background of colds. Nasal discharge is contaminated with microorganisms, which increases the unpleasant odor. With proper treatment, the smell will go away immediately and bacteria will stop multiplying.

Drug treatment

At the initial stage, it is possible to fight mucus with the help of special medications. Inflammation is relieved by destroying viruses and infections. The treatment method is prescribed on an individual basis, it all depends on the degree and nature of the pathology. The standard drug therapy is:


taking antibiotics taking antiviral drugs prescribing antihistamines taking anti-inflammatory drugs rinsing the throat and sinuses

Any course of treatment includes the mandatory use of antibiotics. Without them, it is very difficult to quickly kill the infection that is in the body. If there are contraindications to taking antibiotics, then you can resort to another method - rinsing the sinuses with sea salt. This marine product has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Salt-based products can be purchased at any pharmacy; they are available in the form of drops or spray. To be effective, the nose can be rinsed with regular saline solution and then treated with sea salt.

They also resort to traditional methods of treating mucus. There are many recipes, so you can choose the method individually that is most effective for the body.

Recipe No. 1. Ingredients: celandine, aloe, water, salt, honey.

One small spoon of dried celandine is poured with hot water (half a liter of water is enough). The grass must infuse. When the temperature of the tincture drops to 35 degrees, the decoction is filtered. Then 1 tsp is added to the finished tincture. honey, one tablespoon of table salt and 3 tablespoons of pure aloe juice.

Aloe recipe

For ten days, rinse the throat and mouth with this decoction, and also syringe the nasopharynx, up to seven times a day. The first procedure may cause pain, as accumulated mucus covers the septum and inflammation is severe. In the future, the pain and discomfort will go away, which means that the infection is reduced and the inflammation is eliminated.

If you perform additional inhalations with this decoction, this will only enhance the effect. After a ten-day course of treatment, you need to take a break of up to two weeks, or up to 10 days. Then the procedure is repeated. To ensure complete consolidation, the course of treatment can be repeated after a couple of months, the rules of action are the same.

Recipe No. 2. The main component is the herb fireweed. One tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. You should take a third of a glass three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Recipe No. 3. The main ingredients are anise and alcohol.

Three tbsp. spoons of the dried plant are poured with alcohol (100 milligrams) and left for 7-10 days until fully prepared.

A few drops are instilled into each sinus of the nose, so as not to burn and dry out, you can dilute the product with boiled water (proportion 1 to 3). If, in addition to mucus, the doctor finds adenoids and polyps, then it is recommended to gargle with this remedy and gargle the entire oral cavity.

Recipe No. 4. Radish tincture. The juice is squeezed out of the black radish, which is then applied to the nose. Up to 5 drops of juice are dripped into each nostril. Only regular implementation of the procedure will help remove mucus and fully restore the functioning of the nasopharynx.

Rules for rinsing and washing the nasopharynx

Regular rinsing of the nasopharynx helps painlessly and effectively deal with chronic mucus. How is it carried out?

You will need a small teapot; first you need to pull a rubber pacifier or pacifier onto the tip of the spout. A small hole is made in the nipple, which helps to minimize damage to the mucous system.

Nasal rinsing

You need to bend over the sink or bathtub and carefully, slowly pour the solution into the nasal sinus where there is less mucus accumulation. To prevent pus and mucus from getting into the throat, it is important to turn your head to the side. You can only breathe through your mouth; if water suddenly gets into your larynx, you need to move forward even more.

To gargle, you should prepare a saline solution or buy one already prepared at the pharmacy. Furacilin is ideal for this case. You can rinse with herbs that can remove inflammation and have an antibacterial effect. If the procedure is performed correctly, within a minute the mucus will begin to flow out along the walls of the sinuses.

What to do with chronic mucus accumulation?

If the disease is chronic, then an integrated approach and constant medical supervision will be required. The most effective method of therapy is drug inhalation. For the procedure, an asterisk and a pharmaceutical inhalation agent are used. The patient should cover himself with a blanket and towel, and bend over the steam as low as possible. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, you need to monitor your well-being. To prevent your head from spinning, take a couple of large breaths through your mouth, then inhale through your nose.

After inhalation, you should lie on your back and lie down for about 20 minutes. Then a few drops of sea buckthorn oil are instilled into the nasal sinuses. Treatment lasts a week.

To prevent the appearance of mucus in the nose, you need to lead a correct lifestyle and perform preventive procedures, these include:

Treat colds and other diseases that cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa in a timely manner; harden yourself every spring and autumn; take vitamins to support the immune system; give up bad habits, especially smoking

drink purified water as much and often as possible (up to 2.5 liters per day), do breathing exercises daily, monitor your diet

Health directly depends on personal hygiene, nutrition and habits.

So, mucus in the sinuses can appear for various reasons, which only a qualified specialist can determine. Timely treatment will allow you to achieve a positive result in the near future. There are different treatment methods: traditional, medicinal, inhalation, rinsing and surgery.

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May 7, 2017Violetta Lekar

When breathing, air first enters the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, where it is warmed and moistened. For this purpose, the human body produces special mucus. It is necessary to maintain the required humidity in the nasopharynx, remove dust and small particles and normal breathing process. Normally, this mucus gradually rolls down to the back of the nasopharynx and is quietly swallowed by the person.

However, in some cases, there is too much mucus in the nasopharynx, which leads to various problems. After all, it becomes a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. A person usually notices this condition because it becomes difficult for him to breathe and speak, nasal congestion, coughing and a desire to blow his nose appear.

Mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx

The accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx is a rather unpleasant phenomenon for humans. Most often, it is caused by infectious causes, in this case the composition of the mucus also changes. In addition, as already mentioned, it can become an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria. Also, the inflammatory process that causes the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx may be a consequence of an allergic reaction.

An important diagnostic symptom is the color of the mucus. It may be yellow, greenish, rusty, or transparent whitish. Yellowish and greenish tints are given by the presence of pus. Bright yellow mucus appears when eosinophil levels are high, such as in asthma. Rusty-colored mucus can be observed in severe lung diseases such as lobar pneumonia.

If mucus constantly accumulates in the nasopharynx, becomes yellow, greenish or another distinct color, or develops an odor, then you should visit a doctor and consult with him. All these symptoms indicate the presence of certain disorders in the body.

Mucus in the nasopharynx: causes

There are several main causes of mucus in the nasopharynx:

Infectious diseases of the respiratory system. In most cases, increased mucus production is a defense mechanism of the body aimed at fighting infection. Pathogenic microorganisms that enter the nasopharynx are removed along with mucus when coughing and due to the movements of the cilia of the epithelium that covers the nasal mucosa. But with excessive secretion production, these processes are disrupted, and mucus with bacteria flows into the trachea, bronchi and lungs, which only aggravates the course of the disease. Mucus can also accumulate in the sinuses, leading to inflammation and the development of sinusitis. Allergic reactions. They are very often accompanied by increased mucus secretion. Mucus in the nasopharynx can also appear in healthy people. In this case, the causes are factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too hot or too cold food, and inhaling polluted air. Pathologies of the digestive system: esophagitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, damage to the pancreas or liver. Neurological diseases accompanied by a decrease in the pharyngeal reflex. This can occur with traumatic brain injuries, after a stroke, with multiple sclerosis and other pathologies.

Most often, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx after sleep or prolonged rest in a supine position. Because of this, a person may experience a severe coughing attack with mucus discharge in the morning. After its release, the cough noticeably weakens and goes away completely.

Constant mucus in the nasopharynx

Constant mucus in the nasopharynx most often indicates the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form. This may also indicate a reaction to some household allergen. In such cases, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the prescribed conservative treatment does not produce results, then the specialist may prescribe an operation during which all mucus is removed from the nasopharynx. However, you should not refuse treatment and hope that the problem will resolve on its own, since constant mucus in the nasopharynx can cause serious pathologies.

Thick mucus in the nasopharynx

The appearance of thick mucus in the nasopharynx can be associated with various factors. In most cases, various diseases manifest themselves in this way, such as inflammation of the sinuses, chronic rhinitis, allergic reactions, etc. There are other reasons that can cause thick mucus in the nasopharynx. These include smoking, eating spicy foods, drinking very cold drinks, alcoholic beverages, eating or drinking too hot, carbonated drinks, sudden changes in temperature, etc. Therefore, before you begin treating unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor and determine the cause of their occurrence.

Unpleasant odor from mucus in the nasopharynx

An unpleasant odor from mucus in the nasopharynx can appear with various colds, when the accumulated secretions become infected with pathogenic bacteria. The smell can come from both the mouth and the nasal cavity. In the absence of adequate treatment, the unpleasant odor only intensifies over time, as microorganisms actively multiply in an environment favorable to them.

Mucus in the nasopharynx, how to get rid of it?

You can get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx using procedures such as rinsing the nose and gargling. Your doctor will help you choose the right treatment method for each specific case.

Before starting the procedure, it is good to inhale over an infusion of medicinal plants (nettle, eucalyptus leaves, mint, sage, chamomile and others); you can also use the water left after boiling potatoes for this purpose. Inhaling hot vapors helps to thin the mucus and clear the nasopharynx as quickly as possible. However, you need to monitor the temperature of the water so as not to burn the mucous membrane.

To rinse your nose, you will need a teapot or other similar piece of utensils with a wide spout. About 400-500 ml of heated water is poured into it, 2 small spoons of salt are added and mixed thoroughly. For some diseases, other components can be added to the rinsing water, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. A special rubber tip is placed on the kettle spout to avoid injury to the mucous membrane. Then the patient bends over a basin or bathtub and half the solution is poured into his nostril. It is advisable to start rinsing on the side that is less congested. The patient's head should be turned to the side at the time of infusion so that the liquid pours out from the other side. Breathing at this time is done through the mouth. After this, the patient should blow his nose well, then proceed to rinsing the second nostril.

Gargling is usually performed for various respiratory diseases. As a liquid for the procedure, you can use a solution of furatsilin, salt or soda, decoctions of medicinal herbs - calendula, sage, chamomile and others. The duration of one session is about a quarter of an hour, during which the procedure is repeated approximately 20-25 times. After 5-6 times, mucus from the nasopharynx begins to come out along with water. Rinse, as a rule, twice a day after brushing your teeth.

Mucus in the nasopharynx: treatment

Medications for mucus in the nasopharynx

Since the most common cause of mucus in the nasopharynx is infection, drug treatment includes taking antibiotics and antibacterial agents. In addition, if there are symptoms of a runny nose, doctors recommend procedures that help remove secretions and moisturize the nasal mucosa.

Medications for mucus in the nasopharynx include all preparations based on sea water and salt, used to rinse the nasal passages and naturally remove mucus. In addition to rinsing, the patient is recommended to take special medications to relieve congestion and reduce the amount of mucus in the nasopharynx. They are best used immediately after rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution.

Mucus in the nasopharynx: folk remedies

There are many known folk remedies for mucus in the nasopharynx:

Plenty of warm drink, which includes honey, lemon, milk, raspberries and other similar ingredients. This drink helps get rid of mucus in the throat. Instead of pharmaceutical preparations made from sea water, you can prepare a soda-salt solution at home, which is good for gargling and rinsing the nose. An important role in eliminating mucus in the nasopharynx is played by maintaining proper nutrition and reducing the consumption of spicy foods. Inhalations with the addition of medicinal plants help cope with many pathologies of the upper respiratory system. Another way to treat mucus in the nasopharynx is aromatherapy. For inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, you can instill beetroot, carrot or garlic juice diluted with water. Aloe juice dripped into the nasal passages also helps get rid of mucus and signs of infectious diseases.

Other folk remedies are also used to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx, such as a decoction of plantain leaves, an infusion of wild rosemary shoots, a decoction of marshmallow root and flaxseeds, and others.

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The nose is one of the first to encounter various infectious agents, which is why mucus appears in the nasopharynx quite often.

In this way, the body protects itself from viruses and bacteria and prevents their penetration into the lower parts of the respiratory system.

But it’s one thing when a problem arises during the cold season and goes away within a week, and quite another thing when when mucus in the nasopharynx is present for quite a long time and is not eliminated by any means. Indeed, in such cases it can be a sign of serious illness.

Accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx: causes

Abundant secretion of mucus is the body’s natural protective reaction to infection and the development of the inflammatory process. This may be a consequence of exposure to many different factors or a combination of them, including: hypothermia of the body, drinking excessively cold drinks, etc., which reduces local immunity and allows bacteria living on the surface of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and nose to actively multiply and thereby provoke the development of inflammation; allergic reaction to a particular substance; deviated nasal septum or formation of polyps; presence of esophageal diverticula; Sjogren's syndrome, accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of saliva production.

However, the main reasons that the mucus formed in the nasopharynx flows down the back wall and causes a severe cough are bacterial and viral infections. But if viral pathologies mostly go away on their own, then dealing with bacteria can be difficult.

Most often patients are diagnosed with:

adenoiditis - inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which most often occurs in preschool children; sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis) - inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses; nasopharyngitis; candidiasis.

Also, the active production of mucous secretion is promoted by:

smoking; constant stay in rooms with dry air, especially during the heating season; frequent consumption of too salty or spicy foods; gastrointestinal diseases; fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood, which is typical for pregnant women with endocrine pathologies; taking a number of medications.

Signs of mucus in the nasopharynx

In addition to the fact that the patient has the feeling that something is blocking the nasopharynx, his general condition often suffers greatly, the severity of which depends on whether bacteria, viruses or fungi provoked the inflammation.

It is worth noting that the feeling of mucus in the nasopharynx is often similar to the feeling of a lump in the throat.

For bacterial infections, usually caused by streptococci, staphylococci, less commonly meningococci and other microorganisms, a more severe and prolonged course is typical, and they may experience:

decreased hearing and sense of smell; deterioration of attention and memory; temperature rise to high values; sore throat and constant desire to cough; repulsive odor from the mouth; enlarged lymph nodes; regular headaches. One of the diagnostic signs is the nature of the mucus. She may be: cloudy but clear, which is a sign of a viral infection; green mucus from the nasopharynx with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of an acute bacterial infection; viscous yellow-green, replacing transparent or green, appears when the disease enters the final stage and the beginning of recovery; sticky, bitter, white, acrid and smells due to obvious impurities of pus - a sign of a purulent process that requires immediate medical attention.

Quite often the reason why mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx and interferes with breathing is smoking. In such situations, secretion with blood or black streaks may be observed, which is a consequence of drying out of the mucous membranes and the appearance of bleeding microcracks.

Although a similar picture is typical for increased capillary fragility and tumor processes in the ENT organs.

If you do not smoke, but regularly notice streaks of blood in mucous accumulations, you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist to exclude the possibility of developing life-threatening conditions.

Nasopharyngeal mucus may be secreted constantly or only at certain times of the day. Usually it accumulates at night, which leads to snoring due to mucus, and in the morning there are clots of mucus in the nasopharynx.

Regardless of the origin of the existing disease of the nasopharynx, mucus flows down the back wall and causes coughing attacks.

If thick mucus forms in the nasopharynx and is not swallowed

If a lump in the nasopharynx does not clear up, and the ENT specialist does not notice any abnormalities, this may be evidence of the formation of diverticula. In such situations, the patient is referred for examination to a gastroenterologist.

If necessary, the doctor will perform a gastroscopy and accurately determine whether there are any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and whether they could cause the disorder.

Sometimes the root of the problem lies even deeper, then patients are recommended to be examined by an endocrinologist and neurologist.

If the nasopharynx is clogged with mucus: treatment

The nature of treatment depends on what caused the development of the malaise and the presence of a number of aggravating circumstances, such as smoking, endocrine disorders, etc.

The sooner the patient seeks medical help after the first symptoms appear, the faster and easier it will be.

The doctor always determines how to treat the patient based on the existing symptoms and concomitant pathologies. Nevertheless, all patients without exception are recommended to regularly rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions; this will help clear the nasopharynx of secretion accumulations, eliminate congestion and facilitate its removal.

In the absence of timely medical intervention, complications may arise, and the patient will have to decide in other ways the question of how to clear the nose of chronic mucus.

How and with what to rinse the nasopharynx from mucus?

Saline solution can be purchased at a pharmacy (Dolphin, Aquamaris, Physiomer, No-sol, Aqualor and others), use saline solution, which is inexpensive, or prepare the necessary product yourself at home.

To do this, you need to dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of table or sea salt in boiled water.

Cleansing or rinsing the nasal cavity should be done at least 3 times a day. The solution must be passed through the nasopharynx to remove the maximum amount of secretion.

To do this, you should bend over the sink, but keep your head straight, open your mouth slightly and pour the prepared or purchased solution into one of the nostrils. If the procedure is performed correctly, it will pour out of the mouth. Repeat with the second nasal passage.

You can also rinse your nose with infusions of medicinal herbs, in particular chamomile flowers, calendula, string grass, etc. To prepare them, you need to pour boiling water over 1-2 tablespoons of dry plant material, close the lid and leave for at least an hour.

If there is a lot of mucus in the nasopharynx of an adult, treatment can be supplemented by adding a teaspoon of soda and a drop of iodine to the saline solution. The method will help reduce the amount of discharge and have a slight antibacterial effect.


For fungal infections, in particular for oral thrush, antifungal agents are used:

Fluconazole; Clotrimazole; Candide; Nizoral.

Bacterial infections are treated exclusively with antibiotics. The choice of a specific medication is made on the basis of bacteriological analysis by the doctor.

To cure the nasopharynx from mucus, the otolaryngologist may prescribe a medicine for local use (Bioparox spray, Polydexa, Isofra) or systemic antibiotics. As a rule, cephalosporins are preferred.

Also, in severe cases of the disease, local corticosteroids (Nasonex, Beconase, Flixonase, etc.) are used. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Regardless of what caused the condition, as well as how to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx at home, patients are recommended to:

antiviral medications (Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol, Oscilococcinum, Isoprinosine, etc.), which increase the ability of the immune system to resist infection;

homeopathy (Sinupret, Cinnabsin, Rinitol Edas 131, etc.), which have anti-inflammatory and a number of other properties;

nasal drops with vasoconstrictor components (Nazivin, Rinazolin, Noxprey, Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazik, Xylo Mefa, Xylene, etc.), which help reduce the amount of secretions by narrowing the blood vessels, but they can be used for no longer than 3-7 days ;

Rinofluimucil, which helps eliminate a large amount of discharge, is used for no longer than 7 days and only when a large mucous mass is constantly flowing along the back wall.

Patients can also resort to inhalation with a nebulizer to remove excess secretions. It is allowed to independently manipulate only saline solutions.

To remove the viscous mucus that collects in the throat, phlegm thinners are sometimes used: Ambroxol, Lazolvan, ACC, etc. They can be used in oral forms or as an inhalation solution.

The latter option is preferable, since in this case the active ingredients of the medications act directly in the right place and at the same time cause fewer side effects.

How to remove mucus from the nasopharynx using folk remedies

You should not use folk remedies without the doctor’s permission, since in certain situations they can only provoke a worsening of the patient’s condition. The most common ones include:

Radish juice, which is initially instilled in 3 drops into each nostril, and then the dose is gradually increased to 8 drops.

Warming with boiled chicken eggs, potatoes or bags of cereal can only be used if you are completely sure that there is no sinusitis. They are applied to the face on both sides of the bridge of the nose, after placing a piece of fabric.

Onion inhalations. The onion is finely chopped and placed on plates, which are placed in close proximity to the patient (on the work table, at the head of the bed, etc.). The phytoncides contained in the root vegetable will help fight pathogenic microflora and speed up recovery.

Mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx treatment

Often, increased formation of mucous secretion is observed in various rhinopharyngitis and similar pathologies. Also, mucus freely flows down the back wall with adenoiditis, but this disease is most typical for preschool children.

To remove secretions and eliminate pathogenic microflora in otolaryngology, gargling with antiseptic solutions is often used:

Chlorhexidine; Miramistin; Chlorophyllipt alcohol; Rotokan; Joks; Furacilin.

For some, this procedure is quite unpleasant, but the benefits are enormous. The solution not only washes away mucous secretions, but also has a bactericidal effect on pathogens of the inflammatory process.

Mucus along the back wall of the nasopharynx treatment in a child. What to do?

In children, the main cause of illness is adenoiditis. It can develop in an 8-month-old child, but is usually diagnosed after 2 years of age.

With it, a lot of mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, which flows freely down the back wall. The child snores at night and often coughs from mucus when secretions get into the throat.

Frequent relapses are typical for the pathology, especially in autumn and spring. The disease should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a highly qualified otolaryngologist.

In most cases, when starting therapy in the early stages, it is possible to preserve the pharyngeal tonsil and cope with the problem using conservative methods. In severe cases, it is often necessary to remove the adenoids surgically.

To thin the mucus, the same rinsing and washing procedures are used. For exacerbations, local corticosteroids and colloidal silver solutions, for example, Protargol, are used.

Constant therapy and attention to the child’s health leads to recovery. And over time, doctors say that the baby has “outgrown” the disease, usually this happens by 6–7 years.

Mucus in a newborn's nasopharynx

It is typical for newborn children to have large amounts of mucus in the nasal cavity. This is a way for the baby to adapt to new living conditions.

Since such babies do not yet know how to blow their nose and spend most of their time in a horizontal position, all the mucus in the infant goes into the nasopharynx.

To remove it, pediatricians recommend using special aspirators or small rubber bulbs with soft tips and instilling 2-3 drops of saline solution into each nasal passage.

But such manipulations should only be carried out if the child is greatly annoyed by the discharge and interferes with his sleep and active eating.

Otherwise, it is better to let everything take its course; by 2–2.5 months, there will be no trace left of the physiological runny nose of newborns.

However, in any case, if a baby has any kind of discharge, it must be shown to a pediatrician so that the specialist can determine exactly where the secretion comes from, and the parents do not miss the onset of acute respiratory infections.

Mucus in the nasopharynx during pregnancy

Since during pregnancy a colossal hormonal change occurs in the body, women often experience so-called pregnant rhinitis. With it, mucus often flows down the nasopharynx.

Questions for the doctor

What tests need to be taken?

To accurately determine what caused the disorder, it is necessary to make a smear from the surface of the mucous membrane and send it for bacteriological examination.

Only this method will allow you to find out exactly which microorganisms provoked the development of inflammation, and will show which drugs they are hypersensitive to.

This will allow you to select the optimal treatment tactics and eliminate the problem as soon as possible.

Technique for collecting mucus from the nasopharynx for meningococcus

A smear is taken on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth and without starting a course of antibiotic therapy. The patient's tongue is pressed with a sterile spatula, and a tampon is inserted into the nasopharynx, without touching the teeth and tongue. They pass it over the surface of the mucous membrane 2–3 times, collecting secretions. The swab is removed and cultured on a nutrient medium.


You can avoid the problem if you lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, and make sure that the optimal level of humidity is maintained in the house. It will not be superfluous to cleanse the body of toxins by following the rules of a balanced diet.

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling when phlegm collects in the throat and there is a lump. Everyone who has encountered such a problem wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand why this happens. Most often, the cause of excess mucus formation is viruses and bacteria, which, when they get on the mucous membrane, severely irritate it and lead to excessive formation of mucous secretion. You can get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx by eliminating the root cause of this pathological phenomenon. Therapy can be supplemented with a number of folk recipes.

Why does mucus accumulate in the nasopharynx?

The nasopharynx is the entry point for most viruses and bacteria. As a result of this, the mucous membrane becomes very inflamed and begins to actively produce sputum. The main reason for this pathological phenomenon is considered to be a persistent decrease in immunity, when the body cannot fight infection and, as a result, colds develop.

The accumulation of thick mucus in the nasopharynx occurs due to a number of unfavorable factors, which include:

  • Excessive hypothermia of the body.
  • Staying with wet feet for a long time.
  • Consumption of cold drinks and food.
  • Mouth breathing, especially in cold weather.

In addition, the accumulation of thick mucus with the formation of a viscous lump is observed in the following cases:

  • Abuse of tobacco products. Heavy smokers are characterized by dry nasopharynx, throat irritation and frequent coughing. Mucus constantly accumulates in their throat and there is a desire to cough it up.
  • Fans of spicy and highly seasoned foods also often suffer from throat problems. Spicy foods cause severe dry mouth and lead to excessive mucus production. Due to this, the body tries to protect the membranes from excessive irritation.
  • Allergies also provoke the formation of phlegm in the throat, and allergies can be both seasonal and permanent.
  • A lump in the nasopharynx may be due to intestinal dysfunction.
  • Inhaling very dry or warm air can also cause a lump in the throat. To get rid of this pathological phenomenon, it is enough to normalize the temperature and humidity in the home.
  • A deviated nasal septum can also cause excess mucus to accumulate in the throat.
  • Hormonal imbalances also often cause a lump that cannot be coughed up or swallowed.

To find out the exact cause of this ailment. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct a full examination of the patient and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

A mucous lump in the throat is often observed in pregnant women. This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body; the lump disappears without a trace after childbirth.

Features of treatment

Thick mucus in the nasopharynx prevents a person from breathing, eating and talking. This leads to impaired sense of smell and attention, and the person becomes overly irritable. To prevent the progression of the disease and prevent serious complications, you should promptly clear the nasopharynx of mucus.

The main goal of treatment is to fight infection and eliminate the inflammatory process. Based on the cause of the pathological phenomenon, the following treatment methods can be used:

  • Antiviral or antibacterial drugs are prescribed. The choice of medications depends on the cause that caused the lump in the throat.
  • For accumulation of mucus in the nose caused by colds, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.
  • In severe cases, adults resort to prescribing hormonal drugs. Most often this is due to endocrinological problems.
  • They resort to rinsing the nasopharynx with various antiseptic compounds.

If the nasopharynx is clogged with mucus due to allergies, then, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate any contact with allergens, and only then begin treatment. Treatment in this case comes down to taking antihistamines and rinsing the nasopharynx.

Mucus with a rather unpleasant odor may indicate chronic tonsillitis or sinusitis. In this case, it is necessary to look for the root cause of the problem.

How to rinse the nasopharynx

You can rinse the nasopharynx yourself, in normal home conditions. You can prepare a solution for rinsing the nasopharynx in different ways:

  1. You need to take a glass of boiled water and a teaspoon of sea salt. In this case, the salt should be without dyes and flavors; it should be purchased at a pharmacy. I dissolve the dry substance in water, then filter the solution and use it for washing. This composition thins the mucus in the nasopharynx and makes it easier to remove from the body.
  2. If you don’t have sea salt on hand, you can prepare a composition from table salt. To do this, dilute a teaspoon in a glass of warm water. It is better to use finely ground salt, which dissolves without sediment.
  3. Take 10 grams of table salt and baking soda, dilute the dry substances in a glass of warm water and add 2 drops of iodine. You can gargle with the resulting mixture no more than twice a day.
  4. The soda composition helps soften the mucous membrane of the throat and quickly remove accumulated mucus. To prepare the solution, take an incomplete teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water. The resulting soda solution should be rinsed into the nasopharynx three times a day.
  5. Herbal decoctions. In order to clear the throat of chronic mucus, you can also take decoctions of medicinal herbs. Most often, chamomile, sage and calendula are used for this purpose. Herbs can be brewed individually, at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of water, or as a collection.

To rinse the nasopharynx, you can use a special neti teapot, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Yogis use these teapots to wash the nasopharynx. The prepared solution is poured into the neti, the person stands near the sink and tilts his head slightly to the side. After this, the solution is poured into the nostril that is located above. If everything is done correctly, the liquid will randomly flow out of the lower nostril.

The rinsing procedure can be carried out using a rubber syringe or a large disposable syringe without a needle. The latter option is more preferable, since the liquid pressure can be controlled. The nasopharynx should be rinsed with a syringe with great care, since there is a high probability that water will enter the middle ear cavity.

When rinsing the nasopharynx, you should breathe through your mouth. If liquid gets into it, it means you need to tilt your head a little forward. After rinsing the nasopharynx, blow the nose thoroughly and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

During the day, rinsing compositions can be changed. This allows you not only to remove the lump in the throat, but also to eliminate the inflammatory process.


In addition to rinsing the nasopharynx, it is also useful to gargle several times a day. This procedure is especially recommended for chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx and colds. For rinsing, the same compositions are used as for rinsing the nose.

In addition to soda and saline solutions, you can use herbal decoctions, as well as some pharmaceutical preparations. Most often, doctors prescribe Furacilin solution, Miramistin and Chlorophyllipt solution. Before using all these drugs, it is advisable to rinse your mouth and throat with a saline solution.

Before using any medications, you must read the instructions and strictly follow all directions.

Traditional methods

To quickly get rid of a mucous lump in the throat, various folk remedies are used. In terms of their effectiveness, they are not inferior to pharmaceutical drugs, but do not have a systemic effect on the body.

Black radish

The center of a pre-washed root vegetable is hollowed out and filled with honey. After two hours, the resulting juice in the vegetable is poured into a jar and used for nasal instillation.

You should first put 3 drops into your nose, twice a day. Then the number of drops is increased every day, bringing it to 8. This product helps clear the nose of mucus and eliminate swelling. Radish juice is used not only for nasal drops, but also for oral administration. The mixture with honey is dissolved in the mouth for several minutes and then swallowed.

To treat young children, it is advisable to take white radish. It has a softer effect.

Warming up

If mucus collects in the throat due to a cold, you can warm your nose with dry heat. To do this, take two boiled eggs, which are wrapped in cotton handkerchiefs and applied hot to the bridge of the nose. Under the influence of heat, the mucus becomes thinner and is easily blown out.

Instead of eggs, you can take heated salt poured into a sock. Warm up the nose for no more than 15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly blown. Do not forget that any warming procedures are prohibited if purulent contents flow from the nose.

Aloe with honey

One large aloe leaf is twisted in a meat grinder and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mass should be dissolved 4 times a day, ½ teaspoon. After using this product, the sputum is well liquefied and expectorated.

Kalanchoe juice

The juice is squeezed out of Kalanchoe leaves and dripped into the nose. After this, repeated sneezing occurs, due to which the nasopharynx is well cleared of mucus. When treating children, the juice is diluted in half with warm water.

A mucous lump in the throat may occur due to a cold or allergy. To get rid of the problem, you must first accurately determine the root cause of this pathological condition.

In the mucous membrane of the throat and nasal cavity there are glands (goblet cells) that produce a viscous secretion. It moisturizes the inner surface of the respiratory tract and helps remove dust particles, allergens, viruses, microbes, etc. from the respiratory tract. If mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx in moderate quantities, this is considered normal. Copious production and flow of sputum down the back of the throat is a deviation.

The causes of excessive fluid formation in the nasal cavity and throat most often lie in allergic or infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes. The flow of viscous secretions down the walls of the pharynx is called postnasal drip. Mucus accumulating in the respiratory tract irritates cough receptors and therefore often causes paroxysmal coughing. The article will discuss the features and key causes of the development of the disease.

Postnasal drip - what is it?

Postnasal drip is the flow of mucus along the back wall of the hypopharynx, provoked by inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and throat. The mucous discharge penetrates into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, simultaneously irritating the cough receptors located in the respiratory tract. In this regard, patients quite often experience paroxysmal and sometimes spasmodic cough.

The reasons for the development of ENT diseases can be very diverse. However, excess production of viscous secretions in the respiratory tract is associated with an increase in the secretory function of goblet cells. Inflammation of an allergic or infectious nature can provoke hypersecretion of sputum. Most often, the development of postnasal drip is preceded by:

  • sinusitis;
  • infectious rhinitis;
  • hay fever;
  • adenoiditis;
  • unfavorable environment.

Untimely treatment of postnasal drip is fraught with the development of degenerative processes in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

Sometimes the reasons for the flow of nasopharyngeal mucus into the underlying parts of the respiratory tract lie in the abnormal development of the ENT organs. In particular, a deviated nasal septum entails a violation of aerodynamics in the nasal cavity. In this regard, mucus begins to be evacuated from the nasopharynx not through the nasal canals, but through the laryngopharynx.


To cure postnasal drip syndrome, you need to find out why mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx. Pathology does not always develop against the background of respiratory diseases. Sometimes sputum begins to accumulate in the upper parts of the respiratory system due to the adverse effects of exogenous factors.

Infectious runny nose

Infectious runny nose (rhinitis) is a disease characterized by bacterial, viral or fungal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. Rhinitis accompanies the development of many respiratory diseases - nasopharyngitis, influenza, adenoiditis, sinusitis, etc. Thick mucus in the nasopharynx begins to accumulate due to swelling and inflammation of the airways. In this regard, when the patient assumes a horizontal body position, it begins to flow into the laryngopharynx along the walls of the respiratory tract.

To restore the patency of the nasal passages and the natural process of evacuation of nasal fluid, it is necessary to eliminate inflammation in the nasal cavity. For this, vasoconstrictors, saline solutions for rinsing the nose and local antiseptics are usually used. If the causes of inflammation of the ENT organs are not eliminated, this can subsequently lead to the disease becoming chronic.

The development of a chronic runny nose increases the likelihood of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and the occurrence of sinusitis.

Bacterial sinusitis

Sinusitis is an acute or indolent inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses (sinuses). Due to swelling of the soft tissues in the nasal cavity, the process of sputum evacuation through the nasal passages is disrupted. Therefore, with the development of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, thick secretions from the nasopharynx flow into the laryngopharynx, as a result of which the patient develops a cough.

The greatest health hazard is bacterial sinusitis, since the microbial flora multiplies very quickly. The purulent exudate formed in the paranasal sinuses can penetrate into adjacent tissues and provoke complications - meningitis, otitis media, brain abscess, etc. The following symptoms may indicate the development of the disease:

  • pressure in the maxillary and frontal sinuses;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • coughing up mucus mixed with pus;
  • foul odor from the nose;
  • elevated temperature.

During the hours when a person sleeps, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx. Therefore, in the morning, immediately after waking up, the patient may experience a severe cough caused by the flow of copious amounts of viscous secretion through the respiratory tract.


Adenoiditis is an infectious disease caused by inflammation of the hypertrophied (enlarged) nasopharyngeal tonsil. Most often, the disease develops in children under 12 years of age. Inflamed adenoids in the nasopharynx prevent normal breathing and the outflow of mucus through the nasal canals. Therefore, the mucus drains directly into the laryngopharynx, provoking a spasmodic cough in the little patient.

Chronic dry cough and constant breathing through the mouth are typical manifestations of adenoiditis in children.

It should be understood that the respiratory tract contains many opportunistic microorganisms, in particular fungi and bacteria. Untimely relief of inflammation in the adenoids can provoke serious complications and the formation of purulent exudate in the nasal cavity.


A common cause of postnasal drip syndrome is pharyngitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the lymphoid tissues in the hypopharynx, which stimulates the activity of single-celled glands in the mucous membranes. The development of pharyngitis can be provoked by:

  • inhalation of polluted air;
  • thermal and chemical burns of the mucous membrane;
  • dental diseases;
  • decreased local immunity;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Most often, pharyngitis develops against the background of bacterial sinusitis, runny nose and dental caries.

The development of the disease is most often indicated by pain and rawness in the throat, painful swallowing, enlarged submandibular lymph nodes and fever. If pharyngitis develops against the background of other respiratory infections, the symptomatic picture is supplemented by lacrimation, sneezing, spasmodic cough, etc. The cause of mucus running down the throat is inflammation in the laryngopharynx mucosa. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to treat the throat mucosa with antiseptic and wound-healing sprays.

Unfavorable environment

Unfavorable environmental conditions can trigger the development of postnasal drip. Over the past 10 years, the incidence of respiratory disease has increased 3 times. Otolaryngologists are confident that the culprit is excessive air pollution and climate change.

Allergens, exhaust gases, dust and other irritating substances contained in the air negatively affect the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Subsequent inflammation of the ENT organs inevitably leads to increased activity of goblet cells and, as a consequence, excess production of sputum. If the nasopharynx is clogged with mucus, sooner or later this will lead to the development of postnasal drip.

To reduce the likelihood of developing respiratory diseases, experts recommend rinsing the nasal cavity with isotonic solutions at least 2-3 times a week. They will clear the airways of allergens and dust and prevent inflammation of soft tissues.

Bad habits

Most heavy smokers develop viscous mucus in the nasopharynx. The fact is that tobacco smoke contains tars that settle on the inner surface of the respiratory tract. To clear the respiratory tract of foreign objects, goblet cells begin to produce mucus.

Tobacco smoking leads to a decrease in local immunity in the respiratory organs, which increases the risk of developing respiratory infections.

The resins contained in tobacco smog glue small cilia on the surface of the ciliated epithelium, which take part in transporting viscous secretions to the nasal passages. For this reason, mucus accumulates in the airways, and then flows down the respiratory tract into the trachea and bronchi.


The accumulation and flow of viscous secretion along the back wall of the throat is associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. Pathological reactions in tissues stimulate the activity of single-celled glands in the respiratory tract, which begin to produce large amounts of mucus. Due to inflammation and swelling of the nasal canals, it begins to flow down the walls of the laryngopharynx, causing a cough reaction in patients.

Postnasal drip occurs as a complication of certain allergic (allergic rhinitis) and infectious (pharyngitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis) diseases. Unfavorable exogenous factors - polluted air, tobacco smoking, etc. can provoke inflammation in the respiratory tract. In rare cases, the disease develops due to an abnormal structure of the nasal septum or injury.

Sputum in the nasopharynx is a viscous secretion, which includes tracheobronchial mucus, saliva and nasal secretions. With the development of pathological processes in the respiratory tract, the amount of sputum increases sharply. The accumulation of fluid causes irritation of receptors in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which causes coughing. How to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx? Treatment methods are determined by the cause of the development of inflammation in the nasal cavity and laryngopharynx.

Increased mucus formation in the respiratory tract accompanies many respiratory diseases - nasopharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngotracheitis, etc. Treatment of infectious diseases is accompanied by taking medications with disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Therapy methods

You can remove mucus from the nasopharynx using sanitizing procedures and decongestants (vasoconstrictors). But before using medications, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of inflammation in the ENT organs. If the infection in the respiratory tract is not eliminated, sooner or later it will lead to serious complications.

In addition to the accumulation of mucus in the hypopharynx, patients may be bothered by additional symptoms:

nasal congestion; lacrimation; sore throat; painful swallowing; elevated temperature; malaise; spasmodic cough.

Only an otolaryngologist can establish the true cause of the disease after conducting a hardware and visual examination of the patient. After identifying the causative agent of the infection, the doctor develops the most appropriate treatment strategy, which is based on:

medications; physiotherapeutic procedures.

Timely and adequate treatment of a respiratory disease allows you to stop inflammation at the very beginning and thereby prevent the spread of infection. To prevent relapses of inflammation, your doctor may recommend taking vitamins and immunostimulating medications.

Drug treatment

How to remove mucus from the nasopharynx? The process of evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract can only be facilitated if its viscosity is reduced. For this purpose, secretolytic and secretomotor agents are used. You also need to take medications that help eliminate inflammation in the mucous membranes. This is the only way to reduce the activity of single-celled glands in the bronchi, trachea and nasal cavity, which produce an excessive amount of viscous secretion.

Mucolytics (secretolytic agents)

Mucolytic drugs reduce the amount of mucin in sputum, which has astringent properties. A decrease in the concentration of protein components in the mucus contributes to its liquefaction and detachment from the inner surface of the nasopharynx. With the help of secretolytic agents, not only sputum is removed from the respiratory system, but also purulent exudate, which is often formed during the development of sinusitis, purulent pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.

Mucolytic drugs can be used to treat adults and children over 3 years of age.

To transform a dry cough into a wet one, it is recommended to use:

"Fluimucil"; "ACC"; "Ambroxol"; "Mukopront."

Coughing up mucus allows you to clear the airways of pathological secretions and prevent the development of inflammation in the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

Expectorants (secretomotor agents)

Expectorant medications increase the sensitivity of cough receptors, thereby accelerating the process of removing mucus from the nasopharynx. During forced exhalation, pathological secretions containing pathogenic viruses or bacteria are evacuated from the lower and upper parts of the respiratory system. The best drugs with secretomotor action include:

"Sinupret"; "Ambrosan"; "Tavilek"; "Bromhexine."

"Orasept"; "Inhalipt"; "Pro-Ambassador"; "Hexoral".

Physiotherapeutic treatment


Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Aqua Maris, Humer, Sodium chloride, etc. can be used as drugs for sanitizing the laryngopharynx. An ordinary saline solution prepared independently will be no less effective. To make the preparation, dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 250 ml hot water.

Nasal lavage

Nasal lavage (nasal lavage) is one of the most effective methods of eliminating inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. Irrigation of the nasopharynx with saline and anti-inflammatory solutions helps flush out viscous mucus, dust particles and pathogenic flora from the paranasal sinuses and nasal canals. To achieve the desired effect, the following recommendations must be followed during rinsing:

fill a rubber syringe with the prepared solution; tilt your head to the side over the sink; insert the tip of the syringe into the upper nostril; slowly inject liquid into the nasal canal; blow mucus out of your nose; Rinse the other nostril in the same way.


The accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx is a clear sign of inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory system. A pathological symptom may accompany the development of tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, etc. To facilitate the removal of viscous secretions from the respiratory tract, it is recommended to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

The manifestations of the disease can only be eliminated if foci of inflammation in the throat and nasal cavity are eliminated. For these purposes, it is recommended to irrigate the mucous membrane with isotonic drugs and antiseptics. Recurrence of respiratory disease can be prevented by taking vitamins and immunomodulatory medications.

The accumulation of viscous secretion provokes irritation of the receptors of the inner lining of the nose. The localization of sputum in the projection of the respiratory tract creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora, which is dangerous due to trophic disturbances, inflammation and swelling of soft tissues.

Timely treatment of a nasopharynx clogged with mucus will prevent serious complications and the development of a chronic form of pathology. Therapeutic methods are determined by the etiology of the lesion in the nasal cavity and upper pharynx.

Causes of mucus accumulation in the nasopharynx

Increased formation of nasal secretions has a diverse form of occurrence. Medical participation is necessary to differentiate the nature of pathological changes.

Catalysts of sputum concentration in the projection of the respiratory system inflammation of the wall of the esophagus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, violation of the integrity of the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses.

Mucus with an unpleasant odor constantly accumulates in the nasopharynx due to acute respiratory viral infections. The clinical picture is complemented by the following symptoms:

increased body temperature; cough; intoxication; nasal congestion, runny nose; discomfort in the oropharynx area.

Increased mucus formation is preceded by anatomical features of the osteochondral structure of the ENT organ: curvature of the nasal septum, wide auricle.

Mucus forms in the nasopharynx of an adult under the influence of the following factors:

unfavorable production and living conditions; changes in hormonal activity during pregnancy; psychological trauma; emotional overexcitation; consumption of non-standard dishes, spices; taking pharmaceuticals; allergic reaction.

Nuance! Mucus production directly increases against the background of biological aging processes.

Constant phlegm or thick mucus requires special attention. Contributes to the transformation of the chemical composition of nasal secretions excessive consumption of tobacco products, alcohol, spicy foods, bacterial rhinitis.

Treatment with expectorants is indicated for the development of acute bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

Secretomotor drugs prevent mucus stagnation in the lower parts of the respiratory tract. If you do not start taking medications in time, this will lead to disruption of the drainage function of the bronchi and, as a result, the development of pneumonia.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Local anti-inflammatory drugs can accelerate the regression of pathological processes directly at the sites of inflammation. Restoring the secretory activity of goblet cells will lead to a decrease in the amount of sputum in the respiratory tract. To ease the course of the disease and speed up the recovery process, it is recommended to use the following types of drugs:

"Orasept"; "Inhalipt"; "Pro-Ambassador"; "Hexoral".

Irrational use of drugs in the treatment of children is fraught with side effects - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, etc.

Treatment of children with aerosol preparations may provoke undesirable reactions. To prevent negative consequences, doctors recommend treating a sore throat with Lugol's Solution or antiseptic drugs.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Sticky mucus in the nasopharynx can be removed using physiotherapeutic procedures. Regular treatment contributes to the regression of inflammation in the respiratory tract and strengthens local immunity. When carrying out sanitizing procedures, experts advise using non-concentrated saline solutions and antiseptics, as they reduce the viscosity of sputum and disinfect the nasopharyngeal mucosa.


Irrigation of the hypopharynx with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents helps eliminate not only viscous mucus, but also pathogenic flora. To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

prepare a solution for sanitation of the throat immediately before the therapy session; while rinsing, tilt your head back and stick your tongue forward as much as possible; before the procedure, warm the solution to 37-38 °C; Irrigate at least 4-5 times a day.

Important! Try not to swallow antiseptic solutions, as they can affect the intestinal microflora.

Mucus flowing down the nasopharynx irritates the cough center, which is manifested by involuntary forced exhalations through the mouth

The feeling of a regular accumulation of secretory discharge signals a change in the nature of the disease, its migration to the chronic stage.

For the first days after birth, the baby has a lot of mucus in the nasopharynx may be due to the adaptation of the inner shell to new environmental conditions. By the end of the third month of life, the baby’s condition should normalize and the natural production of muconasal secretions should be restored.

Narrow nasal passages and viral or bacterial infection can disrupt the production and outflow of secreted fluid in older children.

Where does the mucus in the nasopharynx come from?

The funnel-shaped canal is the connecting link between the nasal cavity and the mouth, from where air is distributed into the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the cavity is lined with numerous blood vessels that warm, cleanse and moisturize the gaseous substance.

To maintain the vital functions of the body, the mucociliary apparatus produces about 2000 ml daily. nasal mucus.

Important! When mucus flows down the back wall of the pharynx, there is a possibility that it will flow into the larynx and parts of the respiratory system, which can cause inflammation of the bronchi and trachea.

During a natural physiological process, nasal secretions flow down the nasopharynx and are involuntarily swallowed.

During exposure to aggressive endogenous and exogenous factors there is dysfunction in the production of secretory secretions– the body does not have time to remove an excessive amount of muconasal secretion, which accumulates in the projection of the nasal part of the pharynx.

Excess phlegm irritates the cough and vomiting center, which explains the urge to vomit and cough due to mucus in the nasopharynx.

Conservative methods of treating nasopharynx clogged with mucus

Based on the data from the visual and hardware examination of the patient, the otolaryngologist draws up a medication regimen, which is based on taking medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

An important condition for the active recovery of a child is proper care, a balanced diet, and the creation of favorable living conditions.

Nasal irrigation

Rinsing the paranasal sinuses with water or anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Irrigation of the canals helps cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic microflora, accumulations of sputum, dust and foreign agents.


Irrigation of the upper part of the pharynx with disinfecting and anti-inflammatory drugs: Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Sodium Chloride will help remove mucus from the nasopharynx.

The mechanism of action of aqueous solutions is based on the ability of the active components to change the properties of the cell membrane, thereby inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microflora. The components disrupt the integrity of the cytoplasmic membrane, viruses and bacteria lose their osmotic balance, as a result of which they die.

Advice! A portion of the suspension for throat irrigation must be prepared immediately before the therapeutic procedure.

To ensure that the medicine flows into hard-to-reach places, When rinsing, move your head back as far as possible, sticking out your tongue. The daily frequency of procedures and the course of treatment are determined by the pediatrician. On average, the daily norm is limited to 4 – 5 manipulations. The procedure is recommended for children after 4 years of age.

Drug treatment

To restore nasal drainage and reduce epithelial hyperemia Vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed for a short course: “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”, “Tizin”, “Xylometazoline”, “Noxprey, for children - “Nazol Baby”, “Nazol Kids”.

To evacuate and liquefy mucus in the nose, a group of pharmaceutical preparations with secretolytic and secretomotor activity is prescribed. The mechanism of their action is aimed at reducing the vital activity of unicellular glands that produce excessive amounts of pathological secretion.

The therapeutic effect appears relieving inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, changing the physical and chemical properties of muconasal fluid, improving its outflow.


They are characterized by a complex effect: mucoregulating and thinning. The active components restore mucociliary clearance, reduce the number of goblet cells to normal, and normalize the viscosity and elasticity of secretory secretions.

Mucopront, Ambroxol, Mucaltin, and Fluimucil have proven their effectiveness in otolaryngology. In pediatrics, Lazolvan, ACC, and Rinofluimucil (for nasal use) are widely used.

For reference! The action of secretolytics extends to accelerating the regenerative processes of the epithelium.


The sensitivity of the cough center is increased by Sinupret, Bromhexine, Gedelix, Prospan, and Pertussin.

During the period of breastfeeding, pregnant women and infants are prescribed products of plant origin based on ivy (Herbion), plantain (Eucabal, Doctor Theiss), thyme (Bronchipret).

Active components destroy mucoprotein and mucopolysaccharides that form mucus, increase the motor activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium.

Activates fluid secretion and increases mucociliary clearance, which facilitates mucus removal and reduces cough

Anti-inflammatory drugs

To normalize the secretory activity of the mucociliary apparatus, doctors recommend Hexoral, Proposol, Inhalipt.

Pharmaceutical products have complex action: antiseptic, fungicidal and virostatic. They are active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, suppress the metabolic processes of microorganisms, which contributes to their death.

Side effects are possible for individual intolerance the body in the form of an allergic reaction, decreased taste perception.

Aerosol drugs used in the treatment of children can provoke undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is rational to use Lugol’s solution to treat the pharynx.


How to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx is determined by the doctor based on the etiology and severity of the lesion. The response to the first symptoms of pathology allows one to limit oneself to irrigation of the nasal and oral cavities.

The formation of sputum in the projection of the nasopharynx due to infection of the upper respiratory tract or migration of inflammation to the chronic stage requires conservative therapy: taking medications with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Nasopharyngeal diseases are one of the most common diseases.

The throat burns, itches, a dry, painful cough appears, the nose gets stuffy, and mucus accumulates.

How to cure this trouble? Is treating nasopharynx at home effective?

What diseases of the nasopharynx bother you most often?

More about the nasopharynx

The pharynx is divided into several parts:

Nasopharynx. This is the upper part of the throat, located next to the first and second cervical vertebrae. The mucous membrane is covered with ciliated epithelial tissue, which ensures the removal of pathogenic particles from the nasopharynx. Without the structural features of the nasopharynx, a person would not be able to live even a few days: pathogenic particles would easily penetrate into his lungs. Oropharynx- the middle section of the throat, located below the nasopharynx. Includes the soft palate, base of the tongue, tonsils, and posterior wall of the pharynx. Ends with the superior epiglottis. Laryngeal part (lower section) begins at the level of the epiglottis and ends at the entrance to the esophagus.

The structure of the pharyngeal mucosa includes a huge number of nerves. Minor inflammations in the throat cause discomfort in the throat, dryness, soreness, and a feeling of a foreign body in the throat.

Nasopharyngeal diseases have similar symptoms:

the person may temporarily lose their voice; dryness in the nasopharynx and larynx; hoarseness; partial loss of smell; weakness; itching in the nasopharynx; frequent sneezing; nasal discharge; viscous secretion; burning sensation; throat hurts when swallowing; feeling as if something is blocking the nasopharynx; secretion of sputum.

If you have similar symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Due to the lack of adequate treatment, the course of the disease can become chronic.

The intensity of symptoms depends on the form and stage of the disease. Specific symptoms:

in case of acute rhinitis, it is necessary to be treated for 12 days, after which the nasal discharge will disappear; catarrhal runny nose is characterized by mild manifestations, but the patient’s general condition will be poor; polyps impair sleep; if they are present, the ears become blocked; with ozena disease, nasal discharge has a greenish tint with a rotten smell; sinusitis provokes a prolonged runny nose, sputum discharge will be difficult; frontal sinusitis affects only one part of the nasopharynx, but is manifested by migraine attacks and pain in the nasal sinuses; with scleroma, infiltrates appear that look like flat or lumpy elevations.

Diseases of the nasopharynx also include the following diseases:

laryngitis; pharyngitis; tonsillitis; retropharyngeal abscess; parapharyngeal abscess; adenoid hypertrophy; paratonsillitis; injuries and wounds of the pharynx.

The formation of the disease is influenced by the following factors:

Systematic consumption of cold food and drinks. Hypothermia. Overstrain of the vocal cords. Viruses, fungi, pathogenic microorganisms. Injuries in the throat area. Sore throats. Thyroid diseases.

A fairly common disease is nasopharyngitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Let's look at the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the nasopharynx. This is a viral infection that affects the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Includes signs of pharyngitis (acute pain and burning throat when swallowing) and rhinitis (nasal congestion, runny nose, headache).

The nose is washed with saline solution and vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are applied. Swelling of the pharynx is relieved with Lugol's and Yox's solution.

Such a seemingly harmless symptom as drying out of the nasopharynx can lead to various complications: at first it becomes difficult to breathe, then a stuffy nose, loss of smell, children begin to cough, snore at night, frequent headaches, dry crust in the nose, cracks on the mucous membrane.

The protective properties of the nose weaken, which becomes the cause of frequent infectious or viral diseases.

What are the causes and treatment of dry nasopharynx? Causes:

reaction to long-term use of nasal drops; dry indoor air; constant breathing through the mouth due to nasal congestion; congenital curvature of the nose; mechanical damage; overstrain of the vocal cords.

How to moisturize the nasopharynx? Dryness in the nasopharynx is treated with vasoconstrictors, moisturized with light saline solutions or special preparations (Aquamaris, Aqualor). The problem of dry air is solved with the help of humidifiers.

If your nasopharynx hurts, how to treat it?


Usually, nasopharyngeal diseases are treated with conservative methods. Therapy depends on the manifestation of the disease:

Elevated body temperature is treated with antipyretic drugs, and bed rest is required. To get rid of a cough, the doctor prescribes mucolytics to speed up recovery. If sputum is produced, vasoconstrictors are taken.

In case of ozena disease, surgical treatment may be required to remove pathogenic crusts, purulent accumulations, and eliminate dry nasopharynx.

For sinusitis, take the following medications:

vasoconstrictors to reduce swelling (Naphthyzin, Galazolin); antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav); moisturizing drops (Rinolux, Aqualor); aerosol inhalation.

How to get rid of various manifestations of nasopharyngeal diseases?

To clear the nasopharynx of mucus, rinse the nose and gargle.

How to remove mucus? First, make a steam bath for your face. It thins mucus and promotes its rapid removal.

For the bath, use a hot decoction of potatoes and sage, mint, ground dill or nettle herbs. These ingredients are poured with boiling water, and the steam is slowly inhaled through the nose and mouth alternately for several minutes.

Rinse the nose with saline solution or Aqualor containing isotonic natural sea water.

How to remove snot using this product? Aqualor is able to rinse all parts of the nasal cavity, clean them of bacteria, viruses, crusts, mucus, contaminants, moisturizes, increases local immunity, accelerates the regeneration of the nasal mucosa, and increases the therapeutic effectiveness of medications that are applied to the nasal mucosa.

It rinses the nose well for both adults and small children. Apply to each nasal passage 4 times a day.

How to rinse correctly? Bend over the bathtub or sink, insert the dispenser into the nostril that breathes better, and gradually begin pouring the solution into it, turning your head slightly to the side. After rinsing, blow your nose thoroughly and rinse the other nostril.

How to rinse the nose of a child under one year old? The child is placed on his side. Inject a small stream of 2.5 ml of saline solution into one nasal passage through a syringe without a needle. Turn the baby's head in the other direction and rinse the second nasal passage.

The baby's head should not be tilted back. If he chokes, he is placed on his stomach and lightly tapped between his shoulder blades.

Do not inject the solution quickly and under high pressure. The fluid will enter the Eustachian tube and provoke the development of otitis media. The syringe can be replaced with a pipette.

The mucus is removed using an aspirator. Using cotton wool soaked in oil, clean the child's nose from crusts. After cleansing, the medicine prescribed by the pediatrician is instilled (Nazivin 0.01% or Nazol baby). Drops are used no more than once every six hours.

How to thin snot? Antihistamines or special cold medications will help reduce discharge.

It is necessary to frequently ventilate the premises or do wet cleaning. Moist air dilutes snot well. The patient should blow his nose more often.

How to relieve swelling? More often, infectious swelling of the nasopharynx appears - nasopharyngitis. The causative agents of the disease are viruses and bacteria. A weakened immune system is unable to cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Often progresses to sinusitis.


the throat is sore, dry; watery discharge forms in the nose; the face swells, the ears are blocked; headache; Often only one side of the face hurts.

Treat the disease with vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Xylometazoline. A light massage of the bridge of the nose will help. It is also smeared with a warming ointment (for example, Zvezdochka).

The throat is gargled with herbal decoctions, the nose is washed with Aqualor or a saline solution.

For acute sinusitis with elevated body temperature and severe sore throat, antiviral drugs (Oseltamivir) and antibiotics (Amoxicillin) are prescribed.

For purulent sinusitis, a puncture is performed: the area above the nasolabial triangle is pierced under the inferior turbinate, and the sinus cavities are washed with antiseptics.

For allergic swelling of the nasopharynx, Suprastin and Loratadine are prescribed.

How to restore the mucous membrane? The following drugs will help cure the disease:

Pinosol. This medicine is completely natural. The composition contains natural oils of pine, eucalyptus, peppermint. Treats the nose and has a beneficial effect. Delufren. This homeopathic medicine has a local anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Aquamaris or Aqualor- purified sea water. They fight inflammation, normalize mucus production and restore mucous membranes. Derinat. This is an immunomodulator that increases the body's defenses, restores the condition of tissues, and activates the regeneration of the mucous membrane. Protargol- an effective solution of colloidal silver with powerful antiseptic properties. Available to order. Shelf life – 2 weeks. Use after your doctor's permission.


How to get rid of phlegm? There are many remedies that clear the throat of mucus. Rinse is delivered to the infectious focus, destroys microorganisms, reduces inflammation, and stimulates mucosal regeneration.

Pus, microbes, and their waste products are removed. The rinse solution should be warm. Gargle up to 6 times a day for several minutes.

Rinse aids:

Mixed a teaspoon of baking soda, table salt and 3 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine per glass of water. Salt will draw out pus from the tonsils, making it more loose, iodine will destroy microbes. Hydrogen peroxide upon contact with affected tissues, it is capable of releasing oxygen, a powerful oxidizing agent that destroys microorganisms. The drug disinfects the surface of the inflammation, the foam will remove contaminants and reduce the impact of microbes on the body. Add 2 tablespoons to 200 ml of water. Tantum Verde contains benzydamine, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Taken orally. Reduces inflammation, improves the patient's condition. Take a tablespoon every three hours. Furacilin- local antiseptic, effective against streptococcal infections. One tablet is dissolved in a glass of hot water. Gargle when the solution has cooled to room temperature. Elekasol- a herbal mixture that contains calendula, chamomile, sage, eucalyptus. It has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce sore throat and restore tissue. Chlorhexidine Do not dilute before rinsing. But for children it is better to gargle by mixing the product with water (1:2). Immunomodulators will also help Imudon, Lizobakt.

How to get rid of mucus in the nasopharynx using folk remedies? Recipes:

A tablespoon of chamomile flowers Infuse in a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. A tablespoon of willow bark boil for half an hour in a glass of water, cool, gargle. Tablespoon sage Boil for a few minutes in a glass of water, cool, and gargle. Two cloves of garlic crush, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 40 minutes. 4 fresh plantain leaves or 2 spoons of dried plantain Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Let it cool and gargle every half hour. Compress. The chest is treated with coconut oil with the addition of a few drops of eucalyptus. Cover with a piece of gauze or polyethylene and leave for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Compresses are not used at elevated body temperatures. Grind 50 g of propolis, pour 250 ml of alcohol into it, leave in a warm and dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the container with the tincture three times a day. Strain, rinse your nose with the tincture, first pour a teaspoon of the tincture with six teaspoons of cold boiled water. Chop a medium sized onion. Pour 50 ml of boiling water, add a tablespoon of honey, stir. Leave for three hours, strain. Used as drops and for rinsing the nose. Cut off the lower or middle leaves of aloe plants older than three years., wash, dry. The cut leaf of the plant should not be kept outdoors for more than three hours. Wrap in a sheet of paper and refrigerate for a week and a half. Then take it out and cut it across. Squeeze out the juice and instill it every two hours, 6 drops into each nostril. The mucous membrane will be restored very quickly. Drip sea buckthorn oil into your nose three times a day. The product has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect, relieves pain, and activates blood flow. You can buy it or prepare it yourself. Ripe berries are washed and dried, and the juice is squeezed out of them. The cake is dried naturally, without leaving it in the sun. After drying, the berries are ground in a coffee grinder and transferred to a glass jar. Heat the olive oil until it is hot. The cake is poured with oil so that it is three centimeters higher than the level. Leave for a week, stirring every day. Strain and store in the refrigerator in glass.


Gargle with warm boiled water after going outside. Don't talk in the cold for a long time. Do not drink drinks straight from the refrigerator or with ice. Avoid hypothermia, infectious and viral diseases. Inhalations and vitamins will help with this. When the first signs of nasopharyngeal disease occur, you should consult a doctor and begin drug treatment. Otherwise the disease will become chronic. Drink one and a half liters of clean water per day. Do not inhale fumes of chemicals that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey. You can sing loudly and scream a little to strengthen the throat and cleanse the mucous membranes. Stop smoking.

Before using any of the above remedies, you must obtain a doctor’s permission.

Mucus in the nasopharynx is an unpleasant phenomenon that prevents you from breathing fully. Moreover, this condition leads to unpleasant sensations: the sense of smell is lost, attention decreases, memory lapses occur, etc. For timely treatment, you should visit your local otolaryngologist as soon as possible. There are also some preventive measures that will help restore breathing or avoid serious complications. Care and hygiene are the key to health!

Brief description of the disease

The accumulation of mucus causes complete blockage of the nasopharynx, a person cannot inhale and exhale calmly, this especially causes severe discomfort at night. Most often, such accumulation occurs due to entry into the sinuses. If the infection is not eliminated immediately, it begins to act and a number of harmful bacteria multiply in the body.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor immediately pays attention to the shade of mucus. Typical colors are: transparent, white, green, yellow and rusty. If a greenish or yellowish tint is present, this indicates the existence of pus. With bronchial asthma or an increased level of eosinophils, the mucus turns bright yellow. The rusty color is the most dangerous; it signals the development of a serious disease (for example), which requires immediate intervention.

If there is a chronic accumulation of mucus, there may be an unpleasant odor; in this case, you should not delay visiting a doctor and get detailed advice from him and a recommendation for further treatment.

Any mucus indicates various disorders in the human body; this phenomenon is unnatural, so inaction can lead to bad consequences.

Causes of mucus in the nasal passage

Many people have a question: why does mucus form and accumulate in the nasal passage? There are actually quite a few reasons, here are some of them:

Read also:

What to do with otitis in a child: pathogenesis and clinical picture of the disease, treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Types of mucus - precautions

There are different types of mucus, this is directly related to the reason for its appearance. Types of mucus:

Drug treatment

At the initial stage, it is possible to fight mucus with the help of special medications. Inflammation is relieved by destroying viruses and infections. The treatment method is prescribed on an individual basis, it all depends on the degree and nature of the pathology. The standard drug therapy is:

  • taking antibiotics
  • taking antiviral drugs
  • prescribing antihistamines
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs
  • rinsing the throat and sinuses

Any course of treatment includes the mandatory use of antibiotics. Without them, it is very difficult to quickly kill the infection that is in the body. If there are contraindications to taking antibiotics, then you can resort to another method - rinsing the sinuses with sea salt. This marine product has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Salt-based products can be purchased at any pharmacy; they are available in the form of drops or spray. To be effective, the nose can be rinsed with regular saline solution and then treated with sea salt.

Read also:

Odor from the nose: causes, therapeutic effects and possible complications

They also resort to traditional methods of treating mucus. There are many recipes, so you can choose the method individually that is most effective for the body.


One small spoon of dried celandine is poured with hot water (half a liter of water is enough). The grass must infuse. When the temperature of the tincture drops to 35 degrees, the decoction is filtered. Then 1 tsp is added to the finished tincture. honey, one tablespoon of table salt and 3 tablespoons of pure aloe juice.


For ten days, rinse the throat and mouth with this decoction, and also syringe the nasopharynx, up to seven times a day. The first procedure may cause pain, as accumulated mucus covers the septum and inflammation is severe. In the future, the pain and discomfort will go away, which means that the infection is reduced and the inflammation is eliminated.

If you perform additional inhalations with this decoction, this will only enhance the effect. After a ten-day course of treatment, you need to take a break of up to two weeks, or up to 10 days. Then the procedure is repeated. To ensure complete consolidation, the course of treatment can be repeated after a couple of months, the rules of action are the same.

Recipe No. 2. The main component is the herb fireweed. One tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. You should take a third of a glass three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Recipe No. 3. The main ingredients are anise and alcohol.


Three tbsp. spoons of the dried plant are poured with alcohol (100 milligrams) and left for 7-10 days until fully prepared.


A few drops are instilled into each sinus of the nose, so as not to burn and dry out, you can dilute the product with boiled water (proportion 1 to 3). If, in addition to mucus, the doctor finds adenoids and polyps, then it is recommended to gargle with this remedy and gargle the entire oral cavity.

Recipe No. 4. Radish tincture. The juice is squeezed out of the black radish, which is then applied to the nose. Up to 5 drops of juice are dripped into each nostril. Only regular implementation of the procedure will help remove mucus and fully restore the functioning of the nasopharynx.



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