When is the best time to cut your nails according to the lunar calendar? Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week

A person's nails can say a lot about their owner. By their appearance and condition, one can determine a person’s social status, level of culture, and type of professional activity. Among other things, nails can affect the health and quality of life of their owner. However, it is worth noting that nail cutting and manicure are different procedures. This article deals only with cutting nails, since they reflect a person’s state, both physiological and emotional.

Palmists and astrologers are constantly working to create a calendar according to which you can cut your nails. The main goal of the prognosis is to improve the quality of a person’s life, his state of health, material well-being, and mental state. Also in the calendar you can find tips on behavior, what you should abstain from during a given period of time, and what, on the contrary, you can afford. will help you achieve what you want much faster and easier. After all, you will move with the Universe, and not against it.

Today, many calendars have been invented, designed for different periods of time. For example, there is a calendar for cutting nails by month, indicating the dates of favorable and unfavorable days for cutting nails. There are calendars for the whole year and much more. But the most practical is a calendar based on the days of the week. The calendar based on the days of the week is taken as the basis for calculating other periods.

The day that is under the auspices of the Moon is Monday. If you cut your nails on this day, you can help yourself get rid of many negative emotional experiences, such as melancholy, sadness, and bad memories. Also, cutting nails on this day has a beneficial effect on the human genitourinary system.

Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. He is also patronized by the God of War. If you have troubles or various situations that require powerful, assertive energy, then you need to cut your nails on this day.
Wednesday- day of Mercury. Mercury affects the human nervous and immune system. If you cut your nails on Wednesday, you can have a positive effect on your emotional state and the body’s ability to resist harmful environmental factors. Thus, thoughts are put in order, a person finds the right solution, and attention is concentrated.

It is recommended that schoolchildren and office workers cut their nails on Wednesday.
If you have liver problems, it is better to trim your nails in Thursday. This day is patronized by Jupiter. It helps increase confidence in yourself and your abilities. People around you will appreciate this from a positive side.
Friday. Venus is the patroness of beauty, charm, softness, and tenderness. These qualities are inherent in a real woman. But, oddly enough, you shouldn’t cut your nails on this day. After all, by the end of the week, all processes occurring in the body slow down. Nails trimmed on this day will grow for a long time. It also increases the risk of gaining extra pounds and attracting life's troubles, which can have significant consequences.
Saturday- day of the week on which you can get rid of various types of debts. Also, cutting your nails on Saturday helps you meet your loved one and get rid of loneliness and protracted illness.
Sunday is under the influence of the Sun. On this day, it is forbidden to do things such as cleaning, washing, sewing, cutting hair and nails. The thing is that on this day our karma is very vulnerable. Therefore, you should not anger higher powers, so as not to lose their help.
By following the above rules, you can not only transform your appearance, but also find inner harmony and improve your health. It’s not without reason that our grandmothers said that you need to cut your nails and hair when the Moon is waxing, and not when it’s waning. It has long been believed that the Moon, which is on the way to profit, helps to increase prosperity and accelerate growth processes, and the Moon, which is on the decline, is capable of slowing down processes.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting

Man is part of the universe. He is influenced by all the processes occurring in it. Astrologers have long been studying the relationship between man and the Moon. They came to the conclusion that the Moon, located in different signs, affects the body differently. Therefore, cutting hair, nails, and manicure must be done in accordance with the horoscope. This will help not only prevent troubles in life, but also speed up what you want.
The moon is in Aries or Taurus.
You should cut your nails and do a manicure at this time only if necessary, since these days are neutral. They don't predict anything bad, but they don't predict anything good either.

Location of the Moon in the zodiac sign Twins prohibits artificial nail extensions. Otherwise, you can attract negative energy. It is better to postpone this procedure to the days when the Moon is in Virgo. This period is definitely favorable for various cosmetic procedures.

When is the Moon in the zodiac sign? a lion, then you need to make the most of this time for self-improvement. Any, even very bold ideas for transforming your nails, will be a huge success.

Moon in Cancer helps slow down the processes occurring in our body. Therefore, cutting your nails these days is not recommended.

Scales do not interfere with cutting nails and creating a manicure. To attract positive energy, achieve inner harmony and balance, female representatives are recommended to apply delicate and warm tones of varnish.

Moon in sign Scorpion, provides energy for various massage manipulations. This time can be used for a massage with aromatic oils. But various nail baths will not bring the desired result.
Wrapping arms and legs is best done on days when the Moon is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The effect of olive oil on the body will be especially beneficial.
The most favorable days for cutting nails and manicure are the days when the Moon is in Capricorn. Absolutely any procedures related to the care of hands, nails and more will be useful here.

Aquarius gives energy that will have a positive effect on any massage procedures.

If the Moon is in Pisces, then you should be very careful when creating a manicure. Also, these days there is no need to experiment with new cosmetics.


Hello from the past

In ancient times, the stratum corneum on the fingertips was given great practical and ritual significance. In fact, every nation has its own traditions and superstitions regarding how to cut nails and hair properly, when it can be done, and, most importantly, when not. For example, you can often hear that it is highly not recommended to trim them in the dark.

Many have heard about this, but few have wondered why you can’t cut your nails in the evening.

In fact, there is a rational explanation for this. Our ancestors, who did not know electricity, had to use only all kinds of kerosene stoves, candles and torches as a source of lighting, which is why hand treatment often ended with cuts and microtraumas, which in itself is not very pleasant. And if we add to this the fact that labor in the past was mainly manual, it becomes clear why carrying out this procedure in the evening was associated with a loss of well-being.

Astrological aspects

“Cutting your nails in the evening means cutting your luck,” says the old proverb. But with the help of timely trimming the tips of your nails, you can, on the contrary, attract good luck, guided by the calendar of the changing phases of the Moon, as the oracle says.

For example, for people experiencing financial difficulties, it is best to trim the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the fifth day of the new moon. This moment is considered the most suitable for attracting success in business with the aim of increasing material well-being. Those who wish longevity should wait until the eighth day of the lunar calendar. Regularly shortening your nails on this day prolongs life and improves your overall well-being.

For those interested in developing extrasensory abilities and their sixth sense, the best option would be to perform this process on the eleventh day of the lunar cycle calendar, when trimming the nail plates will help open the so-called “third” eye. Manicure-related manipulations carried out on the 13th day of the Moon’s activity will help slow down the aging process. The same effect is achieved by cutting the nail plates on the 21st and 23rd days of the lunar calendar. Trimming them specifically on these days helps rejuvenate the body and smooth out wrinkles. Luck will come from cutting off the stratum corneum on the 19th lunar day, and in pursuit of career growth, it is advisable to cut off excess nails on the 14th day of the new moon. The 26th and 27th days of the lunar calendar are prosperous in all aspects. It is believed that actions related to cutting nails or hair during this period can bring joy, harmony and prosperity to the home. On the remaining days of the astrological calendar of lunar cycles, it is recommended to generally refrain from procedures aimed at reducing the length of nails.

Technique for doing it at home

When considering how to properly cut nails, it is important to note that the shortened stratum corneum should not cause discomfort. Its density and speed of further growth directly depend on how the haircut was done.

If we are talking about long nails, they should be cut just enough so that the excess length does not cause inconvenience.

It is advisable to give the short ones the contour of the finger, leaving the edge of the plate itself by about a millimeter. It is not worth trimming it shorter, as the tips of the fingers will soon expand, as a result of which they will take on an unattractive spade-shaped shape. When starting a manicure, hands should be steamed for 5-10 minutes, then wiped dry. Using manicure scissors, the nails are trimmed with even progressive movements from the edge to the center, giving the desired shape. It is advisable to file the sharp ends with a nail file.

As for the toenail plates, often improper care for them, in particular cutting, can lead to unpleasant consequences that can be easily avoided using these recommendations.

Too short toenails due to wearing shoes will almost inevitably lead to hard, sharp edges growing into the skin, and this will not only cause pain, but also threaten infection, requiring further surgical intervention.

You can avoid such consequences by knowing how to cut your toenails correctly. To do this, when cutting off the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the toes when performing a pedicure, it is advisable to follow the technique and recommendations described above in this article.


Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Neither a man's nor a woman's look today would be complete without neat nails (manicures and pedicures today are not only a privilege for women). Today, many beauties prefer to cut their nails according to the lunar calendar, taking into account the phase of the moon and its location according to the zodiac signs (lucky days and/or weeks, table based on the oracle’s recommendations).

It is the oracle that helps to find out the most favorable (successful) days for this procedure. The presented description will help you freely navigate this difficult issue today.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for January 2017, favorable days

In January, good days for a manicure will be: 1, 3, 14, 15-30. These days it is recommended to thoroughly “clean your feathers”:

Remove cuticles;
cut and/or extensions;
paint with varnishes (art design);
perform therapeutic/preventive procedures.

Unfavorable days will be: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 27, 28 and 29.

During this period, the maximum that is permissible is to correct the shape, but only in case of urgent need. The Oracle warns that a manicure on such days can not only permanently ruin your shape and skin, but also result in such consequences as troubles at work, for example.

The 2nd, 3rd and 31st are neutral days; manicure and pedicure can be done at this time, but you don’t need to get carried away, it’s better to wait for a favorable period.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for February 2017

February next year is not so generous with good times. Here you can select days only in the middle of the month: 12-23rd. But there are slightly more unfavorable periods: 1-12, 24-28. Set aside the right time for a manicure and you won’t have any negative consequences; remember, beauty and human health are inseparable.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for March 2017 favorable days

Successful days in March, but they were almost evenly distributed throughout the month: 1-5, 12-17, 23-26. These days, beauties can safely plan a visit to a manicure/pedicure specialist and carry out all the necessary manipulations.

If there is no need to correct the shape and trim the cuticles, you can also use neutral periods, which occurred on the 6th-11th, 28th, 29th and 30th of the month. On other days, it is better to postpone the visit to the master.

Lunar calendar of nail cutting for April 2017, favorable days

April is the middle of spring, this is the time of flowering, saturation of nature with bright greenery and simply pleasant expectations of summer vacation. At this time, you want to add even more colors to your life and manicure, like nothing else, helps create the right mood.

Favorable days in April will be: 1-7, 14-18, 26-30 of April. Do not forget that spring is the best period for therapeutic and vitamin procedures. Feed them with the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements and they will thank you with strength and health.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for May

May was also divided into dosed parts of good times: 2-7, 12-15, 28-31 are excellent times to visit a specialist or work on your nails yourself.

You can add brightness and grace during neutral periods: 1st, 11th, 19th-21st.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for June

It is recommended to trim nails in June according to the lunar calendar: 1-6, 11-14, 21, 25-28 of the month.

The oracle advises to refrain from any manipulation: 7-10, 15-20 and 30th.

On other days, you can carry out minor adjustment work, for example, create beautiful nail art, if necessary, slightly adjust the shape, but it is better to postpone work with cuticles and medical procedures until a more successful period.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for July

July was divided into three equal parts according to the favorable time for manicure/pedicure: 1-5, 10-15 and 25-31. On other days, it is not recommended to carry out significant work (haircut, correction or cutting of cuticles), as this can seriously harm your health.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for August

The lunar calendar for August in terms of cutting nails also gives beauties and fashionistas three successful intervals: 1-7, 12-17, 21-25.

Don’t forget to take care of the health of your nails at the end of summer, give them the opportunity to soak up the natural vitamins that the outgoing summer will bestow, remove everything unnecessary and allow yourself to enjoy this wonderful period to the fullest.

Nail cutting in September 2017 according to the lunar calendar

In September, favorable periods: 1-4, 7, 11-15, 21-26. This is the best time to make full preparations for the coming autumn:

Change design;
change shape;
carry out therapeutic/preventive procedures;
remove cuticles, etc.

You can slightly correct the shape and design, but without radical methods, you can do it from September 8 to 10. These are neutral days of the month and simple manipulations will not leave any negativity. At other times, it is better to refrain from such work.

Favorable days for cutting nails in October according to the lunar calendar

October is one of the bright and romantic autumn months; manicure during this period should correspond to the call of nature. Perhaps that is why combinations of bright and warm colors are considered the most stylish at this time. During this period, it's time to change the design to elegant and romantic.

The following days are allocated for this in October: 1-4, 9-12, 14-17, 20-24, 28-31.

As can be seen from the data, October is very generous with good periods of time and choosing the right time to cut your nails according to the lunar calendar will not be difficult.

When can you cut your nails according to the lunar calendar in November?

November is not as loyal to fashionistas as its brother October, however, it is not against a well-groomed manicure/pedicure.

According to the lunar calendar in November, the best time to cut your nails is: 2-7, 11-15 and 21-26 of the month.

During other periods, it is recommended to refrain from radical work (cutting, trimming, straightening, etc.). You can change the design and create a new artistic masterpiece at neutral time intervals: 8-10 and 17-19. The rest of the time it is better to abstain.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for December

The last month of the year is the most modest for a favorable time for working with marigolds. December provides this opportunity with two long periods: 7-15 and 20-31.

This time should be enough for all manipulations and corrections. On the eve of the New Year, it is recommended to immerse yourself in the New Year's atmosphere and create nail designs characteristic of this time, for example, today the coloring of fingernails and toenails will look original in the world of space (astrosphere). You can come up with other variations, here everything depends only on the flight of fancy and your own perception of the world.


Many people do not understand that cutting nails is a special procedure that requires attention. Astrologers have long noticed that your overall emotional state depends on what day of the week you choose for this. It is believed that if you cut your nails during the waning moon, they will grow at a slow pace. Nails are an indicator of human health.

Is it possible to cut your nails at night?

There is an old belief that cutting nails should not be done in the evening. There are many explanations for this. The fact is that earlier candles were used to illuminate houses. And the light they provided was quite dim. That is why it was possible to get injured or cut.

Cutting your nails at night is not recommended. Daylight is a symbol of stability, so it is better to carry out the procedure at this time. People say that if you cut your nails at night, there will be no money in the house. So choose for yourself which scenario you prefer.

Is it possible to cut your nails during the full moon?

If the full moon has arrived, then it is best to postpone nail operations for a more favorable period. Nails are connected to many bioenergetic points in the body. During the full moon, our mental strength is strained to the limit, and people become overly emotional in many matters.

It is important not to disrupt your biological rhythm and do everything in accordance with the lunar phases. Manicures during the full moon are especially dangerous due to the risk of cutting yourself. As is known, at this time the bleeding of wounds increases.

What day of the week should you choose for a manicure?


According to astrologers, this day is perfect for any nail operations. In this way, a person gets rid of accumulated negative emotions. After this, you will feel lightness and emotional uplift, as melancholy and sadness are cut off.

On this day of the week, you program yourself to react quickly, which will help solve many important problems. You are now insured against various troubles that may befall you.

The middle of the week is the best time for a manicure. With the help of this ritual, you will free yourself from heavy thoughts and look at things with ease. The nervous system will come to a state of peace and tranquility. On Wednesday, along with cut nails, confusion and confusion in thoughts go away.

If you feel that you are having a hard time connecting with people, then do the procedure on Thursday. This will allow you to increase your self-confidence. If you are trying to strengthen your position on the social ladder, then try to follow the recommendations.

It is best to refrain from cutting your nails, as this can cause a slowdown in all biological processes. In addition, this procedure is dangerous because it will lead to prolonged depression. Neither communication nor hard work will allow you to get out of the web of sadness.

A weekend manicure will make you believe in your strength, abilities and talent. You will gain recognition and honor in society. This operation stimulates consciousness to perform responsible actions. So don’t be afraid of anything and move forward towards your goal!


Sunday is a time for rest and relaxation. Astrologers are against cutting your nails on this day. In this way you can turn away the protection of higher powers from yourself.

You must definitely take care of your appearance. Try to follow the advice of astrologers and refrain from manicure on unfavorable days. This way you will protect yourself from unexpected troubles, do not forget to press the buttons and


Select the day of the week

There is no clear answer to the question of which day of the week is best to cut your nails. Rather, getting a manicure on a given day is characterized by various signs. Signs can be both good and bad, and therefore you need to choose the day quite carefully.

For example, you should cut your nails on Monday if you have some health problems. After all, it is believed that performing the procedure on this day has a beneficial effect on the body. It's also good to cut your nails on Tuesday. This can attract wealth or at least improve well-being.
There is a sign that those who are waiting for a solution to any important issue this week should cut their nails on Wednesday. It is on this day that a manicure promises good news.

Fashionistas should cut their nails on Thursday. It is on this day that the procedure is performed “for a new thing.” Most often, such new clothes were shoes.
The question of whether it is possible to cut nails on Sunday is decided differently by everyone. The fact is that this day is considered one of the worst for carrying out such a procedure. If you do carry it out, you will be accompanied by failures and quarrels throughout the next week. There may even be health problems.

It is preferable for romantically inclined young ladies to cut their nails on Saturday. This will help reveal secret and confirm obvious sympathies. After all, this procedure promises a Sunday meeting with a person who sincerely loves you.

Of course, these are just popular beliefs. In many ways, their justice depends only on your faith in them. And if Sunday is your last day off before the start of the work week, then most likely you will start getting your nails done then. This does not mean at all that everything will “fall out of your hands” all week. But if you have a choice, then it’s better not to cut your nails on Sunday.

There is one more day on which superstitious people will never get their nails done. It is believed that a person who decides to cut his nails on Friday will soon grieve. Of course, this superstition has been repeatedly refuted, and all its confirmations can be called a coincidence. Therefore, you should not take it too seriously.

Determined over time

Now that you have decided which days of the week you can cut your nails, you should think about what time of day to carry out the procedure. It turns out that there are limitations here too. The most favorable time is considered to be morning and first half of the day.

The main sign - why you can’t cut your nails in the evening is due to the emergence of financial difficulties. There is an interesting theory about the origin of this sign. In ancient times, in the absence of electric lighting, houses were not light enough in the evening. Performing a manicure in such conditions threatened to cause cuts. This, in turn, made it difficult to do their usual work and negatively affected their earnings.

The low level of development of medicine and the possibility of blood poisoning from a minimal cut in those days served as another reason why you should not cut your nails at night. Nowadays, superstition has become less accurate. Most often you can only hear that if you do a manicure in the evening, you will “cut off your luck.”

Another question that comes right after this is whether it is possible to cut your nails at night. The Japanese give us the answer. And, in their opinion, definitely not. This is due to the fact that previously all religious activities in this country were carried out at night. The superstitious inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun were afraid of angering the gods with such actions.

But superstition became widespread not only in Asia and the East. On the Eurasian continent, the following answers can be obtained to the question why nails should not be cut at night:

  • Danger of becoming a victim of robbery or theft;
  • Possibility of attack, including armed attack.

In any case, everyone decides for themselves whether they can cut their nails in the evening. On the one hand, there are negative signs. On the other hand, this is often the only time when you can do your nails. And then, what is better, to be exposed to superstitions or to go to work with an old manicure, everyone must determine for themselves.

As the oracle says, cutting nails is an important and responsible task. Indeed, from this point of view, the nail plates are part of the skin, which reflects the entire state of the body. That is why it is necessary to carry out manicure procedures on strictly defined days.

The 5th lunar day is suitable for a manicure for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. So how does your well-being depend on cutting your nails? It is on this day that the procedure contributes to material enrichment. On the 8th lunar day, you need to get a manicure for those who want to contribute to their longevity and excellent well-being. The 11th lunar day is ideal for those who seek to develop psychic abilities.

The oracle calls the 13th lunar day another favorable day when you can cut your nails. This will promote rejuvenation. Career success will be facilitated by the procedure performed on the 14th lunar day. Manicure procedures on the 19th lunar day will attract happiness and good luck. A manicure done on the 21st and 23rd lunar days contributes to a general improvement in appearance and rejuvenation.

A more detailed nail cutting calendar, which the oracle advises, can be found on the Internet. But in general we can say that the 26th and 27th lunar days are the most favorable. A manicure on this day will not only improve your health, it will also attract good luck and financial well-being, and bring joy to your home.

Cutting nails according to A. Rempel is a complex and important ritual. This astrologer is also based on the selection of the most favorable lunar days. Haircut calendars according to Rempel are also compiled monthly.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the signs and tips. Thus, cutting nails according to the lunar calendar and the days of the week at the same time is a rather futile task. Since sometimes there are only 3 - 4 suitable days in a month.

The whole ritual consists of cutting nails for people who profess Islam. The answer to the question of when you can cut your nails according to Islam is given in religious traditions. It says that the Prophet trimmed his nails and beard before going to Friday prayers. This day is considered the most favorable for Muslims.

Muslims often wonder whether it is possible to cut their nails at night according to Islam. There are no direct or indirect prohibitions on this in religious sources and literature. However, the misconception is quite widespread to this day.

Everyone must decide for themselves when it is better to cut their nails - according to the days of the week, according to the oracle or according to Rempel. Or maybe try to combine all these tips? However, you need to remember that we are just talking about superstitions and you shouldn’t take them too seriously.


When to cut your nails: signs

Many signs seem illogical and meaningless, but among all the superstitions there are well-founded ones. For example, there is a belief that yellow spots on nails indicate a person’s poor condition. Indeed, unhealthy pigmentation indicates the development of liver and kidney diseases.

Haircut by day of the week

The best time to cut your nails is on Monday. An undesirable day for manicure is Sunday. You should not get your hair cut on Friday, otherwise you can invite serious trouble on yourself.

To choose the best “manicure” time, you need to focus on the calendar:

  1. Monday. Getting a haircut at the very beginning of the week helps improve your health and also get rid of negative thoughts and memories. Monday is suitable for getting rid of negative energy. On this day, it is recommended to carry out various water and hygiene procedures.
  2. Tuesday. Trimming your nail plates on Tuesday helps get rid of pain in various locations. According to popular belief, cutting your nails on the second day of the week results in sudden receipt of money.
  3. Wednesday. Cutting nails on Wednesday helps resolve various family problems. If you cut your nails on this day, good news will come soon.
  4. Thursday. A manicure on Thursday strengthens a person’s authority and makes him socially significant. It is recommended to trim your toenails on Thursdays to improve your mental health.
  5. Friday. It is strictly forbidden to cut your nail plates on Friday. Otherwise, the person will experience a loss of strength, and soon sad news will arrive to him.
  6. Saturday. Cutting your nails on Saturday will help you find your soulmate and strengthen your immune system.
  7. Sunday. You shouldn't get your nails done at the very end of the week. A haircut will negatively affect your financial well-being and can also affect your health.

It's quite easy to navigate by the days of the week. The haircut calendar is specifically designed to attract well-being and get rid of mental problems.

Is it possible to cut your nails on your birthday? No, trimming your nail plates can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. You can give yourself a beautiful manicure and remove the length with a nail file.

By time of day

At night, negative energy accumulates, and nails are a kind of shields that protect against bad phenomena. By cutting your nails late in the day, a person risks inviting disaster upon himself. It is best to do a haircut during the day or in the morning. During daylight hours, positive energy reigns in the house.

An ancient Russian belief says: if you bury the nails of a sick person at a crossroads, you can contribute to his speedy recovery.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers unanimously declare that you should not cut your nails and hair during periods of the waning moon. There are several reasons for this:

  • haircuts during the waning moon lead to quarrels in the family;
  • manicure can cause health problems;
  • nails that grow back where they were cut will be thin and brittle.

It turns out that you need to cut your nails while the moon is waxing. This time is considered the most favorable.

According to Rempel

What is better: cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel? Rempel is a famous astrologer who has been compiling haircut calendars for many years. Accordingly, this person also focuses on the position of the moon at a given time.

The famous astrologer does not recommend cutting your nails during the new moon and the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the earth element dominates, so the human body is weakened and various cosmetic procedures are difficult to tolerate. Rempel states that the most favorable time for manicure is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon. The last quarter of the waning moon is suitable for a haircut only if a person is completely confident in his strength and health.

According to the Oracle

An oracle is a reaper who brings the predictions of a deity to people. This figure is of great importance in the world of magic and predictions.

You need to cut your nails according to the Oracle on certain days. The most favorable: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31. You can safely cut off overgrown nails according to these numbers. They are successful, so the haircut will not cause any discomfort. A manicure done on these days can lead to money and good luck, as well as strengthen moral well-being.

Neutral days: 2, 4, 11, 18, 21, 25, 30. Most likely, a haircut will not bring anything good or bad. These days, your nails will not be in the best condition, but you can still cut them off.

Undesirable days for cutting: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29. It is strongly not recommended to cut overgrown nails. Because of a haircut, a person will end up in the hospital, receive unwanted news, quarrel with loved ones, or experience financial failure. These days the nails are at their weakest and there is a risk of injury or hangnails.

What are the best days to cut your nails? According to the Oracle: 7, 14, 28. It is worth noting that all these numbers are divisible by 7, which also has a magical hidden meaning.

When should I cut my child's nails?

You can trim a newborn’s nails only on the 10th day of his life. Signs say that there is no need to cut the nails of a child under one year old. They should be bitten or filed. In any case, the haircut should be done extremely carefully. If you cut your baby's skin, you can easily get an infection.

The best time to trim a newborn's nails is early in the morning. You should not cut the nail plates of a sleeping child. During sleep, babies are defenseless, so bad energy can get to them. The child will not sleep well, and the next morning will begin to be very capricious. There may even be health problems.

When can Muslims cut their nails?

If a Muslim decides to make a sacrifice during Eid al-Fitr, then he will also not be allowed to cut his nails and hair. The ban on such actions comes into force starting from the onset of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar (Dhul-Hijjah) and ending directly with the moment of sacrifice.

According to Islam, Muslims must cut their nails on Friday, as the weekly prayer takes place on the same day. Trimming the nail plates has a good effect on a person’s morale and health. Haircut on the eve of prayer is also considered the correct tone, an expression of respect.

Muslims need to choose the right days to trim their nail plates. People belonging to Islam cannot have their hair cut while in the state of ihram until they acquire the status of haji.

Not every manicure is considered acceptable for Muslims. It is recommended to look at a photo of the permissible length of marigolds.

No astrologers or magicians can give a 100% guarantee that a person’s well-being depends on the condition and length of the nail plates. In this matter, the decisive factor is faith. If you strongly believe in specific signs and superstitions, then they will definitely come true - both good and bad.


Astrologers suggest cutting your nails on certain days, according to the phases of the moon, and even at certain times of the day. Thus, as astrologers believe, you can attract financial well-being, success in business, in relationships and many other areas of life. Since hair, in their opinion, conducts some kind of cosmic energy into the body, nails are like buttons that regulate the flow of this energy throughout the human body. Thus, simply by cutting our nails, we influence the rhythm of our life, changing it for good or bad. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right day and time for this procedure.

Magicians and astrologers unanimously claim that the best day to cut your nails is Monday. And on Friday and Sunday it is better to refrain from this manipulation. Astrologers believe that everything on earth, animals, plants, birds, seas and oceans, as well as people, come under the direct influence of the Moon. Based on long centuries of observations of this celestial body, a lunar calendar was created. Our ancestors perpetuated a lot of signs and predictions associated with this celestial body.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew that hair and nails must be cut during the waxing moon, so they will grow faster. And if this is done on the waning moon, then they become stronger and healthier. Therefore, when choosing a day to cut your nails, you need to pay special attention to the lunar calendar, in which each day has its own specific energy.

  • According to the oracle, cutting nails on the fifth lunar day is advisable for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. Manicure treatments on this day contribute to material well-being.
  • On the eighth lunar day, cutting your nails is recommended for those who want to improve their well-being and live a long life.
  • The oracle advises those who want to develop psychic abilities to do manicure procedures on the eleventh lunar day.
  • Manipulation of nails on the thirteenth lunar day helps rejuvenate the human body.
  • If you strive for achievements in your career, the oracle advises performing nail procedures on the fourteenth lunar day.
  • Happiness in your personal life and good luck will be attracted to you by procedures on the nineteenth lunar day.
  • A manicure session performed on the twenty-first and twenty-third lunar days contributes to improved appearance and general rejuvenation.
  • But the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh lunar days are considered the most favorable days in the lunar calendar for improving well-being, appearance, health and attracting good luck in business and personal life.

Also, in accordance with the lunar calendar, there are certain tips regarding cutting nails for each day of the week. Thus, manicure procedures in Monday, which is under the auspices of the Moon, is the prevention of diseases associated with the genitourinary system, and will also relieve you of despondency, melancholy and sad thoughts.

On Tuesday, the day patronized by Mars, cutting nails is necessary for people who find themselves in a difficult situation and need help and protection. This day has a positive effect on improving your financial situation.

Wednesday is under the influence of Mercury. On this day of the week, astrologers advise those who want to improve their health, put their thoughts in order, and also achieve success in their studies or work, to perform manicure procedures.

Cutting nails in Thursday. This day is under the protection of Jupiter and helps strengthen authority among others, brings prosperity and renewal to the house. In terms of improving health, it is the healing of the liver that has a beneficial effect on nail manipulation on this day.

It is not recommended to carry out any actions with nails in Friday. Although it is under the influence of Venus, it is on this day that a slowdown in all biochemical processes is noticed in the human body. Cutting your nails on Friday can have a negative impact on a person’s inner harmony and lead to unpleasant blows in life.

If you want to rid yourself of all karmic or material debts, astrologers recommend cutting your nails in Saturday. This day is accompanied by the planet Saturn. By getting a manicure on this day, you will save yourself from long-term illnesses, and you will even be able to find your soulmate if you don’t have one in your life.

On the day of the sun Sunday‒ it is strictly not recommended to carry out any manipulations with nails and, in general, to start serious business. This can negatively affect the successful completion of what you started, attract negative energies and bring trouble into your home.

These are the simple tips given by astrologers about when to cut your nails. To trust them or ignore is a personal matter. But still, one should take into account the fact that these observations and signs are the result of centuries-old observations, and it is not for nothing that all magicians and sorcerers follow them. Perhaps, by following these tips, you will be able to improve some area of ​​your life that until now has not completely suited you.

But, in any case, you choose whose advice it is better to listen to. It's up to you to decide whether to cut your nails according to the oracle, the days of the week, or folk signs. We wish you to achieve prosperity and harmony in life.

The lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure of nails helps to choose favorable days for these procedures. This will help you find success in business and improve your mood.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon influences the energy of all living things on planet Earth. Even the seas and oceans react to the phases of this satellite; on some days there are low tides of sea water, and on others there are high tides.

Several centuries before our time, people learned to compile a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. In the modern world, gardeners use, and fashionistas follow the dates of the lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure.

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extensions for 2020

An important factor for the growth and development of organisms on Earth is influenced not only by the lunar phase, but also by the zodiac sign in which this planet is located. Each zodiac sign controls a certain energy, so there are favorable days for manicures, and there are dates on which visiting beauty salons is not recommended.

  • Capricorn governs the skin and nails of the hands and feet. Therefore, on this day you can do a manicure, trim the length of your nails or do extensions. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues.
  • Aries and Taurus- these are neutral signs for performing manicures, extensions and cutting nails. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. Each woman decides independently whether to go to a beauty salon or not.

Important: If you have already had a manicure done on such a day, and it turned out unsuccessful, then refrain from going to the beauty salon on the days the Moon is under these signs.

  • Twins- a bad period for performing manicures, extensions and cutting nails, it is worth postponing this procedure for another day.
  • The moon is in Cancer- Nails are not trimmed, extended or manicured. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases.
  • a lion— the lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions suggests that the Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%.
  • Virgo— you can not only perform various manipulations with nails, but also treat the skin and nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off ingrown nails.
  • Scales- baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures and extensions.
  • Moon in Scorpio- a favorable period for cutting nails, manicure and extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin.
  • Sagittarius- favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, nail extensions and nail cutting.
  • Aquarius- the period when cracks and any inflammation should be treated. You can perform any type of manicure, nail extensions and nail cutting.
  • Fish- you can perform manicures, extensions, and trim nails, but carefully - without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear.

Important: We do everything we want to remove on nails (length) and cuticles, calluses on the waning Moon. Perhaps your nails will grow slower, but they will be healthier and more beautiful.
For enhanced nail growth cut them under a favorable constellation on the waxing Moon. We do care, nourishing masks, baths - everything that is necessary to nourish nails and cuticles on the waxing Moon, when the body absorbs everything.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar in 2020

  • A person’s energy balance largely depends on the condition of the nails. Therefore, astrologers advise cutting nails according to the lunar calendar. This will help preserve and even replenish vitality. Therefore, before visiting a beauty salon or before cutting your nails, you should look at the lunar calendar.
  • IN new moon And full moon, lunar and solar eclipses Any procedures involving nail trimming are not performed. In general, a person may not feel the negative influence of the Moon, but the impact does occur.
  • Therefore, the lunar phases and the factors influencing a person must be taken seriously. Even the most harmless, at first glance, procedure of cutting nails can cause trouble if you do not listen to the advice of astrologers.

  • It used to be that nails had to be cut on certain days. For example, on Thursday they could not be cut, as this could lead to illness.
  • According to ancient legends and superstitions, nails had to be burned after circumcision so that witches could not use human energy biomaterial for witchcraft.
  • Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar is safe for human energy. If he carries out this procedure on favorable days. Manipulate your nails only on the indicated days - this will help attract success, money and even love.

Important: Do not cut your nails not only in full moon, new moon and eclipses, but also 1-2 days before and after these periods.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for January 2020

in January
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.01.20 Waxing Moon in Pisces
Waxing Moon in Aries
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini Not good for cutting
09.01.20 Waxing Moon in Cancer These days, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
10.01.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse. Moon in Cancer _
11.01.20 Waning Moon in Cancer
Waning Moon in Leo Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra
Waning Moon in Scorpio Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
25.01.20 New moon
Moon in Aquarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
26.01.20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for February 2020

in February
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Not good for cutting
08.02.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
09.02.20 Full moon. Moon in Leo Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off ingrown nails Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
23.02.20 New moon
Moon in Pisces
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for March 2020

in March
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.03.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
09.03.20 Full moon. Moon in Virgo Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
10.03.20 Waning Moon in Virgo Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions.
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
24.03.20 New moon
Moon in Aries
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for April 2020

in April
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
07.04.20 Waxing Moon in Libra On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
08.04.20 Full moon. Moon in Libra Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
23.04.20 New moon. Moon in Taurus Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
24.04.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
30.04.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for May 2020

in May
of the year
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.05.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
06.05.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
07.05.20 Full moon. Moon in Scorpio Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
22.05.20 New moon. Moon in Taurus Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waning Moon in Gemini Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for haircuts

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for June 2020

in June
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin.
However, 06/04/20 The lunar eclipse is already having a negative effect.
Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
05.06.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse. Moon in Sagittarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.06.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. However, a lunar eclipse still has a negative effect. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. In addition, there is a solar eclipse ahead. It is already having its negative impact. Not good for cutting
21.06.20 New moon, solar eclipse. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
30.06.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for July 2020

in July
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.07.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
04.07.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn On this day, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
05.07.20 Full moon. Moon eclipse. Moon in Capricorn Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.07.20 Waning Moon in Capricorn The full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative effect.
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
19.07.20 Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
20.07.20 New moon. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for August 2020


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
03.08.20 Full moon. Moon in Aquarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
04.08.20 Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
19.08.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
21.08.20 Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, and massage. _
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for September 2020


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.09.20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
02.09.20 Full moon. Moon in Pisces Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
03.09.20 Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
16.09.20 Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
17.09.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for October 2020


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.10.20 Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
02.10.20 Full moon. Moon in Aries Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
03.10.20 Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
15.10.20 Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
16.10.20 New moon.
Moon in Libra
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
31.10.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for November 2020

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for November 2020:


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
14.11.20 Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
15.11.20 New moon.
Moon in Scorpio
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
30.11.20 Full moon. Moon in Gemini Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for December 2020

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for December 2020:


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.12.20 Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
13.12.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius
Solar eclipse ahead
These days, the new moon and solar eclipse have a negative impact. _
14.12.20 New moon and solar eclipse.
Moon in Sagittarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
15.12.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn The new moon and solar eclipse continue to have a negative impact. _
16.12.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
30.12.20 Full moon. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
31.12.20 Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting

Manicure and pedicure according to the lunar calendar will make you attractive and your hands beautiful. You are guaranteed healthy and soft skin, as well as strong nails. Adjust to the lunar phases using the recommendations of this calendar, and natural beauty will be guaranteed to you.

The question of when to cut your nails interests superstitious people. There are many different signs associated with the nail plates, so cutting them should be done on favorable days.

There have long been many signs associated with cutting nails

When to cut your nails: signs

Many signs seem illogical and meaningless, but among all the superstitions there are well-founded ones. For example, there is a belief that yellow spots on nails indicate a person’s poor condition. Indeed, unhealthy pigmentation indicates the development of liver and kidney diseases.

Haircut by day of the week

The best time to cut your nails is on Monday. An undesirable day for manicure is Sunday. You should not get your hair cut on Friday, otherwise you can invite serious trouble on yourself.

To choose the best “manicure” time, you need to focus on the calendar:

  1. Monday. Getting a haircut at the very beginning of the week helps improve your health and also get rid of negative thoughts and memories. Monday is suitable for getting rid of negative energy. On this day, it is recommended to carry out various water and hygiene procedures.
  2. Tuesday. Trimming your nail plates on Tuesday helps get rid of pain in various locations. According to popular belief, cutting your nails on the second day of the week results in sudden receipt of money.
  3. Wednesday. Cutting nails on Wednesday helps resolve various family problems. If you cut your nails on this day, good news will come soon.
  4. Thursday. A manicure on Thursday strengthens a person’s authority and makes him socially significant. It is recommended to trim your toenails on Thursdays to improve your mental health.
  5. Friday. It is strictly forbidden to cut your nail plates on Friday. Otherwise, the person will experience a loss of strength, and soon sad news will arrive to him.
  6. Saturday. Cutting your nails on Saturday will help you find your soulmate and strengthen your immune system.
  7. Sunday. You shouldn't get your nails done at the very end of the week. A haircut will negatively affect your financial well-being and can also affect your health.

It's quite easy to navigate by the days of the week. The haircut calendar is specifically designed to attract well-being and get rid of mental problems.

Clipped marigolds must be burned or disposed of by other methods. They should not fall into the wrong hands. We must remember that nails and hair are the best material for causing damage and conspiracy.

Is it possible to cut your nails on your birthday? No, trimming your nail plates can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. You can give yourself a beautiful manicure and remove the length with a nail file.

Use a nail file if you need to remove the length of your nails on your birthday.

By time of day

It is strictly not recommended to do manicure at night. Haircut can be done during the day, evening or morning.

At night, negative energy accumulates, and nails are a kind of shields that protect against bad phenomena. By cutting your nails late in the day, a person risks inviting disaster upon himself. It is best to do a haircut during the day or in the morning. During daylight hours, positive energy reigns in the house.

An ancient Russian belief says: if you bury the nails of a sick person at a crossroads, you can contribute to his speedy recovery.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers unanimously declare that you should not cut your nails and hair during periods of the waning moon. There are several reasons for this:

  • haircuts during the waning moon lead to quarrels in the family;
  • manicure can cause health problems;
  • nails that grow back where they were cut will be thin and brittle.

It turns out that you need to cut your nails while the moon is waxing. This time is considered the most favorable.

According to Rempel

What is better: cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel? Rempel is a famous astrologer who has been compiling haircut calendars for many years. Accordingly, this person also focuses on the position of the moon at a given time.

The famous astrologer does not recommend cutting your nails during the new moon and the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the earth element dominates, so the human body is weakened and various cosmetic procedures are difficult to tolerate. Rempel states that the most favorable time for manicure is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon. The last quarter of the waning moon is suitable for a haircut only if a person is completely confident in his strength and health.

According to Rempel, the most favorable time for manicure is the third quarter of the waning moon.

According to the Oracle

An oracle is a reaper who brings the predictions of a deity to people. This figure is of great importance in the world of magic and predictions.

You need to cut your nails according to the Oracle on certain days. The most favorable: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31. You can safely trim your overgrown nails according to these numbers. They are successful, so the haircut will not cause any discomfort. A manicure done on these days can lead to money and good luck, as well as strengthen moral well-being.

Neutral days: 2, 4, 11, 18, 21, 25, 30. Most likely, a haircut will not bring anything good or bad. These days, your nails will not be in the best condition, but you can still cut them off.

Undesirable days for haircuts: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26. It is strongly recommended not to trim overgrown nails. Because of a haircut, a person will end up in the hospital, receive unwanted news, quarrel with loved ones, or experience financial failure. These days the nails are at their weakest and there is a risk of injury or hangnails.

What are the best days to cut your nails? According to the Oracle: 7, 14, 28. It is worth noting that all these numbers are divisible by 7, which also has a magical hidden meaning.

When should I cut my child's nails?

You can trim a newborn’s nails only on the 10th day of his life. Signs say that there is no need to cut the nails of a child under one year old. They should be bitten or filed. In any case, the haircut should be done extremely carefully. If you cut your baby's skin, you can easily get an infection.

The best time to trim a newborn's nails is early in the morning. You should not cut the nail plates of a sleeping child. During sleep, babies are defenseless, so bad energy can get to them. The child will not sleep well, and the next morning will begin to be very capricious. There may even be health problems.

It should be taken into account that the nail plates of newborns are very soft. Because of this, during cutting, you can cut off excess length. It is worth using safety scissors or wire cutters designed specifically for children.

Use special scissors or clippers to trim your child's nails

When can Muslims cut their nails?

Muslims have a belief that shortening nails in the evening and at night leads to a decrease in one's own life. Therefore, many representatives of Islam cut their nail plates during the day or in the morning.

If a Muslim decides to make a sacrifice during Eid al-Fitr, then he will also not be allowed to cut his nails and hair. The ban on such actions comes into force starting from the onset of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar (Dhul-Hijjah) and ending directly with the moment of sacrifice.

According to Islam, Muslims must cut their nails on Friday, as the weekly prayer takes place on the same day. Trimming the nail plates has a good effect on a person’s morale and health. Haircut on the eve of prayer is also considered the correct tone, an expression of respect.

Muslims need to choose the right days to trim their nail plates. People belonging to Islam cannot have their hair cut while in the state of ihram until they acquire the status of haji.

Not every manicure is considered acceptable for Muslims. It is recommended to look at a photo of the permissible length of marigolds.

Permissible length of nails in Islam

No astrologers or magicians can give a 100% guarantee that a person’s well-being depends on the condition and length of the nail plates. In this matter, the decisive factor is faith. If you strongly believe in specific signs and superstitions, then they will definitely come true - both good and bad.

Many people believe that any part of the human body carries certain information. This also applies to nails, which contain our energy. According to ancient signs and superstitions, it is believed that it is necessary to cut nails only during certain periods. There are several basic ways to determine a favorable time for a manicure. Superstitious people follow the lunar calendar very carefully to know exactly the right day to cut their nails.

Beliefs and signs associated with nails

There are a lot of signs and superstitions associated with nails among different peoples. Thousands of years ago, people paid special attention to them, decorated them with improvised means, and painted them. Natural dyes such as henna and antimony were commonly used. In India and China, long nails were an indicator of the high status of their owner, since their owner did not resort to physical labor or housework. Because of this, there was even a superstition that long nails bring wealth.

Fingernails grow faster than toenails. On average, complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about 4–6 months, depending on its length. The average growth rate is 0.7 mm per week.

Many people believe that small white spots that appear on the nails of the left hand are “gifts,” although they are not always positive. Depending on which finger they formed on, you can expect the following events:

  • thumb - receive an unexpected gift;
  • index finger - you will find a good friend;
  • middle finger - a new enemy will appear;
  • ring finger - a fan will appear;
  • little finger - you will go on a trip.
  • White spots on the nails are considered “gifts”, with the exception of their occurrence on the middle finger, which indicates the emergence of a new enemy

    If a dark spot appears on the nail, then this may indicate some kind of misfortune or failure in business. It is believed that you need to cut them off and burn them as soon as possible.

    Black spots on the nails are considered a bad omen; it is better to cut them off as soon as possible

    Some superstitious people try not to cut their nails until they have completed some important task or until a certain important day has arrived. It is believed that this will protect against failures and possible failure of plans.

    When should you cut your fingernails and toenails?

    A very important point is the selection of a specific favorable day for a manicure. You can simply select it by day of the week if you don’t have a lunar calendar at hand. Of course, it will be better if you know the suitable days in each month, depending on the lunar day.

    Haircut calendar by day of the week

    The easiest way is to choose the appropriate day not according to the calendar, but according to the day of the week, each of which has its own meaning and energy. Depending on the chosen day, cutting your nails can bring both positive and negative aspects:

  • Monday, as the first day of the week, allows you to “start life anew.” You can get rid of bad memories, past grievances, melancholy, worries and troubles. Manicure on this day helps prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. Some will be able to get rid of their complexes.
  • Tuesday will help you strengthen your intuition and allow you to react adequately in an emergency situation. Also, by cutting your nails on this day, you can attract good luck and increase your concentration on achieving your goals. You will become more focused, serious and purposeful. A manicure on Tuesday helps relieve headaches and prevent diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs.
  • Wednesday is suitable for those people who want to hear good news. The thought process is also enhanced, it will become easier to learn and perceive new information. People begin to make the right decisions and eliminate confusion in their affairs. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and eliminates stress.
  • Thursday is best chosen for those people who have been waiting a long time for a promotion or hiring. You will become more confident in your abilities and will finally be able to achieve your goal. If you regularly cut your nails on Thursdays, you can significantly increase your life expectancy and improve liver function.
  • Friday has a very beneficial effect on female beauty. If you regularly cut your nails on this day, you can significantly prolong your youth and stop worrying about the appearance of new wrinkles. However, despite this positive effect, there is a risk of worsening the processes occurring in the body. Swelling, obesity and excessive fat accumulation may occur. There is also an opinion that a manicure on Friday is a sign of trouble and imminent bad news. Therefore, it is better to avoid cutting your nails on this day.
  • Saturday is one of the most favorable days; it has a general strengthening effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Many astrologers recommend this day to their clients, as you can get rid of some karmic debts and cleanse your energy. There is a saying: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” Manicure on this day also has a very positive effect on relationships. The chances of finding your soulmate or strengthening feelings with an existing partner increase.
  • Sunday is not the best day for cutting nails, you should just rest. You can weaken your health and harm your finances. According to signs, on this day you gain strength, recover and contact your guardian angel. Therefore, cutting off a part of yourself is considered very harmful, and you can lose your protectors for a long time.
  • Video about what days of the week are best to cut your nails

    When to cut your nails for money

    To attract more money into your life, you should choose Tuesday. Moreover, it’s better not just to cut your nails, but to get a full manicure. If you carry out the procedures on Friday, you can significantly increase your chances of making a profitable deal. Saturday is more suitable for those who love gambling. However, there is also a sign that the only money day for cutting nails is Thursday.

    To attract money, according to various signs, you should cut your nails on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday

    Video on how to attract money by cutting your nails

    Lunar calendar in 2018: favorable days for cutting nails

    The phases of the moon greatly influence a person’s well-being. This is why even hairdressers and manicurists use the lunar calendar. Using knowledge about favorable days throughout the year, you can plan all procedures in advance. It is best to choose a new moon or a waxing moon for cutting your nails.

    In January, the following dates are best suited for manicure: from 10 to 17 and 23. The period from January 1 to 9 is considered the most unfavorable. These days it is advised not to carry out any procedures. If you want to remove hangnails, file your nails or do any other manipulation, it is better to prefer favorable or neutral days.

    In February there are significantly fewer good days for manicure: 10–11, 17–19. It is better to keep within these five available days. The following dates are considered the most negative: 4, 14 and 26. On these days it is worth taking a break from any procedures, this applies not only to cutting nails.

    March is even less rich in favorable days; there is only one - on the 15th. Try to book it with your master in advance. But the first month of spring is full of negative periods: from 2 to 8 and from 23 to 30 March. And also in March you should choose neutral-colored polishes, without flashy tones and a lot of decorations.

    April is also not very encouraging, only on the 16th, 21st and 23rd you should get a manicure, you can use bright colors, do extensions and various decor. But there are a lot of negative days - from April 8 to April 15 and April 30. If you cut your nails at this time, you can harm your financial situation and worsen your relationships. On neutral days, you can do a hand massage and relaxing salt baths.

    In April, you can choose bright colors, different designs, even get nail extensions

    In May, the number of favorable days increases significantly; almost half of the month is suitable for cutting nails (from the 16th to the 29th). From 1 to 7 is a negative period, it is better to postpone all procedures. During neutral times, you can also file your nails, do baths and massage.

    June is also rich in favorable days - from 13 to 17 and from 20 to 26. At this time, you can do any manicure, nail extensions, bright designs are allowed. On negative days (28–30), avoid any procedures. On neutral days, it is better to do strengthening procedures and use medicinal varnish.

    On neutral days of each month, you can do a light manicure, strengthening nail baths and hand massage.

    In July, you should get a manicure from the 13th to the 16th and from the 18th to the 27th. It is best to use neutral shades and avoid extreme designs and rhinestones. From 29 to 31 is a negative period.

    In August you can get a manicure on the 11th, 12th and from the 18th to the 25th. By choosing these dates, you will improve your energy, which will help you achieve your goals. If you cut your nails from August 4 to August 10, you can reduce your strength and overall tone.

    September provides a very short period favorable for manicure - from the 17th to the 24th. You can make a design of any complexity, choose bright colors, and extend your nails. In the period from 3 to 8 and from 25 to 27, it is better to avoid cutting your nails, as you will be dissatisfied with the procedure.

    October is rich in positive days, and more than half the month is suitable for manicures and pedicures (from the 9th to the 23rd). Busy days are from 24 to 31. On other days you can also do all kinds of procedures both at home and in the salon.

    November is suitable for manicures and nail cuttings from the 7th to the 22nd. From 1 to 3 and from 21 to 25 are considered unfavorable days. The rest of the time it is better to do strengthening and rejuvenating procedures.

    In December, favorable days fall on the numbers from 7 to 21. Just before the New Year (from 22 to 26), it is better not to do any procedures, as they can disappoint and even bring negative consequences.

    In 2018, you should stick to the lunar calendar to choose the right dates for manicures and pedicures

    Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel: which is better

    Rempel is a famous astrologer who took into account many factors to compile a calendar of days favorable for haircuts and other procedures. According to his data, you should not cut your nails during the new moon itself or during the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the element of earth is dominant, and the human body is especially susceptible to various influences and is significantly weakened. The most favorable period is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon.

    What exactly to choose - the lunar calendar or the calculation of a favorable date according to Rempel - is an open question. However, it is worth listening to the eminent astrologer and following his recommendations, as he approaches this issue in more detail.

    When can you cut your nails according to the Oracle?

    Some people adhere not to lunar calendars and days of the week, but to the advice of the Oracle, which is considered a magical divine advisor. The most beneficial days for cutting nails are those numbers that are divisible by 7 (7, 14, 21, 28). They carry a special meaning; a manicure will bring good luck, improved financial condition and normalization of the body’s energy balance.

    Also positive, but less powerful are the dates: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31 of any month. By carrying out any nail procedures, you can improve your well-being, normalize family relationships, and attract good luck. It is possible to do manicures, extensions, and choose any bright design.

    The following numbers of each month are considered neutral in their energy: 2, 4, 11, 18, 25, 30. On these days, you can safely go for a manicure or cut your nails yourself, but you won’t get much of an effect. It is best to choose neutral shades of varnish or transparent varnish.

    The most negative numbers are considered to be: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29. Try to avoid not only cutting your nails, but also any other procedures. According to the Oracle, these days a person’s energy is significantly weakened, and doing a manicure can greatly harm your body, get sick, end up in the hospital or lose money. Considering the not-so-pleasant consequences, it is better to be careful and postpone all planned trips to the salon and even procedures at home until another day.

    The number 7 is considered magical, and it is favorable to cut your nails on those days of the month that are completely divisible by it.

    Is it possible to cut nails in the evening and at night?

    Nails should only be cut in the morning or during the daytime. If you do this in the evening or at night, you can significantly harm your wallet. It is believed that you are blocking the cash flow, which will lead to loss of money. Muslims also say that a manicure before bed leads to shortening your life by one day for each nail. If you cut all ten fingers, you will take away ten whole days. According to another opinion, in the dark, negative energy begins to accumulate in the house, and a person becomes unprotected and can attract trouble to himself.

    Some people believe that evil spirits begin to become active at night. By cutting your nails at this time of day, you weaken your defenses. Evil spirits can harm you, make you feel worse, and feed off your energy.

    Is it possible to cut nails in a hospital?

    Many people, when they get to the hospital, become even more suspicious and try to protect themselves as much as possible from any complications. If the patient has undergone surgery, it is believed that it is not necessary to cut the nails until all the stitches are closed. Otherwise, the wounds will take a long time to heal. The same applies to those persons who are in the ward after fractures and various injuries.

    If a pregnant woman is in the hospital before giving birth, she is also not recommended to cut her nails or get a manicure, especially if a caesarean section is scheduled. According to signs, this can lead to the child being entangled in the umbilical cord and various complications during surgery. Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and you need to remember that long nails can interfere during childbirth and in the first minutes of a child’s life you can scratch him.

    If you are in a neurological department, cutting your nails can cause a deterioration in your health and increase the risk of injury. Also, the emotional state may become unstable, and the patient will be irritable and suspicious.

    Cutting your nails while in the hospital is a bad omen; the procedure can slow down the healing process

    When not to cut your nails

    According to superstitions and signs, a newborn baby should not have his nails cut until he is ten days old. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning the child is still very weak and you can deprive him of energy and cause illness. Also, the fingers are still so small that you can accidentally injure the baby and introduce an infection into the wound.

    Many students and pupils believe that they should not cut their nails before important exams at least a week in advance. It is better to wait out this time and accumulate energy to successfully close the session.

    There is another belief according to which you should not cut your nails on your birthday, as this can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. It is only possible to do a light manicure and file your nails a little with a file.

    Many students believe that they should not cut their nails before difficult exams.

    Where to put your nails after cutting

    Since cut nails are part of a person and carry his energy, you need to be very careful about where you put them after a manicure. We must not allow them to fall into the hands of ill-wishers. Also avoid throwing them in the trash. It's best to flush it down the toilet. Typically, witches, magicians and sorcerers used human nails and hair in their rituals. They could cast a spell, cast a love spell, and have various other negative influences.

    You can also burn cut marigolds at the stake. At the same time, some believe that it is necessary to pronounce some words aimed at protection, increasing energy, and improving health. You can even come up with them yourself, depending on your desires.

    If a person is sick, then his cut nails should be burned and the ashes buried at a crossroads. It is believed that this will help him accumulate strength for recovery and quickly get rid of ailments.

    According to Islamic traditions, cut nails and hair must be buried in the ground, they cannot be thrown away anywhere, they must be hidden from prying eyes.

    Video about what to do with nails (according to Muslim traditions)

    There are a lot of superstitions and signs that are associated with cutting nails. Some people trust the lunar calendar, others trust the Oracle. It all depends on personal preferences and faith. You shouldn’t follow all the advice fanatically, but if possible, you can stick to one of the selected calendars. You need to be especially careful at night and during illness, since during these periods it is better to avoid manicures and nail cutting.

    Proper care of hands and nails gives a woman strength and life-giving energy, which has a beneficial effect on her well-being and energy field. However, cutting your nails on the wrong days can have a negative impact on your well-being and have a detrimental effect on the condition of your nail plates in particular and your health in general. This is directly related to the phases of the Moon, which affect all living things on our planet. Therefore, you need to know on which days it is recommended to cut your nails in 2019, and on which days it is better to refrain from this procedure.


    In January, the strength of the night star is often changeable. It changes gradually, depending on the phase of the moon. January is the most important month in terms of nail care, so the lunar calendar for this month should be studied most carefully.

    Favorable days for cutting nails are:

    There are virtually no neutral days in the lunar calendar for April 2019. It is not recommended to cut your nails on April 20 and 21. However, if you need to gain strength to resist ill-wishers, you should sign up for a manicure on these days.


    The last month of spring is characterized by rapid energy flows. May is a time for love and romance. Beautiful and well-groomed hands this month will give you confidence in yourself and your strengths. Regarding cutting nails in May, according to the lunar calendar, there are the following instructions:

    • Favorable days are May 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 26-28 and 31. The lunar position is the strongest, the energy of the luminary helps strengthen nails;
    • Unfavorable days - May 11, 12, 23-25. If you cut your nails on the indicated dates of the last spring month, you can bring trouble on yourself and alienate your loved one on an energetic level.

    Special days in the lunar calendar are May 17 and 18. The moon is in a super strong position, and if you cut your nails at this time, you can easily cope with any adversity and problems in life.


    The first month of summer is the best time to plan for the future. The importance of a quality manicure during this period is important, as well-groomed hands and nails attract good luck. According to the lunar calendar 2019:

    • Favorable days for cutting nails are June 1, 2, 5, 6, 23, 24, 28 and 29. You can also file the nail plates - this will make them stronger and more solid;
    • Unfavorable days are June 7, 8, 18 and 19. Cutting your nails will lead to problems on the personal front. However, you can take care of your hands using vitamin supplements.

    During the period from the 13th to the 15th of the first summer month, it is also recommended to refrain from cutting your nails, as this procedure can cause an unexpected surge of negative emotions. However, these days are relatively neutral.


    If you decide to update your manicure in June, keep in mind that this month you cannot cut your nails too short. This threatens a series of small but annoying losses. Therefore, it is recommended to use a nail file instead of scissors.

    According to the lunar calendar there are:

    • Favorable days for cutting and filing nails are July 2, 3, 20-22, 25, 26, 30, 31. In addition, on these days, using green or gold varnish, you can attract wealth and financial well-being;
    • Unfavorable days - July 4, 5, 15-17. Cutting your nails can lead to general malaise, but hand massage and nourishing baths are very welcome.

    The only days in July when you can get rid of long nails are the 4th and 5th. After trimming, coat your nail plates with clear polish.


    If you choose the right day for a manicure at the end of summer, you can attract happiness and prosperity to your home. In order not to be mistaken in choosing the time to cut your nails, also refer to the 2019 lunar calendar:

    • Favorable days are from 16 to 18, as well as 21, 22, 23, 26 and 27 August. At the same time, any manipulations with the nail plates will be successful: from cutting to painting in extreme colors. Bright shades of varnish will help cope with uncertainty and melancholy mood, and a neat shape will protect against chaotic and negative thoughts;
    • Unfavorable days are August 1, 2, 11-13, 28 and 29. Lunar energy becomes aggressive, its effect is detrimental not only to nails, but also to a woman’s hair. These days it is recommended to consume as many vitamins as possible.

    The remaining days of the outgoing summer are relatively neutral. The only exceptions are August 7 and 8, when the energy of the moon is too weak. Cutting your nails when the lunar influence is critically weak can cause health problems.


    September is a time to rethink life priorities. And, oddly enough, beautiful and well-groomed hands in this case also play an important role in a woman’s life. In September, it is not recommended to grow your nails too long. The nail plates should be neat and short, and the color of the varnish should be warm.

    According to the lunar calendar:

    • Favorable days for cutting nails are 13, 14, 18, 19, as well as the period from September 22 to 24. The influence of the moon will allow you to get a first-class manicure either from a professional or on your own at home;
    • Unfavorable days are September 8, 9, 25 and 26. The result of cutting and painting your nails becomes unpredictable, even if you get a manicure from a renowned master. Also, manipulation of the nail plates on these dates has a negative impact on a woman’s mood and well-being.

    The remaining days of September are neutral, only on September 3 and 4, take care of your nails with caution. Due to the changeable lunar energy, some problems may arise.


    October is the month for success in career growth. Therefore, you cannot indulge in autumn melancholy and blues. And the lunar calendar will help you take care of your hands:

    • Favorable days for cutting nails are October 10, 11, 15, 16, 20 and 21. This time is suitable for giving the nail plates a new shape, as well as for experimenting with colors. Only acidic shades are inappropriate. In turn, pearlescent and pastel colors will help attract financial security and an increase in salary. It is recommended to trim and file nails to a neat oval shape;
    • Unfavorable days - October 5, 6, 22 and 23, the most controversial of the entire lunar calendar. The fact is that cutting nails even at this time makes the nail plates brittle and peeling, but this helps in overcoming financial difficulties. Therefore, decide for yourself what is your priority - money or healthy nails.

    On October 1, 2, 28 and 29, lunar energy is unstable. Therefore, cutting your nails these days is recommended only for those who crave global changes in life. If you are satisfied with everything and want stability, it is better to postpone the procedure.


    The last month of autumn is ideal for creating your own unique look. It is recommended to use deep matte shades of varnish and trim your nails regularly to give them a beautiful shape. To get the best results, use the lunar calendar data:

    • Favorable days for cutting nails are November 6-8, 11, 12, 16, 17. You can also experiment with style and colors. If you want to successfully climb the career ladder, it is recommended to give preference to shades of blue;
    • Unfavorable days - November 1-3, 18, 19, 29, 30. At this time, cutting your nails is strictly forbidden, as this procedure can provoke financial ruin. It is better to devote other days to caring for your hands, and on these days to strengthen your immune system. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions.

    Cutting your nails on November 24 and 25 will allow a woman to banish annoying suitors from her life forever. The remaining November days of the lunar calendar are quite neutral.


    December is the month of summing up the results of the outgoing year. In terms of manicure, any experiments with colors and shapes are acceptable during this period. The lunar calendar will tell you when exactly you can cut your nails:

    • Favorable days for updating manicure and pedicure are December 3-5, 8-10, 13, 14 and 31. It is permissible not only to cut nails, but also to straighten the cuticle. In addition, experiments in choosing the color of varnish are encouraged. It should be noted that during the December period, bright colors will charge you with positivity, and pastel colors (especially soft pink) will attract good luck;
    • Unfavorable days are December 15, 16, 26 and 27. Lunar energy has a destructive effect on both a woman’s mood and health. These days you should not only refrain from cutting your nails, but also try not to experience too strong emotions - both positive and negative.

    And if nails are cut on the right days, but their condition still leaves much to be desired, use proven means for treating and strengthening the nail plate.



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