Cancer treatment in China. Shanghai Cancer Centers

Oncology is a branch of medicine that studies the causes and mechanism of development of benign and malignant tumors, their clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment. Based on the first Clinical Hospital operates at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Tianjin, whose specialists provide professional medical care to patients with malignant neoplasia of any localization and stage of development of the disease. Cancer treatment in China is a combination of modern European treatment programs with the unique practice of traditional oriental medicine.

Types of cancer

Depending on the localization, there are:

  • head and neck cancer lower lip, tongue, oral mucosa, thyroid gland;
  • cancer of the chest organs - esophagus, lung, pericardium;
  • cancer of the abdominal organs - stomach, intestines, hepatobiliary system, pancreas;
  • cancer of the organs of the reproductive system - the cervix, body of the uterus, ovaries, prostate, testicles;
  • cancer of the urinary system - kidneys, urethra, Bladder;
  • malignant diseases of the skin, bones, soft tissues, breast;
  • tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

Symptoms and signs of cancer

General symptoms of malignant tumors:

  • cancer intoxication syndrome - general weakness, weight loss and appetite, fever, anemia, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache;
  • hyperplastic syndrome - increase liver, spleen, lymph nodes;
  • pain syndrome depending on the localization of the tumor.

local signs oncological diseases:

  • determination of the area of ​​compaction or swelling of soft tissues, areas of ulceration, decay and contact bleeding;
  • outdoor and internal bleeding as spotting from the rectum, genital tract (not associated with menstrual bleeding), when urinating, coughing with sputum streaked with blood;
  • increase birthmarks, their hyperpigmentation and change in shape.

Cancer diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis is an essential part complex treatment cancer in China. The oncology department is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, allowing to conduct a survey at a high level and to identify formations at the earliest stages of the disease. We have the following diagnostic methods at our disposal:

  • Instrumental examination - X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound and radionuclide examination, CT, MRI,
  • Endoscopic examination - colonoscopy, thoracoscopy, mediastinoscopy, cystoscopy, laryngoscopy, hysteroscopy, FGDS, diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • Laboratory examination - detailed blood tests, determination of oncomarkers, immunological testing;
  • Morphological verification of the diagnosis - cytological, histological, immunohistochemical analysis of the material obtained by targeted endoscopic biopsy, puncture with a thin needle, taking smears-prints and scrapings from the surface of the pathological formation.

Also, our specialists use diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine. These include acupuncture diagnostics by pulse, tongue, examination of the palms, a method for determining the spread of pain along the "trajectory of the meridian", identifying meridian channels with "empty" and insufficient Qi energy.

Cancer treatment in China

In the hospital, for the treatment of patients with benign and malignant tumors, both traditional and alternative methods. Integration of modern treatment programs with the unique practice of traditional oriental medicine allows you to get the most effective result in the fight against cancer. hallmark cancer treatment in China is an individual approach to each patient. Even in the most advanced and advanced stages of the disease, Chinese doctors provide medical care aimed at improving the quality and prolonging the patient's life.

We use combined, complex and combined methods for the treatment of malignant tumors, including radical surgical intervention, radiation and chemotherapy, specific hormone therapy. Also in the complex medical procedures include acupuncture, exposure to ultrasound radiation, herbal medicine, meditation. Methods of oriental therapy help to strengthen the immune system, activate the body's own defenses, remove pain syndrome and nervous strain associated with the presence of the disease. Therefore, many patients who have undergone cancer treatment in China leave only positive feedback.

By filling out the application form on our website, you will receive detailed information about the methods and cost of cancer treatment in China.

Cancer treatment in China is carried out in specialized category A hospitals. The military hospital has 3 branches in Hainan, Dalian and Liaoning. Liaoning Cancer Hospital is located among 9 buildings, which is one of the most famous large specialty hospitals in the field of cancer research and treatment in China. The buildings have 790 hospital beds, 26 clinical departments and 13 medical technology departments. For many years, the hospital has been involved in the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in clinics in China.

Various tumors are treated, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, malignant lymphomas, gynecological cancer, head and neck tumors, tumor of the urological system, bone tumors and melanoma. The hospital advocates the cooperation of multiple disciplines, integrate the medical sources of all departments, and has established various groups collaboration for mono-diseases including breast cancer, gastric cancer, lymphoma and liver cancer, providing a normalized and individualized combined treatment for patients.

Chinese cancer patients receiving chemotherapy take astragalus, a medicinal plant in China, in combination. Taking a medicine based on this herb gives a weakening side effects chemotherapy therapy reduces toxicity and there is an increase in survival. Although the use medicinal herbs While cancer treatment in China continues to be an integral part of Chinese culture and treatment, the average American and European cancer patient has never even heard that herbs can improve chemotherapy outcomes.

Why is it that in the treatment of cancer abroad, in particular in the West, studies of Chinese clinical trials combining natural clinical medicine With traditional therapy cancer?

The answer to this question is probably related to a number of factors, such as pressure from European pharmaceutical companies ignore conventional medicine and the lack of funding for herbal research in the US, and the reluctance of Western doctors to recommend natural remedies for patients.

But the latest cancer treatment reviews in China of thousands of Chinese clinical trials have analyzed the uses and benefits of Chinese herbs in cancer treatment, and the results may surprise you.

Oncology Center (New Hope) and University Cancer Hospital (PUCH) Beijing, which is located in Dalian, signed an agreement in 2017 to jointly provide premium, world-class cancer services for the Chinese market. Through this new arrangement, New Hope and Puch's International Department will pool resources to develop personalized cancer treatment services in China for the residents of Beijing and Dalian. In the Ministry of Health of China for the first time, Chinese authorities in China's oncology treatment will unite with premium, foreign-invested medical service providers. This agreement declares the commitment of both organizations to a high level of joint clinical procedures, academic exchanges, professional healthcare management and quality accreditation.

Let's take a closer look at what cancer treatment in Chinese clinics is based on.

Individual cells in a tumor are not the same. This may sound like a modern medical truism, but it wasn't recognized for very long. In the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in China, our doctors have proven that taking a single biopsy from a patient's tumor will accurately reflect the physiological and genetic composition of the entire mass. Individual cells are constantly developing at various stages of tumor progression into mobile cancer cells that cause metastasis are fatal this process. Therefore, when prescribing cancer treatment in the Chinese military hospital, an integrated approach to therapy is used for each patient. If the cancer treatment plan in China is prescribed correctly and the professor prescribing the treatment has great experience V this direction, then effective oncology treatment in China is guaranteed, in which cancer is destroyed even at the small cell level.

Tumors also differ among patients with the same type of cancer, so how can a doctor prescribe an individual regimen for a patient?

To begin solving this puzzle, a multidisciplinary team from a military hospital developed an approach to deduce an evolutionary path. tumor cells by questioning two types of mutations - somatic copy number changes and single nucleotide changes - obtained from several samples taken from one patient. They demonstrated the approach on samples from leukemia and ovarian cancer, along with samples from human cell line breast cancer. In general, tumor evolution involves the accumulation of mutations of all types, collectively affecting the suitability of tumor cells.

Once the cancer has spread, it can be difficult to control! Therefore, it is important to contact us at the initial stages of the disease. Although some types of metastatic cancer can be cured with modern methods treatment, most of them cannot. However, there are ways to treat all patients with metastatic cancer. The purpose of such treatment is to stop or slow the growth of the cancer or to relieve the symptoms caused by it. Patients seeking cancer treatment in China are usually in stage 2-3-4 of oncology. Because in Europe and especially in Kazakhstan, doctors initially start therapy incorrectly. Is it due or low level medical staff or unwillingness to conduct an accurate diagnosis and prescribe not only targeted cancer treatment abroad, but also with minimal side effects from treatment for a weakened body. But in some particularly successful cases, treatment of metastatic cancer abroad can help prolong life.

Oncology treatment in China is fundamentally different from the treatment methods in Europe and the CIS countries. Therefore, Chinese therapy gives the highest results of treatment!

Yes, in some difficult cases, in the treatment of cancer in the Chinese military hospital, in addition to traditional Chinese therapy, we use European methods of treatment. The treatment you may receive depends on the type of primary cancer and where it has spread. Some anticancer drugs such as oxaliplatin and irinotecan are used to treat liver metastases. Chemotherapy can be delivered through an intravenous infusion or directly to the affected area with a procedure called a hepatic infusion.

They target cancer cells alone. The procedures help cut off the blood supply to the cancer cells and kill the tumors. They are called anti-angiogenesis. These include bevacuzimab or Avastin. Another type of drug are epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors. These drugs block the epidermal growth factor receptor, a protein that can promote the progression colorectal cancer. These include cetuximab or panitumumab. biological therapy is currently used in combination with many chemotherapy drugs to improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment in Chinese clinics.

This therapy helps to kill the secondary tumor with heat or cold. There are currently three types of thermal ablation, including radiofrequency ablation, which uses radio waves to heat up and kill the tumor. There is also microwave ablation, which uses microwaves to heat tumor cells, and cryoablation, which freezes the tumor. Radiofrequency ablation, cryosurgery are commonly used in bone metastases.

Cancer treatment in Dalian. Oncology in a Chinese military hospital.

The Chinese Military Hospital in Dalian, is the leader in premium outpatient cancer treatment in China. Medical staff helps patients maintain their normal daily activities while undergoing cancer treatment to maintain a high quality of life. The medical staff not only treats the patient's illness, but provides caring care for the entire stay of the patient, by providing comprehensive services. When treating cancer in Dalian at the China Military Hospital, the military staff strives to provide advanced treatment, the international standard of cancer treatment in China, and personalized care according to the specific needs of each patient.

Dalian Military Hospital relies on its collaborative relationships with leading cancer treatment specialists both in China and internationally to assemble medical teams according to each patient's needs and wishes, providing second opinion consultations.

Since its opening, the military hospital has provided the best in patient care. We collaborate on patient care and work to explore the latest trends in cancer treatment, facility design, medical services and healthcare management. This new agreement formalizes the relationship between the Dalian Military Hospital and the PRC Ministry of Health.

Under the agreement, Dalian State Military Hospital will also provide evidence-based, international standard method cancer treatment to patients of the international department. In addition, cooperation will be directed to clinical treatment, team building, academic exchange, healthcare management, quality and safety accreditation, and models of primary and nursing care.

Treatment of oncological diseases (cancer) abroad

Modern oncology (from the Greek oncos - tumor, logos - word, science) is a young science - it is no more than 100 years old, and its development took place only in the 20th century. Its main tasks are to determine the causes of neoplasms, the development of prevention of their occurrence and development, early recognition and successful treatment.

Cancer treatment in China is becoming more and more popular in many countries around the world. Chinese medicine covers a wide range of cancer treatments, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, qigong, dietary advice and meditation. Chinese experts try to minimize side effects after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, increase immune function and level vital energy. This form of treatment in China is called "Maintaining Normal Qi" (the energy "Qi" is the life energy that connects a person with the cosmos).

“Maintaining Normal Qi” has the following goals:

reduction in the severity of the cancer, or antitumor effect;

prevention of the formation and development of cancer; 

simulation of the immune system and the cessation of the free suppression of "Qi"; 

enhancement of regulatory functions endocrine system; 

improved metabolism.

In the treatment of oncology in China, they often use herbal decoctions, which help protect internal organs, manage adverse side effects (such as nausea, insomnia, fatigue, pain, kidney toxicity, cardiac toxicity) caused by therapy. Reducing the effect of chemotherapy on the body with Chinese medicine, gives an increase in the effect of treatment.

A Chinese medicine for cancer treatment developed in a military hospital.

Cancer treatment in Dalian uses XuDong family techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. We have developed a drug to fight cancer, it improves physical state human, improves immunity, protects the stomach, supports the body during chemotherapy, helps to avoid many unpleasant consequences, stabilizes the focus of the disease, prevents the spread of cancer cells, for patients at a late stage, it is possible to prolong life, improve the quality of life. This treatment has already helped many people.

Cancer treatment in Dalian uses XuDong family techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. We have developed a medicine to fight cancer, it improves the physical condition of a person, increases immunity, protects the stomach, supports the body during chemotherapy, helps to avoid many unpleasant consequences, stabilizes the focus of the disease, prevents the spread of cancer cells, prolongation of life is possible for patients at a late stage, improvement quality of life. This treatment has already helped many people.

Subsequently, there were latest research in the field of spread of cancer cells, as well as experiments on animals. These studies have confirmed that Chinese medicines inhibit the development of diseases such as melanoma, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, osteocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, cancer colon, leukemia, etc. The medicine of the XuDong family is a natural product, it prevents the spread of cancer cells, according to many experts in the world community, it also has good anti-neoplastic activity and kills cancer cells at the small cell level. Also, the drug of the XuDong family enhances the functions of phagocytosis in the fight against cancer cells, directs the cellular differentiation of cancer cells, improves immunity, reduces Negative consequences chemotherapy and helps to better transfer it.

Reasons for the development of cancer. Cancer diagnosis in China.

Today's approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a combination of many scientific directions, the use of carefully calculated algorithms and an individual approach to each patient with cancer. In oncology, as nowhere else, early diagnosis is very important - the sooner a tumor is detected and treatment is started, the better the results.

For early diagnosis Oncological diseases, positron emission tomography is used, which makes it possible to detect a tumor in its infancy, as well as to detect metastasis.

Breast cancer treatment in China.

Breast cancer (breast cancer) occupies a leading place oncological pathology of women. The reason for this phenomenon is multifaceted and lies, among other things, in hormonal dependence both precancer (mastopathy, fibroadenomas), and breast cancer itself. It is known that the level of estrogen in women is gradually increasing and after 30 years of age, its stimulating effect on the mammary gland in the presence of genetic breakdowns and other contributing factors can become decisive in the development of breast cancer. In other words, after the initiation stage (the first stage of cancer, the stage of the appearance of the corresponding mutations), an increased hormonal background contributes to the stage of oncogenesis promotion (stimulating the growth and further changes in mutated cells), which leads to the development of the disease. There is also a genetic predisposition to developing cancer, which is easy to detect by examining the family tree. In the case of breast cancer in relatives, a thorough regular examination is required. The risk of precancer and cancer is lower in the absence of abortions, long-term breastfeeding, in large families.

Treatment of stomach cancer in China.

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the lining of the stomach. Despite the decrease in morbidity and mortality rates, gastric cancer remains one of the most common oncological diseases. To date, the diagnosis of the early stages of the disease has not been worked out, and the survival rate in the later stages remains at a low level. Factors contributing to the development of stomach cancer are quite diverse. The main group of reasons are the features of nutrition and the environment: . Features of nutrition: the predominance of flour foods; reduced intake of vitamin C; lack of fruits and vegetables; increased consumption of smoked and deep-fried foods, high consumption of animal fats, canned food.

Treatment of rectal and colon cancer in China

Tumor of the rectum and colon is one of the most common forms of human malignant tumors. The peak incidence occurs in patients over 60 years of age. Causes of Colon Cancer: Diet. High content in the diet of meat and animal fat accelerates growth intestinal bacteria that produce carcinogens. Noted a sharp decline cases of colon cancer in vegetarians. genetic factors. The risk of developing colon cancer is 3 to 5 times higher among first-degree relatives with colon cancer and colon polyps. Ulcerative colitis more than 10 years old. Crohn's disease. special kind chronic inflammation colon, the cause of which is still unknown. Polyps of the large intestine. A polyp is a benign tumor. With prolonged irritation of the polyp chemicals it can give malignant growth. Immunodeficiency diseases.

Treatment of cervical cancer in China.

Today, thanks to progress in pharmacy and medicine in general, many previously deadly sexual infections are successfully treated. In many respects, views on the acquisition of rich sexual experience among young people have also been revised. However, in our time, unfortunately, not everyone knows that frequent change sexual partners is dangerous not only by infection with "bad" infections, but also by the occurrence in women of such a formidable disease as cervical cancer. Oncology is always scary and sad, but the whole tragedy of this particular diagnosis lies in its “youth”. According to statistics, almost three out of four women with cervical cancer are women of reproductive age, that is, capable of conceiving and bearing a child. This tumor can affect even the young, nulliparous women in 20-30 years... Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant neoplasm in women after breast cancer. More than 25,000 cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year in the European Union and about 12,000 deaths from it, which quantitatively exceeds even the death rate from AIDS and hepatitis B.

Treatment of prostate cancer in China.

A malignant tumor - carcinoma of the prostate, according to medicine, can appear both on its own and against the background of already existing benign prostatic hypertrophy. Urology statistics suggest that one in five men over 50 already have cancer cells in this gland. Prostate cancer, as a rule, first manifests itself very late - in men aged 65 - 75 years. It is the second most common malignant tumor in men, after lung cancer. 70% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed already in the presence of metastases. As the cause of the development of the disease, most researchers call the genetic (hereditary factor) and the characteristics of the diet. To prevent disease, it is recommended to use less meat products and eat more fruits and vegetables - at least 5 times a day.

Prostate Cancer Treatment in China

A tumor occurs as a result of the degeneration of benign gland cells into cancerous ones. The tumor in advanced cases can spread to the bones and The lymph nodes through metastases.

Treatment of liver cancer in China.

Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer that originates directly from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma. The liver is made up of various types of cells (e.g. bile duct cells, blood vessels and fat cells). However, liver cells (hepatocytes) make up 80% of liver tissue. Thus, the majority of primary liver tumors (more than 90-95%) originate from liver cells and are called hepatocellular cancer. When patients or doctors talk about liver cancer, however, they often mean cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the liver, with a primary site in other organs (such as the colon, stomach, pancreas, breasts, and lungs) . More precisely, this type of liver cancer is called metastatic disease (cancer) of the liver or secondary liver cancer. Thus, the term "liver cancer" can actually refer to either metastatic liver cancer or hepatocellular cancer. The subject of this article is hepatocellular carcinoma, which I will refer to as liver cancer.

Treatment of lung cancer in China.

Lung cancer is the most common cause death of cancer patients in most countries of the world. In Russia, lung cancer ranks first, both in the overall structure of oncological diseases and among malignant tumors in men. The five-year survival rate of all patients with lung cancer does not exceed 10-15%, and with small cell carcinoma this figure is only 1-3%. During the first year, 70-80% of patients die, only about 10% of lung cancer patients have a chance to live for more than 10 years. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking. About 80% of patients with this pathology are smokers. The remaining 20% ​​of cancer cases are associated with exposure factors such as indoor radon, contact with asbestos dust, heavy metals, chloromethyl ether. Increased Risk development of lung cancer is also characteristic of persons with chronic inflammatory diseases lungs and persons with pulmonary fibrosis. And yet, the main contributor to the risk of developing cancer is smoking. The explanation for this fact is quite simple. Tobacco smoke contains both physical and chemical factors of carcinogenesis in large quantities. The main symptoms of the disease include: cough, shortness of breath, pain in chest, hemoptysis, weight loss. Identification of most of these signs should alert and force you to urgently consult a doctor. It should be noted that these signs are nonspecific, i.e. characteristic of many respiratory diseases. For this reason, unfortunately, many patients are in no hurry to sound the alarm.

Skin cancer treatment in China.

Skin cancer (skin tumor) is an oncological disease that develops in about 10% of people who live to the age of 70. The term "skin cancer" means all malignant neoplasms of epidermal origin:. basalioma (basal cell carcinoma or cancer that develops from the basal cells of the skin epithelium). . squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma). melanoma (a tumor of neuroectodermal origin) Given some of the features of melanoma, today it is customary to identify skin cancer with non-melanoma cancer. The main risk factors for skin cancer are ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, as well as exposure to various chemical carcinogens that come into contact with the skin, including carcinogens. tobacco smoke. Thus, the main cause of skin cancer lies in the constant damage to the epithelium by physical and chemical carcinogens. Family predisposition also matters, i.e. genetic features organism.

Treatment of a brain tumor in China.

Brain tumors account for approximately 1.5% of all malignant tumors. All brain tumors are malignant, because they lead to death due to hypertension and dislocation of the brain. There are fast-growing tumors (gliomas, metastases, glioblastomas, adenocarcinomas, etc.) and relatively slow-growing ones (meningiomas, adenomas, etc.). This division of brain tumors is rather arbitrary, because. quite a few importance there is also a site of tumor growth.

Types of brain tumors:

Neuroepithelial tumors (ependymoma, glioma, oligodendroglioma).

Shell tumors (meningiomas).

metastatic tumors.

Tumors of the pituitary gland (pituitary adenomas).

Tumors cranial nerves(neurinoma auditory nerve and etc.).

Vascular tumors.

Disembryogenic tumors

Treatment of thyroid cancer in China.

In the structure of the general oncological incidence, malignant tumors of the thyroid gland occupy about 2%. There is an increase in the incidence, mainly due to persons young age. According to WHO, over the past 10 years, the incidence has doubled. Thyroid cancer (TC) occurs in people of all ages, even children and adolescents get sick. The rise in incidence occurs at the age of 40-50 years. In women, this pathology occurs more often than in men by 3-4 times. The causes of thyroid cancer are not exactly known, but it has been noticed that people who have undergone radiation treatment to the head and neck area for any diseases (adenoids, hemangiomas, shingles, etc.) are more likely to get sick in childhood or at a young age. Individuals living or who lived in areas exposed to radiation after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant showed a sharp increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer, especially in children. In young people, the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to ionizing radiation is increased. TC is also commonly seen in individuals with long-term nodular goiters. For thyroid disease are important hormonal disorders in the body, arising from chronic diseases other endocrine organs. With a special form of thyroid cancer (medullary), the hereditary factor matters.

benign tumors fibroma, fibromyoma, benign ovarian tumors.

fibromyoma of the uterus benign tumor uterus) is strikingly common - every fourth woman over 30 years old and every third woman of premenopausal age has this pathology. The reasons for the development of fibroids include, first of all, the stimulating effect hormonal background on the myometrium. It has been established that an increased estrogen background is not observed in all patients, but at the same time, a violation of estrogen metabolism and function develops. corpus luteum, change in the sensitivity of the uterus to the action of hormones. A certain role in the occurrence and development of uterine fibroids is played by disorders in the hypothalamus - pituitary gland - ovaries - uterus. Although there are few specific data in this regard, most authors agree that from the onset of puberty to the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen in the blood increases by about 3 times, and this factor should be considered, if not causal, then one of the important starting points. Heredity also matters, i.e. in families where there were fibromyomas and polycystic ovaries, the risk of developing fibromyomas in direct relatives is much higher.

Cancer treatment at the Chinese military hospital takes an international approach to diagnosing and treating cancer in China. We also offer consultations for cancer treatment and screening. Our team of doctors, nurses and support staff are dedicated to caring for every patient.

If for health reasons or financial difficulties, foreign patients can't come for cancer treatment in China, we offer Chinese medicine professor's remote diagnostic program and online treatment appointment. For patients who want to receive Chinese medicine treatment at home, without coming to China, you can read here http://website/catalog/ot_raka_i_metastaz/ about ordering Chinese medicine mail from cancer and metastasis. Cancer treatment in China is an opportunity to receive treatment and recovery at a high level at government prices!

In China, bowel cancer is treated at the Nunkeng, Fuda and several other hospitals. The main priority of these medical centers is an individual multidisciplinary approach to each patient. Using innovative therapies such as targeted therapy, robotic surgery or photodynamic therapy, Chinese clinics help to defeat cancer more safely and less painfully. If surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy patients undergo parallel treatment of side effects with herbal medicine, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine methods.

Diagnosis of bowel cancer in China

If the patient's symptoms indicate bowel cancer, several diagnostic tests are prescribed:

  • colonoscopy - a doctor examines the inner lining of the colon and rectum using a long thin tube with a camera and a light source;
  • blood test - the working capacity of the liver and kidneys is tested, as well as the level of carcinoembryonic antigen;
  • biopsy for molecular testing of tumor cells;
  • imaging tests (CT, ultrasound, MRI, PET-CT and fluorography).

Bowel Cancer Surgery in China

If the tumor is small, hospitals in China perform one of the following minimally invasive procedures:

  • colonoscopy for resection of polyps with cancer cells, performed using a colonoscope without incisions on the abdomen;
  • endoscopic resection of the mucosa, this organ-preserving operation is preferable for larger polyps that are removed along with a small section of the intestinal lining;
  • removal of the tumor through several tiny incisions using a laparoscope or robotic system.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy or radiation is given to minimize the amount of tissue that is excised. If the tumor is still too large for colonoscopy, a partial colectomy is recommended. The surgeon removes a section of the large intestine with cancerous tissue, and sews the rest to healthy intestines. In China, this procedure is performed laparoscopically or with the help of the Da Vinci robot.

Colon Cancer Therapy in China

Radiation therapy for bowel cancer in China is carried out through modern technologies. 3D conformal and intensively modulated therapies provide precise treatment of the tumor without damaging adjacent tissues. Modern internal irradiation - high-dose brachytherapy - includes several short sessions on an outpatient basis.

Chemotherapy is often combined with targeted therapies for maximum effect. Drugs such as Avastin, Zaltrap, Erbitux, and Kiramza target different features of colon cancer cells and are prescribed according to the molecular analysis of the patient's cancer cells. Some patients may benefit from immunotherapy with Keytruda or Opdivo.

Phytotherapy has a special place in the treatment of bowel cancer in China. Individually selected formulas help to improve the body's immune ability to suppress the angiogenesis of tumors, reducing them. Long-term consumption of Chinese herbs is effective tool against relapses or metastases.

Every year, for more than 8 million people around the world, cancer becomes a difficult test, which, unfortunately, not everyone manages to overcome. Science and medicine different countries of the world is aimed at overcoming cancer, however, the number of people dying from cancer remains stably high. And not always the cause is cancer itself. Often we are talking about wasted time, about uninformative diagnostics, inadequate treatment, which cause the death of patients. Thus, according to statistics, in developing countries the percentage of patients who receive adequate medical care in the fight against cancer is extremely low. That is why, every day a huge number of people travel to other countries for cancer treatment.

China is also considered a promising country, whose medicine combines the best traditions Eastern practices and modern world standards. Of course, countries such as Israel and Germany are considered leaders in cancer treatment, but this is only because very little is known about cancer treatment in China. While Chinese oncologists take the problem of cancer treatment very seriously and annually receive patents for new unique drugs.

International Tourism Center "NewMed Center" is one of the few companies that operates in the Chinese market, provides support to patients and organizes treatment in the best clinics in the country. On the issue of oncology treatment in China, we are contacted by patients who have already tried different techniques which doctors have literally already abandoned. And a few months after cancer treatment in China, we see amazing results! Chinese medicine today has unique methods cancer treatment, including HIFU therapy, drug therapy based on herbal ingredients and much more. To date, the opportunity to obtain a qualified medical treatment Oncological diseases in China for most patients is a chance to successfully overcome the disease and prolong life.

Principles of Cancer Treatment in China

To date, in the theory of Chinese medicine, there is no such thing as " incurable disease”, and the first steps towards curing cancer in China were made many centuries ago. Today, the Chinese government is giving Special attention fight against cancer and actively finances various research programs. Approaches to the treatment of oncology in Western medicine are fundamentally different from the global ones.

Principle #1:cancer is curable at any stage, and the effectiveness of the cure depends on the adequacy of the methods and the professionalism of the doctors.

Principle #2:it is necessary to deal not with the consequences of the disease, but with its causes.

Principle #3:The success of cancer treatment depends on the overall health and strengthening of the whole organism.

Principle #4:the combination of innovative techniques with traditional ones makes it possible to achieve a positive outcome in the treatment of even severe patients.

Principle #5:continuity of treatment. Each subsequent course is followed by a recovery rehabilitation program.

Thanks to this approach, even after 2-3 years, the patient, even with advanced forms of cancer, begins to live. full life and stop treatment with an oncologist.

Cancer diagnosis in China

Chinese clinics use all the most advanced methods for extensive cancer diagnostics, including at the most early stages. These include:

  • Laboratory diagnostics– study of biological materials for the presence of tumor markers and vital signs;
  • ultrasound organs and vessels, including contrast study;
  • Sonography- ultrasonic state of the joints, which allows you to determine the tumor activity at the very beginning of the disease;
  • Fluoroscopy- which includes mammography, irrigoscopy and radiography;
  • Computed tomography (CT) makes it possible to study the pathology of any organ. There are also CT angiography, aimed at examining the vessels, multilayer CT, aimed at examining the organ at different angles and in projection, and spiral CT angiography, due to which a study is performed with the introduction of a contrast agent.
  • Virtual Colonoscopy– video diagnostics of pathologies lower divisions GIT.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET CT)- allows you to track various processes in the body, including metabolism, transport useful substances, receptor interactions.
  • Scintigraphy– isotope scanning of internal organs and bones for the development of metastases, osteoporosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- a virtual study of the brain and spine for tumors, vascular pathologies.
  • Biopsy tissues of internal organs with subsequent laboratory research
  • Endoscopy established itself as a diagnostic method. With the help of laparoscopy and cystoscopy, it is possible to investigate the hidden pathologies of the pelvic organs and others.
  • thermography- hardware diagnostics sensitive to infrared radiation.

All period cancer screenings in china takes no more than 1-2 days. At this time, the patient is accompanied by representatives of the NewMedCenter company. The patient passes initial inspection and a consultation with an oncologist, who prescribes an examination program based on the patient's medical history.

Cancer Treatment in China: Varieties of the Disease

Cancer affects every organ and system in the body. With an inadequate treatment regimen, even a small pathological focus in a few years can be transformed into metastases in neighboring organs. IN clinics in China offer an advanced treatment program for cancers such as:

  • Stomach cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma, neuroendocrine tumors);
  • Pancreatic cancer (ductal adenocarcinoma, cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Colon cancer (including cancer small intestine, lymphomas of the small intestine, carcinoid tumors);
  • Colon polyposis;
  • Lung cancer (small cell and non-small cell cancer including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, bronchial carcinoids, smooth muscle cancer, blood vessel cancer);
  • Mammary cancer ( papillary cancer, medullary carcinoma, inflammatory cancer, infiltrating ductal carcinoma, Paget's cancer);
  • Ovarian cancer (serous cystadenocarcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, and others);
  • Prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, small cell and squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Bladder cancer (superficial and invasive, including transitional cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma);
  • Liver cancer (genatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocellular carcinoma);
  • Renal cancer (sarcoma or Wilms tumor, renal cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the kidney or pelvis);
  • Thyroid cancer (papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic cancer);
  • Cancer of the throat, tongue, larynx;
  • Brain cancer (acoustic neuroma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, meningioma and others);
  • Skin cancer (melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Kaposi's sarcoma);
  • Bone cancer (Ewing's sarcoma);
  • Sarcoma of the heart;
  • Lymphosarcoma.

Modern methods of cancer treatment in China

Departments of oncology in China successfully use all the most advanced cancer treatment methods that are relevant in all developed countries of the world. The clinics are equipped with modern operating rooms with video monitoring and installations for laparoscopy and for treatment using radiosurgery techniques, the clinics have radiation therapy departments, sterile boxes are equipped. Going to China for cancer treatment, you can be sure that medicine here is at the same high level as in Europe, the USA or Israel. Chinese oncologists on diagnostics and treatment are guided by the recommendations of world cancer control organizations.

Treatment methods in China:

Operable cancer treatment. The surgical method is still the most effective in some cases. To date cancer treatment in China in an operable way involves carrying out radical or palliative operations and organ transplant operations

Radiation therapy. This method treatment in clinics in China often used in conjunction with surgery or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is indicated for the treatment of laryngeal cancer, prostate cancer, rectal carcinoma. The essence of the method: under the influence of X-ray radiation, the molecular composition of the affected cells changes, thus, the tumor cells die, and healthy cells remain intact.

Chemotherapy. Medical treatment different types oncological diseases is shown as a separate technique, and as part of complex therapy. Modern drugs that are used for the course chemotherapy in China, actively destroy cancer cells. The course of chemotherapy is aimed at suppressing latent metastases after operable or radiation treatment. To date, a group of drugs for chemotherapy, which are used by Chinese oncologists, have a sparing effect and do not pose a danger to vital organs.

hormone therapy. Treatment of breast and prostate tumors with a group of hormone-containing drugs is successfully used in practice in many medical centers in China. Hormone therapy is prescribed both separately and in combination with other methods.

Photodynamic therapy. The method of conservative treatment, which consists in the use of photoactive groups of drugs. Drugs are introduced into the patient's body, their action is activated laser radiation. As a result of a photochemical reaction, tumor cells die. This method is considered quite gentle and is used to treat cancer of the skin, tongue, larynx, lungs, as well as tumors of the uterus and vagina.

Immunotherapy. conservative method treatment based on the response of the immune system human body on proteins that have been exposed from the surface of cancer cells. The immune system a person is not distinguished by cancer cells and therefore the defense mechanism is not activated. That is why the so-called “killer drugs” have been developed that affect tumor cells, but are not rejected by the body.

Focused ultrasound ablation method (HIFU therapy in China). One of the latest and high-tech methods of conservative treatment of malignant tumors of the uterus and prostate cancer. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves of high intensity, tumor tissues die, while the effect is only on a strictly localized area.

Radiotherapy intensity modulation method. The method is used to treat malignant tumors that are localized in hard-to-reach places and therefore are not subject to surgical treatment. Rays of different intensity affect the tumor, as a result of which the cancer cells die. Typically, the modulation method can be applied in several steps.

Proton therapy is proton beam therapy, one of the most promising directions nuclear medicine. The treatment takes place thanks to a special device - a charged particle accelerator. Cancer cells are irradiated with carbon ions and hydrogen protons. The advantage of the technique in high precision impact.

IMRT– radiotherapy based on a 2-linear accelerator, computed tomography, video monitoring system. The technique makes it possible to regulate the intensity of irradiation depending on the size of the tumor, its location and the patient's condition.

cryodestruction method. A treatment technique based on freezing tumor tissues with liquid nitrogen. Refers to minimally invasive surgery and is used to treat colorectal cancer, uterine cancer and all types of skin cancer.

Antiangiogenesis method. The introduction of drugs that block the process of reproduction of cancer cells. As a result, the tumor does not receive the necessary nutrients, its growth stops. The technique practically does not negative impact on healthy organs and is well tolerated by the patient.

Radiosurgery, gamma knife. The inoperable treatment of oncology in China with the help of the Gamma Knife installation allows treating both benign and malignant brain tumors. The Gamma Knife is used in cases where the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place and there is no way to operate it with standard neurosurgical methods. This is a minimally invasive intervention without craniotomy, which is the least traumatic and does not pose a threat of violations brain activity due to the application of microtrauma, as is the case with standard surgical intervention.

Donor stem cell transplant. While there are active discussions in other countries about the ethics of stem cell treatment, in China there are already positive results in the treatment of cancer with stem cells transplanted from a donor. The method is effective in the treatment of ovarian, kidney, pancreatic cancer and metastases.

Cell transplant operations bone marrow(or stem cells).

Bone Marrow Transplants in China- The procedure is very common. Thanks to a huge database of donors, modern hardware installations and specially equipped wards for rehabilitation, effective treatment is provided. When it comes to bone marrow transplantation, stem cell transplantation is what is meant. Usually the donor can be someone from blood relatives the patient, if there is none, then the cells of a suitable donor are used.

Eastern methods of cancer treatment in China

Back in the late 1970s, sad statistics emerged in China: cancer was the number one cause of death among the Chinese. It was then that a program was adopted aimed at supporting research methods ancient Chinese medicine. To date, the treatment cancer in China is an integrated approach: a combination international standards And traditional medicine. The result of this program has proved its effectiveness - cancer mortality has decreased significantly.

The most up-to-date methods cancer treatment in China herbal medicine, physiotherapy, treatment with fungal spores are still considered.

Herbal Medicine in China

The basis of anti-cancer medicines, which are made in China, include plants such as: ginseng, astragalus, privet, lingzhi, codonopsis and others specific species. The collection of plants takes place in the ecological regions of China and Tibet. The main effect of herbal preparations is aimed at activating immune processes, growth healthy cells and inhibition of tumor cells.

In addition, herbal complexes are also used to overcome the side effects that many patients suffer from. We are talking about pain, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, which are caused by general intoxication of the body after chemotherapy.

The preparations of Holican and Chitosan, which are used in departments of oncology in China.

So, Chitosan helps to increase the sensitivity of cancer cells, neutralizes toxins and deprives cells that are just emerging. Thus, the cells enter the bloodstream, where they are taken up by lymphocytes. As a result, the growth of the tumor also stops, and an obstacle is created for the spread of metastases.

Holican is used to prevent cancer and to treat it in its earliest stages. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and inhibits the reproduction of tumor cells. In general, the effect of the drug is to prevent the process of cell degeneration. The Holican complex belongs to third-generation medicines; pharmacologists and genetic engineering specialists worked on its creation.

Physiotherapy and psychotherapy in China

A complex of various procedures is used together with classical medical methods. All physiotherapy procedures are carried out in a hospital by certified specialists. Oncology treatment in China is accompanied by procedures:

  • Qi-gong massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • Starvation and special diets;
  • Meditation, hypnosis, psychocorrection.

All these techniques are aimed at overcoming the causes of the disease, increasing the energy potential, and activating the immune processes. As a result of physiotherapy in China:

  • An antitumor effect is achieved - the growth of cancer cells stops;
  • There is a prevention of the development of cancer in other organs - metastasis;
  • There is an increase in the functions of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • There is an improvement in the metabolic process.

Separately, it is worth noting the results of psychotherapy in the fight against cancer. Many practitioners of psychology consider cancer as a consequence of stress, wrong attitudes, and experienced complexes. The task of the psychotherapist is to find out the causes and mutual work with the patient, aimed at overcoming them. Hypnosis and meditation techniques are used to increase the motivation of patients.

Shanghai Cancer Centers

Shanghai has specialized oncology clinics and institutes, where the best scientific medical personnel are concentrated, as well as official centers of oriental medicine, which are funded and controlled by the state. The most famous medical centers in China specializing in the treatment of cancer are located in Shanghai:

  • Shanghai Fudan University Cancer Center (FUSCC)
  • HospitalShuguang at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai University Medical School
  • Shanghai Fudan University Huashan Hospital

The NewMed Center has connections with the best specialists in almost all the largest clinics in Shanghai. Our managers know necessary procedures on issues of paperwork, organization and conduct of treatment. By trusting us, you can be sure that all issues will be resolved efficiently and quickly. We know how important cancer treatment in China is to you, and we will do our best to overcome the disease together with you.

Modern Chinese oncology clinics combine the latest world standards of treatment and methods of traditional oriental medicine. In addition, the People's Republic of China has Government program development and financing of oncological care for the population. Due to this fact, the country is actively conducting research and testing of new means of combating cancer.

How is oncology treated in China?

Cancer treatment in China includes a complex of surgical and conservative measures to influence malignant neoplasms. Chinese oncologists in the treatment of cancer adhere to the following principles:

Video: The patient was treated for cancer in a clinic in China

  1. Oncological process is curable at every stage of the disease.
  2. The drug effect on the body is aimed not only at fighting mutated cells, but also at raising the general immunity (maintaining the internal energy "Qi").

Video: Singer Zhanna Friske returned to Moscow after undergoing cancer treatment in China

From the point of view of oriental medicine, an increase in vital energy contributes to:

  • Reducing the severity of the oncological pathology of the body;
  • Prevention of the occurrence of molecular mutation and tumor formation;
  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system and activation of the metabolic processes of the body.

Oncology treatment in China accompanied by the use of phytopreparations (herbal decoctions). Therapy with homeopathic remedies is aimed at the formation of specific protection of internal organs and systems, as well as at preventing toxic action chemotherapy and radiation therapy on the body.

Diagnostic methods in Chinese clinics and their cost

Diagnosis of oncological diseases begins with a consultation and preliminary examination of the patient. Primary appointment an oncologist costs $40-150. The next step in providing medical care is the appointment of additional methods for determining malignant processes:

  • Laboratory blood tests for the presence of specific markers of cancer ($30-60);
  • Ultrasound examination of organs and body systems ($50);
  • Sonography - ultrasound of the joints ($ 50);
  • Radiography - a method for determining the boundaries of the tumor using x-rays ($ 60-80);
  • CT scan. It is a layered X-ray images that allow you to clarify the localization malignant neoplasm (100$);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which diagnoses pathological processes head and spinal cord (300-400$);
  • Positron emission tomography. The method is based on the determination of the level metabolic processes in the body ($ 1150);
  • Biopsy - medical procedure intravital removal of a site of damaged tissues for laboratory research cellular composition of the tumor ($100);
  • Thermometry is a way to diagnose cancer cells by measuring the temperature of certain areas of the body ($80).

Cancer treatment in China: prices

The most common treatment oncological processes is surgical (malignant neoplasm). Modern Chinese surgery includes radical and palliative interventions, as well as transplant operations.

The cost of general surgical treatment (resection of the mammary glands, stomach, intestines, lungs, kidneys) is $2,000-20,000.

The use of the "gamma knife" in the treatment of malignant brain lesions for patients will cost $5,000. An alternative method of influencing the body's cancer cells using X-ray radiation is the "cyber-knife" system ($8,000-15,000).

Among traditional means The fight against oncological diseases are chemotherapy and radiation therapy. approximate cost a course of chemotherapy costs $1500-3000. The price of point simulation for radiation therapy is $500.



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