Yellow mucus discharge. With scent and various shades

A woman secretes a secret from the vaginal cavity, and this is considered a normal physiological process. But, not all discharge is normal. Every woman should know for herself which of them speak of the norm and which of the pathology. Therefore, consider why yellow discharge appears in different periods.

Normal yellow discharge

If a woman leaks, slightly yellow, odorless and other signs of discharge, then doctors consider this to be normal.

The main parameters of the norm:

  1. Normal light yellow discharge should not stand out in large quantities. In order to be more clear, the norm is no more than 1 teaspoon. Such discharge can occur during intercourse, as well as during the menstrual cycle.
  2. The discharge should not be very thick or plentiful. But, it should be noted that during the period of the menstrual cycle or during ovulation, the consistency of normal secretions also changes.
  3. There should be no bright yellow traces in the mass.
  4. There are no secretions left on the bed linen, including the underwear.
  5. There is no smell.

In addition, with a normal slightly yellow tint, there should be no additional signs. For example, strong in the reproductive organs, pain or other discomfort.

Causes of yellow discharge with a smell

It should be noted that this symptom may appear at different times, including during lactation or during pregnancy. Peculiar discharge can indicate the presence of various pathologies and diseases.


  1. Detected at chlamydia, in which there is a rather sharp, not very pleasant smell. They begin to drain along the walls, directly into the cavity of the vagina, thereby additionally appearing an unpleasant feeling of discomfort, burning, often with such a disease itching occurs.
  2. These signs may occur if the woman's history is noted trichomoniasis. At the initial stage of the disease, white, slightly yellow excretions are noted. As the disease progresses, the discharge becomes rich yellow, in rare cases, a greenish discharge is also released. At the same time, the woman has a rather unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  3. Can talk about the presence gonorrhea. In this case, the discharge acquires a specific color. In particular, a rich yellow hue, they stand out in a fairly moderate amount. In addition, gonorrhea also causes bleeding. Additional symptoms include pain, which is acute or aching in nature. The pain symptom occurs in the lower abdomen or on the inner thighs.
  4. At thrush similar secretions with a characteristic odor are also distinguished.
  5. The most common cause of these discharges is the presence ureaplasmosis or talk about a woman having mycoplasmosis. Characteristic signs: a large amount of discharge, pain or burning is additionally attached to such diseases, there is a strong reddening of the mucous membrane, directly in the vaginal cavity at the time of the diagnostic examination.

In addition to these reasons, these selections also occur against the background. With such a disease, the nature of the discharge acquires not only a thick consistency, but also the smell of fish. In addition, with bacterial vaginitis, pus or blood can be found in the impurities of the main secretions.

In addition to the reasons described above, you need to know about other problems that cause yellow discharge, but at the same time, a woman does not have such an unpleasant odor.

Yellow discharge, odorless

You can detect signs with adnexitis or colpitis, a woman often has these discharges, which at the same time do not have an uncharacteristic smell.

It is also noted:

  1. May indicate the presence of cervicitis.
  2. Allergic reaction to the mucous membranes, as well as in the reproductive organs.
  3. After the postponed artificial.

Often appear in different lines of gestation. Therefore, in order to determine whether they are the norm or a pathology, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist in time and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

Why do yellow-green discharge appear?

They can talk about the presence of the above diseases.

It also occurs:

  1. Due to the penetration and active reproduction of fungal microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa.
  2. If a woman has a history of an inflammatory disease, in which the urethra was damaged.
  3. In the presence of some sexually transmitted pathologies that are transmitted not only sexually, but also through household items.

Note that if this symptom occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to immediately undergo a course of drug therapy. Otherwise, it can lead to a chronic process or infertility.

yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often during this period, white or slightly yellow discharge appears. Consider the main reasons for their occurrence. Causes:

  1. With an incorrectly selected hygiene product for intimate hygiene.
  2. With frequent wearing during pregnancy of synthetic underwear.
  3. Use of sanitary pads that are impregnated with fragrances.
  4. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  5. In diseases that affect the entire genitourinary system. For example: in diseases of the uterus, tubes, as well as in diseases of the bladder or ovaries.
  6. With the penetration of non-specific pathogens, such as staphylococcus aureus or with the penetration of Escherichia coli.
  7. With clarified or not clarified etiology of erosion.
  8. Dysbiosis.

At 6 weeks, slight yellow discharge may also occur, and this is considered normal. But, if there is itching or additional signs, including an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to clarify the causes of the disease.

For 8 weeks, they can flow in a moderate amount - the norm, of course, provided that there are no additional signs. Often during this period of pregnancy, candidiasis is detected during a routine examination. The main cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity and a change in the pH of the environment in the vagina. Prescribe for thrush sparing methods of treatment.

What to do with yellow-brown discharge? If yellow-brown discharge occurs early in pregnancy, this is normal. Since at this moment the embryo begins to attach itself directly to the endometrium, therefore, a small amount of blood and discharge data come out.

But, at this moment, everything is necessary - to go to the doctor anyway. It is necessary to exclude more serious pathologies, for example: detachment of the ovum, missed pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage.

In late pregnancy, a yellow-brown discharge indicates an abnormal location of the placenta, or when a plug passes after 38 weeks, which indicates a harbinger of physiological childbirth.

Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy can mean both the norm and the pathology. If there is no smell, pain, burning and other discomfort - the norm.

Pathology of watery yellow discharge:

  1. Found with genital herpes during pregnancy. In this case, the nature of the discharge is poor. The main cause of watery discharge with a yellow tint is the formation of vesicles, directly against the background of the inflammatory process in the perineum.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. There is an unpleasant smell, pain, itching, burning and urination is disturbed.
  3. Often these discharges indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. There is a slight sweet smell.

Additional causes of watery yellow discharge include the presence of a specific, nonspecific bacterial infection in a pregnant woman.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination in order to identify the exact pathology of the disease. A woman is prescribed a general blood test, a smear is taken from the vagina in the gynecological office. If these data are not enough to make a diagnosis, then PCR is prescribed - diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay.

As a treatment, local therapy and antibacterial are prescribed. Additionally, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed to improve blood circulation and normalize the microflora in the vaginal cavity.

If trichomonas vaginitis is detected at the time of the diagnostic examination, then doctors prescribe the drug Tinidazole or clotrimazole. The first drug has an antimicrobial and antiprozoal spectrum of action. The active component of the tablets is able to penetrate into anaerobic microorganisms, thereby inhibiting synthesis and disrupting its DNA.

Clotrimazole is a synthetic antifungal drug. Designed for outdoor use. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the composition, otherwise there is a risk of a side effect.

  • severe burning in the genital area;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • erythema;
  • allergic reaction.
  • peeling of the skin in the area of ​​external organs.

If a woman has a fungal infection, the following drugs should be taken.


  1. Fluconazole, has a fairly high activity against fungal cells. The drug inhibits their growth and reproduction.
  2. Tsiskan, is a trizol derivative. The drug has a good selective spectrum of action, thereby being able to inhibit the synthesis of sterols.

Can also be used as a treatment for a fungal infection Orunite or Pimafucin. Before using the medicine, carefully study the instructions, each drug has its own list of contraindications and side effects.

During menopause with the above gynecological diseases, doctors prescribe vaginal tablets containing estrogen. Well proven drug Ovestin. The active ingredient of the drug is micronized estriol, an analogue of the natural female hormone. If a woman has atrophy of the mucous membrane, then the medicine helps to normalize the epithelium, which is located in the genitourinary tract, thereby quickly inflammatory process passes.

As for infectious diseases, in this case it is necessary to take more aggressive drugs.


  1. Hexicon in the form of candles. The drug has an antiseptic and disinfectant spectrum of action. With its help, the development of harmful microbes is inhibited, thereby the death of pathogenic microflora occurs. The course of treatment depends on the severity and type of disease, but usually ranges from 7-10 days. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended up to 20 days.
  2. Terzhinan a fairly strong drug, as it belongs to the group of antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antifungal agents. You can use Terzhinan for vaginitis, trichomonas vaginosis, dysbiosis, or other types of vaginitis of unknown etiology. Often a remedy is prescribed as a treatment for chronic recurrent colpitis.

In addition to drug therapy, doctors can prescribe alternative methods of treatment. Decoctions for douching, tinctures for internal use from chamomile, succession, sage and other herbs.

Important! During pregnancy, if even slight discharge is detected, you should not use drugs and alternative methods of treatment on your own.


Preventive measures will help prevent the development of the disease.

  1. Monitor intimate hygiene.
  2. Give preference to natural underwear.
  3. Change sanitary pads or tampons more often.
  4. Be careful with promiscuity.
  5. Do not use scented intimate hygiene products.
  6. Eat properly.
  7. Boost immunity.
  8. Contact a doctor in a timely manner. Get checked out by a gynecologist every six months.
  9. Do not take medications on your own during menopause to eliminate symptoms.

If yellow discharge with an uncharacteristic odor occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a comprehensive diagnosis will help determine the type of disease and doctors, based on the data obtained, will prescribe adequate methods of treatment.

All women have discharge from the genitals. They do not bring any discomfort, have no smell, and are transparent, white or yellowish-white in appearance. If you notice yellow discharge in yourself, then this will not necessarily be the cause of any disease. We will try to help you figure it out.

Normal discharge is considered if:

  • there is no smell;
  • color white-yellow;
  • a healthy woman usually releases 3-6 ml per day (but do not forget that the amount of fluid released is constantly changing during the month, this is all due to hormonal changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle);
  • according to their consistency, they can be both liquid and thick;
  • discharge is not accompanied by burning, itching.

But if you notice that the discharge is bright yellow, swelling of the external genital organs, which cause discomfort in the form of itching, burning, an unpleasant odor has appeared, then this is a reason to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Pathological yellow discharge

Discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning

The causes of pathological discharge can be:


Adnexitis is an inflammatory process that can be asymptomatic in the initial stage. In its course, adnexitis is unilateral and bilateral. The causes may be:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • STD infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • abortion,

Features of discharge with adnexitis:

The discharge is mucopurulent. In the acute stage, the discharge is bright yellow and has an unpleasant odor.


This is the same adnexitis. (see above)


Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa. Other names for this disease are vaginitis, vaginosis. There are several forms of colpitis: chronic, acute, subacute. The causes of the disease are:

  • STD infections;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • chronic diseases;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • the use of antibiotics;
  • stress.

Features of discharge during colpitis:

Allocations in this case are: yellow, liquid or foamy, may be mixed with pus. Such secretions cause itching and burning.


Cervititis is an inflammation of the cervix. This disease mainly occurs in women who are sexually active. Many women may not be aware of this disease. Since its symptoms may be asymptomatic. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. For infection, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, etc. are enough, they are all transmitted through the blood, lymph.

Features of discharge with cervititis:

In this case, the discharge is mucous, cloudy, and may be mixed with pus.

Bacterial vaginitis

Bacterial vaginitis is a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina. It mainly occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity, inflammatory diseases, the use of an intrauterine device. The main reasons are considered:

  • hormonal disbalance,
  • taking antibiotics,
  • frequent douching or washing,
  • after childbirth,
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Features of discharge in bacterial vaginitis:

The discharge is copious, with a pronounced specific odor. (smell of fish). There is itching, burning.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the cervix. There are two types of erosion: true and false. Erosion is caused by:

  • STD infections (if sexual relations began at an early age),
  • genital trauma,
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

However, there are no symptoms of this disease. This disease is detected only when examined by a gynecologist on a gynecological chair using a gynecological mirror.

Features of discharge during uterine erosion:

They are far from being observed in all cases, since local pathological changes in its mucosa may not manifest themselves in any way. In various cases, there may be: red, pink or brown discharge, white discharge, yellow and green discharge.


There may be diseases such as: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

Features of discharge with STIs:

Yellowish discharge with a sharp specific odor.

allergic reactions

Allergies can occur to tampons, pads, condoms, underwear, powder, and more.

Features of discharge during allergic reactions:

The discharge may be yellowish in color.

Yellow discharge, odorless

There are yellow discharges that have no smell and do not bring discomfort. They are similar in texture to mucus. Such discharges do not need to be treated. The reasons for these allocations are:

  • before the arrival of menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • after childbirth;
  • hormonal changes (growing up, aging);
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • stress.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. That is why there are discharges that a woman usually did not observe.

Up to 12 weeks of gestation, yellow, thick discharge that is odorless may appear.

At the same time, the woman does not have any itching or burning.

In the second half of pregnancy, the discharge may increase slightly in volume. These discharges also cannot bring any discomfort to a woman.

But if a pregnant woman noticed that there was a sharp unpleasant odor, the color turned bright yellow, then this is an occasion to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During the onset of menopause, the hormonal background changes dramatically. Therefore, a woman's discharge may be different until the body is completely rebuilt.

If a woman observes yellow, odorless discharge that does not bother the woman in any way (no itching, burning, irritation), then this is considered the norm.

These discharges can be during the usual onset of menstruation or after it. There may also be yellow discharge in the middle of the cycle.

But if you see yellow-green discharge that has a sharp unpleasant odor (most often rotten fish), pain, burning, then this is an occasion to urgently contact a gynecologist. The causes of such secretions can be both infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.

yellow discharge after sex

What does yellow discharge after sex indicate? They can say a lot, so you need to pay attention to the exact shade, consistency, volume and, of course, the smell. Light shade: more of a natural lubricant that mixes with male and female secretions. Dark, yellowish, foul-smelling discharge may be a sign of an infection. Consistency: viscous and thick, foamy. The secret of yellow color may indicate inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

When should you see a gynecologist?

The discharge is yellow, mild in nature, odorless, having a uniform consistency and in which urination is not increased, there is no itching, there is no burning sensation, discharge that may increase before the onset of menstruation does not require treatment.

But, if the discharge has become cheesy, with a pungent odor, and if you feel even slight discomfort in the intimate area, then this is a reason to urgently contact a gynecologist.

In order to understand the cause of these discharges and make the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take a smear.

Diagnosis and treatment

You can diagnose the cause of pathological discharge at an appointment with a gynecologist who will examine you in an armchair and. Based on the results of the smear, the doctor will recognize the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment is divided into topical tablets and tablets of general action. Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics are prescribed. All this depends on the disease. Assign usually: Flucostat, Mikomax, Irunin, Pimafutsin and others.

Basically, with fungal or bacterial diseases, Polygynax is prescribed.

With vaginosis or to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, Lactagel is prescribed.

Douching or baths are also prescribed in the complex.

Assign funds to support and restore immunity.

How to prevent a recurrence of the disease? The Importance of Rehabilitation

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Measures to prevent yellow discharge:

  • proper intimate hygiene;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • protected sexual intercourse;
  • when taking antibiotics, there must be a prevention of vaginal dysbacteriosis.

During treatment, you should completely refrain from sexual activity. Take all prescribed drugs by a doctor, carry out all procedures. Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet.

After treatment, it is necessary to pass a second analysis (smear). And then, for two weeks, take vitamins and drugs to support immunity.

Both partners need to be treated. If you have a permanent sexual partner, then he should contact an andrologist for an analysis.

All this will help you to avoid recurrence (repetition) of the disease.

Treatment at home: folk methods

Do not forget that home treatment or traditional medicine gives the effect of additional treatment to the main one prescribed by the doctor.

Proper nutrition

Initially, what is needed is to restore proper balanced nutrition. It is worth eliminating completely from the diet:

  • sesame,
  • seeds,
  • fried,
  • acute,
  • salty,
  • fatty
  • conservation.

The diet should include as many fresh fruits, vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery and more), berries, juices as possible.

intimate hygiene

Proper intimate hygiene is the key to the health of the genitals. for this it is necessary to properly care for the external genital organs. It is necessary to wash at least twice a day using intimate means.

Baths with the use of pine needles or pine extract

To do this, you need to collect 3 liters of water and add 150 ml of pine or pine needle extract to it. Boil the resulting solution for 40 minutes, cool. This type of bath is used at bedtime once a day, for a week.

Douching is carried out using:

blueberry leaf
To prepare, you need 1 tbsp of leaves in a glass of water. Boil all this for 15 minutes, strain and douche before going to bed.

St. John's wort
Preparation: 3 tbsp. hypericum, 2 l. water. Boil for 30 minutes, strain and douche 2-3 times a day.

Preparation: 2 tablespoons of leaves per half liter of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Douche 2 times a day.

Oak bark
Preparation: 1 tbsp. herbs per 1 liter. water, cook for 20 minutes. Douche 2-3 times a day.


You can also use decoctions for oral administration. Here is one of the recipes.

Immortal sandstone flowers. Preparation: 1 tbsp. l. flowers per 200 ml of water, all boil for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to insist for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml before meals - once a day.

A yellowish, odorless discharge is a common occurrence that many women encounter. Those who are concerned about these symptoms are concerned about the following question: are such discharges dangerous and what should be done to get rid of them? Experts say that most often this phenomenon does not pose any threat to the health of women. Yellow smears (leucorrhoea) are normal if not accompanied by any unpleasant odor.

What whites can be considered the norm?

If the amount of yellow consistency does not exceed 1 spoon per day, then this can be considered normal. This indicator can sometimes increase slightly before menstruation and after intercourse.

It is important to pay attention to the color of whites. The norm is light, which do not leave bright marks on linen, and smears can also have a creamy tint. In addition, you need to look at the consistency of the discharge. Do not worry if thin and not abundant mucus is secreted. It should be noted that the selection by consistency may change in the middle of the cycle. During this period, it can become transparent and stretchy.

Within a few hours after unprotected sex with ejaculation, leucorrhoea in the form of clots may appear in the vagina. This phenomenon is also considered normal.

Beli can appear during pregnancy. In this case, hormones are to blame. The largest amount of yellow discharge occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Expectant mothers should be careful, because if there are significantly more of them in the 2nd trimester, then this may indicate the development of a pathological process.

For 10 days after the artificial termination of pregnancy, brown discharge is observed in women. However, if a yellowish-brown consistency begins to stand out, then this may indicate the presence of polyps in the uterine cavity. There is nothing wrong with such benign neoplasms: they cannot cause serious disorders in a woman's body. Such discharge can cause mild pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after intercourse.

Pathological processes that cause leucorrhoea

Yellow discharge may indicate the presence of any serious problems with the woman's body. For example, this phenomenon often occurs due to genital infections. Most often, women complain of trichomoniasis. This disease is characterized by frothy discharge of yellow-green color. In addition, patients complain of severe burning and itching in the genital area.

Yellow discharge with a sour smell and a curdled consistency is a symptom of the development of candidiasis (thrush). The disease can manifest itself against the background of hormonal fluctuations, stressful situations, pregnancy, weakened immunity, etc.

Gonorrhea is considered a more serious disease. In patients with this disease, purulent discharge of a bright yellow color is observed. However, in this case, the mucus is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. At the first symptoms of gonorrhea, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Adnexitis, which is characterized by discharge in the form of yellow pus, can cause unpleasant symptoms. In the chronic form of adnexitis, a mild consistency is released from the vagina, an irritable process is observed in the genital area. In addition, patients complain of frequent urination, pain during sex and a painful menstrual cycle. Almost the same symptoms are characteristic of such a disease as salpingitis. However, in this case, after intercourse, yellow-bloody discharge may appear. Such patients often complain of constant bloating and lack of appetite.

Bacterial vaginitis is another common cause of leucorrhoea that affects the vaginal mucosa. In addition to the yellow mucus that is secreted from the vagina, bacterial vaginitis causes itching and swelling of the genitals.

Various allergies can also cause yellow discharge. Most often, unpleasant symptoms appear due to wearing synthetic underwear, using pads, condoms and tampons. Girls who are faced with this phenomenon complain of irritation of the external genitalia and.

And this is not all the ailments that can cause the above symptoms. So, for example, after examining a patient, doctors often diagnose colpitis.

In this case, whites are accompanied by severe swelling of the external genitalia. Patients complain of constant pain in the back and lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations appear during intercourse.

And, of course, one cannot fail to note the fact that such mucus often appears during cervical erosion. With this ailment, the discharge is usually not abundant and can be mixed with blood after intercourse.

What should be done when such discharges appear?

If the yellow spot on the linen does not cause any unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning, bad smell), then you most likely should not worry. It is enough to follow a few rules. Girls should never forget about personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash every day. Washing the genitals with ordinary soap is not worth it. The thing is that the components that make up a simple soap can change the normal microflora of the vagina. This can lead to the development of dangerous infections. Currently, in stores you can buy special cosmetics designed specifically for the hygiene of the genital organs.

Experts recommend wearing underwear only from natural fabrics. It is better to refuse synthetics once and for all. Cotton underwear is very popular: it is not only very comfortable, but also does not lead to allergic reactions.

Also, women should observe barrier precautions during sex. Many people are allergic to condoms. In this case, it is better to protect yourself with oral contraceptives.

The hygiene products used should only be of good quality. Pads and tampons should be changed every 1-3 hours.

If whites are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

It must be understood that the sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance that it will be successful and in the shortest possible time.

The treatment process is complicated by the fact that the vaginal ecosystem is quite complex, so in no case should it be disturbed by rough treatment. If you choose the wrong treatment, then after a short period of time, the feeling of discomfort may return and a yellow spot will appear on the linen again.

Currently, doctors are struggling with various secretions with the help of modern highly effective drugs that are gentle on the vaginal flora. Today, such a drug as polygynax is very popular. This tool has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Polygynax is ideal for the treatment of almost all infectious diseases. Also, this tool can be used to prevent all the same infectious diseases.

If Trichomonas was diagnosed, then in this case, leucorrhoea can be eliminated with the help of tinidazole and metronidazole. With trichomonas, both sexual partners should be treated.

The variety of factors that provoke yellow discharge in women complicates the diagnosis and elimination of pathologies. No need to self-medicate. Only on the basis of laboratory tests and medical diagnostics can the correct treatment be prescribed, based on the clinical picture of the disease.

The body of a woman is truly unique and complex. But it has hidden threats. What is meant. Any infection, getting inside, is not able to immediately manifest itself outwardly. Only after some time do signs of a disease begin. But if you study this problem in more detail, then after all, with careful observation of your body and some signs that are insignificant at first glance, you can accurately determine the onset of the disease. In the female, it is worth taking a closer look at the excretory system. And not only to the outflow of urine, but also to others. Every female has vaginal discharge. They will mean a certain disease or inflammatory process. Many have encountered thrush and know all its manifestations: itching, burning. And if yellow discharge appeared in a woman, is it worth considering this the beginning of a pathological process?

The yellow discharge is thick or not very thick, cheesy or profuse, watery or scanty. They can be anything. Accordingly, the reasons will differ. In cases where they are accompanied by a strong odor or have an admixture (streaks) of blood, then help is needed immediately. Such a process indicates a serious problem inside. If the smell does not feel, and the amount is not abundant, then is it worth worrying about?

There can be several reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge.

For the appearance of yellow discharge in women, the reasons are as follows:

cause definition consequences
vaginosis A disease of an infectious nature, but without an inflammatory process. There are changes in the microflora of the vagina. Protection of internal organs is reduced to a minimum. Because of the disease, any infection and microbes can get inside without any problems. Has an odor. And everyone sees it differently. It can be fish or onion smell. Often the smell is present on things, but after changing clothes it disappears During pregnancy, it threatens with a miscarriage or a difficult birth process. In the normal state, complications are in the nature of infertility and inability to bear children. Miscarriages occur in the first trimester
colpitis Yellow discharge with an odor in women and an inflammatory process. The lesion is in the mucosa. To start the disease, there are also pathogens: candidiasis and staphylococcus aureus. It appears at any age. Even in childhood or already with menopause. Inflammation destroys the mucosa. The occurrence of swelling of the genital organs (including lips)
Salpingitis and adnexitis Both diseases are a positive reaction to the onset of the inflammatory process. Only in different places: salpingitis - one or both tubes suffer, adnexitis - ovaries. They occur either simultaneously or one after the other. The consistency is thick, rich. Yellowish copious discharge is alarming and forced to visit a specialist Problems with urination. passes to neighboring organs. Cystitis occurs with any of them. Treatment is complex. You can only remove the inflammatory process of the bladder on your own

Yellow discharge, at first odorless, does not scare a woman much. Everything is taken for granted. They find many excuses, but after a while they:

  • acquire a thick consistency;
  • the amount allocated increases;
  • color maneuvers from yellow to greenish;
  • the smell is strong and unpleasant.

All of the above symptoms are not so much indicators of inflammation as of the infectious origin of the problem, which are sexually transmitted. It could be:


Ureaplasmosis can cause yellow discharge

Infection occurs in several ways:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • through a kiss (sexual);
  • during the birth of a child from the mother;
  • household way (towel, soap, pool, bath, etc.).

Chlamydia infection

Yellow discharge caused by chlamydia. They take on the appearance of flakes. May contain clots of pus, well visible. Strong and pungent smell.

Chlamydia can be contracted by constantly changing sexual partners.

Widespread type among young people practicing a variety of partners. The route of infection is only sexual. In 40 cases out of a hundred it is hidden.


Yellow discharge with a venereal odor. There is irritation of the mucous membranes. It affects the urethra, uterus, gastrointestinal tract. If it gets into the eyes, it causes the development of conjunctivitis. In addition to discharge, there is severe pain during urination. Some confuse it with cystitis or other inflammations of the genitourinary system and begin treatment on their own, which complicates the recovery process. Often there is an itching condition and burning sensation in the anus, all this is accompanied by a yellow liquid secreted.

gonorrhea in women

Discharge in a woman of a yellowish color with an odor often occurs after an abortion. This may mean that the cleaning process went badly, and germ elements remained inside. The location can only be determined by a doctor. The inflammatory process can be located not only in the uterus, but also in the tubes. If blood clots or streaks appear, contact a specialist immediately. This is not a joke; cancer and other neoplasms have the same signs.

Yellow, odorless discharge in a woman is not always evidence of the onset of pathology. The mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix have a layer of natural mucus or microflora. Everyone has their own. It is for every female person. It changes with age and hormonal changes. Accordingly, such changes cannot but be reflected externally. Therefore, quite often, yellowish, odorless and itchy discharge on underwear means exactly the process of changing the microflora. They also occur with an excess of hormones obtained with food, as well as before menstruation.

In order to avoid questions about why a yellow discharge in a woman is odorless and the reason for their appearance, it is necessary to regularly monitor the hygiene of the genitals. In addition, you should choose underwear carefully:

  • so as not to squeeze the body;
  • only from natural fabrics;
  • always ironed in the part where it will come into contact with the genitals.

Any pathogen that gets on the mucous membrane gives unforeseen reactions. It is not always possible to predict at what stage the protective functions of the body. Immunity can be weakened or undermined by the frequent use of drugs. This factor also greatly affects the microflora of a healthy woman.

It is necessary to pass tests for research

Yellow discharge in women should be studied in the laboratory. To do this, swabs are always taken when viewed on a gynecological chair. Self-treatment leads only to and often to infertility or surgery. A disease such as polycystosis in 50 percent occurs precisely because of changes in the microflora of the vagina. Untimely treatment to the hospital leads to the solution of the problem surgically.

Need to know! Any pathological process in the pelvic organs makes itself felt with the help of secretions. Everyone has their own period. If the problem is a sexually transmitted disease, then the first symptoms can be observed in men faster. In the female, they are asymptomatic for a long time.

Yellow discharge in odorless women has two options for the development of events: urgent treatment or the normal state of the body. How to recognize this? The most convenient and easiest way to contact a specialist. Immediately get an answer for all infections and fungal diseases on the mucous membranes. In addition, all problems with internal organs will be clarified. But if there is no time, and the character is such that they do not bother at all, the color is pale yellow, then this can be called the norm. Also should not cause concern discharge of a yellow odorless color three to two days before the onset of menstruation.

Do not panic, it is better to contact a gynecologist

No one needs extra panic and monthly trips to the gynecologist. Inflammatory processes can be noticed immediately if a female takes care of herself and hygiene. White-yellow discharge in women, for example, will never indicate a problem. When changing colors, you already need to think and take everything under control. What tells about inflammation:

  • increase in fluid volumes;
  • color changes;
  • the presence of clots or flakes;
  • irritation on mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • discomfort during urination.

If yellow discharge and itching appeared at the same time, then you should not wait. We must act urgently. Ordinary mucus, which is the norm, does not cause any discomfort. Anxiety can only cause an increase in allocated. But the absence of smell, burning and itching are already positive aspects.

In order for the discharge to be always normal, and not to give a reason to seek help, several rules should be followed. The first is to always perform hygiene procedures. Experts recommend regularly using laundry soap without additives and dyes. The usual cheap brown soap destroys all pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, it is not able to destroy venereal diseases. Only doctors and a long course of treatment help here.

The second thing that the fair sex should take into account is that lace or slimming underwear is, of course, very beautiful. But it is better to save it for intimacy. On weekdays, it should be remembered that natural fabric always allows the skin to breathe and, accordingly, does not allow dangerous microbes to develop. Thirdly, every intimacy with a new partner should take place in compliance with security measures and contraceptives. At the same time, keep an eye on comfortable conditions, clean bed linen.

Fourth. All things should not only be well stretched, but also ironed. Also, never wear someone else's. If you need to try on clothes that come into contact with the genitals, prepare well enough for this. Use sanitary pads on this day. After the purchase, everything is stretched and smoothed.

Insignificant white or light yellow discharge in women during the intermenstrual period refers to the normal variant, if there are no other signs besides this (pain, pain during urination, redness of the mucosa). Beli cleanse the genital tract from dead epithelium and microorganisms, maintain normal microbiocenosis of the vagina. But a change in the color of natural secretions can indicate various disorders in the body, including infectious and inflammatory processes and sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of yellow discharge

Slightly odorless or with it. Moderate slightly yellow discharge in women, not accompanied by redness of the vulva, itching and burning, can be considered normal. The intermenstrual leucorrhea is actually light, but on a panty liner it has a slightly yellowish tinge. Slight, yellow, odorless discharge in women increases slightly in the middle of the cycle (during ovulation) and a few days before menstruation. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of personal hygiene, use thin daily.

Abundant with or without an unpleasant odor. Such secretions indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system. A woman may complain of burning, itching in the vulva and other unpleasant symptoms. The discharge may have a strong odor and a yellowish-green tint.

Possible causes of heavy yellow discharge

Vaginosis. The disease usually occurs in women of reproductive age. The disease is based on a non-inflammatory process, in which the number of representatives of the lactoflora decreases and the number of anaerobic microorganisms increases. Vaginosis can occur with little or no symptoms. A characteristic symptom is an unpleasant yellow discharge from the vagina with a fishy odor.

Colpitis. The disease is based on inflammation of the vaginal walls with the appearance of itching, burning, signs of an acute inflammatory process that can spread to the uterus and appendages, causing reproductive disorders. A symptom of colpitis is white or yellow vaginal discharge with a rather unpleasant odor.

Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The inflammatory process in the appendages can occur as a result of urogenital infections, hypothermia. Inflammation of the tubes and ovaries is accompanied by intense pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge. Breakthrough uterine bleeding is possible.

Venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases pose a serious threat to women's health. They often lead to inflammation of the appendages, the formation of adhesions and the development of infertility. Venereal diseases are accompanied by pathological yellow discharge with a smell, severe swelling of the vulva, painful urination, itching and burning in the perineum and genitals.

What to do when yellow discharge appears

Abundant white-yellow and yellow discharge with or without an odor is the reason for contacting a gynecologist or venereologist. Regardless of the diagnosis (thrush, inflammation of the ovaries, etc.) and the prescribed treatment, a woman should pay special attention to intimate hygiene. To make daily care easier, you can use CAREFREE® Thin Linens to keep laundry clean and feeling fresh. Gentle dailies are securely attached to the underwear, quickly absorb discharge, leaving no feeling of discomfort in the intimate area.



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