The use of physiotherapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Physical therapy class

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious illnesses endocrine system in the world, caused by absolute (type I) or relative (type II) deficiency of the hormone insulin, leading to a violation carbohydrate metabolism and disruption of all types of metabolism with damage to all functional systems body.

Insulin controls the processing of glucose at the cellular level. The deficiency of this hormone, in turn, causes an increase in blood glucose levels - hyperglycemia. Due to impaired activity of the pancreas, the body does not have enough insulin to absorb carbohydrates into required quantity. As a result, carbohydrates processed into glucose accumulate in the blood and are then excreted through the kidneys into the blood. bladder. In addition, the process of retaining water by tissues is disrupted, which leads to a deterioration in water metabolism in the body. In diabetes mellitus, small and large vessels are damaged. those. is of a generalized nature. As a result, the blood supply to the organs and tissues of the body is disrupted, which leads to disruption of their function and, in advanced cases, poses a danger to the patient’s life.

Diabetes is chronic disease, which is accompanied by metabolic disorders (mineral, protein, fat and carbohydrate) and water-salt metabolism. As a rule, this leads to the accumulation high level toxins, severe poisoning of the body and, in some cases, leading to diabetic coma.

Main reasons diabetes mellitus the following factors are in play:

· poor nutrition, when very much is consumed as food a large number of products containing simple carbohydrates;

· genetic predisposition;

· disturbance of liver activity;

· heavy living conditions;

· heavy physical work;

· chronic stress, experiences, violations mental state;

· severe previous illness, etc.

There are type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The first type is insulin-dependent, when the production of insulin by the pancreas is reduced or stopped. The second type is insulin-independent, in which the secretion of insulin by the gland occurs, but for some reason the sensitivity of cells to this hormone decreases, as a result of which they do not receive enough glucose.

Each type of diabetes is accompanied by major and minor symptoms.

Major and minor symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Both types of diabetes have similar basic symptoms. These include:

Polyuria, or increased amount of urine produced, caused by increased level it contains glucose (in urine healthy person there is no glucose). The number and volume of urination increases sharply both during the day and at night;

Polydipsia, or pathologically increased amount of water intake due to constant feeling thirst caused by dehydration;

Polyphagia, or excessive increased appetite associated with metabolic disorders;

Sharp weight loss (more typical of type 1 diabetes), occurring against the background of increased appetite.

As a rule, the above symptoms in the first type of diabetes are acute in nature. A person with diabetes can most often say with certainty when a particular sign of the disease appeared.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are usually mild. Their manifestation occurs gradually, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease. Most often, the disease is detected only after the patient has passed necessary tests– on the glucose content in urine and blood. This type of diabetes mellitus is characteristic mainly of middle-aged people, and, as a rule, as a result of poor nutrition.

The secondary symptoms of this disease appear gradually over quite a long time. They are typical for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These include:

Itching of the skin, as well as mucous membranes, dry skin;

Muscle weakness, numbness of limbs, cramps;

Dry mouth, metallic taste;


The presence of acetone in the urine, which is formed as a result of fat catabolism;

Fungal infections;

Deterioration of vision, feeling of a “white veil” before the eyes.

Secondary signs of type 1 diabetes mellitus that occurs in children include bedwetting and rapid deterioration general condition child.

In men, type 2 diabetes may be accompanied by balanoposthitis (inflammation foreskin and glans penis) caused by frequent urination, and decreased potency. The skin of diabetic patients is more likely to infectious diseases, wounds and boils do not heal for a long time. There are frequent cases of xanthomas - yellowish spots and growths on the skin caused by a violation of lipid metabolism in the body. There is also hair loss on the legs, and on the face, on the contrary, their growth increases.

Treatment of diabetes

Today, treatment of diabetes mellitus is symptomatic and is focused on normalizing the patient’s body weight and normalizing metabolism, in particular, compensating for carbohydrate metabolism.

Compensation for carbohydrate metabolism is carried out in two ways. The first of them is aimed at providing cells with the necessary insulin, and the second is aimed at ensuring the body is supplied with carbohydrates in equal doses, which is achieved through special diet sick.

Objectives of physiotherapy is: correction autonomic regulation body, activation of pancreatic function, metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. These methods are aimed at correcting neurohumoral dysregulation of the endocrine system (vegetative-corrective methods - transcranial electroanalgesia, galvanization of the brain and segmental zones, transcerebral UHF therapy, heliotherapy), strengthening the excretory function of the pancreas (insulin-stimulating methods - drinking cure chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium-magnesium water, peloid therapy), correction of carbohydrate and fat metabolism(enzyme-stimulating methods - oxygen, ozone, air, contrast baths, thalassotherapy) and relief of astheno-neurotic state (sedative methods - electrosleep therapy, drug electrophoresis sedatives, long-term aerotherapy).

On Spa treatment - balneological resorts - refer patients with type I diabetes mellitus in a state of compensation or subcompensation (hyperglycemia not higher than 9 mmol/l), mild and medium degree severity without a tendency to ketoacidosis and hypoglycemic conditions, as well as II light type and moderate severity in a state of stable compensation without a tendency to acidosis.

At chronic diseases Influence-based treatments are often used physical factors on the body. Physiotherapy acts on diabetes indirectly, helping to restore strength, increase performance, and improve the patient’s well-being.

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The effect of reducing sugar is usually insignificant. But for complications of diabetes, physiotherapy works directly: it relieves pain from neuropathy and helps blood vessels. The administration of drugs through the skin using electrophoresis is important; with its help, it is possible to treat angiopathy directly in places with the greatest damage. A separate area of ​​physiotherapy, physical therapy, is widely used in prevention diabetic foot.

Physiotherapy and its types

Physiotherapy includes many techniques and combines natural and artificial factors. Natural: sun treatment, hydrotherapy, mud therapy - were used back in Ancient Greece. Artificial factors are created by man; there are special devices for these purposes. More often than others, electrophoresis and physiotherapy with weak electrical impulses, magnetic fields, heat and light are used.

The choice of factor and its strength depends on the type and degree of diabetes, the condition of the body, and the location of complications. Thanks to the variety of methods, you can choose individual treatment for a diabetic, which will take into account the characteristics of his disease and have a beneficial effect on pathological changes without side effects.

As a rule, procedures are prescribed in a course of 10 days to 2 weeks. You can undergo a course of physiotherapy in clinics, rehabilitation centers, and sanatoriums specializing in diabetes.

Diabetes and blood pressure surges will be a thing of the past

Diabetes is the cause of almost 80% of all strokes and amputations. 7 out of 10 people die due to blockages in the arteries of the heart or brain. In almost all cases the reason for this terrible end one - high sugar in blood.

You can and should beat sugar, there is no other way. But this in no way cures the disease itself, but only helps fight the consequence, not the cause of the disease.

The only medicine that is officially recommended for the treatment of diabetes and is also used by endocrinologists in their work is.

The effectiveness of the drug, calculated using standard methods (number of people recovered by total number patients in a group of 100 people undergoing treatment) was:

  • Normalization of sugar – 95%
  • Elimination of vein thrombosis – 70%
  • Elimination strong heartbeat90%
  • Getting rid of high blood pressure92%
  • Increased vigor during the day, improved sleep at night - 97%

Manufacturers are not commercial organization and are financed with government support. Therefore, now every resident has the opportunity.

Types of physiotherapy:

Group of methods, physical factor used Species included in the group. Effect on the body
Electrotherapy is treatment with weak electric current, pulsed or constant electric field. Electrophoresis is a continuous current with low power and voltage. Stimulates digestion, the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. For diabetes mellitus it is often used in combination with medicines. Thanks to electrophoresis, it is possible to transport them through the skin in areas with reduced blood circulation and severe neuropathy.
UHF therapy, high frequency magnetic oscillations. Locally dilates blood vessels, thereby improving the condition of tissues: stimulating their blood supply, nutrition, and removal of metabolic products.
EHF therapy, millimeter waves. Affects self-regulation processes, relieves inflammation, pain, swelling. Helps speed up the healing of ulcers - article about.
Thermotherapy is physical therapy using heated or cooled media. Cryotherapy Locally reduces tissue temperature, reduces swelling, and relieves spasms. Has an analgesic effect.
Paraffin therapy Improves skin condition, used for...
Mechanotherapy is mechanical action. Vibration therapy Increase blood circulation, relax muscles, reduce fatigue. Ultrasound therapy allows you to enter medications through the skin.
Ultrasound therapy
Magnetotherapy – constant and alternating magnetic fields different frequencies High frequency Provides deep heating, dilates blood vessels, relieves inflammation.
Pulse Stimulates the nervous system, relieves pain.
Low frequency Activates trophism in treated areas.
Physical rehabilitation Physiotherapy Widely used for diabetes, one of the main methods of treating type 2 disease. In type 1 diabetes, it significantly reduces the risk of complications, especially in the lower extremities.

In addition to these methods, treatment is widespread in sanatoriums. natural factors: climatotherapy ( essential oils, ionized air, oxygen and aerosols table salt) and hydrotherapy (baths, power showers, mineral water, sauna).

Physiotherapy methods commonly used for diabetes

Hardware physiotherapy - aid treatment of diabetes, used in combination with glucose-lowering drugs and insulin - for type 1.

The effect of physiotherapy on the diabetic body:

  • improving the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • increased insulin synthesis in long-term type 2 diabetes;
  • stimulation of blood circulation, tissue nutrition;
  • symptomatic therapy complications, especially important to improve the quality of life has pain relief with.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are practically painless and often pleasant. Currently they are one of the most safe ways treatment of diabetes mellitus, with correct use have no side effects and do not cause allergies. Some techniques have contraindications, so physical therapy should be prescribed by a doctor familiar with your disease. Particularly strict criteria for selecting approved methods are used for children and the elderly, since the course of diabetes mellitus in them is less predictable.

The most commonly used therapy for diabetics is electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupressure and acupuncture, oxygen and ozone treatment, hydrotherapy. The second type of diabetes requires appointment mandatory.

Electrophoresis is the most common type; it combines two areas of medicine: physiotherapy and pharmacology. Thanks to electrophoresis, painless local administration of drugs directly to the area in need of treatment is possible, thereby increasing their effectiveness and increasing the risk side effect, on the contrary, is decreasing.

Electrophoresis can have a significant effect on metabolism. The procedures are performed either on the epigastric region (upper abdomen, liver area) or on areas with severe.

Drugs used:

  1. Magnesium activates enzymes, normalizes hormonal background, lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
  2. Potassium promotes the formation of glycogen in the liver, which reduces the risk of hypoglycemia in diabetes.
  3. Copper helps lower blood sugar.
  4. Zinc is used to prevent angiopathy and increases the lifespan of insulin.
  5. A nicotinic acid - strong antioxidant, in diabetes mellitus, improves the functions of all organs, including the pancreas and liver.
  6. Heparin is used for angiopathy and. It thins the blood, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels, and helps normalize glycemia.

Electrophoresis is prescribed in courses of 10-15 procedures, each lasting about 20 minutes.

Magnetic therapy is completely painless, the course for diabetes mellitus takes 2 weeks and includes 10-12 sessions, already in the middle of treatment there is a noticeable decrease in blood sugar. In some diabetics with type 2 disease, a steady decrease in glycemia reaches 3 units.

The magnetic field has a positive effect on metabolism and stimulates the immune system. Areas of use:

  1. For angiopathy, its anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects will be useful.
  2. To treat changes in the vessels and nerves of the legs, inductothermy is used - heating with a high-frequency magnetic field. It helps saturate tissues with oxygen and accelerate their regeneration.
  3. Pulsed magnetic therapy can help relieve pain due to neuropathy. For severe pain, procedures are done three times a day.


Mechanotherapeutic methods of physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus include massage and acupuncture. Massage reduces the risk of diabetic changes in the lower extremities (for example,), it is especially effective on initial stage.

Acupuncture helps improve conductivity nerve fibers, restore skin sensitivity, relieve pain from neuropathy. In addition to needles, active points influenced by electricity and laser.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Institute of Diabetology - Tatyana Yakovleva

I have been studying the problem of diabetes for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to tell the good news - Endocrinological scientific center The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences managed to develop a medicine that completely cures diabetes. On this moment efficiency this drug close to 98%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved adoption, which compensates for the high cost of the drug. Diabetics in Russia until March 19 (inclusive) can get it - For only 147 rubles!


TO effective methods for diabetics include oxygenation and ozone therapy. Oxygenation – effect on the patient’s body high pressure using pressure chambers. It improves condition and structure cell membranes, lowers blood sugar. A course of oxygenation (10 hour procedures) allows you to reduce the dosage of glucose-lowering drugs and insulin.

Obese diabetics will benefit from oxygen cocktails; they will speed up metabolism and facilitate the process of losing weight.

Ozone therapy relieves inflammation, enhances metabolism, relaxes muscles, and relieves pain. The property of ozone to enhance immunity is essential, since diabetics are more susceptible to infectious diseases than people with normal carbohydrate metabolism.


This group includes all types of physiotherapy using water. Cool water stimulates the body's immune forces, speeds up metabolism, and tones. The ideal combination of hydrotherapy and physical activity for type 2 diabetics is exercise in the pool.

Jets of water released under pressure (for example, a needle shower or Charcot shower) increase blood flow to the tissues, thereby accelerating their regeneration and reducing the risk of angiopathy.


For type 2 exercise therapy diseases mandatory, minimum workload time is 3 hours per week. For older people, classes under the supervision of a doctor are preferable: in clinics and rehabilitation centers. Other patients can choose any type of aerobic exercise, from cycling to team games.

In addition to general strengthening physical education, they do exercises several times a week to prevent diabetic foot disease.

Approximate complex:

  1. We sit down comfortably, placing our feet on the floor.
  2. We squeeze and then unclench our toes repeatedly.
  3. Roll a cylinder (wooden rolling pin, massage roller) with your feet.
  4. Roll your feet across the floor, from heel to toe and back.
  5. We make movements in a circle with the heel and toe.
  6. We try to crumple a sheet of paper with our feet, then straighten it. Also, the lump is grabbed with the toes, passed from one foot to the other, and torn into pieces.

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IN complex treatment diabetes mellitus, as well as its complications, is one of the effective additional methods is considered physical therapy. Certain physiotherapeutic procedures have an undoubted therapeutic effect in diabetes. The main points seem to be the fact that hardware physiotherapy, helping to normalize carbohydrate, protein, lipid and mineral species metabolism in general, also has a certain effect, due to which the blood sugar level is slightly reduced. According to the ideas of modern medical science, this effect is due, on the one hand, to an increase in certain types physiotherapeutic effects of the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood serum, and on the other hand, a simultaneous decrease in the influence of both hormonal and non-hormonal insulin antagonists.

The main place among the physiotherapeutic procedures successfully used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and a number of its complications is occupied by medicinal electrophoresis and ultrasound therapy.

The effectiveness of ultrasound therapy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is determined by its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. For this purpose, ultrasound is applied to the projection area of ​​the pancreas; procedures are carried out daily, 10 sessions per course of treatment. The impact of ultrasound on the liver area improves most indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, it is noted beneficial influence on blood circulation in the liver.

Electrophoresis should be discussed in more detail, due to its significant effectiveness, and especially, as will be shown below, in the treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus. First of all, medicinal electrophoresis occupies a very significant place in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy due to its ability to have anti-inflammatory, absorbable, trophic, hyposensitizing and anti-sclerotic effects. In the presence of hemorrhages, heparin electrophoresis is recommended; in case of vascular sclerosis, electrophoresis of a potassium iodide solution is recommended. With vasospasms, degenerative changes electrophoresis of nicotinic acid, a mixture of aloe (1:3 dilution) with vitamins PP, C, a mixture of 1% nicotinic acid and potassium iodide are used in the retina.

If diabetes mellitus is combined with coronary disease hearts, good effect provides electrophoresis vasodilators(aminophylline, papaverine), as well as heparin.

In addition, in fact, excellent results are always obtained the following types this procedure:

    • Zinc electrophoresis on the epigastric region is used to improve functional state The islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, where beta cells responsible for the production of insulin are concentrated.
    • Calcium electrophoresis of the nuchal region. To reduce blood sugar levels, it is recommended every other day, 12 sessions per course of treatment.
    • Nicotinic acid electrophoresis on the epigastric region (12 procedures per course). To improve the function of the pancreas and liver.
    • Electrophoresis of magnesium, papaverine solution - on the liver area for liver damage in patients with diabetes mellitus, 12-15 such procedures per course of treatment are usually given positive effect with fatty liver degeneration.
    • Copper electrophoresis for general stimulation of the circulatory system can improve microcirculation, and therefore metabolic processes in tissues. Prescribed according to general methodology to improve redox processes and reduce blood sugar.
    • Potassium electrophoresis is indicated in connection with the increased loss of potassium in diabetes mellitus and some of its complications.
    • Electrophoresis of magnesium. The microelement magnesium takes part in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, activates a number of enzymes, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood (per course of treatment - 10 - 12 procedures).

Every year more than 1,800 patients are treated in the endocrinology department of the 10th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk. Of these, 87% have diabetes (every fourth has type 1).

Galina Korolenko, Head of the endocrinology department of the 10th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk,
Georgy Marushko, rehabilitation doctor of the 10th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk.

Treatment should combine psycho-, dietary, pharmaco- and physiotherapy. Since the opening of the department, exercise therapy, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, electrical, light, water and heat therapy, massage have been widely used to enhance the excretory function of the pancreas (insulin-stimulating methods), with the aim of a general effect on the body to correct neurohumoral dysregulation of the endocrine system. and relief of asthenoneurotic condition (vegetocorrective and sedative methods), to combat complications and concomitant diseases.

Prescribed for a compensated process in patients with mild, moderate and severe diabetes and a sufficient level physical performance. During classes, all muscle groups are involved (in the first days with moderate amplitude). Then the slow pace changes to medium, and the complex gradually becomes more complicated (exercises with objects and on apparatus are added). Physiotherapy plays for feet important role in the prevention of diabetic foot. Most of the exercises are elementary movements in the ankle, metatarsophalangeal joints, and less often in the knees. Various complexes of therapeutic exercises can be used for the treatment and prevention of flat feet (since it progresses quite quickly in patients with diabetes due to muscle weakening lower limbs And ligamentous apparatus).

Physiotherapeutic methods

To enhance the function of the pancreas, drug electrophoresis is used transversely to the area of ​​projection of the pancreas in mild to moderate diabetes: heparin 10,000 units, nicotinic acid, potassium preparations (up to 10–12 procedures).

Pulse electrotherapy on the area of ​​projection of the pancreas: sinusoidal modulated currents are used, electrodes transverse to the pancreas with an area of ​​100 cm2.

For mild and moderate severity of diabetes: variable mode, 3 and 4 RR, 50–75%, 70 Hz, burst duration 2–3 seconds, 4–5 minutes each.

For moderate and severe course SD: variable mode, 1 and 4 RR, 50–75%, 70–100 Hz, burst duration 2–3 seconds, 2–3 minutes each.

Ultrasound therapy on the area of ​​projection of the pancreas: 0.4 W/cm2, pulsed or continuous mode, 5 minutes daily, up to 10 procedures.

Magnetotherapy on the area of ​​projection of the pancreas in moderate and severe forms of diabetes: sinusoidal continuous field, magnetic induction 20–25 mT, 15–20 minutes, up to 10–15 procedures (OrthoSPOK, PhotoSPOK devices, etc.).

Overall Impact physical factors (vegetative-corrective and sedative methods):

  • electrosleep therapy at a frequency of 10 Hz for 20–40 minutes, a course of 10–20 procedures (especially effective in patients with concomitant ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, asthenoneurotic syndrome);
  • medicinal electrophoresis of 2–5% sodium (potassium) bromide solution (from the cathode), 2–5% magnesium sulfate solution (from the anode) using the collar technique, course of 12–15 procedures;
  • darsonvalization of the head and collar area 3–5 minutes, course 10–15 procedures;
  • general magnetic therapy (UniSPOK device) 10–20 minutes, course 8–12 procedures;
  • oxygen cocktails for any severity of diabetes.


For any severity of diabetes, pearl-coniferous, whirlpool baths at indifferent temperatures - daily or every other day (course of 10–12 baths) during the period of establishing compensation for metabolic disorders in the absence of ketoacytosis. Other water procedures, including rain, circular, rising shower, are allowed for patients with severe but persistently compensated forms of diabetes. Perineal douche is used for hemorrhoids, sexual weakness, and prostatitis. Charcot's shower according to the method of treating obesity. Underwater shower massage is prescribed for myositis, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system. Magnetic baths (“Aqua-SPOK” device - a combination of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field And medicinal water) are especially effective in the presence of concomitant neurological, therapeutic, urological, gynecological and dermatological diseases.
Manual (extremities, cervical-collar region) and pneumatic pressotherapy of the upper and lower extremities using the Lymphamat devices.

Heat mud treatment

It is used for concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, pelvic organs in women, and digestive organs. At mild degree DM is prescribed a procedure lasting 15–20 minutes every other day at a temperature of 40–42 °C; for moderate and severe cases - using a gentle method (temperature 38–40 °C, duration 10–12 minutes, 2–3 times a week, course up to 8 applications).

Treatment of diabetes mellitus in people of any age requires the use of integrated approach based on the use of drugs, non-drug methods influences and lifestyle corrections. At the same time, non-drug treatment methods, as well as changes in diet and level physical activity diabetics have great importance to control blood sugar levels.

Physiotherapy for diabetes is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body, controlling glucose levels and preventing the development diabetic complications, especially in elderly patients. Physiotherapy procedures should always be prescribed only by a doctor and carried out in special rooms at medical institutions.

Impact of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an important part of the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. Wherein modern varieties This therapy allows you to have a complex effect on the body, which has a positive effect on general forecast for the patient.

Physiotherapy has a large impact on the human body. various effects, each of which can either speed up the patient’s recovery or slow it down. In this regard, procedures are always prescribed only by the attending physician.

Proper use of physiotherapy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • normalize basic metabolic indicators;
  • return blood glucose levels to normal;
  • increase insulin concentration.

In addition to the direct effect on metabolic processes, physiotherapy improves vascular tone and blood supply internal organs, and also allow you to normalize the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Such effects prevent the patient from developing early and late consequences diabetes associated with angiopathy, neuropathies, trophic ulcers, etc.

Types of physiotherapy

The physiotherapist has at his disposal a large number of various methods physiotherapy. The selection of a specific method is determined by the patient’s condition, the severity of diabetes mellitus and the presence of its complications. It is very important to evaluate accompanying illnesses in the patient, since they significantly affect the possibility of carrying out individual species physical therapy.

Doctors distinguish the following types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • using hardware, for example, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, etc.;
  • without the use of devices: hydrotherapy, therapeutic massage;
  • physiotherapy.

The choice of a specific method of physiotherapy is determined by the attending physician, who, after examining the patient, identifies his existing indications and contraindications.

Hardware therapy methods

Modern physiotherapeutic equipment for diabetes makes it possible to provide patients with effective treatment at various options course of the disease. In physiotherapy, various methods of hardware influence are used.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy can be increased by using a combination of various procedures, which are very often used in the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus.

Application of magnetic therapy

The use of magnetic therapy is based on positive impact weak electromagnetic field on metabolic processes in biological tissues. When carrying out this procedure in diabetics, the main target of influence is the pancreas. There is a large amount of scientific evidence that magnetic therapy can reduce blood sugar concentrations and strengthen the walls vascular bed, stimulating metabolic reactions and regeneration in them. Such effects make it possible to effectively use magnetic therapy for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications, primarily neuropathy.


The procedure allows you to cleanse the blood of unwanted components, as well as add substances to it that have a beneficial effect. therapeutic effect. It is important to note that such physical therapy is not given to all patients, but only to those who have severe diabetic kidney tissue damage and symptoms of kidney failure.

Treatment with electrophoresis

Electrophoretic treatment is used in therapy large number diseases. In this case, the main biological effect of the method is associated with two types of exposure. Firstly, in the tissues of the body under the influence electric current a galvanic effect occurs, stimulating regeneration and metabolic processes. Secondly, electrophoresis makes it possible to effectively deliver drugs into the body through skin. As a rule, solutions with the following microelements are used for this procedure: zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Besides them, wide application finds electrophoresis with nicotinic acid, novocaine and sodium thiosulfate.

Hyperbaric oxygenation

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used in patients with any type of diabetes. This procedure allows you to increase the oxygen content in the blood, which improves its delivery to the peripheral tissues of the body, since due to the development of angiopathy, this process is disrupted. Periodic hyperbaric oxygen therapy also used for prevention trophic ulcers and other complications associated with insufficient tissue nutrition.


Physical therapy is recommended for all patients diagnosed with diabetes. Exercise stress improves blood circulation in the body, stimulates metabolism, and also prevents excess body weight gain. It is important to note that exercises for classes should be selected by the attending physician, who has information about the nature of the patient’s diabetes, as well as about the limitations of his health. In addition to standard gymnastic complexes, exercise therapy includes the following types of loads:

  • running or walking at various distances;
  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • Biking.

The intensity of exercise is always determined by the level of health of the patient, as well as the degree of its physical development. Under no circumstances should you do it yourself by force sports, because excessive load may accelerate the course of the underlying disease.

Rational use of physiotherapy, together with drug treatment and dietary changes can improve the prognosis for patients with diabetes and improve their quality of life. Medical institutions offer a large number of different methods of physiotherapy, each of which has its own effect on the body, has indications and contraindications. In this regard, only the attending physician, who is able to assess the health status of a diabetic and analyze the methods of physiotherapy available in the hospital, should select physiotherapeutic interventions. In no case should you try to carry out such therapy on your own, as this is fraught with progression of the disease and the development of complications.



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