Physiotherapy in the treatment of diabetes. About hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Also, thanks to physiotherapy, the counter-insular effect of non-hormonal and hormonal insulin antagonists is reduced, the circulatory system is stimulated, blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the body tissues improve.

Such treatment will increase performance, improve sleep, and the general condition of a patient with diabetes. Additionally, you can achieve lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system.


Electrophoresis helps improve the functional state of the islets of Langerhans, which produce insulin. The procedure is performed using the Vermeule technique or transversely in the epigastric region.

The first method of exposure is indicated to improve redox processes and reduce blood sugar levels.

To carry out medicinal electrophoresis, it is necessary to use drugs that:

  1. affect the insular apparatus by normalizing the functions of the adrenal glands;
  2. improve the functions of the pancreas, lead to normal vascular tone;
  3. take part in the oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates, reduce blood pressure;
  4. help lower blood sugar levels, improve carbohydrate metabolism, and reduce the average intensity of insulinase.

For diabetes, electrophoresis is performed using No-shpa, Novocaine with iodine, Papaverine using a segmental technique, sessions are necessary. If the stage of diabetes is moderate or severe, it is necessary to prescribe electrophoresis with a 1% solution of Dibazol or Proserin and a 1% solution of nicotinic acid on the legs.

At the organic stage of angiopathy such healing procedures shown only for segmental areas. Patients with angiopathy of the lower extremities are treated with Novocaine in the lumbosacral area, which causes reflex vasodilation, reduction pain syndrome.


Hydrotherapy compares favorably with other methods of therapy due to its accessibility and simplicity. This treatment is well suited for patients with types 1 and 2. diabetes mellitus. Usually in medical institutions The following procedures are recommended:

The essence of treating diabetes with a shower is beneficial effects water jets on the body at a certain temperature and pressure. The shower can be different: dust, needle, rising, Scottish, rain and so on.

Baths can also be different; the doctor may prescribe a general bath, in which the entire body of the diabetic is immersed in water, but except for the head. Sometimes a local bath is justified, when one part of the body is immersed (arm, leg, pelvis). During the procedure, the water in the bath is always maintained at a certain level of vibration and temperature.

Balneotherapy should be understood as treatment with mineral waters, and hydrokinesitherapy is a set of exercises therapeutic exercises in the water and swimming.

Thermal waters (temperatures ranging from 37 to 42 degrees), rubbing, dousing ( cold water), saunas and steam baths (hot steam).

All cooling procedures for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus stimulate the formation and breakdown of cells, leading to normalization of these processes. The hydrotherapeutic effect of low temperature water is ensured by the acceleration of metabolism in the diabetic body, but this effect does not last long.

Physiotherapy gives positive results due to the following mechanisms:

When is treatment carried out? warm water, such an effect on the patient’s body does not occur. When performing the procedure with water high temperature, which causes overheating, also accelerates metabolism.

Despite its obvious simplicity, physiotherapy for diabetes can carry certain dangers. For example, it is better not to use hydrotherapy if there is a brain disorder, coronary blood supply, running hypertension, severe course angina pectoris, exacerbation inflammatory diseases, chronic thrombophlebitis, insufficiency of blood supply stage 1-B and higher.

You should know that patients with severe type 2 and type 1 diabetes are strictly prohibited from performing intensive procedures, namely showers:

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with water requires prior consultation with a doctor if the patient suffers from vascular atherosclerosis or during pregnancy.


Comprehensive treatment of diabetes mellitus also involves the use of magnetic therapy; the essence of the procedure is the beneficial effect of the magnetic field on the diabetic’s body. As a rule, magnetic therapy is prescribed to the pancreas area.

On average, the duration of treatment is one procedure, and after the first 3-5 sessions, a diabetic will notice a persistent decrease in blood glucose levels.

Magnetic therapy is an excellent method of treatment if the patient is diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy, since the magnetic field strengthens blood vessels, relieves pain and has an immunostimulating effect.

Leg inductometry helps combat neuropathy and angiopathy, this method involves the use of a high frequency magnetic field.

The procedure helps to increase microcirculation of blood and lymph, and improve the condition of diabetics.

Oxygenation, ultrasound

Types 1 and 2 diabetes can be treated with oxygen supplied under high pressure, a technique called oxygenation. The therapy helps to get rid of any types of hypoxia that diabetes patients often encounter.

Full course oxygenation lasts throughout the procedure, but according to the observations of doctors, persistent positive dynamics are observed after several sessions (duration from 40 to 60 minutes).

After the course, the patient can count on a significant reduction in the amount of insulin and other vital medications. As you know, in a diabetic, the blood transports oxygen poorly, which results in oxygen starvation:

Oxygen treatment eliminates hypoxia and other consequences of diabetes, the patient's hearing, vision, and blood circulation significantly improve, and the activity of pancreatic cells and other organs is normalized.

Oxygenation involves the use of oxygen foam, which is especially useful for obesity, no less common problem diabetics. Oxygen cocktails help fight overweight, since foam fills the stomach, gives a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating, thereby defeating diabetes.

If you use oxygen foam 2-3 times a day an hour before meals, your well-being will improve much faster. The treatment course can last from 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the diabetes mellitus disease.

Physiotherapy may include the use of ultrasound treatment, which also causes a hypoglycemic effect. Ultrasound is applied to the area of ​​the pancreas; sessions are carried out every day for 10 days.

If the liver is affected, a diabetic will experience:

  1. improvement of carbohydrate metabolism indicators;
  2. normalization of blood circulation in the liver.

Ultrasound is good for use in severe diabetes, when diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed.

In this case, there is a need to increase the course of treatment to 12 procedures.

Acupuncture, plasmapheresis, ozone therapy

It is impossible to overestimate the physiotherapeutic effect of acupuncture for diabetic neuropathy, thanks to the procedure the following occurs:

  • improvement of nerve conduction;
  • increased sensitivity of the limbs;
  • reduction of pain syndrome.

When blood sugar problems are accompanied septic complications And renal failure, a diabetic is recommended to undergo a course of plasmapheresis. This procedure helps cleanse the blood; the patient’s blood plasma is replaced with special substances.

During ozone therapy for diabetes, the permeability of cell walls to glucose increases, which reduces hyperglycemia. Ozone will improve the metabolism of sugar in red blood cells, as a result, the tissues will receive much more oxygen, and hypoxia will be eliminated over time.

This technique treatment helps prevent dangerous complications:

In addition, the diabetic receives an immunomodulatory effect. Everyone knows that with type 1 diabetes, patients have a predisposition to inflammatory processes and chronic infections due to weak immune defense. For this reason, ozone therapy is one of the most effective methods getting rid of type 1 diabetes. The video in this article will continue the topic of treating diabetes with physical therapy.

What methods of physiotherapy are effective for diabetes mellitus

Is physiotherapy useful for diabetes?

Each of the diabetics sooner or later comes to restore the body with the help of physiotherapy. It represents such types of drug treatment, which are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the insular apparatus and enhancing the sugar-lowering effect of insulin in pomegranate. We are also talking about the more serious influence of sulfonamides and biguanides - thus, physiotherapy is also effective in the treatment of complications.

About methods

Differs enough a large number of physiotherapy methods: from hyperbaric oxygen therapy blood and oxygen foam before electrophoresis with zinc chloride. All these methods, as well as special baking, are also used in the treatment of not only type 1 and type 2 diabetes itself. In addition, they perform well in diseases of such organs and systems of the body that accompany diabetes, such as:

  • liver;
  • bile ducts (grapes are useful);
  • joints;
  • peripheral nervous system.

In addition to therapeutic mud, other coolants are actively used, which are characterized by significant heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. We are talking about peat, paraffin, ozokerite, as well as clay and sand jam. The indications for their subsequent use are the same as for mud treatment, precisely because of this heat treatment Most suitable for those patients who are faced with persistently compensated forms of the described illness. They also go well with balneotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, it is desirable that the number of any procedures, including thermal ones, should not be greater and that alcohol should be avoided.

About water procedures

Water treatments for diabetes

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus is determined by many nuances, which, in turn, depend not only on the health status of the diabetic, but also on the specific type of procedures performed.

For example, fresh baths have a positive effect on the course of the disease when temperature conditions from 34 to 38 degrees. At the same time, it is important to remember that hot water procedures (more than 40 degrees) can to a large extent aggravate the condition of each diabetic, so their use is strictly prohibited. This point should be remembered by everyone involved self-prevention or compensation for diabetes.

Almost all types of showers are effective for diabetes:

The Scottish shower is also used for the most different problems. We can talk not only about atonic constipation, but also lumbosacral radiculitis.

If we talk about underwater shower massage, then it has a resolving effect and is most effective when muscle problems appear, that is, myositis.

For all other types of souls, please refer to mandatory consult with a specialist who will determine how advisable their use is.

About oxygen foam

How to prepare oxygen foam?

Given the fairly large number of physical therapy methods, it is quite difficult to cover them all, so it is necessary to focus on the key ones. These include treatment with oxygen foam. It has a positive effect on metabolism in general, as well as on stabilizing body weight. In order to prepare oxygen foam, special infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are used. This can be an infusion of rosehip or an oat-based decoction.

The white of a chicken egg is added to this mixture and beaten. This is done in the following proportion: add the white of one egg to two liters of liquid. After which the prepared mixture is foamed, for this it is necessary to pass oxygen through it using a special apparatus.

Drink oxygen foam twice or three times a day one hour before meals in such a volume that would cause a lasting feeling of satiety. The treatment course of this oxygen foam should be from three to six months.

About hyperbaric oxygen therapy

This procedure is an action in which the diabetic:

  • placed in a specific device;
  • at the same time, an increased Atmosphere pressure;
  • The oxygen ratio in the air should be higher than the standard level.

As is known, in the case of diabetes mellitus, the ability of the blood to transport oxygen is significantly reduced. As a result, increasing oxygen starvation of tissues is noted. This physiotherapeutic procedure helps to increase the oxygen ratio in the blood, makes the degree of tissue sensitivity to the hormone much greater and normalizes everything related to metabolism in the human body.

The presented procedure copes well with the treatment of even the most serious complications with diabetes mellitus. It is advisable to carry out at least sessions for a complete course of treatment. The duration of each session should be at least minutes.

It is also worth noting such types of physiotherapy as ultrasound-type stimulation of the pancreas.

It is carried out every day, and treatment course should be equal to 10 procedures. Such an effect on the area of ​​the pancreas makes it possible to improve the production of insulin.

Thus, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the most different methods physiotherapy, which turn out to be extremely effective if they are applied correctly and in a timely manner.

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All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only. The decision on the need to use one or another method is determined by the doctor.

Copying site materials is strictly prohibited.

Physiotherapy methods for diabetes mellitus and their effectiveness

Diabetes mellitus is endocrine disease caused by a lack of insulin and impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

The last factor is a consequence of the reduced conversion of carbohydrates into fat.

The basis of treatment is diet, drug therapy and physiotherapy. The latter in diabetes is used as an auxiliary procedure that stimulates the functioning of the human body.

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 as a treatment method

Physiotherapy refers to additional methods of treating diabetes mellitus of the first and second types.

It allows you to simultaneously solve a number of problems: normalize mineral, carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, reduce glycemia and increase the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.

Types of physiotherapeutic procedures for diabetics

Physiotherapeutic procedures increase performance, the general condition of the body, and improve the patient’s sleep. Additional effect is to lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system. Depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases, various manipulations may be prescribed for therapy.


Balneotherapy is indicated for patients with mild form diabetes or with a disease of moderate severity in the phase of stable compensation.

The hydrotherapy procedure is designed to slow down the progression of the disease and prevent the occurrence of associated ailments:

The nature of treatment with mineral waters depends on the type concomitant diseases. Based on this, the type of mineral water and the method of taking it are selected.


During complex procedures in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes along with drug therapy, diet and moderate physical activity Magnetic therapy is used. The advantage of this method is the absence of side effects and the fact that the sessions are not addictive.

The basis of the technique is the effect of various magnetic fields on the patient’s body. The magnetic field has high bioactivity, stimulates peripheral circulation and hemodynamics. The procedure is carried out using special devices “Polyus”, “Olympus”, “Kolibri”, “Almag” and the like.

The advantages of the technique are:


The procedure improves the functioning of the islets of Langerhans, which are responsible for the production of insulin. It is performed using the Vermeule technique or transversely in the epigastric region. Electrophoresis is necessary to reduce blood sugar and improve the body's redox reactions.

Drug electrophoresis involves the use of drugs that:

  • normalize the functioning of the adrenal glands, thereby affecting the insular apparatus;
  • restore vascular tone;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • participate in the oxidation of carbohydrates;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • improve carbohydrate metabolism.

Electrophoresis is carried out using Novocaine with iodine, Papaverine, No-shpa.

For severe or moderate stages of diabetes, Prozerin or Dibazol are used, as well as a 1% solution of nicotinic acid on the legs.

Oxygen therapy (oxygenation)

This technique involves supplying oxygen at high pressure. Used in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Oxygen therapy relieves hypoxia, from which patients often suffer. The duration of the course is procedures with a duration of each from 40 to 60 minutes.

The onset of positive dynamics is noted within a few days. After a course of treatment, the patient's effects of diabetes, including hypoxia, are eliminated. Hearing and vision are significantly enhanced, the functioning of the pancreas, other organs and the circulatory system is improved.

Acupressure, acupuncture and acupuncture

Massage procedures are aimed at normalizing general well-being, restoration of blood flow, elimination of the consequences of damage nerve endings. For this purpose, many diabetics are prescribed acupuncture, acupressure and acupuncture.

  • improving nerve conduction of tissues;
  • reduction of pain;
  • increased sensitivity of the feet.

During acupressure (acupressure), certain points on the patient’s body are stimulated. The duration of the course is two weeks. Massage is performed daily and helps regulate the amount of glucose in the urine.


If problems with sugar levels are accompanied by renal failure and septic complications, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of plasmapheresis.

During the procedure, the patient's blood plasma is purified with special substances.

Plasmapheresis helps remove various pathological products from the body through blood purification. During the purification process, the patient's plasma is filtered, purified in a special apparatus and returned back.

The blood becomes cleaner by removing the waste and toxins it contains. Harmful substances contribute to the development of pathologies and inflammatory processes. After the procedure, the blood becomes less viscous, passes well through the circulatory system and nourishes all organs and tissues.

Ozone treatment (ozone therapy)

After the procedure, the permeability of cell walls to glucose improves. This reduces hyperglycemia. Ozone helps improve sugar metabolism in red blood cells, giving the body's tissues additional oxygen. This eliminates tissue hypoxia.

Ozone therapy prevents the occurrence of a number of dangerous complications:

An additional advantage of the procedure is its immunomodulatory effect.

Patients regain immune protection against inflammation and chronic processes in organism. For the above reasons, ozone therapy is one of the most effective methods for treating type 1 diabetes.

Hydrotherapy (water treatment)

This method of treatment is beneficial due to its accessibility and simplicity. Hydrotherapy is used to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  • baths;
  • thermal waters;
  • balneotherapy;
  • rubbing and dousing;
  • hydrokinesitherapy;
  • bath and sauna.

The types of procedures are prescribed by the doctor based on the patient’s condition. The shower can be needle, rising, dust, Scottish and rain.

The effect of water jets on the body has a very beneficial effect on the patient’s well-being. Baths can also be different: general and local. During the procedure, the water in the bath must be at a certain temperature and at a certain level of vibration.

Physical therapy complex

Exercise therapy for diabetes mellitus is integral part complex of treatment.

Strong physical exercise stimulates tissue metabolism, promotes the utilization of sugar in the body and its deposition in the muscles.

It has been established that physical therapy in some cases can lower blood sugar to normal levels. Dosed exercise enhances the effect of insulin and reduces its dose.

Video on the topic

About the methods of physiotherapy used for diabetes mellitus in the video:

Diabetes mellitus refers to serious illnesses, But modern medicine has ways to alleviate the condition of patients and reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Innovative technologies combined with compliance with all medical recommendations will significantly improve the quality of life of a diabetic patient.

  • Stabilizes sugar levels for a long time
  • Restores insulin production by the pancreas

Physiotherapeutic treatment for diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapeutic procedures for diabetes mellitus are often prescribed, since they simultaneously solve several problems - normalize all metabolic processes, reduce glycemia and increase the number of immunoreactive insulin. But most importantly, the counter-insular effects of drugs can be reduced.

About physiotherapy methods for diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapy involves physiological effects on the body through physical factors natural and artificial. The first includes treatment with water, air, sunlight and warmth. To the second - electric shock, magnetic field, etc. The use of hardware physiotherapy contributes to the following:

  • restoration of carbohydrate, fat, protein and other metabolisms;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • acceleration of blood circulation and microcirculation;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalization of immunoreactive insulin;
  • anesthesia;
  • improving the effect of medications.

Video about the effects of physiotherapy on the diabetic body

ABOUT positive impact and the dangers of physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus you can learn from the video provided:

Features of physiotherapeutic procedures

A wide variety of methods are used for physiotherapy - magnetic therapy, paraffin, Sollux lamp, ultraviolet or infrared radiation, barotherapy, hydrotherapy and much more. But the most popular method is electrophoresis, which uses medications.

There are a number of features of physiotherapeutic procedures for diabetes mellitus of the 1st or 2nd type. For example, medicines must act exclusively through skin or mucous membranes. Electrical impulses or ultrasound make it possible to influence the diabetic body in the best possible way.

Electrophoresis - features

Electrophoresis can improve the performance of the islets of Langerhans, which produce insulin. The procedure is carried out according to different methods. Medications Along with electric current, they have the following effect:

  • restoration of adrenal activity;
  • improving the functionality of the entire pancreas;
  • restoration of tone in blood vessels;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • normalization of oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates;
  • decreased glucose levels;
  • acceleration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • decreased insulinase intensity.

For physiotherapeutic procedures, “No-shpa”, “Dibazol”, “Iodized Novocaine”, “Prozerin”, “Papaverine”, “ A nicotinic acid", "Heparin", vitamins, etc. The choice of drug depends on the type of complication, course of the disease and individual characteristics diabetic body.

There are different types of electrophoresis:

  1. With zinc it is used to restore the islet of Langerhans.
  2. Calcium lowers glucose levels. 12 sessions are enough.
  3. Nicotinic acid improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Number of procedures – maximum 12.
  4. Magnesium with Papaverine is used for serious pathological abnormalities in the liver. There are 15 sessions.
  5. Copper stimulates blood circulation and accelerates metabolism in tissues. Reduces blood sugar and improves oxidative and reduction processes.
  6. Potassium helps replenish this microelement when various complications. In addition, in diabetes, potassium in large quantities is excreted with frequent urination, so you always feel its deficiency.
  7. Magnesium removes bad cholesterol, accelerates carbohydrate metabolism and activates the work of enzymes.
  8. Iodine with Novocaine anesthetizes.
  9. Sodium thiosulfate is used for polyneuropathy.

Electrophoresis is performed in the area of ​​the collar and pancreas.


Magnetotherapy involves the influence of a magnetic field on metabolic processes. Most often, the procedure is prescribed if there is diabetic foot and neuropathy. The main properties of magnetic therapy include the following:

  • strengthening the circulatory system;
  • anesthesia;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • trophicregulatory action;
  • immunostimulating effect.

For treatment, it is enough to carry out the procedure. The peculiarity is that sugar levels drop after the 4th session. Magnetic therapy affects the pancreas. But when treating the lower extremities, magnetic therapy called inductometry is used (a high-frequency magnetic field is used).

Features of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy, also known as hydrotherapy, is characterized by its simplicity and the use of natural physiological factors. It is used for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Procedures can be carried out different ways:

  • taking a bath;
  • shower procedure;
  • through balneotherapy;
  • use of thermal water;
  • dousing and rubbing;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • through hydrokinesitherapy.

The main essence of the treatment is the effect on the body of a stream of water having a certain temperature and pressure. If a diabetic is prescribed a shower, then the water stream can be needle-shaped, dusty, rainy, or ascending.

A bath involves immersing the entire body in water, up to the neck or just one part of the torso. A specific vibration is created in the bathroom. In balneotherapy, mineral waters are used, and in hydrokinesitherapy, the patient must perform certain exercises in water.

During the hydrotherapy process, all metabolic processes are accelerated, new cells are produced and the need to activate movements increases. In addition, your mood improves, your immune system strengthens, and your blood circulation accelerates. Feature – only cold or hot water, since warm water is not capable of having a similar effect on the body.

There are a number of contraindications - impaired blood circulation in coronary vessels and the circulatory system of the brain, advanced hypertension, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis and acute inflammatory processes. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to take a Charcot shower, a massage shower or a Scottish one.

Oxygenation and ultrasound

Oxygenation is considered an effective and popular method, along with electrophoresis. The basis of treatment is the use of oxygen with high level pressure. One procedure lasts a maximum of an hour, 12 sessions are required. A special feature is that you can consume oxygen cocktails, which further improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often prescribed for type 1 diabetes. Oxygenation promotes:

  • improving visual acuity;
  • eliminating hypoxia;
  • reducing the administered dose of insulin;
  • weight loss for diabetics who are obese;
  • improving the activity of the pancreas;
  • replenishing oxygen in the blood, tissues and cells;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • acceleration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • strengthening the body.

Ultrasonic method treatment also applies to physiotherapeutic procedures. Ultrasound is applied directly to the pancreas, which leads to a hypoglycemic effect. The number of sessions is 10-12. It is especially important to prescribe ultrasound for diabetic retinopathy, as it has positive action to the liver. Ultrasound therapy reduces blood sugar levels, improves carbohydrate metabolism, and accelerates blood circulation.

Plasmapheresis, acupuncture and ozone therapy

Plasmapheresis is used for kidney disease and other septic complications. The procedure involves purifying the blood from various types pathological products. This is a kind of filtration in which blood plasma is removed from a diabetic and purified in laboratory conditions and returns to the body again. At the same time, toxic deposits, toxins, etc. are destroyed, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

Acupuncture improves nerve conduction, which is especially important for diabetes, relieves pain and increases sensitivity in the lower extremities. This procedure involves the use of acupressure, acupuncture and acupuncture.

Ozone therapy makes it possible to increase the permeability of cell walls for sugar, while reducing hyperglycemia. Metabolic processes of glucose in red blood cells are accelerated, tissues are supplied with oxygen and hypoxia is eliminated. Prevents the development of complications - neuropathy, angiopathy and arthropathy.

Physiotherapy for type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin dependence. Insulin allows cells to open for glucose to enter from the bloodstream, causing insulin to convert sugar into fat. In addition, insulin prevents lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of adipose tissue. in a natural way.

Therefore, the higher the level of insulin in the blood, the more people exposed to obesity. That is why it is important for type 1 diabetes to combine diet and physical therapy. The fact is that physiotherapeutic procedures help accelerate metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss. And diabetics cannot do without insulin. Therefore, the interaction of physical therapy and drug treatment is necessary.

Along with this, you need to do physical exercise. Together, these measures increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin and also speed up the process of supplying sugar to the cells. This makes it possible to reduce the dosage of administered insulin.

Physiotherapy for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes does not require insulin, but diabetics take antihyperglycemic drugs. In order to reduce their dose and minimize it, it is necessary to use physical therapy, as it helps reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, accelerate carbohydrate metabolism and produce natural insulin. Among other things, physiotherapeutic procedures will prevent the development of many complications and prevent the transition from type 2 to type 1.

You need to know that physiotherapeutic procedures are completely painless and effective. To carry them out, a diabetic will need a referral from the attending doctor, as this guarantees complete safety. The fact is that today many different physiotherapeutic devices are sold for home use. But under certain factors, procedures can be harmful. That is why the appointment is carried out by a specialist.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious diseases of the endocrine system in the world, caused by absolute (type I) or relative (type II) deficiency of the hormone insulin, leading to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism and disruption of all types of metabolism, affecting all functional systems body.

Insulin controls the processing of glucose at the cellular level. The deficiency of this hormone, in turn, causes an increase in blood glucose levels - hyperglycemia. Due to impaired activity of the pancreas, the body does not have enough insulin to absorb carbohydrates into required quantity. As a result, carbohydrates processed into glucose accumulate in the blood and are then excreted through the kidneys into the blood. bladder. In addition, the process of retaining water by tissues is disrupted, which leads to a deterioration in water metabolism in the body. In diabetes mellitus, small and large vessels are damaged. those. is of a generalized nature. As a result, the blood supply to the organs and tissues of the body is disrupted, which leads to disruption of their function and, in advanced cases, poses a danger to the patient’s life.

Diabetes is chronic disease, which is accompanied by metabolic disorders (mineral, protein, fat and carbohydrate) and water-salt metabolism. As a rule, this leads to the accumulation of high levels of toxins, severe poisoning of the body and, in some cases, to a diabetic coma.

Main reasons diabetes mellitus are the following factors:

· poor nutrition when eating a very large amount of foods containing simple carbohydrates;

· genetic predisposition;

· disturbance of liver activity;

· heavy living conditions;

· heavy physical work;

· chronic stress, anxiety, mental state disorders;

· severe previous illness, etc.

There are type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The first type is insulin-dependent, when the production of insulin by the pancreas is reduced or stopped. The second type is insulin-independent, in which the secretion of insulin by the gland occurs, but for some reason the sensitivity of cells to this hormone decreases, as a result of which they do not receive enough glucose.

Each type of diabetes is accompanied by major and minor symptoms.

Major and minor symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Both types of diabetes have similar basic symptoms. These include:

Polyuria, or increased amount of urine produced, caused by increased level it contains glucose (there is no glucose in the urine of a healthy person). The number and volume of urination increases sharply both during the day and at night;

Polydipsia, or pathologically increased amount of water intake due to constant feeling thirst caused by dehydration;

Polyphagia, or excessively increased appetite associated with metabolic disorders;

Sharp weight loss (more typical of type 1 diabetes), occurring against the background of increased appetite.

As a rule, the above symptoms in the first type of diabetes are acute in nature. A person with diabetes can most often say with certainty when a particular sign of the disease appeared.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are usually mild. Their manifestation occurs gradually, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease. Most often, the disease is detected only after the patient has passed necessary tests– on the glucose content in urine and blood. This type of diabetes mellitus is characteristic mainly of middle-aged people, and, as a rule, as a result of poor nutrition.

The secondary symptoms of this disease appear gradually over quite a long time. They are typical for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These include:

Itching of the skin, as well as mucous membranes, dry skin;

Muscle weakness, numbness of limbs, cramps;

Dry mouth, metallic taste;


The presence of acetone in the urine, which is formed as a result of fat catabolism;

Fungal infections;

Deterioration of vision, feeling of a “white veil” before the eyes.

Secondary signs of type 1 diabetes mellitus that occurs in children include bedwetting and rapid deterioration in the child’s general condition.

In men, type 2 diabetes may be accompanied by balanoposthitis (inflammation foreskin and glans penis) caused by frequent urination and decreased potency. The skin of diabetic patients is more likely to infectious diseases, wounds and boils do not heal for a long time. There are frequent cases of xanthomas - yellowish spots and growths on the skin caused by a violation of lipid metabolism in the body. There is also hair loss on the legs, and on the face, on the contrary, their growth increases.

Treatment of diabetes

Today, treatment of diabetes mellitus is symptomatic and is focused on normalizing the patient’s body weight and normalizing metabolism, in particular, compensating for carbohydrate metabolism.

Compensation for carbohydrate metabolism is carried out in two ways. The first of them is aimed at providing cells with the necessary insulin, and the second is aimed at ensuring the body is supplied with carbohydrates in equal doses, which is achieved through special diet sick.

Objectives of physiotherapy is: correction autonomic regulation body, activation of pancreatic function, metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. These methods are aimed at correcting neurohumoral dysregulation of the endocrine system (vegetative-corrective methods - transcranial electroanalgesia, galvanization of the brain and segmental zones, transcerebral UHF therapy, heliotherapy), enhancing the excretory function of the pancreas (insulin-stimulating methods - drinking cure chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium-magnesium water, peloid therapy), correction of carbohydrate and fat metabolism (enzyme-stimulating methods - oxygen, ozone, air, contrast baths, thalassotherapy) and relief of astheno-neurotic condition (sedative methods - electrosleep therapy, medicinal electrophoresis sedatives, long-term aerotherapy).

On Spa treatment - balneological resorts - refer patients with type I diabetes mellitus in a state of compensation or subcompensation (hyperglycemia not higher than 9 mmol/l) of mild to moderate severity without a tendency to ketoacidosis and hypoglycemic states, as well as II light type and moderate severity in a state of stable compensation without a tendency to acidosis.

For the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as when their referral to resorts is contraindicated (unstable compensated diabetes, significant damage of cardio-vascular system) preformed physical factors are also used. The latter are also used additionally to influence certain concomitant diseases in patients with diabetes (for example, local inflammatory foci - sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.).

Fresh baths at a temperature of 34-38° have a beneficial effect on the course of diabetes mellitus; hot water procedures (over 40°C) can significantly worsen the condition of patients and should not be used for diabetes mellitus. At diabetes mellitus almost all types of showers are used - Charcot, Scottish, circular, rain, perineal, underwater shower-massage. The main indications for prescribing douches to diabetic patients are the accompanying functional diseases nervous system(neuroses) and obesity. Scottish shower is also used for atonic constipation, lumbosacral radiculitis; underwater shower-massage has a resolving effect on muscle diseases (myositis); Perineal douche is used for hemorrhoids, proctitis, sexual weakness, prostatitis.

Procedures such as Charcot douche, Scottish douche, underwater douche massage are indicated mainly for diabetes mellitus mild degree and stable compensated forms of diabetes of moderate severity in the absence general contraindications(circulatory failure II-III degrees, angina, etc.). When using a Charcot shower, the water temperature should not be lower than 20-25°, and its highest temperature is at Scottish soul should not exceed 38-40°. Other types of showers (rain, rising) can be used by patients with severe, but persistently compensated forms of diabetes.

Fresh and pine baths indifferent temperature is used as a sedative for increased excitability of the nervous system before prescribing a shower, as well as for establishing compensation for carbohydrate metabolism in patients with moderate and severe diabetes mellitus in the absence of acidosis. Treatment with artificial gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide) and mineral (salt, alkaline, salt-alkaline) baths is carried out according to the same indications and methods as natural baths. mineral waters.

Diabetic patients with a number of concomitant diseases Various electrotherapeutic procedures are also used. An attempt to identify the specific effect of electrotherapy, in particular diathermy of the pancreatic region, on diabetes mellitus was not confirmed by both clinical and experimental studies. Galvanization, including electrophoresis medicinal substances, darsonvalization, diathermy, inductothermy, UHF electric field, microwave therapy are widely used in patients with diabetes who have lesions of the peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, diseases of the female genital organs, etc. When using these therapeutic factors it is necessary to take into account the course of diabetes mellitus. “Massive” procedures, such as diathermy with large electrodes at great strength current (1.5-2 A) and significant duration (up to 30 minutes), can be used mainly in compensated diabetes under regular monitoring of the state of carbohydrate metabolism. “Local” procedures (electrophoresis, UHF electric field) can be carried out more widely. Combination direct current Patients with diabetes tolerate diathermy with therapeutic mud better than conventional mud therapy.

General and local ultraviolet irradiation used in patients with diabetes mellitus for the same indications as heliotherapy. Must be avoided large doses even when irradiating small areas of skin. Other types of light therapy (irradiation with a Sollux lamp, infrared rays) can be used in patients with diabetes for subacute and chronic inflammatory processes, muscle pain, neuralgia, etc.

To treat diseases of the liver, biliary tract, joints, and peripheral nervous system associated with diabetes, in addition to therapeutic mud, other coolants with high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity are used - peat, paraffin, ozokerite, clay, sand. The indications for their use are the same as for mud therapy, and therefore heat therapy is used for patients with stable compensated forms of diabetes mellitus and in combination with balneotherapeutic procedures. In addition, it is desirable that the number of thermal procedures does not exceed 8-12 at a temperature of peat and clay not higher than 40-42°, and of paraffin, ozokerite and sand - no higher than 50°.

Physiotherapy is a set of methods for treating various diseases using physical factors (current, exposure to air, light, magnetic radiation, heat, water, etc.).

In medicine, the use of physiotherapy is actively spreading, and the methods themselves are constantly being improved. There are many methods of physiotherapy that have a beneficial effect on local problem areas and on the entire body.

The most popular methods of physiotherapy are:

  • Magnetherapy,
  • SMT physiotherapy.
  • Heat therapy,
  • Electrophoresis,
  • Phototherapy.

Types of physiotherapy


  • amplipulse,
  • galvanization,
  • darsonval,
  • UHF, etc.

2) Blood purification:

  • Ozone therapy,
  • Plasmapheresis.

3) Ultrasound therapy.

4) Magnetic therapy.

5) Laser therapy.

6) Vacuum therapy.

7) Acupuncture.

8) Hydrotherapy.

9) Herbal medicine

10) Exercise therapy, etc.

Techniques used

Hardware physiotherapy for diabetes is an additional tool for complex treatment diseases that help solve the following problems:

  • Help normalize carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the body.
  • Reduce glycemic levels and increase the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.
  • Reduce the effects of insulin antagonists by stimulating blood circulation and improving metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Relieve pain from complications of diabetes mellitus - polyneuropathy, angiopathy, etc.

These procedures are considered painless and do not cause allergies or other side effects.

But some methods have their contraindications, so it is important to consult a doctor before starting the course, especially if physical therapy is planned for diabetes in children and the elderly.

In the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a number of physical therapy methods are used.


Patients are often prescribed electrophoresis for type 1 diabetes - incl. using zinc, copper, potassium.

  • A course of zinc electrophoresis has a positive effect on the state of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, which are responsible for the production of insulin.
  • Thanks to copper electrophoresis, it is possible to improve redox processes and reduce blood glucose levels.
  • Often type 1 diabetes is accompanied by increased urination, which often provokes a lack of potassium in the body. In such cases, patients are shown potassium electrophoresis to compensate for the deficiency of this element.
  • Magnesium electrophoresis is indicated for diabetics - this element lowers cholesterol levels and is involved in redox processes. The procedure is carried out according to general methodology, on the liver area or for the collar area.
  • In case of glycemia, calcium electrophoresis of the nuchal region is prescribed.
  • To normalize the functioning of the pancreas, nicotinic acid electrophoresis is used.
  • With the development of microangiopathy of the legs, accompanied by pain, a course of novocaine-iodine electrophoresis is prescribed. The same method is effective for vascular hypertonicity.
  • Physiotherapy for diabetic polyneuropathy (with peripheral neuropathy of the lower extremities) may include electrophoresis of a 5% sodium thiosulfate solution. The solution is injected into calf muscle.
  • Therapy with novocaine can also be used on the lumbosacral region - this has the effect of dilating the blood vessels of the legs and relieves painful sensations with angiopathy.
  • Drug electrophoresis is widely used in the treatment of retinopathy. The method helps relieve inflammation, has a resolving, anti-sclerotic effect, etc.


Comprehensive treatment of diabetes includes the use of magnetic therapy. The essence of the therapy is the positive effect of the magnetic field on metabolism. Diabetics are often prescribed magnetotherapy to the pancreas area.

Approximate course The treatment lasts 10-12 sessions, and after the first 3-5 sessions, patients experience a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Magnetic therapy is effective technique physiotherapy for diabetic foot and neuropathy. The fact is that the magnetic field gives an analgesic, immunostimulating effect, strengthens blood vessels and has a trophic-regulatory effect.

To combat angiopathy and neuropathy, inductothermy of the lower extremities can be used. This special method electrotherapy, which uses a high-frequency magnetic field.

Thanks to this technique, microcirculation of lymph and blood increases, which significantly improves the patient’s condition.


For type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, oxygenation is also effective - treatment with high-pressure oxygen. Therapy helps get rid of all types of hypoxia, which often develop in diabetics.

According to the observations of doctors, after the 2nd session the patients’ well-being improves significantly. The full course consists of 10-12 procedures, each of which lasts from 40 to 60 minutes.

After such a course of physical therapy, patients have the opportunity to significantly reduce the dose of insulin and the amount of other medications taken.

It is known that in diabetics the transport of oxygen by blood is somewhat worse than in healthy people. As a result, patients develop oxygen starvation of organs, tissues and systems.

Oxygen therapy eliminates hypoxia in tissues and organs, which causes other positive consequences– hearing, vision, blood circulation improves, the activity of organs, including pancreatic cells, is activated.

Oxygenation involves drinking oxygen foam. The technique is very useful for obesity in diabetics.

Taking oxygen cocktails promotes weight loss, as the foam fills the stomach, makes the patient feel full, and the patient eats less.


This method of physiotherapy is effective for neuropathy, since after a course of acupuncture it improves nerve conduction, sensitivity of the legs and limbs increases, pain goes away. Read more about the benefits of the technique here.

Measures used include acupressure, acupuncture (including laser and electroacupuncture), acupuncture, etc.


If diabetes mellitus is accompanied by renal failure and septic complications, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis. This is a blood purification procedure in which the patient's blood plasma is removed and replaced with special substitutes.

Read more about the method of blood cleansing, its features, price, benefits and contraindications in this article.

Ozone therapy

Application medical ozone during ozone therapy for diabetes mellitus, it increases the permeability of cell walls to glucose, which reduces hyperglycemia. Ozone improves glucose metabolism in red blood cells. As a result of this treatment, more oxygen enters the tissues and hypoxia goes away.

Treating diabetes with ozone prevents the development of complications such as neuropathy, angiopathy, and arthropathy.

In addition, ozone has an immunomodulatory effect. As is known, with type 1 diabetes, patients are prone to chronic infections and inflammation due to weak immunity. Therefore, ozone treatment is one of the effective methods of physiotherapy for type 1 diabetes.

Ozone therapy increases performance, improves sleep and the general condition of diabetics. Patients experience a decrease in blood glucose levels and a strengthened immune system.


The complex of physiotherapeutic methods also includes hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy). This includes douches, showers, rubdowns, wraps, drinking mineral waters, etc.

Water procedures have a stimulating effect on blood circulation and lymph flow.

Hydrotherapy improves the flow of blood and lymph to the desired areas of the body and improves cellular respiration. Thanks to this, the restoration of tissues and the body as a whole is accelerated.

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy(physical therapy) and gymnastics are doubly useful for diabetics, because when performed regularly lower limbs improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients, muscles are strengthened and joint mobility increases.

10-15 minutes of exercise every day will improve the health and condition of your feet.

Set of exercises:

1.Sit on a chair with your back straight. We squeeze and unclench our toes.

2. Roll your feet along the floor - lift your toes first, then your heels alternately.

3. Raise your toes and make rotational movements with them.

4. Now raise your heels, without lifting your toes from the floor, make circular movements with your heels.

5. Place a newspaper on the floor. Wrinkle it with your toes, then smooth it out and try to tear it into pieces. Grab these pieces of paper with your toes and transfer them to another page of the newspaper. Then roll it into a ball using your toes as well.

Each exercise, except the last one, is done 8-10 times.

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2: physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, procedures

Physiotherapy is additional method treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, it can solve several problems at once: normalize carbohydrate, lipid, mineral, protein metabolism, reduce glycemia, increase the amount of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.

Also, thanks to physiotherapy, the counter-insular effect of non-hormonal and hormonal insulin antagonists is reduced, the circulatory system is stimulated, blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in the body tissues improve.

Such treatment will increase performance, improve sleep, and the general condition of a patient with diabetes. Additionally, you can achieve lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system.


Electrophoresis helps improve the functional state of the islets of Langerhans, which produce insulin. The procedure is performed using the Vermeule technique or transversely in the epigastric region.

The first method of exposure is indicated to improve redox processes and reduce blood sugar levels.

To carry out medicinal electrophoresis, it is necessary to use drugs that:

  1. affect the insular apparatus by normalizing the functions of the adrenal glands;
  2. improve the functions of the pancreas, normalize vascular tone;
  3. take part in the oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates, reduce blood pressure;
  4. help lower blood sugar levels, improve carbohydrate metabolism, and reduce the average intensity of insulinase.

For diabetes, electrophoresis is performed using No-shpa, Novocaine with iodine, Papaverine using the segmental method, 10-12 sessions are required. If the stage of diabetes is moderate or severe, it is necessary to prescribe electrophoresis with a 1% solution of Dibazol or Proserin and a 1% solution of nicotinic acid on the legs.

In the organic stage of angiopathy, such treatment procedures are indicated only for segmental areas. Patients with angiopathy of the lower extremities are treated with Novocaine in the lumbosacral area, which causes reflex vasodilation and a decrease in pain.


Hydrotherapy compares favorably with other methods of therapy due to its accessibility and simplicity. This treatment is well suited for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Typically, medical institutions recommend the following procedures:

  1. baths;
  2. balneotherapy;
  3. treatment with thermal waters;
  4. hydrokinesitherapy;
  5. rubbing, dousing;
  6. bath, sauna.

The essence of treating diabetes with a shower is the beneficial effect on the body of a stream of water at a certain temperature and pressure. The shower can be different: dust, needle, rising, Scottish, rain and so on.

Baths can also be different; the doctor may prescribe a general bath, in which the entire body of the diabetic is immersed in water, but except for the head. Sometimes a local bath is justified, when one part of the body is immersed (arm, leg, pelvis). During the procedure, the water in the bath is always maintained at a certain level of vibration and temperature.

Balneotherapy should be understood as treatment with mineral waters, and hydrokinesitherapy is a set of therapeutic exercises in water and swimming.

Thermal waters (temperature in the range from 37 to 42 degrees), rubbing, dousing (cold water), saunas and baths (hot steam) have a positive effect on the body.

All cooling procedures for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus stimulate the formation and breakdown of cells, leading to normalization of these processes. The hydrotherapeutic effect of low temperature water is ensured by the acceleration of metabolism in the diabetic body, but this effect does not last long.

Physiotherapy gives positive results due to the following mechanisms:

  • increased metabolic processes increase the need for physical activity;
  • Improving the patient’s mood helps revitalize overall metabolism.

When treatment is carried out with warm water, such an effect on the patient’s body does not occur. When carrying out the procedure with high temperature water, which causes overheating, the metabolism also accelerates.

Despite its obvious simplicity, physiotherapy for diabetes can carry certain dangers. For example, it is better not to use hydrotherapy in cases of impaired cerebral or coronary blood supply, advanced hypertension, severe angina, exacerbation of inflammatory diseases, chronic thrombophlebitis, insufficiency of blood supply stage 1-B and higher.

You should know that patients with severe type 2 and type 1 diabetes are strictly prohibited from performing intensive procedures, namely showers:

  1. Charcot;
  2. Scottish;
  3. shower-massage.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with water requires prior consultation with a doctor if the patient suffers from vascular atherosclerosis or during pregnancy.


Comprehensive treatment of diabetes mellitus also involves the use of magnetic therapy; the essence of the procedure is the beneficial effect of the magnetic field on the diabetic’s body. As a rule, magnetic therapy is prescribed to the pancreas area.

On average, the duration of treatment is 10-12 procedures, and after the first 3-5 sessions, a diabetic will notice a persistent decrease in blood glucose levels.

Magnetic therapy is an excellent method of treatment if the patient is diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy, since the magnetic field strengthens blood vessels, relieves pain and has an immunostimulating effect.

Leg inductometry helps combat neuropathy and angiopathy; this method involves the use of a high-frequency magnetic field.

The procedure helps to increase microcirculation of blood and lymph, and improve the condition of diabetics.

Oxygenation, ultrasound

Types 1 and 2 diabetes can be treated with oxygen supplied under high pressure, a technique called oxygenation. The therapy helps to get rid of any types of hypoxia that diabetes patients often encounter.

A full course of oxygenation lasts 10-12 procedures, but according to the observations of doctors, persistent positive dynamics are observed after several sessions (duration from 40 to 60 minutes).

After the course, the patient can count on a significant reduction in the amount of insulin and other vital medications. As you know, in a diabetic, the blood transports oxygen poorly, which results in oxygen starvation:

  • body systems;
  • fabrics;
  • organs.

Oxygen treatment eliminates hypoxia and other consequences of diabetes, the patient's hearing, vision, and blood circulation significantly improve, and the activity of pancreatic cells and other organs is normalized.

Oxygenation involves the consumption of oxygen foam, which is especially useful for obesity, an equally common problem for diabetics. Oxygen cocktails help fight excess weight, since the foam fills the stomach, gives a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating, thereby defeating diabetes.

If you use oxygen foam 2-3 times a day an hour before meals, your well-being will improve much faster. The treatment course can last from 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the diabetes mellitus disease.

Physiotherapy may include the use of ultrasound treatment, which also causes a hypoglycemic effect. Ultrasound is applied to the area of ​​the pancreas; sessions are carried out every day for 10 days.

If the liver is affected, a diabetic will experience:

  1. improvement of carbohydrate metabolism indicators;
  2. normalization of blood circulation in the liver.

Ultrasound is good for use in severe diabetes, when diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed.

In this case, there is a need to increase the course of treatment to 12 procedures.

Acupuncture, plasmapheresis, ozone therapy

It is impossible to overestimate the physiotherapeutic effect of acupuncture for diabetic neuropathy, thanks to the procedure the following occurs:

  • improvement of nerve conduction;
  • increased sensitivity of the limbs;
  • reduction of pain syndrome.

When problems with blood sugar are accompanied by septic complications and renal failure, the diabetic is recommended to undergo a course of plasmapheresis. This procedure helps cleanse the blood; the patient’s blood plasma is replaced with special substances.

During ozone therapy for diabetes, the permeability of cell walls to glucose increases, which reduces hyperglycemia. Ozone will improve the metabolism of sugar in red blood cells, as a result, the tissues will receive much more oxygen, and hypoxia will be eliminated over time.

This treatment method helps prevent dangerous complications:

  1. arthropathy;
  2. angiopathy;
  3. neuropathy.

In addition, the diabetic receives an immunomodulatory effect. Everyone knows that with type 1 diabetes, patients are predisposed to inflammatory processes and chronic infections due to weak immune defenses. For this reason, ozone therapy is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of type 1 diabetes. The video in this article will continue the topic of treating diabetes with physical therapy.

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Physiotherapeutic treatment for diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapeutic procedures for diabetes mellitus are often prescribed, since they simultaneously solve several problems - normalize all metabolic processes, reduce glycemia and increase the number of immunoreactive insulin. But most importantly, the counter-insular effects of drugs can be reduced.

About physiotherapy methods for diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapy involves physiological effects on the body through physical factors, natural and artificial. The first includes treatment with water, air, sunlight and heat. The second - electric current, magnetic field, etc. The use of hardware physiotherapy contributes to the following:

  • restoration of carbohydrate, fat, protein and other metabolisms;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • acceleration of blood circulation and microcirculation;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalization of immunoreactive insulin;
  • anesthesia;
  • improving the effect of medications.

You can learn about the positive effects and harms of physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus from the video provided:

A wide variety of methods are used for physiotherapy - magnetic therapy, paraffin, Sollux lamp, ultraviolet or infrared radiation, barotherapy, hydrotherapy and much more. But the most popular method is electrophoresis, which uses medications.

There are a number of features of physiotherapeutic procedures for diabetes mellitus of the 1st or 2nd type. For example, drugs must act exclusively through the skin or mucous membranes. Electrical impulses or ultrasound make it possible to influence the diabetic’s body in the best way.

Electrophoresis - features

Electrophoresis can improve the performance of the islets of Langerhans, which produce insulin. The procedure is carried out using different methods. Medicines, along with electric current, have the following effect:

  • restoration of adrenal activity;
  • improving the functionality of the entire pancreas;
  • restoration of tone in blood vessels;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • normalization of oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates;
  • decreased glucose levels;
  • acceleration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • decreased insulinase intensity.

For physiotherapeutic procedures, “No-spa”, “Dibazol”, “Iodized Novocaine”, “Prozerin”, “Papaverine”, “Nicotinic acid”, “Heparin”, vitamins, etc. are used. The choice of drug depends on the type of complication, the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the diabetic’s body.

There are different types of electrophoresis:

  1. With zinc it is used to restore the islet of Langerhans.
  2. Calcium lowers glucose levels. 12 sessions are enough.
  3. Nicotinic acid improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Number of procedures – maximum 12.
  4. Magnesium with Papaverine is used for serious pathological abnormalities in the liver. There are 15 sessions.
  5. Copper stimulates blood circulation and accelerates metabolism in tissues. Reduces blood sugar and improves oxidative and reduction processes.
  6. Potassium helps replenish this microelement in case of various complications. In addition, with diabetes, potassium is excreted in large quantities with frequent urination, so its deficiency is always felt.
  7. Magnesium removes harmful cholesterol, accelerates carbohydrate metabolism and activates enzymes.
  8. Iodine with Novocaine anesthetizes.
  9. Sodium thiosulfate is used for polyneuropathy.

Electrophoresis is performed in the area of ​​the collar and pancreas.


Magnetotherapy involves the influence of a magnetic field on metabolic processes. Most often, the procedure is prescribed in the presence of diabetic foot and neuropathy. The main properties of magnetic therapy include the following:

  • strengthening the circulatory system;
  • anesthesia;
  • decreased blood glucose;
  • trophicregulatory action;
  • immunostimulating effect.

For treatment, 10-12 procedures are sufficient. The peculiarity is that sugar levels drop after the 4th session. Magnetic therapy affects the pancreas. But when treating the lower extremities, magnetic therapy called inductometry is used (a high-frequency magnetic field is used).

Features of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy, also known as hydrotherapy, is characterized by its simplicity and the use of natural physiological factors. It is used for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Procedures can be carried out in different ways:

  • taking a bath;
  • shower procedure;
  • through balneotherapy;
  • use of thermal water;
  • dousing and rubbing;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • through hydrokinesitherapy.

The main essence of the treatment is the effect on the body of a stream of water having a certain temperature and pressure. If a diabetic is prescribed a shower, then the water stream can be needle-shaped, dusty, rainy, or ascending.

A bath involves immersing the entire body in water, up to the neck or just one part of the torso. A specific vibration is created in the bathroom. In balneotherapy, mineral waters are used, and in hydrokinesitherapy, the patient must perform certain exercises in water.

During the hydrotherapy process, all metabolic processes are accelerated, new cells are produced and the need to activate movements increases. In addition, your mood improves, your immune system strengthens, and your blood circulation accelerates. Feature - only cold or hot water is used, since warm water is not capable of having a similar effect on the body.

There are a number of contraindications - impaired blood circulation in the coronary vessels and the circulatory system of the brain, advanced hypertension, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis and acute inflammatory processes. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to take a Charcot shower, a massage shower or a Scottish one.

Oxygenation and ultrasound

Oxygenation is considered an effective and popular method, along with electrophoresis. The basis of treatment is the use of high-pressure oxygen. One procedure lasts a maximum of an hour, 12 sessions are required. A special feature is that you can consume oxygen cocktails, which further improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often prescribed for type 1 diabetes. Oxygenation promotes:

  • improving visual acuity;
  • eliminating hypoxia;
  • reducing the administered dose of insulin;
  • weight loss for diabetics who are obese;
  • improving the activity of the pancreas;
  • replenishing oxygen in the blood, tissues and cells;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • acceleration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • strengthening the body.

The ultrasound treatment method also applies to the physiotherapeutic procedure. Ultrasound is applied directly to the pancreas, which leads to a hypoglycemic effect. The number of sessions is 10-12. It is especially important to prescribe ultrasound for diabetic retinopathy, as it has a positive effect on the liver. Ultrasound therapy reduces blood sugar levels, improves carbohydrate metabolism, and accelerates blood circulation.

Plasmapheresis, acupuncture and ozone therapy

Plasmapheresis is used for kidney disease and other septic complications. The procedure involves purifying the blood from various types of pathological products. This is a kind of filtration in which the blood plasma is removed from a diabetic, purified in the laboratory and returned to the body. At the same time, toxic deposits, toxins, etc. are destroyed, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

Acupuncture improves nerve conduction, which is especially important for diabetes, relieves pain and increases sensitivity in the lower extremities. This procedure involves the use of acupressure, acupuncture and acupuncture.

Ozone therapy makes it possible to increase the permeability of cell walls for sugar, while reducing hyperglycemia. Metabolic processes of glucose in red blood cells are accelerated, tissues are supplied with oxygen and hypoxia is eliminated. Prevents the development of complications - neuropathy, angiopathy and arthropathy.

Physiotherapy for type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin dependence. Insulin allows cells to open for glucose to enter from the bloodstream, causing insulin to convert sugar into fat. In addition, insulin prevents lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of adipose tissue in a natural way.

Therefore, the higher the level of insulin in the blood, the more obese a person becomes. That is why it is important for type 1 diabetes to combine diet and physical therapy. The fact is that physiotherapeutic procedures help accelerate metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss. And diabetics cannot do without insulin. Therefore, the interaction of physical therapy and drug treatment is necessary.

Along with this, you need to do physical exercise. Together, these measures increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin and also speed up the process of supplying sugar to the cells. This makes it possible to reduce the dosage of administered insulin.

Physiotherapy for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes does not require insulin, but diabetics take antihyperglycemic drugs. In order to reduce their dose and minimize it, it is necessary to use physical therapy, as it helps reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, accelerate carbohydrate metabolism and produce natural insulin. Among other things, physiotherapeutic procedures will prevent the development of many complications and prevent the transition from type 2 to type 1.

You need to know that physiotherapeutic procedures are completely painless and effective. To carry them out, a diabetic will need a referral from the attending doctor, as this guarantees complete safety. The fact is that today many different physiotherapy devices are sold for home use. But under certain factors, procedures can be harmful. That is why the appointment is carried out by a specialist.

What methods of physiotherapy are effective for diabetes mellitus

Is physiotherapy useful for diabetes?

Each of the diabetics sooner or later comes to restore the body with the help of physiotherapy. It represents types of non-drug treatment that are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the insular apparatus and enhancing the sugar-lowering effect of insulin in pomegranate. We are also talking about the more serious influence of sulfonamides and biguanides - thus, physiotherapy is also effective in the treatment of complications.

About methods

There are a fairly large number of physical therapy methods: from hyperbaric blood oxygenation and oxygen foam to electrophoresis with zinc chloride. All these methods, as well as special baking, are also used in the treatment of not only type 1 and type 2 diabetes itself. In addition, they perform well in diseases of such organs and systems of the body that accompany diabetes, such as:

  • liver;
  • bile ducts (grapes are useful);
  • joints;
  • peripheral nervous system.

In addition to therapeutic mud, other coolants are actively used, which are characterized by significant heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. We are talking about peat, paraffin, ozokerite, as well as clay and sand jam. The indications for their subsequent use are the same as for treatment with mud; it is in connection with this that thermal treatment is most suitable for those patients who are faced with persistently compensated forms of the described illness. They also go well with balneotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, it is desirable that the number of any procedures, including thermal ones, should not exceed 10-12 and avoid alcohol.

Water treatments for diabetes

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus is determined by many nuances, which, in turn, depend not only on the health status of the diabetic, but also on the specific type of procedures performed.

For example, fresh baths at temperatures from 34 to 38 degrees have a positive effect on the course of the disease. At the same time, it is important to remember that hot water procedures (more than 40 degrees) can significantly aggravate the condition of each diabetic, so their use is strictly prohibited. This point should be remembered by everyone who is involved in independent prevention or compensation of diabetes.

Almost all types of showers are effective for diabetes:

  1. Charcot;
  2. Scottish;
  3. circular;
  4. rain;
  5. perineal;
  6. underwater shower-massage.

Scottish showers are also used for a variety of problems. We can talk not only about atonic constipation, but also lumbosacral radiculitis.

If we talk about underwater shower massage, then it has a resolving effect and is most effective when muscle problems appear, that is, myositis.

For all other types of showers, you should definitely consult with a specialist who will determine how advisable their use is.

About oxygen foam

How to prepare oxygen foam?

Given the fairly large number of physical therapy methods, it is quite difficult to cover them all, so it is necessary to focus on the key ones. These include treatment with oxygen foam. It has a positive effect on metabolism in general, as well as on stabilizing body weight. In order to prepare oxygen foam, special infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are used. This can be an infusion of rosehip or an oat-based decoction.

The white of a chicken egg is added to this mixture and beaten. This is done in the following proportion: add the white of one egg to two liters of liquid. After which the prepared mixture is foamed, for this it is necessary to pass oxygen through it using a special apparatus.

Drink oxygen foam twice or three times a day one hour before meals in such a volume that would cause a lasting feeling of satiety. The treatment course of this oxygen foam should be from three to six months.

About hyperbaric oxygen therapy

This procedure is an action in which the diabetic:

  • placed in a specific device;
  • at the same time, increased atmospheric pressure is formed in it;
  • The oxygen ratio in the air should be higher than the standard level.

As is known, in the case of diabetes mellitus, the ability of the blood to transport oxygen is significantly reduced. As a result, increasing oxygen starvation of tissues is noted. This physiotherapeutic procedure helps to increase the oxygen ratio in the blood, makes the degree of tissue sensitivity to the hormone much greater and normalizes everything related to metabolism in the human body.

The presented procedure copes well with the treatment of even the most serious complications of diabetes. It is advisable to carry out at least 10-15 sessions for a complete course of treatment. The duration of each session should be at least 40-60 minutes.

It is also worth noting such types of physiotherapy as ultrasound-type stimulation of the pancreas.

It is carried out every day, and the treatment course should be equal to 10 procedures. Such an effect on the area of ​​the pancreas makes it possible to improve the production of insulin.

Thus, as part of the treatment of diabetes mellitus, a variety of physiotherapy methods are used, which turn out to be extremely effective if they are applied correctly and in a timely manner.

Physiotherapy is a set of methods for treating various diseases using physical factors (current, exposure to air, light, magnetic radiation, heat, water, etc.).

In medicine, the use of physiotherapy is actively spreading, and the methods themselves are constantly being improved. There are many methods of physiotherapy that have a beneficial effect on local problem areas and on the entire body.

The most popular methods of physiotherapy are:

  • Magnetherapy,
  • SMT physiotherapy.
  • Heat therapy,
  • Electrophoresis,
  • Phototherapy.
  • amplipulse,
  • galvanization,
  • darsonval,
  • UHF, etc.

2) Blood purification:

  • Ozone therapy,
  • Plasmapheresis.

3) Ultrasound therapy.

4) Magnetic therapy.

5) Laser therapy.

6) Vacuum therapy.

7) Acupuncture.

Techniques used

Hardware physiotherapy for diabetes is an additional tool in the complex treatment of the disease, which helps solve the following problems:

  • Help normalize carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism in the body.
  • Reduce glycemic levels and increase the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.
  • Reduce the effects of insulin antagonists by stimulating blood circulation and improving metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Relieve pain from complications of diabetes mellitus - angiopathy, etc.

These procedures are considered painless and do not cause allergies or other side effects.

In the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a number of physical therapy methods are used.


Patients are often prescribed electrophoresis for type 1 diabetes - incl. using zinc, copper, potassium.


Comprehensive treatment of diabetes includes the use of. The essence of the therapy is the positive effect of the magnetic field on metabolism. Diabetics are often prescribed magnetotherapy to the pancreas area.

An approximate course of treatment lasts 10-12 sessions, and after the first 3-5 sessions, patients experience a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Magnetic therapy is an effective method of physiotherapy for neuropathy. The fact is that the magnetic field gives an analgesic, immunostimulating effect, strengthens blood vessels and has a trophic-regulatory effect.

Taking oxygen cocktails promotes weight loss, as the foam fills the stomach, makes the patient feel full, and the patient eats less.


This method of physiotherapy is effective for neuropathy, since after a course of acupuncture, nerve conduction improves, sensitivity of the legs and limbs increases, and pain goes away. Read more about the benefits of the technique.

Measures used include acupressure, acupuncture (including laser and electroacupuncture), acupuncture, etc.


If diabetes mellitus is accompanied by renal failure and septic complications, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis. This is a blood purification procedure in which the patient's blood plasma is removed and replaced with special substitutes.

Read more about the method of blood cleansing, its features, price, benefits and contraindications.

Ozone therapy

The use of medical ozone in ozone therapy for diabetes makes it possible to increase the permeability of cell walls to glucose, which reduces. Ozone improves glucose metabolism in red blood cells. As a result of this treatment, more oxygen enters the tissues and hypoxia goes away.

Treating diabetes with ozone prevents the development of complications such as neuropathy, angiopathy, and arthropathy.

In addition, ozone has an immunomodulatory effect. As is known, with type 1 diabetes, patients are prone to chronic infections and inflammation due to weak immunity. Therefore, ozone treatment is one of the effective methods of physiotherapy for type 1 diabetes.

Ozone therapy increases performance, improves sleep and the general condition of diabetics. Patients experience a decrease in blood glucose levels and a strengthened immune system.


The complex of physiotherapeutic methods also includes hydrotherapy (). This includes douches, showers, rubdowns, wraps, drinking mineral waters, etc.

Water procedures have a stimulating effect on blood circulation and lymph flow.

Hydrotherapy improves the flow of blood and lymph to the desired areas of the body and improves cellular respiration. Thanks to this, the restoration of tissues and the body as a whole is accelerated.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy (physical therapy) and gymnastics are doubly useful for diabetics, because When performed regularly, the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the lower extremities improves, muscles are strengthened, and joint mobility increases.

10-15 minutes of exercise every day will improve the health and condition of your feet.

Set of exercises:

1.Sit on a chair with your back straight. We squeeze and unclench our toes.

2. Roll your feet along the floor - lift your toes first, then your heels alternately.

3. Raise your toes and make rotational movements with them.

4. Now raise your heels, without lifting your toes from the floor, make circular movements with your heels.

5. Place a newspaper on the floor. Wrinkle it with your toes, then smooth it out and try to tear it into pieces. Grab these pieces of paper with your toes and transfer them to another page of the newspaper. Then roll it into a ball using your toes as well.

Each exercise, except the last one, is done 8-10 times.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs