Foot massage to improve immunity. How to strengthen immunity - Eastern practices

According to the materials of the V Russian Congress “ Modern technologies in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery”, held in Moscow, among the drugs most often prescribed by doctors to children in the first year of life are immunomodulators (drugs that stimulate the immune system). And this is bad, because it is known that in the first year of life the child’s immune system is just beginning to form, and any external influence can lead to unpredictable consequences. According to the same congress, there is not a single placebo-controlled study of immunomodulators. Therefore, you should not rely on these drugs if you want to boost your child’s immunity.

There are other, non-drug ways to boost a child’s immunity

1. Hardening

Hardening is best started in infancy (from 1.5-2 months) and should be done at any age. The following procedures are effective.

Walking barefoot. Let your child walk barefoot on the floor, gradually increasing the time. Walking barefoot on the grass is especially beneficial. After this, put on dry shoes and make the child run.

Washing the feet. The procedure is best done daily before bed. The initial water temperature is -20 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 seconds. Then, every 3-4 days, reduce the water temperature by 1 degree. When the child gets used to washing, you can increase the duration of the procedure to 2 minutes. In the future, use cold tap water. Then move on to foot baths.

Foot baths. Place your baby in a bath of cool water. During this procedure, the child must step from foot to foot. You can use contrast baths. The child’s feet are alternately immersed in warm (37 degrees) and cool (20 degrees) water. Gradually increase the temperature hot water up to 42 degrees, lower the temperature cold water up to 15 degrees. After 3-4 changes of water, wipe the baby's feet dry.

Gargling with cold water. This procedure should be performed in the morning while washing and in the evening before bed. You need to start rinsing with water at approximately 22 degrees, gradually lowering the temperature every week by 1 degree.

2. Acupressure to boost immunity according to the Umanskaya method

The massage is simple and effective and has no contraindications. Research conducted by A.A. Umanskaya showed that when using acupressure in the body, self-regulation of the production of a number of biologically active substances: interferon, complement, lysozyme, etc. Massage the following points.

1 - In the middle of the sternum, at the level of attachment of the 5th rib.

2 – In the center of the jugular cavity of the sternum

3 – In the groove at the point where the brow ridges meet

Symmetrical points:

4 – At the level of the top edge thyroid cartilage, at the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

5 – At the anterior edge of the auricle cartilage, at the level of the intertragal notch

6 – In the middle of the distance between the nasolabial fold and the middle of the wing of the nose

7 – On back side hand, at the top of the muscle roll formed when the thumb is brought to the index finger

8 – In the recess formed occipital bone, closer to the spine You need to massage the points with the pads of your thumb, index or middle finger with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, 4-5 seconds in each direction. Start the massage with light pressure, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact. Massage is recommended to be carried out daily, and after contact with a patient with an acute respiratory infection or when the first signs of the disease appear, a so-called pecking massage is performed. To do this, press the point with a rotational motion until appearance of mild pain for 2 seconds, then for 1 second, the finger is lifted from the skin and then pressed again for 1-2 seconds.

You can put a piece of onion or garlic on point 7 and secure it with a band-aid. Keep for several hours.

Do not use immunostimulating drugs (interferon, viferon, thymogen, etc.) without a preliminary immunological examination of the child. Usually the doctor prescribes immunological study blood, which allows you to detect the defective link, after which treatment is prescribed. Otherwise, you can only increase the imbalance in the child’s immune system.

Herbal medicine to boost immunity

To increase immunity, traditional medicine recommends the following medicinal preparations.

Collection 1 to increase immunity.

Elecampane – part 1

Elderberry - 2 parts

Licorice (root) – 1 part

Raspberry leaf – 4 parts.

Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into 150 ml of water, bring to a boil, cook for 1 minute over low heat. Cool, strain. Drink warm before meals 2-3 times a day for 1 month.

Collect 2 to raise immunity>

Air – 1 part

Oregano - 2 parts

Viburnum leaf – 4 parts

Coltsfoot 2 parts

Raspberry leaf – 4 parts.

Brew 4 tablespoons as tea in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool, strain. Drink in 2-3 doses. Course - 1 month.

It is very useful to drink rosehip infusion instead of tea. It is prepared like this: brew 100 grams of berries in a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 6-8 hours.

The question “How to strengthen the immune system?” worries almost everyone. If you have good immunity, then no disease will “break through”, the body will cope with it at the first sign.

For oriental medicine a different approach is typical. It is believed that the body will cope with all adversities if there is a sufficient level of qi and blood and the patency of all meridians and collaterals is ensured.

There are biologically active points on the meridians, by influencing which you can control the production and movement of qi and blood. There are areas on the body where biological accumulation occurs. active points, are formed biologically active zones.

There are 9 main zones that control the body.

The figure shows these zones.

Research in these zones was carried out by A.A. Umanskaya. and are given in her book “The Shield from All Diseases”.

In this article I will give you general information about nine zones, without detailing the role of each zone.

Why these particular zones?

The choice fell on them, since it is in these areas that the control centers for hematopoiesis, qi energy, and the nervous system of the body are located.

These structures govern immunity, metabolism, intelligence, etc.

If you constantly maintain these zones in working condition, they will correctly regulate the functioning of the entire body and quickly restore any disturbances in the functioning of organs.

For greatest effect this practice must be followed additional procedures to cleanse the nasopharynx, for example, with salt water, use yoga asanas to strengthen the throat () and other procedures.

Of course, the healing process does not happen instantly, but requires your daily participation. For complete deliverance many diseases require 3 years of daily use (from the practice of Umanskaya A.A.).

Our body is a self-regulating and self-healing system, and influencing 9 zones will allow us to start the self-healing mechanism if it has failed.

All zones are located in upper half of the body, mostly in the front, which makes it easier to access them for self-massage. Thanks to this, massage can be done at any time, anywhere.

What will a 9 zone massage give you?

  • Boosting immunity.
  • Getting rid of many acute and chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • Restoring the functioning of the brain, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relief from tinnitus and hearing loss.
  • Prevention of many diseases: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, autoimmune diseases, as well as just a feeling of health and joy of life.

How to strengthen the immune system - features of massage

1. The zones must be affected in the order in which they are shown in the figure. We start with the first zone, then the second and so on. The sequence is very important, as the body systems are activated one after another. First, the hematopoietic function starts, and then the controls turn on immune system.

2. It is necessary to influence all 9 zones, without skipping any of them, otherwise you will not get the full effect. Imagine that 9 zones are 9 letters in the word “immunity”. If you rearrange or skip letters, what happens? Or grammatical errors, or complete nonsense. The meaning will be lost. Same with massage.

3. How to influence zones? First, apply pressure to the skin in the designated area with one or more fingers (the pads of your fingers). If you use this practice for prevention, you can apply light pressure, if for medicinal purposes, then apply stronger pressure. To do this, find the most sensitive (painful) point or area in the selected area. Then start making rotational movements as if you were screwing something. 9 times in one direction (clockwise), then nine times in the other (counterclockwise).

4. Act on zone 3 (the carotid artery zone) carefully, without pressing hard, so as not to block the blood flow.

5. Act on zone 4 only from top to bottom. Massage of 4-6 zones is discussed in detail in the article:

6. Zones located symmetrically can be affected with both hands simultaneously or in turn - as is convenient for you.

7. Remember that you are not just doing a massage, but turning on the body’s remote control, so the procedure lasts for each point much less than with a regular acupressure massage. Count while pressing at this pace: “One-and-two, one-and-two...”. This is exactly the frequency at which the autonomic nervous system operates.

8. If the points are very painful when pressed, then reduce the intensity. No need to torture yourself!

9.You can influence biologically active zones not only with your fingers, but with the help of a wooden stick, pencil, etc. But there’s still nothing better than fingers, because it’s the touch itself that heals! You can also influence the zones mentally, if for some reason it is not possible to act with your hands. There is an example that a climber buried under an avalanche was saved in this way. When rescuers dug him out, he said that all this time he mentally massaged 9 zones so as not to fall asleep and freeze.

10. Useful to rub into biologically active areas irritating ointments, type Vietnamese balm“Star”, stick pepper patch, draw iodine nets, attach copper plates.

11. When working on areas, think about the health benefits you want to receive. For example, “My intestinal activity is normalizing,” “My heart is beating evenly and calmly,” etc., always in a positive way. If you say “I’m not sick,” then the Universe will not hear the “no” particle; it’s correct to say: “I’m absolutely healthy.”

obvious to anyone who was there. A massage session calms you down, reduces anxiety and even helps you sleep better at night. Now a new study suggests that massage may even help prevent disease.

Study Details

In a study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, the authors recruited 53 healthy adults aged 18 to 45 and divided them into two groups: one received traditional Swedish massage, and the other received light touch sessions that simulated massage, but without the actual use of any massage therapy methods. Swedish massage were performed by certified massage therapists to ensure consistency. Levels of various hormones and immune markers were measured at different intervals in each participant.

The authors operated under the theory that massage increases the body's levels of oxytocin, or the "love hormone," which itself helps regulate stress-related hormones. However, they found that this was not the case. People receiving "light touch" actually experienced more high level oxytocin than those who received a massage. But unlike " lung groups touch", those receiving massage significantly decreased the level of stress hormones and increased production in the body various cells, which enhance the immune system's response.

One massage session can improve your immune system and help you cope better with stress, even if you are not sick or stressed. "I'm really intrigued by our data," says Mark Hyman Rapoport, Dr. medical sciences, professor and chair of the departments of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, adding that he was "an incredible skeptic about the benefits of massage before doing this study. I always wondered why so many people claim to feel better." after the massage," he says. "We found that biological changes occur in just one massage session, and that even healthy people can benefit from these changes."

While this may already be enough for most people, Dr. Rapoport also says his results may help increase the use of massage in folk medicine. Great news for those looking for more options to treat their ailments. "Based on survey data, most Americans would rather go to an alternative practitioner than a doctor and would rather have an alternative to traditional medical care", he says. Several massage studies suggest that the treatment may be beneficial for people suffering from wide range immune system disorders. Thus, a weekly massage is good for the body and mind.

Taking care of your child's health- is priority for every parent, and its implementation begins with strengthening the immune system.

If a child in the first three years before kindergarten was practically not sick with anything, this causes serious concern among immunologists - it means that he was isolated from life, and this will later “come back to haunt him” with more serious illnesses and complications after them. The child simply needs training of the immune system. Another thing is that childhood illnesses should not last long and have a “bouquet” of subsequent complications.

If children get sick early and preschool age- this is normal, in this way they seem to train their immune system to fight harmful effects environment(these are viruses, bacteria, some antigens). You should start worrying about decreased immunity when your pediatrician or immunologist has assigned your child to the group “frequently or long-term ill children”.

Currently, this category includes children suffering from acute respiratory infections:

- under the age of 1 year more than 4 times a year,

- aged 1 to 5 years - 5-6 per year,

- at an older age - more than 4 diseases per year.

Many people take vitamins, eat vegetables, play sports, and follow healthy image life. Vitamins are a useful thing, but that’s not all that can be done for a child’s immunity.

strengthens child immunity

To increase the child's immunity, use
yayut Eleutherococcus extract.

Eleutherococcuseffective remedy for prevention infectious diseases. Medical scientists say that consuming its extract reduces the likelihood of developingThe incidence of infectious diseases in children is 2-3 times.

Liquid can be given to children from 2 years old, with water in the number of drops equal to the child’s age (2 year old child – 2 drops, 3 year old child – 3 drops per dose). The last dose of the drug should be no later than 18 hours, 15 or 20 minutes before meals, at least three times a day.

For preventive purposes, the following course is recommended: a month - take, a month - break. This treatment must be carried out at least three times a year. Use according to this scheme will significantly increase the immunity of a weakened child.

Beneficial properties of Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus contains almost all the substances that are found in ginseng, which is why it is sometimes called “ Siberian ginseng" This plant has the ability to increase stamina and increase performance levels. It is used to improve body tone and as a tonic. Also Eleutherococcus improves performance nervous system, relieves symptoms of overwork and improves not only mental, but also physical activity body.

There are several dosage forms preparations from this plant: creams, dragees, tablets, syrup or tincture of eleutherococcus.

In almost every pharmacy you can find " Syrup with Eleutherococcus natural". The syrup has a tonic and tonic. How to use: take 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day as an addition to tea or other drinks.

Drink this drug in the first half of the day so as not to cause insomnia, increased blood pressure, or excessive agitation.

Application of Eleutherococcus

Can be cooked healthy drink, which will increase child immunity. Take 2/3 cup of water, add 1 tsp. honey and Eleutherococcus extract. We take as many drops of Eleutherococcus as the child is old. We take it only in the morning or at lunch.

After a preventive course aimed at increasing the immunity of a weakened child, his body’s resistance to infections is maintained for two months due to the production of interferon by the immune system.

Pediatricians often prescribe Eleutherococcus children with thymomegaly, as well as children attending nurseries preschool institutions, where the risk of infectious diseases is extremely high.

Unlike antibiotics, Eleutherococcus does not pose a danger to the child's health.

Contraindications for the use of Eleutherococcus

No matter how wonderful tincture of eleutherococcus, there are still contraindications. So, people suffering from chronic hypertension, insomnia, and arrhythmias should not use the extract. Patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction are better off looking for alternative treatment.

If any alarming symptoms the drug should be discontinued. It is worth consulting with a specialist.

Acupressure increases child immunity

There are quite a few methods of hardening using acupressure, but the most effective is the method of Candidate of Medical Sciences A.A. Umanskaya.

The essence of the method is to use your fingers on 9 bioactive point zones on the baby’s body. These points, like buttons on a remote control, control the entire body.

During a finger massage, the receptors of the skin, fingers, muscles, tendons are irritated, impulses from which pass simultaneously to the brain and spinal cord, and from there the command is received to start working various bodies person. Massage increases protective properties membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs.

Point 1 is the area of ​​the entire sternum, which is connected to the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and bone marrow. Massaging this point reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

Point 2 - associated with the mucous membrane lower sections pharynx, larynx, as well as the thymus (thymus gland), which regulates immune functions body.

Point 3 - associated with special formations that control chemical composition blood and at the same time increasing the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Massaging this point improves blood circulation, metabolism, and hormone production.

Point 4 - associated with the mucous membrane back wall pharynx, larynx and upper cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massage of this point activates blood supply to the head, neck, and torso.

Point 5 - located in the area of ​​the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. It is connected to the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly, to the lower cervical sympathetic nerve ganglion. Massage of this point helps to normalize the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, and lungs.

Point 6 is connected to the anterior and middle lobes of the pituitary gland. Massage of this point improves blood supply to the nasal mucosa, maxillary cavities, and most importantly the pituitary gland. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

Point 7 - associated with the mucous membrane of the ethmoid formations of the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses, as well as with the frontal parts of the brain. Massaging this point improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane upper sections nasal cavity, as well as areas eyeball and frontal regions of the brain. Vision improves and mental development is stimulated.

Point 8 - massage of this point, located in the area of ​​the ear tragus, has a positive effect on the organ of hearing and the vestibular apparatus.

Point 9 - massage of this zone on the hands normalizes many body functions, because man's hands through cervical regions spinal cord and certain areas of the cortex cerebral hemispheres connected to all of the above points.

Order of influence

You need to start the massage from the first zone, and then sequentially massage individual areas in accordance with the numbering.

You need to massage the points with the pads of your thumb, index or middle finger with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, 4-5 seconds in each direction. In this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the impact.

In the area of ​​the third and fourth zones you need to massage differently. To do this, make rubbing movements with your fingers from top to bottom from the back to the front of the neck. In symmetrical zones, you can operate with both hands at the same time.

Having warmed up all areas well and spent only 3-4 minutes on massage, you will quickly mobilize protective forces The child has. If the baby feels pain in one of the zones during the massage, this indicates trouble in the body.

For example, if increased pain sensitivity noted in the area of ​​the first zone, this indicates “breakdowns” in the hematopoietic system; if in the area of ​​the second zone there is a problem with immunity, etc. So it needs to be repeated this procedure every half hour until the pain goes away.

How many times a day should you massage?

For the prevention and improvement of the body, it is advisable to do such a massage in the morning, afternoon and evening - at least every 5-6 hours, and as often as possible during the period acute stage diseases. In the morning, to quickly activate the body, you should provide more strong pressure to zones. Before going to bed, the effect should be carried out with light, calm movements.

Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, i.e. every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency.

Foot massage increases child immunity

The next way to increase child immunity- this is a foot massage

To do this, we take sand, pebbles or expanded clay. Pour into different basins. Walk in each basin for 1-2 minutes. You can buy a special mat with bulges, or make it yourself. Glue various pebbles onto a regular rug.

Stop, or even just walk barefoot on sand, grass or pebbles - good remedy strengthening the immune system.

Children who walk barefoot experience significant immune restoration. This occurs due to the fact that on the sole of a person’s feet there is a large number of active points, the stimulation of which significantly increases immunity.

Acupressure according to the system of Professor Alla Umanskaya - important way maintaining the internal stability of body systems.

This form of self-regulation is used for control and prevention Acute respiratory infections and influenza, helps restore and normalize body functions, and provides assistance during the rehabilitation period.

For massage no special skills required. It can be used by any person age category and any level of physical fitness.

Bioactive point areas on the human body are unique levers for controlling the entire body. The essence of Dr. Umanskaya’s method is stimulation of nine active points through the fingers.

During an acupressure session, the receptors of the skin, muscles and muscle ligaments, fingers are subject to irritation.

As a result, the impulses emanating from them enter the spinal cord and brain, promoting intensification of activities all organs and systems.

Massage procedure strengthens protective properties of organs respiratory system: lungs, nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and larynx. When exposed to points in the body, an important link in the defense of the immune system begins to be produced - interferon. It is formed by blood cells and is a natural antiviral defense.

Nine biologically active zones

Professor Umanskaya’s technique implies pressure on nine main points, each of which is responsible for the functions of a specific organ:

  • Zone 1. Located in the area chest(middle). Stimulation of the point enhances protective role respiratory membranes: nasopharynx, trachea, larynx. It is especially recommended to treat this area during severe coughing.
  • Zone 2. The jugular recess is located on the front of the neck under the larynx. The area is responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Pressure on the point helps normalize the activity of the thymus ( thymus gland) and improve the quality of its work.
  • Zone 3. Located on the front plane of the neck. To detect the points, you need to place two fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple, clearly feeling the pulse. Raise your fingers up 1 cm - these are the points of zone 3. Impact on the area improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.
  • Zone 4. Concentrated at the top posterior region neck, behind the ear slightly above the lobe. Activation of zone 4 points increases blood flow in the head and neck.
  • Zone 5. Located between the first thoracic vertebra and the seventh cervical. You can find points in the following way: tilt your head forward and feel the protruding vertebra (7th cervical) on the back of the neck. The distance between this vertebra and the next one is zone 5. Point massage gives healing effect in the form of improving blood circulation and brain activity, relieving ear, head and neck pain. Helps relieve inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Zone 6. It is located in the nasal region along the edges of the convex lateral surfaces of the nose, above the fang teeth. Stimulation of the zone improves the functioning of the nasal mucosa, maxillary sinuses and the lower cerebral appendage - the pituitary gland.
  • Zone 7. Located just below the beginning of eyebrow growth. Pressure on the points normalizes functioning frontal lobes brain and nasal mucosa.
  • Zone 8. Focused on auricle, in the area of ​​the cartilaginous protrusion. Responsible for the activity of the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus.
  • Zone 9. Located in the area of ​​the hands. If you press it to your palm thumb, then on the upper part of the protrusion that appears there will be a bioactive point of zone 9, responsible for vital important systems body (for example, the brain).

Conducting acupressure according to the method of Dr. Umanskaya, you should know it basic moments:

  • Point stimulation must be carried out consistently, starting from the first zone and ending with the ninth.
  • Changing point zones during massage leads to incomplete results from classes. Each system of the body must be activated at its own time in order to affect other systems and organs.
  • Massage movements are performed with the fingertips and are of a screwing (rotational) nature: 9 times clockwise and 9 counterclockwise. It is necessary to make an equal number of movements in both directions. The duration of pressure on each point is 18–20 seconds.
  • Symmetrical points (3, 4, 6, 7, 8) need to be stimulated simultaneously.
  • When massaging 1st zone The pads of four fingers are used simultaneously.
  • When stimulated 4th zone A different technique is used - stroking from top to bottom.

Attention! During acupressure of the 2nd zone, the pressure should be light. It is necessary to influence the 3rd zone weakly with extreme caution - the carotid artery is located there.

Frequency of stimulation of biologically active points

For the overall health of the body and for prevention purposes, it is necessary to influence bioactive zones 5-6 times a day. During acute stage diseases, it is recommended to increase the frequency of stimulation.

Massage of acupressure zones should be carried out daily. You should not interrupt even for a couple of days, as the effectiveness of the procedure may decrease. If you do not have enough free time, it is better to reduce the frequency of massage from 6 times to 1-2 than not do it at all.

Umanskaya’s technique does not guarantee an immediate effect. The result will only appear when performed regularly depending on the individual characteristics body. Often, massage begins to have a beneficial effect after 1-2 months of use; for others it may take longer.


To strengthen the immune system, Professor Umanskaya recommends Perform daily medical and health procedures to improve the health of the body:

  • Sanitation of the oral cavity and pharynx in the form of rinsing and washing.
  • Nasal sanitation – cleansing the nasal mucous membranes of dust, dirt, salts, viruses and bacteria, as well as accumulated saliva particles.

Dr. Umanskaya advises daily rinsing and lubricating of the nasal and oral cavity phytoncidal solutions and oils that inhibit the growth and development of microorganisms. This will allow the body to fight pathogenic bacteria and chronic diseases And enhance body's defenses.

During the inception of the technique, many questions arose about its effectiveness. Years have passed, and now Doctor Umanskaya’s acupressure has firmly entered into medical practice How affordable and reliable method treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. When performed regularly, massage gives wonderful results.

We invite you to watch a video about massage using Dr. Umanskaya’s method:



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs