How to heal depression on your own. Tips from psychologists on how to get rid of depression on your own

Depression is defined as the inability to experience the joy of life, depression, the predominance of negative emotions. disturbing thoughts do not allow a person to live fully, forcing them to suffer and relive every minute. Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of depression. This is essential for success in life. Negative thoughts that a person keeps in his head, constantly re-experiencing them, lead to severe stress, which weakens nervous system.

Depression is depression mental condition a person who needs to be fought

Identifying depression is not always easy. Relatives and relatives think that a person’s mood just deteriorates. But depression differs from bad mood in the duration of the course (the mood cannot be bad for more than three days). A bad mood can be easily corrected by simply chatting with friends, having a delicious dinner, or watching a comedy. If such events did not affect the mood in any way, then you should think about the onset of depression.

Depression can last a very, very long time.

There is a certain classification of depressive conditions, according to the results of which treatment is prescribed. It is presented in the table.

Types of depression.Description.
Classic.This is the most common variety depression. She is accompanied by sadness, depression, complete apathy, loss of interest in communication and life. A person can not normally concentrate on their thoughts.
Neurotic.Develops after prolonged stress. It is characterized by tearfulness, sleep disturbance, headaches, and frequent low blood pressure. A person constantly complains that others and the whole world do not understand him, people treat him unfairly. There are bouts of self-pity, irritability.
Psychogenic.This form is characterized by the presence of suicidal thoughts, melancholy, fear, lethargy. The condition develops due to sudden changes in life for the worse. Provoking factors can be: death loved one, job loss. Depression develops rapidly, it becomes obvious to the person himself and to his environment.
Endogenous.This is a kind of deep depression. Develops due to disorders biochemical processes in the brain. At the same time, the person does not realize that something is wrong with him and does not accept any help. There is complete apathy towards everything around and life. A person completely withdraws into himself, does not make contact, sometimes he simply lies and looks at one point. Only a doctor decides how to get rid of deep depression.
Postpartum.Manifested by anxiety, indifference, tantrums, negativity towards the child. Occurs in women whose pregnancy was difficult or the child is unwanted.
Circular or seasonal.It is characterized by a bad mood, sadness, apathy, thoughts about the transience of life. Such depression occurs in autumn and winter, but sometimes it is individual.

Any type of depression should be treated immediately

Getting rid of depressive thoughts: general principles

In order to figure out how to recover from depression, you need to understand the source of its occurrence. For this, experts advise taking a blank sheet of paper and writing down all your fears, anxieties, problems that constantly bother you. Carefully reread the entire list and consider whether there is reason to worry about them. Then decide what can be done to get rid of depressive thoughts.

Don't try to drive away your fears. If they are already on a piece of paper, then these are the first thoughts that a person constantly carries in his head, they are already firmly rooted there and it will be quite difficult to get rid of them.

Before you remove depression, you need to learn how to abstract (detach) from depressive thoughts. If nothing can be done, then when the thought begins to painfully creep into your head, you need to switch to important things (call relatives or friends, turn on music, watch TV).

IMPORTANT! It is always worth reminding yourself that all anxieties and fears are only temporary, some of them can be forgotten in a month or a year. Therefore, do not waste your nerves on minor problems. Not a single person is immune from mistakes, falls. Therefore, any life problem not worth the wasted health.

We must learn to disengage from bad thoughts

How to get rid of depression on your own?

Psychologists often give advice on how to get rid of depression and start living. The first step is to acknowledge the fact of the problem. It's already right step. Then use the following tips:

  • Socialize.

A person in a depressed state withdraws into himself, stops communicating with people and generally leaves the house. This provokes even deeper depression. It is necessary to overpower yourself and begin to actively communicate, attend mass events. This will bring positive to life, will allow you to think less about your problems.

  • Take care of your appearance.

Often with depression, people stop taking care of themselves, taking care of their clothes, cleanliness of the body. It is necessary even at home to dress beautifully for yourself, comb your hair, take care of your body and face. You can try to change the image by visiting a beauty salon. This will allow you to get rid of negative thoughts and be distracted.

  • Pamper yourself.

Despite the oppressed state, you need to learn to enjoy the little things in a new way, to find the unusual in the ordinary. You can just go outside, inhale full chest fresh air, look at the bright sun, a cat basking on the roof, listen to the birds singing and life will already seem more beautiful. In addition, you can go to the cafe and please yourself with a cup of aromatic coffee with warm and delicious pastries.

  • Workout.

It will certainly be difficult, but effective method how to quickly get rid of depression, the result of which will not keep you waiting. Physical activity increases the level of endorphin in the blood, makes the brain work differently, improves blood flow to the organs, which helps to improve the general condition of a person. You can start with simple gymnastics, cycling, game types sports. Command sport games also contribute to the social bonding of people.

  • Get rid of negative thoughts.

Many psychologists advise putting an elastic band on your hand, and as soon as negative thoughts begin to creep into the head, you should pull the elastic band and let it go. It helps to stop the flow of negative thoughts.

  • Engage in creativity.

Sculpting, drawing allow you to express yourself. In the presence of depression, a person chooses dark colors for your works. You need to gradually change them to bright ones. This allows you to switch to a more positive perception of reality.

Creative activities help improve mood and get rid of depression

  • Hang out with optimistic people.

There are people who are able to enjoy life no matter what. If there are such friends in the social circle, then you need to talk to them as often as possible. They simply infect with their love of life, and can help get rid of depression. Gradually, there will be no trace of depressive thoughts.

  • Find a hobby.

Favorite activity helps to distract, express yourself, and in some cases even helps to find new job or just make a one-time profit. Hobbies make you feel self-sufficient person. There are a lot of courses on the network that allow you to choose a hobby to your taste.

  • Create home comfort.

Uncomfortable home environment also causes depression. Quarrels with family members, uncomfortable atmosphere at home, the inability to be alone with yourself, fully relax and sleep often provoke anxiety, aggression, and despondency. In this case, the solution to the question of how to escape from depression will be a change of habitat, if of course there is such an opportunity. Otherwise, you need to work on yourself, not allowing domestic strife to provoke a deterioration in your psychological state. If the matter is only in a small living space, then it is worth putting things in order there more often, having pets. Animals are great for relieving stress. One has only to look into the devoted eyes of a dog, or stroke the soft fur of cats, as life no longer seems so bland and depressing.

  • Walks in nature or noisy parties.

People suffering from depression are prone to mood swings. So you can get rid of it different ways. It is better to take a walk along the banks of the river or the sea, listen to the splashing of the waves. Or relax in the forest, inhaling the aroma of herbs, mushrooms, enjoying the singing of birds and the contemplation of nature. But sometimes a person is simply drawn to plunge into the noisy crowd of club parties. You can go to the club, chat with people and unwind.

Preventing the development of depression

If a person regularly becomes discouraged, then this is an occasion to think about how to avoid depression. To do this, there are effective methods:

  • Meditation is the restoration of inner balance.

Meditation helps many people find the joy of life, self-confidence, and allows them to learn how to get rid of depression and bad thoughts. She calms the psyche, gives good mood, relieves stress. According to laboratory research increases during meditation alpha wave activity at which frequency the brain works. The result is relaxation and tranquility.

But many people are distrustful of the practice of meditation, because they believe that this technique will only help to relax for a while, but will not solve their problems, because of which they are deeply unhappy. They are used to blaming their problems on anyone: the government, utilities, relatives, friends, just the fate of fate, but they themselves do not want to do anything about it.

They are not quite right. The concept of happiness or unhappiness depends entirely on internal state person. With the help of meditation through self-knowledge, you can change your internal criteria for values, look at the world with a sober look.

Meditation helps you learn to appreciate the little things in life, to see joy in them, and not just in an expensive car and a large bank account. Meditation will return a sense of inner comfort, optimism, self-confidence, calmness, but only after regular practice.

  • The development of willpower.

Depression, as it were, is fueled by lack of will, forcing a person to lie on the bed and do nothing to improve his situation. And if you succumb to despondency, give up, then no one and nothing can help. You need to "wake up" your willpower. If you want to cry into someone's vest, sit in an armchair and give in to the blues, then you should try to do household chores: do some light cleaning, throw out unnecessary things. At first, it will seem incredibly difficult to force yourself to get up and start working. But it will gradually become more interesting, and the apartment that has been transformed due to cleaning will add optimism to life. After he managed to overcome himself, a feeling of euphoria arises, anxiety and despondency recede, a person feels control over the situation and his strength.

Antidepressants as a way to get away from depression do not contribute to the development of willpower, on the contrary, they relax a person. He just puts the pill in his mouth and waits for everything to work itself out. Antidepressants will not teach you to step over yourself, try to fix something. Therefore, after stopping their intake, depression returns again.

Building Willpower Prevents Depression

  • Control over self and emotions.

It is necessary to learn to get rid of negative emotions, because anger, irritation and envy give rise to despondency and depression. Stop complaining about your life and blaming yourself and others for your problems. This only sets a person up for self-pity, which provokes despondency. Better try to focus on good sides life and think about people who are even worse now. You can also help such people by donating unnecessary things or transferring funds to a charitable organization. From the consciousness of what you are doing to someone better mood improves, becomes happier in the soul.

  • Change jobs more often.

According to statistics, more than 90% of the population is constantly depressed because of their work. Conflicts with superiors, gossip from employees, a small salary all provoke depression. The way out of the situation suggests itself. You need to either change jobs or organize your own own business, in which everything can be organized according to its own rules. You need to start moving forward, look for alternatives, and not sit in an unloved job and endure bosses and colleagues. American psychologists advise changing jobs every 4-7 years, believing that this is the best way to get rid of depression.

staging new goal and moving towards it will fill life with new meaning, make you forget about depressive states. The main difficulty that you will have to face when moving towards your goal is to overcome laziness, fear of a new business, self-doubt.

Depression due to work is a fairly common type of illness.

  • Learn to forgive yourself and others.

How to get rid of depression caused by guilt? Sometimes a person suffers from remorse of conscience for decades, losing interest in life, engaging in self-flagellation. In this case, a lot of effort is required, because the feeling of guilt stretches for a person, forcing painfully to remember the past. It is necessary to come to terms with the situation, try to forget it, if nothing can be changed. This will help clear your mind of negativity. Psychologists believe that pessimists attract failures and problems. You need to try not to focus on your thoughts, not to look everywhere only for the negative.

Thus, getting rid of depression is a rather difficult task, a lot of work will have to be done. Do not completely rely on the action of antidepressants. It won't bring stable result. It is better to combine taking pills with psychotherapy, meditation and other methods described above.

Depression is accompanied by characteristic symptoms- unwillingness to live, loss of interest in the outside world, fatigue and many others. If you have found signs of a depressive mood in yourself, then you need to start fighting this problem as soon as possible.

What is depression

Depression is called mental illness accompanied by a mood disorder.

Types of mental disorder

Mental disorders are very diverse and most often young and old people are exposed to completely different types of them. Let's list some of them. In the elderly:
    Paranoia; Insanity; Alzheimer's disease.
For young people:
    Anorexia; Deep depression; Drancorexia; Bulimia; Neurosis; Hysteria.

Symptoms and signs of depression

1. Depression. Most often you have Bad mood and it's been going on for over a week now. At the same time, often special reasons there is no such feeling. 2. Apathy. You have lost interest in the activities that could seriously captivate you before. You do not strive for new knowledge and are indifferent to almost everything that happens around you. 3. Closure. You prefer to communicate with other people as little as possible, and if possible, completely avoid their company. 4. Anxiety. This feeling accompanies you quite often, and, as a rule, you are unable to determine its nature. 5. Thoughts about death. Periodically, you think that nothing in the world would have changed if you had passed away. And in general, even close people, in your opinion, would not be very worried about your death. 6. Changes in appetite. You started to eat differently than it was recently, and this affects your weight. Now you eat very little, or vice versa - "sweep" everything that you see in the refrigerator. Most often, you do not control this process - you simply forget about food or do not even notice how you regularly chew something. 7. Sleep disturbance. Here, too, there can be two extremes - you either suffer from insomnia and cannot fall asleep for a long time, or you fall into deep dream, which usually lasts most of the day. 8. Self-doubt. You think that you look bad, uninteresting, not charming, or simply stupid. 9. Tearfulness. An accidentally dropped careless word can bring you to tears. However, from time to time you cry even without someone's "intervention", but from general impotence.

Causes of depression

1. Parting with a loved one. You may have experienced significant stress some time ago after breaking up with a person you were involved with. serious relationship or marriage. It is possible that right during the period of parting you kept yourself in control, but suppressed emotions still make themselves felt. 2. Non-reciprocal love. For a long time you tried to achieve the location and reciprocity of the person you were in love with, but in the end you realized that all your attempts do not lead to a positive result. 3. Death of a loved one. You have experienced a serious emotional upheaval after a loved one passed away. 4. Problems in learning. You are a student, and you have problems with the assimilation of the material, many gaps, difficulties in communicating with other students or teachers. Studying causes you more negative emotions than positive ones. 5. Problems in the professional sphere. You feel that you are not being fulfilled in your profession properly. Perhaps you doubt the correctness of the chosen path, or you don’t know at all what type of activity suits you. 6. Financial difficulties. You have debts, you just got out of them, or you just barely have enough money, and most often you are constantly forced to limit yourself by denying what you want. 7. Health problems. Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a child or experienced some serious illness. Also, we can talk about ailments that have appeared in a loved one. Family troubles. You're hard to find mutual language with the second half, parents, children or other close relatives.

in mild form Accompanied by mood swings. Nevertheless, you manage to pull yourself together when necessary - behave at ease in society, perform your daily duties and the like. In running form Accompanied by complete apathy for everything that happens, nervous breakdowns. A person physically cannot do the usual things and he will not be able to hide his condition. Suicidal thoughts may appear.

Relationship between depression and stress

Stress and depression are directly related to each other, and very often one does not exist without the other. As is known, stressful condition, which can be caused by many factors, is accompanied by nervous exhaustion. Negative emotions experienced during long period usually lead to depression. An exception may be very stress-resistant people who can not take into account many negative factors.

To prevent stress from turning into depression If you understand that you are faced with a stressful situation, but do not want this to lead to a depressive state, follow some rules that will help you get out of this situation with the least emotional loss.

    Avoid interacting with people who make you feel negative emotions or try to start topics that are unpleasant for you to talk about. In dealing with others, also avoid excessive complaints. Observe correct mode day. Try to fall asleep no later than ten or eleven o'clock in the evening, and wake up before eight in the morning. Do not ignore meals. Do not forget about rest. It is important for you to receive positive emotions. Even if you are busy with work, set aside time for communication with loved ones and for entertainment that interests you. Find a way to avoid overwork. If you have too much work, then you need to find a way to get rid of part of the duties or change the scope of activity - overwork can seriously undermine your health. Walk on fresh air. Even if you can’t find much time to meet with friends, then you have to find half an hour a day for a leisurely walk in the fresh air - alone, with a loved one or walking the dog.

How to cure depression quickly

Serious depression cannot be beaten very quickly, but in general, if you start fighting it right now, you will start living a completely different life in a few weeks.

Treating depression on your own at home

    Switch to loved ones. IN Lately you were so immersed in thoughts about your own state that you began to forget that there are people who need your support and attention and who want to see you in the same state. Start making time for your loved ones - go all together on interesting events, spend evenings in a cozy circle over tea and homemade cakes, watch and discuss films together and the like. Treat yourself with gifts. Surely, you often deny yourself any happy shopping, justifying this by the fact that the thing you like is “not really needed” by you, or by the fact that you already “have something to do with money”. You need to periodically still make exceptions, acquiring things that can sincerely please you. Get bright emotions. Often depression becomes a companion of a monotonous lifestyle. Perhaps this situation has been going on for a long time, and it was he who caused your condition, but it could be otherwise - the monotony and unwillingness to enrich life with new events appeared after some stress. Whatever it is, it needs to change. Every week, the city hosts many fascinating events - horseback riding, film screenings, exhibitions, master classes and much more. Let yourself be a part of some exciting event Travel. Some people who have suffered from depression admit that only one trip helped them get rid of this problem. Perhaps you once dreamed of visiting a certain city, but then discarded this thought. It is possible that travel before was not at all within the scope of your interests. Be that as it may, you can discover many wonderful places and experience amazing emotions by choosing a tour of your choice.

How to get rid of severe and prolonged depression

If depression lasts for more than a year, and you cannot force yourself to follow any recommendations, then you need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. Often, people in this state cannot physically use this advice, because you need to look for a specialist, call the clinic, make an appointment, and the like. Share your problem with a loved one, and ask for help - let him find a psychotherapist for you, arrange a meeting and accompany him to him.

How to overcome the disease once and for all

By following the above tips, you can get rid of depression forever. However, since such a nuisance has already happened to you, then you need to be aware that you are in a kind of “risk zone”, and another serious stress can plunge you into a depressed state again. To prevent this from happening, apply these recommendations not only when you get out of depression, but also later in your daily life.

Can you die from depression?

Depression by itself cannot carry fatality. That is, apathy, decreased ability to work, tearfulness and other symptoms cannot lead to the death of a person, but there is another problem. A depressed person thinks very pessimistically. He considers himself useless, everywhere superfluous and inappropriate. The longer and deeper the depression, the more often the patient may think that it would be good to end all suffering in one fell swoop and begin to see his salvation in suicide. This happens only with a very severe form of depression, and in order to get out of it, you need serious help relatives or professionals.

What is best for depression

1. If you feel that your emotional condition leaves much to be desired, then you need to switch yourself to other emotions. The fastest way to do this is simply by calling a person with whom you enjoy talking. Even if you don't feel like dialing someone's number right now, do it! 2. If your depressed state is not under it special reason, and lasts not for several days, but only appeared today, then a cup of delicious strong tea can help you! Choose a chamomile and linden drink. Drink it not on the run - find a calm and quiet place where you can take your time to drink calming tea and think about something good in solitude. 3. Physical work or playing sports to a large extent can save you from depression, because your energy will be directed in a completely different direction. And in general, it has long been known that muscle activity provokes the release of endorphins into the human blood, which are also called "hormones of happiness."

How to be treated with antidepressants

If you decide to improve your condition by using antidepressants, then keep in mind that this will not cure you of depression completely. You will be able to suppress the symptoms of the disease for some period, but not get rid of it. Dosage medicines only a specialist can establish, in no case do it yourself, otherwise this approach can only harm you. Wanting to get rid of depression, do not rely only on medicine, because you have overcome " mental illness". Communicate more often with loved ones, confidentially telling them about your problem.

Therapy and psychotherapy

Many underestimate the help of psychotherapy, but this industry is actively developing. Specialists use the following types of psychotherapy: cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and interpersonal. The first will help correct your thinking from negative to positive, the second will help resolve internal conflicts, and the latter makes it clear what has become the main source of the problem for you. As you can see, one visit to a psychotherapist can give you a complete understanding of your condition and indicate guidelines by which you can get out of it. For some, family or group therapy- it may be easier for you to solve the problem based on positive examples surrounding or solving family problems from the inside.

Prevention of depression in the future

To prevent depression from returning, try to limit yourself from the factors that cause it. Many people involved in charity or just an interesting hobby are less prone to depression than others. Find a job that you like and really fascinate, and in the end it will always be able to distract you from unhappy thoughts.

A mental illness, which can be equated with a cold or illness, but in terms of the number of cases, it is much more common - this is how depression can be defined. This is a psychological disorder, in which there is a loss of interest in life, chronic fatigue, unwillingness to work.

Arises this phenomenon on the basis of a series of constant stresses, or it has a biochemical explanation: a normal psychological state is characterized by a balance of neurotransmitters; depressive disorder. Thus, a person feels oppressed due to a lack of a hormone of happiness.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, and the phrase that a person is depressed should not be touched - you can hear it every day. But, in fact, a person can be in a depressed state for not one month and not one year, and, most dangerously, depression can lead to suicide. Daily disappointment in life, lack of interest in everything - undermines confidence and positive attitude. Recommended for weak people urgent help psychologists, because to get rid of pathological condition fail and depression will completely engulf the person, and the consequences can be varied. People who are aware of the essence of the problem of their disorder and who want to get out of this protracted state can help themselves with the help of remote recommendations from a psychologist.

depression - according to medical research patients is defined as a disease that needs to be urgently addressed. But, in order to quickly and without consequences eliminate the problem, you should find out for what reason the disease arose.

The root causes of depression

Among the factors affecting the psychological state of a person, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Alzheimer's disease.
  2. Regular stressful situations without the subsequent psychological reset.
  3. Systematic intake of alcoholic beverages.
  4. The use of narcotic substances.
  5. Injuries, psychological (loss of a loved one).
  6. Climate changes (most often a person suffers from depression in early autumn).
  7. Excessive mental stress.
  8. Physical overwork that is not replaced by rest.
  9. unsupervised reception. medicines leading to iatrogenic depression.
  10. Sequelae of head trauma.
  11. Other factors (breakup of relations, moving, quarrel, regular worries about any problem).

Interesting! If we consider the occurrence of depression through the prism of narcotic substances, then it is worth noting that the use of marijuana, where the main active substance tetrahydrocannabinol, initially has a euphoric effect on a person, after the drug is released, a protracted depressive state begins with concomitant irritability, requiring next appointment narcotic substance. Thus, this type of drug (recognized as light and legalized in some countries) is the main cause of suicide among adolescents due to prolonged depression.

How to identify depression in men and women?

Depression is such a diverse condition that its manifestations can affect the human body in different ways. Diagnose psychological illness symptomatology helps specialists. But, it should be borne in mind that the signs of depression are very individual in their nature of manifestation.

Example. The state of depression in one patient is characterized by loss of appetite, while in another, on the contrary, there is increased desire to food. The situation is similar with sleep - depression can be characterized as chronic fatigue With constant desire sleep, and regular insomnia.

Main symptoms of depression

Type of symptomCharacteristic
Emotional manifestationLack of interest in the world around and life in general.
Groundless irritability.
A sad feeling.
A state of despair.
Problems with self-esteem.
Depressed by the current state.
Feeling of helplessness.
Panic attacks.
Constant anxiety for loved ones, feelings that do not give peace.
Lack of any emotional sensitivity.
Waiting for tragedy
Physiological manifestationsA depressed person may experience regular psychosomatic pain.
Sleep problems.
Lack of normal productivity.
Problems with the digestive tract.
High level of fatigue with little effort.
Loss of appetite (abnormal increase or absence).
Decreased libido (in men, this can be fraught with impotence).
Constant feeling of weakness
Behavior changeThere is an addiction to alcoholic beverages.
Closure, unwillingness to spend time in the company, craving for loneliness.
The desire to improve mood with the help of psychotropic or narcotic substances.
Loss of interest in entertainment.
Life position is defined as passive.
Lifestyle turns into a recumbent
cognitive disorderA person cannot make a decision on his own.
Thoughts are disordered.
Lack of concentration.
Distractedness and loss of attention.
Visiting thoughts of suicide

Attention! Depression, like any other disease, requires urgent qualified assistance with subsequent therapy, if this does not happen, then the condition is significantly aggravated and can lead to death.

How can depression be cured?

The type of treatment for a depressive state is determined by the degree of psychological damage, the characteristics and duration of symptoms (if the signs are confirmed for two weeks).

It is important! Every person that is in a seemingly non-busy psychological state, must clearly realize that alcohol and drugs can only aggravate the condition and lead to irreparable consequences. Even once taken alcohol or a drug will not be able to eliminate the problem, but only expand its boundaries.

In general, for people suffering from depression, it is prescribed drug therapy in the form of antidepressants. If the patient understands the essence of the problem on initial stage, then drug treatment can be avoided and the disease can be eliminated on its own thanks to the advice of a psychologist. To block the manifestations of depression, you can resort to complex therapy:

  1. Change your lifestyle with physical activity.
  2. Carry out routine activities.
  3. Use traditional medicine.
  4. To resort to physio- and psychotherapy.

In order to get acquainted in detail with the methods of eliminating depression without visiting a specialist, you can review the videos with the psychologist's comments.

Video - How to get rid of stress and depression

  1. The patient must be aware full responsibility for myself.
  2. To captivate yourself with an interesting thing, and you should start with watching inspiring films (it is strictly forbidden to watch horror films, thrillers, action movies).
  3. Refuse to spend time alone (regular visits to events, hobbies, sports).
  4. Learn to accept the help of others.
  5. Delve into your spiritual world and revisit core values.
  6. Do not drink alcohol (also additional substances to improve mood).
  7. Independently restore the nervous system by normalizing sleep. If the depressive suffers from insomnia, then it is recommended to take soothing herbal decoctions.
  8. Start exercising (all physical exercise can significantly improve not only general state health, but also significantly affect mood).
  9. Spend more time with loved ones, and in the absence of communication, it is necessary to establish contact (spending time together in nature, home dinners).
  10. The use of affirmations.

Complicated cases of depression: help

When the patient cannot get out of this state on his own and he begins to have suicidal thoughts due to complete disappointment in life, then in urgently, needed qualified help. First of all, psychotherapy can be prescribed. With the help of conversations, a specialist will help to establish a connection with the outside world and get rid of negative destructive thinking.

If the emotional state is critically severe, then special electroshock therapy is used. This type treatment is appropriate if the drugs do not have a significant effect, or if their use is contraindicated for any reason.

The basis of treatment difficult cases depression is mainly a drug effect, the drugs of which are prescribed exclusively by professionals.

More tips on how to deal with depression yourself

  1. Apply aromatherapy. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of exposure to the nervous system of certain essential oils. To improve the condition, it is recommended to use lavender, orange, rosemary oil and melissa oil.
  2. Phytotherapy. Reception herbal decoctions helps to calm the nervous system, normalize sleep and positively affect mental health. Peppermint, chamomile, thyme, lemon balm are used to make tea.

So get out from under negative impact psyche is quite simple, if you provide self-help in a timely manner.

Video - How to cope with depression

Depression is an ambiguous illness. Plus, depression is definitely not like a cold or the flu.

Every person has a different reason for depression. For some, depression occurs against the background of unemployment, problems in household, poverty or major financial loss. For other people, the cause of depression is a genetic heritage, and for third people, depression stems from a bad childhood.

There are other reasons as well. For example, if a person had unsuccessful family circumstances, there was a gap love relationship and many other reasons.

However, what can help one person can only harm another person. Therefore, treatment must be specific.

But there are quite common and popular tricks that you can apply in life on your own to stop thinking about yourself and your future with negative side, and thanks to this, start taking real steps in your life, because of which it will be possible to solve your own life problems.

Change your behavior

When a person is in a depressed state, he gets the feeling that all things are extraordinarily complicated. Instead, the person simply lies on his bed and does nothing at all. If you think that staying in bed can help you get rid of depression, then you can use this method. But most often similar methods it is impossible to eliminate your depression, but on the contrary, if you lie for a long time and do nothing, your life will not change. Instead, you will only blame yourself for not having time to do anything for the current day.

It is also worth noting the fact that when you lie in bed, you constantly scroll through your own problems in your head. And this eventually leads to a worsening of your depression. Therefore, the most important thing you can do is get out of bed and set at least 1 goal for yourself every day so that you can accomplish at least 1 thing during the day.
In addition, you should not forget that your brain will constantly remind you that you are not capable of anything. Therefore, you do not need to immediately take on large cases. It is best to start doing things gradually. Choose some things that you can slowly do instead of doing nothing.

Many people, when depressed, try to say to themselves the phrase “How can you wallow? Get up and start doing something!”, and in this case desired effect is simply not achieved. The point is that you can afford to lie in bed for several days or even weeks, but you should not think that something can change due to this. Of course, if you do not feel guilty, then you can lie quietly and it will do you good. But in this case, you should not say to yourself compelling statements, but some kind of encouraging advice, since you must understand that rewinding past problems only worsens your current state.

Divide large tasks into several small parts

For example, if you need to do some big business, for example, go shopping. You don't have to think about the whole process right away. First, go to the refrigerator and make a list. After that, go to the store and slowly choose what you wrote down on paper. The main thing is that in the course of actions you should not have the thought that it is very difficult and tiring to do this action, and that you will not be able to cope with it.

It has been noted that when a person is in a depressed state, he absolutely cannot plan anything, and therefore he gets tired very easily. Therefore, to combat depression, it is necessary to use well-planned tasks that you will not do immediately, but gradually, without really straining.

For some, it may seem that such a technique is very tedious and uninteresting, but you must remember that in this way you are training your own brain think differently! For example, if you once broke your leg before, then after some time you will need to learn to walk again, in this case you do the same, but only with your depression in the psyche.

Incorporate fun activities into your schedule

Many people who are in a depressed state try to complete difficult and tedious tasks as quickly as possible, while at the same time they are not going to include pleasant activities in their schedule. This is absolutely wrong. You must determine what you love to do. For example, if you enjoy taking walks, chatting with friends, or sitting in the park, then just do it during the day. You will feel much better because you will be doing something nice. Even if you do a small pleasant action, it will have a good effect on your overall well-being.

Get rid of boredom

Quite often, the life of people who are in a state of depression becomes boring and monotonous. If boredom reigns in your life, then you need to challenge it. For example, if your life is built on a rigid framework, work - home - TV - sleep, and everything is again in a circle. Such a person stops communicating with his friends and making joint plans with them. First of all, you need to think about what a person wants to do, and then imagine in his mind whether he can at least do something from this list.

Usually depression is associated with feelings of social insecurity, loneliness and lack of aspirations for anything. All problems social plan and bad mood is normal reaction body to boredom that has appeared and the absence of any incentive in social sphere. For example, a woman may be bound by household chores and her children, and because of this she succumbs to boredom. For such women, the main thing is to understand that they are finally tired of doing the same type of activities, and immediately look for a way to get out of given state. It can be a new acquaintance, hobby groups, or you can simply ask your friends to find some interesting view activities.

If such an occupation is found on this moment impossible, then a person who is in a depressed state needs to do at least something related to the outside world.

It is necessary, if possible, to expand the scope of your activities and digress from standard tasks. However, people who for a long time were in a depressed or tense state, often experience severe overexcitation and all attempts to relax do not bring any result, and the psyche is not ready for such things. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to be distracted and change the type of activity, for example, dig up a garden bed, clean houses, or start running in the morning.

Also, if you are currently feeling very upset or overwhelmed with anger, then exercise and sports will be the most beneficial for you.

Especially in people, the psyche is in an extremely depressed state and people think only about negative events in their lives, but they do not see anything good in the future. If you determine that your thoughts are spinning in this way, then try to distract yourself with something, as the constant rewinding of negative events in the past can only make your current difficult condition worse.

In no case should you continue to feed your negative feelings when you reminisce bad events. If you feel bad, then you need to find time for yourself. Very often this is quite problematic, since you can take care of some other people, but at the same time you cannot devote the minimum time for yourself. In this case, you just want to run away from all these worries. If you understand that it’s time for you to finally take care of yourself, then in this case you just need to talk with loved ones and explain to them that you don’t refuse them, and that this will only improve your own mood and attitude towards everyone around you.

It is necessary to reach such a state when the people around you, for example, your loved ones, will understand you completely and give you the full opportunity to deal with yourself. In this case, you will not accumulate irritation on others and run away from reality.

Determination of the limit of one's own capabilities

At a large number people a huge overabundance of work. People are completely unable to cope with the goals and objectives set before them, and because of this they fall into a deep depression. Such people most often strive for perfection and almost never rest, enjoying, at least minimally, their free time. In addition, such people are characterized in the sense that they burn themselves. That is, they have already reached absolute exhaustion, and this can easily cause depression.

Each person has his own limit, beyond which it is contraindicated to go (work, raising children, etc.).

Self-immolation occurs when there is absolutely no time in your life for relaxation and rest. For example, a new doctor who has come to work in a hospital suffers from depression due to the fact that he has absolutely no personal time. In addition, he is endlessly busy and because of this he simply burns out at his job.

Remember that everyone has their own limits. Someone can work more, and someone less. And because of this, it is necessary to adjust your own capabilities and plans for the future.

Get rid of insomnia

Sleep is a very individual phenomenon. Some people fall asleep quickly and anywhere, while others fall asleep very slowly and with difficulty. If you sleep little, then you do not need to suffer about this, for some people it is enough to sleep 4 hours a day.

Sleep problems can be very different. For example, some people do not sleep well, someone wakes up after 1 hour, someone can wake up early, after which they cannot fall asleep. In addition, there are people whose sleep is very sensitive and shallow.

Many people work to deep night and can't sleep for a long time afterwards. This is contraindicated. It is advisable to stop working 30 minutes before bedtime, relax, do physical exercises if possible, ventilate your room, drink warm milk before bedtime.

It is necessary during the day at least some physical exercise and avoid taking large doses alcohol. Many people think that if they drink a few sips of alcohol, it will help them relax. In fact, it can only lead to sleep disturbance.
If you wake up early in the morning and are already thinking about your problems in the current day, then it is better to wake up immediately and get to work.

Some people even believe that staying up at night and then staying up during the day can improve your mood. In this case, it is best to do this under someone's supervision.
You can buy any book on sleep problems in the store and follow the instructions given there.

Taking care of your body

For each person, the state of health is a very important criterion. The human body is like a garden that bears fruit if it is periodically looked after. You need to respect your body. In addition, you need to perform all kinds of physical exercises and nourish your body with positive emotions.

Depression may be due to some physical factors, however, most causes of depression are unrelated to these problems:

  • Thyroid disease.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Complications that are caused by taking medications.


Many people believe that if they start using antidepressants, they will get used to the drugs and will always use them in the future. Actually it is not. If you currently have deep depression, you sleep very badly and have lost interest in everything, then first of all you can try to apply some antidepressants. In this case, you can become much easier, and the process will go much better after taking these drugs.

There are forms of depression that are absolutely impossible to get out of without medication. Therefore, you should go to the best psychiatrist you can find. There is nothing unpleasant or shameful in this.

Help and opinion qualified specialist will help you a lot. You should tell the specialist about all the manifestations of your depression, after which you can get good advice.

But you should always remember that if there are problems in your life, then with the help of drugs it is absolutely impossible to remove them.

Seasonal disorders

Depression can occur in late summer, autumn or winter. The thing is that a person does not have enough natural light, and because of this, a person feels drowsy state at this time of the year.

Such people want to sleep for a very long time, for example, 10 hours a day, while they wake up very hard.

In this case, it is necessary, if possible, to find ways to be outside in bright sunlight or purchase a special lighting device, in front of which you need to sit for several hours a day, which brings concrete relief.

Treat your body with respect

You must first go to healthy regimen nutrition. The thing is that people who are in a depressed state eat absolutely wrong. Need to compose balanced diet, which include vegetables, fruits, bread, tomatoes or potatoes. Similar Products activate your brain and your condition will improve.

If you began to lose weight dramatically, then this can be the cause of depression, both emerging and intensifying.

It has also been found that people who eat all kinds of sugar and refined foods are very irritable. Therefore, you should eat sweets as little as possible. Many people want to eat various vitamins and hope that this can save them from depression. In fact, such techniques have nothing to do with reality. Depression from taking the vitamin will not decrease, but on the contrary, it can be reborn with renewed vigor.

Do physical exercise

It was found that in mild and moderate forms of depression, any, even minimal forms exercise can improve overall health. For example, a person may feel better if he swims in a pond for a while. In this case, the mood can quickly rise.

When a person feels that he is falling into depression, he does not want to do anything. In this case, something needs to be done. If you are able to perform physical exercises, then in this case you will improve general well-being and feel the achievement of minimal results.

Cut down on alcoholic beverages

People think that alcohol can lift their spirits or help them sleep better at night. But in practice it has been proven that alcohol can only harm a person in this case. Depression and alcohol are completely unrelated. With the help of alcohol, it is impossible to relieve depression and stress.

Learn to relax

You can use all sorts of books, cassettes, or groups that offer relaxation classes. You can choose what you like the most. However, there are some simple points, here are some of them.

Breathing exercises

First of all, you need to learn how to control your breathing. For this you need:

  1. Sit comfortably or lie down, focusing on your inhalation and exhalation. The main thing to remember is a measured rhythm.
  2. Slowly inhale the air as much as possible, then hold your breath and exhale all the accumulated air.
  3. Try to breathe (inhale and exhale) slowly while counting. For example, while inhaling, count to four, hold your breath to two, and exhale to four. When you determine the optimal breathing rhythm, you can no longer count to yourself, but focus on the words inhale and exhale. When you inhale, inhale; when you exhale, exhale. It is absolutely not necessary to strain, but it is desirable to breathe as deeply as possible, slowly and rhythmically.

During the exercise, you can try to imagine your body in a relaxed state. For example, when you breathe out, say "relax" or "calm down" to yourself. After each breath, you should feel that your body becomes relaxed, limp and pleasantly warm.

Depression is quite successfully treatable, but it is worth knowing that in each case the scheme is prescribed individually. It depends on the form of depression and the severity of its manifestation. We will talk about how to treat a depressive state in our article.

The main task of treating a depressive state is to relieve the symptoms of the disease: depression, despondency, feelings of loneliness and longing. Treatment usually includes medication and psychotherapy. Both methods can also be used in combination. In the most severe cases, electroconvulsive therapy is used. During treatment seasonal disorder light therapy may be used. Also among the methods are taking dietary supplements, meditation, yoga. These methods can also be used as additional methods when taking antidepressants and attending psychotherapeutic sessions.

How to treat chronic depression

Protracted depression is the most complex form of the disease. It can last from several months to two or three years or more. Treatment of this form of the disease is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, as a rule, the most severe manifestations of the disease are eliminated. This stage lasts 6-12 weeks. At the next stage, antidepressants are continued in order to protect the patient from possible relapse diseases. This stage lasts 4-9 months. After him medical assistance may not be necessary, especially if prolonged depression happened to a man for the first time in his life. If depression happens to the patient constantly, and becomes severe, the doctor may prescribe the patient to take special medications throughout his life.

Can depression be cured

This question is asked by everyone who is faced with such a disease. Let's try to answer. It is impossible to cure depression itself: it is possible to recover from this disease, or rather, to overcome it. Since depression is a psychosomatic disease, in addition to procedures and drugs, it can also be affected by Active participation the patient himself in the process. Also during treatment should be carried out special exercises and procedures prescribed by a doctor.

How to treat depression in women

A psychotherapist can cure a depressive state in women, moreover, even without the use of pharmaceuticals. But only if the disease is on early stage. If the course of the disease is severe, antidepressants are usually prescribed. Only a doctor should prescribe them. It should be noted that the causes of depression should be worked out through individual therapy, and then eliminated. Otherwise, it will be difficult to defeat the disease.

Each disease is individual, so there is no universal scheme for its treatment. Therapy is selected specifically for each patient, and usually it is complex. This approach allows you to save the girl from distressing symptoms depression, as well as eliminate the cause of the disease.

How to treat depression in men

To completely rid a man of a depressive state, first of all, you need to find out the cause of the development of the disease. Can cause depression various factors: biological, social, psychological. Even the lifestyle of a man can affect the development of this disease.

For the treatment of a depressive state in men, psychotherapeutic methods can be used: psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, etc. It also helps to cope with the disease. breathing exercises and electroshock therapy. But both methods are used only in the case of a protracted form of the disease, when the patient has a risk of suicide.

The most popular treatment for depression is antidepressants and antipsychotics. In addition, in combination with taking drugs, a man should change his lifestyle, spend more time outdoors, play sports.



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