How to maintain your mental health. Mental and psychological health

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The pace of life is accelerating every day, so it is not surprising that along with it, psycho-emotional stress in people. To be honest, regular nervous breakdowns have become habitual for some of us! And this serious reason think about mental health.

website learned the most simple ways how to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Solve sleep problems

Sleep is necessary for normal functioning all body systems. brain activity decreases in sleep, processing of information received during the day begins, is fixed in memory important information. The body is recovering. The tension in which the person was all day is removed. Long-term disadvantage sleep threatens with an impressive list of ailments.

Try to follow the routine. Before going to bed, instead of sitting with a gadget or in front of a computer, go outside for a walk. Take a warm bath. It is good to buy blackout curtains. If sleep disturbances are no longer corrected by such simple actions, see a doctor.

Feel free to go to a psychologist

Feel free to make an appointment with a psychologist. It is quite possible that you yourself are a smart enough person, but one head is good, and two is better. And it will be more useful if the “second head” does not belong to your girlfriend, but to a professional.

Depending on the severity of your situation, you can receive not only psychological counseling, but also drug treatment which will greatly speed up recovery. Good specialists always work together. So do not be afraid of the psychologist's suggestion to visit a psychotherapist. It only means that you have a specialist in front of you who clearly distinguishes cases in which one psychological help not enough.

Eat yogurt

A recent study has proven the beneficial effects of probiotics contained in yogurt on human health. Scientists have come to the conclusion that people who regularly consume dairy products are less prone to depression and the risk of developing hypertension.

Also worth adding to your diet more products containing vitamins B and C, zinc and magnesium: bananas, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts. On such a diet and sit nice!

Do not abuse coffee

Excessive coffee consumption leads to increased irritability, nervousness and anxiety. On the other side, abrupt rejection from a favorite drink can cause the same symptoms. In addition, some scientific studies confirm that coffee in certain quantities protects against dementia. All of this goes to show just how powerful caffeine is for the brain and how important it is to stick to the middle ground when it comes to enjoying caffeinated drinks.

Watch your body. It is possible that after a cup of coffee you become more irritable and overexcited. In this case, try to give up coffee altogether for a while.

catch the sun

Vitamin D deficiency threatens not only bone fragility, but also breast cancer, the development of some autoimmune diseases, lowering resistance to viruses and depression. Therefore, the importance of vitamin D for our health cannot be overestimated.

Make time for yourself

Hang out with nice people pet, dance, listen to your favorite music. Finally make time for your abandoned hobby, or find a new one. Look for what brings you joy. All these activities increase the level of endorphins - hormones that help cope with stress.

We are too dependent on public opinion: if our ways of enjoying do not match the tastes of most of our friends, then instead of fighting for our right to enjoy, we immediately give up. But, if visiting a bar or a movie theater does not give you pleasure, do not step over yourself for the sake of friendship. Friendship is not about that.

Avoid unnecessary information

We live in a time when news is pouring on us in an endless stream. Many of them cause unpleasant emotions. It is difficult to live without news at all, but it is easy to divide information into important and unnecessary. Protect yourself from negative information. Give up TV channels that rudely play with the emotions of the audience, unsubscribe from pages on social networks that sin with sad tearful stories.

Break off the relationship

It's sad, but most people are in relationships that don't bring joy. Someone is kept in a pair by public opinion, someone is a habit, someone is simply afraid to be alone. Why every day voluntarily communicate with a person who does not understand you, does not please you, does not love, brings you to nervous breakdown? Make a tough decision for your future - break this painful relationship.

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Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists, doctors and officials, experts from different areas will gather to seek ways to preserve and strengthen the mental health of mankind.

The progress of science, technology and medicine not only changes our lives for the better, but also creates new problems.- including in the area mental health. Leading psychotherapists who will take part in the work of the Moscow forum are sure of this.

For example, such an unconditional conquest of civilization as the growth of life expectancy entails an increase in the likelihood of developing mental and mental disorders. And technological and social progress leads to the emergence of new disorders such as Internet addiction or gambling addiction. And for psychotherapists themselves, progress not only opens up new opportunities (for example, online counseling), but also adds difficulties.

Thus, the therapist should avoid relationships with the client outside of therapy, including refusing to disclose personal information. But with development social networks it becomes more and more difficult to observe this rule and maintain a distance.

Solving mental health problems requires a concerted effort. The need for a comprehensive, multilateral approach is noted by the Secretary General of the Yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India (YPAI), Professor Ganesh Shankar. “Many personal disorders that were previously considered incurable are now very treatable,” the expert notes, “with the help of both new medicines, and new methods of psychotherapy, which has also made significant progress. Today we have a much better understanding of the causes of many disorders and therefore can find ways to overcome them through psychotherapeutic means. I believe that a variety of therapeutic approaches - important condition our continued success in promoting people's mental health."

It's time to act

It is not necessary to count on the fact that progress will solve all problems without creating new ones. According to forecasts World Organization Health (WHO), by 2020, mental disorders will be among the top five diseases of mankind. Already today, mental health problems cost the UK economy about £70bn (4.5% of the country's GDP) annually. In the US, mental disorders and abuse drugs occupy the 2nd place among the causes of temporary disability and the 3rd among the causes of permanent disability of the able-bodied population. In Russia, according to experts, about 21 million people in the country need the help of psychiatrists, which is about 14% of the population.

Representative of the International Association applied psychology and the UN World Council for Psychotherapy, psychologist Judy Kuriansky considers the Congress an important practical step: “I talk a lot in my works and in lectures about what is psychological stability, how to achieve it, where internal forces. But discussions should lead to action, which is why I work with the UN.”

Same the real deal Judy Kuriansky also considers the Congress in Moscow, in the preparation of which she actively participates. “Caring for mental health today is no less important to the well-being of society than maintaining physical health.”

Another participant in the Congress, psychoanalyst Nicole Aknin, rector of the University. Sigmund Freud(Paris, France), vice-president of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, believes that a more conscious attitude to life, which is now spreading more and more, can serve as psychotherapy in itself.

“If we can listen to life and what it offers us, then we will understand that it always offers us evolution. And life itself becomes a therapy, if, of course, we consider it from this perspective, the psychoanalyst reflects. – I often cite as an example the South African leader Nelson Mandela, who writes how, while in prison, he suddenly caught a spark of sympathy in the eyes of his jailers, and this gave him strength. It happened by itself, he was not undergoing psychotherapy at that moment and was subjected to torment. But he was able to make life itself a psychotherapy.”

“I believe that we came into this world to develop, evolve. And if we go through psychotherapy, then we develop faster, emphasizes Nicole Aknin. – And then the trials that fall to us will not be perceived so hard. We will be able to live all the events of our life as offers to change that she makes to us.

Within the framework of the Congress, which will be held under the auspices of WHO, international conferences, panel discussions, master classes, forums with the participation of leading international experts in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology and other events. A Declaration on Mental Health will also be prepared, which will include innovative approaches and practical advice concerning scientific research, implementation of pilot programs, development of mechanisms for evaluating their effectiveness based on advanced achievements in this area.

Chairman of the Russian Organizing Committee Igor Kagramanyan, First Deputy Minister health care in Russia, I am sure that the participants of the Congress will be able to hear each other, openly discuss problems and successes, join forces to take a step forward together. “This is not a figurative expression at all,” emphasizes Igor Kagramanyan. “Behind every such step is the health and well-being of millions of people who need real help. I am convinced that together we can find solutions to even the most difficult problems.”

The need to look after one's own mental health as carefully as one's own physical condition, already few people raise questions and doubts. At the very least, we are witnessing serious steps towards the destigmatization of mental disorders - only one flash mob opened the society's eyes to what depression is In fact and what it is like (with light hand glossy magazines and popular psychology long years"Depression" called anything - from bad mood to fleeting melancholy). In addition, more and more celebrities and public people find the strength to speak openly about mental illness that they have encountered and urge their fans not to be afraid to ask for help. Gradually, the priorities in society are changing - taking care of yourself and your health comes first.

However, when it comes to the prevention of mental disorders, few people know what to do. Yes, self-help strategies abound, but not everyone has the time or money for health-improving hippotherapy and crystals that help (or don't help) relax. That is why we have compiled a list of the most effective and easy-to-implement ways to take care of your “ inner world". Again, such care should become a habit - something that you really do, and not something that you just talk about.

Monitor your condition and periodically arrange days of rest (real rest) for yourself.

You yourself know when - in an endless stream of cases, tasks and deadlines - you need to exhale and give yourself the opportunity to relax. In addition, you yourself know that after a short pause, you will have the strength that will allow you to “plunge” even deeper into the work process. However, despite the fact that the benefits of such a psychological “detox” are obvious, for some reason we feel selfish and lazy at the mere thought of rest. To avoid inappropriate and completely unjustified remorse, treat such a day off as prevention - by taking one “healthy” day to “recharge”, you give your body (including immune system) time to catch up and prevent a very real "sick" day in the future.

Think of something to do before bed (do not offer TV shows)

If your main instrument in the fight against fatigue - this is a "drunk" watching TV shows until late at night, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that the next day you feel overwhelmed and completely exhausted (hardly similar condition promotes creativity and work processes). Do a little experiment - don't watch anything before bed for a week. Use this time to read, meditate (and don't roll your eyes - it really works), draw, color something, finally call your mom, flip through a magazine, watch the trees in the window, soak in the bath - in general, choose what what you like best. Yes, for many people, "hanging out" with a series is effective way get over the day's stress, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just good to find something else (something that doesn't involve sitting in front of a monitor until 2 a.m.).

Think about the things you only enjoy while on vacation and incorporate them into your daily life.

On vacation, we tend to take things simpler and lighter - without blinking an eye, we replace the gym with a swim or a walk, we have dinner with friends in a cafe or we buy a salad and go to a snack in the park. We also don't check email because we set up auto-answer and put our phone on airplane mode. And what if you add a pinch of this serene mood to your harsh reality? For example, allow yourself to go for a jog in the city center instead of training in a stuffy fitness club? Or set your phone to “do not disturb” mode and put your smartphone in your bag at ten in the evening? Of course, such measures are not a substitute for a full vacation, but they will help you buy some personal time and defuse the situation a little.

Limit refined sugar intake

No, cutting out soda, candy, and pastries from your diet will not make you feel depressed or anxiety disorder, however, it will help to avoid “jumps” in blood sugar, and this, in turn, will allow the body to save energy for a long time and distribute it evenly throughout the day. And although there are no products that would be able to protect a person from stress, magnesium (and therefore the products in which this trace element is contained) helps to relieve headaches and relieve fatigue. So next time you're shopping, don't miss avocados, figs, and pumpkin seeds.

Seek help, even if you feel like "it's not that bad yet"

You don't have to wait until you get really sick - the sooner you start treatment, the higher the chance Get well soon. If with your mental state something happens that prevents you from living, do not endure it - talk to someone and ask for help. It is best to contact a person whom you trust and who will treat your problem with attention and participation. In addition, you need to find a doctor who will give you professional help and will not allow the disease to develop (Alisa Tayozhnaya tells how she was looking for a psychotherapist).

Avoid alcohol if you feel sick every time you drink

There is nothing wrong with periodically going somewhere with friends and having a couple of glasses of beer or wine during heartfelt conversations. But if you realize that you are drinking too much and drinking only to cope with permanent anxiety or drown out inner voice, signaling an unresolved problem, then it's time to think. Still, it is easier to treat depression alone than to treat both depression and alcoholism at the same time.


It is very difficult to stay in good shape if you eat all sorts of filth. The same principle applies to spiritual food. If you spend a lot of time listening to bad news on TV or talking to negative people, you can undermine your mental health and break down. You must understand that the more negativity you are surrounded by, the worse you will feel.

The 21 Day Mind Diet

What are you feeding your mind? What information do you give him to digest? Professional psychologists recommend detoxifying the mind, just as we detoxify the whole body, namely, periodically get rid of toxic thoughts that accumulate over time and prevent us from positively perceiving the surrounding reality.

Diet for the mind is one way to maintain your mental health. It works on the principle of strengthening muscles, which means that in order to achieve best results constant practice and repetition of this diet is a must. Main focus this method It consists in suppressing negative or self-critical thoughts and directing your thinking in a completely different, positive direction.

Do you want to good mood And peace of mind never left you? Listen to these tips from experienced psychologists who will tell you how to tune in to a positive perception of the world around you. Here is a 21-Day Mind Diet Step by Step to help you stay mentally healthy and make positive changes in your daily life:

Day 1

Remove negative words (such as "never", "can't", "won't", etc.) from your colloquial vocabulary. Determine when you most often tend to resort to negatives and translate them into a positive context of your thoughts or statements. An example of denial: "That's it, I can't run anymore!" Example of positive thinking: "I can't run anymore, but I can walk fast." When during the first day you will come to mind negative thoughts, immediately turn them into positive statements that you write down on a piece of paper or in a notebook.

Tip: Since you are already too used to your way of thinking and cannot control 100% automatic thought process, psychologists recommend involving family and friends to identify your negative judgments.

Day 2

Read something inspiring for half an hour, like some heartfelt essays or self-improvement literature.

Day 3

Spend today without complaining. Neither traffic jams, nor rain, nor your hair should cause a bad mood. Instead of complaining, think better about what you can thank fate for, and change your attitude to the current situation.

Day 4

Take another step forward! Write down 5 main things for which you are grateful to fate, and tell your loved ones or friends about it. Joy is contagious! On this day, you will definitely be in a good mood.

Day 5

Use an erasable marker and write on the mirror 5 things you love about yourself.

Day 6

Do something nice for stranger(compliment, pay for someone, etc.).

Day 7

Write down in a notebook all the feelings that you will experience during the day: joy, disappointment, fears, etc.

Day 8

Come up with 3 positive affirmations and repeat them at least three times a day (for example, “Today I am lucky”).

Day 9

Concentrate on what you have wanted to do for so long, but constantly put off. Write detailed plan how and when you finish pending tasks.

Day 10

Meet your friends. Invite them to your place or go to a cafe together.

Day 11

Don't watch, read or listen to the news unless it's inspiring.

Day 12

Treat yourself today (it could be a blouse or a hairstyle).

Day 13

Do one thing that will at least slightly improve your health and financial situation. For example, take healthy lunch with you, and do not spend money on all sorts of nonsense at lunchtime.

Day 14

Laughter is very good for mental health, so find a reason to laugh heartily. For example, watch some great comedy.

Day 15

Relax and forget about all the problems: go for a massage, attend yoga classes or just take a warm bath.

Day 16

Clean up around you. It doesn't matter where you will clean up the mess, in the workplace, in the car or apartment.

Day 17

Conquer your fear and do something that scares you - ride a rollercoaster, hold a snake in your hands, or give a speech to a large audience.

Day 18

Do concentration exercises. Choose a positive word and repeat it to yourself in for three minutes. This meditation is a pretty powerful way to tune in to a positive mood.



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