mental states. How to Maintain Good Mental Health

Most people understand how important the health of the body is. However, many do not consider the importance of mental health. Good mental health makes life more enjoyable. It also promotes higher levels of physical health and stamina. To be truly healthy, you need to take care of both your physical and mental health.


How to deal with stress

    Get exercise. When you are stressed, your brain releases hormones that tell your body to prepare to respond to the threat. Severe stress can jeopardize your mental health and sometimes lead to symptoms of physical ill health. A good way to deal with stress is to exercise.

    Eat well. A proper diet and proper eating habits will also help reduce stress. In particular, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

    Get enough sleep. Sleep is the time when your body regenerates and processes the stress you've been through during the day. This is the time when your brain is resting. Sleep also allows the body and tense muscles to unwind after a hard day.

    Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that requires focusing on the present moment. The practice of mindfulness meditation focuses on just being and doing nothing else in the moment.

    How to increase your self-esteem

    1. Doubt your inner critic. Being happy with yourself is very important for mental health. Worry and negative thoughts can bother you and keep you from feeling good. Self-doubt can torment you the most. The following exercises will help you calm your inner critic and calm your anxiety:

      • If you catch yourself worrying and/or having negative thoughts about yourself, ask yourself some questions. For example, “Is this thought good for me?”, “Is this thought true?”, “Would I say this to another person?”. Answering these questions often helps reduce self-doubt.
      • Change the negative thought to make it more true or good. For example, you might catch yourself thinking, “I can never do anything right.” Try to make it more truthful: “Sometimes I can do something wrong, but other times I do a very good job. I can’t do everything in the world and that’s okay, I’m proud of what I can do.”
    2. Focus on your strengths. During difficult times, focus on those qualities of yourself that can help you cope with life's challenges.

      Practice self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is an exercise in which you remind yourself of your worth by saying or writing down what you love about yourself. Regularly recognizing the qualities you love about yourself can greatly increase your self-esteem.

    How to deal with negative emotions

      Make time for yourself. Dealing with strong emotions can be difficult, but they are an integral part of life. The ability to control your emotions and alleviate your own pain is an integral part of good mental health. Part of that is making time for yourself and the activities that you enjoy.

      • This activity will be different for each person. Perhaps you already have some activities that help you cope with emotions.
      • Talking to a friend, going for a walk, playing music, or other soothing activities such as taking a bubble bath are good examples.
    1. Practice self-awareness. Be aware of your own emotional reactions to external events. Take time to reflect on your reactions to difficult situations.

      • Instead of immediately reacting to negative events, try to mentally distance yourself to note your emotional reaction. Many people find it helpful, for example, to take a few deep breaths or count to ten before reacting.
      • Think about how you feel without judgment. This will enable you to respond in a more thoughtful way rather than impulsively.
      • Being aware of your emotions is especially helpful in communication and relationships.
    2. Keep a diary. A diary can help you organize your thoughts and feelings. This can increase your awareness of your own emotional reactions. It is beneficial for both mental and physical health, such as boosting the immune system and relieving stress. Here are some helpful diary tips:

      • How do my feelings relate to this event? How are they not related?
      • What do these feelings tell me about me and my needs?
      • Can I objectively assess my emotional response? What assumptions can I make based on my judgments?
      • Try to write in your diary every day for at least 20 minutes.

    How to Maintain Healthy Relationships

    1. Recognize the signs of a healthy relationship. Social support is very important in difficult times. Friends, family members, and colleagues can offer social support and help with stressful life events. Social support can also help you feel accepted and secure. Look for the following in your relationship:

      Recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Unfortunately, some relationships can be unhealthy or contain elements of violence. Relationship abuse is often the desire to control another person physically or emotionally. Here are some behaviors that may indicate that a person tends to be abusive in a relationship:

      • He deliberately tries to put you in an awkward position, to shame
      • He is overly critical
      • He ignores you
      • Often moody and unpredictable
      • Controls where you go and limits your social circle
      • Uses phrases like “If you…then I…”
      • Uses money to control you
      • Checks your phone or email without your permission
      • Behaves like an owner
      • Shows his temper or excessive jealousy
      • Uses pressure, guilt, or forces you to have sex
    2. Assess your relationship. Once you understand what characterizes a healthy or unhealthy relationship, take the time to consider your social circle. Think about which relationships are most beneficial and which are harmful to your psyche.

    3. Invest in your healthy relationships. Maintaining a positive relationship doesn't just depend on other people. It also depends on your behavior. Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship:

      • Remember that each of you is a separate person, and think about what each of you wants from a relationship.
      • Express your needs and be receptive to the needs of others.
      • Recognize that you will not find complete happiness in one relationship.
      • Be willing to compromise and learn to negotiate outcomes that are acceptable to both of you.
      • Be empathetic, try to understand the other person's view and point of view.
      • When serious problems arise, try to talk about them honestly and with empathy.

The need to monitor one's own mental health as carefully as one's physical condition, few people raise questions and doubts. At the very least, we are witnessing serious steps towards the destigmatization of mental disorders - only one flash mob opened the society's eyes to what depression is In fact and what it is like (with the light hand of glossy magazines and popular psychology, for many years everything was called “depression” - from a bad mood to fleeting melancholy). In addition, more and more celebrities and public figures are finding the strength to speak openly about the mental illness they have experienced and urge their fans not to be afraid to ask for help. Gradually, the priorities in society are changing - taking care of yourself and your health comes first.

However, when it comes to the prevention of mental disorders, few people know what to do. Yes, self-help strategies abound, but not everyone has the time or money for health-improving hippotherapy and crystals that help (or don't help) relax. That is why we have compiled a list of the most effective and easy-to-implement ways to take care of your “inner world”. Again, such care should become a habit - something that you really do, and not something that you just talk about.

Monitor your condition and periodically arrange days of rest (real rest) for yourself.

You yourself know when - in an endless stream of cases, tasks and deadlines - you need to exhale and give yourself the opportunity to relax. In addition, you yourself know that after a short pause, you will have the strength that will allow you to “plunge” even deeper into the work process. However, despite the fact that the benefits of such a psychological “detox” are obvious, for some reason we feel selfish and lazy at the mere thought of rest. To avoid inappropriate and completely unjustified remorse, treat such a day off as prevention - taking one "healthy" day to "recharge", you give your body (including the immune system) time to catch up and prevent a very real "sick" day in the future.

Think of something to do before bed (do not offer TV shows)

If your main tool in the fight against fatigue is a “binge” watching TV shows until late at night, then it is not surprising that the next day you feel overwhelmed and completely exhausted (this state is unlikely to contribute to creative and work processes). Do a little experiment - don't watch anything before bed for a week. Use this time to read, meditate (and don't roll your eyes - it really works), draw, color something, finally call your mom, flip through a magazine, watch the trees in the window, soak in the bath - in general, choose what what you like best. Yes, for a lot of people, hanging out with a TV series is an effective way to get through the day's stress, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just good to find something else (something that doesn't involve sitting in front of a monitor until 2am).

Think about the things you only enjoy while on vacation and incorporate them into your daily life.

On vacation, we tend to take things simpler and lighter - without blinking an eye, we replace the gym with a swim or a walk, we have dinner with friends in a cafe or we buy a salad and go to a snack in the park. We also don't check email because we set up auto-answer and put our phone on airplane mode. And what if you add a pinch of this serene mood to your harsh reality? For example, allow yourself to go for a jog in the city center instead of training in a stuffy fitness club? Or set your phone to “do not disturb” mode and put your smartphone in your bag at ten in the evening? Of course, such measures are not a substitute for a full vacation, but they will help you buy some personal time and defuse the situation a little.

Limit refined sugar intake

No, cutting out soda, sweets, and pastries from your diet won't get rid of your depression or anxiety disorder, but it will help you avoid "jumps" in blood sugar, which, in turn, will allow your body to conserve energy for a long time and distribute it evenly throughout the day. . And although there are no products that would be able to protect a person from stress, magnesium (and therefore the products in which this trace element is contained) helps to relieve headaches and relieve fatigue. So next time you're shopping, don't miss avocados, figs, and pumpkin seeds.

Seek help, even if you feel like "it's not that bad yet"

There is no need to wait until you get really sick - the sooner you start treatment, the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery. If something happens to your mental state that prevents you from living, do not tolerate it - talk to someone and ask for help. It is best to contact a person whom you trust and who will treat your problem with attention and participation. In addition, you need to find a doctor who will provide you with professional help and prevent the disease from developing (Alisa Tayozhnaya tells how she was looking for a psychotherapist).

Avoid alcohol if you feel sick every time you drink

There is nothing wrong with periodically going somewhere with friends and having a couple of glasses of beer or wine during heartfelt conversations. But if you realize that you are drinking too much and drinking only to cope with permanent anxiety or drown out the inner voice that signals an unresolved problem, then it's time to think. Still, it is easier to treat depression alone than to treat both depression and alcoholism at the same time.

Aging presents people with problems such as loss of loved ones, decreased energy levels, age-related changes in the body and chronic diseases. Children grow up and leave the parental home, taking smiles, love and joy with them. These feelings are replaced by uncertainty about the future, sadness, anxiety and low self-esteem.

But do not despair, as age-related changes also have positive aspects. For example, you have the opportunity to devote more time to yourself, travel, find new friends, new hobbies and quietly enjoy life. Here are some ways to help you maintain your mental health over the years.


This spiritual practice trains the brain, helps to focus and improve attention. Meditation also reduces anxiety and increases the ability to enjoy the little sweet moments in life. It helps build tolerance for the discomforts that inevitably come with the aging of the body. By meditating on a regular basis, you will stop feeling stressed and learn to deal with reactive emotions.

stay in touch

Unfortunately, with age, for many people, the desire to lock themselves within four walls and isolate themselves from society with a blank wall becomes relevant. This habit will provide you with a meeting with depression and anxiety, so we urge you to give it up. Stop watching TV in splendid isolation and look for meetings with friends in a noisy place. If you have lost them, sign up for an interest club, find something to your liking and find new like-minded people. Also, do not refuse to communicate with people on social networks.


Scientific research suggests that gratitude increases feelings of overall well-being. It helps to cope with stress, reduce the level of aggression and get rid of depression. California clinical psychologist Steven Sultanoff invites his clients to end the day by thanking fate for any three unforgettable things.

Explore your body

The minds of modern people are busy around the clock with news and problems that form a high level of anxiety and mental stress. To prevent somatic diseases, try to listen to your body with this simple trick. Close your eyes and for 5-15 minutes focus your attention on the sensations in the body area. Find out in which area there is muscle tension or discomfort.

More movement

Physical activity increases the supply of oxygen to the brain. It helps boost mood, improve concentration, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. For best results, alternate walks with aerobic exercise and strength training.

new hobby

Take every opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. You never know what positive emotions await you around the corner. To maintain neural connections in the brain, active training is necessary. At your leisure, solve puzzles and logic problems, play musical instruments and learn foreign languages.


Research shows that a good gut microflora has a beneficial effect on the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore, your daily probiotic yogurt is not only good for your digestion, but also effective for improving memory function, mood, and overall well-being.

New social activity

To feel useful to society, find an activity that could be useful. Get actively involved in volunteering, take a part-time job, start a small business, or become a mentor to young people in a field you have worked in for a long time.

More sleep

According to statistics, almost half of the adult population over 60 suffers from some form of sleep disorder. In the long term, this state of affairs leads to anxiety and depression, and is one of the contributing factors to the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Every night your brain has to go through a total reset. This will give you the opportunity to feel cheerful and fresh in the morning.

Self love

The process of physical aging of the body is associated with discontent, despondency and disappointment. Learn to accept all visual changes by looking at yourself in the mirror. Use positive affirmations and visualization practice. Negative self-esteem completely destroys self-love, so give up depressing thoughts.

Visiting a psychotherapist

If you notice that sadness, frustration, and anxiety persist for a long time, consider seeking professional counseling. Psychotherapists in their sessions recognize the patient's counterproductive thought patterns and suggest measures that will help restore love to life. There is always a way out of any predicament, and there is nothing shameful in getting advice from an experienced practicing doctor.

Maintaining a Positive Support System

A good support system helps eliminate uncertainty about the future, preventing unwanted stress and depression. Surround yourself with people who genuinely love you and are willing to take care of you. But toxic social ties should be abandoned. Stop pleasing people who suck your energy.

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Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists, doctors and officials, experts from various fields will gather to look for ways to preserve and strengthen the mental health of mankind.

The progress of science, technology and medicine not only changes our lives for the better, but also creates new problems. including in the field of mental health. Leading psychotherapists who will take part in the work of the Moscow forum are sure of this.

For example, such an unconditional conquest of civilization as the growth of life expectancy entails an increase in the likelihood of developing mental and psychiatric disorders. And technological and social progress leads to the emergence of new disorders, such as Internet addiction or gambling addiction. And for psychotherapists themselves, progress not only opens up new opportunities (for example, online counseling), but also adds difficulties.

Thus, the therapist should avoid relationships with the client outside of therapy, including refusing to disclose personal information. But with the development of social networks, it is becoming increasingly difficult to comply with this rule and maintain a distance.

Solving mental health problems requires a concerted effort. The need for a comprehensive, multilateral approach is noted by the Secretary General of the Yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India (YPAI), Professor Ganesh Shankar. “Many personal disorders that once seemed incurable are now highly treatable,” the expert notes, “with the help of both new drugs and new methods of psychotherapy, which has also made significant progress. Today we have a much better understanding of the causes of many disorders and therefore can find ways to overcome them through psychotherapeutic means. I believe that the diversity of therapeutic approaches is an important condition for our further success in strengthening the mental health of people.”

It's time to act

It is not necessary to count on the fact that progress will solve all problems without creating new ones. According to the forecasts of the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2020 mental disorders will be among the top five diseases of mankind. Already today, mental health problems cost the UK economy about £70bn (4.5% of the country's GDP) annually. In the United States, mental disorders and substance abuse are the 2nd leading cause of temporary disability and the 3rd leading cause of permanent disability in the working population. In Russia, according to experts, about 21 million people in the country need the help of psychiatrists, which is about 14% of the population.

The representative of the International Association of Applied Psychology and the World Council for Psychotherapy at the UN, psychologist Judy Kuriansky considers the Congress an important practical step: “I talk a lot in my works and in lectures about what psychological stability is, how to achieve it, where to find internal forces. But discussions should lead to action, which is why I work with the UN.”

Judy Kuriansky considers the Congress in Moscow to be the same real thing, in the preparation of which she actively participates. “Caring for mental health today is no less important to the well-being of society than maintaining physical health.”

Another participant in the Congress, psychoanalyst Nicole Aknin, rector of the University. Sigmund Freud(Paris, France), vice-president of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, believes that a more conscious attitude to life, which is now spreading more and more, can serve as psychotherapy in itself.

“If we can listen to life and what it offers us, then we will understand that it always offers us evolution. And life itself becomes a therapy, if, of course, we consider it from this perspective, the psychoanalyst reflects. – I often cite as an example the South African leader Nelson Mandela, who writes how, while in prison, he suddenly caught a spark of sympathy in the eyes of his jailers, and this gave him strength. It happened by itself, he was not undergoing psychotherapy at that moment and was subjected to torment. But he was able to make life itself a psychotherapy.”

“I believe that we came into this world to develop, evolve. And if we go through psychotherapy, then we develop faster, emphasizes Nicole Aknin. – And then the trials that fall to us will not be perceived so hard. We will be able to live all the events of our life as offers to change that she makes to us.

Within the framework of the Congress, which will be held under the auspices of WHO, international conferences, panel discussions, master classes, forums with the participation of leading international experts in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology and other events will take place. A Mental Health Declaration will also be prepared, which will include innovative approaches and practical recommendations regarding scientific research, the implementation of pilot programs, the development of mechanisms for evaluating their effectiveness, based on advanced achievements in this area.

Igor Kagramanyan, Chairman of the Russian Organizing Committee, First Deputy Minister of Health of Russia, is confident that the Congress participants will be able to hear each other, openly discuss problems and successes, and join forces to take a step forward together. “This is not a figurative expression at all,” emphasizes Igor Kagramanyan. “Behind every such step is the health and well-being of millions of people who need real help. I am convinced that together we can find solutions to even the most difficult problems.”



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