The importance of communication in the modern world. Spiritual, interpersonal communication is possible when each participant has the image of the interlocutor, knows his personal characteristics, can anticipate his reactions, takes into account the interests and beliefs of the partner

Abstract on the topic:


Nizhny Novgorod 2010

    1. Communication in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication;

    2. Technique and methods of communication;

    3. The concept of communication skills;

1. Communication in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication.

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in our lives? Why do we communicate? Why do we need communication so much? Let's find it out...

Communication in the broad sense of the word is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, including the exchange of information and the development of a common strategy for interaction, mutual perception and attempts to influence each other.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a half-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are found from time to time among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated from their own kind for a long time ( e.g. after a shipwreck).

Of particular importance for the mental development of a person is

his interactions with adults in the early stages of life. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate.

Mental development of a person begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that occurs in his life and thanks to which a person receives the information necessary for his individual development. So, business communication forms and develops his abilities, serves as a means of acquiring knowledge and skills. In it, a person improves the ability to interact with people, developing the business and organizational qualities necessary for this.

Personal communication forms a person as a person, gives him the opportunity to acquire certain character traits, interests, habits, inclinations, learn the norms and forms of moral behavior, determine the goals of life and choose the means of their implementation. Diverse in content, goals and means, communication also performs a specific function in the mental development of the individual. For example, material communication allows a person to receive objects of material and spiritual culture necessary for a normal life, which act as a condition for individual development.

Conditional communication creates a state of readiness for learning, formulates the attitudes necessary to optimize other types of communication. Thus, it indirectly contributes to the individual intellectual and personal development of a person. Motivational communication serves as a source of additional energy for a person, a kind of “recharging” him. By acquiring new interests, motives and goals of activity as a result of such communication, a person increases his psychoenergetic potential, which develops him. activity

communication, which can be defined as an interpersonal exchange of actions, operations, skills and abilities, has a direct developmental effect for the individual, as it improves and enriches his own activity.

Biological communication serves the organism's self-preservation as the most important condition for the maintenance and development of its vital functions. Social communication serves the social needs of people and is a factor contributing to the development of forms of social life: groups, collectives, organizations, nations, states, the human world as a whole. Direct communication is necessary for a person in order to be trained and educated as a result of the widespread use in practice of the simplest and most effective means and methods of learning given to him from birth: conditioned reflex, verbal and non-verbal. Mediated communication helps to master the means of communication and improve on the basis of their ability to self-educate and self-educate a person, as well as to consciously manage communication itself.

Non-verbal communication contributes to the development and improvement of a person's communication capabilities, as a result of which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up wider opportunities for development. As for verbal communication and its role in the mental development of the individual, it is difficult to overestimate it. It is associated with the assimilation of speech, and it, as you know, underlies the entire development of a person, both intellectual and personally personal.

2. Technique and methods of communication.

available means of communication. This can be learned, but to a much lesser extent than the technique and methods of communication. The means of communication is understood as the way in which a person realizes a certain content and goals of communication. They depend on a person's culture, level of development, upbringing and education. When we talk about the development of a person's abilities, skills and communication skills, we primarily mean the technique and means of communication.

Communication technique is a way of pre-setting a person to communicate with people, his behavior in the process of communication, preferred means of communication, including verbal and non-verbal.

Before entering into communication with another person, it is necessary to determine your interests, correlate them with the interests of a communication partner, evaluate him as a person, choose the most appropriate communication technique and techniques. Then, already in the process of communication, it is necessary to control its course and results, to be able to correctly complete the act of communication, leaving the partner with an appropriate, favorable or unfavorable, impression of himself and making sure that in the future he has or does not have (if there is no such desire ) the desire to continue communication.

At the initial stage of communication, his technique includes such elements as the adoption of a certain facial expression, posture, the choice of initial words and tone of expression, movements and gestures that attract the attention of the partner of actions aimed at his presetting, at a certain perception of the communicated (transmitted information).

Facial expression should correspond to three points: the purpose of the message, the desired result of communication and the demonstrated attitude towards the partner. The posture taken, as well as facial expression, also serves as a means of demonstrating a certain relationship either to the communication partner or to the content of what is being reported. Sometimes the subject

communication consciously controls the posture in order to facilitate or, on the contrary, complicate the act of communication. For example, talking with an interlocutor face to face from a close distance facilitates communication and indicates a friendly attitude towards him, and talking, looking away, standing half-turned or with his back and at a considerable distance from the interlocutor, usually makes communication difficult and indicates an unfriendly attitude towards him. Note that the posture and facial expression can be controlled consciously and formed unconsciously and, in addition to the will and desire of the person himself, demonstrate his attitude to the content of the conversation or to the interlocutor.

The choice of initial words and tone, initiating the act of communication, also has a certain impression on the partner. For example, a formal tone means that the communication partner is not in the mood to establish a friendly personal relationship. The same purpose is served by an underlined appeal to “You” to a familiar person. On the contrary, the initial appeal to “you” and the transition to a friendly, informal tone of communication are a sign of a benevolent attitude, the partner’s readiness to establish informal personal relationships. Approximately the same is evidenced by the presence or absence of a friendly smile on the face at the initial moment of communication.

The first gestures that attract the attention of a communication partner, as well as facial expressions (facial expressions), are often involuntary, so communicating people, in order to hide their state or attitude towards a partner, turn their eyes aside and hide their hands. In the same situations, difficulties often arise in choosing the first words, slips of the tongue, speech errors, and difficulties are often encountered, the nature of which was much and interestingly discussed by 3. Freud.

In the process of communication, some other types of technology are used and

conversation techniques based on the use of so-called feedback. In communication, it is understood as the technique and methods of obtaining information about a communication partner used by interlocutors to correct their own behavior in the process of communication.

Feedback includes conscious control of communicative actions, observation of the partner and assessment of his reactions, subsequent change in accordance with this own behavior. Feedback involves the ability to see yourself from the side and correctly judge how the partner perceives himself in communication. Inexperienced interlocutors most often forget about feedback and do not know how to use it.

The feedback mechanism involves the partner's ability to correlate their reactions with the assessments of their own actions and draw a conclusion about what caused the interlocutor's certain reaction to the words spoken. The feedback also includes corrections that the communicating person makes to his own behavior, depending on how he perceives and evaluates the partner's actions. The ability to use feedback in communication is one of the most important moments in the process of communication and in the structure of a person's communicative abilities.

    The concept of communication skills.

Communication skills are the skills and abilities to communicate with people, on which its success depends. People of different ages, education, culture, different levels of psychological development, having different life and professional experience, differ from each other in communication skills. Educated and cultured people have more pronounced communicative abilities than uneducated and uncultured people. People whose professions involve not only frequent and intense communication, but also

performance in communication of certain roles (actors, doctors, teachers, politicians, leaders), often have more developed communication skills than representatives of other professions.

The techniques and methods of communication used in practice have age-specific features. So, in children they are different from adults, and preschoolers communicate with surrounding adults and peers differently than older students do. Receptions and techniques of communication of older people, as a rule, differ from communication of young people.

Children are more impulsive and direct in communication; non-verbal means predominate in their technique. Feedback is poorly developed in children, and communication itself is often overly emotional. With age, these features of communication gradually disappear and it becomes more balanced, verbal, rational, expressively economical. Feedback is also improving.

The professionalism of communication is manifested at the stage of pre-setting in the choice of the tone of the statement and in specific reactions to the actions of the communication partner. Actors have a playful (in the sense of acting) style of communicating with others, as they get used to the frequent performance of different roles and often get used to them, as if continuing to play in real human relationships. Teachers and leaders, due to the established undemocratic traditions in the sphere of business and pedagogical communication, are often characterized by an arrogant, mentoring tone. Doctors, especially psychotherapists, usually show increased attention and sympathy in dealing with people.

So, communication is the most important and integral part of our life. So live, have fun, develop and communicate!

List of used literature:

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human (3)Abstract >> Psychology

And the people around human. Feelings perform in life and activities human, in his communication motivating with other people role. In a relationship...

Lecture 4.1. Introduction to the psychology of communication

The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar and coffee. And I am ready to pay for this skill more than for any product in this world.

J. Rockefeller

    The concept of communication. Communication in the modern world

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the life of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? Communication is a natural human habitat. This is a complex process in which people interact, exchange information, influence each other, strive to understand each other.

Often the terms "communication" and "communication" are used as equivalent, synonymous. However, according to other researchers, communication is a communication in which information is transferred. At the same time, the object receiving information can be not only a person, but also a machine, an animal. Communication is always a two-way process based on the interaction of equal partners - the subjects of communication. We will accept the first point of view and consider the terms “communication” and “communication” as synonyms, since communication in its pure form is practically never found in human communication, because the transfer of information, as a rule, in society is precisely a two-way process, speech interaction.

Communication - the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems; this is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication is changing not only due to the constant improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some of the social functions of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity. Features of communication in the modern world are associated with the values ​​that social control brings to the life of each person, and with a change in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

1. If a few centuries ago direct communication between people prevailed, then the last century has donedominant mass and mediated communication .

Ψ Internet, mobile phones

2. With regard to direct interaction, it should be noted that increased number of forced contacts between people . This is especially noticeable in large cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts of complete strangers with each other. Traveling to work on public transport, shopping for goods in the store, watching performances - all these are ways of spending time that are associated with numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; secondly, they are superficial. Neither is a criterion for quality communication:

Ψ Proteins in a cell

3. In the past few decades, various learning communication technologies . People are increasingly realizing that many of their problems stem from their inability to communicate. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of means of communication and diverse channels of information, leads to the contradiction between the form, means of communication and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects that are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of means of communication does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in the crowd - loneliness among people especially in big cities.

Ψ Vishnevsky "Loneliness in the Net"

4. Many media create the illusion of communication . Working at a computer or watching evening TV programs helps develop a sense of interaction with others. So, for example, sociologists have determined that the average urban modern person spends about 5 hours a day watching TV (!). This is a very dangerous tendency, since the subject, watching an interesting information program for him, creates the illusion of the presence of another person and communication with him. But in reality there is no communication. This quasi communication, those. imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. Console quasi(from lat. -quasi) is used before a word to express the doubtfulness, imaginary nature of the designated phenomenon. If an individual systematically watches any program, he has the illusion of knowing the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some stable idea of ​​the television image (image) of the presenters. Increasing the share of quasi-communication in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication.

Conclusion. It is quite clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the share of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and mediated communication reduces its quality everywhere. What determines the quality of communication? First, the level at which the interaction takes place; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; thirdly, the possibilities of self-development of the individual.

    Communication functions

Communication performs a number significant functions:

    perceptual function - the perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis;

    informative function - the transfer of information, the provision of the necessary information;

    interactive - organization of interaction between people, for example, coordination of actions, distribution of functions, influence on moods, beliefs, behavior of the interlocutor through the use of various forms of influence;

    motivational function (incentive) - encourages employees to better perform tasks using persuasion, requests, orders, etc.;

    expressive function - contributes to the emotional expression of feelings, experiences, attitude to what is happening and allows you to satisfy social needs;

    control function - tracking the behavior of employees in various ways based on hierarchy and subordination.

    Levels and types of communication

Communication, along with communicative (transfer of information), performs other functions: regulatory (serves to regulate behavior), perceptual (helps the interlocutors to perceive each other), suggestive (the function of suggestion), etc.

Types of communication

1) official - unofficial (private, private);

2) oral - written;

3) dialogic - monologue;

4) interpersonal - public;

5) direct - indirect;

6) contact - remote.

Communication levels:

Communication can take place at different levels. Communication levels are determined, in turn, by the general culture of the interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, the peculiarities of the situation, social control, and many other factors. The value orientations of the communicants and their attitude towards each other are especially influential.

The most primitive level of communication - phatic (from lat. fatuus - stupid). It involves a simple exchange of remarks to maintain a conversation in conditions where the speakers are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Such communication has a certain character of automatism and limitation. Its primitiveness lies not in the fact that the remarks are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning or content behind them. Sometimes this level is referred to as conventional (convention - agreement). If the word phatic indicates its simplicity, then the word conventional indicates its standardization. The standardization of communication, in turn, occurs in such social situations that are ordinary, familiar to individuals and therefore the interaction occurs at the level of a simple habit. Such communication does not require any reflection, does not contain any positive or negative aspects: it is not a source of human activity. At the same time, it should not be underestimated. Phatic communication is necessary in standardized situations. If it is not adequate to the situation, then a person may face negative social sanctions. Often this level of communication is determined by the etiquette norms of the social stratum, the representatives of which are the subjects of interaction. The peculiarity of this level of communication also lies in the fact that the subject does not receive any new information.

The next level of communication informational. At this level, there is an exchange of new information interesting for the interlocutors, which is the source of any kind of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral). The information level of communication is usually stimulating in nature and prevails in conditions of joint activities or when meeting old friends. It should be noted that the information level is not related only to the content of the conversation. It can also be information of a paralinguistic, contextual plan. In any case, this level contributes to the active involvement of a person in the communication process. Often the levels of communication change in the course of a single conversation. For example, a dialogue starts as informational, but gradually moves to a phatic level, or vice versa.

personal the level of communication characterizes such an interaction in which the subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions, when a person has inspiration, insight, a feeling of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness, etc. These are special situations of spiritual uplift and personal development, so this level can also be defined as spiritual . The personal level is deeply moral: it removes all restrictions on interaction precisely because they become completely superfluous. The personal level of communication is largely determined by the identity of the value orientations of the interacting subjects and the ability of those communicating to comprehend the essence of the phenomena of the surrounding world through illumination (insight) in the process of interaction.

The personal or spiritual level characterizes only such communication, which is aimed at activating the positive attitude of the subjects of interaction towards themselves, other people and the world around them as a whole. Therefore, the personal level is a prosocial level, i.e. useful for society, because a side effect of such communication is the moral improvement of people. As for the phatic and informational levels, they can have a socially positive (prosocial) and socially negative (antisocial) context. So, the phatic level can be carried out with etiquette norms (pro-social) and vulgar (anti-social). The same can be said about the information level. It should also be added that the information level is either business, or emotional, or emotional-business. At the same time, each of the three subtypes of this level can be both prosocial and antisocial.

In the modern world, people cannot do without communication, a person spends most of his time in society: at work, in the office, in the family, with friends. And for effective and rich communication there is speech. Any social activity is not complete without it, and there are also many professions where communication skills are needed: teachers, lawyers, journalists and politicians, etc.

There are two people involved in a conversation: the one who listens and the one who speaks. Moreover, the peculiarity of communication is such that people constantly change roles for a more effective conversation. A successful conversation always requires a topic and knowledge of the language.

A person's personality is formed in the process of communication, upbringing, education; that is why its importance is so great. With the help of speech, we can discuss our goals, plans, dreams, share our experiences. Communication is the air for a person. It helps to organize joint work, build a person's personal life, and enjoy intelligent conversation. Humanity began to progress along with the development of speech.

A person's personality is formed through communication. Through other people, developed, educated, erudite and emotionally mature, we receive important information about the world around us, which forms our worldview and helps us become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people. From birth, we develop our cognitive skills. There are many examples when a person is not brought up in a society of people. Children who have fallen into wolf packs and have been brought up there for a long time will no longer be able to adapt to human society. Outwardly, of course, they look like a person, but internally they are more like an animal, they are mentally undeveloped and it is already impossible to re-educate them. Successful socialization is another invaluable function of communication.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • * communication is an integral part of human life. The influence of public opinion on us proves this. There are also many ways to influence people on each other, for example, hypnosis, blackmail, fashion, suggestion.
  • * communication is a need, it is the goal of relationships with other people.
  • * Communication is a source of knowledge and understanding of others.

If a person's communication is complete, then he feels satisfied and happy, this contributes to the development of his capabilities, self-realization and success. If a person, on the contrary, communicates little, withdraws into himself, then he develops an inferiority complex in himself, deprives himself of useful information and new opportunities, the general mental state of a person worsens. Thus, the importance of communication in human life is very great.

Features of communication

  • 1. Communication, of course, brings joy and happiness, communicating with your loved ones, your soulmate, interesting creative people - all this makes our life full. Communication with nature and art gives us harmony and peace of mind.
  • 2. The medal has two sides. Communication can bring disappointment, sadness, and depression. That is why so many dramas have been written dedicated to the feelings and experiences of the hero.
  • 3. Neutral communication, which is indispensable, is a significant part of everyday life. But there is an alternative - festive communication, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of any person.

Now you see that communication plays a huge role in our lives, and therefore it is necessary to master the skills of effective communication. Learn to understand people, adequately perceive their positions without prejudice and prejudice. The circle of people with whom you communicate directly depends on your psychological and emotional maturity.

One of the leading factors in the emergence and existence of culture is communication. All human life is connected in one way or another with communication, which underlies almost everything that people do.

In principle, communication is characteristic of all living beings. Thus, animals have various ways of transmitting information to each other about events and states that are biologically significant for them. This is a special language of gestures, postures and facial expressions, including the tail as an expression of emotions, the "language" of smells, associated with the fact that some species of animals mark the territory where they live with their secretions. All animal species have a sound alarm. So, frogs make 6, chickens 13-15, horses - up to 100, rooks up to 120 different sounds. Fish make many different sounds. And dolphins conduct an active “conversation” with each other, even when they are separated by a distance of 8 thousand km.

Consistency in the behavior of animals, resulting from the interaction of innate signals and response actions, gives a person the impression that they, like people, talk and understand each other.

It is no coincidence that even among scientists there are those who believe that different types of animals have their own "language", which is their means of communication, thanks to which they transmit detailed information about everything that happens to them. So, back in the 17th century, the Book of Goose Speech was published in France, and later dictionaries of the “languages” of dogs, cats, chickens (1800), crows (1809) were published in Europe, and in America - a book about the language of monkeys, claiming that they speak their own language, which differs from the human only in the degree of complexity and development. The famous Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov made an attempt to create a dictionary of bird language. Already today, in Japan, they are seriously engaged in the development of automatic translators from the "language" of dogs, and a device containing about 200 "words" and "phrases" is already being sold in Tokyo stores.

And yet, it is not necessary to say that animals have a language in the true sense of the word. The innate, fixed signal code of animals is fundamentally different from the human language, which is inextricably linked with human consciousness and thinking.

Human language in its modern form did not appear immediately, but went through a long historical path. It arose from the need of ancient people to say something to each other at the dawn of human society. More or less differentiated sounds in relation to a certain situation, certain objects and actions began to be pronounced for the first time by Neanderthals who lived 200-35 thousand years ago. Gradually, this began to affect their physiological structure: the undeveloped larynx, which they had in a horizontal position, slowly and steadily began to transform, taking a vertical position. Thus, it became possible for human ancestors to pronounce articulate sounds. The first vowel sound of the Cro-Magnon, that is, a modern type of man who lived 50-40 thousand years ago, apparently, was the sound "a". Polyolinguists believe that there were a maximum of 9 such sounds, which made it possible to distinguish no more than 9 situations.

Gradually, step by step, people formed strong connections between the sounds they uttered and the images of objects and actions. From the expression of feelings and emotions, sounds turned into the names of objects and actions with these objects. Words and sentences were singled out from the initially weakly divided sound complexes. This is how articulate speech arose, becoming one of the first signs that distinguish a person from an animal.

The emergence of language has radically changed the nature and role of human communication. Under the influence of speech, the process of formation of the human brain as an organ of consciousness and thinking took place. Language and thinking gradually developed into a single human speech-thinking complex. So the word became a tool of thinking, allowing a person to mentally “break away” from concrete reality, to create words that reflect not only objects and processes, but also abstractions that denote their properties and qualities. Thanks to language and thinking, the content of human communication turned out to be incomparably wider than that of animals.

The great significance of speech was that it made possible the transfer of accumulated experience. What one generation learned could be passed on to the next.

A person's mastery of the language occurred in communication with other people. People disappeared, but the language they created was passed down from generation to generation. Now there are over 3.5 thousand different languages ​​in the world. And every language is native to someone.

The language of any nation is its historical memory, embodied in the word. Language is the main means of transmitting the culture of the people. That is why, in the broadest sense of the word, language is understood as the whole system of culture as a whole. Language in a narrower sense is called speech. Speech refers to logically interconnected words used in a certain order to denote concepts, objects or actions.

Speech is not genetically transmitted, only a biopsychic predisposition to it is inherited. The first three years of a child's life are decisive in the development of speech. From the very first day, they absorb the sounds of speech, collect and accumulate words. Gradually, the child begins to understand the simplest statements of adults and pronounces his first active words. All subsequent time up to the age of seven, the child masters speech and uses it more and more perfectly and in a variety of ways to communicate with others. The development of human speech communication occurs throughout his life.

Language refers to verbal, that is, verbal (lat.verbalis - verbal) means of communication. But besides him, communication can also occur with the help of non-verbal, that is, non-verbal means, which include facial expressions, gestures and body movements of a person.

A person needs communication from the moment of birth. It has been established that from 1.5 - 2 months of age, the development of the child occurs already in communication with adults. The lack of such communication can lead to serious deviations in the formation of a person in the future. So, children, deprived of communication from birth, grew up idiots and died early. Famous historical example: Prussian King Frederick II at the beginning

18th century wanted to study the proto-language of mankind and decided to set up an experiment, convinced that if you raise a child without talking to him, then he will speak this ancient language of people on his own. The result of the experiment was deplorable - all the experimental children died. It is no coincidence that sailors who found themselves on uninhabited islands, as a rule, became wild, forgot speech and went crazy.

Why does a person enter into communication? In animals, communication chains usually do not go beyond biological needs. In humans, these goals are very diverse and are associated with many needs. So, through communication, a person receives knowledge about the world around him, with the help of communication, he assimilates social, cultural and moral values. Without communication in society, the processes of upbringing, education, management and service are unthinkable.

Communication in the life of a person and society performs a number of functions, among which are:

Information related to the transfer and exchange of information;

Social, associated with the organization of joint activities and cooperation of people;

Psychological, associated with ensuring the psychological comfort of a person;

Developing, associated with the formation of personal qualities in a person, his skills and abilities.

In the life of most people, everyday communication prevails - the most common one that occurs at home, in the family circle, in everyday life. A significant place in a person's life is also occupied by business communication related to work and the performance of official duties.

The most common types of communication are conversation and conversation. Common types of communication include disputes, negotiations, interviews, discussions, meetings, press conferences.

Communication in the life of most people today takes up to 70 percent of personal time. That is why it is important for a modern person to be able to communicate, to know certain norms and rules of communication that ensure mutual understanding between people.

1 The predominance of mass and mediated communication. Although several centuries ago there was direct communication.
2 Increasing the number of forced contacts between people. This is especially noticeable in large cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts of complete strangers with each other. Traveling to work on public transport, shopping for goods in the store, watching performances. The peculiarities of these contacts is that they are numerous and superficial. There is no quality.
3 The contradiction between the form and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects that are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of means of communication does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in the crowd.
4 Increasing the proportion of quasi-communication in human interaction with the outside world. Quasi-communication - imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent.

Many media create the illusion of communication. If an individual systematically watches any program, he has the illusion of knowing the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some stable idea of ​​the television image of the presenters.

It is likely that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the proportion of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of mass and indirect communication reduces its quality everywhere.

The quality of communication is determined by:
1) the level at which the interaction takes place;
2) the amount that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people;
3) opportunities for self-development.

Communication can take place at different levels.

3rd level. Personal - characterizes such an interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions, when a person has inspiration, insight, a feeling of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness. These are situations of spiritual uplift and, therefore, the level is called spiritual. The personal level is highly moral: it removes all restrictions on interaction precisely because they become completely superfluous.



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