Is it possible to get pregnant after medical termination of pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion: when to plan a new pregnancy

In order to understand how long after an abortion is performed again, you need to know what abortion can do for the female body.

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy from 4 to 22 weeks, or, if for some reason the period is not set, when the fetus weighs up to 400 grams. Abortion can be natural or artificial.

Natural abortion (miscarriage) is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, usually up to 22 weeks. Most often, a miscarriage occurs when the fetus has developmental defects, or the mother’s body rejects the fetus due to the presence of any diseases. That is, nature itself produces “natural selection”, taking care of the birth of genetically healthy offspring, or preserving the life of the mother (if carrying a pregnancy is incompatible with the diseases she has).

Induced abortion is carried out in a medical institution through curettage of the uterine cavity (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy), vacuum aspiration (up to 6 weeks), drug provocation of miscarriage (up to 8 weeks) and provocation of premature birth (up to 22 weeks). According to statistics, 40% of induced abortions occur only at the request of the woman, in the absence of other indications (medical, social, etc.).

Abortion can be very difficult for the female body, which include uterine perforation, cervical ruptures, significant blood loss, ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders, isthmicocervical insufficiency, fallopian tube obstruction, infections, endometriosis, miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies, psychological trauma, infertility. The risk of complications increases with the number of abortions performed, so the issue of contraception after an abortion must be approached very responsibly.

Pregnancy after abortion

Many people are interested in the question: how long after an abortion is a new conception possible? Some - because they don’t want to again, others - because, on the contrary, they decided to give birth.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. The likelihood of pregnancy depends on various factors: the degree of the woman, the method in which the abortion was performed (surgical or medical), how strong a “shock” the abortion was to the body and what the abortion was. Regarding the approximate time frame for getting pregnant after an abortion, doctors express different opinions, the most common are the following.

Some experts believe that the day of an abortion (artificial or natural) is considered the first day of a woman’s new menstrual cycle, and pregnancy is possible already in the middle of the cycle - 14 days after the abortion if ovulation occurs, and unprotected sexual intercourse occurs on the eve of it. At the same time, it is not recommended to have sex until the discharge from the genital tract after an abortion stops (about 10 days) - the risk of infection is too great.

Others believe that due to hormonal changes in the body after an abortion, ovulation (and therefore) can be expected on any day of the new menstrual cycle.

Still others advise women who decide to have a child to plan a pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the abortion (in the absence of complications). Until that moment, the body is still very weak, and problems may arise with bearing it.

It should be especially noted that the probability of becoming pregnant again is very low for those who have a negative Rh factor and terminated their first pregnancy. This fact is due to the fact that this woman’s body, after termination of pregnancy, retains antibodies that can destroy fetal cells if it has a positive Rh factor.

Already in the very title of the article, the difference in the deep sense of these two issues is noticeable. In the question “how quickly get pregnant after an abortion" - sounds the fear of a woman who has not yet recovered from a forced termination of pregnancy and is frightened by a second, also unwanted pregnancy. In the first question: - the concern of a woman who wants to get pregnant, but... it doesn’t work out.

Could abortion be to blame? Alas, it can.

Let's consider the aspect: how soon can get pregnant after an abortion, that is, is pregnancy possible in the first month? In a healthy woman, pregnancy can occur even before the first period after an abortion, if countermeasures in the form of contraception are not taken. Contraceptives are strongly recommended during this period, if only to protect already compromised health.

To be precise, the question of how soon you can get pregnant after an abortion has a clear answer: pregnancy can occur after eleven days, that is, in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The body considers artificial termination of pregnancy as the beginning of a cycle. If the endometrial layer has grown normally in the uterus, and ovulation occurs exactly on time, then nothing will prevent fertilization, except, as already mentioned, all kinds of contraception. So, you can think not only about the possibility of getting pregnant, but even about how to choose the gender of the child and, for example,.

Is abortion dangerous and is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion?

After such an introduction, when the possibility of getting pregnant after an abortion in just a couple of weeks is described, the illusion may arise that abortion is completely harmless.

Everything is relative, and the question “may receive a positive answer. However, there are “ifs” here and, unfortunately, there are a lot of them.

Any abortion, at any stage, is a) dangerous and b) fraught with complications. As a rule, the doctor acts blindly, whether it is medication, mini-abortion, or termination of pregnancy in its early stages. Remains of the fertilized egg, or worse, an uninterrupted but disturbed pregnancy, can lead to inflammation, adhesions, obstruction in the tubes, and even provoke the development of sluggish STIs (if there were any).

Getting pregnant after an abortion is difficult, but possible

Termination of pregnancy, unless there were indications for it, is a violent process, and it NEVER passes without leaving a trace on the body. Even if it succeeds get pregnant after an abortion without problems, then inflammatory and adhesive problems will still appear later.

The uterine wall, thinned as a result of an abortion, cannot provide normal nutrition to the placenta, and the cervix, for the same reason, “refuses” to hold the fetus. Fetal development may slow down, stop altogether, or cause a miscarriage.

There are not only difficulties in trying to get pregnant, but also in bearing the fetus. So the question “is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion” is not entirely correct. It would be more appropriate to ask not - “ is it possible get pregnant after an abortion", and - is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion and fully carry a child to term.

Female reproductive function

Injury to the walls of the uterus, disruption of the body’s “plans” for a nine-month successful pregnancy, serious psychological stress - all this can cause serious hormonal problems, and, on top of that, the risk of inflammatory and adhesive processes. In addition, the vaginal flora may be dramatically disrupted.

It's not all doom and gloom. According to statistics, 98% of women under 40 have had an abortion at least once. And they give birth.

So the question - whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion or not - remains open.

By the way, if you want to get pregnant faster, read this book “56 tips on how to get pregnant quickly.” Recommendations that increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, including alternative medicine methods, are collected and systematized here. Some of these tips are absolutely essential, but others may not seem so obvious. But all together they will definitely lead you to your cherished goal.

An important condition for rapid conception is the choice of favorable days. And measuring basal temperature, as many believe, is not the only and most accurate way. You can learn everything about how to determine what is favorable for conception, and most importantly - why this is so, from a practical guide "How to determine favorable days for conception ". You can get it by filling out the form at the top right of the site.

is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion, to get pregnant after an abortion

It's no secret that abortion has a very negative impact on a woman's reproductive system. However, unfortunately, not everyone knows what exactly the risks and consequences of abortion are. Even those women who themselves have gone through this procedure often do not understand its essence and possible complications.

However, many women are still concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion, and what they can expect from a new pregnancy. In order to know exactly the answers to these questions, it is necessary to understand in detail what happens in a woman’s body during pregnancy and after an abortion.

What is abortion, and what types of abortion exist?

Abortion refers to any conscious action aimed at ending a pregnancy. In medicine, there are three types of abortion:

  1. Vacuum mini-abortion (for up to 5 weeks);
  2. Medical abortion (up to 6 weeks);
  3. Instrumental abortion (up to 16 weeks).

Vacuum aspiration is currently considered a relatively safe method of abortion. The essence of the procedure is simple: a disposable catheter is inserted into the uterus through the cervix, which is attached to a special device - a suction device. This device creates uniform negative pressure in the uterus, due to which the ovum spontaneously detaches.

The advantages of this method of abortion are that it does not require dilatation of the cervix (the dangers of this procedure will be described below), the impact on the uterine mucosa is minimal, which allows it to return to its normal state very quickly, in addition, the procedure is quite simple to so that it can be performed on an outpatient basis. After vacuum aspiration, the woman must undergo an ultrasound to make sure that all tissues of the fertilized egg were removed during the procedure. Otherwise, the procedure is repeated, or instrumental curettage is resorted to.

Medical abortion also falls into the category of relatively safe procedures. In this case, the procedure is even simpler than in the previous one. A woman, in the presence of an obstetrician, takes a pill of a drug that causes fetal death by blocking the production of progesterone. After 2 days, another drug is administered vaginally to the woman, causing uterine contractions. The result of this is the removal of the fertilized egg from the body in much the same way as an unfertilized egg.

The advantages of this type of abortion are approximately the same as with a mini-abortion, however, vacuum aspiration also involves a number of possible complications that are not typical for medical abortion.

Instrumental or classic abortion has the greatest number of complications, and the procedure itself is associated with a large number of difficulties. Instrumental abortion is performed under general anesthesia. First of all, the cervix is ​​dilated using special devices. Then the wall of the uterus is scraped out with another instrument - a curette.

After a classic abortion, the woman is under medical supervision for several hours. Then, if no complications are observed, the woman will be sent home the same day.

Possible complications after an abortion

An abortion never passes without a trace, if only because of a sharp change in hormonal levels. During pregnancy, a woman's body is almost completely rebuilt in order to carry a child. The mode of hormone production also changes, some become more, some become less. All these changes occur quite quickly, but still gradually. If the pregnancy ends in abortion, the body is forced to return to normal mode at lightning speed, which, of course, cannot pass without a trace. All kinds of hormonal disruptions are the price for this lightning speed.

This situation is typical for any type of abortion, and for any period. However, the shorter the gestational age at which the abortion is performed, the less serious the consequences will be. However, an abortion at any stage can lead to serious hormonal imbalances, which can result in spontaneous miscarriages in subsequent pregnancies after the abortion.

This is usually due to a disruption in the production of progesterone, which is necessary in the early stages to maintain pregnancy. To prevent miscarriage in this case, the woman is prescribed hormonal therapy. The main thing is to do a hormone test in a timely manner.

After an instrumental abortion or after vacuum aspiration (in the event that it was not possible to remove all parts of the fetal egg at the same time, and it becomes necessary to resort to curettage), a number of other complications arise, each of which entails its own consequences of varying degrees of severity.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency develops as a result of trauma to the cervix during its dilation during abortion. This complication is especially common in women whose first pregnancy ends with an abortion. This is due to the fact that their cervix is ​​not elastic enough and is difficult to dilate. The risk of muscle damage in this case is much greater than in the second and subsequent pregnancies, when the cervix is ​​naturally prepared to dilate. However, this does not mean that during a second pregnancy there is no risk of getting a similar injury.

During pregnancy, this complication makes itself felt by untimely dilatation of the cervix. Most often the problem occurs at 16-18 weeks. The cervix performs a number of functions throughout pregnancy, in particular protective. When the cervix opens prematurely, the fertilized egg detaches, and it leaves the uterus along with the accompanying bleeding. Once the process has started, it usually cannot be stopped.

Unfortunately, in some cases, cervical incompetence can be determined after the pregnancy has been terminated. In this case, isthmic-cervical insufficiency can only be taken into account in subsequent pregnancies.

However, in the case when a possible injury to the cervix is ​​known immediately after an abortion, doctors are able to prevent a tragedy. The gynecologist regularly examines the woman and prescribes additional tests, and at a critical stage, sutures or a special ring are placed on the cervix, which keeps it closed until the end of pregnancy.

Low attachment of the fertilized egg

The endometrium, in which the fertilized egg is attached, is also damaged during instrumental abortion. After curettage, the endometrium takes some time to recover. Moreover, there is a risk of scar tissue appearing at the curettage site. This happens when the muscular layer of the uterus is damaged during curettage.

Any damage to the endometrium, scars, inflammation, which can also be complications of abortion, thinning of the mucous layer prevents the fertilized egg from gaining a foothold, and it looks for a “healthier” area. Often it can only be found in the lower part of the uterus. The consequence of this is a low location, or .

Both of these conditions can have very negative consequences. In both cases, there is a high probability of development due to inadequate blood supply to the placenta. In the lower part of the uterus there are significantly fewer blood vessels, since nature does not provide for the attachment of the placenta in this part. Moreover, offering the placenta makes natural childbirth impossible. Delivery in this case occurs through cesarean section.

Child growth retardation

If the fertilized egg nevertheless attaches to the scar, another pathology occurs, called fetoplacental insufficiency. The essence of this phenomenon is that due to scar tissue under the placenta, too little oxygen and nutrients are supplied to it, which causes the baby to lag in growth compared to other children at a similar stage of pregnancy.

In this case, the likelihood of having a low birth weight baby is extremely high. It is much more difficult for such children to emerge, and the lack of weight sometimes forces intensive therapy.

To diagnose pathology in a timely manner, the doctor evaluates the baby’s growth and development at each appointment. To do this, he measures the size of the pregnant woman’s abdomen, listens to the fetal heartbeat, etc. For this, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound examinations in a timely manner, during which it is possible to much more accurately determine the correspondence of the height and weight of the fetus to the gestational age and development.

If growth retardation is detected in the fetus, the woman is prescribed treatment. In some cases it can be done at home, in others hospitalization is required.

Rhesus conflict

After abortions and miscarriages, the risk of developing Rh conflict increases if a woman has a negative Rh factor in her blood. This is due to the fact that during curettage, fetal red blood cells enter the mother’s blood in large quantities. This, in turn, causes rapid production of antibodies that destroy “hostile” red blood cells. Antibodies can remain in the mother’s blood for quite a long time, and in the next pregnancy they cause an acute form of Rh conflict.

To prevent this situation, it is necessary to take measures immediately after the abortion. A special substance, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, is injected into the woman’s blood. This substance destroys the fetal red blood cells even before the mother’s body begins to react to them, which prevents the production of antibodies. Ideally, immunoglobulin should be introduced into a woman’s blood in the first 2 hours after an abortion, but a delay of up to 72 hours is allowed.

Uterine rupture

Due to excessive thinning of the uterine walls as a result of repeated abortions or due to perforation of the uterus during an abortion, uterine rupture may occur during a new pregnancy. Perforation is possible both during an instrumental abortion and in preparation for a mini-abortion: when measuring the depth of the uterus with a uterine probe.

Depending on the size of the puncture, the woman either undergoes surgery to restore the integrity of the uterus, or undergoes treatment without surgery, this is if the puncture is not large.

However, no matter how insignificant the puncture, a scar is still formed in its place from connective tissue, which does not have the same elasticity as muscle tissue. Therefore, as a result of excessive stretching or tension in this place, uterine rupture may occur. In this case, unpleasant consequences await both the mother and her child.

When is pregnancy possible after an abortion?

After reading all this, you can involuntarily doubt whether pregnancy is possible after an abortion. Of course, this is quite possible, although some develop infertility due to complications after an abortion, in most cases women still manage to carry and give birth to healthy children.

The likelihood of pregnancy after an abortion, of course, depends on whether there were complications during the operation and how attentive the woman was to her feelings.

Another thing is when pregnancy is possible after an abortion. Sadly, some women think that pregnancy is impossible immediately after an abortion, and therefore do not burden themselves with contraception. In fact, after an abortion you can already get pregnant in 2-3 weeks.

The fact is that the body perceives abortion as the beginning of a new cycle, and on the same day it begins to prepare a new egg for ovulation. Accordingly, ovulation occurs after about two weeks, and theoretically, pregnancy can occur during this period.

But this does not mean that at this time the body is able to easily bear a child. Most of these pregnancies end in miscarriages. This happens because the endometrium simply cannot recover in such a short period of time. And in general, the body needs much more time to recover than a few weeks.

Planning a pregnancy after an abortion involves a period of rest and contraception, during which the body puts itself in order. Naturally, not without help from a woman. A woman should be especially attentive to herself in the first time after an abortion, since the risk of contracting an infection is too great.

You can get pregnant after an abortion without risk to yourself and your baby no sooner than six months later. However, in some cases, doctors recommend a longer break, up to one year. These recommendations should not be neglected.

In this case, contrary to the opinion of some women, there is no need to rush. It’s better to wait it out so that you can be 100% sure of success later than to experience disappointment over and over again when faced with miscarriages and other complications.

The easiest way to develop, of course, is pregnancy after a medical abortion. Still, this method involves a minimum number of complications. Actually, this is why doctors insist that the sooner it is done, the better for the mother’s body.

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A fairly relevant topic for a woman at a certain stage of life is the answer to the question - is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion? The reasons for such an unpleasant interference in the natural processes of childbirth can be different - these are medical indications for termination of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or the reluctance of the patient herself to save the fetus.

Partly, the reason itself also determines whether a woman will be able to have children at all in the future and how quickly she will be able to become pregnant again in the case of a positive answer.

So how do you find out whether you can get pregnant after an abortion immediately or at least after some time has passed? Many representatives of the fairer sex ask this question even before they undergo this procedure.

It is often impossible to get a definite answer in a doctor’s office, because the final outcome will depend on many factors - how strong the woman’s body is, how quickly it recovers, whether complications will arise after the operation, and the like. But some patients immediately fall into the risk group: adolescents and adult women who terminate their first pregnancy, as well as those who have a complex and pathological structure of the internal female organs.

Immediately after the abortion, the situation becomes clearer, but, again, not without the participation of the observing female doctor. After the body has recovered from the ordeal, some conclusions can be drawn: whether the abortion resulted in complications and when it is possible to plan a new pregnancy. In order for everything to be planned correctly and the result not to be disappointing, it is important to choose a really good specialist in women’s health.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion or will you have to wait?

When asking the question of how soon it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion, you need to keep in mind what is hidden in the very essence of this question:

  • the fact that a woman strives to become a mother as soon as possible and the waiting is unbearable for her;
  • that the woman does not want another pregnancy and therefore is concerned about the possibility of another unplanned conception.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion in a month? As many women who have had an abortion note, getting pregnant again after this in such a short time is not so easy. That is why the gynecologist will certainly warn about possible problems in the event of termination of pregnancy in the hope that the woman will change her mind and not take a hasty decisive step. In addition, the longer the pregnancy, the more dangerous the abortion itself and its consequences for the patient, including infertility or even tumor disease.

However, a month after the abortion is quite a long time, sufficient for the restoration of the woman’s reproductive function, after which her body is again capable of reproduction. Another thing is whether this very body is ready for the trials that a woman will have to endure while bearing a child.

But still, purely theoretically, is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion? No one can completely rule out this possibility. The question should be posed differently - is it necessary and worth doing? Of course not, because for a woman’s body that has not yet recovered, this fact can be disastrous, as well as for the fetus itself. Repeated pregnancy can cause bleeding, result in miscarriage or other unpleasant outcome. But even if everything worked out well for the mother, there may be a danger for the baby - internal infections as a result of the abortion, pathologies of the fetus or its abnormal development.

However, if everything has already happened, and pregnancy after an abortion turned out to be a reality, you should not despair and go to great lengths. The first thing to do is to immediately visit your female doctor, who will perform an examination and prescribe important, necessary examinations. It is the results of tests and other studies that will give the answer about the feasibility and safety of continuing the pregnancy. But even in the case of positive data, you should not relax and you must fully comply with all medical prescriptions, taking care not only of yourself, but also of the unborn child.

Deadlines: not a whim of doctors, but a forced necessity

And yet, you shouldn’t take risks, no matter how hard it may seem to take into account - only time will heal the wounds: both mental and physical. In each specific case, the attending physician will determine the most appropriate time necessary for the body to fully recover and prepare for conception, gestation and childbirth. Therefore, you should not torment yourself with doubts about whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion after 2 weeks.

This is too short a period of time, definitely. Although, if you think about the depth of this aspect, then nothing is impossible. After all, the day of abortion, regardless of its cause, is the first day of a woman’s new menstrual cycle. So it turns out that, in accordance with the laws of nature and female physiology, within a couple of weeks after an abortion, hypothetically and practically, a new pregnancy is already quite likely. But, again, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the woman - some have stable ovulation, while others have problems with this.

Well, it goes without saying that pregnancy will only occur with unprotected intercourse. Therefore, another nuance arises - how soon after an abortion can you return to normal sex life? There is nothing shameful in this question; you can and should safely ask your doctor, unless, of course, he answers it in advance, which usually happens. As a rule, in prescribing treatment, the doctor will indicate the time of abstinence from sex, but not earlier than until the discharge from the genital tract has completely stopped. This period is not so long, on average it does not exceed ten days, so it is not worth shortening it in order to follow the philosophical law “Do no harm!”

If you ask your doctor a question about whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion in a week, you will definitely get a completely adequate answer. From what has been said, it will become clear that you cannot think about any pregnancy yet, because the time for the taboo of sexual activity has not yet expired. If you break the rules, the results will not be pleasing at all.

Immediately after an abortion, the woman’s immunity is too weakened, there are practically no barriers to the penetration of dangerous infections. In the future, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of such “badness”; it will cause constant discomfort and cause inflammatory processes.

From the above, we can conclude that haste is not your best friend in terms of childbearing, and especially after a woman has had an abortion. Sexual activity needs to be restored wisely, and not by following natural instinct alone. Protection during the postoperative period is extremely necessary, even if you really want to give birth to a baby as soon as possible.

It is also necessary to restore the hormonal balance that was disrupted as a result of the abortion. The ideal time for “waiting” and reasonable contraception is three months after an abortion. This time, as a rule, is enough for the woman to recover and get stronger both physically and emotionally, and prepare for a new, happy and successful pregnancy.

Abortion and subsequent pregnancy: how not to become dependent on the method and method

How can you answer succinctly so that it finally becomes clear to everyone - is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion? Of course it is possible. But conventions arise in each specific situation: depending on the woman’s age, the number of abortions and births she has had, the state of the body, postoperative complications... And, most importantly, depending on the chosen method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy and the methods of its implementation.

It’s trite, but true - at the same period, one woman after an abortion can remain completely infertile, and another can become pregnant again after eleven days. Someone is also reassured by the fact that only in ten cases out of a hundred are we talking about infertility. But are these indicators really that low and won’t the “Russian roulette” principle work?

In addition, the risk increases significantly if we are talking about the first pregnancy. But if an abortion is done for medical reasons, then you don’t have to choose - it’s always the lesser evil. Not only health, but also the life of the woman herself, as well as the usefulness of the unborn child may be at stake.

If such a need as an abortion arises, then everything needs to be carefully planned with the expectation of maximizing the chances of getting pregnant again in the future. And these chances will directly depend on the methods of abortion chosen. The most dangerous of them, and therefore not the most desirable, is undoubtedly surgical intervention.

During this operation, the inner layer of the uterus is injured, which subsequently negatively affects reproductive function. Fertilization, as such, occurs, but the egg often cannot attach to the damaged inner layer of the surface of the uterus.

If the egg manages to implant itself, problems may subsequently arise in terms of nutrition of the embryo if during the abortion the integrity of the vascular layer of the uterus, which supplies the placenta with the nutrition necessary for the baby, was disrupted. And finally, after an abortion, each pregnancy can end in an elementary habitual miscarriage due to damage to the cervix during this operation.

There is another way - medical abortion. However, this is discussed only if the period is still short, otherwise the previous point cannot be avoided. After this procedure, it is easier to get pregnant again than after surgery, but it does not provide an absolute guarantee of happy motherhood.

And in no case should even the thought arise about using folk remedies to terminate a pregnancy - problems in this case cannot be avoided at all, and this topic deserves independent discussion.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the phenomenon of Rh conflict, which becomes especially important during pregnancy. The point is that men and women have different blood groups, and the fetus depends on whose group it inherits. The fact is that abortion is highly discouraged for those patients who have a negative Rh factor.

During a new pregnancy after an abortion, antibodies remain in the mother’s blood, which have a destructive effect on the blood of the fetus itself, if it has a positive group. The likelihood of a new pregnancy and its successful outcome in this case drops sharply; often the doctor is forced to declare infertility after a certain time.

With the development of science, more and more advanced methods and methods for terminating pregnancy appear. They are more gentle, but so far none of them are 100% safe to use and are not an absolute guarantee on the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant again after an abortion.

Whatever one may say, termination of pregnancy contradicts the natural laws of nature, personifying a violent action against the reproductive organ and fetus, and therefore does not pass without a trace even for the healthiest and strongest woman’s body. This is why the “measure a hundred times” principle comes into play once again, because the more thoughtful and gentle the chosen method of abortion and subsequent treatment is, the higher the chances of a new pregnancy.


Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion? This question arises for all women who have experienced this painful situation. Doctors are not always very sociable, and ladies after the procedure are not in the mood for questions, so there remains a lot of uncertainty. How long after an abortion can you make love, what is the best way to protect yourself from pregnancy, and generally when can pregnancy occur? Let's try to understand all these subtleties.

First of all, all readers need to remember that the day of an abortion (no matter whether medical or spontaneous miscarriage) is considered the first day of a new menstrual cycle. This means, taking into account female physiology, you can become pregnant after an abortion within 2 weeks if ovulation occurs and unprotected sexual intercourse occurs on that day or shortly before it.

When can you start having sex? Doctors recommend no earlier than the discharge from the genital tract stops. And this is approximately 10 days. The period of time is very short, so there is no point in taking risks by shortening the period - there is a high probability of introducing an infection into the uterus, which will provoke an inflammatory process. Another mandatory recommendation is not to make love without protection, since it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage or abortion, but even if the child is desired, there is no need to rush. A woman’s body must recover from the stress it has suffered. Whether it was a spontaneous abortion or an artificial one, a hormonal imbalance has occurred in the body, and time is needed to recover. Doctors advise using contraception for at least 3 months after an abortion, since a very early pregnancy can end just as sadly...

What is the best way to protect yourself? Gynecologists usually prescribe combined oral contraceptives if there are no contraindications to them. Any low-dose tablet will do. Doctors usually give you a list of pills to choose from; they differ little from each other. Is it just the price... You can buy tablets for 300 rubles or 1000. Expensive ones usually also have an androgenic effect. When taken for 2-3 months, there is less hair in unwanted places, the skin becomes better, less hair falls out, etc.

It is recommended to start taking pills within 24 hours after interruption. In this case, you will not be able to get pregnant after an abortion if you follow the instructions, do not be late with your intake and do not miss pills. A lasting effect is achieved by 12-14 days, just by the time when it is allowed to resume sexual relations. If it was not possible to start taking it on the first day, you can delay it until the 5th day, in which case the contraceptive effect will be achieved later. But it’s better to prepare in advance so that everything goes according to plan. In addition, they say that oral contraceptives help restore hormonal levels faster, although this statement is highly controversial. The pills simply temporarily turn off the ovaries, so to speak. Ovulation does not occur when taking OK.

But, unfortunately, not all women can take these contraceptives. After all, they have quite a lot of contraindications and side effects. If you fall into the exact category for which taking it is contraindicated, but you are very worried about the question “is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage,” do not be too upset. Not only hormonal contraception is effective. At first, you can use condoms. And after 4-6 weeks, when your period begins, insert an intrauterine device. If the condom doesn't suit you, of course.

Those for whom the loss of a child has become a tragedy need to remember that you can get pregnant after a miscarriage quite quickly if there are no major health problems. But most miscarriages occur not because of the woman’s poor health, but because of chromosomal pathologies of the embryo. So, you shouldn’t give up. However, it is still necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy for at least 3-4 months. If these are birth control pills, then you don’t have to worry that at the end of taking them you will need a break so that all the “chemicals” are removed from the body. This is wrong. You can become pregnant immediately after stopping taking the pills. Another pleasant moment is that after such a forced rest, the ovaries begin to work more intensely, which means that you can get pregnant quite quickly.



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