Ultrasound: how many times can you do a year and how dangerous is it? Ultrasound of which organs is done for women - ideal screening for women's health How often can an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity be done.

The reflectivity of ultrasonic waves is used in medicine to visualize the condition of internal organs. Tissues have different densities, so the device is adjusted depending on which organs are being examined. To diagnose the pelvis, the device is set to a frequency of 2.5 to 3.5 MHz.

Ultrasound of the pelvis - indications

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women is an informative and reliable way to confirm a diagnosis previously made by a gynecologist. Has the following advantages:

  • painlessness, since the impact of sound of a given frequency is not perceived by the patient;
  • does not require lengthy preparation;
  • cheaper compared to CT or MRI;
  • has no contraindications.

A pelvic ultrasound is prescribed:

  • if a tumor in the uterus is suspected - fibroma, fibroid, polyp;
  • to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process - endometritis;
  • for diseases of the bladder - cystitis, stones, to assess the degree of damage to the mucous membrane;
  • for ovarian tumors;
  • with endometriosis – lesions can be located in the abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • to confirm pregnancy.

Two different types of sensors are used: abdominal and transvaginal. After examination through the abdominal wall, the doctor examines the cervix and vaginal walls using a vaginal probe. In this way, the condition of the lymph nodes is checked, the enlargement of which is often a sign of a malignant process.

When treating infertility caused by a deficiency of sex hormones, follicle maturation is monitored in various phases of the cycle.

Which day of the cycle to choose for research

There is no time limit for examining the bladder. If the reproductive organs are examined, the day is chosen so as to clearly see the picture of the disease on the monitor screen:

  • the enlargement of the endometrium is most noticeable in the last phase of the cycle, shortly before menstruation;
  • tumors of the muscular layer of the uterus are examined on days 5–7 of the cycle so that the thickness of the endometrium does not hide the tumors;
  • a mature follicle is visualized in the second half of the cycle.

The doctor must set the day for the test.

How many times a year should I do a pelvic ultrasound?

For a preventive examination, it is enough to conduct a study once a year. This will allow you to notice changes occurring in the body in time and begin treatment. To monitor the treatment process, you can do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women more often: once a month or once every three months.

After oncological operations on the female genital organs, ultrasound examinations are carried out 2–3 times a year to prevent relapse and spread of metastases to other organs.

In uncomplicated pregnancy, the examination is carried out three times:

  • at 11 weeks;
  • at 20 – 22 weeks;
  • at 32 weeks.

The sex of the baby is reliably determined at 21–22 weeks, when he is quite mobile. At a later date, this will be more difficult to do, since the fetus is larger and moves less.

Ultrasound examination does not harm the health of mother and child. If necessary, you can do it more often, especially if there are indications for this: placenta previa, abnormal position of the fetus in the womb, an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid or other anomalies.

Using ultrasound, the possibility of spontaneous abortion is determined, so women who have previously had miscarriages are examined more often for medical reasons.

Reasons to refuse ultrasound

Ultrasound research has existed for several decades, and during this time not a single case of harmful effects on the human body has been identified, so the procedures can be done as many times as necessary during the treatment process. However, sometimes the examination is not informative or not accurate enough. This is due to the patient’s excess weight or the presence of adhesions in the pelvis, which prevents visualization of the problem. Ultrasound is contraindicated in some diseases of the rectum. The small or large intestine is examined after preliminary preparation. Gases complicate the examination process if the patient did not follow the diet prescribed by the doctor 3–4 days before the examination. In this case, the diagnosis may be uninformative.

Diagnostics is contraindicated if the patient has damage to the skin over the site of the proposed examination. Such cases occur after accidents, when it is necessary to exclude injuries to internal organs and the presence of bleeding.

It is not recommended to perform ultrasound diagnostics the day after an X-ray examination with a contrast agent. In most cases it turns out to be uninformative. The contrast is removed from the body within 4–5 days.

Women during menopause with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen or frequent bleeding are recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination once every three months. During this age period, various neoplasms most often arise, often malignant. Timely monitoring will allow treatment to begin at the first stage, which makes it possible to completely recover from oncology.

Is frequent ultrasound examination harmful?

Sometimes, in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out several diagnostic procedures, or the woman is prescribed a full examination:

  • mammary glands;
  • thyroid gland;
  • pelvic organs;
  • kidney;
  • inguinal lymph nodes;
  • vaginas.

The time spent in the ultrasound doctor's office may take 1 hour or more. This does not affect your health. Changes in well-being may be associated with dieting: weakness, fatigue or dizziness.

Surgeries on the pelvic organs

An ultrasound machine is also used for surgical removal of tumors. Removing fibroids lasts about 3 hours and all this time the sensor works, monitoring the surgeon’s actions. This is necessary to completely remove the tumor. In addition, during the rehabilitation process, additional diagnostics may be required to understand how the tissue healing process is progressing. After the operation, the woman undergoes periodic examinations for 1–2 years. Even in such serious cases, there are no negative reactions of the body to ultrasound diagnostics.

An ultrasound machine is often used in preparation for in vitro fertilization. At the stage of follicle maturation, the doctor uses a sensor to determine the time when the egg can be extracted. For this purpose, daily monitoring is carried out. Next, after implanting the embryo into the uterus, doctors observe how the fertilized egg attaches to the wall. Over the course of 2–3 months, a weekly inspection with a sensor is performed to ensure the successful outcome of the IVF procedure.

Examination of the pelvic organs in women using ultrasound is not dangerous and does not aggravate existing problems. Preventive examinations are allowed at any age, even at the request of the patient herself.

Ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to study all internal organs and structures. The examination helps confirm or refute pathological processes, as well as establish an accurate diagnosis. Based on the results, the most appropriate treatment is selected. Ultrasound is one of the modern diagnostic methods. During the examination, the body is not exposed to radiation. The harm of ultrasound has been studied by many doctors. Ultrasound waves pass through tissue and are reflected back. Thanks to this, the condition of the organ being studied is assessed on the monitor. Before diagnosis, the patient does not need special preparation.

Ultrasound diagnostics is a simple and effective method

In this article you will learn:

How does ultrasound work?

Low power sound waves are used for the examination. During diagnosis, the patient does not feel any extraneous noise or discomfort. Ultrasound is absolutely safe.

The frequency of ultrasonic waves is 260–600 kHz. They cannot be felt or heard.

Each internal organ has a certain density or echogenicity. The sound is reflected from all obstacles. An obstacle to ultrasound can be the boundaries of densities, neoplasms or, for example, foreign bodies. The waves are emitted by a special sensor that is moved over the patient’s skin. It is he who produces impulses that penetrate the body and are reflected from various internal organs.

Reflections are recorded and transmitted to the monitor as pixels. Depending on the signal strength, areas may be dark or, conversely, light. Thanks to special programs, the computer analyzes the signals and builds an accurate picture from them.

The procedure is carried out using a special sensor

By moving the sensor, the doctor examines in detail various internal organs and systems. The diagnostic method is non-invasive. No surgical intervention is required.

Sometimes ultrasound examination does not have alternative methods. Ultrasound is often recommended for pregnant women to monitor fetal development. The procedure lasts up to half an hour. During diagnosis, a colorless gel is applied to the skin. The product is necessary for better glide over the skin.

Doctors may also use high-power ultrasound. This is necessary for non-traumatic surgical interventions to:

  • elimination of uterine fibroids;
  • elimination of prostate tumors;
  • treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • destruction of kidney stones.

In this case, the ultrasound is more powerful than that used for ultrasound.

Ultrasound can be used to break up kidney stones

Examinations were carried out to determine the effect of the device on DNA and the brain. More detailed information is presented in the table.

BrainScientists carried out examinations aimed at assessing the effect of rays on the functioning of the brain. The experiments were carried out on pregnant mice. Doctors confirmed that with constant exposure to ultrasound for half an hour, changes in specific groups of neurons were detected in the mice’s heads.
Cells have lost the ability to function fully due to changes in characteristics. However, this did not lead to a deterioration in brain function.
DNAThere is an opinion that ultrasound has a detrimental effect on human DNA. This point of view is based on surveys conducted in scientific centers of the USSR. All received data is considered outdated.
The results of the surveys were never published. However, as early as 1996, ultrasound was already used to detect intrauterine abnormalities in the fetus.
There is no scientifically proven harm from ultrasound. Not a single scientist has been able to definitively confirm the likelihood of anomalies and mutations after ultrasound diagnostics. It is also worth noting that modern devices have minimal impact on humans. The examination is considered one of the safest.

Pregnant women were also examined. The research was carried out in the last century using powerful equipment. One interesting feature was noticed - most of the male children were left-handed.

In the last century, a number of examinations were carried out aimed at studying the effect of ultrasound on the body. Most studies remain unconfirmed. Also, in our time they cannot be considered relevant, since today more modern equipment with less power is used.

Ultrasound does not have a negative effect at the cellular level

During the entire period of pregnancy, a woman undergoes 3 ultrasound examinations. Sometimes the recommended number of diagnostics is increased to 5. The method is aimed at excluding various intrauterine pathologies. Ultrasound helps determine the sex of the baby and select the most suitable method of delivery.

Ultrasound helps:

  • finally exclude the possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy;
  • detect pathologies at the initial stage of development;
  • clarify the exact date of delivery;
  • confirm or deny the possibility of multiple pregnancy;
  • refute hereditary pathologies;
  • refute possible defects in appearance;
  • assess the general condition of the child and mother;
  • determine the place of attachment of the fertilized egg;

Ultrasound is often performed during pregnancy

  • determine the sex of the child;
  • determine fetal presentation.

The diagnostic method is completely painless. During the procedure, the expectant mother does not feel any discomfort.

Ultrasound is safe for a pregnant woman. The only drawback is the emotional state of the mother. Before and after diagnosis, suspicious women may face obvious stress. Even non-dangerous changes are perceived by the patient as something very scary.

Emotional stress negatively affects both the fetus and the mother herself. It is for this reason that you need to learn to control yourself and not worry about anything.

It is very important that the doctor correctly interprets the ultrasound result

It is worth noting that ultrasound can be erroneous. An incorrect diagnosis may result from:

  • human factor;
  • use of old equipment;
  • incorrect interpretation of results.

The first thing to do is not to worry, but to undergo a re-examination. This will minimize potential harm and ensure the reliability of the results.

There is an opinion that ultrasound diagnostics provokes uterine hypertonicity and can cause premature birth or miscarriage. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Strong emotions lead to such consequences. That is why the main condition is complete calm. Many intrauterine abnormalities can be completely eliminated.

Ultrasound is a completely safe procedure

When undergoing an ultrasound as prescribed by a doctor, the procedure during pregnancy is 100% safe. The examination does not harm the mother or child. It is highly undesirable to refuse to attend a diagnostic test.

Is examination harmful?

Ultrasound examination is an effective diagnostic method that allows you to examine all internal organs and tissues. Despite a number of studies, the harm from ultrasound to the body has not been scientifically proven. But the method has a lot of advantages.

During the examination, medical acoustic gel is applied to the skin. The drug is also safe. The product does not provoke an allergic reaction and has no contraindications.

The ultrasound procedure does not have a harmful mechanical effect on the skin.

After the examination, there is no risk of eczema, dermatitis and pigmentation disorders. You can undergo the study even if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Whether or not ultrasound is harmful to humans will be discussed in this video:

Contraindications to the method

Ultrasound has no contraindications. The procedure is popular due to its complete safety. The only limitation is the presence of damage to the skin in the examination area:

  • burns;
  • cuts;
  • ulcers, etc.

If the skin is injured, ultrasound is not able to penetrate. The examination will not be informative, so the diagnosis is postponed indefinitely.

During pregnancy, the frequency of examinations should be limited. During the entire period of bearing a child, you need to resort to diagnostics 3-5 times.

You can attend an ultrasound examination at least daily. However, doctors recommend resorting to diagnostics only when indicated or annually for prevention. More frequent research will not show anything new. Too frequent procedures are a waste of money.

To monitor the baby’s condition and timely diagnosis of abnormalities in its development, pregnant women must undergo several screenings, which, in addition to tests, include an ultrasound examination of the fetus.

Ultrasound during pregnancy makes it possible to determine the child’s compliance with fetometric parameters at each stage, identify deviations and, if necessary, prescribe surgical treatment.

Planned studies are carried out once a trimester, and within a strictly established time frame. Ultrasounds at the following times are considered the most informative:

10-14 weeks - will help identify gross defects that are incompatible with life. In addition, diagnosis of some genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome, is possible only during this period;

20-22 weeks - in addition to the condition of the child, the degree of aging of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid are determined. In most cases, parents can be told the sex of the child;

30-33 weeks - the position of the fetus is assessed and the approximate date of birth is determined.

Ideally, the number of studies during the entire period of pregnancy should not exceed three. However, many expectant mothers want to look at the baby, find out the gender, or simply play it safe. In addition, additional ultrasounds may be prescribed by doctors according to indications.

What do ultrasound results show?

Doctors perform ultrasound examinations during pregnancy for a number of reasons, pursuing different goals:

  • make sure you are pregnant;
  • confirm the absence of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • determine the gestational age of the child;
  • determine the number of children in the womb (multiple pregnancy);
  • check how quickly your child is growing and developing;
  • collecting information about your child’s health, breathing and heart rate;
  • find out the sex of the child (depending on the position of the child in the uterus and the position of the umbilical cord);
  • identify many major and some minor structural abnormalities, such as spina bifida;
  • position of the placenta and identification of possible complications;
  • determine the cause of vaginal bleeding if you have it;
  • determine your well-being if you have had a miscarriage;
  • check the readiness of the cervix and assess whether there is a possibility of premature birth;
  • determine the welfare of the fetus.

Early examination (4 weeks)

Transvaginal examination can detect the presence of a fertilized egg as early as three weeks after. After four weeks, you can already “see” some details of its structure.
A four-week embryo reaches 5 millimeters in length. It is still impossible to detect where his head is, but after a couple of weeks the limbs, head and body stand out. At this time he begins to move.

The main purpose of this examination is to ensure that pregnancy exists and the fertilized egg is in the uterus. And also examine the condition of the chorion (placenta in the future) and amniotic fluid. It is advisable to undergo such an examination by a very qualified specialist. Sometimes the doctor has doubts, in which case another study is carried out a week later.

Examination at 10 – 14 weeks

The first examination at 10–14 weeks reveals the location of the fertilized egg, diagnosing the uterine or. During the same examination, the thickness of the collar zone, a place located on the back surface of the neck, is necessarily studied. If this zone is larger than normal, this indicates a genetic abnormality. And the expectant mother will be sent to... It is at 12–13 weeks that ultrasound can be used to identify the fetus, then the fetus develops, and these abnormalities will no longer be noticeable.

  1. The diameter of the fetal egg is determined, as well as its length from the tailbone to the crown. An important parameter of well-being is the size of the uterus. It is this size that indicates the duration of pregnancy, because the fetus increases in size as standard, in contrast to later periods. In the transcript for ultrasound, sometimes it is not the obstetric period, that is, from the first day of the last day, but the embryonic period - the period from conception itself. Usually the difference between these periods is no more than 14 days. On the screen you can see how the little man moves, how he moves his arms and legs and even opens his mouth.
    The placenta is formed only at 16 weeks. At the first examination, they study where exactly it is attached to the uterus, how close the uterine os is (the norm is at least 6 centimeters). If the placenta is found on the pharynx, placenta previa is diagnosed, leading to complications during childbirth. Sometimes during the first examination a low location of the placenta is detected, but subsequently it rises to a normal level.
  2. The structure of the placenta and its thickness are also important.
  3. During the examination, the number of vessels is checked - there should be three.
  4. The condition of amniotic fluid is another important indicator of the well-being of pregnancy. The volume of amniotic fluid is calculated through the amniotic index. If the index is increased, this indicates polyhydramnios, but if it is reduced compared to the norm, this indicates oligohydramnios. A strong deviation of this indicator indicates a violation of blood circulation in the placenta - fetoplacental insufficiency.
  5. Turbidity in the amniotic fluid may indicate the presence of...
  6. The uterus is also examined: the presence of myomatous nodes, the tone of the uterus, and the thickness of its walls is determined.

Second examination at 20 – 24 weeks

The main purpose of this examination is to identify disturbances in the development of the internal organs of the fetus: digestive organs, and also to detect infections of the fetus. Now the facial features of the fetus are clearly visible and defects such as a cleft lip or cleft palate can also be detected. Even a violation of the formation of teeth is detected at this time. Now it is already possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby, although these data may still be subject to adjustment. You can very accurately study the structure of the heart, down to the chambers and valves, and also calculate the heart rhythm.

At this stage, it is already possible to accurately determine the location of the placenta and diagnose its presentation.

In eight out of ten pregnancies, the umbilical cord loops are in close proximity to the cervix or legs of the fetus. However, this does not indicate the presence of umbilical cord entanglement. This diagnosis is made on the basis of Doppler ultrasound and it indicates that the fetus is suffering from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. But even in the presence of entanglement, doctors do not always resort to surgical intervention during childbirth.

Examination at 30 – 32 weeks

At this time, it is possible to identify developmental delay syndrome and detect a number of developmental disorders (for example), which cannot be detected earlier. This examination also traces the position of the placenta and fetus, and early aging of the placenta can be detected. According to the norms, up to 32 weeks the placenta should be of the second degree of maturity.

The amniotic index at this stage should be 10–20 cm.

Also at this time it is possible to determine how much the weight and height of the fetus corresponds to age norms. There is a special table for this and the child is measured.

Examination at 36 – 37 weeks

The size and weight of the fetus is determined. The position of the fetus is also important during this period. Although, before giving birth, he can still roll over.

From this date, the degree of aging of the placenta is 3. Its thickness is 26 – 45 mm. Any deviation from the norm is a reason for additional Doppler examination, and possibly tests. It is very important that in these last weeks the baby does not suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy?

How often can an ultrasound be done during pregnancy? At high doses of radiation, ultrasonic waves can damage the genetic apparatus of living cells. This can lead to deformities or death of the embryo. Naturally, such doses are never used during conventional ultrasound. Researchers say that standard ultrasound does not affect the fetus or its development. The World Health Organization officially confirms this fact and approves four ultrasounds during pregnancy. However, such a study should not be done before 10 weeks.

Any medical technology, including ultrasound during pregnancy, cannot in practice cause only unambiguous reviews. Millions of children underwent ultrasound examinations before birth and this did not affect their health in any way. Of course, ultrasound is a very serious physical impact. It is necessary to approach the number of ultrasounds wisely and not try to discern the sex of the child 10 times. And if the expectant mother was sent for repeated ultrasound screening, then there is no need to be afraid, this is caused by necessity and concern for the baby. The risk must always be justified, especially when it comes to the life of an unborn child.

Ultrasound is performed to obtain images of organs. The examination is carried out using a special transducer, which is moved over the skin of the abdomen. Ultrasound has many advantages: the examination is painless and does not irradiate the body.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves guarantee images of sufficiently high detail. Moreover, the procedure can be performed while the patient is moving, making it great for infants and children. But despite all the advantages, many are interested in the question of how often can an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity be done?

Effect of equipment on the body

To understand how often you can do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, it is important to understand the mechanism of the procedure. The transducer transmits high-frequency sound waves through the skin. Then the waves are reflected from soft tissues, structures, and neoplasms. Depending on the density of the organ, the doctor can select a certain frequency of waves, which are subsequently converted into electrical impulses and create a moving image displayed on the screen.

During preventive examinations, a classic 2D ultrasound is usually performed. During the examination, the lowest wave frequency is used, which spreads over a fairly large area of ​​the body and causes minimal heating. A classic black and white ultrasound can be done several times a year without any problems.

3D and 4D scanning is usually only available in private clinics. 3D ultrasound converts areas of 2D images into a three-dimensional image. Thus, the intensity of the ultrasonic waves affecting the body will be higher, but only for a few seconds. 4D ultrasound produces moving images.

The waves affecting the body have an even higher power output. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is harmful to do frequent abdominal ultrasound also depends on the type. 3D and 4D scanning is a little more dangerous than classic scanning, but also generally does not harm a healthy person.

Important! Doctors strongly advise against doing 4D scanning in the first trimester of pregnancy. The heat from the sensor can cause obvious discomfort to the fetus.

Separately, it is worth considering ultrasound with Doppler, which is usually prescribed for examining the vessels of the kidneys, liver and other organs of the abdominal region. During such a scan, the body is exposed to an ultrasound beam concentrated in one area. This can significantly increase the local temperature, which theoretically has a negative effect on neoplasms.

Doppler is also contraindicated in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. In any case, Doppler ultrasound is prescribed to examine blood flow, which means the blood will naturally cool down by moving through the vessels. Some modern devices automatically reduce the power of ultrasonic waves during Doppler operation to reduce the intensity of heating.

Useful video

The specialist explains in this video how often to undergo the procedure.

Is it often allowed to undergo examination of the abdominal area using ultrasound waves?

In general, when asked how often an adult can have an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, doctors answer “according to indications.”

It is enough for healthy people to undergo examination once a year, as part of a medical examination. After a cholecystectomy, you will have to come for an ultrasound every three months to monitor the functioning of the internal organs. If pancreatitis has been diagnosed, then when asked how often an abdominal ultrasound should be done, doctors usually give the answer: once every two months.

There is no evidence that exposure to ultrasonic waves is harmful (provided the device is set up correctly). Having figured out how often adults should have an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for prophylaxis, it is necessary to understand how often children should be taken for the procedure. In fact, without indications, ultrasound is not performed on children under 14 years of age. The following indicators are provided as a guideline:

  • infants under 1 year: no more than three times in 12 months;
  • children 1-3 years old: 2-3 times every six months;
  • over three years: approximately 1-2 times a month.

Ultrasound for pregnant women

Ultrasound scanning has been performed during pregnancy for several decades. Of course, a conventional 2D scan is most often prescribed, which is considered the safest for the fetus.

Considering that the image on the screen is obtained by reflecting ultrasonic waves from the embryo, many expectant mothers worry that such an effect could have a detrimental effect on the unborn baby.

In fact, the specialist, knowing about the “interesting” position of the patient, will set the minimum required power and frequency of the waves.

When asked how often an abdominal ultrasound can be done in women during pregnancy, doctors answer only 3 times. The total power will be comparable to being next to a powerful desktop computer.

To the question about how often should you do an ultrasound?, you can answer as follows. Regardless of whether there are health complaints or not, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive scheduled examination once a year, and in the presence of pathologies of organs and systems - even more often. Early diagnosis significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and reduces its cost. Almost any early stage of cancer has a favorable prognosis, which means that timely detection of pathology can save the patient’s life. For a complete picture of your health, a comprehensive examination (abroad it is called Check-up). It should include: clinical blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, heart examinations (ECG, EchoCG), fluorography. Completing such an examination even in a regular clinic will not take more than one day.

Ultrasound screening of the body includes examination of the following organs:

  • kidney ( Ultrasound of the retroperitoneum);
  • pelvic organs;
  • hearts;
  • thyroid gland;
  • liver, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas.
Other articles on the website prokishechnik.ru will tell you more about ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

Detailed ultrasound screening protocol: advantages

When undergoing an ultrasound examination of a single organ, it is impossible to get an idea of ​​the condition of the entire organism. This can play a cruel joke: for example, the gallbladder hurts and naturally the patient goes to Abdominal ultrasound, while ignoring the need to examine other organs. But the standard abdominal ultrasound protocol does not always include kidney examination. But no one has canceled the possibility of developing a tiny kidney tumor, which gradually destroys this vital organ. And in some cases, the disastrous result could have been avoided by detecting the tumor in time and removing it before it became inoperable or spread as metastases throughout the body.

It is quite difficult to obtain a referral for ultrasound screening of the whole body in public health institutions. The solution to this situation is quite simple - spend a certain amount once a year on diagnosing your health by going to a private clinic. This will allow you not to wait for months for the opportunity to undergo examinations and avoid queues at the clinic. And you should think less about how often should you do an ultrasound?, and go and do it at the slightest suspicion of deterioration in the condition of one or another organ.



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