How to use an ovulation test and conceive a boy or girl? Let's find out which result is positive and which is negative. When to start conceiving after an ovulation test is positive

Every woman wonders how to most accurately find out the moment when the process of conceiving a baby will be most successful.

There are various ways to do this, one of which is to conduct a special test. .

What is ovulation?

Ovulation in women is the period when a mature egg is released from the ovary for further fertilization. The maturation process occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle every month a few weeks before the onset of menstruation.

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Before ovulation, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • Increased hormones
  • Decrease in basal temperature
  • The presence of discomfort in the ovaries
  • Increased activity and improved mood.

Each organism has its own characteristics, so the day of ovulation can occur at different times for everyone. The day when the egg is released from the ovary is considered the most favorable for those who want to get pregnant. Therefore, many girls try to determine this period using special calculations and tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Features of identifying the day of ovulation

To determine a day favorable for fertilization, there are some features:

Types of Ovulation Tests

There are several types of tests:

When using tests to determine ovulation, the result appears within ten minutes after the test.

And what type of tests to choose is up to the woman herself; it all depends on her preferences and financial status.

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“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it "that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire."

Ovulation calendar for different cycle lengths

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

How to do an ovulation test?

To obtain an accurate diagnostic result, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

To obtain an accurate result, diagnostics should be carried out several times a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

My personal story

Premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge are over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It’s scary when women don’t know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

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How to calculate the day for the test?

The result obtained should be counted from the first day of the previous menstrual flow; the result obtained is the day when it is necessary to begin diagnostics. However, each girl has her own characteristics, which consist in differences in the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Cycle 28 days

To calculate if the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, ovulation occurs in the middle of the period, that is, on days 13-15.

For convenience, special online calculators have become widely used, which provide accurate results for fertilization.

With a cycle of 23-34 days

In cases where the cycle is 23-34 days, it is much more difficult to determine the required day; on average, the test must be carried out according to the following indicators:

However, each woman has her own characteristics, so diagnostics must be carried out within several days until the desired result is obtained.

For irregular periods

With an irregular cycle, it is not possible to accurately determine the required period of possible fertilization. A woman needs to start from the minimum indicator and carry out regular analysis until an increase in the level of luteinizing hormones is detected.

Test rules

To obtain more accurate results, a woman must adhere to some rules for conducting the analysis, namely:

In addition to the general rules of conduct, it is also necessary to take into account all previously suffered diseases, which can also affect the quality of the result obtained.

How to decipher test results?

During the test, the main attention should be paid to the color and the presence of flats. When the required period of fertilization is determined, the test should display two stripes.

In cases where the control line is not displayed during diagnostics, this means that the egg is only at the stage of maturation.

If the second line is weakly expressed, this means that the day of ovulation has not yet arrived. The appearance of a strip of the same color or darker than the control line means that the required period will occur within 24 hours.

When using digital indicators, the device screen displays the number of hours after which the egg will reach the desired state and will be completely ready for the further process of conception.

False Negatives

False negative results are the indication of unreliable readings during diagnostics. To obtain a more reliable result, it is necessary to use other methods to identify the required period.

There are some reasons that contribute to the display of unreliable results:

To obtain a reliable result, it is necessary not only to take into account the readings of the reagents, but also to pay attention to the basal temperature and the general well-being of the body. Very often, women feel the approach of the necessary moment and highlight the presence of certain changes in their body that are unique to each girl.

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Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not cure the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids appear again. Fibroids will go away on their own without any surgery if you drink on an empty stomach ordinary herbal mixture...

Errors in tests

There are cases when the diagnostics carried out do not show an accurate result, even on those days when, according to all signs, the day of ovulation has arrived. This happens due to a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone; this can happen for various reasons that have nothing to do with a woman’s readiness for fertilization.

Among the main reasons for the increase in hormones are the following:

If it is not possible to determine the exact result, experts recommend using the ultrasound observation method, which will help determine the appropriate time with greater accuracy.

Anovulatory cycles

Anovulatory cycle– this is the absence of ovulation and the accelerated process of growth of the corpus luteum. During an anovulatory cycle, women experience regular menstrual discharge, but the process of egg maturation does not occur completely.

An anovulatory cycle can be caused by the following reasons:

If an anovulatory period is present, the girl should undergo a special examination, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

To prevent the development of anovulation, girls are recommended to:

  • Maintain proper nutrition
  • Avoid excessive physical activity
  • Promptly treat all inflammatory processes of the genital organs
  • Visit a gynecologist regularly for examination.
  • You should also be careful about personal hygiene and avoid various types of hypothermia.

When should you plan to conceive?

Conceiving a child requires, first of all, the readiness of the whole body for this type of procedure; therefore, first of all, the girl must undergo an examination and make sure that she is healthy and ready to bear a child.

Most experts believe that when planning a child, the most suitable time for fertilization of an egg is the period after 15 hours. At this time, male sperm reach their peak activity.

During ovulation, which occurs once a month for most women, the egg can be fertilized within several days.

Couples wishing to conceive a child should know that the result of fertilization can be influenced not only by physiological characteristics, but also by external ones, these include:

To identify the most suitable time for conception, girls can monitor their basal temperature; periods when the indicators will decrease are the most productive and are used to plan a future child.

Popular tests

  • Eviplan
  • Frautest
  • Clearblue

Frautest is available in three types:

  • Ovulation
  • Planning
  • Ovulation test cassettes

The first of them is relevant if the number of days in your monthly cycle is stable. In the second test you will find 5 special strips and 2 pregnancy tests. The latter has 7 cassettes and is used mainly by women whose menstrual cycle is not entirely regular.

Eviplan, Clearblue at a price cheaper than Frautest. But their reliability is the same. Clearblue is digital. If the result of this test is positive, you will see a smiley face on the reader.

Lady-Q is a reusable test. The manufacturer promises that the reliability of this test is one hundred percent. In order to determine the result, you will need saliva. The cost of the INSURE test is much lower because it is a test strip and does not include a microscope or electronic reader.

Use ovulation tests correctly if you want reliable results. It is important to use it according to the instructions and wait exactly the time indicated there. Happy testing!

Planning a child is a very important matter that requires special attention from both partners. To obtain the most effective results, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and calculate the most appropriate moment for conception.

Tests accompany a modern person throughout his life. The first test that a newborn has to face in the first minutes of life is the Apgar test, which assesses the viability of the baby. And then tests rain down on a person, as if from a cornucopia - a test for admission to school, a test for graduation, a test for employment, psychological tests, sports tests, stress resistance tests, medical tests... And here’s another one - an ovulation test .

Women who dream of getting pregnant and becoming mothers consider this test the most important in their lives, because it allows them to determine the most favorable moment for conceiving a baby, who will become the mother’s main love and main concern for the rest of her life. What is an ovulation test that has not yet been heard of until relatively recently?

What is ovulation and how is it related to fertilization and conception?

The word “ovulation” itself comes from the Latin ovum, which means “egg,” and refers to a certain time in the female monthly cycle (menstrual cycle) when a fully mature egg, capable of fertilization, emerges from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity.

It would seem that the test is not needed, because there is an egg ready for fertilization. However, in reality, everything is not so simple, since the life cycle of a mature egg is quite short - only 24 hours, and only these days can be effective for trying to conceive. The unfertilized egg self-destructs and is removed from the female body - menstruation (menstruation) begins.

Attention! Pregnancy can occur only within 24 hours after the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity.

It does not hurt to remember that during ovulation only one egg is released from the ovary, and extremely rarely during ovulation more eggs are released - then it becomes possible to conceive and give birth to fraternal twins.

In addition, not every menstrual cycle can culminate in ovulation, that is, the release of a mature and ready-to-conceive egg, since the ovulation process reacts very sensitively to changes in any external and internal circumstances: climate change, abnormal weather conditions, physical fatigue, psychological stress, any disease ( especially infectious) - many things can interfere with ovulation. At the same time, menstrual bleeding does not disappear anywhere - obsolete epithelial tissue, unclaimed mucus and other physiological substances are removed from the uterus. Thus, it may well happen that menstruation does not yet indicate that there was ovulation in the female body, which did not end in fertilization and conception.

If everything is normal with the woman’s health and environmental conditions, then ovulation in a sexually mature woman occurs regularly, however, the frequency of ovulation for each woman is different and can range from 21 to 35 days (although these periods sometimes fluctuate).

Attention! Ovulation (the release of a mature egg) is regulated by neurohumoral activity and the activity of the hormonal system. The gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland and the follicular hormone of the ovary are of utmost importance for ovulation.

It is known that the established ovulation rhythm can change in some cases:

  • Termination of pregnancy (abortion) changes the rhythm of ovulation; in this case, the rhythm of ovulation changes over the next three months after surgery to terminate pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth change the established ovulation rhythm - after childbirth, the ovulation rhythm changes over the next year;
  • In addition, the regularity of menstrual bleeding and, accordingly, the rhythm of ovulation can change during the period of preparation of the body for the decline of sexual function, that is, for the premenopausal period, which most often occurs after 40 years.

As for the complete cessation of ovulation in sexually mature healthy women, this occurs only in two cases:

  • The onset of pregnancy stops ovulation, since the functioning of the entire hormonal system radically changes;
  • Ovulation is impossible after the end of the childbearing period, when the menstrual function of the female body completely fades away.

The essence of the ovulation test

The essence of the ovulation test is to determine as accurately as possible the time of release of a mature egg and, accordingly, determine the most suitable time for conceiving a child. In addition, the exact time of ovulation is very important when preparing for artificial insemination and when preparing for in vitro fertilization.

Some women may sense the approaching and/or onset of ovulation due to certain signs, for example, short-term specific pain in the lower abdomen or an increase in the amount of mucous discharge from the genitals (from the vagina). But for many women, ovulation occurs without any obvious signs, so the importance of an ovulation test for them if they want to get pregnant increases even more.

What is an ovulation test? These are special test strips that allow you to determine with maximum accuracy the time most suitable for conception. Determining the right time for fertilization using test strips is considered an accurate way to determine ovulation and therefore significantly increases the chances of successful conception.

The test works on the same principle as pregnancy tests. However, the reagent on the strip does not react to the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which appears in the blood and urine approximately on the eighth day after fertilization of the egg, and on luteinizing hormone (LH), the appearance of which and its determination on the test strip indicates the body’s readiness to conceive. If the test shows positive results, this indicates that the female body is ready for fertilization and conception.

The time when it makes sense to carry out this test depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, which can vary from 21 days to 35 days for different women. It is completely clear that with such different cycles, ovulation also occurs at different times.

With a standard monthly cycle (and this is considered a 28-day cycle), ovulation tests should begin on the 11th day after the start of the last menstruation. The test must be repeated in the morning for five days, and if the test requires a double test, then twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If the menstrual cycle is long enough and lasts more than 29 days, then the test must be carried out, focusing on the expected next menstruation - 17 days before its start.

If the cycle is unsteady and irregular, you should focus on the shortest version of the cycle. If the shortest interval between menstruation was 24 days, then the test must be used from the seventh day from the beginning of the last menstruation.

When does ovulation occur?

It is known what can happen at different times, and this time can differ significantly from the middle of the cycle. We should not forget that ovulation depends on many factors, including climatic and weather conditions, well-being (especially infectious diseases), psychological and physical stress, and many other factors. That is why ovulation tests are the most accurate way to determine the period suitable for conception.

Another method that allows you to accurately determine ovulation is an ultrasound examination, but one cannot but agree that this method is not very practical - a woman cannot do an ultrasound every day, or even twice a day.

Of course, it also happens that there is no choice of ovulation tests - pharmacy chains can only offer one type of test. However, in fact, there are several types of ovulation tests, and they differ in cost, accuracy, and technical characteristics. However, all home tests use urine as the test material.

· The most common ovulation test for consumers is a test strip, or otherwise a strip test (from the English word strip, which means “stripe”). This test consists of a paper strip on which a special reagent is applied - a substance that can react to luteinizing hormone (LH). In addition, control strips are applied to the reagent strip, which will report the test results. To carry out this test, you need to collect a certain amount of urine in a clean container (container) and lower the strip into it (the time may vary, so before using the test you should carefully read the instructions, but it cannot be less than ten seconds.

After the specified time, the test strip should be placed on a horizontal surface and wait for some time, which is also indicated in the instructions. If ovulation has occurred, the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine will be increased and a second line will be clearly visible on the test. If the strip remains alone, this indicates that there is still time before ovulation. But sometimes the second (control) strip is very faintly visible. Is this a bad test? In fact, a faint control line on the test indicates that the egg is almost ready to be released, but this has not happened yet. This means that the test will need to be repeated after 12 hours or 24 hours.

· Another type of ovulation test is the so-called tablet test. This test looks like a plastic case with small special windows that display the result. Window No. 1 is designed to drop a little urine there, and in window No. 2 the result appears quite quickly (no more than two minutes). The appearance of two stripes in the second window indicates that the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine is so high that we can confidently say that ovulation has occurred.

Attention! The tablet test is considered more reliable than conventional strip tests.

· The third type of ovulation test is the so-called rapid jet test, which is a strip coated with a substance that reacts to luteinizing hormone in the urine. Of course, there is also a control strip here, which allows you to quickly find out the test result. Since the test is a jet test, in this case there is no need to collect urine, but you should simply place the test strip under the stream of urine - after a few minutes (from three to five) the result will be clearly visible, that is, in the case of ovulation, two stripes will clearly appear.

· Portable, reusable test systems are considered very convenient and quite highly accurate. Such systems consist of a control device that operates using high-precision electronics and special strips that must be immersed in urine. There are quite a lot of strips in the set, and this can be considered an additional convenience.

· The most accurate test today is considered to be a digital or electronic test, which has several advantages in addition to high accuracy. First of all, this test is designed for multiple use. Secondly, saliva is used as a material for studying the level of luteinizing hormone. Women will certainly appreciate the appearance of the dough, which resembles a tube of lipstick. A little saliva, which is placed on a special lens, and you can decipher the result (instructions are included).

Ovulation test instructions

· A positive test result does not necessarily indicate that the egg has been released from the ovary.

  • A positive test result confirms that there is enough LH (luteinizing hormone) in the body, which is necessary for conception.
  • A high level of LH (luteinizing hormone) confirms that the egg has either been released from the ovary or will be released in the coming hours.
  • Maximum levels of luteinizing hormone are observed for approximately 24 hours (one day) - during this period fertilization and conception are possible.
  • In order for the test to give the most reliable results, it is necessary to consume less liquid several hours before the test to achieve maximum concentration of urine.
  • When using a digital (electronic) test using saliva, you must carefully check the results by comparing them with the control images in the test instructions.
  • A negative test result may indicate that ovulation has not yet occurred or has already passed (LH levels decrease a day after ovulation).
  • Expired, damaged, or poor-quality tests may present false results.
  • It is best to start conceiving some time after receiving a positive result - from two to seven hours.

The zygote, from which the embryo then develops, is formed by the fusion of an egg, which always carries an X chromosome, and a sperm, which can be a carrier of an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. A set of two X chromosomes means the conception of a girl, and a set consisting of an X chromosome and a Y chromosome means the conception of a boy.

It is known that an egg is capable of conception for only 24 hours, but sperm retain their fertilizing ability for up to five days. It should not be forgotten that sperm with a Y chromosome, although faster, live shorter - no more than two days. And sperm carrying the X chromosome are slower, but more resilient and live up to five days. Therefore, on the day of ovulation, sexual intercourse with a higher degree of probability suggests the conception of a male child - sperm with a Y chromosome have a greater chance of reaching the egg.

Thus, to increase the chances of conceiving a child of the desired sex, several rules should be followed:

  • For the appearance of a boy, it will be useful to practice only protected sex a few days before ovulation;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse if you want to conceive a boy makes sense only after a positive ovulation test result;
  • The chances of conceiving a boy increase with deep penetration of the male genital organ during sex, since this shortens the path of the sperm to the egg;
  • Any overheating of the male genitals negatively affects the number of sperm with the Y chromosome, which are very sensitive to temperature conditions;
  • If you want to conceive a female child, you should not wait for ovulation, but have unprotected sexual intercourse some time before its onset (from 48 to 72 hours);
  • After ovulation, to plan the conception of a girl, you should use a condom for at least three days so that only sperm carrying the X chromosome can reach the egg;
  • If the penetration of the male genital organ during sex is shallow, then this increases the path of the sperm to the egg, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl.

Basal temperature

To increase the likelihood of accurately determining the time of ovulation, you can use the method of measuring basal temperature, which also with a high degree of probability allows you to determine the occurrence of ovulation.

Basal temperature is measured in the morning without getting out of bed. The basal temperature in the rectum is measured, that is, the thermometer should be placed in the anus. During ovulation, the basal temperature reaches 37.3-37.6 ° C, although before or after ovulation it does not exceed 37 ° C. Based on the data obtained, you can build a graph so that the day of ovulation is more clearly visible.

We should not forget that the accuracy of the readings during measurement can be affected by a violation of the daily routine, certain foods, alcohol, active physical activity, health status, stress, therefore, in some cases, measuring basal temperature cannot be considered a sufficiently informative and completely reliable way to determine the day of ovulation.

Does an ovulation test indicate pregnancy?

Many women are interested in whether the test shows ovulation and pregnancy. Unfortunately this is not possible. First, an ovulation test can simply indicate that a woman's body is ready to conceive. But whether this conception occurs or not depends, as you understand, not at all on the test.

It also makes no sense to use the test after possible conception, since the sensitive substance applied to the test strips reacts to LH (luteinizing hormone), and the onset of pregnancy is determined by a completely different hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, which appears in the blood and urine not immediately after fertilization of the egg, but approximately on the seventh or eighth day.

Therefore, two bright stripes on the ovulation test, which reacts to a high concentration luteinizing hormone, that is, the readiness of the egg for conception, does not at all correspond to two lines on the test, which determines high concentration human chorionic gonadotropin, which corresponds to conception that has already occurred.

It is also interesting that some women prefer to use an ovulation test as a method of contraception - if only one line is visible, then sex is safe in terms of pregnancy. However, one remark should be made here - sperm, especially those carrying female X chromosomes, can live in the female genital tract and retain their fertilizing abilities for up to five days.

But no test will show that the female body is ready for fertilization! And he's really not ready! But sperm can wait until ovulation and penetrate the egg after three or five days (although this is the limit of their capabilities), that is, fertilize it. That is, this test is not suitable as a means of contraception.

In short, a concentration test(LH) is only a test for ovulation, that is, for the release of an egg into the abdominal cavity, and for the readiness of the egg to give rise to a new life. And nothing more can be expected from this test.

Popular ovulation tests

When buying an ovulation test, you always want to choose something more reliable. It should be noted that any purchased ovulation test, if it is not expired, if it was stored correctly and if it is used correctly, will show more or less reliable results. However, the leaders in customer preferences and, accordingly, the leaders in sales are the brands Eviplan (manufacturer HelmPharmaceuticals, Germany), Clearblue (SPD SwissPrecisionDiagnosticsGmbH, Geneva, Switzerland) and the Frautest test (manufacturer HumanGmbH, Germany).

German manufacturer HumanGmbH in the series Frautest produces several types of tests: Ovulation test, if menstruation always starts on schedule; the Planning test, which includes five test strips and two pregnancy tests; Ovulation test cassettes for women with unsettled and unstable menstrual cycles (set of seven cassettes).

Also popular are the Ledy-Q tests, which are test- microscope Andmade in South Korea. These tests are considered very reliable. Saliva is used to analyze the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

Of course, any test must be stored correctly, monitor its expiration date and use only in accordance with the instructions.

Home ovulation tests work by detecting a rapid rise in the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A small amount of LH is always present in the urine, but 24-36 hours before ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), its concentration increases sharply. In the figure, the vertical line indicates the period of ovulation, the blue curve shows the change in LH levels during the cycle, the gray lines show the change in the levels of the hormones FSH, estrogen and progesterone.

The period of maturation of the egg until its release from the ovary can last from 8 days to a month, although on average it lasts about 2 weeks. The main factor influencing the duration of this process is the time it takes the body to reach its estrogen threshold. High levels of estrogen stimulate a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, which causes the egg to literally break through the ovarian wall within one to two days after a sharp rise in its level. Immediately after ovulation, the egg enters the pelvic area, where it is immediately picked up by the finger-like processes of the fallopian tubes, called fimbriae.

To fertilize an egg, sperm must enter the body at approximately the same time that the egg leaves the follicle. This may seem easy to achieve, but remember that the egg, once released from the follicle, only lives for 24 hours or less, and the sperm remains capable of fertilizing it for only a few days. Thus, sexual intercourse must happen at your most opportune time if you want to get pregnant.

Using tests

On what day should testing begin?

This day depends on the length of your cycle. The first day of your cycle is the day your period begins. Cycle length is the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next.

If you have a regular cycle, then you need to start doing tests ~ 17 days before the start of your next menstruation, since the corpus luteum phase (after ovulation) lasts 12-16 days (on average, usually 14).

For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin on the 11th day, and if 35, then on the 18th.

If your cycle lengths vary, select the shortest cycle in the last 6 months and use its length to calculate the day to start testing. If your cycles are very inconsistent and there are delays of a month or more, using tests without additional monitoring of ovulation and follicles is not reasonable due to their high cost (using tests every few days can miss ovulation, and using these tests every day is not will justify).

It must be said that when used daily or 2 times a day (morning and evening), these tests give good results, especially in combination with ultrasound. With simultaneous monitoring by ultrasound, you can not waste tests, but wait until the follicle reaches approximately 18-20 mm, when it is able to ovulate. Then you can start doing tests every day.

Running the test

You can take the test at any time of the day, but you should stick to the same test time whenever possible. You should refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours before the test. Many women find that it is easiest to take the test in the morning. Avoid excessive fluid intake before testing, as this may reduce the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

Keeping the tip of the absorbent pointing down, place it under the stream of urine for 5 seconds. You can also collect the urine in a clean, dry container and place the absorbent in the urine for 20 seconds. Keep the tip of the absorbent pointing downwards and remove the absorbent from the urine. Now you can put the cap back on. The result can be seen in 3 minutes.

Test results

Look at the result window and compare the result line on the left of the arrow on the body of the wand with the control line on the right. The line closest to the arrow on the body is the result line, which shows the level of LH in the urine. Further to the right of the arrow on the body of the stick there is a control line. The control line is used for comparison with the result line. The control line always appears in the window if the test was carried out correctly.

If the result line is paler than the control line, the LH surge has not yet occurred and testing should be continued daily. If the result line is the same or darker than the control line, then the release of the hormone in the ear has occurred, and within 24-36 hours you will ovulate.

The most suitable 2 days for conception begin from the moment when you determine that the LH surge has already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs within the next 48 hours, your chance of getting pregnant will be maximized. Once you have determined that an outlier has occurred, there is no need to continue testing.

Pregnancy is a happy time, but conceiving a child is not always possible. There are many ways to help you get pregnant, but the simplest of them is an ovulation test, which any woman can do without leaving home.

What is an ovulation test and what is it for?

An ovulation test is a diagnostic method used at home that allows you to determine the most favorable days for conception. The female body has certain physiological characteristics. From month to month, each representative of the fair sex repeats the same cycle: an egg matures in the ovary, after which it exits into the fallopian tube and begins to move towards the uterus. Fertilization can occur only in the first two days after the rupture of the follicle, then the germ cell dies. All these changes are accompanied by hormonal fluctuations, in particular, a sharp jump in LH (luteinizing hormone). It is on measuring its level that ovulation tests are based.

Ovulation tests are used not only to determine favorable days for conception. They are also used for medicinal purposes and as a way to prevent pregnancy.

Types of tests, which one is better

There are several types of ovulation tests:

  • disposable test strips;
  • disposable cassette;
  • disposable digital;
  • reusable devices.

Disposable test strips are very similar in appearance to pregnancy tests. They are easy to use and inexpensive. But their disadvantage is the ambiguity of the result: the test line can be unclear, so determining ovulation is often difficult.
The principle of operation of ovulation test strips is the same as that of pregnancy tests.

The cassette test is a classic test strip, but enclosed in a plastic case. On one side there is a window in which the result is visible, and on the other there is a hole that needs to be placed under a stream of urine or the collected biological material should be dropped into it from a pipette. Cassette ovulation tests are the same test strips, but enclosed in a plastic case

Digital ovulation tests are also disposable, but at the same time they are highly convenient to use, since a woman does not need to peer at the strips, compare them by brightness, but simply look at the screen, which will show an unambiguous result. In this case, the device remembers the obtained LH levels and compares them with each other, which allows you to most accurately determine the release of an egg from the ovary.
The digital ovulation test includes an electronic device with a display and several test strips

Reusable ovulation tests are made in the form of a powder compact or lipstick. To determine the release of an egg from the ovary, they examine saliva, which, under the influence of hormones on days favorable for fertilization, has the structure of a fern when viewed under a microscope. Such devices include:

  • Ovulux microscope;
  • MaybeMOM microscope;
  • Vesta device;
  • Loupe microscope;
  • OVU microscope;
  • microscope Arbor-elite;
  • Eva-test device.

To be fair, it is worth noting that such tests cost a lot, and there are few real reviews about them.

Photo gallery: reusable ovulation tests

The Vesta device examines a woman’s saliva and reports the result using a light signal. The MaybeMOM device allows you to examine saliva under a microscope and determine ovulation by its structure. When an egg is released from the ovary, under the influence of hormones, saliva crystals line up in a certain structure, reminiscent of fern leaves

Can a pregnancy test show ovulation?

It is impossible to find out about ovulation using a pregnancy test. The fact is that the hormonal background after conception and the release of the egg from the ovary is completely different, and diagnosis is based precisely on determining the amount of a particular hormone in the blood:

  • during ovulation, the level of LH (luteinizing hormone) increases;
  • after conception, a surge of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is observed.

Instructions for use

An ovulation test should be done on certain days, the choice of which depends on the length of the woman’s cycle. In order to determine the desired date, you need to subtract 17 from the duration of the menstrual cycle. For example:

  • if a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 26 days, then 26–17 = 9, that is, testing is recommended on the ninth day after the start of menstruation;
  • if a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then 28–17 = 11, that is, testing is recommended on the eleventh day after the start of menstruation;
  • if a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 32 days, then 32–17=15, that is, testing is recommended on the fifteenth day after the start of menstruation.

But what should women with irregular periods do? They need to calculate the average cycle length using the last three months as a basis. For example, if the first menstrual bleeding began after 26 days, the second after 32, and the third after 30, then (26+32+30)/3=29, that is, the average cycle length is 29 days, which means start doing tests for ovulation you need from the twelfth day (29–17=12).

Since the release of the egg most often occurs in the middle of the cycle, it is advisable to begin testing 2-3 days before the expected date of follicle rupture.

The number of tests in a package varies: 5, 7 and even 20 pieces. For women with a regular cycle, five is enough; for women with an irregular cycle, it is better to buy seven. And only digital devices are equipped with twenty test strips.
Using an ovulation test will speed up pregnancy

Table: conducting an ovulation test depending on the duration of the menstrual cycle

How to use the test correctly

Instructions for use are included with each test and may vary slightly depending on the type of test. The test strip should be dipped into a container with urine up to the max mark for 5–10 seconds, and the cassette test should be kept under running water for the same amount of time. Next, it is placed on a horizontal surface and the result is waited for 10 minutes. You cannot hold the test vertically; this may affect the reliability of the study.

As for digital tests, you first need to insert a test strip into the device with a display, remove the cap from it, and then use it in the same way as conventional tests.

In order to get the most accurate result, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • testing should be carried out at the same time, ideally between 10 and 20 hours;
  • morning urine is not suitable for determining ovulation;
  • two hours before the procedure, you should limit your fluid intake;
  • It is advisable not to go to the toilet for a short time 2-4 hours before the test.

Determining the test result

The result of an ovulation test is determined by the number of stripes that appear after its use and their severity. The following options are possible:

  • there is not a single strip - the test is invalid;
  • one test strip - the test is invalid;
  • one control strip - ovulation has not occurred;
  • two stripes - ovulation has occurred.

Two lines on the test indicate that the next day is the most favorable time for conception.

The severity of the second test line changes as ovulation approaches - the closer the day the egg is released from the ovary, the more noticeable it becomes. A positive test can only be observed for 1-2 days during the cycle, after which the test result will again be negative.

If we talk about digital tests, then an emoticon indicates the onset of ovulation. On all other days, an empty circle will appear on the device screen.

How reliable is the test result?

Manufacturers of ovulation tests estimate the reliability of the results of their products to be 99%. But in some cases, two stripes do not indicate the release of an egg from the ovary. Since testing is based on measuring hormone levels, hormonal changes in a woman's body can give a false positive result. This is observed when:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • disorders of the pituitary gland.

Therefore, if two stripes appear on the test for several days in a row, then this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.
A positive ovulation test result may only be seen for one or two days during the cycle, after which there will be only one line again

Sometimes during the cycle there is not a single positive test result. This situation is quite normal and indicates that the woman did not ovulate. Gynecologists say that the absence of an egg from the ovary once or twice a year should not cause concern, but if this occurs for two months in a row or more, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Ovulation Test Review

Pharmacies offer a wide range of ovulation tests. The most popular of them:

  • Frautest;
  • OvuPlan;
  • Eviplan;
  • Clearblue;
  • Answer;
  • FemiPlan;
  • MedResponse;
  • Miaplan;
  • Clover LLC I was born;
  • Premium Diagnostics and others.

Table: comparative characteristics of ovulation tests Frautest, Ovuplan, Eviplan, Clearblue, I was born

Name pros Minuses Distinctive features Price
  • 5 test strips per package;
  • The kit includes containers for collecting urine.
There is a possibility of defective strips.In addition to the classic ovulation test, the manufacturer offers a set of tests for ovulation and pregnancy, which additionally includes two strips to determine conception.400 rubles.
Frautest cassette
  • 7 test strips per package;
  • each strip is packed in individual sealed packaging;
  • no need to collect urine.
High price.Recommended for women with irregular menstrual cycles.600 rubles.
  • 1 or 5 test strips per package;
  • each strip is packed in individual sealed packaging;
  • low price.
  • There is a possibility of defective strips;
  • The kit does not include a container for collecting urine.
In addition to the classic ovulation test, the manufacturer offers the Ovuplan Lux cassette kit, which additionally includes 1 test to determine pregnancy.Packaging 1 test strip - 60 rubles, 5 test strips - 200 rubles, luxury - 380 rubles.
LLC "Clover" I was born
  • 5 test strips per package;
  • each strip is packed in individual sealed packaging;
  • low price.
In reviews, women note that the test from Clever LLC I was born has low sensitivity to LH.The manufacturer is Russia, so the price of the test is lower than that of analogues.130 rubles.
  • 5 test strips per package;
  • Each strip is individually sealed.
High price for cassette test.In addition to the classic ovulation test, the manufacturer offers a kit with an additional pregnancy test and an Eviplan Comfort cassette kit.Test strips - 520 rubles, cassette - 1100 rubles.
  • 7 or 20 tests per package;
  • each strip is packed in individual sealed packaging;
  • ease of use.
High price.The manufacturer produces two types of tests: Digital and Advance Digital. The second differs from the first in that it allows you to more accurately determine ovulation due to sensitivity to two hormones (luteinizing hormone and estradiol). But it is not yet sold in Russian pharmacies.Pack of 7 test strips - 750 rubles, pack of 20 test strips - 1,500 rubles.

Photo gallery: popular tests for determining ovulation

The Frautest Ovulation cassette test for ovulation additionally contains 2 test cassettes and is recommended for women with irregular cycles Ovulation and pregnancy test Frautest Planning additionally contains two test strips for determining pregnancy
The Frautest Ovulation ovulation test is produced in Germany The OvuPlan ovulation test is a product of the Canadian company I&D Diagnostics Inc. The OvuPlan Lux ovulation test additionally contains one test strip to determine pregnancy The Eviplan ovulation test is produced in Germany The Eviplan Comfort ovulation cassette test has a high price Digital Clearblue Digital ovulation test is made in Switzerland Ovulation test I was born is made in Russia

Shows 2 days when the probability of getting pregnant (fertility) is highest

By identifying your 2 most fertile days, where you have the highest chance of getting pregnant, you will feel more confident knowing that you are trying exactly when you need to.

Accuracy over 99 %

More accurate than the calendar and temperature methods in determining the days when the probability of becoming pregnant is highest

Clear digital results

The clear digital display allows you to easily read your results.

Ease of use

The unique flashing test symbol indicates that the digital ovulation test is working.

How to use the Clearblue digital device for determining ovulation with accessories

  • 1. Before the test

    – Always read the instructions on the packaging and package insert carefully before use.

    – Before taking the test, you will need to know the normal length of your menstrual cycle to ensure that you time the LH surge test correctly.

    – The duration of the cycle is calculated from the day the menstruation begins (the first day of full menstruation) – this is the 1st day. The last day of the cycle is the last day before the next menstruation begins. The resulting number of days will be the length of your cycle.

    – Once you have determined your cycle length, you can use the table below to determine the day to start testing.

    Length of your cycle in days 21 or less 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 or more
    Day of the next cycle from which testing should begin 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 days before the start of your next menstruation

    – The test can be performed at any time of the day, but at approximately the same time every day.

    – It is advisable not to urinate for four hours before the ovulation test and to avoid excessive fluid intake before the test. You may find it more convenient to use your first morning urine.

  • – Open the foil pouch and remove the test from it.

    – Remove the cap.

    – Before contact with urine, the test must be inserted into the housing.

    – Align the pink dough arrow with the pink arrow on the dough body and insert until it clicks.

    – Wait for the “Test ready” symbol to appear and carry out the test immediately.

  • 3. Conducting the test

    - Place the downward-facing absorbent sampler under the stream of urine for 5–7 seconds.

    – Collect your urine sample in a clean, dry container and simply dip the absorbent sampler into the urine for just 15 seconds.

    – Be careful not to get the housing wet.

  • – Keep the sampler pointing downwards or place the test on a horizontal surface. When testing, never hold the test with the absorbent strip facing upward.

    – After 20 to 40 seconds, the “Test Ready” symbol will flash, indicating that the ovulation test is working.

    – Do not remove the test until you get the result.

    – Remove the cap from the dough and wait 3 minutes.

  • The result will be displayed on the screen after 3 minutes.

    Absence splash LH. If you see an “empty circle,” the test did not detect your LH surge. Test the next day at the same time using a new test.

    splash LH. The smiley symbol means that an LH surge has been detected. Your 2 most fertile days are today and tomorrow, so having sex within the next 48 hours will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

    – Once you have read your final result, remove the test and throw it away.

    – The result will be displayed on the screen for 8 minutes.

    – Do not reinsert used test.

    • Video

  • FAQ

    • If you do not know your normal cycle length, it is recommended that you wait at least one menstrual cycle and note its length, then use the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Device with accessories. Once you have determined your cycle length, you can use the instructions on the package insert to determine when to start testing. If the difference in cycle length is more than 3 days, select the shortest cycle within the last 6 months to determine the day to start testing. You may need a new package with the case and LH surge tests. If you want to start testing before you know your cycle length, it is recommended that you start testing on day 10. However, in this case, there is a possibility that you may miss the LH surge due to starting testing too late, or you may need to start a new pack to continue testing. See question 7.

    • 2. What time of day should you take an ovulation test?

      The test can be performed at any time of the day, but at approximately the same time every day. You should not urinate for at least 4 hours before the test.

    • 3. Do I need to use all ovulation tests?

      No. If a surge in LH is detected, testing can be stopped.

    • 4. Can the case be used with any other tests?

      Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests can only be used with the Clearblue Digital body. If you have leftover tests from a previous pack of Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests, you can use them with the body from this pack.

    • 5. I ran the test, but the results did not appear on the screen. What does this mean?

      The result should appear on the screen within 3 minutes of the test. If the result does not appear, an error symbol will appear on the screen within 10 minutes. For information about error messages, see the package insert for detailed instructions.

    • 6. How accurate is the Clearblue digital ovulation detection device with accessories?

      Clearblue Digital Ovulation Tests have been shown to be over 99% accurate in detecting the pre-ovulation LH surge in extensive laboratory testing. The sensitivity of the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is 40 mIU/ml.

    • 7. I performed all tests as instructed, but no LH surge was detected. What should I do?

      The number of tests in the Clearblue Digital ovulation test package is sufficient for most women with regular cycles to detect an LH surge. If the difference in the length of your cycles is more than 3 days, then you may need to start a new pack to detect the LH surge. Some women don't ovulate every cycle, so they won't experience an LH surge during those cycles. If you are concerned about your results, contact your doctor.

    • 8. Can any medications or medical conditions affect the results?

      A. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions for any medications you take before taking the test.
      B. Some medical conditions and medications may adversely affect testing: for example, if you are actually pregnant, have recently been pregnant, have reached menopause, or have polycystic ovary syndrome, you may get an incorrect result. This may also happen if you are taking fertility medications that contain luteinizing hormone or human chorionic gonadotropin. Consult your doctor.
      B. Clomiphene citrate does not affect the result, but may affect the length of the cycle and thus the testing time. You may need to start a new package and continue testing with a new body and new tests.

    • 9. I recently stopped taking hormonal contraceptives (eg birth control pills). Will this affect the results?

      No, this will not affect the results. However, hormonal contraceptives blur your natural hormonal pattern, and if you have recently stopped using them, your cycles may be irregular and may take some time to normalize. You may want to wait for two natural menstrual cycles to complete and note their duration before using the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Device and accessories.

    • 10. I used the Clearblue digital ovulation device with accessories for several months and did not get pregnant. Can I be sure that I can get pregnant?

      It may take several months to get pregnant. There are many reasons why you may not be able to get pregnant, even though you have sex when you are most likely to become pregnant. If after several months your attempts have not been successful, you should consult a doctor.



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