The natural and pathological causes of profuse fluid discharge in women are like water. Light periods

Abnormal menstruation is always alarming, makes you think about your own health. At the sight of incomprehensible secretions, women begin to panic, lower their hands, and terrible thoughts come into their heads. Is it really that serious? What kind of discharge should you urgently go to the doctor for?

Bloody discharge during menstruation contains the secret of the vagina, blood, a detached layer of the epidermis. A homogeneous consistency is complemented by blood clots, which is normal. Your period may begin and end with brown discharge. The reason for the change in color is blood coagulated under the influence of oxygen and the environment of the vagina. At the beginning and end of critical days, there is little of it, so it manages to change color just before it hits the pad or underwear.

Pink menstrual flow is considered normal in the first days of menstruation and the last. The uterus is cleansed of mucus and unnecessary layer of epidermis. The blood may either not begin yet, or it may already be over. A small drop of blood gives a pink color. The situation is different if, during the period of critical days, instead of menstruation with blood, discharge of an incomprehensible color and consistency.

Do not worry if a woman experienced severe stress, nervous tension the day before. A daub of brown, black color instead of menstruation can be in young girls with an irregular menstrual cycle, or in women after 40 years of age. When this cycle ends, menopause begins. In other cases, you should pay attention to your body, visit a gynecologist to clarify the situation. There are many reasons for this.

Causes of abnormal discharge instead of menstruation

The nature of menstruation is influenced by many factors.

  1. Pregnancy

One of the most common, harmless causes of discharge that is not characteristic of menstruation is pregnancy. Instead of menstruation, a thick white consistency without a specific smell will appear. This picture suggests that the pregnancy began quite successfully, the egg is preparing to be introduced into the uterus. If your period is late, you may experience brown discharge. The news is both good and bad. They appear due to hormonal changes in the body. After a few days, the bleeding will either stop or turn bloody. But there is a risk of pregnancy failure. Brown color can mean . If the discharge is accompanied by fever, chills, feeling unwell, pain in the lower abdomen, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

If pregnancy is desirable, and instead of menstruation it smears with a dark color, you need to contact a gynecologist. This situation indicates an insufficient amount of progesterone in the body of a woman. There is a threat of rejection of the epidermis, or the egg will not be able to attach to the walls of the uterus. Taking hormonal medications can prevent pregnancy failure.

  1. Contraceptives

Contraceptives are often prescribed by doctors to regulate the monthly cycle, although these same drugs can disrupt it. The situation with discharge instead of menstruation may appear for the first 2 months, which is considered relatively normal. The body gets used to new operating conditions. The constant hormonal attack on the ovaries and suppression of estrogen leads to the fact that menstruation does not begin at all. Instead of menstruation, discharge of dark brown, black or pink color may be present. If menstruation with spotting is absent for 3 months, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The reason is one of two: contraceptives are not suitable for a woman, a pathological process has begun under the influence of hormones. The same discharge may be present in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

  1. Surgical intervention

Any surgical intervention on the genitals can cause menstrual irregularities. Often brown discharge appears, but it can be dark, almost black, pink. The situation may manifest itself in the removal of fibroids or polyps, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst. The doctor should warn about possible abnormal periods. The situation is quite normal for this condition. If there is sharp pain, the temperature rises, an unpleasant smell of discharge appears, this may indicate the presence of infection or inflammation.

  1. Diseases of the reproductive system

There are many causes of diseases. The most common is hormonal imbalance. The result is vaginosis, or thrush, endometriosis, polyps and much more. Instead of menstruation, brown, pink, black, dark, or orange discharge may appear. Depends on the nature of the disease. If the infection gets into the genitals, it will look like a brown or black smudge. This situation occurs when there are sexually transmitted diseases in the body.

  1. Presence of cancer cells

The worst thing that can happen. Although in the early stages of the disease, cancer is treatable. Heavy, prolonged menstrual discharge of a dark brown color should alert you. They talk about the presence of a disease such as cervical cancer. You need to contact a gynecologist immediately. Dark colored blood is a shocking phenomenon.

  1. Poor nutrition

A situation with an incomprehensible daub of different colors instead of menstruation appears in girls who decide to quickly lose weight. Improper nutrition and rapid weight loss can lead to the disappearance of menstruation altogether. This fact should be alarming. With malnutrition, there are not enough vitamins and minerals for menstruation to go normal. If there is a deficiency of iron, a dark color will be present in the blood.

  1. Nervous shock, stress

The central nervous system is responsible for the entire menstrual cycle. With severe stress, overwork, shock, a malfunction may occur. In such a situation, menstrual flow becomes abundant, or absent altogether. Instead of menstruation, a dark brown smudge is observed.

  1. Climate change, moving

This reason for the lack of normal periods is similar to the previous one. The body is under stress due to climate change, nervous tension, excitement. It is not surprising that brown discharge appears instead of menstruation.

In some cases, the reason for the lack of a full menstruation is very clear. But most of them require serious examination. Especially if the situation repeats several cycles in a row.

Pink menstrual discharge

Pink discharge is considered normal in most cases. It is present in the discharge in the middle of the cycle when ovulation occurs. A small amount of blood entering the vaginal mucus results in a pink tint. Pink discharge before and after menstruation is also not considered a pathology. The reason is blood getting into the vaginal secretion. But if such menstrual flow completely replaces blood during menstruation, the situation can no longer be called normal.

  • Pink discharge is caused by hormonal imbalances. An insufficient amount of progesterone in the second phase can delay the onset of menstruation or turn the discharge pink. Hormonal therapy can improve the situation.
  • Appear after surgery. A medical, vacuum abortion often provokes a similar situation.
  • The presence of cervical erosion causes pink discharge instead of normal menstruation with blood.
  • Pink discharge indicates the presence of pregnancy and its possible failure.
  • When using hormonal contraceptives that are not suitable for a woman, pink discharge with blood particles appears.
  • They talk about the presence of cysts, fibroids, polyps, or inflammation of the genital organs.
  • If the thyroid gland malfunctions, the entire monthly cycle fails. Pink menstrual discharge may appear.
  • Pink discharge indicates the presence in the body of a woman of an untreated infectious disease, or a new one.

To establish the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Discharge of different colors instead of blood

If brown, pink daub is quite common. They can also appear during normal functioning of the reproductive system. Then black, orange, dark, green discharges do not belong to those in any case.

  1. Orange discharge

This color, instead of normal menstruation, indicates the presence of the infectious disease STD - gonorrhea. Harmful bacteria suppress lactobacilli and disrupt the balance of the vagina. The discharge becomes orange. In addition, pathological processes in the reproductive system cause menstrual irregularities. Instead of blood, orange menstrual discharge appears on the expected days. They are accompanied by itching, burning, an unpleasant fishy odor, pain in the lower abdomen, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. The situation is dangerous due to inflammation, which can result in a woman becoming childless. There can be a lot of them, the consistency is thick.

Orange discharge appears in the presence of vaginosis, not associated with PPIs. The reason for this is hormonal imbalance, intestinal dysbacteriosis. As a result, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed.

  1. Black menstruation

Such menstruation occurs most often when using contraceptives that are not suitable for a woman, or when there is inflammation of the cervix or appendages. The real reason is hormonal imbalance. Along with black menstrual consistency, there is pain in the abdomen, lower back, and body temperature rises. There is a disturbance in digestion, nausea and vomiting are observed. There is pain during intercourse. Bloody, brown, serous discharges appear along with black ones. The situation occurs after abortion, difficult childbirth, cesarean section, sexual intercourse during menstruation, cervical biopsy, and in the presence of an intrauterine device.

  1. green menstrual flow

This abnormal phenomenon is associated with a large number of leukocytes in a woman’s body. The disorder is associated with bacterial inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Restoration of normal menstruation

To begin treatment and improve the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the pathology. Why is there no blood during menstruation? You can solve the problem yourself if the disorder is caused by factors such as climate, nutrition, or nervous tension.

  1. Restoration of menstruation during climate change

After the move, the body will return to order after some time. Get used to the new environment. To help him with this, you can take a complex of vitamins. Drink herbal teas to calm the nervous system. Menstruation should return within 2 months. If nothing but brown discharge instead of menstruation bothers you, you can treat it yourself. But it would be useful to visit a gynecologist. To exclude pathologies and dangerous diseases.

  1. Return of normal menstruation during nervous fatigue

Nervous fatigue is treated with sedatives, antidepressants, and rest. A calm environment, good sleep will benefit. Already next month, during menstruation, blood will appear. The cycle will be restored.

  1. Treatment for malnutrition

If menstruation is disrupted due to poor nutrition, you will have to create a diet. Replenish the body with vitamins, gain weight if a woman has lost a lot of weight. Also, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted due to metabolic disorders. Overweight women also experience problems with menstruation. Instead of blood, other discharge is observed. You will have to choose a complete diet.

  1. Restoring menstruation after contraceptives

If your menstrual cycle has been disrupted as a result of using contraceptives, you will have to stop using them. However, this should be done after a visit to the gynecologist. Sudden withdrawal of the drug can cause not just period bleeding, but bleeding with heavy menstruation. With the right approach, the cycle should recover next month. Menstruation will be with blood. If the cause of menstruation is an intrauterine device, it is removed at any time. In the presence of an inflammatory process, the course of treatment is 10-14 days.

  1. Hormone therapy

Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body is eliminated with the help of hormonal drugs. The doctor selects them, including determining the duration of therapy. To determine the level of the hormone, blood is taken from a vein for analysis. Laboratory research is carried out on certain days of the monthly cycle. After replenishing the body with the missing hormones, menstruation improves. Restoring hormonal balance is the basis of good women's health. Some diseases may disappear on their own. For example, fibroids, endometriosis. Under the influence of hormones, the reproductive system will begin to function normally. Menstruation will come on time, with blood, and not different discharge of unknown color and consistency. The hormonal drug should not be taken on its own without a doctor’s recommendation.

  1. Treatment of diseases of the reproductive system

Cervical erosion is treated with medications or cauterization. After the procedure, restorative therapy is prescribed. Often prescribed.

Inflammatory processes in the genitals are treated with pills. Prescribed by a doctor. Usually the course of therapy is no more than 1 month. Sometimes it takes 10 days. For inflammation associated with infection, antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. In parallel with them, topical and internal antibiotics are prescribed.

PPP diseases are treated with medications in accordance with the causative agent. Initially, a laboratory test of the discharge is carried out, then antibacterial and antifungal medications are prescribed.

  1. Strengthening the immune system

In any case, women restore their immunity. The body's good defense ability is able to resist pathogens. You can play sports, just spend more time outdoors. Water has a good effect on the immune system - swimming in ponds, pools, and regular wiping. Proper nutrition and proper rest are the key to good women's health!

Disruption of the monthly cycle can be caused by many factors. It’s better to visit a gynecologist right away than to guess what is causing this!

The occurrence of pink discharge before menstruation can be associated with various factors. Sometimes they indicate the occurrence of natural processes in the body, but may indicate gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances. It is important to take into account the time of appearance, duration, volume, shade and consistency of vaginal secretion.

Bloody and pink discharge before menstruation

Such vaginal secretion is allowed several days before monthly bleeding, as well as in the middle of the cycle. If pale pink discharge before menstruation has a uniform consistency, is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and smoothly transitions into regular menstruation, then there is no reason to worry.

A woman can observe another shade of pink. The fact is that such vaginal secretion is a combination of lubricant, mucus and blood. If clear secretion predominates, you will notice a lighter shade of mucus. Conversely, if there is more blood, the secretion will have a rich red tint. A similar phenomenon can also occur after monthly menstrual bleeding.

Another reason for pink discharge a week before your period or 10 days is the onset of ovulation. The mucous membrane of the uterus begins to prepare the conditions for the attachment of the fetal egg. This change in the body is accompanied by the production of large amounts of estrogen. It is a sharp jump in the hormone that provokes a slight appearance of blood in the vaginal secretion.

Find out if they are considered normal by following the link.


A woman may notice both a copious amount of secretion and spotting. In any case, it is worth visiting a gynecologist and undergoing an examination, because the following health problems cannot be ruled out:

  1. Inflammation of the cervical canal: an unpleasant odor, the presence of pus, sometimes a foamy consistency, pain in the lower abdomen and pain during sex.
  2. Endometriosis: increased symptoms of PMS, aching pain, the color of vaginal secretions from dark pink to almost black. It is important that the discharge appears shortly before menstruation.
  3. Neoplasms in the reproductive system. At first, a transparent secret is noted in large quantities, which eventually acquires a bright shade of pink.

Red discharge

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the shade and nature of the red discharge before menstruation and the period of its occurrence:

Scarlet discharge

Indication of a small amount (only a few drops may appear on laundry) is not hazardous to health. They are provoked by sexual intercourse, hormonal contraceptives, and also indicate a favorable time for conception. But if the pad gets wet quickly and the discharge is bright pink, then bleeding is possible.


Implantation bleeding (6-12 days after fertilization), use of an intrauterine device (non-cyclical in the first few months), hormonal imbalance.


Often indicate inflammatory processes, infection in the organs of the reproductive system. They can occur at any time and are sometimes accompanied by abdominal or lower back pain and odor.

Discharge before menstruation as a consequence of pregnancy

The described symptom is not observed in all girls, therefore it is not a reliable guarantee of successful conception. In order not to torment yourself with guesses once again, you should pay attention to your women's calendar.

You can assume conception if unprotected sex coincides with ovulation or occurs shortly before it. The period depends on the length of the cycle, but the duration of ovulation is the same for everyone - from 12 to 48 hours. But this rule applies only to those women who have a stable menstrual cycle. In another situation, the release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube may be displaced.

Pink vaginal secretion before your period during pregnancy is completely different from menstrual bleeding. A woman may notice the following secretion:

  • yellowish-pink;
  • creamy soft pink;
  • dirty pink;
  • slight bloody.

But it is observed two days before menstruation or earlier and lasts several hours or days.

You also need to calculate the time. For example, a cycle is 28 days and ovulation should occur two weeks after your last period. Add another 6-12 days, and it turns out that the appearance of discharge with blood 2 days before menstruation may indicate fertilization of the egg and successful consolidation of the fertilized egg. By the way, this happens earlier with an unstable cycle, so pinkish discharge 4 days before menstruation may also indicate early pregnancy.

Pink discharge a week before your period

When there are only a few days left before the expected menstruation, a woman is not too worried about mucous secretion with a small amount of blood, because in most cases it is a harbinger of monthly bleeding. But what to do if the symptom appeared long before the expected menstruation?

During this time period, such secretion may have the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • climate change;
  • strong feelings, stress;
  • the presence of gynecological pathologies;
  • recent surgeries and treatments.

If you notice prolonged pink discharge earlier than 5 days before your period, and you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse, then you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination, because such vaginal secretion is not considered normal. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time, since non-systemic disruptions in the cycle caused, for example, by emotional outbursts and weight loss, are not dangerous.

Double ovulation

Doctors do not rule out the maturation of two eggs at once in one month. At the same time, the woman notes:

  • pale pink discharge (end of cycle);
  • secretion profuse and even watery;
  • bloated belly;
  • problems with stool;
  • basal temperature is increased;
  • taste intensifies;
  • increased libido;
  • may pull in the lower abdomen.

Pink discharge instead of period

If, instead of menstruation, scanty pale pink or slightly bloody discharge is observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, because this is not always a sign of pregnancy, but also a signal of disorders in the organs of the reproductive system.

Cycle disruption

Often, light pink or unusual discharge is observed at the end of the cycle under the following circumstances:

  • cycle duration is more than 35 and less than 21 days;
  • the duration of menstruation constantly changes by 5 days or more;
  • there were already no monthly bleedings in a certain month;
  • menstruation is very scanty and ends in two days;
  • menstrual bleeding lasts more than a week;
  • unstable adolescence.

It is very foolish to let everything take its course, waiting for allocations next month. The sooner the patient contacts her gynecologist, the faster the problem can be solved, avoiding serious health problems.

Medicines and contraceptives

The appearance of a symptom is often a consequence of the use of:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal patches;
  • intrauterine device;
  • drugs with hormones.

Pregnancy is allowed during the first three months after starting to use one of the above remedies. But this symptom is better to discuss with your doctor. It is possible that the drug or contraceptive is simply not suitable and needs to be changed.


Acceptable in early pregnancy, but they should not be abundant or accompanied by pain. If their number increases, blood clots appear, and unpleasant sensations occur in the pelvis and abdomen, then the following cannot be ruled out:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathology of the cervix;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous abortion.

The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to determine the exact cause of the current situation and choose treatment.

Thyroid problems and infections

If your test is negative and hormonal medications are not used, then you should look for other causes of pinkish vaginal secretion. In most cases, the problem lies in the following violations:

  1. Problems with the thyroid gland directly affect the hormonal levels of the female body. A malfunction occurs, against the background of which there is the presence of red secretion or light pink marks on the pad instead of menstruation. Drugs that will compensate for the lack of hormones T4, TSH, T3, and TPO will help restore the cycle.
  2. The entry of a harmful agent (infection) into the reproductive system causes an inflammatory process. As a result, the woman notices quite a lot on her panty liner, which appears pink due to the presence of blood. Additional symptoms include itching, burning, weakness, abdominal pain and an unpleasant odor of vaginal secretion.
  3. In the chronic form of thrush (candida) spread, penetrating into the upper layer of the reproductive system, causing inflammation and malfunction of the reproductive organs. The loose surface of the mucosa is damaged, due to which blood may be present in the white curdled discharge.

The best solution is to undergo a comprehensive examination, because it is important to find out why pinkish vaginal secretion has replaced menstrual bleeding.

Pink discharge when menstruation is late

A cycle shift may be due to poor nutrition, strict dieting, lack of vitamins and taking hormonal medications. In this case, the delay will be no more than two or three days.

And also do not forget to track the amount of secretion and its duration. Pink discharge on the first day of the delay does not always indicate pregnancy, but if you have any doubts, you can take a blood test for hCG or buy a special sensitive test labeled 10 mIU/ml if only a week has passed since unprotected intercourse.

When such secretion has been going on for 7 days, and there is still no period, you should not put off visiting the doctor. After all, secretion with blood can take a long time, and it is wrong to hope that it will end on its own.

Pregnancy excluded: test negative

Hypomenorrhea may be the cause of pinkish secretion when delayed. With this disease, menstrual bleeding is very scanty (less than 50 ml), and over time, oligomenorrhea (reduction in the length of the menstrual cycle) or amenorrhea (complete absence of monthly bleeding) may occur. The girl urgently needs to see a doctor and start treatment. It is possible that specialists, during diagnosis and based on test results, will find other factors that provoked the cycle shift.

In addition, the release of ichor or anemic secretion may be associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, sudden weight loss and stressful situations.

Problems of the reproductive system require increased attention from a woman, so use information from the forums only for informational purposes and in case of any ailments or suspicions, consult a doctor. Problems with pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, cycle disorders and diseases of the reproductive system are easier to eliminate at the very beginning, avoiding advanced cases.

If pink discharge has replaced menstruation, then you should pay attention to this symptom. Usually we are talking about minor disorders in a woman’s body. It often happens that pink discharge indicates serious pathologies in the genitourinary system.

The color and intensity of vaginal fluid during the monthly cycle largely depends on the woman’s lifestyle, her diet, physical and emotional stress. This phenomenon may be the norm; the main thing is to know the main points of such discharge.

Pink discharge instead of menstruation can be of different shades depending on the period of menstruation. At the beginning of your period, vaginal fluid may be light pink in color, later reaching a dark red hue. During ovulation, spotting or clear mucus may predominate. The color of the discharge depends on which liquid will be dominant, and everything is individual for each woman.

The main signs of pink discharge are normal:

  • the process of ovulation, which fell in the middle of menstruation;
  • the presence of abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy period;
  • the appearance of discharge with a pink tint shortly before the period itself;
  • treatment with hormonal therapy;
  • contraceptives that are not suitable for the body, for example, a spiral or contraceptives in tablet form.

Quite often, if contraceptives are selected incorrectly, pink discharge is observed during sexual intercourse. The IUD in the uterus can also cause a specific tint in the vaginal fluid if it is not installed correctly or does not fit the woman’s body.

If we talk about the initial stages of bearing a child, then in the first weeks pink discharge may indicate that the fertilized egg is attaching to the uterine cavity. It is light pink vaginal fluid instead of menstrual discharge that indicates pregnancy. This condition is normal and does not harm the pregnancy. The color of the discharge in this case is explained by the fact that the fluid secreted by the cervix is ​​joined by blood released during the implantation of the embryo.

In the event that the discharge becomes more abundant, and the color becomes darker and becomes bloody, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms may indicate a threatened miscarriage or premature placental abruption. Therefore, timely contact with a specialist will allow you to avoid negative complications and eliminate problems in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, imaginary menstruation may occur. It has the symptoms of a normal period, but is scantier and light pink in color. Signs in the form of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature are also present at this time, which does not immediately make it clear that you are pregnant.

The cause of pink discharge can also be ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. It is this process that can affect the color of menstruation. In this case, doctors recommend measuring your basal temperature. If it is elevated, then this is indeed ovulation, which means that pink discharge is quite normal and there is no reason to worry.

Disorders in the endocrine system, namely the thyroid gland, can also cause vaginal discharge to turn light pink. The phenomenon may be completely safe, but a consultation with an endocrinologist would not hurt. Since such vaginal fluid is safe for the reproductive system, there are still deviations in the body, which means they need to be identified and eliminated.

Sometimes the cause of harmless pink discharge can be hormonal drugs that provoke a change in the color of the vaginal fluid. If there are no accompanying signs (pain in the lower abdomen, itching, burning in an intimate place), then pink discharge does not pose a threat to the woman and can disappear on its own in a short time. Pink discharge is also not dangerous if it occurs the day before your period begins. That is, pink spotting, which changes into dark red discharge, means the beginning of menstruation, and does not bring anything bad.

Reasons for deviations

Pink discharge that appears instead of menstruation may be pathological. It is worth paying attention to your health in order to distinguish safe manifestations from negative violations in time.

Dangerous factors causing pink discharge:

  1. An imbalance in the hormonal background, which can be triggered by the abuse of contraceptives. For example, a lack of progesterone is a clear sign of menstrual irregularities, which may be accompanied by pink discharge.
  2. Infectious diseases in the reproductive organs.
  3. Inflammation in the genitourinary system. Endometriosis, for example, is also accompanied by pain in the genital area.
  4. The development of tumors of a benign or malignant nature.

Pink discharge instead of menstruation may be harbingers of pathological processes in the cavity or cervix (cervical dysplasia, development of fibroids, cysts, cervical erosion). Such diseases can occur in conjunction with pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, spotting during or after intimate relationships. Pathologies of the uterus are accompanied not only by a change in the color of the discharge, but also by their abundance and consistency.

Another cause of pink discharge of a pathological nature is the development of endometriosis or cervicitis. Diseases are characterized by negative changes in the cells of the mucous layer of the uterus and its cervix, and during menstruation can cause changes in the color and consistency of the discharge. This is due to the fact that pathological cells put pressure on the vessels and interfere with the normal rejection of aged epithelial cells.

A factor that can provoke the appearance of pink discharge instead of menstruation can be infectious diseases in the body that do not belong to the woman's reproductive system. Also, color is greatly influenced by stressful situations, emotional stress, overstrain and diseases of the nervous system.

Decreased immunity is not the last factor in changing the color of vaginal discharge. Bacteria and fungi instantly react to this condition, which, in case of failures in the body's defenses, begin to develop, provoking inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system of a woman.

Prevention to normalize vaginal fluid

Quite often, a woman begins to notice that the normal monthly cycle begins to be disturbed, and menstruation changes color and abundance. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. If pathologies are not detected, then it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle and trying to change something.

Basic methods for preventing pink discharge:

  • Proper nutrition. A woman should try to limit herself in sweets and starchy foods, and exclude everything fatty, salty and smoked. Bad habits also occur. You should refrain from consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Playing sports on a regular basis. Changing a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one.
  • Do not abuse diets and exhausting workouts, as they can provoke disruptions in a woman’s hormonal background.
  • Adhere to the rules of hygiene of intimate places, but do not overuse douching and washing.

It is important to understand that excess weight can also affect disruptions in the menstrual cycle, change the color of menstrual discharge, its consistency and structure. Therefore, a woman needs to restrain her impulses in food, monitor her health and not abuse a passive lifestyle. But at the same time, excessive physical activity can have a detrimental effect on women’s health, which means that you need to try to maintain the golden mean in everything and not abuse both physical activity and self-medication.

Pink discharge instead of menstruation can be both safe and carry pathological prerequisites for diseases of the woman’s genitourinary system. In normal conditions, light pink vaginal fluid can be a harbinger of pregnancy. If this possibility is excluded, then we are talking about disorders in the thyroid gland. It is important to understand that it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination, which will help to exclude possible pathologies or confirm negative abnormalities in the woman’s reproductive organs.


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Quite often it happens that women notice changes in the color of menstrual flow, the blood becomes paler, as if diluted with water, and the woman has pink periods. Do I need to see a doctor about this, or do pink periods pose a health threat?

The normal color of menstrual blood is red. Menstrual blood, in addition to blood itself, contains secretions secreted by the uterine glands, as well as particles of the endometrium and epithelium. In the menstrual blood there are also enzymes that perform the function of blood thinning and prevent the rapid clotting of menstrual blood.

There are many reasons for unusual periods. Pink periods with an unpleasant or pungent odor can signal the presence of diseases such as chronic endometritis or chronic endocervicitis. Often the cause of pink periods can be anemia, a sharp drop in hemoglobin levels. If a pronounced menstrual profusion of discharge is added to the pink color, then perhaps the reason for this was uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages. With polycystic ovaries, a violation of the hormonal process in the body, pink menstruation can also be observed. That is, the causes of the pink color of menstruation can be hormonal changes, inflammatory processes in the body, as well as infectious diseases. In addition, menstrual blood may contain too much fluid (which may also be inflammatory), which causes pink periods. In any case, if you notice pink discharge during your period, immediately contact your gynecologist.

To establish the true cause of pink periods, the doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary studies and tests, and only after that will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

Of course, diagnosis cannot be simple, because, as you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of pink periods. First of all, the patient’s hormonal background is usually checked. You will definitely have to donate blood or a smear to check for infections. It is possible that an ultrasound scan will be prescribed to check the condition of the internal organs. Having made a diagnosis, you will be prescribed treatment: pharmaceuticals in case of inflammation or infections, hormonal therapy for hormonal imbalances, possibly taking microelements or vitamins (in case of anemia), proper nutrition and special exercise.

Pink periods are not the norm. Therefore, let this become an undeniable argument for you to visit a gynecologist.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Vaginal secretion is a natural manifestation of the reproductive system of a healthy woman. It not only performs protective functions, but also signals with its consistency, color and smell about negative changes in the body. Both monthly processes in the reproductive system and diseases can cause watery discharge in a woman like water. Therefore, you need to take into account the time of their occurrence, shade and accompanying symptoms. In this article we will analyze the signs of trouble in a woman’s body and its natural manifestations.

What is normal?

The cause of the appearance of physiological, watery, odorless discharge may be:

  • renewal of the uterine epithelium;
  • process of sexual arousal;
  • preparing the body for ovulation;
  • increased blood flow before menstruation;
  • fluid entering the vagina during bathing.

There is no cause for concern, but if a woman has a very liquid secretion for more than five days, there is no need to talk about a natural manifestation. Most often, the symptom indicates pathology.

Copious liquid discharge like water in the middle of the cycle

In the ovulatory phase of the cycle, liquid discharge may occur, including with a slight admixture of blood, which results in a peculiar pink tint.

The appearance of such a secretion is allowed several hours before ovulation, the onset of which can be tracked by basal temperature. Regarding the duration, liquid vaginal secretion can occur in the middle of the cycle after ovulation for up to two days. It may also cause minor pain in the area of ​​the ovaries, but an unpleasant odor always indicates pathology.

Transparent vaginal discharge like water before menstruation

Each woman has a different duration of the menstrual cycle, but its symptoms are almost the same, and they depend on a certain phase, affecting the state of the vaginal secretion. A significant role is played by female hormones. It is the predominance of progesterone or estrogen that causes secretion with certain characteristics to be released.

Sometimes vaginal fluid literally pours or flows, warning a woman that her period is approaching. The fact is that not all women experience spotting bloody secretion before menstruation. A colorless, copious secretion may be present, caused by the accumulation of a large amount of fluid, which spontaneously leaves the reproductive system over time. This volume provokes increased blood flow in the uterus immediately before menstruation.

If the egg has not been fertilized, then the luteal phase begins, which is quite characterized by watery discharge before menstruation. Most often, a woman notices discharge in the morning as water after sleep, and during the day the situation stabilizes.

A few days before the onset of menstruation, a small amount of bloody streaks are allowed in the sexual secretion, but the earlier ones are pink and require diagnosis, because they cannot be associated with natural processes in the body.

Copious watery vaginal discharge after and instead of menstruation

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and ends before ovulation, and is characterized by increased estrogen production. Liquid or watery discharge during menstruation is never considered normal, but afterwards it is still acceptable. The following options are possible:

  1. If menstruation has changed consistency and color, then a malfunction in the woman’s body is possible. Bleeding is also possible, due to which the pad gets wet very quickly (less than an hour). You definitely need to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.
  2. If you notice liquid discharge instead of menstruation, you must first take an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test. When conception is excluded, the cause of watery secretion streaked with blood may be associated with hormonal imbalances, taking oral contraceptives, or gynecological pathologies.

Liquid discharge after menstruation is not considered a violation in the first two days, and is classified as postmenstrual, but when it really resembles water and lasts more than two days, then a visit to the gynecologist’s office cannot be postponed.

The norm for the menstrual period is undiluted blood with a small amount of mucus or clots, without the presence of a viscous, bad-smelling substance.


A natural sign for the gestation period. Nausea and vomiting can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy, but discharge like water during gestation is typical for a later period, from about 12 weeks (second trimester). And it's all about hormones: at the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone predominates, which makes it thick to protect the embryo, so during the delay and in the early stages, liquid vaginal secretion is rarely noted. After about three months, the body produces more estrogen, which thins the vaginal secretions.

Whitish liquid, should not cause alarm. This sign does not indicate pathology and occurs in most pregnant women.

Important! Throughout pregnancy, any substance coming out of the vagina should not be accompanied by pain.

You should go to the hospital immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • the presence of blood;
  • sensation of itching and burning;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sharp redness of the external genitalia.

Pathological secretion during pregnancy can be caused either by ordinary thrush or colpitis, or by more dangerous problems:

  • genital herpes;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

It is important that the woman receives treatment, otherwise the baby may contract a fungus or infection during childbirth.

After installing the pessary, there should be no discharge as abundant as water. Such a sign may indicate a violation of the integrity of the placenta. Read about what they should be like in the article at the link.

Taking hormonal medications

Pills, patches, suppositories, gels and creams containing estrogen can affect not only menstruation, but also daily vaginal secretions. It has a liquid-like consistency, is almost always transparent, and does not cause discomfort.
If the situation does not stabilize over time, and the panty liner becomes wet within half an hour or earlier, then there is a reason to seek help from a doctor. There is a possibility that the birth control pill or other hormonal drug is simply not suitable and is causing such thin, clear discharge.

Transparent and white discharge in women in the form of water

Transparent watery and liquid white discharge without odor is the norm, provided that there are no other unpleasant symptoms against its background. The secret must be uniform.

The presence of odorless water is characteristic of the second half of the menstrual cycle. If a woman notices an unpleasant aroma of secretion, then the following cannot be ruled out:

  • vulvitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

It must be remembered that abundant white liquid is acceptable due to the characteristics of the vaginal environment.


Very often, pink discharge is associated with the procedure of cauterization of erosion. The following dynamics are noted:

  1. First 10 days. A colorless and odorless liquid resembling water.
  2. Next week. A vein of blood may be noted, causing a pale or slightly bright pinkish secretion.
  3. Further. A thicker brown secretion appears, resembling daub. After that, the usual secretion should be restored.

If watery discharge with blood is not associated with cauterization of your erosion, then the cause may be:

  • inflammation;
  • polyps;
  • fibroids;
  • cervical cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • removal of adhesions;
  • removal of fallopian tubes;
  • scraping procedure.


Yellow and, especially with lumps of pus, indicate infectious diseases:

  • chlamydia,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • gonorrhea,
  • mycoplasmosis,
  • ureaplasmosis.

Additional symptoms worth noting include:

  • pain and itching during sex;
  • presence of blood in the secretion;
  • discomfort in the abdomen and lower back;
  • foamy consistency of secretion;
  • presence of clots;
  • redness and swelling of the external genitalia.

Yellowish secretion is often associated with adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).


Light brown watery discharge is often associated with a developing inflammatory process. If such a symptom is present, it is necessary to undergo tests and undergo an ultrasound to exclude pathologies of the internal organs of the reproductive system.

Such vaginal secretion is normal only two days before and after menstruation, provided there are no unpleasant additional symptoms.

Liquid vaginal discharge during menopause

During menopause, it is normal for a woman to notice slightly watery mucus from the vagina. It continues to perform important functions in the body. But if you experience pain, itching, burning and heterogeneous consistency of the cervical fluid (lumps, clots, etc.), you need to visit a doctor and get checked for infectious diseases and other pathologies of the reproductive system.

Briefly about the main thing

The appearance of the described symptoms in women occurs at any age - from puberty to menopause. In a normal situation, they are associated with the functioning of the reproductive system, but if there is too much secretion, and it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pathological symptoms, postponing a visit to the gynecologist is extremely undesirable, even if on women’s forums a similar story ended positively without treatment.



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