What to do if your stomach is upset. What can cause stomach upset? These include

Indigestion is a fairly common problem that most often occurs in summer period and may be associated with poor quality products. But sometimes it can become a manifestation of more serious diseases.

Manifestation of the disease

Indigestion or dyspepsia may present with isolated cases but sometimes it becomes quite regular. In this case, we can talk about a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, a stomach ulcer or chronic gastritis.

Symptoms of indigestion may include:

  • stomach ache;
  • bloating and sensation full stomach;
  • burning in the upper abdomen;
  • bubbling and rumbling;
  • belching;
  • gas formation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorders such as diarrhea or constipation.

A functional disorder of the stomach with impaired motor and secretory function may occur. Most often occurs with dyspepsia and pain syndrome.

What to do with an upset stomach?

When the first signs of distress appear, you should take a special medicine for stomach upset. It could be:

  • Imodium;
  • Smecta;
  • Kaopectate;
  • Maalox;
  • Almagel;
  • Activated carbon.

It is worth understanding that no pills for indigestion will be able to rid you of the problem if you do not find out the causes of its occurrence. If there are constant manifestations of disorders, you should consult a doctor who will find out the cause of their occurrence and help eliminate them.

Treatment of indigestion can be done without the use of medications, but with the help of folk ways and funds. So, for example, a decoction of flax seeds has proven itself well. This product has an enveloping effect and perfectly soothes pain and gas formation.

You can drink, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix one part rice with six parts water.
  2. Simmer until the rice is fully cooked, then strain.
  3. The resulting decoction should be drunk 1/3 cup every two hours.

A tincture made from partitions has a good effect. walnuts. It must be taken 10 drops. It is advisable to dilute the tincture in warm water and take 4 times a day. The tincture perfectly cleanses and disinfects the stomach, and also has strengthening properties.

A decoction of pomegranate skins has the same properties. To prepare:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of chopped pomegranate peel into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Drink it all in one go.

You can also brew oak bark, which has a binding effect. To do this you need:

  1. Pour five tablespoons of oak bark into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave for about four hours.
  3. Drink throughout the day.

A good remedy for indigestion is tea made from the following medicinal herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • blueberry.

Eating for an upset stomach

Many people are interested in what to eat if they have an upset stomach. It’s no secret that very often dyspepsia can occur due to poor nutrition or eating bad products. Therefore, changing the diet, as well as reviewing the diet, can significantly improve the patient’s condition. The following products should be excluded:

It is best to eat cooked foods, such as boiled potatoes, rice, and hard-boiled eggs. Drinks should be pure water or green tea sugarless. It is good to eat foods that contain tannins, for example, pear, persimmon, blueberry and black currant.

During an upset stomach, it is very important to eat right, because some foods and drinks can quickly eliminate all unpleasant symptoms. But if a person does not adhere to a diet and does not change his diet during disorders, then this may threaten to worsen the condition. Not all people can say exactly what to eat if they have an upset stomach. At this time, all food should be natural, light and balanced.

Causes of indigestion

The reasons why diarrhea occurs are quite varied; they can be distinguished as follows:

  • Poisoning with poor quality food. Although poisoning can also be caused by poorly washed vegetables or fruits.
  • Long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  • Some infectious diseases.
  • Prolonged high temperature.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Severe stress or anxiety.
  • Allergic reaction to certain substances and products.

In addition, persistent diarrhea can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome..

About a fifth of adults have very sensitive stomachs. In this case, diarrhea occurs after eating certain foods.

Treatment of indigestion

Most people when they first appear unpleasant symptoms does not run to the doctor, but prefers to be treated at home using available medications and traditional recipes. The following remedies help in the fight against this disease:

  • Activated carbon - can quickly cleanse the body of toxins, allergens and other harmful substances, due to which diarrhea quickly stops.
  • Smecta - this sorbent envelops the cavity of the stomach and intestines and prevents the absorption of harmful elements into the bloodstream.
  • Linex or Hilak Forte - normalize the microflora of the digestive organs.

From traditional methods Most often, black peppercorns are used for diarrhea, which is swallowed whole or a decoction of yarrow. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since an upset stomach can only be a consequence of a more serious illness.

If a child has an upset stomach, it is necessary to visit a doctor in any case, since low birth weight children quickly develop dehydration with prolonged diarrhea.

The role of diet in the disorder

Main role in the process Get well soon diet plays a role. At this time, the walls of the stomach and intestines are very irritated, so it is difficult for them to digest incoming food. If possible, portions should be small, but meals should be very frequent.. The patient is allowed to eat up to 6 times a day. If the disorder is caused by poisoning with poor-quality food products, then the liver is also subject to intoxication. Dishes should contain a minimum of fat so as not to burden the inflamed organ.

After consuming each product, you need to monitor the body’s reaction; if diarrhea does not increase, then this dish can be left in the diet.

What can you eat if you have an upset stomach?

If you have an upset stomach, eat in small portions, but very often. This is the basic rule that should be followed to speed up recovery. You can only eat freshly prepared food, the temperature of which is approximately equal to body temperature, with this approach, digestion occurs faster and the digestive tract is not overloaded.

During stomach disturbances, you can eat the following foods and dishes prepared from them:

  • Uneatable croutons from white bread. To dry crackers you need to take no fresh bread, which was baked a day ago.
  • Rice porridge is a mess. To prepare this dish, take one part round rice and three parts water. Add a little salt to the water, bring to a boil and add the cereal. Cook the porridge for about half an hour over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from sticking.. In such a porridge, you can add a little honey, raisins or dried apricots to taste.
  • Rice soup. Prepared in water, sliced ​​potatoes, carrots and parsley are added to the soup. Cook until cooked, do not add oil.
  • Mashed potatoes without oil.
  • Boiled lean chicken without skin. Ideally, if it is breast. If a person does not like dry white meat, it can be ground in a meat grinder or blender and mixed with mashed potatoes.
  • Boiled fish low-fat varieties. Hake or pollock will do. Carcasses are boiled in slightly salted water.
  • Oatmeal on the water with the addition of green apples.

In addition, you can eat buckwheat porridge water, no oil added. Chicken meat can also be added to this porridge.

In case of indigestion, food is prepared for one or two meals. It is not recommended to eat food that has been stored in the refrigerator for at least a day.

What vegetables and fruits can you eat

It is not recommended to consume many fruits and vegetables if you have an upset stomach, as they will only worsen diarrhea, but there are exceptions. For vegetables, you can eat boiled potatoes and carrots, and for fruits, you can eat baked green apples and ripe bananas. When baking apples, you can add a little sugar or honey to the center of each.

If you have an upset stomach, you can only eat well-ripe bananas; green fruits contain a lot of starch, which is not processed digestive tract person. If the store does not have ripe bananas, you can take slightly green ones, but first dip them in boiling water for a few seconds.

Baked apples and bananas have an enveloping property and help normalize intestinal motility.

Is it worth eating pastries and confectionery

During an upset stomach, eating fresh baked goods and any confectionery limit. These products contain too much sugar and fat, which will increase fermentation in the stomach and intestines and worsen general state person You can consume white or Rye bread, but only two days ago.

Some doctors allow the consumption of small amounts of high-quality dark chocolate. This product gives strength and helps cure diarrhea. It is strictly forbidden to consume chocolate if you are allergic to it or the disorder is caused by cocoa products.

If you have indigestion, you can consume a small amount of flower honey. It is added to porridge or tea.

What can you drink

For acute indigestion, you can drink black and green tea, herbal decoctions, still water, apple compote and dried fruit decoction
. An adult should drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

Rice broth with raisins is good for diarrhea. It can be drunk instead of water several times a day.

People group problems in the gastrointestinal tract into one name – indigestion. This diagnosis includes malfunctions of the esophagus, intestines and other organs. Causes for nausea, diarrhea and pain in iliac region a lot of. Get rid of poor condition and diet can partially overcome the disease. will deliver accurate diagnosis and the therapist and gastroenterologist will prescribe a course of treatment after examination and tests.

The stomach is sensitive to many factors and various reasons cause its upset. Experts divide diseases into two groups:

  • functional;
  • organic.

Diarrhea may be added to the symptoms of stomach disorders. This is the result of a deviation in the functioning of the intestines, caused by a disturbance in the microflora, the accumulation of toxins and inflammation.

1. Organic disorder.

Difficult to diagnose and treat. It is caused by poor diet and bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, spicy and exotic foods, which an adult enjoys, in combination with sedentary work, low mobility, and hypothermia provoke the disorder. The intestines cannot function normally because they are constantly under the influence of irritants that kill microflora.

The patient has a stomach ache because the stomach is irritated. Accumulated toxins are removed by diarrhea, cleansing the body. In this case, diet and a vitamin complex that strengthens the immune system.

2. Functional diseases.

A group of gastrointestinal diseases that are manifested by spasmodic pain affecting the upper abdomen, radiating under the sternum. Nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite are noted. This may cause diarrhea and severe diarrhea. The result is dehydration. The disorder is accompanied by:

  • chronic and acute gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • duodenal ulcer.

Gastrointestinal upset is accompanied by acute pain, heartburn, and vomiting. Causes exacerbation of bacteria and poisoning. Treatment of indigestion is possible only with a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to conduct an examination to clarify the cause, since the intestines and stomach react differently to medications.

Treatment of the stomach and intestines

To relieve pain before the doctor arrives, you can drink activated charcoal. It will reduce the aggressiveness of the acidic environment and calm the stomach, freeing it from toxins and diarrhea-causing bacteria. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. An adult and especially a child should drink water with lemon juice or ascorbic acid. You can constantly feed your baby with a spoon.

A decoction of flaxseed gently envelops the walls, removes sharp pains, intestinal and stomach disorders. Children and pregnant women can drink it in small doses. Medications prescribed by the doctor. You can alleviate the patient’s condition with a one-time dose of antacids, sold without a prescription:

  • Maalox.
  • Almagel.
  • Gaviscon.

Sorbents and drugs act more effectively on empty stomach. Give them time; you can eat no earlier than an hour after taking the drug. Fasting helps restore normal work intestines.

What can't you eat?

If there is any disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach pain or diarrhea), you should not eat spicy, fatty foods or those containing fiber:

1. alcohol;

2. fried;

3. fatty;

4. fermented milk products and fresh milk;

5. fresh vegetables;

6. stewed: cabbage, sorrel, radish;

7. sour berries;

9. first broths;

12. fresh bread, baked goods.

Diet features

When your stomach hurts, diarrhea or cramps bother you, you can only eat light foods with astringent properties. You need to eat little and often. Diet for diarrhea is a mandatory element of treatment. It is just as important as taking medications. The stomach cannot cope with digesting heavy food. At the same time, diarrhea removes salts and trace elements from the body along with fluid. The main diet consists of liquid dishes, purees and cereals:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • soups with a second broth;
  • bananas;
  • baked or pureed apples;
  • green and black tea;
  • porridge, especially rice;
  • boiled eggs;
  • crackers and dried bread;
  • decoctions of herbs.

An adult should drink an additional glass of liquid after each visit to the toilet. When your stomach hurts, your stomach shrinks, or your intestines swell, it’s good to take chamomile teas with oak bark, horse sorrel, mint. Children do not like bitter drinks; they can add a few drops of lemon, blueberries, Apple juice with pulp, beat bananas into fruit mix.

Depending on the production time, kefir changes its effect on the body. In the first three days he becomes weak. Then the composition of the bacteria changes and the effect is reversed. If a child suffers from constipation and complains that his stomach hurts, he can drink fresh kefir little by little. Young children are sensitive to low-quality products, the intestinal microflora is unstable, it is better for them to eat fermented milk products during the period of remission.

To avoid dehydration, diet for indigestion, inflamed intestines and frequent diarrhea, must contain a lot of salts. They replenish loss and retain water in the body. Should be added to food and drink edible salt in small quantities (a teaspoon per liter of liquid). The child should eat fruit purees with boiled carrots.

Diarrhea and diarrhea cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. The human stomach and intestines lose the ability to restore beneficial bacteria and the inflamed walls cannot absorb liquid. It is necessary to unload the intestines, the most good diet in such cases, fast for a day or two and drink plenty of teas (herbal, green, black). To treat microflora and eliminate dysbiosis - three-day kefir.

Recovery phase

Dehydration weakens a person's immune system. The intestines recover slowly and a long-term diet is required. You can’t eat after a disorder:

1. canned food;

2. smoked meat and fish products;

3. pickles;

4. fatty cheeses;

5. carbonated drinks;

6. marinades;

8. spicy dishes;

9. seasonings;

10. ice cream;

11. chocolate.

Alcohol and smoking are harmful healthy body. In a weakened person they cause diarrhea and kill beneficial bacteria, irritate the mucous membrane, a nicotinic acid has a laxative effect.

The recovery diet includes:

  • steamed chicken and beef cutlets;
  • lean fish, boiled and steamed;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • light vegetable soups or with a second broth;
  • porridge: rice, buckwheat, semolina with the addition of five grams of butter;
  • teas, decoctions, juices;
  • crackers, stale gray and bran bread.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and their disorders have similar symptoms. You should not self-medicate; be sure to consult a doctor. He will examine the stomach, make a diagnosis and determine an individual course of medications.

Renata Ravich, naturopath. From book " Ambulance natural means": In the summer heat, the most dangerous are sharp gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, fever, high temperature. Conscious parents, be on the lookout! This is especially dangerous for small children!

First of all, you must immediately drink a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, which must be in the country and camping first-aid kit. After you dilute the potassium permanganate, the solution must be filtered through a double layer of gauze or paper napkin so that the crystals do not enter the stomach. If there is no potassium permanganate, give a sorbent - activated carbon. It should always be in any, the most minimal pharmacy kit in case of emergency.

It is better not to rush to take strong fixative drugs, since among their side effects negative consequences There is a destruction of healthy intestinal flora, which provides the basis for immunity.

Naturopaths believe that indigestion is defensive reaction the body is oversaturated with toxins, the need to throw out everything unnecessary, toxic, through the natural channel of waste excretion. Therefore, it is wiser not to interfere with such cleansing, blocking it with the help of strong fixing agents. medications. Give your body the opportunity to throw all the garbage out. But the point is not in theoretical justifications, but in practical steps, and the following must be done.

First of all, call a doctor. The main thing: do not perform any procedures using hot water, including hot water bottles - this is very DANGEROUS!

    Put to bed; Place a pot with a closed lid nearby, pour a disinfectant solution into it, as well as a bowl of water and a towel in case of vomiting.

    Do cold compress only on the stomach: soak a kitchen towel in cold water, squeeze, place folded in half on the stomach, with a woolen scarf or terry towel on top;

    A cold compress should also be placed on the forehead and changed as soon as the compress warms up.

    Drink all the time:

- clean filtered boiled water, you can squeeze lemon into it and literally drink it with teaspoons. Remember that with an upset stomach, the biggest danger is dehydration, so it is necessary to give the patient a drink, little by little, but as often as possible, until the doctor arrives. You can add ascorbic acid (in powder or tablets, since vitamin C has the ability to absorb poisons). It is very good to add a little honey or glucose tablets or powders;

green tea(preferably natural leaf);

- a decoction of peppermint leaves, which is now sold in pharmacies even in filter bags;

- prepare an infusion of herbs of a disinfectant nature only: mint (against nausea), chamomile (sedative), St. blueberries, oak bark, green tea, alder cones, bird cherry, pomegranate peels - one of those listed), with honey, holosas, rosehip syrup - that is. Now, alas, it is already risky to collect herbs yourself because of the unpredictable ecology, it is better to buy in pharmacies. Check if the packaging has a stamp saying “product has passed radiation control" Or look for a silver GMP hologram (Good manufacturing Process - a voluntary certificate of European quality). In any all-inclusive hotels there is practically nothing provided for in case of illness. And they always arise like a bolt from the blue.

Brew herbs in a thermos at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 glass, insist for half an hour, strain and pour into a thermos again so that the broth is warm. If you don’t have a thermos, brew it in a teapot or cup and wrap it up to brew. Now there are convenient portable thermoses.

If dysentery is suspected

Most dangerous in summer- dysentery. Remember, first of all, what the wise zemstvo doctors emphasized: dysentery is a disease of dirty hands, dirty fruits and vegetables, dirty water, dirty dishes etc. (I wrote about prevention earlier) Dysentery is an acute infection, affecting primarily the large intestine and causing general intoxication of the body. The causative agents of this disease are intestinal bacteria that can long time remain in products, as well as in contaminated water bodies. Duration incubation period ranges from 1 to 7 days (usually 2-3 days). The disease begins acutely with increased body temperature, chills, and decreased appetite. The severity of toxicosis varies from headache and weakness to mild flow to convulsions and a twilight state of consciousness in severe cases.

Then abdominal pain appears, initially dull, spread throughout the abdomen, later it becomes more acute, cramping, localized, as a rule, in the lower abdomen, more often on the left, less often on the right. The pain usually intensifies before defecation. Spasms occur, false urges and the desire to go to the toilet.

There may be significant dehydration of the body, which is why it is so necessary to give the patient water all the time. If stool is frequent: 2-3 times a day with mild form disease up to 15-20 in severe cases, mucus appears in it, and most importantly, streaks of blood, grab the child in your arms and immediately take him to the hospital!

The duration of the disease is 1-2 days for a mild form and 8-9 days for favorable course severe dysentery. If there is no way to contact a doctor, then your NZ - chloramphenicol will come in handy. Give it immediately, follow the instructions and under no circumstances stop taking the medicine in the middle of the course. But remember - at the first opportunity - you must be tested for dysentery, since the patient may remain contagious, although the symptoms have disappeared.

If you were consciously preparing for a trip to the country or on vacation, then you also have nystatin prepared, which is recommended to be taken along with antibiotics. After completing the course, it is necessary to conduct a month-long course of restoring healthy intestinal microflora with the help of preparations containing bifido- and lactobacilli. Now there are such modern forms probiotics that can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, read the instructions carefully.

In children older than a year Another variant of dysentery may occur - enterocolitic, which is typical when food tract infection. In this case, the disease begins acutely, with repeated vomiting and signs of intoxication, sometimes quite severe, and significant dehydration usually develops. Diarrhea is initially profuse and watery, and only after 1-2 days its volume decreases, mucus and streaks of blood appear in it.

If vomiting

  • Turn on your side so as not to choke, put a towel and a basin on your forehead, apply a cold compress to your forehead, which needs to be changed frequently. Be sure to sit next to the child, hold his hand, put your hand on his forehead, calm him down, breathe deeply and evenly so that the child catches a breathing rhythm that makes vomiting easier.
  • In case of vomiting, give a decoction of mint to drink in small doses, literally a teaspoon, but almost without interruption (2 teaspoons of peppermint, brew with 1 glass of boiling water and infuse like tea, or 1 filter bag per glass of boiling water. It is advisable to drink with honey, lemon or glucose powder or tablets.

Do not give anything to eat, but drink constantly. Change compresses often, but do not disturb the patient, do not wake him up to give medicine, etc.; someone must constantly be on duty near a sick child.

Parents need to know that sometimes heat stroke accompanied by indigestion. Diarrhea can occur even when initial stage measles until the rash appears. In general, there are children with such a type of heredity that an upset stomach is their first reaction to new water, to new food, to a new climate, and you should not be afraid of this. And some adults still remember what the “bear” disease is during the student session.

If serous meningitis is suspected

If a child complains about headache, his muscles on the back of his head are tense, various muscles involuntarily contract due to the direction painful defeat certain nerve canals, immediately go to the hospital at any time of the day! Moreover, on the road, hold the child in your arms. Please note that due to the lack of immunity, children now get meningitis more often.

Transmission of serous meningitis, in addition to airborne droplets, can occur through dirty hands, food, fruits, vegetables, and water. Infection can occur when swimming in swimming pools and natural bodies of water. Tick-borne encephalitis, a type of serous meningitis, is caused by ticks that carry the pathogen. Recently there was a message that three guys were infected serous meningitis because they drank from the same bottle. I repeat once again, microbes and viruses were, are and will be - they are an integral part of life. Cleanliness and prevention on the one hand and at the same time strengthening the immune system and healthy intestinal flora - these are the ways to help the body.


Actually, the most sensible thing to do is not to eat anything for a couple of days until the symptoms stop, just drink disinfectant herbs and green tea with honey or glucose. But since most are terrified of hunger, on the second day you can give (but only if the patient himself asks to eat) crackers, baked apples and a decoction of boiled carrots. When the first symptoms of the disorder pass, you can change the composition of the herbs: mint, St. John's wort, yarrow (only for adults, because it is bitter), green tea with the addition of infusions of alder cones, oak bark, bird cherry, blueberries, pomegranate peels, leaves hazelnut, horse sorrel - from what is available.

All these are herbs that regulate intestinal activity, but do not destroy intestinal flora. If you are in the countryside, the most effective seeds are horse sorrel (black panicles), which grows everywhere like a weed. Once, with his help, we drank a whole wellness summer camp club "Healthy Family", where there were 60 children.

Until the bowel function is completely regulated. food should be very modest: crackers, baked apples, stewed carrots, rolled oats, buckwheat and rice porridge, preparations that restore flora and disinfect herbs. We repeat: even if the disorder has stopped, it is still necessary to get tested for dysentery at the first opportunity, because the patient may be a carrier of the bacilli.

We all feel very well how often in the modern industrial world we and our children are at risk toxic effects environment. Smog often appears over the city, there is a sea of ​​exhaust gases, green spaces are mercilessly destroyed, and there is practically nowhere for children to walk; vegetables and fruits are full of nitrates and the like.

We suffer especially hard from the toxic load that industry and cars bring upon us in such big cities, like Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, etc. The task of the family is to try with everyone possible ways to look for and find something that will help us minimize this toxic harm from the not always friendly world of industry.

How can we resist negative factors in our external environment? To do this, we must try to strengthen our internal environment, in particular our gastrointestinal tract, restoring healthy intestinal flora. Immunity depends on this - our protective forces, the ability to withstand and survive, give birth and raise healthy children. In fact, if you stop being passive about your health, if you understand that modern world“being sick is not prestigious,” then a lot can be done to strengthen your immunity and the immunity of your children.

Every person has experienced an upset stomach at least once in their life. Like pathological process is accompanied by a number of symptoms and can be triggered by many factors. If stomach upset recurs periodically, it is important to identify the provoking factor and begin treatment in order to prevent dangerous consequences.

What is indigestion

Stomach upset is associated with disturbances in its functions due to the influence of provoking factors. In this case, the organ can remain either completely healthy, or sometimes there are also pathological changes. An upset stomach can occur with a malfunction of one or more functions: secretory, motor, digestive.

The stomach is the organ where digestion occurs

Violations occur by various reasons: under influence external factors, in the presence of diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the mucous membrane during alcohol abuse, the occurrence of tumors and a sudden change in diet. A pathological condition can occur when there is a disturbance in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. According to statistics, from similar problem men experience it more often than women.

Interesting fact: scientists have found that indigestion can occur due to a number of mental illness. People who are prone to anxiety and stress often face the problem of indigestion. The more unstable the psyche, the higher the likelihood of such a pathology.

Types of pathology

Indigestion can be functional or organic. However, the symptoms are often similar. In the first case we are talking about diseases of other organs, as well as external stimuli, which provoke disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. With functional disorders, there is an increase or decrease in the secretion of hydrochloric acid under the influence of factors such as diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines, etc.

Additionally, motility may suffer, and food is retained in the stomach, which contributes to the occurrence of fermentation processes. Functional disorders may appear with increased anxiety, taking medications and exposure to other factors not related to stomach pathologies. At endoscopic examination the organ looks absolutely healthy.

At organic disorders the cause of symptoms is any disease of the stomach associated with inflammation, disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane or the formation of tumors, cysts, polyps.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa detected during endoscopic examination, indicates the presence of organic pathology

Interesting fact: suspicious people, accustomed to “making mountains out of molehills,” more often than others suffer from stomach problems. At the same time, during a period of increased anxiety, a release of hydrochloric acid occurs, which provokes a number of unpleasant symptoms. The dependence of hypersecretion of gastric juice on experiences and severe stress was revealed.

Causes and provoking factors

Causes and provoking factors:

  • errors in the diet: abuse of fatty, fried foods, fast food and spicy dishes;
  • taking certain medications: hormonal, glucocorticosteroid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, painkillers, etc.;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • a lot of stress and anxiety disorders, depression, etc.;
  • work in hazardous conditions;
  • increased mental and physical stress.

Unhealthy food With big amount fats and seasonings are the main provoking factor for indigestion

To the group increased risk includes elderly people, people with immunodeficiency, as well as schoolchildren and students who often eat dry food.

What diseases are accompanied by indigestion?

Diseases and pathological conditions that are accompanied by indigestion:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with increased and decreased secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • erosion of the gastric mucosa;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the liver and pancreas;
  • colitis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses;
  • brain tumors;
  • reflux disease.

Many stomach diseases, including inflammatory ones, are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is resistant to hydrochloric acid. The microorganism penetrates the mucous membrane and multiplies quickly. Early detection of such a pathogen and timely treatment will protect against such dangerous diseases, like ulcers and stomach cancer.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of indigestion vary, they can be mild or characterized by severe manifestations. Main signs of pathology:

  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • and a burning sensation in the stomach;
  • hunger pains;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stool disorders;
  • belching;
  • abdominal cramps.

Stomach pain is the most common symptom functional disorders

Often, an increase in symptoms is associated with the influence of a provoking factor: taking medications, stress, errors in diet, etc.

People with stomach disorders are often emotionally unstable, easily excitable, and prone to mood swings. If symptoms arise against the background of VSD, then such patients almost always have cold extremities and pale skin. Often patients with gastrointestinal disorders psychogenic nature They tend to exaggerate the signs of pathology and often suspect they have dangerous diseases.

SOS signals from the stomach - video

Effective diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methods to identify the cause of indigestion:

  1. FGDS. Diagnosis using an endoscope is considered the most reliable and informative method studies that reveal even minor changes in the structure of the mucous membrane. This method based on administration into the stomach through the esophagus thin probe with a camera at the end. This reflects a detailed picture of the condition of the organ, including the presence of inflammation, ulcers, polyps or tumors.
  2. Palpation and survey. The first method above allows us to identify the presence inflammatory process, indicated by the presence pain with gentle pressure with your fingers on the stomach area. Using a survey, the doctor tries to identify provoking factors, including emotional lability, exposure to stress, poor diet, etc.
  3. Blood and urine tests. Used as auxiliary method diagnostics to determine associated abnormalities. Additionally, blood is often taken for Helicobacter pylori.
  4. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to determine structural changes stomach. This method helps to identify ulcerative lesions, as well as tumors. This technique is one of the most expensive and informative, but at the same time painless.

A person with complaints of indigestion should visit a therapist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist and neurologist.

Treatment methods

This pathological condition can be eliminated with the help of integrated approach to therapy. Apply drug treatment, folk remedies and a diet to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. In severe cases, when the provoking factor is a polyp, tumor or other types of neoplasms, it is prescribed surgical intervention. When a psychogenic factor is identified, appropriate therapy is important, which may include individual sessions with a psychotherapist or group trainings.

Attention! Treatment should begin only after the cause of the stomach upset has been identified. Study self-therapy dangerous because harmless symptoms a serious illness may be hiding.

What to do if you have indigestion - video

Drug therapy

Groups of medications used for treatment:

  1. Proton pump inhibitors: Nolpaza, Omez, Emanera, etc. Used for increased secretory activity. This line of drugs reduces the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach glands. As a result, heartburn and burning sensation disappear upper half belly. Such medications promote healing of the gastric mucosa.
  2. Antacids: Maalox, Gastal, Rennie, etc. Neutralize the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane, have enveloping effect, eliminating heartburn and hunger pains. Such medications are prescribed for, peptic ulcer stomach and reflux esophagitis.
  3. Antiemetics: Motilium, Cerucal, etc. This group of medications affects the corresponding part of the brain, eliminating nausea and promoting the movement of food from the stomach to the intestines.
  4. Regulators of motility: Trimedat, Ganaton, etc. Normalize the functioning of the stomach, preventing the development stagnation. Such drugs help move food through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Sedatives: Persen, Novopassit, etc. Used to reduce emotional lability, eliminating the effects of stress and improving sleep. These medications have a mild sedative effect and are prescribed in the presence of a psychogenic factor.
  6. Antibiotics: Clarithromycin, Amoxiclav, etc. Prescribed to destroy the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Often such medications are used in combination with proton pump inhibitors.
  7. Enzymatic: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin, etc. Prescribed for concomitant diseases pancreas, which impairs digestion. Enzymes help break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, preventing nausea and heaviness in the stomach.

During the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, it is important to avoid alcohol-containing drinks, which provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and create a load on the liver and pancreas.

Indigestion accompanies me quite often, as I have chronic gastritis. During exacerbations, a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, nausea, hunger pain and cramps occur. At this time, I take antacids (Gastal or Maalox) or proton pump inhibitors (Nolpaza) for two weeks. The first drugs help quickly, but the symptoms return literally after 3 hours, but the second ones allow you to get rid of discomfort for almost 24 hours. I take one tablet in the morning and after an hour there is no pain. Additionally, during exacerbations, I follow a diet, try to eat often, but little by little, and also take enzyme preparations to improve digestion. Usually after 2-3 weeks of such therapy, all symptoms disappear.

Medicines used for treatment - photo gallery

Nolpaza blocks the release of excess hydrochloric acid Maalox neutralizes hydrochloric acid, relieving heartburn Motilium eliminates nausea and vomiting Trimedat eliminates spasms and normalizes motor skills
Amoxiclav is used in combination with other drugs to destroy Helicobacter pylori Persen eliminates increased anxiety Mezim improves digestion

Diet food

To eliminate this pathological condition It is necessary to follow a diet that involves avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods. In addition, coffee, fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, chocolate, marinades, carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned food and processed foods should be excluded from the menu. It is recommended to cook food exclusively by steaming or baking. The menu should include:

  • lean soups;
  • boiled fish and chicken;
  • dairy products;
  • jelly;
  • vegetable stew;
  • bananas;
  • cereal porridge;
  • lean cookies;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • crackers;
  • pasta;
  • eggs in the form of an omelet or boiled.

Meals should be fractional. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Salt should be consumed in limited quantities, no more than 7 g. You should also drink sufficient quantity clean water, up to 1.5 liters per day. Overeating and, conversely, too long gaps between meals should not be allowed. Stick to dietary nutrition need for 4 weeks, then you can gradually expand the menu.

It is important to know that indigestion can provoke too hot food or, conversely, cold, such as ice cream. Dishes must be warm.

During exacerbations, I try not to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas and persimmons. I prefer vegetable stew, first courses and cereals. When there is a burning sensation in the stomach or heartburn, then I cook jelly with minimum quantity sugar, which helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms due to its consistency. I also recommend eating fruits only 1 hour after the main meal, otherwise you can provoke an even greater increase in symptoms, which has been tested from personal experience.

What should be included in the menu - photo gallery

Lenten soup can be used with crackers Boiled fish contains omega-3 acids
Boiled chicken can be combined with vegetable stew Dairy products and eggs contain a lot of protein Kissel envelops the stomach, prevents heartburn
Vegetable stew is easily digested and does not cause fermentation processes. Bananas contain heart-healthy potassium
Grains improve digestion
Lean cookies do not cause stomach pain Bread should be dried or purchased yeast-free
Crackers can be eaten instead of bread Pasta can only be consumed from durum wheat

Folk remedies

Effective recipes traditional medicine to help with indigestion:

  1. Anti-inflammatory infusion. You will need chamomile, calendula and oregano in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials need to be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Then filter with gauze and take 100 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. This infusion eliminates stomach pain and promotes tissue regeneration.
  2. Potato juice. You will need 1 small tuber, which needs to be peeled and grated. Squeeze out the resulting pulp using gauze. The juice should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day. It is important to do this immediately after receiving it, since this remedy traditional medicine cannot be stored. The course of treatment is 10 days. Potato juice not only relieves heartburn, but also helps normalize digestion.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. This effective remedy can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is effective for gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases. Promotes healing of the mucous membrane when taken regularly. You need to consume the oil on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. Only 30 minutes after this you can start breakfast. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.
  4. Infusion for nausea and heaviness in the stomach. You will need peppermint. It can be brewed both fresh and dry. In total you will need 1 tbsp. l., which you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Then filter with gauze and take 150 ml 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals for a week.
  5. Honey and milk. This remedy is suitable for people suffering from heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. Milk in the amount of 300 ml needs to be slightly warmed and add 1 tsp. honey. Mix everything and drink before bed 1 hour after eating. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Traditional recipes are not able to eliminate the cause of the pathological condition, therefore they are not a panacea and do not replace drug treatment.

During exacerbations I use potato broth. It's very easy to prepare. I peel a couple of potatoes and throw them into the water. I cook until the tubers become soft. Then I either fish out the potatoes or crush them with a fork right in the pan. Then I add a little salt and, after waiting for it to cool down a little, drink it 30 minutes before meals. This simple remedy helps me with cramps and burning in my stomach.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Chamomile relieves stomach cramps
Calendula relieves inflammation Oregano improves digestion Potatoes relieve heartburn Sea buckthorn oil accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane Honey and milk help with gastritis Peppermint eliminates nausea

Forecast and consequences

For stomach disorders not related to the presence of malignant tumors, the prognosis is quite favorable. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to the diet, the symptoms will disappear over time. At poor nutrition, absence necessary therapy, you may encounter consequences such as:

  • ulcer perforation;
  • stomach cancer;
  • transition of gastritis to an erosive form;
  • association with other gastrointestinal diseases.

Complications can also occur in those people who abuse alcohol due to indigestion. Such individuals are at high risk of developing ordinary gastritis into an ulcer. If a mucosal defect is already present, the likelihood of bleeding increases.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent stomach upsets, you must follow these rules:

  1. Be less nervous and, if possible, avoid stress, as well as mental and physical overload.
  2. Eat right, avoid fast food and other junk food.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Strengthen immunity.
  6. If you have nervousness and depression, resort to treatment for these diseases in a timely manner.
  7. Don't ignore the first ones alarming symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Do not take NSAIDs or other medications without a doctor's prescription. If you have gastritis or other stomach diseases, you should read the instructions for the drug to avoid adverse reactions.
  9. Do not eat dry food and do not take long breaks between meals.
  10. When eating, do not mix incompatible ingredients.

Attention! The best prevention stomach upsets is washing your hands, thoroughly cleaning fruits, vegetables and herbs before eating.

Stomach upset can be eliminated using a comprehensive approach to treatment and following special rules. If you neglect the doctor’s recommendations, you can provoke a number of complications. To prevent this, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist if you experience gastrointestinal symptoms that recur periodically.



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