How to get pregnant by eating right - the best foods (diet) for those who want to get pregnant! For those who want to get pregnant.


Almost every woman is ready to say: “I want to get pregnant,” but not all representatives of the fair sex know how to make their dream come true. Without a doubt, the day of conception is largely determined by chance, but the right measures increase the chances of realizing what you want in life. In most cases, this only requires following simple rules and understanding physiology.
Many women panic if they fail to get pregnant within two to three months after giving up contraception. In reality, the picture of healthy married couples develops in a special way.

  1. 60 out of every hundred couples managed to conceive a baby within six months.

  2. 80 out of every hundred couples - within one year.

  3. 90 out of every hundred couples - within two years.

Typically, advice to those who want to get pregnant comes down to accelerating the onset of the desired event and involves strengthening the immune system, correct image life.

Features of the physiology of female and male body, the nuances of pregnancy should be clear to every woman who admits “I want to get pregnant.”
In order for pregnancy to occur, two cells must meet: the sperm and the egg. As a result, it will be formed ovum, called a zygote. Every month, under the influence of pituitary hormones, a follicle with an egg matures in the ovary. The follicle bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, after which the egg is released. Fertilization should occur within the next 24 hours.
During sexual intercourse, 3 to 5 milliliters of semen containing 300 to 500 million sperm should enter a woman’s vagina. It should be noted that sperm can retain fertilizing ability for two to seven days. For fertilization, you will need to overcome the barrier that surrounds the egg and its membrane. This requires an “attack” of one hundred to four hundred thousand sperm, but only one of them can penetrate the egg. Within 12 hours, a zygote is formed, the embryo attaches to the uterine mucosa on days 11–12.

What is ovulation ?
Every woman who has said to herself “I want to get pregnant” and has reached a certain age should know what ovulation is.
Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from an ovarian follicle, a stage of the menstrual cycle. The released egg is ready to be fertilized by a sperm. In a woman of childbearing age, ovulation occurs every 21 to 35 days and its frequency is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms, namely the ovarian follicular hormone, as well as gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. In order for everything to go smoothly, there should not be the notorious problem of “how to get pregnant if your husband doesn’t want to,” because a man must become a serious support for you.
The rhythm of ovulation may change within three months after an abortion, within a year after labor activity, after forty years, when menopause should soon occur. Ovulation ceases to occur with the onset of pregnancy and after menopause, which implies the extinction of menstrual function. Correctly determining this stage of the menstrual cycle helps to understand when is the best time to conceive a baby.

All women experience a serious difference in the timing of ovulation. In addition, even for one woman, the timing of onset can differ radically in different months, which is explained by the possibility of disruption of the menstrual cycle, irregular menstruation. Cycles can be shorter or longer than average, but on average ovulation occurs on the fourteenth to fifteenth day. If the cycle is very short, ovulation may occur at the end menstrual bleeding. In most cases, ovulation occurs regularly. In order to increase the chances that the desire “I want to get pregnant” will come true, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle extremely carefully.
In fact, the chances of conceiving a baby depend not only on ovulation and correct calculation best days, but also from following medical recommendations. In this case, you should prepare for the fact that in some cases serious hormonal imbalances occur. Health problems lead to the fact that ovulation is not able to occur and the endometrium in the uterus is thrown out while the woman is menstruating.

Pregnancy can occur if the luminescence of the egg and sperm occurs. In this case, the cytoplasm of the egg begins to actively vibrate. If a woman confirms her desire to become a mother and says “I want to get pregnant,” it is extremely important to remain calm during such a crucial period. At the final stage of egg maturation, sperm must penetrate the female body.
All that remains of the sperm is the nucleus, which contains 23 chromosomes. The nucleus of the egg also contains 23 chromosomes. The sperm and egg must come into contact with each other, after which their membranes dissolve, the cells can merge, separate into pairs and form 46 chromosomes. Moreover, out of the 23 chromosomes of the sperm, 22 are similar to the 22 chromosomes of the egg. The features of a person’s appearance depend on them, his physical characteristics. The remaining pair will always have an X chromosome, and the sperm can have an X or Y chromosome. XX is a girl, XY is a boy. If the fact “I want to get pregnant with twins” is noted, it is necessary to understand that this possibility largely depends on genetic predisposition.

IN various sources contains opposing opinions on this matter. Some scientists are confident that frequent ejaculation significantly reduces the number of sperm in the ejaculate. Other researchers note that during sexual intercourse that occurs daily, the percentage of sperm with damaged DNA may decrease. The truth is actually out there. Every woman who says “I want to get pregnant” should strive for frequent and regular sex, but it should also be enjoyable. Your chances of getting pregnant decrease if you force yourself to intimacy, because such a turn of events leads to stress and the inability to conceive a baby.

Some couples may rely too much on the calendar. It is also important to move away from this extreme. Without a doubt, the days of ovulation increase the chances of pregnancy, but you cannot unconditionally follow the calendar, constantly count the days and have sex during certain periods.
At the same time, future parents are convinced that the best period for conceiving a child is from the 10th to the 18th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Although ovulation is required for pregnancy to occur, time limits can reduce the chances. Each person is an individual, so a woman must calculate when she ovulates. For determining best periods You should measure your basal temperature every day for three months and draw up a specific schedule that allows you to come to important conclusions. In addition, you can buy a special test to determine ovulation. Anyway calendar method should remain in the past.

In reality, special positions and exercises are not required for conception to occur. Moreover, if a woman is sure that she wants to become a mother and tells her beloved husband “I want to get pregnant,” it is best to lie down after intercourse so that sperm can easily reach the uterus.
In some cases, a woman suffers from a “bent” uterus. This feature of the body actually leads to the fact that the chances of conception increase in certain positions. The position of the organ determines how high the pregnancy rate will be. For getting effective recommendations It is recommended to consult your gynecologist.

To conceive a child, you should take care of proper nutrition. Low-calorie nutrition has Negative influence on hormones responsible for fertility. In addition, estrogens are partially synthesized in adipose tissue. A reduced amount of fat leads to a lack of estrogen. So, if you are wondering what to do if you want to get pregnant, it is extremely important to regulate your own weight before you first try to conceive a baby.

  1. You should eat more vegetables and fruits.

  2. Include foods that are rich in fiber in your diet: rice, pasta, wholemeal bread.

  3. Folic acid is required for successful conception and maintenance of pregnancy. It is found in leafy green vegetables, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli.

  4. The condition of the ovaries and ovulation are determined by protein and iron, so legumes should be included in the diet.

  5. For successful blood flow to the uterus, it is necessary to ensure that fatty acids omega-3, so your diet should contain salmon.

  6. Vitamins for those who want to get pregnant are also needed. Vegetable fats, vitamin E should be taken three months before the planned pregnancy.

Every woman who admits “I want to get pregnant, but I can’t” should take care making the right choice medicines. During the period of ovulation you should stop taking analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, because they can have a negative effect on hormonal background. Decongestants and antihistamines can lead to vaginal dryness and thickening of cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to move towards their goal.
Antibiotics lead to serious disruptions of the bacterial flora in the vagina, as a result of which it is necessary to wait 1-2 cycles before conceiving a baby. After finishing drug therapy The waiting period before trying should be a month, because the drugs are eliminated from the body within several weeks. Vitamin complexes are an exception, as they have amazing benefits for the female body.

Every woman understands that the likelihood of becoming pregnant varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle.

  1. Maturation of follicles (first 14 – 16 days). During this period, estrogens are most active, leading to the maturation of the egg.

  2. Ovulation (days 14–16 of the menstrual cycle). At this stage, the follicle ruptures. The egg can now be released from the ovary abdominal cavity, fallopian tube. This phase is carried out under the influence of follicle-stimulating and tuteonizing hormones of the pituitary gland. A certain amount of estrogen in hormones promotes the release of these hormones.

  3. Progesterene period, which is also called the corpus luteum period (from 15 - 17 to 28 days). Now the corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone and estrogens. If conception has occurred, progesterone should prepare the uterine lining for the appearance of an embryo. The maturation of follicles that can lead to miscarriage is slowed down. If the woman does not become pregnant, corpus luteum should stop functioning, causing menstruation to begin soon after.

Many women note: “I want to get pregnant quickly.” This situation possible if you carefully monitor your menstrual cycle. So, best chance Pregnancy occurs on the fourteenth to sixteenth day after the first day of menstruation. In this case, you should know when you will ovulate and add two days to it, since the egg lives 24 hours and a day is required to correct for inaccuracy. The egg must enter the fallopian tube, where it will meet the sperm. The probability of pregnancy is 1:3.
The possibility of conception actually exists in the days that precede ovulation (no more than six days before the cherished number), since the sperm can be viable for two to six days.

In every woman's menstrual cycle there are two safe period, and in most cases the days before menstruation are just such an interval.

  1. The first period of the menstrual cycle (from the first day of menstruation to the fourteenth - sixteenth day of the cycle). This period is also known as the relative sterility phase, as time close to ovulation increases the chances of conception.

  2. The third period of the menstrual cycle (from the sixteenth – eighteenth day to the last day). In this case, conception ceases to be possible, because the egg does not live for more than twenty-four hours and it will not be fertilized due to its absence.

If you dream of expanding your family, mandatory you need to contact an experienced physician. The doctor will be able to conduct a consultation and prescribe a diagnosis and examination. For example, you will find out if you want to get pregnant, whether you can wash yourself, you will understand what rules and features of pregnancy are mandatory for realizing what you want in reality.
If a woman is diagnosed with health problems, but conception is possible, constant monitoring by a doctor becomes necessary before labor begins.
The spouse should also visit the doctor, since the responsibility of the approach to planning the baby depends on this.
It is imperative to make sure that conception is possible, because Lately Many people face infertility that requires additional treatment.
IN ideally You need to take a cycle of vitamin complex. The most effective are prenatal vitamins folic acid, since they even help reduce the risk of neural tube defects in a child.
The doctor will definitely do everything possible to ensure that the desired becomes a reality.

Every responsible married couple must take tests and undergo examinations, confirming their good health, no risks for the child. The likelihood of getting pregnant and having a baby largely depends on the results of the examinations.

  1. It is necessary to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis. Many STDs do not manifest themselves until a certain time. If you don’t put accurate diagnosis, there is a risk of miscarriage or development serious pathologies at the baby's.

  2. A man and a woman must determine their own blood type, the Rh factor, in an effort to prevent the risk of Rh conflict. If necessary, doctors can make sure that the Rh conflict does not manifest itself.

  3. Spouses should visit geneticists. This is especially necessary for those who have already had genetic diseases in the family, and babies were born with pathologies. Modern technologies make it possible to determine the risk of manifestation genetic disorders, pathologies, after which it will be clear whether reproductive services are necessary.

Without fail, a woman must not only tell her husband: “I want to get pregnant,” but also undergo diagnostics in order to make sure that she is able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. So, what is required for everything to go as it should?
A woman must undergo a culture test for microflora in the vagina, a blood clotting test, and undergo a hormone test. Each of these tests will allow you to understand the characteristics of your health condition. Such an approach will, without a doubt, increase the chances of successful conception and pregnancy without unnecessary complications.
The physician must assess the condition of the woman’s reproductive organs, her body as a whole, constitutional features, weight and age. For this reason, the expectant mother will need to additionally undergo fluorography and visit a therapist.
Pregnancy is a truly serious, important period for every woman, so you need to make sure that everything will develop as it should.

Has the man finally given up on intercourse interruption as a way to prevent conception? This means that the husband of a woman who dreams of becoming a mother should also turn to doctors and undergo special examinations. So, what is required in order to understand how everything will develop, how high the chances of birth are? healthy child with the woman you love?
A man must submit his ejaculate for a spermogram. Doctors will be able to determine the concentration of sperm in semen, the speed of their movement, and possible structural defects. The test is simple and painless, but at the same time allows you to exclude male infertility. If the analysis does not provide ideal results, but there is no criticality, the doctor will definitely give useful recommendations that will help improve the situation. A man may need to give up smoking and alcohol, switch to healthy diet, start playing sports. A urologist-andrologist will definitely understand the situation and do everything possible to conceive a baby and successful pregnancy from your wife.

First of all, it should be noted that the sex of the child usually depends on how he eats future mom. For this reason, if a woman admits “I want to get pregnant with a girl,” you can consult a doctor and understand how best to eat. In any case, the diet must be thought through to the smallest nuances. So, what factors should you pay special attention to?
Losing weight leads to negative influence on hormones responsible for fertility. If you decide to lose weight, it is recommended to get rid of extra pounds several months before the expected conception.
It is imperative to eat a balanced and healthy diet. For example, snacks and a large number of Eating sweets can always affect your waistline and your ability to give birth to a child. This is due to the fact that elevated blood sugar levels lead to excessive release of adrenaline, which affects the state of progesterone, and it is this hormone that helps prepare the uterus for conception.
Now you understand why diet is important.

Women who want to get pregnant should understand that the chances of success largely depend on psychology. Conception may not occur due to constant stress. For this reason, you need to learn to be in harmony with yourself, and for this you can use auto-training, massage, aromatherapy, aromatic baths, soothing herbs.
Experienced psychologists note that strong concentration on the desire to become a mother can prevent the achievement of what is desired. If doctors note that you are able to get pregnant and carry a child, you need to trust time. future child will definitely understand when he needs to be born. Failing to get pregnant can lead to fear and negative emotions, but such a reaction will constantly push back the embodiment of what is desired.
Parents must understand that procreation should be based on love, so it is extremely important not to rush, but to enjoy romantic relationships with your soulmate.
Particular patience will be required if, from the moment you stop taking protective equipment, not a year has passed.

Every woman should understand that bad habits, regardless of their nature, prevent the gift of life to a baby. In this case, you should go to healthy image life and consult with a doctor who will definitely tell you how long it will take to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.
Minimal chances Women who smoke and drink alcoholic beverages are more likely to become mothers. In addition, such bad habits have negative impact to the embryo.
In sperm smoking men there are fewer sperm, which also cease to be active, which leads to serious difficulties.
It is imperative to take care to reduce the amount of caffeine consumed, which negatively affects reproductive function.
Break bad habits and improve your health before making major changes in your family!

Every woman should understand that she should not only know on what days she can get pregnant, but also strive to use nature for her own benefit. So, fertility is affected by the time of year. There are always more sperm at the beginning of spring, as well as at the end of autumn. Sperm become more active in late summer and early autumn. The ideal time to conceive is the beginning of winter. At the same time, you can decide to plan a pregnancy not only to increase the chances of conception, but also to ensure that the child corresponds to a certain zodiac sign.
Men can meet their spouses halfway. So, representatives of the stronger sex should wear loose-fitting cotton trousers in the warm season. Tight-fitting trousers lead to the accumulation of heat in the testicles, as a result of which spermatogenesis worsens and sperm become of lower quality. Winter, of course, is an exception.

Every woman should strive to have perfect health. Regardless of age, the words “I want to get pregnant with my second child” may be heard. This only becomes possible if your health and weight are optimal for pregnancy.
Each one is thin or fat woman may face serious problems conceiving. A man should also think about weight, because its fluctuations lead to a deterioration in sperm production.
You need to understand that the use of medications can significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy and carrying a baby. Antibiotics, analgesics, antihistamines prevent maturation
eggs. You should not use lubricants during sex,
which can kill sperm.

Women wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant quickly with certain sex positions. In reality, it is impossible to tell which poses are successful and which are not. It is very rare when the cervix takes an unusual position during intimacy in a certain position. At the same time, you need to remember the law of gravity, which can lead to a slowdown in sperm flow.
For women whose uterus is curved, the position should assume that the man is positioned behind.
In order to retain more sperm in your body, it is recommended to raise your hips after ejaculation. It’s best to spend ten minutes in this position rather than run errands. Moreover, showering is not recommended.
To increase your chances of conceiving a baby, try to give up grueling sex. The quality of sperm in a man with frequent ejaculation can significantly deteriorate. For this reason, ideally, during ovulation, it is recommended to have sex once a day.

Every woman who dreams of the birth of her baby can take advantage of an integrated approach to achieve what you want. For example, we can recommend folk remedies. In addition, if there is a desire to get pregnant, folk remedies can really help.

  1. Among the most effective means It is necessary to note the decoction that needs to be prepared from the one-sided ortilia. To do this, use two tablespoons of ortilia flowers and leaves. They will need to be brewed in 30 milliliters. boiled water. Now you need to put the product on the fire and wait ten minutes. After this, the broth must be infused and filtered. Take a tablespoon of the decoction three to four times a day.

  2. Pumpkin pulp also promises to be beneficial due to the presence of vitamin E in its composition. This tool allows you to regulate hormonal balance women.

  3. Apple vinegar may prove useful. Apple cider vinegar can be combined with honey: you will need two teaspoons per dose. This remedy is recommended to be added to infusions and decoctions, but can be consumed with water before meals.

Every representative of the fair sex sooner or later dreams of giving life to a baby. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In what cases may pregnancy not occur and the words “I want to get pregnant” do not lead to conception or the birth of a baby? The chances largely depend on the woman’s age.
For example, at the age of twenty to twenty-five years the chances reach 95%, at the age of 25 - 35 years - 80%, after 35 years - 60%. In reality, even in the prime of life, pregnancy does not occur immediately, so it is best to avoid panic. Girls under 30 years old should seek help from doctors only after two years, at the age of 30 - 35 years - after a year, late age– after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. In men, fertile function is maintained until old age.

Many women face problems when conceiving, which are gynecological, hormonal, and psychological. For example, admitting that I want to get pregnant, but I'm afraid, can be the basis for understanding existing problems. In many situations, you need to consult a doctor or family psychologist in order to take advantage of every chance to improve the current situation.
Negative factor is overweight or underweight, bad habits (smoking, consumption alcoholic drinks, drug addiction).
The stress that women often face can also delay the much-desired conception. Unsuccessful attempts often increase stress, as a result of which the chances of becoming a mother, even if you easily gave birth to your first baby, are significantly reduced. So, calm and positive attitude are always very important, and the fear of pregnancy should be eliminated.

Does your wife often say: “I want to get pregnant,” but all attempts are unsuccessful? In this situation, unfortunately, the man may also have problems. Possible causes include hormonal and genetic reasons, lack of active and strong sperm, the presence of antibodies that do not allow sperm to act, problems with the patency of the vas deferens. After surgical or traumatic effects on the genitals, there may also be serious problems. Men who suffer from bad habits also reduce a woman’s chances of conceiving.

Do you know the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?”, have you established ovulation, but there are no desired results? So, pay attention to the following recommendations, which may help you realize what you want.

  1. Monitoring your ovulation schedule. This method is mandatory. Conception usually occurs 2 days before and after ovulation. In most women, ovulation occurs on days 12–14 of the menstrual cycle, but for this you must monitor mucous secretions and conduct tests. Remember that a mistake can ruin all your efforts.

  2. Monitoring the regularity of menstruation. If you constantly experience abnormalities, there is a risk that ovulation does not even occur. With this problem you need to contact an antenatal clinic. Regular menstrual cycle indicates the possibility of conception and proper functioning of the ovaries.

  3. Basal temperature chart. This chart allows you to find out about ovulation, because during it the temperature rises. Progesterone levels that allow pregnancy to occur must be high after ovulation.

You admitted to yourself that you want to become a mother, you told your spouse “I want to get pregnant”, long time Are you trying but to no avail? So, the time has come to see a doctor and undergo tests and examinations.

  1. Consultation with a physician is aimed at understanding important aspects. You must talk about what operations were performed, what infectious diseases you suffer from, your addiction to alcohol and drugs, and your sex life. This will allow the doctor to orient himself.

  2. Among important analyzes for women, it means checking the amount of progesterone, which is responsible for conceiving and bearing a child.

  3. A post-coital test should be performed 6 to 10 hours after sex. It is planned to study vaginal mucus in order to identify antibodies that can lead to the death of sperm.

  4. A man will need to have a spermogram to evaluate his sperm.

  5. Mandatory tests usually include a blood test for coagulation, examination thyroid gland, karyotype tests, blood.

If necessary, the examination will be carried out in a hospital setting.

Many women are forced to take contraceptives, use oral contraceptives. After these methods you need to wait at least a month. If you took Delo-Provera, you need to wait up to one year for ovulation to normalize. Women under thirty do not need to worry even if pregnancy has not occurred within one year. If you are over 30 years old, you need to consult a doctor. In addition, he will definitely prescribe vitamins for those who want to get pregnant. By following the recommendations, you increase your chances of becoming a healthy and happy mother to your child.

How often do you hear “I want to get pregnant after an abortion,” but is this possible? First of all, it should be remembered that the day of medical or spontaneous abortion should be defined as the first day of the menstrual cycle. Focusing on female physiology, pregnancy can occur after two weeks if ovulation occurs during this time period and there was unprotected sex before it.
In reality, conceiving a child cannot be rushed. Even if you dream of becoming a mother, you will need to wait, because the body needs to recover from stress. In any case, abortion is a hormonal imbalance, so you need to wait at least three months. If you do not wait this period, another pregnancy may end sadly.

Such a dream as I want to get pregnant after a miscarriage is quite understandable. If a woman has experienced the forced loss of a child and is faced with such a tragedy, she needs to prepare for next conception. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination and get tested, because you must make sure that your health allows you to become a mother. Most often, miscarriages do not occur due to problems with women's health, but due to chromosomal pathologies of the embryo. Ideally, before conception, you need to protect yourself for 3-4 months, because the body must recover from stress. Experienced doctor It will even help in a situation where you are tormented by the question of how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out. Trust the doctor and your destiny, because you will definitely give life to the baby.

Many girls who are faced with situations where a woman becomes pregnant, but does not want to give birth, go for the establishment of a spiral, which is the maximum reliable protection from unwanted early conception.
After removing the IUD, you will need to skip one menstrual cycle. During this time, the inner layer of the uterus will become healthier and it will be possible to prepare for pregnancy. Doctors are ready to advise taking vitamins for those who want to get pregnant and restore the body within 3 to 6 months. In fact, the spiral turned out to be a truly serious test for your body, so recovery period is mandatory.

Are you sure that the words “I want to get pregnant” are true and reflect your readiness to become a mother? In this case, it is recommended to rely on the following tips.

  1. You should have sex at a time that is most appropriate. So, for this you will need to calculate the day of ovulation and understand what gender of the child is desired. Admitting that I want to become pregnant with a boy implies the need for sexual contact on the day of ovulation or within a few hours after it has occurred.

  2. Women should take vitamin complexes, folic acid so that the fetus develops harmoniously and correctly. Proper nutrition becomes especially important if you admit to yourself that “I want to get pregnant after childbirth.” The birth of the same age is actually a dream for many young parents, but for this, the man and woman must have ideal health, show special approach to conception.

Pregnancy for everyone married couple– this is an important period when you need to show unity and sincere love, the desire to take care of each other. Many women understand how valuable it is to admit that you want to get pregnant from your spouse, carry a baby and give birth. However, why does a family need a baby? Children are needed to continue their lineage and life on earth.
Many women think " why do I want to get pregnant?. In fact, the answer lies in the maternal instinct, which is characteristic of every representative of the fair sex. Man and, of course, every woman must remember their divine essence. Children are needed for the development and discovery of their parents. Every adult who becomes a parent understands their capabilities and opens their soul, again looking at the world through children's eyes. In some cases, answers to serious questions remain to be found. A child is an extension of the parent, so you need to try to establish contact.
Take the chance to learn how to correctly calculate the gestational age in order to know when the dramatic changes in life due to the birth of the baby will occur.

Part one. Introductory.

I couldn’t get pregnant, so I decided to investigate this matter. Doctors diagnosed: infertility of unknown etiology. That is, I am healthy, but the child is not having a baby. Moreover, it was unclear why - I already had a daughter, and after that no special incidents happened to me.

This was six years ago. Both my husband and I were on the verge of divorce. However, I really wanted a child. I dreamed about him in a dream. Funny cheerful red-haired boy. There, in a dream, I was dying of happiness and tenderness. I kept showing him some flowers and teaching him to speak. For some reason the flowers were prickly and could not be touched.

This year I defended my diploma in psychology. Well, I chose the following topic: “Dreams of infertile women.” I had never read any research on this topic before or since, and that made it even more interesting. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into then.

Why dreams? I was an expert at dreaming. They could be used to make films. I saw all the people significant to me before meeting them. I knew - we went through this - that dreams were practically unexplored. And they play a huge role in the life of our soul. As a matter of fact, the notorious Freud is valuable for science not at all for his theory of libido, which was quickly dissed and destroyed by his own followers. Freud was the first, the very first, to say that in our lives, in addition to Consciousness, there is also the Unconscious and it influences our actions. He introduced this concept, this term, and five of the seven main psychological schools build their teaching on this Theory of the Unconscious (if I lie now in quantity, don’t blame me). But then Freud put his nose to the theory of libido (this theory is now called the theory of the psychoenergetic structure of personality: all energy does not disappear, but is only transformed), and began hysterical women, and with this its value for science was almost lost.

But there was also Jung. He and Freud started together, then they quarreled, Jung was the first to say that not everything depends on libido, he called Freud preoccupied, and Freud broke his glasses. After that, Jung moved away (I forget where) and settled there. For thirty years, Jung wrote down his dreams, which he was also a great master at. He was looking for confirmation of another theory. There was little sex, but a lot of dreams, myths and fairy tales. This theory is called the “Theory of the Collective Unconscious”. That is (watch your hands) - Freud did not get to her, he came from the individual unconscious. Jung hesitated. He saw that in the minds of the Swiss professor and the savage from the Moomba tribe there was the same set of characters. He called them Archetypes.

So, this scientific excursion was needed in order to explain how I worked with dreams. I needed to understand - and this was my theory - do women who cannot get pregnant have the same archetype marker in their heads? Something that symbolizes a problem? And maybe there is something that indicates its cause? And wandering through almost a hundred other people's dreams, I came across these two markers, and unexpectedly came across a third - something that pointed to the resolution of this problem!

Part two. Scary.

I had three groups of women. The first of them never became pregnant. The second became pregnant, but did not carry her to term. In the third, control group, women either became pregnant after long ordeals, or never had this problem and became pregnant easily.

I was interested in two types of dreams. The series are also simply significant, that is, those to which the women themselves attached significance. They told me these dreams. I looked for some of it on the Internet (there was a special website about dreams, and a whole crowd gathered there infertile women), and then there were my dreams. Let me remind you that I also struggled with this problem. I was especially interested in women with a similar diagnosis - infertility of unknown etymology.

I want to say one thing right away important thing. We were taught to listen and hear. This is the main tool of a psychologist. And the same for me diagnostic value had both dream plots and the way a woman talks about her problem. What words?

1. So, the first group. Primary infertility. It sounds scary, but in fact it only means that the woman has never conceived without protection. These women had dreams with the same plot.

How they give birth to strange creatures... It could be: toys, dolls, chicken eggs, kittens, chickens. Something very small and does not require feeding. In the dream, women stored them in the freezer, in boxes, and handed them over to their mother for safekeeping. In other words, they didn't know what to do with them. The dreams were extremely unpleasant. Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal. Do you understand? I either didn’t dream about the birth process itself, or I also dreamed slightly about a doll theme: they opened the stomach and took it out from there... or I came home and they were in a box, but I didn’t know how I gave birth... I don’t know what to do with it... how to feed, not I know…

2. The second group of women had habitual miscarriages, or simply miscarriages, and this was the most difficult and terrible group.

Terrible things were discovered here. Without exception, all women in this group had harbinger dreams. These are the dreams after which they started bleeding and had a miscarriage.

I will divide their dreams into three groups.

  • The first group of dreams: dreams of symbols: something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or turns out to be sick and dead.
  • The second group of dreams: dreams of a husband or mother or one’s own body in a strange inferior state.
  • The third group of dreams: dreams of children being inaccessible, slipping away, getting lost, not being picked up, turning into something else.
Please don't be afraid, dear ladies. I myself was scared and even sick when I was researching this group. I was even covered with shingles. And what terrible dreams I had then, I even wanted to give it all up. I described from one to five such dreams a day and remember them by heart. Now I’ll tell you in detail.

So.. Something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or turns out to be sick and dead.

Example. A woman dreams that her husband gives her flowers. A wonderful bouquet. Elastic buds, strong stems. She takes them to put them in a vase with water... and suddenly sees that right before her eyes the stems have become slimy, the buds have darkened... everything is falling apart before her eyes, there is a heavy smell of rotten water, the flowers are falling from her hands, completely rotten, into a fetid puddle on the semi... As far as I remember, the harbinger dream was recurring, each pregnancy ended in miscarriage. More than anything else, she was afraid of having this dream.

Another dream of this group (from the site, it seems) - woman walking along a forest path, through the forest, everything is green... suddenly she realizes that there is darkness and a swamp all around. Someone hands her a stick, she leans on it, and the stick falls into the muck... And this happens every time before the loss of a child.

The second group of harbinger dreams: defects. I remember one dream - a woman dreams that her husband has no teeth. Bare infant jaw. Another dreams that she has no breasts. It seems like she was, she holds her hand - no. The third dreams that her old mother is giving birth, lying on the bed, and it is so unpleasant for her to understand that here is an old gray-haired woman giving birth, and it is unknown from whom, and it is unknown who...

You understand, right? I dream of a certain lack of vitality, inability to live, the absence of something important. Teeth are needed to eat. Breast - to feed. Youth is to conceive.

And finally, the third type of harbinger dreams is children, inaccessible, slipping away, getting lost, not being picked up, turning into something else. I remember my friend telling me. She often went to the gynecologist, received treatment, and had miscarriages. And so she dreamed several times that in the doctor’s office she saw a child on a chair in the corner. Small, in yellow overalls. She rejoices, calls him to her, squats down, he runs to her and disappears. Or he just looks from his chair and doesn’t go. She cried every time she woke up.

3. Control group.

Before my friend carried her child, the boy ran up to her in a dream and she hugged him tightly...

Before getting pregnant and giving birth, women often dreamed about: breasts, full of milk. Or how they have a child (very often such dreams) - and they hold him on their laps, they know that he is, for example, a day old, and he has rosy cheeks, a mouth full of teeth, he even talks, and in general he is a great guy. Again, I dream about bouquets of flowers, but only here everything is without a catch, or I dream about the sun. Just the sun in the sky. Or bread. Or what the husband hugs. Or that they are collecting daisies in the clearing. Or counters, full of products, tasty and beautiful... And these dreams are always light and WARM. One woman dreamed (and this dream was the first to prompt me to my discovery) of a huge water lily, a huge yellow water lily, on which, like Thumbelina, you can stand and she holds it.

Part three. Explanatory.

No one in our country, as far as I know, deals with the mental state of women who cannot conceive or bear a child. There are no special rehabilitation programs, no complex therapy, including the participation of both a gynecologist and a psychologist. Nobody works with these women's husbands.

Meanwhile, these women suffer almost silently. Those around them do not even suspect that these women are not developing an inferiority complex at all. They develop worse and more severely – a inferiority complex. Neuroses develop that are slightly similar to delusions of humiliation: I am no good. Every menstruation is a tragedy and tears. They cannot see strollers and children walking. Those who cannot bear it, those who have lost a child, suffer especially.

The reproductive system is the strongest and most capricious mechanism in the female body. While researching women, I saw strange things.

Those who, to put it crudely, gave up on it, became pregnant. Having lost hope or become distracted by something else. Writing a dissertation, book. Opening a business, etc. Those who became pregnant were those who, in desperation, having spent all the money on IVF and ruined the entire cycle, got a puppy. At least. Those who became pregnant (this is already confirmed by statistics) were those who took the child from the orphanage. Those who separated from their husbands - from another, beloved - became pregnant. The woman who dreamed of a husband without teeth became pregnant by another man, having previously been treated for seven years. Perhaps she did not perceive her husband as a reliable father and protector?

My conclusions are as follows. A woman, especially a young one, may not become pregnant until she is, for some reason, not ready for it. Perhaps she was scared of childbirth. Perhaps she does not want a child from this man, but she hides this from herself. Perhaps she doesn’t want a child at all yet, but she’s supposed to want it, and she’s struggling. All the dreams of the women examined indicate the same problem of the personality state - disintegration. That is, not integrity, splitting of parts of the soul. One part of the soul strives for something, the other is afraid. Fear, unpreparedness, even disgust - that’s what these women have in their dreams. You focus on this problem and see only the word “need” - you need a child. Your soul, inexperienced and unprepared, may be scared, may not be ready, may have other tasks for the coming year.

What I was talking about is called a mandala. This is the most powerful archetype in Jung's theory - Wholeness, Self. Circle, completeness, agreement with oneself. Flower, water lily, sun, loaf of bread. Hugs - clasped hands - are also a mandala. Warmth and light are also symbols of integrity and personality integration. Milk is a symbol mental strength, health, fertile time. The puzzles fell into place, the circle closed, you are happy, and not necessarily because you are pregnant. Just happy. Maybe your child also feels - well, finally, now you can come, curl up in a ball and live peacefully in your mother’s stomach. They won’t be nervous and worried, and touch my heel all the time to check how I’m doing there... Perhaps she won’t even notice anything at first, because it’s on her nose new project, or a loan, or she fell in love, or she just feels good, because she knows how to feel it just like that...

Look at your mothers and your female relatives in general. Who has how many children? Was there anyone in your family who waited a long time for a child? Aunts, grandmothers, sisters? What time did your mother and grandmother give birth?

P.S. You don't need to have any special merits to humanity for God to reward you with a child. You just need to be. Healers say: the child himself chooses when to come. Talk to him, of course, tell him that you are waiting for him. But don't yank it every now and then, for God's sake. Better do something enjoyable for now.

I won't ask why you need a child. This is quite a powerful program, laid down by nature. Of course, you strive to implement it. But still, quietly answer this question for yourself.

I didn’t have time to get pregnant a second time. And I didn’t even have time to worry too much about it. Divorced with husband. No wonder I dreamed of flowers with thorns, inaccessible and dangerous. I don’t know if I will be able to conceive a child from the man I love. We'll check it out, I hope. When the opportunity arises.

) for those who want to get pregnant!

When we're talking about about pregnancy, nutrition matters! Some nutrients in the foods you eat play a vital role in protecting reproductive health person. Here are 16 products for you and for Him that will increase the chances of adding to your family! You can get pregnant by eating right!

Oysters are a powerful source of zinc, a mineral essential for human reproduction. Zinc plays a positive role in female fertility by promoting proper cell division, a process that has crucial For early stages birth and development of the fetus. In men, zinc is necessary ingredient for adequate testosterone levels and healthy semen. Oysters are also an excellent source of copper, another well-known mineral that plays a role in seed production.

Many people prefer to eat oysters raw. However, it is still worth preparing them to avoid foodborne illnesses, which can negatively affect your fetus. If you don't like oysters, then pay attention to other seafood: shellfish, mussels, and shrimp are also rich in zinc.

Drink milk! If you want to get pregnant, drink whole milk, not skim milk. Cow's milk contains a natural balance of masculine and female hormones, estrogens and androgens (male hormones). When milk is skimmed, estrogens are removed along with the fat, leaving only male hormones. Drinking too much skim milk can result in too many unbalanced androgens, which can interfere with female fertility, according to some health experts. A recent study of more than 18,000 women found that consumption of skim and low-fat milk led to decreased fertility in women, while consumption of full-fat dairy products led to an increase in fertility.

So an occasional scoop of your favorite ice cream may actually be good for you and your pregnancy. Other ways to include whole milk in your diet are by making delicious smoothies and delicious food based on milk.

Chicken is a source of healthy and nutritious protein. But it is also a rich source of niacin (vitamin B3), a nutrient that plays an important role in the synthesis of sex hormones. Niacin deficiency is associated with fertility problems in both women and men. Just 84 grams of chicken contains 10.6 mg of niacin, which can provide your niacin requirement with approximately 75 percent of the recommended amount. daily value. The bird also contains sufficient quantity vitamin B6 and B12, two other vitamins also known to play a role in health reproductive function. So why not have a piece of chicken tonight?

Brazil nuts are full of selenium, an antioxidant mineral that helps prevent chromosome damage in eggs and sperm (one cause of miscarriage and birth defects). In men, selenium serves as another nutrient essential for healthy formation semen, research has shown that low sperm count may be associated with low selenium levels.

So crack your nuts! Brazil nuts are great for eating either alone or as part of a salad. Other natural springs Selena is chicken breasts and eggs.

Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E. This antioxidant vitamin is sometimes called the “fertility vitamin” due to its vital important role in the field of reproductive health. In women, vitamin E helps the body better absorb other fat soluble vitamins necessary for the production of hormones. In men, infertility treatment with vitamin E has been shown to be effective in improving low sperm counts. A quarter cup of almonds contains 9 mg of vitamin E, or about 45 percent of the recommended intake. Almonds also contain other nutrients considered beneficial for fertility: copper and monounsaturated fat.

6. Monastic Tea.

The jury is still out on whether caffeinated drinks can harm pregnancy. But at least the study found that switching from soda or coffee to soothing tea may improve your chances of pregnancy. According to a study published in the American Health Journal, women who drank caffeinated tea (Orange Pekoe, black, green, and others) became pregnant twice as often as those who did not drink tea.

The link between tea and pregnancy is a biochemical formation called hypoxanthine. Tea contains it, but follicular fluid, the fluid surrounding the egg, also contains it, which helps stimulate the development of the egg before ovulation. Researchers suggest that tea helps the body maintain adequate levels of hypoxanthine - and this is important for follicular fluid.

7. Eggs.

Eggs are the most important product to improve the balance of essential nutrients during the period of conception. Just one egg gives us a whopping 10 percent of the recommended daily dose iron and zinc, as well as adequate amounts of B vitamins and 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which helps in the formation of sex hormones.

8. Popcorn.

This movie buff's favorite treat contains high amounts of L-arginine, an amino acid essential for healthy semen production. Studies show that increasing the consumption of L-arginine can increase the quantity and improve the quality of sperm in men with impaired fertility. In addition, popcorn made without oil and without added salt or sugar has a natural high content fiber and low in calories and fat, making it a good snack for anyone watching their health and weight.

9. Bell pepper.

Including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet is a good way to ensure you get the nutrients you need to conceive. However, which fruit and vegetable is especially important for us? This is a regular sweet bell pepper. Green, red, yellow, orange... Pepper can help you get significant amount folic acid (very important for semen production and preventing birth defects) early stage pregnancy), B vitamins, beta-carotene and vitamin C, which can help prevent DNA damage in germ cells and increase the chance of conception.

10. Shellfish.

Shellfish are rich in iron, a mineral important for maintaining good fertility levels in women (some studies show that women with low iron levels are less likely to get pregnant). Adult women need 18 mg of iron per day. During the period of conception, the norm increases to 27 mg per day. Just 84 grams of shellfish provides 24 mg of iron.

However, do not forget that all seafood requires careful preparation to avoid stomach upset.

11. Whole grains.

Excessive use white bread, rice or other sources of net carbohydrates may cause fast growth blood sugar levels, which often leads to a sharp rise in insulin. Over time, increased production of insulin in the blood can cause other hormones, including sex hormones, to deviate from normal levels. This is one reason why women with insulin resistance (a condition in which the body must produce more and more insulin to effectively control blood sugar levels) often experience infertility.

However, eating whole grain foods is very beneficial. Thanks to their rich fiber content, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and other whole grain products break down into sugars and penetrate into the body. circulatory system at a much slower pace than their carbohydrate-rich counterparts.

12. Olive oil.

Research has shown that people today eat too much transgenic fats; these unhealthy "bad fats" found in hydrogenated oils may contribute to a higher risk of ovulation disorders. What's the best way to avoid trans fats? Switch to olive oil! Olive oil is a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which will not only have an excellent effect on your heart and cholesterol levels, but will also help you maintain a healthy endocrine system.

Trans fats are often used in snacks, fast food, and even salad dressing. To be 100% confident in your food, cook it yourself and preferably with olive oil.

13. Beans and legumes.

Research has shown that eating protein from plant sources, such as beans and peanuts, leads to an increase in fertility in women, in contrast to women who get their proteins exclusively from meat. In addition, legumes are also high in iron and other nutrients that are beneficial for fertility. Women who eat predominantly should not completely switch to legumes alone. Only a balanced diet that includes both healthy animal proteins (fish and chicken) and legumes can have a good effect on your ability to conceive a child.

14. Salmon.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 acids, which may improve fertility by influencing the regulation of reproductive hormones and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. Don't know how to cook fish? How about Teriyaki Salmon? For those who don't like fish, omega-3 acids can be found in other foods such as flaxseed, walnuts and pumpkin seeds (also good source zinc).

15. Broccoli.

Broccoli and others cruciferous vegetables- cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain indole-3 carbinol (I3C), natural compounds that help maintain estrogen balance at normal level and improve the ability to fertilize. Broccoli is also an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U and beta-carotene. Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) in broccoli is almost 2.5 times more than in such recognized suppliers of this vitamin as citrus fruits.

By the presence of beta-carotene (provitamin A - beauty vitamin and good vision) this crop is many times superior to other vegetable crops and, along with carrots and pumpkin, is the main source of this vitamin.

16. Spinach.

Rich in antioxidants, iron, vitamin E, folate and other B vitamins, just one serving of spinach provides your body with many of the key nutrients it needs for reproductive health. What are you waiting for? Throw some spinach leaves into sandwiches, steam it, or add some spinach to your next milkshake.

Create a diet based on these 16 foods and your happiness will appear very soon!;)

As you can see get pregnant by eating correctly quite easily, because nature itself will help healthy products push for this. This is a translated article from one American site, I won’t say which one, because... I translated it a long time ago and have already lost the link. I would like to add on my own behalf, I am not a doctor, but I believe that if you don’t drink (even beer) for at least three months before conception, then you will succeed the first time and in the best possible way! And the kids will be healthy and happy

While looking for topics for those planning something, I came across this... That time I couldn’t read it, it just gave me goosebumps. I probably guessed about this... Somewhere deep down we all know that the reason is always in ourselves... How else can we explain the scientifically inexplicable - the healing of hopelessly sick people, pregnancy with 100% infertility... So a girl psychologist tried to figure it out. I think it’s quite interesting... In general, I recommend it!

Part one. Introductory.
I couldn’t get pregnant, so I decided to investigate this matter. Doctors made a diagnosis: infertility of unknown etiology. That is, I am healthy, but the child is not having a baby. Moreover, it was unclear why - I already had a daughter, and after that no special incidents happened to me.
This was six years ago. Both my husband and I were on the verge of divorce. However, I really wanted a child. I dreamed about him in a dream. Funny cheerful red-haired boy. There, in a dream, I was dying of happiness and tenderness. I kept showing him some flowers and teaching him to speak. For some reason the flowers were prickly and could not be touched.
This year I defended my diploma in psychology. Well, I chose the following topic: “Dreams of infertile women.” I had never read any research on this topic before or since, and that made it even more interesting. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into then.
Why dreams? I was an expert at dreaming. They could be used to make films. I saw all the people significant to me before meeting them. I knew - we went through this - that dreams were practically unexplored. And they play a huge role in the life of our soul. As a matter of fact, the notorious Freud is valuable for science not at all for his theory of libido, which was quickly dissed and destroyed by his own followers. Freud was the first, the very first, to say that in our lives, in addition to Consciousness, there is also the Unconscious and it influences our actions. He introduced this concept, this term, and five of the seven main psychological schools build their teaching on this Theory of the Unconscious (if I lie now in quantity, don’t blame me). But then Freud turned his nose to the theory of libido (this theory is now called the theory of the psychoenergetic structure of the personality: all energy does not disappear, but is only transformed), took up hysterical women, and with this his value for science was almost lost.
But there was also Jung. He and Freud started together, then they quarreled, Jung was the first to say that not everything depends on libido, he called Freud preoccupied, and Freud broke his glasses. After that, Jung moved away (I forget where) and settled there. For thirty years, Jung wrote down his dreams, which he was also a great master at. He was looking for confirmation of another theory. There was little sex, but a lot of dreams, myths and fairy tales. This theory is called the “Theory of the Collective Unconscious”. That is (watch your hands) - Freud did not get to her, he came from the individual unconscious. Jung hesitated. He saw that in the minds of the Swiss professor and the savage from the Moomba tribe there was the same set of characters. He called them Archetypes.
So, this scientific excursion was needed in order to explain how I worked with dreams. I needed to understand - and this was my theory - do women who cannot get pregnant have the same archetype marker in their heads? Something that symbolizes a problem? And maybe there is something that indicates its cause? And wandering through almost a hundred other people's dreams, I came across these two markers, and unexpectedly came across a third - something that pointed to the resolution of this problem!

Part two. Scary.

I had three groups of women. The first of them never became pregnant. The second became pregnant, but did not carry her to term. In the third, control group, women either became pregnant after long ordeals, or never had this problem and became pregnant easily.
I was interested in two types of dreams. The series are also simply significant, that is, those to which the women themselves attached significance. They told me these dreams. I looked for some on the Internet (there was a special site about dreams, and a whole crowd of infertile women gathered there), and then there were my dreams. Let me remind you that I also struggled with this problem. I was especially interested in women with a similar diagnosis - infertility of unknown etymology.
I want to say one very important thing right away. We were taught to listen and hear. This is the main tool of a psychologist. And for me, both the plots of dreams and the way a woman talks about her problem had equal diagnostic value. What words?

So, the first group. Primary infertility. It sounds scary, but in fact it only means that the woman has never conceived without protection. These women had dreams with the same plot.
How they give birth to strange creatures... It could be: toys, dolls, chicken eggs, kittens, chickens. Something very small and does not require feeding. In the dream, women stored them in the freezer, in boxes, and handed them over to their mother for safekeeping. In other words, they didn't know what to do with them. The dreams were extremely unpleasant. Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal. Do you understand? I either didn’t dream about the birth process itself, or I also dreamed slightly about a doll theme: they opened the stomach and took it out from there... or I came home and they were in a box, but I didn’t know how I gave birth... I don’t know what to do with it... how to feed, not I know…

The second group of women had habitual miscarriages, or simply miscarriages, and this was the most difficult and terrible group.
Terrible things were discovered here. Without exception, all women in this group had harbinger dreams. These are the dreams after which they started bleeding and had a miscarriage.
I will divide their dreams into three groups.
The first group of dreams: dreams of symbols: something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or turns out to be sick and dead.
The second group of dreams: dreams of a husband or mother or one’s own body in a strange inferior state.
The third group of dreams: dreams of children being inaccessible, slipping away, getting lost, not being picked up, turning into something else.
Please don't be afraid, dear ladies. I myself was scared and even sick when I was researching this group. I was even covered with shingles. And what terrible dreams I had then, I even wanted to give it all up. I described from one to five such dreams a day and remember them by heart. Now I’ll tell you in detail.
So... Something that pretends to be whole and healthy, and then dies or turns out to be sick and dead.
Example. A woman dreams that her husband gives her flowers. A wonderful bouquet. Elastic buds, strong stems. She takes them to put them in a vase with water... and suddenly sees that right before her eyes the stems have become slimy, the buds have darkened... everything is falling apart before her eyes, there is a heavy smell of rotten water, the flowers are falling from her hands, completely rotten, into a fetid puddle on the semi... As far as I remember, the harbinger dream was recurring, each pregnancy ended in miscarriage. More than anything else, she was afraid of having this dream.
Another dream from this group (from the website, it seems) - a woman walks along a forest path, through the forest, everything is green... suddenly she realizes that there is darkness and a swamp all around. Someone hands her a stick, she leans on it, and the stick falls into the muck... And this happens every time before the loss of a child.
The second group of harbinger dreams: defects. I remember one dream - a woman dreams that her husband has no teeth. Bare infant jaw. Another dreams that she has no breasts. It seems like she was, she holds her hand - no. The third dreams that her old mother is giving birth, lying on the bed, and it is so unpleasant for her to understand that here is an old gray-haired woman giving birth, and it is unknown from whom, and it is unknown who...
You understand, right? I dream of a certain lack of vitality, inability to live, the absence of something important. Teeth are needed to eat. Breast - to feed. Youth is to conceive.
And finally, the third type of harbinger dreams is children, inaccessible, slipping away, getting lost, not being picked up, turning into something else. I remember my friend telling me. She often went to the gynecologist, received treatment, and had miscarriages. And so she dreamed several times that in the doctor’s office she saw a child on a chair in the corner. Small, in yellow overalls. She rejoices, calls him to her, squats down, he runs to her and disappears. Or he just looks from his chair and doesn’t go. She cried every time she woke up.

Control group.
Before my friend carried her child, the boy ran up to her in a dream and she hugged him tightly...
Before getting pregnant and giving birth, women often dreamed of breasts full of milk. Or how they have a child (very often such dreams) - and they hold him on their laps, they know that he is, for example, a day old, and he has rosy cheeks, a mouth full of teeth, he even talks, and in general he is a great guy. Again, I dream about bouquets of flowers, but only here everything is without a catch, or I dream about the sun. Just the sun in the sky. Or bread. Or what the husband hugs. Or that they are collecting daisies in the clearing. Or counters full of products, tasty and beautiful... And in these dreams it is always light and WARM. One woman dreamed (and this dream was the first to prompt me to my discovery) of a huge water lily, a huge yellow water lily, on which, like Thumbelina, you can stand and she holds it.

Part three. Explanatory.

No one in our country, as far as I know, deals with the mental state of women who cannot conceive or bear a child. There are no special rehabilitation programs, no complex therapy, including the participation of both a gynecologist and a psychologist. Nobody works with these women's husbands.
Meanwhile, these women suffer almost silently. Those around them do not even suspect that these women are not developing an inferiority complex at all. They develop worse and more severely – a inferiority complex. Neuroses develop that are slightly similar to delusions of humiliation: I am no good. Every menstruation is a tragedy and tears. They cannot see strollers and children walking. Those who cannot bear it, those who have lost a child, suffer especially.
The reproductive system is the strongest and most capricious mechanism in the female body. While researching women, I saw strange things.
Those who, to put it crudely, gave up on it, became pregnant. Having lost hope or become distracted by something else. Writing a dissertation, book. Opening a business, etc. Those who became pregnant were those who, in desperation, having spent all the money on IVF and ruined the entire cycle, got a puppy. At least. Those who became pregnant (this is already confirmed by statistics) were those who took the child from the orphanage. Those who separated from their husbands - from another, beloved - became pregnant. The woman who dreamed of a husband without teeth became pregnant by another man, having previously been treated for seven years. Perhaps she did not perceive her husband as a reliable father and protector?
Doctors unanimously advise taking a break. It has not been proven in any way, but there is a theory that close attention there blocks this whole thing in some strange way.
My conclusions are as follows. A woman, especially a young one, may not become pregnant until she is, for some reason, not ready for it. Perhaps she was scared of childbirth. Perhaps she does not want a child from this man, but she hides this from herself. Perhaps she doesn’t want a child at all yet, but she’s supposed to want it, and she’s struggling. All the dreams of the women examined indicate the same problem of the personality state - disintegration. That is, not integrity, splitting of parts of the soul. One part of the soul strives for something, the other is afraid. Fear, unpreparedness, even disgust - that’s what these women have in their dreams. You focus on this problem and see only the word “need” - you need a child. Your soul, inexperienced and unprepared, may be scared, may not be ready, may have other tasks for the coming year.
What I was talking about is called a mandala. This is the most powerful archetype in Jung's theory - Wholeness, Self. Circle, completeness, agreement with oneself. Flower, water lily, sun, loaf of bread. Hugs - clasped hands - are also a mandala. Warmth and light are also symbols of integrity and personality integration. Milk is a symbol of mental strength, health, fertile time. The puzzles fell into place, the circle closed, you are happy, and not necessarily because you are pregnant. Just happy. Maybe your child also feels - well, finally, now you can come, curl up in a ball and live peacefully in your mother’s stomach. They won’t be nervous and worried, and touch my heel all the time to check how I’m doing... Perhaps she won’t even notice anything at first, because she has a new project coming up, or a loan, or she’s fallen in love, or just she feels good because she knows how to feel it just like that...

Look at your mothers and your female relatives in general. Who has how many children? Was there anyone in your family who waited a long time for a child? Aunts, grandmothers, sisters? What time did your mother and grandmother give birth?
P.S. You don't need to have any special merits to humanity for God to reward you with a child. You just need to be. Healers say: the child himself chooses when to come. Talk to him, of course, tell him that you are waiting for him. But don't yank it every now and then, for God's sake. Better do something enjoyable for now.

I won't ask why you need a child. This is quite a powerful program, laid down by nature. Of course, you strive to implement it. But still, quietly answer this question for yourself.

I didn’t have time to get pregnant a second time. And I didn’t even have time to worry too much about it. Divorced with husband. No wonder I dreamed of flowers with thorns, inaccessible and dangerous. I don’t know if I will be able to conceive a child from the man I love. We'll check it out, I hope. When the opportunity arises.


The absence of children for many families becomes a real tragedy. After many years of unsuccessful attempts to conceive, a couple usually seeks medical help. There are often cases when treatment does not bring results. And sometimes even the most thorough examinations do not clarify the cause of failures. Can Ayurveda help in such cases?

First, let's figure out what infertility is. This is when pregnancy does not occur within one year with regular sexual activity and without the use of any means of contraception. The period - a year - was not chosen by chance: according to statistics, it was determined that in 30% of healthy married couples pregnancy occurs in the first 3 months of marriage, in another 60% - within 7 months and in the remaining 10% - after approximately 11-12 months . In this way, within a year, it is possible to assess the couple’s ability to conceive, and if pregnancy does not occur, there is reason to assume infertility. Unsuccessful attempts at conception affect both partners, and the reason may be either the health of the wife or the husband. In approximately 30% of cases, the ability to fertilize is reduced in both the husband and wife. It happens that, according to the results of special tests, spouses turn out to be incompatible with each other. Finally, infertility can also occur among healthy and well-compatible couples. In such cases, even after a detailed examination it is not possible to determine its cause. This is the so-called infertility of unknown origin.

The approach to treating the problem of infertility in Ayurvedic medicine differs significantly from that accepted in modern medicine. When couples contact me, I focus not on their tests, but on their pulse. And with its help, I identify possible imbalances of the doshas that led to this problem. This may be an imbalance of vata, pitta or kapha dosha. Based on my many years of experience, I can say that the main cause of infertility in Moscow is a hormonal shift associated with an imbalance of pitta dosha.

Out-of-balance kapha and vata can also lead to infertility. Slagging in the body plays an important role. Many people do not suspect that simple seeds or nuts (especially fried and salted), eaten at night, increase pitta in the body, and also pollute it, increase ama (toxins) and kapha. In the genital organs of a woman with increased pitta and kapha, inflammation very easily occurs, followed by adhesions and obstruction. Therefore, it is so important not to eat incompatible foods, mucus-forming, industrial foods, and not to overeat at night. Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends undergoing panchakarma during preparation for conception. The procedures last at least 21 days, after which the cleansing continues for several more months, during which the patient drinks herbs. Panchakarma helps solve many underlying problems and reboot the body. In addition, there have even been cases where panchakarma solved the problem of incompatibility between partners. Problems with conception can be caused by either excess or deficiency of weight. A risk factor is a decrease in body weight by 10-15% below normal, especially less than 50 kg. Excess weight 10-15% above normal leads to increased production of the female sex hormone estrogen. As a result, the menstrual cycle gets disrupted and it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. So, it’s still not worth getting carried away with diets for weight loss, as well as uncontrollably satisfying your culinary desires. Frequent air travel, as well as any travel and endless bustle disrupt the flow of prana and cause an imbalance of vata dosha. This leads to malfunctions vegetative-vascular system. If at the same time there are problems with pitta or kapha, then these are all the prerequisites for the appearance of the most complex forms of infertility.

I would like to note the fact that in conditions of constant employment, women do not monitor their cycle, do not pay attention to slight delays in menstruation or changes in their character, or simply do not attach any importance to such “little things.” However, over time, such minor problems develop into more serious ones and become the cause of infertility. Many people use it incorrectly hormonal drugs, which can also lead to changes in the endocrine system.

In Ayurvedic treatises one can find another reason for infertility: change of partners and excessive sexual relations. All this disrupts the flow of internal feminine energy. If a woman has had more than ten partners, she may have problems with the cervix and pregnancy.



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