Sage in the treatment of infertility. How and when to take sage for successful conception

Not every couple's attempts to get pregnant are successful. Then future parents resort to the help of doctors, as well as folk remedies. In this article we will look at whether sage is needed for conception, how to take it and whether there are any contraindications.

The norm is to conceive within a year. If after 12 months of regular unprotected sex pregnancy has not occurred, you need to go to the doctor. Or rather, to doctors: for a woman - to a gynecologist, for a man - to an andrologist (which is preferable) or to a urologist. Ideally, the two of you make an appointment for a consultation at state center family planning or, if finances allow, private clinic, which specializes in the treatment of infertility.

The term "infertility" shouldn't scare you. The causes of this condition are different for each couple, and in most cases they are treatable. Sometimes a little adjustment is enough hormonal background or eliminate inflammation - and comes long-awaited pregnancy. But only a doctor can find out what exactly is “wrong” with your body!

Self-medication, including herbs, can be harmful.

  • In many cases, herbs are simply useless. For example, if you have infertility due to dysfunction thyroid gland, anti-inflammatory herbs, even the best ones, are powerless. While you brew the herbs, the disease progresses, and you are wasting time. After all, perhaps you do not need grass, but urgent surgery or hormonal treatment.
  • It is believed that herbs in any quantity are harmless. This is wrong. For example, the same sage, despite its healing properties, is contraindicated for kidney disease or the slightest suspicion of cancer.
  • Some people believe that an overdose when treating with herbs is impossible. But that's not true. It is possible and leads to serious consequences.

When planning a pregnancy, many couples turn to official medicine, and to folk remedies. Moreover, you need to contact doctors first. Often it is doctors who prescribe herbs to their patients in addition to the main treatment or even as the main remedy. But the algorithm should be exactly like this: first the doctor, then herbal medicine!

Natural medicine

Treatment of infertility with sage has been known for a long time. Thus, women of ancient Egypt believed that sage was the herb of the gods, because it helps to quickly conceive.

Nowadays, many childless couples, having tried many medications, also use sage to conceive a child. Can sage really work wonders for infertility? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally.

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant:

  • female anomalies reproductive system(congenital and acquired);
  • hormonal problems;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • stress, depression, neurological disorders;
  • male problems with reproductive health (in 40-50% of cases!)

When planning pregnancy, they begin to take sage only after it has been established exact reason infertility. Perhaps your doctor will advise you to use it as an adjuvant.

We list the cases when sage will be useful for conception:

  • Sage to stimulate ovulation.

Research by Italian scientists has proven that if a woman has problems with the onset of ovulation, estrogen therapy will ensure egg maturation. That is, an increase in the amount of female hormones affects ovulation.

This plant contains special substances that are similar to estrogens in their effects on the body. This is why sage stimulates ovulation in women who regularly took tincture from it.

  • This herb helps enlarge the endometrium.

On different stages cycle of a woman, the thickness of the endometrium changes, as it has high sensitivity to hormonal changes.

If there is not enough estrogen, the endometrium will be very thin throughout the cycle, this will negatively affect the likelihood of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus.

With the help of the miracle herb, which is a source of “natural” estrogens, endometrial growth occurs.

Important! When you use sage for ovulation, you need to carefully monitor your estrogen levels in your body. The plant will not help, but will harm if there is too much of this hormone.

Healing properties of sage

Let's list the main properties medicinal herb when planning pregnancy, how does it affect female body:

  • Improves ovarian function;
  • Becomes regular menstrual cycle;
  • Pass pain during critical days;
  • Inflammatory processes are cured;
  • The endometrium reaches the required thickness, which affects the ability of the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus;
  • Follicles develop correctly and evenly.

Despite the fact that the benefits of sage for conception have been proven scientific research, some modern gynecologists are critical of the use of traditional medicine to treat infertility. Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to coordinate all your actions with them.

Before you start testing it yourself healing properties grass, need to go thorough examination and determine the amount of necessary hormones.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen. After all, sage can suppress the production of progesterone, and this hormone is necessary for successful attachment fertilized egg and its further development.

Healing herbs in a complex

The healing properties of sage are most fully revealed when used together with other herbs.

When to drink and how to cook

So how should you take sage to get pregnant?

It is important to know not only how to prepare sage for conception, but also how to take it. This must be done according to a certain scheme, without violating the doctor’s instructions.

Before prescribing appropriate treatment, the gynecologist will recommend undergoing the following examinations:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Blood tests for hormones;
  • Definition basal temperature or determining ovulation using a test.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will find out whether infertility is really the result of ovulation disorders. Let us remind you that sage can only be used if a woman cannot become pregnant for this reason.

Having found out the day when a woman’s egg matures, the gynecologist will tell you how to drink sage for conception.

The basic rules for using the plant are as follows:

  • Treatment begins 3-4 days after menstruation occurs;
  • Sage, which stimulates conception, is drunk until the egg is fully matured;
  • After this day, you cannot take infusions, since there is a high probability that ovulation has occurred;
  • The duration of treatment will depend on the number of days of the menstrual cycle.

The course of treatment must be repeated if pregnancy does not occur. If the long-awaited conception does not occur even after the second cycle, you need to take a break of one month and then begin the procedures again.

Important! As soon as a woman feels that pregnancy has occurred, the use of infusions is strictly prohibited! They can cause miscarriage.

A medicinal plant can be used to treat infertility in different ways.

Sage leaves are used to prepare decoctions and infusions. To prepare a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of herb into a glass (200 ml.) hot water, then simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for half an hour. To prepare the infusion, pour a teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.


At complex treatment use sage douching. However, not all gynecologists have a positive attitude towards this procedure. After all, there are many contraindications for douching. For example, it should absolutely not be used when there are inflammatory processes in a woman’s body, after a recent birth or abortion. And also during menstruation.

When performing douching, you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • The procedure should be carried out exclusively on the recommendation of a personal gynecologist.
  • The concentration of the solution should be weak;
  • You cannot independently increase the amount of time allocated by the doctor for procedures;
  • Long-term use of douching can lead to inflammatory processes in the genital organs and disrupt the microflora.

Despite the fact that reviews from those who became pregnant with the help of this plant indicate its effectiveness, there are a number of contraindications to its use.


Women should not take sage in the following cases:

  • During the first days of menstruation. In this case, the plant is able to stop the discharge. This will provoke inflammation due to the fact that the walls of the uterus were not completely cleansed.
  • After ovulation. The plant provokes uterine tone, therefore, ovum will not be able to gain a foothold in it.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Kidney diseases.

Any of the listed contraindications have medical justification, so it’s not worth taking risks using the plant.

Going to any women's forum, you can find stories from happy mothers about how sage helped them get pregnant.

Everyone who has been helped by sage to conceive a child notes that the onset of ovulation occurred after the first or second course of treatment.

However, despite positive reviews, it is necessary to remember that there are no miracles or miracle cures. Not all problems can be solved by taking medicinal herbs. The long-awaited conception will occur when you and your husband are healthy.

Sage has been known in folk medicine for several centuries. It is associated with wisdom and longevity. Latin name plants translates as “to be healthy.” Sage began to be used for infertility back in Ancient Egypt. Since then healing herb does not lose its popularity in folk medicine. It has an unusual aroma and bitter taste. How is sage used in the treatment of female and male infertility?

Infertility (infertility) is the inability to conceive a child within 1 year in the absence of contraceptive methods.

This difficult diagnosis is not a cause for despair. ethnoscience in combination with modern technologies can help many couples. In this article we will discuss how sage is used to treat infertility and how it affects sexual function in men and women.

Useful properties, features of the plant and contraindications

The medicinal plant is a kind of pantry useful substances. Sage contains:

It is thanks to them that the grass has such wide range action on reproductive health. Biologically active substances found in large quantities in the seeds and leaves of sage. Most of the components are analogs of female sex hormones. When used regularly, sage has the following effect on the human body:

In order for the plant to have the maximum concentration of useful substances, it is collected during the flowering period.

The main causes of infertility in women are endometriosis, ovulation disorders and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Male factors that prevent the appearance of offspring: low sperm count, poor physical activity and pathology of the vas deferens (blockage).

The plant is widely used to improve women's health and increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant.

Sage has the following effects for infertility:

  1. Increases hormone levels (estrogen, prolactin).
  2. Increases female libido.
  3. Affects the permeability of the cervix for sperm.
  4. Normalizes the menstrual cycle.

In men, sage with infertility improves the following processes:

  • stimulates the production of testosterone;
  • increases sperm production;
  • eliminates chronic inflammatory diseases genitals;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • eliminates congestion;
  • stimulates the work of the sex glands (testicles).

Important! In addition to useful substances, sage contains thujone, which has a narcotic effect on the central nervous system. If there is pathology in the brain, the use of the medication should be discussed with your doctor.

Despite the fact that the plant has so many beneficial properties, it must be taken in limited doses. It is also necessary to observe the terms of treatment.

Reception high doses over a long period of time can lead to the following complications:

  • damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • poisoning;
  • abortion;
  • increased growth of uterine fibroids.

Products based on medicinal plants

For cooking medicinal mixtures and solutions, mainly sage leaves and seeds are used. They need to be drunk in the first half of the menstrual cycle, when the amount of estrogen predominates in the blood (from the fifth day). Reception is continued for 10 days. The course of treatment is 3 months. If necessary repeat course You can start only in a month.

It is possible to increase reproductive function if both partners take sage in case of infertility. Linden has the ability to enhance the effect of sage. Therefore they joint use may give greater effect.

There are the following methods for preparing medicinal herbs:

Regardless of how well you are familiar with the instructions for use, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of herbal treatment with a homeopathic doctor.

Sage in infertility saturates the body with phytohormones, which are contained in its composition. In addition, the herb has a hemostatic effect and relieves inflammation. It has a positive effect on female sexual function and eliminates pain at the onset of menstruation. The plant helps with male and female infertility. How to treat sage for infertility, use of the plant, what is the use plan?

Infertility in the male and female body occurs due to acquired or congenital pathologies genitals. Inability to conceive also causes hormonal disbalance, disruption of the ovaries and other organs. In women and men susceptible to inflammation, neuroses and stressful conditions There may also be difficulties with the reproductive organs.

Once the cause of infertility has been identified, the plant can be used for therapy in combination with other medications. How does sage work for infertility?

  • It normalizes the patient's hormonal levels.
  • Increases estrogen levels. When this hormone is present in the body, the follicle normally grows and bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the egg moves to fallopian tube. This herb makes estrogen levels in the body higher.
  • The endometrium is growing. One of the reasons for the inability to conceive: a thin mucous membrane in the uterus. In the female body, the endometrium changes thickness at each stage of the menstrual cycle. If there is not enough hormone, the mucous membrane is constantly thin. This prevents the fetus from implanting into the uterus. By using medicine, the thickness of the mucous membrane increases, which is confirmed by doctors.

The positive effect of the treatment is to rejuvenate the reproductive system, eliminate frigidity, improve sensuality and enhance female sexuality.

It helped many women to even out the menstrual cycle and relieve pain at the beginning of menstruation. Improves hormonal levels, increasing the ability of the cervix to absorb seminal fluid.

Remember that sage in infertility is effective and potent agent. It is not used in large dosages and long courses of treatment. How to drink infusions based on it should be discussed with your doctor. If the rules are not followed, it is easy to injure the mucous membrane of the uterus or simply poison your body.

In combination with other herbs

In combination with boron uterus, conception occurs faster, but for this it is necessary to adhere to the regimen of taking both herbs. Besides, hog queen has a positive effect on a woman’s body during cervical erosion, resolves adhesions, and eliminates uterine fibroids. It relieves spasms, eliminates inflammation, and has an immunostimulating effect. She has helped many patients with disorders female cycle, removes painful sensations at the beginning of menstruation and discomfort during menopause.

Treatment with sage together with red brush gives a powerful immunostimulating effect, strengthens reproductive system, serves as a prophylaxis against inflammation.

Another remedy that goes well with sage therapy is linden. It contains a number of phytohormones that have a positive effect on the patient’s reproductive function. Linden is recommended to treat fever and colds.

Sage for the male reproductive system

Almost every second case of inability to conceive in a couple is male infertility. It is divided into 2 forms:

  • Problems with the formation of reproductive gametes. A man is unable to produce enough sperm to fertilize a partner, a violation of the activity of sex gametes, defects in the sperm themselves. Cause: testicular diseases and congenital pathologies.
  • Problems with the passage of seminal fluid through the canal. If pathological process localized on one side, the number of reproductive gametes decreases. When the pathology progresses on both sides, there are no spermatozoa in the sexual fluid.

The plant contains phytohormones that enhance testosterone production. Testosterone helps to form more sperm, which makes conception easier.

For infertility, sage relieves inflammation of the male genital area; kills infections that negatively affect the patency of the seed.

For many, sage has helped relieve swelling and eliminate congestion in the organs for infertility. genitourinary system, helped improve their blood supply, and improved metabolism in the testicles.

Who and when should not be treated with sage?

It is not recommended to drink plant-based medicines for pregnant women, especially in the 1st trimester. Treatment with sage is prohibited for uterine fibroids and the patient has endometriosis. It is contraindicated in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Do not take decoctions or tinctures from the plant when cancer diseases, diseases endocrine system, malfunctions hormonal system. Do not combine sage treatment with taking synthetic hormones. Sharp increase hormones in the body can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Do not accept plants allergic reactions and pathologies of the kidneys.

How to take sage?

If the reason for the inability to get pregnant is a violation of the ovulation process, then often the main reason for this is adhesions. They do not allow the egg to mature properly and impair patency in the fallopian tubes.

A woman should be examined by a gynecologist, have an ultrasound of her genital organs, and be tested for hormones. Many patients with infertility wonder how to take the herb correctly. Treatment with sage begins on the 3rd–4th day of menstruation, and is drunk until the egg is fully matured.

In this case, the treatment period completely depends on the duration of the female cycle.

  • If the course is 21 days, then drink the infusion from the fourth to the tenth day.
  • If the duration is 28 days, then treatment with sage is recommended from days 4 to 12 of the cycle.
  • If the cycle duration is 32 days, then you should treat with the plant from days 4 to 17.

You should not drink the decoction at the beginning of menstruation. This leads to stagnation and inflammation in the genitals due to poor cleansing of the body. It is not recommended to take sage after conception. It will strengthen the tone of the muscles of the uterus and will not allow the fertilized egg to attach to its wall.

If it is difficult to determine when the egg matures, and after the first cycle there is no result, then the woman repeats two more courses.

Every 3 months there is a mandatory break. You can be treated no more than 3 times every 12 months.


Take half a tablespoon of dry sage, pour a glass of boiling water, leave, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. We drink 50 grams every day before meals. Typically, a brewed glass of infusion is divided into three or four times. Remember: it is forbidden to drink it before bed. A new glass of infusion is brewed daily.

Therapy is supplemented with Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Infusion of several herbs

We brew sage, hop cones, cyanosis, hawthorn, calendula. Take 2 teaspoons of decoction of sage and hops, enrich with infusion of other herbs. Take half a tablespoon of infusions of other herbs. Mix, dilute thirty drops of the resulting product with two teaspoons of water. This is a one-time thing daily norm, which should be taken once a day for 12 months.

If the patient is infertile, inflammatory process genitals, then you should take warm sitz baths with the addition of a decoction of the plant.

Decoction for male infertility

For men, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of the plant as follows: 2 teaspoons of plant material, pour half a liter of boiling water, boil, let cool and strain through a strainer. It is recommended to take the decoction 3 times a day before eating for 7 days. If necessary, the course is repeated once a month.

Decoction of plant seeds

To prepare this remedy, take two teaspoons of sage seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave and drink in small portions. This recipe is equally useful for both women and men.

Plant juice

For treatment female infertility Sage juice is perfect. To do this, we use some fresh sage leaves for infertility to extract the juice. Grind them, squeeze the juice out of them, add a little salt. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is divided into two doses, taken in the morning and evening time before meals.

Remember to carefully monitor the dosage of the plant. It contains the toxic component thujone, which negatively affects the brain and nervous system. Its effect on the body is reminiscent of the effects of marijuana. Therefore, courses of treatment should not be more than three months, and decoctions and infusions based on it do not drink a large dosage. How to take sage should be explained by the doctor.

For a woman, the word “well-being” is closely connected with a family hearth and a bunch of small children. And it's not without reason that sage is popularly called the "herb of health and well-being." Expectant mothers who managed to achieve success with the help of this plant can tell you how to drink sage to get pregnant. But you need to keep in mind that any medicine has its own doses and contraindications, which are worth knowing about.

Benefits and Applications

Often in pharmacies you can find sage in bags for conception. This herb contains special phytohormones that act on the female body as estrogen, which is responsible for the productive development of eggs. In this case, the plant affects the cervical reflex. Such properties help a woman become pregnant in the shortest possible time.

Along with sage, doctors often recommend hogweed to achieve similar results. It is advisable to alternate the intake of these two herbs, maintaining a similar preparation and administration regimen.

To reach good results, you need to drink sage correctly to conceive. There are many options for medicines containing the extract of this miracle herb: lozenges, tablets, alcohol tinctures or just a packaged drink. Both tea with sage and decoctions help to get pregnant.

You can make the tincture yourself or buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take freshly squeezed plant juice or its seeds and infuse it with alcohol.
In addition to its effect on reproductive function, the drug is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and as a medicine for the throat.

By taking a decoction you can significantly reduce pain syndrome during menstruation and PMS symptoms. Lollipops with sage are great for coughs, and after 35 years, this herb helps rejuvenate the body.

Admission rules

Before starting treatment similar method, you should get tested for hormone levels and only after consulting a doctor start taking natural medicine.

How much to drink sage for conception? As a rule, one course from days 5 to 12 of the cycle is enough. But there are times when you need to drink the decoction for 2-3 cycles in order for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur.

Before you start treatment the folk way, you need to consult a doctor managing the pregnancy, who will study the results of hormone tests and tell you how many times a day it is preferable to take the medicine.

How to drink sage correctly to get pregnant:

  1. a classic decoction consists of a tablespoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After this, the medicine is infused for 20-30 minutes;
  2. It is advisable to drink the decoction 3-4 tablespoons 2-3 times a day;
  3. it is necessary to strictly adhere to the equality of intervals. Maintaining equal intervals between medication doses is very important when planning pregnancy.

Therapy with this drug should begin on the fifth day of the cycle and continue until a maximum of 12 days. Then ovulation occurs and, accordingly, conception is possible, so continuing to drink sage during pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus.

A short course of treatment can be repeated for 2 months in a row, but if conception does not occur after this, it is recommended to take a break for one cycle, after which the course can be resumed.

Product during pregnancy

Is it possible to drink sage during pregnancy? A decoction or tincture will be very useful when planning conception, but as soon as the result is achieved and the test shows two stripes, you should stop taking the product.

Since the plant affects the cervical reflex and acts on the body similar to the hormone estrogen, further use herbal medicine may cause premature birth.

Milk with sage for coughs during pregnancy is also not recommended, since this remedy has a similar effect to the decoction. For treatment, you can simply gargle with sage without swallowing the drink.

Why pregnant women should not use sage:

  • the herb actively affects the cervical reflex, which is good when planning conception and bad when pregnancy has already occurred;
  • the plant contains phytohormones that affect the body like estrogen, and hormonal imbalance harmful during pregnancy;
  • the product contains a large number of tannins, which in some cases can cause constipation.

Drinking sage during pregnancy is contraindicated, even if a natural cough medicine is needed. A good alternative for expectant mother can become lozenges. This product contains everything necessary to eliminate the symptoms of the disease without harm to the fetus.


Blindly trust the reviews of mothers who managed to conceive a baby with the help of such folk remedy also not worth it. Each person has his own characteristics of the body, and only a specialist can determine the reason for the impossibility of fertilization and say whether sage will help.

  • with a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • if a kidney failure is diagnosed;
  • during lactation, since the properties of the plant provoke loss of milk and negatively affect the child’s fragile body;
  • decoctions, tinctures, as well as sage with milk cannot be drunk during pregnancy, therefore, as soon as the long-awaited effect is achieved, you should immediately stop taking it;
  • with uterine fibroids, thyroid hormone deficiency, polycystic disease and endometriosis.

The hog uterus also has a similar number of limitations, therefore, in the above conditions, this method of increasing reproductive function is not suitable. If at similar diseases decide to take medicinal herbs, the woman will not only lose precious time, but will certainly worsen the course of the existing disease.

Although traditional medicine is constantly evolving and offers everything more funds to solve the problem of infertility, people continue to trust traditional methods. It is important to remember to comply with the dosage and rules for taking the medicine. Knowing when to drink sage to get pregnant, married couple will be able to quickly achieve success in this sometimes difficult task.

In the article we discuss sage for conception - how to take it and how the medicinal plant works. You will learn what procedures with sage help to conceive a child, what home remedies can be prepared using it, and what contraindications the plant has.

How does sage affect the female body?

Sage is used to increase the chances of conceiving a child.

Taking sage for conception is due to useful properties effects that the plant has on the female body:

  • antiseptic effect – destroys bacteria;
  • anti-inflammatory effect - soothes irritated mucous membranes, relieves swelling, accelerates healing;
  • restoration of hormonal levels.

Estrogen production

Follicle formation

To get pregnant, sage is necessary for underdeveloped follicles. If during the process of maturation they do not reach the required size, then ovulation does not occur that month.

Problems with follicles in the ovaries occur due to a lack of estradiol. If given female hormone is not enough, then the growth of follicles slows down, and by the time of ovulation none of them reaches required sizes. As a result, the eggs do not mature for successful fertilization.

Thickening of the endometrium

Lack of estradiol leads to problems thin endometrium- a layer of tissue lining the inside of the uterus. Its thickness must be at least 9 mm so that after conception the fertilized egg successfully attaches to the wall of the uterus. If the endometrium is thin, then the likelihood of miscarriage is high.

By asking your doctor how to drink sage correctly for conception, you can “increase” the thickness of the endometrium by 5 mm, while the popular drug “Divigel” increases the inner uterine layer by only 1-2 mm.

Formation of a regular menstrual cycle

Successful pregnancy is often hindered irregular menstruation and problems with ovulation. Sage normalizes the cycle, ensuring timely ovulation.

Taking sage correctly will also reduce period pain and help with heavy bleeding due to the content of antispasmodic oils and tannins. At scanty menstruation the herbal medicine will eliminate blockage of blood vessels. At the same time, the medicinal plant relieves dizziness, irritability and inhibits increasing critical days appetite.

Treatment of inflammation

Candidiasis, cervical erosion and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system are successfully treated with sage.

It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, stopping erosion processes and the formation of fungi, and also restores the natural microflora.

How to take sage to get pregnant

The attending gynecologist should tell you how to take sage to get pregnant, since the doses of the drug need to be calculated individually. The doctor will prescribe the types of procedures and method of using the herbal medicine, taking into account the problem identified after the examination.

Consult your doctor before taking sage to conceive a child.

The most common methods of treatment with sage for conception include:

  • use of decoction and infusion;
  • douching;
  • taking baths;
  • insertion of tampons.

The general rules for taking sage during pregnancy are as follows:

  • start of treatment – ​​last day of menstruation;
  • the course continues until the expected days of ovulation (day 11-12 of the cycle);
  • After ovulation, sage is not used, as it increases uterine tone and complicates the implantation of the egg.

You should not drink sage in advance for ovulation and conception. The herbal medicine has a hemostatic effect and complicates the process of endometrial rejection, which leads to inflammation.

Treatment lasts 8-10 days. How to take sage to conceive a child if the first course did not produce results? You can repeat it twice more, but the total duration should not exceed 3 months. The minimum break between courses is 30 days.


Most often, gynecologists advise drinking sage decoction to get pregnant.. Doctors insist on strict adherence to dosages and regularity of administration, prescribing, taking into account the nature of the disease:

  • four servings of 50 ml of decoction per day at regular intervals;
  • three servings of 60 ml three times a day before meals;
  • twice a day, 100 ml (before breakfast and after dinner).

On what day of the cycle should I drink sage? The decoction is used taking into account the following problems:

  • difficult ovulation - from the first day of the cycle;
  • absence of menstruation - on any day according to the above rules;
  • Irregular menstruation - from the 5th day of the cycle.

Once you've figured out when to drink sage to get pregnant, learn how to make a decoction.


  1. Sage – 15 gr.
  2. Water – 250 ml.

How to cook: Use dry or fresh leaves sage for conception. Pour boiling water over 3 level teaspoons. Boil the mixture over low heat for a minute. Cool and strain.

How to use: Take the decoction according to your doctor's instructions.

Result: A decoction of sage will normalize hormonal levels, improve the condition of the endometrium, restore the menstrual cycle and reduce pain, and stop inflammatory processes.


To eliminate all of the above problems, after consulting a gynecologist, try sage infusion. It takes a little more time to prepare, but you can prepare the medicine for the whole day, unlike a decoction, portions of which should preferably be prepared before use. Use a homemade plant or pharmaceutical sage for conception in bags.


  1. Sage – 15 gr.
  2. Water – 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over sage and leave for 2 hours. Strain.

How to use: Take the tincture as recommended by the gynecologist or taking into account general rules mentioned above.

Result: Sage tincture acts in the same way as a decoction - it eliminates problems that prevent successful conception.


For inflammation, douching with sage infusion is effective. The duration of the course depends on the degree of inflammation. Typically, procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Don't forget to shower before the procedure. Take a tablespoon of decoction or infusion into a syringe and carefully insert it inside.

Douching with sage for conception is carried out if necessary:

  • strengthen mucous tissues;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • activate protective functions body;
  • eliminate itching and burning.

other methods

To treat infectious diseases, after consulting with your doctor, take sitz baths or insert tampons soaked in sage tincture. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes (a glass of infusion with 5 liters of water). Limit tampon insertion to 30 minutes.

The frequency of procedures depends on the stage infectious disease, while only herbal medicine in many cases will not eliminate the problem. Comprehensive drug treatment will be required.

Sage for the treatment of male infertility

There is no scientific evidence that sage helps men conceive. The herbal medicine does not significantly affect male hormonal levels, and does not worsen or improve sperm quality.

However, sage, as a strong aphrodisiac, has a positive effect on libido, which has a beneficial effect on sexual activity. He also:

  • improves blood circulation in the scrotum;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the testicles;
  • eliminates stagnation in the vas deferens;
  • prevents inflammation.

To improve male sexual health, doctors recommend taking an infusion (3 times a day, 55 ml) or a decoction (110 ml portion before breakfast or before bed). The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

For more information about sage for conceiving a child, watch the video:


When planning to conceive, make sure that the body does not have enough estrogen. If there is too much, do not use sage. It will further increase the amount of the hormone, which will lead to the following consequences:

  • decreased chances of getting pregnant;
  • weight gain;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Do not use sage to conceive a child or if you have an excess of estradiol. Its excessive amount does not allow the follicle to burst, which leads to the death of a mature egg. The unbursted follicle itself can become a cyst.

To get it all medicinal properties sage for women with infertility and not to harm the body, remember the contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • recent childbirth or abortion;
  • amenorrhea – absence of menstruation for several cycles;
  • acute inflammatory process internal organs, including appendages;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • tumors of any type;
  • high risk of uterine bleeding;
  • bleeding disorders.

If an examination is to be carried out, then refrain from using the herbal medicine so as not to smear clinical picture and get reliable results.

Follow the recommended dosages, otherwise you may experience intestinal disorders, rashes will appear on the skin, and a general deterioration in well-being will occur. If you experience these symptoms, stop taking sage immediately and visit your doctor.

With the onset of pregnancy, stop taking the drug so as not to provoke uterine contractions and pathologies in the placental circulation fetus Sage is also contraindicated during lactation.

What to remember

  1. Those who have been helped by sage with infertility note its high tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Under the supervision of a doctor, many patients managed to improve their health and successfully become pregnant.
  2. From medicinal plant decoctions and infusions are prepared, which are consumed orally according to a schedule agreed with the doctor, added to baths, douched, and anti-inflammatory tampons are administered.
  3. A large list of contraindications forces you to carefully consider the question of how to drink sage correctly to get pregnant. Consultation with a doctor is required.


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