Animal fats food list. Animal fats vs vegetable oils in nutrition: who will win? When the need for unsaturated fats increases

We talked about dietary fats in general and their importance to the human diet. Learn about saturated and unsaturated fatty acids ah, and also about the difference in the composition of vegetable and animal fats; found out that for normal functioning the body needs both; agreed that there is no need to go to extremes in nutrition - to exclude fats altogether or to consume them in too much quantity; have learned basic rules choice and consumption of fats

Today we’ll talk in more detail about animal fats, whose contribution to the “general fat” diet should be about 70% according to the principles of rational nutrition.

excessive a large number of animal fat in food is unacceptable, as it leads to various problems such as poor protein absorption, obesity, and an increased risk of developing certain diseases. However, completely exclude it from good nutrition also fail, because as a result we greatly impoverish our diet with vitamins D and A, lecithin, cholesterol

As you remember, the nutritional value of any fatty foods is determined by their fatty acid composition, as well as the presence of phosphatides, sterols and fat-soluble vitamins in them.

Animal fats contain in their composition mainly saturated fatty acids (in the molecules of which the bonds between carbon atoms are extremely saturated) - on average, about half the mass. The more saturated acids, the harder the fat and the higher its melting point.(fat remains solid, for example, at room temperature) - that is, it is more difficult to digest.

Saturated fatty acids are able to be synthesized by the human body, therefore, strictly speaking, they are not indispensable and indispensable elements of nutrition. For the same reason, with excessive consumption of foods containing saturated acids, it is very easy to get a surplus of them, which means additional unnecessary calories, and even a metabolic disorder. Unfortunately, the average diet just sins with excessive consumption of saturated fats to the detriment of unsaturated fats.

Contains animal fats and unsaturated fatty acids. Very important acid arachidonic- essential for the body normal exchange substances and proper "construction" cell membranes. Although it can be synthesized in small amounts, it must mainly come from food. Arachidonic acid contains, for example, eggs and offal (brains, liver, heart). Also poorly synthesized by the human body is linoleic acid or omega 6(it is important for the education of many polyunsaturated acids, including the previous one) - it can be obtained from chicken and turkey meat, butter and lard. About great benefit linolenic acid ( omega 3), also indispensable, we discussed in detail in a previous article. Among animal fats, it must be looked for in fat marine fish and animals (especially northern latitudes). Oleic acid ( omega 9) is also found in animal fats: pork and beef fat, butter.

Fatty acid composition fats and fatty foods

The product's name

Saturated fatty acids

Oleic acid

Polyunsaturated fatty acids



Butter unsalted

Beef fat

Pork fat

Milk table margarine

Phosphatides(phospholipids), which are an essential component of fatty products of animal origin, do not belong to essential nutritional factors (since they are able to be synthesized in the body), but they play significant role in many processes. In the human body, they contribute to the breakdown and absorption of fats in digestive tract, their transport from the liver.

There are many phospholipids in milk fat, eggs, poultry and fish, fatty meat, and the daily requirement for them is about five grams.

Lecithin- one of the most important representatives of phosphatides, and the champions in its content are egg yolk and caviar (for example, two egg yolks a day cover it daily requirement). Lecithin is a fundamental chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system and the working activity of brain cells, serves as one of the main materials of the liver and protective tissues surrounding the brain, works as a "transport" for the delivery of many substances to the cells.

Animal fat sterols(zoosterols) are also not considered essential nutrients, but their biological significance this does not decrease - they play an important role in the structure of the cells of the body, its protection and the production of hormones. The most important of them is cholesterol, which is especially abundant in milk fat (butter, cheeses), as well as in eggs and offal. Cholesterol serves integral part all body cells. It is necessary for normal operation digestive system for proper flow metabolic processes, for the formation of vitamin D and the synthesis of sex hormones

The daily norm of this substance is approximately 300 mg, and about a third of the cholesterol needed by the body should come with food, the rest is produced endogenously, in the liver. Both excess and deficiency of cholesterol when taken with food is undesirable. In the first case, the risk of the formation of so-called "plaques" on the walls increases. blood vessels(and in the long term - their blockage and atherosclerosis), in the second - the body will begin to produce it on its own in excess and accumulate excessively in the liver.

The interaction of cholesterol and lecithin is very important: the latter keeps cholesterol in a dissolved form and, accordingly, prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. And lecithin additionally entering the body contributes to the removal of “bad” cholesterol that has already begun to be deposited, reducing it general level by 15-20% (you can reduce its content by eating seafood, olive oil, oily fish, green vegetables, apples, oyster mushrooms, cinnamon and cardamom).

Fatty products of animal origin make a significant contribution to the provision of the body essential vitamins D and A, and also contribute better assimilation other fat-soluble vitamins.

So, content champions vitamin D(it promotes normal growth and the development of bones, teeth, nails, good blood clotting and the correct flow of many metabolic processes, and also ensures normal operation thyroid gland) are precisely products of animal origin (and among them, in turn, stand out strongly fish fat, cod liver and smoked eel).

The same fish oil (and also chicken liver) - winners among all food products content vitamin A(by the way, not a provitamin, which also requires splitting in the liver, as from plant products, but ready-made retinol), necessary for proper embryonic development normal functioning of the immune system, good vision and bone growth, skin and hair health

Butter, lard and beef liver deliver to the body vitamin E, the most important antioxidant, which also contributes to better absorption and use of proteins and maintaining the function of muscle tissue.

Pork liver - source vitamin K who plays important role in the formation and restoration skeletal system, And vitamin H, normalizing metabolic processes.

Vitamin C(plays an important role in redox processes in the body, in the synthesis of proteins and hormones) is found in butter and milk. vitamins group B are also present in varying amounts in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

In human nutrition, various meats, fish, dairy products and eggs are the source of animal fats. Pork fat (up to 92%), butter (up to 82.5%), fatty pork (up to 60%), as well as fatty varieties of sausages and cheeses are distinguished by the highest rates in terms of their content.

Butter- perhaps the most famous and commonly used fatty product of animal origin due to its good taste and high nutritional value. It is made from concentrated fat. cow's milk and absorbed by the body up to 98.5%. Lecithin, cholesterol, proteins, minerals, vitamins A, D, E, K, C and group B - it's all about butter. In addition, it is available in various fat content and with all sorts of natural flavors - from sweet to salty. All this makes butter the most popular product. When butter is melted, ghee is obtained - the same pure milk fat that cannot withstand heating to high temperatures.

More about butter and its properties in a separate article, and here we will look at other sources of animal fats in our diet, which, unlike it, are usually not used in their pure form, but mainly when frying foods and preparing dough. Due to poor thermal conductivity, fats make it possible to heat the product to high temperatures without burning or igniting it. Forming a thin layer between the bottom of the dish and the product to be fried, fat contributes to its more uniform heating. So

pork fat, produced respectively from lard - has low temperature melting point (33-40°) and a soft consistency, which means, as a consequence, a high nutritional value, which is why it is widely used in cooking.

Poultry fat- chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks - also an excellent easily digestible product with a pleasant smell and taste, which is used mainly in the preparation of dishes from the meat of these birds.

Beef and mutton fats have a fairly high melting point (45-50 °), which means that they are not very well absorbed and digested by the body (80-90 percent). This is especially critical for older people, whose digestion processes are already slowing down. In cooking, these fats are mainly used for frying. meat products and are used for hot dishes, since already at room temperature they unpleasantly freeze with a “greasy” film.

Fish fat was once a true horror of the underage population Soviet Union, where, for preventive purposes, its mandatory admission was introduced in kindergartens and schools until 1970. And not in vain: he is the richest source Omega-3 PUFA, contains many vitamins A and D. Today, fish oil can again be found in pharmacies in the form of nutritional supplements.

Do not forget that the above-described "pure" fat is not the only and not even the most common source of animal fats in the human body. Cheese, meat and fish, sour cream, sausage, cream - they all contain animal fats, sometimes in very considerable quantities, and can ruin your figure if you neglect this fact. Baking, confectionery and fast food are generally high-calorie "bombs", including due to the content of such "hidden" fat. You can't control the quantity and quality of it, as you can with pure fat when cooking in your own kitchen, so at least remember to look at the labels in the store when filling your grocery basket.

It is also worth recalling that in the process of technological processing of manufactured food industry animal fats and their long-term (or incorrect) temperature treatment at home b O most of the useful properties of the product are lost, only its energy value. That's why unprocessed fats are more useful - for example, butter.

Nutritional value of fats and fatty foods

Product name

Energy value, kcal


Butter "Peasant"

Ghee butter

Milk table margarine

Solid confectionery fat

Mayonnaise "Provencal"

Lamb fat, melted

Melted beef fat

Rendered pork fat

pork fat

Special mention should be made of trans fats- unsaturated fats obtained artificially (hydrogenation or hydrogenation) from liquid vegetable oils or fats of marine animals, such as whales. This is how fats of mixed origin are obtained - margarines, spreads and soft oil blends - which are actively used in bakery and confectionery production. In addition, the addition of trans fats is a fairly common practice to increase the fat content of familiar and beloved products, for example, cottage cheese masses or processed cheese.

So here it is industrial trans fats are really dangerous for our health. Transisomers ("breakdowns" of fatty acids on molecular level), which are formed during hydrogenation, cause great damage to the hormonal and enzyme systems of the body, contribute to the accumulation of toxins, increase the risk of developing many diseases from atherosclerosis and obesity to diabetes and cancer.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the post-Soviet space - even when the content of these transisomers in certain products is regulated by GOSTs (usually from 0 to 8% maximum), not all domestic manufacturers indicate on the packaging of their goods their presence in the product in general, which can be called a serious problem, subject to frequent or regular consumption of such foods, especially in childhood.

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Programs about healthy way life every day remind us how harmful to the human body is the use of animal fats. But scientists have not yet proven that animal fats have only a negative effect on the human body, and nutritionists around the world still advise using this fat in food. large quantities.

What it is

Animal fats are natural compounds that are extracted from bone, fat and other tissue of animals. They can be obtained from the milk and eggs of mammals, vertebrates, as well as from some types of fish. But it is not necessary to consider only true fat mass as fat. This composition can also include enzymes that are not visible human eye that are part of another animal mass. Animal fats are a chemical compound of atoms of esters, acids and alcohols. It is they who form the calorie content and distribute it into different categories of assimilation.

Fat production

In general, animal fats are mostly solids. They are obtained by rendering, that is, the carcass of the animal is heated to a temperature at which solid fat melts. As a rule, the mass is melted in special rooms using equipment designed for this purpose. Both hard and soft fat can be processed.

Before sending animal fat for processing, sanitary research. If it is subject to disinfection, then it is also sent for processing. The main technical action for processing is the rendering process. There are two ways: continuous and periodic. The continuous method uses special lines, which are also equipped with cleaning filters. Periodic rendering involves the use of high atmospheric pressure.

There are certain rules when choosing a production technology. First, of course, the amount of raw materials is taken into account. It depends on the capacity of the meat processing plant. Secondly, great attention paid attention to the quality and composition of raw materials. There are types of fat that have complex structure and are poorly influenced. Or, for example, raw materials contain very little pure fat.

During production, it should be remembered that animal fat is an excellent accumulator of various odors. For example, if a pig was fed fish mixtures before slaughter, then the fat after processing will have the smell of fish. Foreign odors turn the final product into a defective product, and its value is significantly reduced.

Fat classification

Fats have their own classification: by type of animal, by variety, consistency, purpose of use, source and method of obtaining.

Animal type. They include organic compounds marine life, freshwater fish, mammals living on earth, as well as freshwater and reptiles.

The grade of animal fat depends on the degree of purification. Like any product, it can be of the first, second or third grade. The consistency can also be different: liquid, soft or solid.

Fat is obtained from different parts. It can be subcutaneous fat, which is known to everyone as lard, liver, bone, as well as fat located inside the carcass. The method of obtaining it can also be different. There is dry, wet, with the use of alkali or acid.

Composition of fat

Fat is the highest calorie food. However, its value is not in calories, but in biological saturation. This is mainly determined by the amount of vitamins D and E, which dissolve only with the help of fat, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The composition of animal fats is determined by two groups: saturated and unsaturated acids. The most valuable for humans are unsaturated fats and fatty acids. Many of them are synthesized in the human body on their own, so you do not need to use them additionally. Fats are especially rich in unsaturated acids. plant origin. That is why they bring more benefits than animal fats. One of the main unsaturated fats are linoleic and arachidonic acids. They are also produced in the human body, but in extremely small quantities. It is necessary to eat foods containing these acids, as their lack can seriously harm health.

Types of fats

Fats are divided into several types. There are saturated, unsaturated and trans fats.

Saturated fats are mainly fats of animal origin: various meats, milk, cheeses and cottage cheese. Unsaturated is the mass that is obtained from plant fibers such as nuts, avocados, olive oil. Unsaturated fats are obtained from certain types of fish: tuna, herring and salmon. Therefore, their meat is highly valued in the gastronomic world.

The last category is trans fats. These are the so-called "harmful" fats that clog the walls of blood vessels. We use it with french fries, various smoked products, margarine or deep-fried dishes. You need to be very careful about the consumption of such products in order to avoid serious health problems in the future.

Beneficial features

Every day, millions of people in the world sit down on the next low calorie diet. However, scientists have long found out that the rejection of fat does not lead to weight loss and can adversely affect the body as a whole. The logic is simple. Since animal fats are the most high-calorie elements in food, complete failure from them will lead to weight loss naturally. However, not all so simple. Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids play a huge role in maintaining all vital important functions organism. Here are the main criteria:

  1. Immunity boost. Products that can be found in the refrigerator of every person, such as eggs, lard, butter, contain the most valuable arachidonic acid, which helps the body fight all infections and viruses.
  2. Protection of the nervous system. The composition of the nervous tissue and brain cells includes a large amount of saturated fatty acids. Reducing the intake of these fats is not recommended, as a shortage can lead to serious nervous disorders up to Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Normalization of cholesterol levels. It is believed that limiting cholesterol intake is an excellent prevention of heart and vascular diseases. However, most cholesterol is produced by the body itself, and its lack can lead to disruption of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Improved structure and appearance skin. Retinol, which is part of animal fat, promotes healing small scratches and wounds on the skin, improves elasticity.

GOST animal fat, which is used in food 25292-82. When buying food products, you should pay attention to the presence of labeling. If it is not there, then the fat is prepared according to individual specifications, which are indicated by the TU marking.

Harm of animal fats

Despite the large list of useful properties, you should not get carried away with animal fat. With its use, you can easily overdo it, and then harm to health will be fatal. For example, if you constantly use pork fat, then you will not notice how you type excess weight. The main danger in the excessive consumption of animal fats is the provocation of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But you can't refuse it either. Optimal percentage daily ration For young man should be 40%, for older people less than 30%.

Feed fat GOST

Fat is necessary not only for normal human life. Its application in agriculture plays a huge role. Feed animal fat is a raw material obtained from raw materials that are not eaten and used for the production of animal feed. It is used for feeding poultry and livestock and has its own production standards. GOST animal feed fat 17483-72. It is these standards that are decisive for its use in the agricultural sector. Technical fat can be of the first and second grade. Before it enters production, special tests determine the content in it. various substances which should promote the growth of poultry and livestock.

melted fat

The raw material for the production of melted fats is the tissue that is separated during the cutting of carcasses of large cattle or birds. This is raw fat. It is cleaned of contaminants, blood and other compounds that violate the structure, washed and sent for rendering.

Rendered animal fat retains maximum useful elements and vitamins. Melted fat should be stored in a special closed container so that it does not absorb other odors, and also comes into contact with water and air to a minimum, as this contributes to oxidation and shortens the shelf life. Store it at a temperature of minus five to minus eight degrees. You can store in glass, wooden, polymer or paper containers.

The range of melted fats is very wide. They heat beef, mutton, bone and pork fat. Each type has an individual color and consistency, as well as a melting point.

Beef rendered fat can be identified by quite pleasant smell and light yellow or yellow. The melting point is about 45 degrees, so fat is classified as poorly digestible.

Lamb rendered fat has white or light yellow color. When molten, it is transparent. The melting point is about 45 degrees and it, like beef, is classified as a poorly digestible fat.

Pork fat has White color or greyish and the consistency resembles an ointment. The temperature at which it melts is 37 degrees.

List of foods containing animal fats

We do not think, but in fact, animal fats are on our table every day. When choosing such products, you should carefully study the label and make sure that the fat content of the product starts from 1%, since products completely devoid of fat lose almost all beneficial features. So, animal fats and a list of products:

  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mussels;
  • crabs;
  • turkey;
  • cream;
  • yogurt;
  • caviar.

At proper cooking animal fats and proteins, which are the building material for cells, will not be destroyed. The calorie content of the dish will also not increase.

Healing properties of animal fat

Animal fat has long been used as one of the main medicines. All raw materials from which fats and oils could be obtained were considered valuable. Special medical properties has animal fat. It is used as a standalone medicine, are included in the composition of other drugs as a healing element, used for the production of ointments and various solvents.

Animal fat is excellent tool prevention. It is used for external and internal use. External use is associated with various creams and ointments. For these purposes, pork fat is used. It has an excellent ointment-like consistency, perfectly dissolves other elements. Used in ointments against frostbite and for healing.

Inside, fats are used as a mild laxative. The acids included in its composition irritate the intestinal walls, moisturize and soften, thereby helping to cleanse the body.

fats for weight loss

Many people associate the process of losing weight with the complete elimination of all types of fat. It's a delusion. They are essential for the proper functioning of the body. When you lose weight, your body experiences stress hormonal changes. And for the synthesis of hormones in without fail fats are needed. The main items that contribute to accelerated weight loss are fish, badger and shark oils. Their unique composition contributes to the formation of fast chemical reactions, which, in turn, speed up all processes.

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Vegetable fats

Vegetable oils or fats are a product natural origin, which are obtained in the process of processing plant materials. Synthesize vegetable fats human body unable to do it on its own. Because of this, vegetable fats are classified as chemicals, which are indispensable for the human body, the supply of which must be replenished frequently.

To obtain vegetable fats in the industry, fruits and seeds of oil plants are used. These include soybeans, olives, rapeseed, fruits of some types of palm trees, sunflowers and other plants. Quite often, oil-containing wastes are used for the production of these fats, which are obtained during the processing of raw materials of plant origin. For example, rice, corn, grape or cherry seeds, as well as pumpkins and wheat germ.

There are several oilseeds from which fats are made:

  • Sunflower
  • oil palm
  • Cotton
  • European olive
  • Coconut palm
  • soybeans
  • Peanuts cultural

There are also several families, such as:

  • Anacardiaceae (cashew oil);
  • legumes (oil peanut, peanut oil, soybean oil or soybean oil);
  • Asteraceae (artichoke oil, soflor oil and sunflower oil);
  • Beech (beech oil);
  • Dipterocarpaceae (Shorea oil);
  • grape (oil from grape seeds or grapeseed oil, grapeseed oil);
  • Borage (cucumber oil);
  • Cereals (oil rice bran or rice oil, wheat germ oil or wheat oil, corn oil);
  • Cabbage ( mustard oil, rapeseed oil, camelina oil or camelina oil);
  • Poppy (poppy oil);
  • Palm (coconut oil, babassu oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil);
  • Pumpkin (melon oil and watermelon oil);
  • Tea (tea oil)

The difference between vegetable and animal fats

Animal and vegetable fats have different physical properties and composition. It is not difficult to distinguish them from each other by external indicators. Vegetable lipids are fluid oils, while animal fats are solids. An exception is fish oil, because it is in a liquid state.

You need to pay attention to the composition. Plant lipids are more dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, which have a low melting point. But the composition of animal fats includes a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which melt at high temperatures.

They also differ in their origin. The source of animal fats is pork fat, which contains 90-92% fat. Sources of vegetable fats are vegetable oils containing 99.9% fat.

It is worth replacing that unsaturated and saturated acids, which are contained in fats, are used in different ways by the human body. Saturated, such as palmitic or stearic, are needed as an energy material. These acids are present mostly in animal fats, such as beef and pork. You need to know that an excess of saturated fatty acids increases cholesterol levels and provokes metabolic disorders.

Compared to animal fats, vegetable oils have unsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol from it and are easily absorbed in the human body.

Plant lipids contain much more vitamin F. With a lack of this vitamin, a person can get sick with various diseases. vascular diseases: heart attack or atherosclerosis. In addition, there are numerous chronic diseases and immunity weakens.

The composition of vegetable fats

IN chemical composition vegetable fats include triglyceride fatty acids. In addition, vegetable fats contain natural compounds associated with acids (wax, phospholipids, as well as sterols and free fatty acids).

vegetable fat calories

Energy value in the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: Fats: 99.8 g. (~ 898 kcal) Proteins: 0 g. Carbohydrates: 0 g.

The benefits of vegetable fats

A scientifically proven fact is the benefits and importance of vegetable fats for the body. It is essential for a living organism to consume a certain amount of healthy fatty acids daily with food. The composition of plant lipids includes a huge amount of vitamins E, D, A, in addition to this, the amino acids Omega-3 and -6.

Harm of vegetable fats

In addition to benefits this product, it is necessary to notice the possible harm of vegetable fats. If you uncontrollably and often eat vegetable fats, they can be harmful. In addition, in the composition of certain types of products, for example, in the manufacture of ice cream, vegetable fat is used.

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Girls who care about their figure and watch their diet often wonder how useful it is to eat certain foods containing animal fat. We all know that without given element our body would not be able to function normally. However, the question arises how harmless it is to consume animal fats? Let's see how useful products containing animal fats are.

What is animal fat?

First, let's dive into dietary science: animal fats are saturated fats that differ from other types in that they don't melt or liquid at room temperature. One more distinctive feature is that their molecules are supersaturated with hydrogen. When ingested, animal fat is difficult to digest, and when it enters the bloodstream, it forms fatty compounds that eventually clog arteries and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Besides, constant use animal fats can lead to obesity or significant weight gain. This is due to the fact that in the body animal fats take on a solid form, thereby violating the normal.

Animal fats in foods

If we consider what products contain animal fats, then it is worth noting the following: butter, kidney, interior and white fats, as well as chicken skin and cheese. A large amount of animal fats is also found in confectionery, dairy products, fatty meat products, meat-containing products fast food and chocolate. In order for animal fats to bring only benefits to the body, they should be no more than 7% of daily allowance calories. In this case, the body can independently process and remove animal fat.

"Fats are not the enemy if you know all about them"

If a person is faced with the choice of which product to eat - fatty or low fat - almost everyone will give preference to the second. People are always looking to lose weight. And to do this, you need to use diet foods. Fat, on the other hand, has consistently been touted as the enemy of the diet that can only do harm, so it's no surprise that people are baffled when doctors and nutritionists rave about fat. In fact, there are healthy fats for weight loss. You probably know that avocados are one of those that became popular in the diet and boomed on Instagram a few years ago, and only recently calm has been established. So you can take into account olive oil, the pearl of the Mediterranean food system. In addition to those mentioned, there are many more useful products rich in fats, which are definitely worth including in your diet for regular basis. Here's what you need to know.

What fats are good for the body? These are usually considered to be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help reduce arterial-clogging cholesterol levels, in addition to their other heart-health benefits. Studies also show that these fats help regulate insulin and blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

“Monounsaturated fats are among the healthiest of all fats,” says Dana Hanns, Ph.D., MHP, researcher and developer, senior nutritionist medical center UCLA and visiting associate professor at Fielding Public Health. “They resist inflammatory processes, reduce the risk cardiovascular disease and are full of good nutrients and are also beneficial for weight loss.”

Polyunsaturated fats may also be beneficial. The two main types are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which our body needs for brain function and cell growth. Omega-3s are good for heart health and are mainly found in fish and algae, nuts and grains. "Other polyunsaturated fats omega-6s can be found in some vegetable oils,” Hanns adds. "They're not particularly bad, but they're not always healthy either, unlike omega-3s and monounsaturated fats." Omega-6s work together with omega-3s to help lower cholesterol levels, but studies show that eating more omega-6s than omega-3s can contribute to inflammation and weight gain, so the bottom line is you need to make sure that you consume more omega-3s than omega-6s.

What are bad fats

One simple rule: Trans fats should always be avoided - they are listed as "partially hydrogenated oils" on the label. They really do not carry anything but harm. Most of them are artificial and increase the level bad cholesterol and reduce the level of good, which helps to cleanse the vessels. According to the American Heart Health Association, trans fats increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and are associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Saturated fats are a bit trickier to work with. The old nutritional studies said that saturated fat was really bad for cholesterol, but more new information says he has neutral effect. The topic is very sensitive, and the recommendations of the Ministry Agriculture The US and the American Heart Association continue to limit saturated fat intake and favor monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Many of the healthy foods listed below contain saturated fats, but they do not make up a large proportion of all fats and therefore do not drown out the positive effect of healthy fats.

List of foods containing healthy fats

Here are the best sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. We have prepared a material about healthy fats, a list of products - especially for you!

1. Avocado

One medium avocado contains about 23 grams of fat, but it's mostly monounsaturated fat. In addition, a medium avocado contains 40% daily rate fiber without sodium and cholesterol, and is a good source of lutein, an antioxidant that helps protect eyesight. Try using it in place of foods that are higher in bad fats—use 1/5 of a medium avocado instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich, butter on toast, or sour cream on a baked potato. Remember that avocados are quite high in calories, so you should eat no more than 1/4 of an avocado at a time.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linoleic acid, found in plants. A recent study showed that one handful walnuts per day reduces the overall level of bad cholesterol, and also improves the functioning of blood vessels. Studies have also found that eating nuts reduces the risk of blood clots that can cause heart attacks and also improves the health of the arteries.

3. Other nuts like almonds and pistachios

Nuts like pecans, pistachios, cashews, and almonds are also high in healthy fats. Almonds are the richest in vitamin E, while pistachios are richest in lutein and zeaxanthin, while carotenoids are important for eye health. All it takes is to eat about 30 grams of nuts daily to notice positive effect. Some varieties are fatter than others, such as cashews and macadamia nuts, so you need to pay more attention to serving size (nuts have an average of 45 grams of fat per 100 grams). Nutritionists love pistachios because the fact that you have to peel them helps you eat them more slowly, making portion control easier. Peanuts (legumes) contain both monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated omega-6 fats, indicating that they are good for the body.

4. Nuts and seed oils

Nut oils and oils from various seeds This is where healthy fats are found. Try almond, cashew, sunflower oil for the right dose of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from vegetable source. All you need is 2 tablespoons, which can be spread on toast or eaten with fresh apple slices. Choose natural nut butters with the minimum amount ingredients.

The fat in one cup of black olives is 15 grams, but again, that's mostly monounsaturated. Plus, no matter which type of olives you like, they all contain many other beneficial nutrients, such as hydroxytyrosol, which has long been known as a cancer preventative. New research shows that it also plays a role in reducing bone loss. If you have allergies or others inflammatory processes, olives may be the perfect snack for you as studies show that olive extracts act as antihistamines at the cellular level. However, with all these benefits, it is important to remember that the serving size depends on the amount of olive oil. Stick to 5 large or 10 small olives as the ideal norm.

The reason olive oil is showing up in more and more cuisines is its richness in monounsaturated fats. But do not pour it in large quantities. One tablespoon contains as much as 14 grams of fat.

One cup of ground flaxseed contains a whopping 48 grams of fat, but it's all healthy unsaturated fat. You only need 1-2 tablespoons. Flaxseed is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, so for vegetarians (or those who don't eat fish), it becomes the key to satisfying your need for healthy fats. In addition, flaxseed contains up to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. These nutrients contain both plant estrogen and antioxidants, and studies show they may help prevent certain types cancer. Last but not least, flaxseed contains both insoluble and soluble fiber, so it can help keep you feeling fuller for longer, as well as lower cholesterol and promote heart health. Sprinkle flax seeds over yogurt or oatmeal, add a spoonful to smoothies. Or try adding it to a pie crust when baking.

8. Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon (as well as sardines, mackerel, and trout) are full of omega-3 fatty acids and are known to help improve heart health. This is one of the best ways to get the amount of fat you need. American Association Heart Health recommends eating at least two servings of fish a week to get the most benefit.

Tuna is also high in healthy fats and omega-3s. We're talking about convenient canned food and tuna in your favorite sushi. Steaks, hamburgers, tuna salads - the options are endless, so choosing something for yourself is easy. Like the amount of salmon, you need to limit the consumption of tuna to 340 grams ( total number twice a week) to avoid overexposure to, for example, mercury, which can be found in small amounts in seafood.

Yes that's right. Just 30 grams of dark chocolate (one serving) contains about 9 grams of fat. About half of that is saturated fat, while the other half is rich in healthy fats and a host of other essential nutrients—vitamins A, B, and E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and flavonoids (plant-based antioxidants). And did you know that one serving of dark chocolate also boasts 3 grams of fiber? It can be said that chocolate is practically a vegetable. To get the most out of chocolate high level flavonoids, buy bars with at least 70% cocoa beans.

This product does not contain much fat. Products above or below can boast great content but tofu is still a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. A small, 80-gram serving of firm tofu contains 5 to 6 grams healthy fat and about 1 gram of saturated fat, but it is natural - from soybeans. Tofu is considered healthy food for a reason - it's solid vegetable protein With low content sodium, and provides almost a quarter of the daily requirement for calcium.

12. Young soybeans

Rich in both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, soybeans are also an excellent source of vegetable proteins and fibers. Enjoy them boiled or salted, as delicious snacks or hummus puree.

Add them to a salad or just eat a small handful to get large dose healthy fats, protein and fiber.

These small but mighty seeds are loaded with omega-3s, fiber, protein, essential minerals and antioxidants. Their popularity as a superfood is well deserved - you can add a tablespoon to smoothies for a quick boost in fat, fiber and protein, or soak them overnight for a quick breakfast. You can even use them in desserts.

15. Eggs

Eggs are an inexpensive and easy source of protein. People often think that eating egg whites is a healthier option than whole eggs because they contain less fat, but while it's true that egg yolk contains some fat, it's also rich in important nutrients. One whole egg contains 5 grams of fat, but only 1.5 grams of saturates. Eggs are also a good source of choline (one egg yolk contains about 300 micrograms), a B vitamin that helps the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system. As far as cholesterol is concerned, latest research in the field of nutrition have found that eating eggs does not increase blood cholesterol levels. In fact, research has linked moderate egg consumption to improved heart health.

The following foods are high in saturated fat and should be eaten more carefully. But they can also be part of a healthy diet.

16. Beef and pork

It is believed that high-fat foods, such as steak, are unhealthy. But it actually has less fat than you think, especially if you choose lean meats that have 5 grams of fat and less than 2 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams (on average). What's more, lean beef is an excellent source of protein, iron and zinc, all important nutrients for active women. One 100 gram serving of lean beef contains a whopping 25g of muscle-building protein and three times the iron (important for transporting oxygen from the blood to the brain and muscles) than 1 cup of spinach, while getting a third of your daily zinc intake supports immune system. Lean pork can be a good source of fat when consumed in moderate amounts. Processed pork, such as bacon, often contains sodium and other preservatives such as nitrates (which increase heart disease and cancer risk), so other white meats should be used instead.

17. Whole milk

As we have said, eating whole dairy products versus low-fat or low-fat dairy products has benefits for weight management. They even help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. One cup (220 grams) of whole milk contains 8 grams of fat, with 5 grams of saturated fat vs. skimmed milk, which does not contain any of them. Other proponents of the fat content of dairy products point out that fat is needed for the absorption of vitamins A and D from milk, since they are fat-soluble vitamins.

18. Whole yogurt

When shopping for yogurt, choose one that contains active cultures to reap the benefits for gut health. Take the classic version without filler - fruity flavors sin with a surprisingly large amount of additional sugar. Add to yogurt healthy nuts and fresh fruit.

19. Parmesan

Cheese completes the review of healthy fats and the list of products. He is often unfairly criticized for high content fat, especially hard, fatty varieties such as parmesan. While it's true that cheeses have more saturated fats than plant-based foods, they (especially Parmesan, which contains just 27 grams of fat and 18 grams of that per 100 grams of saturated fat) provide a host of other nutrients. Cheeses in terms of calcium supply to the body, in particular bone tissue, provide almost a third of the daily requirement. And yes, cheese has as much protein as any other food, even when compared to meat and eggs!

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