B9 (vitamin). What foods contain vitamin B9 (folic acid)


ABOUT vitamin B9 – folic acid, we can say that it is a “leaf vitamin”. The word "leaf" in Latin is "folicum", and vitamin B9 was first isolated from the green leaves of spinach.

Vitamin B9 dissolves in water and is easily destroyed by light and cooking. High temperatures are detrimental to vitamin B9, but even at room temperature it is destroyed if foods are stored for a long time. Therefore, you should not store fruits and vegetables for a long time, and it is better to prefer raw salads to boiled and stewed dishes.

What foods contain vitamin B9 (folic acid), sources of vitamin B9

Many foods are rich in folic acid, and above all, of course, leafy green vegetables and herbs: green salad, parsley, cabbage, green tops of many vegetables; leaves of black currant, rose hip, raspberry, birch, linden; dandelion, plantain, nettle, mint, yarrow, gooseberry, etc.

Beets, peas, beans, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin, cereals, bananas, oranges, apricots - the list of plant products is very large, and listing them will take up a lot of space. Animal products contain vitamin B9: meat - beef, pork, lamb, animal liver, chicken and eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, fish - tuna and salmon. A certain amount of folic acid can be produced in the intestines, provided that the microflora is healthy.

The role and importance of vitamin B9 (folic acid)

The role of folic acid in our body is very important - without it, normal production of red blood cells is impossible. Thanks to folic acid, protein containing iron is synthesized in hemoglobin - after all, it delivers the carbon molecules necessary for this reaction. The composition and quality of blood, carbohydrate and fat metabolism will be fine if there is enough folic acid; otherwise anemia develops.

The synthesis of nucleic acids, the molecules of which contain hereditary information, is also not complete without vitamin B9. Tens of trillions of our cells grow, develop and renew themselves thanks to vitamin B9, and it is also responsible for appetite and normal digestion.

Serotonin, the hormone of joy, is produced in sufficient quantities if the body has enough folic acid, but today there are very few people who do not lack it. Is this not the reason for the numerous neuroses and depressions that even young, able-bodied people talk about today?

Substances synthesized in the brain with the help of vitamin B9 contribute to the timely transmission of nerve impulses, as well as the production of special hormones that allow the body to effectively protect itself from stress.

Deficiency and excess of vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Our attitude to stress and troubles depends on sufficient folic acid. If it is lacking, the person still tries to solve problems and cope with them, but without enthusiasm, and by no means in the best mood. In this case, more adrenaline is released into the blood, and instead of being active and energetically, optimistically understanding the situation, the person begins to show aggression and dissatisfaction.

About a third of all patients seeking help from psychiatrists suffer from a serious deficiency of folic acid. It is worth applying it additionally, and the diseases are alleviated.

During pregnancy, a lack of folic acid can cause serious disorders and even abnormal development of the fetus. Moreover, very severe anomalies occur: cerebral hernias; defects of the neural tube, which is the rudiment and basis of the entire nervous system in animals and humans; hydrocephalus - dropsy of the brain, or anencephaly - its complete absence; various congenital mental pathologies and mental retardation.

Premature birth, premature rupture of the membranes and the birth of a premature baby - all this can be avoided if a woman receives enough folic acid during pregnancy. After childbirth, it helps to relieve depression, so women just need to always include as many foods with folic acid in their diet as possible.

If puberty is delayed in girls, then folic acid will help bring this process back to normal; On the other hand, menopause can be delayed by always eating enough folic acid foods.

Skin problems can also be prevented if you monitor the intake of folic acid in the body: psoriasis, vitiligo, acne are unlikely to appear in people who have enough of it.

The symptoms that can be noticed in people with a deficiency of vitamin B9 are quite pronounced: fatigue, weakness and headache, pallor, irritability and insomnia, forgetfulness and poor memory.

In case of acute lack of folic acid, a person becomes not just aggressive, but hostile to the world around him, he develops mania and paranoia, loses appetite and weight.

Vegetarians do not suffer from a lack of vitamin B9, as they eat a lot of vegetables and greens. As for people who often consume refined, overcooked and canned food, they need to take vitamin B9 as part of vitamin complexes, otherwise the body’s needs will remain unsatisfied.

With severe deficiency of vitamin B9, a dangerous disease quickly develops - megaloblastic anemia, which requires urgent treatment. Otherwise, death is very likely.

Excess folic acid is rare, and it is almost impossible to get it from food - it is impossible to eat enough greens to cause hypervitaminosis.

When taking synthetic vitamin B9 in large doses, children may experience various digestive disorders, increased excitability, and in adults, in addition, sleep disturbances may occur.

Daily requirement for vitamin B9 (folic acid)

The body needs folic acid in very small quantities - only 200 mcg per day, but regularly. Pregnant women need twice and sometimes three times more - it depends on the course of pregnancy and health characteristics.

However, getting folic acid from food is not so easy: about half of it is lost during digestion, under the influence of alcohol, medications, liver disorders, and also due to deficiency or excess of other substances. With a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid is not absorbed, and with an excess of methionine, which is especially rich in meat and cheese, it is quickly consumed. Without vitamin B12, it is generally impossible to have sufficient vitamin B9 in the body, so you should always monitor the balance of these two substances.

Cells deprived of vitamin B12 do not retain vitamin B9, and this can cause the cessation of their division process: this results in growth retardation, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women - after all, the fetus, if it does not have enough vitamin B9, will become unviable.

An additional amount of vitamin B9 is required for those who like to sunbathe in the sun and lead an active lifestyle, and primarily for children and adolescents, to ensure their normal growth and development. Along with folic acid, you should also get enough vitamin C.

Lack of folic acid is one of the most common types of hypovitaminosis. It is known that healthy intestinal microflora can synthesize vitamin B9, but modern medicine often uses antibiotics to treat various diseases.

How to preserve vitamin B9 (folic acid) as much as possible

There are probably almost no people today who have never been treated with antibiotics - as a result, the intestinal flora is destroyed, and there is no one left to synthesize folic acid. In such cases, you need to take complexes with bifidobacteria, often eat live yoghurts and biokefir, in order to restore the intestinal flora in all possible ways.

Remember that vitamin B9 is highly destroyed during heat treatment, so try to cook foods quickly and in a container with a closed lid. What can be eaten raw, do not heat-treat at all - eat greens and vegetables raw, as they contain folic acid in the best form.

Unfortunately, fresh milk, which contains a lot of vitamin B9, is not available to us, and it does not remain in pasteurized and boiled milk. Therefore, dietary supplements with folic acid should not be neglected.

Gataulina Galina
for women's magazine InFlora.ru

When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the women's online magazine InFlora.ru is required

The first source of vitamin B9, established in the course of scientific research, was spinach. Since it was the leaves of the plant that were rich in the biologically active substance, the name “folic acid” was assigned to it, from the Latin word “folium” - “leaf”. The date of scientific discovery falls on 1941. After 4 years, its synthetic analogue was obtained.

Participation of vitamin B9 in body processes

One of the main missions of folic acid in the body of any person is to ensure hematopoietic processes. Thanks to its participation, red blood cells and a number of amino acids are produced, protein and hemoglobin are synthesized, the proliferation of cancer cells is stopped and the immune response is improved.

Vitamin B9 helps in the functioning of the nervous system - increases a person’s resistance to stress and reduces the risk of mental disorders, depression, irritability and sleep disorders. Under its influence, appetite improves and the digestive tract functions more smoothly, ensuring healthy and beautiful appearance of nails and hair. Thanks to its ability to quickly restore tissue, folacin becomes a help in the fight against acne, blackheads and other skin problems.

Folic acid is important in the functioning of a woman's reproductive system. It is recommended to consume it in the required quantity not only during the process of bearing a child, but also at the stage of planning motherhood. This helps prevent physical and mental abnormalities in the development of the fetus, anemia, excessive excitability of the nervous system, miscarriage and premature birth. Nursing mothers are advised to take additional intake of this biologically active substance in order to replenish their reserves and sufficiently cover the needs of the growing child's body.

Daily value of vitamin B9

The recommended daily intake of folic acid for each adult is 400 mcg. During pregnancy, this figure doubles, and during breastfeeding – one and a half times. Children up to the age of one need to receive about 50 mcg of folacin daily for normal development, and up to seven years - 300 mcg.

An increased daily intake of vitamin B9 (no more than 1000 mcg) can be prescribed:

athletes and people with active physical activity; adolescents during puberty; women who regularly use birth control pills; in case of taking certain medications, for example, antibiotics, diuretics, iron-containing and anticonvulsants; people with unstable mental health and low resistance to stress; in the post-traumatic period, with a weakened immune system.

Folate deficiency

Manifestations of an insufficient amount of vitamin B9 in the body can be sleep disturbances, headaches, distraction, pale skin, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, chronic fatigue, apathy, irritability. In people who have crossed the forty-year milestone, against the background of its deficiency, diseases of the digestive tract are often exacerbated, proteins are poorly absorbed and toxins accumulate. The result is unhealthy skin, weight loss and poor appetite.

The risk of folic acid deficiency is increased in alcohol abusers, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and women with cervical dysplasia. Its deficiency is often observed in older people, as well as in the case of an unbalanced diet at any age.

Vitamin B9 deficiency weakens the immune system and increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract deteriorates. Expectant mothers have problems with the normal course of pregnancy - there is a threat of anemia and premature birth.

Excess folic acid

Hypervitaminosis or excessive amounts of folacin are rare and are only possible when obtained in synthetic form. It is impossible to get it in excess from food. An overdose of folic acid is again fraught with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia and neurological disorders.

It is important to remember that to compensate for folacin deficiency, it is necessary to simultaneously receive sufficient amounts of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins B12 and B6. Nutrition should be varied and balanced.

You can get folic acid by consuming:

a variety of greens (cilantro - 62 mcg, spinach - 195 mcg, basil - 68 mcg, arugula - 97 mcg, chives - 105 mcg); meat products and fish (liver - 240 mcg, salmon fillet - 26 mcg, tuna - 20 mcg); legumes and nuts (red beans - 100 mcg, white beans - 60 mcg, peas - 65 mcg, peanuts - 250 mcg, walnuts - 70 mcg, hazelnuts - 70 mcg); dairy products (brie cheese - 150 mcg, Camembert - 95 mcg, cottage cheese - 25 mcg).

Greetings, my wonderful readers. This article will be especially interesting to girls, it seems to me. Very often “women’s doctors” told me that there is a very useful and harmless supplement. And I definitely need to drink it. Guess what I mean? If not, I won’t bore you with guesses. This is folic acid or also called vitamin B9. When studying materials about this vitamin, it turned out that everything is not so clear about its safety. But read about it below :)

It is popularly called the “women’s vitamin” or “leaf vitamin.” The latter name is given because this element is isolated from spinach leaves (in Latin "folicum"). And the first one, because it is often prescribed to women. Especially when planning a pregnancy.

This water-soluble B vitamin is naturally found in foods. It is also added to pharmaceuticals and food products as a dietary supplement. Research shows that consuming foods high in B9 can prevent various diseases.

Let me list the benefits of folic acid:

  • normalizes digestive processes and takes part in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats, protein and DNA;
  • supports the functioning of the liver and protective system;
  • important for a woman when planning pregnancy and during it, since it participates in the formation of fetal cells and prevents spontaneous miscarriage;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain (brain and spinal cord);
  • normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks and other problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • participates in the production of serotonin, so it is prescribed for depression and neuroses;
  • prevents the development of gingivitis and periodontitis;
  • is a preventative against breast cancer;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • participates in the formation of blood cells;
  • useful in adolescence - promotes the normal course of puberty processes.

To conceive a healthy baby, you need to take this element for 3 months in a row. This will reduce the likelihood of a gene mutation in the child.

For men, vitamin B9 is no less important than for women. For example, the benefit for the stronger sex is protection against baldness.

Difference Between Folate and Folic Acid

These two words are often used interchangeably, but they have some significant differences. Folic acid is a synthetic vitamin contained in tablets or ampoules. It is also added to fortify food products. In its natural form, B9 is called folate. Most people think they are the same thing.

Natural folates are directly involved in metabolic processes in the small intestine. Folic acid requires the help of a specific enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase, which is relatively rare in the body.

If people (especially women of childbearing age) consume large amounts of folic acid in vitamins, it is bad. The body cannot break down so many elements. One of the dangers associated with consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid is the likelihood of developing cancer.

An example of research on this topic is given in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2007 ( 1 ). 1,000 people were observed over a three-year period. Folic acid supplementation (1 mg/day) has been found to increase the risk of cancer (especially adenomas).

Cornelius M. Ulrich (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle) commented:

“The results suggest that the role of folic acid in stimulating the growth of precancerous cells is a real issue. This applies to people who additionally consume B9-fortified foods or supplements daily.

Therefore, do not eat pharmaceutical B9 in vain without a doctor’s recommendation. Maybe your body will have enough of a vitamin that comes naturally from food.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

Deficiency can be a serious problem. Although in most countries this is not such a common occurrence. An adult needs 200-400 mcg per day, and children need 40-100 mcg

Here are twelve signs that you may be suffering from folate deficiency:

  • weak immune function, frequent colds;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep problems;
  • poor digestion (problems such as constipation, flatulence);
  • loss of appetite and anorexia;
  • development of problems during pregnancy and infancy (including short stature);
  • anemia;
  • premature graying of hair;
  • skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • frequent headaches.

Of course, some have a higher risk of folic acid deficiency than others. Here are the groups that need to be especially careful.

  • lactating, pregnant (especially in the early stages) and women who want to get pregnant;
  • people with liver disease;
  • taking medications to treat diabetes, as well as diuretics or laxatives;
  • people with alcohol addiction;
  • those on dialysis;
  • with malnutrition.

If you classify yourself as one of this group, then you need to include vitamin supplements. It is important to note that the daily rate in pregnant women is based on the prevention of fetal defects. This dosage is not designed to improve the health and well-being of the mother herself. This rate is based on the assumption that 50% of the folate in the mother's body is not completely absorbed.

What foods contain B9?

This vitamin has firmly entered the list of mandatory supplements for pregnant women. Because folic acid has been shown to help prevent the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus. But there are many natural products rich in this element.

The foods that contain the most B9 are: citrus fruits and juices, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, beans and sprouted grains.

To address a possible folate deficiency, be sure to supplement your diet with the foods in the table below. These are the “leaders” in terms of B9 content. In the table, the level of 400 mcg is taken as the norm.

Just remember, friends, that there are factors that are detrimental to vitamin B9. These include light and heat treatment. Therefore, try not to subject products containing B9 to prolonged heat treatment.

Also, folic acid can be destroyed even at room temperature. This happens when food is stored for too long. Therefore, if you want to preserve the maximum amount of this element, eat fruits and vegetables fresh. Try to prepare vitamin salads more often - they are both tasty and healthy.

Instructions for use

In Russia, the following dosage of vitamin B9 per day is established:

For children:

For adults:

To determine if you have B9 deficiency, your doctor may test your serum folate concentration. However, a more reliable approach is to test red blood cell folic acid concentration. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor will determine whether pharmaceutical supplements can be prescribed.

But as I wrote above, in most cases this is not a natural vitamin. Therefore, when purchasing supplements, make sure that “folate” is indicated in the ingredients.

I admit that so far I have not been able to find such vitamin complexes in pharmacies. I could only find it on iherb. And even there it was not easy to choose a good option. I bought these vitamins:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

RUB 4,206
3 029 rub.

To the store

The jar indicates how to take it and the composition is detailed. This vitamin is contained here in its natural form. Plus is represented by a full complex of tocopherols, which is also very important.

Vitamin B9 overdose

Although this element is water-soluble, its intake into the body in large quantities can be very harmful. As I already said, excessive consumption of synthetic B9 causes cancer. And the harm doesn't end there. Overdose during pregnancy increases the risk that the child will have bronchial asthma. Also, such a baby will have a weak immune system, so he will often suffer from colds.

Consumption of folic acid supplements in large quantities provokes problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Most often, it becomes the impetus for coronary insufficiency, and over time leads to a heart attack.

For those with megaloblastic anemia, B9 in large quantities can also cause serious harm. An overdose of this element hides the clinical picture that is observed with anemia. As a result, the first symptoms remain unrecognized and the disease progresses.

An overdose of vitamin B9 can be judged by certain signs:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • presence of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits of Vitamin B9

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B9 should be taken in combination with and B12. The dosage of all these elements must be balanced. Otherwise, too much of one vitamin will neutralize the effects of others. Folic acid also promotes absorption.

The “enemies” of vitamin B9 include aspirin, nitrofuran, anti-tuberculosis, contraceptive and analgesic drugs. When taken regularly, there is a lack of folic acid in the body.

In addition, other pharmaceutical drugs impair the absorption of vitamin B9. These include estrogen, antiulcer and antihyperlipidemic agents. Anticides, sulfonamines, and antimetabolites have a similar effect. Triamterene, methotrexate and pyrimethamine also reduce the absorption of folic acid by the body.

Corticosteroid hormones increase the excretion of vitamin B9 from the body. Therefore, patients who take them are prescribed additional supplements.

Alcohol is considered the terrible “enemy” of folic acid. By the way, alcohol-containing drugs also have a negative effect on this vitamin. On the contrary, bifidobacteria catalyze the production of this element. Therefore, I advise you to abandon alcoholic cocktails in favor of bio-kefir. That's it, fight drunkenness :)

I discovered an interesting fact for myself. It turns out that hard cheeses and meat also affect the body's absorption of folic acid. These products contain methionine. This is a substance that helps ensure that vitamin B9 is used in unnecessary ways.

That's how many interesting things you learned today! I am sure that this information will be useful to your friends too. So share the link to the article with them. And also. Well, I tell you: see you again.

Traditionally, vitamin B9 (its second name is “folic acid”) is obtained from fresh spinach leaves. This microelement belongs to the group of vitamins that easily dissolve in water.

The benefits of vitamin B9 for the human body

Acid can degrade when exposed to direct sunlight, as well as during aggressive thermal treatment. High temperature has the most detrimental effect on vitamins of this group.

In order for vitamin B9 to bring maximum benefit and be easily absorbed in the body, you need to know which foods contain it in the greatest quantities. To you you will need to add various vegetable salads to your diet, and on the contrary, reduce the consumption of fried and smoked foods to a minimum.

You will need to add various vegetable salads to your diet, and, on the contrary, minimize the consumption of fried and smoked foods.

The main function performed by this microelement in the human body is the production of red blood cells. At the same time, vitamin B9 initiates the production of iron-containing protein in hemoglobin.

This microelement provides the necessary blood composition and supports the necessary metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body. The most common pathology due to a lack of vitamin B9 is anemia.

Vitamin B9 slows down the natural aging process, since it promotes the restoration and renewal of cells of all tissues and structures.

Vitamin B9 slows down the natural aging process, as it promotes the restoration and renewal of cells of all tissues and structures.

And this is not all the beneficial properties that vitamin B9 has. Which products contain this microelement will be discussed further.

Vitamin B9 can prevent depression. A sufficient amount of this element in the body is involved in the formation of serotonin, which is involved in maintaining human psychological health.

Everyone knows that constant nervous tension and stress can have a serious detrimental effect even on a young and healthy body. Folic acid not only improves anti-stress functions, but also increases the passage of electronic impulses along the nerve endings of the brain.

Vitamin B9 can prevent depression. A sufficient amount of this element in the body is involved in the formation of serotonin, which is involved in maintaining human psychological health.

In addition to its medicinal properties, vitamin B9 is used as a means of preventing the development of anemia and cancer.

Categories of people who need a lot of vitamin B9

The need for this trace element can vary depending on many factors.

An increased need for this element is also inherent in an organism weakened by the action of alcohol.

Pregnant and lactating women need to double the minimum dosage of the vitamin.

Vitamin B9 deficiency is manifested by the use of oral contraceptives, treatment with bactericidal and diuretic drugs.

The main signs of folic acid deficiency include:

Daily dose and lack of vitamin B9 in the body

To maintain your health, you need to take at least a minimum dose of folic acid daily. For adults, the most balanced amount is 200 mg of vitamin B9 per day.

It is very important to take this element regularly, without any interruptions. Pregnant women can safely increase this dosage by 2 times.

Deficiency of this vitamin can occur when it is insufficiently absorbed due to physiological reasons or due to malnutrition. Also, a decrease in its concentration in the body may be associated with an improper diet, namely, insufficient intake of animal protein.

To maintain your health, you need to take at least a minimum dose of folic acid contained in foods daily.

To get out of this situation, first of all, you need to know which foods contain vitamin B9. This substance may be present in the body in insufficient quantities in violation of the absorption capacity of the intestine.

The main consequences of its deficiency are:

First of all, vitamin B9 must be taken by people who have a lack of it in the body. During pregnancy, this microelement should be taken for the proper formation of the nervous system in the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy.

Folic acid is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for various types of anemia. Vitamin B9 is indicated for people with poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, taking antiepileptic drugs.

What are the risks of an overdose of vitamin B9?

Like any medications, vitamins can cause allergic reactions. However, you should not radically change your menu, knowing about the side effects that vitamin B9 can cause and what foods contain this microelement.

Vitamin B9 brings the greatest benefit to women during pregnancy. Without enough of it, the fetus may begin to develop pathologies.

By absorbing vitamin B9 only through food, it is almost impossible to get an overdose of this substance. For minor side effects to develop, it is necessary to exceed the permissible vitamin intake hundreds of times.

But still Excess folic acid may cause sleep problems, digestive disorders, exacerbation of neurological disorders.

Where is vitamin B9 found (list of products)

The most important question to ask yourself before you start taking vitamin B9 is: “What foods contain it?”

Be sure to consume foods with vitamin B9.

The most useful, in this sense, are the following products:

  1. Various types of nuts;
  2. Champignons and porcini mushroom;
  3. Cheremsha;
  4. Leek;
  5. Liver;
  6. Beans;
  7. Broccoli;
  8. Barley grits.

How to preserve vitamin B9 while cooking

Taken during drug treatment Antibiotics have a detrimental effect on intestinal flora. For this reason, the human body is unable to produce vitamin B9.

That is why, it is necessary to eat not only foods with its maximum content, but also to know how to cook dishes, retaining all its useful properties.

To prevent folic acid from quickly breaking down when cooking your favorite foods, try not to overcook and use utensils with a lid.

To prevent the rapid breakdown of folic acid when cooking your favorite meals, try not to overuse heat treatment and use containers with a lid.

Products that do not require thermal processing (vegetables, herbs, fruits) should not be further processed at all. So you save the entire complex of vitamins and nutrients in them in their original form and quantity.

There is a lot of vitamin B9 in natural fresh milk. Please note that pasteurized dairy products do not have this property.

Don’t forget about taking vitamin complexes, which will also help your body replenish its reserves of nutrients.

Vitamin B9 is neutralized by alcohol, which promotes the formation of free radicals in the body.

Vitamin B9 is neutralized by alcohol, which promotes the formation of free radicals in the body. The situation is aggravated by the traditional appetizer: smoked sausages and pickled cucumbers.

The enemies of folic acid include caffeine and some groups of medications.(in particular antibiotics, aspirin and diuretics).

In addition, the reasons for poor absorption of vitamin B9 may be physiological problems in the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Sources of vitamin B9

Animal products as sources of vitamins

Although folic acid is more commonly found in plant foods, it is important to know which animal products contain vitamin B9.

The highest concentration of vitamin is observed in the following products:

  • heart;
  • natural lard;
  • egg yolk;
  • cod;
  • horse mackerel;
  • rabbit meat;
  • high fat cottage cheese.

Vegetable crops high in vitamin content

Plants with dark green leaves are richest in vitamin B9.

Plants with dark green leaves are richest in vitamin B9.

The following products have the highest concentration of vitamin B9:

  • various varieties of cabbage;
  • pistachios;
  • green salad;
  • okra;
  • basil;
  • lentils;
  • soya beans;
  • cilantro;
  • all types of cereals and cereals.

You should never rely solely on the help of medications. A person can receive all the necessary complexes of nutrients and vitamins through proper nutrition.

This video will tell you how much vitamin B9 is needed for the female body and why.

From this video you will learn basic short information about vitamin B9.

In this video, the doctor will share with you his knowledge about folic acid and its necessity for the human body.



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