Real lavender essential oil. Lavender oil: useful properties and applications in cosmetology and medicine

Good afternoon

Lavender oil is one of the three monster oils, i.e. oils, having which, you can solve a lot of problems.

Essential oil lavender because of their unique properties found wide application in everyday life, in cosmetology - for the face, for hair, and how depressant, as well as an oil that helps women in solving problems in the hormonal sphere.

The healing properties of lavender have been known to people since ancient times.

Lavender was used to fight diseases, fumigated rooms during epidemics, was used to perfume linen, it gives the smell of cleanliness and freshness.

And the name of this plant is translated as wash, clean. It is not for nothing that lavender is widely used in the manufacture of personal hygiene products and detergents.

Essential oil of lavender fully possesses all the beneficial properties that the plant has. It has found wide application in everyday life, cosmetology for the treatment problematic skin and hair. lavender oil well moisturizes and cleanses the skin, relieves irritation and flaking.

Lavender is powerful antiseptic action. Therefore, it can be used to disinfect wounds and abrasions.

In the same way that lavender soothes irritation on the skin, it also has a calming effect on our psycho-emotional sphere. It helps to calm down, relieves nervous tension, does not allow resentment to "occupy" the mind.

Lavender oil promotes calm and deep sleep, as if washing away the negative energy that we are exposed to in everyday life.

Essential oil of lavender, as well as can be used from the very early age- for disinfection of air in the room, in baths when bathing, add to baby skin care products.

Only dosages should be for children - 1 k.v. Art. l. Molokan bath, or 1 tbsp. l. base oil (avocado, grape seeds) for massage (for babies up to a year), it contributes to a calm and even sleep of the child, has a beneficial effect on the condition skin so that there are no mishaps.

The healing effect of the oil was proved by the French chemist R. Gettefosse, when he burned his hand during experiments and put it into a vessel with lavender oil to cool it. To his great surprise, the pain quickly disappeared, and the burn healed very quickly.

Therefore, the oil can be used in solar, chemical and thermal burns, with fungal skin lesions, with problems of a neuroendocrine nature. (eczema, psoriasis) It is very good to add lavender to cream or milk or other wounds.

Among other things, lavender essential oil has the ability to enhance the effect of other components. Therefore, lavender oil is not recommended to be used in conjunction with iodine-containing and iron-containing drugs, so as not to get an overdose.

For the same reason, if you add lavender to your cream Low quality where there may be synthetic preservatives or fragrances, lavender can enhance their negative effect and as a result you can get an allergic or other negative reaction. Therefore, add essential oils to those cosmetics that you are sure of.

Among other things, lavender oil, added to the face cream, regulates the sebaceous glands, helps cleanse the skin of the face from acne.

Very importance has the property of lavender oil to regulate heartbeat, improve the conductivity of the heart muscle, regulate pressure, especially if the increase in pressure is caused by psycho-emotional factors.

This is a very feminine oil. It normalizes menstrual cycle, helps with menopause, with PMS, it is very good to use in intimate cosmetics, it helps with vaginitis, thrush.

The oil helps with migraines and spasms of cerebral vessels. Helps with various symptoms of SARS - cough, runny nose, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.

Lavender oil improves performance digestive system, normalizes the work of the liver and gallbladder.

Aroma oil relieves pain from injuries, myositis, sprains, rheumatism.

Very well cleanses the body of toxins, is used in anti-cellulite programs.

In everyday life, lavender oil is very good to scent linen and clothes, it repels moths.

Methods of application and dosage of lavender essential oil.

  • IN pure form Apply to the site of a bee sting to reduce the pain reaction; Apply to the soles of your feet and on your pillow before bed for good night; apply to the wrists and inhale while motion sickness in transport; with burns; apply on the back, arms and legs of a restless and agitated child.
  • For baths Add 4-5 k to bath salt - in case of violation hormonal background in women, with anxiety, irritability.
  • For massage 3-5 k. per 10 ml. base oils - relaxes, helps with muscle pain, osteochondrosis, high blood pressure (collar zone), rheumatism, sciatica.
  • For skin careth - mixed with base oil 4-5 k. per 10 ml. basics - to soothe the skin with diaper rash from diapers: to narrow the pores after epilation; for hand massage, etc.
  • For enrichment cosmetics : 1-2 drops per 10 g of base (for acne, inflammation, chapped skin - in a base oil or cream)
  • To strengthen and improve hair growth, from hair loss - add 1-2 drops to masks, shampoo, balm and rinse water.
  • Rinsing 1 cup per glass of water - with periodontal disease, stomatitis, toothache.

Recipes with lavender essential oil

  • Bran mask for mixed skin type

2 tbsp. l. warm honey in a water bath, add 2 tbsp. l. bran or ground oatmeal, juice of ½ lemon, 2 to lavender. Apply warm for half an hour, rinse with infusion of herbs.

  • Mask for dry skin.

Mix in equal parts olive oil, cottage cheese and honey (1 tablespoon each), add 2 to lavender. Apply for 20-30 minutes. wash away warm water, rinse cool.

  • Cough massage.

Dilute in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 2 k. lavender, 1 k. tea tree, 2 k. eucalyptus.

Do a chest and back massage. For children under 2 years old, use only tea tree and lavender.

  • Mask for hair loss.

1 yolk, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp burdock oil, 2 k. lavender oil. If the hair is oily, add another 1 tsp. cognac. Apply, wrap, hold for 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo. In a balm or rinse water, drop 1 cup of lavender oil.

Make masks for three weeks 2-3 times a week. Then a week break.

With this unique oil exists great amount recipes. But once again I remind you - in order for the result after application to be positive, use only

Aromatherapy is creativity without limits, and you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

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Lavender - essential oil, its use for the face, hair, body. Lavender oil: properties and uses. The use of lavender oil in cosmetology.

Lavender is a fairly common plant, of which there are several dozen species. The oil from it is obtained by distillation during the processing of flowers with steam. Lavender essential oil is used not only in the field of medicine.
The healing properties of lavender oil and its use in conjunction with other drugs on oil based improve immunity, soothe nervous system and provide preventive action to prevent infectious diseases. One of frequent applications lavender oils - in cosmetology.

Useful properties of lavender oil

Beneficial features lavender oil due to its rich composition:
  • acids
  • cineole
  • borneol, etc.
natural remedy plant origin in most cases well tolerated by the body, complex impact and stimulates regeneration processes.
Lavender oil has beneficial features:
  • antiseptic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • bactericidal
  • soothing
  • regenerating
  • painkiller
This drug is used for external and internal use, inhalation. It is used solo and in conjunction with other means.
Useful properties provide a medicinal plant with wide application:
  • helps to heal burns, cracks in the skin, promotes wound healing
  • helps to cope with depression and improve emotional state
  • repels insects
  • included in perfume compositions
  • relieves redness and swelling from insect bites
  • fights dandruff
  • used in hair, body and face care
  • as part of complex therapy treatment of a number of dermatological diseases
  • for the treatment of toothache, migraine, kidney and heart diseases as tinctures
  • with spasms
  • to relieve headache
  • relieves stress, helps to sleep better

Lavender oil for the face: mask recipes

Lavender essential oil for the face can be applied topically to improve healing processes for skin problems. It is used in cosmetology to combat fine wrinkles, improve the condition and color of the skin, relieve irritation, swelling, and eliminate peeling.
Undiluted extract from medicinal flower apply with caution. To rejuvenate, treat post-acne and even out complexion, special masks with lavender oil can be used.
Advice! Before the first use, you must make sure that there is no allergy. To do this, a little funds need to be applied to inner part wrist. In the absence of an allergic reaction, it can be used for cosmetic purposes.
Green clay mask
The use of green clay in conjunction with lavender is indicated for oily skin with acne, post-acne and in the presence of acne.
Required Ingredients:
  • lavender oil - 6 drops
  • green clay - 2 tablespoons
  • fresh lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Clay must be diluted with purified water to a mushy state
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Remove makeup from face
  • Apply to skin
  • Spray your face with water from above to prevent drying of the skin
  • Endure a quarter of an hour
  • Wash off with warm water
Anti-aging mask
This mask can be used against age-related changes to maintain the condition of the skin of the face and rejuvenating effect.
Required Ingredients:
  • lavender oil - 3 drops
  • almond or castor - a tablespoon
Preparation and use:
  • Cleanse the face
  • Mix all the components of the mask, bringing the product to a homogeneous state.
  • Apply to the face
  • Spread evenly with patting movements
  • Withstand half an hour
  • Remove the mask with a tissue
  • Wash your face with water
Advice! For additional effect A few drops of lavender extract can be added to your usual face cream to enrich the composition of the product.

Ways to use lavender oil for hair

The use of lavender oil for hair is due to its positive action on the structure of the strands and the skin of the scalp. It can be rubbed into the head or applied to the strands. To do this, it is recommended to mix it with olive or burdock.
Lavender is used to combat the following problems:
  • dandruff
  • hair loss
  • fragility and weakness of the strands
Against dandruff and to improve hair growth
From dandruff, a recipe based on burdock oil will help. To do this, you need to mix a couple of tablespoons with 5 drops of lavender.
The resulting oil mixture should be massaged into the scalp. After application, the product is kept for about half an hour and washed off with shampoo.
Strengthening and restoration of hair
To strengthen hair essential agent can be added to a portion of shampoo during shampooing. To obtain positive effect Two drops are enough for one wash.

Relaxing body bath with lavender oil

Property medicinal plant act on the body soothing and relaxing is used in the preparation of special baths. Warm water enhances the effects of lavender body oil.
It helps not only to relax, but also relieves muscle tension after sports training, helps with bruises, difficulty falling asleep and headaches. Lavender oil for the bath is used in conjunction with the base, usually kefir or cream.
  • kefir - about 60 grams
  • lavender remedy -5 drops
The components are mixed and added to a bath already filled with water. To achieve the result, it is enough to lie down in such water for a quarter of an hour.

How to use lavender essential oil: video

Lavender can be used for aromatherapy, in massage mixtures, for strengthening nails, and foot care. How to use lavender oil will tell the video.

Although I will mention this oil more than once, I would like to summarize this series of posts.

1. Apply lavender oil to the feet to relax and balance the state (mind and body).
2. Rub a few drops of lavender in your palms, then run your hands over the pillow several times. This will help you fall asleep quickly and get rid of insomnia.
3. Put a few drops on the sting of a bee or other insect, it will stop itching and reduce swelling.
4. Apply a few drops of lavender oil to the burn to relieve pain and prevent scarring.
5. Put a few drops on the cut to stop the bleeding.
6. Mix a few drops of lavender oil with olive oil and use on affected areas, eczema or dermatitis.
7. To relieve the symptoms of motion sickness, put one drop on the tip of the tongue, around the navel or behind the ears.
8. To stop the bleeding from the nose, you need to drop 1 drop of lavender on a napkin, and wrap it with a piece of ice. Then attach this in the middle under upper lip, at the base of the nose and hold as long as you can tolerate or until the bleeding stops. (but don't freeze your lip or gum)
9. Rub a drop of lavender oil over the bridge of your nose to unblock your tear ducts.
10. Apply oil to dry or chapped skin.
11. Rub lavender oil on chapped or sunburnt lips.
12. Apply to scar tissue to reduce or minimize their formation.
13. Rub 2 drops of lavender on axillary areas as a deodorant.
14. Rub a few drops between your palms and inhale deeply to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.
15. Rub a few drops of lavender oil on your scalp to help get rid of dandruff.
16. Put a few drops of lavender oil on a rag ball and place in a closet to scent your belongings and keep moths and other insects away.
17. Put a few drops into your humidifier, the oil will kill bacteria and extend the time between cleanings.
18. Apply a few drops of lavender oil to a damp cloth and toss in the dryer, the oil will deodorize and refresh your clothes.
19. Apply one drop of oil on herpes.
20. Use in a diffuser to relieve allergy symptoms.
21. A few drops of lavender oil mixed with water and sprinkled on the skin after sunburn to relieve pain.
22. Apply a few drops to a cut to clean the wound and kill bacteria.
23. Apply 2-3 drops of oil on the rash to stop itching and heal the skin.
24. Add 1-2 drops to your iron to freshen up your clothes.
25. Rub lavender oil on the back of the neck, chest and between the eyes to ease breathing for sinusitis and allergies.
26. You can add butter to your favorite recipes. For example, when baking bread or cakes.
27. Add to your favorite drinks, tea or lemonade.
28. Rub in to relieve headache.
29. Rub oil into the base of the neck to relieve stress and anxiety.
30. A great gift for your friends and loved ones.

I would like to note that not all oils are natural and have a therapeutic class. I will talk about it in the next post.

Pure lavender oil can be taken orally.
If you already have lavender essential oil, find out if it's edible.

Lavender oil has been widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology and home life. How to use lavender oil and how it is obtained, how it happens and how to choose a good lavender oil today in our article.

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) is a plant native to Mediterranean regions. All lavender flowers are purple in color and, along with other parts of the plant, are important in making lavender essential oil, which is used in cosmetics and medicine.

lavender oil - natural antiseptic, which helps to heal damage to the skin and, in addition, allows you to fight insomnia, anxiety and even panic attacks, which some people often suffer from.

This substance is one of the most widely used in aromatherapy, because of its properties, it gives benefits, both external, taking care of the health of the skin, as well as restoring harmony, calmness and internal balance.

Acting as an antiseptic, it can be used as an antiseptic and healing natural remedy. It is recommended to apply on light burns, superficial injuries, it will help rapid healing and prevent the spread of infection.

In case of insect stings, even bees and wasps, its use is also recommended because it soothes pain and reduces inflammation. Serves to eliminate skin problems like dermatitis, eczema, allergies.

Lavender face oil

It is an excellent substance to relieve headaches, discomfort from rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis, and it is generally used for muscle pain and sprains.

In terms of internal relaxation, lavender oil calms, relieves anxiety, anxiety, concern, reduces suffering, panic and despair, helps to restore inner harmony, peace and tranquility.

In aromatherapy, lavender ether is used to combat insomnia and anxiety, in this case, baths with 5 drops of oil are taken, and as a result, a state of harmony and relaxation of the body and mind is achieved.

You can also drop 3 drops of oil into the aroma lamp, and inhale the vapors that evaporate. This balances the energy environment, is driven Bad mood and harmony in the house is restored.

For hair

Lavender oil helps to eliminate dandruff, treat inflammation of the scalp, and prevent hair breakage. It stimulates their growth and makes them stronger and healthier. For achievement desired effect can add lavender ester directly into your shampoo, mask or hair conditioner. Usually a few drops are enough for one dose of funds.

To improve hair growth, lavender oil is mixed with heated burdock oil and rubbed into the hair roots 30 minutes before washing.

To make hair shiny and comb better, in a few tablespoons olive oil add 4-5 drops of lavender oil, and then stir in the yolk. The mask is distributed along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots, then the head is wrapped with a film or towel. You can wash off the mask after 30 minutes.

To eliminate dandruff, lavender oil is rubbed into the scalp 10 minutes before washing the hair.

For hands and nails

Women's hands are often affected a large number water when cleaning, washing or washing dishes. The skin of the hands becomes rougher, and during household chores often appear small cuts or wounds.

To soften the skin, lavender ether is added to a regular hand cream (on average, 5-6 drops per 10 g of cream). The effect is especially noticeable in the cold season. You can soften the cuticle by lubricating it with undiluted lavender oil.

It is useful to use hand masks, for example, mixing a couple of drops of lavender, mint, rosemary and thyme oils. The composition is rubbed into the skin before going to bed.

For nail care, it is useful to rub lavender oil mixed with tea tree or rosemary oil into them. A few drops of each of the oils are dissolved in 10 ml of olive or apricot oil. Daily use of this composition will strengthen the nail plate.

Undiluted lavender oil is used for polishing nails. It is also useful for them to lubricate the base of the nail and cuticle after a manicure. In case of small wounds or cuts, it will help in their healing.

Composition of lavender essential oil

High-quality lavender oil has a sweet floral-herbal aroma with a slight woody note. Its color can vary from yellow to yellow-green. But it can also be colorless.

Pure lavender oil is obtained by steam distillation.

According to its composition, lavender oil has a very complex structure with over 150 active ingredients. This oil is rich esters, which have antispasmodic, soothing and stimulating properties.

The main components active ingredients oils are geraniol, cineole, coumarin, which have very strong bactericidal properties.

It makes no sense to list all other substances that make up the oil, since they can give an idea of ​​their benefits, and will be understood only by a specialist.

The use of lavender oil in folk medicine

Lavender is used in various forms, but the most popular use of lavender essential oil, which has long been used in recipes traditional medicine, due to its rather pronounced therapeutic antiseptic, bactericidal, analgesic and sedative properties, because of this, its use gives good result in complex therapy.

Treatment - aromatherapy, aroma baths, ingestion, aroma medallion, aromatherapy massage, compresses.

How to prepare a bath: Take 50 g of lavender flowers, add 1 liter of freshly boiled water, place on water bath for a quarter of an hour, insist, add the filtered infusion to the bath at 36-38 degrees, drip 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Take a bath for a quarter of an hour, then quickly go to bed. strong and restful sleep guaranteed.

  • Hypertension, headaches.

Treatment - neck massage with lavender oil, aroma bath, aromatherapy, aroma medallion, compress on the painful area.

Before going to bed, drip 3 drops of the described product on a napkin, put on the forehead, grabbing the temples. Lie down for 10 minutes eyes closed.

  • Heart problems, tachycardia, arrhythmia - aromatherapy, ingestion, massage,

Before going to bed: Put 3 drops of oil on a piece of sugar and dissolve it.

Treatment - inhalation, compress in the neck, chest and back, aromatherapy, aroma baths.

Helps with cough attacks next remedy: honey - 1 teaspoon and lavender oil - 2 drops.
Mix honey with the essential component, take a couple of times a day for three weeks.

  • Muscular, articular pain, with sciatica and rheumatism, insect bites, after injections and injuries.

Treatment - compress, aroma bath, massage, ingestion.

With dislocations, compresses relieve pain, especially if hot is alternated with cold. Dilute 10 drops of the essential component in one hundred grams cold water, add some ice. Apply a napkin moistened with a solution to the disturbing place, cover with plastic wrap, and hold for a third of an hour. Take off cold compress and immediately make it warm according to the same principle, instead of ice, add hot water.

Treatment - massage, aroma baths, compresses, ingestion.

With herpes zoster, it relieves itching and inflammation well, massage with a mixture of oils: olive - 2 tablespoons and lavender - 5 drops. Massage for 10 minutes.

  • Pyelonephritis, ICD, ulcer duodenum, inflammation Bladder, kidneys, liver.

Treatment - ingestion, inhalation, bath with lavender essential oil, massage.

For kidney diseases: lavender ether - 5 drops and honey - 1 tablespoon. Mix the ingredients and drink three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil

  • After an abortion (not earlier than the first three months).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Anemia.
  • intake of iodine and iron-containing preparations.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • People prone to low blood pressure.

Before using the oil, an allergy test should be carried out for the presence of allergic reactions.

Home use

Lavender oil in its pure form or in combination with other essential oils is one of the best air flavors in the world. enclosed spaces.

In Japan, lavender essential oil is used as an air fragrance in stores, which significantly increases sales.

  • aromatization, disinfection, deodorization of premises with the help of aroma lamps, sprays;
  • insect repellent (mosquitoes, fleas, moths);
  • protection, getting rid of moths;
  • manufacture of soaps, air fresheners, deodorants, household chemicals;
  • V Food Industry, as well as in the manufacture of alcoholic and soft drinks;
  • widely used for flavoring bed linen.

How to choose a good lavender oil

Lavender essential oil is considered a remedy in aromatherapy. a wide range actions, but it is lavender that has the most various kinds and buying the ″right″ lavender oil is not so easy!

Still, real lavender essential oil can be used even in its pure form, lavandin only at a concentration of up to 5%, and it is better not to use crested lavender on the skin. What oil to choose?

Before buying lavender essential oil, be sure to look at the label and find the Latin name of the plant species and country of origin.

Only after that you can make a decision to buy, but you should not buy “just lavender oil”, most likely there will be nothing from natural lavender except the name. IN best case instead of candy lavender, you will smell pungent, camphor lavandin.

That is why you should give preference when buying essential oils from small companies who buy non-commercial essential oils, but work with local manufacturers that guarantee the quality and purity of the oils.

The cost of lavender essential oil depends on many indicators, including the yield of the year, and the quality of the raw materials, and the content of linalyl acetate, and world prices on the exchange of essential oils this month, and the chain of resellers ..

Therefore, it is better not to save on lavender essential oil, so as not to get a bottle of lavandin in your hands or, even worse, production waste diluted with synthetic aroma molecules, but buy one or two small bottles from well-known (among aromatherapists) brands!

  • Primavera life;
  • Glorion;
  • Bergland;
  • Iris;
  • Vivasan;
  • Aura Cacia;
  • Dr Taffi and others

You can verify the quality of lavender essential oil in the following way: put a couple of drops of the product on a clean sheet of paper and wait a few hours. If, after evaporation, there is no greasy spot on the paper, then there is no doubt about the quality of the product.

special instructions

Essential oil is not phototoxic, negative reactions appear very rarely. The drug is used with caution in anemia and diseases circulatory system. Reception is coordinated with an aromatherapist.

Lavender essential oil for children

The use of essential oils in children should be carried out in compliance with following recommendations:

  • exclude the presence of allergies in the child;
  • consult a pediatrician before use;
  • strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

Lavender essential oil, after appropriate medical approval, can be used even in infants.

Main Applications:

  • rash and itching during teething
  • pain in the abdomen
  • soothing before bed
  • cough, runny nose
  • insect bites

Dosage: 1 drop of essential oil per 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Mode of application:

  • aroma lamps
  • a drop on a pillow or piece of cloth
  • bath
  • massage
  • steam inhalation (for older children)

Pregnancy and lactation

How to make lavender oil at home

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of lavender, and in order to fully apply them, it is necessary to use it in appropriate form for every case. There are many references to treatment with oil. The recipe for how to make lavender oil at home is as follows:

  • Place 2 tablespoons of dried crushed lavender flowers in a dry jar. Lavender must be disassembled or kneaded before this, closed buds should be opened;
  • in the jar you need to add odorless oil - olive, almond, linseed. It is important that the product be odorless so as not to overpower the lavender scent;
  • a jar of lavender and oil must be tightly closed and put in the sun to infuse. This stage can last from 48 hours to 3-6 weeks, depending on the intensity of the received sunlight and the amount of time you have. As an alternative, you can use a water bath, where you can heat the mixture in the jar for 2-5 hours at a temperature of 38-49 ° C (it is very important to stick to this temperature!);
  • after insisting the oil, the contents of the jar can be filtered through gauze into a clean bowl. The remains of the flowers can be used for compost;
  • to get a more saturated lavender oil, the whole process can be repeated with the obtained strained product;
  • Store homemade lavender oil in a dark place. glass jar in a place protected from the sun.

The shelf life depends on the freshness of the oil taken for cooking and can be several months.


  • Lavender water

It is used to heal skin lesions, as a sedative, antiviral agent aromatherapy.

Features and differences: The drug is synthesized exclusively for external use. Suitable for people with a high susceptibility to odors. A bottle with a volume of 100 ml is available at a cost of 400 rubles.

  • Cream "Lavender"

It is applied externally, has a general and local action on the body. A tube with a volume of 60 ml is available at a cost of 635 rubles.

Features and differences: Used to treat cellulite, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. The tool has shown its effectiveness in the massage effect on the cervical-collar zone.

Lavender essential oil has complex composition. The main components are alcohol esters and acid. It also contains tannins, resin, bitterness. The consistency is fluid and light. The properties of the essential oil directly depend on the region where the plant material was collected, which served as the basis. It is combined with extracts of rosemary, lemon, chamomile and sage. Squeeze from lavender flowers is used in cosmetology and is used to alleviate the symptoms of various diseases.

  • Show all

    Beneficial features

    Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known for its antifungal, antiviral and regenerating properties. A natural herbal remedy used in the fight against redness and flaking of the skin. It helps to eliminate a number of skin diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema. It is often used to treat insect bites. The oil also has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

      Lavender oil fights dandruff and gets rid of lice. It can also be used as a relaxation agent, as it can relax and soothe. IN insignificant degree This product has an analgesic effect. It is recommended for people suffering from depression - the aroma of lavender is a kind of antidepressant. The oil is applied to wounds, thereby disinfecting their surface and ensuring rapid healing.

      For burns, you can apply oil to the affected area. This will avoid potential complications. This product reduces pain. Lavender oil will have a beneficial effect if a person has received a bruise. As additional component Canapply it when varicose veins veins.

      Lavender oil helps with headaches, cardiovascular pathologies and neurasthenia. It is useful in kidney and ureter stones, dislocations, paralysis and rheumatism. This drug is used in people with arterial hypertension and sick colds. It can be added to formulations for inhalation for respiratory viral infections. The liver and spleen respond positively to this natural remedy with various violations. It can be used to treat gastritis.

      In women, the use of lavender oil can reduce pain during menstruation, the severity of menopause and PMS symptoms, improve uterine contractility and get rid of postpartum depression.

      The oil is suitable for all skin and hair types.

      At excessive sweating feet make a bath according to the following recipe:

      • take a mixture of 20 g of lavender and sage leaves;
      • pour the above composition with boiling water and insist for half an hour;
      • filter, after which essential oils of lavender (5 ml) and sage (3 ml) are added;
      • poured into a basin and lowered into the finished mixture of the legs.

      The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

      Peppermint Essential Oil - Benefits and Uses


      Lavender rarely provokes allergic reactions. But there are people who have individual intolerance this product. With caution, it is necessary to use it for those who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder, and also have hyperacidity stomach. If a person is diagnosed arterial hypotension, then the oil can harm his body.

      Pregnant women can use lavender oil only externally and with caution. Patients to whom a doctor has prescribed preparations containing iodine or iron are advised to stop using it.

      Facial application

      Lavender oil is added to masks, tonics and face creams. Due to its beneficial properties, it helps prevent the formation of scars and scars after acne.

      For the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, the remedy is recommended to be used regularly. For the care of mature facial skin, the plant is also effective: it improves tone, moisturizes the skin and reduces wrinkles. For use in cosmetics, take 5 drops of oil per 10 ml of base.

      Use for acne

      To eliminate acne, you can apply pomace of lavender flowers on cotton swab, then point-wise lubricate the area of ​​inflammation. If you mix this remedy with tea tree extract in a ratio of 2 to 1, the positive effect will double. This method allows you to soothe the skin, accelerate the regeneration process.

      You can combine lavender oil with chamomile extract. This method is more suitable for owners sensitive skin. In this case, the likelihood of allergic reactions is reduced. The components are mixed with a toothpick, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with running water.

      For nails

      After a manicure, you can rub lavender oil into the nail plate and the surrounding area. This effective measure for the prevention of fungal diseases and their treatment.

      The plant helps to strengthen nails, prevents their fragility, delamination, dryness. The benefit of this tool is manifested in regular care. Mix 3 drops of ether with hand cream. You can add jojoba or grape seed oil. A noticeable effect is provided by nail baths, for which they take 7 drops of the product per 100 ml of water.

      Impact on hair

      Lavender oil enhances blood circulation in the scalp. Job hair follicles due to this, it improves, the curls become stronger. noted active growth hair. There are several options for procedures using this tool. It can be aromatic combing. A few drops of oil are applied to the teeth of a wooden comb. Combing is continued for 10 minutes, combined with a scalp massage.

      Applicable massage mixtures.This requires:

      • base oil. Its role can be played by esters of jojoba, burdock. You need to take them in the amount of 2 spoons.
      • Lavender oil - 5 drops.
      • Peppermint oil - 3 drops.

      All liquids are thoroughly mixed with each other, after which they are applied. massage movements on the scalp.

      Hair masks

      Fragrant masks based on lavender are effective for both excessive oiliness and dry strands. There are several options:

      • Based egg yolk. Rubbing with yolk burdock or Castor oil(2 tablespoons). Then add 2 drops of oil rosewood, ylang-ylang and 4 drops of lavender. This mixture normalizes the condition of the hair, if they are dull and weakened. Keep it on your head for about 20 minutes.
      • With chamomile oil. The mask is recommended for owners of curly hair. Mixed 1 tablespoon of almond oil and chamomile. This base is heated, after which 5 drops of lavender ether are added. The finished mixture is applied to the scalp and distributed over the curls, after which they are insulated with a towel or polyethylene. Leave for 2 hours. Rinse off with shampoo, followed by a balm applied to the strands, giving Special attention tips. You can also add a few drops of lavender to it. Blondes are recommended to add a small amount to the main mixture. lemon juice. This gives a more natural shade to the hair.

      From stretch marks

      Lavender oil helps to stop the appearance of scars and stretch marks with hormonal disruptions and pregnancy. This remedy softens rough connective tissue.

      Compresses, rubbing and massage are applied. Take 5 drops per 10 ml of base, the role of which is played by any cream familiar to a woman.

      From insomnia

      Aroma lamp with lavender ether helps to get rid of problems with falling asleep and frequent awakening at night. To it, you can add a few drops of extracts of other plants with a calming effect, lemon balm, for example. This remedy can be used for thrush for:

      • Douching and washing. To do this, prepare a solution consisting of a tablespoon of soda, a liter of water and 5 drops of oil.
      • Impregnation of tampons. 2 or 3 drops are required. Wet the swab before use in a soda solution (1 tsp per 1 tbsp.). It is administered for 6 hours. For application to pads for daily use, a couple of drops of a herbal remedy will suffice.

      With a cold

      The effectiveness of lavender ether is due to the ability of the plant to enhance immunity, due to which the body copes with viral and bacterial infections. It has antipyretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory action.

      The use of pomace from lavender flowers through an aroma lamp can cure a runny nose. For this, ordinary steam inhalations are carried out. If there is no temperature, you can take hot bath with salt and lavender oil. With a cold effective results show compresses on chest.

      Use in children

      Specialists allow the use of lavender oil in children from two weeks of age in a limited amount. In this case, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the baby's body.

      Lavender ether eliminates irritation and flaking on the skin, fights stress, calms the nervous system and is characterized by an antiseptic effect. You can use the pomace from the plant for wet cleaning at home. Lavender essential oil in children is always used externally. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.



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