Pain in the inside of the chest. Why women's breasts ache: reasons

There is no discomfort in healthy mammary glands. Why the left breast hurts, only a doctor can say. Sometimes painful impulses in the mammary gland indicate the presence of pathological changes in the tissues of the organ. There are various reasons for the occurrence of such symptoms.

Pain in the left breast appears due to mastopathy, benign or malignant neoplasms, pregnancy, stress, hormonal disruptions, etc. Sometimes discomfort warns of heart problems or problems with the spine.

Even with information about the manifestations of various ailments, a woman cannot independently diagnose herself. To avoid serious complications, it is recommended to contact a mammologist immediately after the first warning signs are detected. The sooner therapy is started, the better the prognosis for the patient will be.


Mastopathy is a disease in which glandular tissue grows excessively. Seals of various shapes and sizes are formed on the right or left. At first, the pathology does not make itself felt. Over time, aching pain appears. The woman feels discomfort during palpation and pressure on the chest. This negatively affects the general well-being and quality of sexual life, provokes the occurrence of depressive conditions.

Mammologists distinguish the following causes of this disease:

  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • taking oral contraception;
  • long-term hormone therapy;
  • severe stress or emotional shock;
  • inflammatory processes of the female genital organs;
  • being in a state of increased anxiety;
  • breast trauma.

Mastopathy is a common ailment. It occurs in 80% of women, regardless of age, lifestyle and nationality. Medicine does not stand still, and today many methods of conservative treatment have been developed. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time. If there is pain in the mammary gland, it cannot be ignored.

Doctors distinguish 2 types of mastopathy: diffuse and nodular. Each form of pathology has its own characteristics and requires a different approach to therapy.

Nodular mastopathy is the most dangerous, as it often degenerates into a cancerous tumor. It can only be removed surgically, and it is recommended to do this as soon as possible.

Diffuse mastopathy is represented by the growth of fibrous cysts. In the initial stages, this type of pathology is treated with medication. Therapy continues until the pain in the mammary gland completely disappears.


There are several types of neoplasms. In general, they are divided into benign and malignant (oncological) types. A mammologist makes a diagnosis based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics, palpation and a number of additional tests.

Quite often, cysts are found in the breasts of women. These are good quality. They are capsules filled with a clear physiological fluid. In the presence of cysts, cutting pain is noted. These tumors are formed due to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. In addition, the causes of the appearance of such neoplasms lie in injuries and rough handling of the breast during sex.

Cysts are amenable to conservative therapy in the early stages. If the size of the tumor is large, then the doctor makes a puncture and pumps out its contents with a special device.

Drawing pain is a symptom of fibroadenoma. This is a benign neoplasm. A seal with clear edges is formed in the chest. It blocks the milk ducts. If fibroadenoma is not treated, then it develops into connective tissue sarcoma. To get rid of the neoplasm, doctors resort to surgical intervention.

Cystoadenopapilloma is another type of benign tumor. A papilloma is formed inside the milk duct. It gradually increases, and in the chest begins to stab. This pathology is eliminated only by surgery. As a rule, not only the papilloma is excised, but also the tissues surrounding it.

Cancer is a malignant tumor. In the initial stages, this disease does not manifest itself. Later there is a stitching pain between the shoulder blades. In the chest itself, on palpation, a seal is felt. Survival in the case of oncopathology is 98%. It is important to timely conduct surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

Other reasons

Everything in the body is interconnected. Chest pain can warn of the development of an ailment in another organ. Often the cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis, pinching of the vertebral nerve or intercostal neuralgia. Pain in the heart is also often given to the left chest.

Pain syndrome on the left is noted with spasm of the pectoral muscle. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors:

  • severe stress;
  • panic attacks;
  • bout of hysteria.

The left mammary gland begins to ache while taking certain medications. If a woman is protected by oral contraception, then synthetic hormones enter the body. This causes unusual sensations in the left or right chest. But most often, discomfort is observed in both mammary glands.

Women's well-being is negatively affected by thyroid hormones and antidepressants. However, each organism is individual, and the pain syndrome is not manifested in all representatives of the weaker sex who take such drugs.

Chest pain often accompanies women during pregnancy. This is a variant of the physiological norm. But if the left mammary gland is more disturbing than the right one, or vice versa, then it is imperative to tell the gynecologist about this.

When breastfeeding, discomfort may appear sharply, accompanied by bloody discharge from the nipple. This suggests that an infection has entered the chest, and mastitis has developed. To cure this pathology, you need to contact a therapist or mammologist. The doctor will conduct a series of examinations and prescribe competent treatment.

On the left are: the spleen, most of the stomach, diaphragm, heart and pancreas. If a pathological process develops in one of these organs, one should not be surprised that the mammary gland on the left fell ill. The causes of discomfort can be diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, esophageal hernia, etc.

Diagnostic and therapy methods

If there is a pain syndrome in the left mammary gland, you must first consult a therapist. The doctor will examine and feel the chest, and also ask the patient in detail about the nature of the symptoms.

If there is a discharge from the nipple, and a seal is felt, then the therapist will give a referral to a mammologist. When the cause of discomfort lies in osteochondrosis, the patient should go to a neurologist. If heart problems are noted, then a consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.

In most cases, cysts or mastopathy are diagnosed in women. To identify these diseases, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • biopsy;
  • MRI or CT;
  • ductography (X-ray);
  • mammography.

The therapeutic course depends on the type of disease and its causes. If pain occurs before menstruation, the doctor prescribes vitamins and light painkillers. Cysts are treated conservatively or surgically. With breast cancer, the patient is prescribed surgery, chemotherapy and a number of drugs to maintain immunity.

Mastopathy is treated with hormonal agents. Mastitis is treated with a course of antibiotics to kill the infection. When discomfort occurs against a background of muscle spasm, ointments, warming compresses and relaxing baths with salt and herbs can be prescribed.

Women's breasts should be not only beautiful, but also healthy. If a woman begins to feel pain in the mammary gland, she should pay attention to it. Often we are talking about natural and harmless causes of their occurrence. However, one should not ignore those situations when pain is a consequence of the development of some diseases and pathologies.

A woman should seek medical advice if she cannot explain the reasons for her. For example, they are more and more intensified or localized in one mammary gland - signs that we are most likely talking about a pathological disease. On the site, we will consider the common causes of pain in one of the delicate areas of the female body in order to prevent the development of serious diseases, such as malignant tumors.

There are many reasons for chest pain. Diagnosis should be made according to the nature of the pain:

  1. Single sided or double sided.
  2. Cyclic or non-cyclic.
  3. Acute or chronic.
  4. Stitching, pulsating, sluggish, unexpressed, variable, etc.

Causes of pain in the mammary gland

Why does the mammary gland hurt? Only a doctor can answer this question. We can consider a number of reasons that most often affect the sensations in the chest. It should be understood that the female breast reacts to any changes in the body. Often it hurts due to ongoing diseases in the reproductive system. It seems that we are talking about various organs, but for some reason the chest hurts.

It is better to consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the mammary glands and identify the causes of their pain. Among them may be:

  • Period. Many women experience pain in the chest just before the onset of menstruation, and then go away with the onset of menstruation. These pains are cyclic, that is, arising in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and disappear spontaneously without the use of any medication. In this case, the pains are localized simultaneously in both mammary glands, which increase in size, the skin coarsens, and tissue edema also occurs.
  • Pregnancy. The breast is the first to react to the fact that conception has occurred, and the birth of a child is also to come. So, during pregnancy, the chest hurts already with its onset before the woman reveals her condition. Usually the chest hurts a lot, becomes sensitive, increases in size, hurts symmetrically. At the same time, the nipples also increase in size, changing their color with the areolas. Also, the chest can hurt just before childbirth, as it is being prepared to feed the baby.
  • Wearing tight or uncomfortable underwear. Many girls and women wear small bras to lift or enlarge their breasts. However, these manipulations lead to the fact that the mammary glands occupy an unusual position for them, which is why they begin to hurt. The pain intensifies when removing the bra, and then gradually disappear.

These pains are temporary and completely natural. In this case, no measures need to be taken, except for changing the underwear to the appropriate size. The pains are bilateral and disappear in a certain period.

However, often painful sensations in the breasts are the result not only of hormonal disruptions or tight underwear, but also due to the development of pathological processes:

  1. - a common disease due to hormonal failure, which manifests itself in the form of a seal with severe pain.
  2. Chest injuries, squeezing, blows, pressure and other manipulations that do not cause any problems other than pain.
  3. Period or lactostasis. After giving birth, women begin to produce colostrum and milk. It is quite normal if the process is accompanied by pain. However, pain may indicate the development of lactostasis - milk stagnation, when individual milk ducts overlap and prevent milk from coming out. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will help in eliminating stagnation by pumping. Mothers are encouraged to frequently breastfeed their babies, express themselves, massage and keep their breasts warm.
  4. Lack of sexual discharge, which leads to stress and depression. This can affect overall well-being.

Oncological and infectious diseases of the mammary glands

Doctors divide pain into cyclic and non-cyclic. If the pains are bilateral and cyclic, then there is no particular cause for concern. Usually we are talking about menstrual features, when the breast swells and swells shortly before menstruation. However, pain can be non-cyclic, localized from one mammary gland - in such a situation, we can talk about oncological or infectious diseases of the mammary gland.

Cyclic pain can be associated with pregnancy when the breasts increase in size, fill with blood and become tender as they prepare to feed the baby. There are certain changes in the mammary glands, which causes pain.

Also, pain can be a consequence of taking certain medications, especially hormonal ones. Here you need to consult a doctor so that he changes the drugs to others that will not affect health in this way.

Non-cyclic pain is always associated with the development of diseases. Such pains occur at any time, they have a clear localization, they can appear only in one mammary gland. By themselves, they are burning, unpleasant, cutting.

The causes of non-cyclic pain are:

  1. Injuries, bruises, squeezing.
  2. Postponed breast surgery.
  3. Mastitis is an infectious disease caused by stagnation of milk, into which the bacterium penetrates through microcracks in the breast. Pain is accompanied by headaches, weakness, loss of appetite, fever.
  4. Fibromyoma.
  5. . With this disease, pain occurs already in the later stages. Their appearance indicates the progression of the disease.
  6. - purulent formation in the tissues.

When is a doctor needed?

When should I contact a mammologist for advice and treatment? If the pain intensifies, is not relieved by drugs and does not go away on its own, then a doctor is definitely needed:

  • The appearance of edema.
  • The occurrence of discharge not associated with pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Redness.
  • Nipple retraction.
  • The appearance of orange peel on the skin.
  • Asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  • Change in the shape and size of the breast.

Breast cancer manifests itself in the later stages, so you should undergo regular breast examinations. It is important to observe prevention, which will save a woman from various diseases and pains.

During breastfeeding, you need to observe body hygiene, eat right, wear special underwear, and use creams to moisturize the skin of the nipples.


Every woman should be careful about her breasts. Well, if the pain is caused by natural causes. If the causes, such as a small bra, can be quickly eliminated, then the disease will have to be treated. And the forecasts here are different. Some diseases require the use of potent drugs that cause various side effects in the body. That is why it is better not to lead to diseases at all.

According to world statistics, pain in the mammary glands worries from 40 to 75% of women, mainly at the age of 40-59 years. Why does the chest hurt and for what reasons can this happen? Let's figure it out.

A significant proportion of cases of seeking medical help in this regard are women in the menopausal period. The nature of discomfort in the chest is hidden in the mysterious word "involution", which means the extinction of the function of the mammary glands, the gradual transition of the glandular tissue to an "inactive" state.

In women with a preserved menstrual cycle, and therefore potentially ready for conception, childbearing and lactation, as well as in pregnant women, pain in the mammary glands is also often noted.

In this article, we will consider three painful conditions of the mammary glands: mastalgia, mastopathy of women of reproductive age and, separately, mastopathy of pregnant women.

Most women are familiar with the feeling of heaviness, tingling in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, which is usually a harbinger of the imminent onset of menstruation. It is known that towards the end of the menstrual cycle, a woman's weight increases slightly due to the accumulation of fluid. Water is distributed in adipose tissue (which, by the way, is also rich in the mammary gland!), Muscles and other tissues. Many people notice that it is difficult to fasten their usual shoes before menstruation due to swelling of the ankles.

Swelling of the mammary glands also occurs, which sometimes even contributes to an increase in the size of clothes.

These phenomena can range from mild discomfort to severe pain requiring the use of painkillers.

In the latter case, it is customary to talk about premenstrual syndrome, which may include mood swings, pain in the lower back, minor joint pain.

The reason for this accumulation of fluid is a change in the water-salt balance under the influence of an increase in the level of estrogen and antidiuretic hormone.

Why can the chest hurt after menstruation

It is important to understand that the described processes occurring in the mammary gland (pain, engorgement, with the exception of the detection of foci, nodes, "nodules") are cyclical, regular in the last days of the menstrual cycle, and subside until normalization immediately after the end of menstruation, most often represent a variant of the norm that does not require special correction or additional examination. It is more correct to call such a condition mastalgia or mastodynia, in order to distinguish it from mastopathy, which requires closer attention.

There is a whole list of conditions with which mastopathy is most often combined. These conditions are believed to be based on hormonal imbalance:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma.

It is customary to distinguish between diffuse and nodular forms of mastopathy.

diffuse form

With this form of mastopathy, it is not possible to detect any specific focus of compaction. The entire gland usually feels woody to the touch. Instrumental examination methods, such as X-ray mammography or ultrasound, will not reveal anything other than the general “blurring” of the image.

Nodal shape

The detection of a dense focus in the mammary gland requires additional research methods, first of all, a puncture biopsy using a special needle. This is especially true in the postmenopausal period, when the risk of oncological diseases increases sharply.

Both forms of mastopathy are quite easy to diagnose on their own: there are self-examination techniques, the main meaning of which is careful step-by-step palpation of the mammary glands in a standing and lying position.

Thus, the occurrence of discomfort and the determination of compaction of the entire breast or part of it are sufficient grounds for an urgent visit to a mammologist.

The main causes of mastopathy

  • Impaired ovarian function

The increased content of the main female sex hormones - estrogen has several adverse effects. Firstly, the so-called ovulatory cycle is violated, that is, with a preserved menstrual cycle, the germ cell does not reach the required maturity, and ovulation does not occur.

In this condition, the structure of the mammary gland also suffers: the inner lining of the milk ducts becomes loose, the number of cells increases in it (this is called epithelial proliferation), there is a feeling of engorgement, bursting.

Increased stagnation of fluid and swelling of the tissue of the gland. This is especially clearly felt in the premenstrual period, when the amount of estrogen in the blood gradually increases. That is why the use of progesterone-containing external agents (eg, progestogel gel) and combined oral contraceptives usually reduces the symptoms of mastopathy.

  • Liver pathology

It has been shown that in 65% of women with liver damage one or another type of mastopathy is determined. Moreover, the more serious the disorder of the inactivating function of the liver (that is, the worse the liver neutralizes toxins), the more pronounced is the mastopathy.

  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland, like any hormonal imbalance, can lead to the development of mastopathy.
  • Obesity.
  • Previous injuries and diseases of the mammary glands, for example, mastitis.
  • herpetic infection. Pain sensations in this case, most likely, will have a mechanism of paresthesia, that is, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the chest, distorted and sometimes unbearably strong, but without any apparent cause.

Why is epithelial proliferation dangerous?

Strictly speaking, proliferation is the accelerated growth and increase in the size of any body cells. Such a phenomenon can occur in any organ and tissue, not only in the mammary gland. These cells can simply increase, they can surround themselves with fibrous (dense) fibers, they can form cavities, which are subsequently filled with a colorless liquid ... In a word, mammary gland cells with mastopathy, although they “go astray”, but still live according to certain rules, predetermined nature.

It is much worse if they begin to live without rules, multiply very quickly, chaotically, disrupting the vital activity of the entire gland, and indeed the whole organism. This is how a tumor arises, benign (that is, for the time being, not poisoning the rest of the body) or malignant.

The line of transition of mastopathy into a tumor is so thin that only a specialist oncologist can diagnose the worsening situation in time and decide on the necessary treatment.

What causes chest pain during pregnancy

The cause of pain in the mammary glands during pregnancy is an increase in the number and volume of glandular cells, which in the future will perform the function of lactation (milk secretion). In addition, the ducts that remove milk expand, their network becomes more extensive.

All these changes require an active blood supply. The blood supply to the mammary glands increases, and given the fact that during pregnancy, in principle, there is a tendency to accumulate fluid in the body, it becomes clear that swelling and soreness of the breasts are not uncommon for a woman in an “interesting” position.

There are also focal seals in pregnant women - most often as a result of wearing uncomfortable underwear. In this case, one small area of ​​the gland is “tightened” (most often the internal sector), pain, redness, and fever may develop. During the examination, the so-called "colostrum" cells are detected in the discharge from the nipple, signaling the preparation of the gland for lactation.

Therapeutic and preventive actions for pain in the chest

It is clear that the mammary gland is a delicate organ that requires attention and care. That is why, despite the abundance of folk remedies to relieve painful tension in the chest, as well as a huge selection of various vitamins in pharmacies, you still should not self-medicate. Well-proven remedies are the application of a cabbage leaf to painful areas and the application of a resorbable gel or traumeel ointment.

This set, perhaps, should be limited, and if home remedies do not help within 3-4 days, you should immediately contact a mammologist. Avoid hot showers or baths during pregnancy as this can cause extra blood flow to your breasts and more swelling.

There are a lot of glands - these can be hormonal disorders, serious pathologies, and sometimes physiological processes, which means there is no reason to worry. The stronger the pain, the more significantly it affects well-being, the sooner you need to visit a doctor. It makes sense to imagine for what reasons the chest hurts, what is the nature of the sensations in this case.

Dedicated to anatomy

Before finding out where the pain in the left or right mammary gland came from, it is worth understanding the structure of the chest. Body formed:

  • fibrous tissue;
  • fatty structures;
  • dividing the glandular regions into sections by ducts;
  • glandular cells.

Fibrous tissue, gland correlate with each other in a certain proportion. For a woman, the value is strictly individual. The ratio is determined by the hormonal background, age. The specificity of the structure of a particular woman plays a role.

Normally, iron undergoes cyclical changes corresponding to menstruation. They are explained by the adjustment of hormonal balance. Usually the duration of the cycle is 28 days. During the first half of this period, follicles mature in the ovaries, then a rupture occurs, and the egg is released. The process is called ovulation.

Ovulation triggers the release of estrogen into the bloodstream. The place of the follicle after it is occupied by the corpus luteum, and progesterone becomes dominant in the circulatory system. In the absence of conception on time, the corpus luteum degenerates. At the end of the cycle, the concentrations of hormonal compounds in the circulatory system are low, monthly bleeding begins.

One of the causes of pain in the mammary glands can be estrogen. This hormone has a strong influence on breast development, stimulates an increase in the number of glandular cells, and provokes the growth of fibrin tissue. With an excess of estrogen, the glands can transform into cysts. Such formations do not pose a danger in the predominant percentage, and no treatment is prescribed, but the patient is registered, regularly examined by ultrasound, and palpated.

Under the influence of progesterone, the breasts can swell, and the blood supply to this area is activated. Shortly before monthly bleeding, most women feel pain in the right breast or left, more often in both. These features should not cause panic: the processes are natural, the cells are preparing in the production of milk in case conception occurs. However, if the pain becomes very severe, then you should see a doctor - perhaps the reasons are much more unpleasant, unnatural.


This term denotes a condition when pain in the mammary gland on the left, on the right occurs when menstruation approaches. Medical statistics show that the main percentage of women who go to doctors because of pain suffer from them precisely because of the cycle. Unpleasant sensations begin a few days before the start of bleeding, weaken when the discharge begins, completely disappear with the completion of menstruation. Such pains in the mammary gland with menopause completely disappear.

Mastodynia is more often recorded in the age group of 17-40 years. To a greater extent, persons with medium or larger breasts are susceptible to it. Usually sensations are evenly distributed on both breasts. The maximum soreness is localized in the upper part of the organ.


Quite often, pain in the mammary gland (left, right) worries monthly, being an element of premenstrual syndrome. The discomfort associated with this period can be significant. Additionally, PMS is indicated by:

  • mood swings;
  • tendency to irritation;
  • anxiety;
  • concern;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • activation of appetite;
  • gas production is more than normal.

If the cause of pain is PMS, there are no unpleasant sensations before ovulation. If they're bothering you at any point in your cycle, it's because of something else. Usually, soreness comes after the 14th day of the next menstrual cycle, until this moment there is no discomfort in the chest. The peak of negative sensations falls on 2-3 days before the onset of bleeding.

This syndrome worries a predominant percentage of women, although its strength varies. There is no need to treat pain associated with PMS. Some healers believe that the syndrome is one of the harbingers of cancer, but special studies conducted on this topic have not revealed any patterns and connections.

Pain: not linked to the cycle

Acyclic soreness is a sensation that cannot be explained by PMS. Causes of pain in the mammary glands in women:

  • drug therapy;
  • transferred operation;
  • injury;
  • neoplasms (malignant, benign).

Statistics show that non-cyclic pain is most often attributed to a cyst, tumor, or injury. With such causes, sensations disturb only in one of the breasts. Often sensations are localized in a small, easily identifiable area.


This term is used to denote cavities filled with a special organic liquid. As doctors say, at least one cyst is in the body of almost any woman - this is due to the specifics of the menstrual cycle. Problems begin when such formations become larger than average in size. To determine the cause of pain in the mammary glands, the patient is sent for an ultrasound examination. In the absence of signs of malignancy, the cyst is usually not disturbed. In some cases, a course of treatment similar to diffuse mastopathy is prescribed.

A special approach is necessary for patients who, with ultrasound, were able to detect dubious tissue areas in the breast. If the pain is associated precisely with such areas, doctors will send for additional studies in order to exclude malignant processes. It is highly likely that they will advise you to undergo surgery to remove suspicious elements, especially if they provoke very severe pain in the mammary gland.


The term is used to denote a benign neoplasm. In most cases, it has a round shape, rarely provokes severe pain. Adenoma mobile, smooth. There are different options for localization, the dimensions also vary significantly from case to case. Breast pain in women with fibroadenoma depends on the size and location of the formation. With such a problem, you need to contact a mammologist, gynecologist.

Fibroadenomas are explained by hormonal imbalance. More often the diagnosis is made to young ladies. If studies have shown a fibrous adenoma, the patient is referred for a biopsy in order to exclude cell malignancy. The specialist inserts a needle into the detected node, takes a small amount of samples for histological examination. Cells are studied in the laboratory under high magnification. After confirming the diagnosis, a benign neoplasm is removed surgically. After the operation and successful rehabilitation, the syndrome completely exhausts itself.


There may be pain in the mammary glands in women, due to cysts containing milk. Usually the formation is due to a scar, due to which the fluid is not released. Lactocele is a formation characteristic of women who, during feeding, milk stagnation occurs, the outflow of this fluid is disturbed. Over time, the cyst becomes larger, as the cavity accumulates milk produced by the gland, and this causes pain.

Particularly strong are the pains in the area of ​​the mammary glands with lactocele, if the violation is accompanied by an abscess, when suppuration occurs in the affected area. To clarify the condition, a puncture is required. If the procedure is accompanied by the release of milk, the diagnosis is considered established. To alleviate the condition, the woman is sent for an operation to remove the formation.


In this case, pain in the mammary gland is explained by an unformed feeding rhythm. For example, a child may have a weak appetite, and the glands produce a large amount of milk, which leads to stagnation. Over time, individual parts of the chest become denser, aching pain is localized here. Temperature increase is possible, but not too significant. Usually this phenomenon is observed in the first quarter, sometimes a third of the year since the start of feeding. Gradually, the body independently adjusts to the rhythms that satisfy the child's appetite.

The main method of combating lactostasis is the activation of feeding. The initial portion of milk should be expressed. The first three months after the birth of the child, you need to feed constantly, when the baby asks to eat. This applies not only to daytime hours, but also to nighttime hours. With lactostasis, the pain in the mammary gland becomes even stronger if the woman stops using the disturbing breast to feed the baby.


The word is familiar to many, although not everyone knows what it means. The term is used to denote inflammatory processes that explain chest pain. The mammary glands are more likely to become inflamed during the period of feeding the child in a natural way. Mastitis in this situation is closely related to lactostasis. With stagnation of milk and the presence of cracks in the nipples, local immunity is greatly weakened, pathological bacteria receive conditions that are comfortable for existence and reproduction, and colonies grow at a very rapid pace. With mastitis, the breast swells, fever is possible, and the skin turns red. The organ hurts a lot, the patient as a whole feels weak. The heat can reach 39 degrees.

If the pain in the mammary gland on the right, on the left is explained precisely by mastitis, there are no problems with diagnosis. It is more difficult to maintain the possibility of natural feeding. The therapeutic course usually involves antibiotics. Medicines are chosen by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the pathological microflora identified during the tests. If the condition does not improve, antimicrobials do not show a pronounced effect, the patient may be referred to the surgical department. An incision is made on the chest to remove purulent secretions. All activities are carried out as carefully as possible so that the possibility of breastfeeding is preserved as you recover.


For this reason, discomfort is rare. In women, pain in the mammary gland on the right or left is possible if the patient is injured, for example, in an accident. If an event caused a hematoma, over time, the area begins to hurt. Removal of a hematoma is possible by puncture. This helps to prevent inflammatory processes. By the way, this is characteristic not only of the fair sex, with large mammary glands. Pain in a man in the chest area after an injury is also possible - it all depends on how exactly the person suffered, on which part of the body the load of an external aggressive factor fell.

Implants cause pain

Pain may accompany the period after implant surgery. There are many reasons for such a surgical intervention, but the two most common are:

  • reconstruction;
  • breast augmentation.

During the rehabilitation period, the resulting scars heal, gradually the body gets used to the new volumes. After a while, the pain completely disappears on its own. If this does not happen, the sensations intensify, the patient's condition as a whole becomes worse, and the likelihood of an inflammatory process is high. In addition, incorrect, unsuccessful installation can cause irritation of nerve endings, which is also the cause of pain.

If after the operation a woman often feels aching pain in the mammary glands, it is necessary to contact the doctor who performed the intervention. The doctor will explain in which cases sensations are considered the norm, in which additional intervention is required.

Nipples: cracked

Shortly after the birth of a child, breast pain bothers almost every woman. The child needs frequent feeding, and the body is not yet used to it, the process of milk production does not converge in rhythm with the appearance of appetite in the child. The need for frequent feeding causes not only pain, but also local burning, itching, because the nipple is constantly irritated by the child's lips. If the skin is dehydrated, cracks soon form, exacerbating discomfort.

After the birth, the mother must feed the baby frequently, and the time intervals between events are not enough for the wounds received during the previous procedure to heal. The child irritates the damaged nipples again and again, the cracks become larger, they hurt a lot, and it is simply impossible to heal them. To alleviate the condition a little, you should use special wound healing agents. Popular ointments:

  • "Bepanthen".
  • "Depanthenol".

They are made specifically for nursing mothers, so they are completely safe for both the adult body and the child. If more severe wounds than cracks appear on the nipples, you should consult a doctor. The process is complicated by inflammation, pathological microflora multiplies here. You should not breastfeed your child with a sick breast.

Hurts! But why?

Not always pain in the mammary gland in women on the left, on the right is explained by the specific features of the reproductive cycle. One possible cause is Tietze's syndrome. Medical statistics show that it occurs infrequently. A distinctive feature is pain, swelling near the costal cartilages. The causes of this disease have not yet been established. It is known that the condition becomes worse if a woman is faced with exorbitant physical activity, is regularly exposed to stress factors. The spread of pain from the ribs is possible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland. To identify the disease, you need to sign up for a chest x-ray procedure. The doctor will examine the results and assess the condition of the cartilage in this area. A specific therapeutic approach has not yet been developed. If the pain is severe, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed. It is known that there is a high probability of self-healing if you adjust your lifestyle, primarily physical activity.

Possible pain, radiating to the mammary gland, with herpes zoster. A disease of viral origin. For the first time, a person encounters a pathogen as a child - chickenpox has a similar nature. Although the disease passes, the person will still be a carrier of the virus, with time a relapse in the form of shingles is possible. The disease is accompanied by various unpleasant sensations, rashes, vesicles with a specific liquid appear on the skin. The affected areas hurt. If the lichen has affected the chest, this area will also respond with pain.

More often, with herpes zoster, the lower back suffers, damage is done to both the skin and the nerve endings of this area. Somewhat less often fix foci on the mammary glands. Symptoms are in many ways similar to mastopathy, which can cause an incorrect diagnosis. Usually, rashes become less noticeable 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease, gradually the pain goes away completely. Antiviral drugs can be used to alleviate the condition. In modern pharmacies, the choice of remedies for herpetic viruses is quite large - they are indicated for herpes zoster.

Danger awaits everyone

Perhaps the worst thing that can explain the pain in the mammary gland is cancer. Among the total number of women suffering from soreness in this area, only a small percentage have cancer. At the same time, among malignant neoplasms, perhaps the most common in women is precisely the process affecting the breast. In developed countries, the incidence of this cancer is growing from year to year. If you fail to notice the disease in time, make a diagnosis, choose the right method of treatment, the risk of death is high.

The likelihood of an oncological process is higher if a woman:

  • did not give birth;
  • did not become pregnant;
  • over 60 years old;
  • suffered malignant neoplasms of the intestinal tract, ovaries;
  • has oncological patients among the closest relatives.

People who have their first menstrual period before the age of 12 are more likely to have cancer and menopause started too late. Provoke malignant processes can features of the hormonal background. If it is known that mother, grandmother had breast cancer, one should constantly come for preventive examinations, since the likelihood of a neoplasm is much higher than for other women. But soreness with PMS is not a reason to look for oncological diseases in oneself, doctors have not revealed any connection between these two conditions.

How to notice?

Pain in breast cancer is not always disturbing. Soreness is characteristic only of the case when the tumor affects the nerve endings, compresses the tissues of this system. In order to notice something was wrong in time, you should regularly come for a check-up to the doctor. You can carry out diagnostics at home. Palpation of the breast allows you to notice seals, which, in turn, may indicate cell malignancy. Doctors recommend having a check-up every week. The reason to visit the doctor should be any education, no matter how small they are, what shape they have. If the contours are uneven, the area is motionless, the areas are large, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

It is possible to suspect malignant processes not only by pain in the mammary gland in women on the left and right, but also by the following characteristic manifestations:

  • The presence of secretions (for non-nursing women).
  • Asymmetrical breasts.
  • Nipple retraction.
  • Temperature increase (local).
  • Soreness when touched, characteristic not only of the PMS period.
  • The presence of ulcers on the skin.
  • The appearance of "lemon peel" on the surface of the glands.
  • Change in skin tone.

If there is a stabbing pain in the mammary glands, aching, activated by touch, palpation, if the condition is accompanied by one or more of the symptoms mentioned, it is reasonable to make an appointment with a doctor. The doctor will prescribe instrumental and laboratory tests. In the predominant percentage of cases, the patient is referred for a mammogram - an x-ray of the chest. It is especially important to regularly undergo such a study for people over the age of forty. If the structure of the gland is such that there are many seals, mammography will not give accurate information. In the reproductive period, ultrasound examination of the breast structure is much more useful and informative. With ultrasound, it is possible to make a differential diagnosis of cysts.

To clarify the condition, they are sent for MRI, CT. As a preventive, such approaches are irrelevant, but if you suspect oncology, the study will have to be completed without fail. If an ultrasound or x-ray shows a lump, a biopsy is needed even if the area is not causing pain. Obtaining cells for laboratory histological examination allows us to determine exactly what the nature of the formation is, how dangerous it is, whether malignancy has occurred, and if not, how great is the risk of such a transformation. A fairly popular approach is to remove the neoplasm. After the operation, a study is carried out to determine whether malignancy has occurred. If it is revealed that the area was malignant, the patient is prescribed additional procedures.

Pain does not always indicate bad

Pain under the mammary glands and in them can occur if a woman becomes pregnant. Often, it is pain that is the first sign that comes earlier than the absence of another menstruation. Immediately after conception, changes in the hormonal background begin, which means that the processes of restructuring the gland start. The sensations at the same time are similar to those that are pursued before the onset of monthly bleeding.

To clarify the nature of the pain, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps special tests will reveal the fact of pregnancy. The sooner this can be established, the faster the woman will be able to adjust the rhythm and lifestyle so that the process proceeds as easily as possible, and the birth goes quickly, the child is healthy.

Chest pain on the left

If the pain is acute, localized strictly in the left mammary gland, it is likely that it is associated with a violation of the functionality, health of the tissues of the respiratory or cardiac system. Perhaps the pleura is affected. There is a possibility that chest pain indicates trauma, inflammation, malignancy in the respiratory system.

Pain can be given to the left half of the chest with unhealthy changes in the pericardium and other muscle tissues of the heart. In some cases, acute pain is provoked by pulmonary thromboembolism. The patient loses consciousness, before this, shortness of breath worries.

Particular attention should be paid to diagnosis if the left mammary gland and the arm from this half of the body hurt at the same time. There is a possibility that the cause is a heart attack. It is known that women have a rather high percentage of cases when a heart attack occurs without pronounced manifestations, only pain, a general increase in temperature are worried, so many do not pay due attention to their condition. This leads to complications in the future. If both the chest and the arm hurt, it is worth visiting the doctor and checking the heart. You may need to undergo treatment.

Diseases and consequences

If the pain bothers for a long time, has a pulling character, it is likely that inflammatory processes manifest themselves in this way. The area of ​​their localization is not easy to predict - it can be organs not only of the sternum, but also of the abdominal cavity. It hurts in the chest if the foci of chronic inflammation are in:

  • intestinal tract;
  • pleura;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen.

If the sensations become stronger at the time of physical exertion, the cause is probably in the heart. Perhaps this is a pathology of the myocardium. When vomiting, chest pain is a sign of an ulcer.

If the nature of the pain is stabbing, there is a high probability of neuralgia between the ribs. The reason is the infringement of the nerve roots. This may indicate inflammatory processes localized in the tissues of the nervous system or muscle fibers. In some cases, stabbing or acute pain is a sign of a severe pathological process in the intestinal tract and lungs. Perhaps this is how the consequences of injuries received by the organs of these systems express themselves. Only by identifying the exact cause, one should begin to fight the symptoms.

It hurts because of hormones: what to do?

Since in most cases the reason is precisely the adjustment of the hormonal background, it is worth considering what measures and methods will alleviate the condition. It is not always necessary to resort to medicines - the most ordinary foodstuffs will benefit. For example, to get rid of excess estrogen, you should diversify your diet with foods containing tocopherol. The accumulation of hormones leads to pain and can cause neoplasms, and regular use of vitamin E eliminates such consequences. You can not only include vitamin-rich foods in your diet, but also use pharmacy medicines. Doctors advise to provide the body with a daily intake of 500 units.

Excess estrogen can be produced with a lack of fiber. It is useful for women to eat foods rich in fiber, which contain a minimum content of fat fractions. This will allow you to control the concentration of estrogens, which means that the risk of cysts and neoplasms that depend on the hormonal background is reduced.

Chocolate, coffee, tea are considered harmful. These products contain methylxanthines, which can provoke the appearance of dense nodular structures in the glands. The body receives methylxanthines with cola. To ensure your safety and reduce the risk of developing formations in the mammary glands, you need to minimize the intake of these products. This is especially important for individuals who are prone to the appearance of cysts from the connective tissue. During PMS, drinks containing caffeine should be completely excluded from the diet.

It is difficult to find a woman who would never experience pain in the mammary glands. In most cases, these pains are physiological, that is, associated with normal biological processes in the body, such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation.

However, in some cases, soreness of the mammary glands is one of the manifestations of their disease. Most often pathological pain noted in diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, mastitis and breast cancer. In more rare cases, pain can be caused by Mondor's disease, hematomas, herpes Zoster, etc. In addition, chest pain in diseases of the spine and heart can mimic pain in the mammary glands. Some mental disorders, such as cancerophobia, can cause functional pain in the breast area. These important points must be taken into account when conducting differential diagnosis.

Due to the high incidence of breast cancer, it is extremely important to diagnose the cause of pain as early as possible and start targeted treatment.

Anatomy of the mammary glands

Knowledge of the anatomy of the mammary glands is necessary for a detailed understanding of the various causes of pain that occurs with certain diseases of both the gland itself and the anatomical structures surrounding it.

Anatomical structure of the mammary glands

The mammary gland is a paired anatomical formation located on the anterior surface of the chest and pectoralis major muscles. It is located in the space between the parasternal and anterior axillary lines. The upper border of the mammary glands is located at the level of the 3rd rib, and the lower border is at the level of the 6th - 7th rib. With age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the boundaries of the mammary glands can shift, and this process is considered physiological. Approximately in the center of each mammary gland is the nipple with the surrounding areola. Both the nipples and areolas are pigmented. Their size and degree of pigmentation may change during pregnancy.

Anatomically, the mammary gland consists of three parts - glandular, fatty and connective tissue. The glandular part of the mammary gland is directly adjacent to the anterior chest wall. It consists of 15 - 20 lobes, each of which, in turn, consists of several small lobules. Each lobule opens into the milk duct. Thus, at least one milk duct departs from each lobe of the mammary gland. Subsequently, some of them are combined into larger ducts that fit the nipple. In the space behind the nipple, the lactiferous ducts expand, forming the lactiferous sinus, after which they narrow at the point of passage through the nipple and then expand again, forming from 8 to 15 funnel-shaped lactiferous openings. Through such a system of ducts, milk is formed in the mammary glands and flows out. When conducting special studies in some patients, it is sometimes possible to detect additional mammary glands.

The fatty part of the mammary gland covers the outside of its glandular part. From an evolutionary point of view, adipose tissue is designed to protect the glandular part of the mammary glands from adverse effects ( bruises, concussions, frostbite, overheating, etc.) that can affect the process of feeding offspring.

The connective tissue part of the mammary glands is represented by numerous partitions that separate their lobes and lobules. As a result, these partitions create the frame of the mammary glands, which determines their shape and size. The process of formation of this framework is controlled by complex genetic mechanisms. In addition to numerous fascia and septa, the connective tissue of the mammary glands includes ligaments that support the mammary glands. The aforementioned ligaments are attached to the thoracic fascia and collarbone. From the side of the gland, these ligaments expand, and their fibers pass into its connective tissue frame.

Externally, the mammary gland is covered with stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. On the surface of the areola, small tubercles are sometimes visible, which are rudimentary mammary glands that open with small single ducts. In addition, large hair follicles, as well as sebaceous and sweat glands, are often located along the perimeter of the areola.

Blood supply, innervation and lymphatic system of the mammary glands

Evolutionarily, the mammary gland is supplied with blood from several arterial basins independent of each other. This feature allows the gland to function freely if the blood supply in several of the arteries has deteriorated for certain reasons.

The blood supply to the mammary glands is carried out through the following arteries:

  • milk branches of the 3rd - 7th posterior intercostal arteries;
  • milk branches of the 3rd - 5th perforating branches extending from the internal mammary artery;
  • lateral mammary branches of the lateral mammary artery ( branch of the axillary artery).
Venous blood flows through the system of deep and superficial veins. The deep veins accompany the above arteries, while the superficial veins form a tightly intertwined network.

Sensory innervation is carried out by intercostal nerves ( ThII-th IV), as well as supraclavicular nerves from the cervical plexus. Sympathetic innervation is carried out from several sources, and the nerve fibers accompany the above arteries and, together with them, enter the gland.

The lymphatic system of the mammary glands consists of networks of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. There are three lymphatic networks of the breast. The capillary lymphatic network is located most superficially. It is localized in the skin of the mammary glands and in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, called premammary tissue in this area. Somewhat deeper, on the surface of the glandular part of the mammary glands, there is a superficial intraorgan network of lymphatic vessels. The deep lymphatic network is located in the thickness of the gland and originates from the lobular ducts. All of the above networks are interconnected. In addition, special mention should be made of the superficial lymphatic plexus of the areola ( areola). This plexus also connects to the aforementioned lymphatic networks.

The outflow of lymph occurs in the direction from the surface of the gland to the chest wall. The largest lymphatic vessels accompany the large arteries, so the main part of the lymph flows to the armpits and only a small part of it to the intrathoracic lymph nodes.

The lymphatic vessels ultimately carry the lymph into the venous system, but before entering it, the lymph is filtered and purified in the lymph nodes. The main accumulation of lymph nodes that cleanse the lymph of the mammary glands is located in the armpits. In each armpit, there are about 20 - 40 nodes, which are organized into five groups - thoracic, central, subscapular, humeral and apical. First of all, the lymph of the mammary glands passes through the thoracic lymph nodes, called Zorgius nodes. These lymph nodes are the first to increase in malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, so their detection should serve as a signal for urgent medical attention. However, when these nodes are found, one should not panic, since their increase is not always the result of a malignant process. It can be observed in inflammatory processes, some autoimmune diseases, etc. Sometimes these nodes are confused with benign tumors ( fibromas, lipomas, etc.). Unfortunately, there are also cases when breast cancer develops without the reaction of the lymph nodes of the axillary region ( internal localization, immunodeficiency states, etc.).

Pain in the mammary glands before menstruation

Pain in the mammary glands preceding menstruation occurs in almost every second woman. However, the intensity of the pain syndrome is usually not so great as to seek medical help. However, sometimes pain becomes an obstacle to a normal life. This problem becomes especially significant if severe pain is repeated monthly.

Causes of pain in the mammary glands before menstruation

Soreness of the mammary glands 5-8 days before the onset of menstruation is a normal physiological process. However, there are some diseases that lead to increased pain data. One of them is fibrocystic mastopathy - a condition characterized by hormonal imbalance, as a result of which structural changes occur in the mammary glands.

There are two forms of fibrocystic mastopathy - diffuse and nodular. As a rule, a diffuse form first appears, when small, millet-sized, painful seals appear in the tissues of the mammary glands. The cause of these seals is an imbalance between sex hormones. In most cases, there is a predominance of estrogens against the background of insufficient secretion of progesterone in the second phase of the ovulatory-menstrual cycle. In this case, the epithelium of the acini, ducts and connective tissue of the mammary glands grows. Due to the fact that the connective tissue frame and the skin over the mammary gland retain their size, the growth of gland tissues leads to an increase in stress in it. An increase in tension entails irritation of the nerve endings, manifested by severe pain.

The nodular form of fibrocystic mastopathy develops against the background of a diffuse form, when small seals increase, forming larger nodes. These nodes can reach sizes up to several centimeters in diameter. The area of ​​their predominant localization is the upper-outer quadrant of the mammary gland.

The mechanism of pain in the mammary glands before menstruation

Pain in fibrocystic mastopathy is caused by swelling of the glandular and connective tissue parts of the mammary gland, while the surrounding tissue and skin do not increase significantly. As a result, the gland becomes tense to the touch. The nerve endings located in its thickness are compressed, causing pain. Touching the mammary glands leads to an additional increase in pressure in them and to a sharp increase in pain.

The immediate cause of the increase in the volume of the gland is the excessive action of estrogens. As a rule, the increase in the influence of estrogens is relative, that is, it develops against the background of reduced progesterone production. A decrease in progesterone production can be observed with certain diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, with diseases of the kidneys, liver, after taking certain medications ( derivatives of phenothiazine, rauwolfia, meprobamate, combined oral contraceptives, etc.). It is also believed that a decrease in the function of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, is noted with a long absence of pregnancies, a large number of abortions, alcohol abuse and smoking. The strength of the pains described above is somewhat higher in people with a parasympathetic type of autonomic nervous system. It is these patients who may experience increased pain with negative emotions and even with changes in the weather.

Is it necessary to treat pain in the mammary glands before menstruation?

As a rule, the usual pains before menstruation do not limit the daily activities of women and do not need treatment. However, if the pain is unbearable and lasts more than 6-8 days a month, then you should contact a gynecologist or mammologist to study the hormonal background and the structure of the mammary glands. Depending on the diagnosed cause, the treatment is selected.

If the cause is a tumor formation of the pituitary or hypothalamus, then neurosurgical intervention is indicated. If the cause is a side effect of certain medications, then they should be discontinued. If the cause remains unidentified, then they resort to correcting the hormonal background by suppressing estrogens and stimulating progesterone receptors with certain medications. In some cases, it is enough to change the lifestyle, aimed at eliminating the factors that provoke a change in the hormonal background. These adjustments include the avoidance of sunburn, the exclusion of physiotherapy ( especially electrical), exclusion of temperature differences ( saunas), quitting smoking and taking alcoholic beverages, proper nutrition, adherence to sleep and wakefulness, minimizing stress, etc.

Due to the fact that some forms of fibrocystic mastopathy increase the likelihood of breast cancer, careful monitoring of their condition is recommended. Thus, each patient should be able to independently palpate her chest for seals, upon detection of which she should seek medical help. You can learn how to properly exercise self-control of the mammary glands in any antenatal clinic.

In addition to self-monitoring of the mammary glands, every woman over the age of 35 is recommended to undergo mammography once every 2 years - an X-ray examination of the duct system of the mammary glands. After age 50, this study should be done annually.

Painful lump in the breast

Painful compaction in the mammary glands is one of the most common reasons for women to visit a mammologist and gynecologist. Differential diagnosis of these mass formations is especially important, since the type of treatment and its effectiveness directly depend on their nature. In particular, it is important to timely diagnose breast cancer, which is the second most common after lung cancer.

Causes of seals in the mammary glands

Painful hardening of the mammary glands may be a sign of:
  • cancer;
  • hematomas;
  • mastitis;
  • Mondor's disease;
  • breast cysts, etc.

Pain in breast cancer

Pain in breast cancer at first may be absent or very weak and insignificant. Unfortunately, this leads women to see a specialist only in the later stages of the disease, when treatment options are limited. The cancer usually starts as a small lump that is easily confused with a fibroadenoma ( benign tumor). This seal acquires a characteristic density and inactivity already at 3-4 stages of cancer, and at first it is soft, mobile, sometimes even jelly-like.

As the tumor grows, it spreads to surrounding tissues and metastasizes to regional lymph nodes. In 80% of cases, metastasis occurs in the lymph nodes of the armpit, which can be easily examined by touch. In 20%, metastasis occurs in the intrathoracic lymph nodes, which cannot be palpated. The growth of the tumor on the chest wall is manifested by constant pain. Pain in the mammary gland may be present before it spreads to the chest wall, but they are usually not permanent and are directly related to menstruation. Also, during menstruation, a small amount of orange-red secretion may be released from the nipple. When the tumor spreads to the skin and superficial lymphatic networks, the cancer becomes visible to the naked eye in the form of nipple retraction or orange skin changes ( lemon) crusts ( significantly enlarged skin pores, with swelling of the skin located between them).

Pain in the mammary glands with hematoma

The cause of breast hematoma is usually trauma. The likelihood of its occurrence increases in patients taking anticoagulants ( heparin, warfarin, thrombostop) or suffering from diseases accompanied by a decrease in blood clotting ( hemophilia, cirrhosis of the liver), as well as increased vascular fragility ( beriberi).

Pain in the mammary gland with a hematoma is distinguished by several features. With a favorable course of the healing process, the peak of pain falls on the first days after the formation of a hematoma. Subsequently, the hematoma gradually resolves, and pain decreases. In the first hours after its formation, they have a pulsating character. The pain is rather dull than sharp, but of high intensity. Its localization is clearly determined by the site of injury. When you try to press the pain increases dramatically.

In a certain percentage of cases, the hematoma may suppurate. The likelihood of this complication increases with an increase in the volume of damaged tissues, and also if there are foci of chronic infection in the body ( chronic amygdalitis, cholecystitis, etc.). A festering hematoma becomes an abscess or phlegmon, while the intensity of the pain syndrome increases significantly and acquires other characteristics.

Pain in the mammary glands with an abscess

An abscess is a limited purulent inflammation. Its independent occurrence in the mammary glands is quite rare. Predominantly, abscesses of the mammary glands are secondary, developing against the background of a hematoma, furuncle, mastitis, etc. The pain in this disease is quite strong, since the abscess is always tense and puts a lot of pressure on the nerve endings located in its capsule and in the surrounding healthy tissues. The nature of the pain is usually sharp, throbbing. Around the abscess there is always a zone of inflammatory tissue infiltration, often exceeding the size of the abscess itself. The skin over the abscess is tense, shiny, full-blooded and hot to the touch.

In addition to local symptoms, a pronounced syndrome of general intoxication is almost always noted, manifested by remitting fever ( body temperature over 38 degrees with daily fluctuations over 2 degrees), chills, fatigue, pronounced loss of strength, etc.

The opening of the abscess leads to almost instantaneous disappearance of pain and relief of the general condition of the patient. For abscesses of the mammary glands, a tendency to self-opening into the lumen of the milk ducts is characteristic, while pus can be released from the mouths of the ducts. On the one hand, this feature leads to an alleviation of the patient's condition, but on the other hand, it leads to a rapid spread of infection to healthy breast tissues and a chronic process.

Pain in the mammary glands with mastitis

Mastitis is any inflammation of the breast. Unlike an abscess, the main cause of mastitis is the stagnation of the secret of the mammary glands, combined with the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the stagnant masses. In the vast majority of cases, mastitis is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The most common way for infection to enter the mammary gland is nipple cracks if a sufficient level of hygiene is not observed.

In connection with the above-mentioned features of the development of mastitis, the frequency of this disease is highest among women who breastfeed their children. Moreover, primiparous women dominate among all women in labor. Somewhat less often, mastitis occurs in pregnant women and much less frequently in other female representatives. Occasionally, there are cases of mastitis in men. In most of them, this pathology develops against the background of trauma, infection of the nipple and areola. In the rest, it is associated with cancer or endocrine diseases leading to galactorrhea ( secretion from the mammary glands, outside the process of feeding a child, i.e. pathological secretion of breast milk). In pediatrics, there is also mastitis in newborns, which develops in the first few days after childbirth. The reason for the development of such mastitis is the excess content in the blood of the child of oxytocin and prolactin, which entered his body through the placenta while still in the womb. This condition usually resolves without treatment as the aforementioned hormones break down.

Pain during mastitis, as a rule, is of high intensity, arching character. The mammary gland or part of it is edematous, red, elastic and hot to the touch. Touching it causes a sharp increase in pain. The superficial venous network clearly shows through the skin. Sometimes, with a large volume of inflamed tissue, a fluctuation phenomenon can be noted ( overflows) pus inside the gland.

Pain in the mammary glands with Mondor's disease / syndrome

Mondor's disease or syndrome is called thrombophlebitis of the veins of the anterior and lateral chest wall. There are many reasons for the development of this condition. Among the main ones are breast cancer, frequent injuries and purulent inflammatory processes. Among the secondary causes, such as complications of past viral infections and previous surgical interventions, genetic predisposition, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Pain in this syndrome is usually dull, but clearly localized. Palpation in the depth of the mammary gland is determined by a dense painful cushion. In severe cases, blockage of the vein and its suppuration occurs. The tissue around it becomes tense, hot to the touch, as in mastitis. At the site of inflammation, the patient may feel some pulsation.

Pain in the mammary glands with fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the glandular part of the breast. It is most typical for women aged 20 to 40 years, however, these seals are also found at an earlier and later age. The predominant localization is the upper-outer quadrant of the mammary gland. One of the obligatory features of fibroadenoma is an increase in its size and soreness 8-10 days before the onset of menstruation and a sharp disappearance of pain with their onset. However, in patients with irregular menstrual cycles, the time of onset of pain and its intensity may vary depending on the hormonal background. In rare cases, breast fibroadenoma pain is permanent. During the increase in pain, the entire gland thickens, and the fibroadenoma itself becomes extremely sensitive to touch. However, unlike suppurative diseases, external signs of inflammation over fibroadenoma are almost never determined.

Pain with a breast cyst

Breast cyst in most cases is one of the complications of fibrocystic mastopathy. This cavitary formation occurs in many women as a result of numerous cycles of growth and involution of breast tissue during the menstrual cycle throughout life. The origin of a cyst occurs when one of the ducts of the mammary gland is compressed by connective tissue septa that form as part of fibrocystic mastopathy. At the same time, acini ( the smallest structural units of the gland capable of independently forming a secret) continue to work and accumulate fluid in themselves, increasing the pressure in their cavity. Over time, due to periodically increasing pressure, the acinus cavity increases and becomes overgrown with connective tissue.

As a result of the above changes, a cyst is formed with a capsule surrounding it. Since the cyst originated from the acinus and retained the ability to form a secret, it remains hormone-dependent. In other words, it becomes tense and painful just before menstruation. In the postmenopausal period, the cyst may persist, but usually it decreases somewhat in size and does not bother the woman.

Methods for examining breast seals include:

  • mammography ( radiological);
  • ultrasound ( ultrasonography);
  • dopplerography of the veins of the chest wall;
  • scintigraphy;
  • thermography;
  • computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • histological examination.
Mammography almost always means a special X-ray examination of the mammary glands. This method is the gold standard for diagnosing pathologies of this organ and breast cancer in particular. There are other types of mammography, such as tomosynthesis, magnetic resonance mammography, optical mammography, ultrasound mammography, etc.

Despite the high potential of these methods, their use is limited due to high cost or insufficient information content, while X-ray mammography is simple, cheap and informative. The degree of information content of this method has increased significantly after the start of using digital media instead of film ones. The disadvantage of this method is a certain dose of radiation received during the study.

Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is often practiced to determine the nature of its seals. It is especially useful in the diagnosis of cysts. The undeniable advantage is the relatively high availability and absolute harmlessness. In connection with these features, this study can be safely prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. In addition, this study is often used to pinpoint suspicious tissue during a biopsy ( taking tissue for analysis).

Dopplerography of the veins of the chest wall
Dopplerography of the veins of the chest wall can rarely be used to diagnose pathologies of the mammary glands, since in most cases their nature is not associated with damage to large blood vessels. However, in a pathology such as Mondor's disease/syndrome, this study allows you to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bblocked and inflamed vein, causing inflammatory changes and soreness.

Scintigraphy is used to diagnose malignant tumors of the mammary glands and their metastases. The principle of the method is to introduce a certain radiopharmaceutical into the patient's bloodstream, which has an affinity for the tissues of a malignant tumor. As a result, after a short period of time, the radiopharmaceutical concentrates in the tumor tissues and emits waves of a certain spectrum. With the help of highly sensitive equipment, this radiation is recorded and a projection of the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical in the body appears on the screen of the device. The accumulation of a radiopharmaceutical in one focus indicates in favor of a malignant tumor. The detection of several foci is a sign that the tumor has metastasized to the organs and tissues of the patient's body.

Thermography is one of the studies that is steadily gaining popularity in the diagnosis of breast pathologies. In particular, this method is used in the detection of malignant neoplasms and inflammatory processes of the mammary gland. During the study, special sensors capture infrared radiation from every square centimeter of the patient's skin. The sensitivity of the sensor is such that it distinguishes temperature fluctuations of 0.06 degrees. Subsequently, the computer transforms the received information into visible colors of the spectrum and displays it on the screen. As a result, the human body appears as a multi-colored silhouette, in which the hottest areas are represented by red and yellow hues, and the coldest areas are blue and green.

Tissue temperature directly depends on the degree of its vascularization ( number of blood vessels per unit volume of tissue) and intensity of blood flow. Inflammatory processes are distinguished by increased blood flow, while increased vascularization ( growth of new blood vessels) is found in malignant tumors. Also, this study allows, in addition to primary tumors, to detect their metastases.

CT ( CT scan) and MRI ( Magnetic resonance imaging)
These methods can be used to determine the exact size of the tumor, its density, structure, relationship with surrounding tissues, as well as to determine the status of regional lymph nodes. Among these methods, the advantage is given to MRI, since it better displays the soft tissues of the mammary glands. In addition, MRI does not imply radiation exposure of the patient, which is important if there is even the slightest suspicion of pregnancy. If for various reasons it is not possible to undergo an MRI, then CT can provide fairly accurate information about the condition of the mammary glands, but it should be remembered that this method is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Both one and the other method can be used with intravenous administration of a contrast agent. With its use, the chance of diagnosing malignant tumors, which, as you know, are abundantly supplied with blood, increases significantly. However, along with this, there is a risk of side effects due to the introduction of a contrast agent ( acute renal failure, allergic reactions, etc.).

Histological examination
Histological examination is the only method by which a final diagnosis is made regarding the nature of compaction in the mammary glands. Typically, a biopsy piece of tissue to be examined) is taken with a long hollow needle. This study is carried out under the control of ultrasound and under mandatory anesthesia. Subsequently, the resulting tissue is studied under a microscope, after several dozen histological preparations have been created from it, treated with various dyes and reagents. Depending on the degree of cellular atypia ( anomalies) confirms or refutes the diagnosis of malignancy. Its histological type is also indicated, based on which one can judge the prognosis of the disease and choose the most effective method of its treatment.

In addition to instrumental studies, laboratory tests can provide some useful information.

Laboratory tests used to diagnose breast lumps include:

  • tumor markers, etc.
General blood analysis
A general blood test, as you know, is a "mirror" of the body, reflecting the processes occurring in it. Based on the results of this analysis, it is almost never possible to accurately establish the diagnosis, but in many ways it helps the doctor choose the direction in which to continue his search.

In particular, in inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands, the concentration of leukocytes is most likely to be increased, especially the fraction of stab neutrophils. Also, with an inflammatory disease, an increase in ESR should be expected ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate) .

Depending on the severity, cancerophobia is treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. In simple cases, patients get rid of obsessive ideas after they examine their body in as much detail as possible with the maximum number of methods, consult a large number of medical luminaries and receive a conclusion that there is no malignant neoplasm. Unfortunately, such cases are rare. Usually the fear of cancer is so deep in the mind of the patient that it changes his personality. In such cases, the intervention of a psychiatrist is required. The method of choice in the treatment of this disorder is psychoanalysis, which takes from several weeks to several years, and it is far from always possible to achieve a cure. Some patients may respond positively to other therapies, such as hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy, occupational therapy, etc.

Why does the mammary gland hurt and the temperature rises?

A disease that could explain the association between breast/breast pain and temperature is mastitis. The possibility of a parallel development of another non-inflammatory cause of pain in the female breast and a disease manifested by fever ( acute respiratory infection (ARVI), pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc.). In other words, breast tenderness and fever can develop independently of each other.

The cause of mastitis in most cases is congestion, combined with injuries of the nipple and areola ( areola). That is why the main category of women who develop this disease are breastfeeding young mothers and pregnant women. Mastitis occurs in other categories of women, but much less frequently.

Menopausal women are more likely to develop breast cancer with age. With the development of mastitis in such patients, it should always be borne in mind that mastitis can develop due to compression of the gland ducts by the tumor or directly due to the collapse of the tumor itself. This disease occurs even in children, both female and male, due to hormonal disorders. In men, mastitis can develop mainly due to the entry of microbes into the rudimentary milk ducts.

The clinical picture of mastitis, as a rule, does not vary much. Part of the mammary gland becomes edematous, elastic, hot to the touch and full-blooded. The pains are bursting, dull in nature. Touching the gland or its displacement during movements causes a sharp increase in pain. In most cases, inflammation affects the space behind the nipple and the part of the breast that is below the nipple. There is no clear boundary between inflamed and healthy tissue. In the absence of timely treatment, inflammation progresses rapidly, covering the entire mammary gland.

The link between pain and temperature in mastitis is the inflammatory process. Pain occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors by substances that accumulate in the inflammatory focus. These substances lead to swelling of the affected tissue, and swelling, in turn, increases pressure on nerve receptors, increasing pain. An increase in temperature is a direct consequence of the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the inflammatory focus. A substance called endotoxin is released from the cell wall of microbes, which acts on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus ( part of the brain) by raising body temperature.

The diagnosis of mastitis does not cause any particular difficulties due to a fairly clear and unambiguous clinical picture, focusing on which a doctor of any specialty can make a correct diagnosis. For complete certainty, a general blood test is performed, in which leukocytosis of varying severity and a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left are noted ( an increase in the number of stab neutrophils). Also, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate usually increases. However, due to the fact that this indicator is examined for at least one hour ( often longer), surgeons do not use it. Mastitis is characterized by rapid spread to healthy tissues, so surgeons cannot afford unnecessary delays and operate on the patient as soon as possible. If there is a possibility that the cause of the temperature rise is not only mastitis, but also another disease, then resort to additional studies necessary for differential diagnosis ( chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, etc.).

Treatment for mastitis depends on how advanced the inflammation is at the time you seek medical attention. If the patient goes to the doctor on time, that is, in the first hours after the onset of inflammation, then mastitis can be cured without resorting to surgery, especially if it developed during lactation. To do this, a bandage soaked in warm water is placed on the areola of the inflamed breast to expand the ducts. After a few minutes, the mammary gland begins to be massaged from top to bottom, that is, from the periphery of the gland to the center, provoking the release of stagnant masses. Despite the fact that such manipulations are very painful, they often lead to softening of stagnant masses and their release in a natural way.

If the above actions are not successful, you have to resort to surgical intervention. With mastitis in women outside the lactation period, surgical treatment is the method of choice. The use of antibiotics gives a result only after the opening of the purulent focus.

As a prevention of mastitis, it is recommended to observe personal hygiene, especially for mothers whose children are breastfed. Before and after giving the breast to the baby, it should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap. Between feedings, the nipple and areola ( areola) must be lubricated with special oily substances to prevent the formation of microcracks. The child should be tried to be applied to the breast so that he captures not only the nipple, but also the areola with his mouth. This advice is especially relevant when a child has teeth, and he actively tries them on his mother's breast.

How many days before menstruation do the mammary glands hurt?

On average, the mammary glands increase in size, become dense and painful to the touch 7 to 8 days before the onset of menstruation. However, these terms can shift both in one direction and in the other, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and even on the conditions in which the woman finds herself. For example, severe stress and overwork can delay your period from a few days to several months.

The menstrual cycle is a complex process in which there is a succession of changes occurring in the internal organs of women under the influence of sex hormones. In particular, the main hormones that cause the above changes are estrogen ( as well as its derivatives) and progesterone. The organs most affected by these hormones are the mammary glands and uterus.

The predominance of estrogens in the first phase of the menstrual cycle leads to the growth of the ducts of the mammary glands and their internal epithelium. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone predominates, which leads to the growth of the glandular part of the mammary gland. It is in the second phase of the menstrual cycle that breast volume increases the most. By the end of the second phase, progesterone levels gradually decrease and estrogen levels rise again. Approximately at the moment when the influence of these hormones is equalized, the mammary glands begin to decrease, and the endometrium ( inner lining of the uterus) starts to be rejected. As a result, almost simultaneously, the mammary glands stop hurting, and the first spotting comes from the cervix, which is commonly called menstruation.

The above diagram is superficial and relatively easy to understand. In fact, the cyclical phases of hormone secretion and their effect on target organs are much more complicated. This process includes many other substance-effectors and regulators of this process. Not the last influence on the phases of hormone secretion is the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that communicates between the conditions in which the body is located and the endocrine system. In other words, the menstrual cycle can speed up, slow down or even disappear for a while due to external factors such as stress, overwork, lack of sleep, through their effect on the hypothalamus.

Why does a girl have breast pain?

Pain in the mammary gland in a girl ( under 18) can develop for several reasons. These reasons should be considered in the context of the age at which certain reasons are more relevant.

In newborns, both boys and girls, pain in the mammary glands can be caused by neonatal mastitis. In children from 1 month of life to the onset of puberty ( 11 - 13 years old) pain in the mammary glands is quite rare and is associated mainly with injuries. With the onset of puberty, predisposed girls, along with the development of the mammary glands, may develop a disease such as fibrocystic mastopathy. This disease can cause the development of cysts, fibroadenomas and mastitis. Despite the fact that at a young age, malignant neoplasms are quite rare, the possibility of their occurrence cannot be completely ruled out. Unfortunately, they can occur at all ages, even in newborns.

Mastitis in newborns
Mastitis in newborns develops due to the fact that in the child's body for some time after birth, a certain concentration of maternal sex hormones that entered his body in the womb remains. In response to the influence of these hormones, the mammary glands of the newborn increase in size and begin to produce a substance that vaguely resembles breast milk. Due to the fact that the milk ducts of newborns are not yet developed, the secret formed in them is not released to the outside, further increasing the size of the glands. With an increase in the size of the glands, the pressure inside them increases, and stagnation intensifies, provoking the development of mastitis and the occurrence of pain. However, mastitis in newborns for the most part is not complicated by purulent inflammation, since the concentration of maternal hormones does not increase, but gradually decreases, due to which the child's mammary glands eventually return to normal size.

Traumatic mastitis
Traumatic mastitis in girls, however, as in boys, can develop at any age. It usually starts with a small scratch on the nipple and areola. Violation of the integrity of the skin in this area can also occur due to rubbing with rough and uncomfortable clothing. In the absence of antiseptic treatment of a skin defect, the infection can penetrate deep into the gland, causing the development of mastitis and the appearance of accompanying pain.

Mastitis during puberty
With the onset of puberty in girls, the number of causes that can cause pain in the mammary glands increases. The onset of menstruation marks the beginning of the process of growth and development of the mammary glands. During each next cycle in the mammary glands, there is a slow growth of the duct system and the glandular part ( mammary acini). The process of maturation of the mammary glands can take place with some deviations, due to which cysts and fibroadenomas appear in them. A few days before the onset of menstruation, under the influence of progesterone, the breast becomes dense and painful. This process is physiological and does not cause concern. However, cysts and fibroadenomas located in the mammary glands, as a rule, hurt more than the rest of the softer part of the glands, which is why they attract attention. In rare cases, girls at the onset of puberty may develop mastitis, the cause of which is an actively progressive fibrocystic mastopathy.

Mastitis against the background of tumor formation
Unfortunately, no one is immune from tumors, especially given the progressively worsening environmental situation in the world and the ever-increasing pace of life. Despite the fact that, statistically, the incidence of tumors increases as a person grows older, there are also hyperplastic processes in children's organisms. Some of them can cause pain in the mammary glands. In particular, we are talking about hormone-producing brain tumors and breast cancer.

A prolactinoma is a tumor of the pituitary gland that secretes the hormone prolactin. Under its influence, there is a functional restructuring of the mammary glands and the beginning of milk secretion. The process of secretion of milk from the mammary glands outside the period of pregnancy and lactation is called galactorrhea. The appearance of galactorrhea in a girl is an alarming sign that requires urgent examination. However, before sounding the alarm, a normal pregnancy should be excluded, in which the restructuring of the mammary glands and the onset of lactation is a physiologically normal process. Soreness in galactorrhea is associated with an increased risk of mastitis, due to congestion and the development of infection in the mammary glands.

Another tumor process, manifested by pain in the mammary glands, is cancer. Its occurrence in girls and girls in most cases is associated with a genetic predisposition. Pain in breast cancer occurs due to irritation of nerve receptors by a growing tumor node.

What causes breast pain during menopause?

After the onset of menopause menopause) Pain in the mammary glands in women can be caused by causes such as mastitis and cancer. In addition, we should not forget that over the age of 50, women may experience pain in the mammary glands associated with the pathology of other organs, such as angina pectoris, osteochondrosis, etc.

With the onset of menopause, the breast tissue undergoes gradual involution. The epithelium of the milk ducts sloughs off and forms clots or plugs that block the ducts themselves. Despite the fact that in menopause the movement of secretions in the mammary glands is minimal, the resulting plugs can lead to congestion and overstretching of the ducts. As a result, mastitis develops, manifested by swelling, redness, an increase in local and general body temperature, as well as characteristic pains.

Another serious cause of pain in the mammary glands during menopause is their malignant degeneration, that is, cancer. Statistically, with aging, the likelihood of cancer increases due to the weakening of the activity of cellular systems that carry out the destruction of mutated cells. In other words, anti-cancer immunity weakens with age, and a variety of mutations accumulate in the body. Some of them lead to the development of malignant tumors. In the initial stages, breast cancer can manifest itself very poorly. A moderately painful dense formation can be palpated, which does not cause any particular inconvenience. As the tumor grows, soreness around it increases, axillary lymph nodes swell, and visible symptoms appear ( retraction of the nipple, the release of a bloody secret when pressing on the nipple, the symptom of "lemon peel", etc.). For early detection of breast cancer, starting at the age of 35, it is recommended to do a mammogram once every two years. Starting from the age of 50, this study should be done annually.

In addition to diseases of the mammary glands, some other pathologies can cause pain in the chest area. One of the most common examples is radicular syndrome, which develops due to compression of the spinal nerves. The above compression can occur with osteochondrosis, herniated discs, spondylolisthesis ( displacement of the vertebrae), etc. Should not be written off from the accounts of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pain in angina pectoris can radiate ( give away) in the chest, giving the impression of pain in the mammary glands.

What to do when the mammary gland in men hurts?

The mammary glands can also hurt in men, but much less often than in women. This fact explains the early appeal of men for medical help, in contrast to women who are accustomed to endure pain in the mammary glands throughout their lives. Thus, most men, without further questions, immediately act most responsibly - they go to the doctor.

One of the main tasks of the doctor in this case is the exclusion of a malignant process, that is, breast cancer. To do this, the anterior chest wall should be carefully palpated and, if suspicious seals are found, additionally examined using ultrasound. To make a definitive diagnosis, a biopsy of this seal should be performed ( get a tissue sample with a fine needle) and examine the resulting tissue by histochemical methods. According to the results of the biopsy, it is possible to accurately conclude whether the seal is a malignant tumor or something else.

Men can also develop mastitis. In most cases, it is associated with the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the rudimentary milk ducts. They create conditions for the reproduction of microbes and the development of the inflammatory process. The clinical picture of such mastitis is quite clear and does not cause diagnostic difficulties, however, it should be borne in mind that mastitis in men may well hide breast cancer.

A rarer cause of mastitis in men is prolactinoma, a tumor of the pituitary gland that produces the hormone prolactin. This hormone stimulates the development of breast tissue and the beginning of their milk production, provoking a phenomenon called galactorrhea ( pathological flow of milk from the mammary glands). Since the male mammary glands are not adapted to lactation, the secretion formed in them often stagnates, leading to the development of mastitis.

Finally, we should not forget that men, by nature, are more conflicted creatures than women and are more engaged in physical labor. The above factors are the cause of more frequent injuries, including the chest. Heavy physical activity negatively affects the condition of the spine, leading to its diseases and the development of radicular syndrome, which causes pain in the chest area. Also, men are slightly ahead of women in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, the pain in which can spread to the chest.



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