Signs of hypotension. Help with hypotension

Hypotension is a condition characterized by low blood pressure. The normal lower pressure limit is 100 mmHg. for systolic, and 60 mm Hg. for diastolic. Anything below these values ​​refers to hypotension.

Types of hypotension

Hypotension, like hypertension, can be physiological, that is, due to natural causes, such, for example, is hypotension in residents of high-mountain regions due to the adaptation of the body, and may be pathological, developed as a result of various diseases.

In general, there are many variants of hypotension, in particular, it can be independent state, that is, primary, but can only act as a symptom of the disease, such is secondary hypotension, can be generalized (central hypotension), and can be fixed only on one arm (with Takayasu's syndrome). Central hypotension can be acute or chronic. Acute occurs with a sudden violation of cardiac output, a sharp decrease in blood volume, which happens with trauma with blood loss, as well as with orthostatic shock. Orthostatic shock, or orthostatic collapse is called a short attack of acute hypotension due to a sharp change in body position.

Chronic hypotension as an independent pathology may be one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia or be explained by another nervous or cardiovascular pathology but in most cases it has no identifiable cause. In this case, doctors associate its origin with a hereditary factor.

Signs of hypotension

How to understand if you have hypotension without resorting to a tonometer? The most common signs of hypotension are general lethargy, drowsiness, pallor of the skin, hypersensitivity to cold ("freezing") and less often to heat, meteorological dependence, frequent dizziness. They say about such people that they can hardly drag their legs, and indeed, this is how a hypotonic person usually feels. Those suffering from hypotension do not tolerate physical activity very well, responding to it with an increased heartbeat. In men, a persistent decline blood pressure often accompanied by a decrease sexual attraction and potency, in hypotensive women are not uncommon various violations menstrual cycle.

Interestingly, what in the old days was called phlegm seems to be nothing more than hypotension, in any case, has a lot in common with its symptoms. The languid young ladies from old novels, pale, talking in weak quiet voices and strove to faint for any reason, can also serve study guide hypotension, from which we can conclude that this condition has been known to people for a long time.


The diagnosis of hypotension is not difficult to make; for this, a description of the clinical picture and simple measurement pressure. It is much more difficult to determine the cause of low blood pressure. It is necessary to find out whether this condition is primary or secondary. Secondary hypotension is considered by doctors more closely, since often many people manifest themselves in this way. common diseases. Eliminate disease first of cardio-vascular system, then nervous. In addition to them, secondary hypotension can be a sign of many diseases, from chronic tonsillitis before renal pathology, so the diagnosis may require quite extensive research.

Primary hypotension, especially the one that accompanies a person for many years, and sometimes all his life, is usually considered as one of the variants of the norm.

How is hypotension treated?

Treatment of hypotension is necessary, again, if it is established pathological character. Since in this case it always acts either as a sign of a serious disorder or a symptom of an underlying disease, then all attention should be focused on the general condition of the body, and the pathology that affected the decrease in blood pressure is treated.

As for acute hypotension, everything is clear here - it is necessary to eliminate its cause as soon as possible. Orthostatic shock is not considered a serious pathology if medical examination does not show any deviations, and therefore in special treatment he doesn't need. In this condition, it is enough to stand calmly for several minutes or sit down with your head down, and it passes without any consequences.

Treatment of hypotension, which accompanies a person all his life and does not have any detectable causes, as a rule, is not required, since it does not lead to any disturbances in the body. There is such a medical expression that hypertensive patients live well, but not for long, and hypotensive patients for a long time, but badly. This must be understood in such a way that hypertension is much more serious pathology in terms of health, but at the same time, hypertensive patients are usually active and vigorous, sometimes even too much. Hypotension, unlike hypertension, is not a life-threatening condition, there is even evidence that, on the contrary, a decrease in pressure contributes to an increase in life expectancy by almost 10 years compared to the average, but the usual state of health of hypotensive patients is weakness, heaviness and fatigue.

What to do in such a situation? After all, it is much more pleasant to be active and feel a surge of energy than vice versa. Physiological hypotension can also be corrected, but this is usually achieved non-drug means and should be used throughout life.

Correction of physiological hypotension

Physiological hypotension is just the case when tonic drinks are not just harmless, but rather useful. A cup of natural coffee in the morning, and one or two cups during the day for a hypotensive person is more a necessity than a pleasure. Coffee can be replaced with strong tea, and both black and green tea are suitable.

Hypotension sufferers often experience seasonal deterioration, in early spring and late autumn. During these periods, herbal stimulants of the nervous system, such as ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden mustache, Manchurian aralia, etc., can be prescribed.

Despite the fact that people prone to hypotension do not favor physical activity, it is shown to them like no one else. Nothing is more conducive to the fight against hypotension than moderate exercise - just moderate, because in professional athletes, on the contrary, adaptive hypotension often develops in response to excessive physical exertion.

A good result can be achieved with a course of massage.

It has great importance hypotension lifestyle. It is necessary to get enough sleep, but not to fall into excessive drowsiness, by setting yourself optimal mode sleep and rest. Nutrition should be balanced, with a sufficient content of vitamins and minerals It is very important not to overeat.

You need to try to lead not only physically, but also emotionally. active life to meet people, to be interested in current events, to participate in public lifevitality supported by emotions.

If you open any manual on cardiology, the most up-to-date National recommendations, and briefly or carefully read the materials of recent conferences on cardiology - you will not find there a worthy mention of low blood pressure as a significant problem.

Everything is focused on heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and other "big" sections of cardiology, which lead, respectively, to high costs for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

Such a disease and condition seems to exist, but out of sight of doctors. Let's try to understand in more detail the causes and treatment of hypotension - the problem of low blood pressure. First of all, what is it? Which condition meets the criteria for hypotension?

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What is arterial and muscular hypotension?

First of all, do not confuse the two states. Arterial hypotension is a syndrome in which, due to low blood pressure, a reduced cardiac output. As a result, with a sudden increase in physical or emotional load, under the influence of an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, a relative oxygen deficiency occurs. As a result, hypotensive patients have a longer time during which they adapt to increased load.

The criterion is a steady decrease in blood pressure during hypotension:

  • 100/60 and below for men;
  • 95/60 and below in women.

The lower threshold of blood pressure in hypotension is individual, however, the conditions in which systolic pressure decreases less than 55-50 mm. rt. Art., can be considered threatening.

However, there is also muscle hypotension. This symptom complex has nothing to do with blood pressure, and neurologists deal with it. Cause muscle hypotension can serve, peripheral (flaccid) paralysis, various hereditary and nervous - muscle diseases, including the rare ones.

An overdose of tranquilizers can lead to diffuse muscle hypotension, some coma, diseases of the cerebellum. To fall muscle tone can also lead to demineralization of the body in a hot climate, heat stroke.

  • Diffuse muscle hypotonia is manifested by weakness, lethargy, "looseness" in the joints, or hypermobility.

But we will no longer return to muscular hypotension, but will talk about low blood pressure (arterial hypotension).

In turn, hypotension can be acute and chronic. Collapse and fainting (the most harmless options) lead to acute hypotension. More serious causes are ongoing bleeding and most different types shock, in which acute cardio- vascular insufficiency (cardiogenic shock, infectious - toxic, burn, pain, traumatic). We will not consider these options either, but will touch on chronic hypotension, with which a person lives every day, and says about himself that he is “hypotonic”.

What are the possible causes of low blood pressure?

It is important to understand that there are many various factors, resulting in two situations:

  1. The heart changes its work. It contracts with less force, or with less frequency;
  2. The vascular arterial bed reduces its peripheral resistance and increases its volume. It also leads to a decrease in blood pressure, and may be the cause of hypotension in the elderly, for example, with an overdose of nitroglycerin.

What reasons can lead to the emergence of these mechanisms that reduce pressure?

  • Vegetovascular dystonia with activation parasympathetic department. In this case, the patient often has drowsiness, chilliness;
  • Overwork, both physical and mental;
  • Fasting or dieting sharp decline daily calories;
  • Consequences of concussions and bruises of the brain;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis with compression vascular syndromes;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation);
  • Various valvular defects, for example, stenosis of the aorta, mitral valve;
  • Infectious diseases, intoxication. It is especially possible to single out a disease such as diphtheria, which occurs with a pronounced cardiotoxic effect.

The list includes both diseases and functional states, which can even be considered a variant of the norm. So, vegetovascular dystonia can accompany a person all his life. He knows perfectly well that only hot tea, or coffee, or even a glass of cognac can cheer him up.

At the same time, his parents also never complained about an increase in blood pressure all their lives. This condition can be called true hypotension.

Separate causes of hypotension can be called existence in high altitude conditions, and the appearance of hypotension in trained athletes, when this is an adaptive option.

Symptomatic hypotension occurs when there is a visible obstacle to creating in the system blood vessels normal pressure. These cases include, for example, various arrhythmias, or valvular heart disease. With timely operations, normal blood pressure is restored in vascular system. What are the signs of low blood pressure, or hypotension?

Symptoms and signs of hypotension in adults

In many cases, the symptoms of hypotension are very variable, and a person can "sin" for fatigue, colds, lack of sleep. And in many cases, he is right, since often a decrease in the sympathetic tone of the heart and blood vessels accompanies all these conditions, which leads to hypotension. The most common signs of hypotension are:

  • Periodic, weak and diffuse headache.

Usually a headache bothers the evening, as it occurs after exercise. In the event that it is combined with a syndrome intracranial hypertension, then it can occur in the morning. Usually headaches occur in the frontal-temporal-parietal region, and very rarely in the back of the head. Pain is symmetrical.

  • Drowsiness, chilliness, muscle weakness.

In some cases, vascular hypotension is combined with muscular hypotension, so patients may appear "deacidified". They experience weakness and malaise.

  • Meteorological dependence appears.

Hypotonic patients react very easily to changes in the weather. The deterioration in their well-being causes a decrease atmospheric pressure. A typical example is the onset of a warm winter front with snowstorms, snowstorms, cloudy weather and an increase in air temperature. On the contrary, cooling and frost with clear sky cause revival in people suffering from low blood pressure.

  • Perhaps the appearance of pallor of the skin, nausea, a tendency to dizziness. Patients with hypotension are often prone to seasickness, and do not tolerate motion sickness at all.
  • Jetlag. This is the name of the state of rapid jet lag. In patients with reduced pressure required long time for adaptation when flying to the other side of the globe, and even within 3-4 hours, different from the time of residence;
  • There is a decrease in tolerance to superstrong stimuli. This means that the patient with hypotension has difficulty tolerating loud noise, bright light, as well as people with a very expressive and vivid expression of feelings, too mobile.

This arises again, from reduced adaptive reserves, which began to form a style of behavior. With hypotension, a reaction slows down, and with severe stress, a hypotensive person is more likely to freeze in place than to rush to run.

How can you "correct" hypotension, raise blood pressure?

Treatment of hypotension at home, drugs

Why is the problem of treating hypotension difficult? The fact is that in nature energy does not arise from nowhere - any open system, without energy supply from the outside, seeks to lower its level to equilibrium with environment. Therefore, it is much easier to lower the pressure than to increase it, because nature strives for absolute peace. In extreme cases, you can apply the old and time-tested method: bloodletting. As a result, the volume of blood will decrease, and the pressure will simply have nowhere to come from.

As for the treatment of hypotension, it is required to strengthen the work of the heart, and for a long time. And medicine has long known such drugs, but all of them either have many side effects, can accumulate in the body (like cardiac glycosides), or lead to addiction and severe attacks of fatigue after the end of the intake (amphetamines).

Cardiologists either do not deal with the treatment of arterial hypotension, or are reluctant to do so. The fact is that with hypotension there is no such high risk sudden death and the development of complications - heart attack and stroke, as in hypertension. Therefore, all medical forces are thrown into the fight against this "enemy". Unfortunate hypotension is often left to take measures on their own, therefore, mainly hypotension is treated at home.

How to do without drugs

First, let's name non-drug methods that will help you get what is so lacking in hypotension: vigor and activity.

  • First of all, you need to sleep well. If you have daytime sleepiness and bad dream at night, then all attempts to awaken activity are doomed to failure.
  • Be sure to complete a set of exercises morning exercises. There should be no weights, but within 10 minutes you need to start at a slow pace, and gradually increase the speed and amplitude of the exercises (with own body, ball, gymnastic stick). Ideally, after gymnastics, heat spreads throughout the body, it is covered with light perspiration, and sleep recedes.
  • Then follow hygiene procedures, which are well completed with a contrast shower: warm and cold water. This allows you to do gymnastics for the vessels of the skin, to make them work. The effect of the shower should be enhanced by rubbing the body with a shaggy towel.
  • Then you can start breakfast. It should not be heavy and high-calorie. A hypotonic person who ate a portion of pork cutlets with scrambled eggs for breakfast runs the risk of plunging into drowsy state. Therefore, an excellent option would be low-fat sweet cottage cheese with berries, and hot green or black tea with ginger. This will give warmth and cheerfulness.

A small cup of black coffee or coffee with cream is not forbidden. It is desirable that all procedures are performed personally - you need to grind coffee and brew it.

The only caveat is that in no case should you accompany your morning coffee with a cigarette.

In general, with hypotension, smoking is very harmful, because it violates the already bad vascular tone, but short-term positive effect from cigarettes due to vascular spasm. Over time, cigarettes will not be able to help, just like alcohol, and will only increase the headache.


What drugs can be prescribed for hypotension for treatment? You should not take drugs that increase blood pressure directly - this will not lead to anything good. Means such as pressor amines (norepinephrine, adrenaline), dopamine, mezaton are used in intensive care to maintain pressure and “pull” a person out of shock.

Vitamins are used in the treatment of chronic hypotension, mineral complexes and drugs called adaptogens. We list some of them:

  • general strengthening herbal complex balms;
  • tincture of ginseng;
  • tincture of Rhodiola rosea (golden root);
  • lemongrass.

In the event that these drugs are used in the morning, it is possible to achieve performance that will last most of the day. In addition, you can help the body by adding L-carnitine, amber and folic acid, vitamin C.

A good help in the fight against hypotension will be methods active rest, which give a gradual, rather than "explosive" increase in load. Such ways include cycling (and especially cycling tourism) and swimming.

A little about the bath

Does a bath help with hypotension, or not? A good bathing procedure removes toxins from the body, makes the skin vessels work, and after a properly conducted bath, you must deep sleep. This is because intensely steamed skin deposits blood, which drains from internal organs and the brain.

This causes pleasant warmth, relaxation and drowsiness. Therefore, a correct, no-frills, evening bath is able to give a morning boost of vivacity, and allow hypotensive patients to joyfully meet a new day.


We have looked at some of the causes and treatment of hypotension - it should be said in conclusion that hypotension - in general, happy people. They fall out of the cohort of those patients who are at risk of a heart attack or stroke. No, this does not mean at all that neither the first nor the second will ever happen to them.

Remember, the biggest risk factor for stroke is elderly age and male gender. These factors cannot be modified. But everything related to additional, modifiable risk factors, hypotension is avoided.

As a rule, they are not overweight, their cholesterol is also close to normal, and therefore they have the same risk of developing healthy person. It is available, but the risk is much lower. But, if we talk about medium duration life, there is no evidence that low blood pressure leads to a shorter lifespan. In contrast, such data are available for hypertension.

  • Therefore, patients with hypotension, if they want to help their body, can live a long and fulfilling life.

Sometimes this kind state is considered physiological process. So, for example, it is such in well-trained athletes. In other cases, this kind of condition is a clear signal for the development of the disease, and it is called pathological process. The reasons contributing to the development of this pathology are very diverse.

Arterial hypotension. Terminology

From the very beginning, I would like to provide the reader with information about the term " hypotension". This term comes from two words hypo" And " tension", which is translated from Greek means " pressure reduction". With help this term denote numerous states of the human body, in which there is a decrease in physiological tone. For example, it is this term that is used both with a decrease in blood pressure, and in the case of a decrease in muscle tone or the tone of consciousness, and so on.
The term " arterial hypotension» denote all conditions in which there is a persistent decrease in blood pressure. This state may be called arterial hypertension . Today, the term is also used essential hypotension”, which is used to refer to conditions of persistent lowering of blood pressure, but as an independent pathology.

Blood pressure in hypotension

The term itself indicates the fact that in the presence of this condition, a person has a clear decrease in blood pressure levels. Immediately, we note that the lower boundaries of normal blood pressure are not defined as accurately as the upper ones. If a person has a persistent increase in pressure above one hundred and forty millimeters of mercury, then specialist doctors can confidently tell him that in his case there is arterial hypertension. In the case of arterial hypotension, no one will make any exact statements, since the level of normal blood pressure can be very diverse. It all depends on the characteristics of the human body, and on its age.

Approximate indicators lower bound blood pressure norms for people of different ages:

Causes contributing to the development of arterial hypotension

The reasons for the development of this condition are very diverse. The most common of them is considered to be a violation of the functioning of systems that make it possible to maintain normal blood pressure. If we speak in in general terms, then this condition may occur due to:
  • Decrease in the amount of circulating blood: blood loss, dehydration;
  • Decreased tone arterial vessels: allergic reactions, vegetative disorders, poisoning;
  • Decreased functioning of the heart: heart defects, heart failure, pericardial disease;
  • Taking medications that tend to lower blood pressure: large dosages antihypertensive pharmaceuticals.

Classification of arterial hypotension

If we talk about the classification of this condition according to the time of its development, then we can immediately distinguish between acute and chronic hypotension. This classification has the following form:

1. Acute hypotension
2. Chronic hypotension

  • Primary chronic hypotension
  • Secondary chronic hypotension
Acute arterial hypotension occurs in a matter of seconds, minutes or hours, and is accompanied by serious disturbances in the supply of internal organs with blood. In addition, patients present with symptoms oxygen starvation brain, as well as some other signs. This state may occur as a result of acute blood loss, in case of poisoning, triggering of hypotensive reflexes, massive injuries, anaphylactic shock, severe violations work of the heart and so on.

Chronic arterial hypotension accompanied by a long course, and total absence obvious signs circulatory disorders. In this case human body adapts to constant reduced pressure.

Primary chronic arterial hypotension is a separate pathology hypotension . The reason for its development is considered to be a decrease in the activity of the centers of the autonomic nervous system responsible for regulating blood pressure. In some cases, this kind of condition is considered a physiological process due to the peculiarities of the constitution of the organism. Modern medical specialists argue that this kind of process is a hypotensive form of neurocirculatory dystonia.

Secondary chronic arterial hypotension is a sign of another disease that has arisen against the background of a malfunction of the mechanisms responsible for regulating blood pressure. This condition can be observed when nervous disorders such as neurosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic heart disease, brain ailments, as well as pathologies of the endocrine system.

Symptoms accompanying arterial hypotension

In the case of an acute form of this pathology, very pronounced disturbances in the supply of internal organs with blood make themselves felt. Since the patient's brain is the most sensitive to such disorders, a person may experience fainting, frequent dizziness, short visual disturbances, and some other symptoms. At chronic form there are practically no symptoms of this pathology. They occur only with secondary arterial hypotension. Then patients experience constant drowsiness, excessive fatigue, feeling of exhaustion. Fainting is quite possible.

Diagnosis of arterial hypotension

To reveal this pathology it is necessary, first of all, to sign up for a consultation with a specialist who will measure blood pressure, listen to the patient's complaints, and then make an accurate diagnosis. To prevent the development of secondary arterial hypotension, a study of the entire body of the patient should be carried out. In this case, the survey should be subject to both the central nervous system and endocrine and vascular systems.

A disease in which the tone of the blood vessels decreases and, as a result, the level of blood pressure decreases, is classified in medicine as hypotension. The level of blood pressure reduction may be different, but it is generally accepted that it is the indicators of 100/60 for men and 95/60 for women that are the reason for diagnosing the disease in question.

Note:doctors may call hypotension two various pathologies- reduced tone of the walls of blood vessels and muscle tissue. This article discusses hypotension as low blood pressure.

Acute hypotension

This condition requires urgent medical care, and subsequently long-term treatment. Symptoms of acute hypotension include sharp drop blood vessel tone (collapse), vasodilation of a paralytic nature (shock), a decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain (hypoxia). All this entails an inevitable decrease in the level of functioning of all vital organs.

Note:the severity of manifestations of acute hypotension by doctors is determined not by specific indicators of blood pressure, but by the rate of its decrease.

Chronic hypotension

Unlike the acute form of the disease under consideration, chronic hypotension does not pose a serious threat to human life, although its symptoms should not be ignored. By the way, it is for this reason that much less attention is paid to low blood pressure than to high blood pressure. But hypotension in old age increases the risk of developing an ischemic type at times, more young age it disrupts an active lifestyle, interferes with fruitful work. Doctors distinguish two more types of hypotension - primary and secondary.

Primary hypotension

It does not occur against the background of any diseases and not as a consequence of another pathology. Most often, primary hypotension is hereditary and occurs in a chronic form.

In this case, the disease in question is a consequence of the development of any pathology in the body - for example, hypotension can occur against the background of anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, and some diseases of the stomach. Arterial hypotension may develop as a side effect of long-term use certain medicines.

Doctors do not consider secondary hypotension as individual disease, but as one of the syndromes in the course of any pathology. Therefore, the treatment of this type of disease in question will be aimed at getting rid of the main cause of its occurrence. There is also such a thing as orthostatic hypotension - it appears when the body moves from a horizontal to a vertical position, it is more common in the morning and lasts no more than 3 minutes.

Reasons for the development of hypotension

Some exact and unconditional reasons for the development of the disease in question modern medicine not identified - rather, the totality various factors can serve as a "push" to reduce the tone of the walls of blood vessels. There are, for example, the following factors:

  • previously diagnosed vegetative-vascular;
  • abrupt change climatic conditions(for example, when moving a person);
  • the presence of endocrine diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • accommodation in the area increased level humidity;
  • forced acclimatization;
  • arrhythmias;
  • stenosis of the arterial valve.

Often, arterial hypotension is observed in athletes with excessive physical activity- Doctors call it “training hypotension”. The reason for the development of the disease in question can be forced bed rest- for example, after suffering surgical intervention, And long-term use some medicines.

Clinical picture of the disease in question, however, like all others, consists of objective and subjective symptoms. It is noteworthy that it is hypotension in a person that objectively does not manifest itself clearly, doctors can note only three symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin (this is especially noticeable on the face);
  • temperature drop to 36 degrees.

But subjective symptoms are complaints made by patients at a doctor's appointment. These include:

  • emotional instability;
  • bad mood and apathy, indifference;
  • a significant decrease in performance;
  • unmotivated irritability.

The main symptom of low blood pressure is, which can be different character- aching, pulsating, bursting, sharp. Against the background of a headache, a slight dizziness usually appears, but if we are talking about orthostatic hypotension, then dizziness will be intense, a person may fall and enter into fainting for a short time. Most often, people with low blood pressure wake up already tired and weakened (this symptom may also be evidence of the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue- need differential diagnosis), working capacity returns to them only after a couple of hours and does not last long, and the general peak of activity appears only in the evening.

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As a rule, hypotension patients cannot stand stuffiness - in the summer they prefer to go right way on foot than to be in a stuffy and cramped public transport. And with small physical exertion, shortness of breath may appear (not intense) in the region of the heart.

Note:it is for people with low blood pressure that a reaction to a change in the weather is characteristic - we are talking about meteorological dependence. Hypotonic patients do not tolerate heat well, but react even worse to humidity, cloudiness and windiness.

With low blood pressure, there may appear absolutely non-specific symptoms for this disease - for example, heartburn, pain syndrome in the epigastrium, In men with hypotension, potency may decrease, and women notice menstrual irregularities. In many people, hypotension does not manifest the above symptoms at all, patients only note meteorological dependence and increased fatigue.

Treatment of hypotension

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Medications there is very little on the pharmacological market to stabilize blood pressure and treat the disease in question, and experts believe that, first of all, it is necessary to support healthy lifestyle life. Hypotension doctors recommend:

It is also possible to normalize and stabilize blood pressure with the help of hardening procedures - it is recommended to douse yourself cold water. But there are a few things to keep in mind about this process:

  • you can not start dousing abruptly immediately from very cold water temperatures - gradually lower the degree;
  • you should pour yourself from head to toe, otherwise you will get a disproportionate blood pressure in the torso and head;
  • exclude contraindications to the hardening procedure of cold dousing.

A sauna with a bath will also be very useful, but keep in mind that if such procedures are supposed to be carried out for the first time, then you need to do this in a gentle mode, gradually accustoming the body to such a shock.

In folk medicine, there are many methods for increasing blood pressure, you just need to make sure of your diagnosis - this will require consultation and examination by specialists.

With hypotension, it is very useful to use 1 glass pomegranate juice per day - it is better to cook it yourself from ripe fruits. But note that in pure form this drink should not be consumed - the juice from is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in pomegranate juice has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

Healers recommend using hypotension regularly and chocolate - only natural, black, without any flavor additives. Of course, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications to the use of this delicacy, but in general, even half a standard bar of chocolate will help restore general state hypotension.

Can be cooked and alcohol tincture Chinese magnolia vine - for this you need to take 1 part of vegetable raw materials (sold in pharmacies) and 5 parts of alcohol and infuse the medicine for 3 days. Then the tincture is taken 30 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals, the duration of the course is 10 days.

if you want to stabilize blood pressure and improve your well-being with the help of products from the category ethnoscience you need to consult a doctor.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy- as a rule, hypotensive patients are advised to take tincture of ginseng, sandy immortelle, and / or, as well as drugs containing caffeine in their composition. Hypotension is a fairly common disease that usually does not require any emergency medical measures (except for the acute form of the disease). In many cases, patients simply need to change their lifestyle and take advice from specialists to stabilize their condition.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

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Hypotension disease or physiological state? Causes of hypotension and its treatment. How to determine when it requires treatment and when not? This is what we'll talk about today.

Hypotension is low blood pressure (below 100/60mm Hg). IN medical practice hypotension is more commonly referred to as. like hypotension.

Physiological hypotension

Physiological hypotension is observed when we see, when measuring blood pressure on a tonometer, figures characteristic of hypotension, and physical state a person remains good. This is often associated with individual features human physiology and its genetic predisposition. Sometimes this condition occurs in athletes as a response to heavy loads.

Low blood pressure is also observed in some young women and accompanies them throughout their childbearing life. When the ovaries during menopause reduce their activity, hypotension can smoothly turn into hypertension.

Therefore, such a person cannot be called sick. If such people are forced to increase the pressure to generally recognized numbers, this can lead to the development of painful symptoms in them.

Hypotension as a disease

Hypotension as a disease manifests itself when symptoms appear that interfere with a normal life. With hypotension, low pressure in the vessels, the blood does not flow well to the organs, especially to the brain. And a person feels a ringing in the ears, headache, dizziness weakness and fatigue. Usually such patients have cold hands and feet, sometimes wet hands and his face is pale. Sometimes, more often in old age, hypotension occurs with a sharp transition from a lying position to a vertical one.

Distinguish primary hypotension when there are no signs of other diseases and symptomatic when hypotension occurs against the background of various diseases.

Causes of primary (neurocirculatory) hypotension:

  • nervous stress
  • psychological overload
  • mental fatigue

Causes of symptomatic hypotension:

  • Vegetovascular diseases
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer
  • Avitaminosis, various intoxications
  • Liver disease
  • Endocrine disorders, especially decreased adrenal function
  • Osteochondrosis, especially cervical spine

Hypotonic crisis

The hypotonic crisis is manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. At this time, due to severe weakness, darkening in the eyes and dizziness, fainting is possible. This condition usually occurs against the background of diseases such as myocardial infarction, arrhythmias and heart blocks, acute blood loss or acute infection and others.

In these cases, it is necessary not to increase the pressure, but to get rid of the root cause. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease first, and then low blood pressure will no longer be a problem.

Signs of hypotension

  • Frequent dull, pressing or throbbing headaches in the temples and sometimes the back of the head, as well as dizziness
  • Lethargy and drowsiness, weakness and decreased performance
  • Depression, irritability and bad mood
  • Memory impairment and absent-mindedness
  • Hypersensitivity: to bright light, loud sharp sounds
  • Sensitivity to changes in the weather - meteorological dependence
  • Hypotonic men, although less common than women, suffer from a decrease in potency. Women - violation of menstruation.
  • Fatigue accompanies the life of hypotensive patients: they even wake up. They don't feel rested. Sometimes they mistakenly consider themselves "owls" because their activity is more in the evening than in the morning.
  • During physical activity, such people have an increased heart rate and shortness of breath, not associated with heart disease.
  • Hypotension patients are very suspicious, constantly focused on their condition, but usually do little on their own to alleviate it.
  • Constant yawning in hypotensive patients is not from fatigue, but from a lack of oxygen.
  • Hypotensive patients do not tolerate standing in line or walking around a crowded store.

Of course, it is not necessary that all these signs accompany the life of a hypotonic. But even if you have two or three of these symptoms, then this is already a reason to change something in your life.

Compared with hypertension, hypotensive patients almost do not suffer from atherosclerosis, which means that they are not afraid of heart attacks. According to statistics, patients with hypotension live longer than those with hypertension, but their quality of life cannot be called good if nothing is done to improve it.

Help with hypotension

The main cure for hypotension is an active lifestyle. This is the only way to make up for the lack of blood supply and avoid oxygen starvation - the root causes of hypotension. But, unfortunately, those suffering from hypotension do not always have enough willpower for this. Do not be lazy, a healthy lifestyle is the solution to the problem and the symptoms of hypotension will not interfere with your life.

Light physical activity, cold and hot shower, foot massage, walks in any weather every day and with pleasure increase the tone of blood vessels.

Good rest, observance of the daily routine can work wonders.

Drink tonic drinks: good coffee and tea in the morning. Eat more warming foods: spices, a little fat and butter. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to become addicted to these drinks and not overeat.

When overeating, the blood supply is concentrated to abdominal cavity, and the supply of blood to the brain, and hence oxygen, decreases, and the symptoms of hypotension increase.

Do what you love, do something that can bring joy and satisfaction.

Keep a diary of blood pressure: measure pressure and pulse before meals 3 times a day and write down next to how you feel at this moment. Also write down data when you feel unwell. This will help the cardiologist to draw the right conclusions when making a diagnosis.

Treatment of primary hypotension with pharmaceutical preparations

  • drugs with caffeine
  • tincture of ginseng
  • tincture of Manchurian aralia
  • tincture Chinese magnolia vine- the number of drops should correspond to age, you need to take it in the morning 1 time per day
  • hawthorn tincture
  • leuzea extract
  • May lily of the valley tincture
  • Ural licorice tincture
  • immortelle tincture
  • Eleutherococcus tincture

These tinctures can be prepared at home.

They are prepared from this calculation:

1 part raw material to 10 parts 40% vodka
- periodically shake the tincture
- keep two weeks in a dark place


1 drop of tincture per 2 kg of body weight of an adult
- for a child under 14 years old, 1 drop - a year of life


Be careful, these drugs in case of overdose can cause allergies, internal bleeding, arrhythmia. Consult a doctor before starting treatment, otherwise you may inadvertently hurt yourself more than help.

Treatment of hypotension with folk remedies

  • Decoctions of herbs such as elecampane, St. John's wort, tartar leaves (in small doses) and lemongrass leaves increase blood pressure.
  • Regular intake of not very hot green tea stabilizes blood pressure
  • Drink to normalize blood pressure


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