Medicinal properties and contraindications of Schisandra chinensis. Chinese Schisandra - benefits and beneficial properties of Chinese Schisandra

Not every experienced gardener knows the benefits of lemongrass. Many lovers of green spaces grow the plant solely for its decorative characteristics. But the unique woody vine has long been considered a source of folk medicine. It is noteworthy that today even traditional medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of the Far Eastern (or Chinese) lemongrass. In modern pharmacies you can find extracts, tinctures and even tablets based on its parts.

Description of the plant

Schisandra is a woody vine whose stems and leaves exude a pleasant lemon aroma. In terms of its tonic and other medicinal properties, this unique plant is second only to. Despite the fact that botanists count from 14 to 25 varieties of lemongrass, the beneficial properties of only two types are used in folk medicine. One of them is a Far Eastern plant.

Far Eastern Schisandra is a perennial representative of the family, the stem of which can reach 15 m in length. A young specimen can be recognized by the yellowish tint of the bark. Over the years it darkens and becomes dark brown. The root has the form of cords and has numerous adventitious roots. The stem is wrinkled and may seem dried out at first glance.

Liana is cultivated in various countries. Under natural conditions, it can be found in the Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin, and the Far East.

Features of growing and collecting Chinese lemongrass

The bark, leaves, fruits and seeds of the plant are usually used to prepare medicines. You need to know when and how to collect these raw materials so that the products obtained from them are beneficial to the body.

  • Bark. It is collected exclusively in the spring. But the stems themselves need to be collected only at the moment when the lemongrass began to bear fruit.
  • Leaves. The optimal time is August, at which time the leaves bloom. It is at this stage that the preparations will contain the maximum amount of flavonoids. It is enough to spread the leaves under a canopy and stir from time to time until they dry out.

Interesting fact: Schisandra fruits have a special name; they are popularly known as “berries of five flavors.” If you bite into the fruit, at first it will seem sour, then bitter with a resinous aroma. This will be followed by sweetness, which will give way to salty notes and finally become bland.

  • Berries. The period of full ripening of fruits, which occurs at the end of August and beginning of September, is suitable for this. Experts say that the products can be collected further, until the first frost. For processing, the fruits are sent on the same day when they were collected. The optimal approach is drying, which is first carried out under a canopy for 3 days, and then until fully cooked in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60ºC.
  • Seeds. To extract the seeds, the fruits of the Far Eastern Schisandra are first exposed to a hydraulic press. The mixture is stirred and slightly moistened, then covered with a cloth and sent to ferment in a warm place. The fermented mass is spread on a sieve and washed under running water. The isolated seeds are dried in dryers, first at a temperature of 40ºC, then at 60-70ºC.

Properly prepared Chinese lemongrass retains its beneficial properties for 2 years. It is better to keep it in glass containers, paper bags or canvas bags. The room should be warm and dry.

Composition of Far Eastern Schisandra and properties of substances

Medicines prepared from individual parts of Far Eastern Schisandra have dozens of positive effects. This is explained by the presence in their composition of very active chemical elements and compounds:

  • Essential oils. Fight bacteria and inflammation. Accelerate wound healing and suppress pain.
  • Lignans. They combine the properties of fiber and antioxidants, reducing the likelihood of cancer in humans. They also lower blood cholesterol levels, normalize hormonal levels and stimulate metabolism at all stages.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, normalizes the course of oxidative processes, stimulates the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands.
  • Vitamin E. Has a positive effect on the condition of the reproductive system, reduces the severity of symptoms during menopause in women. Prevents the formation of blood clots due to increased blood density and accelerates wound healing.
  • Mineral salts. They take part in hematopoiesis, formation and restoration of body tissues. Regulate water and acid-base balances. They trigger the synthesis of hormones by the endocrine glands.
  • Organic acids. Inhibits the activity of fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. Reduce inflammation, stimulate hematopoiesis, activate the body's defenses. They are also able to fight toxins and facilitate the discharge of phlegm in respiratory diseases.
  • Fixed oils. These substances also provide products based on Far Eastern Schisandra with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to accelerate recovery processes.

  • Tannins. They have a special effect on proteins, changing their structure. This leads to the formation of a protective film that prevents microorganisms from having a negative effect on cells and tissues.
  • Flavonoids. Powerful antioxidants, which are also known for their soothing and choleretic properties. They strengthen the walls of capillaries, normalize blood pressure, and regulate heart rate.
  • . Reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, activate the metabolism. As a result, toxins and other harmful substances are removed from the body faster.
  • Cellulose. One of the most effective substances in terms of improving bowel function. Stimulates natural weight loss and normalizes blood flow in the pelvic organs. Thanks to it, taking medicines based on Far Eastern Schisandra allows you to get rid of problems in the genitourinary area.

This composition gives preparations made from Chinese lemongrass a lot of beneficial properties. True, it is better to ask your doctor what is better to use in a particular case. A tincture from the bark of a plant will differ greatly in its principle of action from a decoction of its fruits. Particular care should be taken when using homemade products.

Health benefits of Far Eastern lemongrass

There can be many indications for introducing products from the Far Eastern Schisandra into the regime. The maximum therapeutic effect of a product usually takes the following form:

  1. The work of the central nervous system is stimulated. It is noteworthy that the desired result is achieved by strengthening the system, and not by depleting it, as is the case with most chemical drugs.
  2. The functionality of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs increases.
  3. The body becomes more resistant to forced oxygen starvation.
  4. The body's immune defense is activated at all levels and in all possible manifestations.
  5. The mental and physical potential of a person increases, regardless of his age and condition.
  6. Appetite improves, metabolism normalizes. By starting tissue cleaning, you begin to get rid of excess weight that was gained due to poor nutrition or a deficiency of necessary elements.
  7. Sexual function improves, sexual activity increases in both women and men.
  8. The body is rejuvenated and the general condition is normalized.
  9. Stress is relieved, the body more easily adapts to changing weather or climate conditions.
  10. High blood sugar levels are reduced. Low blood pressure reaches normal levels.

In some cases, experts recommend using products based on parts of the Far Eastern Schisandra to stimulate labor. The products cope well with hangovers, insomnia and a number of other unpleasant symptoms.

Preparation and use of medicines from lemongrass

Rules for taking medicines based on Far Eastern Schisandra depend on the type of product and what part of the plant it was prepared from. Pharmacy forms of products are accompanied by detailed instructions, if followed, the finished drug will show itself in the right way. Here are the main options for using natural medicinal compounds:

  • Berry decoction. Take a teaspoon of chopped dry berries per glass of boiling water. Place the mixture in a water bath and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the finished mixture, cool and take 25 drops 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Berry infusion. Take a teaspoon of chopped dry berries per glass of boiling water. In this case, simply mix the ingredients and leave the mixture covered for 6 hours. Take 1 dessert spoon in the morning before breakfast and in the afternoon before lunch.
  • Tincture of seeds and fruits. It is best not to prepare it yourself, but to take a pharmacy product. We take it 25-30 drops up to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The therapeutic course is 3 weeks.
  • Tea from fruits. Pour a teaspoon of dried fruit into a glass of boiling water and boil for 24 hours. After this, the mass is infused for a day, filtered and drunk during the day.
  • Extract. Another alcohol-based pharmaceutical product. It is taken 2 times a day in the amount of 25 drops.

In the pharmacy you can find syrup and tablets from the Far Eastern lemongrass. When harvesting independently, gardeners prepare concentrated juice from the fruits of the plant. The leaves and bark of the product are also brewed in a variety of ways for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Contraindications to the use of Chinese lemongrass

Far Eastern lemongrass, like any product of increased activity, has contraindications for use. The absolute ones include:

  1. Hypertonic disease.
  2. History of epilepsy.
  3. Some disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  4. Sleep disorders of a pathological nature.
  5. Increased excitability.
  6. Increased intracranial pressure.
  7. Allergy.
  8. Pregnancy (the only exception is cases when taking the medication is recommended by a doctor for some indication).
  9. Breastfeeding period.
  10. Vegetovascular dystonia.

In general, before starting a treatment or preventive course, you need to get a doctor’s approval for taking Far Eastern Schisandra. As you use the products, you need to monitor your condition. If side effects occur, you should discard the product and seek help from a specialist.

Far Eastern lemongrass is a rather unusual plant, especially by Russian standards. This is a beautiful liana up to 15 meters long, which grows in the Far Eastern taiga, the stem of the plant is woody and covered with green leaves. In autumn, bright red berries ripen on the liana, which have a specific spicy, sour-salty, bitter (sometimes burning) taste. When rubbed, all parts of the plant emit a distinct lemon scent, which is how it got its name. Chinese lemongrass (as it is also called) has a wide spectrum of action and is very useful for the human body. Today we will take a closer look at the Far Eastern Schisandra plant. The benefits and harms, instructions for use, properties and indications for use will be described in this article.

Amazing composition of the plant

In China, they have known about Far Eastern Schisandra for a long time; the properties of the plant have always been used by the indigenous people, it has an effective tonic and refreshing effect. In Russia they learned about him much later.

The fruits of Far Eastern Schisandra contain special substances - lignans, which have a wide range of biological activity. According to scientists, it is due to these components that the therapeutic effect of the plant is achieved, which has an antitumor, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tonic effect. Far Eastern Schisandra (photos are in the article) is called an adaptogen, due to the stimulating effect of lignans on the central nervous system. Adaptogens are amazing natural substances that help increase the body's resistance in difficult conditions, such as sudden climate changes, intense physical and mental stress, oxygen starvation and other extreme situations. Such substances are not considered drugs and are not intended for the treatment of diseases in medical practice, but supporters of alternative medicine have been using adaptogens for tens of thousands of years. When used regularly, such substances are so capable of strengthening the immune system that the body overcomes even the most severe illnesses, therefore, Far Eastern Schisandra, along with ginseng, aralia, and eleutherococcus, can be classified as a plant for healthy people

Far Eastern Schisandra (berries) contains many organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric), vitamins E, C, sugars and pectins, anthocyanins, which have a powerful antioxidant effect, tannins (tannins), flavonoids (catechins). All parts of the plant contain essential oil; the seeds contain fatty oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The mineral composition of Chinese lemongrass is also extremely rich, although almost all macro- and microelements are present in small quantities - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, aluminum, chromium, selenium, barium, iodine, strontium, nickel and others.

Glucosides and alkaloids, which are toxic substances, were not found in the berries of Schisandra chinensis.

Far Eastern Schisandra: use in medicine

Even ancient doctors knew that such a plant effectively restores strength and relieves fatigue. Modern scientists who have studied Far Eastern Schisandra also leave extremely positive reviews, its effect is as follows:

    activates regeneration processes and improves metabolism;

    has a stimulating and tonic effect on the nervous system;

    enhances positive reflexes and reflex excitability.

In what cases is Far Eastern lemongrass used?

According to reviews from patients and doctors, this plant shows high effectiveness in the following phenomena:

    loss of strength caused by infectious and other pathologies;

    non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers;

    decreased tone of the cardiovascular system;


    decrease in working capacity;

    sluggish functioning of the digestive tract;

    weakness of skeletal and smooth muscles.

Far Eastern Schisandra can also improve the functions of the genitourinary and respiratory systems, activate carbohydrate metabolism and accelerate fat burning. The benefits of the plant have also been proven in the fight against such conditions as stress, depression, anemia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sexual weakness, diseases of the stomach, kidneys, and liver. In addition, the plant stimulates the work of cells, eliminates hangover, improves sleep.

Schizandra preparations are successfully used in dermatological practice, it is effective for vitiligo, alopecia, vesicular and viral dermatosis, lichen planus, psoriasis, alergodermatosis, vasculitis and other skin diseases that are difficult to treat. In such cases, the action of lemongrass is aimed at strengthening the overall resistance of the body to various infections.

When we feel a breakdown, we rush to brew coffee or strong tea, the invigorating effect of which comes quickly, but after a couple of hours it stops abruptly - this is always stress for the body, which will soon lead to nervous exhaustion. Schizandra Far East acts gradually: the tonic effect builds up slowly, over half an hour, and lasts up to 6 hours. The decline is also quite long, there is no depletion of nerve cells, the body, on the contrary, accumulates energy.

You can buy preparations containing Far Eastern lemongrass at a pharmacy or in an online store. Already a week after taking such funds, sleep normalizes, irritability disappears and performance improves.

Far Eastern Schisandra: instructions for use

Alcohol tincture of schisandra berries is effective for problems such as drowsiness, lethargy, decreased performance, fatigue, depression and asthenic syndromes. Take a drug containing Far Eastern magnolia vine (a photo of the medicine is available in the article), before meals, 20-30 drops twice a day. Similarly, you can take the drug with intense physical and psycho-emotional stress. If necessary, it is possible to use 30-45 drops of the product at a time.

You can buy a tincture of a plant such as Far Eastern Schisandra at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

How to prepare lemongrass tincture at home?

For the medicine you will need 20 g of dried lemongrass berries and 100 ml of alcohol. The berries must be crushed, placed in a dark glass bottle, filled with alcohol and closed tightly. For 7-10 days, leave the product at room temperature in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After filtering the composition, squeeze out the berries and leave for another 2-3 days, then filter again. If you do everything strictly according to the recipe, you will get a clear alcohol tincture. The resulting product should be taken before meals, 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The tincture has a good therapeutic effect for sleep disturbances, dizziness, depression, and headaches.

Infusion of Chinese Schisandra fruits

It is very simple to prepare such a remedy. The drug has a general strengthening and tonic effect, improves the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. So, in a wooden bowl you should crush 10 g of dried fruits of Schisandra chinensis, pour a glass of boiling water and put on low heat. After boiling, immediately remove, cool slightly, squeeze and strain the berries. There is an easier way to prepare the infusion: pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for 6 hours.

Take the resulting remedy 2-3 times a day, a tablespoon 30 minutes before a meal, if desired, sugar or honey can be added to it to taste.

Tincture of Chinese lemongrass seeds

For cooking, you will need crushed lemongrass seeds (10 g), its berries (20 g) and alcohol (100 ml). Berries and seeds are poured with alcohol and left in a dark glass container to infuse at room temperature for 10 days. Afterwards, the resulting tincture should be strained. It is recommended to use the product on an empty stomach, diluting 20-30 drops with water. Indications for the use of this tincture are: anemia, general fatigue, fatigue, sexual weakness, colds and nervous diseases. The tincture is often used to prevent influenza.

Chinese lemongrass juice

The berries of such a plant are an excellent option for making healthy juice for the winter. To do this, wash and squeeze the fresh berries well, pour the resulting juice into sterile jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and pasteurize for 15 minutes, then roll up the lids. In winter, this remedy is added to tea (1 teaspoon per 200 ml).

Far Eastern lemongrass tea

To make tea, you need young shoots, dried leaves or bark of Chinese magnolia vine. The raw materials (about 10 g) are poured with boiling water (1 l) and, without disturbing, left to infuse for 3-4 minutes. You can add lemongrass leaves to regular tea. By regularly drinking tea from this plant, you can strengthen your immune system and increase your resistance to colds.

Schisandra Seed Powder

To prepare it, the fruits of the plant need to be filled with water and left for several hours, then separate the pulp and remove the seeds. They must be dried well in the oven and ground into powder. The resulting product effectively protects the liver during acute or chronic hepatitis, after long-term illnesses, and also has a stimulating and tonic effect during mental and physical fatigue. Take the powder twice a day (0.5 g) before meals.

Contraindications to the use of Chinese lemongrass

Far Eastern Schisandra is a powerful natural stimulant; therefore, its use is contraindicated in conditions such as:

    arterial hypertension;

    cardiac dysfunction;


    increased excitability;




    chronic liver diseases;

    acute infectious pathologies.

In addition, it is recommended that women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, persons with vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as children under 12 years of age not use products containing Chinese Schisandra.

To avoid insomnia, medications containing Far Eastern Schisandra are not recommended to be taken in the afternoon.

Side effect

In rare cases, after using products containing lemongrass, undesirable side effects may develop, namely:

    increased gastric secretion;




    allergic reactions;

    high blood pressure.


From this article you received a lot of information about such an amazing plant as Far Eastern Schisandra. Instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications for use and properties have been reviewed by us. This plant is truly unique and helps get rid of most health problems. However, we should not forget that any therapeutic measures should be started only after consultation with an experienced specialist and a thorough medical examination, because quite often a person may simply not be aware of the presence of an allergy to any product or plant. We hope you find the information useful. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Chinese lemongrass is a magnificent tree-like plant whose stem and leaves exude a pleasant lemon aroma. It is found mainly in the wild, although breeders have also bred cultivated garden species. In Russia, Chinese lemongrass is most widespread in the Far East (Amur region, Primorye, southern Sakhalin).

Botanical description

The flowers of the plant are dioecious, white. The leaves have a smooth shiny surface and are located on reddish petioles. Depending on the height of the support, lemongrass stems can be from 2.5 m to 15 m.

The plant can be of two types:

  • Monoecious: there are flowers of both types on one stem;
  • Dioecy: female flowers have large greenish pistils, and stamens are located in the center of male flowers.

Schisandra chinensis blooms in late spring. In August, bright red berries, reminiscent of currants, ripen.

Plant reproduces in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • root suckers;
  • layering.

The first method is the most effective. In the spring, a month before planting, the seeds must be stratified by placing them in damp sand, the temperature should be about +18 °C. if the seeds are overdried, seedlings will appear only after a year.

For better growth of lemongrass, you should prepare soil fertilized with leaf humus. Remember! Only two-year-old seedlings can be planted permanently.

During the period of growth and development, the vine requires certain care, especially young plants. Considering that the climate in Schisandra’s homeland is constantly humid, it is necessary to ensure the most similar conditions: in extreme heat, spray the plant with warm water. In dry weather, approximately 6 buckets of water per bush are needed for watering to retain moisture. The soil must be covered with a layer of dry soil.

After the leaves fall (in autumn), it is necessary to prune, but not earlier than 3 years after planting. Of the emerging shoots, the strongest ones should be left, but no more than 4 - 5 pieces.

Excessive thickening negatively affects fruiting, so pruning must be carried out without fail.

Schisandra begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years. The roots of the plant do not tolerate drying out of the soil, so it is better to keep them in the shade. Although the vine itself shows excellent growth and development if there is direct sunlight, preferably throughout the day.

Since Schisandra chinensis is a climbing plant with a rather heavy foliage mass, it is necessary to provide reliable, strong support immediately after planting. It is not recommended to plant the vine in a drafty place, as this can lead to deformation of the plant.

Planting is carried out in trenches or holes, approximately 0.5 m deep and about 0.6 m wide; the bottom must be laid with a layer of broken shards or bricks and covered with soil (27 - 30 cm), watered. And only after these procedures can the seedlings be planted and watered again.

Schisandra chinensis: medicinal properties and contraindications

An interesting fact is that all parts of the plant are suitable for use for medicinal purposes. Chinese lemongrass is valued not only for its beauty, but also for its unique beneficial properties. In addition, lemongrass is widely used in industry and cosmetology. Medicines based on lemongrass are used to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis, diseases of the central nervous system, bronchial asthma and gonorrhea. The essential oil contained in the plant has many beneficial properties: it tones the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity. Schisandra berries and juice are used to make syrups, sweets, and jams.

Mainly used in medicine fruits and seeds of the plant.

The beneficial properties of lemongrass are widely used for mental and physical stress, as well as for stimulating the strength of the body as a whole. Long-term use of this drug provides:

  • lowering sugar (which is especially important for diabetics);
  • increasing the body's immune defense;
  • increase in muscle strength, lung capacity;
  • increasing potency and performance;
  • stimulation of sexual activity;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes.

Schisandra chinensis also widely used for anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidneys. If you suffer from low blood pressure or heart failure, then Chinese lemongrass will come to the rescue.

The use of this plant has a positive effect on stabilizing cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis. Schisandra successfully copes with depression, fatigue, migraines, irritability and other similar manifestations. Medicines based on Schisandra chinensis will help you quickly adapt to a foreign climate, get used to the dark and significantly improve your vision.

The leaves and fruits of Schisandra chinensis are widely used in cooking. So, essential oil, contained in the leaves of the plant, makes it possible to obtain an excellent drink with tonic properties and excellent taste.

You can prepare a useful semi-finished product from lemongrass fruits by canning whole berries or squeezing juice from them. This drink has increased biological activity and all the medicinal properties of lemongrass preparations, so it should also be considered a medicine.

The fruits of the plant can be prepare by drying. At the same time, they retain all the beneficial substances. Initially, the berries are dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 40 °C, gradually increasing it to 60 °C. It is not recommended to raise the temperature above 90 °C, as this destroys schisandrin and the fruits lose their medicinal properties.

Traditional medicine recipes

Alternative medicine has long been using the beneficial properties of the plant. for the treatment of various diseases.

  • Schisandra tincture. Pour the crushed seeds with alcohol in a ratio of 1/2 and place in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Take 3 times 30 drops.
  • Infusion of lemongrass. Chop the berries. Pour boiling water (1 tbsp) over 10 grams of raw materials, let it brew for 6 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp warm. l. 2 times a day.
  • Tincture of lemongrass fruits. Pour alcohol (about 50% strength) over the berries and leave for 10 days. Then drain the liquid and repeat the procedure. After the berries have infused for the second time, mix both alcohol solutions and dilute the resulting liquid with distilled water. Use the tincture for frequent dizziness, sleep disturbances, etc. 2-3 times a day. Dosage - 2.5 ml per course of therapy you will need 100 ml of alcohol infusion.
  • Stimulant drug. It contains lemongrass tincture, sodium bromide and sodium clfeine benzoate. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 4/2/1. distilled water - 200 ml. The drug is consumed 3 times a day, 10-20 ml. The drug is prescribed for increased fatigue, depressive and asthenic conditions, etc.
  • External remedy. Schisandra has shown itself to be quite effective in treating eczema. To prepare the medicine, the pulp of the berries is used, which must be infused for 2-3 days. Then thicken the resulting liquid in a water bath until the volume is reduced by 50%. The drug is ready for use.
  • Tonic tea. Dried young leaves of the plant (10 grams), pour boiling water (1 l.). Take instead of regular tea. You can add honey or sugar.


In order to avoid negative consequences when using preparations based on Schisandra chinensis, it is necessary consult a doctor first. Since schisandrin, which is the main active ingredient of the plant, has high biological activity, the use of schisandra has some limitations. This is mainly due to diseases of the central nervous system (increased excitability, high intracranial pressure, arachnoiditis).

Heart failure, VSD, hypertension and epilepsy are also contraindications. It is not recommended to use Chinese Schisandra during pregnancy, so as not to provoke premature labor (preparations based on the plant are sometimes used to enhance labor).

Also acts as a contraindication individual intolerance organism.

So, before starting therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to avoid possible adverse consequences.

It is a climbing deciduous vine. The fruits of this plant are edible berries. Lemongrass differs from many plants not only in its unusual beauty. It also has valuable medicinal properties.
Schisandra chinensis is well known to gardeners. However, not everyone knows about its amazing healing properties. Scientists have now proven that the entire plant has a healing effect. Moreover, each part of it is very useful for our body.

In China, they are called the fruits of five tastes. There is an explanation for this. The skin of the fruit of this plant has a sweet and salty taste, the juice of the pulp is very sour, and the seeds are resinous and hot.

Chinese lemongrass has contraindications. It is not recommended for patients with individual intolerance to the substances it contains. People with increased excitability of the nervous system, cardiac disorders and hypertension should not consume schisandra berries. In addition, the fruits of this plant are not recommended for children under twelve years of age. Chinese lemongrass should not be taken in the evening, after eighteen hours. Otherwise, the night may be sleepless.

Schisandra chinensis, the medicinal properties of which are due to its rich composition, contains starch and fiber, sugar, as well as various macroelements (zinc and magnesium, chromium and aluminum, calcium and selenium, copper and iodine, as well as potassium). No toxic elements were found in the fruits of the plant.

Schisandra chinensis, the medicinal properties of which help to increase the reflex activity of the central nervous system, is included in the composition of currently produced drugs. These include “Antienuresis”, “Bisk”, “Super Shield”, etc. This therapeutic ability of the fruits of the medicinal plant is due to the presence of iodine, selenium and potassium in its composition. Preparations containing Chinese Schisandra stimulate the heart muscle.

Schisandra chinensis, the medicinal properties of which allow it to have a refreshing and tonic effect on the human body, is recommended for use in the process of hard work, especially requiring attention, concentration and integrity of perception. Taking medications that contain lemongrass helps improve visual acuity. This improves the ability of the eyes to see at dusk. The fruits of the medicinal plant, included in the composition of medicines, can reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, while increasing its amplitude.

Schisandra chinensis, whose medicinal properties were known back in the 5th century, can also be consumed by healthy people. The tonic effect of preparations containing this medicinal plant is used for overwork and fatigue, lethargy and decreased performance, as well as in the presence of

Chinese magnolia vine, whose healing properties are multifaceted, is recommended for hypotensive patients, as well as for patients with psychasthenia. The healing plant improves the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also useful for those who suffer from diabetes. Schisandra chinensis helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, the medicinal plant increases immunity, activates the processes of regeneration and metabolism. Preparations containing Chinese magnolia vine can increase potency while stimulating sexual function.


What is Chinese lemongrass?

Schisandra chinénsis (lat. Schisándra chinénsis) is a species of flowering plants of the Schisandra genus of the Schisandraceae family.

Schisandra chinensis is a deciduous liana up to 10-15 m long, in the northern regions it rarely exceeds 4 m in length. The stem is up to 2 cm in diameter, curling on a support, covered with wrinkled, flaky, dark brown bark. Shoots with smooth yellowish bark.

The leaves are elliptical or obovate, 5-10 cm long, 3-5 cm wide. They have a wedge-shaped base and a pointed apex, indistinctly dentate along the edge, slightly fleshy, bare above, dark green, pale below, with slight pubescence along the veins. Petioles are pinkish-red, 2-3 cm long. Both leaves and stems emit a lemony scent.

Schisandra chinensis is a monoecious plant with dioecious flowers. However, in some years the vine may only bear male flowers. Flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter, with a distinct aroma, white, but towards the end of the flowering period they turn pink, clustered at the base of one-year branches, 3-5 from one leaf axil, on independent drooping pedicels 1-4 cm long. Perianth of 6-9 lobes, of which the outer ones are drooping, the inner ones are converging, oval-oblong, obtuse, usually narrower than the outer ones; anther column three times shorter than the perianth; carpels are numerous, round, with a short beak.

After flowering, the receptacle grows, from one flower a racemose multi-berry up to 10 cm long is formed, planted with juicy red berries. (This fruit is also classified as a succulent multileaf).

Seeds freed from the pericarp are rounded, kidney-shaped, on the concave side with a noticeable dark gray scar located across the seed. Length 3-5 mm, width 2-4.5 mm, thickness 1.5-2.5 mm. The surface is smooth, shiny, yellowish-brown in color. The seeds consist of a hard, fragile skin and a dense core, which may be absent in underdeveloped seeds.

The peel breaks easily and separates freely from the kernel. The kernel is horseshoe-shaped, waxy yellow, one end is cone-shaped, pointed, the other is rounded. There is a light brown groove on the convex side of the seed kernel. The bulk of the seed kernel is endosperm. At the pointed end of the apex (in the endosperm) lies a small embryo, visible under a magnifying glass. The smell when rubbed is strong and specific. The taste is spicy, bitterish-burning.

All parts of the plant have a specific spicy taste and, when rubbed, emit a lemon scent, which makes it easy to distinguish lemongrass from similar actinidia and wood pliers.

Schisandra blooms in the second half of May and early June; the fruits ripen in September-October.

Seeds and dry fruits of lemongrass are used in medicine.

The range of Schisandra chinensis covers Northern and partly Central China, most of Japan, and almost the entire Korean peninsula. In our country, it is widespread in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Sakhalin Region, as well as in the southwest of the Amur Region.

Preparation of Schisandra chinensis

When collecting raw materials, lemongrass clusters should be picked very carefully. Under no circumstances should you pull vines from trees and bushes, tear off large branches of the vine, bend or cut down trees that support the lemongrass. Damaged vines usually stop bearing fruit.

Freshly picked lemongrass fruits are placed in rigid containers - baskets, barrels or enamel buckets. Galvanized buckets cannot be used as containers, as they are oxidized by lemongrass juice. The collected raw materials are delivered to the procurement point as quickly as possible. Fruits that are not sent on time release juice and begin to ferment on the second day, which sharply reduces their value.

The fruit juice is squeezed out using screw or hydraulic presses. After completion of pectin fermentation in the pulp, the seeds are separated under a strong stream of water from the skin and pulp (pulp) on sieves with a hole diameter of 4-5 mm. To improve the quality of raw materials, it is necessary to remove seeds that float in the water. The washed seeds are dried in ventilated heat dryers. The yield of dry seeds from the mass of raw fruits is about 5%.

Schisandra fruits are dried on sieves in thermal dryers at a temperature of 35-40 ° C and then dried at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, after which they, like dried seeds, are cleaned of foreign impurities. Schisandra fruits dry out by more than 80%. The diameter of the dry fruits is 5-6 mm, they are irregular in shape with a highly wrinkled skin of a red-brown color.

Chemical composition of Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis fruits contain sugars, tannic and coloring compounds, fatty (containing glycerides of linoleic, linolenic, oleic and other acids) and organic (malic, citric and tartaric) acids. In addition, essential oils, sesquiterpene substances, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, as well as schisandrol and schisandrin, compounds that determine the basic biological properties of the plant, have been isolated from the fruit. The seeds contain tonic substances (about 0.012%), schisandrin and schisandrol, vitamin E (0.03%) and fatty oil (up to 33.8%).

Medicinal properties of Schisandra chinensis

Modern scientists have found that 100 g of schisandra berries contains a daily dose of vitamin C, a lot of vitamin P, beta carotene, vitamin E, pectins, minerals, essential oils, a lot of citric acid, and in terms of sugar content (20%) schisandra berries are comparable with grapes. Schisandra is especially valued for its substances called lignans. One of them - schisandrin - has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, in much the same way as the Brazil cola nut. Thanks to lignans, lemongrass enhances physical and mental activity, the body's resistance to any negative factors, stimulates the heart and blood vessels, and strengthens the entire body.

In addition to using schisandra as a restorative and tonic, schisandra has long been used in Chinese and Korean medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Schisandra will help with bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, with kidney inflammation and urinary incontinence, with cardiovascular problems of a functional nature and drowsiness, with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with seasickness and diarrhea, with diabetes and impotence. Schisandra is necessary for hypotension and vision problems, asthenia and depression of the asthenic type. This plant relieves any fatigue, regulates the acidity of gastric juice, is an assistant to the main medications for tuberculosis, fights eczema and skin inflammation, and reduces the risk of getting the flu several times. Schisandra will cope with toxicosis during pregnancy and menopausal disorders, help the body adapt to extreme external conditions and increase visual acuity.

This is a very powerful remedy, so prevention and treatment of lemongrass must be carried out in strictly prescribed courses and under the supervision of a doctor! You should not resort to this natural medicine for hypertension, nervous excitement and insomnia, stomach ulcers, and acute cardiac dysfunction.

But many diseases can be prevented or their course significantly mitigated, if they have already occurred, if you use lemongrass correctly. And this book will teach you how to use natural medicine correctly. Together with lemongrass you can:

  • Increase the body's defenses against any adverse external influences.
  • Keep your immune system in good shape.
  • Quickly restore strength after physical and mental stress.
  • Treat respiratory diseases and colds.
  • Help the heart and blood vessels.
  • Heal the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  • Cope with fatigue, depression and drowsiness.
  • Fight diabetes.
  • Contribute to the long-term preservation of women's and men's health.
  • Improve vision.
  • Keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Contraindications for Schisandra chinensis

  • hypertension;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Schisandra should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.

Adverse reactions that may occur when using lemongrass:

  • tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • sleep disorders;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure.

According to doctors' research, in 4% of people, lemongrass can cause lethargy and depression of the nervous system.

In case of overdose, overexcitation of the nervous and cardiovascular systems is possible.

And one more nuance - in the spring, during the period of juice saturation, it is not recommended to use the lemongrass vine (for infusions, teas, decoctions) - during this period the plant has very strong activity, the heart and blood vessels can react too violently.

Schisandra is a very powerful remedy, so before you start taking lemongrass in any form, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment with Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is a valuable medicinal plant and is cultivated in many countries. In both scientific and folk medicine, Chinese Schisandra is used as a powerful tonic for overwork, exhaustion of the nervous system, decreased mental and physical performance, for the healing of trophic ulcers and long-lasting wounds. Schisandra promotes longer retention of strength and energy in people engaged in heavy mental or physical labor.

Tincture of berries and lemongrass leaves to improve performance

The tincture works great as a stimulant for the body, increases strength, and protects against colds, lethargy, dystonia, and vitamin deficiency. There are two general methods for preparing tinctures: from the fruits of lemongrass and from the plant itself. You can use either 70% or 96% alcohol.

  1. You need to take 1 part of lemongrass fruits (both ripe and dried) and 5 parts of alcohol of 70% concentration, pour the lemongrass fruits into a dark glass bowl and fill with alcohol. Infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days, shaking the contents occasionally. Then the tincture is filtered and stored in a dark, sealed glass container in a cool place, protected from bright light. Usual method of use: 2 times a day (preferably in the morning and at lunch) 20-30 drops 20-30 minutes before meals. Course duration – 1 month.
  2. You need to take 1 part of the chopped plant (washed leaves, shoots) to 3 parts of 70% alcohol. In a dark glass bowl, mix the alcohol and the stems and leaves. Infuse in a dark and cool place for 8–10 days. Then strain. The tincture from the plant must be taken either on an empty stomach or 4 hours after meals, 2-3 times a day, 20-30 drops. The course is the same: 3–4 weeks.

Tincture of Schisandra chinensis seeds

Restores strength, stimulates mental and physical activity, strengthens the body as a whole, is a vitamin complex that improves the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. It is also recommended to use the tincture in case of increased stomach acidity, hypotension, drowsiness, decreased attention, during the period of physical and mental adaptation, and deterioration of various sensitivities (hearing, vision, etc.).

  • 50 g lemongrass seeds
  • 0.5 l vodka

Rinse the lemongrass seeds well to remove any remaining berries. Then chop them thoroughly and pour vodka. Place in a dark place for 14 days. The finished tincture is used 25 drops up to 3 times a day.

To enhance physical and mental activity, you can prepare an infusion of lemongrass berries. Both fresh and dried berries are suitable. Dried lemongrass fruits should be brewed as tea and drunk to tone the body and relieve fatigue, as well as against scurvy. How to dry? Slightly dried lemongrass berries should be placed on a baking sheet in one layer and the baking sheet should be placed in the oven, preheated to 60 C. Drying should be done in 3-4 steps over several days.

Infusion of Schisandra chinensis berries

  • 15 g lemongrass fruit
  • 300 ml boiling water

Pour boiling water over the crushed berries, heat over low heat, without boiling, for 15 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 2 3 times a day, but no later than 5 hours before bedtime.

For the winter, lemongrass can be prepared in the form of fresh berries in sugar. A very effective tool for always being in good working shape.

Fresh lemongrass berries in sugar

The berries are lightly dried, covered with sugar in a ratio of 1:2, mixed, placed in glass jars, covered with lids or paper and stored in a cool place. Used as an additive to tea.

Tea or infusion of lemongrass leaves and shoots, both fresh and dried, will increase your strength. Schisandra leaves, stems, and bark have a gentler effect on the body than berries and preparations made from berries, since they contain less tonic substances than fruits. Infusion and tea relieve depression well.

In August, it is advisable to prepare the leaves and young (one- and two-year-old) shoots, chop them, spread them in a thin layer on paper and dry them in a shaded place that is well ventilated. Then store in a cool, dark place. Can be stored in fabric bags.

How to make juice from Schisandra chinensis berries

Method 1:

Wash the berries, squeeze the juice in a juicer. Pour the finished juice into clean jars, sterilize and seal tightly. Store in a cool place. To use, 1 teaspoon of lemongrass juice is diluted in 200 ml of hot water. Juice is added to tea or coffee 1–1.5 teaspoons 2 times a day when there is a decrease in tone and fatigue.

Method 2:

Squeeze the washed berries in a juicer. Pour the remaining pomace with hot water 1:1 and squeeze out the juice again. Mix the juice of the first and second pressings, strain, pour into an enamel pan, heat to 95 ° C and pour into jars while hot. Sterilize the jars and seal them hermetically. Store in a cool place.

After preparing the juice from lemongrass fruits, we are left with pressings. From these pressings you can make wine, which will not only give you strength to do any work, increase your tone, but also quench your thirst.

Alcohol tincture of lemongrass

This tincture is sold in pharmacies, but you can make it at home. It is used as a vitamin, restorative, tonic that improves the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, and is especially good for asthenia and nervous disorders.

  • 20 g ripe or dried lemongrass fruits
  • 100 ml 70% alcohol

Grind the lemongrass berries, pour into a dark glass bottle, add alcohol, close tightly and leave for 10 days at room temperature in a dark place. The bottle must be shaken from time to time. After this, strain the tincture, squeeze out the berries and leave for another two days, then strain again. The tincture should now become transparent. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 20 to 35 days.

Toning tea from Schisandra chinensis

Grind the leaves or branches of lemongrass, pour boiling water over it, and steep like regular tea. This tonic tea has a pleasant taste. Schisandra berries, leaves and bark are used as an antiscorbutic.

Tea made from lemongrass leaves or branches is an excellent substitute for natural tea. It has a beautiful golden color, perfectly relieves fatigue, calms, adds strength, refreshes in the heat, and has a lemon aroma.

The leaves and stems have a milder effect than schisandra berries, as they contain less tonic substances.

An aqueous infusion of leaves and infusions of Schisandra bark have long been used in traditional medicine as an excellent vitamin and antiscorbutic remedy.

Medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes - from the book by T.A. Litvinova “The Great Medicine of Chinese Emperors for 1000 Diseases. Schisandra: how to treat and how to grow.”

Calorie content of Schisandra chinensis

The calorie content of lemongrass, however, like all berries, is low and amounts to 11 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in lemongrass (BJU) per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.0

Fats – 0.0



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs