What are ballasts for? Plant foods - a source of ballast substances


These are those components of food that are not digested and not absorbed by humans. Main ballast substancesalimentary fiber contained in all plants, primarily fiber. All dietary fibers are polysaccharides different structure with huge macromolecules. Many bacteria easily break down these compounds, but human enzymes cannot. For a long time therefore, official science considered ballast substances not only useless, but even harmful to health. Only with the creation of a theory adequate nutrition these views have changed radically. However, all empirical wellness systems, which have proven their effectiveness in practice, from time immemorial insisted on natural food from unrefined products with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, containing great amount dietary fiber. The normalizing role of dietary fiber at all stages of digestion has now been proven. They affect the rate of gastric emptying, the intensity of absorption in small intestine, on total time passing food through gastrointestinal tract eliminate constipation. Ballast substances serve the most important source food intestinal microflora, from normal composition which depends on the vital activity of the whole organism. After all, the bacterial flora destroys many toxins, synthesizes vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, including essential ones. Therefore, their use serves as a good prevention of dysbacteriosis. Finally, dietary fibers are excellent sorbents, that is, substances that can actively absorb various compounds with their micropores. In medicine, artificial sorbents are widely used - activated carbons. different origin. There are several dozens of diseases in which their use is indicated. These are all kinds of poisoning, including medicines, diseases of the kidneys, liver, biliary tract, pancreatitis, peritonitis, some diseases of cardio-vascular system, autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriasis, allergies. Therapeutic effect here directly depends on the absorption capacity. Indeed, at the same time, many toxic and excess metabolic products are neutralized - urea and creatinine, cholesterol, various allergens, etc. At the same time, the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids improves, normalizes lipid metabolism(lipids - fats and fat-like substances), that is, rejuvenation effects are observed. And indeed, in laboratory conditions it was possible to extend the life of old animals by 35-40 percent by introducing sorbents into their diet. Is it true, long-term use activated charcoal is impossible - there are digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting. Yes, this is useless, because in any fresh plant food there are enough natural absorbents. According to V. Stelko and Yu. Butylin, ... the daily passage of several tens of grams of natural porous dietary fiber through the intestines creates an additional absorbing surface of several thousand square meters ... Thousands of square meters! I'm not kidding. And "several tens of grams" are easily gained with healthy menu. In whole wheat flour, for example, up to 12-13 percent of dietary fiber. They are found in considerable quantities in other cereals, vegetables, fruits, and herbs. All this food in itself forms a little waste, but it is also capable of removing up to half of the others. poisonous products exchange. Often, the specific ability of dietary fibers to absorb certain compounds is also used. So, pectins remove salts heavy metals. Therefore, people working with such substances, including radioactive ones, are recommended to eat more pectin-containing products for prevention (this is currants, especially red ones, apples, jams from them, etc.).

In the diagnosis of Franz K. Mayr, there is, among others, an extremely simple, but quite reliable indicator that characterizes the state of human health - the quality of the stool. In its formation, the leading role belongs to nutrition, which should:

promote the formation of regular, well-formed soft stools in large volumes,

make laxatives redundant,

prevent overweight.

Nutrition should be such that no hard stools appear, especially constipation, but also mushy stool or diarrhea should not be.

All of these conditions are feasible with the help of food rich in so-called ballast substances. This name should not be taken literally, as if we are talking about some unnecessary component of food, useless ballast. In fact, ballast substances are an integral part of food, broken down by the digestive apparatus in small quantities and only partially exposed to bacteria located in the large intestine. Being essentially indigestible, dietary fiber cannot pass through the intestinal wall into blood vessels as it does with other food components.

Ballast substances include high-molecular complex carbohydrates of various structures and lignins (cellulose, hemicellulose, pentosans and pectins). Most often they fall into digestive tract in the form of dietary fiber (fiber) when consumed primarily plant foods, in which they are constituent parts cell walls or plant backbone.

Ballast substances are not absorbed in the intestines and, accordingly, do not perform either plastic or energy functions. However, their presence in the body is important for the normal course of vital processes.

Ballast substances activate digestive enzymes, without which the process of digestion cannot be carried out. They bind cholesterol, bile acid, toxins and other harmful substances ensure their removal from the body. It is very important that they also bind carcinogens, acting as a good defense against cancer. Soluble ballast substances contained in oat bran lower cholesterol levels. Although indigestible fibers do not provide the body with energy, they bind water in the intestines and, due to their swelling, contribute to its filling. Due to the increase in the volume of the contents of the intestine, its natural mechanical irritation occurs, which activates peristalsis and encourages the intestine to empty.

It is also important that in the process of chemical transformation, acids are formed from ballast substances that have natural laxative properties. Providing regular natural emptying, ballast substances contribute to the normalization of bowel function, thus creating a very important prerequisite for activating the "inner doctor" and improving health. Among other things, plant foods, rich in ballast substances, muffle the feeling of hunger, which is useful for those who want to lose weight.

Even this far from complete enumeration of the properties of ballast substances indicates that providing the body with them can be effective. therapeutic event. In many cases, their presence in the diet helps eliminate chronic (sometimes long-term!) intestinal atony in just a few weeks, helps regulate stools (laxatives become unnecessary).

People with occasional constipation can be treated with herbal laxative teas, but teas should not be used for more than four weeks without a doctor's prescription. Pregnant women should first consult a doctor about taking laxative teas, since if a blockage of the intestinal lumen is suspected, the use of laxatives in any form is strictly prohibited.

Consequences of deficiency of ballast substances

Due to the small amount of raw and plant foods in the diet modern man lack of ballast substances is a common phenomenon. At daily need 25–30 g, the majority receives an average of 5–10 g of dietary fiber with food. And the lack of dietary fiber in the digestive process is the cause of indigestion and intestinal dysfunctions, such as constipation or irritable bowel.

The first and most common consequence of a lack of ballast substances is such a widespread ailment as lethargy (atony) of the intestine. If stool stay in the intestine for too long, they cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which threatens the occurrence chronic inflammation, and in the worst case lead to colon cancer. Slags and toxic substances can be reabsorbed from the intestines into the blood and cause its chronic self-poisoning. Intestinal lethargy, among other things, is the cause of overweight.

However, not only the deficit, but also misuse ballast substances can lead to serious complications, including calling

flatulence (important to ensure good chewing food!)

the formation of fecal stones,

intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction can occur, for example, when flaxseed is introduced into the diet and wheat bran without sufficient fluid intake; intestinal obstruction is characterized by stool and gas retention, flatulence, sharp pains in the abdomen, vomiting, symptoms of intoxication. Depending on the degree of violation, it can develop from partial (incomplete) to complete intestinal obstruction.

Most of the ballast substances are found in raw plant foods: fruits and vegetables, some types of cereals, muesli and products from uncrushed (whole) grains, flaxseed, wheat and oat bran and products made on their basis. Ballast substances are present in in large numbers in beans, beans, peas, lentils. There are a lot of them in cauliflower, white, red and Brussels sprouts, fennel and tuber celery. Some varieties of apples, pears, blackberries, currants, kiwis, raspberries and blueberries can be mentioned among fruits and fruit crops.

It is best to supply the body with ballast substances through the introduction of raw plant foods into the diet. However, if the need cannot be fully covered by raw food, then you can additionally use wheat bran or flax-seed. Most of this set of products consists of swellable fibers, and flaxseed, in addition, secretes mucous substances that facilitate the sliding of the contents of the intestine and protect its mucosa from irritation. The daily dose of such a supplement should take into account the amount of dietary fiber contained in the rest of the food, and is 10–25 g of bran or flaxseed.

When using these products, again, you need to pay attention to fluid intake (minimum 1/4 liter per serving). Due to the lack of water, dietary fibers swell unevenly, which can lead to the formation of a plug in the rectum, which sometimes cannot be removed without surgery.

Food products should, as far as possible, be consumed in their natural state, that is, without heat treatment, without preservation.

Dried lentils 10.6

Quick-frozen peas 7.0

Brussels sprouts 4.4

Celery 4.2

Corn 3.7

Carrot 3.4

Avocado 3.3

Broccoli 3.0

Raw cauliflower 2.9

Green beans 2.9

Red cabbage 2.5

Potato 2.5

Red beetroot 2.5

White cabbage 2.5

Leek 2.3

Black root 2.3

Asparagus 1.5

Savoy cabbage 1.5

Eggplant 1.4

Kohlrabi 1.4

Cucumbers 0.9

Coconut 9.0

Hazelnut 7.4

Peanut 7.1 European chestnut 6.8

Walnut 4.6

Fresh fruits

Blackcurrant 6.8

Blueberries 4.9

Raspberry 4.7

Red currant 3.5

Rhubarb 3.2

Apples 2.3

Oranges 2.2

Bananas 2.0

Strawberry 2.0

Sweet cherry 1.9

Tangerines 1.9

Pineapple 1.8

Peaches 1.2

Dried fruits

Prunes 9.0

Apricots 8.0

Bakery products

Crispy bread 14.6

Flour crackers coarse grinding 12,0

Wholemeal wheat bread 6.7

Bread made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour 4,4

Buns 3.1

Wholemeal toast 3.1

White bread 2.9

Cereal products

Wheat bran 42.4

Rye, whole grain 13.2

Wheat, whole grain 10.6

Whole wheat flour 10.0

Barley without flower coat 9.8

Wholemeal noodles 9.0

Oat flakes 7.0

Wheat flour 4.0

Rice, shelled (natural) 4.0

Buckwheat 3.7

Noodles/pasta 3.4

Rice polished 1.4

” was formed back in those days when people considered these constituent components of products as useless ballast for the body. Carbohydrates are generally understood as ballast substances. Ballast substances include: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, agar-agar, lignin, etc.

Distinguish between soluble and insoluble ballast substances.

It is recommended to take 30 g of ballast substances per day, but with a normal diet, the body usually does not receive so much. At the same time, the calorie content of ballast substances (2-3 kcal) can be ignored at such quantities. It is impossible to recover from ballast substances.

Consider the features of ballast substances by groups.

Soluble Ballast Substances- bind bile acids (consisting of 80% of cholesterol), as well as other metabolic products and remove them from the body. Thus, less cholesterol enters the blood, and its level decreases.

Insoluble Ballast Substances- can change their volume due to the ability to swell. They bind the liquid, increasing the volume of the contents of the intestine, which accelerates peristalsis and reduces the time the food gruel stays in the intestine. If taken in enough, this can be a good prevention of such a common phenomenon as constipation. All ballast substances (up to lignin) can bind water. So-called swelling substances can bind a hundred times more water than the substance itself.

Obviously positive influence ballast substances on the body. It consists in the fact that they provide a feeling of satiety for quite a long time, and also bind and remove bile acids, thereby lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, they enhance peristalsis and bind water, which provides normal stool and prevents chronic diseases intestines.

But, unfortunately, there are negative aspects the use of ballast substances. Microorganisms form gases and this can lead to bloating, damage to the epithelium (intestinal mucosa), binding of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, as a result of which the body will not receive these substances. But it's scarier that overuse ballast substances, volvulus may occur due to overcrowding and clogging of the intestine. But if you take them within the recommended limits, then such a development of events is unlikely. It is much more dangerous not to receive ballast substances for a long time.

Where are such wonderful ballast substances hiding? In what products? Exclusively in products plant origin, especially from coarse grains, legumes, vegetables, salads, vegetable shoots and fruits.

Below is the amount of dietary fiber found in some common foods.

No. p / p The product's name The amount of ballast substances in 100g of product
1 Cereals 10,0
2 Wheat germ 17,7
3 wheat bran 45,4
4 Rice 4,5
5 Rye bread 14,0
6 Peas 16,6
7 Corn 9,7
8 Lentils 17,0
9 Soya beans 21,9
10 White beans 23,2
11 Cauliflower 26,3
12 Carrot 12,1
13 Prunes 5,0
14 Whole grain pasta 8,0
15 Wholemeal bread with bran 8,3

I think this information is in continuation of articles about healthy eating won't be redundant.

Ballast substances, contrary to their name, are the key to our health and harmony.

What it is?

Ballast substances are plant fibers that are part of some foods and are not absorbed by the body. But, despite this property, they are useful for the figure and health, because these substances are responsible for cleansing the body of all kinds of poisons and toxins.
Ballast substances include fiber, cellulose and pectin. They are found in plant products: cabbage, radishes, carrots, apples, legumes.

Improve digestion

Grains and legumes contain insoluble ballast substances, which, by swelling in our stomach, push food further and thus stimulate the intestines. In addition, they contribute to the reproduction in it. beneficial bacteria that improve the digestion process.
But in order to help ballast substances to fully perform this function, it is necessary to drink plenty of water (1.5-2 liters per day) and chew food well.

Help to lose weight

Ballast substances swell in the body, filling the stomach. Therefore, supplementing the main course with foods rich in vegetable fibers, we eat up a much smaller portion and stay full longer. Ballast substances have one more useful property- they remove excess from the body complex carbohydrates. Usually such carbohydrates give us energy, but if there are too many of them, they are deposited on the sides.

How much should you eat?

On average, we consume about 18-20 g of dietary fiber per day. Experts say that this is not enough. Daily rate- 25 g. However, if you have consumed too little dietary fiber for a long time, you should increase their amount in the diet very slowly. Otherwise, it may lead to constipation.
If with food you are unable to consume required amount ballast substances, consult your doctor. He may recommend that you take them separately.

Reduce cholesterol levels

Soluble dietary fiber regulates blood sugar and lowers cholesterol levels. He leaves with the excess bile acid, which is removed by plant fibers. Plus, they reduce the risk of stomach cancer and gallstones. Soluble dietary fiber is found mainly in vegetables and fruits.

To extract from the ballast the greatest benefit, foods rich in them are best consumed raw. After all favorable influence of these substances is reduced if vegetables or fruits have been heat-treated.

Why do some people want to eat all the time? Why do some foods satisfy hunger while others do not?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then you will be interested to know that the feeling of satiety, among other things, depends on the fullness of the stomach. And fullness, in turn, strongly depends on the amount of food eaten. So, it turns out that the larger the volume eaten, the more pronounced the feeling of satiety.

“But how is that? - perhaps, you ask, - after all, the more I eat, the sooner I will get fat ?!" In this controversial moment, we will try to figure it out now.

In fact, there is an apparent contradiction here. Dr. Semyonov always draws our attention to the fact that we gain weight from excess calories, not from excess food. Take a look at the calorie table and compare: 100 grams lard(such a small piece) contains 800 kilocalories. 100 grams of wholemeal bread - 150 kilocalories.

What makes a low-calorie meal a low-calorie meal?

Plant foods - a source of ballast substances

Vegetables, fruits, bran (that is, low-calorie foods) carry enough fiber in their cells, consisting of cellulose, pectin, lignin. In dietology, they are usually called ballast substances. This is where lies the cherished secret of how to eat and lose weight!

Dietary fiber is interesting because are not digested by the human enzyme system. Fiber - consisting mainly of cell walls - passes almost the entire intestine unchanged. It would seem, what is the use of it? After all, fiber for weight loss is almost indigestible!

Why do we need ballast substances for weight loss?

Their benefits can hardly be overestimated.

First of all, this “ballast” is useful for accelerating weight loss ... The feeling of satiety occurs because the dietary fibers that make up fiber serve as a kind of filler that provides volume. At the same time, when absorbing water, they are able to swell and even increase in size. The stomach fills up, satiety occurs, fiber does its job of losing weight.

In addition, dietary fiber fibers serve as an excellent substrate and habitat for beneficial intestinal microflora. But these microbes help our body provide not only normal functioning digestive system but also health in general. And without healthy microflora proper metabolism is impossible, which is the key to losing weight, getting rid of excess weight.

Besides, food bolus, saturated with ballast substances and dietary fiber, presses on the walls of the intestine, stimulating peristaltic movements. You will significantly reduce the risk of constipation if you have enough vegetables and fruits in your diet that contain fiber that is useful for weight loss.

Finally, ballast substances are an excellent natural absorber of toxins, poisons, carcinogens, comparable to activated carbon and helping to lose weight. "Rough" foods that add enough fiber to your diet are not only useful for losing weight or maintaining a figure, but also reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors, food poisoning, and also allows us to eat enough and lose weight at the same time.

Excess fat is also adsorbed, including cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels and interferes with weight loss. The process of absorption of nutrients slows down. Ballast substances help to lose weight, reduce the load on some organs (in particular, the liver), and we remain full and energetic for much longer. It turns out that the fiber we consume, in terms of the sum of its effects, actively contributes to quick and easy weight loss!

To lose weight, eat a variety of vegetables and fruits!

So, now we know that the feeling of satiety depends, in particular, on the amount of food eaten. But, perhaps, with a large volume low calorie have only a few foods that allow us to eat and lose weight?

It's just the opposite: just some of the plant food so high in calories that it makes sense to limit its consumption. These are fructose: grapes (raisins), dried apricots, prunes; protein: peas, beans, soybeans; oily: nuts, avocados and some others.

Do you doubt whether it is possible to eat varied and tasty, observing calorie restrictions, and lose weight? In vain! There are hundreds of recipes using all kinds of ballast substances, fiber. Only a few of them are featured on our website. S. P. Semyonov especially recommends using various salads, including fish and meat salads, for improving nutrition.

Add fiber and bran to your food

Well, if you can’t reduce the calorie content of your favorite diet for weight loss, add a small amount of wheat bran to it, which contains fiber already familiar to us. In general, make it a rule to always keep this most valuable product at hand. With an almost zero calorie content, bran contains the necessary dietary fiber, increases the volume of the dish and gives it a peculiar pleasant taste.

From the session of Dr. Semyonov for weight loss, our patients will learn a lot of secrets on how to eat and lose weight. Received upon request and detailed instructions By diet food, consultations on all issues of interest related to weight loss. Get answers on how to make your own diet in accordance with the characteristics of your body, and how to use fiber for easy weight loss, only at professional doctor whose experience has already given health and beauty to many people. Join them and stay healthy!



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