Japanese niche health system. Six golden rules of katsuzo niche

Japanese Nishi Katsudzo came up with the “golden rules of health” - these are exercises that help people maintain excellent health, prolong life and youth. This is a fairly easy, but nevertheless effective gymnastics that anyone can easily master.

What was Katsuzo Nishi talking about?

The author of the “6 Rules of Health” system was born a weak, sick child, for whom doctors immediately predicted a short life. They believed that Nishi would live to a maximum of twenty years. But contrary to medical predictions, Katsudzo lived a very long, healthy, eventful life.

Recovery was not easy for him: he persistently and with incredible diligence studied medical literature, tried all kinds of treatment methods. Over the course of several years, he managed to create his own system aimed at quickly healing the body.

Nishi’s system justifies itself completely: the author himself died only at the age of 75, and not from natural death, but died tragically in a car accident. Despite the fact that the great author has been dead for a long time, his books and works have already helped many people find a long-awaited recovery.

Here are some key points of Nisha's teachings:

  1. Movement is life. If you constantly lead an exclusively sedentary lifestyle, you should definitely find time for health-improving exercises. Otherwise, you will only have to dream about longevity and good health.
  2. Katsuzo did not invent anything and is not the discoverer of any radically new method. He only gained a lot of knowledge, from which he was able to isolate all the most effective techniques and combine them into a system.
  3. The exercises that we will talk about below are only part of the entire system that the great author proposed. We also recommend studying his book from cover to cover. Title of the work: “Golden Rules of Health.”

Golden rules of health

Nishi stated that there are six golden rules that are important to follow if you want to live a long and happy life. It is necessary. If you ignore them, gymnastics will not give the desired effect.

These are the rules:

  1. Sleep on a hard bed. A person spends a third of his life in bed. Therefore, for the health of the back and spine, it is so important to sleep on a hard bed. The spine, according to Nisha, is the basis of life, the core of all health. Therefore, first of all, it is the spinal column that needs to be healed with the help of gymnastics: to treat stoop and all kinds of tension.
  2. Instead of a soft pillow - a hard cushion. Yes, at first it will be unusual and uncomfortable. But it will ensure the health of your neck. If there are clamps in this area, the brain, skin and hair do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. This is fraught not only with loss of energy, but also with appearance problems. Therefore, it is important to eliminate tension with the help of gymnastics, and to maintain neck health while sleeping on the “correct” pillow.4
  3. Do the “Goldfish” exercise in the morning. Lie on your back and stretch your whole body as if in a string: hook your big toes into each other, stretch your arms up, connecting your little fingers. Strive to stretch as much as possible, imagining your spine stretching. Feel and feel how your body vibrates. Repeat the exercise several times a day, if possible. You can place a thick fabric cushion under your shoulder blades to strengthen your back at the same time.
  4. Fourth rule: strengthen the capillaries. Lie on your back, on the floor. You cannot do the exercise on a sofa or bed because their surface is not hard enough. While lying down, raise your arms and legs up so that they are parallel to each other and perpendicular to your torso. While in this position, shake your arms and legs with vibrating movements for 1-3 minutes.
  5. The fifth rule is to lie on the cushion for five minutes a day. You need to make a roller by rolling up a towel, or buy a ready-made one. Place it under your shoulder blades, lie down on a hard surface, stretch your arms and legs with your palms and feet together.
  6. Rule six - do not forget to strengthen your stomach and back. For this, the author of the system has developed a whole set of exercises. It is best to first study their technique from a video, and only then start practicing on your own.

Watch the video for an example of another exercise to strengthen capillaries:

For the system to work, it is important to comply with all its components. Only an integrated approach to working with yourself and your health can bring significant results. Therefore, follow all stages of work with the golden rules of Nisha.

  1. Don't forget about proper nutrition. Most of Nishi’s exercises are aimed at activating blood circulation, so nutrients will begin to flow more actively to the internal organs. If you eat “food garbage”, its negative impact on the body will increase. If you consume only healthy foods, their benefits will increase several times.
  2. Sports, massage, stretching and swimming are not a whim, but the needs of your body that must be satisfied. Therefore, devote sufficient time to these activities.
  3. Additionally, you can find and visit a good osteopathic doctor. Many people have no idea how many problems it can detect and treat, which will significantly change their quality of life.

And most importantly: follow Nisha's rules day after day. Only regular practice can bring significant results.

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Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous healers in Japan, who created six rules of health from personal experience. Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of this.

In his adolescence, Nishi received a diagnosis according to which he was not expected to live beyond the age of 20. Contrary to all scientific predictions, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than predicted, but also surprised everyone with his health even in old age.

The fundamental factor of the Nishi system is a good understanding of human physiology. The conclusions he made literally turned the world and its ideas about what illness is and how to achieve health using just a few simple manipulations with your body a day.
By the way, it will be said that six health rules from Nisha received wide publicity about 80 years ago. In our time, there are thousands of examples around the world in which seriously ill patients are cured of their illnesses, when doctors even shrug their shoulders in helplessness.

What you need to know before starting the exercises.

As you know, most of us have problems with the spine. Scoliosis and various curvatures are common. All this comes from incorrect posture. When a person slouches, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which they shift relative to themselves.

The golden rules of health by Katsudzo Nishi are aimed at developing correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the vertebral systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

1. The first Golden Rule of Health is a FIRM BED.

A person spends one third of his life sleeping, so this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting posture. A flat and firm bed is important because in this case the weight is evenly distributed throughout the body and the muscles can completely relax. At the same time, only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a curved state during the day during work.

A hard bed stimulates skin activity, activates the work of skin venous vessels, prevents liver prolapse, and accelerates blood supply to the skin. All this ensures sound sleep and a cheerful state after it.
Of course, you can sleep on the floor or on a sheet of plywood, but the main thing to remember is that one of the important functions of the bed is its ability to warm the human body from below, so when arranging your bed, take care of the correct placement of rigid structures.

In order to have better sleep, it will be useful in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, to spend 20 minutes in the fresh air. It is very convenient to take care of your health together with your loved one or friend.

2. The second Golden Rule of Health is a HARD PILLOW.

Most likely it’s not even a pillow, but a cushion-like pad for the head. It is best to use a wooden object for these purposes that is carefully adjusted to your parameters.
The bolster pillow must be of a certain size, which differs for each person. In simple terms, your new pillow should fill the hollow between the back of the head and the scapular area, while the third and fourth cervical vertebrae will lie flat on a hard surface without bending. An example of a correct bed with a hard pillow and an incorrect one are shown in the figure.

Of course, it immediately becomes clear that such a pillow, out of habit, will cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is because we have been accustomed to a different way of sleeping for a long time and now the correct one seems uncomfortable and wild to us. In order to alleviate the unpleasant sensations, at first, the hard roller can be wrapped in a soft cloth, but remember, from time to time the cloth needs to be removed and thus gradually get rid of it. You need to get used to sleeping on the right pillow - this is the key to health.

3. The third Golden Rule of Health is the “GOLDFISH” EXERCISE.

This exercise affects the spinal nerves, relaxes them and relieves stress. Normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and stabilizes the functioning of the body's main systems, including the nervous system. Promotes proper bowel function.

Starting position: lie on your back, naturally on a flat and hard surface, it can be a bed or the floor, throw your arms behind your head, legs stretched forward, stand on your heels, and pull your toes towards your face.

Technique for performing the exercise: first you need to stretch your body. We stretch our right heel forward and our hands in the opposite direction, then do the same with our left heel. Then we put our hands under our heads, and without lifting our torso from the floor (we make sure that the heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor) we make wave-like movements like a fish from left to right (but not up and down - this is an important condition) for 1-2 minutes.
It is recommended to perform this and subsequent exercises twice a day, morning and evening.

4. The fourth Golden Rule of Health is CAPILLARY EXERCISE.

The purpose of the exercise is to stimulate capillaries in organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of lymph. This exercise is a good substitute for running, because it allows you to remove the stress on your joints and heart, which is sometimes very important. If it is possible to perform it naked, then in addition to the above effects, you will also receive increased skin respiration, and this will lead to cleansing the body of toxins through the skin.

Starting position: lie on a hard base on your back, place the cushion we are already familiar with under your neck.

Execution technique: raise your legs up, point your feet so that they are parallel to the floor, raise your arms up too. In this position of your arms and legs, actively shake them for 1-3 minutes.

5. The fifth Golden Rule of Health is the “CLOSING PALM AND FEET” EXERCISE.

This exercise helps the forces of mind and body achieve balance, coordinating the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. By doing it, we help the diaphragm work, which naturally improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart. This exercise is especially useful in the interaction of the muscles of the right and left sides of our body, which, in coordination, help the work of all internal organs. This exercise is especially useful to perform during pregnancy, as it promotes the favorable development of the fetus in the womb.

This exercise consists of two stages, preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part of the exercise.

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, place a cushion under your neck, then you need to close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees to the sides as shown in the figure.

Execution technique. In this position we will perform several different manipulations or movements, each of which must be repeated 10 times.
1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, simply press the fingertips against each other.
2. We begin to press the pads of our fingers on each other and continue pressing with the entire palm.
3. Firmly squeeze the surfaces of the palms completely
4. Extend your closed arms as far as possible behind your head and draw a line from behind your head to your waist, your fingers do not change position and “look” behind your head, keep your palms as close to your body as possible.
5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they “look” at the feet and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. We make movements similar to step 4, but now we don’t hold our hands close to the body, but do it at the maximum distance from the body, as if cutting through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up, bring them back, try to make the movement to its maximum length.
8. The hands remain closed above the solar plexus, and the feet move back and forth without opening the feet.
9. We combine the movements, moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, adding movements with the palms in a similar order.

The main part of the exercise.

Starting position: lie on your back, after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, palms are closed over the solar plexus, feet are closed, knees are spread apart.

Technique: close your eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes without changing the position of your legs and arms.

6. The sixth Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISES FOR THE SPINE AND ABDOMEN.

One of the main components of a successful life using this method is faith in one’s strength. As they say, we are what we think about. If you set yourself up for a positive outcome and sacredly believe in the result, then it will not keep you waiting.

Exercise for the back and abdomen is intended specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies and important organs are concentrated. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body and promotes the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into a preparatory part and a main part.

Starting position of the preparatory part: we sit on the floor on our knees, while lowering the pelvis onto the heels; if desired or more convenient, you can sit “Turkish”, do not forget to keep your back straight, your hands resting on your knees. We perform all elements of the exercise 10 times in each direction.

1. This is a warm-up - we raise and lower our shoulders.
After the first element, perform intermediate steps; by the way, you will need to perform them after each of the elements of the preparatory part described below.
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly move your gaze from your tailbone to your neck, of course you won’t be able to see your back - so do it mentally. Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations only on the right side.
- perform the same actions, only now the arms are extended upward.
2. Tilt your head to the right and left (don’t forget to do an intermediate exercise)
3. Tilt your head forward and back (again an intermediate exercise)
4. We combine points 3 and 4: tilt our head to the right and back, then to the left and back (intermediate exercise)
5. Don’t forget that we do the preparatory period exercises 10 times in each direction. Tilt your head towards your shoulder, then slowly roll it over, touching the back of your head (doing the intermediate).
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them at the elbow joints, forming a right angle and clasp your palms tightly, throw your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind your back, at this time the chin is pulled up (last time do an intermediate exercise)

Starting position of the main part: the same as in the preparatory part.

Technique: relax for a short period of time, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and do pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. We perform these movements for 10 minutes. It will seem difficult at first, but you will get used to it very quickly.

All six of Nisha’s health rules are quite effective and very easy to follow; you just need to overcome laziness and start exercising.

Part of modern humanity, which has chosen spiritual and physical health as a philosophy of life, has come to a clearly simple conclusion: by healing one of the body systems, it is impossible to achieve complete health and spiritual harmony. Maintaining the body in a state of proper functioning is a permanent task, requiring regular efforts, but giving a colossal effect. One of these methods was the Katsuzo Nishi system of gymnastics for the spine. Its uniqueness lies in its cumulative effect on all systems of the human body, and not only physiological ones.

Katsudzo Nishi - gymnastics for the spine and the whole body

The rules for healing the body developed by the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi are more accurately called a system, since the proposed principles are closely related to each other and have a complex effect on the human body. What made a person without medical education devote his life to finding a recipe for healing the body and longevity? At an early age, Katsuzo was faced with the question: to surrender to the mercy of his illnesses or to find a way to recovery.

Katsuzo's illness forced his doctors to make a disappointing verdict: Katsuzo would not be able to reach the age of twenty. Then the Japanese made his own choice in favor of life: he studied ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian treatises on methods of rejuvenating and healing the body, and modern developments in other countries. The result of understanding so many cultures and philosophies was his discovery: the human body is a complex orchestra, the healthy sound of which depends on each instrument, and the conductor is the moral and psychological state of the individual.

For a more detailed and in-depth study of the essence of such a system as Nishi Katsudzo’s gymnastics, there are plenty of videos on the Internet, as well as literature. You need to influence the body constantly, systematically and comprehensively from 4 sides:

  • the skin must be kept clean and constantly cared for, since it has a protective function and removes toxins formed in the body;
  • food is a supplier of physical energy and provides the body with vitamins, minerals, acids to maintain activity and regeneration;
  • The spine is the core that provides blood circulation and transmission of nerve impulses; problems with the spine will inevitably cause disruptions in other systems. Katsuzo Nishi considered the spine to be high on the list for healing, since its influence on other systems is the strongest and most direct;
  • mental health - our thoughts should be pure, positive and friendly towards the world around us. What we think about happens in the real world. This fact has been confirmed by research: optimists get sick less often than pessimists and are more successful.

Thus, the impact on the 4 pillars of health is formulated by Katsudzo Nishi into a single system of 6 rules, the basic of which is the restoration of the spine, its structure as an integral element of the health of the whole organism.

Katsudzo Nishi - gymnastics of 6 rules of health

The first rule requires followers to choose a hard, level bed for sleeping. Such a surface will force the spine to stretch into the correct line given by nature, relax, the vertebrae will fall into their rightful places, and free blood circulation will be ensured. In addition to sleeping conditions, the second rule of health requires the use of a hard pillow-cushion placed under the 3rd and 4th vertebrae, which gradually removes blocks in the cervical vertebrae, ensuring normal cerebral circulation. The third rule is the “Goldfish” exercise, the purpose of which is to restore the spine.

The exercise consists of 2 elements. In the first part, you need to lie on your back, stretch your arms and legs in line with your body, and pull your toes towards you. On the count of 7, pull your right leg forward and arms back, then your left leg. To move on to the main part of the exercise, place your palms under your neck. Start vibrating your body in a plane parallel to the floor in the same way as a fish, moving only your feet and the back of your head. The fourth rule is aimed at training capillaries to normalize blood circulation. Lie on your back with a cushion under your neck, stretch your arms and legs at right angles to your body, and shake them lightly. There are additional exercises for those whose limbs are constantly cold or whose right and left sides are unequally developed.

The fifth rule, called “Connecting the feet and palms,” has a particularly positive effect on a woman’s gynecological health. The exercise requires preliminary preparation, performed lying down with your palms joined on the sternum, feet closed, knees apart: you should press with the pads of your fingers and palms, straighten your arms, move along the body from head to waist, turn your fingers to your feet, move from bottom to top, cut the air several times with outstretched arms , upon completion, move your feet along the line of your body. With your palms facing upward, freeze for 10 minutes. The sixth rule must be performed simultaneously for the back and abdomen, accompanied by self-hypnosis techniques for a positive attitude.

The goal is to normalize intestinal activity for the timely removal of toxins. You need to kneel down, place your pelvis on your heels, and keep your back straight. In this position, perform shoulder movements, tilts and turns of the head. While rocking your torso left and right, you must simultaneously move your stomach forward and backward. Nishi also formulated rules for nutrition and fasting, air and sunbathing, and relaxation.

Nishi System - educational materials

The most visual aid for studying Nishi Katsudzo’s gymnastics will be a video, which can be downloaded from any Internet resource. The videos explain in detail and show how to correctly perform the complex to achieve a healing effect. For those who are interested in the primary sources of such techniques as Katsuzo Nishi’s gymnastics, you can download a set of Nishi’s books, which include descriptions of health rules, breathing practices, methods of cleansing blood vessels, blood, and meditation lessons for psycho-emotional health. The Nishi system allows you to take a comprehensive approach to solving the question of how to become and be healthy and enjoy life.

Nishi katsuzo gymnastics - watch video

Who is Katsuzo Nishi

This healing system was created by a Japanese KATSUZO NISHI. He was not a doctor, but he was closely “familiar” with medicine: from early childhood he was constantly treated for one or another disease. He himself later wrote about his childhood like this:

“Among my peers, I was the most frail and sickly. One famous doctor gave me a death sentence, saying that I would not live to see my 20th birthday. And I really suffered a lot spiritually and physically and lost more and more weight. And I passionately longed for health.”

This desire helped him not only survive, but also become healthy. Without giving up, playing sports and constantly being in an independent search for a recipe for health, he became acquainted with the health systems and philosophies of different countries and cultures. As a result of searches and experiments, he realized that there are no diseases of individual organs - they are all the result of pathological changes in various systems, and one of the reasons for their occurrence is moral exhaustion. Based on these ideas, he created a health system known as the Niche Health System. Nishi considers four elements as the foundation of health: skin (including mucous membranes), nutrition, limbs and psyche.

Leather- this is our protective cover, and on top of everything else, it is also a mechanism for purifying the blood of toxins.

Food supplies the body with all necessary minerals. And it is very important that they come in the right quantity and composition. Food can litter, poison the body, or it can heal. By the way, Nishi does not recognize any medicines or vitamins, except for substances contained in food products.

Legs- our support, through them energy exchange with the Earth occurs: fresh energy enters, spent, pathogenic energy exits.

Psyche: what are our thoughts, emotions, moods, so is our life. You can enjoy good health only when all four of these elements are in order. Problems with any of them give rise to disease. In order to keep all four systems in order, Nishi suggested following the “Six Rules of Health.”

The Nishi system exercises should be performed in a ventilated room. Clothes should be removed if possible - a naked body allows you to make your metabolism more intense, since the skin over the entire surface of the body “breathes” oxygen and removes toxins more efficiently.

    Back muscle stretching

    Strengthening your abdominal muscles

    Strengthening leg muscles

    Strengthening arm muscles

    Exercise "Splits"

    Alternative to "Twine"

    Exercises for the back and abdomen

    How to do relaxation

    The procedure for relaxing muscles

    Coming out of a state of relaxation

    Alternative: contrast shower

    Without which you cannot overcome the disease

    Getting ready for recovery

    Self-coding formulas

    Cold and hot compresses to relieve pain in the joints and spine

  • Possible side effects of mastering the Nishi system
  • Nisha Health Rules

Self-diagnosis according to the Nishi system

Before you begin to study the “Six Rules of Health,” diagnose the condition of your body. We advise you to carry out this diagnosis some time after starting classes on the Nishi system. We hope the results inspire you!

So, you can assess your health using six self-diagnosis methods.

1. From a standing position, lean forward and try to touch the floor with your fingers without bending your knees. If you can do this without experiencing severe discomfort, then your spine and stomach are fine.

2. Stand facing the wall, leaning your hands on it, and stretch your body without lifting your heels from the floor. The angle between your body and the floor should be 30°. If you succeed without much effort, then you do not have serious problems with the genitals and sciatic nerve.

3. Rest your hands on the table, standing with your back to it, raising your face up so that the angle between your body and the floor is 30°. In this case, the body should remain completely straight, and the thumbs should lie on the table. If you were able to take this position without experiencing severe discomfort, then your kidneys are working normally.

4. While on your knees, sit with your buttocks on your heels. From this position, try to lie on your back without lifting your knees from the floor. If you succeed, then your intestines and ureters are fine.

5. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your torso. Lift your legs straight up and behind your head so that your toes touch the floor. If you can do this without experiencing severe discomfort, then your liver is fine.

6. While standing, lift your leg so that your thigh is horizontal. Try to stay in this position for as long as possible without moving. Then change legs. By standing on one leg, you work 312 muscles in your body. If a man manages to stand on one leg for 40 minutes, and a woman for 25 minutes, it means that all organs and systems of the body are working normally. For those who have pain in their feet, before performing this exercise, you need to get them in order using capillary gymnastics.

Six rules of health

Nishi's health system is based on the “Six Rules of Health,” which consist of observing certain conditions and performing special exercises twice a day. Living according to Nisha’s rules helps not only strengthen, but also restore health.

The first rule of health: a firm, level bed.

Upright walking, which man mastered in the process of evolution, significantly increased the vulnerability of the spine. Now a subluxation of one of the vertebrae can cause not just one, but a whole series of diseases. Therefore, the spine requires special care. Naturally, it is impossible to move around on all fours all day, but you can help your spine relax properly while sleeping.

Vertebrae with subluxation (and, unfortunately, there are not so few of them) do not relax enough on a soft mattress, and their functions are therefore limited, as a result of which both the nervous system (nerves atrophy and paralyze) and blood vessels suffer. The intervertebral discs are warmed up on a soft mattress and therefore easily move, and blood circulation is disrupted.

Vertebral subluxations (picture on the left)

To get the most benefit from a night's sleep, the following conditions are necessary:

    The place to sleep should be hard and level - you can sleep on the floor, on a board or sheet of plywood. The main thing is not to use a spring mattress;

    the blanket should be very light, it should not be hot under it;

    the body should lie flat, in this position the body weight is distributed evenly: this allows the muscles to relax and return the spine to its original state, minimizing the negative impact of the vertical position and the stress of the working day.

The more the vertebrae are curved, the more likely it is to experience pain in the hip joints and sacrum from using a hard bed. In this case, you need to perform the “Goldfish” exercise while lying down (for more information about it, see “”) or, bending your knees, move your legs on one side or the other of the body. This helps to overcome pain and quickly get used to a hard bed.

Benefits of a firm bed

· It provides the best support for the spine.

· Preserves the functional activity of the skin.

· Prevents the development of liver sluggishness.

· Allows blood to circulate freely from the extremities to the heart and liver, making metabolism and, accordingly, the purification of blood and blood vessels more intense.

· Makes it possible to avoid tension of motor nerves.

· Helps normalize intestinal function (spasms and constipation go away).

· Helps restore normal functioning of the nervous system.

· Brings good sleep, complete rest.

· Prevents prolapse of internal organs, lungs, kidneys.

· Develops good posture.

A hard bed makes it possible to correct minor vertebral subluxations acquired during the day, since on it the vertebrae are pulled into a line and therefore returned to the correct position. A firm bed makes it possible not only to prevent certain disorders, but also cure serious diseases of the spine.

The second rule of health: a firm pillow

To create optimal conditions for rest for the spine, you need to choose the right pillow. Nishi states that the pillow should be hard. The bolster pillow is considered the most suitable; it can serve as an ideal support for the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae.

To choose the right pillow and quickly get used to it, use the following recommendations.

Lying on your back, place a pillow under your neck so that the 3rd and 4th vertebrae rest on it. Find a comfortable position.

Perhaps during the first few days, but no more than 3 weeks, you will experience pain, the back of your head will become numb, and you will begin to dream more often. Do not rush to change the bed and pillow to the usual soft ones, wait until the moment when the hard bed and pillow no longer cause you discomfort. To quickly overcome these sensations, you can additionally perform the “Goldfish” exercise (see “”).

If you still can't sleep, place a towel on your pillow. But this is a temporary measure. Gradually, you should give up the towel and train yourself to sleep only on a pillow.

At first, you can lie on a hard pillow for 15-20 minutes, and then gradually increase this time until you finally manage to sleep peacefully on it all night.

A hard pillow is, to some extent, a barometer of health. The painful sensations associated with it are a sign of the presence of stagnant feces in the intestines or problems with the spine. But by getting used to a hard pillow and overcoming the discomfort associated with it, you will gradually get rid of these problems.

The height of the pillow is determined individually - it is selected in such a way that the depression between the back of the head and the shoulder blades is filled, and the spinal column remains straight.

A bolster pillow can be made of different materials: wood, cotton wool covered with horsehair, or pebbles.

Sleeping on your back is optional; you can sleep on your stomach or side. However, you must fall asleep on your back.

Benefits of a hard pillow

· It maintains the optimal condition of the nasal septum, preventing the occurrence of many diseases.

· Allows you to correct subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, combined with pain not only in the neck, but also in the back of the head. If pain occurs when using a hard pillow, it means that the vertebrae have moved. This should encourage you to look for a better position. The absence of pain indicates that the vertebrae are positioned correctly.

· Stimulates cerebral circulation.

The third rule of health: the “Goldfish” exercise

Nishi recommends doing a special set of exercises every day. These exercises, provided that the first two rules of health are observed - a hard bed and a hard pillow, prevent all physical and mental illnesses and disorders. Exercise is beneficial for both healthy people and sick people. For a healthy person they guarantee good health and a long life, and for a sick person they will be the first step towards recovery.

During your studies (and at other times too), you should think about recovery, pray to become strong in body, kind in soul and strong in spirit, and certainly believe that happiness and joy await you ahead. The way a person thinks, what he wants, and what he believes in affects his consciousness, the central nervous system, also affecting the autonomic one. When the nervous system and body fluids are in balance, which is achieved with the help of Nisha exercises, a person’s thoughts, desires and beliefs are embodied on the physical plane into a concrete result, forming the events that a person strives for, that he desires.

Perform all exercises smoothly, without rushing. If you fail at any of them, you need to train until the bitter end. After all, this is not just self-diagnosis: these exercises treat the relevant organs. Exercises will be easier for you if you supplement them with gymnastics for the capillaries, performed before and after exercise.

What does the “Goldfish” exercise do?

“Goldfish” is an exercise that tidies up the spine. Due to the sedentary lifestyle that the vast majority of people now lead, the spine becomes rigid and deformed. And since the spine has nerve connections with all internal organs, its deformation immediately affects the internal organs and psycho-emotional state. Yes, yes, the psycho-emotional state also depends on the spine, because dislocated vertebrae often compress the artery that supplies blood to the brain, which receives insufficient oxygen, and mood swings begin, causeless fear and anxiety, irritability, and anger appear. Due to lack of physical activity, the cartilage and discs between the vertebrae are destroyed, and the spinal column seems to “dry out.” That is why people by the age of 60-70 usually have a whole bunch of diseases, and some even become several centimeters shorter or even bend over. All this happens only because we do not take care of our spine when we are young!

Nishi offers an ingenious solution - “Goldfish”. This exercise straightens all curvatures of the vertebrae, thereby relieving overstrain of the spinal nerves and stimulating the pulsation of the veins that carry blood from the internal organs back to the heart, along the way removing waste products through the pores of the skin. Thus, “Goldfish” improves heart function and accelerates the elimination of toxins. The vibration implemented in this exercise also helps to improve intestinal motility, which means it fights stagnation of feces - the main cause of intoxication of the body and most diseases.

This exercise is also very important for the spine. It eliminates and prevents scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine). By performing it, you can correct deformities of the vertebral processes, get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, significantly improve the condition of the nervous system, blood circulation, the functioning of the intestines and pelvic organs, and avoid intestinal obstruction. Exercise allows you to achieve balance between body and mind, which, in turn, will make your life in this hectic world more comfortable psychologically, sharpen your intuition, make it easier to understand your body - you will feel what it needs at the moment.

Preliminary part of the exercise

I. item 1: on the floor or on a hard bed, lying on your back, face up, arms thrown behind your head and extended, legs also extended, feet located at right angles to the body (perpendicular to the body), toes constantly stretched towards you. Hips and heels are pressed hard against the floor.

Performance: While in this position, stretch several times on the count of “7”, carefully stretching the spine to the sides: with the heel of your right foot, “crawl” forward along the floor and at the same time, with both outstretched arms, stretch in the opposite direction. Then do a similar stretch with your left leg. Repeat alternately 5-7 times.

Main part

I. item 2: remaining in I. p. 1, bend your elbows, place your palms under the cervical vertebrae, legs together, the toes of both feet need to be pulled towards you, the back of the head, shoulders, pelvis, calves, heels pressed to the floor.

Performance: start rapid oscillations (vibrations) of your body from right to left, just like a small fish does.

Management: during oscillations, the elongated spine pressed to the floor should lie motionless; oscillations from right to left are performed only by the feet and the back of the head. It is necessary to perform the exercise daily, morning and evening for 1-2 minutes (if you have difficulty keeping track of time, you can use silent counting, finishing the exercise by counting to 120 or 240).

The exercise can be done with a helper holding your ankles and rocking them from side to side. A helper can press the soles of your feet toward you and move them from side to side. The child should be held by the hips, moving them left and right.

The fourth rule of health: exercise for capillaries

Nishi adheres to a new theory of blood circulation, according to which it is not the heart that makes the blood circulate, as is commonly believed, but the capillaries - the vessels connecting the arteries and veins. And these capillaries need to be trained to ensure their proper functioning. For this purpose, Nishi medicine has special vibration gymnastics for the limbs: they contain about 4 billion capillaries. These healing vibrations allow you to adjust the venous valves that provide reverse blood flow, restore lymph circulation, speed up blood circulation, cure various diseases associated with poor blood circulation, improve the condition of the skin and enhance its protective properties, avoid premature aging and keep the legs healthy (the legs are the support of the body , so other diseases can cause problems with them).

Exercise No. 1 - basic

Lie on your back with a hard pillow - a log or cushion - under your head. Raise your arms and legs up so that they form a right angle with your body. The soles of your feet should be parallel to the floor. While in this position, lightly shake your legs and arms for 1-2 minutes.

The distance between your legs should be approximately equal to the width of your shoulders. To get the most out of the exercise, try to keep your legs vertical and rotate your feet in and out. Those who find it difficult to raise their legs vertically can spread them at an angle of approximately 100° and from this position raise their legs bent at the knees as high as possible. The height of the legs should be gradually increased so that they can eventually be extended vertically.

Exercise for capillaries, like the “Goldfish”, is done twice a day, morning and evening.

As already mentioned, there are a huge number of capillaries in the upper and lower extremities. When shaking with your hands and feet, the capillaries are subjected to additional vibration, which causes them to contract more often and push blood more actively. And since all the blood vessels of the body are united into a single circulatory system, local improvement in blood circulation leads to improved blood circulation throughout the body.

Exercise No. 2 - for those whose hands and feet are constantly cold

Some people complain that their extremities are constantly cold. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by pain in the heart. These are signs that the capillaries are compressed by spasms: this means that the entire circulatory system is not working well, and organs and tissues do not receive enough nutrition. For such people, in addition to gymnastics for the capillaries, two more exercises are recommended.

First exercise has a beautiful name in the spirit of the East - “Reed in the Wind”. It significantly increases blood flow along the entire length of the lower extremities, relieves leg fatigue, and improves nutrition of tissues and muscles.

Lie on your stomach on a hard, flat surface, place your arms along your body, bend your knees and relax them, imagining that from your knees to your soles they have turned into a reed, surrendering to the will of the wind. Give your legs complete freedom of movement. Give them the opportunity to bend and straighten and hit their buttocks. You may not be able to reach your buttocks right away. Help yourself by imagining that the wind is hitting your reed legs with more and more force, and they are bending lower and lower, one by one, approaching your buttocks. This exercise should be done for 2-3 minutes twice a day, trying to ensure that the heels still reach the buttocks.

Second exercise to improve blood supply to the extremities - massage with nuts. It can also be used to relieve nervous tension.

Take two walnuts, place them between your palms and rotate them for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, it is important to make an effort to press the nuts as tightly as possible into the palms of your hands.

Then place a nut under each foot and roll them with your soles on a flat, hard surface, but again, not without effort, so that the nuts are pressed tightly into your feet. The duration of the foot massage is the same as the hand massage.

Exercise No. 3 - gymnastics for unequal development of the right and left parts of the body

People whose right and left parts of the body are unequally developed (muscles, nerves, etc.) need to perform capillary gymnastics a little differently: lie on your side, raise your arm and leg approximately 30° relative to the body and make slight oscillatory movements with them movement for 2-3 minutes. When the right and left parts of the body develop unequally, their functions are unbalanced, which often leads to various diseases. This is why it is so important that both halves of the body are balanced.

The fifth rule of health: exercise “Connecting the feet and palms”

The fifth rule of health, like the previous two, is to regularly perform a certain exercise. Here the exercise also involves not only the spine, but also internal organs, and primarily the most powerful muscle of our body - the diaphragm. In time with breathing, it descends like a pressure pump, compresses the liver, intestines, spleen, blood and lymphatic vessels, and thereby stimulates the blood supply to the abdominal organs, performing no less important work than the heart itself - pushing blood.

This exercise brings balance to all muscles and nerves, establishing harmony between all parts of the body, internal organs and systems. “Connecting the feet and palms” must be practiced by all women, regardless of age, especially those involved in sports, working while standing and pregnant women. A woman who performs this exercise every morning and evening will never have problems with gynecology. It is very effective for gynecological diseases - infertility, uterine bending, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, endometritis, vaginitis, amenorrhea, painful menstruation. Daily practice of this exercise prevents diseases of the genital organs in men and women and cures these diseases.

Pregnant women should do this exercise for one and a half minutes in the mornings and evenings for an easy delivery. The effectiveness of the exercise is unanimously confirmed by everyone who has practiced it. Even those women who had a difficult first birth can make their next birth much easier if they systematically perform the “Feet and Palm Connection.” Moreover, classes can be resumed within 3-5 days after giving birth.

What does this exercise do?

The symmetrical body position you assume:

· helps to establish a balance between the forces of soul and body;

· restores the balance between constructive and destructive processes within the body, as well as different parts of the nervous system, allowing you to achieve harmony in the body and coordinate the functions of nerves, blood vessels, muscles, the right and left halves of the body, and limbs;

· improves the functions of the adrenal glands, genital organs, and large intestine;

· Ensures normal fetal development in pregnant women.

Preliminary part

The exercise consists of two parts, the first of which (preliminary part) allows you to more intense the activity of the diaphragm, as well as enhance cellular respiration. The exercise should be performed naked. Proceed to the main part of the exercise only after preparing your body for it.

Each of the tasks of the preliminary part (points 1-9) is performed 10 times.

I. p.: lying on your back on a hard surface, neck and head resting on a hard cushion, feet closed, legs apart at the knees, palms joined, lying on the chest.


1. Press the fingertips of both palms against each other.

2. First press the fingertips of one hand onto the fingertips of the other, and then the entire right palm onto the left, and the left palm onto the right.

3. Press your closed palms against each other.

4. Extending your arms with your palms joined to their full length and throwing them behind your head, move them slowly over your face to your waist, as if cutting your body in half - the fingers of your palms are always directed towards your head. Move your palms back and forth.

5. Turn your fingers over, now pointing them towards your feet, and move them along the center of the body, but now from the bottom up.

6. Move the clasped palms of your hands over your body, cutting the air with an “axe,” stretching your arms as far as possible.

7. Extend your arms all the way up and down, keeping your palms closed.

8. Place your closed palms forcefully over the solar plexus area, move your closed feet back and forth by 1-1.5 foot lengths, while keeping your palms connected.

9. Move your closed palms and feet back and forth simultaneously, trying to stretch the vertebrae (the number of repetitions can reach 61 times).

Main part

Performance: place the closed palms of your hands on your chest perpendicular to the body (like an antenna) and remain in the “lying lotus” position (similar to the “Lotus” pose in yoga, but here it is performed not while sitting, but in a lying position). Then close your eyes and stay in this position for 5-10 minutes. The feet are closed all the time, the knees are spread as wide as possible.

Do this exercise in the morning and evening, and also during the day if you have free time. It is recommended to perform before and after connecting the feet and palms.

The sixth rule of health: exercise for the back and abdomen

The last, sixth rule of health is designed to teach your body to consciously move your spine and stomach at the same time. This is necessary for the coordinated and harmonious interaction of different parts of the central nervous system, as well as for harmonizing and stabilizing the state of mind.

This exercise consists of two parts: eleven preparatory exercises and one main one.

The purpose of this gymnastics: move the intestines, regulate blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and thus avoid constipation and stagnation of feces, that is, factors that cause almost all diseases, including the main killers - cancer and heart disease. Even mental illness, dementia and stroke are associated with constipation - this is one of Nisha's most important discoveries.

It is known that the health of the body largely depends on the state of the blood: it can both nourish it and destroy it. With constipation, the blood becomes full of metabolic products that are absorbed into it from the intestines, and becomes a source of autointoxication. This is why people suffering from constipation can be victims of almost any disease. The large intestine, constantly clogged with feces, turns into a hard, immobile sac, displacing the liver and kidneys, reducing the mobility of the small intestine, causing disruptions in the genitourinary system, compressing the diaphragm, which is of great importance for normal blood circulation. All this creates the ground for serious diseases, including cancer.

After gymnastics for the back and abdomen normalizes intestinal function, you can easily give up your morning meal and periodically fast. Remember: most diseases occur because we eat too much; those who regularly cleanse the intestines, preventing stool from stagnating in it, live long.

What does this exercise do?

This exercise:

· has a beneficial effect on health, both physical and mental;

· normalizes the acid-base balance in the body (due to movements of the back and abdomen);

· restores balance in the functioning of the nervous system;

· allows internal organs to “breathe”, receive adequate nutrition and process it.

Preliminary exercises

I. p.: sitting on the floor on your knees, your pelvis resting on your heels, or sitting cross-legged. The spine is straight (remember the expression “like a yardstick swallowed”) and should not deviate from the axis perpendicular to the floor. The ears are directly above the shoulders, the eyes are wide open, the tongue is raised to the sky, the lips are tightly compressed, and breathing is even. The whole body rests on the legs.

A. While in I. p., extend your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other and quickly look over your left shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Then mentally move your gaze from the tailbone up the spine all the way to the cervical vertebrae and after that return your head to the I. p. Then quickly look back over your right shoulder and then perform similar actions. Even if you can't see your tailbone, imagine that you can see it.

B. Raise your arms parallel to each other and stretch upward. Quickly do the same as in point A, looking back at your tailbone once over each shoulder.

Intermediate exercises align the vertebrae, protecting them from subluxations and their consequences in the form of diseases of the internal organs. They must be performed after each of the six exercises of the preliminary part (items 1-6) once on the right and left sides.

1. Take a deep breath, raise your shoulders as high as possible and then lower them (10 times).

2. Tilt your head to the right (right ear to right shoulder), return to I. p. - head positioned straight - (10 times), then tilt it to the left (10 times).

3. Tilt your head first forward, then back, as far as you can manage. After each bend, return your head to the I. p. Bend in each direction 10 times.

4. Turn your head back and right, then left and back, in each direction 10 times.

5. Tilt your head to the right (try to touch your right shoulder with your right ear), then slowly stretch your neck to the fullest and roll your head back to the spine (your head should be thrown back “all the way”). Perform the exercise 10 times in both directions.

6. Raise your arms up parallel to each other, then bend your elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into fists, tilt your head back, trying to make your chin look at the ceiling. On the count of “7” in this position, move your elbows back, keeping your bent arms at shoulder level, as if you want to bring them together behind your back (like the wings of a butterfly), at the same time pull your chin towards the ceiling, trying to reach it. Return to I. p. Perform 10 times.

Main part of the exercise

Between the preliminary and main parts, take a short break, during which try to relax. Before you continue, check your posture - it should be straight.

Performance: Straighten your body, balance its weight on your tailbone and begin to sway left and right while moving your stomach back and forth. Say out loud during the exercise:

“I feel good, every day I will get better and better and better and better. Every cell of my body is renewed; the blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy; The endocrine glands work great; muscles, skin, blood vessels become elastic, elastic, healthy, clean, renewed; bones - strong, joints - flexible, mobile; all organs and systems obey the work of the brain; the brain functions perfectly - the brain perfectly controls the functioning of all organs and systems: all organs and systems work perfectly. I am becoming healthier, smarter, kinder, wiser, capable of great creative deeds, useful to people and myself. I feel good, and every day I will get better and better and better and better.”

Perform these movements while simultaneously pronouncing self-hypnosis formulas for 10 minutes every morning and every evening.

You have probably already come across the proposal to pronounce certain settings more than once, but, as a rule, it was about doing this in a state of relaxation. Indeed, the program that you set for yourself in this state is highly likely to reach the subconscious. However, rhythmic movements, which you will combine with self-hypnosis, contribute to even more effective action. Having reached the subconscious, the healing program will spread to each of your cells that will follow it.

Why is it important to do back and abdominal exercises at the same time?

This exercise gives the effect of so-called diaphragmatic breathing - breathing from the lower abdomen (full yogic breathing). But doing such breathing without back exercises is harmful: you may develop enteroptosis - stretching of the lower abdominal cavity with resulting complications. What are these complications? A decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, which in turn leads to a narrowing of the outlet of the stomach and can even cause stomach cancer. Moreover, exercise for the abdomen without exercise for the back negatively affects the nervous system, causing feelings of anxiety and fear.

An exercise for the back, if abdominal (from the Latin “abdomen” - belly) movements are not performed at the same time, also brings little benefit. Why? Our body is susceptible to various diseases for one reason: having moved away from nature into the realm of civilization, we have abandoned the natural way of life. Due to sedentary work and lack of physical activity, spinal deformities occur, and this in turn disrupts metabolic processes. Rocking left and right brings it to a healthy state. In the absence of abdominal exercise, body fluids will become too acidic and this can cause diseases associated with acid accumulation, such as apoplexy and diabetes, and make us susceptible to colds.

So, exercises for the back and abdomen are effective only if they are performed simultaneously. Then we will balance the acidity of body fluids and the nervous system. A healthy nervous system makes it possible to successfully withstand any adversity. “By swaying from side to side, we stand firmly on the ground,” says the treatise Fukanzazengi, which guides the teachings of Zen.

Additional exercises for flexibility and slimness

For those who want not only to be healthy, but also slim, flexible, strong, strong, and to strengthen their spine, Nishi advises adding eight exercises to the above “golden rules of health.”

Back muscle stretching

This exercise “revives” the back muscles, strengthens the calf muscles and abdominal muscles and, by stimulating the nerve endings, normalizes the functioning of all endocrine glands, including the thyroid gland.

Initial position - lying on your back, legs straight, arms extended behind your head, whole body relaxed. Slowly raise your upper body to a sitting position. Then just as slowly lean forward, trying to press your chest to your hips, touch your face to your knees and reach your heels with your hands. Pull your toes toward you to stretch the back muscles of your legs.

Stretch forward for 1-2 minutes. Then just as slowly return to the starting position.

The exercise is done twice a day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed.

Strengthening your abdominal muscles

This exercise relieves muscle tension throughout the body and strengthens the abdominal muscles, preventing constipation, and makes the legs slender.

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, relax. From this position, raise your legs at an angle of approximately 30° to the floor. Maintain this pose for 10 seconds, then release the tension and suddenly lower your legs down.

Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again (it is not recommended to do it more than twice in a row, as it can be tiring). It is advisable to place something soft under your feet so as not to hurt your heels when you hit the floor.

Do the exercise twice a day: in the morning, as soon as you get up, and in the evening before going to bed.

If you feel chills or sweat when you lift your legs for 10 seconds, it means your abdominal muscles are weakened. In this case, Nishi recommends placing a hot compress on your stomach. There are three compress options:

· a mixture of an aqueous suspension of magnesia with vegetable oil or sesame seeds in a ratio of 50:50;

· a mixture of buckwheat (150 g) with salt (1 teaspoon);

· 150 ml soy paste (miso), diluted with 75 ml hot water.

Walking barefoot on the sand also strengthens your abdominal muscles. This is an indirect method of influencing the abdominal muscles, which can be primarily recommended for children. Among other things, it heals the kidneys and strengthens the heart muscle. It is best to walk on the sand in the morning, at dawn, but if this is not possible, walk at a convenient time of day. You need to start with 5 minutes and gradually increase this time to half an hour. If there is no sandy soil nearby, you can walk on grass.

Strengthening leg muscles

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs, thighs and legs. Since the legs are the support of the whole body, it increases the strength of the body, relieves chronic fatigue and extends the childbearing period. Exercising your leg muscles also regulates your bowel movements.

To perform this exercise, you need to hang a heavy object from the ceiling or a high cabinet, lie down with a hard pillow (a log or bolster) under your head, and rest your feet on this object. Raise and lower the load by fully bending and extending your knees approximately 60 times per minute.

The weight of the load depends on your physical condition. It is best to start with 2 kg. Once you can easily lift this weight at the specified pace, you can increase it by 400-500 g. Ideally, a person should be able to perform this exercise with a load equal to 3/4 of his body weight.

As a load, you can use a bag or wooden box with sand, crushed stone, cereals or books. It is convenient to have four bags of 400-500 g and several bags of 2 kg to gradually increase the weight.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of this exercise is the daily intake of 120 g of raw vegetables, including tops. For healthy people, three varieties of vegetables are enough (vegetables are chosen as desired); for patients, this number needs to be increased to five.

Attention! This exercise should not be performed at elevated temperatures.

Strengthening arm muscles

The result of this exercise is the strengthening of the shoulder joints, deltoid muscles of the shoulders and respiratory organs (oxygen is life; the stronger and more developed the respiratory apparatus, the longer a person lives). In combination with sleeping on a hard bed using a hard pillow and the five exercises given earlier, it cures even people with tuberculosis cavities.

Lie down on a flat, hard surface with a log or cushion under your head. Take a weight suspended from the ceiling or cabinet with both hands and raise and lower it at a speed of 60 times per minute. Bending and extension of the arms should be complete.

What does the exercise do?

This exercise is very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases - tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia. But they should not be overexerted or exposed to high temperatures. In addition to this exercise, the patient must perform five mandatory exercises: , , , ), sleep on a hard bed, placing a log or cushion under his head.

If a person has asthma, chronic bronchitis or another similar disease, the cough may temporarily become worse after exercise. This is a completely normal phenomenon and should not be embarrassing. Endure the difficult period, and you will completely get rid of your illness.

Exercise "Splits"

This exercise strengthens the legs, restores strength and rejuvenates the body.

Stretch your legs out to the sides. Efforts should be concentrated in the lumbar region, and the weight of the body should fall on the outstretched legs. The ultimate goal of the lateral leg stretch is to do a full cross split.

To avoid injuring your thigh muscles, keep track of how far you spread your legs. For safety, place one foot on some heavy piece of furniture to prevent it from sliding on the floor. For comfort, you can place a thick pillow under your hips.

The effect of this exercise will be better if you eat at least 120 g of raw vegetables per day and do gymnastics for the capillaries before and after the splits.

Alternative to "Twine"

If the Splits is too difficult for you, or you are afraid of injuring the muscles of the perineum, try another exercise instead: it is easier.

Choose a piece of furniture that is waist-high and place your straight leg over it. The foot should rest against the surface of this object with the heel. As time goes by When leveling, the height of the object should be increased, but you should not start from a high height.

Lean forward, trying to touch your chest to your knee. At the same time, try to keep your back straight, and start bending from your stomach to your thigh. The tilt should last 2-3 minutes. During this time, try to lean as close to your leg as possible, but not so much that you experience severe pain. If you find it difficult, mentally send warm streams of energy during exhalation to those areas of the stretched leg that need relaxation. Breathing during exercise is voluntary.

After the specified time has passed, slowly straighten up and, without lowering your legs, turn sideways to the supporting surface. At the same time, your foot will also turn around and will no longer rest on the heel, but on the inner rib. From this position, tilt your torso towards your leg again. Make sure your foot remains on the edge. If you pull your toe towards you and, on the contrary, push your heel away from you, the effectiveness of stretching will increase. Turn the toe of the supporting leg slightly away from the surface on which the other leg lies. After a 2-3-minute smooth bend, return to the starting position and do the exercise with the other leg.

Exercises for the back and abdomen

This and the next two exercises are intended for those who want to have a beautiful flat stomach, a healthy spine and healthy joints. But in order to tidy up the spine and joints, these exercises need to be supplemented with a raw vegetable diet. It doesn't matter what vegetables you eat, the main thing is to eat at least 300 g of raw vegetables every day.

Note! Exercises should not be done on a full stomach. At least 2 hours should pass between meals and classes.

"Dorsal arch"

Lie face up on a flat, hard surface with a small soft pillow under your head. Concentrating on your head and heels, arch your back and lift your stomach. In this case, your body (legs, hips, chest, neck and stomach) should take the shape of an arc. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds, and then smoothly lower to the floor. When performing the exercise, you should not apply too much effort. Increase the load gradually.

"Arc of the Belly"

Now do the same exercise using your stomach as support. Arms, head and neck should be extended. Stay in this pose for 30-60 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor and rest a little. If during exercise you feel pain in your stomach, it means that you have some kind of pathology in this area. To eliminate it, use a yam compress, contrast compresses and the “Goldfish” exercise.


Wrap yourself in a thick cloth, such as a blanket, and lie face up on a flat, hard surface. With your arms stretched behind your head, begin to roll from one side to the other. Roll onto your side - and stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then roll onto your back, onto the other side and, finally, onto your stomach. You need to stay in each position for a short time. The duration of felting is from 2 to 5 minutes.

Relaxation according to the Nishi system for healing the spine and the whole body

If there is a cure for all diseases, relaxation is undoubtedly it. Complete muscle relaxation, if carried out systematically, cures many diseases of the spine, rheumatism and neuralgia, and also protects against cancer, relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, removes suppressed negative emotions, stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system - this is not a complete list the beneficial effects of relaxation. But its most remarkable property is that it triggers a natural self-healing mechanism in the body.

Why is it important to be able to relax?

Over the past millennia, man’s lifestyle has changed radically, but the body’s reactions have remained the same: physiologically, man is adapted to survive in a dense forest, and not in the comfort of civilization. In ancient times, when our ancestors lived in natural conditions, everything was simple: when faced with a stressful situation, a person reacted either with flight or aggression. Both require significant physical activity and involve the mental release of energy, including negative energy.

We, modern people, as a rule, do not have the opportunity to relieve tension through physical release. It is unlikely that your boss, who has just given you a dressing down, will let you play football or work out in the gym to relieve stress. In the best case, you will drink a couple of bottles of beer with your friends in the evening and cry to them “in your vest.” But the negative energy has not gone away; it remains in your psyche.

Mental tension, in turn, creates muscle tension, which persists even after the stressful situation that was its cause ceases to exist. So, as a result of negative emotional experiences, muscle tension is formed in our body. Over time, they develop and form into certain structures. These structures of muscle tension make it difficult for the body to self-regulate and lead to illness, the formation of pathological reflexes and stereotypes. Here is the first cause of all spinal diseases - stress.

There are only two truly effective ways to relieve tension: regular physical activity and complete muscle relaxation. There is no third one. Neither alcohol, nor tranquilizers, nor, especially, drugs solve the problem. The ideal option is to engage in both relaxation and physical exercise, which is what Nishi advises. Relaxation eliminates everything that causes inappropriate reactions, negative emotions, chronic fatigue, bad mood, bringing you to the level where absolutely everything can be cured, even what official medicine refuses.

Conditions for relaxation

Be sure to empty your bladder before relaxing! Otherwise, he will not give you peace during the exercise. Moreover, you may have an inconvenient and stable reflex to relaxation practice.

Clothes should be comfortable and loose, made from natural fabrics. Belts, glasses, beads, rings and other jewelry should be removed before relaxation.

Never exercise barefoot! When we completely relax, all vital processes in the body slow down, temperature and blood pressure drop, and bare feet can freeze. Wear cotton or thin wool socks. On the other hand, you shouldn’t wrap yourself up either. If you are afraid of freezing, cover yourself with a light blanket: this will be enough.

Relaxation can be practiced both at home and in the fresh air (if the weather permits), in a quiet place protected from wind, heat and drafts. It is very good to do it among pines, birches and cypresses: these trees feed you with energy. But fir trees and aspens, on the contrary, take away energy, so proximity to them during relaxation is undesirable.

If you study at home, ask your loved ones not to distract you, close the door to the room with a latch, or choose a time for relaxation when, in principle, no one can disturb you, for example, at dawn, at 5-6 o’clock.

How to do relaxation

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and completely relax for 40 minutes, without thinking about anything or moving. It doesn’t matter whether you sit or lie down, your posture doesn’t matter, the main thing is to remain still. Breathing during relaxation should be barely noticeable - so much so that a feather placed in front of your nostrils would not move.

Keep in mind: if you move, the exercise will not work. At first, let you hold this state for 5-10 minutes. Gradually increase the duration of relaxation, bringing it to 40 minutes. Try not to fall asleep: one of the most important conditions for relaxation is an active consciousness.

The procedure for relaxing muscles

It is quite difficult to immediately and completely relax all the muscles of the body. It is better to relax them one by one in the following sequence: legs, arms, back, stomach, shoulders, neck, face.

A sign that you are completely relaxed will be a feeling of weightlessness in your body, as if you are floating in the air.

Coming out of a state of relaxation

Nishi says nothing about how to come out of a state of relaxation. But this is also important. During relaxation, a person usually enters a hypnosis-like, sleep-like state. Therefore, at the end of the exercise, you need to smoothly exit it. Do not stand up abruptly, otherwise you will feel dizzy or feel like you are going crazy. Continuing to lie with your eyes closed, take 2-3 deep breaths and exhales. Pull the toe of your left foot towards you, then the toe of your right foot, then both toes at the same time, pushing your heels forward. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. Exhale. Clasp your hands, slowly lift them up behind your head, stretch your whole body following your hands and sit down. After a few minutes you can get up and start your business.

Water procedures in the Nishi system

Water is our most important healer, our doctor, who can provide incomparable help. After all, it, like no other substance, connects us with Nature. Water was created by God for purification, renewal, generation and maintenance of life. It heals, cleanses, and rejuvenates. Hydrotherapy has been popular at all times. With proper use of water, you can completely heal many functional disorders, successfully fight diseases and remain vigorous until old age.

Nishi recommends three water procedures: contrast, cold and hot baths. Choose any one, each of them has its advantages. But contrasting ones are considered the most effective. A regular hot bath causes profuse sweating: the body loses a lot of fluid and vitamin C, due to which the acid-base balance in the body is disturbed. This does not happen with a contrast procedure, which is why it is so useful.

About the benefits of contrasting water procedures

Contrast douches have powerful hardening and relaxing properties. They tone muscles, train blood vessels, relieve overload, and therefore have a powerful healing effect on the spine. In addition, contrast douches improve the condition of the skin and increase the supply of vital energy in the body. Life energy is a substance that we receive from air, food and Space. It is she who makes us live, raises us to our feet after illnesses, injuries and mental turmoil. The processes of dying and rebirth are constantly going on in a person. As long as there is a lot of vital energy, rebirth prevails over dying: a person is healthy and recovers from even the most severe illnesses. When the energy level falls below a certain level, dying takes precedence over rebirth, which leads to a general weakening of the body, chronic fatigue, illness and, ultimately, death.

That is why, of all water procedures, it is best to choose contrasting ones. Even if you take a hot or cold bath, always finish it with a contrasting douche: then you will get a double effect.

Contrast procedures to improve the health of the whole body and prolong life

This procedure is intended for those who want to preserve youth and strengthen the body, making it resistant to colds and pathogens. Contrast douches cure neuralgia, rheumatism, headaches, diabetes, runny nose, anemia, circulatory disorders and general fatigue. And people with low temperatures simply need them.

The optimal temperature difference is about 30 °C: hot water - 42-43 °C, cold water - 14-15 °C. But you need to get used to this difference gradually, over 7-10 days.

Hot water (°C)

Cold water (C)

Amount of days

Alternative: contrast shower

Nishi advises taking contrast baths. It is clear that in Japan people gravitate toward baths, and in the time of Nisha, showers were generally a novelty. However, it is likely that even in Japan, taking contrast baths, quickly moving from cold to hot water and back, is only possible in a hospital specially equipped for the relevant procedures. Otherwise, we would have to admit that the Japanese tend to have two bathtubs in their bathrooms. The vast majority of Russians certainly do not have the opportunity to dive from a cold bath to a hot one and back. Therefore, it is possible to replace Nishin’s contrast baths (as they are completely inconsistent with the realities of our everyday life) with a contrast shower, while maintaining the recommended temperature regime and procedure scheme.

The procedure should begin with cold water and end with cold water: this is a prerequisite. You need to do at least 4 contrasting douches, not counting the fifth, cold one:

    Cold pouring - 1 minute, hot pouring - 1 minute.

    Cold pouring - 1 minute, hot pouring - 1 minute.

    Cold pouring - 1 minute, hot pouring - 1 minute.

Ideally, you should aim for 11 douches, although this is not the limit either. If desired, the procedure can be completed with the 61st cold douse.

You can shower either from the shower or from the basin. While standing under the shower, pour over your entire body, without staying in one place for a long time. It’s better to start from the feet and gradually move up. Stretch during douches to expand the lung cells (alveoli): this clears the lungs of mucus.

If you wet yourself from the basin, you need to pour a full basin of water on each leg, knees and stomach and three basins on each shoulder, starting with the left.

Nishi does not recommend using soap during contrast procedures. The exceptions are the arms, legs, face and crotch.

After the last cold douche, pat your body dry with a towel, no need to rub yourself, and remain naked until the skin is completely dry - from 6 to 20 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature and state of health.

Contraindications and warnings

People suffering from syphilitic liver damage and atrophic cirrhosis should not take contrast baths without prior consultation with a doctor and mandatory preparation.

Patients with atherosclerosis should get used to contrast procedures gradually. Start by sequentially immersing your arms and legs in cold and hot water after regular washing (you must first wipe your body dry). After a week or two (this depends on how you feel), you can try contrasting douches of the whole body according to the scheme proposed above.

Cold bath according to the Nishi system: healing, hardening and cleansing

Cold bathing hardens and cleanses the body, removing metabolic products released through the pores from the surface of the skin.

The duration of the cold bath is 25 minutes. Water temperature - 14-15 °C. You can start with warmer water, but it should not be warmer than 18 °C. Nishi recommends sitting still in the water for the first 20 minutes, and vigorously moving your legs for the last 5 minutes.

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, make it smooth, beautiful, remove age spots and freckles, add three types of vegetables to the water - cabbage, lettuce, a third vegetable if desired - 150 g of each, grated or finely chopped.

After a cold bath, do a few contrasting douches to warm up. Course duration - 1 month. The course is held once a year.

Hot bath according to the Nishi system: losing weight and improving health

A hot water procedure improves health, burns excess sugar and alcohol, and normalizes the concentration of salt in the body. It is especially useful for those suffering from salt deposits, osteochondrosis, diabetes, cataracts, glaucoma and excess weight, as well as those whose legs often hurt from fatigue. And if you want to improve the condition of your skin, add 30 g of ground oatmeal, 5 g of lactic acid and 2 g of borax dissolved in warm water to the water.

Ideally, the duration of a hot bath should be 20 minutes. But immediately taking a bath with a temperature of 41-42 ° C for 20 minutes is difficult. The procedure time should be increased gradually, following the recommendations given in the table below.

Monitor your pulse while taking a bath. The same table shows heart rate indicators that are optimal for the body. The duration of the procedure can be increased only if the heart rate indicators are normal and you do not experience discomfort. In this way you will gradually increase your bath time to 20 minutes. The maximum permissible increase in heart rate during a 20-minute bath is 40%, but the ideal figure is 20% - this is what you should strive for.

After a hot bath, regardless of its duration, take a cold shower for a minute, then dry yourself and get dressed. After an hour, undress again and stay naked for the time indicated in the table: this is necessary to stop sweating. But whatever the duration of the hot bath, you should not remain naked for more than 25 minutes.

Within two hours after the procedure, you need to restore the water-salt balance and the balance of vitamin C. Salt should be consumed only with raw vegetables (vegetables are chosen to taste). To restore vitamin C lost through sweating, drink an infusion of raspberry, currant or persimmon leaves, or eat foods that contain this vitamin. Clean, unboiled water should be drunk 30-40 minutes before restoring the salt balance and 30-40 minutes after the bath.

Duration of hot bath (41-42T), min

Amount of water to drink, ml

Amount of salt to be reconstituted within 2 hours ml

Amount of infusion of raspberry, currant or persimmon leaves to restore the balance of vitamin C, ml

Time spent naked after a bath (at an air temperature of 16°C), min

Increased heart rate

After you bring the procedure time to 20 minutes, you should take it for some more time. The exact number of baths depends on how you feel. You can check whether the baths have given results as follows. Try walking up to the 4th floor, covering the distance between two floors in 40 seconds. If there is no severe shortness of breath and fatigue in the legs, then the baths have done their job: you are in good physical shape.


Recommended Niche cold, hot and contrast baths are not suitable for everyone. He did not mention that hot baths are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular disorders. And they also need to do contrast douches with great care.

Running according to the Nishi system

Running is necessary to strengthen the spine and burn excess sugar and alcohol in the blood. Due to this, running improves health, prolongs life and accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

The running recommended by Nishi is a combination of walking and jumping. First, clench your fingers tightly into fists so that your thumb is under the other four. Then bend your elbows: your forearms should be in a horizontal position. Start alternately jumping on your left and then on your right leg, staying in one place. The synchronization of arm movements with leg movements should be the opposite of what happens during normal running: when the right leg rises in a jump, the right fist is thrown forward, and when the left leg is raised, the left one is thrown forward. When jumping, the entire sole, and especially the heel, should touch the floor.

Jog in place twice a day - morning and evening. At first, the duration of the run should not exceed 2.5 minutes. As you get used to the exercise, gradually increase this time. When you do not feel tired after 2.5 minutes of running, extend the exercise for another 2.5 minutes, etc. The maximum running time in place is 25 minutes, but it is achieved over time, according to the scheme given in the table.

Running clothing should be lightweight because large temperature differences between the upper and lower parts of the body can cause leg cramps. Joint pain after running is a sign that you have overtrained.

If running causes sweating, then at the end of it you need to take a cold bath or shower to cleanse the body of excreted metabolic products, and within two hours after the water procedure, restore the water-salt balance and vitamin C balance by drinking clean, unboiled water, eating some vegetables with salt and taking vitamin C. See the table for all the details.

Running duration, min

Amount of water that should be drunk after running, ml

Amount of salt

Amount of decoction of raspberry, currant or persimmon leaves to restore the balance of vitamin C, ml

4. Restore the balance of vitamin C by drinking 20-30 g of raspberry, currant or persimmon leaf tea daily (after heavy sweating, this amount should increase).

5. Eat at least 10 g of seaweed daily: seaweed contains many useful substances that are simply necessary for the body, especially the circulatory system.

6. Take a mixture of toasted sesame seeds and salt. Daily intake: 6 g for adults and 3 g for children (after heavy sweating, this amount should increase).

7. Once every 2-3 weeks, follow a salt-free diet for one day.

8. Eat 70-110 g of raw chopped vegetables daily. There should be at least three varieties of vegetables (for sick people this number should be increased to 5-7).

9. Eat two meals a day, skipping breakfast. The lack of nutrition can be compensated with liquid rice soup.

10. Take contrasting water treatments.

11. Sleep naked.

12. Sunbathe.

13. Cleanse your body periodically.

14. Get anthelmintic treatment. The anthelmintic should be taken for 3-4 days at the beginning and middle of the month. In total, the duration of the course is 3 months. Then a three-month break is taken and the course is repeated.

15. Believe that your health is constantly improving!

Following these rules will guarantee health and a joyful life. You will no longer need the help of doctors, and you will be able to enjoy life and do what you like.

As you know, in order to feel like a psychic, you need to make a couple of mysterious passes with your hands in front of almost any person, close your eyes in imaginary concentration and say: “It looks like you have problems with your back.”

In fact, in addition to the dependence of a huge number of ailments on the spine, another fact should be noted.

For modern people, certain back diseases are almost 100% a diagnosis.

Therefore, it is necessary to have effective systems for healing and treating the spine.

Japanese experience can help here Katsuzo Nishi, who, from his own experience, developed an effective method of treatment and therapy for the back and spine.

Who is Katsuzo Nishi?

Nishi Katsuzou As a child, he was a weak child and doctors predicted a short life for him. His parents were told that he was unlikely to live to see his 20s. But Nishi Katsudzo himself categorically disagreed with this verdict. Thanks to the healing system he himself developed, he lived a long, interesting life and died at the age of 75 not from illness, but as a result of a car accident.

Working as an engineer, Nishi Katsuzo devotes a lot of time to various unconventional healing methods, especially proper nutrition. Individual healing methods are organically woven into the system, and in 1927 the public became acquainted with the Nishi Health System. Since that time, Nishi Katsudzo has been engaged only in medical practice and publication of his works.

A simple and effective healing system is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. At the request of Nishi's fans, Katsuzo tours US cities, and then in 1936 his first book written in English is published.

Nishi Katsuzou pays a lot of attention to back health. Due to weakness of muscles and ligaments, children and adolescents often suffer from scoliosis and become stooped. Adults who are forced to do sedentary work all day are not in a better position. As a result, the vertebrae are displaced, pain and fatigue are felt.

The essence of Katsuzo Nishi's technique: six golden rules

The Nishi system offers a set of special exercises for correct posture, and also recommends resting on a hard bed, swimming and eating right. This supplies the spine with the substances necessary for its formation and strengthening of posture, and the exercises make it more flexible.

Foods that are good for the spine should be enriched with elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The food must also contain the required amount of vitamins, of which the most important are A, C and D.

In addition, Nishi points out the basic rules that are the basis of back health:

  • hard surface for sleeping– this rule will seem unusual to many, but Katsudzo Nishi advises sleeping only on a hard and flat surface, that is, actually on the floor, also some kind of plywood sheet or something similar could be an option, thanks to such a surface the internal organs function better, and the spine straightens;
  • hard pillow– ideally, a cushion is used, which is placed under 3-4 cervical vertebrae, that is, the cushion rests quite a bit on the base of the back of the head and creates a natural bend of the neck, when the spine in this area is slightly bent, and the back of the head rests on the ground, in order to get used to this You can lie on the pillow for a little while at first and then adapt to falling asleep on such a surface;

  • gold fish- a simple exercise that is regularly performed while lying on your back, first, they are completely pressed to the surface, their toes are pulled towards themselves, the opposite legs and arms gradually stretch the spine, the palms are placed under the neck, then vibrations begin in different directions (similar to how a small fish moves and oscillates in water) with the lower part of the body completely pressed to the surface, perform for at least a couple of minutes;
  • capillary stimulation– lying on your back, lift your arms and legs, stretching them towards the ceiling, begin intense vibrations and shake your arms and legs for a couple of minutes;
  • clasping hands and feet– lying on your back, connect your palms in front of your chest, make forward/backward movements, then connect your feet and begin to synchronously raise your legs to connect your knee joints and lower your legs to open your hip joints, and lift your joined palms up from your chest;
  • body rocking– after a short warm-up, sit on your heels, knee joints spread to the sides, resting on the floor at the base of your toes, rock your body from side to side for at least eight minutes, tuning in to recovery and feeling positive energy.

These exercises and rules should be used every day. They are the basis of spinal health. It is best to perform the complex in the morning and evening.

Indications for the use of exercises for the spine Katsuzo Nishi

  • The legs are placed at two shoulder sizes, the hands are on the belt.
  • Before starting the movement, you should relax and feel the inner emptiness.
  • The hands are located in the kidney area, and the fingers touch in the sacrum area.
  • The head is smoothly thrown back, the back is arched, the hands, which rest on the kidney area, also help a little, making the arch smoother.
  • Upon reaching the limit of flexibility, the arms are freely released down, they hang from behind, and the body begins to sway like a willow.
  • Upon reaching fatigue from being in the pose, smoothly return to the starting position, hands are on the lower back.

In this exercise, you should maintain a smooth arch in your back and avoid kinks, you should not go to extremes and you need to clearly monitor the condition of your own body.

bow string

The pose allows you to remove excessive salt deposits, especially in the spine and improves blood circulation.

  • The starting position is kneeling with your arms along your body.
  • The body begins to be brought into a smooth bend back, the arms are placed behind the back.
  • In the final position, clasp your ankles with your palms and fix the position for at least five seconds.

Start with at least three repetitions in a row and gradually increase the number. It is also necessary to increase the duration of fixation.

While fixating this pose, you should imagine how life-giving energy saturates the body. It is helpful to combine this sensation with visualization and breathing. Your shoulders should be straightened and pulled back, your head should not be thrown back excessively, but stretched out.

flexible vine

Heals the spine, improves flexibility. In the starting position, stand the same as in the second exercise, begin massaging the lumbar region with your hands and imagine how the spine in this area becomes flexible, strong and elastic.

  • After performing the massage, bend forward and try to reach your feet with your fingers.
  • They rise up, return their hands to the belt and bend in different directions.

Performing a forward bend involves straight legs, which should be left relaxed. The tilt is done vigorously, but without any jerking, you need to maintain smoothness. Bending should begin from the lower back, folding there first. Katsuzo Nishi advised to deal with your spiritual state In this system, a lot of attention is paid to working with your own motivation and your own mind. Katsuzo Nishi, at the beginning of the previous century, pointed to the further decline of Western medicine and emphasized the reasons for this outcome.

In fact, in many ways he spoke to the point. Indeed, although Western medicine now has indeed high achievements in the field of diagnosis and surgery, often only the treatment of symptoms is performed.

In addition, medications and treatments often have side effects. In general, the effectiveness is high, but ultimately very questionable.

Therefore, Katsuzo Nishi himself pointed out the importance of adjusting habits and one’s own worldview. In order to recover, you need to treat your own body, your own being accordingly.

From practical advice in this area, the author advises developing various positive attitudes.:

  • formulate positive attitudes, so-called self-coding formulas, regularly repeat positive phrases and put them into the subconscious;
  • shift the focus of attention from illness to health, reflect and pray for health;
  • Believe in your own recovery.

In fact, these simple tips can be useful on a practical level. Nishi does not ask patients to become overly religious or fall into the wilds of faith, it is only about having positive motivation and additional resources to overcome the illness and move on. Self-coding and belief in recovery help greatly with this.

In addition, Katsudzo Nishi advises using additional stretching of the abdominal and back muscles and performing the splits exercise. Also part of the system are a contrast shower, hardening and relaxation exercises.


To summarize, the following points should be noted::

  • Katsuzo Nishi’s technique miraculously healed the author and is proven to be highly effective;
  • the rules may be difficult and not always accessible, but it is possible to get used to them;
  • you need to take into account the condition of your own body before performing exercises;
  • visualization and concentration are used during execution;
  • You need to do exercises regularly, and positive motivation and self-coding help here.

In general, the system is not exotic and seems quite suitable for use by people of other cultures; the method of healing the spine is almost universal.

Chiropractor, Neurologist, Osteopath

Engaged in the diagnosis of patients in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. Reads x-rays, and also carries out conservative treatment of osteochondrosis and protrusions of spinal discs using manual therapy.



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