What not to eat with gallbladder disease. Diet for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

Modern way life, a large number of viral agents, toxic factors, independent uncontrolled treatment have an adverse effect on the body as a whole and on the hepatobiliary system in particular. This is confirmed by the steady increase in the incidence of liver and gallbladder.

There is a close relationship between these two organs. General innervation, blood supply, close proximity to the location contribute to the involvement of the hepatobiliary system as a whole in a joint pathological process.

The disease can begin in the liver and move to the gallbladder and vice versa. Often, other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are also involved in the inflammatory process: intestines, pancreas.

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the principles of dietary nutrition for gallbladder lesions.

The gallbladder is part digestive system person. Normally, it protrudes from under the lower edge of the liver with a small part.

This hollow organ, which accumulates and concentrates the bile formed in hepatocytes.

During meals, upon admission food bolus into the duodenum, the smooth muscle fibers of the bladder contract. Bile is released into the intestinal lumen. The pancreas at this moment secretes digestive enzymes. This improves the absorption and digestion of fats.

However, the normal functioning of the gallbladder may be disturbed. In the serous layer of the wall, inflammation develops, stagnation and thickening of bile occur, and its outflow is disturbed. This happens when:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • polyps and cysts in the body;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Such conditions require not only medical treatment, but also nutritional correction.

Gallbladder. Diet: basic approaches, healthy foods

Depending on the expression pathological process, stages of exacerbation, concomitant diseases the necessary diet is made. The diet implies the following principles:

  • Frequent (5-6 times) and fractional (300 ml) meals.
  • The duration of the diet should be at least 6 months.
  • Complete intake of proteins and carbohydrates (complex).
  • Limit animal fats (lard). It is replaced by vegetable and butter.
  • Contraindicated essential oils and extractives (saturated broths), legumes.
  • It is necessary to abandon the use of coffee, cocoa, sweet pastries.
  • Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated.
  • With biliary dyskinesia of the hypotonic type, the use of choleretic products (milk, sour cream, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits) is indicated.

All these criteria correspond to the 5th Pevsner diet. Table 5a provides maximum sparing of functionally defective liver and gallbladder. With a combined pathology of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas, a 5p diet is recommended.

Diet number 5

Indications for the appointment of this diet are diseases of the liver and gallbladder in remission (hepatitis various etiologies, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, bile stasis).

If there is a pathology from the intestines or stomach, tables 2-4 are prescribed.

Diet Provides good nutrition with a decrease in the functional load on the hepatobiliary system.

Of the main nutrients only refractory fats are limited, which are replaced by vegetable or butter. Dishes are baked or boiled. The frequency of meals is 5-6 times a day.

  • Low-fat poultry, rabbit, veal. Before cooking, fascia, tendons, and skin are removed.
  • Lean varieties of fish.
  • Wheat, rye or peeled bread from low-grade flour.
  • Soups in vegetable broth.
  • Fermented dairy products, low-fat cheese.
  • In eggs, only protein is used, limiting the use of yolks to 1 per day.
  • Most useful cereals consider buckwheat and oats. They contain a variety of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins. Oats are involved in the removal of toxins from the body and support the digestive process. There are many recipes: porridge, jelly, decoction, infusion. It is generally accepted that oat dishes in liquid form are absorbed faster. Magnesium, which is included in its composition, has a beneficial effect on nervous system promotes relaxation smooth muscle. The oil extracted from oats is rich in fat-soluble vitamins, contributing to the healing of ulcerative defects in the stomach and duodenum 12. Buckwheat rich in zinc, potassium, phosphorus - trace elements necessary for normal functioning organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vegetables can be eaten raw, stewed or boiled.
  • Limit the consumption of chocolate, coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, mustard, pepper, horseradish.

Diet 5a

If there is an exacerbation of diseases of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or gallbladder (cholecystitis, bile stasis), then approaches to nutrition and treatment of the patient change.

Table 5a helps to provide the patient with all essential substances and micronutrients. At the same time, it significantly reduces functional load on organs gastrointestinal tract(liver, gallbladder, pancreas).

Diet 5a completely excludes foods, calling processes fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. Dishes that increase bile secretion, increase secretion are contraindicated gastric juice that irritate the liver.

Products are cooked in a steam or water bath, after which they are rubbed to a homogeneous consistency. Cereals (oats, buckwheat) are well boiled and added to soups. It is possible to serve ready-made products in the form of separate dishes. The diet is 5-6 times a day, in small portions.

The consumption of fats is limited to 20-30 grams per day (preference for vegetable oil).

The energy value of diet 5a is 2400-2600 kcal, which allows you to cover all physiological needs.

Diet 5p

With combined, stagnation of bile in the bladder and diseases of the pancreas, a table 5p is used. Together with rational treatment diet is aimed at normalization functional activity the above bodies. The nutritional features are:

  • Increased content of proteins (up to 120 grams per day), vitamins, restriction of carbohydrate and fatty foods.
  • Exclude fried, cold, hot dishes.
  • Food is steamed, boiled, occasionally baked.
  • The diet includes vegetables, fruits, cereals (oats, buckwheat), lean meat and fish, dairy products.

Nutrition for hypotonic form of biliary dyskinesia

Dyskinesia biliary tract according to the hypomotor type - a condition in which the tone of the muscle fibers of the biliary system decreases. This problem can be caused by:

  • constant stress;
  • reduced physical activity;
  • asthenic physique;
  • malnutrition;
  • surgical methods for the treatment of pathology of the digestive tract;
  • features of the innervation of the abdominal organs;
  • inflammatory diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas;
  • biliary dyskinesia of the hypotonic type is more common in women.

Diet and treatment have a choleretic effect and increase contractility muscle fibers of the biliary system.

Expand the list of possible fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products. Add to dishes vegetable fats, bran. For amplification choleretic action use soft-boiled eggs, weak meat or fish broths.

General approaches in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

During periods of exacerbation of the pathology of the hepatobiliary system, it is necessary drug treatment. For cupping pain syndrome use antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine, platifillin) or combined preparations with analgesics.

If in gallbladder there are no stones, then choleretics or cholekinetics can be used to increase the release of bile into the intestinal lumen.

To reduce toxic action bile acids on the body, ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are used. If present bacterial infection, then it is advisable to include antibiotics in the patient's treatment regimen.

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia by hypomotor type includes prokinetics, bile acid preparations, sorbents, antibiotics if necessary.

If you feel a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, nausea, bitterness in your mouth, contact your therapist for initial examination and further definition of the diagnostic and treatment algorithm.

Diet for cholecystitis main stage complex therapy pathology. Nutrition for inflammation of the gallbladder involves the intake of foods that contribute to the liquefaction and outflow of the digestive secretion that the liver secretes. This allows you to eliminate the main signs of inflammation, reduces the risk of exacerbations and complications.

Diet for cholecystitis of the gallbladder is used to minimize the load on the hepatobiliary system. This helps to eliminate inflammatory processes, unpleasant symptoms, and normalizes digestion.

With inflammation of the gallbladder, the diet involves the following rules:

  • Therapeutic nutrition consists in the use of stewed, boiled, baked dishes;
  • Food should be finely chopped or ground to a homogeneous state;
  • The diet includes 3 main meals, several light snacks. Nutritionists recommend eating at regular intervals in small portions;
  • You will need to give up spicy, rough, fatty foods;
  • It is necessary to establish drinking regimen- drink up to 3 liters of water. warm drink must be present at every meal;
  • A diet for inflammation of the gallbladder prohibits the use of fats that are difficult to digest. If cholecystitis is accompanied by cholelithiasis, then it is required to limit vegetable oils that can lead to development;
  • It is necessary to abandon products that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the organs of the biliary system;
  • Diet therapy involves the inclusion in the diet of high-protein foods, foods rich in fiber;
  • Food is allowed temperature regime which is 35-45 0 С.

A diet for cholecystitis will have to be followed for a long time even after the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated.

What is the diet for acute cholecystitis?

The diet for acute cholecystitis involves complete fasting for the first few days. The patient is only allowed to drink water, decoctions and infusions from medicinal raw materials, diluted fruit juices. The total daily volume of fluid should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.

After eliminating the expressed pain nutrition for cholecystitis involves compliance with table No. 5B. This diet option involves the exclusion of any irritants, which allows you to effectively reduce inflammation. It is important to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to 180 g per day, completely eliminating simple sugars.

Important! Daily calorie content - no more than 1600 kcal.

It is necessary to consume exclusively pureed food, cooked without oil and salt. The duration of the diet is 4-5 days, during this period of time the patient must comply with strict bed rest.

The following products are allowed:

  • Mucous soups that are cooked with rice, oatmeal or semolina;
  • Liquid cereals cooked without milk;
  • Juices from vegetables and sweet fruits;
  • mashed compotes;
  • Meat and fish that are boiled, steamed, in the oven;
  • cottage cheese and dairy products low fat;
  • Crackers or yesterday's bread.

After normalization of the patient's condition, elimination of symptoms acute cholecystitis the diet is prescribed according to table No. 5A. Its duration is usually 2 weeks. Diet food consists in the use of products from the following list:

  • Vegetable soups;
  • Crackers and biscuits;
  • Veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey, lean fish. Of the listed products, you should prepare dumplings, cutlets, soufflés;
  • Dairy products that have a low percentage of fat in the composition;
  • Pasta;
  • Eggs;
  • Porridge cooked with half milk;
  • Vegetables: beets, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini;
  • Raw and baked fruits, kissels, juices, tea.

Important! It is allowed to consume up to 20 g of butter during the day.

How to eat with chronic cholecystitis?

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Incorrect diet, stressful situations, drinking alcohol, nervous and physical overexertion provoke a recurrence of cholecystitis. In case of exacerbation, it is necessary to adhere to medical nutrition prescribed in the acute form of the disease. After eliminating the symptoms, the patient is transferred to table No. 5 for cholecystitis, bypassing the stage with diet No. 5A.

In remission daily calorie content the diet should be within 2800 kcal, while the amount of proteins is 80 g, fats - 90 g, and carbohydrates - 350 g. The consumption of up to 3.5 liters of liquid (compotes, tea, infusions and decoctions from medicinal raw materials) is considered optimal. A diet for inflammation of the gallbladder is a lifestyle that should be followed all your life.

Important! You don't have to eat meals appetizing. Disappointment in food can disrupt the outflow of bile, lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

What can not be eaten with cholecystitis?

Diet 5 table for cholecystitis involves the exclusion from the diet of dishes that provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, increase the level of cholesterol in bloodstream disrupt the digestive process. Therefore, you will have to abandon such prohibited products:

  • Fatty meat, offal, lard, caviar;
  • Any dishes with mushrooms;
  • Legumes (chickpeas, soybeans, asparagus, peas);
  • Vegetables that irritate the walls of the stomach;
  • Canned products;
  • sour fruits;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Rich broths from fish and meat;
  • muffin, confectionery, products that contain cocoa, ice cream. At increased use sugar violated the rheological properties of bile. That's why daily rate product should be within 70g;
  • Seasonings and spices;
  • Alcohol with cholecystitis is contraindicated;
  • Horseradish and mustard.

Important! Juice sauerkraut with cholecystitis, it normalizes intestinal motility, helps to remove toxins, eliminate inflammation, and reduce pain.

What can you eat with cholecystitis?

There are the following healthy foods with chronic cholecystitis:

  • Eggs. You can eat 1 yolk per day;
  • Dietary varieties of meat, fish;
  • Products plant origin- a source of vitamins, trace elements, fiber. Bananas, pears, strawberries, watermelons, herbs, and vegetables can alleviate well-being with cholecystitis;
  • Cereals and pasta;
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Stale bread;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • Adding turmeric to products can reduce the severity of inflammation, improves the outflow of bile;
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • Jam, jam, marshmallow, marmalade;
  • Beet and fruit juices, tea, decoctions and infusions, jelly, coffee.

Important! With cholecystitis goat milk has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect due to the content of lysozyme.

What diet does a diet for inflammation of the gallbladder suggest?

Indicative menu for cholecystitis:

  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole, tea with sugar;
  • Lunch. Banana and sweet apple fruit salad dressed with yogurt or 15% sour cream;
  • Dinner. Soup-puree from vegetables, chicken with stewed carrots, grated dried fruit compote;
  • afternoon tea. Biscuits and a decoction of rose hips;
  • Dinner. Baked fish and zucchini puree, wheat bread;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink 250 ml of kefir or natural yogurt without additives.

Important! Bananas with cholecystitis should be eaten in the morning, but not more than 4 times a week.

  • Fruit salad. Cut pears, apples, bananas into slices, season with dates and sour cream sauce;
  • Salad of carrots and apples. Products must be grated, add 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Chicken salad. To prepare a dish, you need to cook chicken breast, cut the meat into cubes. Chop zucchini and carrots, simmer until tender. Mix products, fill not big amount soy sauce, add walnuts;
  • Vegetarian soup puree. Peel and cut into cubes 2 zucchini, carrots, eggplant, bell pepper, bulbs, 5 potatoes. Bring 3 liters of water to a boil, put potatoes, after 15 minutes - other vegetables. An exception are zucchini, which are added 5 minutes before they are ready. Cool the finished soup, beat with a blender, season with 20 g olive oil, greenery;
  • Pearl soup. Groats should be boiled until half cooked. Peel onions, carrots, chop, stew in oil with water. Potatoes are cut, then, together with the roots, added to the cereal, salted. Soup is served at the table with herbs;
  • Fish soufflé. Boil the fillet, chop in a meat grinder, add 1 yolk, 50 g of milk, 2 g of butter, salt. Place the resulting mass in a baking sheet, bake at a temperature of 200 0 C;
  • Pilaf with vegetables. Zucchini, 2 carrots, peel the tomato, cut into cubes, stew in a saucepan. Wash the rice, add to vegetables and boil until cooked, at the end of cooking add soy sauce, olive oil.

Proper nutrition for cholecystitis is the main part of the treatment. It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, a gastroenterologist, to stop drinking alcohol, fatty, fried and smoked foods. This will increase the duration of the remission period.

Inna Lavrenko

Reading time: 5 minutes


With inflammation of the gallbladder, specialists diagnose cholecystitis. It usually appears with eating disorders, overeating, constipation. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition, which is just as important as drug therapy. The gallbladder and liver are important for the functioning of the digestive system, as they are responsible for the breakdown of fats, the absorption of vitamins and useful substances, as well as cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. With the participation of bile, enzymes and substances in the blood plasma function normally. Doctors prescribe a diet to reduce the food load on the digestive tract.


Cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation in the cavity of the liver and gallbladder, which occurs due to infection mucous membranes of the body. The cause may be stagnation of bile and its altered chemical composition. Experts note two varieties of the disease, acalculous or calculous with the formation of calculi. The inflammatory process is catarrhal or with the release of pus.

Cholecystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome under the ribs on the right and in the gallbladder area. Usually, increased pain occurs after eating fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, or with strong emotional experiences. Symptoms appear as dull pains, sharp penetrating with a return to the neck and shoulder, shoulder blade;
  • manifestations of dyspepsia and reflux of bile into the intestinal tract, in the morning there is a bitter taste in the mouth, there may be vomiting and constant nausea;
  • on the part of the intestines, symptoms are manifested in the form of frequent constipation and diarrhea, intolerance to dairy products, bloating.

Eliminating the symptoms of inflammation in the gallbladder with a therapeutic diet is an essential component of the treatment of cholecystitis. Dietary nutrition helps to improve the patient's condition with cholangitis, dyskinesia, inflammatory processes in the biliary system.

How to eat with an exacerbation of the gallbladder?

A diet with an exacerbation of the gallbladder implies complete starvation in the first days of the manifestation of the most bright symptoms. Tea is allowed and herbal drinks, juices diluted with water, decoctions of rose hips. On the third day, diet No. 5B is recommended, in which irritation of the stomach with mechanical or chemicals. This diet should be maintained for five days while the patient is in bed rest strict type.

The peculiarity of nutrition every day is to reduce carbohydrates to 200g, proteins to 80g, fats to 80g, while only 30g should be animals. All food is cooked in grated form, salt is excluded. Preference is given to slimy soups and boiled cereals. You need to take food at least 6 or 7 times a day, limiting the serving to 200g. Daily menu should be no more than 1600 kcal, and clean water should be about 2.5 liters.

This diet is followed by patients with non-calculous cholecystitis. acute form diseases are treated in the same way. For any form of inflammation of the gallbladder, after 10 days, a transfer is made to table No. 5A within two weeks.

Prohibited foods in the acute stage of bile inflammation

With exacerbation of cholecystitis in the gallbladder, it is forbidden to use a number of products:

  • food that stimulates fermentation in the intestines and putrefactive processes. These are millet, legumes, all types of cabbage;
  • mushrooms and spices, pickled foods, horseradish and mustard, salted and fermented vegetables cause increased bile secretion and its synthesis;
  • broths in which mushrooms or fish, meat or legumes were cooked;
  • radish and turnip, onion and garlic, containing a large amount of essential oils;
  • citrus fruits, sour plums, cranberries. They contain too much fiber;
  • All fried foods and fatty cuts of meat, liver, smoked meats, kidneys and canned food, sausage and all dishes with stews;
  • sour and fatty cottage cheese, cream;
  • carbonated drinks, cocoa and coffee.

Allowed products for exacerbation of the gallbladder

Helpful information
1 crackers and not fresh bread from wheat flour
2 soups in the form of mashed vegetables, you can add cereals
3 meat low-fat varieties- chicken or veal, turkey, beef. From them you can make soufflé or mashed potatoes, quenelles and other steamed dishes. The bird can be eaten whole. Fish is also chosen lean, when steamed, you can eat a piece
4 spoiled milk And whole milk, cottage cheese with low content fat
5 egg white omelet chicken eggs cooked in a double boiler
6 buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and hercules, which are boiled in water, you can add a little low-fat milk
7 durum vermicelli
8 vegetable crops in grated and boiled form. These are zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes and beets
9 dried fruits, sweet berries and ripe fruits that can be eaten fresh or baked
10 sugar, honey, kissel, marshmallow, marmalade
11 small piece of butter
12 weak coffee, tea with sugar, juices and rosehip decoctions

Without exacerbation, cholecystitis in the gallbladder occurs in chronic form, while it is also necessary to follow a diet that provides for the reduction of irritation and overload of the digestive system, gallbladder and liver. The patient should control the level of cholesterol in order to prevent thickening of bile and the onset of stone formation.

Fractional nutrition for calculous cholecystitis should be with a portion limit of up to 250-300g, the caloric content of the diet per day is limited to 2.5 thousand kcal, of which there should be 80g of fat, the same amount of protein, 400g of carbohydrates. Salt should be no more than 10g per day, clean water should be drunk at least 2 liters. Cooking should also be mostly steamed, but you can bake in the oven until crispy. Vegetables should be grated and saturated with fiber, you can eat tough meat.

Allowed products for chronic inflammation in the gallbladder

Chronic cholecystitis without acute stage inflammation in the gallbladder is treated with a diet that reduces the irritating mucous membranes of the organs of the products. You can eat the following food:

  • vinaigrette and vegetable salad with the addition of oils (unrefined, cold pressed);
  • berries, fruits and various vegetables;
  • in the presence of constipation, the introduction of fresh vegetable salads will help;
  • eggs in the amount of one per day. Yolks actively stimulate the outflow of bile. If bitterness appears in the mouth in the morning, it is necessary to make dishes only from proteins.

Prohibited foods for chronic inflammation in the gallbladder

  • Citrus fruits and garlic, other products that contain essential oils;
  • a decoction of cabbage, broths;
  • sorrel or spinach containing oxalic acid;
  • puff pastry, sweet pastries;
  • offal, fatty cuts of meat. The kidneys, brains and liver contain a lot of cholesterol;
  • alcohol of any strength;
  • honey, sugar, sweets and jam. Milk with high fat content, sour cream and cream, fermented baked milk.

Cholecystitis is often accompanied various diseases. In the event of an exacerbation of this disease, diet table No. 5A. Nearby organs of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and gastroduodenal system with pathology in the gallbladder suffer through a common innervation and blood supply.

If pancreatitis is present, then a No. 5P diet is needed. treatment table provides for an increase in carbohydrates and fats, proteins up to 120g. This ratio of nutrients stimulates the pancreas. It is forbidden to use coarse fiber and concentrated broths. Cook only in the oven or steam, you can stew or boil food. Within three months, dietary nutrition without violations should be observed.

At concomitant inflammation in the gallbladder, gastroduodenitis, nutrition should be based on dietary table No. 1. The diet should be without stimulating bile synthesis dishes, excessively hot or cold foods. It is best to take food in the form of gruel or in liquid form. It is forbidden to consume all legumes, asparagus and radishes, as well as fruits with a peel - currants, grapes, dates or gooseberries. Under the ban are sinewy meat products and bird skin, bread and pastries made from whole grain flour.

Diet and treatment medicines not always allow to achieve improvement and recovery. With frequent and too pronounced exacerbations of cholecystitis with the release of pus, as well as with cholelithiasis in some types, it is necessary not to delay the surgical intervention.


Gallstone disease (GSD) in a patient varies, but is always distinguished by viscous bile with altered chemical composition, as well as an intensive process of stone formation. In addition to treatment with medicines, physiotherapy and surgical operations, experts recommend constantly following a diet that can not only alleviate the condition, but also prevent relapse. There are several stages of the disease, nutrition in which differs.

Chemical stage of gallstone disease

At this stage, there is a failure in the production of bile by the liver and its release from the gallbladder. The substance increases concentration, accumulates in the gallbladder, becomes viscous and contains many bile acids, cholesterol and phospholipids. If the disease is detected at this stage and there is no treatment, the process of formation of suspensions, flakes may begin, and a bile precipitate may precipitate. Without the manifestation of symptoms, this continues for a long time, moving to the second, latent stage.

At the latent stage of the development of the disease, bile stagnates and begins active education stones. This usually occurs with inflammatory foci on the mucous membranes of the bile organ, thickening of its walls. At instrumental diagnostics doctors find "silent" calculi. The stage can last for decades without the manifestation of stone activity, there are no symptoms, and the patient is unaware of the disease.

Clinical stage of gallstone disease

The most dangerous stage cholelithiasis when the stones begin to move along the ducts. This process is accompanied by pain in the right side of the peritoneum in the hypochondrium, the appearance of biliary colic is possible. Each patient has an individual course of pathology - from sluggish to acute with frequent relapses. It is important to consider the size of the stones and their localization.

How to eat with an exacerbation of gallstone disease?

With an exacerbation of cholelithiasis, it is necessary to use a dietary table No. 5A. They adhere to his rules for a couple of weeks until the condition stabilizes, after which they switch to diet number 5. sample menu per day may be as follows:

  • breakfast of semolina or a steam protein omelette, tea with the addition of low-fat milk;
  • snack - buckwheat with olive oil, steam meat cutlets, stale White bread, weak tea;
  • dinner - vegetarian soup with rice and vegetables, steamed chicken fillet, buckwheat with unrefined oil, dessert in the form of milk jelly;
  • dinner - boiled fish and mashed potatoes, tea with low-fat milk;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

With an exacerbation, strict adherence to the rules of dietary nutrition may prevent surgical operation and eliminate or stop the process of stone formation by normalizing the viscosity of bile and its chemical composition.

Many people have gallbladder disease. In such diseases, to a greater extent, the person himself is to blame. Why? Everything is simple here! Improper and unbalanced nutrition is the most main reason occurrence of this type of disease.

An important factor is initial symptoms, if you respond to them in time and start treatment, then in 90% of cases you can avoid further development illness. But we, as always, do not pay due attention to our health, and therefore we always pull to the last! To make the treatment much more effective, a diet for gallbladder diseases will help you.

Like most of our organs, the gallbladder is made of muscle tissue. Because of this, the contraction of its walls occurs, which ensures the circulation of bile. With healthy and normal condition of this organ, the flow of bile moves evenly, however, in case of violations, dyskinesia may occur, which is a harbinger of gallbladder disease.

Symptoms of dyskinesia are characteristic pains in the right side and nausea. If not use certain treatment then you can get like cholelithiasis and diseases of the liver and pancreas.

Gallstone disease is manifested by the appearance of stones in the bladder and its pathways. Stones of small size pass through the duodenum on their own, but with stones bigger size more difficult. They block the ducts of the gallbladder, which leads to inflammation. This disease is also called cholecystitis.

How to determine the symptoms of a diseased gallbladder by external signs?

As a rule, the symptoms of gallbladder disease, liver and pancreas are identical. These can be: nausea (sometimes even vomiting), pain in the right side (under the ribs), a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, indigestion. Moreover, these symptoms can intensify if you eat fried, fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods.

Periodically, diseases of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas become aggravated due to the appearance of a cold, hypothermia and overwork, poor diet or alcohol abuse.

Drug treatment and diet are the most the best option get rid of the annoying disease.

Basic principles of the dietary nutrition system for diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts

Of course, the treatment of all diseases is based on medicines. However, dietary nutrition helps to go through the process of getting rid of the disease much faster and more efficiently. Therefore, a diet for gallbladder disease is an integral part. effective treatment. It is very important to follow all the recommendations, otherwise exacerbations and painful sensations may appear.

As a rule, for diseases of the gallbladder, it is recommended to use dietary table No. 5, which is also suitable for diseases of the liver and pancreas. The purpose of this diet is to reduce the load on all organs of the digestive tract, while providing them with all essential vitamins and micronutrients. Thanks to this diet, bile excretion improves, which favorably affects the normalization of the bladder.

If we talk about the method of cooking, then with diseases of the gallbladder, as well as the liver and pancreas, it is necessary to steam, boil and stew food. Grinding of all cooked dishes is welcome.

Eating foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates can lead to bile stasis. To ensure the normal functioning of our body, it is necessary to include in your diet foods that are rich in vegetable protein.

How to build your diet for diseases of the gallbladder?

The nutrition system for diseases of the gallbladder directly depends on how the disease goes.

If all the symptoms indicate an exacerbation of the disease, then it is necessary to consume everything only in liquid form: tea (without sugar), juices (previously diluted with distilled water), grated vegetable soups cooked in lean broth. Once every four days, you can introduce liquid cereals into your diet.

If you have chronic illness, then your diet will be a little wider. You need to eat little, but often. Food should contain the lion's share vegetable protein and very little fat.

The most strict diet is prescribed after gallbladder surgery. The diet is vegetarian. Not less than important aspect is fluid intake, and as a rule, it is at least three liters per day. Throughout the diet, various sauces, marinades, spices, salty, fried and smoked foods should be excluded.

Except the right products nutrition and methods of their preparation, it is important to consider the temperature of the dishes before eating them. In diseases of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas, it is recommended to eat no colder than 20°C and no hotter than 60°C.

Crushed food is what you need, because large portions will load digestive tract, and it will be more difficult for “sick” organs to digest them. Eat at least 6 times a day.

What can you eat with gallbladder disease?

The list of products is not very limited and strict. However, it is necessary to adhere to it, otherwise you can only aggravate the course of the disease.

Foods that can be eaten with diseases of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas:

  • meat- only low-fat varieties;
  • fish- exceptionally low-fat;
  • vegetables- potatoes, cabbage of all varieties, pumpkin, carrots, beets;
  • fruits- strawberries, raspberries, non-sour apples, pears, grapes;
  • oils- olive, sunflower and cream;
  • drink- berry-fruit jelly, all kinds of compotes, juices (diluted with distilled water 1: 1), teas, you can add milk;
  • sweets- jelly, jam, fruit mousse, granulated sugar and honey (no more than 70 grams per day);
  • greenery;
  • cereals- buckwheat, wheat, rice, barley, arnovka, corn;
  • pasta;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • dairy products- cottage cheese, curdled milk, cheese, kefir, milk, preferably with reduced fat content;

Stick to these foods, and the symptoms of the disease will pass very quickly.

What should be avoided while eating?

In order for the treatment to be much more effective, some foods should be abandoned.

So, you will need to forget about fresh bread, but this does not mean that you only need to eat stale bread. It will be enough for the bread to lie down for a day after cooking.

fish, canned meat, pickles, pickled foods should not appear on your menu if you are undergoing treatment for gallbladder diseases.

Sour-milk products with a fat content of more than 6.3% are taboo. Animal fats are also banned.

All legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.) and all kinds of dressings should be excluded from the diet.

If you have symptoms of gallbladder disease, then you need to exclude pickled cabbage from your menu, onion, sorrel, garlic, radish and radish.

Sweets - here it is necessary to give up chocolate, sweets, cocoa, ice cream, creams, cakes, pastries, etc.

And finally, if you want the treatment to go well, and the previous symptoms do not return, you must strictly say goodbye to alcoholic drinks, and all without exception.

Menu for the week

Symptoms of gallbladder disease will pass if you use the proposed menu for a week.

1st day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - boiled buckwheat with butter, yogurt, tea, biscuits.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - an apple, a cup of kefir.
  3. Lunch - grated vegetable soup, barley porridge with fish, dried fruit compote.
  4. Afternoon snack - a cup of fermented baked milk, biscuit cookies.
  5. Dinner - boiled potatoes with meat, berry jelly.

2nd day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - vermicelli, cottage cheese, kefir and cookies.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - rice milk porridge, tea.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup with oatmeal, meatballs, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack - dried apricots.
  5. Dinner - dairy buckwheat, baked apple.

3rd day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - milk porridge with vermicelli, boiled meat, fruit jelly.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - yogurt, vegetable casserole.
  3. Lunch - light soup with meatballs, steamed fish, compote.
  4. Snack - a cup of kefir, pear.
  5. Dinner - boiled buckwheat with meat, mineral water without gas.

4th day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - milk porridge with buckwheat, steamed fish, tea.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - steamed protein omelet, yogurt.
  3. Lunch - borsch on lean broth, mashed potatoes with fish, fruit jelly.
  4. Snack - compote, biscuit cookies.
  5. Dinner - vermicelli, low-fat cheese, tea with milk.

5th day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - vegetable salad, steamed fish cakes, compote.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - yogurt, apple.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup, stewed vegetables with meat, an apple.
  4. Snack - cookies, a decoction of raspberry leaves.
  5. Dinner - buckwheat with fish, tea.

6th day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - mashed potatoes, steamed chicken fillet, compote.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - a baked apple with cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch - grated vegetable soup with cabbage, steamed fish, fruit jelly.
  4. Snack - tea with milk, biscuit cookies.
  5. Dinner - steamed vegetable cutlets, cheesecakes, tea.

7th day

  1. Breakfast number 1 - steamed protein omelette, yogurt, juice.
  2. Breakfast number 2 - salad with apple and carrots.
  3. Lunch - grated potato soup, steamed carrot cutlets, baked apple.
  4. Snack - oatmeal cookies, jelly.
  5. Dinner - vegetable puree with fish, juice.

Take care of your health and don't get sick!

Indications for the appointment, characteristics, a list of allowed products, along with an approximate menu, will help you navigate and make your own menu.

Therapeutic diet number 5 is shown:

  • in recovery after acute hepatitis and cholecystitis;
  • without exacerbation of chronic hepatitis;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver, not accompanied by its insufficiency;
  • out of exacerbation chronic cholecystitis and gallstone disease.

It should be noted that therapeutic diet No. 5 is prescribed only in the absence of severe gastric and intestinal diseases.

Therapeutic diet number 5 is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • chemical sparing of the liver with good nutrition;
  • contributing to the normalization of the activity of the liver and biliary tract;
  • improvement of bile secretion.

Therapeutic diet No. 5 is distinguished by a physiologically normal content of proteins and carbohydrates with a slight limitation in the amount of fats, mainly refractory ones. It is recommended to consume foods rich in fiber, pectins, liquid, as well as nitrogenous extractives, purines, oxalic acid. Dishes are boiled, baked, rarely stewed. Stringy meat and vegetables with a lot of fiber are consumed pureed. Flour and vegetables are by no means passivated. Recommended 5-6 meals a day.

The chemical composition of the therapeutic diet No. 5

  • 80 g of proteins, 55% of which are of animal origin;
  • 80 g of fats, 30% of which are vegetable;
  • 350-400 g of carbohydrates, 70-80 g of which is sugar;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

If desired, you can consume 25-40 g of xylitol and sorbitol.

The energy value of the therapeutic diet No. 5 is 2400-2600 calories.

Allowed wheat bread made from flour of the first and second grade, Rye bread made from seeded and peeled flour. Bread is recommended yesterday's baking. You can also eat savory pastries with boiled meat, fish, apples, cottage cheese, hard cookies, dry biscuit.

Prohibited excessively fresh bread, puff and rich flour products, fried pies.


Soups can be vegetable, cereal on vegetable broth, dairy with pasta, fruit. Shchi and beetroot soup are also allowed. Soups should be filled with dried, not fried flour and vegetables.

Therapeutic diet number 5 contraindicated soups on meat, fish and mushroom broths, okroshka, green cabbage soup.

Meat and poultry

Lean meat without tendons and fascia and lean poultry without skin are allowed. Beef, young lean lamb, meat pork, rabbit meat, chicken, turkey can be boiled, baked after boiling in a piece or chopped. Allowed the use of cabbage rolls, pilaf with boiled meat, milk sausages.

Fatty varieties, duck, goose, kidneys, liver, brains, smoked foods, canned food, most sausages are contraindicated.


You can eat lean fish. Fish should be pre-boiled, baked after boiling in a piece and as part of dumplings, soufflés, meatballs.

It is forbidden to eat fatty, smoked, salted fish, canned food.


Therapeutic diet No. 5 recommends the inclusion of milk, kefir, acidophilus, yogurt in the diet. Sour cream can be used as a seasoning for dishes. Low-fat and semi-fat cottage cheese is allowed to eat on its own and in the form of casseroles, lazy dumplings, puddings. Non-sharp and low-fat cheese is allowed in food. Limit the amount of consumed cream, high-fat milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, salty, fatty cheese.


Hard-boiled and fried eggs are prohibited. Patients with cholelithiasis are allowed up to half of the yolk per day in meals.


Any dishes from any cereals are allowed, although buckwheat and oatmeal are preferred. Recommended consumption of pilaf with dried fruits, carrots, puddings with cottage cheese, carrots, cereals, boiled pasta.

Bean dishes are contraindicated.


Allowed consumption of raw, boiled, stewed vegetables in the form of salads, side dishes, independent dishes. Recommended, boiled onions, mashed potatoes made from green peas.

It is forbidden to eat spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, green onion, garlic, mushrooms, pickled vegetables.


Salads are allowed fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil, fruit salads, vinaigrettes, squash caviar, boiled jellied fish. You can also eat soaked, low-fat herring, stuffed fish, seafood salads, boiled fish, meat, doctor's, dairy, diet sausage, low-fat ham, low-fat and low-fat cheese.

Spicy and fatty snacks, smoked foods, canned food, caviar are prohibited.

fruits, sweet

It is allowed to eat all fruits and berries, except for sour ones. They can be eaten raw, boiled, baked. Dried fruits, compotes, jelly, mousses, jelly, sambuki are allowed to eat. The consumption of meringues, snowballs, marmalade, non-chocolate sweets, marshmallows, honey, jam is not prohibited. Part of the sugar should be replaced with sorbitol, xylitol.

Chocolate, cream products, ice cream are prohibited.

Sauces, spices

Sauces made from sour cream, milk, vegetables, sweet fruits are allowed. Flour for them is not passivated. Dill, parsley, as well as vanillin and cinnamon can be added to dishes.

Mustard, horseradish, pepper are not allowed in food.


You can drink tea, coffee with milk, as well as juices from fruits, berries and vegetables. Decoctions of wild rose and decoctions of wheat bran are extremely useful.

It is forbidden to consume black coffee, cocoa, cold drinks.


Butter can be used in in kind and can be added to meals. Refined vegetable oils are allowed.

Fat, cooking fats are prohibited.

An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 5

Lunch consists of a baked apple.

For lunch you can eat a vegetarian soup from prefabricated vegetables on vegetable oil, boiled chicken in milk sauce, boiled rice, dried fruits compote.

afternoon tea limited to a decoction of wild rose.

For dinner you can afford boiled fish with white sauce on vegetable broth, mashed potatoes, curd cheesecake, tea.



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