Chaga balm instructions for use. Ready-made chaga preparations

Altai balsam with chaga is a natural food supplement, recommended for the prevention of gastrointestinal problems caused by inflammatory processes, and weakening immune system body. Its composition is rich in components collected in ecologically clean areas Mountain Altai who have universal properties. But the main thing that characterizes this balm, as can already be understood from the name, is the presence of a birch mushroom in it, known as chaga. It is a sterile form of a phytopathogenic fungus called “oblique tinder fungus” and is formed in the form of growths on birch trunks and is distinguished by its rich composition and unique effect.

Thus, this development represents an excellent natural remedy to normalize digestion and metabolic processes in the body, as well as to restore weakened body functions.

Composition of the balm and the effect of its components

  • Chaga ( birch mushroom) . Effective for use in the prevention of diseases of the stomach and intestines, to improve appetite and normalize metabolism. Chaga helps in increasing the level protective functions body, stimulates the work of the central nervous system. Due to the activation of enzymes and corresponding processes, it normalizes metabolism. Taking chaga stimulates nerve centers responsible for breathing and full-time job of cardio-vascular system. Chaga mushroom also prevents the formation and growth malignant tumors, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Natural honey and mineral water"Silver Key". They form the basis of the balm and together help fight inflammation, gynecological and urological diseases, have a bactericidal and diuretic effect;
  • Roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea (golden root). A plant known in Altai, the components of which improve the functioning of the immune system and have a powerful tonic and general strengthening effect. With its help, you can achieve improved well-being, increased performance, and removal of signs of overwork and fatigue;
  • Dog-rose fruit. The plant is rich ascorbic acid, thanks to which it has a tonic effect on the immune system. Also, these fruits help restore the body and destroy free radicals;
  • Pine nut. Contains a large amount essential oils, which are useful for everyone's work internal organs, increase tone skin and its protection from premature aging. This product strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with energy, increases its performance and adaptive functions, helps prevent complications after stress;
  • Bergenia leaf. Consists of carbohydrates tannins, phytoncides, flavonoids, copper, iron, arbutin and vitamins. Bergenia strengthens the walls of blood vessels, narrows them, normalizes heart contractions and arterial pressure, has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect;
  • Calamus roots and rhizomes. They improve digestive processes, relieve pain and spasms, and enhance intestinal and stomach motility. Calamus helps improve appetite, thereby helping to prevent exhaustion and improve the body's performance;
  • Strawberry leaf;
  • Bird cherry fruits;
  • Juniper fruits;
  • Artemisia grass;
  • Birch buds;
  • Chokeberry juice;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Syrup;
  • Color.

Indications for use

Recommended for:


  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the balm;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Children under 14 years old.

Directions for use and dosage

Adults take 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 milliliters) orally 3 times a day. pure form or by adding water, juice, milk, tea or any other drink to a glass.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Release form

A bottle of balm with a volume of 250 milliliters.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The product can be stored for 24 months from the date of manufacture (indicated on the packaging) in a dry place, protected from direct contact sun rays and out of the reach of children at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees Celsius.

Certificate of state registration (Customs Union)

No. ROSS RU.001.21AV93 dated 10/28/2011


Altai-Seligor LLC.


The products are biologically active food additives (BAA) and are not a medicine.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before using dietary supplements. There are contraindications. Dietary supplements are for personal use only.

Any other ways of using and selling dietary supplementsare allowed only in cases and subject to compliance with the requirements provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The products have been registered with Rospotrebnadzor within the Customs Union.

Many drugs approved for use by the Ministry of Health have been developed based on birch fungus. Russian Federation. These medicinal products can be purchased without a prescription; The only condition is to take them only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

It is useful to remember the following rule: what has helped some may harm others; It is quite possible that the attending physician will find contraindications to the use of drugs made on the basis of birch fungus.

Chaga syrup

This drug approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Chaga syrup – biologically active additive for food, made on the basis of chaga extract.

Chaga syrup improves metabolism, in particular metabolic processes brain tissue; normalizes the general condition and well-being of patients, improves functional state cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, increases the effectiveness and tolerability of the main treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Ingredients: natural water-soluble chromogens, pigments, sterols, pterins, biologically active phenolic and polyphenolic compounds, hydroxyphenolcarboxylic acids and their quinones, humic-like chagic acid, organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamin C; trace elements: silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, copper, potassium and manganese.

Rice. 4. Chaga syrup

Indications for use: for prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases, acute and chronic gastritis.

Contraindications: diabetes And individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

Directions for use: adults and children over 12 years old, 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day with food.

Chaga syrup is non-addictive and non-toxic.

Cream-balm “Chaga”

To prevent exacerbations and complex treatment osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases; for myositis and neuralgia, Chaga cream-balm is used.

For joint diseases, chaga counteracts destruction cartilage tissue, helps restore joint fluid, relieves muscle spasm, which is one of the main causes of pain. Having a high penetrating ability, chaga improves metabolism and blood supply to diseased joints, helps remove toxins from them and salt deposits. Betulin – natural antiseptic, V large quantities contained in chaga, protects joints from inflammation.

Chaga has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so the cream helps even with arthritis, including rheumatoid.

Cream-balm "Chaga" quickly relieves pain and allows contracted, spasmed periarticular muscles and blood vessels to relax, as a result, blood circulation is restored, swelling subsides, and articular cartilage arrive nutrients from the chaga, then waste and salts are gradually removed from the joint.

The plant components of chaga improve metabolism in joint tissues, prevent the destruction of cartilage and rejuvenate the joint.

Ingredients: water enriched with silver ions, beeswax, chaga extract, sea buckthorn oil, cedar oil, oil extracts cinquefoil, St. John's wort, juniper, golden root, ginkgo biloba, rose hips, elecampane, ginseng, glycerin, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, lanolin, withanol, vitamins A and E, preservatives.

Indications for use: for the prevention of exacerbation and in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases; for myositis and neuralgia.

Directions for use: as a prophylaxis in case of decreased immunity, with increased loads, during treatment colds, hypothermia, rub the cream-balm for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day.

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgic pain, the drug is applied with light massaging movements for 2 minutes 2-3 times a day, after which the sore spot is wrapped in a woolen cloth.

The course of treatment is 1–6 weeks.

Cream-balm “Chaga” for feet

Chaga, despite all of it beneficial features, relatively low penetrating ability, so it can also be used topically in the treatment of skin diseases.

Scientists have suggested that since chaga is excellent at treating malignant tumors, it can also help in treating diseases of the joints, veins and capillaries. As a result of research, it has been proven that chaga, as part of other components, penetrates to the very site of the disease.

Strengthen it medicinal properties help sea ​​buckthorn oil, oil tea tree and wheat germ, vitamins A and E, extracts horse chestnut, cinquefoil, Japanese sophora, green tea, hellebore and others medicinal plants.

When treating veins, “Chaga” for the legs relieves pain, cramps and swelling, eliminates capillary “networks” and “stars”, reduces the load on the veins, and strengthens the walls of all blood vessels.

Chaga has an antiseptic, healing and antioxidant effect, increases the vitality and tone of blood vessels, relieves pain and inflammation, restores diseased tissue, returns elasticity and healthy color to the skin. Multilateral therapeutic effect Chaga is enhanced by a complex of medicinal plants, silver ions, healing oils and essential amino acids that increase muscle elasticity and the strength of vascular walls.

“Chaga” is especially effective for legs at the initial stage varicose veins veins

Ingredients: water enriched with silver ions, emulsion wax, chaga extract, sea buckthorn oil, wheat germ oil, oil extracts of horse chestnut, cinquefoil, Japanese sophora, green tea, hellebore, nettle, sage, glycerin, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, vitamins A and E, preservatives.

Indications for use: for complex treatment of disorders peripheral circulation: superficial phlebitis of the extremities (inflammation of the veins); varicose veins of the legs; thrombophlebitis of superficial veins; chronic venous insufficiency(fatigue and heaviness in the legs, feeling of fullness, cramps, swelling); capillary “networks” and “wine stains”.

Having a strong wound-healing effect, chaga helps to cure even trophic ulcers.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. Side effects not found.

Method of use: cream-balm is applied along the vein from the lower leg to the thigh 2-3 times a day in a lying position.

On initial stages for varicose veins, the drug is rubbed in with light massaging movements 2 times a day.

The course of treatment is 6–8 weeks.

Chaga extract

Birch mushroom extract is available in the following dosage forms:

– capsules;

– tincture;

– concentrate for preparing the solution;

– medicinal raw materials.

Directions for use and dosage:

Capsules: adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day with meals, with 1 glass. boiled water.

Rice. 5. Medicinal raw materials "Chaga"

Concentrate for solution: orally, 30 minutes before meals. Before use, shake the contents of the bottle and dilute 3 teaspoons of the drug in 150 ml of warm boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Medicinal raw materials: 1 part of the raw material is poured into 5 parts of water heated to 50 ° C, infused for 2 days, then the water is drained, the grounds are squeezed out through several layers of gauze. The liquid thus obtained is diluted with water to its original volume. Take 1 glass 1-3 times a day before meals.

Treatment with chaga preparations is carried out in courses of 1–2 months.

The infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Attention: when long-term use With chaga preparations, some patients experience increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, which disappears when the dosage is reduced or the drug is discontinued.

Herbal tea drink "Chaga"

Regular black or green tea can be replaced with herbal tea drink "Chaga" in bags.

Herbal tea “Chaga” – healing drink, providing healing effect at malignant neoplasms. Recommended for use when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Improves the general condition of patients, relieves nausea and pain.


Befungin – thick extract dark brown, obtained from growths of the birch chaga fungus. Cobalt salts are also added to the extract.

Befungin has a tonic and analgesic effect.

Indications for use: for chronic gastritis, dyskinesias of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of atony, with gastric ulcers.

Befungin is prescribed as symptomatic remedy to improve the general condition of cancer patients.

Before use, shake the bottle with befungin and dilute it with 3 teaspoons of the drug in 150 ml of warm boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3–5 months. If necessary, carry out repeat courses with breaks of 7-10 days.

Befungin is prepared for use for 3 days in the following way: 2 teaspoons of thick extract, preheated directly in the bottle, dilute in 3/4 cup of warm boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Chaga body cream-balm Chaga cream-balm

Composition of Chaga cream-balm


1 tube contains water enriched with silver ions, beeswax, chaga extract, sea buckthorn oil, cedar oil, oil extracts: cinquefoil, St. John's wort, juniper, golden root, ginkgo biloba, rosehip, elecampane, ginseng, glycerin, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol , lanolin, withanol, vitamins A and E, preservatives.; in a tube 75 ml.

Pharmacological action of Chaga cream-balm

The cream-balm uses the powerful immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of chaga. For joint diseases, chaga counteracts the destruction of cartilage tissue, promotes the restoration of joint (synovial) fluid, and relieves muscle spasm - one of the main causes. pain syndrome. Having a high penetrating ability, chaga improves metabolism and blood supply to diseased joints, helps remove toxins and salt deposits from them. A powerful natural antiseptic, betulin, contained in large quantities in chaga, protects joints from inflammation.

Indications Chaga cream-balm

Chaga body cream-balm is used to prevent exacerbation and in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases; for myositis and neuralgia.

Contraindications Chaga cream-balm

Individual intolerance to the components of the cream-balm.

Side effects of Chaga cream-balm


Rarely: allergic reactions.

Directions for use and dosage of Chaga cream-balm

For preventive purposes, in case of a threat of exacerbation (decreased immunity, increased stress, colds, hypothermia), vigorously rub the cream-balm into the risk area for 3 minutes 2-3 times a day.

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgic pain, apply the cream with light massaging movements for 2 minutes, 2-3 times a day. Wrap the sore spot with a woolen cloth. Course from 1 to 6 weeks.

Storage conditions and shelf life of Chaga cream-balm

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Shelf life - 2 years.

In an online pharmacy Chaga cream-balm can be purchased with home delivery. The quality of all products in our online pharmacy, including Chaga cream-balm, undergo product quality control by our trusted suppliers. You can buy Chaga cream-balm on our website by clicking on the “Buy” button. We will be happy to deliver Chaga cream-balm to you completely free of charge to any address within our delivery area.

Chaga mushroom against 100 diseases Evgeniya Mikhailovna Sbitneva

Cream-balm “Chaga”

Cream-balm “Chaga”

To prevent exacerbations and for the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases, for myositis and neuralgia, Chaga cream-balm is used.

For joint diseases, chaga counteracts the destruction of cartilage tissue, helps restore joint fluid, and relieves muscle spasm, which is one of the main causes of pain. Having a high penetrating ability, chaga improves metabolism and blood supply to diseased joints, helps remove toxins and salt deposits from them. Betulin is a natural antiseptic, contained in large quantities in chaga, which protects joints from inflammation.

Chaga has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so the cream helps even with arthritis, including rheumatoid.

Cream-balm “Chaga” quickly relieves pain and allows contracted, spasmodic periarticular muscles and vessels to relax, as a result, blood circulation is restored, swelling subsides, nutrients from chaga enter the articular cartilage, then waste and salts are gradually removed from the joint.

The plant components of chaga improve metabolism in joint tissues, prevent the destruction of cartilage and rejuvenate the joint.

Ingredients: water enriched with silver ions, beeswax, chaga extract, sea buckthorn oil, cedar oil, oil extracts of cinquefoil, St. John's wort, juniper, golden root, ginkgo biloba, rose hips, elecampane, ginseng, glycerin, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, lanolin, withanol, vitamins A and E, preservatives.

Indications for use: for the prevention of exacerbation and in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases; for myositis and neuralgia.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. No side effects were identified.

Method of use: as a preventive measure in cases of decreased immunity, increased stress, in the treatment of colds, hypothermia, rub the cream-balm for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times a day.

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgic pain, the drug is applied with light massaging movements for 2 minutes 2-3 times a day, after which the sore spot is wrapped in a woolen cloth.

The course of treatment is 1–6 weeks.

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“Chaga” cream-balm For the prevention of exacerbations and in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, gout, arthritis and other joint diseases, for myositis and neuralgia, “Chaga” cream-balm is used. For joint diseases, “Chaga” counteracts

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Cream-balm "Chaga" for feet Scientists have suggested that since chaga copes well with the treatment of malignant tumors, it can also help in the treatment of diseases of the joints, veins and capillaries. As a result of research, it was proven that chaga as part of other

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Chaga Chaga is a mushroom that grows on birch trunks, less often on other deciduous trees, mostly old ones. When harvesting, chaga is cut with a knife or chopped with an ax. Treat with chaga oncological diseases, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, skin



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