Altai shamans treatment. Spiritual journey "path to the shaman" to the Altai Mountains

10 days/ 9 nights

Tour schedule:

June: 06/17/2018. - 06/26/2018. There are no seats.

July: 15.07. 2018. - 07.24.2018. There are no seats.

August: 08/12/2018. - 08/21/2018. There are no seats.

A magnificent excursion and relaxation tour accompanied by a hereditary shaman. This tour will allow you to see the marvelous nature of Altai and feel its wonderful energy. You will have the opportunity to visit the Karakol Valley, where hundreds of archaeological monuments of the Scythian period are concentrated; admire the wonderful views of the mountains; see one of the most beautiful rivers in the world - Katun; get inspired by the ancient culture of the Altai people through original throat singing performers. And in your free time from excursions, you can devote time to communicating with a shaman. The shaman will conduct an individual Rite of Opening of the White Road for all tour participants.

Duration: 10 days.

Number of people in the group: 5.
Number of tourists per jeep: no more than 3.

Accompanying persons: 2 driver-guides.
Transport: imported SUVs.

Attention! Limited number of seats! Only 5 places.

Today, one of the most interesting areas of tourism is “mystical tourism” or “hiking to places of Power”. Therefore, we invite everyone to take a magical journey to the guardian spirits of the Altai Mountains to the ancient place of Power - the Karakol Valley. And the Altai shaman, or rather the shaman Altynsai, will help us implement it. Altynsai is a hereditary shaman from the ancient Altai clan Kipchak. She is known and respected by many Altai shamans. Working with spirits is a difficult and sometimes even dangerous matter. To communicate with them you need a good guide. Altynsai copes with this task perfectly. Spirits do not often reveal their presence to a person and quite rarely seek to manifest their intentions. This means that a person himself must turn to them. But only their chosen ones - shamans - can achieve constant and pronounced contact with spirits. In Altai they are called kama, and the work they carry out is called ritual. A shaman becomes a magician and wizard only during a ritual, only when he calls upon his entire squad of spirits. After the ritual, when the spirits leave the shaman, he turns into an ordinary person. Communicating with a kam is a unique experience that often contradicts the average person's initial expectations and ideas about shamanism. For example, many people expect to see a person who is very emotional, nervous, and restless, but it turns out just the opposite. As a rule, these are people with surprisingly stable psyches. This is also confirmed by ethnographic research, and, indeed, only emotionally stable people can withstand the overload to which their psyche is exposed in altered states of consciousness.

In addition, you will be able to communicate with Altynsay all these days, ask her your most pressing questions and receive answers to them. Perhaps on this journey you will be able, with its help, to unravel all the mysteries of life and learn sacred secrets, and maybe you will even be able to start life from scratch or change its course. Answers to the most difficult questions can be obtained directly in the Karakol Valley, only there it will be possible to perform ritual rituals and communicate with the spirits of Altai. Spirits do not tolerate the vanity of this mortal world, and the peace and power of the reserved Karakol Valley helps communicate with them. The powerful energy of this place helps strengthen people with paranormal abilities.

This year the spirits allowed the shaman to lead only 5 people to the sacred Karakol Valley; there will be no other such opportunity.

Duration - 10 days.

Number of people in the group - 5.

The cost of the tour per person is 55,000 rubles.

Accommodation:During the active part of the tour, tourists live in a 2-room wooden house, on the way to the route at tourist bases.Nutrition:Meals 3 times a day. During the transfer, meals will be served at roadside cafes.Insurance:medical and accident protection is mandatory and is included in the price of the tour.Transport:Two imported jeeps. To Shinok waterfalls - UAZ all-terrain vehicle.

Description of a car tour with a shaman “Ancient Place of Power - Karakol Valley.”

Tourists rarely visit the Karakol Valley. There is only one camp site in the entire valley. Alcohol is not sold here, and locals worship mountains, fire, and consider Scythian and Turkic rock paintings sacred.

The Karakol Valley is a neck about three kilometers wide, located between the Chuisky tract and the Terektinsky ridge. It stretches along the Karakol River and is surrounded on all sides by mountains ranging from 1000 to 2700 meters above sea level. The Terektinsky ridge separates it from the Uimon Valley - the same one that certain Old Believer sects, admirers of the work of Nicholas Roerich and people passionate about esotericism consider a mystical place of power, the threshold of Belovodye and Shambhala.

The Karakol Valley is inhabited exclusively by ethnic Altaians. There are only three villages with a total population of less than a thousand people. Local residents profess Burkhanism - a bizarre mixture of traditional Altai paganism with elements of Buddhism. Burkhanism is a fairly young religion - it arose only in the first decade of the 20th century. Some Altaians refused to follow traditions associated with bloody sacrifices and “black” shamans. From the old faith, only that which concerns the “upper”, good world has been preserved. This was supplemented by elements of Buddhism, which is professed by their Mongol neighbors - again, with the exception of those moments that, from the point of view of the Karakol people, are “black”, that is, associated with the world of evil spirits. Today, many scientific works are devoted to Burkhanism. The key in this religion is to follow the “white” path - the path of good, in the Altai language it is called Ak Jan, translated as “white faith”. The first preachers of Burkhanism were even put on trial by the tsarist authorities in 1906, but they were acquitted.

The Karakol Valley has been one of the epicenters of Burkhanism since the beginning of the 20th century. Altaians consider many places here sacred: the mountains themselves, the high-mountain lake Aru-Kem, ancient petroglyphs, and so on. Above each village there are their own sanctuaries, made of flagstones and hung with multi-colored ribbons. Rituals are held on certain days. Milk, wheat, and some vegetables are sacrificed to the fire.

Car tour program with a shaman “Ancient Place of Power - Karakol Valley”. 10 days/9 nights (06/17/2018 - 06/26/2018)

Day 1. (17.06.) Sun. Barnaul-Chemal

Meeting at Barnaul airport. (7:00). Morning departure from Barnaul to Gorny Altai. The journey takes place along the oldest route in Siberia - the Chuya Tract. The Chuysky tract was included in the top ten most beautiful roads in the world according to National Geographic, taking an honorable fifth place.

Along the way we visit the village of Manzherok, where the lake of the same name and a ski resort are located. The lake is home to the relict water chestnut chilim, preserved from the pre-glacial period. Lunch at a cafe. On the way to the village of Chemal, stop at the “Village of Masters” with. Askat. Askat is an unusual mountain village, which has become famous as one of the most interesting and beautiful places in Altai. There are many stories and legends about Askat. Artists, potters, ceramists, representatives of various religious denominations, and many simply very good people live in Askat. It is believed that the underground lake of artesian water, hidden in the depths of Askat, gives this area a special cosmic power. Transfer along the Katun River to the village of Chemal, located in the heart of the Altai Mountains. Accommodation in the Kedr estate in 2-bed comfortable rooms. Dinner. Rest. Adaptation to time and climate zones. (road-365 km).

Day 2. (18.06.) Mon. Che-Chkysh tract - Oroktoi bridge - Patmos island

Breakfast. Today you will take the “Chemal Walk” excursion. We go upstream of the Katun to the Oroktoy bridge, here is the place of Power - the Teldekpen rapids. The place where wild power emerges, where the Katun is squeezed by basalt rocks up to a width of 20 meters and a depth of more than 70 meters. Along the way, we will visit the Che-Chkysh tract (“Valley of Mountain Spirits”), in which the “Shaman’s Cave” and “Shaman’s Rock” are located - mystical places of Power, hidden from prying eyes. Religious ceremonies and rituals are still held there to this day. We will also make a short climb along the stream to an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the Katun River valley.

After lunch we will take an excursion to the Chemal hydroelectric power station, which is located in the southern part of the village. The hydroelectric power station is one of the first in the region, built in 1935. Then, following the “goat path” along the Katun River, we will get to the steep rocky island of Patmos, on which is the temple of the Apostle John the Theologian (1849). The island is connected to the river bank by a long suspension bridge. Next to the temple, an image of the Virgin and Child is carved into the rock. The final object will be an excursion to the Altai national dwelling - ail. While visiting the village, you will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of the 10-13th centuries, travel back in time, get acquainted with the life and way of life, customs and culture, history and pagan religion of the Altai nomadic tribes. Return to the Kedr estate. (car - 102 km, walking - 3 km).

Day 3. (06/19) Tue. Chemal - Kamlak

After breakfast, transfer to the village of Kamlak. On the way we stop at the “Village of Masters” with. Askat. Askat is an unusual mountain village, which has become famous as one of the most interesting and beautiful places in Altai. There are many stories and legends about Askat. Artists, potters, ceramists, representatives of various religious denominations, and many simply very good people live in Askat. It is believed that the underground lake of artesian water, hidden in the depths of Askat, gives this area a special cosmic power. Lunch on the way to a cafe. Arrival in the village Kamlak. Accommodation in a family eco hotel in double comfortable rooms. Dinner. After dinner, those interested can visit a local shaman, who works in the traditions of the shamans of the North American continent. (auto -45 km)

Day 4. (20.06.) Wed.Kamlak - Karakol (Ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek”)

Breakfast. Travel along the ancient trade route - the Chuysky tract through its highest point, the Seminsky pass. The name “Seminsky” itself goes back to the Mongolian “sebi” - “fortress”, reflecting the inaccessibility of the pass. The Altai name of the pass is Dyal-Menku, “Eternal Mane”. The height of the pass is 1717 m, the ascent is 9 km, the descent is 11 km. The road crosses the Seminsky ridge between the Sarlyk mountains (2507 m above sea level) and the peak of Tuyakhta (1900 m) at the place where the ridge changes direction from latitudinal to meridional. The Cherginsky ridge adjoins it from the north. The Sema River flows to the north from the pass, and the Tuekta to the south. At the top of the pass in 1956, a stele was erected in honor of the bicentenary of the voluntary entry of the Altai people into Russia. From this place you can see Mount Sarlyk and Mount Tiyakhta; on the slope of the latter there is the Seminsky training center (TC) with summer running tracks for roller skis, a winter ski slope from the top of the mountain and one ski lift. Lunch on the way to a cafe. Arrival at the ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek”. Accommodation in five-bed Altai villages or Mongolian yurts at the Karakol camp site. Dinner at the complex cafe. In the evening, a folklore program - unique throat singing and playing national musical instruments. This concert awakens the deep roots of man, helps to feel the spirit of the Altai people, natural involvement, and allows you to enjoy the skill of the performers, some of whom are laureates of international festivals. And then, when you come to the village for the night, it’s as if you’ll be transported in a time machine to ancient times. The ancient attributes of Altai life, decorating the interior of the home, create a special flavor and spirit of the times. Facilities (Shower, WC) on site. (auto - 156km)

Day 5. (21.06.) Thu."Uch-Enmek"Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon)

Since ancient times, the Karakol Valley has been considered sacred by the indigenous population - the Altaians and is an ancient place of Power. There are entire groups of ancient burial mounds and a large number of rock paintings here. It is believed that all these ancient monuments of the valley, in the prism of the traditional culture of the indigenous population, represent an information code about the laws of the universe. The population of this valley has a unique mentality and considers itself to be in a spiritual relationship with the nature of this valley. After breakfast, excursion around the valley with a visit to sacred centers. Temple - burial complexes of Tuekta, Bashadara, Boocha, Karakol - where the Afanasyevites and Karakolites, the royal Scythians, and the warlike Turks built their temples and altars, buried their leaders and priests.

Arrival at a secluded forest retreat in the Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon). Silence and beauty! A blooming mountain meadow and mountains, tall larches and a mountain river, where nothing distracts from the contemplation of nature. The air here is crystal clear, mountainous, filled with the aromas of herbs. Accommodation in a two-room house with a stove. Amenities on site. Dinner. Visit to the bathhouse. (by car - 20 km, on foot - 1 km)

Day 6. (22.06.) Fri.A trip to the protected alpine lake Aru-Kem - Shamanic rite of the White Road

After breakfast, departure to the high mountain lake Aru-Kem. We travel 20 km by car and walk about 2.5-3 km. Lake Aru-Kem is hidden on the northern slope in the center of the Terektinsky ridge, in the taiga, in the upper reaches of the Arygem River at an absolute altitude of 1400 meters. This is a protected area of ​​the Uch-Enmek Natural Park. On the maps the names of the river and lake are indicated as “Ayrygem”. Apparently the toponym was written down incorrectly. The correct name of “Aru-Kem” is “Clean River”. Although “fork of the rivers,” as “Ayrygem” can be interpreted, is also quite suitable. The Karakol and Airygem rivers run parallel for more than ten kilometers, but their sources branch. And this “fork” could form the basis of the name. At the same time, the rare and beautiful name “Aru-Kem” has a touch of mystery and sacredness. Today, when a tourist allows himself to swim and fish here, it seems that this is one of many lakes - beautiful and romantic. But the times are not far off when it was considered sacred and people were afraid to even approach it alone. Its special geological origin and location opposite the sacred mountain Uch-Enmek distinguished this small body of water among many similar ones. Or maybe God chose him by touching him with his right hand!? But one way or another, even today the lake has not lost its pure and subtle energy, bringing strength to people. Return to borrow. After lunch, conducting the Shamanic ritual of Opening the White Road.

OPENING OF THE WHITE ROAD is a traditional shamanic ritual that harmonizes the external environment, energy, and circumstances of human life.

The ritual clears the way for the realization of your desires in all areas of life:

  • eliminating obstacles in the love sphere;
  • cleansing from negativity and harmonizing the energy field;
  • eliminating blocks in the area of ​​material well-being and money channel;
  • provides career growth and rank promotion;
  • attracting Spirits - helpers for Luck and Success;
  • attracting the right people and life circumstances in the implementation of specific plans.

The ritual is carried out in a group in the SHAMANIC CIRCLE or individually for those who wish privacy. The most important, powerful and largest rituals of the WHITE ROAD are carried out on days coinciding with the EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICES.

On June 22, 2018, Altynsai will conduct ONLY INDIVIDUAL RITES OF THE OPENING OF THE WHITE ROAD, since the ritual held on this very day, coinciding with the summer Solstice, is very significant and gives the STRONGEST HELP OF THE SPIRITS, spreading out the WHITE ROAD for you for the WHOLE YEAR!

This Rite, coinciding with the Summer Equinox, is a great Holiday that helps people remove obstacles in their Life Path and has Great Power for EVERYONE, regardless of religion. (For the ceremony, white clothes or at least a white top are desirable)

Dinner. Visit to the bathhouse. (car - 40 km, walk - 6 km).

Day 7. (23.06.) Sat. Ak-Koo tract - tourist complex "Iskra"

Breakfast. Transfer along the Karakol highway to the village of Ust-Kan. Excursion to the Ust-Kan Cave. The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of about 50 meters from the foot of the mountain and is clearly visible from the road. A staircase leads to the entrance. The length of the Ust-Kanskaya cave is 17 m, the height is 12 m. The beginning of serious archaeological research of the Ust-Kanskaya cave is considered to be 1954, when the famous archaeologist S.I. Rudenko discovered and explored a Paleolithic site here. This Early Paleolithic site gained worldwide fame due to the fact that it is the first such site of ancient people discovered in North Asia. Altaians call this mountain “Almys Tuu Boom”, which translated means “Mountain of Almys”. The name is associated with a legend according to which, on the night of the full moon, the walls of the cave part, and the mythical Almys - half-humans, half-beasts or, in other words, humanoid werewolves - emerge into the world of people. Such creatures are depicted as hairy, with an eye in their forehead. So guess what, either a Cyclops or Bigfoot. Interestingly, a natural monument of great historical significance is not only the Ust-Kan Cave, but also the entire huge rock massif in which it is located. It is called the White Stone. The value of the archaeological site lies in the fact that this place was used by primitive people for habitation. Lunch in the village. Next, travel along the Anuy River to the Iskra camp site. The tourist complex "Iskra" is located in the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory, at the foot of a cliff on the banks of the Anui River. The hotel building was built on a fenced and guarded area in a park area. Hotel accommodation. Double room. (Shower, WC) on the floor. Dinner in a cafe. (road-287 km).

Day 8. (06/24) Sun. Excursion to the waterfalls of the Shinok River.

After breakfast we will have an excursion to the Shinok River waterfalls. The Shinok River, whose name in translation from Turkic means “impregnable”, “precipitous”, mostly flows in a picturesque gorge, which is surrounded by a rich cedar forest growing on the slopes of the mountains, which gives an amazing view to the river valley. A cascade of waterfalls begins approximately 13 km from the mouth. Tourists cover 6 km in a UAZ all-terrain vehicle, and the remaining 7 km on foot. On the way to the waterfalls you will have to overcome 14 fords and a couple of log crossings, so you need to take care of the appropriate equipment. The depth of the river is shallow, it is enough to have high rubber boots (~ 30 cm), or any non-falling shoes with rubber soles, which you don’t mind getting wet.

The first of the waterfalls is a steep drop of water, the drop of which is 8 m. The second waterfall is located 0.5 km from the previous one and has a height of about 28 m. And finally, one kilometer from the second, the third is located - the most impressive and highest a waterfall whose fall height is approximately 72 m. The third waterfall, called Gray-haired, is sometimes called by tourists the Giraffe for its extraordinary “neck” - a long flowing stream. This is the largest waterfall in the Altai region. In summer, flying water is enclosed in a green rim of the banks: in the river valley there are 259 species of plants, including many rare and endangered species and medicinal herbs. According to legend, the waterfall has its own guardian spirit - Eel; to assure him of your good intentions, you need to tie a white or red ribbon to a sacrificial tree standing at the source of the river and thank him for the clean water. Of course it's a legend; but when it comes to Altai, many legends should be taken seriously...

According to the number of waterfalls of the river. Shinok is unsurpassed throughout Altai.

In case of unfavorable weather conditions, when it is not possible to drive up to the mouth of the Shinok River, you will be offered an alternative excursion to the maral farm. A trip to the deer farm will help you learn more about these amazing animals, get acquainted with the basics of antler farming, hear a lot of interesting things about the internationally recognized beneficial properties of antlers, and you will also be able to see deer living in their natural environment. After the excursion, return to the Iskra camp site. Dinner in a cafe. (70 km by car, 16 km by UAZ, 10 km by foot).

Day 9. (06/25) Mon. Iskra - resort town Belokurikha - Barnaul

After breakfast, we will move to the resort town of Belokurikha, known throughout Russia for its healing properties of aeroionized air and radon water. The Belokurikha resort, conveniently located at the foot of Tserkovka Mountain, attracts vacationers from Russia and many foreign countries. In terms of the level of air ionization, Altai Belokurikha is ready to compete with the famous Swiss health resorts, and in terms of the number of sunny days - with the sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Belokurikha is located in the south-eastern part of the Altai Territory, framed by the majestic rocky mountains of the Cherginsky Range, the granite peaks of which, meeting, create shapes and images of unimaginable beauty. It is generously endowed with many thermal springs that heal people from a number of diseases. Warm underground springs (therms) are saturated with mineral salts. The basis is nitrogen, silicon and small doses of radon, making the healing properties of thermia unique. Lunch at a cafe. Sightseeing tour of the city with an ascent to Tserkovka town by cable car to a height of 801 meters. Next, departure to Barnaul, hotel accommodation. Double comfortable room. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. (road-368 km).

Day 10. (06/26) Tue. Airport transfer.

Early departure to the airport.

Price per person for a group of 5 people - please check at the time of booking.

Tour cost for 1 person in a group of 5 people: 55,000 rubles.

The cost of the program includes:

  • meeting at Barnaul airport on Day 1;
  • transfer to Barnaul airport on Day 10;
  • all internal route transfers in a comfortable SUV;
  • 3 meals a day according to the program on the active part of the route;
  • breakfast (lunch box) on Day 10;
  • accommodation in the Kedr estate in the village. Chemal on Day 1 and Day 2 (2- and 3-bed comfortable rooms with all amenities);
  • accommodation in the guest house "Luga Altai" in the village of Kamlak. (double room)
  • accommodation in the ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek” on Day 4 - accommodation in 5 local Altai villages at the Karakol tourist center. Facilities on site;
  • accommodation at a forest farm in the Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon) on Day 5/6 - accommodation in a 6-bed wooden house. Facilities on site;
  • accommodation at the Iskra camp site on Days 7 and 8 - hotel accommodation in a 2-bed standard room. (Shower, WC) on the floor;
  • accommodation in Barnaul at a hotel on Day 9 (2-bed comfortable room);
  • driver-guide on the active part of the route;
  • sauna on Day 5/6;
  • Rosgosstrakh insurance: medical expenses (300,000 rub.) and accident insurance (50,000 rub.). We recommend having a tick-borne encephalitis vaccination (especially for races in June).;
  • excursions according to the program;
  • folklore program with throat singing;
  • recreational fees;
  • entrance tickets to museums and excursions;
  • conducting the Shamanic rite of Opening the White Road.

The cost of the program does not include:

  • breakfast on Day 1;
  • souvenir products;
  • personal expenses;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • additional costs at tourist centers;
  • single occupancy (possible for an additional fee);
  • individual work with a shaman

Starting point of the route, meeting point

Barnaul, airport.

Total duration

10 days/9 nights

Active part duration

Route length

Auto - 1424 km, walking - 19 km

Number of tourists in the group

5 people

Number of attendants on the active part

2 driver guides

Accommodation along the route

hotels, inns, guest houses, wooden houses, villages

Equipment: No special equipment required. Be sure to have: warm, waterproof clothes and shoes (hiking boots), sunscreen.


3 meals a day, according to the tour program (except for Day 1 - only lunch and dinner). At camp sites - in cafes and canteens.


  • Hiking boots or sneakers with ankle support with rigid soles;
  • Sneakers;
  • Flip flops, slippers for shower/bath, hotels;


  • Waterproof and windproof jacket and pants (or rain cover);
  • Sports suit;
  • Warm jacket (autumn);
  • Thin sweater (wool/polartek/fleece);
  • T-shirts (2-3 pieces);
  • White T-shirt for the White Road ceremony;
  • Shorts;
  • Swimsuit/swimming trunks;
  • Woolen socks;
  • Thin socks (2-3 pairs);
  • Sun hat (cap, Panama, bandana).


  • Flashlight (preferably a headlamp);
  • Sunglasses;
  • Sun cream with a high level of protection 30-60;
  • Individual first aid kit + bactericidal patch;
  • Personal hygiene products: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap;
  • Towel.

Places of Power that we will visit:


The Che-Chkysh tract is a place of Power, located near the village of Elanda.

Translated from Altai, Che-Chkysh means “narrow,” but many locals call it the “Valley of Mountain Spirits” or “Valley of Shamans.”

The gorge is hidden from prying eyes and many travelers pass by without even suspecting that the place of Power is very close by. Due to its hidden location in ancient times, this gorge more than once served as a shelter for Altai tribes during internecine wars.

The place is very beautiful - a mountain gorge around which steep cliffs rise 150 meters. The gorge is narrow, up to 15-20 meters in places. A clear mountain stream flows through the gorge, turning into a low (4 m) waterfall. The waterfall's jets extend far enough away from the rock so that you can walk under them. There is an ancient belief that anyone who walks under the streams of the waterfall will gain wealth and health, for they have magical powers.

If you go up the left bank to the stream bed, you can see ancient rock carvings of animals on the steep rocks. If you go down the path from the waterfall, then on the right side up the slope you can find a small cave. If you follow the path at the top of the gorge, you will see another mystery of nature - unusual rocks. Their entire surface is covered with craters, as if the rocks were melted by some unknown force and froze in this position. Then the trail rises steeply uphill to an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the Katun River valley. All the energy compressed by the steep walls of the gorge finds an outlet here. One feels extraordinary lightness and upliftment. The area is suitable for meditation and rituals. You can simply admire the beautiful views and take some good photos.

OROKTOY BRIDGE (Teldekpen rapids).

The Teldekpen rapids are located on the 38th kilometer of the Chemal-Edigan highway. These are some of the most beautiful and most dangerous rapids on the Katun (they belong to category 3 of difficulty). These rapids are characterized by the presence of powerful undercurrents, whirlpools, and turbulence. The rapids are located in a long narrow corridor of black rocks, representing a deep tectonic fault. The Katun here narrows to 20-40m, while the depth reaches 70m. The rocks rise above the river to a height of 10-12 m, have sharp edges and peaks, for which locals call them “Dragon’s Teeth”. This place of power is unique in its energy - the river splashes out all its energy with a narrow roaring beam, causing everything around to vibrate. When visiting this place of power, you need to take special care, do not go close to the water, do not stand on the edges of the rocks, do not hang from the bridge - many careless people have taken this place.


A rock with steep walls on an island right in the middle of Katun. Its history is connected with the development of Orthodoxy in Altai. Patmos Island is one of the most visited places of Power in the Altai Mountains.


The Karakol Valley in the Ongudai region is a unique place of Power. This valley in Altai has been considered sacred since ancient times. The esoteric history of Altai began here. The indigenous population living here preserves sacred knowledge, a special worldview, spiritual values, unique tales and legends. But the first thing that amazes is the indescribable beauty of the Karakol Valley, many pyramids, mountains and mounds. The routes of the Karakol Valley are laid through the territory of the Sacred Lands, which have enormous energy and information potential. For thousands of years, shamans performed their magical rituals in this area. This territory is the “acupuncture” point of the Planet. There are entire groups of ancient burial mounds and a large number of rock paintings here. It is believed that all these ancient monuments, in the prism of the traditional culture of the indigenous population, represent an information code of the laws of the universe. Mount Uch-Enmek, which is located above the valley, is considered sacred - you cannot approach, take photographs, or pronounce the name of this mountain out loud.

The Karakol Valley is truly an energetically strong place, and this energy suits almost all people. The functional property of the area is to cleanse people and fill them with pure positive energy.


Lake Aru-Kem is hidden on the northern slope in the center of the Terektinsky ridge, in the taiga, in the upper reaches of the Arygem River at an absolute altitude of 1400 meters. This is the territory of the Uch-Enmek natural park.

The waters of the lake reflect the snow of the sacred peak of Uch-Enmek. This mountain, one of the three sacred peaks of Altai, has a special significance in the lives of the people inhabiting the Karakol Valley.

There has long been a belief among local residents that Aru-Kem (it should be noted that Aru-Kem, translated from Altai into Russian, means “clean lake”) is connected by an underground stream with the waters of Lake Bulandyk. Local legend says that one day a horse entered the waters of the lake, was pulled by a water stream to the bottom of the lake, and floated out in Lake Bulandyk.

The legend about the connection between the two lakes is more poetic. There was a very long time ago when two beautiful young people, a boy and a girl, burned in the flame of mutual love and passionately dreamed of the day when their love, with the blessing of their parents, would unite them into a family. But the formidable khan, the girl’s father, who was against their marriage, stood in the way of their love as an insurmountable obstacle. The lovers decided to escape, but the khan overtook them and ordered the shaman to turn them into lakes. He ordered his daughter, Lake Aru-Kem, to be hidden in the taiga so that she would not enchant anyone else with her beauty, and he ordered the young man, Lake Bulandyk, to be placed in plain sight of everyone in an open place, so that it would not be a shame to contradict the khan. But the shaman could not kill the love of the spirits of the lakes and they merged together in an underground stream. They still live together to this day.

The sacredness of these places goes back centuries. The indigenous population has always considered the lake sacred and a place of power, although this power is very contradictory and can cause different perceptions of it in different people. Several people come in one group and for some this lake instantly relaxes and pacifies, enchanting with its unique beauty, while for others it causes an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and restlessness, despite the surrounding beauty and the enveloping silence of pristine untouched nature.

There are several observation points along the perimeter of the lake, from where an indescribably beautiful view of the Terektinsky ridge and Mount Uch-Enmek opens, the absolute height of which is 2792 m. If you translate the name of the mountain into Russian, it will be “three crowns”. Locals revere the mountain as sacred as Belukha and believe that Uch-Enmek has cleansing power and every person who sees and worships it in his soul will leave it with purified thoughts and tripled feelings of love and spiritual kindness.

Brief description of the travel area:

Altai Republic (short name - Altai Mountains) - a republic within the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District. Area: 92903 km² Population 217,000 people Density: 2.34 people/km²

The capital is the city of Gorno-Altaisk.

In the north-west, the Altai Republic borders on the Altai Territory, in the north-east - on the Kemerovo region, in the east - on Khakassia and Tuva, in the south - on Mongolia and the People's Republic of China, in the south-west - on Kazakhstan.

The climate is sharply continental, with short hot summers and long frosty winters.

The average annual air temperature in the valleys is 0...+5 °C (the warmest is in Chemal), which is the highest temperature for Siberia. In the mountains, the average annual air temperature drops to −6 °C (Kosh-Agach village).

Kosh-Agachsky and Ulagansky districts are equated to regions of the Far North.

The republic's topography is characterized by high ridges, separated by narrow and deep river valleys, and rare wide intermountain basins. The highest mountain - Belukha (other names: Kadyn-Bazhy, Uch-Sumer) 4509 m, is the highest point in Siberia.

Chuysky tract - federal highway (M52) Novosibirsk - state border with Mongolia. Passes through the territory of the Novosibirsk region, Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. The length of the highway is 962 kilometers. The historical Chuysky tract, from which the Chuysky tract highway received its name, is part of the modern road from Biysk to the border with Mongolia, with a length of about 630 km. For a long time, on the site of the modern Chuisky tract there was the so-called Mungalsky tract, references to which are contained in Chinese chronicles from thousands of years ago. For a long time, on the site of the current asphalt road there was a path, which was used by traders and warriors since ancient times. The road along the Chuysky tract is indescribably picturesque, but the most beautiful views open up in the area of ​​​​the border of the Altai Territory with the Altai Republic and alternate, with incredible speed, right to the border with Mongolia.

Katun River - the main water artery of the Altai Mountains. The name “Katun” comes from the Altai word “kadyn” (“mistress, mistress”), which in turn comes from the ancient Turkic word “katyn” (“river”). The length of its drainage is 688 km; The catchment area is 60.9 thousand km². The Katun originates on the southern slope of the Katunsky ridge near the town of Belukha near the Gebler (Katunsky) glacier at an altitude of about 2000 m. According to the general nature of the valley, the Katun is divided into three sections: the upper Katun, from the sources to the Koksa River, 210 km long, the middle Katun from the mouth of the Koksa to the Sumulta River, 200 km long, the lower Katun, 280 km long, from the Sumulta River to the confluence with the Biya River. The geological structure of the Katun Valley is very diverse both in composition and time of formation - from the most ancient Proterozoic rocks to modern ones. Shales, granites, limestones, and marbled limestones dominate.

An amazing impression is made by the terraces of the Katun (up to 16 pcs.), which reach 350 m and are most developed in the middle reaches of the river, the estuary part of the tributaries - Lower Inegen, Kaznakhta, Ini, Small and Big Yaloman, Big Ilgumen, Sumulta, etc. Their formation is connected with the erosive and accumulative activity of tributaries. They are provided by fluvioglacial, alluvial, proluvial and lacustrine deposits.

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is -18 C, in July - +18.9 C. The annual amount of precipitation is 520 mm. The water temperature in Katun does not rise above 13-15°C even in July.

In the vicinity of Chemal village, hair dryers are often observed - warm dry winds from the mountains, so the average January temperature is about -16 C, and in the second half of March the snow cover disappears on the bottom of the valley and the southern slopes of the surrounding ridges. Such amazing “oases” are found in other areas of Katun. For example, in the village. Maly Yaloman, at the mouth of the river of the same name, has apple orchards.

A beautiful, powerful and swift river attracts thousands of travelers. For rafting lovers, Katun offers different sections of difficulty. There are rapids of category 4 with elements of category 5, and simple obstacles for beginners. The beauty of the mountains, among which the river flows, does not leave any traveler indifferent.

Seminsky Pass - the most famous and highest pass (1984 m above sea level) on the Chuisky tract. The name “Seminsky” itself goes back to the Mongolian “sebi” - “fortress”, reflecting the inaccessibility of the pass. For both foot and mounted enemies, the assault on the Seminsky Pass until the beginning of the 20th century was an extraordinary event at any time of the year. In winter, due to impassable snowdrifts blown into the saddle by the winds, in summer and in the off-season, rains and melting snow washed away the trail, turning it into viscous mud, in which even riders got stuck. The Altai name of the pass is Dyal-Menku, “Eternal Mane”. For centuries, the pass was a strategic point; Scythian troops and Tatar-Mongol hordes moved through it. The highest point of the pass is located on the border of the forest - above there are subalpine meadows interspersed with dwarf tundra vegetation. It is always windy at the pass, since it crosses the path of atmospheric fronts, and the weather is changeable; snowstorms and snow drifts are frequent in winter.

The hallmark of the Seminsky Pass can be the stele installed here in 1956 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the voluntary annexation of Altai to Russia, which is a favorite backdrop for tourists taking photos as souvenirs. Nearby there is a cafe stylized as an village, a souvenir shop where you can buy honey, pine nuts, and handicrafts. As at any pass, there is a shaman tree to which travelers, following Altai customs, can tie a light ribbon, asking the spirits of the pass for an easy road, having previously appeased them with offerings to the “obo” in the form of sweets or coins.

Seminsky Pass has the status of a natural monument of national importance.

Village Kulada - is located in the Ongudai region of the Altai Republic. As of 2013, the population was 468 people. The village was founded in 1700, but people lived here much earlier. Since ancient times, there have been favorable conditions for human life - an abundance of rivers and springs, the beauty of the surrounding area. Near the village there is a world-famous archaeological monument - the Bashadar complex with objects of Afanasyevskaya, Karakol, Scythian, and Turkic culture. Finds from his mounds are kept in the State Hermitage and the State Historical Museum. The village is located on the territory of the Karakol natural park "Uch-Enmek" with many cultural and historical monuments of different times and places sacred to the Altai people. A road passes through the village leading to the small lake Aru-Kem (Arukem), which is also considered sacred. In the village, as elsewhere in the park, local residents honor and preserve ancient traditions of spiritual and material culture. In Kulada there is a small museum where you can see stone warriors, Altai utensils and national clothing.

Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River - a natural monument, a complex reserve of regional significance in the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory. The reserve is located 10 km southwest of the village. Tog-Altai. The Shinok River, a tributary of the Anui, originates on a swampy plateau on the border of the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory and the Ust-Kansky district of the Altai Republic. Water mineralization is about 400 mg/l, hardness index is 6 mEq/l. The chemical composition of water is dominated by anions.

The cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River, although not indicated on maps, is the largest natural attraction of the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory. Shinok is a small river, only 15 km long, the left tributary of the river. Anuy flows along the border of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. It originates on the slopes of the Baschelaksky ridge in the area of ​​Mount Askaty (1786 m). In the upper reaches it calmly meanders along a swampy plateau, and then rushes down in a narrow canyon, cutting its way between almost closely converging rocks and forming many waterfalls, waterfalls and drains in its middle course. The total elevation difference from the river's sources to the mouth is 850 m. The Turkic meaning of its name fully reflects the character of this small river: “Shinok” - “precipitous”, “impregnable”.

The Shinok River basin is very picturesque - the slopes are covered with larch-cedar taiga, interspersed with alpine meadows with a wide variety of Altai flora, among which more than 200 species are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Ancient fossils can be found in the river bed and along the banks.

The water in the river has a brownish color, but, according to analytical data, it is clean, suitable for drinking, and in terms of its chemical composition it is even close to water from mineralized springs.

Biysk city - a large industrial and scientific center in the south of Siberia, the second most populous city in the Altai Territory. Founded in 1709 as a fortress by decree of Peter I. Biysk is located in the south-eastern part of the Altai Territory on the Biya River, not far from its confluence with the Katunya River. The city is located on the southwestern slope of the Biysk-Chumysh Upland. It lies mainly on the narrow meadow right terrace of Biya and the steeply rising slope of the upland loess plateau. Part of the city is located on the left low bank, adjacent to pine forests. The right-bank and left-bank parts of Biysk are connected by a bridge. Biysk is the starting point of the Chuya highway, which runs through Altai to the border with Mongolia. The distance to the city of Barnaul is 163 km, to the Kazakh Ust-Kamenogorsk - 339 km, to Novosibirsk - 356 km, to Moscow - 3800 km. The border with Kazakhstan is 210 km, the border with Mongolia is 617 km.

Gono-Altaisk — the only city of the Altai Republic (also the administrative center) with a population of 60,000 people, the rest of the population lives in villages. Gorno-Altaisk is located in the northwestern part of the Altai Republic in an intermountain basin surrounded by low mountains at an altitude of 270-305 m above sea level, at the confluence of the Ulalushka and Maima rivers, which flow into the Katun River approximately 250 kilometers north of Belukha Mountain , the highest point of Altai. The distance from Gorno-Altaisk to Moscow is 3800 km, to the nearest railway station Biysk is 100 km.

Belokurikha - a resort city known throughout Russia for its healing properties of aeroionized air and radon water. The Belokurikha resort, conveniently located at the foot of Tserkovka Mountain, attracts vacationers from Russia and many foreign countries. In terms of the level of air ionization, Altai Belokurikha is ready to compete with the famous Swiss health resorts, and in terms of the number of sunny days - with the sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. The city of Belokurikha is surrounded by a landscape of unique beauty. It is generously endowed with many thermal springs that heal people from a number of diseases. Warm underground springs (therms) are saturated with mineral salts. The basis is nitrogen, silicon and small doses of radon, making the healing properties of thermia unique. In addition, the sources contain fluorine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfates, and are able to have a complex effect on the human body. Such natural resources for radon therapy, which the Belokurikha resort has, cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Natural potential is used by health workers at twelve sanatoriums equipped with the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment. Holidays in Altai in Belokurikha allow you to receive a huge charge of positive energy, which radiates from the local geographical landscape and unique nature.

November 2012

Let's try to tell in detail about one of our past trips (almost an expedition :)) through Altai, Tuva, Mongolia and Buryatia. The official purpose of the route was to see the followers of local shamanism in each of these four regions included in the Central Asian belt of shamanism. As a result, the guys even made a short documentary. If I don’t forget, I’ll make a link to it at the end of the story :)


We start from Barnaul. We arrived a day early on purpose to have time to explore the city a little. This is not our first visit to Barnaul, but all previous ones consisted of driving through the city to/from the airport.

As often happens in such cases, having departed from sunny Moscow, we find ourselves in Barnaul in the rain, which will accompany us all two days in the city and a couple more days on the road through the Altai Mountains. The flight from Moscow arrived late at night and due to heavy fog, which, as it turns out, happens here very often not only in summer but also in winter, the plane had to circle over the city for a couple of hours waiting for the sun to rise. So everyone on board greeted the dawn with special feelings :)


Let the Barnaul residents not be offended by me, but the city, although with a rather ancient history (In 1730, the envoys of the famous Ural factory owner A. N. Demidov, busy looking for a convenient place to build a new, larger plant, chose the mouth of the Barnaulka River), looks neglected. However, almost all Russian cities look like this, with the exception of a few megacities (and even those, except maybe St. Petersburg, are backwaters by European standards:) As they say, cities are not for living, but for temporary residence...


However, there are several historical buildings, such as this building of the former city council, “adapted” to modern realities.


In general, we made a classic trip around the city: the central avenue - the river port. At the same time, we took a ride on the Ferris wheel and looked at the city from at least some elevation. Due to the bad weather and cold, the boat trip along the Ob River also did not bring any super emotions: I won’t show the mega banner ala Hollywood “Barnaul” for ideological reasons :) .


Under the same rain, we drove a km to the Karakol tourist center (not far from the village of Ongudai and even closer to the village of Karakol:), where we agreed to meet with a local shaman from a neighboring village. Part of the gang prepared a fire, placed the cameras in a circle and sat in the rain to wait for the visit, warming themselves periodically with warming drinks. We rushed to the next bump with goals that were still unclear. Frame from there:


They brought a shaman - this guy - and he began to sing. Of course, everyone will say that shamans should beat the tambourine and dance, but his song made a very strong impression on us. Let's just say it was very interesting to listen to. It’s like a singer’s concert on TV and live - completely different emotions and sensations


In general, the trip was remembered for strange incidents with shamans. Here, for example, as soon as the shaman started his ritual, the rain stopped and the sun came out, creating a rainbow in the sky right in front of my camera :) This was extremely surprising, since, well, there was simply nothing to predict that the rain would stop so soon, the cloudiness looked like a pimple absolutely monolithic. Shamanism is a very complex topic, a lot of scientific and not so scientific works have been written on it, conferences and rallies are held. Our goal was not an in-depth study of this subject, however, we note the following things: Shamanism has been fought in these territories for a long time. When introducing Buddhism, Islam or Orthodoxy, they always killed and fought with shamans. This led to a partial or complete (I don’t know exactly) loss of shamanic rituals and the continuity of shamans. Now shamanism is being revived by enthusiasts and everywhere it coexists peacefully with “official” religions (much like modern Russian healers use Orthodox prayers in their rituals)


Video, of course, cannot convey this.

I really liked the shaman uncle: very intelligent, sociable. Without being experts in shamanism, it is difficult to appreciate what we saw, but the impression was very strong. Friends said that this summer he died in a car accident... I feel very sorry for him.


The next day we stopped by to see petroglyphs (drawings or inscriptions on stones) at the Bichiktu-Kaya-Bom rock ("Rip stone wall with inscriptions") near the village of Bichiktu-Boom. In total, it contains several hundred images. Mostly they belong to the Middle Ages, but there are also bronze and early iron periods. Here the petroglyphs mainly contain scenes of people hunting wild animals. The place is not protected in any way, therefore, along with the ancients, there are also works by “modern masters” (one would have to tear off their hands to the knees)




For some distance the road goes straight along the bank of the Katun. Soon, most likely, the Altai hydroelectric power station (Gorno-Altaiskaya HPP, Katunskaya HPP) will be built in these places. As they promise, this will cause a catastrophic increase in the well-being of literally all Altai residents. Side effects, such as the closure of the middle Katun for water tourism, can certainly be neglected in the name of such a good goal.


Moving along the river we reach another “place of power” - the Sai-Sugat tract, the confluence of the Chuya and Katun. By the way, a tract - in physical geography - is one of the morphological parts of the geographical landscape, a conjugate system of facies and their groups (sub-tracts), united by the general direction of physical-geographical processes and confined to one mesoform of relief on a homogeneous substrate. In a broad sense, a tract is any part of the area that is different from other areas of the surrounding area. For example, it could be a forested area in the middle of a field, a swamp or something similar, as well as a piece of terrain that is a natural boundary between something. In short, nothing is clear, but the word is cool :)



On the left you can see a trace of Chuya water. On the plateau in the frame on the other bank of the Chuya, as they say, there was once a Scythian camp.


Right on our way is another place famous for its petroglyphs - the tract;) Kalbak-Tash (literally translated as “flat expanded hanging stone”, petroglyphs were discovered in 1912 by artists G. Choros-Gurkin and D. Kuznetsov.


Mostly the drawings depict animals - goats, bulls, rams, deer. There are hunting scenes and human figures. There are even drawings reminiscent of aircraft - rockets with flames from the nozzles. Presumably, this complex was created at different times - from the Neolithic (VI-IV millennium BC) to the ancient Turkic era (VII-X centuries AD). I won’t illustrate it, but there were also “grateful descendants” here.





Entrance to the Turbine threshold:


By the way, we are moving along a road with a name that evokes thoughts of antiquity, caravans and armies - the Chuya Tract. For a long time, on the site of the modern Chuisky tract there was the so-called Mungalsky tract, references to which are contained in Chinese chronicles from thousands of years ago. For a long time, on the site of the current asphalt road there was a path, which was used by traders and warriors since ancient times. Now this is the federal highway P-256 "Chuysky tract" Novosibirsk - Barnaul - Gorno-Altaisk - the state border with Mongolia. During 1860-1890, several options for a road were considered, which was supposed to replace the caravan trail, and after numerous and long debates, construction of the Chuysky tract began in the summer of 1901. It was carried out with funds from the Siberian Railway Committee and donations from merchants under the leadership of engineer I. I. Bil. The estimated width of the road was 5 arshins, and on booms - 3.5 arshins. The construction contract was awarded to peasants from local villages.

By the mid-1920s the road had fallen into severe disrepair. The road has not been repaired for 10 years. During the Civil War, retreating white troops destroyed almost all bridges across mountain rivers. In 1924, the cost of repairing the tract was estimated at 300 thousand rubles. In 1925, Gostorg cars made seven trips for the first time along the entire route from Biysk to Kosh-Agach. In 1926, the first tractors passed along the highway, the appearance of which caused a great stir among local residents. A monument like this was built for one of the drivers who died on this road and a song was composed:

There is a road along the Chuysky tract,
There are a lot of drivers driving along it.
There was one desperate driver there,
Kolka's name was Snegirev.
He is a three-ton AMO car,
How he loved his own sister.
Chuisky tract to the Mongolian border
He studied it at his AMO.
And Raya worked at Ford,
And often over the Chuya River
"Ford" green and Kolkina AMO
They rushed somewhere like an arrow.
Kolka fell in love with Raechka deeply,
And no matter what places you go,
On potholes and dusty roads
Green eyes searched for the Ford.
And one day Kolka confessed to her,
But Raya was harsh.
She looked at Kolka with a grin.
And she ran her hand over the Ford:
“Listen, Kolya, I’ll tell you this:
You probably love me.
When AMO overtakes my Ford,
Then Raechka will be yours."
From a long trip from Altai
Kolya was driving home one day.
Fast Ford and cheerful Raya
They rushed past the AMO like an arrow.
Then Kolka’s heart skipped a beat -
He remembered the agreement with Rayechka.
And now the cars rushed off,
And the engine sang its song.
I don’t care about all the cliffs, potholes,
Nikolai didn’t see anything,
Step by step closer and closer
The heavy AMO Ford was catching up.
Another moment - and the cars caught up,
Kolka suddenly saw Raechka,
He turned around and shouted: “Eh, Raya!” -
And for a moment I forgot about the steering wheel...
"AMO" couldn't cope with the turn,
Rushing to the side, she went downhill.
In the silvery waves of the Chuya River
He died without seeing his dreams.
People paid tribute to the driver:
He did not know luck in love,
There is a broken headlight on the grave
And a bent steering wheel from AMO...
Since then, unapproachable Paradise
Doesn't fly over the cliff like an arrow.
She drives quietly, as if she’s tired,
Only the steering wheel is held with a strong hand...


And here is one of the most famous Chuya rapids - Behemoth. The annual water tournament "Chuya Rally" (the Burevestnik rapids - the Slalom rapids) takes place here. Participants are required to use protective helmets, life jackets, wetsuits, special shoes, knife - strop cutter.

I remember, having examined the threshold from the bridge and the shore, we returned to the raft on cotton legs :)



The famous "Fang" is now almost completely covered with water.





We passed the Kuraiskaya steppe, drove along the Chuiskaya steppe and stopped for the night at a campsite with a simple Turkic name “Tydtuyaryk”. The Kazakh guys opened several yurts, set up a bathhouse and greeted guests with bread, salt and lagman. The night sky is enchanting, take my word for it :) After half a liter, we spent half the night with a local elder who did not speak Russian, talking and photographing the stars (the elder lit it for me with matches). Naturally, the photos are in the trash, but the memories remain the warmest :)



The Chuya steppe is an intermountain basin in the southeast of Altai in the upper reaches of the Chuya River. Located in the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Republic. The length of the basin is 70 kilometers, width is 10-40 km. The bottom of the basin is concave and is located at altitudes of 1750-1850 m above sea level. The Chui steppe has a harsh climate. It is the driest and coldest in the Altai Mountains. The duration of the frost-free period is 50-65 days. In the Kosh-Agach area, the average monthly temperature in January is -32 °C, in July - 13.8 °C. The average annual temperature is -6.7 °C, the minimum temperature in winter in some years drops to -62 °C, and in summer the maximum reaches 31 °C. The annual precipitation is 80-150 mm (for comparison: this value in the northern part of the Sahara reaches 200 mm). About two-thirds of the annual amount falls during the summer period. The basin has permafrost soils 15-90 m thick, which is explained by the cold climate.


There are scientific theories that say that during the last ice age (45-15 thousand years ago), a powerful glacial dam below the Kurai Basin blocked the watercourse, forming a rather large Chuisko-Kurai Lake (2600 sq. km - ten times larger area of ​​Lake Teletskoye). The height of the water's edge reached 2100 m, which may mean that the depth of the lake in the lower part could reach up to 400 m. At the end of this period, the breakthrough of the glacier dam was catastrophic. A wave 200-300 meters high surged through the Chuya and Katun valleys. This, in all likelihood, explains the terraces that are clearly observed in the Ini area. Traces of the existence of the lake are expressed in the form of bottom sediments and evidence of wave activity. Numerous blocks, as if scattered across the Chuya steppe, were brought there from their original places by floating icebergs, which is another evidence of the existence of the lake. The fact that the lake was cold is also indicated by data from spore-pollen analyzes of bottom sediments.

A lake with a complex Turkic name - Krasnogorskoe.


We continue moving along the highway... Mega air defense radar. If someone flies from Mongolia, they will be the first to know about it and... will be surprised :)


Kokorya village. Kokorya (South Alt. Kӧkӧrӱ) is a village in the Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic, Russia. Center of Kokorinskoye rural settlement. Located 30 km from the village of Kosh-Agach. The population according to the 2010 census was 1056 people. The indigenous population of Kokori are Telengits. The village has a local history museum with 4 halls, telling about the archeology, history and ethnography of Kokori and its surroundings. The museum was founded in the 1960s on the initiative of the director of the local school, K. A. Bidinov. There is a tourist center "Ene-Chui" in the village.


We leave the asphalt of the Chuya highway and head towards Tuva. Further our path lies up the valley of the Buguzun River through the Chikhachev Ridge. Chikhachev Ridge - located in the southeast of the Altai Mountains. The ridge runs along the border of the Altai Republic and the Tyva Republic, and the border of the Russian Federation and Mongolia. On the territory of the Altai Republic, the ridge is located in the Ulagansky and Kosh-Agachsky regions. Part of the ridge, located on the territory of the Ulagansky district, belongs to the Altai State Nature Reserve. The length of the mountain range is 100 km. Maximum heights are up to 4029 m. It bears the name of the Russian geographer and traveler Pyotr Aleksandrovich Chikhachev, who conducted his research in these places.


09/11/2012 14:40

The opinions of tourists may not coincide with the opinions of the editors.

An amazing spiritual journey to the shamans in the Altai Mountains.

A person is always looking for a solution to his problems: health, money, career, personal life, children and much more. In order to find a solution, a variety of paths are chosen... And then the person goes to the shaman. This means that you were not brought to this page in vain.

What is shamanism and who is a shaman?

Shamanism is living in harmony with yourself and with nature, it is acceptance. The shaman is a conductor between the human world and the world of spirits. You have an amazing opportunity to see everything, feel it for yourself, and most importantly, take direct part in shamanic rituals!

Good news for those who are interested but doubtful. He wants to ask questions about rituals or meet shamans, look at the world through the eyes of shamans. Ask a question and receive an answer from the spirits, ask for help in business and relationships, cleanse your soul and receive support from your family, discover your gifts and understand your purpose. Listen and hear yourself, gain the support of your kind of spirit.

The earth begins to wake up from a deep, centuries-old sleep and calls its children to the sacred places of its living firmament in order to plunge into the native maternal spaces, drink in strength, and begin to awaken together and in tune with its healing vibrations. Since ancient times, in strong points of the planet, people of strength and powerful spirit have performed their rituals, paying tribute to mother earth, the spirits of the elements and the heavenly father.

We invite you to take an amazing journey with shamans Aidana Altyn-Suu and Tuya Samdan, to one of these sacred places in the Altai Mountains.

For the first time, the seminar is held with Gulnara Azaubaeva, a practicing shaman from Tyumen.

The seminar program will be intense. If you feel a desire to join the sacred process, if you have heard this call of the spirits of the earth, we are waiting for you!

What will travel give you?

  • Individual work of shamans personally with you throughout the entire seminar.
  • Getting to know the ancient shamanic mysteries, not from books, but directly from your own experience, during rituals with shamans.
  • Answers to theoretical questions of interest about shamanism, elements, spirits, talismans, etc.
  • Weaving the Family Tree to restore connections with the Family and Ancestors, obtaining permission to use the Family resource.
  • Understanding what your Soul truly wants, what needs to be done to awaken the joy of your heart.
  • Making a personal shamanic guardian amulet.
  • You will discover the beautiful and amazing world of Altai, with its cleanest lakes and rivers, snow-white peaks, healing springs and unique culture.
  • And most importantly, the Archyn Estate is a magical place where the connection with the Higher Powers is very close! Bring with you your most cherished desire and tell the Spirits of the Place about it. It will definitely come true!

Trip program

  • Arrival in the Altai Mountains to the Archyn Estate, surrounded by black taiga, a nature reserve, this is an excellent place for relaxation and reflection.
  • Accommodation in a cedar summer house in a secluded, clean and quiet place.
  • Getting to know Altai - its cultural traditions and customs. Making an offering to the Spirits of the Ancestors.
  • Preparing an Offering for the Spirits of Fire.
  • The ritual of nurturing the Spirit of Fire with Good Wishes for longevity and health.
  • Introductory conversation "How a shaman sees the world."
  • Questions and answers.
  • Shamanic ritual of cleansing, healing and protection from all negative influences.
  • Cleansing is the removal of negative energies that surround you and are fueled by your life energy and Power.
  • Working with negative emotions - feelings of resentment, guilt and self-pity, sadness, irritability and greed.
  • Cleansing the soul. Relief from suffering, pain and depression.
  • An easy walking tour “Meeting the Spirits”.
  • Powerful shamanic practices to open the path of life.
  • Emotional massage.
  • Purification with water from the Sacred Spring.
  • Cleansing the body, mind and soul in a shamanic bath, using brooms.
  • “Cleansing” - exercises aimed at emotional and energetic cleansing, accumulation of energy, as well as unlocking the potential of internal strength.
  • Liberation from superficial things, discovery of one’s Nature: female or male.
  • Shamanic ritual (cleansing the uterus) of breaking sans contact, which will help cut ties with the past, get rid of obsessive thoughts and persecution of karma, and remove the negative influence of unnecessary people.
  • Making and reviving a shamanic amulet.
  • Visit to the main Shrine. Ritual at Dawn.
  • Ancient shamanic prayers for Love, prosperity and happiness at the Mountain of Love.
  • Healing the soul and heart from past relationships, infertility.
  • A ritual to attract a worthy man (woman), a happy family life and attract the Bright soul of a child.
  • Attracting the Spirit of Family, which helps maintain harmony and understanding in relationships.
  • Weaving the Fravahar Family Tree.
  • Protective magic.
  • Morning walk and ritual at the “Ancestral Poplar”.
  • Sound meditation - meditation to the sound of a tambourine.
  • Algys Blessing Rite.
  • Ritual - Thanksgiving to the Earth, nature, Spirits.
  • Transfer of spiritual knowledge from the lips of practicing shamans.
  • Conversations with shamans. The final circle.

The rituals will be accompanied by a joint appeal to Heaven by shamans and participants through ritual chants. Various shamanic musical instruments will be used, the sounds of which help cleanse the soul. If you have khomuses, tambourines, singing bowls, take them with you!

This trip is for those who are ready for an honest look at themselves, at their own lives, who are ready to put order in their head and soul, who want to free themselves from the deep burden of the past and fully begin to live in the present...

A retreat at the Place of Power is 5 days of deep inner work.

If you are not afraid of change, are active, do you have a desire to change and a willingness to act? Join us!

During shamanic rituals, changes occur at the cellular level. First, participants are trained, and an individual approach is applied to each group. In other words, what to do with each person is suggested by the Spirits, the shaman’s assistants.

A shaman has no methods, he is only a conductor of the energy of Spirits and Gods.

We do not have the task of gathering a large number of people, but at the same time we are ready to accept any number of participants who want to work on themselves and who trust.

You will not return the same, the trip will radically change your life! You will get out of the wheel of repeating events!

The estate is located in the center of the Choysky district, far from the main tourist routes, and therefore peace and serenity reign here. There is an opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and, left alone with the unique Altai nature, finally hear your heart and find harmony with yourself and the world around you. The nature of these places promotes relaxation and stress relief. Clean, transparent reservoirs, mountains, evoking thoughts of the eternal. Dazzling white snow sparkling in the sun in winter, a fragrant flowering carpet of alpine meadows in spring and summer, a riot of colors and heady aromas of autumn nature...

The energy of this place is special. It is not for nothing that there is a clearing nearby, which was previously used by shamans to carry out their rituals - even a shaman’s stone wheel has been preserved there. This is one of the reasons why seminars and trainings are surprisingly fruitful here.

The natural and landscape features of the estate and its surroundings - mountainous surroundings, proximity to a river, the presence of a flat clearing for outdoor activities, a covered training veranda with a fireplace (aila), silence and solitude, which make it possible to concentrate - create all the necessary conditions for achieving your goals .

We invite you to the fabulous world of miracles and magic, joy, walks, live fire, ancient traditions and rituals of shamans, fairy tales and fun!

Thank you for your recognition and love.

At the top of the ranking of the most popular trainers of in 2017 are Aidana Altyn-Suu and Tuya Samdan - hereditary shamans, whose mysteries and rituals were loved by residents throughout Siberia. Aidana and Tuya help to find health, wealth, family happiness and love, conduct outdoor events in places of power and conduct individual receptions. Aidana Altyn-Suu and Tuya Samdan took 1st and 2nd places in the annual ranking of the portal "".

Copied from the site ""

The heat was unbearable; the road swirled with thick dust, which penetrated into the car everywhere, got into the nose, into the eyes; I always wanted to stop and pour a bucket of ice water on myself!..

We are on our way from Ust-Koksa, our pilgrimage to Belukha was coming to an end and there was one last thing left to do: an exciting meeting awaited us!

Finally, a sign appeared on the left, covered with a thick layer, like dirty flour, of the same dust: “Mendur-Sokkon”. This name is translated from Altai as “beaten by hail.”

My two companions and I understand that we are finally close to meeting a man who lives in this village, who in Altai has already become a legend during his lifetime. Personally, I have heard about it many times; about the great cause to which he devoted his life. It’s not in my rules to form an opinion about a person based on other people’s statements, so I was looking forward to the moment when we would meet Nikolai Andreevich Shodoev.

Here is the village; a typical Altai village for these places, a simple road winding through it, on both sides of the road there are simple houses, but neat and clean courtyards.

Almost every house has an ail next to it, this is typical for Altai villages, and the ail here is not a decoration of the courtyard, it is not a tribute to fashion; this building is both a dwelling and a symbol of many laws and sacred knowledge of the Altai people. On the roofs of some of them there are chimneys smoking with bluish smoke...

We drive slowly, the smell of kurt (cheese, which at the end of cooking is smoked in the ayil over the fireplace) burst into the open windows of the car; a thick aroma of apple or pear jam floated past a house; Here and there along the road there are goats, calves and other living creatures, which create a unique picture of village life, where everything is real: food and life, and, ultimately, life itself. More correct, perhaps: without the fuss and much unnecessary things that have become incurably ill with the city in our time.

A boy of about 16 slowly walks towards us, looking carefully at our dusty miracle. He greets first, as is customary here everywhere; I ask where Shodoev’s house is. The boy smiles and immediately points to a small and inconspicuous house nearby.

He lives there! - he says.

I direct the car to Nikolai Andreevich’s house, the boy does not leave, and is watching all this time - he wants to make sure whether we understood him correctly.

We were lucky: Nikolai Andreevich was at home and immediately came out to meet us when the gate knocked.

At that very moment I felt that our meeting would be extraordinary; that's what happened...

He graduated from the Gorno-Altai State Pedagogical Institute in 1971. From 1955 to 1971, he worked as a teacher at the Yakonur secondary school in the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Okrug; from 1971 to 1973 - teacher at the Kozul eight-year school in the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Okrug;

From 1973 to 1986 - becomes the director of the Mendur-Sokkonsky secondary school of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Okrug; and from 1986 to 1994 - director of the Mendur-Sokkonsky Museum of Local Lore of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Okrug.

Since 1994 - head of the Mendur-Sokkonsky branch of the Gorno-Altai Republican Museum named after. A.V. Anokhina.

More than once in my life I am convinced that you need to form your own opinion about people!

And now I look at Nikolai Andreevich and understand that all those who told me about him each represented him in their own way...

In front of me stood a man of short stature, thin, agile; not tense, but collected all the time; lively brown eyes, amazing kindness smile; Patience is visible in all words and answers - a clear sign of the enormous experience of a real teacher. It’s amazing, but it’s obvious that Shodoev was happy to meet us!

The dusty road fatigue disappeared as if by hand, we hurried up, and all started talking at once; They said directly that they were coming here to see the Mendur-Sokkonsky Museum of Local Lore of Altai Culture and to meet Shodoev himself in person!

We laughed, got to know each other, there was no awkwardness - a feeling of ease and lightness. It is with this feeling that I still associate meeting with Shodoev!

Nikolai Andreevich suggested that we go to the museum.

Today it is the main attraction of the village; everything there is dedicated to the history, traditions, way of life, faith and culture of the Altai people.

What are you interested in? - Nikolai Andreevich asked this question somehow unexpectedly; At such moments, you always begin to rush around internally so that the conversation is to the point, in order to have time and not forget to ask the right questions. As luck would have it, the batteries in the recorder ran out!

A few minutes before this, Shodoev invited us to the village, which is located near the museum. There we settled down for a conversation.

We would like to hear about you and your life, about the museum, its creation and its history; and of course about Bilik!..

I come from the Irkit tribe, which was born from the first six tribes of Altai. It took 5 centuries (from the 9th to the 13th centuries).

From the myth about the origin of the Altai tribes, it is known that from the children of the father-spirit of Altai tribes arose: from Thoth - the Todosh tribe, from Tele-Sey - the Telesy, from Tele-Nget - the Telengits tribe, from Tele-Uut - the Teleut tribe, from Kuman -Ay - Kumandins, from Kyp - Kipchaks.

With the beginning of the “age of evil” (9th century AD), the Kyrgyz and Uighurs came to Altai, and the tribes mixed up.

A seventh tribe arose - the Irkits. The Irkits became the main defenders of Altai in difficult and formidable times (13th - 17th centuries).

Before the “age of famine” (13th century BC), the Mongols came, the tribes mixed, and an eighth tribe arose - the Maiman.

With the beginning of the "yellow era" (18th century) the Araseans came. Now the ninth tribe Orus-Altai (Russian Altaian) is being born. There are indigenous Altaians, there are Russian Altaians, a nascent tribe that is a little over two centuries old.

Russian Altaians - new, ninth tribe of Kan Altai, it is this that will become the protector of the earth - nature, first of all, the forest and all life on it. And for their hearts to awaken as those of the Altai people, the future defenders of the Altai land, it will take the least - another 100 years. Due to the acceleration of time, instead of 504 years, Orus-Altai will pass only 360 years.

The indigenous Altai people, Altai-Kizhi, are not aliens in the Altai mountains, they were born here. They were not nomads in the full sense of the word, and now they live the same way as their ancestors: in the summer, men and older children drive domestic animals into the taiga of the highlands, and for the winter they go down to the valley, where their wives and mothers are waiting for them.

Russian Altaians need a lot of time to develop spirituality, because the emerging new tribe not only protects, but also restrains the dissolution of the indigenous people in the new environment, adopting their traditions and improving their development. If they cut down the larch here now, Kan-Altai will again become bare ground, since the main trees were cedar and now larch. Those who remain in the future will be forced to leave this land to all four corners of the world or to places where there is less civilization, as the first Altaians, the Sart-Turguts, left in the 12-6 centuries BC. With the favorable development of the fetus of the Russian Altai tribe in the womb of mother earth (Umai-Ene), Mount Belukha (Uch-Sumer) is considered its symbol, their soul will develop as the soul of the future people, the next, Altai-Russian universe...

It should be noted that I have never seen such faces on my companions (and we have known each other for many years!)!

Spiritualized faces; there is a mixture of shock and awareness of something very important; surprise at the meaning of what was said, if only because how easily and naturally a person before our eyes connects the moment of the present time with the ancient ancestors of his people. He knows exactly the laws of the Universe-harmony, according to which the Altaians lived since ancient times, and despite the total destruction of cultural and religious values ​​in hard times, the seeds of this valuable worldview have survived to this day. Not in books, but in living people - bearers of this knowledge...

Today we have limited ourselves to the world of the computer, television and nominal needs, which endlessly serve to improve our comfort; We often don’t remember the names of our grandmothers, and we are talking about ancestors 3, 4 generations ago - for many this is an abstract world. And with the abstract world there is an abstract connection, and this is the root of the nation, its strength and the gene code of the people!

I was really looking forward to this moment and frankly enjoyed the reaction of my companions during Nikolai Andreevich’s story.

It is difficult to cover the topic of Bilik within the framework of this short note; Actually, I have no such intention. At the end of the article you will find the names of books about Altai Bilik, created (I can’t say otherwise!) by Shodoev.

And yet, let me briefly outline the key points associated with Bilik.

Altai Bilik- this is a treasure of wisdom of the great ancient people, which, thanks to its figurative form and oral legends, stories, and rules passed down from generation to generation, has been preserved by modern Altai people, at least in its main and characteristic features. This knowledge exists today not so much in written sources and texts, but in people’s memories, traditions, customs, and outlook on life. They still, often unconsciously, determine the life and characteristics of the worldview of all peoples, whose historical roots go back to ancient Altai.

Some ancient knowledge has been preserved in cultural monuments, museum exhibits, religious signs, and rock paintings.

Finally, in the minds of people - both older and younger generations - myths, legends, tales of the Altai people continue to live, which have not yet become dead literary monuments.

Altai Bilik is a unique worldview, a wise view of the world, Nature, human society, based on the centuries-old experience of the people, a relaxed attitude to life, a deep understanding of natural energies and rhythms and a keen sense of the dramatic contradictions of our time.

The Altai word “Bilik” is capacious; it unites meanings that have been growing for centuries from one root: knowledge, cognition, wisdom, science. After the separation of rational science from a single, integral Knowledge, it began to be called differently - “bilim”. Anyone who feels their native language also feels the differences in the “energy” of words and concepts. A wise native language guides us through life and, sooner or later, leads us to a choice: either living knowledge of the world as a difficult but bright road to wisdom, or routine service - storing and replenishing the “chest” with accumulated knowledge...

And then there was the museum.

Externally, a leafy log house with blue trim might seem too modest for a sophisticated connoisseur of museum exhibitions! Until the door opened inside. And we stepped into another time, into another world, into a truly different dimension...

The museum consists of two halls;

Almost all written materials, such as documents, manuscripts, letters, are presented in Altai.

The photographs stored here make a stunning impression. These are photographs of outstanding people, honored workers, ordinary people, doctors and teachers, collective farm workers... You won’t meet such people now! These people did not have a second person, they were piercingly real, without distortion, without today's embellishment and ambiguity.

In one of the halls you can see a dyaik - an analogue of an icon, a shrine that was previously located in every ail (dwelling). Consists of colored ribbons of fabric. Each color symbolizes an important concept for the Altaians. The white ribbon is the spirit of Altai (the ribbon of travelers!), the blue ribbon symbolizes the place where the human soul is kept, the pink ribbon is the moon, and the yellow ribbon is the sun.

You can also see a large number of exhibits dedicated to Belaya Vera Altaitsev, which Nikolai Andreevich talks about in an extremely interesting and detailed manner.

In one of the halls of the museum we saw something that raised the question, what is it? Shodoev explained to us that this is an image of Kangyy (the Universe) in the form of a world egg carved from stone, the wavy surface of which symbolizes the rotation of stars and planets around the Kangyy axis.

At the very entrance to the museum there is a sook-sooky, a stone that in our time has been given the offensive, in my opinion, name of “stone woman.” This stone was found near Mendur Sokkon, where a Bronze Age burial site was found.

As often happens, this discovery was accidental: as a result of the collapse of the river bank, the soil exposed human remains. And this, in turn, served as the beginning of the work of the agency employees of the Agency for Cultural and Historical Heritage of the Altai Republic, the National Museum. Anokhin and the Institute of Altaic Studies.

We wandered through the museum as if in a dream and were afraid to utter a word!.. Only occasionally we asked Shodoev questions and having received one answer or another we never ceased to be amazed at what a huge amount of knowledge was packed into this man!..

To top it all off, Nikolai Andreevich suggested that we study our personality type, according to the Altai horoscope, of which he is the compiler. The characteristics were surprisingly simple, laconic and stunningly accurate!

I must add that in the museum I couldn’t shake the feeling that this outwardly small room was endless! My companions confirmed these thoughts when we shared our impressions in Ust-Kan, when we left Mendur-Sokkon. It was as if we had entered through ordinary wooden door leaves into a huge universe, with its own life, its own flow of time, its own events and its own purpose...

To complete our exploration of the museum, Shodoev invited us to touch the stone spirits and ask them some of our secret questions or simply ask for advice. These stones are already so unusual in appearance! And when you touch them, first unusual sensations arise, then ringing, vibration, your hands become hot and a cavalcade of all kinds of images begins to flash before your eyes. And the spirits spoke to each of us. I didn’t want to talk about it, share it. Each of us took a piece of this ancient wisdom with us...

The time for visiting the museum has come to an end. I look back into one of the shadowed halls and understand that in reality I am physically in one dimension of space and time, and now, as soon as the door to the outside opens, I will step into another...

The last shock was the moment when I looked at my watch: almost 5 hours had passed since our meeting! This piece of time flashed past the normal perception to which we are accustomed; this was another part of that series of wonderful moments that Nikolai Andreevich gave us!

We said our goodbyes very quickly and left. In my soul there was a clear feeling of completeness, happiness and awareness that today we were incredibly lucky. Lucky to meet a man living carrier of knowledge Bilik, a shaman-keeper of knowledge, as the famous writer and researcher of ancient Mayan culture Jose Arguelles called him when he visited the museum.

Today this meeting does not seem entirely real to me, and only the books that we took from Nikolai Andreevich (his books) indicate that this event was definitely a reality.

I have been very lucky in life in that sometimes (and this happens often) amazing, stunning, outstanding people have become my companions. They leave some kind of grain inside you, a particle of their luminosity; and it changes you. Changes the quality of you. You become stronger, bigger, fuller, wiser, better. You feel that everything is not in vain, that your path makes sense, that you do not stand still, but correspond to the plan of heaven and move along the River of Life! And you like yourself that way.

I believe that meetings with such Souls are the only value that a person can accumulate and carry with him throughout life and through death.

What is most striking is that Nikolai Andreevich lived all his life in a village environment, taught village children, but his inner growth is amazing! Believe me, a person who was born and raised in the same small village of the Altai Mountains! It's not easy and it's worth a lot!

Now, when I write these lines, from time to time I turn my gaze to my Diayik; it is located a few meters from me in my city apartment. The windows are closed, there is no air conditioner or fan, but the ribbons on it move as if from the wind... The branch of the sacred archyn nearby seems dark, almost black; I smell the soft, intoxicating aroma of juniper.

Very calm, pure feelings fill my heart now, and I wish happiness to my Altai, prosperity to all people, health and strength to people like Nikolai Andreevich Shodoev, who with the threads of their luminosity connects each of us with our origins, from where the Tree of Life of all mankind grows.

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Altai shamanism is an ancient polytheistic unwritten religion with a vivid ritual cult, an integral part of which is the ecstatic state and actions during prayers of its servants - shamans (kama). The main ritual during which the shaman “communicates” and “summons” spirits is called ritual. One of the places of ritual in Altai was a large clearing near the confluence of the Katun and Sema rivers. Now in this place there is the Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden, next to the village of Kamlak (Shebalinsky district, Altai Republic).

Altai shamanism developed within the framework of an ancient dualistic worldview based on the personification and veneration of the surrounding nature and its elemental, cosmic forces. According to the ideas of shamanists, every object or phenomenon of the surrounding nature had an owner who was an independent, but not a human being, as if merged with this object. This owner not only had intelligence, like a person, but also stood out for his imaginary appearance, anthropo- or zoomorphic.

The universe was divided into three zones: heavenly, earthly and underground. They were connected to each other by a world tree or mountain. In the ritual of some prayers, the shaman, going to the heavenly zone, climbed along the notches on the world tree - the birch, at the foot of which the ritual took place, to the top, symbolically connected with the sky. A reflection of the ideas about the cosmic mountain was the veneration of not one common cosmic mountain, but specific mountains, the peaks of which reach the clouds and are often shrouded in them. Shamans connected their destiny with such mountains, considering the owners of these mountains to be their rulers and patrons, mentors and givers of longevity.

Each person had his own individual double, sometimes referred to in literature by the Christian term “soul.” According to shamanists, the life of every person began in the celestial zone of the Universe, where it did not yet have an anthropomorphic form. From there it was sent by the deity to the earth in the form of a falling star, or through a sunbeam, or through the shaman blowing away the “embryos” hanging like leaves on a sacred birch tree to the earth. They fell through the smoke hole in the yurt to the head of the fireplace, and then to the woman. After birth, a period of human habitation began on the “lunar-solar” earth, until his death. Together with the person, his double grew and matured.

At the time of death, according to some ideas, he left the body and returned to the deity, and according to others, he migrated to the land of the dead, located in the earthly zone. There were also ideas that the dead moved to the underworld. During sleep, the double separated from the body and wandered to different places in the form of a small light, returning upon awakening. If the double did not return, the person fell ill, and then the shaman during the ritual found him, caught him, took him into the tambourine, and then “hammered” him (with strong blows on the tambourine) into the patient’s right ear. An ordinary person could see doubles only in a dream, but a shaman could see them with his own eyes.

All the actions that the shaman performed were carried out by his spirits, whom he called upon at the beginning of each ritual. Some of them told him the causes of a person’s illness, indicated where to find the lost “soul”; others helped to navigate and move during rituals in the spheres of the universe; still others protected from evil spirits, hostile shamans, etc. Therefore, the shaman conventionally called them a shell (kujak) or a hoop (kurchu), since they wrapped around his body. Some of them delivered the sacrifice to the deity or spirit, carrying vessels with sacrificial drinks, leading a double of the victim.

Each shaman had his own spirits, which were heterogeneous in composition. They were divided into two large categories: patrons and helpers. The patrons were personified deities and spirits of high rank - Ulgen and his sons, the deity of fire, the owners of the sacred mountains. Helping spirits, in turn, were divided into two categories: tos - the ancestors of the shaman, who were shamans during their lifetime, and other serving spirits, which were summoned before the ritual by striking a tambourine.

The Altai shamanistic pantheon is characterized, first of all, by a combination of characters and categories of spirits and deities characteristic of the shamanism of the Altai-Sayan peoples, with characters from the pantheon of the ancient Turks, Uighurs, and partly the Mongols. The characters are divided into three habitat zones in the Universe. The celestial zone included bright and benevolent deities and spirits who could punish only for disrespect for themselves; to the earthly - various deities and spirits of the surrounding nature and elements, diseases, deceased shamans. They were closest to the people, and the average person could turn to them himself. The third category is the inhabitants of the underworld.

One of the main figures of the pantheon is Ulgen, who acts either as a demiurge or as an anthropomorphic deity living on one of the layers of the sky, possessing a large family. Ulgen's sons were usually listed by name, ranging from 7 to 9, and for daughters only the total number was indicated, and even then inaccurately.

The deity Erlik in the Altai pantheon is a clearer and more unambiguous figure than Ulgen. This is the head and ruler of the underworld, where there is neither sun nor moon, and according to other sources, both named luminaries are present, but they shine dimly.

Until very recently, certain Altai-Sayan peoples revered well-known characters of the ancient Turkic pantheon: Tengri, Yer-sub and Umai. Tengri is the deity of Heaven. Yer (earth)-sub (water) is both a collection of spirits-owners of mountains and waters, and a personal earthly deity to whom a horse was sacrificed. Umai is the highest and most popular deity, patronizing women in labor and newborns, often perceived in a female form.

The main sacred attributes of the Altai shamans were a tambourine and ritual vestments, which they carried with them anywhere and everywhere where the ritual was to take place. The tambourine and costume were adapted to nomadic conditions and made it possible to carry out the cult action in any setting, be it a residential yurt or a chosen place in the open air. Despite being individually made and belonging to one or another shaman, the tambourine and vestments had common stable features.

The tambourine was the most important item. Among the northern Altaians, rituals could be carried out not even in special vestments, but in ordinary canvas robes; a woman's scarf was tied on the head, but without a tambourine not a single action could be performed. A small and portable sacred object contained a kind of prayer equipment: this is the tambourine as a whole, and its individual parts, details, drawings, pendants. The design of the tambourine is simple: a round or oval shell, inside there are two crossbars, one of which (the handle) is vertical, and the second is horizontal, now, as a rule, represented by an iron rod and only sometimes by a wooden one.

During the ritual, the tambourine was interpreted by the shaman's riding animal, usually the one whose skin was covered with this tambourine. There was also a widespread idea of ​​the tambourine as a bow, with the help of which the shaman fought with evil spirits and hostile shamans.

The crossbar was called kirish - bowstring, and the iron pendants symbolized arrows - approx. The tambourine could play the role of a boat when the shaman, traveling through one world or another, encountered a sea or a river. The tambourine beater served as an oar. The tambourine was also a signal percussion instrument for convening spirits at the beginning of the ritual, to indicate the shaman’s movement from stage to stage. At the same time, the beating of a tambourine, accompanying the shaman’s singing or recitative, was perceived as a ritual accompaniment.

The handle of the tambourine - chalu, with a round interception for holding during ritual, represented the owner of the tambourine - a long-dead shaman-ancestor, the patron of the performer. The shaman was not free to choose the type of his tambourine, since he inherited it from the deceased shaman. He received information about what a tambourine should be like from his patron spirits.

The leather surface of the tambourine was covered with drawings in accordance with the orthodox scheme of ideas about the structure of the Universe and the inhabitants of its different spheres. In addition, when looking at the drawings, it was possible to determine the individual qualifications of the shaman and his helping spirits.

Ritual clothing was a sacred item for individual purpose and use, which was made only for a shaman who already had a tambourine. Among the Altaians and Tuvans such vestments in the form of a jacket were called manjak, among the Sagais and Kachins it was called ham ton. The making of the vestments took place according to the instructions of the spirits, just like the making of the tambourine.

The maniac, as a professional ritual vestment of a shaman, was characterized by a complex external design. It included many plaits, hundreds of different pendants, small pieces of fabric in the form of scarves, ribbons, rope fringe, skins of animals, birds and their individual parts, rag anthropomorphic images in the form of dolls, snakes, monsters, etc., sometimes - miniature household items. The ropes were usually made from homemade hemp rope, lined with colored chintz, of varying lengths and thicknesses. Pendants were made mainly of iron (rings, plaques), but there were also copper bells and bells. All this was attached to a short-brimmed (sheepskin or deer leather), open-wing jacket with sleeves so that the jacket itself was not visible. It served as a constructive basis for placing the entire mass of parts.

Making a shaman's costume was a collective activity of women, while the tambourine was made only by men.

When preparing the article, materials from the sites were used.



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