Mask with rose oil. Rose oil for face - fragrant skin rejuvenation at home

Rose is the noble queen of flowers and the queen of fragrances, which reveals to us the secrets of beauty and gives us amazing rose oil.

A romantic legend says that rose oil appeared thanks to the love of Emperor Diyhangur for Princess Nur Diyhan. The Emperor prepared a surprise for his beloved by ordering rose petals to be sprinkled on the royal gardens and fountains. During one of his walks, his beloved was pleasantly shocked by what she saw. The interest and admiration with which she viewed all this beauty brought an unexpected result: the princess saw an oily sediment on the water in one of the fountains. After lightly touching the water, she noticed oil on her palm, which emitted a pleasant aroma as it was absorbed into the skin. After this, the emperor a real man, who is ready to do anything for his lady, began producing rose oil in order to please his wife again and again and see a happy smile on her face.

In cosmetology, rose petal oil obtained through hydrodistillation is considered the most valuable, although there are no visible differences: the quality of the original product depends on the manufacturer. Second known method is steam distillation, which received wide application in Bulgaria, where this method can be called traditional.

Moroccan and Damask rose:

  • farnesol is used as a fixative with a persistent lily of the valley aroma;
  • stearopten, like camphor, is used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking;
  • geraniol lowers blood pressure, repels insects well and kills fungus;
  • neroli has anti-edematous properties and also prevents the appearance of herpes;
  • citronellol is widely used in perfumery and to obtain food components;
  • Phenylethanol imparts fragrant properties to manufactured perfume products.

Rose oil is an ideal remedy for smoothing out wrinkles, it gives elasticity to the skin, and is also very beneficial for the eyelids. In order to provide the oil with additional beneficial properties, it can be combined with oils of jasmine, lavender, orange, bergamot, clove, chamomile, sage, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, geranium and Santal.

By using this product you can get whole line useful properties that will help you not only look good, but also improve your internal work female body:

  • improves sleep and also relieves anxiety;
  • helps in the treatment of the female reproductive system;
  • stimulates menstruation and normalizes heart rate;
  • makes it easier premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain;
  • relieves postpartum stress and eliminates neuroses;
  • restores disturbed hormonal balance;
  • promotes normal operation endocrine glands;
  • eliminates enzymatic insufficiency of the stomach.

Rose oil also reduces absent-mindedness, improves memory, energizes and increases performance. It can heal mucous membranes, helps with coughs, migraines and headaches, can relieve spasms and be used as an antidepressant, as well as for the prevention of flu. This is an excellent tonic positive effect for nausea, dizziness, periodontal disease, asthenia, stomatitis, problems of the digestive tract.

Cosmetological properties:

  • increases skin elasticity, giving elasticity;
  • eliminates peeling and skin irritation;
  • gives the skin a more beautiful, uniform color;
  • rejuvenates the skin and regenerates its cells;
  • helps eliminate formed scars;
  • improves performance sebaceous glands.

Essential oil rose is endowed with antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used as an aphrodisiac to stimulate sexual desire. In addition, it is a good astringent and blood cleanser, whose scent will last a long time both in the bottle and on your body.

Rose oil in aromatherapy

Application options:

  1. Oil burner. First, prepare a container for evaporation, preferably medium-sized (water evaporates quickly in small ones). After this, pour into the aroma lamp warm water. Add essential oil in an amount of approximately 2 drops per 5 square meters. meters of room area. Next, you can light a candle, which, when slowly heating the water, will provide a pleasant and long-lasting aroma. In order to get better results from using the aroma lamp, you need to ventilate the room in advance and close all windows and doors.
  2. Aromatic bath. Fill the bathtub with water desired temperature, then mix the desired amount of rose essential oil with one of the emulsifiers. For this purpose, you can use, for example, honey or milk. After this, simply dissolve the resulting mixture in a filled bath and enjoy the relaxation process, after which you will feel as if you were born again.
  3. Inhalation. The aroma of rose essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle, although it is much more convenient to apply it to a cloth. If you are just discovering this method, reduce the time of the first inhalations to five minutes. Once you get used to it a little, you can increase the duration to ten minutes. Feel beneficial features this method can be breathing correctly, which should be deep and even.

Maintaining skin beauty

With the help of compresses, you can get tangible benefits for the skin: from the usual support of skin elasticity to smoothing out wrinkles and resolving scars. For 500 ml of warm water, 7-8 drops of rose essential oil are enough. Next, immerse a towel or cotton napkin in the resulting solution, after which you need to squeeze it out a little excess liquid. Now you can start creating a compress: place your towel on the desired area of ​​skin, cover it with compress paper and secure it using a thin, dry cloth. While the compress is warm, lie with it for about 30-40 minutes.

Massage helps aromatic substances penetrate the skin faster and provide complex impact on the body: the endocrine and nervous systems, the circulatory system, as well as some organs will thank you if you pamper yourself and them pleasant massage. To start, you need a massage or functional oil. Use the proportions of 50 ml of this oil per 15 drops of rose essential oil and shake well.

You can also easily prepare a cream: 15 drops of essential oil from rose petals is enough for 50 ml good cream. It is recommended to use the cream without an excess of its constituent components.

Hair care

A neutral shampoo is an excellent solvent for essential oils, which will help eliminate dandruff, make hair stronger and improve the condition of the scalp. Dilute 10-12 drops of oil in 100 ml of shampoo, and after a shower you will be able to feel a light residue of the delicate aroma of your hair.

The process of rinsing your hair will be no less useful. To prepare a rinse liquid, take 5 ml. alcohol (70%), a liter of warm water and 8-10 drops of rose essential oil. This method is used after washing your hair, which will perfectly complete the wash with shampoo prepared in the manner described above.


As practice shows, rose oil is almost harmless; individual intolerance this product. In addition, there is one interesting point: some essential oils should not be used before going out into the sun, but if this happens, rose will help you with this problem. Make a compress using 2 drops of rose oil per 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir. This compress should be applied to the stain for 2-3 weeks, which will help lighten it.

Rose is not only beautiful flower with luxurious petals and a pleasant aroma: there is the same name in the world, whose owners are distinguished by impulsiveness and are considered mysterious personalities. Rose's superficial equanimity hides her strong-willed nature under a veil, like a rose that hides its thorns and hurts only those who dare to disturb its peace. Perhaps this state of affairs is not a coincidence, but another legend of romantic love, as a result of which the flower received the name of a girl... or vice versa.

The oil, which is obtained from rose flowers, is known not only for its wonderful smell, but also unique properties. Rose oil, water and rose petals were widely used back in ancient China, Assyria, Egypt. During the Middle Ages, noble ladies also took advantage of the benefits of rose oil. This substance was in service with any pharmacist: the oil was used to treat dental problems, headache, as well as colds. Today, rose oil also has no equal, despite its high cost.

Properties of rose oil

A bottle of dark glass with rose oil is necessary, without exaggeration, for any family, since this substance is used in the most different areas– from psychotherapy to medicine.

Emotional and sexual sphere

Rose oil has a beneficial effect on emotional well-being:

  • Rose is a strong aphrodisiac that can increase a woman's attractiveness to the opposite sex.
  • The smell of a rose enhances a woman's confidence, sexuality, and sense of her own attractiveness.
  • Rose oil is an excellent and safe antidepressant, which is often recommended for use, for example, during postpartum depression.
  • Essential compounds affect performance, in particular brain activity. They drive away fatigue and prevent burnout.
  • The oil has a wonderful scent and can be used as a very long-lasting perfume.


It is used in many creams, masks, lotions, especially for dry, sensitive and aging skin. The oil has tonic, rejuvenating and soothing properties. Rose apparently improves the contour of the face, eliminates dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. The ether will also help with some skin diseases.


Rose oil treats herpes, promotes wound healing and scar resorption, regulates hormone balance, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to use rose oil

We offer you several simple recipes for different cases:

  • Skin care. Add 2-3 drops of oil to the amount of cream you use at a time, apply the composition to the skin. Mix 2-3 drops of rose oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil (olive, almond, peanut, avocado). Use the mixture as a mask or cream.
  • Bath. Most nice way use rose oil - add 5-10 drops to a warm bath. The oil has a very quick effect on hair and skin; it is advisable to take such a bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bath mixture. Heat 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. honey Add 10 drops of essential oil. Stir and pour the mixture into the bath. Instead of milk and honey, you can use a glass of kefir or liquid yogurt.
  • Pink water. Mix a glass of boiled water with 2 drops of oil. Wipe your skin with the resulting lotion after washing. Place cotton pads soaked in lotion on closed eyelids, this will help remove puffiness and bags under the eyes. Shake the water before each use.
  • Aromatherapy. Add 2 drops of oil to the aroma medallion.
  • Aromatization of the room. Fill the aroma lamp clean water(preferably not from the tap). Add five drops of oil and heat.
  • Remedy for toothache. Mix rose oil with base oil in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the mixture to a cotton swab and place it on the sore tooth.
  • Rinse for toothache. One drop of oil and half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.
  • Ingestion. One drop of rose oil to half a teaspoon of sugar will help improve general health. Take three times daily before meals.

Follow these precautions:

  • Conduct a home sensitivity test: mix one drop of rose oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil and apply to the inner crease of the elbow. If no redness or itching appears after 12 hours, you can apply the skin product. Also, don't use rose oil if you don't like the scent; it's not just your personal taste, it's how your body reacts.
  • Do not use rose oil during pregnancy.
  • Do not use rose oil in pure form. Mix it with base oils, your favorite face and body cream, add a couple of drops to the water.
  • Frozen oil can be easily thawed by holding the bottle in your hands or placing it in warm water (at body temperature). Its properties will not deteriorate.

Rose oil is considered a diamond in cosmetology, reviews of the rarest and effective drug only good. The rosewood tree is valued for its wood. It is from it that life-giving drops of the miracle elixir are obtained, which have the richest composition and properties. How justified is the opinion about the uniqueness of the product? correct application rose oil for the face, for the skin around the eyes in particular - further.

Rose oil for cosmetic purposes is obtained from valuable bark tree. It got its name due to the delicate pinkish tint of the wood, but not the flowers. The flowers are significantly different from roses, with a yellowish tint. The homeland of the plant is Brazil, Guiana, Peru.

The crushed wood is subjected to steam distillation technology. The main supplier of the elixir is Brazil.

Don't expect to buy rose oil on the cheap, which has such amazing reviews. The high cost of the material and the production distance affect the price.

The second name of the product is cayenne oil. It is an almost colorless liquid, fluid, with subtle notes of resin and bitterness. Since it is impossible to make rose oil at home, you will have to splurge.

Properties of rose oil

The unique composition makes it one of the most effective cosmetic elixirs. Holder large quantity advantages, it has a multifaceted effect on cells.

Oil rosewood for the face is among the safest cosmetic preparations. Its benefits are manifold:

  • Miraculously tones the skin;
  • Has a sedative effect, reduces pain;
  • Characterized by antiviral and antiseptic effect, used in the fight against acne, pimples;
  • Eliminates the activity of dry dermatitis, eczema, reduces allergic reactions;
  • Has a positive effect on dermal cells, activating the synthesis and appearance of new collagen and elastin fibers;
  • Deodorizes the skin.
  • The aroma of the drug has a beneficial, relaxing effect on nervous system. Carrying out classic massage with the extract, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, an aromatherapy session is guaranteed.

How to use rose oil at home?

Use rosewood oil for the face with other components or in its pure form. The gentle action allows you to apply the oil against wrinkles around the eyes. A variety of recipes for nourishing, rejuvenating masks for any type skin. Prepared cream with rose oil at regular use will return at least 5 lost years.

Rosewood oil for the face and skin is absolutely harmless. There are no contraindications for use.

You can use it as an aromatherapy product. To do this, add a few drops to special aromatherapy lamps and emulsifiers.

Beauty Recipes

Rose oil mask – the right way restore lost elasticity, restore water balance. The result will be visible after the first procedure.

  • The composition is useful for dry skin essential extracts orange, chamomile, wheat germ, sandalwood oil and cayenne. Combine the drugs in equal quantities. It is recommended to use the oil composition during massage sessions. Increase blood flow, speed up metabolic processes A deep facial massage will help activate collagen production.
  • It is also possible to revive and invigorate fading epidermal cells using rosewood oil for the face. To do this you will need a small amount of almond essential agent, sandalwood and rosewood extracts, leuzea, orange. Almond extract will complement and enhance the effectiveness of the mixture; learn more about its properties.
  • Some oily components are interchangeable. Therefore, you should not get upset or postpone the procedure in their absence. The almond remedy is replaced with avocado and olive extracts, and the wheat germ elixir is replaced with grapefruit and jojoba.
  • Rose oil is used at home to enhance the effectiveness of skincare creams. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of the product to the main cream.
  • Prepare nutritious cream for the skin you can use the following oils: jojoba, hazelnut, avocado - 1 tbsp each, orange and rosewood - 5 drops each, jasmine and vanilla - 1 drop each. 2 drops of geranium can complete the composition.

Oil against wrinkles around the eyes works amazingly when combined with 1 tsp.

One of the most expensive and most healing essential oils is undoubtedly the oil of the queen of flowers - the rose. In ancient Greece, rose oil was called the blood of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. And this is not surprising, since ancient times rose oil has been used during religious ceremonies, noble beauties used it to care for their face and body. In addition, rose oil is a recognized aphrodisiac and antidepressant. Oh healing properties Rose oil is legendary.

Composition and properties of roses

Healing rose oil is obtained only from rose petals, with Moroccan and Damask rose oil considered the most valuable. Moreover, to obtain just one drop of the divine elixir, you need to collect about 30 tender buds. Rose oil contains more than three hundred components, including nerol, citronemol, phenylethylene alcohol, and geraniol. In addition to essential oils, rose petals contain sugars, fixed oils, a complex of vitamins, quercetins, bitterness, anthocyanins, wax, as well as organic acids.

Rose essential oil is rightfully considered the most “feminine” oil. It has a beneficial effect on women reproductive system, gently but effectively fights various “female” diseases, including infertility. Rose essential oil is also used for colds, diseases respiratory tract, it is indispensable in dentistry.

The aroma of rose oil tones during fatigue and loss of strength and soothes during nervous tension, promotes concentration, stimulates mental activity, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restores hormonal background and relieves depression, improves memory and helps with insomnia.

The role of rose oil in cosmetology is difficult to overestimate. It relieves tension and soothes irritated skin, smoothes wrinkles and stimulates tissue regeneration, deeply moisturizes and softens the skin, eliminates dermatitis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also effectively fights scars and cicatrices, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Rose in cosmetology

Rose oil is an indispensable ingredient in a wide variety of cosmetics intended for hair and skin care. Cosmetics based on rose oil:

  • Smoothes skin texture and eliminates wrinkles;
  • Evens out complexion;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Tightens skin pores;
  • Prevents skin loss of moisture;
  • Relieves dandruff and dermatitis;
  • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • Increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Fights scars and helps eliminate stretch marks;
  • Returns strength and shine to hair.

Rose oil is great for daily care for skin and hair of any type, however, greatest benefit it can bring tired and aging skin.

Use essential rose facial oil to rejuvenate your skin, which can be used for home care for any skin type. Its gentle effect is a guarantee of quick and excellent results. With regular use of masks based on rose oil, the skin is noticeably smoother.

Cosmetologists are increasingly recommending that women use essential rose oil for facial care, which has many beneficial properties for the skin. It has a somewhat specific smell, which can be described as slightly sweet and at the same time sharp, floral-pink and spicy, honey and tart at the same time. The delicate, persistent aroma of this ether gives good mood, promotes feeling great, and most importantly - does cosmetic procedures pleasant and relaxing at home. Essential rose oil is obtained industrially by steam distillation of rosehip flowers (their petals) different varieties- evergreen, damask, centifolia, musk, etc. In skillful hands, this extraordinary substance becomes an excellent cosmetic product for rejuvenating mature, aging skin.

The effectiveness of rose essential oil

Essential rose oil has many beneficial properties for the beauty and health of the skin. Its pronounced anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, antioxidant and antitoxic effect on the deep layers of the epidermis provides the delightful result that is obtained in the end. If after the first mask (compress or application) with rose essential oil the facial skin only slightly smoothes out and improves its color, then with regular use the effectiveness of all these products will only increase each time. With proper use of the ether, in just a couple of weeks you can expect results that will definitely please you, since rose oil:

  • Has a rejuvenating effect : helps damaged tissues regenerate; in mature, already aging skin, restores sufficient production of elastin and collagen fibers; smoothes facial and age wrinkles; has a lifting effect, eliminating problems such as jowls and double chin;
  • Visually narrows capillaries , under its influence the vascular pattern in the form of a mesh or stars on the face gradually disappears, so rose oil is excellent medicine against rosacea;
  • Makes the facial contour clear , embossed, younger;
  • Capable of daily care for aging, fading, mature, rough, hard, dry, and in some cases even sensitive skin;
  • Recommended by cosmetologists for therapy inflammatory processes on the face (even teenagers can safely use rose oil against pimples and acne );
  • Relieves fatigue (thanks to its medicinal aroma), gives the skin freshness, perfectly tones;
  • Used as a massage product;
  • Brings it back to normal lipid metabolism in cells, which also helps to tighten facial contours and getting rid of sagging jowls and double chin ;
  • Neutralizes harmful substances, removes them from cells, cleanses the skin , eliminates blackheads.

The targeted action of rose essential oil on the skin is a guarantee of excellent results and always positive emotions after using home remedies prepared on its basis.

If one of these problems has become yours obsession complex, or just a problem that you want to solve as quickly as possible, be sure to buy this ether at an aroma store and enjoy its effect on the skin. If you have petals at your disposal wild rose(rosehip), you can try making this oil yourself at home, but it will take time and patience. Otherwise, rose ether will not cause you much trouble.

Rules for home use of rose essential oil

Some beauties underestimate the cosmetic power of essential rose oil and immediately, without preliminary preparation start preparing masks and compresses. But it is not recommended to do this without prior instructions, as it can harm the skin. We must not forget what any ether is: it is a very concentrated substance, which in its pure form can cause a burn to the dermis or intensify the source of inflammation. So be sure to first study the rules for using rose oil for facial skin care to avoid undesirable consequences because of his own frivolity.

  • Best in for cosmetic purposes use aromatic concentrate , which will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it in rejuvenating and improving facial skin. Adding to homemade cosmetic masks rose oil capsules purchased from a pharmacy , can also be effective, but not as much as in the first case. Capsules are intended primarily for oral use and have slightly different therapeutic indications, not cosmetic. Already ready-made products facial skin care , which originally contain rose oil, can be purchased, but great efficiency don't expect anything from them, because the content active substance there will be very little in them. There is another option cosmetic use rose oil for skin rejuvenation - if it is prepared at home. But in this case you need to be very careful and prepare it exactly according to the recipe, without experimenting.
  • When using rose oil, keep it away from hot substances. . High temperatures destroy the beneficial properties of the ether, and it becomes just an aromatic liquid. Therefore, when preparing various homemade cosmetics based on it, do not heat the remaining ingredients: they should just be at room temperature. Recipes often recommend bringing honey, kefir, milk and other products to a warm state in a water bath - avoid this if you want to enjoy a full-fledged cosmetic effect rose essential oil.
  • It is advisable in this matter not to experiment at first. The recipe always contains precise instructions about what ingredients and in what quantity to include in the mask. If you use more rose oil than you should, it may cause hyperemia (excessive redness) of the skin and irritation due to high concentration ether. To avoid similar troubles easy - just follow the recipe exactly.
  • Rose oil also has its contraindications. Firstly, individual intolerance to this ether is often encountered, which manifests itself in allergic reaction after external use of the oil. To find out how your skin reacts to the concentrate, dilute it with water (10% ether to 90% water) and rub the resulting solution on your wrist. If no rash or irritation appears within a few hours (2-3), you can safely enjoy the effects of wild rose oil on your facial skin.
  • However, individual intolerance is not the only contraindication for the use of this remedy. Since it has a pronounced odor, it is not recommended for those who have any problems with blood pressure or mental health. Serious illnesses circulatory system can also become a barrier to the use of rose oil as cosmetic product for skin. Therefore the most best option in all these cases, consult your doctor.
  • Before applying rose oil to the skin, it is better to steam and cleanse it. To do this, cook with herbs and massage your face with your favorite scrub. This will only enhance the effect of your chosen mask with rose oil.
  • You can apply the product with your fingers or a special brush.
  • The duration of action cannot be long due to the high concentration of active biological substances. Therefore, 15–20 minutes for such a procedure is quite enough.
  • Washing off the mask from your face should not cause much trouble, as you can simply wash your face under running water or remove it with a cotton pad soaked in milk at room temperature.
  • If the problems you are trying to solve with rose oil are quite serious (pimples or wrinkles cover most of the face), then healing masks can be done twice a week. If things are still not too bad, once a week will be enough.
  • Don't forget to take a break from treating your skin with wild rose oil. After 10-15 uses, be sure to give your skin a rest so that it does not get used to the same substances. You can, for example, change the composition of the mask.

Now you know how to competently and correctly use wild rose essential oil for cosmetic purposes.

If you do everything exactly according to the instructions at least for the first time, after the first procedure you will be able to appreciate all the beauty of this ether.

Then, regularly repeating the same manipulations, you will succeed automatically, and the result will get better and better. A lot will also depend on which recipe you choose.

Recipes for products containing rose oil

You can find many different recipes cosmetic masks, compresses, applications that can be easily and quickly made at home with the addition of essential rose oil. Choose only those that promise to solve your problem. If you need to smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging, sagging skin, an anti-acne mask with rose oil won't do much for you. So be wise when choosing your recipe.

  • Homemade rose oil

Olive oil (it must be unrefined) must be heated in a water bath to 65–70°C. Then you pour rosehip petals into it until there are no more free space in the container, i.e. to the top. Next, you need to leave this mass somewhere in a warm place (for example, place it near a radiator, in the sun, near a stove) for two days. After this, squeeze out the petals and add fresh oil again. A similar procedure must be repeated 10 times. You will get real rose oil, prepared with your own hands at home. It is recommended to store it in a dark, preferably cool place in a well-closed container.

  • Tonic for fresh face

IN boiled water(250 ml) add rose oil (5-8 drops). Wipe your face with toner every day for 2 weeks.

  • Anti-wrinkle mask

Mix 1 tablespoon. almond oil with 3-6 drops of rose ether.

  • Double chin mask

Mix 30 ml of almond oil with 10 ml of wheat germ, add 4-5 drops of rose petal ether.

  • Acne mask

Mix 15 ml of honey and almond oil, add 2 pharmacy capsules of tocopherol and rose oil.

Those women who have felt the full power of this elixir of youth - rose essential oil - are unlikely to agree to give it up. Lasting results, pleasant process of the procedure itself, minimum side effects with proper use, excellent skin condition after masks and compresses with rose oil - all these benefits this tool speak for themselves. With regular use at home, you can forget about many of the most different problems with skin. Pamper yourself with tender and pleasant oil: it will not only restore your youth and beauty, but also restore your strength with a healing, concentrated aroma.

Rose facial oil - fragrant skin rejuvenation at home

4.2 /5 - Ratings: 45


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