Healing powers of essential oils. Fundamentals of Modern Aromatherapy

Plants are an ideal natural raw material that is used in many areas of human activity. We decorate the house with them, cook food from them, use them in perfumery and, of course, in medicine - for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Today we will focus on essential oils - fragrant, volatile substances, concentrated, for the most part, in fruits, flowers, leaves and roots.

Also in Ayurveda ancient teaching about health, there is a mention that applying essential oils, you can find a state of perfect balance of spirit and body, since the fragrance of aromas is nothing but a fellow breath. IN Ancient Egypt priests, who were considered interpreters of divine will, actively used fragrant extracts from plants to prepare healing potions for healing ailments, as well as for sacrifices in temples.

Ancient Greek medicine borrowed from Ancient China, Indian and Mesopotamian knowledge of use essential oils for healing, as well as for aromatherapy. And until the beginning of the twentieth century, during the heyday of pharmacology, and with it allopathic medicine, they "ruled the show", because they had the most powerful properties.

What is the value of essential oils?

If in the pre-scientific period knowledge about the beneficial and healing properties plant extracts were purely empirical in nature, today they have an authoritative scientific background. modern science proved that natural essential oils have:

  • Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic properties;
  • Immunostimulating action;
  • Positive effect on the dermis and epidermis;
  • Positive effect on the circulatory system, as well as on the respiratory and digestive organs;
  • radioprotective effect.

It is worth moving from generalization to concrete facts.

decline inflammatory reactions using essential oils is achieved due to the fact that their aromatic components actively influence the reactions occurring at the tissue level. They significantly reduce the permeability of the walls of microscopic vessels, optimize the course of vascular reactions, and astringent action, reduce puffiness, stabilize the processes of cell assimilation and stimulate the processes of growth regeneration.

Action deserves special attention. essential oils towards pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to highly active biological molecules, they destroy cytoplasmic membrane some gram positive and negative bacteria. Thus, they modify internal environment microorganism, as a result of which the processes of its aerobic respiratory chain are disrupted - in an understandable language, they simply “suffocate”. This results in the death of pathogens. This explains the antibiotic and antiseptic action aromatherapy.

Wherein essential oils for the most part, they are absolutely harmless to the human body, and when they are used, the effect does not weaken over time, and microorganisms do not develop resistance to them. St. John's wort, sage, celandine, lavender, basil, lemongrass and many other plants have a similar effect.

Scientists during numerical studies proved that simultaneous application vegetable essential oils and synthetic antibacterial drugs and action increase the effectiveness of the latter from 5 to 10 times (summation effect).

Prevent, not cure

Aromatherapy helps not only as a therapy for diseases, but also their prevention. Using natural aromas and incense of plants, you can activate the immune system due to the activation of the lymphocyte system and the formation of interferon. So you can prevent the pathology of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, liver, intestines, urinary organs, skin diseases.

And with seasonal outbreaks of SARS, the issue of using essential oils is especially relevant. At acute inflammation products based on tea tree, oregano, bergamot, evergreen eucalyptus pine, cedar and spruce, nutmeg, clove and citronella. Their action in given vector is based not on the elimination of the pathogen - a virus, less often bacteria - from the body, but on an increase in its own barrier functions due to the above mechanisms.

Pulmonologists and phthisiatricians note positive influence essential oils in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. In particular, they:

  • Lower body temperature to normal values by getting rid of inflammatory reactions;
  • Normalize the composition of the blood;
  • Return the patient's appetite, and with it the weight;
  • They have a destructive effect on the cell wall of the Koch bacillus (with the exception of L-forms).

In case the natural aromatic plant matter contained in the inhaled air they maintain homeostasis - biological balance - at the cellular level, activate the synthesis biologically active substances and satisfy the "information hunger" olfactory center brain.

The main rule is not to "overdo it" with the use of essential oils and use them as an additional, but still not the main therapy. And it is important not to overdo it with the dosage, because even Theophrastus Paracelsus in the 15th century argued that everything is poison, and only the dose makes it a medicine.

It remains only to remember that you need to purchase essential oils from trusted sources, as there is a high risk of getting a fake product. Exclusively high-quality and natural products are offered by Makeup - one of the leaders in online sales in the countries of Eastern Europe. We wish you to be healthy!

Essential oils widely used in cosmetology, Food Industry and, of course, in pharmacology. Many of them have medicinal properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. But the use of such substances for treatment and prevention must be very careful. Some of them can cause an allergic reaction or provoke complications.

What are essential oils?

are multi-component substances exclusively plant origin. They are volatile in nature and have a specific persistent odor.

In total, there are about 2500 plant species in nature containing essential extracts. They are found in leaves, roots, stems, flowers and even fruits of plants. According to the chemical composition, these substances are organic mixtures, which include:

  • Fats (from 45% to 80%);
  • Carbohydrates (from 35% to 50%);
  • Terpenes (from 20% to 40%).

They have a liquid oily form, but at low temperatures they quickly turn into a solid form. Essential oils are able to dissolve in organic solvents and water. Key Features oils:

  • Intense smell;
  • Peculiar taste;
  • Fast solubility;
  • Possibility to combine with each other.


Depending on the persistence and intensity of the substance, there are three groups of oils:

  • Light: disappear in half an hour;
  • Medium: weathered for an hour and a half;
  • Strong: Can retain scent for up to six hours.

Essential oils are also distinguished by their origin:

  • herbal();
  • Floral (rose, lavender);
  • Woody (cedar, spruce);
  • Resin (fir, pine);
  • Spicy (cinnamon);
  • Citrus (lemon, orange,).

These pleasant substances can be combined with each other, but you need to know the correct dosage. Each of the presented groups is used in pharmacology for the treatment and prevention certain types diseases.

Impact on the human body

In pharmacology, essential oils are used not only because of their medicinal properties, as well as to improve the taste and smell of the drug.

Medicines containing these components have a diverse effect on the body:

  • Have antimicrobial property;
  • Relieve spasms and colic, relaxing muscles;
  • Relax blood vessels;
  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Normalize the metabolic process;
  • Have a calming effect on disorders nervous system;
  • Normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • Facilitate the process of breathing, freeing the upper paths;
  • Has expectorant properties.

Entering the body in correct dosage, do not cause danger in any way and are derived naturally:

  • When applied externally, they are absorbed into the upper layers of the epithelium, then penetrate into the lymph, and then into the kidneys. They disappear from the skin after a few hours;
  • When inhaled, they are excreted through the lungs, while creating the effect of ventilation;
  • When ingested, they are processed by the kidneys and excreted in the urine, increasing the amount of urine.

Toxicity level various kinds ranges from minimal to highly saturated. Therefore, you need to use essential oils after reading the instructions. Excessive toxicity can lead to negative processes in the blood (gluing of red blood cells).

Application methods

Essential oils, due to their extensive functionality, are included in the preparations of the following groups:

  • sedatives;
  • Means that contribute to the choleretic effect;
  • Diuretic drugs;
  • Means for normalization digestive system, including drugs to improve appetite;
  • Antipyretic ointments and sprays;
  • laxatives;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, these substances are used in the following forms:

  • Aromatherapy is used to prevent neuroses. This is a procedure for spraying oil in a room using an aroma lamp, which has sedative effect. Citrus, coniferous or exotic oils are perfect for this.
  • For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and other lung diseases, inhalations with essential composition. They gently cleanse the upper respiratory tract and relieve inflammation.
  • With muscle spasm, as well as after prolonged physical activity to avoid pain, do rubbing. With light massage movements, essential oils are rubbed into the skin, which penetrate deep into and relax from the inside.
  • Essential oils are also used to treat and prevent problems related to the health of the hair and scalp. A few drops of oil can be added to shampoo or rubbed into the skin. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, the hair becomes strong and healthy.
  • They are used to remove toxins from the body. Taking such a bath, the oil quickly penetrates the skin and spreads throughout the body, cleansing internal organs.
  • For prevention sunburn using essential oils. In addition, compresses are used to treat thermal burns first and second stages.
  • Ingestion in the form of tablets or syrups is advisable for helminthiasis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Contraindications for use

Essential oils should be used with great care. The dosage is very important, exceeding the amount can lead to headaches, nausea, allergies and other dangerous complications.

In addition, it is forbidden to use essential oils for the treatment and prevention of such categories of patients:

  • People with individual intolerance components;
  • pregnant women due to hypersensitivity in this period;
  • Children under one year old, during this period, the internal organs are not ready for the use of toxic drugs;
  • People with cancer.

IN Lately there is a growing interest in essential oils. Increasingly, they are used in medicine. But it's important to choose quality products, and not their cheap counterparts, which not only will not benefit, but can also harm.

The ability to hear smells is quite significant in human life. We can memorize smells and analyze them, each smell is associated with different things, and thanks to our intuition, we better navigate this world. But besides the information load, smells can play other roles in our lives.

They can cheer up, soothe, or vice versa invigorate, tune in a certain way. Centuries ago, people paid attention to healing properties odors. Then there was such a thing as aromatherapy. We are now on www..

Ever since pharmaceuticals got bigger chemical industry, aromatherapy has moved to the category alternative medicine. But nevertheless in modern world constant stress, chemistry and others negative factors, when you do not want to be poisoned once again with chemistry, sometimes you can resort to aromatherapy.

First of all, aromatherapy affects the nervous system. But all the possible effects of its use can be divided into physiological (sedation, stabilization, stimulation of the nervous system), pharmacological (the interaction of essential oils with hormones and body acids) and psychological (individual changes in the body on a conscious or subconscious level). Depending on the effect you want to achieve, there is also a choice of aroma oils and how to use them.

You can use them in the form of a massage, bath additive or rubbing, or you can spray them into the air using sprays, special lamps or candles.

The effect of aromatic oils can be felt after their ingestion, rectal and vaginal intake, by inhalation.

During massages, baths and rubbing, oils enter the body through the skin and with inhalation. Depending on the desired effect, the choice of aroma also occurs directly.

So, for example, when severe fatigue sandalwood, mint, lavender, lemongrass, vanilla, lotus, etc. will help you.

At severe stress- violet, rhododendron, rose, orange.

Aromatherapy will also help in the treatment of more serious illnesses. Aroma oils can be used for various cardiovascular diseases.

The smell of issola can positively affect blood circulation, and sage, cinnamon bark, thyme - increase blood pressure, warm up.

With hypertension, pink geranium and lavender will help, and ylang-ylang will have a beneficial effect on rapid heartbeat and heart spasm.

For treatment gastrointestinal tract mint has been used for a long time and. With them you can do compresses, massage and take orally.

For diseases urinary system sandalwood, sage and thyme have been effective. In the treatment they are used in the form aromatic baths, orally, in the form of massage oils.

For diseases of the genital area, even our ancestors used jasmine and.

If you use essential oils externally, they have positive influence on the condition of the skin, they can even be used to treat certain skin conditions. They can have an antiseptic, soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

In diseases of the respiratory tract, whole complexes for the use of aroma oils are used. They include inhalation (), rubbing (myrtle, thyme), ingestion ().

It should be remembered that the use of aroma oils can also be dangerous. Like any active agent, they have some contraindications: infant and elderly age, pregnancy, asthma.

Remember that aroma oils can become your reliable comrades in maintaining physical and mental health but don't overuse them. Inappropriately mixed and in excess, they can lead to the opposite effect of the desired one.

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Aromatherapy with essential oils is a therapeutic area based on natural properties natural aromas that can harmonize various processes, boost protective properties body and normalize the emotional background.

Aromatherapy means are essential oils - mixtures of aromatic substances of plant origin, which have the ability to distill with water vapor and evaporate in the air. Aromatherapy oil penetrates well into the body both through the skin (during massage, baths, compresses, with cosmetic preparations) and through the respiratory system. WITH therapeutic purpose Today, about 100 of their types are used.

The chemical composition of oils has been studied quite well: only one type contains huge list inorganic and organic matter (120-500).

During production, natural essential oils are not subjected to any chemical treatment and mixing with other substances, therefore they are 100% natural product provided they are not counterfeit.

A bit of history

The sense of smell is one of the most acute in the world. Exploring the world aromatic plants are rooted in the deep past. The spheres of use were very wide: in mystical and religious rites, in perfumery, cosmetology, for aromatizing rooms, healing and for many other purposes fragrant extracts from plants were used. Own collection of aromatic oils was a sign of high society and a real luxury item.

Today, natural fragrances are used in almost every family for deodorizing and disinfecting indoor air, uplifting the mood, and also for therapeutic purposes.

The mechanism of action on humans

Essential oils exert their effect in 2 ways: neuro-reflex and humoral.

  • The neuroreflex is realized through the nerve receptors that are located on the nasal mucosa: they receive, recognize the smell and send information to the central nervous system.
  • The humoral pathway is realized through a dense network of capillaries located in the respiratory tract. Molecules of essential oils quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and also have an effect on the body.

These two mechanisms are combined with the ability to change the electromagnetic field, which explains the ability of aromatic substances to influence both the nervous system and hormonal status. Some physicians equate the action of aromatic substances with the mechanism of hormones because of their rapid therapeutic effect.

All essential oils are:

  • effective antiseptics: quickly destroy bacteria and viruses;
  • anti-inflammatory substances: also quickly reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction;
  • adaptogens;
  • stimulants of immune processes.

In addition, essential oils can stimulate or calm the nervous system, harmonize the emotional and mental sphere to normalize work digestive tract and other systems, have antitumor activity, improve the condition of hair and skin. Many substances are strong erotic stimulants.

The beneficial effects of essential oils are possible only when they are natural, of high quality and used in accordance with the dosage. Natural substances do not have significant side effects, do not cause allergies (with the exception of individual hypersensitivity) and the body gets used to them.

The use of aromatic oils should not exclude the etiological drug therapy prescribed by a doctor, and turn into thoughtless self-medication. Here, as in any other medical direction, the rule applies: do no harm! It is best to start home aromatherapy with a visit to an aromatherapist, and if we are talking about pregnant women and children - only with the permission of a doctor.

Each aromatic oil is unique and has its own therapeutic spectrum. Consider their main types, healing effects and the effect on the human body, the rules of application presented in the table on aromatherapy:


Extremely fragrant, citrus, associated with summer. Bitter orange oil is considered more elite and has a delicate aroma.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Stabilizes mood;
  • Effective in the treatment of depression, insomnia, nervousness;
  • Has a choleretic effect;
  • Helps to lose weight;
  • Increases skin turgor, whitens and softens it;
  • Helps in the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • Improves the body's resistance;
  • Eliminates swelling;
  • Relieves headaches, joint and muscle pain

How to apply

Must be fresh:

  • internally - 1 cap. a glass of tea / water 2 times a day;
  • aromatization of rooms - 2-3 drops. on the aroma lamp;
  • for massage, you can take 2-3 drops, diluted in base oil;
  • for a bath - 5 caps, diluted in a tablespoon of honey;
  • for cosmetics (enrichment) - 5 cap. for every 15 grams of base

  • Epilepsy;
  • Hypotension;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Allergy to citrus fruits;
  • Pregnancy - with caution


This oil has a mild spicy and invigorating aroma. It has long been considered "royal".

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Rejuvenates both the body and the skin, as it is a strong antioxidant;
  • Perfectly tones, eliminates nervousness and clarifies the mind;
  • Stimulates thinking and improves memory;
  • Relieves spasms of blood vessels of the head and headaches;
  • Accelerates recovery from bronchitis, asthma, especially if the temperature is elevated, makes breathing easier;
  • Increases blood pressure;
  • Normalizes menstruation, especially if they are scarce;
  • Shoots great allergic itching after insect bites;
  • Effective antitussive and expectorant;
  • Perfectly treats infections of the oral cavity: quickly heals sores on the gums and mucous membranes;
  • Eliminates insomnia;
  • Improves skin elasticity and clears warts

How to apply

  • for aromatization of rooms, you can take from 3 to 7 drops;
  • for a personal aroma coulomb, 2 drops are enough;
  • for inhalation (hot and cold) you can take 1-2 drops;
  • for aromatization of baths, first take 3 drops. and gradually brought to 7 cap. However, for more than 3 weeks in a row, such pleasant procedures are not recommended;
  • For internal treatment- 1 cap. with honey, 3 times a day, no more than 3 weeks.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Hypertension


This is an oil with a specific smell that not everyone can tolerate.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Increases activity (physical and mental);
  • Inhibits the reproduction of tumor cells;
  • Helps in the treatment of ENT pathology of inflammatory origin;
  • Anesthetizes and relieves spasm for migraines, headaches and other conditions accompanied by pain;
  • normalizes blood pressure and contractile function hearts;
  • Eliminates ischemia of the heart muscle;
  • Lowers blood sugar;
  • Eliminates peeling and skin rash, renews and regenerates the skin;
  • Helps in the treatment of frostbite, wounds, cuts, eczema, burns;
  • Effective remedy for fungus and lice

How to apply

Do not use for more than 3 weeks in a row:

  • Internally no more than 1 cap. 2 times a day after meals, with honey;
  • for deodorization of the room 2-4 drops. on the lamp;
  • for inhalation - 2 drops. to the solution;
  • for compresses, you can take no more than 3 drops;
  • for soaking cotton turundas and applications -1 cap.;
  • for gargling 2 drops. oils per 200 ml of water;
  • for rubbing - 1 cap. geranium and 10 drops of base oil;
  • V pure form used to treat burns, cuts and frostbite;
  • for aroma coulombs, you can take 1 cap. oils;
  • as an additive to creams, lotions - 4 caps. for 2 tbsp.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Pregnancy;
  • Use of oral contraceptives


One of the most expensive, incredibly fragrant.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Normalizes the work of the endocrine glands;
  • Eliminates rashes, treats eczema and dermatitis;
  • Improves the condition of sensitive skin;
  • Helps eliminate pain syndrome during menstruation;
  • Eliminates spasms of internal organs;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Helps with inflammatory pathologies of the female genital area;
  • Eliminates apathy, indifference, cheers up;
  • warns postpartum depression improves lactation.

How to apply

Only in diluted base (vegetable) oil in a ratio of 1:10:

  • aroma coulombs - 2 caps;
  • aroma baths - 3 cap. with 1 spoon of honey;
  • 2-4 cap. 15 g of the basis for massage or cosmetic;
  • 5 cap. for 200 ml of water for applications and compresses;
  • 2 cap. per 100 g of any tea - for further brewing and ingestion

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Hypotension;
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and intestines (internal treatment);
  • Kidney dysfunction (internal treatment)


This is a valuable, expensive oil, which is mainly used in the production of cosmetic preparations and perfume. Rarely found in free sale and is often counterfeit. Floral, with a slight woody accent.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Has a disinfecting effect;
  • Liquefies phlegm and eliminates inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • Removes excess liquid;
  • Eliminates muscle pain;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Helps skin regeneration after wounds, abrasions;
  • Actively regenerates hair and nails, promotes hair growth;
  • Helps to fight age-related changes skin;
  • It exacerbates sensuality in people of both sexes.

How to apply

Aromatherapy with iris is allowed only externally, do not use it inside:

  • For an aroma lamp, 3-4 drops are enough;
  • No more than 7 cap. used for taking baths;
  • To enrich creams, serums, shampoos - 3 drops. for 15 grams of funds;
  • 2-3 drops, dissolved in 200 ml of warm water - the basis for the compress

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation


This is one of the classic oils, widely used in many areas.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Eliminates tearfulness, insomnia, depression and nervousness;
  • Acts as an anesthetic;
  • Greatly stimulates the immune system;
  • Has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Normalizes heartbeat and pressure;
  • Improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • Eliminates brittle hair and dandruff;
  • Helps in the treatment of cystitis and vaginitis, normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • Treats dermatitis;
  • Promotes deep skin regeneration and instantly eliminates itching, flaking, irritation, inflammation and acne

How to apply

Can be used in its pure form:

  • for baths - 4-8 drops;
  • for aroma coulombs - 3 caps;
  • for massage, compresses, deodorization of rooms, saturation of lotions and other skin care products - 5-7 drops. for every 10 ml of base;
  • up to 10 cap. for hot inhalations;
  • Inside, 2 drops are allowed. with honey, washed down with hot tea, up to 3 times a day.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Pregnancy;
  • Anemia;
  • Hypotension;
  • The period of treatment with iodine- and iron-containing drugs


It is a bitter, citrus scent that is cooling and refreshing. Natural adaptogen.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Helps to adapt to social and climatic changes;
  • Helps to get out of severe depression;
  • Effective in the treatment of VVD and other vascular disorders;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • It has a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • It has a pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Promotes healing of wounds, bleeding gums, cracks, cuts, eczema;
  • Helps with flu, sore throat;
  • Reduces skin laxity, enlarged pores, whitens freckles, eliminates edema, vascular patterns, oily skin, keratoses and inflammatory rashes

How to apply

  • For aroma lamps take 5-8 caps, for pendants - 3 caps;
  • For personal inhalations, 4 drops are enough, the duration of inhalation is no more than 7 minutes;
  • For aroma baths, massage, applications, compresses - from 4 to 7 drops;
  • To enrich cosmetics, you need 3 drops. for every 5 grams of base.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Allergy to citrus fruits;
  • Upcoming tanning in the sun or in a solarium (possible photoburns)


This valuable oil with a strong, tart, refreshing resinous odour.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Helps to get rid of fears, lethargy;
  • Helps rapid cell regeneration;
  • Prevents the growth of scar tissue;
  • Quickly eliminates the symptoms of dermatosis;
  • Helps in the treatment of inflammation of the lung tissue and bronchi;
  • Normalizes blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels;
  • Displays free radicals(especially radionuclides);
  • Improves the work of the digestive system;
  • Helps in the treatment of cystitis, removes stones from the kidneys and bladder;
  • Normalizes blood sugar;
  • Restores the elasticity of cartilage tissue

How to apply

Apply no more than 1 month:

  • for an aroma pendant, 3 drops are enough, for a lamp - 5 drops;
  • for a bath, you can take 6 caps, diluted in an alcohol emulsifier;
  • for inhalations with a total duration of not more than 7 minutes - 3 drops. oils;
  • for cosmetics no more than 5 cap. per 10 ml base.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Pregnancy;
  • Acute pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Hypertension in severe


It is a fresh, cooling and invigorating fragrance that uplifts the mood.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Restores strength;
  • Reduces anxiety, nervousness, fills with vitality;
  • Reduces atonic disorders (dizziness, nausea);
  • Has a wide antibacterial spectrum actions;
  • Eliminates gastrointestinal and uterine spasms, reduces heartburn;
  • Improves cerebral circulation;
  • Relieves muscle pain;
  • Evens out skin color and improves its protective properties;
  • Eliminates rosacea and acne

How to apply

Apply in pure form, without exceeding the dose:

  • for aroma lamps no more than 4-5 drops;
  • for aroma coulombs - 1 cap.;
  • for aroma bath, you can take 7 caps, diluted in an emulsifier;
  • compresses, massages, rubbing - no more than 6 drops. to solvent oil;
  • to enrich creams, lotions, 2 drops are enough. for 5 grams of the base;
  • applications in the oral cavity: vegetable oil, mixed in equal proportions with peppermint oil;
  • inside: for 1 liter of drink - 5 cap.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Counts women's oil so young men should not use it;
  • The period of treatment with homeopathic medicines;
  • Insomnia


It is a delicate oil with a wonderfully sweet floral scent. Considered the queen of essential oils.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Moisturizes dry skin and nourishes it, increases elasticity and firmness, evens out color and tightens the eyelids;
  • Treats burns;
  • Improves metabolism inside the skin;
  • Dissolves scar tissue;
  • It is a powerful aphrodisiac and is especially recommended for insecure and modest partners. Enhances sensuality;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Eliminates irritation, negativity;
  • Normalizes pressure;
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine and digestive systems;
  • Eliminates headache, vascular spasms;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Increases male fertility;
  • Helps in the treatment of all female diseases;
  • It is an anti-carcinogen and protects against exposure to radionuclides

How to apply

  • For cosmetics - 5 caps. per 5 grams of the base;
  • For aroma massages, aromatic baths - also 5 drops;
  • For aroma medallions - 2 drops;
  • For aromatization of premises - 5 drops;
  • For douching - 5 cap. in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil in 500 ml of warm water.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Do not apply internally;
  • During pregnancy - with caution


This is a fragrant, coniferous aroma with an invigorating effect.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Eliminates impulsiveness, aggression, tones and encourages;
  • Helps to make the best decision in a difficult situation;
  • Helps in healing inflammatory diseases respiratory tract;
  • Improves pulmonary circulation and respiratory productivity, has an expectorant effect;
  • Eliminates intoxication: helps to lower the temperature, eliminate headaches, weakness;
  • It has a slight diuretic effect and promotes the resorption of kidney stones;
  • Helps in the treatment of prostatitis and sexual disorders;
  • Eliminates arthritic, muscular and rheumatic pains;
  • Has a hemostatic effect;
  • Increases skin elasticity, restores the protective properties of the epidermis;
  • Improves hair structure and protects them from hair loss.

How to apply

  • For aroma lamps - 4-5 drops;
  • For aroma coulombs and aromatization of steam rooms: 2-3 drops;
  • For hot inhalations: 2-3 drops; for cold inhalations, it is permissible to breathe directly from the bottle for no more than 7 minutes;
  • For baths - from 4 to 6 drops;
  • For massage of the body or scalp: 5-6 caps, for rubbing - 7 caps. for 10 gr. basics;
  • For cosmetics from 1 to 3 drops. for every 5 gr;
  • 1 cap. with honey inside it is better 1 time per day, maximum - 2;
  • To enrich drinks - up to 5 cap.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Do not use for more than 2 weeks in a row;
  • The daily dose inside - no more than 2 drops.


It is an oil with a tart, musky, slightly cooling aroma.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • It is an antiseptic, has a bactericidal effect;
  • Effective in the treatment of all diseases of the mouth and throat;
  • Eliminates depression and calms the nervous system;
  • Increases efficiency (mental and physical);
  • It is an adaptogen and regulates the production of hormones;
  • Effective for urinary infections;
  • Helps with colds;
  • Cleanses blood vessels;
  • Smoothes wrinkles, especially recommended for mature skin;
  • Has a deodorizing effect;
  • Eliminates oily skin of the face and head;
  • Effective in the treatment of cuts, small wounds, burns, eczema, dermatosis and psoriasis

How to apply

  • For aroma coulombs, 1 cap is enough;
  • For cold inhalations - inhale for 4 minutes;
  • No more than 2 cap. for saunas, aroma baths, inhalations;
  • About 10 cap. for every half glass of water for hot compresses and applications;
  • For cold compresses - 15 drops. for 200 ml of base oil;
  • For the enrichment of cosmetics - 3 drops;
  • For gargling - 4 drops. for a glass of water;
  • For aroma lamps - 3 cap.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Cannot be taken orally;
  • Hypertension, sleep disturbances - with caution;
  • Pregnancy and lactation


It is a refreshing, myrtle oil, invigorating and memorable. natural antibiotic.

Beneficial effect on the body

  • Activates thinking, mental activity;
  • Relieves melancholy;
  • Removes drowsiness, fatigue, apathy, increases productivity;
  • It has a good expectorant effect, normalizes the secretion of the bronchi;
  • It is characterized by antiviral activity;
  • Eliminates hyperthermia;
  • Restores the protective capabilities of the body;
  • It has an analgesic effect for injuries, arthritis, headaches;
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract and relieves swelling;
  • Reduces blood sugar;
  • Helps in the treatment of chronic gynecological inflammation and cervical erosion;
  • Effectively eliminates boils, acne, herpes;
  • Promotes regeneration of the dermis after frostbite and burns;
  • Effectively disinfects indoor air at the peak of SARS

How to apply

  • For aromatization and air disinfection - 5 drops. on the aroma lamp;
  • For hot inhalations - 1 cap., the duration of the procedure is not more than 5 minutes;
  • For massage on 15 gr. basics - 7-10 caps;
  • For baths, saunas, 5 drops are enough;
  • To enrich cosmetics, 3 drops are enough. for 1 tbsp. facilities;
  • To protect against insect bites - 3 drops, which are rubbed through the hair;
  • For douching - 3 cap. for 1 glass of water + half a teaspoon of soda;
  • Inside - a maximum of 2 cap. with honey, washed down with an acidic liquid no more than 3 times a day.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • Cannot be combined with homeopathic medicines;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitive skin

Base oil is any neutral vegetable oil: linseed, olive, sunflower, corn.

As for aromatherapy for children, most of the oils should not be used before the age of 6 and definitely not to resort to such treatment before 3 years. In general, care must be taken to reduce the "adult" dose and exposure time by 2-3 times and in no case be used for internal treatment. A common contraindication for all types of oils for both adults and children is individual hypersensitivity. If there is a predisposition to allergic reactions on any substances, it is impossible to use aromatherapy, tk. over time, allergies to essential oils can also develop.

Combination of essential oils

Oils should be combined very carefully and only with a good knowledge of all their properties, adhering to the following rules:

  • it is impossible to combine essential oils with opposite properties (for example, calming and stimulating the nervous system);
  • you can not combine more than 5 flavors;
  • lavender is universal and goes well with everything else. Citrus, floral and coniferous are combined with each other in their group, for example, lemon + orange;
  • oils should be combined according to the problem.

Features of aromatherapy at home

  • Aroma lamps - special devices, which are necessary for air aromatization of premises. Before the procedure, the room should be ventilated, then the windows should be tightly closed. The lamp is filled with water, into which oil is introduced, and it is put into action. The lamp can be turned on up to 4 times a day for 5-30 minutes or more.
  • The use of aromatherapy for internal treatment. It is carried out only after consultation with a doctor. In no case should you exceed the recommended doses or use oil in its pure form, without a solvent, which is honey, milk. It is optimal to take this medicine immediately after a meal. During treatment, animal food should be limited.
  • Inhalations. Can be warm (when oils are added to warm water) or cold (inhalation directly from the bottle or using a special inhaler). Attention! For procedures, you must have a special inhaler that allows the use of essential oils!
  • Applications and compresses. To obtain the basis for a cold procedure, the oil is dissolved in 10 ml of alcohol and soaked with gauze or cotton wool with this composition, applied to the sore spot. For hot compresses, the oil is mixed with warm water or vegetable oil.
  • Rinsing, douching, rinsing of mucous membranes carried out strictly according to the recommendations for the use of a particular oil.
  • Aroma massage. Oils are used diluted (with vegetable oil). Shown before massage warm shower, and after the massage you need to lie down quietly for half an hour.
  • Aroma baths. One of the most effective ways treatment with aromatherapy, because through the skin the essential oil quickly penetrates into the lymph flow.
    • Baths can be general or local and are carried out 3 hours after a meal.
    • Before taking a bath, you should wash yourself without the use of store gels and soaps, but with bran, egg white.
    • The water in the bath should be approximately 38 C, into which oil diluted in a solvent is introduced and the procedure is taken for 5-35 minutes.
    • Dry off after bath natural way and lie down for about 30 minutes.
    • You can not drink alcohol, coffee, tea.
    • Course of treatment: 10-20 procedures.

To prevent the oil from spoiling, it is stored in a dark and cool place, away from children, with a tightly closed lid.

There is a strict restriction for this pleasant treatment: you cannot do several procedures with aroma oils on the same day!

Essential oils began to be used by people long before the composition of these compounds became known and studied. Substances got their name due to their volatility, ability to evaporate quickly and oily oil based which is insoluble in water.

The properties of essential oils have found their application in medicinal and cosmetic purposes, and they are used depending on the type and properties of certain oils.

How to use essential oils correctly to get the maximum benefit and not harm the body?

Types and functions of essential oils

Essential oils are aromatic concentrated compounds with a pronounced taste and smell. They are obtained from plant materials - the substances are unevenly distributed throughout all parts of the plant, therefore, to obtain the most concentrated compound, the places of their highest content (flowers, rhizomes, fruits, buds, leaves) are used.

Useful properties and application various oils differ from each other. Some essential oils are more often used as flavors to give a special flavor and aroma to food, others are used to treat and prevent diseases, and still others are the basis for creating cosmetics. In aromatherapy, one of the alternative branches of medicine, essential oils are the main way to influence human body helping to improve the general condition, cheer up, relax.

Essential oils - the main tool in aromatherapy

aromatic essential substances affect various systems person, because they have wide range biological activity. There are several priority useful qualities essential oils for humans:

  • Antibacterial. They actively help to cope with viruses and infections, provide strong protection to the body and act as a powerful antiseptic oil of poplar, clove, eucalyptus, calamus, pine tree oils. Lavender, lemon, tea tree oils help to cope with some types of fungal diseases.
  • Wound healing and anti-inflammatory. Yarrow, camphor, elecampane, chamomile, arnica oils have such qualities. They help to stimulate the body's processes responsible for the rapid resorption of inflammation.
  • Antispasmodic. Fennel, orange, cinnamon, cumin, mint, coriander, lemon balm oils will help to relax the muscle tissues of the intestines and bronchi.
  • Expectorant. For the treatment of respiratory diseases - oils of fennel, oregano, wild rosemary, elecampane, anise, thyme 9 contribute to sputum discharge).
  • Sedative. Valerian, lavender, lemon balm oils soothe the nervous system.
  • Diuretic. Parsley, thyme, lovage, juniper, birch, thyme oils will help cleanse the body.

Some aromatic oils have a regenerating effect, contributing to the rapid healing of external and internal injuries. After certain essential oils enter the body, the secretion of gastric juice is established, the pancreas begins to work better. This has a beneficial effect on improving appetite, therefore aromatic oils are often used as a food supplement.

The use and properties of aromatic oils depend on their type. Miscellaneous substances have high concentration certain components, which determines their effect on the body.

There is some classification of essential oils according to the ether-bearing plant and their effect on the body:

  • Floral: peony, linden, iris. Used for the manufacture of cosmetics, are aphrodisiacs.
  • Cleansing: lemon, lavender, rosemary, geranium, sage. Used for the manufacture of cosmetics for skin care.
  • Citrus fruits: orange, lemongrass, lemon. Widely used in cosmetology.
  • Exciting: ylang-ylang, cardamom, rose, bergamot, jasmine essential oil. Powerful aphrodisiacs.
  • Woody: birch, cedar, juniper, cypress, fir oil. They have a peculiar "heavy" smell. Used as aphrodisiacs, as well as to improve mood, relaxation, normalization of the nervous system.
  • Tonic: clove, sage, fir, cinnamon, ginger. They have a stimulating effect on the body, give vigor and strength, cheer up.
  • Herbal: Peppermint, wild chamomile, thyme. They are excellent pain relievers, help to improve mood and relieve stress.
  • Relaxing: valerian, mimosa, juniper, geranium. Helps to calm and restore the nervous system.
  • Spicy: ginger, pepper, nutmeg. Tone up the body, help in the fight against infections.
  • Strengthening: basil, verbena, rosemary, mint. They have a strengthening effect on the hair, help to cope with infections.
  • Refreshing: coniferous oils(essential oil of fir, pine, spruce), mint. Disinfect and soothe the nervous system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To achieve a higher effect, several substances can be combined, so aroma oils are often used in combination. But when compiling aromatic compositions, it is necessary to take into account the healing properties and characteristics of oils, so as not to use, for example, both soothing and tonic oils.

Useful properties of essential oils: table

The range of application of oils is very wide. Some are powerful antispasmodics, relieve headaches and stomach cramps, others have antiseptic properties and are recommended for damage skin. There are oils that excite and calm the nervous system, as well as stimulate mental activity.

The table below will help you understand the properties and uses of some essential oils.

Titles Cosmetic and medicinal properties essential oils Combinations (with what they are combined) Indications for use Contraindications
Anise Antiseptic, bactericidal, diuretic, deodorant, immunomodulatory. Aphrodisiac Lavender, clove, cedar, cumin, fennel, coriander, citrus. Gastrointestinal tract: stimulation of intestinal motility, eliminates colic, heaviness in the stomach.

Application in cosmetology: anti-aging agents, getting rid of, treatment of skin diseases.

Colds: expectorant, warming, antipyretic.

Helps with headaches sexual problems, with a hangover.

Sensitive skin, pregnancy.
Orange Bactericidal, regenerating, antiseptic, deodorizing, sedative. Ylang-ylang, geranium, cinnamon, citrus, geranium, juniper, rose, clary sage. Influenza, acute respiratory infections,.

Removal of toxins, excitation of appetite, disorders in the work of the stomach, constipation.

Diuretic and choleretic properties help prevent the formation of gallstones.

disinfectant effect on oral cavity- treatment of stomatitis,.

Orange oil relieves joint, headache, menstrual, neuralgic pains.

Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes.

Allergy to citrus fruits, increases skin photosensitivity.
Basil Emollient, stimulating, antibacterial, refreshing Bergamot, lavender, geranium, sage, sandalwood, marjoram. For colds, it is used as an antitussive, expectorant, restores the sense of smell during a runny nose.

Bergamot oil eliminates spasms and colic in the gastrointestinal tract, treats digestive disorders.

Removing warts, strengthening hair, suitable for any type of skin.

Expands blood vessels, eliminates headaches, promotes lactation and improves.

Pregnancy, increased clotting blood, individual intolerance.
Bergamot Bactericidal, tonic, antispasmodic, sedative. Citrus, lavender, geranium, juniper, cypress, neroli, chamomile. Treatment of influenza, SARS - lowers the temperature, is a natural antibiotic.

Enhances sexual desire.

Increases mental activity, efficiency.

In cosmetology normalizes work sebaceous glands, tightens pores - effective for oily skin.

Exacerbation of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy. Helps to increase the sensitivity of the skin.
Carnation Anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, antiseptic, tonic. Powerful. Nutmeg, Mint, Cinnamon, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Basil, Citrus, Bergamot, Juniper. Clove oil slows down the aging process, is a natural antioxidant.

Treatment colds.

Powerful aphrodisiac.

Diuretic and decongestant.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

Decreased, increased immunity.

Ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa.

acne treatment, problematic skin, herpes, boils, burns, skin whitening.

Reduces fever, stimulates sputum discharge.

High blood pressure, individual sensitivity, epilepsy, first trimester of pregnancy. Combination is contraindicated eucalyptus oil with homeopathic remedies.

Any of the essential oils is potent agent, i.e. it can provide both help and harm if you do not follow the rules for using oils and the dosages indicated in the recipes and do not take into account contraindications.

Recipes with essential oils

Most often, essential oils are used for the following procedures:

  • Massages;
  • baths;
  • Compresses;
  • Inhalations;
  • aromatherapy;
  • Compilation of cosmetic preparations.

To carry out these procedures, you need to know the exact dosage that is allowed for use.

Important! To avoid burns, do not use essential oils undiluted, pure. This is especially true for children, pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions.

Essential oils can also be enriched cosmetical tools: lotions, creams, shampoos, etc. Up to 5 drops of aromatic oil are added per 10-15 ml of the product, and the ether should be added immediately before use. Essential oils help speed up transportation useful substances cosmetic products to the cells, thereby enhancing the effect of the cosmetic product.

Baths and baths

Baths with aromatic oils are used for relaxation, prevention and treatment of colds, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Baths with aromatic oils have a relaxing, healing and cosmetic effect.

Lavender, sandalwood, rose and geranium oils are used to relieve stress and relax.

To relax muscles after the gym, verbena or juniper oil is suitable.

Pine or lemon oil will help cure the first signs of a cold.

Reset excess weight the following recipe will help: mix 5 drops of juniper ether with 2 drops of lemon, 2 drops of orange and 2 drops of cypress.

You can get rid of cellulite with a combination: bergamot (5 drops), 4 drops of rosemary ether, tangerine and orange (three drops each).

The following recipe will help remove stretch marks: mix a choice of no more than five substances from the following list: geranium, mint, grapefruit, rosemary, neroli, tea tree.

Rules for taking aroma baths:

  • The water should not be too hot (up to 38 degrees), otherwise the esters will evaporate and the effect of the bath will not be achieved.
  • The base mixture for adding oils can be natural sea ​​salt, milk, kefir, any transport oil. Any oil suitable for skin type can be used as a basis for essential oil: almond, olive, walnut.
  • Do not use other cosmetics (lotions, shampoos, shower gels) while taking aroma baths.
  • The duration of the bath should not be more than 25 minutes, you should not carry out the procedure more than three times a week.

Note! For baths, 4-7 drops are usually taken. essential aromatic oils, which must be dissolved in the base. For saunas and baths, the dosage of aromatic oils should not exceed 2-4 drops per 15 square meters of the room.

In a sauna or bath, the essential oil is usually added directly to a ladle that is poured over the hot stones. Most often, some coniferous oils are used to go to the bath.


Massage using aromatic oils will help get rid of many health problems, it is useful for eliminating cellulite, maintaining a figure, and treating injuries.

Massage with aromatic oils will help get rid of many health problems

Increase blood circulation and accelerate the process of warming up the muscles of clove essential oil.

The lifting effect is provided by sandalwood oil.

Orange oil promotes the breakdown of fatty tissues.

Rheumatic pains will be relieved by nutmeg oil.

Massage rules:

  • When choosing an oil, you should be based not only on therapeutic effect oil, but also its smell - it should not irritate and cause rejection.
  • Massage is done with smooth soft circular movements.
  • The massage mixture is made from 3-5 drops of esters added to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of base oil (olive, coconut, almond).


For the treatment of colds, inhalations with aromatic oils have proven themselves well. The procedure helps eliminate inflammatory processes, improve drainage function body, improve blood flow to the mucosa and relieve swelling.

Inhalations with aromatic oils - good remedy for the treatment of colds

Inhalations with essential oils are also carried out as a preventive measure to improve psycho-emotional state and uplifting mood, to stimulate immunity, stimulate mental activity.

They are of two types:

  1. Cold - essential oil is applied to the corner of a napkin, pillow or fabric, and the procedure itself is carried out by inhaling the aroma. The duration of such inhalation should not exceed 5 minutes.
  2. Hot (with the help of an inhaler) - the essential oil is added to a special device, after which the released vapors are inhaled for several minutes.

Note! Children most often refuse hot inhalation, so they are recommended "cold" - 1-2 essential oils are applied to the corner of the pillow.

From a cold, inhalation is made from a drop of black pepper oil, two drops of orange and cinnamon oil (2 drops) - breathe the mixture for no more than 5 minutes.

From cough per liter of water, one drop of tea tree oil and eucalyptus is added.

The use of essential oils in cosmetology

Essential oils have positive effect on the scalp: get rid of dandruff, promote cell regeneration, regulate the sebaceous glands, thereby stimulating hair growth.

  • For hair growth: add 6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to 4 tbsp. spoons of base oil. Apply to the scalp, wash off after 40 minutes.
  • For hair loss: add 10 drops of lavender ether to 50 ml of essential oil. Apply to hair, cover with a towel for 30 minutes.
  • For dry hair: add to 2 teaspoons of base oil to rosemary oil(4 drops). Distribute over the entire length of the hair, rinse after half an hour.
  • For oily hair: V Burr oil(2 teaspoons) drip 1-2 drops of bergamot. Thoroughly massage the scalp and hair with the composition, rinse after 20 minutes.
  • For dandruff: drop 4 drops of lemon oil and the same amount of geranium oil into a teaspoon of shampoo. Massage the hair with the composition, rinse after 5-7 minutes.

Skin care

Essential oils for the face have properties to get rid of wrinkles and acne, whiten age spots, and treat stretch marks. At correct selection oil, the skin becomes elastic, looks well-groomed and young.

  • From: thyme (3 drops) and bergamot (2 drops) mixed with a large spoonful of carrier oil. Wipe problem skin twice a day with the resulting composition.
  • For wrinkles: drop 6 drops into a tablespoon of avocado or wheat germ oil rose oil. Wipe the bust area, neck and face twice a day.
  • From stretch marks: add 5 drops of lavender to almond (base oil) in the amount of 10 teaspoons. Rub daily into problem areas.

With freckles age spots, heterogeneous skin color, grapefruit and lemon oils are used.

With oily sheen of the skin will help to cope with cypress oil.

Eliminate " crow's feet» Rose, sandalwood, neroli oils can be used near the eyes.

The vascular pattern helps to hide the oils of sage, mint, lavender, and lemon.

Terms of Use

When studying the properties and use of essential oils, one should remember about safety precautions so that the substances bring benefits, not harm.

Things to remember when using essential oils:

  • It is not recommended to apply essential oils directly from the bottle to the mucous membranes and skin. Before use, the oil is diluted in base oil, honey or salt. In its pure form, only tea tree and lavender oil can be applied, the rest of the esters can cause a burn.
  • Do not exceed the dosage - this will either lead to burns or severe allergic reactions.
  • If aromatherapy procedures are carried out for the first time, before use, you should make sure that there are no allergies to the components of essential oils. To do this, you should first use half the recommended dosage. If after several procedures there is no negative consequences, you can safely use the full dose.
  • When using oils, you should focus on your own feelings. If you do not like the aroma of the oil, then no matter how useful it is, it will not bring benefits and pleasure.
  • Do not use essential oil without first consulting a specialist. With an overabundance active components acute poisoning may occur.
  • Each oil has its own contraindications for use - you should definitely familiarize yourself with them before use.

The effect of the use of essential oils has a beneficial effect on health, appearance, sexual life, psychological balance. But they should be used with extreme caution, observing the dosage and rules of use.



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