Lemon verbena essential oil: beneficial properties and benefits. Verbena oil - beneficial properties of the most valuable essential oil

About 250 species of verbena are known in nature, but only one of the lemon verbenas, which has a brighter aroma, is grown to produce valuable essential oil. This is a perennial shrub with fragrant leaves and small light purple flowers. Plants are cultivated in Algeria, Tunisia and southern France. It is used in perfumery, cooking and to obtain medicinal raw materials.

Essential oil obtained from the leaves and flowers of the shrub. Their processing is carried out using steam distillation (steam distillation). Verbena oil is a rather expensive product, since its yield is no more than 0.3% of the total processed green mass. In addition, this plant is grown in limited quantities.

The benefits of verbena have been known for a long time. IN Ancient Rome it was considered a sacred plant. Local residents attributed all sorts of things to verbena magical properties, and healers used it to treat headaches, colds and skin diseases.

By appearance verbena oil is a clear, flowing liquid yellow color with a slight greenish tint and very pleasant smell. It is characterized by a tart lemon aroma, in which sweetish, peppery and bright floral and fruity notes are simultaneously felt.

The product contains great amount
active ingredients. It contains valuable limonene, citral, geranial, neral, geraniol, verbenin, nerol, spatulenol, sabinene, alpha-pinene and several dozen other complex compounds. This entire wide range is complemented by vitamins C, PP, almost the entire group B and microelements.

Lemon verbena oil is remarkable because it has a multifaceted effect on the body. It has pronounced antispasmodic, antisclerotic, sedative, antiseptic, anticonvulsant and other valuable properties. Verbena shows amazing results in healing the body, in cosmetology, and is even found wide application at home.

Verbena essential oil:

  • improves digestion, has a mild laxative effect, eliminates colic in the intestines;
  • relieves dizziness and headaches caused by vascular spasms; it is indicated for use in cases of hypotension and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • exhibits expectorant properties, alleviates the condition of fever, bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • is " feminine oil", regulating the menstrual cycle, having a beneficial effect on hormonal background and helping with menopausal disorders;
  • thanks to its regenerating properties, it promotes the healing of bruises, fractures and other injuries;
  • when consumed internally, promotes quick and even tanning, warns sunburn and the formation of age spots;
  • being a powerful antispasmodic, it relieves various spasms and cramps;
  • activates production mother's milk, which has earned wonderful reviews from nursing mothers;
  • useful as rubs and compresses for rheumatism, arthritis and other joint diseases;
  • calms down nervous system, used in complex therapy insomnia, seizures panic fear, consequences of depression and stress;
  • as an additive in anti-cellulite products promotes speedy deliverance from “orange peels”;
  • perfectly fights sweating, is one of the best natural deodorants;
  • eliminates painful sensations, burning, itching and swelling resulting from insect bites;
  • relieves the skin of pustular rashes, pimples and acne, effective in the treatment of boils;
  • tightens, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin, eliminates oily sheen, especially suitable for sagging and aging skin;
  • eliminates itching of the scalp, strengthens hair, activates its growth, and eliminates dandruff.

Aromatherapy properties

Verbena oil is often called the "scent of success" and this name fully corresponds to it. When inhaling the scent of verbena, concentration of attention increases, intuition develops, the mental activity of the brain is activated, and a surge of strength is felt.
Aromatherapy using verbena oil helps you soberly assess your miscalculations and mistakes in business, not stop there and move only forward and only towards success.

The aroma of verbena can bring out deepest depression. It mobilizes and tones the nervous system, easily copes with apathy, fatigue and stress, and awakens a keen interest in life. At the same time, with the help of the smell of verbena, you can completely get rid of insomnia and drive away obsessive fears And anxious thoughts. For the miracle oil to start working, you just need to place 4 drops of it in an aroma lamp with warm water, light a candle - and the result from inhaling the fragrant verbena aroma will not keep you waiting.

Medicinal use

Lemon verbena enjoys constant popularity in folk medicine, being an important component many medicinal drugs. The substances contained in verbena oil are highly active, so it should be used strictly following the recipe and recommendations.

  • Use internally to improve health. Dissolve one drop of verbena oil in half a teaspoon of jam, jam or honey and consume healing mixture with liquid (juice, tea or water). You can treat yourself with oil by adding it to natural yogurt(100 ml). Important point - daily norm Ingestion of the product is no more than 3 drops!
  • Treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. Dissolve in 100 ml warm water 1 drop of verbena oil and a teaspoon of salt. Rinse sore throat composition up to three times a day.
  • With a runny nose. Mix a drop of verbena oil with a couple of spoons of St. John's wort oil. Place 2 to 3 drops of medicine into each nostril three times a day.
  • For joint pain and injuries. Dissolve 6 drops of verbena oil in 20 g base oil(St. John's wort, olive or any other) and use the mixture for an oil compress applied to the sore spot.
  • For insect bites. Place 2 drops of verbena essential oil on a damp cotton pad and wipe the bite areas in the morning and before bed.
  • Therapeutic bath. Mix 5 drops of verbena oil with a tablespoon of one of the emulsifiers (honey, salt, heavy cream or milk) and dissolve it all in a bathtub filled with warm water (38 ° C). It is recommended to take it no more than 15 minutes. Adding 4 drops of lavender aroma oil to the bath will enhance the relaxing effect.

verbena plant

Application in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes Verbena oil is most often used in combination with basic vegetable oils (peach, apricot, almond, etc.). It is very useful to enrich them with your favorite natural care products: creams, tonics, lotions, milk, shampoos and rinses. Verbena is most suitable for those with hair prone to oiliness. Applying oil to dry and brittle hair will require the use of a strong moisturizer.

Verbena has strong irritant properties. You should be careful with its dosage! It is recommended to start using the oil with one drop, gradually increasing the dose.


Verbena has a bright, self-sufficient aroma that does not particularly need any accompaniment. Only spicy notes will not interfere with it nutmeg and the sweet aroma of cinnamon. For cosmetic purposes, verbena oil performs well in compositions with

aroma oils:

  • lemon
  • lime
  • tangerine
  • ginger
  • bergamot
  • eucalyptus
  • clary sage
  • black pepper
  • incense
  • myrtle


It is not recommended to inhale the aroma of verbena for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women, as this smell can increase the tone of the uterus. You should also discard the product if individual intolerance the smell of verbena. Do not take the product orally on an empty stomach and do not take more than 3 drops per day.

The use of oil requires caution when sensitive skin. Before using the product, you should conduct a skin sensitivity test to its components.

You should know that oil is a phototoxic substance. You should not use it before going outside in sunny weather. Otherwise, the skin may appear dark spots and even burns.

When applying verbena oil to the skin, you may feel warm and slight tingling. Sometimes slight redness appears. Most often this is a natural reaction.

Other uses

Housewives love to use verbena oil when wet cleaning the house. A few drops of this wonderful product diluted in water perfectly aromatize the room and quickly eliminate stagnant, moldy, nicotine and other unpleasant odors.

You can also use the oil as an insect repellent (wasps, flies and mosquitoes). All you have to do is place cotton pads with verbena scent near the open window and entrance doors- and uninvited guests will fly around the house.

Verbena essential oil is a popular ingredient in perfumes and colognes. It is often included in perfume compositions with citrus notes. In cooking, verbena oil can sometimes be found in sweet carbonated drinks and gourmet sauces.


Standard dosages of verbena oil:

  • to enrich care products - 4 drops per 5 g of base
  • for rubbing and compresses - 8 drops per 10 g of base substance
  • enrichment of shampoos and hair conditioners - from 3 to 4 drops per 5-6 ml of product
  • for aroma pendant - no more than 2 drops
  • for aroma lamp - from 3 to 4 drops

How to choose an essential oil

The result of using verbena oil largely depends on the quality of the product. You can check the purchased product simply and in an accessible way. You just need to put a drop of oil on white paper and watch it evaporate for 20 minutes. If there is a greasy mark left on a sheet of paper, then most likely the product is poorly cleaned or diluted with vegetable oil.

It is better to purchase verbena essential oil from a trusted manufacturer that has earned a good reputation and positive reviews consumers. A quality product can be purchased in online stores or retail outlets, specializing specifically in the sale of essential and vegetable oils.


Price of this product may vary by brand. Verbena essential oil price from Russian manufacturers averages from 300 to 500 rubles per 10 ml. As a rule, products of this level are intended for external use only. French and other foreign manufacturers offer verbena oil highest category By more expensive price from 2000 rubles and above for a 10 ml bottle. You should not buy miracle oil for medicinal purposes below the indicated price, otherwise there is a high probability of purchasing not quality product or even a cheap fake. Such a purchase will not do any harm, but great benefit can hardly be expected from her.

Applications, recipes and properties medicinal oils ethereal verbena.


Verbena scent which many associate with Mrs. O'Hara from the legendary novel and TV series "Gone With the Wind"- This feminine scent undoubtedly.

Lemon verbena essential oil. Video

Tart and refined at the same time, fresh and sweet, the rich lemon aroma is always associated with calm confidence and elegance.
Quite a strong and penetrating odor of essential oil receives from a magnificent flowering bush - lemon verbena, which is grown for the production of aromatic oils in the south of France and northern Africa. Verbena oil is obtained in a traditional way - by steam distillation.
It’s not so easy to choose complementary oils - the bright aroma is bold and self-sufficient verbena does not need luxurious accompaniment. This is aroma oil goes well with spicy notes only nutmeg and a sweet and cheerful aroma of cinnamon. In cosmetic products it can be combined with fennel, vetiver, petitgrain, rosemary.


VerbenaThis is a lunar aroma that has a beneficial effect on a person’s intuition and dreams, promotes spiritual development, and brings good luck. In the psycho-emotional sphere, verbena essential oil activation promotes creativity, activity increases and relieves stress, fatigue and strain.
Verbena's effect is both activating and stabilizing. The aroma oil increases mental stability and mental productivity, and helps correct your own mistakes in relationships.


APPLICATION OF VERBENA ESSENTIAL OIL. Verbena is most often used as a regulating agent for menstrual cycle disorders and disorders of menopause. This is typical oil "feminine", a strong aphrodisiac that affects the general hormonal background. It has long been believed that Verbena facilitates childbirth and enhances lactation. But the properties are useful essential oil of this don't stop there. Having a pronounced antispasmodic effect, verbena promotes tissue regeneration after bruises and injuries and rapid recovery muscle tone after physical activity heavy.

Vervain oil is used in aromatherapy in and. Verbena is often used as a means of normalizing the manifestations associated with VSDviolation of A.D., and nausea.
Verbena essential oil belongs to cosmetic additives: anti-aging, wrinkle smoothing, promoting elasticity not only of the facial skin, but also of the body. Unlike most oils used in cosmetology, This oil has a pronounced vitaminizing effect.

The oil is considered the best of natural deodorants.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. VERBENA OIL. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. When applied to the skin, verbena essential oil always causes a slight warming tingling sensation. Allergies are rarely provoked by oil and there are no contraindications (except internal reception) does not have any. Should be used carefully verbena during pregnancy first months, that its expressed hormonal influence is determined.


DOSAGE OF VERBENA ESSENTIAL OIL. Use verbena oil in standard dosages, increasing the number of drops by a few for cosmetic and cleansing procedures of all:
has because verbena with a very strong smell, for aroma pendant It is not recommended to use more than a couple of drops of this aroma oils.
To use the aroma lamp The standard dosage should be about four drops.
For hot baths and massages Five drops should be diluted first essential verbena oil in essential base oil, and when rubbed– increase the dose to eight drops per ten grams. vehicle.
If you want to improve the composition of cosmetic products, then for every five grams. base of your choice, add four drops verbena essential oil.

Be healthy!

Verbena essential oil, treatment. Video

Cosmetics with Verbena essential oil. Natural cosmetics. Video

This plant is often called " sacred grass”, able to predict the future, and magicians claim that it helps fulfill desires. Maybe magicians are exaggerating, but it’s true that verbena essential oil will heal, calm, lift your spirits and help you believe in yourself. So who is she, this mysterious stranger, a sorceress or just extremely useful plant- Let's try to figure it out.

Verbena - herbaceous plant of the Verbena family, growing 60-80 cm in height. It blooms with small flowers of various colors - pink, lilac, violet, purple. This heat-loving plant has more than 240 species. And you can meet him in different corners world, starting from the distant Northern Hemisphere (growing area from Chile to Canada) and returning to Europe, where it feels great in the Southern provinces of France, further in Central Asia and in North Africa.

But verbena oil, as a rule, can be found in only two types - verbena officinalis and lemon verbena. Sometimes you can find exotic verbena oil on sale. So that the reader does not fall into the labyrinth of a scientific treatise and endless comparisons and analysis of the differences between these esters, then we will talk about the properties and uses of lemon verbena, as an unsurpassed favorite, which is preferred by aromatherapy lovers.

Verbena, one of the oldest and most mysterious and enigmatic essential oil plants on the planet.

A lot of interesting facts, stories, traditions, legends are associated with her name. Along with myrrh, verbena accompanied the last hours of the life of Jesus Christ, whose bleeding body was carefully covered with pain-killing herb by his disciples. The plant therefore received the name “cross grass”.

IN Ancient Greece and in Rome, verbena was considered a sacred herb that brings happiness, and a verbena wreath was given to newlyweds to protect their home from evil forces and illnesses and, at the same time, it was a symbol of a long life together. In Germany, for those who married young, verbena, according to signs, was supposed to bring large offspring.

  • In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that if you wet your palms with verbena juice, all your secret wishes would come true.
  • Verbena was universal, it served as a remedy for fever, and it cured diseases.
  • The magical herb was used as a love potion.
  • IN oriental medicine Verbena was used for indigestion, headaches, and loss of strength.

Chemical composition and properties of verbena ether

Airy, fragrant verbena oil, transporting you to the realm of citrus aromas, is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and young shoots of the plant. Small harvest and small percentage esters in verbena give an extremely low yield of essential oil.

The main components responsible for the benefits of verbena ether are:

  • citral (about 30%),
  • terpenes – verbenine,
  • geraniol,

  • nerol and others,
  • vitamins C, group B, PP,
  • various microelements.

Availability in home medicine cabinet Verbena oil can help at any time in situations where the properties of the essential oil are clearly manifested:

  • Bronchopulmonary diseases. The oil proves to be an excellent expectorant and promotes the removal of phlegm. Fights sinusitis, rhinitis, facilitating nasal breathing.
  • Improves intestinal motility, eliminates constipation.
  • It is an antispasmodic, relieves headaches, relieves cramps.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. Helps with rheumatic pain.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, toning and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system. Weakens panic attacks, relieves fears and anxiety.
  • Is an antioxidant. Has immunomodulatory properties.
  • As a regenerating and wound-healing agent, it is indicated for stretch marks, hematomas, and bruises.

To the non-medicinal properties of verbena oil, you can add its anti-repellent properties, the ability to repel flies, mosquitoes, and wasps. A simple aromatization of the room with verbena oil will help to quickly relieve their state of depression and fatigue, lift their spirits and facilitate communication with loved ones.

Life modern man, especially a city dweller, are accompanied by various negative factors environment– poor ecology, consumption of unnatural products filled with preservatives and harmful additives. This is often accompanied by the use of drugs, and sometimes the unjustified use of antibiotics, which have many side effects.

By using natural essential oil, such as verbena oil, you can relieve at least some of these problems and relieve the human body from the use of unnecessary drugs.

For colds

If you have a sore throat, laryngitis, or pharyngitis, the following recipe helps to cope with it:

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 5 drops of verbena oil;
  • 1\3 tsp. salt;
  • 1/4 lemon (squeeze juice).

By mixing the ingredients, you get a mixture that tastes amazing and is used for rinsing. For this, a teaspoon medicinal composition Mix with 1/2 cup of warm water and gargle every hour.

With a runny nose good effect gives drops of the mixture instilled into the nose:

  • 3 ml St. John's wort oil;
  • 1 drop verbena oil.

Place 2 drops into the nasal passages 3 times a day.

For rubbing to eliminate rheumatic and other pains, it is recommended to mix 5 drops of verbena ether and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

For the treatment of bruises and cuts

For minor bruises and wounds, you can resort to a compress consisting of any vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) and 6 drops of verbena ether.

Moisten with this composition soft cloth or gauze and apply to the sore spot for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

For the nervous system

Reacting to the fresh aroma of verbena essential oil, the human brain quickly adjusts the nervous system to relax. Therefore, the best ways to recover nervous forces is the use of aroma baths to relieve stress, aroma lamps that deodorize the room.

For aroma lamp 2-3 drops are required and this will be enough for 15 square meters. m. of housing.

For the aroma bath Mix 4-5 drops of verbena elixir with an emulsifier (2 tablespoons of cream, honey, salt) and dissolve in a bath filled with water.

For aroma medallions use 1-2 drops of verbena ether.

The use of verbena oil in cosmetology, recipes for use

For face

The properties of verbena oil allow women to avoid and eliminate a number of annoying problems. It reduces facial swelling, smoothes out barely visible wrinkles, tightens the face, eliminating sagging, and improves complexion.

It is important that verbena ether has anti-inflammatory properties and will always come to the rescue in the presence of pimples, acne, cleanses the skin.

The oil will bring pleasant emotions to ladies who are concerned about bust imperfections. Verbena ether has lymphatic drainage and tissue stimulating properties. Therefore, by using verbena oil regularly, you can improve the firmness of your breasts.

To enrich cosmetics Mix 10 grams of the main product with 3-4 drops of verbena essential oil.

To maintain tone facial skin popular means is cosmetic ice. Stir 2 tsp in 400 ml of water. cream or honey and add 2 drops of verbena oil. Freeze the mixture and use daily, wiping your face, neck and décolleté.

For oily skin 200 ml mineral water mix with 3 drops verbena etherol. The product is used daily to wipe the face and improves performance sebaceous glands and improves skin elasticity.

To eliminate wrinkles ( crow's feet) combine 100 ml of base oil with verbena, rosemary, geranium oil, taken 3 drops of each. Use patting movements when applying around the eyes.

For hair

Activation of blood supply to blood vessels, strengthening hair follicles, getting rid of dandruff, eliminating split ends, and, finally, the result is a chic hairstyle with healthy, shiny hair - all these are the merits and abilities of verbena essential oil.

If you set yourself the goal of healthy hair and don’t forget to follow simple recipes, very quickly, within 1-2 months you will feel and see dramatic changes and transformation of your hair.

For daily rinsing and strengthen hair, add 5-6 drops of verbena oil per liter of water.

For oily hair You can add 3-4 drops of verbena oil to your usual shampoo for washing your hair. single dose shampoo. You can add esters of complementary oils for greater effect - 2 drops of verbena etherol, 2 drops of nutmeg oil, 1 drop of cinnamon oil are enough for a single dose of shampoo.

Anti-dandruff mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 4 drops of verbena ether;
  • 2 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 1 tsp. aloe oil;
  • 1 tsp. honey

All components are thoroughly mixed, the mask is applied to the hair, rubbed massage movements first into the roots of the hair, and then along the entire length and left under a warm hood for 60 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week for a month.

Verbena oil prices, interesting facts

Due to the low oil yield from steam distillation (only 0.3-0.7%), verbena oil is expected to be expensive. But, if you wander through the prices offered in online sales, you can get lost in guessing.

Some companies sell oil for 170 rubles per 10 ml, from the well-known company “Aromashka” you can find oil for 1350 rubles per 5 ml, but the products of the company Joh.Vogele KG (Germany), offered by one of the online stores of essential oils, will surprise all connoisseurs useful product– it costs 12,600 rubles for 10 ml.

Where are fakes and where natural oils- the choice is yours!

Katerina Mukhina | 2.03.2015 | 1833

Katerina Mukhina 03/2/2015 1833

This medicinal plant called the herb of love. Let's find out what else verbena is famous for and what beneficial properties its oil has.

Lemon verbena essential oil is used to produce a floral aroma with refreshing notes of citrus. It is extracted from the leaves of a bush grown in northern Africa, China and the southern provinces of France.

Properties of verbena essential oil

It is not for nothing that Verbena is considered a “female” oil. This plant has long been used to formulate various cosmetic preparations, as well as to enhance lactation, regulate the menstrual cycle, eliminate the symptoms of menopause and other typical female ailments. The subtle aroma of verbena essential oil can even ease childbirth.

The healing powers of verbena oil:

  • relieves spasms;
  • restores muscle tone, warms and relaxes them after physical activity;
  • promotes restoration of damaged tissues after bruises and various injuries;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases mental stability, relieves stress and anxiety;
  • activates performance;
  • relieves various inflammations;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • drives away nausea;
  • prevents dizziness.

Thanks to these properties, lemon verbena essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraines, insomnia, and headaches. It is also used to prevent influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, colds and viral diseases.

Verbena oil has a beneficial effect on the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems, eliminates spasms in the blood vessels of the brain, improves microcirculation in tissues, calms, relieves apathy and causeless irritability.

Purple Verbena

Verbena essential oil is also widely used in cosmetology: as a vitamin supplement that promotes tissue regeneration, smoothing fine wrinkles and increasing skin tone.

This product is also one of the most famous natural deodorants and antiseptics. Therefore, verbena oil will be an excellent assistant in the fight against excessive sweating, various inflammations, acne and even cellulite.

How to use verbena essential oil?

If you apply a little verbena essential oil dissolved in a carrier oil to your skin, you can feel a pleasant warming tingling sensation. Therefore, it is often used for rubbing and added to massage cream.

A few nuances for correct application verbena oil:

  1. No more than 3-4 drops of oil should be added to incense burners and aroma lamps, and a maximum of 2 drops to medallions;
  2. To improve the composition of a cosmetic cream, 4 drops of oil per 10 grams of base are enough (it is recommended to add only 2 drops to massage lotion);
  3. To prepare an anti-aging and toning mask, you need to combine 3 drops of verbena, rosemary and geranium oils with 100 ml of base (for example, olive oil);
  4. For a relaxing bath, mix 2-3 drops of verbena oil with a tablespoon sea ​​salt or any base oil (jojoba, cocoa, avocado, coconut, grape, peach or apricot kernels).

If the recommended dosages are observed, verbena oil rarely causes allergies and therefore has virtually no contraindications. However, it is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, so as not to increase the tone of the uterus.

Verbena is one of the symbols of femininity and natural aphrodisiac, which awakens desire, fantasy and sensuality. It is not for nothing that this ingredient predominated in the perfume of the famous Scarlett O'Hara (from the novel Gone with the Wind).

But all of the above applies only to real oil, extracted by steam distillation from the leaves, stems and purple flowers of Aloysia triphylla (or Lippia citriodora, Verbena triphylla). It is expensive and pure form is extremely rare.

What we sell under the guise of natural verbena essential oil (the label may say “Spanish verbena”) is a mixture of lemon thyme with some neutral base. This plant is also useful, but has nothing in common with real verbena, except for its citrus aroma.

“Women's herb of love” or lemon verbena is the name of the plant from which verbena essential oil is obtained. This product is widely known as an aphrodisiac, which can significantly enhance sexual desire, aggravates sensations during intimacy.

The plant from which the fresh ether with citrus notes is obtained grows in China and Africa. It also began to be cultivated in France in order to obtain useful oil from the leaves of the bush using steam distillation.

Verbena oil is self-sufficient and very bright; its smell is quite difficult to combine with complementary ester.

Most often, ether is used as an addition to the oil composition:

  • nutmeg;
  • cinnamon;
  • vetiver;
  • fennel;
  • rosemary.

In order to choose a healthy, high-quality product in a store or pharmacy, you should know what verbena smells like. Its ether is filled with a refreshing aroma, which contains notes of lemon.

You should definitely pay attention to the country of origin and the conditions under which the ether was stored. If all rules are followed, the oil retains its beneficial qualities in full.

Useful properties of ether

Verbena oil has been considered a feminine product throughout its existence.

  1. It can be part of finished cosmetic products for skin, nails, and hair care.
  2. It is often used to normalize hormonal levels.
  3. Gynecologists advise women to use this oil to stabilize the menstrual cycle - it has analgesic properties that alleviate the condition during menstruation, childbirth, and menopause.
  4. External use of oil can enhance the lactation process.

Of course, on this beneficial features the broadcasts don't end. Thanks to his complex composition, it can be used for other purposes:

  • Lemon verbena and its ester help cope with respiratory diseases. The product is recommended for use during the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, and rhinitis.
  • Ether is an effective immunostimulant that activates the work protective forces body.
  • The oil also has sedative properties that help cope with chronic stress, fatigue, panic, neuroses.
  • Internal intake of oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole digestive system— the product stimulates the intestines, cleansing it of accumulations of harmful waste and toxins.
  • Ether can be used as an antispasmodic
  • The oil has anti-inflammatory properties that will help relieve arthritis and rheumatism.
  • The product strengthens the heart muscle, relieving vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Verbena oil has regenerative and wound-healing properties.
  • The antiviral properties of the product allow it to be used in the treatment of herpes.
  • During the warmer months, aromatherapy with verbena oil will clear your home of mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

How does ether affect the psycho-emotional sphere?

  1. Verbena oil is an ester that promotes spiritual development.
  2. It has a good effect on intuition, developing and sharpening it.
  3. Aromatherapy with verbena oil before bed will relieve nightmares and make your sleep deep and restful.
  4. This scent can be soothing and energizing at the same time.
  5. The constant presence of the aroma of verbena will increase stress resistance and will have a beneficial effect on thinking and memory concentration.
  6. Experts believe that the aroma of the oil helps to understand and correct mistakes in relationships between lovers.

Home cosmetology

Verbena oil can be used as an additive to enrich finished cosmetic products for facial skin care. To 10 ml of base it will be enough to add 8 drops of ether and mix thoroughly. You need to use this product daily.

After some time you can notice beneficial effect ether on the skin:

  • swelling will decrease;
  • fine wrinkles will disappear (homemade masks with verbena oil provide good lifting care for the skin; it will look much younger, tightened);
  • the complexion will improve - verbena oil is recommended for women whose skin has begun to suffer from age-related changes, flabbiness;
  • Verbena oil also helps tighten the skin in the décolleté and neck; it will improve blood circulation;
  • masks, creams with beneficial ether relieve acne and blackheads;
  • essential oil helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes excessive oiliness, drying the skin.

Hair care

Verbena ester helps hair recover after coloring, perming, negative impact hair dryer, ironing, styling products. Trichologists recommend adding 1-2 drops of oil to shampoo every time you wash your hair. Intensive skin massage will allow active substances get inside:

  1. The follicles will receive complete, necessary nutrition.
  2. Hair growth will noticeably increase, and the problem of hair fragility, loss, and dullness will disappear.
  3. In addition, after such a wash, your hair will look shiny and healthy.

You can also do aromatherapy every day. It is better to do this before going to bed, applying 1-2 drops of oil to a comb made of natural material with rare teeth. Nutrients will have a beneficial effect on every hair, and the smell of the oil will allow you to relax after a busy day, relieve fatigue, tension, and irritation. You need to comb your hair for 3-5 minutes.

Permitted dosages and contraindications

  • Verbena oil, like any other ester, can cause unwanted side effects. To avoid this, be sure to test the product on your skin. After applying 1-2 drops to your wrist, you may feel a slight warming effect or tingling sensation. This is an acceptable reaction. If after 5-10 minutes there are no other side effects such as itching, redness, strong burning sensation, then the ether can be used.
  • Women in the first trimester of pregnancy should avoid using ether to avoid harm to themselves and the baby. Further use of the product is permitted only in consultation with the attending physician.
  • It is forbidden to start taking the oil internally on your own - the dosage and course of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor.

Acceptable dosages

  • You can add 1-2 drops of ether to the aroma pendant, more quantities oil will cause headaches.
  • Pour 4 drops of oil into the aroma lamp. The duration of an aromatherapy session is from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
  • You can add 5 drops of oil, pre-mixed with an emulsifier, to your bath water.
  • IN Massage Oil It is permissible to add 8 to 10 drops of verbena oil.
  • For enrichment cosmetics No more than 4 drops of oil are mixed with 5 g of base.

Verbena oil is a highly concentrated product that has a pleasant, refreshing, lemony scent. The ether contains many beneficial properties that will definitely not interfere with your body.

Knowing simple rules Using oil, you can get rid of problems with hair, skin and heal your body from the inside.



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