Is it possible to add cinnamon to shampoo? Cinnamon massage oil

Aromatic cinnamon is familiar to many cooks. With its help you can create real masterpieces in the kitchen. But the properties of this wonderful product do not end there. Cinnamon can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Masks with this component make your skin healthier and your hair silkier. The spice can also be used as a natural dye. Cinnamon has been used for hair since ancient times. And those who are familiar with their grandmother’s recipes manage to save a lot on masks and special paints.

Beneficial properties of tropical spices

Cinnamon is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. The spice is used for colds, as well as for disorders of the digestive tract. Cinnamon helps improve blood circulation. It is no coincidence that the product is recommended for use by people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. The tropical spice is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. People who frequently use this product stay young longer.

Cinnamon for hair can be used at home. The product strengthens hair follicles and promotes rapid hair growth. In addition, lightening your hair with cinnamon allows you to transform yourself without the use of chemical compounds that greatly damage your hair. For cosmetic purposes, the spice is most often used in powder form. Less commonly, cinnamon essential oil can be used.

Strengthening curls

After dyeing your hair dark, you can also lighten your hair with cinnamon. Reviews show that it is not possible to completely restore the original shade. At the same time, cinnamon gives the hair a beautiful shine. In addition, the tropical spice allows you to restore hair after dyeing with a chemical composition. Cinnamon acts directly on the hair roots, awakening them by stimulating blood circulation.

There is an easy way to strengthen your hair after coloring. You need to add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to your regular shampoo. Thanks to this, the cosmetic product will acquire new properties and become even more fragrant. You can also massage your head with cinnamon essential oil. The procedure makes hair stronger and prevents hair loss.

Lightening hair after dyeing

Many girls like to experiment with their appearance. You can go from blonde to brown-haired quite easily, but to return to a lighter shade, you have to try very hard. There are special hair washes on sale that help quickly restore color. However, they cannot be called useful. But lightening hair with cinnamon is not at all harmful. Photos before and after the procedure speak eloquently for themselves. The strands become several shades lighter and remain healthy.

It is worth noting that lightening hair with cinnamon is not suitable for everyone. For girls who have naturally black hair, this method of transformation will not work. With the help of cinnamon, you can only strengthen the strands after lightening with paint containing ammonia.

How to prepare a hair lightening mixture?

Lightening hair with cinnamon requires a lot of patience. Before and after, the difference is not immediately noticeable. You will have to do several procedures in order for the strands to change the shade at least a little. It is also very important to prepare the lightening mixture correctly. To prepare the mixture you will need hair balm, fresh honey, and ground cinnamon. It is better to purchase the whole spice in advance and grind it at home. Cinnamon for hair will retain more beneficial properties if it is prepared immediately before application.

For the mixture, you should choose non-metallic cutlery that will not react with natural components. There are special containers on sale for preparing cosmetic paints. Before combining all the ingredients, the honey should be warmed up a little. It is worth noting that this product itself can already lighten your hair a little. If the strands are not too long, it will be enough to add 3 tablespoons of cinnamon and 4 tablespoons of honey to 150 ml of balm. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

How to apply the mixture?

Cinnamon for hair will be more beneficial if you wash your hair well first. The mask is applied to slightly damp strands. It is not advisable to over-dry your hair with a hairdryer. The mixture must be distributed over the entire length, soaking each individual strand. It is very important. If this rule is not taken into account, the lightening will be uneven. If a little of the mask gets on the skin, you may feel a slight burning sensation. This is the action of cinnamon that stimulates blood circulation. Avoid getting the mixture into your eyes.

With the greenhouse effect, hair lightening with cinnamon will be performed more intensively. Reviews show that with a towel on the head, the strands become lighter already from the first mask. Additionally, the hair can be wrapped in plastic wrap. The mixture must be kept on the hair for at least 3 hours.

How to wash off the mask?

The mixture can be quite difficult to remove from hair. Grains of cinnamon get tangled in the strands. It is better to rinse your hair several times with warm water first. When the remaining mixture is completely removed, you can wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. To make your strands more manageable and soft, you can rinse them with water and diluted citric acid.

After your hair dries, grains of cinnamon may still remain in the strands. They can be easily combed out using a regular massage brush. Lightening hair with cinnamon gives an excellent aroma to the strands. Photos, unfortunately, cannot convey it. You only have to try this wonderful mask once to be convinced of its unique properties.

Let's sum it up

Cinnamon has many beneficial properties. This product has virtually no contraindications. Only those who have scalp problems should not use a mask with spice. The product may cause burning and itching. But cinnamon is perfect for stimulating hair growth. The strands become shiny and thick.

Using natural ingredients helps change your image without harming your health. Even during pregnancy, you can lighten your hair with cinnamon. The photos before and after the procedure are impressive. Hair becomes several shades lighter and also shines with health. The mask can be made in order to revive strands dyed with a chemical composition. You can experiment with ingredients. Cinnamon goes well with ingredients such as kefir, egg yolk, olive oil, etc.

If you have never done such procedures with cinnamon, first apply the mixture to the crook of your elbow. If there is no allergy or discomfort, it can be used to treat hair. Homemade cinnamon hair masks are very effective, but you need to be careful when using them.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon is a natural ingredient that helps cope with problems such as:

  • Dandruff.
  • Dry hair.
  • Hair loss.
  • Slow hair growth.
  • Split ends.

Cinnamon for masks should be used crushed, in powder, not expired and without lumps, otherwise you can burn your scalp and hair itself. Here are the simplest and most effective recipes for hair masks with cinnamon.

Cinnamon mask for hair brittleness

Mask ingredients: 15 grams of cinnamon powder, 50 ml of mustard oil, 20 ml of liquid honey. Mix honey with cinnamon powder, then gradually add oil and mix again. Apply to hair from roots to ends, insulate head with cellophane and a warm scarf, leave for 30 minutes. This mask perfectly helps restore brittle and weak hair, saturating it with useful components and stimulating growth.

Firming mask with olive oil

This intensive hair mask with cinnamon and olive oil will help if your hair has started to fall out. Ingredients: 50 ml olive oil, 10 g ground cinnamon, 30 ml honey, a pinch of ground red pepper. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair roots and scalp. Then put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a terry towel and wait 25 minutes. Now you can wash it off.

With kefir and cinnamon for weak hair

Among the tips for caring for thin, thinning and brittle hair, one of the leading places is occupied by a simple hair mask with cinnamon and kefir. 100 mg of kefir 3.2% fat content is slightly heated in the microwave, 10 g of cinnamon powder is added, mixed, and applied to the hair. You need to put on a warming cap for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair well with water and a mild detergent.

With kefir and egg for hair volume

To give your hair volume, you can use the following mask: 15 grams of cinnamon, 10 grams of crushed cloves, 100 ml of kefir, 1 chicken egg yolk. Mix everything well, apply to hair, warm, leave for 1 hour and rinse with warm water.

For hair shine with honey

An effective hair mask with cinnamon that will revitalize your strands and restore their healthy shine. Add 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon, 50 ml of good hair conditioner and a tablespoon of heavy cream to 50 ml of liquid flower honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply to hair, cover with film and a towel, leave for 50 minutes, rinse.

Anti-dandruff mask with nettle

You will need 0.1 liters of nettle infusion (2 tablespoons of nettle per glass of boiling water), 10 grams of cinnamon powder, 1 beaten egg. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the scalp and hair roots. Keep under a warm hood for 20-30 minutes and then wash off with warm water. The water should not be too hot, otherwise the egg white will curdle.

For fast hair growth

This is the simplest cinnamon hair mask, but its effect is amazing. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon to 100 ml of cognac, mix everything and apply to hair. If there are no contraindications, the mask can be done once a week, duration - no more than 15 minutes. Such hair masks warm the scalp, stimulate the hair follicles, and promote intensive hair growth.

For split ends with castor oil

Hair oils will become even more effective if you add an ingredient such as cinnamon to them. Making a mask is very simple:

  1. mix 50 ml castor oil,
  2. 50 ml yogurt or sour cream,
  3. 1 egg yolk and 10 grams of cinnamon.

Apply the mixture to your hair, trying not to miss a single strand, warm your head, keep it on for 60 minutes and rinse. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a week.

For lightening hair video

Mask for oily hair with kefir

If your hair is too oily, a cinnamon hair mask will help, the preparation of which takes a minimum of time: 0.5 cups of kefir, 15 grams of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of shampoo are mixed and applied to the hair for 30 minutes. Then you can wash off the mask and rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs - chamomile or nettle.

Mask for all hair types with oils

Suitable for caring for hair of all types. 10 grams of cinnamon powder should be diluted in 100 ml of milk, add 5 drops of almond and coconut oils and moisten all hair generously with the resulting mixture. Then hide wet hair under a shower cap, cover with a towel on top and leave for 40 minutes. The mask can be washed off with baby wash or baby shampoo.

Above were recipes for hair masks with cinnamon at home, do you use these? Leave your opinion on the forum or read reviews from others.

Cinnamon powder is a valuable component of various cosmetics intended for hair care. Thanks to a special chemical composition, including vitamins, microelements, and other beneficial substances, the product has a therapeutic effect on the scalp and hair. Due to the regular use of spice-based products, hair growth is activated, it is restored and strengthened.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

The spice is extremely beneficial for the scalp and hair and has been used by women for cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Cinnamon powder and oil contain minerals and other substances that can strengthen and improve hair growth. Cinnamon powder and oil for hair, when used regularly, help strengthen hair follicles, get rid of fungus, and turn dull, brittle hair into a shiny, healthy head. The benefits of masks and other products with spice are due to the following components contained in it:

  • eugenol is a phenolic substance due to which cinnamon belongs to the group of natural antiseptics (used to combat fungal pathologies of the scalp);
  • choline (provides a moisturizing effect to the skin);
  • vitamin A (restores split ends, makes dry strands more elastic);
  • vitamin PP, ascorbic acid (gives natural shine);
  • vitamin K (strengthens blood vessels in the scalp);
  • beta-carotene (prevents hair loss);
  • vitamin B1 (soothes the skin, relieves itching, irritation, inflammation);
  • vitamin E (restores cells);
  • folic acid (provides protection from ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures);
  • vitamin B2 (stimulates blood circulation and hair growth);
  • vitamin B6 (prevents the appearance of dandruff and the development of seborrhea).

Hair masks with cinnamon

Cinnamon powder is found in many hair care products. The spice is used as a component for preparing nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating masks. Depending on the additional ingredients, such products are used for oily, dull, brittle or dry curls. The basis of the mask can be any vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, flaxseed, coconut.

To understand which cinnamon hair mask is right for you, you should determine the purpose of preparing the healing composition: for nutrition, strengthening roots, stimulating growth, lightening, etc. In addition, before applying the mixture to your head, it is important to learn a few rules for using cinnamon for hair. Since it is a harsh spice, it can cause harm if used incorrectly. Basic rules for preparing and applying a cinnamon mask:

  1. Each composition should be tested for sensitivity before applying to the head. To do this, apply a little of the mixture to the skin behind the ear or the crook of the elbow, and after 10 minutes the reaction is checked. If there are no unpleasant sensations (severe redness and burning), the mask can be used.
  2. It is better to cover clean hair with the cinnamon mixture, starting from the roots and spreading over the entire length. This will enhance the effect of the remedy. After applying the composition, the head is covered with film/cellophane, and on top - with a warm scarf or towel.
  3. The duration of action of each mask is individual, but if pronounced unpleasant sensations appear, the product should be washed off immediately.
  4. Hair masks with cinnamon for growth should be used in courses lasting at least a month (1-3 procedures per week).
  5. Contraindications for the use of cinnamon are hypertension (the spice actively stimulates blood circulation), as well as severely damaged hair - in this case, the situation can be further aggravated.
  6. The spice itself and accompanying ingredients (eggs, kefir, vegetable oils, honey, etc.) must be of high quality and fresh. Healing mixtures should be used fresh and cannot be stored.
  7. To prepare the composition, you should use glass or ceramic dishes; metal changes the properties of the product.
  8. The mixture is washed off with regular shampoo, after which it is recommended to rinse the strands with a herbal decoction (chamomile is suitable, nettle is suitable for light hair, walnut leaves and oak bark are suitable for dark hair).

For hair restoration

  1. With honey. Mix 3 tsp in a bowl. coconut oil (can be replaced with burdock), 30 g of cinnamon powder and 20 g of liquid honey. After thoroughly mixing the products, apply the composition to slightly moistened curls, paying special attention to the ends. After 20 minutes, rinse off with shampoo.
  2. With banana. Mash the fruit until mushy with a fork, combine with 100 g of natural unsweetened yogurt, 1 tsp. olive oil and 20 drops of cinnamon oil. After mixing the mixture until smooth, apply it to your hair, then wrap your head with film and a towel. The product should be washed off after 40-45 minutes.
  3. With kefir. Beat one egg yolk with 200 ml of fermented milk product, then add 20 g of cinnamon powder. Gently apply the mixture to dry curls and wrap your head with a scarf. After 25-30 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with water, without shampoo. Regular use of this product will make your curls silky, shiny, and soft.

For hair growth and strengthening

The mask recipes proposed below promote active hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and prevent alopecia. Suitable compositions with these properties are:

  1. Mix with honey and olive oil. Lightly heat 50 g of honey, mix the product with 2 tbsp. l. olive and 20 drops of cinnamon oil. Rub the product into the roots, giving a light massage to the skin. Distribute the remaining mask over the entire length of the strands. You can wash off the oil composition no earlier than after an hour.
  2. Cucumber product for shine and growth. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Combine it with 30 g of honey, 50 ml of olive oil, raw egg and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair, leaving it for at least half an hour, then wash your hair as usual.
  3. Hair mask with cinnamon and coffee to strengthen hair follicles. To prepare, mix 1/3 tbsp. warm whey, 10 g cinnamon powder and 30 g freshly ground coffee. Cover moistened strands with the mixture, leave the product for 1.5 hours, then rinse off the mask and rinse your hair with balm.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

Most girls prefer to use professional dye to lighten their curls, but a more gentle way to turn blonde is to dye your hair with cinnamon. This method will not help in 1-2 procedures; you will need at least 3-5 sessions, but with its help you will be able to maintain the health, beauty, shine and softness of your hair. All recipes for lightening masks must contain honey, which serves as a natural peroxide. Cinnamon powder and olive oil act as peroxide accelerators.

Lightening with spices is done weekly for 1-1.5 months. This can be done using the following compositions:

  1. Composition with lemon and oil. Cinnamon powder (3 tbsp) is combined with liquid honey (3 tbsp) in a glass container, then 2 tbsp is added to the homogeneous mixture. l. lemon juice, 100 ml balm/conditioner, ½ tbsp. olive oil. The mixture is applied to the head, and after 3-8 hours it is washed off with shampoo.
  2. Classic recipe. 70 g of honey is melted in a water bath, mixed with spice (3 tbsp) and hair balm (2-3 tbsp). The mask is used as described above.
  3. Lightening agent with kefir. 5 tbsp. l. fermented milk product should be combined with 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon powder. The composition is applied to the head, then a cellophane cap is put on, kept for 3-8 hours, then washed off with shampoo.

Before lightening your hair, it is important to do an allergy test: apply a small amount of the mixture to the area of ​​skin behind your ear. If after 15-20 minutes there is no negative reaction, you can begin the procedure. To successfully dye your hair with cinnamon, you need to follow some rules:

  • lightening with powder is suitable for brunettes or dark blondes; fair-haired girls risk getting a reddish tint; oil cinnamon extract is more suitable for them;
  • in order not to dry out dry hairs even more, add egg yolks to the mask;
  • Before painting, you need to wash your hair and then dry it with a hairdryer, leaving the curls only slightly damp;
  • to achieve uniform coloring, apply the mass with a special brush, combing the strands with a comb;
  • During the first 20-30 minutes an intense burning sensation will be felt, which must be endured;
  • to remove all remnants of the mixture from the head, after completing the procedure, wash it twice;
  • After lightening, be sure to rinse with a herbal decoction (preferably chamomile, which is prepared by steaming 3 tablespoons of herbs in 250 ml of boiling water).

Cinnamon is not only an aromatic spice, thanks to its rich composition (vitamins, saturated fatty acids, monosaccharides, disaccharides, antioxidants, carbohydrates, etc.), cinnamon is good for hair and scalp, and since ancient times, Eastern women have used cinnamon to maintain the beauty and health of their hair .

Cinnamon contains essential oil that helps strengthen hair and improves its growth.

A cinnamon mask, when used regularly, will strengthen your hair, eliminate hair loss, dandruff, brittleness and other problems with hair and scalp.

Naturally dark-haired girls who lighten their hair know from their own experience how hair deteriorates after dyeing it in light shades - dryness, brittleness, split ends, hair loss, etc.

Over time, bleached hair loses its strength, shine, and beauty. Most girls use dye because it allows them to quickly lighten their hair, but lightening can be achieved in less aggressive ways using traditional medicine. Of course, folk remedies will not help lighten your hair in one or two times, but your hair will retain the health, strength and beauty given by nature. With each procedure, the hair will not only lighten by 1-2 tones, but will also acquire a beautiful shine and softness.

The benefits of cinnamon hair masks are due to its unique composition:

  • Choline – moisturizes the scalp
  • Vitamin PP – returns natural shine
  • Vitamin K – has a beneficial effect on the scalp, strengthens blood vessels
  • vitamin E – regenerates cells
  • beta-carotene - prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin A – helps repair split ends
  • vitamin B1 – has a calming effect on the scalp, relieves inflammation and irritation
  • vitamin B2 – activates blood circulation
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – protects against ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures
  • vitamin B6 – eliminates dandruff
  • Vitamin C – adds shine

Cinnamon hair mask

Cinnamon powder is included in various hair care recipes. Cinnamon powder is used as additional nutrition, improves growth, and restores hair structure.

A cinnamon mask includes vegetable oil and other nutritional ingredients that are beneficial for hair. For the mask, you can use any vegetable oil - olive, sunflower, coconut, flaxseed. The complex effect of the mask components will change your hair beyond recognition after just a few procedures.

To choose a suitable hair mask, you must first determine for what purpose it is needed: to strengthen, lighten, nourish, and grow hair.

You should also learn a few rules before applying the mask. First of all, it is worth noting that cinnamon is a rather aggressive spice and can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Each mask, before use, must be tested for sensitivity - apply a little of the mixture to the skin behind the ear or elbow, and if after 10 minutes an unpleasant sensation appears (burning, redness, etc.), you cannot use such a mask.

For greater effectiveness, you need to apply the mask to clean hair, first apply the mixture to the roots (you don’t need to rub the mask hard, as you can damage the skin), and then carefully distribute it over the entire length. After application, the head should be covered with cellophane or film, with a warm scarf or towel on top.

The duration of action of the mask is individual in each case; if any unpleasant sensations appear, you should immediately wash off the product. If the lightening effect is undesirable, then the exposure time of the mask should be reduced.

Masks made from natural ingredients should be used in courses lasting at least a month (2-3 times a week).

Hair mask with honey and cinnamon

The cosmetic properties of honey are known to everyone. After using products that contain honey, your hair becomes thick, shiny, healthy, and strong.

A mask of cinnamon, honey and vegetable oils will change your hair for the better after 2-3 procedures, and systematic use of such a mask will maintain the effect.

For the mask you will need honey (45g), cinnamon powder (45g), coconut oil (5ml), macadamia oil (5ml), cinnamon essential oil (5 drops). A mask with this dosage is suitable for normal hair; for dry hair, the dose of oil can be increased, and for oily hair, it can be reduced.

To prepare a honey-cinnamon mask, you need to melt coconut oil in a water bath, add honey and mix well until completely dissolved, add cinnamon powder. In a separate container, you need to mix the oils and add them to the rest of the ingredients. The warm mixture is applied to damp hair for 30-40 minutes.

This mask will improve the condition of your hair, increase volume, and accelerate growth. In addition, the hair becomes manageable, smooth and acquires a subtle aroma of oriental spices that will last for several days.

Hair growth mask with cinnamon

Cinnamon mask that improves hair growth includes:

45g honey, 1/3 tsp. red pepper, 75g vegetable oil (optional), 5g ground cloves, 5g cinnamon powder.

Combine all components and heat in a water bath until all products are dissolved. Apply the warm mixture, gently rubbing into the dry roots of the hair; it is recommended to apply any warm vegetable oil to the remaining length of the hair; if desired, the oil can be mixed with balm or honey. After 45-60 minutes, rinse the mixture in the shower using baby shampoo; you can also use conditioner if necessary.

Hair mask with cinnamon and egg

A mask of cinnamon and eggs gives hair volume and improves growth. The mask strengthens blood vessels, promotes blood circulation in the scalp, so that oxygen and essential nutrients are better supplied to the hair roots.

For the mask you need 15g of cinnamon powder, an egg, 200ml of kefir. The mask is applied to dry hair for 30-40 minutes.

Benefits of cinnamon for facial skin

A cinnamon face mask improves blood circulation in the skin, metabolic processes, keeps the skin fresh and youthful, and improves complexion. A mask with added cinnamon is perfect for those who have pale skin and sallow complexion. After using a cinnamon mask, the skin acquires a healthy, beautiful color, becomes elastic and soft.

Cinnamon is a unique spice that is truly great for maintaining beauty. A cinnamon mask is especially recommended for aging and dull skin due to its rich vitamin composition:

  • vitamin C, beta-carotene – antioxidants, prolong skin youth
  • vitamin A – has a regenerating effect, promotes collagen synthesis
  • Vitamin E – promotes cell renewal
  • Vitamin B1 – smoothes the skin, fights signs of aging
  • vitamin B2 – improves skin color, supplies oxygen to cells
  • vitamin B6 – removes inflammation, irritation, gives skin elasticity
  • Vitamin B9 – fights acne
  • vitamin PP – protects the skin from the negative effects of external factors
  • vitamin K – strengthens blood vessels, capillaries

Cinnamon powder is used to prepare masks. When preparing the mask, you must follow the dosage, otherwise quite severe irritation may occur.

If after applying the mask an unpleasant sensation appears (tingling, burning, etc.), you should immediately wash the mixture off your face with plenty of water; it is not recommended to use this recipe in the future. If there is a red mesh on the skin (rosacea), then you cannot use cinnamon masks, since cinnamon promotes blood flow and serious complications are possible.

Face mask with cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon and honey face mask is the most used recipe not only in salons but also at home. This mask cleanses the skin well and tones it.

For the mask you need 30g honey, 5g cinnamon, 5 ml olive oil (or 1 yolk). This mask is suitable for dry and normal skin; if the skin is oily, then olive oil should be replaced with 15 ml of natural yogurt without additives.

The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes on clean skin.

Cinnamon mask for brightening

A cinnamon mask for lightening hair, due to the natural components included in its composition, is safer, unlike the usual lightening dyes. In addition, this product, at the same time as lightening, takes care of the hair and makes it healthier.

To prepare a natural lightening product, you will need 200 ml of hair conditioner, 45 g of cinnamon powder, 45 g of honey. It is better to use a wooden or plastic spoon to stir the mixture, as metal can reduce the effectiveness of the mask due to a chemical reaction with the components of the brightening agent.

Before applying the product, you need to wash your hair, then carefully apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, without rubbing it into the scalp. After application, it is recommended to cover the head with cellophane or film and insulate it. You need to keep the mask with insulation for about 30 minutes, then about another 4 hours only under the film (cellophane). In this case, the result depends on the time of exposure of the mask - the longer the mixture is on the hair, the stronger the result. One procedure allows you to lighten your hair by 1-2 tones; the more often you use this mask, the stronger the effect will be.

To enhance the effect of the mask, the amount of cinnamon powder can be increased.

Mask with kefir and cinnamon

A mask of cinnamon and kefir gives hair volume, softness, and lifts it from the roots. Masks with the addition of kefir are used for dryness, brittleness, and split ends.

For the mask you need 200 ml of kefir, yolk, 5 g of cinnamon. Mix all components well (kefir should be added to the mixture in parts). For the mask, it is better to use kefir at room temperature.

The mask is applied to clean hair along the entire length, lightly rubbed into the ends of the hair. After 35-45 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water; if desired, you can use shampoo.

Anti-acne mask with cinnamon

A mask of cinnamon and honey is used as a therapeutic and preventive remedy for acne and pimples. After a month of use, the skin becomes smooth, complexion improves, and inflammation disappears.

For the mask you will need 15g of honey and 5g of cinnamon powder. The mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm and cold water.

This mask is contraindicated for inflammation or abscesses on the skin. If the honey-cinnamon mixture gets on the inflamed area, it can cause severe allergies or irritation.

Cinnamon body mask

Masks are simpler personal care products. For example, for wraps you need at least an hour, but for a mask it is enough to spend 15-25 minutes to restore firmness and elasticity to the body.

Experts note that the maximum effect from applying masks can be achieved in a sauna or bathhouse, since high temperatures help open the pores on the skin, resulting in more nutrients entering the skin.

A mask of cinnamon and coffee promotes weight loss and activates metabolic processes in the skin.

To prepare you need 45g of coffee grounds, 2-3g of cinnamon, 60ml of vegetable oil (almond or olive). The mask is applied to the body for 15-20 minutes, then washed off in the shower.

Anti-cellulite mask with cinnamon

In cosmetology, cinnamon is often used to get rid of cellulite. The aromatic spice is included in masks and wraps. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, cinnamon helps restore skin elasticity, prevent skin aging, and saturate it with nutrients.

Cinnamon promotes blood flow and, thanks to its warming effect, helps get rid of the appearance of cellulite.

An anti-cellulite mask of cinnamon and honey is quite simple to prepare: 45g of honey, 15g of cinnamon, a few drops of cinnamon essential oil, all components are mixed well, then the mixture is applied to areas of the body prone to cellulite for 10-15 minutes. A mask with added cinnamon can cause burning, redness, and irritation. If severe discomfort occurs, it is recommended to wash off the mask immediately.

Regular use of the mask will help restore smoothness to the skin, make it more hydrated, and reduce the signs of cellulite.

The mood lifts and a feeling of celebration arises when our sense of smell catches the smell of cinnamon coming from buns or coffee. However, this spice is not just a component of culinary delights; a hair mask with cinnamon is an excellent cosmetic product for improving the condition of hair, enhancing its growth, preventing hair loss and even lightening.

Composition and benefits of cinnamon

The biochemical composition of this spicy plant is very diverse. It contains vitamins, antioxidants, microelements and other necessary substances that improve blood circulation in the scalp and nutrition of hair follicles. The warming and tonic properties of cinnamon increase the supply of nutrients to the hair roots, which causes intensive growth, prevents hair loss, and improves the condition of the scalp.

Methods of application

In cosmetology, this spice is mostly used in powder form, but essential oil is also used. If a cinnamon hair mask seems like a burdensome task to you and you don’t want to do it, try this method: add a little cinnamon essential oil to your shampoo. There are no labor costs, but the strengthening effect, with their systematic use, is present, and the appearance of the hair improves.

Uses of Cinnamon Essential Oil

It is used to massage the scalp. Any massage is beneficial, and in combination with oil its beneficial effects are greatly enhanced - the roots are strengthened, hair growth is activated, and its structure is improved. They gain volume, silkiness and shine.

To perform a massage, first prepare massage oil. Olive or burdock oil (60g) is used as a base oil, about five drops of cinnamon oil are added to it, shaken vigorously until completely dissolved.

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the head with fingertips, carefully but quite intensively massaging the skin, and applied to the strands. And yet, despite the positive effect of the oil, the greatest effect on the condition of the hair is provided by masks made from powdered spice.


From falling out. It won’t be too difficult for you, and it will provide a valuable service for your hair, preventing hair loss, if 15 minutes before washing your hair, you lubricate the roots with a paste made from a mixture of warm olive oil and honey (it’s enough to take a tablespoon of each component) and a teaspoon of cinnamon. By doing this systematically, you will no longer have problems with hair loss or dandruff.

To accelerate growth. For this purpose, we use a mask, for the preparation of which we will need:

  • cinnamon, honey - a teaspoon each;
  • olive oil, kefir - two tablespoons of each;
  • egg - 1 piece.

To strengthen. The following composition will help add shine to your hair, make it thicker and more voluminous, stop hair loss and enhance growth:

  • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 30 g.

Mix all ingredients and beat thoroughly. Leave the applied composition on your head for 40 minutes.

Hair lightening. If you want to lighten your curls a little without harming them, cinnamon will help you. It has long been known that cinnamon, as well as lemon juice and honey, are natural substitutes for hydrogen peroxide. When used together, the effect is significantly enhanced, resulting in a change in the shade of your curls.

Prepare in advance for the fact that the lightening process requires some time. There is another drawback - tiny pieces of cinnamon get stuck in the hair, it takes a long time to wash them out.

To make your hair lighter, use the recipe for a lightening mask, the reviews of which are the most favorable.

  • Prepare a mixture of ground cinnamon, olive oil, honey and conditioner, taken in equal quantities. If your hair is long, you will need at least two tablespoons of each ingredient.
  • This composition is distributed along the entire length of the strands. Apply the mixture generously so that every hair is covered.
  • Wrap your head in film and, for greater effect, put on an insulating cap.
  • The effect of the mask depends on how long it is left on the hair - if you leave it overnight, the result will be visible immediately. However, to lighten your curls to the desired effect, you will need several sessions, although you still won’t turn into a blonde.

It makes no sense to keep it for less than 3-4 hours, because the color change will not be noticeable.

  • After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo and apply a leave-in balm to your strands.
  • The mask is applied to damp hair.

This mask will not be able to lighten hair dyed with chemical dyes - its effect only applies to undyed hair.

Even after thorough washing, a stunning, subtle and delicate aroma remains on the hair and lasts for several more days.

The hair, in addition to being a little lighter, becomes manageable, shiny and soft.

Now you know how to make your hair lighter and healthier without damaging your hair. Try using cinnamon to improve the health of your hair, giving yourself a holiday (such a scent!) and your hair.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs