How to make cottage cheese crow's feet cookies. Cottage cheese cookies without eggs crow's feet

The recipe for which I showed just the other day. Unlike Triangle cookies, in Goose Feet (less butter, there is an egg, the dough lies in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, less flour, baking powder instead of soda), in addition, the molding of cookies during the modeling process is different (manipulating with a fork is just a godsend!). With this recipe, I was once again convinced that cottage cheese baking is super, it’s mine. I liked the cookies very much, they were soft, and the aroma cannot be described in words!

To prepare the “Curd crow’s feet” cookies, prepare: cottage cheese, butter, egg, wheat flour, baking powder, sugar.

Combine soft cottage cheese, cold butter from the refrigerator (grated on a coarse grater) and one small chicken egg. Mix it all with a spoon.

Pour flour mixed with baking powder into the curd mass.

Knead the curd dough with a spoon, then gather it into a ball with your hand, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then divide the dough into several parts. Take one part of the dough, roll it out, adding flour (use as much flour as needed so that the dough does not stick to either the rolling pin or the table, but do not overcrowd the dough), and cut out round pieces with a large-diameter glass.

Now do ALMOST the same as in the case with, namely: place a circle of dough on one side in sugar and lightly press with your palm so that the sugar sticks (1 and 2), fold it in half inward with the sugar side (3), then dip it in sugar one side (4), then fold the cookies in half again with the sugar side inward and dip them into sugar (5), press down the middle of the cookies with a fork (6), remove the fork and you will see a striped pattern (7) - thanks to this procedure the cookies will be keep its shape during baking and will look like feet (goose or duck :)).

In the same way, form cookies from the entire amount of dough (I got 18 “legs” in total). Bake the “curd paws” in a preheated oven (180 degrees for 30 minutes).

Cool the Houndstooth cookies and you can enjoy yourself and treat your loved ones.

Enjoy your meal!

"Crow's Feet" - cottage cheese biscuits #1: the most delicious egg-free cottage cheese biscuits ever made. It’s also very cute and quite easy to prepare, so if you have some cottage cheese, be sure to make this yummy dish!

It turns out baking is soft and tender, with a bright creamy-curd taste. Great with a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa. The only negative is that the dessert is eaten very quickly, no matter how much you prepare it 😉

And this recipe for cookies made from “Crow’s Feet” cottage cheese is suitable for those who don’t like to fuss too much with dough, but still want to pamper their loved ones with delicious homemade baked goods. There are no difficulties in preparing the dough itself - everything is quite simple. Well, to make sure everything works out for you, this recipe with step-by-step photos will help you!


  • Cottage cheese – 300 g
  • Butter – 180 g
  • Baking powder – 10 g
  • Flour – 250 g
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g

Recipe for cookies from cottage cheese "Houndstooth" with photo

Melted the butter.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. I had a rather dry farm product. You can also use store bought ones, as long as they are of good quality. And if it is wetter, then you will need to add more flour than is given in the recipe.

Pour the cottage cheese into the butter.

Then gradually (half a glass at a time) she began to add flour and immediately knead the dough with her hands. Added flour until the dough began to pull away from your hands. In total, I added 250 g. If your cottage cheese is too wet, then you can add 50 g more and knead well too. There is no need to overfill the cottage cheese with flour - otherwise the finished product will be hard, but we want to get tender baked goods.

With the last batch of flour I added baking powder.

Kneaded it well.

Rolled into a ball, covered with a bag and refrigerated for 1 hour.

This is such a beauty:

An hour later, I cut off a small piece, rolled it out, and cut out circles using a glass.

How much did you get from 1 piece?

I folded the circle in half, then in half again.

Dipped in sugar. And I did this with the entire test.

In principle, such triangles can be left as is, or you can make “legs” - use a knife to make 2 cuts.

These are the crow's feet we get:

Lined a baking sheet with parchment and greased it with oil. And she laid out future cookies.

I set it to bake for 40 minutes at 180.

And after this time I had such handsome men.

That's all, the crow's feet cookies are ready!

Enjoy your tea!

My favorite cookies are very tender, airy, flaky and easy and simple to prepare. Shall we try?

For the recipe you will need:

350 g flour (you may need a little more or a little less)

400 g cottage cheese

200 g butter or margarine

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/3 – ¼ teaspoon quicklime soda


Mix flour with baking powder and quicklime soda.

Add cold chopped butter or margarine. Alternatively, the oil can be grated on a coarse grater.

Grind the flour and butter into crumbs.

Mash the cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass.

Add butter and flour crumbs to the cottage cheese and quickly knead the dough.

Knead for a long time - there is no need to knead the dough, just to achieve homogeneity. Since flour and cottage cheese are different everywhere, you may need to add a little flour during the kneading process (if the dough turns out to be too soft and sticky). In the case of very dry cottage cheese, it makes sense to start kneading the dough with less flour, i.e. take, for example, 300 g and add if necessary.

Round the kneaded dough, cover and place in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes.

Roll the chilled dough into a rope and then divide according to the desired size of cookies.

Place a couple of tablespoons of sugar in a shallow, wide plate, and then add more sugar as you go. If you wish, you can add a little ground cinnamon to the sugar, although I personally like cookies less in this version; you can use regular granulated sugar, or, for example, brown sugar.

Take one of the pieces of dough, knead it into a thick cake, place the cake on the sugar and, pressing it with your fingers on top, press in the sugar, and then fold the cake in half with the sugar side inward, put it on the sugar again - press - fold and so on several times (usually do 2 - 4 additions). Ultimately, the cookie should have a sugary top and a sugar-free bottom. Alternatively, the dough can be pre-rolled out and then in the same order: press in the sugar - fold - press in...

Bake the cookies in an oven preheated to 200 - 210 C until browned (about 15 minutes).

It tastes best when completely cooled, but it can also be served hot.

Enjoy your tea!

Crow's feet are eggless cottage cheese cookies. This is a very tasty dish, it can be prepared very quickly and quite simply, but this does not mean that it will be ready in two minutes, you should take into account the time for heating the oven, cooling the dough, and also for forming delicious cookies. All this will take a total of an hour and a half.

Be sure to try making these cottage cheese cookies if you haven’t already. A recipe for crow's feet is being prepared without using chicken eggs, and in addition to them we will need the following set of products for this delicious dish. So, need to take:

Medium fat cottage cheese - 200 grams;
Butter 73% fat or you can use regular margarine - 200 grams;
One sachet of baking powder equal to 10 grams or you can use baking soda;
Granulated sugar - one glass;
Wheat flour - 300 grams (one and a half cups).

Baking crow's feet cookies will proceed as follows. Prepare all the above ingredients in the required quantities and begin the process of kneading the cookie dough. This process goes quite quickly.

So, you need to place the cottage cheese in a prepared glass or enamel bowl, and it is recommended to melt the margarine or butter on gas or in a steam bath; in addition, you can take advantage of technological advances in the form of a microwave oven.

Then mix the cottage cheese with melted margarine or butter using a whisk or mash the mixture with a fork until smooth. Next, you can use a kitchen appliance, represented by an immersion blender, it will help achieve the so-called creamy structure of the dough.

If you don’t have an immersion blender on your household, you can use a sieve or masher to thoroughly grind and grind the curd mass, since the presence of coarse lumps of curd in the cookies can somewhat spoil their taste. It is recommended to carry out this procedure and not be lazy, then the baked goods will be simply amazing and tender.

Now that the butter-curd mass is ready, it is recommended to dissolve a glass of granulated sugar in it; to do this, you can use the blender again and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. After which you need to add one packet of baking powder, which will then ensure the splendor of the baked goods. In addition, you can use regular baking soda, it will have the same effect, that is, it will contribute to the porosity of the dough.

Next, you can begin to gradually introduce flour, and it is recommended to sift it first, so it will be enriched with oxygen, which will make future cookies more airy and porous. Knead the dough, it should turn out quite soft and moderately elastic, so you can carry out this procedure with a spoon, the mass will be kneaded well.

It is worth remembering that the dough should not spread over the table; if this happens, it means the amount of ingredients was placed incorrectly, you should add flour and knead the mass again, it should turn out tender and pliable.

It is recommended to divide the resulting dough into three parts; they should be formed into balls, which should be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for a while. If you start cooking right away, the cookies may simply spread on the baking sheet even if all the proportions of the ingredients are met.

It is best to take one ball of dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out, form cookies, and it is recommended to roll the scraps again and put them in the cold. So, the dough should be rolled out to a thickness of no more than 3 millimeters. Then take a small round shape, for example, you can use a regular glass, which is used to form a circle and cut it out.

The finished circle of curd dough should be dipped in sugar, then you need to bend it in half and sprinkle it again with granulated sugar, and fold it in half again, dipping it in sand again. This way you can get a triangle with a semicircular bottom. All sides should be sealed well enough to prevent them from unraveling during baking.

We place all the formed crow's feet cookies in sugar on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment paper, but it is worth remembering that they should be placed on the side where there is no granulated sugar, otherwise it will burn.

Naturally, cookies, as well as any baked goods, are recommended to be sent to a preheated oven, where the temperature will reach 210 degrees. It is at such a high temperature that the moisture from the cottage cheese will evaporate quickly enough, and it will begin to acquire a beautiful and appetizing blush within ten minutes.

After the crow's feet curd cookies have browned, they are ready; they turn out sweetish-crispy on the outside and deliciously flaky, as well as somewhat moist on the inside. If you reduce the temperature in the oven, then the curd baked goods will turn out to be quite hard, so it is better not to experiment, but to immediately preheat the oven to the optimal setting.

I would like to note that children will really like these delicious cookies. Adults in the household will also enjoy this delicacy; the main thing is not to dry out the baked goods. In addition, you should not store it for a long time, as it may become stale and lose its original taste. Cook with pleasure!

Many people remember from childhood a delicious cookie with an unusual name - “Crow's Feet”. The sweet dish gained popularity from Soviet times; it is distinguished by its simple preparation and small number of ingredients. Cookies are still relevant today; caring housewives pamper their households with them and preserve the traditions of Russian cuisine.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Thanks to its delicate and crispy taste, adults and children enjoy eating the delicacy. Cookies "Crow's feet" are beneficial for the body, this is due to the presence of cottage cheese, which is an important ingredient. The dairy product is rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals.

A small amount of the dish will not cause harm to the body, but if you eat a lot of cookies, it will affect the general condition of the internal organs. The presence of fat increases the calorie content of the product, so do not overuse it.

Difficulty and cooking time

There is no difficulty in making crow's feet cookies; they are prepared quickly and easily. The process of creating the dough takes 10-15 minutes, in addition, the semi-finished product is in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, then 15 minutes are spent on molding the products. Baking takes about half an hour in total. As a result, the total cooking time for the sweet dish is 1 hour 30 minutes.

Food preparation

Carefully prepare all the ingredients for the culinary dish:

  • Mash the cottage cheese or pass through a blender until smooth; the product must be used without lumps;
  • You will need wheat flour and preferably of the highest grade, sift it well several times, this is recommended to enrich the product with oxygen and fluffiness;
  • Remove butter or margarine for baking from packaging material, knead slightly;
  • It is advisable to sift granulated sugar to remove excess impurities and lumps;
  • Wash the eggs thoroughly, wipe them and break them into a separate clean bowl; if necessary, separate the whites from the yolks;
  • It is recommended to quench the baking soda in vinegar to make the products fluffy.

How to make crow's feet cookies

  1. Using a coarse grater, grate butter or margarine for baking. Sift the flour and add to the ingredient, grind everything until crumbly.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese with a fork and turn it into a homogeneous mass, mix with eggs, soda, and salt. Add margarine and flour to these ingredients.
  3. The dough should be soft; after wrapping it in film, place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. After time has passed, remove from a cold place, roll out a thin layer and use a glass to cut out shapes; you can make ordinary flat cakes with your hands.
  5. Sprinkle one side of the semi-finished product with sugar and fold it in half, with the filling inside. Dip the folded product in sugar again and join in half. Sprinkle with filling again before placing on the baking sheet.
  6. Make legs from the molds; to do this, cut the rounded side into equal strips, making 3-4 cuts in total.
  7. Preheat the oven and bake the product at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for at least 25 minutes. The finished cookies expand in shape and acquire a golden color.

Ingredients, number of servings

To make crow's feet cookies you will need the following ingredients:

  • medium fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • premium flour - 2-3 cups;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp.

The number of components is enough for 50 pieces of semi-finished products. This is enough for a group of kids, as well as evening tea at home.

Step-by-step preparation with photos

  1. Pre-frozen butter is quickly crushed on a grater.
  2. Mix the crushed butter with cottage cheese.
  3. Add flour to the ingredients and prepare a homogeneous mass.
  4. Add the egg along with slaked soda to the mixed ingredients and grind thoroughly.
  5. You need to make a stiff dough, so sprinkle enough flour. Much depends on the cottage cheese; it can be dry or wet. Wrap the finished dough in film, then refrigerate for up to 30 minutes.

  6. Roll out a thin cake from the chilled dough, the thickness should not exceed 0.3-0.5 cm. Using a glass or mug, cut out circles.

  7. Distribute the prepared sugar on a flat plate and dip one side of the product.

  8. Fold the circle in half, the sugar side should be inside, sprinkle the resulting semicircle with sugar and fold.
  9. Dip the upper part of the fourth part of the semi-finished product in sugar.
  10. Place the formed semi-finished products on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Bake the “Crow's Feet” cookies first in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then cook until ready for 10 minutes at a temperature of 160 0 C.

The nutritional value

In 100 g of product:

  • Proteins – 10.15 g
  • Fat – 20.56 g
  • Carbohydrates – 53.36 g.
  • Energy value – 350.64 kcal.

Cooking options

In addition to the listed ingredients, raisins and chopped walnuts are added at the hostess’ discretion. You can dip the cookies in the glaze, but the raw materials must be free of sugar and vegetable oil.

Without cottage cheese

A delicious dessert can be prepared without the main ingredient - cottage cheese. The recipe will immediately change, instead of the milk component, use mayonnaise, one serving will require 200 g of the product. In addition to it, you will need margarine - 200 g, 2.5 cups of sifted flour, 2 large eggs, 2/3 dessert spoon of table vinegar and 1 large glass of sugar. Prepare the dough according to the basic recipe.

By leaps and bounds

To make cookies you will need a set of the following components:

  • 50 g fresh yeast;
  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 package of butter or margarine;
  • 600 g flour.

Cooking rules:

Through a meat grinder

Prepare the dough according to one of the above recipes, and then chill it through a meat grinder. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper in advance, spread the finished products on the surface and bake for 15-18 minutes, until golden brown.

Video recipe

  • Medium-fat cottage cheese is ideal for making cottage cheese dough, and the finished cookies will have a delicate taste.
  • In the finished product, heavily mashed cottage cheese will stand out. An ordinary fork is suitable for grinding, as well as a blender or can be passed through a meat grinder.
  • The finished “feet” will become soft after adding yolks instead of whole eggs.
  • Be sure to place the finished product in a cold place; thanks to the cold, the ingredient will become elastic, and semi-finished products will be easily obtained.
  • In order for the products to gain fluffiness when baking, the flour must be sifted several times.


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