Mandatory minimum for a first-aid kit. What should be in a first aid kit for adults and children: a list of necessary medicines, drugs, pills, herbs

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Today I bring to your attention a useful article on "near-medical" topics.

No matter how hard we try to keep our body in good shape, sooner or later some disease will surely find a gap in immunity, and, according to the law of meanness, will do this at a time when the right doctor is on vacation and pharmacies are closed.

At such moments, a first aid kit comes in handy.

Basically, the first-aid kit (it’s good if it’s a locker or a large box designed to store medicines) is sent to drugs for already transferred diseases, bought only for their treatment (and which it’s a pity to dispose of).

In the same place, unnamed pills without packages, expired medicines, and related paraphernalia like bandages and plasters are waiting in the wings. And this is wrong. In the first-aid kit, an order close to ideal should reign)), and at least the necessary minimum of medicines for all occasions should be stored.

Even if the family prefers to be treated with folk remedies, in this case it is worth asking what medicines should be in the home medicine cabinet, the drugs that I will give below may be required “yesterday”, and there will be no time to run after them.

The article gives several options for drugs, so that you can choose the most suitable for yourself from personal preferences and budget.

In addition, some of the medicines can be excluded based on whether your family has this disease, for example, keep heartburn remedies in the first-aid kit if no one has ever suffered from it, in my opinion there is no need, and when an attack occurs for the first time, it is quite possible to get by with folk means in the form of a soda solution, but drugs from the group of painkillers and antipyretics in the first-aid kit should be mandatory.

Related little things

In fact, dressing material is not such a trifle. If a cotton pad for treating a wound can still be found somewhere on a shelf with cosmetics, then there are problems with other essentials - no one knows where everything is.

Therefore, check that the first-aid kit must have a BANDAGE, GAUZE WIPES, PATCH, STERILE COTTON.


This is not about complex medical equipment, but about elementary THERMOMETER and TONOMETER. To treat a consequence, the cause must be established, and measuring temperature or blood pressure will almost always be the action from which the selection of the necessary medicines begins.

Relieve the pain

Pain is the most common ailment, be it toothache, headache, or menstrual pain in women. But it is worth remembering that all people are different, and everyone's pain threshold is also different. Here is what should be in the first aid kit, a list of painkillers for every taste, color and feel:

  1. ANALGIN and ASPIRIN. Habitual pills are considered drugs of the old generation, and rumors persist about their side effects. There are excellent modern analogues like PARACETOMOL or EFFERLAGAN, which, in addition to their analgesic properties, act as antipyretic and stop inflammation in the body.
  2. CITRAMON, and preparations containing caffeine are good. They are also taken if the blood pressure drops below normal. (If you, like me, are worried about migraines, then more.)
  3. SPASMOLGON, as the name implies, is used for any spasms. NO-SHPA, a complex drug that can relieve spasm in case of renal colic, pain in the liver or intestines, has the same effect.
  4. From stomach ache ESPUMIZAN and SMEKTA have proven themselves well. But we must remember that such pains are of a different nature: it may turn out that instead of taking smecta, you will have to go to the hospital and. That is why it is possible to treat abdominal pain on your own only when you know exactly its source.
  5. menstrual pain- a separate issue. What medicines should be in the home first aid kit, specifically to relieve the female share during the cycle? First of all - KETANOV or BARALGIN. PENTALGIN and CITRAMON relieve pain well.
  6. Toothache removed by TEMPALGIN or BARALGIN. Don't delay your trip to the dentist!

In addition, it is desirable that the first-aid kit contains ointments and drops of anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. These include APIZARTRON, VIPROSAL, FASTUM-GEL: these remedies are excellent for sprains, bruises, and. OTOFA and OTINUM will perfectly cope with pain and inflammation in the ears.

Defeat SARS

Flu, bronchitis, colds - the "standard set" of the autumn-spring period. In this case, the first-aid kit should also be completed.

  1. No one canceled the temperature during a cold, so there must be a set of antipyretics in the treasured locker. These include PRACETOMOL , ASKOFEN , COLDREX , IBUKLIN, IBUPROFEN .
  2. The second symptom associated with fever is a runny nose. The simplest and most budgetary remedy is PHYSICAL SOLUTION, and PREPARATIONS BASED ON SEA WATER. For the same purpose, you can buy PINOSOL , Sanorin, or Naphthyzinum.
  3. Another problem is coughing. Chest herbal preparations are able to cope with it. If there is no desire to mess with the teapot, then tablets and sprays will help.
  • get rid of phlegm - MUKALTIN , AMBROXOL;
  • relieve an unpleasant sensation in the throat - any lollipops (from a pharmacy, of course: FARINGOSEPT , STREPSILS and others);
  • BROMHEXIN, AMBROBEN, STOPTUSSIN save from different types of cough.
  1. And, of course, soluble powders for oral administration. ARTIGRIPPIN , TERAFLU and similar drugs perfectly relieve all the symptoms of colds and flu , providing the desired relief. But it is worth remembering that a symptom is not a disease, and a quick improvement in a condition is not yet a cure.

If someone at home gets sick with the flu, then you need to not only treat him, but also try to make sure that the rest of the household does not become infected. For prevention the spread of the disease in the first-aid kit should be GAUze masks, inhaler , OXOLIN OINTMENT.

Affairs of the Heart

In the rhythm of modern life, stress, unfortunately, becomes a constant companion. The question arises - what to do? Do not look at others like a shepherd))

Here, a home first-aid kit will also come to the rescue, and what should be there is a list of medicines in case of unrest and worries, a small, but very effective one. It includes such sedatives like VALOCARDIN , CORVALOL , VALERIAN or motherwort in the form of tinctures, NOVO-PASSIT.

In addition, there are “near-medical” devices designed to help divide small tablets, grind hard ones and remind you of the timely intake of medicines, I wrote more about them in.

Everyone needs to know about the basic medicines that should be in every home medicine cabinet. It is unacceptable to treat this issue with frivolity and rely on the fact that if something happens, pah-pah-pah, everything will resolve itself. Everything for which the first aid kit is intended is an everyday matter, and can happen to anyone at any time (cuts, injuries, abrasions, indigestion, colds, etc.) It is especially important to approach the issue of creating a first aid kit at home if there is Small children.

So, let's start building a first-aid kit at home.

First you need to find place to store it. It is desirable that this place be easily accessible for an adult, but not for a child. Children are such curious creatures that can climb anywhere and pull anything out without you even noticing. It often happens that parents notice a disassembled first-aid kit already when empty strips of pills lie nearby and panic begins. And it is not clear whether the kid ate it all, or just threw it away or, even worse, hid it for future games.

It is especially important to keep medicines out of reach if they are potent drugs. For example, patients with hypertension use very potent drugs to stop crises. Two or three tablets of any of them can quite poison even an adult and even lead to death.

Therefore, it is advisable to keep a first-aid kit, for example, in a room, but on the mezzanine, in the upper drawers of a kitchen set, on the upper shelves of cabinets.

How to store medicines. It is advisable to choose a box in which you can conveniently arrange all the medicines and they are not mixed up. You can buy a standard set at a pharmacy. Such kits are designed by specialists and are very convenient - they are compact and at the same time all medicines are visible and at hand.

You can allocate several boxes of different sizes for a home first-aid kit. For example, in a small one, store tablets in a soft package, in a medium one - medicines in ampoules, in vials, plastic packages, vials, etc. And in the largest - syringes and dressings.

Vials and tubes must be tightly closed.

If you store herbs at home, they should be kept separate from other medicines.

What should be in the first aid kit

In the home first aid kit, first of all, there should be those medicines that can be used in cases of first aid, that is, before you go to the doctor.

1. Dressings

2. Materials for treating wounds, burns, stopping bleeding.

Medication Purpose
Iodine 1) for the treatment of minor wounds and scratches;
2) with iodine, you can draw "mesh" on the site of seals after injections or with sciatica *
A solution of brilliant green (colloquially "brilliant green") for disinfection of wounds, treatment of papules (vesicles)
Clay BF for small scratches
Medical plaster for fixing bandages
Plaster bactericidal for use in abrasions, cuts and other minor skin lesions
Potassium permanganate ("potassium permanganate") multifunctional **
Furacillin antimicrobial wound treatment
Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite local antimicrobial and hemostatic

40% - compresses, 75% - antimicrobial, 95% - tanning.

Sage anti-inflammatory; for rinsing and inhalation.
Eucalyptus oil inhalation agent for tracheitis and bronchitis
Spirit of camphor for local rubbing
Troxevasin, rescue or arnica from bruises
pharmaceutical camomile mild astringent and anti-inflammatory externally and internally
Panthenol burn remedies
vaseline oil for lubricating the tips of syringes and enemas, softening keratinized skin
Ammonia solution 10% emergency remedy for stimulating breathing and removing from unconsciousness: a small piece of cotton wool moistened with ammonia solution is gently brought to the nose for 0.5-1 second
Camphor alcohol and salicylic alcohol for rubbing and compresses
* For large and deep wounds, only the edges should be treated with iodine so as not to irritate the already damaged tissue.
** A weak solution can be used for gastric lavage if food poisoning is suspected. Wash heavily contaminated wounds. Wash the genitals of boys with various balantidioses.

3. Medicines for oral administration

Medication Purpose
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to reduce fever, relieve headaches; take with heat, fever, the onset of a cold and for the prevention of hypothermia
Paracetamol to reduce elevated temperature; it is preferable to aspirin, especially for children and people with a sick stomach, since aspirin irritates the gastric mucosa; weak anti-inflammatory agent.
Cardiac agents: validol, nitroglycerin, valocardin or corvalol with pain in the heart; dilate the blood vessels of the heart
Analgin or ibuprofen painkiller
No-shpa or papaverine tablets to relieve spastic pain in the intestines (when the stomach "grabs" sharply) with gastritis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; sometimes helps with toothache.
Mezim, festal with gastric disorders; with heaviness in the stomach when overeating
imodium, phthalazole from diarrhea (diarrhea); keep in mind that ftalazol is a fairly strong antibiotic, and besides, there may be an allergy to it.
Castor oil, Senadexin, Tisasen, Regulax laxatives
Ftalazol, bird cherry fruits, blueberry fruits reinforcing
Peppermint tincture antiemetic
Almagel, phosphalugel, maalox or rennie to reduce stomach acid
Diphenhydramine, suprastin from allergies
Activated carbon flatulence, food poisoning and food allergies. The advantage of activated charcoal is that it is completely harmless to the body. It is almost impossible to overdose the drug. An adult can take one to six tablets per day as needed.
Naphthyzinum, galazolin, sanorin or nazivin nasal drops to reduce swelling with a runny nose and make breathing easier
Grippostad, coldrex, solpadein, teraflu, pharmacitron, fervex, IRS 19 combined preparations for the treatment of influenza and colds
Pectusin, bronchicum, pectosol, mukaltin, stoptussin, plantain syrup expectorants
Geksoral-spray, strepsils, inhalipt for sore throat
Pulmax baby, doctor MOM warming ointments

4. Other

Medication Purpose
Thermometer for temperature measurement
Pipettes for ear, nose, eyes for instillation of drops and liquid preparations
Waxed paper for compresses
Rubber heating pad –" –
Scissors, tweezers multifunctional
Syringes from 2 to 10 ml for injections
measuring cup for dispensing liquid medicines
Cup with concave edges eye wash
mustard plasters local irritant
Compression paper for cold and hot compresses
Syringe for douching, as well as for enemas for small children

A lot of? But this is just the bare minimum. If you have chronic diseases, then you need to add your medicines that you use to relieve attacks and exacerbations to your home medicine cabinet.

In addition to medicines, put the telephone number of the district pediatrician and children's round-the-clock medical care in the first-aid kit.

Make sure that all boxes and packages in your first aid kit have labels. Medicines without labels and tablets without packaging cannot be used!

Labels are also important for knowing the expiration date of a medicine. Check the expiration date periodically and before use. Throw away all tinctures, potions and other liquid dosage forms of a dubious type - saving is inappropriate here! Throw away expired drugs without any regret.

Signs of bad medicines.

1. Dragees and tablets should not have cracks, scratches, stains, crumble.

2. Ointments should be easily squeezed out of the tube in a single, non-stratifying, non-spreading “strip”.

3. Liquid medicines should not be used if they have partially evaporated or contain flakes.

The composition of the home first aid kit includes a minimum set of medicines, which should always be at hand. There is no need to keep a battery of bottles with syrups for various types of coughs, fill the refrigerator shelf with immunity boosters and eubiotics with “beneficial bacteria”, buy antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription. After all, 24-hour pharmacies are available to almost everyone, and people with chronic diseases themselves know how much to keep at home.

A universal first aid kit contains what is needed urgently and suddenly, helps to wait for a doctor and can be used by people without a medical education.

Disclaimer. Before purchasing and using drugs, consult your doctor.

The article lists the main active ingredients of drugs. Trade names may vary, hundreds of different drugs are produced with the same active ingredient. Make the choice of your remedy, focusing on the doctor's recommendations and your wallet, and for convenience, use the drug search service for the active substance.

1. Dressing material

Cotton wool. Bandage. Gauze napkins. Patch. Elastic bandage. Gloves. With these essentials, difficulties constantly arise. Everyone knows that they should be at home. But when they are urgently needed, they can not be found. And if cotton wool can still be found in a cosmetic bag, then everything is bad with a bandage and napkins. When you get hurt, you have no time to remember where everything is. You need to take dressings and stop the bleeding, so make sure you stock up your first aid kit.

2. Shoe covers

Do you think shoe covers are not needed at home? More like needed. “They called the doctor, but he didn’t take off his shoes”, “The paramedic trampled in the hallway” - you either heard such complaints, or you yourself at least once said them. Give the doctor and ambulance workers shoe covers, this is a penny solution to a sore problem.

3. Medical devices

Even the healthiest people should have a thermometer and a tonometer. Temperature and fluctuations in blood pressure happen to everyone, and treatment depends on the readings of the simplest instruments.

4. Painkillers and antipyretics

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the first aid kit you need to put all three drugs. They differ in time of action, anti-inflammatory activity. Practice shows that if the temperature does not drop from paracetamol, then ibuprofen helps; if ibuprofen failed, nimesulide will save. As remedies for headaches and toothaches, drugs help in different ways, depending on individual tolerance. It is important not to get carried away and not to use all the medicines with an interval of half an hour, but to follow the instructions in the instructions and dosage.

5. Antispasmodics

A sharp attack of aching pain can be a symptom of a spasm of smooth muscles. Most often, the head (with vascular tension) and the stomach (with spasm of the abdominal organs) suffer. One of the safest drugs that help in this case is drotaverine. It has few side effects, the main one being uncontrolled use by patients who suppress the pain instead of curing the cause of its appearance.

6. Antiseptics

Stop smearing yourself with green paint, this is the last century. You can treat the wound so that nothing pinches and leaves no traces of dye with good antiseptics. For example, chlorhexidine. Antiseptics have many other uses. In summer, you can treat the feet and armpits so that there is no unpleasant smell of sweat. Treat mucous membranes (even with a sore throat). Treat surfaces and various objects, if necessary, disinfect them. Unlike the beloved hydrogen peroxide, special antiseptics do not dry the skin. They don’t stop the blood either, but wounds that are treated without medical intervention will heal anyway (with the help of a tight bandage), and if you need to suture, peroxide will not save.

7. Wound healing drugs

Panthenol should be in the form of a burn spray at home. Contrary to popular advice, burns should absolutely not be lubricated with oil, lard, and everything that grandmothers like to use. A burn is one of the most dangerous injuries that is very difficult to heal. And even a special ointment is painful to apply. Let's say thanks to modern release forms that will cope with minor burns and help you wait for a doctor if the injury requires a doctor's observation.

Panthenol or solcoseryl in the form of ointments and gels will cope with minor household injuries, cuts, abrasions. It is even better if panthenol is combined with an antiseptic, the same chlorhexidine.

8. A set of medicines "for colds"

Most often, we get sick like this: stuffy nose, tickle in the throat, cough, fever. NSAIDs cope with fever (they were described above), for other manifestations of SARS, symptomatic treatment is used. A set of fixed assets is needed so that you do not have to run to the pharmacy when you most want to lie under the covers and just sleep. So, how to save yourself during the period of acute respiratory infections.

Interferon. Many drugs ending in "-feron" help the body quickly connect antibodies to fight the virus. Store candles and sprays in the refrigerator, otherwise they are useless.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops with oxymetazoline. Have you heard about drug addiction and the eternal runny nose, from which only constant instillation will save? These are the consequences of the use of older generation drugs. Modern options allow you to hold out for 5-7 days, instilling the drug only twice a day. Result: the virus receded, the addiction did not appear.

Sore throat remedies with antiseptics. Tablets and lozenges are taken to dull the pain a little and make it easier to swallow. Some contain antibiotics that should not be used without medical supervision. Keep home preparations with antiseptics and enzymes, such as lysozyme. Read the instructions and do not eat for two hours after taking, so that the medicinal substances have time to act.

9. Antihistamines

Antihistamines are used not only to combat allergic reactions. They also help relieve swelling in case of colds (and use vasoconstrictor nasal drops to a minimum) and get rid of itching after insect bites (if you apply an ointment with the drug to the bite site). Now there are a lot of drugs that do not cause drowsiness, made on the basis of suprastin, dimethindene, cetirizine, in convenient forms and different dosages for children and adults.

10. Sorbents

Activated charcoal is, without a doubt, a time-tested remedy. It helps when they ate something wrong or caught an intestinal infection. And stories tell about the benefits of coal with excessive alcohol consumption. And they still don't know how to use it. Drinking two black pills is not enough, they drink coal in batches! Pleasure is doubtful. In the meantime, intestinal sorbents based on smectite and lignin appeared, which are used one tablet at a time.

11. Remedies for constipation

The best remedy for this problem is diet. But the diet will work sometime later, and constipation happens here and now. The problem is solved in an elementary way. Lactulose syrup acts from the inside (which is attributed to infants, but which works best for adults), outside - candles with glycerin. No addiction, no side effects.

12. Oral rehydration products

These are true friends of sorbents and antipyretics. In case of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting or at a very high temperature, the body needs to restore the water-salt balance. Problems begin when in this state you do not want to drink. Making an effort and drinking one glass of a solution that will restore strength is easier than trying to pour liters of compote into yourself.

13. Medicines for hypertensive patients

The most dangerous medicine in the home first aid kit is captopril, which is now recommended to be used instead of the popular nitroglycerin. If you do not have problems with pressure and blood vessels, you should still have captopril: this is a drug that can be given to a patient in case of a hypertensive crisis (one of the most common causes of death in the world) before the ambulance arrives.

Before buying a medicine, study the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis.

Algorithm of actions: they noticed the symptoms, called an ambulance, laid the patient down, provided him with air flow. If he is taking any blood pressure medication, give it. And only if there are no such drugs, put a captopril tablet under the tongue. Important: tell the ambulance staff what you have used. Remember that this is not a brilliant green and not coal, it is strictly forbidden to distribute captopril with "flies in the eyes" just like that.

What is always in your first aid kit “just in case”?

A home first aid kit should be in every home, regardless of whether you have health problems or not (because God saves the safe). Most of us take it lightly, going years without replenishing it or checking expiration dates, and some of us don't even turn it on at all. So, some useful tips on what should be the composition of a home first aid kit necessary for all occasions.

The general rule is to store the medicine in a dark, cool place, away from children and animals. During storage, each medicine should have its name and expiration date written on it, and it is very desirable that it be in its original packaging and along with instructions.

Once every six months, it is necessary to revise all medicines in the first-aid kit, replenish stocks and discard them with an expired shelf life.

It will be most convenient to organize a universal first-aid kit according to the principle “what and from what disease”. On medicine boxes, or on leaflets (hooking on an elastic band), write the name of the medicine, from which and the method of application. This will make your life much easier in an emergency. On the first-aid kit, you can stick a leaflet from the phone of the clinic, family and other medical services and pharmacies you need.

Composition of a first aid kit

Now, let's make a list of a home first aid kit: what exactly should be in each apartment? Naturally, the composition of the drugs will be very approximate. If you or your family members have chronic diseases, it is imperative to include the drugs prescribed for them in the first-aid kit.

1. Dressings

  • Sterile bandage - for dressings
  • Elastic bandage - for fixing fractures, bruises, etc., as well as for applying compresses.
  • Cotton wool (or cotton pads)
  • Tourniquet - to stop bleeding
  • A variety of plasters in form and purpose (medical (for fixation) and bactericidal (for abrasions and paresis))

2. Materials for treating wounds, burns, stopping bleeding

  • Panthenol - for burns, wound healing agent

Only after the burnt place was under cold water for 15 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - used for minor bleeding and wound treatment for mechanical washing and bleeding arrest
  • Iodine, Zelenka - for disinfection of wounds.

For large and deep wounds, only the edges can be treated with iodine so as not to irritate the already damaged tissue, otherwise it can even cause a burn.

3. For colds and flu

  • Paracetamol, efferalgan or nurofen - to reduce fever (temperature above 39.0 in an adult and 38.0 degrees in a child)

In cases of heart disease, increased intracranial pressure or epilepsy, an adult needs to drink an antipyretic already at 38 degrees. Aspirin is not recommended, especially for children and people with a sick stomach.

  • At the first symptoms of flu and colds, the sooner it is applied, the better the effect (Teraflu, Antigrippin, etc.)
  • Combined preparations for the treatment of influenza and colds (Angri-max, influenzastad, Coldrex)
  • Spray or lozenges for sore throat (Gexoral-spray, Strepsils, Ingalipt)
  • Expectorants (pectusin, bronchicum, pectosol)
  • Nose drops to ease breathing and reduce nasal edema (Nafthyzin, Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazivin)

4. Painkillers

  • Validol (nitroglycerin, carvalol) - for heart pain, angina pectoris, etc.
  • No-shpa, spasmalgon - to relieve spastic pain (when he abruptly "grabbed the stomach") and with painful menstruation
  • Painkillers (ketanov, tempalgin)
  • Ointments to relieve muscle pain

5. Help with stomach problems

  • Festal (Mezim) - enzymes that help with digestion
  • Activated charcoal for food poisoning

For pain in the abdomen, it is not worth using painkillers, before consulting a doctor, because. after the pain subsides, it will be difficult to determine why it occurred.

6. Antihistamines

  • Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin - for allergies

7. Other

  • Thermometer
  • Scissors, tweezers
  • measuring cup
  • Warmer
  • Ammonia - for fainting

Well, that's about it, we hope that our tips on what should be included in the home first aid kit will help you and you will be prepared for any situation.

Main groups:

  • From headache, toothache and other pain: Citramon, Solpadein, Nimesil
  • In case of poisoning: Smecta or Multisorb + Regidron + Enterofuril (Nifuroxazide)
  • Antispasmodic (No-shpa)
  • Sedatives: Novo-Passit, Sedasen, Persen
  • Sleeping pills: Glycine, Donormil
  • Cardiac: Validol, Corvalment
  • For colds and fever: Theraflu, Fervex, Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan Upsa
  • Cough: Ambroxol, Plantain Syrup, Prospan
  • For the treatment of the throat: Inhalipt, Givalex, Tantum Verde or Chlorophylipt solution
  • For the treatment of the common cold: Nazol, Farmazolin, Aqua Maris, Humer.
  • For cuts, abrasions, scratches: Iodine solution or Zelenka, Hydrogen peroxide
  • For burns and for wound healing: Levomekol ointment, Panthenol
  • Universal means: Baby cream, Golden Star balm
  • Auxiliary means: Cotton wool, Bandage, Cotton swabs, Fingertips, Thermometer, Apparatus for measuring pressure.

What medicines should be. Detailed composition of the Home First Aid Kit: description, method of using drugs.

Means Indications Mode of application
1 Solpadein Various pain syndromes Use 1-2 tablets (no more than 4 tablets per day)
2 Smecta Poisoning, nausea, vomiting, indigestion (Smecta binds and removes toxins from the body) Dissolve the package in 100 ml of water. For adults, 3-5 sachets per day, for children under one year old, the resulting solution from one sachet is divided into 5 doses per day, from 1 to 2 years old - 1/2 sachet 3 times a day, from 2 years old, 1 sachet - 3 times a day. day
3 Regidron After vomiting and/or indigestion. To restore the water-salt balance Dissolve 1 packet of Regidron in 1 liter of boiled water. The resulting solution is taken at the rate of 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight per hour, with an improvement in general condition - 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight
4 Nifuroxazide tablets infectious poisoning Adults: 200 mg 3-4 times a day
5 No-shpa For various spastic pains 1-2 tablets, no more than 6 tablets per day
6 Novo-passit Sedative. With neurosis, stress, anxiety, insomnia 1 tablet 3 times a day
7 Donormil For sleep disorders 1 tablet before bed
8 Validol cardiac 1 tablet under the tongue
9 Claritin (Loratadine) Antiallergic 1 tablet per day
10 Fervex For colds, flu 1 sachet 2-3 times a day. The package should be dissolved in warm water (not boiling water!)
11 Ambroxol From cough of various etiologies Take 1 tablet 3-4 times daily. The course of treatment is 7 days.
12 Givalex spray For various infectious diseases of the throat and oral cavity Irrigate the oral cavity every 2-3 hours. It is advisable to refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes after using Givalex.
13 Nazol aerosol With a runny nose. For hygienic purposes, each family member should have a personal individual remedy for the common cold. Spray the contents of the vial into each nostril 3-5 times a day.
14 Brilliant Green Solution Processing with cotton swabs 3-5 times a day.
15 Hydrogen peroxide Various skin lesions. Treatment of the wound surface
16 Levomekol ointment For healing wounds, from burns. Apply a small amount of ointment under a gauze bandage 3-5 times a day.
17 Lyoton gel With a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, swelling. Auxiliary remedy for the treatment of bruises and bruises. Rub the gel into problem areas 2-3 times a day.
18 baby cream With dry skin, minor irritations, cracks, chapping of the skin, etc. Apply some cream on the affected areas
19 Balm "Gold Star" With insect bites, sprains and sports injuries, diseases of the ENT organs, etc. Apply externally a large number of balm, 3-4 times a day, being careful. Do not allow the balm to get on the mucous membranes (especially the eyes)
20 cotton wool
21 Bandage
22 fingertips
23 Cotton buds
24 Pipette
25 Thermometer
26 Tonometer


Rules for storing a first aid kit

  • Remember to check your first aid kit from time to time for expired medicines and replenish stocks in a timely manner.
  • If there are small children in the house, you should get a small locker or box with a lock. Preparations should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • You should not store medicines without instructions, even if you are well acquainted with the rule of taking and the action of this drug.
  • It is forbidden to store and use medicines with broken primary packaging or without primary packaging.
  • External and internal medicines should be stored separately from each other.
  • Volatile (strongly smelling, evaporating) substances are stored in a separate place. For storage, use a glass container or second. packaging (plastic box or plastic bag.)


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