Essential oil of lavender and fir. Fir oil

People are increasingly refusing pharmaceutical drugs and finished cosmetics in favor of natural products. Fir oil has distinguished itself: the pomace has big amount beneficial properties, due to which it is often used for personal care and treatment various diseases. However, before using the product, it is recommended to carefully read its features, and most importantly, its contraindications.

Fir oil is a squeeze obtained from the needles and young sprouts of the tree of the same name. The latter is common in Mongolia, China, the Far East and the Korean Peninsula. Interestingly, fir can grow exclusively in places with clean air and in the absence of chemical influences from the outside. That is why the oil is one of the safest for home use.

The product is obtained by steam distillation: the raw materials, which are always prepared in summer, are heated to high temperatures, but not boiled. The result of this process is the separation of the original product into water and ether. The latter has a pronounced pine aroma. Some people smell mint and lemon when they open the oil. The color of the product is yellowish-green, the consistency is liquid and flowing.

Fir oil is an ester, so it is most often used in conjunction with other ingredients rather than alone.

The main thing is the composition

The main component of fir ether is bornyl acetate, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The product also contains the following components:

  • Phytoncides, phenols, camphor, besabolene and myrcene. All these substances, when regularly introduced into the body, actively strengthen the immune system and fight “bad” bacteria in the body. gastrointestinal tract and relieve minor internal inflammations.
  • Vitamin C. Has a pronounced antioxidant property, which means it struggles with free radicals and inhibits premature cell aging.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E). Speeds up metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Other substances: pinene, limonene, turpentines, carotene, etc.

Table: properties of pine pomace and why it is important to know about them

beauty Health
Deeply cleanses the skin and fights acne and blackheads.Helps the functioning of the immune system. If you use oil, the risk of pathologies in the body is minimized, overall well-being improves and resistance to seasonal diseases increases.
Smoothes the skin, increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.Cleanses the body of accumulated waste and toxins.
Tones and rejuvenates the entire body, which is especially useful for the syndrome chronic fatigue and hard physical or intellectual work. The pine aroma of the squeeze is as invigorating as coffee.
Relieves swelling, because helps remove excess moisture from cells.
Removes mucus from the body, which is important when colds. Inhalations with fir oil improve the expectoration process.
Reduces pain, which is important in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatic and joint diseases.
Relieves stress. Regular use prevents the development of depression.

Features of selection and storage

When purchasing fir pomace, pay attention to some points:

  • The oil can also be purchased from a trusted online store, but before purchasing, read the reviews and decide based on the seller’s rating. Gone are the days when a quality product could only be bought at a pharmacy; now, on the contrary, pharmacies sell diluted products at a low price; they can only be used for cosmetic purposes.
  • Compound. Read the label carefully. If the product contains fragrances and/or dyes, do not purchase it. This product is fake.
  • Consistency. High-quality fir oil is quickly absorbed and has strong fluidity. It is unlikely that you will be able to conduct a test before purchasing, but you can test it at home after: drop a little product on paper. If after 10–15 minutes a greasy stain remains on the surface, the ether is of poor quality, unfortunately.
  • Color. Real fir pomace has a greenish-yellow tint. If the remedy has dark color, then it is most likely spoiled. A strange shade may be a sign that the product is counterfeit.
  • Price. Natural oil should not cost less than 100 rubles for 30 ml of product.

Do another little test at home: drop a little ether into your shower gel. The oil should remain intact. Delamination of the product - a clear sign its poor quality.

Fir squeeze is stored in a dark place. The room temperature should not exceed 25°C. The shelf life of the unopened product is indicated on the packaging. After the first use, try to use the product within six months.

Side effects and precautions

Pine squeeze has extremely low toxicity, due to which the product practically does not cause side effects. However, if used incorrectly or if contraindications are ignored, the following consequences may occur:

  • redness of the application site,
  • burn of mucous membranes,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • headache,
  • strong heartbeat,
  • disruptions in kidney function.

To reduce the risk of side effects, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not use the product in pure form(except for the treatment of certain diseases). Oil is potent drug, so it must be mixed with water or other ingredients.
  • Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes (eyes, etc.). If this happens, rinse the affected areas with plenty of water.
  • If there are pets in the room, do not use the product in an aroma lamp. In addition, do not allow the product to come into contact with your pet's skin or fur. The effect of the oil can negatively affect the health of cats, dogs and other animals and birds.
  • Do not exceed the dosages recommended in recipes.
  • Do not use expired pomace. Such an experiment may lead to the emergence serious consequences: from mild irritation to serious damage treated areas.
  • Be sure to do a sensitivity test: apply a little product mixed with the main one on inner side elbow or wrist. If after 24 hours an allergic reaction (itching, redness, etc.) does not appear, feel free to use the squeeze. Always carry out the test when you buy a product from another manufacturer or prepare a new cosmetic composition based on it. At internal reception Be guided by contraindications, doctor’s advice and your own feelings. If you experience the slightest discomfort, stop using the oil immediately.
  • Do not combine the use of ether with drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol reduces the effectiveness of fir oil and increases its toxicity.

Be more attentive to contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, fir ether has the following contraindications:

  • kidney diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • gastritis,
  • liver diseases,
  • ulcer,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • individual intolerance,
  • pregnancy,
  • children up to 5 years old,
  • diseases of the urinary system.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before using ether, even if you do not have the above pathologies. Each organism is individual. A specialist will tell you whether the product can be used in your case.

Compatibility with other oils

Fir extract is best combined with “related” esters: pine, cypress and juniper.

The oil can also be used together with extracts of bergamot, nutmeg, lemon, cloves, cinnamon and black pepper.

The combination of fir and cinnamon seems unusual to many. However, you should not be afraid of such experiments. The “cold” squeeze from the pine needles complements the “warm” cinnamon, rather than drowning it out.

Rules for use in home cosmetology

Fir ether is used in home cosmetology for skin and hair care.

Tricky recipes for healthy hair

Fir squeezed out for making masks is ideal. Try the following recipes:

  • 1 tbsp. mustard powder, 0.5 tbsp. water, 1 drop of fir oil. Mix dry mustard with water. You should end up with a mass of sour cream consistency. If the substance is too thin or thick, add more powder or water accordingly. Lubricate the root zone with the resulting mixture (only that!) and leave for half an hour. It is advisable to wear a plastic cap. After the allotted time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo. The product eliminates excessive oiliness from hair and normalizes hair function. sebaceous glands. In addition, the mask accelerates hair growth by activating dormant hair follicles. Important: if the burning becomes unbearable, then immediately wash off the mask, there is no need to be a hero, a scalp burn is an unpleasant occurrence.
  • A piece of dried rye bread, 2 drops of fir extract. Place the bread in water for several hours to soften it. Mash the resulting mass thoroughly and mix with pine oil. Lubricate the scalp with the product. The exposure time of the mask is 30 minutes. At the end of the session, wash your hair in the classic way. The recipe is suitable for nourishing and moisturizing oily hair.
  • 1 egg, 2 drops of fir oil. Mix and beat the ingredients using a whisk or fork. Lubricate the root zone with the resulting mixture, distributing the remaining product throughout the curls. After 20–25 minutes, wash your hair without shampoo.
  • 50 g cosmetic clay white or blue color, water, 2-3 drops of fir ether. Dilute the powder with liquid so that the mass has a thick and uniform consistency. Add oil. Apply the resulting product to your hair and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the allotted time has passed, rinse off the composition with water and shampoo. The mask makes hair more shiny and allows you to wash your hair less often, as it reduces excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • 1 tbsp. natural liquid honey, 1 tsp. aloe juice, 2-3 drops of fir extract. Rub the mixture into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes. At the end of the session, wash your hair without shampoo. The mask strengthens weakened hair and moisturizes dry skin.
  • 100 ml kefir, 3 drops of pine ether. Treat your hair with the resulting mixture from roots to ends. After 20 minutes, wash your hair. The mask makes curls more manageable and gives them shine.

Make masks 1-2 times a week. The course is usually 15–20 procedures. At the end of the sessions, you should take a break for a month. After rest, you can repeat the course.

To get rid of dandruff, make a rinse with pine extract. Take: 1 tbsp. dry nettle leaves, 1 tbsp. dry coltsfoot grass and 2-3 drops of fir oil. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour. Add ether to the resulting liquid. Rinse your hair with the product after each shampoo. Attention! The conditioner is only suitable for dark hair.

Treatments for beautiful skin

Fir squeeze in skin care is most often used for the following purposes:

  • Against wrinkles. Combine the yolk of one egg with a tablespoon of aloe juice and 2-3 drops of fir ether. Lubricate the skin of the face, neck and décolleté with the resulting product. After a third of an hour, rinse the treated areas warm water. Use the recipe once a week for permanent basis.
  • Against premature aging skin. Use the following recipe: 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. fresh plantain leaves, crushed in a blender (with the addition of a small amount of water), 2-3 drops of fir squeeze. The exposure time of the product is 20 minutes. Rinse off with water at a comfortable temperature. Apply the composition once every 7 days. Course - 20 masks. At the end, you should rest for a month, after which you can repeat the procedure.
  • For the treatment of pustules and large red pimples. Mix 1 tsp. oils grape seeds with 2 drops of fir ether. Apply the resulting product to the inflamed areas and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the allotted time has passed, wash off the composition. Use the product as needed, but not more than 2 times a day.
  • To smooth the skin around the eyes. It is in these places that the first wrinkles most often appear. Take a few drops of fir extract, 1 tsp. avocado and olive oils. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting composition to the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to do this before bed so that the product works throughout the night. The recipe should be used several times a week on an ongoing basis.
  • To care for problem skin. Mix 5-6 drops of fir extract, 10 g of yellow clay, 11 g of natural liquid honey and 1 g of ground turmeric. Apply the resulting substance to the skin of the face, moving from bottom to top. After a third of an hour, rinse off the composition and use a moisturizer. Use the mask 1-2 times a week to combat blackheads and pimples.
  • For facial skin rejuvenation. Take 4 drops of fir extract, 20 g of avocado, 3-4 strawberries. Puree strawberries and avocados using a blender. Add ether to the resulting mass. Lubricate your face with the product, the layer should be thick. After 30–40 minutes, wipe the skin with a damp cotton pad. Use the mask twice a week on an ongoing basis. The product tones the skin, fights swelling and bruising under the eyes. In addition, the mask smoothes out fine wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • To smooth out skin unevenness. The mask is especially relevant in the presence of scars left after pimples. Combine 6 drops of fir ether, 15 g of apple puree (you can buy it or make it yourself from baked fruit) and 5 drops salicylic acid. Apply the resulting product to your face in a thick layer. After half an hour, remove any remaining product with a damp cotton pad, but do not rinse. Apply the recipe 1-2 times a week in a course of 15 procedures. Rest after completion of the sessions should be at least a month.

Thick eyebrows and eyelashes

Fir squeeze affects eyelashes and eyebrows as follows:

  • strengthens roots
  • prevents hair loss,
  • accelerates growth,
  • gives shine and well-groomed appearance.

There are several ways to use fir ether for eyelash care:

To speed up the growth of eyebrows, as well as give them shine and a darker color, mix fir ether with vitamins A and E. The latter should be taken one capsule each, and the squeeze will only need 1-2 drops. Lubricate your eyebrows with the resulting product once a day for 30 days. It is recommended to do this using a cotton swab or a lip gloss applicator. At the end of the course, rest for 3 weeks and resume sessions if necessary.

Duet of traditional medicine and fir ether

Fir ether is used in folk medicine to relieve symptoms and treat a number of diseases. Do not forget to carefully follow the recommended dosage so as not to cause harm to your body instead of benefit.

Fungus problem in the past

Fir squeeze is used to combat nail fungus. The product shows greater effectiveness in eliminating candidiasis. There are several ways to use the product against nail fungus, depending on the degree of development of the disease:

Against warts

There are several ways to combat warts using fir ether:

It is necessary to treat the formations with any of the proposed compositions until the warts completely disappear.

For cuts and bruises

In this case, the ideal solution would be to prepare a compress. Dip a bandage or gauze into fir extract mixed with base oil (1:5), apply to the wound and wrap the affected area with cling film. You should walk with the compress all day. If this is not possible, apply the bandage in the evenings and leave for 1–1.5 hours. Keep in mind that this method is not suitable for deep cuts.

A toothache will not become a headache

If a severe toothache occurs and you are unable to visit the dentist, fir ether can help out. Place 7-8 drops of oil on cotton wool and apply it to the aching area. The product relieves inflammation, disinfects and reduces swelling.

Against herpes

There are several ways to fight herpes using fir squeeze:

  • Use in its pure form. Treat herpes with oil several times a day.
  • Compress. Soak cotton wool in ether and apply to the herpes. Keep it for a quarter of an hour. This must be done 3-4 times a day.

For osteochondrosis

There are 3 methods of using fir oil to reduce the symptoms of osteochondrosis:

Use one of the methods every time the disease worsens.

Down with the cold

To combat a runny nose and cough, inhalations are best suited. Please note that the procedure should be done when elevated temperature bodies are prohibited. It's simple: add 4-5 drops of fir extract to hot water and breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. Don't forget to cover yourself with a towel to achieve greatest effect. Perform the procedure 1–2 times a day.

For joint diseases

Depending on the type of joint disease, the following treatment methods with fir oil are used:

For any problems with joints, rubbing is also done. To do this, combine any base oil with fir extract in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture is rubbed on the joints several times a day on an ongoing basis. Once every 2-3 months you should take a break from treatment for a week.

Against liver diseases

Dissolve 4 drops of ether in 100 ml of warm water. Shake the liquid well and drink it one sip several times a day. This needs to be done throughout the week. The product alleviates the symptoms of diseases and normalizes liver function.

Hypertension - fight back

Place 1 drop of ether on a piece of sugar and eat, your blood pressure should drop. Use the product as needed, but no more than twice a day.

Heartburn is a definite no

Mix 2-3 drops of fir extract with 150 ml of plain water. Drink the solution throughout the day. The product can serve as an ambulance for heartburn attacks.

Healthy gums

Fir squeeze helps eliminate viral or bacterial processes. Mix almond oil with pine ether in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate the inflamed gums with the resulting product several times a day using a cotton swab. You cannot eat for 30 minutes after the procedure.

Gently getting rid of hemorrhoids

Dilute the fir extract a little with coconut, almond or olive oil. The ideal ratio of base and essential products is 1:1. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting solution and place it in anal hole. It is recommended to do this 1-2 times a day. More three hours You can’t walk around with the same tampon. Fir oil promotes the resorption of inflamed cones and also heals anal fissures. You can use this method continuously for 14 days. Then you should rest for a week and, if necessary, begin the procedures again.

No kidney stones

To get rid of kidney stones, you should prepare an infusion of dry herbs: rose hips, St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano and sage. Take 10 g of each ingredient and pour one glass of boiling water. Infuse the liquid for 20 minutes. Add 5 drops of fir extract to the resulting infusion. Drink 1/3 glass before meals 3 times a day. After a month, you may notice a small sediment in the urine. This means that the stones have begun to dissolve. Take the product until the formations completely disappear. Sometimes this process takes 2–3 months.

In aromatherapy

Aromatherapy with fir oil helps relieve nervous tension, helps with colds, improves mood and overall well-being. In addition, the smell of ether dulls appetite, due to which it has positive influence for weight loss.

There are several ways to use the product in aromatherapy:

  • Aroma baths. Use the ether alone or with the oils it is combined with (cloves, cinnamon, etc.). Do not forget to first dissolve the product in heavy cream so that it does not float on the surface of the bath, but is evenly distributed in it.
  • Aroma lamps. Pour water into a special recess and add 3-4 drops of fir oil. Light the lamp and enjoy the aroma until the liquid evaporates completely. It is recommended to conduct a session as needed to relax after a working day and prevent colds.
  • Aroma pendants. These devices are sold in Ayurveda stores and on online platforms. Just 1 drop of ether is enough for you to smell it throughout the day.
  • In the bath. Dissolve 5 drops of fir extract in a ladle of water. Rinse hot stones with liquid. Pine steam is very good for health respiratory system And emotional state.
  • Aroma massage. The procedure relieves spasms, relaxes, increases skin elasticity and relieves insomnia. Pine squeeze fights eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. In addition, when performing a facial massage with a fir product, small wrinkles are smoothed out and the color is evened out. To carry out the procedure, mix the ether with any base oil (peach, olive, almond or other) in a 1:1 ratio.

Application for children and elderly people

The use of fir oil for children is limited to inhalation, rinsing the nose and adding the product to tea/fruit drink (no more than 1 drop per standard glass). Pine extract shows excellent results in the treatment of sore throat, runny nose and sinusitis. In addition, ether helps fight insomnia, activates the body's natural defenses and improves mental activity. All this is very important for the normal growth and development of the child.

As for older people, a squeeze of leaves coniferous tree It is not recommended for use during periodic pressure surges. Consult your doctor to find out exactly whether the product can be used in your case. Please remember that continuous use of oil can lead to high blood pressure, even if it is usually normal or low.

In the group of coniferous aromas, pine and spruce are the most famous. For some reason, people forget about fir, although traditional medicine has been using it for a long time. And by the way, fir essential oil exhibits properties that make it unique among other representatives this group. These include strong warming and wound healing capabilities.

Suitable for the plant climatic conditions Ural, Altai, Sayan, northeast Russia, Eastern, Western Siberia. This is a beautiful evergreen tree of the pine family. It has a delightful pyramidal shape and silvery olive bark. Fir fruits - cones - grow vertically upward, resembling festive candles on a Christmas tree. This is its distinctive feature.

Fir is a beautiful evergreen tree of the pine family.

More than 40 species of fir are known, but medical properties Possesses mainly Siberian. Medicines and natural essential oil are made from pine needles, buds, young shoots, and bark.

Fir is a long-living tree. On average, they live from 300 to 500 years.

Production and general characteristics

Fir oil is obtained by squeezing not only parts of the plant, but also the fruits - cones. Steam distillation is the most best method product extraction. Largest quantity it contains mature, old Siberian fir, which has led to its widespread medical and cosmetic use. It must be said that inside the plant, Siberian fir essential oil changes its volume and high-quality composition. In spring, the tree bark contains aromatic oil in minimum quantity, while the maximum amount of the drug is obtained from needles during this period. The highest concentration of the most important constituent substance - bornyl acetate - is observed towards the end of autumn - beginning of winter.

Fir essential oil has such a light muted yellow tint that it can be called colorless. The smell is coniferous-balsamic, with tart notes, a spicy tint, resinous, fresh, characteristic of a coniferous forest.

Additional oils for fir are easy to select. Its low, cold aroma does not drown out or mask other odors during mixing, but only adds forest freshness. The best complementary aromas are cinnamon, basil, cedar, lavender, lemon, bergamot, myrtle, cumin, rosemary, ferula, bigardia, nutmeg, verbena.

Only the cleanest air and the absence of industrial pollution are suitable for the existence of the tree, which ensures the absolute environmental purity of the preparations obtained from it.

Aromatic fir oil is used in different areas medicine, cosmetology, in everyday life due to its numerous beneficial properties.

Fir essential oil has a light muted yellow tint and a pine-balsamic, resinous aroma


Essential oil from any part of the plant contains:

  • tannins;
  • antioxidants;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherols;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • microelements.

Such a rich composition makes Siberian fir oil a unique drug, giving it

  • tonic,
  • antibacterial,
  • wound healing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • restorative,
  • expectorants,
  • warming properties.


Fir oil has a very strong tonic aroma, which has a pronounced psycho-emotional effect. It calms and relaxes nervous exhaustion, depression, obsessive anxiety, stress, nervousness. It brings you out of an emotional stupor, a state of passivity, and helplessness. Fir oil allows you to find peace, mental balance and stability, harmony with the outside world, tones, stimulates creative activity.

Aromatherapy with Siberian fir oil inspires, promotes quick adaptation and finding productive solutions in difficult circumstances, eliminating self-destructive emotions, nervous breakdowns, opening up the opportunity for a person to see the good side life, rejoice in other people's achievements.

Aromatherapy with fir oil improves emotional well-being

Fir essential oil has pronounced antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal properties - they are provided by phytoncides in the composition of the drug. They are so strong that they often surpass the strength of antibiotics without causing any harm to health.

  1. This is an excellent product for disinfecting apartments and public spaces. It sanitizes the air, clearing it of pathogens, mold, and dust.
  2. Preventive use of fir reduces the incidence of influenza by 24–48%, and other acute respiratory diseases by 32–44.
  3. If you do get sick, aromatherapy will help significantly reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Essential oil eases the course of flu and colds, reducing intoxication, headache, weakness, feeling of weakness, pain in the limbs.
  5. The wound-healing properties of fir have been praised since the time of Hippocrates. The aromatic remedy was used for disinfection of wounds, general health, and treatment of colds and coughs in patients. Evidence of this is found in the study of ancient cultures.
  6. The aroma oil has a strong anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect in diseases of the respiratory system. Perfectly removes mucus, sanitizes the tracheal-bronchial tract, improving their patency. Fir oil is used to treat tumor pathologies and tuberculosis as an additional therapy.
  7. The antibacterial and diuretic properties of the drug are used to treat cystitis, kidney diseases. Fir essential oil activates cellular cleansing of the body.

The pronounced warming property of the product helps:

  • soothe pain characteristic of arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, muscle neuralgia;
  • relieve swelling and inflammation of joints.

Siberian fir:

  • Activates the immune system by stimulating the production of T-lymphocytes. Strengthens protective forces body during radiation exposure with low doses.
  • Renders positive impact on Bone marrow, improving blood counts in leuko- and lymphopenia, restoring erythropoiesis.
  • Fir essential oil has beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system, improving myocardial conductivity, exhibiting a slight cardiotonic effect, slightly increasing arterial pressure, which can be useful for hypotensive patients.
  • It is believed that fir essential oil improves vision, metabolic processes, and stimulates the endocrine system.

Many toothpastes, elixirs, and rinses contain this component, which confirms its usefulness for the gums and oral mucosa.

Fir oil is often included in mouth rinses.

Essential oils have been used for quite a long time as effective aids in the fields of cosmetology and medicine. Today there is a wide variety of different types of aromatic essences. However, they are especially popular pine oils. In particular, the properties of fir essential oil have beneficial effect for the entire human body.

General information

Fir is an evergreen tree belonging to the pine family, growing in highly environmentally friendly conditions. In order to obtain the essential essence, the method of water-steam distillation is used, which is applied to conifers or tree branches, as well as cones. Fragrance oil Only white and Siberian fir varieties are capable of producing.

The essential mixture itself has a liquid, slightly runny consistency with a yellow-green tint that emits a fresh pine aroma. Therefore, I always associate any use of fir essential oil with pleasant smell. In addition to tree extracts, the oil contains various substances tanning type, carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherols.

By the way! Now in pharmacies you can purchase sets of several conifers at once essential oils. For example these:

Essential oil of fir, cedar, pine


The unique properties of fir essential oil make it universal remedy, which is successfully used in wide areas of human life. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The use of fir oil has a smoothing effect on the skin, effectively preventing premature signs aging. In addition, there is a tonic effect, which improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  2. The antiseptic effect is achieved by destroying and removing toxic elements and pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  3. One of the properties of fir essential oil is to strengthen the immune forces of the body, which becomes able to independently resist harmful microbes.
  4. There is also an improvement in metabolism, which manifests itself in natural elimination excess fluid, thereby improving diuretic processes. This optimizes the condition and function of the kidneys, which get rid of toxins. In case of poisoning, essential fir essence provokes the body to process and quickly eliminate harmful components. For this purpose, a few drops of the aromatic mixture are added to the inhalation solution.
  5. The exclusive property of fir essential oil is to relieve pain manifestations with the development of diseases associated with joints. Moreover, an anti-inflammatory effect is achieved, as a result of which the redness that causes painful sensations. Thus, fir essential oil is often used.
  6. It is worth noting the calming effect that is achieved when using fir oil: there is a decrease in mental stress and an improvement in the general emotional state. In order to get rid of stressful emotions, it is necessary to inhale vapors of essential essence. To do this, add a few drops to the aroma lamp.
  7. If you have vision problems or other diseases affecting the eye organs, it is recommended to use fir essence, which prevents cellular degradation by providing an antioxidant effect.
  8. Essential essences are used to successfully treat diseases that have infectious nature. So, to get rid of ailments associated with the urinary tract, you need to add a certain amount of the mixture to the bath when taking water procedures.
  9. Various injuries represented by cuts or sports bruises, are also easily healed through the use of fir oil, which has a regenerating effect and also effectively fights fungal-type foot infections.
  10. Problems related to the respiratory system can also be quickly treated. Inhaling fir vapors promotes the productive removal of sputum, due to which the body’s natural fight against infections occurs. It is good to use the essential mixture to treat asthmatic attacks, bronchitis or painful manifestations in the throat.


The use of fir oil in various areas human life has its own characteristics, as a result of which it is advisable to pay attention to them.


Due to the relative lack of knowledge about fir essential oil, as well as possible reactions which it can provoke, the use of fir oil in for cosmetic purposes is highly controversial. However, with its help you can effectively and inexpensively short term get rid of local cosmetic problems that are at an acute stage of development:

1. Skin problems

Problems and diseases associated with are actively treated with fir essence:

  • To get rid of eczema, psoriasis or ulcers, you need to use a couple of drops of oil, which are then thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the affected areas using massage movements.
  • In a similar way, the product is used in the fight against cellulite. To do this, it is also possible to add a few essential drops to a bath of water, after which you should take aromatic treatments.
  • In some cases, it is advisable to use fir oil for preventive purposes. For example, while swimming in unknown bodies of water. Before entering the water, you need to lightly wipe yourself with oil. This creates an antiseptic and deodorizing effect.
  • It is also worth noting that essential fir essence is one of the most effective means in the fight against dermatoses affecting the feet.

2. Cosmetics:

  • Quite often, fir fragrance can be found in perfumes or aromatic products. The use of this pine essence is determined by its light, fresh and unobtrusive aroma.
  • Among other things, fir effectively fights lice that live in human hair “spaces,” which is achieved due to its pungent odor for insects.
  • Also, essential essence is actively used during massage treatments relaxing and soothing type, the mixture for which is prepared by mixing fir oil in an amount of 25 drops with jojoba oil in an amount of 15 ml.


Thanks to wide range Due to the healing properties of fir essential oil, it is actively and widely used in various fields of medicine. Some part medical fields, in which fir oil is used, was presented above. However, it is worth paying attention Special attention for the use of the product in dentistry and the preparation of essential baths and baths.

1. Dentistry

Typically, after visiting dental office, in which the treatment or removal of a diseased tooth was carried out, quite strong painful sensations arise caused by mechanical injury. For elimination pain syndrome you must resort to the following procedure:

  • A cotton swab or bandage is soaked in fir essential oil and applied to the sore spot for 10 minutes. Attention! It is highly advisable to use diluted fir oil (for example, 2-4 drops of fir in base oil of sea buckthorn or almond).
  • After this time period has expired, the procedure is repeated after a short time.
  • The oil also effectively treats periodontal disease, but to treat it, the number of tampons applied increases, and the course must be repeated every couple of months.

2. Baths and saunas

It is important to carry out inhalation procedures and aromatherapy based on fir in the midst of outbreaks of cold-type diseases. It becomes especially effective in the treatment of sore throat and bronchitis.

For those who like to combine business with pleasure, namely, avid bathhouse attendants, it is enough to add a few drops of fir essence to a ladle of water, which then needs to be sprayed on the walls of the bathhouse. The emanating aromatic steam has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, helping to cleanse them.

If you want to use an essential essence in the bath, you must also add some essential oil.
how many drops of it are in hot water, then lie in it for 15 minutes. This way it will be restored nervous system, fatigue will be eliminated and immunity will be strengthened.

Well, taking these regularly aromatic baths help improve skin tone, get rid of wrinkles and sagging. In the same way, you can get rid of problems associated with gynecology and urology.

Aromatic baths are best taken in the evening, before going to bed, as muscle relaxation occurs, which contributes to an easier and more pleasant process of falling asleep. And your sleep will be deep and restful.


Fir oil is often used for children, who generally tolerate this product well. However, small children are not prescribed rubbing with mixtures based on fir essence, since the component can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Fir oil for children becomes relevant if available respiratory diseases infectious type. In this case, it is important to follow dosages that should be age-appropriate.

Household sphere

In everyday life, fir mixture is used as an insect repellent, as well as to disinfect the air space, clearing it of dust and various allergens. This provides protection against infections that enter the body through the air.


Since fir essential essence is quite concentrated and can cause allergic reactions, it is important to adhere to the following dosages to avoid negative effects on health and mood:

  • When using the fir mixture internally, you must stick to one drop per day. At the same time, she must drink or eat additional products food and drinks in the form of a spoon of honey, jam or a glass of liquid with a sour taste.
  • In order to aromatize the room, 4-6 drops of fir oil are sprayed onto 15 square meters of area.
  • When using fir oil to get rid of acne, you can apply it undiluted, but only spot-on. You can also use it for acne.
  • If you have individual aroma medallions, the use of which is important for colds, flu or other infectious diseases, instill a couple of drops of essence.
  • When carrying out inhalation procedures, you should adhere to the following rule: a couple of drops of fir oil are inhaled for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Taking aromatic baths is carried out by adding fir oil in an amount of 6-7 drops to a thick solvent. A similar dosage is used for massage procedures.
  • As a means for rubbing and relieving pain, add 12 drops of oil, calculated for 15 grams of base.
  • In case of frostbite, fir essence in the amount of 15 drops is added to a tablespoon of macadamia oil. After applying the mixture, apply a warm bandage.


Since fir oil is quite concentrated and saturated, and also has a specific odor, there are a number of contraindications that prevent the use of the product:

  1. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  2. Pathological condition of the kidneys.
  3. Ulcerative manifestations of any etiology.
  4. Tendency to allergic reactions.

It is also worth considering that the oil is strictly forbidden to be consumed orally on an empty stomach. In some cases, spasms of a bronchodilator nature were observed, for which reason people suffering from breathing problems should be extremely careful in using fir essence.

Fir is a coniferous plant, from the branches, cones and needles of which it is extracted medicinal oil. For the New Year, replace the standard spruce with fir; it will not only retain its presentable appearance for longer, but will also improve the health of the body with its aroma. The oil has found application in aromatherapy, cosmetology, and medicine.

Fir oil, like others, is obtained by steam distillation. Old trees produce more ether, so they are used more often than others.

This product can be stored for a long time - up to 10 years if storage requirements are met. But silver fir oil loses its properties after 2 years. At the same time, it becomes not only useless, but sometimes also toxic, dangerous to human health.


It is used in cosmetology, treatment and in solving some everyday issues. Its properties are extensive:

  • Has a beneficial effect on respiratory function, protects against inflammation, acute respiratory infections, flu, especially during increased danger get a cold. Used for prevention and treatment.
  • Useful for people with hypertension and hypotension, as it regulates blood pressure. It is used to stabilize blood sugar levels, so diabetics and people prone to this disease are recommended to take regular preventive measures with fir oil.
  • Heals wounds. But it cannot be applied undiluted to these places; it is recommended to combine it with badger, pig or goose fat. The mixture is applied to cracks, cuts, eczema and other minor damage on the skin.

    For serious injuries, fir oil is no longer suitable.

    All of the above properties are due to the rich composition of fir oil.

    Application in cosmetology

    Women love to take care of their body and maintain the beauty of their skin. long years so as not to grow old ahead of time, not to become covered with hated wrinkles. Some undergo cosmetic procedures that cost a lot of money. Some people take care of themselves at home and use expensive cosmetics. But nature has long ago prepared all the most valuable things for us, so not taking advantage of its gifts is simply a sin. One of these gifts is fir oil, which has long been used in the treatment of certain cosmetic problems.

    This remedy has a wound-healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect. That is why it is widely used in the treatment skin diseases, such as: eczema, wounds and cracks, dermatitis, psoriasis. Relieves acne, purulent rashes, furunculosis.

    For oily skin fir oil is also effective. It relieves increased production sebum, cleanses pores, skin condition is normalized. Women over 30 years of age use the anti-wrinkle product to get rid of them and as a preventive measure.

    The only exception can be spot application on inflamed areas, such as acne.

    Cosmetic products are enriched with fir oil: creams, shampoos, and rinses are made using this product. For this they take single dose any cream and drip 3-5 drops of oil into it and apply it to the face, as you usually do every day.

    To keep the skin of the whole body toned and good condition do massages. To do this, add 5-7 fir oil to the massage product, oil or cream and rub for 40-60 minutes. It is recommended to perform such procedures every other day in a course of 10-12 times.

    Fir oil is combined with other oils both in aroma and in its beneficial properties. It can be , juniper oil.

    Application in medicine

    This remedy is used not only to maintain the beauty of the body and face, but also in folk medicine. It is not used as often as juniper oil or other softwood oils. It is sold in pharmacies and has a fairly high cost. But despite this, fir oil is known in narrow circles and is most often used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, skin diseases, to restore damaged hair, and to relieve certain types of pain.

    Main feature fir oil is its disinfectant properties.

    It kills pathogenic bacteria from environment, purifies the air and eliminates airborne infections.

    Fir oil will relieve the following diseases respiratory tract:

    • Runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis.
    • Bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.
    • Flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
    • Cough.

    To get rid of these ailments, rub with fir oil in combination with other base oils, inhalation, instillation, rinsing.

    Treatment of skin diseases:

    • Burns, minor injuries to the upper layer of the epidermis. For the treatment of serious and deep wounds doesn't fit.

    • Herpetic eruptions on the surface of the skin. To do this, soak a cotton swab in oil and apply it to the sore spot several times a day.
    • Fungal diseases of the feet. To do this, gauze cloth is soaked in fir oil and lotions are applied for 5 minutes for 5 days until complete healing.
    • To treat bedsores and diaper rash, pure fir oil is applied to the affected areas.

    Treatment of pain and spasms:

    • For toothache, stomatitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis, apply lotions with a cotton swab, which is soaked in fir oil, and rinse.
    • If the joints are inflamed, take a warm bath, rub the affected area with alcohol, and then with fir oil. It relieves inflammation and pain.
    • For pain during an attack of angina, lubricate the heart area with fir oil. The pain recedes behind short period time, the patient feels relief.
    • For insomnia, take warm baths with 5 drops of oil.
    • To treat inflammation in the vagina, do sitz baths from 3 liters of water with 2 drops of fir oil for 15 minutes. Water temperature - 40 degrees. Course – 2 weeks.

    Household use

    They are also used in everyday life. This can be not only deodorizing the room, but also cleaning it from infections, fungi, corrosive odors, and insects.

    There are several ways to use fir oil in everyday matters:

    1. The apartment is cleaned at least once a week. Before vacuuming the house, you should soak a piece of cotton wool in oil and suck it in with a vacuum cleaner. In this case, the aroma will be released from the technical device throughout the entire cleaning. This will remove bad smell from tobacco, will refresh the room, and regular use of such aromatization of the apartment will get rid of mold on the walls. Any aromatic oils are suitable for this, for example, lavender oil, lemon balm, etc.
    2. Fir oil is also used as an air freshener. Instead of buying expensive chemicals, which contain a lot of things that are not very useful for the human body, make a natural spray that will take care of both the pleasant aroma of your home and your health. To do this, add a few drops of fir oil and water to a spray bottle and periodically spray throughout the apartment. During repairs, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of oil to paint or wallpaper glue, especially if there is fungus in the room.
    3. Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, oil sprays can be used in the room where a sick person is lying. This will reduce the bacteria in the air and speed up recovery.

    Before adding oil to water, dissolve it in ethyl alcohol, take 2-3 teaspoons of alcohol per 5-7 drops of oil.

    After this, this amount of oil-alcohol mixture is poured into half a liter of water.


    One of the contraindications for the use of fir oil is children under 12 years of age and adults over 55 years of age.

    Use with caution in people with medical conditions of cardio-vascular system, pregnant and lactating women, people with liver and kidney diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

    We must not forget that fir oil must be used diluted and only in exceptional cases applied topically in pure form.

    Fir oil is a useful remedy for many ailments.

Green shoots, needles and fir cones are a source of volatile liquid with a rich composition. Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of fir oil, you can correctly use this therapeutic and cosmetic product. The aromatic liquid has many valuable qualities, as well as analgesic and invigorating effects.

Coniferous trees are forest “doctors of the green kingdom.” Young shoots, green needles and cones secrete phytoncides, which are the plant’s first line of defense against pathogens. The same tasks are performed by essential oils found in all parts of coniferous plants. Resin in the trunk, branches and bark protects the wood from pathogens and pests.

Fir essential oil is a yellowish or colorless volatile liquid with a rich balsamic aroma of pine needles. The high physiological activity of the product is due to terpenes and terpenoids.

Main connections:

  • myrcene;
  • limonene;
  • pinenes;
  • camphene;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • cineole

Sometimes carotene, vitamin C and tannins are mentioned in the description of the composition. They are indeed present, but only in needles.

Volatile substances, and this has been proven by many researchers, penetrate through the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory system into the human body. Phytochemical compounds mercilessly deal with pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Medicinal properties of fir oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • local irritant;
  • antiseptic;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • bactericidal;
  • antifungal;
  • cardiotonic;
  • tonic.

Correct and regular use of aroma oil allows you to protect your body from many pathogens. The components are included in metabolism and normalize heartbeat and blood pressure, and the tart aroma has a beneficial effect on neuropsychic processes.

The benefits of fir oil are not limited to medical use. The aromatic liquid obtained from the shoots of Siberian fir consists half of bornyl acetate and camphene. From them they produce “fir” camphor - a medicine and an integral part of perfumery. The product is included in medications for injection and external use.

"Fir" camphor is used to treat heart failure and rheumatism. For severe infectious diseases of the respiratory system, it is used to stimulate breathing and blood circulation.

Indications for use

Fir oil can be used by people with infectious and inflammatory diseases skin, respiratory and digestive systems. Combines well antiseptic effect and the anti-inflammatory effect of pinenes, cineole and borneol.

Some indications for the use of fir oil:

  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis;
  • insomnia;
  • dermatitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis.

The analgesic effect allows the drug to be successfully used to relieve pain from bruises, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

The product improves peripheral circulation, blood and lymph flow in tissues that provide work musculoskeletal system. The aroma oil helps cleanse the kidneys and joints of excess salts and remove unnecessary metabolites from the body. As a result of its use, blood pressure is normalized (high blood pressure decreases and low blood pressure increases), immunity is strengthened and stress resistance increases.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Doctors do not recommend taking aromatic oils orally during pregnancy. Phytochemicals may adversely affect the fetus in early pregnancy. External use of fir oil is permissible in small dosages in the second and third trimesters.

  • Many medications are prohibited during pregnancy, including vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of runny nose. But during cold season respiratory infections can cause serious complications: sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, add a few drops of fir oil to a “pea” of face cream and lubricate the skin around the nasal passages. This simple manipulation, together with other available preventive measures will stop the development of colds.
  • Pregnant women often complain of loss of strength and toxicosis. In this case, inhale the fumes of fir aroma oil for 1–2 minutes. The product has a stimulating effect, increases vitality, improves mood. Applying a few drops to the temples helps with headaches.
  • Back pain is another problem during pregnancy. You can add a little fir oil to your body cream and do light massage lumbar area. In the same way, the cream for stretch marks on the body is enriched. Caution must be exercised, as a pregnant woman’s body works under stress and can overreact even to usual remedies.

Before using the oil, an allergy test is performed: apply a drop to the inside of the wrist or elbow and observe the skin reaction for 15 minutes. The absence of redness, itching, and blisters is a sign that the product does not cause allergies.

Beneficial properties for children's bodies

Fir oil is used to treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats in children. Natural preparation Smells good and works quickly. Aroma oil is used only if the child is over 3 years old. The proposed means and procedures are of auxiliary value and do not replace drug treatment.

  • Fir oil is applied externally along with baby cream and for skin diseases.
  • If the child has a cold, then it is mixed with detergent and shampoo while bathing.
  • Various inhalations help with a runny nose and cough. medicinal solutions. You can add a few drops of fir aroma oil to these liquids.
  • In the same way, the antiseptic properties of throat gargles are increased.

How to use fir oil?

Essential oils in their pure form are rarely applied to the skin; contact with mucous membranes is avoided. It is recommended to mix them with base vegetable oil, face or body cream, add to ointments.

Traditional medicine recipes

If signs of a cold have just appeared, then take a bath with 6–10 drops of fir essential oil mixed with salt. The same procedures help reduce joint pain and treat kidney and genitourinary tract diseases. Make 15-minute baths with the addition of aroma oil for hands and feet for joint diseases, pain after bruises and fractures.

Recipes for cold remedies:

  1. Mix 1-2 drops of fir oil with a small amount of face cream. Apply to the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose.
  2. Sore throat is treated by gargling, which is prepared from 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. salt. First, add 2 drops of fir essential oil to the salt, then dissolve all the ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  3. In more severe cases, 5-minute inhalation with fir oil in combination with rubbing the back and chest helps.
  4. At severe cough Add 1-2 drops of fir oil to sunflower oil and apply with a spoon to the root of the tongue. The product helps for several days.
  5. The same mixture is used to treat sore throat. Lubricated daily tonsils gauze swab soaked oil solution. The procedures provide combined action: dilute mucus, facilitate its removal, disinfect the respiratory tract.

Application in cosmetology

Natural components of essential oil soothe irritated epidermis, smooth the skin, making it more elastic and velvety. Fir oil is used in cosmetology as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent. In addition, it stimulates the renewal of dermal tissue.

The product is especially useful for those with oily, acne-prone skin. Fir oil is added to cosmetic creams to get rid of acne, blackheads and redness. The product is also used to treat herpetic rashes on the face.

How to use fir oil for a cosmetic mask against wrinkles:

  1. Mix 2 drops of fir essential oil with avocado and olive oil (1 tsp each).
  2. Apply the product to " crow's feet"in the corners of the eyes, purse string wrinkles at the mouth.
  3. Leave the mixture overnight and wash with water in the morning.

Fir oil is added to shampoo and conditioner - the product helps get rid of dandruff and heal minor damage to the dermis. The oil normalizes exfoliation and reduces greasiness of the scalp. Hair becomes healthier and silkier.

Contraindications for use

Patients should not use fir essential oil for oral administration:

  • with allergic diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • with acute nephritis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

In other cases, the use of the product is safe for health if you follow the recommendations. The main thing to remember is that in its pure form it is not applied to the skin, with the exception of small inflamed areas (acne, herpetic blisters).

The most effective mixtures of essential oils with basic vegetable fats, salt, and hygienic cosmetics. These are solvents and carriers that facilitate penetration active substances into the skin. Fir oil ingredients enter the body in various ways. The most popular and safest are aromatic baths, compresses, mouth rinses, inhalations, rubbing and massage.



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