Treatment of anal fissures at home. Anal fissure (anal fissure)

Real torment. This is the name of the elongated sores that occur on the rectal mucosa near the anus. During a bowel movement in the area of ​​​​the crack, the patient feels severe cutting pain, which can provoke him, which, in turn, will only aggravate the course of the disease.

Quickly get rid of anus fissures with folk methods: how to do it?

A popular way to treat anal fissures is sitz baths with a decoction of oak bark. The tannins contained in the bark of this tree disinfect the wound, drying and healing it, as well as relieve pain and stop bleeding. To prepare such a bath in 2 liters of boiling water, throw a handful of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy). Boil the broth for a quarter of an hour, then let it cool to room temperature, strain and add it to the water prepared for the bath.

Another folk method of relieving an acute condition in a patient who suffers from anal fissures is the application of a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of wheat bran and calendula to the affected area. To prepare it, add a tablespoon of bran and dried calendula flowers to half a liter of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain and cool.

Miraculous ordinary aloe is indispensable in the treatment of anal fissures. Apply an aloe leaf cut in half in thickness to a sore spot after baths. Aloe neutralizes the inflammatory process and promotes the healing of ulcers on the mucosa. You can aloe rectal suppositories by cutting the leaf into oblong pieces and freezing it beforehand.

Nettle infusion, which is drunk 2-3 times daily by the sick, like tea, helps the body with such an annoying ailment as anal fissures,. It helps to relieve swelling and irritation of the intestinal mucosa, not only from the outside, but throughout its entire length.

How to prevent anal fissures?

Proctologists recommend that patients prone to anal fissures include a large amount of fiber and plenty of clean water in their daily diet. These measures, like no other, contribute to the prevention, which in most cases are the cause of injury to the delicate mucosa in the anus.

In order to avoid the appearance of anal fissures, avoid tight ones, thongs made of synthetic materials are especially dangerous in this sense. Salty, peppery and fried foods can indirectly affect ulceration around the anus, so these foods are best avoided. Finally, use a pH-neutral cleanser to wash. By following all these measures, you will prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Today, according to proctologists, a lot of people who suffer from cracks in the anus turn to them. Moreover, this problem is one of the most common in patients of various age groups. may be an independent phenomenon resulting from the action of any traumatic factors. Also, very often, this problem accompanies various diseases (disturbances in the digestive tract, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids, etc.). We will talk further about how an anal fissure is treated. However, I immediately want to draw attention to the fact that in no case should you fight this disease on your own, even despite the presence of a mass of folk remedies. After all, only a qualified doctor is able to assess the severity of the disease and prescribe an adequate way to deal with it.

What are anal fissures

As a rule, there are no problems with the diagnosis in this case. Symptoms of an anal fissure are easily recognizable, and the doctor can quickly detect them even during a cursory examination of the patient. As a rule, the length of the crack does not exceed one and a half centimeters. Most often, defects are superficial, but there are also deep injuries that bring people serious pain and suffering. In most cases, cracks appear in the lower or upper part of the anus. With their occurrence, the epithelium around the anus is damaged and becomes very painful and sensitive. Much less often, cracks can appear on the walls of the anal canal.

Cracks in the anus: symptoms and signs

In the vast majority of cases, the occurrence of such a disease is accompanied by rather painful sensations. Each act of defecation leads to the appearance of a sharp pain, the consequence of which is a prolonged spasm of the sphincter. This process only aggravates the course of the disease, since the spasm seriously slows down the healing of the crack. Be sure to keep in mind that if you do not consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear, the disease can become chronic. And if in the case of an acute form it is often possible to get by only with the use of a special healing ointment or suppositories, then in most cases it is possible to defeat a chronic disease only with the help of surgical intervention.

What is the difference between chronic and acute disease

Before learning about how an anal fissure is treated, we suggest understanding the forms of this ailment. So, the acute form of the disease is characterized by concomitant painful sensations. It is diagnosed if the crack appeared no more than three weeks ago and has smooth edges without signs of scarring. In this case, anal fissures are not very difficult to treat. To do this, use drugs to relieve pain and help accelerate tissue regeneration. The chronic form is diagnosed if the patient had a crack more than a month ago, and the conservative therapy was not successful. In this situation, a surgical operation is often performed, during which the crack is excised with a scalpel or laser. The chronic form is very dangerous, as it often leads to complications, and is also accompanied by cicatricial compaction of the edges of the crack and the appearance of the so-called "sentinel tubercle". One of the most serious consequences of this disease is purulent paraproctitis, resulting from infection in the damaged area.

Why does this disease occur?

The causes of anal fissures can be different. Here are the most common ones:

Diseases of the digestive tract: for example, enterocolitis, colitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids and others. By the way, with hemorrhoids, about half of the patients in the second or third stage have anal fissures.

Constipation and diarrhea. If a person suffers from chronic constipation, sooner or later the acts of defecation become more and more traumatic for him. The same applies to diarrhea, which puts a very serious strain on the sphincter.

Incorrectly performed medical examinations. In the event that procedures such as colonoscopy and anoscopy were unsuccessful, the mucosa in the anus of the patient may be injured.

Mechanical injuries (including those caused during anal sex).

Pregnancy and childbirth. Women often suffer from anal fissures during the period of bearing a child, as well as after childbirth. The reason for this is increased pressure in the pelvic area. In this case, patients require special attention from the doctor, since the treatment should be as safe as possible so as not to harm the baby.

Can children get sick?

Most people believe that this problem is the prerogative of adults and the elderly. However, children can also suffer from such a misfortune. And absolutely all ages: from infants to teenagers. But still, an anal fissure in children is less common than in adults. If, however, such a nuisance happened to your baby, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to start treatment as soon as possible. After all, the disease can go into a chronic stage and lead to serious consequences. Treatment of a crack in the anus in a child should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. After all, when it comes to children, anesthesia plays a very important role. The drugs intended for this should be selected correctly in accordance with the age of the child.

How is an anal fissure treated?

If such an ailment has overtaken you recently, upon examination, the doctor in most cases diagnoses an acute form of the disease and prescribes conservative treatment. It involves the use of sitz baths, wound healing and ointments. In addition, doctors recommend that patients do light exercises, walk more and, if possible, swim in the pool. Heavy lifting should be avoided. In addition, if the patient suffers from constipation, he is also recommended to adhere to a certain diet so as not to cause problems again. So, we offer to understand in more detail how to treat anal fissures.

Sitz baths

This procedure is prescribed to patients in order to relieve spasm of the sphincter. It is recommended to do two or three baths per day for 15-20 minutes. To prepare for the procedure, add a solution of potassium permanganate to warm water. Recipes for baths are also available in folk medicine. So, it is recommended to use decoctions of medicinal plants such as chamomile, calendula and yarrow. These herbs have antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths should be done after each bowel movement, as well as in the morning and evening. After this procedure, it is necessary to wet the anus area with a soft cloth, and then use the candles or ointment prescribed by the doctor.


As a rule, they are held for two weeks in the evening. To do this, mix in equal amounts and a decoction of chamomile. About 50 ml of this solution is collected in a syringe and injected into the rectum, where the liquid should be retained as much as possible. In addition to the specified solution, the following means can be used for microclysters:

Decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, oak bark, flax seed or sage;

Honey water (a tablespoon of honey is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water);

Few rose hips, sea buckthorn or fish oil;

Solcoseryl gel (a tube of the drug is dissolved in warm water and injected into the rectum).

Ointments and suppositories

Treatment of a crack in the anus is unthinkable without the use of topical drugs. As a rule, in this case, the same candles are used as for the fight against hemorrhoids. They help relieve pain and inflammation, reduce sphincter tension and heal damaged areas of the mucosa. Candles must be inserted into the anus after defecation, appropriate hygiene procedures and taking a warm sitz bath. It is recommended to use two suppositories per day, one of which is desirable to leave inside the rectum for the night. Ointments are also widely used. It is recommended to introduce them into the anus with a gauze pad soaked in the drug, or use a bandage with the drug bandaged to the anus at the location of the crack. Some doctors advise their patients to use feminine hygienic tampons for these purposes. In this case, the smallest size should be selected.

Pain-relieving candles

As part of the drugs included in this group, as a rule, there is an analgesic that helps relieve pain in the anus. Most often, the following medicines are used for this: Anestezol, Betiol with belladonna extract, Salofalk, Ultraprokt, Proctoglivenol, suppositories with calendula or glycerin and ichthyol suppositories.

Anti-inflammatory and wound healing drugs

These drugs help treat anal fissures and prevent complications. This group includes the following preparations for rectal use:

Candles "Relief" (the drug contains shark liver oil, which has analgesic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects).

You can either buy this remedy at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home. To do this, grate propolis on a fine grater, mix it with butter and melt in a water bath. Then the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for solidification.

Candles with methyluracil. These drugs have a very effective wound healing effect.

Candles "Natalsid". These suppositories do not contain hormones and other harmful components, therefore they can be used for women both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

Candles "Posterisan". The composition of this drug includes inactivated intestinal bacteria and their metabolic products. Due to this, the drug helps to increase the immune defense of the body and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Rectal suppositories "Hamamelis". This remedy belongs to the group of herbal homeopathic medicines.

Candles "Gepatrombin G". This drug helps to stop bleeding in the damaged area of ​​the mucosa, and also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Antispasmodic drugs

In order to remove patients, ointments containing nitroglycerin or suppositories with papaverine are prescribed. They help to reduce muscle tension, which, in turn, accelerates the healing process of the mucosa.


How to treat an anal fissure in the acute stage, we figured it out. But what if the disease has become chronic? In this case, conservative drug therapy no longer brings any results, and the doctor decides on surgical intervention. During the operation, the damaged area is excised. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly and effectively return the disease to the acute stage, which allows continuing treatment with conservative methods.


Both during the acute stage of the disease and in the postoperative period, the patient must pay special attention to his diet. It is necessary to include in the menu fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, as well as bran and In addition, you should drink plenty of fluids.

In folk medicine, there are many remedies for the treatment of anal fissure. These folk remedies have wound healing, regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore they are indispensable as the main and auxiliary means for the treatment of anal fissures. anal fissures most often arise from excessive stretching of the rectum with dense fecal masses. This happens with chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

Anal fissure symptoms

Symptoms of an anal fissure are: unbearable, burning pain in the anus during defecation, pain that does not subside for several hours after it, and a small amount of blood is excreted in the feces.

Risk Factors for Anal Fissure

Risk factors for anal fissure are: stomach ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. The formation of an anal fissure is promoted by the use of very spicy, salty foods, spices, and alcohol for a long time.

Treatment of anal fissure with folk remedies

If there is pain during and after a bowel movement, it is necessary to begin treatment of the anal fissure. If left untreated, an ulcer can form, through which microorganisms easily penetrate. Getting into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, they can cause its purulent inflammation - paraproctitis, ending in 80% of cases with a serious complication - a fistula of the rectum (an operation is needed).
The main thing in the treatment of anal fissure- daily cleansing of the intestines with an enema (0.5 l of infusion of chamomile and St. John's wort at room temperature). This procedure prevents mechanical injury to the fissure by dense feces. Before insertion into the anus, smear the enema tip thickly with petroleum jelly. Insert the tip, gently pressing it against the healthy wall of the anal canal. After emptying the intestines, take a 10-minute sitting bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 36 C.
To get rid of an anal fissure, you need to take a steam bath in a solution of light potassium permanganate, and then lubricate the anal fissure with grease ointment or pure grease.
Buy a synthomycin emulsion at the pharmacy, wrap a cotton wool around a match and apply the emulsion to the anal fissure area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 1

It is impossible to describe the pain of an anal fissure. There is such a herb wormwood "God's tree". Infuse it with vodka, then moisten tampons in the tincture in the morning and evening and lubricate the anal fissure. Everything heals within a week. This tincture can be used as a rubbing, as well as instilled with a stuffy nose during a cold.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 2

For the treatment of anal fissure, you need to take a pipette with a blunt end, squeeze out the juice from the aloe leaf and immediately insert 2-3 full pipettes into the anus freshly. It is advisable to do this at night, and everything will pass.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 3

Anal fissures of the anus can be wiped with sea buckthorn oil, if it is not available, then with a mummy solution. 5 g of mummy should be dissolved in 250 ml of water and lubricate the sore spot with this medicine.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 4

Raw peeled potatoes are peeled to form a candle; it is used for hemorrhoids, anal fissures and inflammation of the rectum.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 5

Repech ordinary. Lotions are made for anal fissure. It is useful to take such a collection of herbs: agrimony - 1 cup, mint - 1, calendula (flowers) - 1, yarrow - 3/4, St. John's wort 1/4 cup. 3 tbsp collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos. Infuse for 2-3 hours, strain and pour into a thermos again. Drink 20 minutes before meals while warm throughout the day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 6

Recipe universal ointment from any abscesses, indurations, toothache, bedsores, panaritium and anal fissure. Dose: for 1 kg of pig's health - 40 pumpkin flowers or for 0.5 kg of pig's health - 20 pumpkin flowers (flowers - barren flower on a long stem). It's healthy to pass through a meat grinder and melt in an aluminum pan. After the fat has cooled down and acquires a milky color, mix it with pre-chopped flowers (cut the flowers completely with a sharp knife, except for the stem). The mixed ointment is preferably decomposed into small and non-glass containers. Keep in the freezer.
For anal fissure and hemorrhoids, roll suppositories, put on a film and place in the freezer - so they will quickly freeze. Put the finished candles in a jar and place them in the freezer again. Apply like any anti-hemorrhoid suppositories.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 7

sugar enemas great for healing anal fissures. For 0.5 l of water - 100 g of sugar. After boiling for 5 minutes, the solution is cooled to slightly warm and injected into the intestine. Now the main task is to keep the liquid there for at least 10-15 minutes, which is unlikely to work if you do not first clean the intestines with an enema or laxatives.
Additionally at night - tampons dipped in castor oil. Another mixture acts even faster: 1 tsp. honey and castor oil plus 2 tsp. aloe juice.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 8

With advanced anal fissures, they are also used ointment: beef bone marrow (from tubular bones) and honey (in equal proportions) are heated on fire until smooth. Lubricate more often during the day, and put tampons at night. There were cases of healing of anal fissures in record time - in 4-5 days.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 9

Boil 4 parts of spruce resin, strain through two layers of gauze, then add 2 parts of goat or sheep fat, put on fire again, let it boil, add 1 part of wax, mix thoroughly and remove from heat, setting to cool. Lubed up with this ointment anal fissure area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 10

Anal fissure can treat with propolis ointment. Put 100 g of unsalted butter in an enamel pan, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add 10 g of peeled finely grated propolis and bring to a homogeneous mass at a temperature of 80 C, stirring thoroughly for 30 minutes. Then filter through cheesecloth and cool. The ointment is used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Lubricate 2-4 times - before and after emptying.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 11

Mix a glass of honey and aloe juice, add 1 tbsp. 96% alcohol. Wind tampons from cotton wool wrapped in gauze. Soak them with a mixture of honey and aloe and lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200banal fissure.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 12

Combined suppositories for the treatment of anal fissure. Beef fat, propolis, streptocide, Oxycort ointment or Prednisolone. Heat a pack of beef fat in a bowl in a water bath. Then add propolis, streptocid and oxycort ointment to it. Mix everything, pour into a large flat plate and refrigerate. Candles are made from this ointment.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 13

Eucalyptus ointment for the treatment of anal fissure. Take unsalted pork net, melt fat from it and pour hot fat over eucalyptus. Take 100 g of lard and 400 g of eucalyptus leaf. Then, in a saucepan, cook a leaf in lard. Cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes and immediately remove from heat as soon as the lard turns from white to olive. And then immediately strain through cheesecloth. You will get 40% ointment. If the ointment burns, then unsalted fat should be added. When the ointment cools, it becomes almost white.

The main condition for the treatment of anal fissure is to exclude constipation

To completely eliminate constipation, you need to take special tea 3 times a day. Tea preparation: 1 tbsp. nettle leaves and buckthorn bark per 1 liter of water. Steep on the lowest heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain and refrigerate. Drink half a cup warm, warming each time.
And after the “big” toilet, it is advisable to let flaxseed jelly into the rectum at night: 1 tbsp. ground into flour seed in a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. After 2-3 hours, heat up to the desired temperature, pour 40-50 ml for microclysters, drink the rest without filtering.
In order for the stool to be normal, one must eat gray bread and eat tomato, tomato, sour cucumbers, sauerkraut, etc. Those who cannot eat such foods should drink a glass of kefir or sour milk at night.

Microclysters for anal fissures

With an anal fissure, microclysters should be used. And microclysters need to be injected into the rectum with decoctions of herbs and drugs that coagulate blood and heal wounds. It is easier and better to introduce decoctions of herbs (St. John's wort, yarrow, shepherd's purse, celandine, horsetail, eucalyptus). 1 tbsp. each herb in 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. From such treatment, bleeding stops and wounds heal, as well as tumors decrease. If you need to treat an anal fissure, then you can make a therapeutic enema from these herbs, but first cleanse the intestines, and then enter 0.25 liters of decoction and hold it longer.
In the evening, after emptying the bowels, take a small syringe, type 1 tbsp into it. fish oil and enter into the anus. After 12-15 such enemas anal fissure heals. For the treatment of anal fissure, mix 1 tbsp. 3-year-old aloe, 1 fresh egg and 1 tbsp. fish oil. Introduce a rubber pear at night into the anus. Carry out 12-15 procedures.

A fissure in the anus is a serious disease, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a treating specialist. Otherwise, it can become chronic or cause purulent processes in the intestinal area.

But in some cases, a person does not have the opportunity and time to visit a specialist, and the treatment is carried out at home.

Home Treatments

In order for folk remedies and the treatment of an anal fissure at home to be effective, it is necessary to regularly carry out the recommended procedures and use medications daily.

Treatment at home is possible:

  • Candles, ointments and creams.
  • Microclysters.
  • Compresses.
  • Baths.


They are carried out regularly before the introduction of local drugs in the rectal area.

Duration - about 15 minutes. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

It is desirable to carry out about 4 procedures per day, which will avoid infection and promote the healing of cracks.

Traditional medicine involves the use of decoctions of chamomile and oak bark for the preparation of baths. They can be used individually or in a 2:1 ratio. Decoctions also give a good effect:

  • Calendula.
  • Yarrow.
  • Immortelle.
  • Field horsetail.
  • Peony leaves.

To do this, one tablespoon of dried herbs is added to one glass of boiled water and brewed for 15 minutes. In the absence of medicinal herbs, a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used.


They are carried out in case of constipation, which are unacceptable for cracks. The enema will have the most beneficial effect if it is carried out in the evening. The temperature of the injected solution should not exceed 35 degrees. The liquid is injected with a syringe and try to keep the maximum amount of time.

For the solution, you can use decoctions:

Oil-based micro enema promotes faster healing of cracks and makes the act of defecation painless.

Most often, castor, vaseline and sea buckthorn oil are used for this.

Chamomile enemas have antiseptic and healing properties. Linseed oil or sea buckthorn oil can also be added to their composition, in a ratio of 2: 1.


Compresses will have a positive effect if the crack is formed on the outside of the anus.

As a compress, you can use a swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil. In this case, compresses based on medicinal herbs, which are used for baths, also help.

A good result is a mixture of grated carrots and beets in equal amounts, which is applied for 15 minutes.

Candles, ointments and creams

Cracks in the anus can cause serious inflammation when pathogenic bacteria enter, therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to abandon home-made creams and ointments, as well as the means of little-known traditional healers.

It is very difficult to cure such a disease only with folk remedies, and at best it will become chronic.

Most popular candles:

Ointments for anal fissures:

Remedies for severe pain:

  • Ultra project.
  • Proctosan.
  • Anestezol.
  • Proctoglivenol.
  • Candles with adrenaline.

With severe pain, novocaine blockades can be used. They are introduced into the area under the crack about 1.5 cm deep. This procedure allows you to relieve pain in a short period.

Choice of treatment method

Which drug will help in one case or another depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of other intestinal pathologies.

Ointments and suppositories are used according to the instructions. Their term of use usually does not exceed 14 days. It is best to take them before bed.

Folk remedies cannot act as an independent method of treatment, especially if the disease has become chronic. They will serve as a good addition to the main therapy. Chamomile, rosehip oil, oak bark - they must be present in the treatment of anal fissures, and will help a quick recovery.

If anal fissures are in a neglected chronic state, only the attending physician can choose the most effective ointment. Folk remedies in this case will be powerless - at best, they will temporarily eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but they will not be able to cure completely.

Diet for anal fissure

Meals should include soft, easily digestible foods to eliminate the risk of constipation. List of products allowed for consumption:

  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Bran and porridge.
  • Dried fruits.

It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:

You need to eat often, in small portions. In no case should you overeat and drink alcohol. Light low-fat vegetable broths, cereals and sour-milk products are indicated for many intestinal diseases, as they allow you to normalize the digestion process.

Indications and contraindications

In order for the treatment to give a positive result, an accurate diagnosis is necessary.

Anal fissures have similar symptoms to many intestinal pathologies, and self-treatment can only hurt if a person makes a self-diagnosis.

Alternative methods of treatment can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist, if the disease is in an acute stage, and is allocated with large bleeding.

During pregnancy and lactation, all drugs are strictly prescribed by the attending physician.

Anal fissure most often occurs in women of reproductive age. However, both men and children are susceptible to this disease. The risk category includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often suffer from constipation, and also eat improperly.

An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the rectum. Cracks come in various sizes and cause great discomfort to the patient. If a person for a long time - in this case, an anal fissure can occur even on the side walls of the anal canal. In 25% of people who turn to a proctologist for a particular issue, an anal fissure is diagnosed.

The very first and main symptom is a sharp pain that occurs during the act of defecation. Soreness can persist for 40 minutes after a bowel movement, while if at first the patient is worried about a sharp pain, then it develops into a dull, throbbing one.
If the crack is deep enough, a small amount of red blood may be seen on the toilet paper.

If with each subsequent time the pain intensifies, and the amount of blood released increases, it is necessary to urgently consult a proctologist. At first, conservative treatment is sufficient - the doctor will prescribe special ointments or suppositories, but if the disease is advanced, then surgery may be required.

The main cause of an anal fissure is frequent constipation. In addition, constipation can also cause hemorrhoids, and this disease is much more serious than anal fissure. Also, the following factors can contribute to the development of the disease:

If the disease is caused by constipation, normalization of the stool eliminates the disease over time. However, at the first constipation, the disease returns. Basically, an anal fissure is caused by several factors at once, so if you find the first signs of the disease in yourself, you should contact a proctologist as soon as possible.

Anal fissures are divided into two subspecies:

  1. Acute fissure - occurs as a result of constipation, passes quickly and does not cause much discomfort;
  2. Chronic fissure - appears as a result of hemorrhoids and thinning of the rectal mucosa. Requires special treatment and constant monitoring.

What complications can an anal fissure cause?

Due to the fact that small bleeding wounds appear on the anus, infection, swelling, and irritation may occur. In addition, a fissure can contribute to menstrual irregularities in women. In a chronic disease, the anal ring becomes thickened (pectenosis), as a result of which the patient may experience constipation.

Infections lead to the fact that the patient. Also, when infected, suppuration of wounds, the appearance of severe itching, weeping and maceration are not excluded.

Anal fissures can often be no different in symptoms from a more serious disease - hemorrhoids. In this case, only an experienced coloproctologist will be able to recognize which disease is disturbing the patient. You can not delay with a visit to the doctor!

Bloody and purulent discharge, difficulty in defecation, acute pain can also become. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, self-medicate (especially if the patient believes that he has hemorrhoids or) you can miss the moment when the disease is in its infancy and is subject to treatment.


In some cases, a visual inspection is enough for a specialist. If the fissure is located inside the anus - in this case, the proctologist inserts a finger into the anus - using the palpation method, he will be able to determine the degree of the disease, feel the size of the anal fissure, its depth.

A sigmoidoscope is a special device that is used to identify problems in the rectum. Thanks to this device, it is possible to diagnose diseases such as fistula, hemorrhoids and anal fissure. It is usually used if the crack is deep, or its diagnosis by the finger method is unacceptable for a number of reasons. Also, the doctor can apply anoscopy - an examination of the final section of the rectum.

Almost every time, anal fissures appear in people who have serious specific diseases: HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis, syphilis,. If you have any of the above diseases, it is necessary to inform the doctor before the examination.

Fissure of the anus in children

An anal fissure in a child is most often caused by malnutrition, namely, eating too spicy or smoked food. In addition, there are additional factors:

Anal fissures in children are much less common than in adults, so surgery is prescribed in extremely rare cases.

Usually the doctor prescribes an ointment for anal fissures and suppositories, a diet. It is necessary to include foods rich in fiber in the child's diet - vegetables, bran bread, fruits. It is also necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vegetable and animal fats. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, whey - all fermented milk products should be present in the baby's diet every day!

Treatment of anal fissure

Many are concerned about the question - how to cure a crack in the anus quickly and permanently. We have already mentioned suppositories and ointments (this is the most common method of treatment). You can also relieve pain and speed up wound healing at home.

Warm baths (no more than 45 degrees C) with the addition of such medicinal herbs as mint, celandine, and chamomile help well with anal fissures. To relieve spasm of the sphincter, nitroglycerin ointment or potassium permanganate is used.

Pills will help normalize the stool:

  • Senadexin,
  • ajax,
  • Bisacodyl.

A decoction with the addition of hay and buckthorn also helps to normalize the stool. Rectal suppositories containing benzocaine will also give a positive effect. For healing anal fissures, "Ultraprokt", etc.

Do not forget about ointments - "Solcoserine", "Levomikol" are quite effective means that quickly eliminate pain and promote healing of rectal wounds. Experts recommend taking relaxing baths before applying ointments and suppositories - this will enhance the result of the treatment.

In what cases is the operation indicated?

If the prescribed treatment does not help, the anal fissure does not heal and continues to hurt, cause discomfort and bleed - the patient is prescribed surgery.

The essence of the operation is that the proctologist sews up the cracks. The operation is simple, and in just three days the patient is ready to return to normal life and forget about the problem that bothered him. After the operation, you must follow a simple rule - monitor your diet and prevent constipation and other mechanical damage to the anus.

Treatment of an anal fissure with folk remedies at home

Traditional medicine recipes are an effective, harmless and simple way to get rid of the disease. Candles with a crack in the anus (as well as ointments) can be prepared at home.

All suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator!


If you are concerned about a disease such as a fissure in the anus, it is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Otherwise, the wound may become inflamed, the process of suppuration will begin, and an infection will begin to develop. This will complicate the course of the disease and add discomfort, in addition, the treatment will take much longer.

They help well with a fissure in the anus of warming up, if done regularly. Do not forget about fiber - if it is not possible to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, purchase fiber from a pharmacy and take it in 1 tbsp. twice a day before meals.

get rid of anal fissures - tablets can be taken orally, or they can be made into an ointment. To do this, it is necessary to warm up the flower honey and introduce crushed mummy tablets into the resulting liquid substance.

Cabbage juice therapy is a good way to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Take 100 freshly squeezed cabbage juice daily on an empty stomach.

The most effective and popular ointments for treatment

Many of us live in a frantic pace of life, and there is neither time nor energy for self-preparation of ointments and candles. In this case, it is better to turn to pharmacy drugs - many of them are based on natural ingredients. Below is a list of the most effective ointments that will quickly help eliminate the disease.

1. Nitroglycerin ointment is the oldest, most common and effective way to treat anal fissure.
2. - an antiseptic that quickly heals wounds and blocks inflammation in the rectum.
3. "Ultraprokt" - not only disinfects wounds and promotes the healing of anal fissures, but also has a pronounced analgesic effect.
4. Ointment "Rescuer". A well-known remedy that we use to heal wounds. It has antiseptic properties, based on natural ingredients. Suitable for use even with chronic anal fissures.
5. "Solcoseryl" - quickly restores good health, promotes cell regeneration and restoration of mucosal tissues. To enhance the effect, the ointment can be applied to a swab and injected into the anus at night.

Anal fissures during childbirth and pregnancy

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in the female body, which. As a result - a complication in the form of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Since women are not recommended to use pharmacological agents during pregnancy, proctologists recommend adjusting the diet in order to soften the stool and prevent the development of constipation.

Pregnant women who suffer from ruptures of the anus mucosa are recommended to use:

Do not forget about the water diet - at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Tea and coffee do not count, drink only natural water without the addition of gases!

It is very important to identify the disease in a timely manner, since during childbirth, the anal fissure can turn into a rupture of the rectum - which is fraught with additional complications.

Prevention of anal fissures


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