Gardnerella in women: symptoms and causes. Medicinal mixture for preparing sitz baths

Women's health is perhaps the most pressing topic of conversation among the fair sex. Burning, itching in the genital tract, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor cause great discomfort and require urgent medical measures.

There are many reasons for the appearance of such symptoms, but most often they are caused by dysbiotic processes in the vagina and the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms in it - gardnerella. Thanks to up-to-date medical information and videos in this article, you will learn the symptoms and treatment of gardnerellosis in women.

Gardnerellosis, or bacterial vaginosis, is one of the most common gynecological pathologies. According to statistics, every fifth woman develops it at least once.

This is interesting. The disease was named after the American scientist Herman Gardner, who discovered its causative agent - a bacterium of the species Gardnerella vaginalis - in 1950.

The pathogenesis of infection is based on vaginal dysbiosis. At the same time, the proportion of normal microflora represented by lactobacilli (Dederlein's bacilli) quickly decreases, and active reproduction of UPM (bacteria that are commonly called conditionally pathogenic), including Gardnerella, occurs.

These microorganisms actively attach to epithelial structures, increasing their granularity and promoting destruction. In microbiology, such altered cells are called key cells.

In the photo in the center there is a “key cell” - the main microscopic sign of the disease


What are the causes of gardnerellosis in women? Since the infection is bacterial in nature, it can be contracted through unprotected sexual contact from a partner. However, it should not be classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

One of the possible routes of transmission of infection is sexual

But more often gardnerellosis develops regardless of sexual contact. According to research, a small number of Gadnerella bacteria are found in the vagina of healthy women.

As long as their quantity does not exceed a critical norm, they cannot cause pathological changes in the body and are considered absolutely safe. If the proportion of beneficial lactobacilli decreases, and these opportunistic microbes occupy dominant positions in the vaginal microflora, the disease develops.

Therefore, the causes of gardnerellosis in women may be as follows:

  • decreased immunity (due to unfavorable living conditions, chronic diseases, stress);
  • long-term use of high doses of antibiotics;
  • natural hormonal changes in the body - pregnancy and lactation, menopause;
  • concomitant infections of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies: diabetes mellitus, low thyroid gland;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • douching (especially with antiseptic solutions - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin);
  • taking certain medications (GCS, antidepressants, drugs based on 9-nonoxynol).

Most often, gardnerellosis develops in women who often change sexual partners and have sex without a condom. In addition, due to the common routes of transmission of infection in this category of patients, the risk of infection with gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and other sexually transmitted diseases increases significantly.

Clinical manifestations

The incubation period of bacterial vaginosis is short: it does not exceed 5-10 days. The course of the disease is slowly progressive.

Although the infection is not considered dangerous (it does not lead to infertility or other serious complications), it should be treated as early as possible. Gardnerellosis not only causes a woman great discomfort, but can also be transmitted to her sexual partners during sexual contact.

First signs

The first symptoms of gardnerellosis in women immediately attract attention.

These include:

  1. Unpleasant “rotten” odor from the genital tract, reminiscent of the stench of rotten fish. At the same time, it intensifies after sex and even after washing (since soap creates an alkaline environment in the vagina), and periods of freshness become shorter and shorter.
  2. Discharge– with gardnerellosis in women they are sparse, grayish-white or cream-colored.

If the disease is not treated

The progression of gardenerrelia leads to such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • burning, itching or other unpleasant sensations in the perineum;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (one of the signs of vaginitis);
  • discomfort during sex;
  • creamy discharge;
  • sometimes – pain when urinating, urine excretion in small portions.

Important! Vaginosis often develops against the background of other diseases of the genitourinary system – candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. In this case, the clinical manifestations of the pathology become erased, which complicates diagnosis.

Diagnostic principles

Before prescribing treatment for gardnerellosis in women, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition.

To diagnose the disease, it is enough:

  • collect complaints and anamnesis;
  • conduct a visual examination of the external genitalia and cervix in the mirrors;
  • take a smear on the flora;
  • determine vaginal pH;
  • test for isonitrile.

A simple smear on the flora plays an important role in diagnosis. Microscopic examination of the obtained biomaterial allows one to identify gardnerella and calculate its quantity.

Tests to determine vaginal pH are also considered valuable (due to alkalization, a sharp increase is observed) and one of the waste products of bacteria - isonitrile (determined in secretions).

Note! It is not advisable to carry out immunological tests and PCR diagnostics for gardnerellosis. What is important is not the presence of the pathogen in the body, but the increase in its quantity.

Treatment approaches

How to treat gardnerellosis in women? First of all, the factors that provoke the development of the disease should be eliminated.

Standard instructions for patients include:

  1. Refusal of unreasonable and uncontrolled use of antimicrobial drugs.
  2. Sex with a regular sexual partner, excluding casual relationships.
  3. Using condoms.
  4. Taking oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs only after consulting a doctor.
  5. Avoid douching.
  6. Healthy and varied diet: avoiding fatty, fried, overly salty and spicy foods. Eating enough fruits, vegetables and dairy products (help restore the lactobacilli population).

Note! For bacterial vaginosis, it is contraindicated to use spermicides, as well as condoms and vaginal rings treated with 9-nonoxynol, since this substance alkalizes the environment and provokes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

The first stage of drug therapy

After eliminating the external causes, the specialist begins to destroy the infectious agent. Antibiotic therapy is carried out. Since the selection of the drug is carried out individually, based on many factors, it is important that it is prescribed by a doctor. How is gardnerellosis usually treated in women?

Standard therapeutic regimens involve the use of one of the powerful antimicrobial agents:

  • Metronidazole– 0.5 g × 2 times a day (7 days) or 2 g once;
  • Ornisadola– 0.5 g × 2 times a day (5 days);
  • Clindamycin–0.3 g × 2 times a day (3 days);
  • Wilprafen– 0.5 × 3 times a day (7 days).

Important! During therapy you should avoid drinking strong drinks.

In addition to taking tablet forms of antibiotics, local therapy is possible. Most often, vaginal creams, gels and suppositories are prescribed for gardnerellosis in women.

Among the drugs of choice:

  • Clindamycin (cream, 2%);
  • Metronidazole (gel, 0.75%);
  • Dalacin (cream, 2%);
  • Flagyl (vaginal suppositories).

In rare cases, specialists settle on exclusively local treatment, but its effectiveness is significantly lower compared to systemic antibiotic therapy.

For several decades, Metronidazole for gardnerellosis in women remains one of the most popular medications. This antibiotic has a broad profile of action and is active against most bacteria, Trichomonas, and protozoa. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, leukopenia, central nervous system diseases, liver damage, pregnancy.

Ornidazole is also often prescribed to patients: for gardnerellosis in women, it quickly destroys pathogenic microorganisms and has virtually no side effects. It is not advisable to take it during the first trimester of pregnancy, with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, or individual intolerance.

If bacterial vaginosis is combined with candidiasis (thrush), the use of combined antimicrobial and antifungal drugs is indicated:

  • Terzhinan;
  • Klion-D;
  • Neo-Penotran.

Important! After completing a course of antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to take a vaginal smear again to monitor treatment.

Second stage of drug therapy

The treatment regimen for bacterial vaginosis necessarily includes the administration of probiotics. These products help restore normal microflora and fight opportunistic bacteria. Popular drugs for the treatment of gardnerellosis in women are presented in the table below.

Table: Probiotics in the treatment of gardnerellosis:

Name, manufacturer Mode of application A course of treatment average price

1 capsule × 1p/d10 daysCapsules 180 mg, 15 pcs. – 660 rub.

2-3 doses × 2 times a day. Dilute the powder in 5 ml of boiled water, use intravaginally7-10 daysLyophilization 2 billion CFU/dose, 10 pcs. – 170 rub.

1 sup. × 1 day (overnight)5-10 daysVaginal suppositories, 10 pcs. – 120 rub.

Note! The drug Vaginorm-S (vaginal tablets) does not contain strains of beneficial bacteria, but helps improve the vaginal microflora. Due to the content of ascorbic acid, it reduces the pH to normal values ​​and creates optimal conditions for the reproduction of Dederlein sticks.

Traditional medicine recipes

As an auxiliary therapy for the disease, products based on medicinal plants and natural adaptogens are widely used. However, remember that treatment of gardnerellosis in women with folk remedies is possible only in the absence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections, as well as signs of inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Important! Alternative medicine, like any medicine, has its contraindications. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting therapy.

Sitz baths made from oak bark decoction


  • oak bark – 250 g;
  • water – 0.75 l.

Pour the prepared raw materials with cool water and leave for 3-4 hours. Then boil the liquid for 15 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature and strain. Pour into a shallow bowl and use for sitz baths before bed. Duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

Medicinal mixture for preparing sitz baths


  • juniper berries;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • walnut leaves;
  • oat straws.

Pour 200 g of the crushed mixture, made up of ingredients taken in equal proportions, with a liter of boiling water. Leave for 45 minutes covered. Strain and pour into a sitz bath basin.

Tampons with aloe juice

Take 5-10 ml of aloe juice (preferably the plant is more than three years old) and soak a small cotton swab with it. Insert the tampon into the vagina and leave for 7-8 hours (preferably overnight). Course – 7 days.

Gardnerellosis is one of the common “female” diseases. Discomfort in the vagina and perineum, as well as foul-smelling discharge, are the first to indicate dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora and require timely treatment.

Having successfully completed two-stage therapy, a woman will get rid of unpleasant symptoms, feeling comfortable and confident.

Questions for the doctor

Gardnerellosis during pregnancy

Irina, 23 years old: I’m pregnant, 27 weeks. At the last examination, I complained to the doctor that unusual white discharge had appeared, I took a smear, and they found such a “surprise” - gardnerella. Tell me, is this disease dangerous for the baby, and how is it treated?

Hello! Gardnerellosis often develops in expectant mothers. This is due to both powerful hormonal changes in the body and a possible decrease in immunity during pregnancy.

The theoretical danger of the disease is the suppression of the growth of normal vaginal microflora - Dederlein rods, and alkalization of the acidic environment, which is a natural protective barrier in the genital tract. In other words, with gardnerellosis, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of other pathogenic bacteria (for example, ureaplasma, mycoplasma).

Therefore, it is imperative to treat the disease. During pregnancy, the treatment regimen usually includes the prescription of a local antibiotic (for example, Terzhinan or Dalacin) and probiotic drugs. Be healthy!

Treatment of combined genitourinary infections

Nina, 27 years old: I recently went to the gynecologist to get tested. I was diagnosed with gardnerella and ureaplasma. Is it dangerous? How are these diseases treated?

Hello! Gardnerellosis and ureaplasmosis are among the most common infections among sexually active women. The detection of these pathogens in itself is not considered a problem (they are detected in 50-60% of all representatives of the fair sex). Therapy should only be started if:

  • a woman complains of discomfort, pain, discharge from the genital tract;
  • the doctor diagnosed objective signs of vaginitis, urethritis, endocervicitis;
  • there are signs of inflammation based on the results of a vaginal smear;
  • titers of microorganisms exceed permissible values.

The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis and ureaplasmosis in women usually involves the appointment of Doxycycline, macrolides (Azithromycin, Josamycin) or fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin). It is also important to strengthen the immune system and restore normal vaginal microflora with the help of probiotics.

Gardnerellosis in men

Valentina, 24 years old: I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, now I take antibiotics. Does my husband need to be examined and treated? The gynecologist said nothing about this.

Hello! For a long time, gardnerellosis was considered an exclusively female disease and was even called “vaginal dysbiosis.” And today in the scientific literature it is noted that the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis practically does not take root in the male body, maintaining its viability from several hours to several days.

However, in approximately 10% of cases (usually against the background of concomitant infections of the genitourinary system), gardnerellosis can develop in representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Usually the disease manifests itself in the form of urethritis and is accompanied by cutting pain when urinating and light discharge from the urethra.

Therefore, your sexual partner should be treated only if he has complaints. To completely eliminate the risk of re-infection with Gardnerella, avoid sexual intercourse for the entire period of taking antibiotics.

There are many diseases that affect the female reproductive system. One of the most common diseases that causes discomfort for women is gardnerellosis.

This pathology is not considered a classic venereal disease, but its course can be protracted and the path to complete recovery can be long.

Let's look at all the details: what are the symptoms and signs of gardnerellosis in women, treatment of the disease and possible consequences.

The essence of the disease and the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis

In a woman’s vagina there is a certain microflora, including a lot of microorganisms - both beneficial (lactobacillus) and opportunistic. Their ratio in a healthy woman is optimal for the health of the reproductive system and the entire body as a whole.

However in certain situations, opportunistic flora begins to actively multiply, displacing beneficial.

The microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis belongs to the category of opportunistic pathogens. Normally, its amount in the genital tract is negligible, or there is a complete absence.

When the biocenosis is disrupted due to the use of antibiotics, promiscuity, or the use of contraceptive suppositories, Gardnerella vaginalis actively multiplies, displacing beneficial microorganisms.

Gardnerellosis is called bacterial vaginosis, which develops due to dysbiosis of the genital tract. With this disease, pathogenic microbes have a negative effect on the vagina, causing an inflammatory process.

Where does the pathology come from: causes and routes of transmission

Where does Gardnerella come from in women, what are the reasons for its appearance? Gardnerellosis develops for a number of reasons, which gynecologists consider classic:

  • the use of potent antibiotics that kill microflora in the intestines and vagina, undermining the optimal ratio of microorganisms;
  • douching that women do on their own, as a result, the beneficial flora is simply washed away;
  • use of antiseptics with a powerful antibacterial effect for douching;
  • the use of contraceptives containing the substance 9-nonoxyl, which can have a detrimental effect on lactobacilli;
  • promiscuity, frequent change of sexual partners;
  • sexual intercourse without contraception.

In order for gardnerella to begin to actively multiply, causing bacterial vaginosis, several reasons are needed.

Although in females with a weakened immune system, the disease can start in the presence of one factor.

Infection occurs through sexual contact without the use of barrier contraception.

Is gardnerella transmitted from woman to man and vice versa, can a man infect a woman? The source of infection is a sick woman. The main routes of infection are from women to men and vice versa.

Although some doctors say that gardnerella cannot take root in the male body, men act as a transmitter of the microorganism.

Some argue that there is an oral method of infection. But it has been proven that gardnerella cannot exist and develop on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Therefore, this route of transmission of infection is questioned.


Like most diseases that affect the female genitourinary system, gardnerellosis has a certain classification. Gynecologists often classify the disease according to its severity:

  • bacterial vaginosis of the compensated type - with this course of the disease, analyzes indicate a slight presence of opportunistic flora in patients;
  • bacterial vaginosis of the subcompensated type - the number of beneficial lactobacilli is significantly reduced with an increase in opportunistic flora, including gardnerella;
  • vaginosis of the decompensated type - beneficial flora is almost completely replaced by pathogenic flora, the inflammatory process is strong, pronounced, the patterns of changes in the epithelial layer.

Clinical picture

The disease can affect women at any age, including very young girls and older women.

How does gardnerella manifest itself in women? Pathology can develop:

  • asymptomatic - the disease is diagnosed by analysis, the woman does not make any complaints, there is no pain or discharge;
  • with a pronounced clinical picture - pain and cramping, discharge, poor health.

The incubation period of gardnerella in women - from the moment gardnerella enters the genital tract until the moment of manifestation - ranges from a week to 20 days. During this period, pathogenic flora begins to gradually spread, displacing beneficial flora.

The onset of the disease is characterized by mild symptoms - slight discomfort, mild discharge. A clear clinical picture appears on days 14-20 - symptoms are pronounced, discharge is abundant, pain and discomfort are maximum.

The main signs indicating the development of gardnerellosis:

  • Bad odor from the genital tract- often this is the first symptom of the development of vaginosis; the smell is fetid, pungent, similar to the aroma of decaying fish, which is caused by the decomposition of amines due to the rapid proliferation of gardnerella.
  • Vaginal discharge- their character changes depending on the severity of the disease. At the initial stage, the discharge looks like a mucous translucent and turbid liquid; as the pathological process worsens, the discharge becomes gray, opaque, viscous, and acquires a green or yellow tint.

    At an advanced stage, the discharge forms layers on the walls of the vagina, causing swelling and redness. A characteristic feature of discharge from gardnerellosis is a foul odor.

  • Sudden disruptions in the menstrual cycle may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis.
  • Discomfort in the genitourinary area- as the pathogenic flora multiplies, itching and burning appears in the urethra, labia, vagina, the mucous membranes may look swollen and inflamed.
  • The development of diseases affecting the organs of the urinary system- indicate the presence of gardnerellosis. This is due to the close proximity of the genital and urinary organs.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse- pain can occur immediately during intimacy and persist after.
  • Pain during urination- occur when infection spreads to the urethra.
  • General malaise- the pathological process can lead to a general disturbance of well-being, a feeling of weakness, and possibly an increase in temperature as a consequence of the active proliferation of negative microbes.

Diagnostic measures

The danger of the disease lies in its possible hidden course, without complaints or signs. At the same time, a woman, unaware of the presence of vaginosis, can infect her sexual partners. With the bright onset of the disease, timely seeking medical help is important. A doctor whose competence is to treat gardnerellosis is a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of the disease should be comprehensive; it is important to differentiate gardnerellosis from other diseases of the genitourinary system - vulvitis,.

The main methods used to establish a diagnosis:

  • Gynecological examination. At the initial appointment, the doctor collects information about sexual life, contraceptive methods, and cycle regularity.

    An examination on a chair using gynecological speculum is required to examine the vagina.

  • , during which the presence of pathogenic microorganisms will be determined.
  • Taking a smear for markers of vaginosis.
  • Determining the acidity level in the vagina using special test strips.
  • PCR diagnostics is a polymer chain reaction method.
  • A reaction to isonitrile is a substance that appears in the vagina during gardnerellosis and gives the discharge the smell of rotten fish.

In a woman suffering from gardnerellosis, a low number of lactobacilli is detected in the smear - 20-30% instead of the required 90%, an increased number of leukocytes, an alkaline environment instead of the usual acidic one. When examining the smear, it is clear that the native cells are completely covered with gardnerella.

Allows you to determine the severity of the pathology and its spread to the urinary organs. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor may additionally perform a colcoscopy to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the cervix.

Why is infection dangerous?

This disease is not purely sexually transmitted, but concomitant treatment is necessary. With a long course of gardnerellosis without classic signs in the form of discharge, pain, discomfort in the genital tract, serious complications can develop.

In women, untimely and incorrect treatment can provoke the development of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, including adhesive disease, metroendometritis - inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus.

Other consequences:

With timely access to a gynecologist and adequately prescribed therapy, gardnerellosis can be successfully treated.

Even an advanced disease can be cured by completely restoring women’s health.

How and what to treat: drug regimens

Treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • destruction of the pathogen itself;
  • restoration of optimal microflora in the vagina;
  • general strengthening therapy - to improve immunity.


The first stage, aimed at suppressing pathogenic flora and further preventing its growth. It is important to determine the sensitivity of gardnerella to a particular antibiotic so that the treatment is successful.

The main groups of antibiotics used in the treatment of gardnerellosis:

Antibiotic therapy lasts an average of 7-10 days in dosages calculated depending on the age, weight of the patients, and the severity of inflammation.

The generally accepted dosage is at least 500 mg per day for drugs containing metronidazole, trichopolum; 300 mg - for Clindamycin.

For mild to moderate disease, a single dose of Metronidazole in a volume of 2 g is possible.


The use of suppositories is important when the disease is not advanced. Basically, supporosis is actively prescribed to pregnant women, because their advantage is not a systemic effect on the entire body, but an effect directly on the problem area - the genital tract, the vagina.

Drug therapy with suppositories is carried out for 7-8 days; in severe cases, the period is increased to 10 days. The dosage is selected individually by the gynecologist, usually the maximum is prescribed in the first 2-3 days, then the dose is slightly adjusted.

Popular suppositories in the treatment of gardnerellosis:

  • Terzhinan- a complex preparation in the form of vaginal tablets, containing antimicrobial and antifungal components;
  • Metrovagin- contains metronidazole, which is harmful to anaerobic infections;
  • Hexicon- suppositories containing chlorhexidine, which destroys harmful microbes without affecting lactobacilli;
  • McMirror in the form of suppositories - has a detrimental effect on opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, additionally contains nystatin.

Other medicines

After destroying the pathogen, it is important to continue treatment with medications that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms in the vagina and restore the optimal balance of microflora.

Lactobacilli in the form of suppositories or tablets for oral use will help establish the “correct” biocenosis, due to which itching and burning, and discomfort in the stomach will go away. For such purposes the following are prescribed:

  • Bifidumbacterin in the form of lyophilisate;
  • Acylact in the form of suppositories;
  • Lactobacterin - suppositories and powder.

The course of taking such drugs must be at least 14 days, more often it will take a month for the beneficial microflora to take root and local immunity to rise - in the intestines and vagina.

To generally strengthen the immune system, immunomodulators are prescribed, which will help in the future to resist the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

The following remedies are most effective:

  • Wobenzym;
  • Genferon in candles;
  • Immunal;
  • Interferon.

The course of application is from 10 to 14 days, after a break it can be repeated for a better effect.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicines are considered safe their action is based on herbs and plant materials with an antimicrobial and astringent effect- oak bark, chamomile, sage, string.

Oils that can heal damaged mucous membranes are used - olive, sea buckthorn.

But despite the safety, it is better not to carry out treatment without a doctor’s permission.. Traditional methods can be used in combination along with drug therapy to relieve symptoms.

Herbs and other remedies made from oils and honey are not able to destroy the pathogen and prevent the development of the disease.

Popular traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of gardnerellosis:

Optimal duration of therapy, partner treatment

The average duration of treatment for bacterial vaginosis is almost 2 months, of which antibiotic therapy lasts 7-10 days, about 14-30 days the microflora is restored by taking biological products, about 2 weeks are needed to increase the body’s defenses.

The difficulty of treatment is that the disease can return. At the slightest provoking factors - hypothermia, stress - gardnerella begins to become active again. Therefore, it is important to repeat courses of drug therapy periodically.

Treatment of the partner is a prerequisite. Although gardnerellosis does not cause severe disease in men, inflammation of the urethra can occur. And a woman who has recovered from an illness can re-pick up the infection from an untreated partner.

Men are more often prescribed antimicrobial agents in the form of ointments and creams(Metronidazole gel) - they act on the source of inflammation, destroying the pathogen. It is important to carry out a control examination for both - the woman and the partner; if there is no infection or clinical manifestations in the smear, the disease is considered defeated.

Your doctor will tell you more about the treatment of this disease:

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women

This scourge is also diagnosed in pregnant women at different stages. The disease does not pose a danger to the fetus - bacteria cannot reach the child through the blood and placenta. But untreated pathology can complicate the course of pregnancy and the birth process, as well as the condition of the woman herself. List of possible complications:

  • premature birth;
  • early rupture of the amniotic sac;
  • postpartum endometritis - inflammation in the uterus.

It is possible and necessary to treat gardnerella in women during pregnancy. Gynecologists prescribe softer and more gentle drugs with local action.

Antibiotics are contraindicated, especially in the early stages. Suppositories with clindamycin or Terzhinan vaginal tablets destroy pathogenic flora in the vagina without being absorbed into the general bloodstream; therefore, penetration through the placenta is excluded.

Equally important for pregnant women being treated for vaginosis is the consumption of fermented milk products in the form of bio-yogurt and kefir. This helps create the right balance of beneficial bacteria.

Pregnant it is important to periodically take smears to determine “harmful” microflora to promptly diagnose and treat infectious diseases of the genital tract.

Consequences, prognosis - can it be cured completely and forever?

If the treatment is tested correctly, using antimicrobial drugs, restoratives and medications that help restore the “correct” microflora, the risk of negative consequences for the body is minimized.

A common complication is a weakening of the body's defenses. It will take him time to get back to normal.

If the disease has been advanced, problems with the urinary tract (cystitis) and reproductive health (failure of the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the ovaries and appendages) may occur.

In general, the prognosis is favorable, and serious complications are rare. The main thing is to recognize the disease at the very beginning.

Preventive measures

Gardnerellosis is an unpleasant and dangerous disease, so it is better to prevent its development. The basis of prevention is taking care of the health of the genitourinary system and the whole body. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the immune system with simple measures:

  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • rational work and rest regime;
  • avoiding stressful and conflict situations.

A woman should avoid hypothermia, regularly maintain genital hygiene, and for these purposes it is important to choose the right cleansers with lactic acid, the use of which will not cause acidity problems in the vagina.

Hygiene should be especially careful during menstrual periods.- frequent replacement of pads, avoidance of frequent use of tampons if possible.

If unprotected contact occurs, antiseptics should be immediately used to treat the genital tract (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).

If there are any warning signs - slight itching, strange discharge, discomfort - a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Gardnerellosis is an insidious disease. Although it is not considered as severe as an STD, it can undermine a woman’s health and worsen her quality of life. Timely detection of infection, the correct approach to treatment and careful treatment of your body will allow you to maintain excellent health for a long time.

And in conclusion, even more useful and important information about gardnerellosis:

Gardnerella in women is quite common these days. Gardnerella is a pathogenic microorganism that causes the disease gardnerellosis, or bacterial vaginosis. Females are susceptible to the disease, but men are carriers. The normal microflora of a woman contains beneficial bacteria, lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid, which prevents the increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms, and only a small amount of gardnerella. A high concentration of anaerobic bacteria leads to a malfunction of lactobacilli and reduces their number, while vaginal dysbiosis develops. This condition is typical for women of childbearing age, since when menopause occurs, hormonal levels and microflora change.

Causes of the disease

Gardnerellosis in women appears when certain conditions occur that are favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and a decrease in the number of lactobacilli.

The reasons for this imbalance are as follows:

  • taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs, including contraceptives, and other drugs that affect the microflora of the human body;
  • frequent and disorderly change of sexual partners - can lead to infection with one of the infectious diseases of the reproductive system, and at the same time the growth of bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • overwork, stress, hypothermia, weakened immunity;
  • hormonal imbalances, especially in pregnant women, for whom thrush and gardnerellosis are common occurrences;
  • general diseases of the body;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections;
  • local products that cause microflora imbalance: suppositories, douching, tampons, vaginal capsules;
  • severe intoxication of the body;
  • endocrine diseases - especially diabetes mellitus, which causes a disturbance in the alkaline balance of the vagina and, as a result, an increase in the number of harmful bacteria;
  • any surgical interventions in the reproductive system - abortion, therapeutic gynecological procedures;
  • frequent use of barrier contraception - using condoms, especially with a new partner, is necessary to avoid contracting STIs, but the lubricant included in it can provoke the proliferation of gardnerella and the fungus that causes candidiasis in some women;
  • the pathology can be transmitted from an infected mother to her daughter at the time of birth, but newborns are usually not given this diagnosis. For prevention, the baby is prescribed drug therapy.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women

There are not many symptoms indicating the presence of gardnerella, and they are similar to other gynecological diseases. Gardnerellosis can occur in chronic or acute form. In the first option, the signs are invisible. In the acute form of the disease, a woman feels:

  • itching in the genitals;
  • discomfort during intimacy with a partner;
  • grayish-white or yellowish discharge that has a peculiar smell of rotten fish;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

Note! Often, women, having discovered the listed symptoms, begin self-medication by douching, which is not acceptable, since, firstly, the normal microflora and beneficial bacteria are washed away, and secondly, an exacerbation of gardnerellosis occurs.

According to modern data, douching has nothing to do with a hygienic, preventive or therapeutic procedure. In addition, it can cause inflammation in the vagina and ectopic pregnancy.

Diagnosis of gardnerella in women

Diagnostic methods are mainly based on examination and laboratory tests. During the examination, the gynecologist pays attention to the condition of the genitourinary system: redness or swelling, changes in the cervix. A smear is also taken and examined under a microscope; this is the most informative method by which the number of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria in the microflora is determined. Other laboratory research methods are not as accurate and practically ineffective.

The next method for determining the presence of the disease is to study the level of vaginal pH. When pathogenic bacteria actively multiply, it becomes alkaline.

In some cases, more complete laboratory PCR tests are necessary; this type of diagnosis makes it possible to accurately determine the presence in the human body of any pathogen that causes disruption of the vaginal microflora and an increase in pathogenic microorganisms in its composition.

Another method is testing for isonitrile, which detects a large number of gardnerella.

Three criteria indicate the presence of a disease:

  • the number of bacteria on the squamous epithelium exceeding the norm;
  • alkaline pH;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

If the test for gardnerella shows the presence of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible before the disease becomes chronic with possible complications. Therapy is prescribed by the attending physician based on the studies performed. First of all, you need to eliminate the causes of gardnerellosis:

  • if it is caused by another infection, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate it with the help of rational use of antibiotics, which excludes long and uncontrolled use of drugs that suppress lactobacilli;
  • refusal of promiscuous sexual intercourse and use of barrier contraceptives;
  • normalization of hormonal levels, if possible, refusal to take hormonal medications;
  • restoration of normal intestinal microflora with the help of medicines containing live bacteria, for example, Linex, Bifiform;
  • refusal to douche the vagina;
  • increasing immunity with vitamins and immunomodulators.

Drug treatment

Treatment of the pathology includes several medications that are used in the form of suppositories for gardnerellosis, vaginal creams and tablets. The average course is seven days. The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis is complex and consists of two parts:

  1. Reducing the number of gardnerella present on the mucosa using systemic antibiotics: Metronidazole, Clindamycin. In combination with them, topical drugs are used: Clindamycin cream, Metronidazole gel.
  2. Restoration of the microflora of the vagina and intestines, which is achieved by taking special products that contain lactobacilli: Lactobacterin, Laktonorm, and the use of local preparations in the form of suppositories: Acilact, Laktonorm.

Also, for more effective treatment of gardnerella in women, it is important to adhere to a diet that excludes fatty, spicy and fried foods and alcohol. Consume fermented milk products containing beneficial microorganisms.

The main actions of therapy are aimed at restoring normal vaginal microflora and eliminating the main causes that provoked the development of the disease. The effectiveness of the treatment can be judged by the elimination of the symptoms of Gardnerella in women, as well as with the help of bacterioscopy, which is carried out a week after completing the course, and again after a month and a half.

Important! Throughout the course of treatment, a woman must abstain from sexual intercourse or be sure to use condoms. A man needs to be examined to prevent possible re-infection of his partner.

Traditional methods

Treatment of gardnerellosis with folk remedies can be carried out only with the main treatment and preferably in consultation with the attending physician. It can help normalize microflora and be an excellent prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system in the future, it also supports the body during drug therapy and strengthens the immune system. In combination with the main treatment, the following recipes can be used:

  • Take an equal amount of mint, celandine, chamomile, thyme, geranium, birch leaves, licorice roots and elecampane. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and leave for eight hours. Then strain the infusion and drink half a glass before eating three times a day. The course lasts one month. This remedy increases the body's immunity and resistance.
  • Take nettle leaves, wormwood, lavender, marshmallow root, pine buds and blueberry leaves in equal parts and prepare an infusion according to the same scheme, take it in the same way as the first option. These two infusions can be alternated during treatment to increase effectiveness.
  • Take fresh or dry walnut leaves and chop them, then add boiling water and leave for one hour. Drink in small sips throughout the day. The course lasts at least a week. The use of this product has a good bactericidal effect.
  • Pour one tablespoon of crushed sage leaves into one glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Drink two glasses of infusion per day for 1-2 months. This remedy restores the vaginal mucosa.
  • To improve the functioning of the immune system, it is recommended to use an infusion of black currant leaves. To do this, pour two tablespoons of crushed plant leaves into two glasses of boiling water and leave for an hour. You need to drink half a glass an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

Prevention of the disease

Due to the fact that restoration of normal microflora of the vaginal mucosa is a complex and lengthy process, it is best to follow measures to prevent the development of gardnerellosis:

  • limit promiscuous sexual intercourse, which provokes the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of gardnerella;
  • use condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • undergo examination and examination by a gynecologist every six months to identify possible diseases of the genital area, inflammatory processes and microflora disorders;
  • eat right, consume fermented milk products to maintain normal microflora;
  • try to avoid stress;
  • have a good rest;
  • support immunity.

Compliance with these simple measures will help avoid an imbalance in the vaginal microflora and the proliferation of gardnerella. But even if the disease appears, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms that arise and immediately contact a gynecologist. Timely treatment is much easier and more effective, and also helps to avoid the chronic form of the disease and possible negative consequences.

In women it is a fairly common disease. At one time it was believed that infection occurs through intimacy. But in the modern world, women's health is influenced by many factors. And although most people for some reason associate the appearance of many female diseases more with intimate intimacy with a new man, at the same time, the problem may be associated with the impact of aggressive external factors on the bacteria of the female microflora. For example, weakened immunity, taking antibiotics, dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal tract, changes in hormonal levels, etc. In this article, we will look at this disease in more detail, find out where it comes from and tell you how gardnerellosis is treated in women.

Causes: where does the infection come from?

As already mentioned, the disease can appear during unprotected sexual intercourse, however, in addition to this, the method of contraception plays an important role. When using contraceptives, the normal microflora is disrupted, which facilitates the penetration of various infections. Douching is also not beneficial for the female body, since favorable microflora is washed away. Here are the main causes of women's health problems:

  1. Menstrual irregularities;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, infectious diseases;
  3. Disturbance of microflora due to taking certain medications;
  4. Long-term use of intrauterine contraception;
  5. Weakening of the immune system;
  6. Dysbacteriosis in the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. Tense atmosphere at work, in the family, constant psycho-emotional stress.

It can be said with a high degree of probability that the appearance of gardnerella will be associated with a lack of the required amount of bacteria that provide a comfortable microflora in the vagina. However, healthy microflora also contains pathogenic bacteria, but not in such quantities that they can cause some discomfort in women.

The presence of gardnerella bacteria in a woman’s body is completely common. Healthy microflora prevents these bacteria from multiplying by producing the required amount of lactic acid, which neutralizes harmful microorganisms.

The reason for the appearance of gardnerella is the numerical superiority of harmful gardnerella bacteria over bacteria that support healthy vaginal microflora. The result of this process is that the microflora becomes alkaline, which in turn promotes the penetration of various infections into the vagina, this provokes the development of inflammatory processes.

Symptoms and treatment of gardnerella

Of course, before starting treatment for a detected disease, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in the field who will help determine the cause of this disease.

Usually in the first stages the disease does not manifest itself in any way, which is dangerous. If treatment is not started in time, the consequences can be much more frightening. Therefore, you should not neglect annual (preferably more often, for example, once every six months) preventive examinations by a gynecologist. If a woman observes the following symptoms, then most likely she needs to see a specialist in the near future, since there is a high risk of developing a disease such as gardnerellosis:

  1. The appearance of uncharacteristic discharge of various colors (can be gray, yellow or green, as well as transparent), homogeneous mass and unpleasant odor;
  2. The appearance of itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations in the vagina;
  3. Swelling of the labia, irritation;
  4. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Gardnerellosis in women is transmitted to men through sexual contact.

In pregnant women, infection with this disease can manifest itself as follows:

  1. Uterine bleeding with subsequent inflammatory processes, infection of the baby;
  2. Underweight, pneumonia in a newborn;
  3. Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  4. Complications in the mother's body after surgery.

If you find yourself with at least one of the above signs, then you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible to get tested for Gardnerella. First of all, this applies to girls who have planned a pregnancy. To diagnose the disease, a gynecologist will take a smear, based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed. In some cases, to determine the disease, girls are asked to donate blood for leukocytes. The results of a smear can provide information about infection or non-infection of the genitourinary system.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women

The essence of treatment for this disease is to destroy Gardnerella bacteria and subsequently restore normal vaginal microflora. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and other medications. Good results in the fight against the disease are shown by such drugs as:

  1. Ornidazole;
  2. Ampicillin;
  3. Clindamycin;
  4. Metronidazole.

There are alternative drugs that fight gardnerella (including suppositories for gardnerella, antibiotic treatment), however, before choosing one or another drug, it is better to consult your gynecologist. The regimen for taking the drugs is indicated in the annotation to them. In addition to the instructions themselves, the doctor will write a diagram that you need to follow.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since not all drugs may be suitable.

The compatibility of your body and the drug will be determined by the doctor through the tests you have previously taken.

After the harmful bacteria are destroyed, it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina in order to prevent the penetration of various infections and the development of the inflammatory process. Preparations aimed at restoring microflora contain beneficial bacteria, which, when entering the female body, kill weakened Gardnerella bacteria, thereby bringing the microflora to a normal state. Treatment of pregnant women for gardnerella is carried out under the full supervision of a leading obstetrician-gynecologist, since many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet during the treatment period. No wonder they say: “We are what we eat.” With gardnerella in women, it is recommended to refrain from eating foods that promote bacterial growth, normalize your diet and add more fermented milk products.

During the course of treatment, it is better to refrain from unprotected sex, as there is a high risk of infecting your partner with your illness. Subsequently, this illness may come back to you.

Folk remedies for the treatment of gardnerellosis

Since this disease is quite common, it could not go unnoticed. Let's consider the treatment of gardnerella with folk remedies. Treatment is aimed at relieving the signs discussed above, as well as restoring the natural microflora of the vagina. Treatment at home involves the use of natural herbs, which are freely available in pharmacies in your city. Below are some folk remedies:

  1. For douching, prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort.
  2. For oral administration, you can use a decoction of pine buds;
  3. Topical application of tea tree will also help relieve acute symptoms of the disease.

Disease prevention

  1. Maintain personal hygiene, especially during menstruation;
  2. Give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement;
  3. Choose contraceptive methods only after consultation with a gynecologist;
  4. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, no snacking, less stress;
  5. At least once every six months, it is necessary to see a gynecologist to exclude the development of both bacterial and other diseases (this is especially true for those girls who do not have a regular sexual partner).

So, let's summarize all of the above. Gardnerella in women, although it is a non-serious gynecological disease, is diagnosed in most women who are able to give birth, however, its treatment should not be put off for a long time, because this can trigger the development of other inflammatory processes in the body. Timely detection of the disease can prevent the development of complications and subsequent expensive treatment. A preventive examination by a gynecologist is one of the most effective ways to prevent and maintain your health at the proper level.

Women's health is the most pressing topic among beautiful ladies. Any pathological changes (pain, discharge, odor) often cause panic in a woman, forcing her to run to the pharmacy and buy advertised products.

However, not a single commercial, not a single friend who “knows exactly how to treat, because she had exactly the same thing,” will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Although some diseases - thrush, gardnerellosis - are not so dangerous (they do not cause), their treatment is mandatory to restore comfortable sensations and prevent undesirable consequences.

Gardnerellosis: what is it?

Almost everyone has heard about the microflora of the vagina: “useful” lactic acid bacteria live here, keeping opportunistic microorganisms (including gardnerella) in a weakened state.

It is the weakening of local immunity that provokes mass reproduction, primarily of fungi, gardnerella and other anaerobes. As a result of an imbalance in the vaginal microflora, a woman develops unpleasant symptoms.

The anaerobic bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis is found in small quantities in the vagina of even a healthy woman. Only a large amount of it and the acquisition of aggressive properties leads to disease - let's look in detail at what it is.

Gardnerellosis is one of the types of vaginal dysbiosis. Statistics: every fifth woman suffers from gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis).

Gardnerellosis: causes

Since gardnerellosis is a bacterial infection, it can be contracted through sexual intercourse. However, this disease should not be attributed solely to sexually transmitted infections.

Although the most common route of infection is sexual, other provoking factors should not be ruled out. Gardnerellosis occurs in women for the following reasons:

  • decreased general immunity (chronic infections, stress);
  • massive antibiotic therapy, provoking the death of lactobacilli in the intestines and vagina;
  • hormonal imbalances: pregnancy, ;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives and products with 9-nonoxynol (Patentex Oval), antidepressants, corticosteroids;
  • and other endocrine pathologies;
  • insufficient intimate hygiene;
  • frequent douching with antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.

Bacterial vaginosis is more common among women who frequently change sexual partners and do not use condoms. In this case, there is a serious risk of simultaneous infection with Gardnerella, gonococcus, ureoplasma and other infectious agents.

The incubation period of gardnerellosis in women is from 4 to 10 days. The first thing the sick person pays attention to:

  • The smell of “rotten fish” from the vagina, causing serious discomfort and forcing you to repeat washing up to 5-6 times a day. However, the alkaline environment of soap only aggravates the situation: the smell becomes more and more pungent, and the periods of “cleanliness” (the absence of an unpleasant odor) become shorter and shorter. The specific odor is caused by the breakdown of amines, a waste product of gardnerella.
  • Slight vaginal discharge that is whitish-gray or.

The onset of bacterial vaginosis is similar to the development of other infections. Therefore, when the first pathological changes appear, you should contact a gynecologist.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women

The development of the disease leads to the appearance of other symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the perineum;
  • soreness spread over the lower abdomen (indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina);
  • pain/discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • flow down the walls of the vagina into the perineum;
  • signs of cystitis.

It has been noticed that the symptoms of the disease intensify immediately after sexual intercourse. Sperm, having an alkaline reaction, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Diagnosing the disease based on the clinical picture is quite difficult. Often the disease develops simultaneously with vaginal candidiasis (thrush), and is often accompanied by infection with gonococcus.


Before prescribing treatment for gardnerellosis in a woman, the doctor takes into account the symptoms and complaints, and during a gynecological examination, collects vaginal secretions for examination:

  • a smear (in most cases it is sufficient; microscopic examination reveals gardnerella and its quantity is calculated);
  • assessment of vaginal pH (in case of disease, the alkaline environment is fixed, the pH increases);
  • isonitrile test (detects large numbers of bacteria).

Carrying out DIF (direct immunofluorescence) and PCR (DNA diagnostics) studies is impractical. When making a diagnosis, it is not the detection of gardnerella that is important, but its quantity.

The main and mandatory method of treating bacterial vaginosis is antibiotic therapy.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women:

  • oral medications - Metronidazole (Trichopol, Klion) 250 mg twice a day (incompatible with alcohol!) or Clindamycin 150 mg twice a day, course - 1 week;
  • local treatment - Metronidazole in gel (tampons in the morning/evening) or suppositories, Clindamycin cream once a day, duration of use - 7 days.

In women, treatment with drugs from the penicillin group (Ampicillin) is possible. Gardnerella is resistant to tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline), cephalosporins (Claforan, Ceftriaxone), sulfonamides (Septrin, Biseptol), aminoglycosides (Neomycin, Kanamycin).

When the disease is diagnosed, her sexual partner is also treated. Often, bacterial vaginosis combined with candidiasis requires simultaneous antifungal therapy.

In this case, suppositories for gardnerellosis are prescribed that have a combined antifungal/antibacterial composition (Clomezol, Ginotran); vaginal tablets (Terzhinan, Mikozhinax) are also effective.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women at home does not end with a course of antibiotics and a “clean” re-analysis. To prevent subsequent proliferation of bacteria, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora and thereby strengthen the local immune defense.

For this purpose, medications such as Vagilak (vaginal capsules) and Epigen-intim (gel) are used. The average duration of use is 2 weeks.

The unpleasant consequences of gardnerellosis mostly affect pregnant women. Complications of this infection include:

  • pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis;
  • endometritis (including postpartum), inflammation of the appendages;
  • bleeding during pregnancy and premature birth;
  • infection of the fetus during childbirth (pneumonia), low birth weight of the newborn.


  • Proper hygiene: timely change of pads and tampons during menstruation, washing twice a day with neutral products, avoidance of intimate deodorants.
  • Clothing hygiene: avoid tight trousers and synthetic underwear.
  • Sexual hygiene: contraception (condoms), long-term relationships.
  • Health hygiene: strengthening the immune system, treating chronic infections and hormonal disorders.
  • Preventive examinations twice a year.
  • Lifestyle hygiene: good nutrition, stress resistance.


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