Redness and itching in the child. Allergic itching in children - how to help your child? Dyspeptic digestive disorders

A child’s performance at school directly depends on the correct pronunciation and perception of sounds. First of all, this affects phonemic hearing, and subsequently the literacy of oral and written speech. It is recommended to carry out individual speech therapy sessions with a child at the age of 4-7 years; it is during this age period that children can, without much effort, correct their native speech and establish the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Speech therapy classes have a positive effect on the overall development of children. You can correct pronunciation problems in oral speech not only with a teacher, but also at home in a playful way, when the child is positively disposed to the lesson.

The development of fine motor skills has a positive effect on speech development. Playful activities with your child can only be beneficial; this is a great way to combine educational exercises with a fun, encouraging game. These classes teach children to coordinate movements in accordance with words in poetic form, develop speech, memory and imagination. Gesture exercises with hands and fingers develop written speech.

Finger game "Centipedes"

  1. The centipede's legs hurt (we lower our hands down and relax our fingers).
  2. Ten whine and buzz (every finger is smooth, we regret it).
  3. Five are limping and hurting (we feel sorry for five fingers and count at the same time).
  4. Help the centipede count its sore legs (we count 15 toes by touching them).
  5. Let the centipede run along a winding path (we move our fingers along the surface).
    Articulation gymnastics.
  6. Exercises for the lips and tongue train the muscles and make them more mobile, which contributes to the accelerated development of the correct pronunciation of the most complex sounds [zh], [r], [w], [l], etc.
  7. Articulation exercises at home can prevent or minimize speech defects. The exercises are best done in front of a mirror so that the child can compare his reflection with the drawing in the picture.
  8. To help parents, there are various illustrated teaching aids, where exercises according to age categories are clearly formulated. Recommendations from some authors: “Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech in preschool children” Anishchenkova E.S. “Articulatory gymnastics in poems and pictures” Kulikovskaya T.A. “Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics” Krause E.N.

Finger gymnastics. Developing your baby's speech and pronunciation

Games with sounds

Hearing, pronouncing and distinguishing sounds correctly means having excellent phonemic hearing. Impaired phonemic hearing in children leads to dysgraphia (impaired writing) and dyslexia (impaired reading), so you should pay attention to the pronunciation of sounds and promptly correct defects in the preschool period. Exercises for children in a playful way will help parents prepare their child for school.

Game "Funny Pictures"

Place several cards with thematic images of objects;

Game 1. Ask your child to point to pictures in the names that have a given sound, for example [s].

Game 2. Ask your child to choose an extra picture where there is no given sound, for example, rocker, crane, flower, mole, pyramid (main sound [p]).

This game can be played not only with images in drawings, but also with real objects, for example in a room.

Simple sayings

Exercises in the form of various rhymes correct unclear pronunciation of sounds. The rhyme of a pure tongue consists of difficult combinations of letters and sounds, therefore, for correct pronunciation, the child uses different positions of the tongue and lips, thereby training and improving diction.

Pure sayings for children 6-7 years old

Hissing letters and sounds are often pronounced in violation of phonetics.

Basic exercises:

  • Rhythmic walking accompanied by poetry or music.
  • Musical speech games; rhythmic singing to the beat of the music.
  • Psychological gymnastics; pronunciation of rhythmic phrases with the expression of actions of their content, using motor and facial gestures.
  • Breathing training.
  • Finger games.
  • Logorhythmic exercises for children are usually performed in groups under the guidance of a teacher, but you can start preparing to inform the child at home.
  • The essence of the exercises comes down to repeating rhythmic movements and poetic phrases after an adult.


Speech therapy rhythm exercises develop in children the ability to coordinate movements in accordance with the rhythm of musical, poetic or verbal accompaniment. This method of comprehensive development of the child has a positive effect on physical and psychological health. Daily classes help correct phonetics and speech disorders, develop coordination and attention.

Logorhythmics Poems for children's speech development

By the age of 4-5, a child must pronounce all sounds correctly - this is necessary for his further development, correct writing and reading. Some of our tips may help you:

1. You need to find out exactly which sounds are broken. To do this, invite your child to name the pictures or repeat after you words that contain the sound you are interested in at the beginning, middle, or end of the word, for example [C]: sled, scales, bus; [Z]: hare, goat; [C]: chicken, cucumber, chicken; [W]: hat, mice, reeds; [F]: giraffe, skis; [SH]: brush, lizard, cloak; [H]: teapot, cloud, ball; [L]: shovel, saw, woodpecker; [R]: fish, cow, ball.

2. Each sound needs to be worked separately. Start with the “easiest” sound, then take on others in order of increasing difficulty: k, g, x, s, z, c, w, w, sch, h, j, l, r.

3. Start working on each sound with gymnastics for the lips and tongue. They do it in front of a mirror so that the child can not only feel the work of his organs of articulation, but also see it - this will have a positive effect on the development of his phonemic hearing, and therefore on sound pronunciation. Perform each exercise 10 times, but make sure that the child does not get overtired and does it with desire. You can achieve results only if the child has positive emotions.

Exercises can be found in any book on speech therapy. Here are some of them.

“Proboscis – smile”: the lips either stretch out with a proboscis, like an elephant’s, or smile, like a frog.
“Spatula – needle”: the tongue is sometimes wide, sometimes long and narrow.

“Swing”: the tip of the tongue either rises behind the upper teeth or falls behind the lower teeth. The mouth is wide open.
“Clock”: the tip of the tongue, like a clock pendulum, moves from the right corner of the lips to the left and back at different speeds.
“Painter”: “paint the sky” with the “tip” of the tongue (drive only along the front part of the palate).

4. First you need to achieve the pronunciation of one sound, and not whole words. It is best to get sound by explaining to the child where and how to place the tongue and what kind of lips to “make”. K, g, x: raise the tongue “in a lump” to the back of the palate, the tip of the tongue is lowered, the lips are slightly open; s, h: the tongue “grooves” at the bottom of the mouth, the lips smile, the air flows in the middle of the tongue along the groove; ts: the sound consists of the rapid pronunciation of two sounds - [t] and [s], at the first moment the tip of the tongue rests on the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth, as with the sound [t], then bounces back to the position [s]; w, g: stick out your tongue, make a cup (“so that the water doesn’t spill out”), remove the cup behind your upper teeth, lips are rounded, stretched forward like a “horn”; l: the tongue rests on the bases of the upper teeth or on the teeth, stands firmly, like a “soldier on duty”, does not allow the air that flows along the sides of the tongue to pass through; p: the tongue is raised to the alveoli, trembles slightly under the pressure of a strong stream of air, the lips make a “grin like a dog’s”, hard, tense.

5. To achieve a strong, directed exhalation, come up with all sorts of games: soap bubbles, blowing bubbles through a cocktail straw into the water, just blowing hard on the water in a deep plate, spinners, whistles, chasing a “boat” through the water, a sliver of wood, driving the ball into the goal. , a cotton ball between two pencils. All games have one condition: the cheeks must be thin (not swollen).

R is the most difficult sound. It is often pronounced in French: the tip of the tongue is at the bottom, and its root or uvula, a small tongue, trembles. It is difficult to fix this, but it is possible. Try the exercises: 1) hit the alveoli with the tip of your tongue, saying “d-d-d...” (like on a drum); the lips are tense, the mouth is open. Then exhale forcefully onto the tip of your tongue “d-d-d-d-d-r”; 2) place small pieces of paper on the tip of the tongue, quickly lift them behind the upper teeth and blow them off with a strong exhalation; 3) pronounce “zh-zh-zh” and move the tip of the tongue.

That is, when performing all these exercises, you need to ensure that the tip of the tongue is raised to the bases of the upper teeth and “trembles.” Your child has a new sound!

6. In the next lesson (and you need to practice for 15-20 minutes every day), consolidate sounds in syllables, for example SHO, SHU, SHA, ShB, SHI, OSH, USH, ASH, ESH, ISH or TRA-TRO, DRO-DRY, ATR -ADR, OTR-ODR. When it becomes easy, start repeating words and naming pictures with these sounds.

7. Now make sure that the child pronounces the mastered sound in his free speech. This stage of automation can last a long time, even a year. Be patient.

8. As you consolidate one sound in everyday speech, simultaneously begin working on the next one.

9. It happens that a child perfectly pronounces similar sounds, for example “z” and “zh”, or “s” and “sh”, or “ch” and “sch”, and replaces them in his speech. This is dangerous for future writing. The same errors may occur when writing. Moreover, the child will confuse not only these letters, but also other paired consonants (b - p, d - t, d -d, t - t), since with such a violation not only the sounds mixed in speech are affected, but also the sounds the letter system as a whole. To avoid future mistakes, you need to consider with your child what the difference is in the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing these sounds, listen to their sound with your eyes closed, compare, think with your child what you hear in the sound - the squeak of a mosquito or the buzz of a beetle.

Then - this game: you name the child syllables with mixed sounds, and he determines what sound is in this syllable. Then do the same with words. And then select and teach how to correctly pronounce simple sayings like “Drying on the table, cones on the pine” or:

The bear rides on a stick!
Squirrel on a cart
He cracks nuts.

Or A. Barto’s poem “We didn’t notice the beetle.”

What else, besides correct sound pronunciation, should be in the speech of a six-year-old child? He not only summarizes “vegetables” in one word - cabbage, potatoes, beets - but also independently lists what applies to, say, fruits. When listing “planes, cars, trains, tractors,” he singles out the plane and explains: “It flies, it has wings”; a six-year-old is already able to explain the differences between, say, the same airplane and a bird: “She is alive, and he is iron, he has a motor” (singling out the most essential must be tirelessly taught). In a book, picture, or film, the child highlights the main thing, is able to retell the content, understands who the hero of the work is, who acts correctly and why, and condemns negative characters.

A child at this age composes fairy tales, stories, understands fiction, fantasy and distinguishes them not only from reality, but also from the lies that he condemns. He is able to perform a poem in front of adults, reading it expressively, conveying the mood. He studies the alphabet, composes syllables and remembers the spelling of several words, highlighting them in the text; writes some words of three or four letters and his name in block letters - of course, making monstrous mistakes; understands the plot connection between three pictures, composes a story or fairy tale based on them.

If your preschooler has not achieved something yet, help him patiently and joyfully. And your efforts will be rewarded handsomely. Your child's receptive age will also help with this.

Speech therapy classes at home. An article about how parents can organize classes at home and what exercises they can do on their own to develop speech and improve sound pronunciation.

The role of speech cannot be underestimated. It allows a person to express his thoughts and communicate with other people. Speech is the basis of interaction in society. Speech disorders prevent a child from expressing his thoughts and maintaining a conversation; they can lead to the appearance of complexes and affect school performance.

If you find sounds in your child’s speech that are not in their native language, or if you think that the child’s speech is not sufficiently developed for his age, you should immediately contact a speech therapist. The sooner a problem is detected, the faster and more effectively it can be corrected. As a rule, they are carried out with children starting from 3 years of age. But now a new direction has emerged - “speech therapy of early age”, focused on the prevention and correction of pre-speech and primary speech manifestations of deviant development in children under three years of age. At the LOGOS Children's Center there are speech therapists who work with children from 3 years of age, as well as speech therapists who specialize specifically in early childhood.

To achieve the maximum effect and help the child make his speech correct, competent and clear, it is not enough to send the child to a children's center, where a speech therapist will work with him. An equally important role is played by the child’s activities with his parents at home. The joint work of a speech therapist in classes and parents at home will be most effective. It is important that the speech therapist explains and shows parents not only what exercise to do at home with their child, but also how exactly to do it. After all, only a specialist knows the nuances of performing this or that exercise and the secrets that will help make the task or exercise as effective as possible for a particular child. In addition, no one has canceled the main rule of all doctors and teachers, “Do no harm.” And it is not so difficult to cause harm out of ignorance, for example, by fixing an incorrectly placed sound in speech. This often happens when parents try to produce the sound on their own. It won't be easy to fix this sound. Therefore, our Center welcomes the presence of parents in class - this helps parents understand exactly how to continue studying at home. But there are simple exercises that moms and dads can easily do with their baby on their own. These exercises will not harm the baby in any way, but, on the contrary, will strengthen his speech apparatus, motor skills and auditory attention, preparing him to pronounce difficult sounds.

It is important that homework is not like lessons, but like a game. Come up with different stories to captivate your child. If you conduct classes in the form of games, your child will be more willing to learn to speak correctly, which will certainly help achieve great results in a short time.

Under no circumstances should you be angry if something doesn’t work out for your child! Correcting pronunciation is not easy; you cannot teach your child to pronounce all sounds clearly and clearly in one lesson, as well as to use complex words. In any activity, time plays an important role. Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.

Be patient, praise your child even for the smallest successes, support him if something doesn’t work out. If you break down and scold your baby, then he will not speak better, but will only withdraw into himself, which can aggravate speech problems.

Classes must be regular. It is better to exercise 5 minutes a day than once a week for 1.5 hours. At the very beginning, you can start exercising with 3-5 minutes a day, gradually increasing them to 15-20 minutes twice a day.

Articulation exercises play a huge role, because they contribute to the development of the speech apparatus, thanks to which children learn to control it and cope with the pronunciation of even complex sounds.

You need to do articulation gymnastics daily, 1-2 times a day for 3-5 minutes. All exercises should be performed without tension (the child sits quietly, the shoulders do not rise). Each exercise should be performed five times, each approach no longer than 5 seconds (counted by an adult). Add one new exercise per day, and if you find it difficult to perform an exercise, you need to return to a simpler one.

Basic set of articulation exercises:

  • “Fence” - holding the lips in a smile, the front upper and lower teeth are exposed.
  • “Tube” - stretching the lips forward in a tube (teeth closed).
  • “Tube fence” - alternating the position of the lips in a smile and a tube.
  • “Scapula” - holding a wide tongue on the lower lip in a calm, relaxed state.
  • “Needle” - holding a narrow tongue between cuts.
  • “Needle spatula” - alternating appropriate exercises.
  • “Barrier” - raising the tongue by the upper teeth (the mouth is open, but not too wide).
  • “Swing” - alternating upward and downward movements of the tongue while holding each position for five seconds.
  • “Pancake” - holding the tongue behind the lower teeth in a calm, relaxed state.
  • “Stretch” - stick out your tongue and stretch it to your nose, to your chin, to the right corner of your mouth and to the left.

It is recommended to perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror. Do the exercises with your child. It is better to buy a large mirror in which not only the child, but also you can be seen. In this case, the baby will be able to repeat all the actions. Since the best option is to exercise while sitting, it is better to purchase a tabletop mirror.

Exercises with special literature.

Currently, the range of teaching aids is huge. When choosing, you need to focus on publications with bright illustrations; they attract attention and maintain the child’s interest.

If your baby pronounces all the sounds, but has difficulty coordinating words and retelling or has a poor vocabulary, then give preference to literature: N.V. Nishcheva “Teaching children storytelling based on pictures”, N.E. Teremkova “I am learning to retell”, N.E. Teremkov “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, O.A. Novikovskaya “Speech Pediatric Grammar”.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills.

The level of development of a child’s speech is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. Even ordinary plasticine will be an effective tool for training it. It is enough for kids to knead this material and sculpt simple one-color shapes. With older children, learn to make more complex multi-colored figures, for example, different animals.

Explore colors and shapes while playing with clay.

You can make several figures and come up with a story for them, in this case the child will develop his imagination and increase his vocabulary. For example, a story about going to a grocery store - you can make fruits and vegetables, put them on the “counter” and play seller and buyer. Thanks to this game, the child will expand his vocabulary, remembering the names of vegetables and fruits, and will be able to repeat colors and shapes.

Here are a few more ideas and techniques on how to develop your baby’s motor skills:

* Buy a su-jok ball, which consists of two parts: a spiky ball and a spring. Place the spring on your fingers one at a time, saying nursery rhymes or simply naming your fingers, and roll the ball over the baby’s palms and fingers.

* Compete in pulling ribbons, strings, pencils, and laces with your fingers.

* Wrap small objects in foil and let your baby unwrap them.

* Let the child in the summer, on the way from the dacha, pick off one petal from a chamomile.

* Let the bubbles press on the bubble wrap.

* Allow your child to fasten and unfasten buttons himself, unscrew and tighten the caps of plastic bottles.

* Give a bowl of mixed peas and beans or smaller grains to make the task more challenging - ask your child to sort.

* Give your child small objects and ask them to put them one at a time into a plastic bottle through the neck. A variant of the game at sea is collecting small pebbles in a bottle. This game also teaches the baby to determine the size of objects by eye.

* Let the child wrap the ribbon around a stick or finger.

* Play with clothespins! Let the child hang out the doll's clothes to dry. And if you attach clothespins to a yellow circle cut out of cardboard, you will get a sun!

The game “Who Eats What” should be in the arsenal of both specialists and mothers. This game implements a large number of pedagogical tasks, and most importantly, it is attractive and interesting for children (and adults too). You can practice grammar, vocabulary, and automate naughty sounds. This game is also useful for non-speaking children: using the correct game instructions, an adult can stimulate the child’s speech activity.

* It is very useful to do appliqué. The hand movements that are involved in cutting using scissors are very good not only for fine motor skills, but also for excellent brain development. It will be useful to make an application and come up with a story about it. For example, when making an applique of a dragonfly, invite your child to come up with a story about it. Help your child by asking him guiding questions:

What is your dragonfly's name? What is she like? What does she like doing? Where did she fly? Who did you meet?

Here's an example of a story that might come out:

"Dragonfly Fun"

Once upon a time there lived a dragonfly. Her name was Zabava. She was multi-colored and her wings shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. One day, a dragonfly flew to hunt a pond. She dreamed of catching a fatter mosquito. Above the pond she saw a fat, very fat mosquito flying over the water and cheerfully singing a song: zu-zu-zuuuu, zu-zu-zuuuu, I don’t fight the dragonfly!

The dragonfly, Fun, liked the song so much that she changed her mind about catching a mosquito and decided to make friends with it. She flew up to the mosquito and began to sing along with it: za-za-zaaaa, za-za-zaaaa - I’m a big dragonfly. Thus began the first ever friendship between a dragonfly and a mosquito.

Such an application will contribute not only to the development of motor skills, but also imagination, coherent speech, strengthen good relationships with adults, elevate mood, and will also help to consolidate the sound [Z] in speech if this sound is at the stage of automation.

Reinforcing individual sounds.

It often happens that a child can correctly pronounce a sound in isolation, but does not use it in speech. In this case, you need to automate the difficult sound.

It is important that sound automation be staged: first, sound is automated in syllables, then in words, in phrases, and only then in coherent speech. A specialist will help you choose the right material for automation (select words where the automated sound will be in the correct position, exclude words with mixed sounds or words with sounds that the child distorts).

To introduce sound into spontaneous speech, use as much as possible in everyday communication with your child words that contain a sound that is difficult for him. For example, if the child cannot cope with the sound “r”, then in the store, approaching the fish department, ask the child: “What is for sale here”? If you see something red, ask the child to name this word: for example, “red roof”, “red ball”, etc. When opening the door, ask the child to say the action: “turn the handle”, etc.

It will be useful to memorize poems with difficult sounds, for example, for differentiation (discrimination) and consolidation of the sounds P, Рь and L, L in speech; it will be useful for a child to learn Samuel Marshak’s poem “Mary”:

At little Mary's
Big loss:
Her right shoe was missing.
In one she jumps
And cries pitifully
- You can’t live without the other!

But, dear Mary,
Don't cry about the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or we’ll buy a ready-made one,
But just be careful!

The role of parents in teaching and raising a child is enormous. Whether parents can cope with their child’s difficulties on their own will depend primarily on what disorder caused the speech disorder. For example, those associated with dyslalia can improve on their own, but dysarthric disorders require the involvement of a speech therapist and often a neurologist. But in any case, it is important to work with the baby at home, then the child will be able to quickly cope with all speech difficulties and master communication skills.

When a child of 2-3 years old still does not speak, parents panic. It seems to them that if the neighbor's children speak very well, then theirs, however, this is not so. Speech therapists say that every child is individual. You can practice at home. In this article you can familiarize yourself with exercises, tips and tricks that will help interest your child. You will learn why speech therapy classes for children are needed. 2-3 years is the age of interest in everything and curiosity. Therefore, you will not have any problems.

Speech therapy classes at home

Each child is individual. One starts talking early, the other starts talking late. Of course, all parents worry when their 2-year-old toddler doesn’t want to speak at all, but only points his finger. To prevent such incidents from happening, it is necessary to regularly conduct speech therapy sessions with children.

First of all, your child needs regular communication. In order for him to be interested in spending time with adults, he needs to interest the baby. Then 2-3 years will be useful - the age when a child should be able to speak at least some words. If this does not happen, then pay maximum attention to the exercises.

Most often based on imitation. Kids try to copy those around them. These are actions, words, gestures, facial expressions, etc. A 2-3 year old child is restless and does not know how to concentrate, so it is best to work with him when he wants it. First of all, parents need to achieve emotional contact with the child. When this happens, you can safely engage with your baby, play or just communicate.

Warm-up: finger games

Few people believe that they are developing speech. However, this is scientifically proven. Therefore, try to pay attention. Here are some examples:

  1. Place your thumb and index finger together. Let the rest be raised and spread out. Show the children this cockerel, saying: “Our Petya the Cockerel, the golden comb, went to the market and bought one boot.”
  2. Close your thumb and index fingers and tap them on the table. At this time, say: “The chicken came and found a grain, did not eat it herself, but took it to the children.”
  3. Close the thumb with the two middle fingers, and simply bend the little finger and index finger slightly, saying: “The mouse is gnawing on the dryers, the cat has come, the mouse has crawled into a hole.”
  4. Bend your phalanges in different directions, saying: “Our fingers are very friendly, everyone needs them. We need to count the brothers, there are five of them on one hand. There are no less of them on the second, they are all good, because my fingers.”

Finger gymnastics is a warm-up that every child needs to get him interested in a further lesson. After all, speech therapy classes for children require perseverance. 2-3 years is the age of fidgets. Therefore, we first interest the baby, and then we begin the exercise.

Articulation gymnastics

Before conducting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old at home, it is necessary to develop the muscles of the tongue. This is why it is needed. It is advisable to spend it together with the baby in front of the mirror:

  • Let the child imagine that the tongue is a brush. His mouth should be slightly open. The tongue should be drawn across the palate towards the throat and back to the teeth.
  • Exercise “Tongue on a swing”. At the same time, open your mouth wide. At this time, the tongue lies under the lower teeth. Then lift its tip under the upper teeth. This exercise must be done at least four times.
  • "Delicious jam." You need to lick your upper lips first with your tongue, then move on to the lower lips. Do the exercise 5 times.
  • Brush your teeth with your tongue. Open your mouth wide. Run the tongue first over the lower teeth, then over the upper teeth. Do this exercise 4-5 times.

This is how speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) are held at home. However, the child will have fun and interest only when you engage with the baby in the game, and not force him.

Onomatopoeia: who sounds? What's knocking?

When you have successfully completed finger and articulation gymnastics, you can begin to study sounds or syllables. To do this, you need to imitate the sounds of animals or objects with your child. Say the following phrases to your baby:

  1. “Our frog is the head of the swamp, sits on the sand and says: “Kva-kva.”
  2. “The cockerel was afraid to fall into the river and kept shouting: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
  3. “My bell rings ding-ding all day long.”
  4. “The bunny gnaws the carrot appetizingly and creates a little noise: “Chrum-crunch.”
  5. “The rain says: “Drip, drip.” You need to take an umbrella with you.”
  6. “The horse runs merrily and clatters its hooves. This is not a boot, but the sound of a knocking “clack-clack-clack.”
  7. “The pig says: “Oink-oink, I’ll give you some candy.”
  8. “The clock gives us a sign of time and it sounds “tick-tock”.”
  9. “A steam locomotive travels around the world and repeats: “Too-too, I’m going.”
  10. “Anechka got lost in the forest and called her friends: “Ay-ay.”

Speech therapy classes for children (2-3 years old) at home are very useful and exciting. In a playful way, you and your baby can achieve great success.


Such activities help children not only master speech, but also expand their vocabulary. Speech therapy rhythms develop a child’s motor skills, speech, thinking, memory, and attention. Exercises are given to children from two years old. When your child speaks poorly, let him repeat only what he remembers. If he does not speak at all, then the adult sings, and at this time the child’s hearing develops and his speech reserve is replenished.

Speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old are interesting and exciting. When you start singing and doing the exercise, the child will become interested, and he will involuntarily begin to repeat after you. There are several exciting games:

  • "For a walk". You need to read aloud a verse to which the baby repeats certain movements:

Our legs(reaches palms to feet)

walking along the path(slaps his hands on his knees).

Over the bumps, over the bumps(moves in slow steps)

all the flowers step over(raises his legs high).

  • Game "Weather". The child sits on a high chair and listens to slow music. When you say: “It’s raining,” he pats his knees with his palms in rhythm. Hearing the words: “Lightning has appeared,” the baby rings the bell. When you said: “Thunder is thundering,” the child stomps his feet loudly. When the word “silence” is said, the baby becomes silent and sits motionless for a minute.
  • Do exercises, saying: “First, we raise our handles “one-two-three”, then we lower our handles. We'll stomp our feet, clap our hands, jump, run, and we'll finish our exercises. And we will begin to walk quietly again.”

These are interesting speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old. Exercises should be carried out only with musical accompaniment. Then the child will really like such activities, and he will please you with his successes.

Games for hearing development

These activities are necessary for the child to develop hearing. Children must identify sounds. This could be the sound of rain, thunder, a dog barking or a cat purring, etc. Speech therapy classes with non-speaking children 2-3 years old should be carried out as usual. Remember, this is not a pathology, but most likely laziness, which needs to be overcome with the help of exciting exercises.

Let your baby listen to 2 sounds, for example, a baby crying and a vacuum cleaner running. Let the little one determine who or what is making the sound. When tasks are already easy for him, you can complicate the exercise. Let your baby listen to 3 different sounds, and then 4. If he is in no hurry to speak, then help him and do not scold the baby.

Poems for speech development

Speech therapist classes for children 2-3 years old can be carried out by parents at home. If you practice with your baby every day, then he will start talking faster than you expect.

Poems are an integral part of speech development. It is important that there is a simple rhyme, then it will be more interesting for the child to practice:

  1. “There was a small fight in the river. Something was not shared between the two cancers.”
  2. “Our dear turtle always hides in her shell out of fear.”
  3. “Topotushki, topotushki, a bunny is jumping at the edge of the forest. He was tired and sat down and ate a carrot.”

Poems for children 2-3 years old are offered very small so that the child can easily remember them. When you see that the baby begins to recite small rhymes in full, then you can complicate the task.

Pure talk

They are also necessary for the development of the baby’s speech. Pure sayings, like poems, should be short and easy to remember:

  • "Oh-oh-oh - our cat isn't so bad."
  • “Uh-uh-uh - our rooster crowed.”
  • "Ah-ah-ah - we are standing on our feet."
  • “Sha-sha-sha - mom’s noodles turned out delicious.”
  • “Shu-shu-shu - I’ll ask daddy.”
  • “Shi-shi-shi - how the reeds rustled.”

You can come up with such pure sayings yourself. It all depends on which letters the baby cannot pronounce.

Nowadays, it is very common to find non-speaking children aged 2-3 years. This does not mean that the child has speech problems. Speech therapists say that there is no need to worry until the age of three. However, speech therapy classes for children still wouldn’t hurt. 2-3 years is an inquisitive age, so kids will be happy to exercise if they are interested.

The first few lessons should last no more than 3 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time. It is important that the baby likes it. If you see that your child is tired and doesn’t want to study, don’t force him. Postpone the exercises until your baby is in the mood for exercise.

It's better to exercise a little every day. Then the baby develops skills, habits and memory. Don't scold him for incorrect movements and pronunciation. Remember, your baby is just learning. Don't discourage him from studying. After all, if you scold and punish, then nothing good will come of it.


In the article we got acquainted with several types of games. They are excellent for speech development. From this we can conclude that the exercises are not difficult. Therefore, speech therapist classes with children 2-3 years old can be carried out by the mother at home. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

Thanks to the above games, you will well replenish your child’s vocabulary, help you think logically, imagine and fantasize. Children's memory improves, they become more diligent and begin to speak faster: first some sounds, then syllables. Many kids, with the help of such games, immediately spoke not in words, but in sentences. So don’t worry about your baby’s speech. Daily activities will help you and your baby achieve great success.



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