Correct selection of glasses for vision. How to choose glasses for vision Glasses for vision how to choose

If you have problems clearly seeing objects in the distance, cannot distinguish letters when reading at the usual distance, or get very tired when working in an office, then you need to check your visual acuity and choose glasses or replace the ones you use.

Where to check

To select glasses, you need to test your visual acuity and get a prescription for glasses. Today, visual acuity testing can be done: in the office of an optometrist in an optical salon, at an appointment with an ophthalmologist in a clinic, and using tests on the Internet, online.
Online vision testing is gaining popularity - there are many websites dedicated to vision where you will be asked to download various tests to your computer to test your vision at home. For example, you can download and print a table with Landolt rings, hang it on the wall and try to read the letters from a certain distance. Or set the size of the letters that are most clearly visible on the screen for each eye. These classes can be quite interesting, but will not help you understand what glasses you need. At home, using a homemade table or using a computer, it is possible to determine visual acuity only very approximately, since it is impossible to comply with all the conditions for conducting such tests: lighting level, contrast and size of characters, distance, etc. In addition, such studies of visual acuity are not allow you to find out which optical power lenses, spectacle or contact, will provide the clearest and most comfortable vision. Only a specialist can determine which lenses are needed by examining your refraction using a set of trial spectacle lenses.

An ophthalmologist at the clinic will determine visual acuity, but even if you have a prescription, it is worth double-checking this data in an optical salon. Eyeglass correction professionals often have to deal with customer complaints about the quality of vision in new glasses that match a prescription issued by another institution. In this case, the customer does not have the right to make any claims to the glasses manufacturers. Checking or rechecking visual acuity in an optometrist’s office will be the key to producing high-quality glasses, and companies often carry it out free of charge when you subsequently place an order with them. Currently, many optical salons have an office of an optometrist or ophthalmologist, equipped with modern diagnostic equipment.

How to prepare

No special preparation is required for the vision test. You just need to provide the specialist with complete information about your vision problems. Remember at what time they arise: first thing in the morning or after long work, in what situations you experience discomfort and what it is. Think about what types of activities you need glasses for: computer work, etc. If you already use glasses or contact lenses, take them with you so that the specialist can take their parameters into account when selecting new ones. You must also bring your previous prescription for glasses.

Before the visual acuity test begins, your eye doctor or optometrist will talk with you and ask questions to learn about you, your eyes, and your overall health. Be prepared to talk about common diseases, hereditary eye diseases, special risk factors for professional activities, medications taken, and allergies.
Remember that some medications can affect your vision, causing short-term or long-term side effects. Thus, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiarrhythmic drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptic drugs, calcium channel blockers, oral contraceptives, tranquilizers, psoriasis drugs, tetracycline, thiazide diuretics and some others help increase the photosensitivity of the organ of vision. A number of drugs sometimes cause changes in pupil size by affecting the light sensitivity of the eye - these are atropine and other anticholinergics, scopolamine, antibiotics (fluoroquinols and tetracyclines), anticonvulsants (phenytoin), antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), antihistamines, central nervous system stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine), sedatives (benzodiazepines), drugs to prevent erectile dysfunction, phenothiazines.

Visual acuity test

Visual acuity is the ability of the eye to distinguish small details of an object from a certain distance. It changes depending on the light. Visual acuity can be different for each eye due to hereditary characteristics or acquired defects (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, and other deviations of the visual organ from the norm). In addition, visual acuity decreases with age. Testing visual acuity includes examining the ability of the eyes to distinguish details near and at great distances, the ability to distinguish colors, and studying the field of vision (determining its defects).
Many optometrist offices in optical salons are equipped with autorefkeratometers, which allow you to quickly determine objective refraction, which helps in selecting the necessary correction tools. However, these measurements cannot replace a prescription for glasses (See article ).

When checking distance visual acuity, special tables are used, which are viewed from a certain distance under standardized lighting. For adults, Golovin - Sivtsev tables with letter optotypes and Landolt rings are intended. To determine visual acuity in children, they use E. M. Orlova’s table, on which images of objects and animals serve as optotypes.

The tables consist of 12 rows of randomly arranged letters or signs of a certain size - optotypes. In each row the optotypes are the same size, but from the top row to the bottom they gradually become smaller. The size of optotypes changes in arithmetic regression: in the first ten rows, neighboring ones differ by 0.1 units of visual acuity, in the last two rows - by 0.5. When using the Golovin-Sivtsev table, visual acuity is determined from five meters. If the patient from this distance sees the details of the optotypes of the 10th row of the table, then his visual acuity is 1.0. At the end of each row of optotypes, under the symbol V, the visual acuity of the patient who read this row from five meters is indicated.
Distance visual acuity can also be tested using special devices - sign projectors. In this case, a set of letters or symbols of different sizes is projected onto a screen hanging on the wall. The patient is required to name the letters shown or identify the symbols.

Rules for testing visual acuity:
1. Visual acuity should be examined monocularly - separately for each eye. And always start from the right.
2. Both eyes of the patient should be open, one should be covered with a shield made of opaque material. In the absence of a shield, you can cover the eye with the palm (but not the fingers) of the patient. It is important not to press through the eyelids on the closed eye, as this may cause a temporary decrease in visual acuity. The shield or palm should be held vertically in front of the eye so that the possibility of intentional or unintentional peeking is excluded, and the light enters the open palpebral fissure from the side. It is unacceptable to squint when examining visual acuity; in case of myopia, this leads to increased visual acuity;

3. The study should be carried out with the head and eyelids in the correct position. You need to make sure that your head is not tilted to either shoulder, forward or backward, and not turned to the right or left.
4. It is necessary to take into account the time factor: during a routine check, the time for determining the optotype is 2-3 s, during control expert studies - 4-5 s;
5. Optopips should be shown in the table with a pointer, the end of which should be clearly visible, when working with a sign projector - a laser pointer;
6. You need to start checking by showing the breakdown of optotypes in the 10th row of the table and gradually move on to rows with larger characters. In children and patients with reduced visual acuity, it is permissible to start checking from the top, showing one sign at a time to the row where the patient made a mistake, and then return to the previous row. Visual acuity must be assessed using a series in which all signs were correctly named. One error is allowed in rows 3-6 and two errors in rows 7-10, errors are recorded in the check result record.
To test near vision, use a small card with several paragraphs of text printed on it. Each paragraph is written in letters of different sizes. The card is held at a distance of 33-35 cm. A patient with normal near vision should read a paragraph whose letter size corresponds to a visual acuity of 1.0.
If, as a result of the test, it is determined that visual acuity is below normal (visual acuity equal to 1.0 is taken as normal), then the ophthalmologist will then examine the reasons for this decrease and determine the patient’s refraction.

Refractive Study

Determining refraction using a set of trial lenses is the oldest method. It allows you to set the optical power of the lens, which, when placed in front of the eye, provides the highest visual acuity. The study consists of testing the quality of vision with diagnostic lenses of different optical powers. To do this, the patient usually puts on a special trial frame, into which different lenses are inserted one by one, depending on whether the refraction is positive or negative according to the autorefractometer.

If autorefractometry has not been carried out, then, by attaching weak plus and minus lenses, they find out in which case the vision has improved, and then select lenses of the appropriate sign. lenses Successively try lenses of increasing optical power until the maximum visual acuity for the eye is achieved. For myopia, a lens with minimal refractive power is prescribed, providing high visual acuity. With farsightedness, on the contrary, with maximum refractive power, at which visual acuity is the highest.
Then a visual acuity test is performed binocularly, that is, both eyes together. In this case, the visual acuity of each eye should be 0.9-1.0. And if the quality of vision is different, then the maximum permissible difference in the optical power of the prescribed lenses should be no more than 2-3 diopters, depending on the patient’s individual tolerance.
Identification of the type and degree of astigmatism consists in determining the spherical and astigmatic components of the correction, as well as the position of the axis of the astigmatic lens, which ensures maximum visual acuity. To determine astigmatism, so-called astigmatic figures are often used, and when using optotypes, crossed cylinders are used.

The research method is based on the uneven vision of lines of different orientations in astigmatic figures, or, as they are sometimes called, dials, with an astigmatic eye. These figures are used both to identify astigmatism and to determine its degree and the position of the main sections. Crossed cylinders are used mainly at the final stage of refraction research to clarify the degree of astigmatism and the position of its main sections, that is, the strength and direction of the axis of the correcting cylinder.
After installing the lenses in the trial frame, the patient should be allowed to stay in the trial frame for several minutes, read, and walk around to check the tolerance of the corrective lenses. The parameters of these lenses are indicated in the prescription for glasses or contact lenses.
Interpupillary distance measurement carried out after selecting the correction using a set of trial lenses or a phoropter. Usually the distance between the centers of the pupils is measured using a regular ruler or a special device - a pupilometer. In well-equipped ophthalmological offices, special electronic measuring systems are used that allow all the necessary lens centering parameters to be established with high accuracy. Incorrectly measured interpupillary distance will result in incorrect alignment of the lenses in the frame, which, in turn, can cause poor health under visual strain. The prescription indicates the interpupillary distance for both eyes, and if it is necessary to prescribe progressive or aspheric lenses, the monocular pupillary distance.

Field of view examination carried out to test peripheral vision. The field of view is the area that is visible from a certain direction of view. Objects in the center of the visual field are visible more clearly than those located in the periphery.
Color vision tests used to test the ability to distinguish colors. This test allows us to identify color blindness (color blindness) in patients with suspected retinal or optic nerve disease or with a hereditary predisposition to color blindness, that is, who have a family history of color blindness.

Other methods of studying refraction

The duochrome test is based on the phenomenon of chromatic aberration in the eye. It consists in the fact that short-wave rays (blue-green) are refracted more strongly than long-wave rays (red), and therefore the focus of blue-green rays is located closer to the cornea than the focus of red ones. Thus, the myopic eye sees more clearly in red light, and the hyperopic eye sees more clearly in green light.

The subject is shown a luminous display, the left half of which is colored green, and the right half is colored red. Both have symmetrical black optotypes. The subject with a selected lens is asked to indicate against which background the signs seem clearer or blacker to him: red or green.
If it is red, then the eye alignment is myopic and a negative lens of greater optical power should be installed in front of the eye, and a positive lens of lower optical power; if it is on a green background, then the eye setting is hypermetropic and you need to choose a weaker negative lens, and, on the contrary, a stronger positive lens.

Binocular vision study

The eye-covering test (cover test) allows you to detect obvious or hidden strabismus with a high probability. The patient sits opposite the specialist and looks intently, without blinking, at some distant object located behind him. In this case, the specialist covers either the patient’s right or left eye without intervals. If at the moment of opening (transferring the shutter to the other eye) neither eye makes movements, then, most likely, there is no strabismus; if movement is noted, then strabismus occurs: divergent - when moving towards the nose, or converging - in the direction of the ear.
In the case of obvious strabismus, when opening one eye (the leading one), both make a quick adjustment movement in one direction, and when opening the other eye (the squinting one), they remain motionless. Latent strabismus is characterized by slow movement of only the eye that opens.

Glasses prescription

After determining visual acuity, the ophthalmologist or optometrist writes a prescription for the manufacture of glasses, which indicates: the patient’s data, the functional purpose of the glasses (for distance, for reading, for constant wearing, etc.), the required optical power of spherical and, if necessary, cylindrical lenses (indicating the values ​​of the cylinder axes), interpupillary distance.

All prescriptions written out should be saved, since if necessary, they can be used to determine how vision has changed over time.

The selection of glasses should be carried out by a qualified specialist. Incorrectly chosen glasses can cause constant eye fatigue, cause headaches, fatigue, and impaired performance.

Prepared by Olga Shcherbakova

Poor vision is mainly corrected with glasses. This problem does not only affect older people. The correct selection of glasses for vision allows you to achieve maximum visual acuity. Full correction allows the muscular system to work fully under the daily increased stress on the eyes that modern people experience.

You can purchase glasses only after examination and consultation with a doctor. Where to get your eyesight checked? It is better to undergo a complete initial examination by an ophthalmologist at a polyclinic, eye clinic or dispensary. Using special tables, the doctor checks whether there is farsightedness or myopia, and finds out how much vision has deteriorated.

The fundus of the eye is often checked using drops that dilate the pupil, increasing the area the doctor can see. The effect of the medicine may make it difficult to focus your vision for the next 5–6 hours. When studying the fundus of the eye, inflammatory processes or other pathologies may be detected.

If you decide to check your eyes at an optics salon (they do it for free if you purchase glasses or lenses), ask what qualifications the specialist has and whether he has a certificate. It is better if the vision test and glasses selection are carried out in the same medical institution.

A complete review of all eye structures is carried out using computer diagnostics.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment or writes a prescription for the purchase or manufacture of glasses, which states the following:

  • the optical power of the lens in diopters;
  • distance between pupils;
  • The goal is to get points.

Some prescriptions indicate the data of additional measurements that are carried out to select individual single-vision or progressive lenses: the height of the center of the pupil for each eye, the bend angle of the frame, the vertex distance (from the cornea to the lens), etc. Glasses with an incorrectly selected distance between the central points eyes cause strain and dizziness.

Farsightedness and myopia

It is a mistake to think that with farsightedness a person sees very well into the distance. In fact, he sees distant objects better than close ones. But how good? With weakened or paralyzed internal muscles, farsighted people see poorly from any distance. The loss of elasticity of the lens is felt early; tension in the intraocular muscle cannot increase its optical power.

Over time, it becomes difficult to distinguish distant objects. How to choose glasses for farsightedness? Plus lenses with diopters depending on the diagnosis are suitable for correction.

The optimal distance from the lenses to the cornea should be 12 mm, otherwise they may change their optical effect.

With myopia (myopia), a person sees objects that are close well and poorly those that are far away. The size of the eye in a healthy person is 23–24 mm, in a myopic person it is up to 30 mm. When it is greatly elongated, the retina moves away from the stable focus location, so the image comes out blurry. The cause of permanent myopia can also be an excess of the optical power of the lens and cornea that refracts light rays.

How to choose glasses for myopia? The correction is carried out using diverging (negative) optical glasses, which are thin in the center and thick closer to the edges, and the more diopters, the more significant the thickening.

What types of lenses are there for myopia? Until recently, they were made only from glass; they were heavy, uncomfortable and unattractive, and few frames fit them. Today they are produced lighter, with less rough edges. For mild to moderate myopia, choose durable plastic lenses or thinner polycarbonate ones, and do not wear glasses all the time down to -3 diopters. They are worn only if it is necessary to clearly see objects located in the distance. For high myopia (from -6 diopters), you should choose glasses with lenses 1 value less than diagnosed and wear them constantly.

This significantly reduces eye fatigue.

For vision correction, optics are made from high-index (highly refractive) materials. The higher the refractive index, the thinner the lens. For a high degree of myopia, the most suitable are those made from high-index polymer materials with an anti-reflective anti-reflective coating that eliminates glare and increases light transmission.


This is a common vision defect, the main symptom of which is blurred vision. The pathology is associated with uneven curvature of the lens or cornea of ​​the eye. How to choose the right glasses for astigmatism? For correction, special unevenly curved lenses are used, shaped not like a sphere, but an oval, which it is important to start wearing as early as possible, preferably in childhood, so that the functions of the eye are formed correctly. Without correction, complications may occur, such as strabismus or amblyopia.

Choosing glasses for astigmatism is a complex process. It happens that they are changed several times before the best option is found. Patients with simple pathology, which is characterized by refractive error in only one meridian, are prescribed glasses with cylindrical lenses. For a more complex degree of the disease - with toric ones, which have different optical powers in the vertical and horizontal directions. One value corrects astigmatism along the desired meridian, and the other corrects existing refractive pathologies - myopia or farsightedness.

To choose glasses for complex forms of astigmatism, especially for older people, you should contact experienced ophthalmologists. Adults find it difficult to tolerate mixed lenses, so for gradual adaptation they are first prescribed weaker glasses, and after 4–6 months - stronger ones. And only after complete adaptation are fully corrective glasses prescribed. If you choose glasses incorrectly, the patient will experience dizziness, visual discomfort, and fatigue while wearing them.

When selecting lenses, the doctor uses a universal frame, which makes it possible to rotate the lenses and measure the position of the cylinder axis.

The optical center of astigmatic glasses should be at the level of the middle of the eyes. Large frames and lenses can cause discomfort at the periphery of the lens. During wear, the frame may become deformed and cause displacement of the optical axes. As a result, the glasses become uncomfortable. Therefore, they should be periodically adjusted by a specialist at the place of purchase. All recipes must be saved in order to be able to track changes in vision.

Glasses for children

Children's vision should be checked regularly to identify problems at an early stage. The child does not always complain about the blurred image because he does not realize that he does not see as well as he should.

Ophthalmologists note that every year there are more children with poor vision, so the demand for glasses is growing. This trend is associated with a sharp increase in visual load. How to choose the right glasses for a child? The main conditions for children's corrective glasses are as follows:

  • impact resistance - you should choose lenses made of polycarbonate and Travex;
  • protective coating against ultraviolet radiation and glare;
  • abrasion resistance.

Research shows that long-term eye exposure to blue light caused by artificial light sources can cause retinal damage.

What glasses should a child with astigmatism have? Polycarbonate lenses are lightweight and inexpensive, but can make the adjustment process more difficult because they have the most distortion. Therefore, it is better if the child gets plastic ones. With this pathology, children wear glasses all the time, so it is very important that they are comfortable, with adjustable nose pads and temples, and that the frames are of an attractive bright color. If your child doesn't like glasses, he won't want to wear them. Children should be immediately taught to handle glasses carefully.

New products in ophthalmology

To correct vision in patients with presbyopia, ophthalmologists have developed progressive glasses with variable focus. The optical power of the lenses changes from top to bottom: the upper part is suitable for distance, the lower part for close distance. The disadvantage of progressive glasses is the peripheral distortion that is present even in the most advanced of them.

Much more convenient are products with variable focus, which have fundamentally special designs.

For example, electronic progressive glasses, known to the world since 2011, increase the addition by +0.75 D by tilting the head or touching the temple.

In Russia, glasses with adjustable diopters are allowed for sale: from +3 to -6. In the frame, 2 lenses fit tightly to each other and move freely when the wheel controls rotate. In this way, you can correct the image for each eye separately in a few seconds. The body of the product is made of lightweight polycarbonate. Adaptive glasses can be purchased without a prescription, but you must undergo an examination and consult with an ophthalmologist. You should buy them only from official, verified distributors, as fakes are often found.

One of the new developments is hydraulic glasses, each lens of which is double, and the space between them is filled with liquid.

By changing the pressure using a special slider on the bridge of the frame, a clear image of close or distant objects is obtained. For example, for reading it is increased. The main advantage of hydraulic glasses is the absence of peripheral distortion.

For a narrow circle of users, the following special glasses are produced:

  1. For working at a computer. The lenses have a number of diopters that are 2 units less than the standard ones determined by the doctor, and are coated with a coating that protects the eyes from radiation. Suitable for those who work at a computer all day.
  2. For drivers. Lenses with two photochromic layers, one of which darkens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and the other under the influence of blue rays. Glasses protect from bright sun and glare.
  3. Sun protection. They should only change the brightness, but not the color rendition. In high-quality glasses, the lenses have markings indicating the degree of darkening. It is recommended by a doctor.

How to choose a frame?

In order for the lenses to hold well, the frame material must be of high quality. Among metal ones, titanium ones are considered the best for lightness, hypoallergenicity and strength. They are expensive. Products made from non-ferrous metal alloys also deserve attention. Their neutrality suits any style of clothing. Frames made of alloys containing nickel are coated with varnish, which wears off over time, and the metal can cause irritation on the skin of the face.

Plastic frames hold lenses securely, but break easily and fade in the sun. Carbon fiber products are durable and strong. Rimless glasses, popular today, are almost invisible on the face. The fasteners in them are screws and fishing lines. Only plastic lenses are suitable for this type of glasses.

It is important that the bridge of the frame does not put pressure on the bridge of the nose and fits the shape of the nose.

Those who wear progressive glasses should choose movable nose pads that allow them to adjust the position of the lenses in relation to the eyes. The temples should not put pressure on the area behind the ears.

The modern optical market offers frames that are so aesthetically pleasing that they can become a real decoration that accentuates your image. Please note that oval, round or rimless glasses are most suitable for a square face. Glasses look ugly if their upper part is above the eyebrow line or the lower part touches the cheeks. A dark nose bridge visually brings the eyes closer together, a low nose bridge visually shortens the nose. A bad choice is a massive frame on a face with small features. Narrow visually enlarges the cheeks. A well-chosen frame can highlight the dignity of your appearance and ennoble your face. Remember that glasses should be pleasant.

Hello, friends!

Modern technologies make life much easier, make our lives much more interesting, provide new opportunities, but also bring some negative consequences.

Thus, the abundance of gadgets and the long time we spend in front of screens and monitors reduce the acuity of perception.

A visit to an ophthalmologist ends with receiving a prescription for glasses. How to choose them correctly so as not to aggravate the situation, how can this accessory change and improve your image?

From this article you will learn

Diagnostics and examination

The reason that caused a decrease in the acuity of perception may also be a genetic predisposition.

A child, at least one of whose parents has problems in this area, will most likely have to correct his vision with optical devices.

Poor environment, poor diet, injuries and some diseases contribute to the deterioration of visual acuity. But, regardless of the reasons, before you buy, you should undergo an examination and get recommendations from a highly specialized specialist.

An ophthalmologist will determine the state of your vision and write a prescription for correction using eyepieces. This is necessary both for those who have encountered this problem for the first time, and for those who have been wearing them for a long time, since after some time the parameters may change.

Incorrectly selected eyepieces can aggravate the situation, the ability to see will decrease, various uncomfortable sensations may arise, such as dizziness, loss of orientation, your eyes and head will hurt, eye ailments will occur, and you will get tired quickly.

Therefore, you should not buy such an important accessory yourself. It's better to leave it to a specialist.

Modern equipment allows the ophthalmologist to accurately determine all the necessary parameters.

A more specialized specialist (easy to find in large cities), an optometrist, measures all the necessary parameters, the main one of which is the distance between the centers of the pupils.

This is a very important nuance, since those made without taking this value into account focus incorrectly, which will lead to various negative consequences: from discomfort to decreased vision.

Depending on whether you are farsighted or, conversely, for myopia, different lenses are prescribed. Don't forget to check what exactly you need the eyepieces for, as this is also important.

The most difficult is the selection of eyepieces when correction is required for both near and long-distance viewing; such combinations of needs require high class and experience.

It is also not easy to choose optical instruments for astigmatism. Here the glasses have their own characteristics that make it possible to correct this pathology.

How to choose lenses?

Modern optics offers two types of lenses: glass and plastic. Which one should you prefer?

Glass ones have a higher degree of refraction, which is better for health, but unlike plastic ones, they are heavier.

This is an important quality if you should wear them regularly. Glass ones are less susceptible to scratches, but plastic ones won't break into many small pieces.

At the same time, the strength of glass ones is much higher, and when framed they look more sophisticated.

You should choose taking into account how long you will use the glasses, and try to first evaluate how you feel certain lenses, there are individual preferences that you need to feel for yourself.

In summer, it is better to give preference to glasses with sun protection coating: they correct vision and protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Selecting a frame

In order for glasses to be corrected effectively, it is necessary to choose the right frame.

Because not only the quality of glass affects the quality and comfort of wearing, but also other factors:

  • the material from which it is made,
  • the overview it gives
  • form,
  • ease,
  • strength and other parameters.

They are mainly made of plastic, metal or a combination. Plastic ones are the lightest and cheapest. At the same time, Kevlar and nylon are quite durable, but at the same time lightweight. They have the widest range of colors.

Metal ones are made from alloys such that they do not cause irritation or allergies to the skin. They are very thin, but nevertheless durable. The color range is also varied.

Today there is a demand for frames made of precious metals, so even such models are made individually.

Combined ones are in high demand. Parts that are subject to the greatest load during operation are made of metal. Thus, we achieved that they are durable, but at the same time light and comfortable to wear.

Accessory for image and beauty

Today, to improve their image, many people who have 100% vision buy “zeros” - lenses that do not have diopters.

This is an accessory that successfully emphasizes a person’s individuality, changes appearance, emphasizes a particular style, and gives a feeling of confidence and attractiveness.

Before you make your choice, try on several to understand how this optical device changes your face and overall image. It is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the product, but also the color and shape.

For fair-haired people, blue, gray, steel, and greenish shades are most suitable. Brunettes – dark, gray, blue colors. And those who have fiery hair will suit pale shades, golden, brown, olive.

  1. Multifocal professional. There are 3 segments (separate) in them: intermediate, for working near, for working at a distance. They can be used for presbyopia.
  2. Monofocal. Provide good vision at a distance from the screen, providing a wider view. They influence the ciliary muscle, relaxing it, so tension and a feeling of blurred vision go away.
  3. Progressive professional. Similar to multifocal lenses, they also include 3 sections, only the transition between them is smooth. Another difference is the size of progressive lenses - they are much larger and this is the part that is used when working at a computer.

There is an anti-reflective coating on the surface of each optics; sometimes they are covered with a special film of orange or yellow color (this makes them look like anti-headlights). The latter are convenient to use in offices with a lot of fluorescent lighting, as they additionally block the blue spectrum of rays, making the picture clearer due to better focusing.

Polarized lenses: how to choose?

A more familiar name for drivers is anti-headlights. They acquired it from the polarization effect, i.e., “erasing” the glare of light from headlights, giving a clear outline, and absorbing excess sunlight. For most drivers, anti-headlights are a guarantee of safety on the road.

So, when using anti-headlights, not all drivers realize that they are actually using polarized glasses. Their structure is such that a special polarizing film is installed in the lenses, which removes horizontal rays, that is, those that are reflected from snow, water, and other surfaces. Conventional sun protection optics do not have a similar effect. Anti-headlights are designed only to prevent glare and reduce the light of the headlights of oncoming cars; when using polarized lenses, the eyes suffer less. Images become clearer, the quality of vision is higher, and eye fatigue is practically not felt.

How to choose polarized glasses? First of all, you need to take into account the state of your own vision. If you have nearsightedness or farsightedness, then the right choice is to ensure that they not only suit your face, but also correct your vision. Often optics with diopters are produced to order, when it is known whether a person is farsighted or nearsighted and how these diseases have progressed. Lenses of this type can be roughly classified into 3 categories:

  • transparent glasses;
  • when exposed to light, they acquire a brown tint;
  • chameleons that adapt to lighting and take on different shades (usually brown, purple, yellow, transparent).

For a person who does not have vision problems, there is no question of how to choose polarized glasses. In this case, it will be enough to select any suitable brand with a special coating. The only difficulties in this case are the selection of a stable and optimal frame so that it fits the shape of the face and the choice of lens material (glass, polycarbonate). The price range is affordable, one copy can be purchased from 500-700 rubles or more.

In theory, glasses should not only improve vision, but also match your appearance, and ideally, even serve as decoration. Therefore, the question of how to choose glasses for vision is very relevant.

In practice, if you choose the wrong glasses, in which you can see everything perfectly, after a while they become the cause of headaches and even fatigue. The easiest advice for a buyer is to see a doctor for a prescription. But the doctor cannot know all the nuances, and the buyer experiences the choice over several years. How to choose glasses for vision?

How to choose the right glasses for vision?

Here is just a short list of what you should focus on when choosing:

  • The material from which the lenses are made is (plastic or glass). This item affects the overall weight of the glasses and the load on the bridge of the nose, as well as the cleanliness of the lens surface throughout the entire service life (the glass is less scratched). It is advisable to take into account the safety of plastic and its resistance to impacts when dropped.
  • Frame material: metal, plastic (reinforced). Metal frames are elegant and often extremely thin, which can be decisive for the service life if the material is of poor quality.
  • Nose pads are preferably made of silicone with sufficient softness and comfortable mobility. The temples should not put undue pressure on the temples.
  • The index of the spectacle lens also plays a role. The higher it is, the smaller the thickness and curvature of the lens and the easier the selection of frames. Glass lenses provide a higher refractive index. They are preferable for glasses with an optical power of more than 4 diopters. Low refractive index lenses are used in children's glasses and rimless frames.
  • The coating of eyeglass lenses is also important. Photochromic changes the ability to transmit light depending on the intensity of light. Anti-reflex clearing is useful for those who drive a car or work at a computer, as it reduces discomfort from reflected radiation. Hydrophobic prevents dust and dirt from accumulating on the lenses.

How does a doctor choose glasses?

An ophthalmologist is well aware of how to choose glasses for vision, and you should visit them before ordering them.

First, the center-to-center distance between the pupils is measured. To do this, use a millimeter ruler to measure the distance between the outer edge of the iris of the right eye and the inner edge of the iris of the left eye.

To select lenses, use a set of glasses and a visual acuity table. Lenses are selected separately for each eye. The patient is put on a special frame. The left eye is covered with a screen. A biconvex lens of 0.5 diopters is installed opposite the right one. Next, the lenses are changed step by step until the best vision is achieved. They prescribe the strongest glass with the best vision.

If vision does not clear up with convex lenses, use concave lenses, starting with 0.5 diopters with a gradual increase in glass power. The weakest concave glass with which there was clear vision is prescribed.

If glasses don’t suit you at all, and you want to forget about glasses and contacts forever, we recommend the M.S. Center. Norbekova.

It's no secret that glasses – this is not only a necessary thing for people with poor eyesight, but also a rather stylish accessory that always emphasizes the style and originality of a person.

What should you keep in mind when purchasing this item? – This and other questions will be discussed in the article. So let's get started!

Remember: To choose glasses that are suitable for your eyes, you first need to visit an ophthalmologist and undergo a full consultation with a doctor. As you know, only he can tell you how to choose the right glasses for a particular person.

The doctor will indicate what type of lenses you need, write a prescription, and then, guided by all the recommendations, you yourself will purchase the glasses you like.

Glasses with holes to improve vision

For short-term improvement of vision, you can purchase so-called "".
They allow you to see everything around much more clearly due to the effect of focusing vision through small holes located in a certain order on plastic black lenses.

With these glasses you can watch TV and do small chores around the house. However, their effectiveness as improving vision has not been proven. In addition, glasses with holes are not intended for patients with progressive.


Remember that whether glasses are suitable for you or not - you need to decide based not only on the appearance of this accessory, but also on other points that will be listed below.

  1. Take care to buy “second eyes” that sit comfortably on the bridge of your nose. If the frame puts even a little pressure on the bridge of your nose or temples, then it is definitely not suitable for you. It is also worth taking care of soft pads for the bridge of the nose. They will help to properly fix the glasses and prevent them from sliding when turning your head sharply.
  2. Unfortunately, not all people have a perfectly symmetrical face. In order for glasses to look at least nice on your face, they should not “sit” crookedly.
  3. Good, and most importantly, correctly selected glasses should hide existing flaws and emphasize all the advantages of your face.

Important! Incorrectly chosen glasses with poor-quality frames and temples can provoke constant headaches, irritability and eye fatigue. The first thing you should promise yourself before buying glasses is to try not to skimp on the convenience and quality of the accessory. High-quality lenses and frames simply cannot be cheap, given that such things are usually bought for years.

Size of glasses

Good glasses have their own (original) dimensions and parameters on the inside of the temple. As a rule, glasses sizes are divided into the following parameters:

  1. The width of the spectacle opening - this parameter is especially important when choosing the correct lenses
  2. Bridge width - distance between eyes
  3. Support width
  4. Headphone length

Remember: To make glasses look very aesthetically pleasing on your face and highlight all your advantages, choose frames based on the type of your face. As a rule, large frames can completely hide all existing facial imperfections, which cannot be said about miniature ones.

Frame material

Materials for frames can be of the following three types:

  1. Metal
  2. Plastic
  3. Combined

Matching hairstyle and clothes

How to choose a frame shape? The right choice of glasses depends not only on the shape and features of your face, but also on the hairstyle/style of clothing that you prefer to wear.

Like any other element of clothing or style, choosing the right, and most importantly, glasses that completely suit you can take a lot of time. To choose the right glasses for yourself, you need to be guided by all the moments and nuances of your lifestyle, clothing style, hairstyle, etc.

Advice: If you want to buy one pair of glasses that will completely match almost any outfit, then make sure that they are made in black, nude beige or gray edging. It is gray, beige, and black shades that are the most unique and practical for any frame.


As you can understand, choosing the right glasses can sometimes be very difficult, but guided by all the tips described above, you can easily purchase glasses that will delight you with their uniqueness and originality every day, and also emphasize all the beauty and all the advantages of your face .

Also, if you are looking for glasses for vision, and not a regular accessory, then do not forget to contact an ophthalmologist. This is the doctor who will help and pick up glasses in such a way that the eyes do not get tired, and the eyepieces fulfill their main task.



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