Why can't a person digest food? How the body metabolizes raw and cooked foods

If you neglect the principles that should help your brain to work actively, then do not doubt that it will definitely take revenge on you and simply refuse to work. Sometimes we forget the words, sometimes we can’t get together, sometimes there are simply no thoughts in our heads. How can you improve your thought process? Everyone knows that the brain needs oxygen to function, but how else can we wake up a relaxed brain to get to work?

So, your brain will not work if:

1. You don't get enough sleep

Besides that chronic lack of sleep can cause a lot of health problems, it seriously impairs concentration and brain function. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep every day, but this figure varies from person to person. In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is important - it must be continuous. The phase in which we dream (phase REM sleep or REM phase) has a profound effect on how we feel during our waking hours. If sleep is interrupted frequently, the brain spends less time in this phase, causing us to feel lethargic and have difficulty remembering and concentrating.

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2. You don't know how to deal with stress

There are many available ways stress management, including meditation, journaling, working with a psychologist, yoga, breathing practices, tai chi, etc. All of them have their own benefits in terms of helping the brain work. ()

3. You don't move enough

Physical activity allows you to increase blood flow, and at the same time - the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of substances that help connect and even form nerve cells.

If your work is sedentary, periodically be distracted and stretch your neck - do tilts to the sides. Alternate any mental activity with physical. We sat at the computer - sit down 10 times or walk along the corridors and stairs.

4. You are not drinking the right amount of water.

Our body is about 60% water, and the brain contains more more water- 80%. Without water, the brain malfunctions - from dehydration, dizziness, hallucinations, and fainting begin. If you do not drink enough water, you will become irritable and even aggressive, and your ability to take right decisions will decrease. Can you imagine how important water is for the mind? Often a constant desire to sleep, fatigue, fog in the head are connected precisely with the fact that we do not drink enough. That is, we can drink a lot - soda, coffee, sweet teas,. But many of these drinks, on the contrary, only deprive the cells of the body of fluid, just leading to dehydration. Especially drinks containing caffeine (tea, coca-cola coffee). As in a joke, "we drink more and more, but we are getting worse." So you need to drink exactly the water - drinking water. But it’s not worth “pouring” water into yourself either. Just drink as needed. May you always have drinking water. Try to drink at least half a glass warm water per hour during the day. read in .

5. You are not eating enough glucose.

For us, food is both lettuce and harmless chicken breast. And for the brain, all this is no food. Give your brain some glucose! And the main suppliers of glucose are carbohydrates. Chicken with vegetables will not let you faint from hunger, but come up with something ingenious ... for this dietary lunch will not be enough. We need bread, sweets, ( perfect option). A person who needs mental activity is by no means suitable for a carbohydrate-free diet. At work, a piece of dark chocolate or dried fruit is perfect.


Carbohydrates are also different - simple and complex. Ordinary sugar (a simple carbohydrate), although it is glucose, will not add so much “mind”. It quickly breaks down, causing first a sharp rise in glucose, and then sharp drop without having time to “feed” nerve cells. But complex carbohydrates - grain bread, cereals, vegetables (yes, they also have a lot of sugar), pasta - are broken down slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. Perfect for on the go and for lunch complex carbohydrates- banana! Pasta is worth eating next move food isn't coming soon.

6. You don't have enough healthy fats in your diet.

Avoid processed, hydrogenated fats called trans fats at all costs and minimize your intake of saturated animal fats. Reducing your trans fat intake is not that difficult if you keep a few rules in mind. First of all, you need to cut out margarines from your life - they all contain a lot of trans fats. Be sure to look at the labels on baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.), as well as chips, mayonnaise and other foods containing fat. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers do not yet indicate the content of trans fats on the product packaging. If any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is listed as an ingredient, the product contains trans fats.

And here polyunsaturated fats– Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids. These fats can only be obtained through food. They improve circulation and reduce inflammatory processes in the body and are very beneficial for the brain. Contained in salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout, as well as sunflower seeds, tofu and walnuts.

Monounsaturated fats are also healthy. Monounsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. They are found in many nuts, olive oil and avocado oil.

7. Your brain doesn't get enough oxygen.

The brain can survive without oxygen for about 10 minutes. And even when nothing prevents us from breathing, the brain may not have enough oxygen. In winter, batteries and heaters are all around, they consume oxygen, crowds of people and rooms where there are a lot of people also deprive us of required amount oxygen. A cold, a stuffy nose - we seem to be breathing, but it turns out that it is not of high quality! In all these cases, have you noticed that you begin to want to sleep? This is how the lack of oxygen affects the brain.

What to do? Ventilate the premises, open the windows, and be sure to walk.

8. You are not exercising your brain.

Learning new subjects and languages, gaining additional skills, intellectual hobbies help to preserve and increase brain resources. Constant "training" ensures that it will perform at its best. high level throughout life.

Digestion- the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food, as a result of which nutrients are absorbed and assimilated by the body, and decay products and undigested products are excreted from it. Digestion is First stage metabolism. A person receives energy from food and that's it. necessary substances for tissue renewal and growth. However, the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in food, as well as vitamins and mineral salts, are foreign substances for the body and cannot be absorbed by its cells. First, these substances must be converted into smaller molecules that are soluble in water and lack specificity. This process takes place in digestive tract and is called digestion.

Causes of the disease

Digestive disorders develop as a result insufficient secretion gastric juice or in case of impaired evacuation of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract due to pathological process in any organ of the digestive system.


Manifestations of digestive disorders:

  • appetite disorder
  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the epigastric region
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • bloating
  • colicky or aching girdle pain
  • headache
  • irritability

Treatment of digestive disorders

The treatment regimen is determined taking into account the cause of indigestion (the development of a pathological process, squeezing the intestine or the presence of an underlying disease).

Stage 1 of treatment - correction of the root cause.

Stage 2 - symptomatic treatment.

The main groups of drugs that can be used to normalize intestinal motility:

  • Drugs from the group of prokinetics: Domperidone (Motilium), Metoclopramide (Cerukal).
  • Antispasmodics: Drotaverine (No-shpa) to eliminate spasms and pain.
  • Loperamide (Imodium) - the drug is used with extreme caution and in the presence of objective indications for admission.
  • Duspatalin.
  • With the development of flatulence, simethicone (Espumizan) or Pankreoflant (a combination of enzymes and simethicone) is used.
  • With the development of constipation, laxatives are prescribed. Preference is given to drugs containing lactulose, which has a mild laxative effect and is highly tolerable (Duphalac).

In order to normalize the digestion of food, apply:

  • Enzyme preparations: Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim.
  • Adsorbents: Smecta.
  • Probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform.

Folk remedies

  • Baths. To relieve spasms of the intestines and intestinal colic, baths with lime blossom: 8–9 handfuls of lime blossom brew 1 liter hot water, boil, let it brew and pour into hot bath. Linden blossom has and antibacterial action. The duration of the bath is no more than 15 minutes.
  • Elecampane. To normalize activities gastrointestinal tract drink infusion of elecampane. Grind the rhizome and roots of this plant and pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiled cooled water. Leave for 8 hours to infuse under the lid. Strain and drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times daily 20 minutes before meals for at least 2 weeks.
  • Blackberry (root). 10 g of blackberry root is boiled in 1/2 liter of water until half of the volume of liquid is evaporated. The broth is filtered and mixed with the same amount of aged red wine. Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours for sluggish digestion.
  • Blackberry and calendula. A mixture of blueberry leaves (2 tablespoons) and calendula officinalis flowers (1 tablespoon) is steamed in 1 liter of boiling water, drunk 2/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Enema. In old age, it is necessary to give an enema at least once a week, even if the stomach is working normally, because a short-term retention of feces in the intestines can, without showing any pain, poison the body. It is also very good to drink on an empty stomach infusions from herbs- mint, chamomile or wormwood. It is very useful and helps to improve digestion.
  • Wormwood or Chernobyl. At intestinal colic take an infusion of wormwood, or Chernobyl. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Take a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Collection based on buckthorn bark. Two tablespoons of the mixture (calamus rhizome - 1 part, buckthorn bark - 3 parts, mint leaves - 2 parts, nettle leaves - 2 parts, dandelion root - 1 part, valerian root - 1 part) brew with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1/2 cup in the morning and evening.
  • Collection based on plantain. Two tablespoons of a mixture of knotweed grass - 1 part, goose cinquefoil herb - 1 part, plantain leaves - 2 parts, brew 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Collection based on chamomile. Regulate bowel activity and get rid of pain will help next collection. Mix 15 g of fennel fruits and calamus rhizomes, 20 g of valerian roots and mint leaves and 30 g of chamomile. Pour 10 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and hold in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 15 minutes. Bring the resulting volume to the original and start taking after 45 minutes. Drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day after meals. The decoction relieves inflammation, normalizes digestion. The pain will stop after 2 weeks.
  • Collection based on licorice. Two teaspoons of a mixture of buckthorn bark - 2 parts, anise fruits - 2 parts, yarrow herb - 1 part, mustard seeds - 2 parts, licorice root - 3 parts, brew 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass in the morning and in the evening as a tea that regulates bowel activity.
  • Collection of herbs number 2. Rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis, peppermint herb, chamomile flowers and herb, calendula officinalis flowers mixed equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water overnight in a thermos, strain. Take 1/3 cup half an hour after meals 3 times a day with bloating (flatulence).
  • Collection of herbs №1. With intestinal colic, increased gas formation and with colitis, a decoction of yarrow, sage, mint and chamomile is recommended in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water, like tea, insisted for half an hour under the lid and drunk 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • Celery. 3-4 g of chopped celery root is poured into 1 liter of water, insisted for 8 hours, filtered. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. You can use other recipes: a) 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured into 2 cups of cold boiled water, insist 2 hours and filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day; b) Fresh Juice from the roots drink 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Mixture for the normalization of digestion. The following mixture normalizes all metabolic processes well: honey - 625 g, aloe - 375 g, red wine - 675 g. Grind aloe in a meat grinder (do not water for 5 days before cutting). Mix everything. Take the first 5 days, 1 teaspoon, and then 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals. Duration of admission - from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.
  • Cumin and marjoram. To improve digestion, especially after heavy feasts with fatty foods, take cumin with marjoram. To prepare decoction, pour a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds of cumin and marjoram, let it brew for 15 minutes and drink 2 times a day for 1/2 cup.
  • Poplar black. 2 teaspoons of dry crushed buds of black poplar (black poplar) are poured into 1–1.5 cups of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes and filtered. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. You can also use tincture: 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials are poured into 1/2 cup of 40% alcohol, insisted for 7 days and filtered. Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
  • Dill for hiccups. At persistent hiccups Russian doctors prescribed a decoction of the fruits (seeds) of dill. In addition, it improves digestion, soothes coughs, and is used for flatulence. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, and then strain. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The decoction also has a mild diuretic and lactogenic effect.
  • Fennel. 10 g of fennel fruits are poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled to room temperature, filtered and the volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml. This amount is drunk in equal portions throughout the day from indigestion.
  • Barley. 100 g of barley with 4-5 pears are boiled in 1 liter of water over low heat for 20 minutes, cooled, filtered and used as a remedy for belching.

Cleansing the intestines from old fecal matter and poisons

  1. Pour into a syringe or enema 0.5 liters of hot water, hot enough to withstand the hand. Enter water with an enema into the rectum, hold for a few minutes and get rid of it. Carry out the procedure at night.
  2. The next evening, repeat the same thing, but take 1 liter of water already.
  3. Then skip one evening, and take 1.5 liters of hot water the next.
  4. Then skip another 2 days, and on the third evening increase the dose of hot water to 2 liters. After 2 days after such a cleansing, natural urges will return. Repeat this procedure once a month. After cleaning, start drinking water daily for 10-12 glasses.

Golden rules of nutrition (according to V. A. Ivanchenko)

  1. Fresh eating. It is better not to leave cooked food for long-term storage, as fermentation and decay processes begin to occur in it. Cook as much as needed for at least two meals.
  2. Raw food diet. Raw plants contain the most life-giving force they speed up metabolic processes. When preparing the first and second courses, put the vegetables only towards the end of cooking and let them get a little tired.
  3. Variety and balance in nutrition. The more different products included in the diet, the more physiologically active substances enters the body.
  4. A certain alternation of products. You can not eat one dish or product for a long time.
  5. Seasonality of food. In spring and summer, you need to increase the amount herbal products. In the cold season, add food to the diet, rich in proteins and fats.
  6. Food restriction. Less efficient, more prone to fatigue and disease are those who eat a lot.
  7. Get the most out of your food. Sitting at the table, do not sort things out, do not read, but chew food thoroughly.
  8. certain food combinations. With unfavorable food combinations, increased fermentation and decay of food and intoxication with the resulting harmful substances(for example, you should distinguish between protein and fatty foods, use milk separately from other products, etc.).

When diagnosing, the doctor has to differentiate among morphological, functional, biological, bacteriological factors.

Indigestion: the main types

Most common causes diseases - chronic stress, lack of an adequate diet, unbalanced diet, overeating, indigestion, abuse bad habits. An important role in the occurrence of stomach diseases is played by sweet, spicy, fried, fatty food, power change.

European studies show that the cause of the disorder is often the abuse of exotic foods: bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapefruit.

Ionizing radiation, change climatic conditions- precipitating factors gastric diseases. organic changes gastric mucosa are the basis for subsequent pathogenetic disorders. The clinical symptoms of indigestion are varied. The dependence of signs on the volume, depth, size of the epithelium lesion is determined by the type of nosological form.

Proper treatment for indigestion includes antibiotic therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. This microorganism is given a significant role in the formation of peptic ulcer.

Pathology against the background of infection with Helicobacter pylori occurs only in 40% of people. With a stable secretion of mucus, the physiological acidity of gastric juice, the bacterium does not cause an ulcer. Excess of hydrochloric acid and Helicobacter pylori infection increases the risk of the disease.

A feature of the pathogenic influence of a microorganism is the ability to process hydrochloric acid. Enzymatically, the pathogen destroys peripheral acidity, which allows it to survive.

With superficial erosive, atrophic gastritis indigestion occurs due to bleeding, damage to the mucous membrane, deformities. Symptoms of nosology significantly depend on the extent of the lesion.

Signs of indigestion - initial stage more severe pathological symptoms. At the first stage clinical sign disease is gastroesophageal disease (GERD). With her, the only symptoms are heaviness of the epigastrium, periodic nausea.

The main signs of indigestion

Manifestations are observed in the following diseases:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux;
  2. Chronic gastritis;
  3. ulcer defect;
  4. Helicobacter infection.

Gastroesophageal reflux refers to the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. The aggressive action of acid on the esophageal membrane leads to difficulty in the passage of food when swallowing, narrowing of the cardiac sphincter.

Primary symptoms of reflux:

  • Heartburn;
  • The severity of the epigastrium;
  • Pain behind the sternum after eating;
  • Belching sour.

The lower esophageal sphincter is the main demarcation barrier between external environment and intestinal contents. The quality of the work of the gastric epithelium depends on its functionality.

If the stomach does not work, but there are no pronounced clinical symptoms, gastroesophageal reflux is the primary nosological form.

Chronic gastritis is the second cause of gastric upset. When nosology is combined with hp infection, the following symptoms occur:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Pain after eating;
  • anemic syndrome;
  • Heartburn;
  • Belching.

Presence of an ulcer duodenum and stomach - the third category, leading to pain syndrome abdomen, darkening of the stool, pale skin. by the most serious complication perforation of the ulcer into the abdomen is considered. Without normalization of intragastric contents, one can rely not only on serious disorder stomach, but also death. It is important to determine at an early stage what to do in case of indigestion, since the pathology will “result” in a life-threatening condition.

The first signs that the stomach is not working:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen;
  2. Darkening of the stool;
  3. Paleness of the skin;
  4. Vomit.

The long existence of an ulcer becomes the cause of a cancerous transformation.

Pylorus - anatomy and functionality

The pylorus is the final part of the organ responsible for the passage of food particles from the gastric cavity to the underlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Anatomically, it consists of circular muscles responsible for the contraction of this part of the digestive tract.

The pyloric sphincter is muscular organ, which provides the primary peristaltic wave in the path of food movement. The contraction of the longitudinal smooth muscles ensures the promotion food bolus. Relaxation of smooth muscles leads to the opening of the sphincter, through which food enters the underlying parts of the gastrointestinal tract. A partially digested slurry passes through the pylorus, moving from top to bottom in one direction - caudal movement.

The pylorus ensures that the food bolus enters the duodenum after primary gastric processing. The pyloric sphincter plays important role during digestion.

The mechanism of regulation of the functioning of the esophageal sphincter

When the organ is emptied, the gruel leaves the stomach, and the sphincter relaxes. Water and carbohydrates go first.

Proteins inside the stomach are broken down into small amino acids. The process requires certain time, so the components slowly pass through the pylorus. Fatty acid leave the intragastric environment last.

The evacuation process is influenced by additional factors:

  • Ethanol;
  • Narrowing of the pylorus;
  • Glucose;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Polyps of the pyloric department;
  • Nervous spasm of the gastric muscles.

Basics of Digestion

Digestion in the stomach is carried out by folds, goblet, parietal cells. The capacity of empty intragastric contents does not exceed 50 ml. The liquid is located between the folds. When the volume of an organ is stretched, its cavity increases to 4 liters.

After ingestion, the food bolus is destroyed by chemical and mechanical means. The volume of hydrochloric acid is determined by the concentration, composition, homogeneity of the intragastric contents. The nature of damage to the mucous membrane is influenced by the volume of pepsinogen, acid, mucus produced by the body. These ingredients are enough for complete protein processing. When the stomach does not function, the physiology of the process of excretion of aggressive liquids is disturbed.

Another important mechanism intragastric digestion - advancing propulsive peristalsis. By reducing the circular, longitudinal, oblique muscles, the physiological process inside the stomach is achieved. If the mechanism is broken or the stomach does not work, epigastric heaviness and other symptoms of pathology occur.

Types of functional cells of the gastric epithelium:

  • Basic - synthesize enzymes;
  • Obkladochnye - produce hydrochloric acid;
  • Additional - produce mucus.

After entering the stomach, the food contents envelop the inner surface of the mucous membrane. Gastric juice acts mainly on the shallow layer of the epithelium. The food bolus is saturated with saliva enzymes that help to grind some large particles and neutralize bacteria. The duration of the pathological process does not exceed 30 minutes.

Factors affecting the occurrence of indigestion

  1. Hydrochloric acid is essential for the digestion of proteins. Together with pepsinogen, it is involved in the process of protein denaturation. Fragmental breakdown of proteins is carried out in the stomach. When the acid concentration is increased, unpleasant symptoms- heartburn, epigastric nausea. Intragastric bacteria cause the process of decay, contribute to the physiological digestion of food particles;
  2. Pepsinogen (pepsin) is the main enzyme in gastric juice that promotes protein denaturation. As the protein is processed, proteolysis occurs - the enzymatic process of breaking down proteins. When pepsin is not enough, gastric stagnation, fermentation begins;
  3. Mucus is produced by the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Under the influence of chemicals or physical factors it is not produced enough. The condition increases the likelihood of erosion, ulcerative defects;

The relationship of these components determines the possibility of a pathological intragastric process.

Digestion in the stomach: the process of formation of gastric juice

Practical experiments have shown that the stomach “knows” in advance what kind of food it will need to digest. After receiving information from auditory or visual receptors, the brain sends signals to the stomach.

Academician Pavlov, in experiments with dogs, showed that even the sight of food causes the synthesis of gastric juice of a certain composition. The mechanism of its formation is due to a combination of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes.

The concentration of intragastric contents depending on the composition of the food:

  • A small amount of pepsin includes the juice necessary for the digestion of fruits, yogurt, light foods;
  • Meat, food with a lot of seasonings are processed by gastric juice with high concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • When eating bread, the gastric fluid contains few enzymes, but it takes 11 hours to separate it;
  • When milk is consumed, acid is released for 4-5 hours;
  • Fatty foods inhibit secretion, reduce acidity.

Based on the above facts, it is rational to organize digestion in the stomach, taking into account the specifics of the influence of different products on secretion.

Meat increases secretion, and carbohydrates inhibit, so a person should first eat potatoes, and then meat dishes.

Fatty meals should not be plentiful, so as not to slow down digestion. The liquid practically does not linger, but is evacuated immediately after admission.

Particular attention deserves the process of transition of food into the duodenum. A portion of food particles located on the wall of the stomach moves by increasing motor activity.

It is optimal if alimentary particles enter the gastrointestinal tract in a mushy state, which facilitates the convenient movement of the food bolus due to peristalsis. Reflex relaxation of the sphincter is realized under the influence of hydrochloric acid. The next portion of food enters the gastrointestinal tract. Promotion is carried out gradually to ensure the highest quality processing of the food bolus.

Symptoms of indigestion

The condition appears when eating spicy, fatty, rough food. The process is more typical for adults. In children, due to the active innervation of the digestive system, the secretion of enzymes is less frequently disturbed.

The main causes of gastric indigestion are:

  • Periodic snacks;
  • Reduced portions;
  • Use of poor quality food.

Indigestion often occurs in US residents when eating hamburgers, french fries, cheeseburgers. Scientific experiments have revealed cases of violations of the process of digestion of food in people who eat excessive amounts of chocolate.

Signs of stomach problems

Dyspepsia is a numerous symptom complex, implying a complex of organic, functional failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Common symptoms:

  1. Rapid satisfaction of hunger - satiety after eating small amounts of food;
  2. Pain, epigastric discomfort;
  3. Belching, heartburn, nausea;
  4. Excessive gas formation, bloating.

The above symptoms occur during physical exertion, eating food.

The main causes of indigestion in the stomach:

  • Binge eating;
  • Increased food intake;
  • food consumption;
  • Excessive drinking of drinks with sugar, carbon dioxide. Alcohol, nicotine contribute to inflammation, irritation, stimulation of the release of stress hormones;
  • Physical activity interferes with the blood supply to muscle tissue;
  • Nervous tension disrupts the process of digestion of food, as it constricts blood vessels, contributes to indigestion;
  • The use of nonsteroidal hormones.

Dyspepsia on the background organic pathology appears with gastroesophageal reflux, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and tumors. Organic indigestion in the stomach appears at night. Pathology is characterized by weight loss, heartburn, epigastric heaviness.

functional dyspepsia occurs under the following conditions:

  • tobacco smoking;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • Binge eating;
  • Frequent snacking;
  • Influence atmospheric pressure for sensitive people.

Wrong diet, inadequate physical exercise cause stomach upset. Many problems can be avoided by optimizing digestion and organizing the right diet.

Everyone has their own little tricks that help you remember more and better. From putting a book with poems under the pillow for children to drawing sketches of their thoughts. Science describes a series common features as human brain accepts new information.

1. We remember what we see better.

The brain uses 50% of its resources to analyze the information it sees. In other words, half of its power is devoted to the processing of visual processes, and the rest is divided among the rest of the body's abilities. Moreover, vision directly affects other senses. A perfect example of this is a test in which 54 wine lovers were asked to taste several samples of a grape drink. The experimenters mixed a tasteless, odorless red dye into white wines to see if the participants could spot the trick. They failed, and the red went instead of white with a bang.

Vision is such an important part of how we interpret the world that it can overwhelm people's other senses.

Another surprising discovery related to vision is that we see text as separate images. As you read these lines, your brain perceives each letter as a picture. This fact makes reading incredibly inefficient compared to deriving information from images. At the same time, we pay more attention to moving objects than to static ones.

Images and animations can speed up your learning. Add scribbles, photos, or newspaper and magazine clippings to your notes. Use colors and charts to illustrate new knowledge.

2. We remember the big picture better than the details.

When learning a lot of new concepts, it is easy to drown in the growing flow of data. In order to avoid overload, it is necessary to look back and outline big picture. You must understand how fresh knowledge fits into a single puzzle, how they can be useful. The brain absorbs information better if it makes a connection between it and something previously known within the same structure.

Let's use a metaphor for a better understanding. Imagine your convolutions - a closet with many shelves. As you arrange everything in the closet large quantity clothes, you begin to separate them by different features. And here is a new thing (new information) - a black jacket. It can be sent to other knitwear, put in a winter wardrobe, or assigned to dark brethren. IN real life your jacket will find its place in one of these corners. In your brain, knowledge is connected to everything else. You will easily recall the information later, because it is already laced with threads that are firmly embedded in your head.

Keep a large diagram or list of notes in view that explains the whole picture of what you are learning, and add new elements each time along the way.

3. Sleep greatly affects memory

Research has shown that full night sleep between cramming and exam significantly improves the results. One of the experiments tested participants' motor skills after intensive training. And those subjects who slept 12 hours before the test showed much better results than those who were tested every 4 hours of wakefulness.

The nap also adds positive effect. Within the walls of the University of California, it turned out that students who kemarized after solving a difficult task performed following tasks better than those who have not closed their eyelids.


It is important to know that sleep is good not only after, but also before training. It turns the brain into a dry sponge, ready to absorb every drop of knowledge.

4. Lack of sleep is detrimental to learning.

Lack of awareness of sleep and underestimation of its importance adversely affect the "flexibility" of your convolutions. Science is still very far from detailed description all the healing functions of rest, but she clearly understands what the lack of it leads to. Sleep deprivation forces the head to slow down, to act without healthy risk according to templates. In addition, the chance of getting physical damage due to the fatigue of all the "cogs" of the body increases.

In terms of learning, sleep deprivation reduces the brain's ability to take in new information by 40%. So there is no need to torture yourself at night with low efficiency, it is better to rest and wake up fully armed.

Research from Harvard Medical School provides interesting numbers: limiting sleep in the first 30 hours after learning something new can negate all achievements, even if you get a great night's sleep after those days with a ponytail.

Normalize the amount and frequency of sleep during training. This way you will be much more attentive and will be able to avoid memory lapses.

5. We ourselves learn better when we teach others.

This is confirmed by a very demonstrative experiment. The scientists divided the participants into two equal groups and gave them the same tasks. According to legend, half of the subjects a little later had to convey their knowledge to other people. It is not difficult to guess that the future "teachers" showed a deeper level of assimilation. The researchers saw firsthand the power of the “responsible mindset” that produced such an effective result.

Approach learning from a “mentors” perspective. So your subconscious mind will force the brain to distinguish the subtleties of similar definitions, carefully analyze the material and delve into the nuances.

6. We learn better from rotation tactics.

Often repetition seems to be the only the right way memorize information or hone a skill. You have used this method more than once when memorizing a poem or throwing a goal with one hand. However, a less obvious alternation tactic can have a greater effect.

So, in one experiment, participants were shown paintings painted in different colors. artistic styles. The first group was sequentially shown six examples of each style, and the second - mixed (different schools in random order). The latter won: they guessed the belonging to the style twice as often. It is curious that 70% of all subjects before the start of the study were sure that the sequence should give odds to the alternation.

Do not get hung up during training only on penalties. When learning a foreign language, mix memorization of words with listening to speech in the original or writing.

Poor diet, snacking on the run, or heavy meals at night can all cause the stomach to not digest food. What to do when the stomach cannot digest food, and how to restore the work of the body, excites many.

1 Basic information about the disease

The stomach is the place where food is digested. Its volume in an adult is approximately 2-3 liters. Food enters the stomach through the esophagus, where it is broken down into its components: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. When the body feels the need for food, it gives a signal, and the amount of hydrochloric acid increases, which contributes to the breakdown of food. The speed of this process is different: carbohydrates are completely processed in 2 hours, while a similar process for fats takes up to 5 hours.

The deterioration of the stomach, in which it practically stops digesting food, is called dyspepsia and may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations: bouts of nausea, heaviness in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness. If you do not take timely effective measures the consequences will be very serious.

Symptoms of dyspepsia can manifest as follows:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating, distension;
  • symptoms of peptic ulcer: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, "hungry" pain;
  • belching;
  • after eating, there may be a burning sensation in the chest area;
  • heaviness and pain in the upper abdomen, not associated with eating;
  • pain in upper section spine;
  • sometimes there is vomiting, causing relief for a short period;
  • loss of appetite, rapid satiety (associated with undigested food in the stomach).

The disease may develop different ways: according to the ulcerative, dyskinetic or non-specific variant. The dyskinetic variant involves the appearance of a feeling of rapid satiety, overcrowding, and discomfort. With peptic ulcer, there are signs of peptic ulcer, that is, belching, "hungry" or night pain, heartburn. The nonspecific variant combines signs of both ulcerative and dyskinetic course of the disease.

2 Causes of the disease

The most common causes of dyspepsia are malnutrition and lack of a culture of eating. Dry snacks, in conditions constant stress and haste will certainly affect health. The selection of products can affect the functioning of the stomach. There are a number of products that, depending on individual characteristics man, the stomach does not perceive.

Discomfort can arise from oily, heavy or too spicy food. Alcohol can also cause problems, as it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, thereby increasing the load on the walls of the stomach.

In some cases, disruption of the functioning of the stomach can be caused by hormonal failure- this phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women. Finally, the secretion of gastric juice may be the result of disorders of the secretory glands.

In some cases, poor health may occur in morning time. This suggests that a person abuses late meals. Like all human organs, the stomach must have time to rest.

There are other causes of dyspepsia:

  • decreased metabolism;
  • the appearance of bacterial colonies in the gastric mucosa;
  • insufficient concentration of gastric juice;
  • gastritis.

Regardless of the reasons why the stomach does not digest food, it is urgent to start treatment and seriously review the diet and food selection.

3 Types and forms of the disease

There are two main groups of the disease: organic and functional. Organic dyspepsia is a syndrome in which there is no serious violations structures of the digestive tract, only functional, that is, associated with the work of organs. Functional dyspepsia is characterized by the appearance of structural pathological changes organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the symptoms will be observed more clearly and for a long time.

The main types of the disease are determined depending on the causes that provoked their occurrence.

Dyspepsia caused by intestinal infections can be of several types:

  • salmonellosis - characterized by an increase in temperature up to 39 ° C, the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and headache;
  • dysentery - usually affects colon, the main manifestation is considered to be a stool with an admixture of blood;
  • intoxication - develops as a result of poisoning with influenza, acute infectious diseases, poisoning with poisons.

dyspepsia associated with deficiency digestive enzymes, can be of the following types:

  • gastrogenic;
  • hepatogenic;
  • pancreatogenic;
  • enterogenic.

Nutritional dyspepsia is caused in the wrong way life and has 3 subspecies, characterized by an excess of any component.

Putrefactive develops when eating too many carbohydrate-containing foods, that is, meat, fish, and eggs predominate in the diet. Perhaps the development of the disease due to the consumption of stale meat products.

Fatty dyspepsia is caused by an excess of fats in the diet, especially refractory fats - lamb or pork fat.

The fermentation form is caused by an excess of carbohydrate-containing foods in the diet, such as bread, legumes, cabbage, sugar and some others, as well as fermentation drinks (these include beer and kvass).

4 Diagnostic methods

The cessation of digestion of food in the stomach can be a symptom of another, more serious disease, so if signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis. It is necessary to describe all complaints as accurately as possible: how long and how much the pain bothers you, when they appear, whether there is heartburn, whether there are other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After that, the doctor may prescribe both instrumental and laboratory tests.

Instrumental studies may include ultrasound and computed tomography. With the help of electrogastroenterography, violations of the motility of the stomach, that is, its ability to promote the food mass, are detected. If you suspect more serious illness(tumor), the patient may be assigned x-rays. The inner surface of the stomach is analyzed using an endoscope, often with simultaneous biopsy. Tests are carried out for the presence of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

TO laboratory research refer biochemical analysis blood, fecal analysis for the presence of dietary fiber and occult blood.

5 Treatment activities

If the violation of digestion in the stomach is caused by the development of another disease (flu and other viral diseases, ulcer, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, duodenitis, etc.), it is he who is treated in the first place.

For the treatment of directly indigestion in the stomach, the patient is prescribed medical preparations different direction. For constipation, the patient is prescribed a laxative, but not for permanent use - only until the stool returns to normal. If diarrhea is observed, the patient should take antidiarrheal drugs.

The patient is prescribed some drugs designed to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Enzymatic - improve digestion, the work of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. Blockers proton pump- are prescribed for increased acidity of the stomach, manifested in the form of heartburn and sour belching.
  3. Histamine blockers are drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach, but have a weaker effect than proton pump blockers.
  4. Painkillers - antispasmodics pain in a stomach.

Non-drug treatment consists of simple measures. After eating, it is advised to walk for at least 30 minutes. At the time of treatment, the load on the press is excluded: twisting, lifting or tilting the torso.

Since one of the reasons that food is poorly digested is malnutrition, it is reasonable to try to improve the condition with the help of a diet. Therefore, at least for the duration of treatment, you need to give up fast food, fried, fatty, semi-finished products, since everything listed products have a large number of simple fats.

Important to have positive attitude- It improves the production of gastric juice. Therefore, while eating, you do not need to plunge into gloomy thoughts or be distracted by watching TV, reading the newspaper and browsing the news on the Internet.

The main rule is to seriously review the diet. It is important to give preference to natural and high-quality food. If the stomach does not accept any food, then you can go to separate meals, since the diet selected in accordance with the rules allows you to unload digestive system and identify a product that is not perceived by the gastrointestinal tract.

Separate nutrition involves following several rules. The main thing is that you can’t mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal, since it is necessary for their processing different concentration gastric juice. In this case, fats can be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important not to mix foods that take different amounts of time to digest. For example, nuts take longer to digest, so don't eat them at the same time as an orange.

You also need to be careful with liquids. It is not allowed to drink hot coffee or tea immediately after eating. To avoid problems, you need to drink water 15 minutes before a meal and at least an hour after a meal.

From the moment of its inception, man has faced insurmountable difficulties, difficult choice, various dilemmas. It was a thousand years ago, and it is now. But at the moment you can still understand what surrounds you. You can break down the problem into its components, assess the complexity, analyze it and find the best way out of any situation. To do this, you need only your own mind and the desire to treat yourself and other people honestly, without any embellishment.

Only a strong-minded person can afford such an attitude to the problems and horrors of life. The one that, as everyone around claims, is now gone. This guy can take responsibility without trying to find the cause in external injustices. If he lost his job, then it is not the crisis that is to blame, but he. If his house was robbed, then it is not the robbers who are to blame, but he, because he did not install the necessary alarm and other protection methods. Others will always find reasons for inaction and despondency. The world and the truth often goes against us, but standing face to face with hostile forces, you remain a man, and turning your back, you become a coward who is unable not only to control his life, but also to save loved ones.

In order not to be a loser in life, you must always understand why and what you are doing. Unfortunately, many people forget about this and start creating a fierce hell, not even understanding why they are doing it. Of course, they all have "reasons" that have no logical explanation. And so we have compiled a small list of typical phenomena, because of which the modern man does not want to think with his head.

1. Traditions

Now every second, when discussing a controversial, at first glance, issue stands up for traditionalism. And in general, traditions are almost the answer to all the ideological challenges of the 21st century in Russia. But how can one relate to a real phenomenon through the prism of the experience of past centuries? Time is different, life is different, people are different and they face completely different problems. So why are voices still heard calling for a return to the old ways? The thing is that our, and any other traditions are not always so traditional. This is, roughly speaking, a brand new recent years, which is wrapped in digestible advertising packaging so that a person thinks less with his head.

This is easy to understand if you are fond of the history of your country and read a realistic fiction. All questions immediately disappear, and you already treat the “traditional remake” as some kind of postmodern outlier that does not benefit people. Maybe it's propaganda, or maybe it's easier that way. Consider that there is something in the country that is so well established that it will never change. Although, even if you look at the history of our church, you will be surprised how different positions it occupied in its best or worst years. Such structures are also not static, and they certainly have not retained what was some 500-600 years ago. Attitudes towards sex and marriage in our people have also undergone changes and will continue to do so. No one will give you any guarantees that in some 30 years polygamy will not be allowed in Russia, and your son will not sincerely believe that this is very traditional.

2. Country is shit

Well, we all know that we don't live in the Garden of Eden. Even those of us who like to talk about "geyropa", I'm sure, are not averse to getting the hell out of here and taking their family away. But, damn it, all this movement is only because of ignorance of the real state of affairs, where there are also their poor, their upheavals and their injustices. Perhaps on a much smaller scale, but that's not the point.

Just ask yourself the question: what is stopping you from living here? Why didn't you make a fortune or build a cool house with a Japanese garden? And why did you decide that you will succeed in all this in another state? You know, maybe it's just because you're a lazy ass? It's like at school: it happens that you get a little sick, you take time off from classes, but you still won't do your homework, although you could, but you have a reason not to do it. So in life, the reasons always appear: the economic crisis, the wrong president, the fucking cops, or just a bad day. But if you are smart independent person, then you just need to study everything well and find a way out. Difficulties and obstacles should motivate, not serve as an excuse.

So the fact that you can’t do anything is only your fault, not the country’s.

3. Ideology

Yes, it is difficult to live without your own system of looking at the surrounding reality. Each of us identifies in some way. Someone calls himself Orthodox, someone is a liberal, and someone is a transhumanist.

But now it is impossible to determine the correctness of the views of something. You can be confident in your actions, but not in what surrounds us. We live in a time when any event must be evaluated privately. You do not need to use pre-prepared patterns, although sometimes you want to.

We take some holiday and spend half of the city budget on it just because now it fits into the framework of ideology, tomorrow this holiday may not be. We treat other people with contempt because they have "wrong views" even though we can't explain our own. Yes, and there are no real ideas that would have a serious foundation in our heads. The foundation is always an explanation of correctness, but what kind of correctness can we talk about if it all comes down to the rejection of something “alien”?

About one experiment when people different views placed in one room and forced to communicate. There were Christian fundamentalists, rightists, leftists, liberals. As a result, it turned out that in real communication all these people find a lot in common, they are not alien to cohesion in some matters, especially on household level. Leave all this division to politicians when we have real politics.



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