Are you schizophrenic or normal? The simplest test for schizophrenia: Chaplin mask. Self-diagnosis of serious mental disorders What online tests exist

A very popular picture is encrypted in the image you see in the preview.

Well, how did it work?

Didn't guess right?

Absolutely not?

Psychologists have found an instant way to recognize schizophrenia. Yes, yes, this is nothing more than a rapid test.

Don't be upset if you don't see anything because that's normal. Very few people can pass this test. Even children who have a rich imagination will only be able to see the real image after they see the clue. Therefore, if, despite all your efforts, you do not see this most famous image here, do not despair. You are healthy!

You will now see a prompt. But after you go back to the original image, you won't be able to Not recognize. And this is also absolutely normal.

Well, now a hint:

Well, for the purity of the experiment

So, if you want to test your friends for schizophrenia, share this article with them, but please do not reveal the secret right away. Let everyone enjoy the effect of this illusion.

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder of a polymorphic type. A person suffering from schizophrenia begins to experience irreversible personality disintegration. Emotional reactions and thinking abilities are impaired. In schizophrenia, a person's cognitive abilities are greatly affected.

Using this feature in sick people to determine schizophrenia in the early stages (or identify a person’s predisposition to the disorder), psychologists have created many interesting tests. One of them is the cow test for schizophrenia.

One of the interesting tests for determining schizophrenia is a picture with a cow

Cognitive (or mental) functions are considered the highest functional abilities of the brain. They give a person the ability to be human. Cognitive abilities include:

  • thinking;
  • understanding;
  • ability to calculate;
  • speech abilities;
  • ability to learn;
  • ability to reason;
  • orientation in space.

A healthy person with sufficient accumulated knowledge, when considering a new situation, practically does not process it. An adequate brain will offer an alternative - to take advantage of existing experience.

In the perception of new information in a healthy person, the dominant role is played by already accumulated experience. In a person suffering from a schizophrenic disorder, the brain does not take advantage of existing experiences.

In a schizophrenic, due to persistent impairment of cognitive functions, the brain does not perceive optical illusions. It is on this feature that tests with visual illusions work. Various tests help determine how adequately a person perceives reality and the world around him.

Test for schizophrenia with a cow

The test presents a picture that is incomprehensible at first glance. The point of the test is the use of hidden images. A healthy person, looking at a picture, sees a set of certain blurs: spots, smoke, silhouettes of animals, people, a certain topographic map. What do you see? Consider the famous test:

Optical test for identifying schizophrenia “Cow”

People suffering from schizophrenic disorder immediately say - there is a picture of a cow. Their brain, suffering from a cognitive disorder, is not able to imprint the imprint of life experience and various additional images on the image.

Schizophrenics have no imagination; they see specific objects, exactly those depicted in the pictures. Therefore, individuals with schizophrenia or those who are prone to such a disease immediately see a cow.

Did you see a cow?

Are the results reliable?

Does the cow picture test for schizophrenia really show with a 100% guarantee that a person has schizophrenia? It is important to understand that schizophrenia is an extremely complex disease. It is only a stretch to evaluate a person using visual testing alone.

To correctly diagnose the disease, a comprehensive therapeutic and neurological examination of the individual is necessary.

Such diagnostics are carried out by highly qualified specialists in a hospital setting. The presence of any one symptom does not indicate the presence of a severe disorder.

How is the test useful?

Various tests (questionnaires, optical) only give a reason to think about your own health, lifestyle, and get to know your own subconscious better. The results of testing for schizophrenia cannot be considered from the point of view of a diagnostic measure.

The test helps to recognize in advance congenital abnormalities that may exist in the human psyche. Based on its results, one can only estimate a certain information picture about the state of human mental health.

Many perfectly healthy people have some kind of mental disorder. Mental health is affected by stress, chronic fatigue, worries, worries and other problems.

The main feature of the test is to understand whether a person can perceive forms, optical illusions, and create logical chains.

The test results help to reveal a dormant predisposition to the disease or to reassure the individual and confirm that the person is healthy and able to adequately assess what is happening.

If the test results are concerning, it is better to seek advice from a good specialist. When it comes to your health, it's better to be on the safe side than to suffer from gloomy assumptions.

To pass this test and find out everything about yourself, you don’t have to add, subtract or painfully remember anything. It is enough to take a pen of paper and a piece of pencil and start drawing.

Boleslav Guppka

You haven't been self-digging for a long time. Therefore, we have found for you a psychological test that is simple to perform, but very effective in terms of the results obtained. Go through it - and such secrets of your “I” will be revealed to you that you will want to destroy all our servers out of harm’s way.

So, first of all, you have to run away and hit your head against the wall (preferably on the corner) as hard as you can. Now let's count the points. Stop! We're a little confused. This is a completely different test.

For today's test, you will need a pencil and an A4 paper.

Got it?

Now draw an animal that definitely does not exist anywhere in the world, even in Australia and Pripyat.

The main condition: avoid ready-made templates, your animal must be absolutely unprecedented. You cannot draw either incredible characters already invented by someone else (Cheburashka), or those creatures that you have loved to draw since school (the five-armed sparrow). Depict a completely new animal for our world.

And don't forget to call her the same new name for this dimension.

Draw in silence, without witnesses.

Draw! What are you waiting for? For the purity of the experiment, you should not know any more details about this test. To make it easier for you to stop reading and start drawing, we'll fill the next couple of lines with some nonsense. Pew-pew-pew! Smoke-smoke! Woo-woo! Zhzhzhzhzhzh. Bloop-blup-blup! Let's draw already! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Plop plop plop!

Projection spotlight

It's time to explain what you just did.

The psychodiagnostic test “Drawing of a non-existent animal” belongs to a very large group of projective techniques (“Rorschach Blots”, for example, from the same opera). Perhaps you will feel some pride if you find out that the author of the “animal” test was not some Viennese psychoanalyst, but psychologist Maja Dukarevich, who developed this technique in the last century in the wilds of the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian.

“The projective technique assumes that the features of your personality are projected onto everything you do, say or, as in this case, draw,” explains consulting psychologist, self-attitude specialist, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Sviridova.

When you draw without relying on ready-made templates (that’s what you did, right?), your personal characteristics begin to crawl out of you onto the paper and leave traces in every squiggle.

The brain follows the path of least resistance, and it is easiest for it to project itself onto the sheet.

This is (very, very briefly) the theory.

Now, when we begin to analyze the drawing point by point, looking for your conscious and unconscious ideas about yourself in it, you will either agree (“Yes, that’s exactly who I am!”), or go into deep unconsciousness (“Bullshit!”). Both are indicators that the test is working. In the second case, rejection is the result of the work of defense mechanisms, since, while drawing, you tried to hide a lot from yourself. (Alas, nothing can be done: you are just a platypus raised by a human family.) This, of course, does not mean the infallibility of the technique. “Many factors can affect the result, from fatigue to the length and sharpness of the pencil.” Be that as it may, possible deviations are not critical and, in general, the test gives a fairly accurate indication of your personal characteristics.

Let's get started!

Position of the picture on the page

In an ideal world, an ideal person who accepts himself for who he is would draw his unknown animal in the center along the middle line of the sheet.

Congratulate yourself if you are just such an ideal individual.

“The closer the animal is to the top edge, the higher your self-esteem,” our consultant is quick to please you. Perhaps you really are that good, but it also shows dissatisfaction with your current situation. In addition, you lack the recognition of others, and, having climbed higher, you have betrayed your desire to please everyone (for this, you strive with all your might to meet the norms accepted in your circle).

If your drawing is located at the bottom, you are not too confident and indecisive. It looks like you've already accepted your fate. However, perhaps it’s all about ordinary fatigue or the handcuffs with which you are fastened to the radiator in this dark basement.

Having dealt with the top and bottom, let's move on to other coordinates. According to Carl Jung and the collective unconscious:

the left side of the sheet means the past; right - future; and the middle is the present.

Left? You are prone to introspection and reflection. You tend to replay an old conversation in your head for a long time and come up with new witty remarks that you didn’t think of right away (“How come I didn’t think of telling the hooligans that they shouldn’t hit me?!”). You are a man not of action, but of intention.

Is your amoeba's head pointing to the right? Good sign! You not only plan something, but you always begin to implement your plans.

The animal that you depicted full-face, not taking its eyes off you, speaks of egocentrism. This can also be interpreted in such a way that you are a contact person who easily makes acquaintances.

“You should also pay attention to which direction the entire figure is more shifted,” says Tatyana.

In a picture of a cheerful, healthy, successful person (such people usually live in bank advertisements), the animal should be evenly located in all three times and directed from the past to the future.

If the pattern is pressed to the left side- perhaps this is due to a negative experience gained in childhood that still comes back to haunt you (your parents’ divorce or the meatball that your singing teacher threw at your collar in the second grade). Or maybe recent events have again reminded you of an old experience and moved the beast to the left.

A strong move to the right can be interpreted as a defensive reaction. You are running from the present (or the same past) into the future. Live in hope for tomorrow. However, if tomorrow is Saturday, you can understand.

General impression

Non-existent animals, like those existing on the Animal Planet channel, are divided into those who:

threatens others(for example, something toothy); who everyone threatens(something hare-like); who hasn't decided yet(saber-toothed hippo hare).

Whoever you choose as your totem is a reflection of how you see yourself in this world. You are a bug or an elephant - draw your own conclusion.

If your individual wears human clothes or is too anthropomorphic(at the same time, she doesn’t have to resemble a humanoid, just being upright is enough), then you, baby, are emotionally immature and infantile.

Our expert is almost one hundred percent sure that you, being a normal person, cannot draw the genitals of your beast(“This is typical only for young children who are not yet sufficiently aware of the norms”). Otherwise, you are not completely healthy, your control functions are weakened. Even the banal udder (the image of a woman’s breast) on your owl reveals your unhealthy fixation on sex.

Dimensions and proportions

Medium size drawing, looking harmonious on the page (it may be clumsy, but organically inscribed on the sheet), indicates a positive attitude towards the world and oneself.

Too big animal- narcissism. Alternatively, the hefty creature may appear as a personal defense mechanism. “Very large animals are most often drawn by preschoolers. Children invest their high self-esteem in drawings of huge animals,” explains Tatyana. Your gigantomania may also be caused by a reaction to recent stress.

Little critter at the bottom of the page- a sign of mental problems. This is unlikely to apply to you, but keep in mind: nanoanimals are usually drawn by schizophrenics and other people with an interesting brain structure. So that tiny winged booger* that Carlson once drew, alas, makes one look at his actions in a new light.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik: « A Very Lonely Rooster,” watercolor, 1955. Exhibited at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art »

“In addition, mentally ill people tend to be sketchy and sophisticated in their interpretation of drawings,” added our consultant. To our question about how a drawing can be schematic and sophisticated at the same time, Tatyana gave an example: “A man draws a stick with legs and says that this is Emperor Paul.” Hm, but the stick with legs really looks like Pavel!

Quills, horns, shell - in general, everything that serves as protection for the animal can be replaced in the drawing simply by a careful outline drawn several times.

Therefore, immediately note for yourself: even if your creation at first glance is defenseless in front of the world, this is not at all true if some lines and protrusions are thicker than others.

The most important thing is which side of your animal the armor is on.

If the shell covers the animal from above, you protect yourself with it from those in relation to whom you are in a subordinate position. This could be management, government agencies, or just parents.

If the animal's bottom is closed, you are afraid of those whom you consider your equal, or those who are even weaker than you. That is, you fear for your authority.

Armor on the sides shows your readiness for self-defense in any life situation. “At the same time,” Tatyana emphasizes, “drawing the lines on the right indicates that you value your taste, preferences and beliefs very much and are ready to fight for them.” (By the way, although we disagree with your beliefs, we are ready to sign somewhere in a collective letter for your right to express them.)

If any of the details stand out due to careful drawing or stronger pencil pressure (lines are noticeable on the back of the sheet), this signals your alarm.
Unfortunately, you can only give an explanation for why you drew something more thoroughly than anything else.
There can be any number of interpretations.
For example, in an animal, anxiety is localized in the legs. If you rely on the interpretation of the images of the collective unconscious, it turns out that you are not confident in yourself. But maybe you just walked a lot today. So we leave you alone to struggle with the interpretation of the riddle of why you tore through the paper while drawing a hump for a marsupial partridge.

Feet are another mirror of the soul. Drawn legs show self-confidence and thoughtful decisions. If the animal has no legs at all or they are very frail, this emphasizes the impulsiveness of the character of the artist and his frivolity. (NB! The powerful pedestal painted under the seemingly weak legs plays the role of the missing strong legs. After all, it is this pedestal that serves as a support for the figure.)

It is also important how the legs are connected to the body. As is this connection, so is your control over words and decisions. The legs are poorly or not at all attached to the body - you are not very careful about the accuracy of your words, you do not attach much importance to your own speeches. The legs are well attached to the body - your judgments are balanced and, at least for you, convincing.

Now study the shape of your legs. If both legs are the same (exactly repeated lines, size, bend), you are a conformist, and your creative solutions do not sparkle with novelty and invention. But if the lower limbs of your animal are different (one leg is raised for a kick, and your other animal is scratching the third), you are our person. You are independent in your judgments and generally have a creative nature. Hand, comrade!

By the way, if we are talking about creativity: people with clichéd thinking use ready-made templates (fish, pig, bird). A cow with wings is not original, it is just a formal connection of two blanks - a cow and a bird. And in general, this is not a non-existent animal, but an ordinary Skliss!
The more elements and the more unexpected their combinations, the higher your creative potential and vital energy in general.

If you drew a headless pendelpop, skip this step. But if your creation has any kind of face, you will have to analyze it.

Big head shows that the artist attaches special importance to erudition and, in general, to the rational principle both in himself and in those around him.

prominent ears- a sign that it is important for you to know how others treat you. Plus, this is an indicator of your interest in the world, in the information that you draw from it.

Mouth. Open, and with a tongue, it screams about your talkativeness. The drawn lips convey sensuality (sorry if this sounds like a quote from an astrology manual). A toothy mouth is drawn by people prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, this aggression is often defensive in nature (you snap, scold everyone and everything). If the mouth in the picture is open, but neither the tongue, nor the teeth, nor the tari bird is visible there, there is an opinion that you are suspicious and always afraid of something.

Although the nose is a phallic symbol, in drawings of men it does not carry much additional information. But if you analyze a drawing of a girl in which the animal has a particularly long or overly drawn snout, feel free to assume that she is not sexually satisfied.

Eyes. An emphasis on the pupil (for example, strong shading) indicates that you are now in anxiety. You are clearly afraid of something. Did you draw eyelashes? Oh no no no! You attach too much importance to your appearance. It is generally not appropriate for men to draw eyelashes.

In the drawings made by girls, eyelashes in many cases signify a hysterical and demonstrative manner of behavior.
“This is the manipulation of other people’s feelings for one’s own purposes,” Ms. Sviridova translates the dark term into understandable language. Don't be quick to gloat. Hysterical-demonstrative behavior is also found in men. We hope this is not your case, but if... In short, here's a gun - you know what to do with it. (A shot muffled by the door is heard, and then the sound of a falling body.)

Well, we've reached the top. Hair (mane, dreadlocks, bald patches) most often simply corresponds to the gender of the person drawing. Although in some cases, a distinctive hairstyle may indicate sexual orientation. Horns and other piercing growths indicate aggression. But whether it serves as protection from others or for attacking them, you yourself can say more precisely. A harmless feather or crest is interpreted as a desire to stand out.

Any non-functional, but purely decorative details that go beyond the boundaries of the drawn figure - such as lush feathers, tassels on tails and curls - indicate some unnatural behavior and a desire to attract attention.

We wouldn't be surprised if your car, tattooed on the back, has an airbrushed drawing of a tiger that was swallowed by a dragon.

The presence of seemingly extra, but still practical limbs(tentacles, spare legs, wings, proboscis) - an indicator that you want to cover (and maybe cover) many areas of activity at once. All these shoots are your many hobbies or simply your multi-tasking at work. Or it means the same thing, but with a minus sign: you often meddle in your own affairs, disturbing others with your know-it-all attitude.

The tail is what trails behind you. Your deeds, your intentions, your words. Here again the timeline will come in handy (if you go to the left, you will go back in time, etc.). Follow where the tail points. To the right - you have some important plans for the future, to the left - you are still remembering and analyzing past actions. To figure out whether your future or past deeds cause positive or negative feelings, pay attention to whether your tail is pointing up or down. The tail sticks out - you are either proud of something you have done, or you are looking forward to future victories. A fallen tail means fear of the future and regret about the past.

Among other things, the tail, who would doubt it, is a phallic symbol.
Therefore, the direction (up and down) may simply be a momentary indicator of your potency. Nothing, nothing, this happens to every man.

In rare cases, an inquisitive eye will discover inanimate parts in the body of an animal(wheels, batteries, propellers, USB inputs). Such additions appear either from a great mind (the draftsman uses all his imagination, trying to invent a non-existent animal), or, conversely, from a damaged mind - in patients with schizophrenia.

Those details that your animal does not have are also important.
No legs - you are not confident in yourself (see the meaning of the lower extremities). There are no hands or tentacles - you do not influence the world, but prefer to passively wait for something to happen.


If you carefully read the task and gave your non-existent animal an unprecedented name, and did not just call it, as usual, Vitaly Sergeevich, you will probably find among these options a name somewhat similar to yours.

A rational combination of two or more semantic parts: elephant, creeping horse, dog eater. Shows practicality, rational thinking, strict adherence to the assigned task, and the desire to comply with norms.

Pseudo-scientific name: Latinomenius, Eastern European burdock goat eater. It shows that you are proud of your erudition and erudition. And in general, you don’t consider yourself a fool.

A meaningless set of sounds: blew, hivoramira, vlyau. Characteristic of a frivolous person who does not think about the consequences of his actions. In addition, such a kulyuvlya may emphasize that for the person who came up with this name, the aesthetic element is more important than the rational one.

Funny name: chuchuchka, popencia. An indicator of your ironic and condescending attitude towards the pitiful people around you.

Repeating sounds: Flu-flu, visa-visa, joom-joom. Infantility. Sorry, but we didn't come up with this.

Title too long: zelofukiropoestoral, colibarnofurucase. Typical for someone who likes to fantasize and have their head in the clouds.

Finishing touch

Now that you have found out all the ins and outs about yourself and are sitting over a drawing dripping with tears, try to take it out on your friends. Of course, practice is necessary to improve your skill.

“The more of your own drawings you analyze, the easier it will be to analyze the drawings of others,”- our expert promised, and then she spoke in the sense that you should beware of an unambiguous approach to the interpretation of fictional animals. All of the above is just the basics and cannot explain all the cheek pouches and tentacles. Trust your intuition. If you think the Hitler mustache on your girlfriend's drawing of the mountain penguin signifies her secret desire for a threesome, then it probably is.

About one artist

Here's a taste of what our expert found out after taking a look at the fitness editor's drawing of the umbrella toadhorse.

The creature has no arms. And where they are expected is the mouth. It can be assumed that verbal contact is the main way of interaction with the environment. An umbrella with needles - a person expects an attack, but with some provocations from the outside he is inclined to behave quite aggressively. Zhabokon is a name with a certain amount of irony. The attitude towards oneself is ambivalent. The toad is perhaps what is ironized by the person, and the horse is what she is proud of and what is more accepted by her.

Incredible facts

An ordinary test can tell you how schizoid you are.

If you're looking for a simple test to test for schizophrenia, check out the amazing hollow mask optical illusion.

The Chaplin mask - this is the name of this method - is one of the most accessible, but at the same time, effective test for identifying schizophrenia.

Chaplin mask test

The Chaplin Mask test was developed and proposed by the English psychologist and professor of neuropsychology Richard Gregory.

In his scientific work “Meaning and Illusions of Perception,” the psychologist described the difference between how healthy people perceive optical illusions and those with schizophrenia.

After numerous studies, the British neuropsychologist came to the following conclusion: our perception depends on thinking processes based on past experience.

Illusion is a form of depth perception. The moving mask test involves a hollow (concave) object that appears to be non-empty (convex).

So, watch the video below carefully. He's wearing that same spinning Chaplin mask.

What did you see in this video? How do you feel after watching the video?

After all, in fact, you have just passed the simplest test to identify schizophrenia.

The current surge of interest in this illusion was caused by recent research conducted by specialists in the field of psychiatry.

These studies aimed to understand and explain why patients with schizophrenia fail to perceive the hollow mask illusion using dynamic causal modeling.

The fact that people with schizophrenia are generally immune to this illusion has long been known. Experts were interested in the reason for this rejection of perception.

Why are they not susceptible to the hollow mask illusion?

Test for schizophrenia Chaplin mask

For what reason does this happen?

This is an important question, the answer to which can shed light on many points in psychiatry.

If you want to understand why schizophrenics are immune to such optical illusions, you need to know how the mask works on the subconscious of "normal people".

When a Charlie Chaplin mask is rotated so that its inner side is facing us, it appears that the mask is convex on both sides and that it rotates in the opposite direction.

This is exactly how it seems to us, even if we don’t know what’s really happening.

This method is interesting in that in this case, the incorrect perception of ongoing events, the distortion of the mask and the deception of one's own consciousness are signs of a healthy psyche.

Therefore, if it seems to you that the rotating mask is convex on both sides and looks very strange, this means that you do not have any mental problems and you are an absolutely healthy person.

First you can see Chaplin's face on the outside of the mask. But as the mask rotates, your brain refuses to perceive its inside as a “concave” cavity.

After all, the visual system and brain of a healthy person mistakenly perceives the concave side of the mask. The visual system interprets light and shadow in its own way.

All the information we receive about what shape the mask should be is contrary to the upward sensory signal.

In a mentally healthy person, descending consciousness has an advantage.

It is for this reason that if the mask is actually convex, it appears concave to us, and vice versa.

Therefore, when a person with a normal healthy psyche looks at this rotating mask, in front of him is a rather unusual face of Chaplin, which is convex not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

But the brain of a person with schizophrenia cannot be deceived by optical illusions. Therefore, for a schizophrenic, the mask is always concave.

Why people with unhealthy psyches do not succumb to the deception of a rotating mask, experts find it difficult to answer.

Psychiatrists have put forward a number of hypotheses and guesses, one of which is that this is due to the way our brain processes visual images and recognizes the images it sees.

Therefore, if you cannot see a mask that is convex on both sides and moves in the opposite direction, this means that it may be worth seeking advice from a psychiatrist.

After all, such a reaction may indicate serious mental disorders.

Despite the popularity of this simple test and its effectiveness, it is still better to entrust the diagnosis of such a serious disease and the final diagnosis to specialists.

Please note that immunity to this optical illusion is not limited to schizophrenics.

People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as well as those who are under extreme stress, are also not susceptible to the Chaplin mask test.

Facts about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia and genius

Scientists from the Institute in Stockholm, after a series of studies, came to an unexpected conclusion: the thought processes occurring in the brains of schizophrenics and gifted and creative people are very similar.

Perhaps the whole point is that both schizophrenics and creative geniuses lack some receptors in the thalamus (the area of ​​the brain responsible for the distribution of information and thinking).

The brains of mentally ill people and creatively gifted geniuses receive information that is not filtered due to the absence of these receptors.

Therefore, a person develops non-standard thinking and begins to think in an unusual way.

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If you're looking for a test that can instantly detect schizophrenia, check out this amazing optical illusion. Test "Chaplin's Mask" was first proposed and described by British psychologist and professor of neuropsychology Richard Gregory in the scientific work “Meaning and Illusions of Perception.” By examining the difference between the perceptions of schizophrenics and healthy people, this neuropsychologist came to the conclusion that human perception is directly dependent on thinking processes based on past experience.

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The more knowledge a person has about a perceived situation, the less often he or she needs to process new information. If a person is mentally healthy, his past experience begins to play a leading role in perception.



As is known, schizophrenia is accompanied by impaired cognitive processes, as a result of which patients suffering from schizophrenia are not susceptible to various visual illusions. Therefore, observing optical illusions helps to find out how adequately a person perceives the world around him.

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Take a close look at this rotating mask. How do you see her? Do you notice any strange things? Remember how you felt while watching.


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So congratulations, you've just passed the test for schizophrenia!

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This test is interesting because in this case, the distortion of reality and self-deception are signs of a healthy psyche. If the Chaplin mask seemed strange to you (convex on both sides), then you can be completely calm, you are an absolutely mentally healthy person!



We initially see Charlie Chaplin's face on the outside of the mask. However, when the mask begins to rotate, our visual system does not want to perceive the inside of the mask as a “hollow” face, since the normal human brain does not correctly perceive shadows and light on the concave side of the mask. Downward flow of information(our idea of ​​what shape a face should have) is in dissonance with rising(sensory signal). Descending knowledge always has an advantage in a mentally healthy person, so a face that is actually convex seems concave to us, and vice versa.


So it turns out that A healthy person taking this test sees a strange face, convex on both sides.

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The brain of a schizophrenic cannot be deceived by an optical illusion— for him the mask always remains concave. The reason why schizophrenics do not perceive optical illusions has not yet been fully elucidated. There is a hypothesis that this is due to a special way of processing visual information and recognizing visual images.


Therefore, if you cannot see the pink convex mask rotating in the opposite direction, seek advice from a specialist.


In any case, do not panic - it has been proven that this optical illusion also does not affect people in under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as for persons under severe stress.


However, we should not forget that the diagnosis of this serious mental illness should not be limited to just one mask. To make an accurate diagnosis for a person who suspects he has schizophrenia, you need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Same test - different mask (“control shot”):

1:1248 1:1258

1:1266 1:1276


Have you seen both sides of the mask convex?

2:80 2:90


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs