Exact time of the new moon in August. Rituals and rituals during the new moon have special power

If you intend to perform a ritual or make a cherished wish on the new moon, then you must know the exact date and time of the moon phase. Below are the exact date and time of the new moon in August 2018.

New Moon in August 2018

Favorable things: planning things, performing small current tasks, passive rest, cleansing the body.

Unfavorable affairs: starting new projects, completing large-scale tasks, changing jobs, grandiose household chores, large financial transactions, haircuts, cosmetic surgeries, intense physical activity.

The influence of the new moon on humans

The duration of the new moon is 2-3 days. In this phase, the entire body is “rebooted” and adjusted to the new lunar cycle. Most people feel physically and spiritually exhausted. At a critically low level in this phase, the immune forces of the human body and the nervous system are tense.

All dreams during this period of time foreshadow joyful events. Baths, yoga, meditation, and “taking inventory” of your image are beneficial. Businesses started these days will bear the expected fruits.

It is during this phase that prayers, magical rites and rituals for finding love, good work or wealth are most effective. Wishes will be heard by higher powers and will definitely come true - such is the magic of the new moon. You just need to focus on one main desire, and not be scattered into many small ones. You can safely start a “new life” and make a wish.

Rituals and rituals on the new moon

Ritual (new moon) for wealth

You need to take banknotes of various denominations. Now place them around the apartment in several places (on mezzanines, closets, etc.) so that they don’t catch anyone’s eye. After 3 days, collect all the bills and use them to buy something for your home (you can buy things, food, household goods, as well as interior items).

"Magic Receipt"

Let's continue to consider rituals on the new moon to attract money. On various forums that are dedicated to this topic, users say that this technique actually works amazingly. With this practice you can attract the necessary amount of money. In the very first minutes of the new moon, you need to make a list of what you need to buy. Write down all your desires, then calculate exactly how much it will all cost. After you have found out the amount, write yourself a kind of receipt for receiving this amount of money.

Ritual to attract love

On the new moon, the girl needs to be completely naked, place a cup of water and a red candle in front of the mirror. Add a couple of drops of rose oil and rose petals to the water. After this, the candle is lit and the following spell is pronounced:

“The rose bloomed and fragrant under the moon, so I would have blossomed as a beauty and found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now the girl must wipe herself with the enchanted water, looking in the mirror. Afterwards, the door handle on the street side is wiped with the same water and water is sprayed on the threshold. The remaining water with rose petals is placed under the bed. All that remains is to wait for you to meet your other half within a month.

The New Moon phase will be unique this month. Indeed, along with the fact that the New Moon has special power, since at this time strength is renewed, on this day, namely August 11, a Solar Eclipse will take place. These two astronomical phenomena together will have a special impact, and will also give double power for different rituals.

Various rituals will be of great importance during the New Moon this month. After all, with the help of Eclipse, they will be carried out twice as fast and will have enormous power. In addition, astrologers told some more secrets of behavior during the New Moon period, which will bring a lot of benefits to every person.

New Moon in August 2018, what to do to attract good luck

The main thing to do on the New Moon is to think positively and not wish harm on anyone. Indeed, on this day, all human thoughts can come true. And if you mentally wish harm to another person, you can attract trouble not only to that person, but also to yourself.

In order to correctly formulate your desires and make them come true, astrologers advise drawing up a map of desires on the New Moon. After all, only positive emotions will be conveyed in it, and, moreover, all desires will be very thoughtful. The card itself will become a kind of message for making desires come true, as they will be visualized.

When drawing up a wish map, you need to be extremely careful and choose only what is necessary for a person. It is also worth taking into account life aspects and highlighting the main and secondary. After all, the main thing should be in the center of the wish map. These can be either simple inscriptions or pictures.

The main thing that astrologers advise for those who will make a wish map on this New Moon is not to perform this ritual at the time of the Eclipse. It is better to do this after the end of the Eclipse, that is, after 14:30.

New moon in August 2018, what to do to get rich

Other rituals will be no less successful, this will especially apply to rituals for enrichment. After all, after it, financial well-being will grow along with the Moon.

The simplest ritual, which does not require any magical skills, would be to simply start a piggy bank on this day. But you need to not only put it in the house, but also put seven coins into it on the New Moon, and then gradually add money to it, so that your finances grow like the Moon.

A ritual with money symbols will be no less successful. To do this, on the day of the New Moon you need to place money symbols throughout the house, or hide money throughout the house so that no one can find it. This will be your image of a talisman of financial well-being.

New moon in August 2018, what to do to be healthy

Astrologers advise paying special attention to your health during the New Moon. In particular, the most successful thing that can only be started on the New Moon in order for it to produce results is diet. Since on the New Moon it is much easier for the body to adjust to a new rhythm.

In addition to diet, it will be much easier during the New Moon to quit bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. And, of course, you can finally switch to a healthy lifestyle by playing sports. After all, during the period when strength begins to increase, it is best to get used to physical activity. And the results from them will be much higher than from classes during another phase.

You should not be afraid of anything during the New Moon, since the risk during this period will always be justified and will bring only positive emotions, which will have a great effect not only on your well-being, but also on the health of the entire body.

Our distant ancestors were also able to calculate the relationship between the events that occur in the life of each person and lunar cycles, therefore, from ancient times, numerous signs and beliefs associated with the new moon, full moon, eclipses and other astrological phenomena have reached us.

The new moon in August 2018 came yesterday, on the eleventh, and coincided with a solar eclipse. It is believed that this is a good sign, and the effects of such an interesting combination will last for several days.

From the twelfth of August the moon is considered to be “growing”, and we will observe a new month in the sky. Its appearance is associated with special rituals and signs, which are worth talking about in more detail.

If you believe the signs, then this is a good time for a little witchcraft for wealth. For such manipulations, the best time of day is in the dark, a clear sky, a secluded place and a handful of coins or several large denomination banknotes.

And young girls asked the young moon for boyfriends, circling in one place on their left heel. “Let the suitors spin around me as I spin around you!” - this is the correct “conspiracy”, after which young guys will definitely begin to “hover” around the beauty.

  • New moon in August 2018 - August 11, 2018 at 12 hours 57 minutes 37 seconds.
  • Full moon in August 2018 - August 26, 2018 at 14 hours 56 minutes 12 seconds.
  • First quarter in August 2018 - August 18, 2018 at 10 hours 48 minutes 29 seconds.
  • The last quarter in August 2018 is August 4, 2018 at 21 hours 18 minutes 04 seconds.
  • Waxing Moon in August 2018 - from August 12 to August 25, 2018.
  • Waning Moon in August 2018 - from August 1 to 10 and from August 27 to 31, 2018.
  • Moon at apogee: August 23 at 11:25.
  • Moon at perigee: August 10 at 18:06.
  • Solar eclipse in August 2018: August 11 at 12:47 p.m.

Today, on the night from the twelfth to the thirteenth of August, a magnificent spectacle awaits us: the Perseid starfall. In fact, we will not be watching falling stars at all, but a meteor shower, but this does not make the spectacle any worse, you must agree!

There is a belief that if you make a wish on a falling star, your wish will sooner or later come true, reports the Ros-Register website. To do this, you need to think in advance about how to voice what you want in a few words, not forgetting to set clear deadlines for implementation. No one will provide you with a guarantee that everything will definitely come true, but it’s still worth a try.

And even if you don’t believe in such magic of the stars, then it’s still worth admiring the meteor shower: from an astrological point of view, this is a rare phenomenon, and it happens only once a year. Today will be the peak of the starfall and, starting from eleven in the evening, we will be able to see a falling star almost every minute.

The new moon is one of the most important stages of the lunar cycle. This is a time of renewal and calm, but this phase is not always favorable, because the Moon can be dangerous for many people.

There will be a solar eclipse on August 11th. This will be a very unusual day, so you should consider it more of a polar day than a favorable or dangerous one. The polarity will lie in the fact that problems may appear on this day, and then luck may smile, and it is almost impossible to find a pattern for such transformations. Astrologers advise managing your emotions. Any attacks of aggression or apathy can be dangerous.

On this day, both the Sun and Moon will be in Leo. This is one of the most influential days of this summer - the last 5th Eclipse of 2018. The Moon moves from the Aging Moon phase to the New Moon phase. A completely new stage, a new cycle of our life begins.

Aging Moon in Leo, 4th Moon phase

Symbol of the day: Octopus

Thought bookmarking: I maintain control over my thoughts and actions. I let go of all negative feelings and leave the past behind.

The 29th lunar day is a very gloomy, dangerous, full of negativity period in the Lunar calendar. On these lunar days, chaos, negativity and devastation reign in the world. That is why it is very important to be careful on the 29th lunar day, to avoid quarrels, dangerous situations, and negativity.

This period is intended for rest, prayer, cleansing. And since with the onset of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse a new stage of our life begins, this will be a period of farewell to the past.

On the 29th lunar day, you should cleanse your body through diet, your soul through prayer, let go of the past, rest more, and restrain your negative emotions.

1st Moon phase, New Moon in Leo

Symbol of the day: Candle, Lamp

Bookmark thoughts: miracles are happening in my life. My dreams are coming true. I attract love, happiness, wealth and prosperity into my life.

This is the beginning of a new lunar cycle and today you can lay the foundation for your goals for the entire coming month.

On the 1st lunar day, it is important first of all to get rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary, so that it remains in the past, both on the mental and material level. Today you shouldn’t start new things yet, because the energy of the Moon is very weak and there are not enough resources for new endeavors yet.

“As you name a ship, so it will sail” - this proverb is about 1 lunar day. This is the most effective time to dream and set goals for the coming lunar period.

The first lunar day is associated with the spiritual world; it is clean and bright, like a blank sheet on which to draw your reality. It is favorable today to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually, becoming a clean slate in order to begin the new lunar period renewed and full of strength. The symbols of the day, Lamp, Lamp, suggest that it is fire that will help you cleanse yourself and illuminate your future path. Therefore, a useful practice on the 1st lunar day would be to light candles or a fire and observe the fiery rays.

Firstly, it will be under the influence of Leo. This will be a combination of destructive and calm energy. Opposite types of energy flows always cause big problems of an emotional nature. Your mood may change several times a day.

Leo will negatively affect financial success, so you should beware of adventures and risks. It is better to conduct business carefully and prudently. Calmness will help you stay afloat even in the most difficult situation. Use digital spells for luck, love and money to reduce the negative influence of Leo to a minimum.

Secondly, it will be the day of a partial solar eclipse. The sun will also be in Leo, so on August 11 it is advisable not to show arrogance and vanity. A weak Sun in Leo is a very bad sign for anyone who lives by ambition. On this day it will be difficult to show initiative and creativity. This will be a day of physical activity, but not intellectual.

The third reason for the danger of this day is familiar to the lunar calendar. The point is that the New Moon brings change. When the Moon is renewed, people can suddenly change their opinion about something or someone, and commit actions that are unusual for them. Try not to violate your own principles and be extremely careful.

There will also be many positive moments. Astrologers and specialists from the website dailyhoro.ru note an increased need for people to be physically active. This means that athletes can be lucky in competitions, and those who are not involved in sports will remain productive longer.

Active recreation is the ideal way to spend this day. The 1st is Saturday, so the Universe itself hints to us that it is better to have a good rest. You can go to the country, on a hike or to the gym. The more time you spend in dynamics, the better.

This will be a great time to change your look and buy new clothes. Of course, it is better if this is planned in advance, but if you suddenly want to suddenly change your image, then there will be nothing wrong with that, Ros-Registr reports. On the contrary, the new Moon will contribute to a successful change in your appearance. It will be easier to make a first impression on the people around us, so good luck can await us in amorous affairs. New acquaintances, if you don’t rush things, can become very productive and successful.

If you feel that problems are approaching, then use one of three ways to instantly attract good luck. This will be an important day, despite the fact that its energy structure is destructive. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon can be dangerous for your luck, so be aware of everything that's going on around you.

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In lunar calendars, days are determined by the phase of the moon. Moon phases are continuous changes in the illumination of the lunar disk. They are due to the fact that it occupies different positions relative to the Sun and Earth. The interval between two consecutive identical phases of the Moon is 29.5 days and is called the synodic period. One of these phases is the New Moon.

Date and exact time of the New Moon in May 2019

The Moon will spend the coming New Moon in the constellation Taurus. It will come on May 5 at 01:45 Moscow time.

The influence of the New Moon on a person in May 2019

The new moon can bring both joy and sadness on this day. Energy acts on a person in such a way that his subconscious changes, without having the strength to interfere with the Moon. Women are very sensitive, their senses become heightened, moodiness and nervousness appear. Children on the New Moon are too cheerful and noisy. In men, attentiveness and reaction decrease and a loss of strength appears.

A person experiences health problems, blood pressure may increase, and chronic diseases may worsen. Most often there is a headache and a feeling of nausea. All symptoms go away over time.

The new moon extinguishes vital energy, a person seems to fall into hibernation for a day. It is best to spend such days in rest mode, do not strain, do not waste your energy and do not enter into conflicts.

A huge number of depressions occur during the New Moon. There are cases of isolation and cases of attempts on one’s life are increasing. Mentally unbalanced people require attention and care for themselves.

Two days before and after the event, a person loses himself, he develops incomprehensible character traits, and his behavior changes. A person becomes insensitive, can spontaneously change his life, and then regret it. The perception of the world changes, friends become nasty, loneliness is felt.

What you can and cannot do on the New Moon May 5, 2019

In order for success and luck to be your constant companions, you should know what you can and cannot do on the new moon, which fell on August 11 in 2018. Astrologers recommend:

  • Do not start important projects;
  • Do not gamble;
  • Do not sign up for elective surgeries;
  • Do not visit a cosmetologist or dentist, because the rehabilitation period may be prolonged;
  • Avoid large purchases at least in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the list of restrictions is not that long. But in addition to the prohibitions, there is a list of activities that can be performed during the new moon. Here are the main ones:

  • Making plans for the near future;
  • Ending a relationship that burdens you and has completely outlived its usefulness;
  • Reading conspiracies for love and improving material well-being.

Wish fulfillment during the New Moon in May 2019

The magic of the New Moon can attract both money and happiness and prosperity to the home. In order for your cherished wish to come true, you should perform simple actions.

Prepare in advance three bay leaves, a sheet of paper, and a pen with red paste. During the New Moon period, you should write your wishes in block letters in red ink. Then repeat it out loud three times. Next, fold the leaf three times, put laurel leaves inside and repeat the wish out loud again three times. Now fold the piece of paper three times again and hide it. Every day in the morning you need to repeat your wish until the Universe fulfills it.

After performing, burn the sheet without unfolding it and be sure to say words of gratitude.

Rituals for wealth, profit for the New Moon in May 2019

During the New Moon, you need to count all the money in the house slowly and thoughtfully, dripping olive oil on your fingers. This action will attract even more wealth than at the moment. You should also place coins and money in all cabinets and corners so that they are found in the house. Then collect the entire amount the next day and spend it on the right thing.

On the day of the New Moon, you should place a glass of water on the window. The next morning, wash your face with it, saying the words of magic: “You were small for a month and grew up, so I always have a lot of good things.” Over time, wealth will appear, and business will begin to grow upward.



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